Tál 43

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Tiocfaidh Ár La- For Celtic & Ireland Issue 43 £2/€3

Inside This Issue
Friends & Brave Comrades
Team Talk
50 Years Since 7 Past Niven
PLC Watch Special - John Reid
Let The People Sing
TAL Goes To Bilbao
The Big Blue Lie
Ultras Sankt Pauli
Green Brigade
Seanchai Interview
Celtic Minded - Book Review
Talman, Bertibhoy, Holloway Gael, Fidel, Karl,
Marxman, MacIlhatton, CFCEddie, GCSC, Spuds,
brummie bhoy, REBEL ARTS, MATTY-BHOY

With thanks to: CHRIS BYRNE, Green brigade,

USP & All the bhoys who sell the fanzine
TAL Issue 44 DEC/JAN will have all the regular features plus
articles on: Celtic & The Tricolour; Freedom For Catalonia;
Basque Anti-Fascists; St Pauli & The Celts - A History;
ISSUE 43 - OCT/NOV 2007 Friends & Brave Comrades
*The appointment of John Reid as chair- Two great anti-fascist fighters for freedom
man of the Celtic board is probably the and socialism died in the intervening period
biggest challenge in some years that we between issues of TÁL. One of them was
have faced as left republican Celts. It is Commandante Giovanni Pesce, the former
a further indication of the complete dis- commander of the anti-fascist Partisans in
regard that the PLC have for the true northern Italy and a veteran of the Spanish
wishes of Celtic fans and shows their Civil War, who spoke at the commemora-
own lack of feeling for the political cul- tion in Milan that TÁL held earlier this year.
ture of our supporters. If ever there was The other was
a time to fight to preserve the heart and James Maley, re-
soul of our great club, that time is NOW! publican, commu-
*Something very sick eats away at the nist and anti-fascist
dark hearts of some of the ‘follow fol- veteran of the Battle
lowers’ of the club from Govan. The of Jarama. Mr Ma-
campaign to denigrate and assassinate ley was a patron of
the character of the late great Jock AFA when it was set up in Glasgow in the
Stein is plumbing new depths, even for early 90’s. He spoke at the organisation’s
them. Fair play to George Galloway, the inaugural public meeting and alwaysmade
Respect Party MP, who was brave himself available to offer encouragement
enough to confront “The Big Lie” head and advice to younger anti-fascists. It was
on in his radio show and through his a privilege to have met such men. We shall
column in the daily record. The silence not see their likes again.
from the mainstream Scottish sports It is now up to a new generation to continue
media on this subject has been deafen- the struggle against racism, fascism and
ing. Even more embarrassing, however, injustice that fighters like Pesce and Maley
has been the silence from our own club devoted their lives to.
who have failed to defend the honour of
our greatest ever manager. NO PASARAN!

Write to: WEBSITE

[email protected]

Keep On Keepin’ On Good to see you back!
Dear TÁL,
Dia Duit TÁL, It was with great happiness that I stumbled
upon one of your sellers on the way into
Your Jan 07 issue was a very good read the ground recently. I say stumbled on him
which gave me an insight into a lot of because I had a few pints before the game
things I wasn;t aware of, as well as a lot so I hope I didnae talk too much shite to
of stuff that I was. I first read a copy of the guy!
TÁL somewhere around 2002 and I founf It’s good to see TÁL back again although I
it a very positive and vibrant read. In thought that the last issue lacked the bite
your fanzine you offer knowledge, por- of previous years. I like the anti-fascist
tray truth and encourage Celtic support- articles and interviews with ultras groups,
ers to embrace solidarity, to have a voice but I think you should stick to interviewing
of their own and know the real meaning political football fans like you did in the
of ‘when Saturday comes’ in Scottish past. I couldn’t understand the part of the
football. interview with the Standard Liege Ultras
where they said that they were anti-fascist
As Ultras for Celtic FC I like the Green
and anti-racist, but also non-political –
Brigade’s stance, having the necessary
surely that is a contradiction in terms? It
philosophy to support our football club. looks to me like these guys are either con-
Things that you try to achieve, from fused about their politics or just don’t have
singing, displaying of banners, to let clue because surely to be an anti-fascist
your feelings be known is great. means that you are political? That’s what I
In Issue 41 you mentioned the MBNA always picked up from TÁL in the past. I
Celtic Credit Cards. My view is as fol- think you should have challenged them on
lows… The MBNA Celtic Credit Card is an that and was disappointed that you didn’t.
utter scutter and they are using our That aside, I still think that TÁL pishes all
team to exploit us supporters. Anyone over the opposition, it is still the only fan-
who has one is a clown in my opinion zine that takes more than 5 minutes to
and needs to get a grip. It’s up to us the read from cover to cover, and the only one
supporters to say no to this exploitation. that I go back to and read articles over
Little by little, we can do this. ‘Buichas le again. The Che article was really good, by
dia’ the way, as was the Frank Ryan stuff in the
Many Celtic supporters that I know re- previous issue. Please keep it coming and
keep it political and strong.
fused to buy the last Umbro Celticx shirt
before Nike stepped in because they felt
For Celtic & Ireland, JY, Glasgow
that the board was poutting the squeeze
on them, exploiting our success during GET REID OUT!
the 03/04 season. THAT’S real support.
I n times like these when so many clubs A Chairde,
around the world are exploiting their I hope that TÁL is going to be at the front
fans, I feel that it’s more necessary than of the queue to get John Reid out of our
ever to have left-wing supporters groups club. It’s an embarrassment to everything
like TÁL, Green Brigade and others to let that Celtic stands for to have Reid as our
the teams know that the heroes and Chairman. What are the board playing at?
memories of the past will not be tram- If this is the way that Celtic is going I for
pled on, or forgotten. one will be seriously reviewing my commit-
Please keep producing TÁL. ment to the club by refusing to renew my
season book next year. Please TAL, get the
fight against Reid going.
Go raibh maith agat,
Ian, Co. Ros comáin Is mise, SMcE, Greenock
As we go to press the team will hopefully act and a favourite with the fans. Scott is
have notched up a victory over the absolutely tireless, never switches off or
forces of darkness at The Reichstag. stops working for the team as a whole.
Whilst tyere’s no doubting that rangers He looks set to become a Celtic legend if
will present us with more problems and he isn’t careful!
greater competition for the Scott Brown is a player who is
championship this season, showing that his £4.4m transfer
there’s also no denying that fee might prove to be the bar-
Celtic play the better football of gain of the decade. Another
the two big Glasgow clubs, with player who never stops working
Gordon Strachan’s preferred for the team.
style of play now beginning to Big Artur has not been looking
finally show through. too great in some of the match-
The hiccup against Hibs at es, especially against Hibs
Easter Road was a worrying where his blunders effectively
departuire from our run of victo- cost us the match. There
ries, but it is inevitable that teams like maybe an element of complacency
Hibs and Hertz will raise their games creeping into his game, however, it’s
against us and we will have to fight for hard to fault a player who at times has
every point against them. saved us many a match. I am confident
In Europe our fortunes are looking up that Boruc will come good again. The big
after the early defeat to Shakhtar with stage is where he is at his best and I am
the stunning home victory over AC Milan looking forward to some great perform-
in the Champions League. Even the ances from him in the Champions
numpty running on to the pitch to nomi- League.
nate Dida for an Academy Award Aiden McGreedy still flatters to deceive
couldn’t spoil the feelgood factor of that at times... If only Aiden could master the
victory. The best player on the night, art of looking up and making the simple
however, was the Parkhead crowd. Once pass, rather than trying to take on a
again we proved our worth as Celtic’s whole defence, his overall game would
‘12th man’. vastly improve.
