Prepositions French Worksheet For Practice

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Prepositions Workshop

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Nadia Khan
Bow Valley College
Let’s explore prepositions.

 What do you know about them?

 What do you want to know about
 At the end, fill in what you have
learned today.
Workshop Outline
 What are prepositions?
 Functions of Prepositions
 Strategies and tips for teaching
Prepositions at various levels
 Activities for teaching prepositions
 Tutoring Challenges
 Online resources
Prepositions are words that describe relationship
between other words in a sentence so the reader can
understand how the pieces of the sentence fit. A
preposition connects part of a sentence to a
noun/noun phrase. This noun is called the object of
the preposition.
They can follow:
Verbs: She went in the room.
Nouns/pronouns: Sarah put the book on the table.
Let’s try this…
• Part of speech
• Mark special relationships
( usually of space and time) between
persons, objects and locations.
Example: The book is on the table.
The train will arrive at 10:00 pm.
• They also answer the WH questions.
Sometimes prepositional phrases might
express an idea of who and why.
• He was awarded for his bravery. (why)
• I was with my friends. (who)
Prepositional Phrases
• Prepositions are often combined
with other words and are called
prepositional phrases.
• Prepositional phrases modify other
words in the sentence.
• Structure of a Prepositional Phrase:
• Preposition +( modifier- determiner/
adjective) object ( noun)
• In the morning ; in Calgary; on the
glass table
Prepositional Phrases
• Prepositions usually work as a
• A prepositional phrase is usually
anywhere a mouse or a bunny can
• In, on, behind, beside
Functions of prepositions
Function Example
Position/Location The book is on the table.
Mary is in the room.
Stand behind the yellow line.
Time/When something The meeting started at 6:00.
happened? The workshop is on Tuesday.
Possession This is the property of Bow Valley
The hood of the car is open.
This computer belongs to David.
How? I traveled by train.
The way something is done

Movement They ran toward to edge of the cliff.

She walked along the road.

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Prepositions of Location/Place
Prepositions of Time
Prepositions of Movement
Planning to tutor prepositions
• Keep the focus on the learning outcome/objective of the
• Learner/s will be able to: Language point+ Language
Skill+ Topic/theme
Learners will be able to use prepositions ( of place) to give
oral directions to go to the library.
• Keep it visual- especially for the beginner and
intermediate level.
• Plan activities that involve physical movement. Hands
on activities.
• Use materials from newspapers/ magazines/ flyers for
Tips for Tutoring Prepositions
• Teach in manageable chunks.
• Keep the learning objective in mind.
• Categorize Prepositions and then teach
these at different times. Then build up the
knowledge slowly.
• For example: Place; time; movement
• Place and time for beginner level.
• Begin with the concrete ones.
• Listening:
• Look at the map. Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.
• Look at the map. Listen to the directions and mark the places on the map.
• Listening to songs- gap filling activities
• I will survive- Gloria Gaynor
• Common people- Pulp

• Speaking:
• Give directions to reach a point on the map.
• Speaking activity using preposition cards- use the preposition in a

• Reading:
• Read the directions and mark places on the map.

• Writing:
• Write down directions to reach a place on the map.
• Write about your daily routine; about yourself
Tips and Activities:
Beginner Level
• Use physical movement to teach.
• Simon says…
• Hide objects and ask learners to find these.
• Give instructions/ directions to do
tasks/activities. tap on the table; stand next
to the table; put the pencil in the box
• Learners can draw following written or
oral directions. Draw a cat on/ under the
Tips and Activities: Beginner Level
• Draw simple pictures to illustrate the
meanings of the prepositions.
• Use simple gestures.o


Tips and Activities:
Beginner Level
Use actual objects or blocks to practice
Activity: Beginner Level
Let’s try this…
Example of following directions using a
Let’s try this…
• Partner A: Listen to the directions given
by your friend and draw as directed.
• What did you make?

• Partner B: Listen to the directions given

by your friend and draw as directed.
• What did you make?
Activities: Basic to Intermediate Level
• I spy…Locate items on a picture. Locate
places on the map.
• Let’s try this…
• Linking game: add prepositional phrases
to continue the sentence.
• Example: The girl sat in the garden, on a
chair, under the tree, with…
• Crossword Puzzle
• Examples :
Using Maps- Let’s try this

© 2016 Footntd, iStock,

Using Maps- Let’s try this

© 2016 KsanasK, iStock,

Activity: The Eye Chart
Let’s try this…
Look at the Eye chart and spell out words or
sentences following the instructions.
Activities- Intermediate to Advanced levels
• Ideal for review/ recap.
• Find your way- preposition maze is a good way to
review prepositions.
• Let’s try these…
• Create a physical sentence- works with groups
• Preposition cards- use the correct card to fill in the
• If it’s a group then divide them up and give each
group a set of preposition cards. One person from
each team comes forward and puts the correct card
on the board.
• Speaking activity using preposition cards- use the
preposition in a sentence.
Tips and activities- Intermediate level
Write about a special event to answer WH
I was at/ on/in ________ ( where/place). It
happened at ____ ( when/time) on ____ ( day)
in______ ( month).
Invitation cards
You’re invited to a party!
on______ ( date/day)
from______ to_____ ( time)
at_______ ( address)
Activities- Intermediate to Advanced
Write about your work routine. Answer in
complete sentences.
What are your work hours?
When do you start work?
When do you leave home to go to work?
When do you reach your workplace?
How do you go to work?
Activity- Advanced level
Write an email/ memo to inform your team about an
upcoming meeting.
Learn chunks and phrases and fill in the blanks with
the correct prepositions.
• Rather_____
• Far ____ the city
• The biggest difference _______ the two is…
• To put it ____ other words
• ____ important ____
• Taking all the factors_____ account
• Editing/ Error Correction
• Use given prepositions to complete the
sentences about a picture.
• Practice using prepositions of place by adding
each new item to the picture.
• Further practice:
Tutoring Challenges
• Shortness of the word. Spoken quickly.
• Common prepositions have several different functions.
In, on, at ( at has 18 different functions)
• Should we use prepositions to end sentences with?
• Depends on how you are using it! You could reword
the sentence or use the preposition.
• Who did you have dinner with? Vs. With whom did
you have dinner?- out of place in casual conversation.
• Where are you at? Vs. Where are you?
• “ That is nonsense up with which I shall not put.” Sir
Winston Churchill
• Is it a preposition?
• Get accustomed to; cope with; fight against
• These are phrasal verbs i.e verb+ preposition as the
particle of the verb.
Tutoring Challenges
• Many times expressions need to be learned as a
• Certain words take on different prepositions.
E.g. available
From; at; in; for; to
“We lie in bed but on a couch.
We watch a film at the theatre but on TV.”

• Certain words function differently-Like verb or

• Before/ After- conjunction or preposition?
Tutoring Challenges
• L1 interference
• Learner’s native language gets in the way.
• Turkish language has one preposition serving
the function of ‘in’ on and at.
• Sometimes vice versa- native language has
more prepositions serving the function of one
• Urdu language has two prepositions serving
the function of ‘on’. Same preposition for ‘on’
,‘over’ and ‘up’
• Hard to learn. Very fluent speakers also make
errors in the use of preposition.
What did you learn?

• Fill the last column of your charts…

• Post them around the room.
• Let’s take a gallery walk.
• http://www.learn-english-
• http://www.english-grammar-
Useful Resources

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