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Advanced Management Accounting

Week 3
Cost Estimation Methods

Instructor: Zhihong Wang, PhD

Understand Linear Cost Function
Cost Function
Managers often estimate cost functions based on two

¡ Variations in the level of a single activity (the cost driver)

explain the variations in the related total costs
¡ Cost behavior is approximated by a linear cost function
within the relevant range.
Linear Cost Function

y = a + bX
The dependent The independent
variable: variable:
the cost that is the cost driver
being predicted

The slope of
The intercept: the line:
fixed costs variable cost
per unit
Linear Cost Functions
In-class Exercise
Bridging Accounting and Statistical


Variable Cost Slope or Slope Coefficient

Fixed Cost Intercept or Constant

Mixed Cost Linear Cost Function

In-class Exercise

The cost function y = 2,700 + 8X ________.

1) has a slope coefficient of 2,700

2) has an intercept of 8
3) is a straight line
4) represents a fixed cost
Factors Affect Cost Classification
1. Choice of cost object—different objects may result in
different classification of the same cost.
2. Time horizon—the longer the period, the more likely the
cost will be variable.
3. Relevant range—behavior is predictable only within this
band of activity.
Better management decisions, cost predictions and
estimation of cost functions can be achieved only if
managers correctly identify the factors that affect costs.
The Cause-and-Effect Criterion
• A cause-and-effect relationship might arise as a result of:
¡ A physical relationship between the level of activity and
the costs
¡ A contractual agreement
¡ Knowledge of operations
Only a cause-and-effect relationship—not merely
correlation—establishes an economically plausible
relationship between the level of an activity and its costs.
Qualitative-Based Analysis
Account Analysis Method
• Estimates cost functions by classifying various cost
accounts as variable, fixed, or mixed in respect to the
identified level of activity.
• Typically, managers use qualitative rather than quantitative
analysis when making these cost-classification decisions.
• The accuracy of the account analysis method depends on
the accuracy of the qualitative judgments that managers
and management accountants make about which costs are
fixed and which are variable.
In-class Exercise
Quantitative Analysis

- High Low Method

- Regression Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
• Uses a formal mathematical method to fit cost functions to
past data observations.
• Advantage: results are objective.
• Advantage: most rigorous approach to estimate costs.
• Challenge: requires more detailed information about
costs, cost drivers, and cost functions and is therefore
more time-consuming.
Estimating a Cost Function Using Quantitative Analysis

1. Choose the dependent variable (the cost to be

predicted and managed)
2. Identify the independent variable (the level of activity
or cost driver)
3. Collect data on the dependent variable and the cost
4. Plot the data to observe the general relationship.
5. Estimate the cost function using two common forms of
quantitative analysis: the high-low method or regression
6. Evaluate the cost driver of the estimated cost function.
High-Low Method
• Simplest method of quantitative analysis.
• Uses only the highest and lowest observed values.
• “Fits” a line to data points which can be used to predict
High-Low Method
Assuming that we had a cost function y=a+bx. We also had
the highest activity of 100 at cost of $2,500 and the lowest
activity of 80 at cost of $2,100.
We obtain two cost equations below:
(1) 2,500=a+b*100
(2) 2,100=a+b*80
Steps in the High-low Method
Calculate the slope coefficient (the variable cost per unit of
activity: “b”).
Slope coefficient = Difference between costs associated
with highest and lowest observations of the cost driver /
Difference between highest and lowest observations of
the cost driver.
Equation (1) - (2):
($2,500 - $2,100) / (100 – 80) or 400 / 20 = $20.00
Steps in the High-Low Method
The second step is to calculate the constant (the total fixed
Total cost from either the highest or lowest activity level –
(Variable Cost per unit of activity X Activity associated with
above total cost) = Fixed Costs
Substitute the actual slop coefficient for “b” in the equation:
High: $2,500 – ($20 x 100) = $500 fixed costs
Low: $2,100 – ($20 x 80) = $500 fixed costs
Steps in the High-Low Method
The third and final step in the high-low method is to
summarize by writing a linear equation:
Y = $500 + ($20 * X)
If we wondered what costs would be at a 120 level of activity,
we’ll simply plug that number for X in our equation:
Y = $500 + ($20 * 120) or
Y = $2,900
In-class Exercise
In-class Exercise

For Heavy Manufacturing Company, labor-hours are 40,000 and wages

$144,000 at the high point of the relevant range, and labor-hours are 24,000
and wages $96,000 at the low point of the relevant range.

What is the slope coefficient?

1) $3.75
2) $3.00
3) $3.60
4) $4.00
Regression Analysis Method
• Regression analysis measures the average amount of
change in the dependent variable associated with a unit
change in one or more independent variables.

• Regression analysis is more accurate than the high-low

method because the regression equation estimates
costs using information from ALL observations whereas
the high-low method uses only TWO observations.