It will still not be easy to qualify from this Our biggest problem area is in the two
group because both Shakhtar and Ben- full-back positions. With both Doumbe
fica will provide us with stiff opposition. and Wilson injured and Naylor proving to
Shakhtar have already taken the group be a total dumpling this season the signs
by storm with victories over us on their are not good. It has been obvious for at
home patch and away to Benfica. They least a season that we were short of
are likely to be as difficult a proposition depth and quality in this department. If
at Celtic Park as they were in Donetsk. we are to retain the league title this sea-
Once again it is we the supporters who son we are going to have to find a couple
will have to play our part to overcome a of quality players to fill these positions.
formidable opponent. Watch out for fresh faces when the
In terms of form players, you have to transfer window re-opens, especially if
hand all the praise to Scott MacDonald we are still competing in European com-
who is fast proving himself to be a class petition. Article by Talman
50 Years AGO
hold their heads up high.
McGrory’s team had reached the final having
overcome Hibernian, East Fife and Airdrieoni-
ans in their section losing only once, to Hibs at
Easter Rd. They then beat Third Lanark home
and away before defeating Clyde in the semi
final to set up the first Celtic-Rangers decider
since the inception of the competition some
seventeen years earlier, under the guise of the
Southern League Cup.
Despite Celtic going into the game as current
Beattie, Donnelly, Fallon, Fernie, Evans, holders it was Rangers who were overwhelm-
Peacock, Tully, Collins, McPhail, Wilson ing favourites to wrestle the league cup away
and Mochan. from their rivals grasp. Had they done so by a
similar winning margin it might not have made
Maybe not the greatest eleven in the story of
the same headlines as Celtics stunning victory
the Celtic but without doubt a team that
such was the perceived supremacy of the light
achieved one of its most famous results,
blues at that time. Remember this was a
namely the 7-1 destruction of the Rangers on
Rangers side that contained Ibrox legends
the 19th of October 1957. In fact it’s probably
such as Shearer, Caldow, Niven Hubbard and
fair to say that only the names of the Lisbon
Lions are more often recited than the above.
But on the day Celtic showed little regard for
It was a remarkable score made all the more
the reputation of their opponents and set about
so when you consider that this was a particu-
destroying their old adversaries with a per-
larly barren period in the clubs history. The
formance of strength, skill and attacking foot-
league championship success of 1954 was the
ball that was as good as anything that Puskas,
only title between 1938 and 1966 and although
Di Stefano and that unstoppable Real Madrid
league football was suspended during the
team of the late 50's and early 60's would
course of the Second World War that is still a
serve up just a few years later at the self same
depressing statistic. Even the occasional cup
famous old stadium.
success could not conceal the fact that the
Club were going nowhere and wouldn’t find the Right from the first whistle the Hoops signalled
direction it was in desperate need of until a their intent by laying siege to the Rangers goal
certain Jock Stein returned to the club to in- and the biggest surprise was that it took until
herit the role of manager from Jimmy McGrory. just after the first quarter of the game for them
to break the deadlock such was the unrelent-
Of course 1957 was also the year that IRA vol-
ing pressure they put their opponents under. It
unteers Sean South and Fergal O’Hanlon were
was Sammy Wilson who broke the deadlock
killed on active service in the early hours of
before Neily Mochan notched another just be-
New Years Day in an attack on a police station
fore half time. But even the most partial of
in Brookeborough, Co Fermanagh, these were
Celtic supporters could not have predicted
the first fatalities suffered by the IRA during the
what was to take place after the interval.
border campaign which began the previous
November. All in all it was a difficult time for Five more goals for the Hoops and just a sin-
Celtic supporters and Irish Republicans but gle, solitary consolation strike for the old en-
events at Hampden on that unforgettable day emy meant that Celtic and their support were
in the winter sun would at last give an embit- in seventh heaven. Billy McPhail led the rout
tered community an opportunity to once again with a glorious hat-trick, a second goal from
Mochan and a penalty from Willie Fernie in
the last minute sent the faithful wild whilst at
the other end it was all too much for the Huns
to swallow.
Firstly they fought to get onto the pitch in the
hope of having the game abandoned and
when they were prevented from doing so
they fought among themselves... The area
behind the goal was littered with broken
glass as beer bottles rained down from the
terracing, thrown by Huns as they streamed
out of the ground in shock and disgust. All of
this took place long before Bobby Eveans
climbed the steps to accept the cup in ack-
owledgement of one of the most celebrated
days in the clubs fabled history.
Those Celtic supporters who gathered on the
grassy Hampden slopes would have gladly
accepted any kind of victory on the day such
was the distinct lack of success during that
era but what took place was much, much
more than a mere derby win. Not only did
those eleven players write their names in
Celtic folklore and Scottish football history
such was the manner of the victory but they
also provided supporters with the memory of
an event which would be celebrated and
handed down from generation to generation
of Hoops fans for time immemorial.
Many songs have been written about this
particular game including Hampden in the
Sun --a parody of Harry Bellefonte’s hit of the
time, 'Island in the Sun'-- and ‘Piling On The
Agony’ which is sung to the tune of ‘Putting
on the Ritz’. All are fitting tributes to a mo-
mentous occasion but it is the chorus of an-
other, sung to the air of Kevin Barry, which
perhaps best highlights the link between the
deaths of Volunteers South and O’Hanlon
early in 1957 and the 7-1 victory some ten
months later both of which took place exactly
half a century ago this year. Sing it and see
for yourselves...
Another goal for Glasgow Celtic,
Another victory for the cause,
Another reason to be giving,
Another cheer just for the Bhoys.
And if I live to be a hundred,
I’ll never, ever have such fun,
As the day that Glasgow Celtic
Beat the Rangers Seven One.
Article by Holloway Gael
The recent an- ous ways and the Mail on Sunday recently
nouncement revealed that he systematically sexually
that John Reid harassed fellow Labour MP Dawn Prima-
will step down rolo over a period of years. This matter
from Parliament was reported to Labour’;s parliamentary
at the next elec- whips office and he was carpeted by the
tion has re-ig- then Labour leader John Smith who
nited warned him that unless he stopped trying
speculation that to force his unwanted sexual attentions
the former Cabinet Minister will become on Ms Primarolo and ceased his heavy
the next chairman of Celtic. So what of drinking, his parliamentary career would
the man most likely to replace Brian be over.
