Physics 2 Concepts of A Charge, Electric Fields and Gauss Law

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Concept summary:

 Electrons are the ones who are being transferred. (body gains electrons =
negative charge, body loses electrons = positive charge). These flows will only
be possible depending on the material you have. Most metals are good
conductors, while most nonmetals are insulators. Like charges repel and unlike
charges attract each other. (Cutnell, Johnson, Young, & Stadler, 2012). Provided
that no net electric charge can be created or destroyed. (Giancoli, 2014). There
are ways to produce a charge It can be by induction or by contact.


 By producing these charges, depending on what method you choose, there must
be an electric field present and can be represented called electric field lines. In
general, electric field lines are always directed away from positive charges and
toward negative charges. (Cutnell, Johnson, Young, & Stadler, 2012).Since
there is a electric field present, there must be a force present namely
electrostatic force. (Cutnell, Johnson, Young, & Stadler, 2012). Since this force is
present Figure:

 When this electric fields flow on a given surface at a certain period, electric flux is
generated. The idea of flux involves both the electric field and the surface
through which it passes. (Cutnell, Johnson, Young, & Stadler, 2012).

 Problem Solving Approach:

1. Draw the figure, identify which problem is asked so we can further simplify the
2. Choose axis (state where are your positive side and negative side).
3. Identify what is included in the system
4. Use the concept summary as guide.

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