• Load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel - Office

Support (microsoft.com)
Types Of Regression Analysis
• Simple regression estimates the relationship
between the dependent variable and ONE
independent variable (y=a+bx+e)
• Multiple regression estimates the relationship
between the dependent variable and TWO OR
MORE independent variables

Regression analysis is widely used because it helps managers

understand why costs behave as they do and what managers can
do to influence them.
Sample Regression Model Plot
Regression Model for Weekly Indirect Manufacturing Labor Costs and Machine-Hours
Regression Analysis: Terminology
• Goodness of fit indicates the strength of the
relationship between the cost driver and costs.
• Residual term measures the difference between
actual cost and estimated cost for each
• The smaller the residual term, the better is the fit
between the actual cost observations and
estimated costs.
In-class Exercise

Could you estimate the cost function using a simple regression analysis?
Evaluating and Choosing Cost Drivers
How does a company determine the best cost driver when
estimating a cost function? An understanding of both
operations and cost accounting is helpful.
Here are the three criteria used:
1. Economic plausibility
2. Goodness of fit
3. Significance of the independent variable
In-class Exercise
A company is trying to determine the best cost driver of its indirect labor
costs. The cost driver candidates are Machine hours and irect labor
Using the dataset below, which is included in the Excel file for this class,
perform a simple regression analysis to determine the best cost driver.
Machine Direct Labor Indirect Labor
Week Hours Hours Costs
1 68 30 1,190
2 88 35 1,211
3 62 36 1,004
4 72 20 917
5 60 47 770
6 96 45 1,456
7 78 44 1,180
8 46 38 710
9 82 70 1,316
10 94 30 1,032
11 68 29 752
12 48 38 963
Total 862 462 12,501
In-class Exercise
Using the dataset below, which is also included in the Excel file for this
class, to perform a multiple regression analysis to determine the cost
driver hierarchies.
Number of Machine Direct Labor Indirect Labor
Week Batches Hours Hours Hours
1 12 68 30 1,190
2 15 88 35 1,211
3 13 62 36 1,004
4 11 72 20 917
5 10 60 47 770
6 12 96 45 1,456
7 17 78 44 1,180
8 7 46 38 710
9 14 82 70 1,316
10 12 94 30 1,032
11 7 68 29 752
12 14 48 38 963
Total 144 862 462 12,501
Multicollinearity exists when two or more independent
variables are highly correlated with each other.
A coefficient of correlation between independent vari-ables
greater than 0.70 indicates multicollinearity.
Multicollinearity increases the standard errors of the
coefficients of the individual variables. That is, variables that
are economically and statistically significant will appear not
to be significantly different from zero.
Try to perform a correlation analysis in Excel.
Nonlinear Cost Functions

Learning Curve
Learning Curve and Experience curve
• Learning curve—a function that measures how labor-hours
per unit decline as units of production increase because
workers are learning and becoming better at their jobs.
• Experience curve—measures the decline in the cost per
unit of various business functions as the amount of these
activities increases. It is a broader application of the
learning curve that extends to other business functions in
the value chain such as marketing, distribution and
customer service.
Types of Learning Curves
• Cumulative average-time learning model—cumulative
average time per unit declines by a constant percentage
each time the cumulative quantity of units produced
• Incremental unit-time learning model—incremental time
needed to produce the last unit declines by a constant
percentage each time the cumulative quantity of units
produced doubles.
Cumulative Average—Time Model

• Assume that it takes a person 10 hours to complete the

first unit and the second one only requires 8 hours to
Learning curve=Cum. Ave/Previous Cum. Ave.
• Each time production quantity doubles, the cumulative
average time per unit will be 90% of the previous
cumulative average time per unit.
Cumulative Average—Time Model

• Assume that it takes a person 10 hours to complete the

first unit and the second one only requires 8 hours to
complete. Draw the table to present the learning curve:

# Unit Avg Time per Unit Total Time

1 10 hours 10 hours

2 10*0.9=9 18

4 9*0.9=8.1 32.4

8 8.1*0.9=7.29 58.4
Cumulative Average—Time Model

• How do we get the numbers mathematically?

• Y=aXb

Y: cumulative avg time per unit

X: cumulative number of units produced
a: time required to produce the first unit
b: learning curve factor =ln(learning curve)/ln(2)

Could you try to use an excel sheet to produce a complete

learning curve table?
Incremental Unit—Time Model

• Assume that the incremental unit-time learning curve is

90%, this means that, when the quantity of units produced
is doubled from X to 2X, the time to produce the 2Xth unit is
90% of the time needed to produce the Xth unit.
• Mathematical relationship:
• Y=aXb
Y=Time for the last single unit
X: cumulative number of units produced
a: time required to produce the first unit
b: learning curve factor =ln(learning curve)/ln(2)

In-class Exercise

To complete the first setup on a new machine took an employee 320

minutes. Using an 70% cumulative average-time learning curve indicates
that the second setup on the new machine is expected to take ________.

A) 112 minutes
B) 128 minutes
C) 272 minutes
D) 224 minutes
In-class Exercise

To complete the first setup on a new machine took an employee 200

minutes. Using an 64% incremental unit-time learning model indicates that
the second setup on the new machine is expected to take ________.

A) 128.0 minutes
B) 312.5 minutes
C) 328.0 minutes
D) 72.0 minutes
How to use Learning Curve?

• Pricing decisions
• Performance evaluation standards
• Cost estimation and control
# Unit Cul. avg Total Cumulative Average
hours per hours labor cost (50 labor cost
Unit per hour) per unit
1 10 hours 10 hours 500 500
2 10*0.9=9 18 900 450
4 9*0.9=8.1 32.4 1620 405
8 8.1*0.9=7.29 58.4 2920 365

Discussion: Does learning curve generate other benefits?

In-class Exercise

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