Reid’s aggression, however, was not only
John Reid was born in the mining village confined to sexual harassment. He first
of Cardowan in May 1947, the son of a came to public attention by drunkenly
postman and a factory worker, humble attacking an attendant in Parliament. His
roots which he makes much capital of. He political fortunes improved after beating
left school at 16 to become an insurance the bottle but his reputation as a bully
clerk and married his childhood sweet- was enhanced. It was no surprise that
heart, before attending Stirling University after New Labour’s landslide election vic-
as a mature student. tory in 1997 Reid was rewarded for his
loyalty to new leader Tony Blair by his
At that time Reid was well-known for his
appointment as Armed Forces Minister.
disposition to sing Irish rebel songs in the
Reid happily posed as Action Man on a
students’ bar, but he became more prom-
British Army tank.
inent when elected as president of the
students’ union. It was during these elec- By 1999 Reid was in Blair’s Cabinet, given
tions that Reid’s reputation as a careerist the job of Secretary of State for Scotland.
was born, standing as the communist And here it gets very interesting. Investi-
candidate despite the reservations of the gating the lobbyists who try to influence
party on campus. Jim White, secretary of our elected representatives The Observer
the Young Communist League now re- newspaper filmed John Reid’s 24 year-old
flects that Reid was an “opportunist” while son Kevin boasting to potential clients “I
Ken Ferguson, another former student know the Secretary of State very, very
comrade, says that “he wasn’t political”. well, because he’s my father”. Once the
Reid won, but soon switched sides. The story broke Kevin Reid’s usefulness to his
Guardian’s Tom Bower says that “financial employer, Beattie Media, was outlived
imperatives had persuaded him to aban- and his short career as a lobbyist was
don the communists for Labour”. Such over just a few months after it had begun.
ruthless ambition and an absence of any His father had more of a direct influence
real conviction became the hallmark of in his previous job, though this too was
Reid’s career. mired in controversy. Elizabeth Filkin, the
Parliamentary Commissioner for Stand-
He made the switch from student politics
ards, severely censured Reid for abusing
to the real thing, making his name as a
his privileged position after it was re-
researcher and speech-writer for Neil Kin-
vealed that Reid’s son and two others had
nock. Reid was also known for his lecher-
worked for Labour during ing to the register of MPs’ the Scottish edition of the
the inaugural election for interests Desmond’s gen- Sunday Times commented
the Scottish Parliament, erosity also stretched to that Reid’s ethos is “not
but had been paid as flying John Reid to the about making life better for
‘researchers’ for Scottish 2007 Scottish Cup Final. the working class … [but]
Labour MP’s (Reid was one Reid also reports that he … about looking after your-
of them). In the course of was taken, all-expenses- self and your mates and
the investigation Reid was paid, to the Uefa Cup semi- not being accountable to
taped intimidating party final second leg away to anyone” it didn’t come as
colleagues to get their sto- Boavista, and the final in too much of a shock to
ries straight and Filkin Seville itself, as a guest of those who’ve followed
found that he was guilty of the Club. Reid’s career. When the
“threats of a particularly story broke linking Reid to
Dermot Desmond, of
disturbing kind”. the chairman’s job at Celtic
course, didn’t get rich by
Park its tone was just as
Reid later took on the role giving his money away and
unsurprising. The Daily
of Health Secretary and John Reid wasn’t the first
Telegraph report "The ap-
was responsible for hand- politician to be showered
pointment of Mr Reid, 60,
ing Labour donor Paul with gifts by the billionaire.
has been pushed for by
Drayson’s pharmaceutical Desmond is known to have
Dermot Desmond, the Irish
company a £32m govern- made secret payment to
entrepreneur who is the
ment contract. Despite re- the off-shore account of
largest shareholder in the
quests under the Freedom Charlie Haughey, the dis-
club. Mr Reid might also
of Information Act to dis- graced former Taoiseach,
become involved in the air-
close information on how and spent £75,000 on a
port security company,
the contract was awarded, lavish refit of Haughey’s
Daon, which is backed by
Reid’s department refused private yacht. The Moriarty
Mr Desmond. Sources said
to do so. The Parliamen- Tribunal into Haughey’s
the financier is keen to get
tary Ombudsman quite un- conduct said it was a
access to Mr Reid's formi-
derstandably viewed this “reasonable inference that
dable contacts book, which
as a “matter of great con- Mr Desmond’s motive for
includes people such as
cern”. making these payments
America's head of Home-
was connected with the
And so we come to Dermot land Security, Michael
public office of Taoiseach”.
Desmond, the power be- Chertoff."
Desmond’s business inter-
hind the chairman’s
ests extend to financing Desmond’s attraction to
throne. Desmond’s
biometrics company Daon, appointing Reid is fairly
“vehicle management solu-
who are in the business of evident. But the unsuitabil-
tions” company Venson is
airport security and have ity of Reid for the post
a generous donor to New
recently linked up with the extends even beyond the
Labour, giving £34, 375
American Association of likelihood that his appoint-
earlier this year. This prob-
Airport Executives to de- ment would render our
ably comes as no surprise,
velop tamperproof ID club nothing but a conven-
since they’ve benefited
cards. John Reid, whose ient pawn in a billionaire’s
from the government’s Pri-
last brief in Blair’s Cabinet business plan.
vate Finance Initiative pol-
was as a Home Secretary
icy to the tune of lucrative After being moved from his
responsible for security is-
contracts with Nottingham position as Scottish Secre-
sues, is co-incidently the
Police, Merseyside Fire tary in the wake of Lobbyg-
foremost champion of ID
Service and the East Anglia ate Reid took on the role of
cards in Britain. When
Ambulance Fund. Accord- Secretary of State for
Dean Nelson, the editor of
‘Northern Ireland’. Upon his appointment with loyalist death squads by his police
he declared himself “a Catholic, a Brit, a force, John Reid’s bloody imprint is all
Celtic supporter and a unionist". This over the occupation of Iraq. When the late
Catholic, Celtic-supporting Brit certainly Robin Cook took a principled stand against
nailed his colours to the unionist mast, the proposed war and resigned from gov-
suspending the power-sharing Stormont ernment, there was only one man Tony
Executive when an alleged “IRA spy-ring” Blair was going to call to replace him as
was uncovered in October 2002. Reid, Leader of the House of Commons, John
who was ultimately responsible for intelli- Reid, the “attack dog” of New Labour.
gence gathering in the north of Ireland, Reid’s main task was to make sure MPs
watched on as 200 RUC/PSNI officers were ‘on message’ and voted for the ille-
raided homes across nationalist west Bel- gal, immoral war. Tragically he was suc-
fast. Despite several arrests in a blaze of cessful.
