Dreams and Aspirations

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Jerimoth Perez

Rodante Hernandez
Glennmar Amor
Angelou Bancale

Dreams / Aspirations

From being a Doctor, Musician, Athlete or an Engineer it started as a childhood

dream that was being dreamt about since you are a kid. Choosing your dream in your

childhood days is not an easy task. It is between the reality and practicality because

you have no idea what to do. You are confused about your options and you are only

afraid of making the wrong decision and ended up wasting valuable time and money.

So how would you achieve you childhood dream?

There are 7 habits you must stop doing if you want to achieve your dreams.

First, you must stop procrastinating. Procrastination is a no-brainer. But the habit is

not so much in the actual non-action than the thinking but rather around the actions

you need to take to getting to where you want to be. Procrastination has different

sources, but the big ones are around thinking small and creating glass ceilings that

continue to keep you small. You must remove all those thoughts that hinders you to

grow. Visualize yourself stepping out of your own head and body as a bigger version

of you looking back at yourself and all that thinking and thinking. Extend compassion

and forgiveness to yourself who has been keeping himself/herself small. Tell her/him

you see (or hear) the words in her head she’s repeated over and over. Tell those

thoughts they’re done their work of protecting you. And change those thoughts by, for

example, changing ‘I’m not excellent enough in Math’ to ‘I am learning to be excellent

in Math’.
Second habit is focusing too much in the future. Don't get me wrong. Having

things planned out in the future is not a bad thing. It is just that we sometimes focus

too much on what will happen next instead of what is happening now. According to

Leo Tolstoy, "There is only one time that is important — Now. It is the most important

time because it is the only time when we have any power." We can look back in the

past and we can also look ahead of our future, but we can never fully control what

had/will happen at those times. The only time where we have the ability to make any

difference and change is by working on the things that we are currently facing. Yes,

there are tried and proven steps to achieving goals, but no two people are the same.

You won’t be able to do things the very same way another person did. Bring yourself

to the now, breathe and look for opportunities in the now that present themselves.

Third, stop racing multiple goals. Anyone who has achieved their big dream

goal will tell you that they had to develop laser sharp focus. Often high achievers want

to do it all at once. Rid yourself of the thought now that you must do it all. Ask yourself,

is doing such going to support my dream goal or is it a distraction for a purpose that in

fact takes me away from my ultimate purpose and goal. Remember, we can have quite

a few great goals but to put in the energy, time and investment will mean a distraction

from the big one. We can’t do it all at once. We are human. Drop the habit of trying to

achieve this, that and the other because they’re all great. Doing things one at a time

is good enough . Focus on the one big goal and what truly matters to your life.

Fourth, stop perfectionism. According Marilu Henner, "However, don’t let

perfectionism become an excuse for never getting started.” It is quite common for

adolescent to be very sensitive of being not good enough, especially when committing

mistakes. The fear of getting it wrong will creep up most people continuously. If you

ever make a mistake along the way of achieving your dreams, forgive yourself, learn
from it, and take another step forward. It’s okay to stumble and fall. Every great

entrepreneur and anyone who achieved something incredible made quite a few

mistakes to get to their ultimate dream goal.

Fifth, stop over being in your head (overthinking). Don't think too much.

Because thinking too much will only create problems that is not even there in the first

place. Getting to that ultimate dream goal is about learning the art of innovating, and

that can only happen by breaking the pattern of thinking and being that keeps you

small. It’s an unconscious pattern of thinking that creates an illusion of comfort and

predictability. If you allow fear, worry, and doubt to creep in. They will always keep you

small, not intentionally to keep you small. When you act on that impulse, you begin to

trust yourself more, dare yourself more and actually do more to get to where you want

to be. You create the habit of acting on your guidance and ideas, and that’s precisely

what we need to achieve big goals.

Sixth, stop stuffing schedule. Your dream goal doesn’t get stuffed into your

schedule. Clear your schedule to make the energy and time. Productivity doesn’t really

happen with trying to do all the tiny things at the same time. Multitasking is not for the

big goal. It distracts from the critical ability to focus and be present. Achieving big

goals is learning to be a leader of your destiny and life. Put your goal and the things

that truly matter in life ahead. When someone asks you for a favor or your time, weigh

in on how that might distract from what matters before you say ‘Yes’.

And lastly, stop focusing on the past. When you focus on who you’ve been in

the past, your failures and what others have claimed as your limits, you freeze. Forgive

yourself, and forgive others. Free yourself from their chains and your own chains.

Truly, truly find it in your heart to forgive. Set aside time to meditate on forgiving
transgressions and mistakes. You are doing yourself and your ability to do great things

the chance you need and deserve. You are growing, learning, and so worthy of your

amazing goal. If you have a dream in your heart, I fully believe it is planted in your

heart because it is yours to be and to have. Now you have to step out of the old energy

that’s held you stuck and step into and breathe the larger version of you. Stop the habit

of reliving the past over and over. Make a decision to close that chapter through

forgiveness. And move on!

Achieving the dreams you have in life is a long term process. You will have to

experience failures, pressure, stress, guilt, and even regrets before you can even

genuinely feel that you have achieved the ideals and dreams you have dreamt of in

your life.

When facing struggles and pain, you have to train your mind to see the good;

to be better instead of being bitter; to be persistent in achieving your goals instead of

giving up. Remember that you grow when there is pressure.

Life can be tricky sometimes, yet life is a self movement within, therefore you

have to move and continue growing.

Act now and don't waste time. Chase your dreams and goals while you still live,

for tomorrow is the result of your actions today.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams.”

Believe in yourself and in your dreams, say that you CAN... because you WILL!

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