publicity, all charges laid were later After a brief spell as Health Secretary,
dropped and it later became clear that the where he displayed his financial acumen
principle “suspect” was Denis Donaldson, by striking a deal over consultants pay
an RUC Special Branch informer. Sinn that many feel is responsible for NHS
Fein’s Martin McGuinness rather astutely deficits and job cuts (Paul Miller, the Brit-
observed that “what we are seeing is John ish Medical Association’s negotiator during
Reid effectively taking up the demands of talks with Reid says that he “under-esti-
the unionist political leadership who have mated the huge amounts consultants
already very clearly stated they are op- would earn in overtime”), he became di-
posed to the Good Friday Agreement”. rectly responsible for the war crimes com-
Into the power vacuum created by Reid, mitted by the invasion and occupation of
stepped Ian “A Protestant Parliament for a Iraq as Defence Secretary. In Reid’s short
Protestant people” Paisley’s Democratic spell in the role he urged people to be
Unionist Party and the power-sharing in- “slow to condemn” troops who were
stitutions have only recently been re- caught on videotape abusing Iraqi cap-
stored. Reid became the British direct tives and even the previously compliant
ruler in Ireland and befriended Ronnie Basra Council broke off ties with their
Flanagan, the then Chief Constable of the British occupiers over the mistreatment of
RUC/PSNI. Under Flanagan’s watch the Iraqi civilians, with the city governor de-
RUC colluded with loyalist paramilitaries in nouncing the “barbaric aggression” of the
the murders of republicans and national- occupying force. While he was Defence
ists, whilst those unionists who opposed Secretary two cases of war crimes, under
the loyalist’s reign of terror were also seen the banner of the International Criminal
as fair game. Mark Thompson, spokesman Court, were held before British court mar-
for the campaigning Relatives for Justice tial. Seven soldiers were brought before
group says that responsibility for state the court martial on charges relating to
murder lies “squarely with the British gov- the horrific murder of Basra hotel worker
ernment”. Baha Mousa, who had 93 separate injuries
Reid later commissioned Flanagan to re- inflicted on him. All were acquitted,
view the capabilities of the Iraqi police in though Cpl Donald Payne admitted inhu-
2005. Flanagan would, no doubt, feel mane treatment of detainees, the first
quite at ease in this role - after all compar- British soldier to be convicted of a war
isons could be drawn with his old stomp- crime. The second related to the deliber-
ing ground in the Six Counties, as Iraq too ate drowning of 15 year-old Ahmed Jabber
is occupied by an Imperial power and the Kareem Ali. While the military trials were
police ranks are swelled by sectarian big- ongoing the Tory MP Ben Wallace quite
ots. While Flanagan’s hands were already pertinently remarked that “if we are
bloodstained as a result of the collusion charging these men with neglect we must
recognise that the chain of command does 32 failed Iraqi asylum seekers, despite
not stop with commanding officers”. Not their appeals having not been heard. The
that Iraq was Reid’s first brush with war Iraqis, of course, were returned to a war-
crimes. In the early 1990s he built up a zone created by Reid and his colleagues.
friendship with Radovan Karadzic. Karad- They were more-than-likely picked up in a
zic led the Bosnian Serbs during the Bal- ‘dawn raid’, torn from the communities
kan conflict and at its height in 1993 he they called home in the middle of the
entertained Reid at a luxury lakeside hotel night. While mainstream Scottish society
in Geneva. Perhaps it was during his 3 recoils in horror at dawn raids and the
days holidaying with the mastermind of dreadful Dungavel detention centre,
the Srebrenica massacre that the boy from where those fleeing persecution and their
Cardowan’s appetite for war was whetted? children are locked up, our working-class
When asked in a recent interview with The hero does not. The then Home Secretary
Independent about his links to Karadzic saw political opportunity and happily
Reid could only tersely reply that “These smiled for the cameras, accompanying
are matters for the International Criminal police on a 5am raid to drag families from
Court”. So too, should John Reid’s crimes their homes. His ire was not reserved only
in Iraq. for asylum seekers, but legal migrants
too. In a further sop to the
Reid, escaping justice, saw
right-wing papers he was to
out his Cabinet career with
whip up yet more anger, rant-
the Home Office portfolio,
ing that “It is unfair that for-
and it was here his conver-
eigners come to this country
sion from student lefty was
and steal our benefits, steal
complete as his reaction-
our services and undermine
ary policies moved the
the minimum wage by work-
Sunday Herald’s widely-re-
ing”. The only thing under-
spected commentator Ian
mining the minimum wage,
MacWhirter to call him “an
benefits and services, howev-
authoritarian of the popu-
er, was Reid’s illogical capping
list right”. Not content with the vain search
of migrants from the newly-acceded EU
for ‘weapons of mass destruction’ in war-
states of Romania and Bulgaria. This meant
torn Iraq Reid appealed to the “bombralot
that while Romanians and Bulgarians were,
of them” sentiments of the Sun’s more as EU citizens, allowed to live here, they
excitable readership, arguing for the right weren’t allowed to legally work – meaning
of pre-emptive strike (i.e. going to war less taxes and a pool of illegal workers for
without being attacked) and refusing to unscrupulous employers to exploit, eroding
condemn the US’s appalling detention and the minimum wage for all. John Reid didn’t
torture in Guantanamo Bay and its care though, for pandering to the anti-im-
‘extradordinary rendition’ flights, which migrant sentiments of the media and creat-
pass through British airports. ing a climate of fear and hatred was just a
His credentials as a reactionary were fur- good career move.
ther strengthened by his irrational immi- The supreme irony in all of this is that Reid,
gration policy. When asylum seekers at the anti-immigrant, war criminal and war-
Harmondsworth detention centre set fire monger, and a former British direct ruler in
to the camp in protest at the horrendous the north of Ireland, is now to become the
conditions Reid furiously called it an next chairman of Celtic, a club founded by
“attempt to sabotage the enforcement of (and largely for) the poor Irish immigrant
our immigration law”. This immigration community in Glasgow, driven from their
law was shown to be morally redundant homeland by the effects of British rule and
when Reid ordered the forced removal of conflict in Ireland.
It was Tommy Burns who as threats, intimidation and bigoted, or for that matter
once proclaimed that “when manipulation whilst hiding offensive. And once that
you play for Celtic you are behind the governing bod- fact has been established it
playing for a cause and a ies (both national and blows a hole in the case for
people”. He was of course international) warning the PLC and puts
referring to the history, of sanctions being imposed in jeopardy their cosy
identity and origins of on the club as a result of little arrangement with the
the team that he played for, the actions of its support- real bigots from across the
managed and now coach- ers. This, the City.
es. Tommy understands Directors would rather
that Celtic beats with an do than offer guidance and And so the support are left
Irish heart because he is leadership or negotiate a in a state of limbo, on the
first and foremost a sup- way forward that is agreea- one hand it is seemingly
porter who like the Club ble to all parties. OK for ‘Michael to rebel
itself, was born in the Cal- So why is it that the PLC against the famine and the
ton. has reneged on its respon- Crown’ and acceptable to
sibility whilst maintaining ‘let the people sing their
But here we are now faced their stance that there is a lullabies and battle cries…’
with a Board of Directors real risk of the club being but then if you do you run
who are determined to tear penalised? Surely the onus the risk of being suspended
out that heart by forbidding is on them to outline what indefinitely or banned com-
any outward expression of is and isn’t acceptable as a pletely from matches in-
our heritage by means of preventing any volving Celtic anywhere, as
declaring the singing of possible breach has already happened.
songs that tell the story of and subsequent punishme
Ireland as ‘unacceptable nt. Any failure to do so Despite those contradic-
conduct’. The intention of should be interpreted by a tions there is a realisation
the PLC is to transform disciplinary panel as not among Celtic fans that
Celtic from a Football being pro-active in ad- songs which explicitly in-
Club with a tradition of con- dressing the issue, there- voke the IRA may be
fronting social and political fore identifying the Club deemed offensive to some,
injustice, into an interna- and not its supporters, as though certainly not sectari-
tional sporting franchise the guilty party. an. However there is no
bereft of any moral or ethi- shortage of
cal responsibility, and a Of course the reason why alternatives that have been
desire to once and for all the Board are unwilling to sung at Celtic Park in the
break the chains that bind it conduct this debate past and could be once
to a chapter in the is because they above more revived allowing us to
club’s past from which they all, know that the majority preserve our traditions
are desperate to escape. of songs sung by our sup- without compromising our
In their attempts to do so port whether Irish or principles as well as setting
the Board are happy to em- otherwise could not in any the agenda for the battles
ploy distasteful tactics such way be deemed sectarian, ahead.
God save Ireland and The Remembering Martin
Wearing of the Green are Friend, Comrade & ‘Top Bhoy’
two that immediately
It’s difficult and sad to write these words
spring to mind and
about my friend Martin McCamley, even a
A Nation Once Again is year after the tragedy, because Martin was
another. On a more perti- one of the nicest young lads I ever met on
nent note wouldn’t it be the football casual scene. To give a proper
perspective of Martin we have to go back to
great to hear the
the old terraces at Celtic Park, before the
WolfeTones’ Protestant middle-class ‘sit down and don’t sing bri-
Men reverberating gade’ of new Celtic fans took over.
around Celtic Park? Could The Celtic casuals used to congregate near
the Board really justify the pie stall at the back of the old Celtic
prohibiting a song which end. At one of the home games a young lad
of about 16 bounced over asking ‘how do I
honours the contribution
join the CSC mate?’ This was our first encounter with Martin. Well, to
of Protestants to the say that we made it easy for him would be lying. He got the piss ripped
cause of uniting out him; telling him that there were fees to pay and contracts he’d have
Ireland and its to sign and, of course, the customary tattoo that he would need to get
done. After keeping this up for a bit, we took him out for a beer and
people irrespective of their
from then on Martin was one of the lads. Believe it or not, he did go and
religious persuasion? But get the tattoo done not long after!
if the PLC is not prepared
Martin was sound, always there for a laugh when times were bad, or
to display flexibility and a the game was shit. On the long journeys back home we could always
willingness to negotiate count on Martin doing something daft that would have us in a state.
around the issue then we I personally got to know Martin better when Celtic played Airdrie in the
must call their bluff and early 90’s. Martin was still only about 17 at the time and going to that
challenge their stance. match proved to be a costly experience for him. He was arrested and,
despite our predictions that he would most likely only get a fine with it
being his first offence, he ended up getting a 3 month jail sentence for a
Almost inevitably they will football ‘breach’. We didn’t realise back then that this was a taste of
accuse us of standing in what was to come in terms of prison sentences being used as a first
the way of progress but resort rather than as the ultimate sanction for football hooligans. Unfor-
tunately, Martin became one of the earliest casualties of the new crack-
nothing could be further
down. Just shows how much we knew!
from the truth. All we ask
Any roads, lots of the lads kept in touch with him during his sentence
is that in building for the
and to show his commitment and appreciation to the lads, he straight
future we continue to re- back into the fray at the first game after his release, which showed his
member and celebrate our character to most of us.
past. After all, what is the Over the years, as the casual scene died down, Martin grew up and
point of supporters erect- had his own family to support, with a house and mortgage to maintain.
ing a statue of Brother However, he could still always be counted upon to come out for the big
Walfrid in front of the main
entrance to Celtic Park if On Saturday 12th August last year Martin tragically passed away. To
say that this was another sad loss is an understatement, as Martin was
we are not going to hon-
still young and had a full life ahead of him. He left behind his father, sis-
our his memory and cher- ter and his 2 sons.
ish the ideals upon which
Martin, or ‘Top Bhoy’, as he was always telling us, will be missed, not
the club was founded? just by the football lads, but by many beyond. From his friends around
the Gallowgate bars to everybody who knew or ever met Martin could
Now is the time... have had nothing but kind words about him.
Let The People Sing. Rest in peace Mucker,
Eastender C.S.C
Article by Holloway Gael

After a night in London and eventually meeting Liga, and in her own words are ‘playing shite ’ !
up at Celtic Lhad’s house in the very early We arrive at Madelen’s home, a wee farm-
hours of the Saturday via a train from Man- house in the hills. You can see the mountains
chester, a visit tae Camden Town Odeon (rip- in the distance, it’s an awesome sight, real pic-
off),a tin of sardines…!,missed trains and ture postcard material. As they don’t get many
tubes, getting stranded (honest!) in a late-night visitors from other countries, some friends and
multi-musical Turkish restaurant, and an even neighbours arrive to check us out.
later night mercy mission from Mrs Celtic Lhad We are made very welcome by M’s partner
(many thanks Mrs CL), we eventually arrive in Matjaxo who has a belter of a barbeque on the
Bilbao. go which he has made with chopped up logs-
We are met at Bilbao airport by one of Athletic it’s very smoky. He says something in Euskara
Bilbao’s anti-fascist Ultras organisers (Herri (Basque) which Madelene translates for us:”
Norte Taldea) and by our friend, comrade and He says you will be going home smelling like
hostess, Madelene. At this point the TAL dele- Gypsies !” We are then introduced to ‘Ernesto’
gation go our separate ways and arrange to who has recently been released from prison for
meet up at the H.N.T. place in Bilbao in the af- alleged E.T.A. activities. Ernesto is in great
ternoon for the big meal that they have laid on shape mentally and physically despite 15 years
as part of a week-end of food, music, football, in jail(10 in solitary).He says the hardest part
and political discussion to mark the 25th Anni- was that he kept being moved from prison to
versary of the H.N.T. prison in the Basque country and in Spain
It’s a short drive of about 20 minutes to the out- which made it hard to escape, and very difficult
skirts of Bilbao and the rural village of Amorebi- for him to keep in contact with friends, com-
eta in Madelen’s car. The village is surrounded rades and family. He is well chuffed when Blue
by forests and foothills and on the way there gives him a present of a Bobby Sands t-shirt.
we are brought up to speed with what’s been He puts it on right away and raises his arm and
happening. Inaki de Juana Chaos - a key mem- makes a clenched fist salute and says: “Bobby
ber of ETA and an integral person to the Sands, Bobby Sands, Bobby Sands, my broth-
Basque peace talks - has gone back on hunger er”. Matjaxo brings out some Basque home
strike. Batasuna have been made illegal again, made wine which Blue accepts gladly and
the Spanish government have imposed a seri- which I - being off the drink - politely decline.
ous of repressive measures aimed at the He cannae believe it that a Scotsman will
Basque people and in particular the Basque refuse a bevvy! But no offence is taken and I
youth movements, who face daily intimidation settle for a soft drink instead – all that smoke
for political activities. makes ye thirsty! The smell of the cooking
Batasuna’s supporters langoustines on the barbeque is making us re-
are basically without ally hungry by now but we can’t hang about for
representation and it, as time is marching on
are being represented so we head for the H.N.T. Do. The venue is a
by proxy via the semi-derelict youth centre, which sits by an old
Basque Communist canal in Bilbao and there are a couple of hun-
Party in the parlia- dred people here. Mostly Athletic anti-fascist
ment. There are dem- skinheads and some punks, some Bohemians
onstrations planned for the week-end as the Prague anti-Fascists, and
Basque people are very unhappy at the current a sizeable St Pauli contin-
log-jam in the Peace talks and the failure of the gent as well as the TAL
Spanish government to consider an amnesty Celtic anti fascist delega-
for P.O.W.s. Oh aye, and Athletic Club of Bil- tion ,now featuring Marx-
bao are having a very poor season sitting as man and Chelsea Jim who
they are as we go to press a lowly 15th in La arrived the night before.
choirmaster Celtic
Lhad as he begins
the singing and we
trade songs with the
Basque folk in the
Bar. I get talking to a
guy who is a dead
ringer for Bob Marley
and who happens to
have family in the
Saltmarket in Glas-
gow-small world
indeed. Talman and
Chelsea Jim are
seemingly re-enacting a scene from the Fast
There is an anti fascist merchandise stall with Show, which is funny as feck!
some cracking gear on display. The Basque lad Blue is awol again, he turns up after going
doing the stall has a TIOCFAIDH AR LA tattoo walkabout and is deep in a pished up discus-
on his arm. The Underground CSC Banner is sion with Bilbao’s answer to Rab C Nesbitt. Karl
soon hoisted up alongside featuring the flags of Marx is doing the translating (which he excels
the 4 provinces, the revolutionary marigold and at ).KM says tae me that we could be in a Pub
the dove from above ‘,coo-coo coo!! in the Gallowgate! and looking around at the
general bedlam unfolding its kinda hard to disa-
Bluebhoy seems to have disappeared at this gree with that. Danny has disappeared as well,
point, but he turns DelBhoy tells us he was last seen heading to
up having gone get some salami and said he may be some
outside to spew up time….
in the canal-that’s It may by now have a Gallowgate atmosphere,
what drinking whis- but it’s Bilbao not Glasgow we are in and again
key the nite before time is taking no prisoners so we set off for the
and no’ having any Santana Club, the venue for the H.N.T. /
dinner does tae ye! Blaggers I.T.A. Gig.
He gets it the gither There’s about 700 folk in attendance; a good
though, and we all mix of folk, consisiting mostly of Punks, Skins
go outside for a and the odd fitbaw casual here and there. It
Group photo. doesnae matter what ye look like we are all an-
ti-fascists here. There’s a few folk up on the
There’s a few hours to kill before the HNT Gig
stage as well. In fact they are a Band from
tonight so we head on the metro for the old
France. Los Tres Puntos! They pick up their
town. It’s a rabbit warren of tightly packed
instruments and begin to get the show on the
streets, with Ikurrana’s flying from various win-
road. They remind me of Madness, or maybes
dows and some mini-murals and political slo-
Bad Manners on a good day. They are a big
gans here and there.
band with a big big ska /punk sound. The folk at
We head for a Herriko Bar which raises funds the front are going mental. Pogoing, stomping
for P.O.W.s, Marxman and CJ were in there the and dancing all over the shop. I must say I was
night before, but this time it seems that ‘siesta’ well impressed with the energy and sound of
is one thing that the Basques and Spanish do this band, so here’s a wee plug for their web-
agree on, and unfortunately the bar is closed. site:
Marxman leaves a CFAF sticker to let them http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseactio
know we have paid a wee visit, and we set off n=user.viewprofile&friendid=64978106
across the river and find another Bar with ETA The place is well warmed up by now, in fact its
and Batasuna stuff all over the shop. DFG and roasting. People are sweating buckets and the
later Guiseppe from the FJR Juve turn up here, atmosphere is spot-on as the band go through
and the place is soon hearing the delights of their set at rapid pace.
All of this is
brought to an
abrupt halt when
one of the organiz-
ers takes to the
stage to announce
that the Gig is off.
The police are in
the hall and we are all made to leave due to a
bomb scare. We all congregate outside in the
street and the HNT lads are chanting in the
style that’s is their hallmark and is common to a
lot of European teams in the Champions
League, its an impressive noise. They seem to
get it from their toes. We are kept outside for
about 45 minutes then the place is given the all
clear and we head inside as the police head Idogoras who passed away in 2005 and was a
outside ,no doubt to find their patrol cars’ wind- Batasuna leader for many years from this very
screen now has a CFAF sticker on it….As we town. Outside the bar there are some cracking
head back into the hall, there is a massive Batasuna murals and slogans
chant of Espanoles ,, Hijos de puta",,
"Spanish, sons of the bitch/whore" We head back to our hosts for Sunday dinner
all traditional Basque fare, and its lovely. Mat-
jaxo then takes us into Bilbao for to meet the
rest of the Talsters and go to the Athletic v Vil-
lareal match. In a combination of sign language
and pidgin English he tells us that Athletic are
playing really poorly and that his Supporters
Club have voted to change the La Cantera
signing policy which may see the Basque team
dispense with only fielding Basque players in
We head to the H.N.T. Bar and meet up with
the folk from last night and the rest of the TAL
delgation. Our match tickets are secured and
we head into the Norte end in the San Mames
Stadium for the match. What a difference fae
Celtic Park!
The Blaggers then take to the stage and put
The stewards are friendly to us, some of them
in a powerful shift considering their set was
are smoking fags, you can sit or stand pretty
chopped down a bit due to the bomb scare.
much wherever ye want and there is a lot more
Before we know it, as is so often the case generic enthusiasm shown by their fans in an-
when a great time is being had by all ,the lights ticipation of the game. The programme is free
go on and it’s time to go. and the tickets are round about the 20 euro
On the Sunday me and bluebhoy head into mark. The game itself was not a great specta-
Amorebieta as its market day in the morning. cle to be honest. Villareal although missing
We tour a few bars, the bars in this town are Riquelme went 1-0 up through Diego Forlan,
not sponsored by Tennents Lager but by the and Athletic never really got going. They did
political parties. We opt for a Batasuna one, get a penalty with the last kick of the ball, but
which has a Damien Dempsey poster on the missed it. There was a bit of a commotion at
wall as he played here not so long ago. There half time when the Beltzas – the hated riot cops
are arts and crafts, which the P.O.W.s have - sent in a snatch squad to lift one of the HNT
made in the jails, and a massive portrait of Jon lads, but were beaten back with a bit of assist-
ance from their contin- guage. The Basque children are taught Basque
gent of overseas visitors. as their first language, English second and
then Spanish, if they desire.
When we head outside
there are scooters kicked
On the Monday as it’s the last day, we head off
over lying on the deck,
to Guernika on the train. The scenery along the
broken glass all over the
way is awesome. At some points it’s about
shop, there’s a smell of burning and the atmos-
1000 feet to the deck as ye look down. I won-
phere is electric - industrial wheelie bins had
der if aul Jimmy G my Granda’ saw such sights
been set on fire and used as barricades to
when he left Anderston in Glasgow and came
block the tram lines and police approach roads,
here over 70 years ago to fight for the Interna-
and the Beltzas had cordoned off the area fur-
tional Brigades against Franco’s fascists.
ther back. I swapped my Celtic Centenary
Gernika, like most of the Basque country, is
Hoops for a Centenary
fiercely anti-fascist. It suffered heavily during
Bilbao jersey with one
the war against Fascism in the 1930’s and was
of the Bilbao fans, and
almost obliterated by German bombers of the
then when the road-
Luftwaffe Condor squadrons who aided
blocks had been re-
Franco’s army. The Biskai region saw its fair
moved ,we met up with
share of fighting during the war, particularly in
Matjaxo and set off
and around Bilbao and in Santander also.
back to Amorebieta.
The people here are traditional old school
Supper is there when we get back and this
Basques. Many of them are elderly, flashing
time it’s a traditional Basque dish made with
toothless grins as we nod greetings to them.
lentils and beans with bits of meat
The broad black wide brimmed berets of the
(Sacramentos) floating in it. They are consid-
Basque country can be seen sitting proudly on
ered sacred and are a constant reminder of
many ahead. It’s a shame we cant spend
when times were even harder for the Basque
more time here as there are so many more
people under Franco, than what they are now.
places of interest to see, so many people to
Madelen’s daughters entertain us with a wee
talk to, and this whole region is steeped in po-
song. ’Sarri Sarri Sarri Sarri up with you too!’.
litical history and present day struggle. Howev-
Its a song about Joseba Sarrionandia (aka
er, the flights have been booked and we head
‘Sarri).He hails from the Biskai region and was
for the airport to meet up with the rest of the
one of the founders of the Pott Banda, a multi-
TAL delegation who are heading back as well.
media group of people such as musicians and
It was great trip, it had a bit of everything - well
writers. Every revolutionary movement has its
almost everything!
‘cause celebres’. None more than escapees.
Whether it’s Angelo Fusco shooting his way I’d like to
out of the Dublin courthouse, the great Escap- thank all who
ers from the Long Kesh in 1983,or the Crumlin made it hap-
Kangaroos. The prisons are used by the op- pen and to
pressors as another weapon in their armoury to Madelen and
try and beat the revolutionary. Like the afore- her family who
mentioned, Sarri would not be held. In 1980 he showed such
was arrested and accused of ETA member- warm hospital-
ship, he was condemned for a hugely long sen- ity to Blue and
tence, and on the 7th July 1985 he myself.
escaped from the jail of Martutene in San Se-
bastian, by hiding inside a loudspeaker which a The Basque Country is a wonderful place with
band playing in the jail had brought with them. great people whose struggle we share.
He has been on the run ever since and he
As the E.T.A. motto puts it:
writes a book per year; usually launched at the
Durango book and Music festival. He is consid-
”Bietan Jarria “ (Both Together) .
ered the best living writer in the Basque lan-
Article by Macilhatton.
In early 2007 members of TAL were in- who share the same ideology as HNT,
vited to a special event to celebrate the mainly from St Pauli, Düsseldorf, Frank-
25th anniversary of the Antifascist sup- furt, Celta Vigo and Bohemians from the
porters group of Athletic Bilbao called the Czech Republic. For the TAL contingent
Herri Norte Taldea. The group was the festivities commenced early on the
founded in 1982 when San Mames was Saturday afternoon where we went to a
being rebuilt and groups of Basque youth squat used by the HNT where we were
would congregate in the newly built Herri served a delicious meal consisting of a
Norte stand behind the goal. The creation traditional Basque hot pot. At this meal
of a new stadium mirrored the creation of we had the chance to chat with Basque
what was to be one of the greatest teams antifascists from the group Sare Antifax-
in European football managed by the ista and some members of HNT chatting
legendary Javier Clemente, who led Ath- about our respective clubs histories, the
letic to 4th place in La Liga in his first pressures on the fans from the security
season. Athletic under Clemente went services and away games etc.
onto win the league in 1983 and a league Later that night we were treated to a
and cup double in 1984. Off the pitch the concert bringing the best of anti-fascist
political situation was rather turbulent, so music from over Europe including groups
in the climate of political struggle off the such as Atarassiagrop from Italy, Los
pitch and success on it Herri Norte Taldea Tres Puntos from France and the legen-
were formed. dary Blaggers ITA. Most the Groups were
The Group describe themselves as generally of a SKA or Oi! Variety and had
“Antifascista and Abertazale”, i.e. Anti- us all dancing until the early hours of the
fascist and Patriotic. They have the same morning. Sadly the event was interrupted
objectives as other fan groups - to help by the police, who claimed that there was
improve the atmosphere and inspire the a bomb threat at the event. Everyone
players (especially more so just now as knew, though, that it was the police up to
Athletic have been struggling over the their usual dirty tricks and once we were
last few years in the league) in contrast give the all clear the party went onto the
to other fans who vent their anger at the early hours.
poor results by whistling and booing the Alongside the festivities and parties there
players when things don’t turn out quite was a discussion on football named
how they wanted. However, the group “Yesterday and Today football in Euskal
are much more than a singing section Herria, Euskal Selection and Athletic Bil-
and are involved in political activity and bao”. The event outlined the History of
shows solidarity with Basque Political the Euskal Selection, mainly its formation
prisoners, as was mirrored in the last in January 3 1915 winning against a Cat-
game of last season when a gigantic POW alan selection 6-1. The meeting then out-
solidarity banner was unfurled. They also lined the interesting history during the
take an active interest in other themes Spanish Civil War where the then Presi-
such as the struggle for Basque self de- dent of the Basque Country and former
termination and the legalisation of out- Athletic Bilbao player Jose Antonio
lawed political party Batasuna. Aguirre came up with the idea that the
To celebrate the group’s 25th anniver- Basque side should tour to raise funds for
sary a serious of concerts, meals and the Republican Cause as he knew the
discussions were arranged with group- future of Basque independence was also
ings from other teams around Europe tied to the cause of a Republican Victory
in the Spanish Civil War. The team played camera standing up for themselves.
around Europe and even in Mexico (the The game itself was not the greatest with
Spanish Republic’s sole ally outwith the Villarreal winning 1-0. Before the end of
Soviet Union), and for a period during the the match a group of HNT lads had de-
war played in the Mexican league. After cided to take revenge on the Beltzas, so
Franco’s victory the team was then forced we came out to find a smashed up police
into exile until 1979 were they have re- car and overturned bins on fire in a street
grouped regularly usually playing around with far less surveillance for the prying
Christmas with the last game being eyes of the security forces. Three lads
against Javier Clemente’s Serbia, with the were detained in this skirmish.
Basque team winning 4-0 and last au- Later that night the TAL group headed
tumn played a historic match against a out to the ‘old town’ to experience some
Catalan selection. traditional Basque Tabernas and Herriko
The following day we met up with HNT bars where we spoke with locals about
members at their local meeting point out- the Basque struggle and the current polit-
side a gallery of Herriko Bars that raise ical stalemate in the Basque country re-
money for POWs, near to San Mames garding the legalisation of Batasuna and
Stadium. Here we chatted not only with the subsequent local elections that will
HNT lads but also other lads from groups take place this year. We even came
who were invited to the events where the across one lad that had an Ikurriña flag
Celtic Fans Against Fascism stickers went of the Basque Country with Tiocfaidh Ar
down a treat. La inscribed on it. Just when we thought
In the Herri Norte Stand it’s still possible the night was coming to a close we en-
to stand up even though the stadium is countered a bar that was full of fans from
all seated which makes a real difference Frankfurt and a few HNT. After a couple
to the atmosphere and reminded me of of pints we were in fine voice. From being
my younger days at Parkhead when we on the verge of kicking the Germans out
all stood as one together without the has- and closing for the night, the bar’s own-
sle that we get nowadays from the PLC’s ers came to life again on hearing us sing-
Gestapo Stewards. Although in Bilbao the ing Irish rebel songs. As a result, the bar
threat comes not from the stewards but stayed open late, even donating free
from the Beltzas, a special riot police in beer. As elsewhere, the Underground
the Basque Country named so due to CSC’s ‘Tiocfaidh Ár Lá -Spirit of Freedom’
there black uniform (Beltza means black banner was received warmly. The whole
in Euskera). This specially trained force is bar were united in Chants of “Go on
armed with batons, helmet and shields Home British Soldiers”.
akin to riot police and they often provoke Over the weekend we learned lots from
the fans into action. One incident oc- our comrades in the Herri Norte Taldea
curred during the game where they who remain an inspiration. After 25 years
wouldn’t let a lad into the stadium so a they are still going strong, fighting
large group of HNT went to the gate and against what stands in there way on and
summoned the head of security and after off the pitch, home and away. We wish
a few heated words the Beltzas showed our Basque comrades all the very best
off their diplomatic skills, lashing out with and hope that, after 25 successful years
batons at those protesting. Although un- in the game, they will still be around in
like in the past a major riot would have another 25 years overcoming whatever
followed, as a result of CCTV cameras problems and enemies may come their
introduced into the stadium fans are now way. As long as HNT exists the spirit of
worried to take action against these pro- militant anti fascism will remain alive and
voked attacks on them due to the heavy well. Article By Karl Marx
fines involved when being caught on * Basque Anti-Fascists Interview in next issue.
long. The BJK acronym has been daubed on
prominent locations throughout Glasgow and
the wider Strathclyde region including motor-
way bridges and busy intersections, housing
schemes, municipal buildings, business
premises and in particular the immediate area
around Celtic Park itself, all places that would
have a high level of CCTV surveillance camer-
as. With no record of arrest or prosecution of
anyone in relation to these acts of graffiti it
would appear that those responsible are free to
continue with absolute impunity.
Equally disappointing has been Celtic’s appar-
ent reluctance to defend the integrity of Stein’s
name and to prevent further suffering of those
involved, as well as upholding the reputation of
the Club. Who could blame the wider Celtic
family for suspecting that the PLC would rather
make an example of its own supporters than
‘Big Blue Lie’ Scarves address the sickening abuse directed at the
for sale at Ibrox
greatest manager in Hoops history?
But it is no
Are there no limits to the depths to which some longer just
people are prepared to sink in order to indulge about the
in acts of self righteous condemnation, even graffiti, the
when they know an allegation to be spurious by zeal and fe-
nature, factually incorrect and morally wrong? rocity with
For many months now a sizable section of the which ‘the
rangers support have been plumbing those animals’ have
depths in an attempt to sully the name of the embraced this
‘Big Blue Lie’ T-shirts
late, great Jock Stein, and by default Celtic
Football Club with their despicable ‘Big Jock
Knew’ campaign.
episode, and
the apparent
on sale at The Reichstag
indifference of the authorities towards it, has
The campaign relates to the sexual abuse that
allowed this rubbish to flourish into a mini in-
was inflicted upon members of Celtic Boys
dustry. Hawkers openly operate outside Ibrox
Club by Jim Torbet who worked at Celtic Park
on match-days selling T-shirts, scarves and
in the late sixties and early seventies, during
other merchandise emblazoned with BJK and
Steins reign as manager. However, to suggest
there have also been reports of said items be-
that Stein was somehow aware of the abuse
ing punted on internet auction sites. Even so
and turned a blind eye to it is as vile as it is ab-
called radio presenters have alluded to it in
surd. Jock didn’t know but he did find out and
their feeble attempts at humour during live
Torbet carried the marks of the manager’s dis-
gust for some time afterwards.
Whilst the motives of this innuendo are fairly
One has to wonder why this defamation of
obvious what is less clear for many is where it
Steins character has gone unchallenged for so
originated from and who is the driving force
behind it? It will come as no great surprise then Of course, the difference between 'The
that a well known Hunzine and website are Grandmaster' and Jock Stein is that 'The
most prominent in propagating this slander, led Grandmaster' is in the privileged position of be-
by its 'Grandmaster' whose identity is well ing able to defend himself from such finger
known to all at Tiocfaidh Ar La, and this by the pointing. Sadly, the great Jock Stein isn’t. But
way, is where it gets really interesting.... when have you ever known a hun to pick a fair
It is somewhat
ironic that 'The Needless to say, those who regularly contribute
Grandmaster' provi to 'The Grandmaster’s' forums will be more
des a platform for this affronted that their glorious leader has
urban myth been mentioned in passing in a hard left, pro-
suggesting that Jock Irish Republican, anti-fascist, anti-sectarian
Stein was guilty by Celtic fanzine than they will by his familiarity
association given his and political relationship with a psychopathic,
own previous sinister murderous, sexual predator. But let’s not forget
acquaintances and that these are the same people who think it

William Beggs
political is acceptable to exploit the victims of child
affiliations. Wouldn't abuse as a means of attacking
it be interesting to The ‘Limbs in the loch killer’ thestature of someone whose achievements
know how much his they could never hope to equal let alone
collaborators in producing the hunzine, and surpass.
maintaining the website of the same name,
Big Jock Knew alright, he knew that Celtic were
actually knew of a former political associate of
the Champions of Europe, no less and no
'The Grandmaster' called William ‘Ian’ Beggs?
Beggs, for those of you who don’t know, is the
infamous ‘limbs in the loch’ killer who, in 1999, Article by Holloway Gael
raped, murdered and dismembered a
young man that he met in a nightclub, before
disposing of the remains in Loch Lomond, north
of Glasgow. He also has previous convictions Ship of Shame
for murder and razor attacks on gay and
straight men from as far back as 1987. A

abused by
former leader of the UUP youth wing and loyal-
ist supporter he moved to Scotland to study at
Paisley University in the mid eighties and joined
the Federation of Conservative students, an Bigots!
organization so right-wing that Thatcher ex- A small minded man from Derry
pelled them from the Tory Party! Beggs quickly
rose in the FCS ranks to become part of its na-
Was abused on an Irish Ferry
tional leadership. Said Greg I don’t mind
Cos I’m of the same kind
Given his own indisputable links to unionism, But it made my poor wife spill her sherry
and despite his condemnation of 'all violence' in
'Northern Ireland', it is perhaps no coincidence Celtic FC (aka Brian Quisling) would like to extend in
that 'The Grandmaster' was also part of the advance its deepest apologies and a free ticket to
FCS national leadership around the same time any old unionist bigot who cares to write to them
as Beggs. Not only was he a leading member with regard to the outrageous behaviour of two men
of the FCS, he also edited its magazine ‘The wearing the colour green. Said Mr Quidd, “The bank,
Unionist’ before moving on to set up the er I mean, the club is deeply embarrassed by the
aforementioned hunzine. So, would antics of such people who bring shame on the good
his undoubted knowledge of Beggs’ sexual name of the Bank of Desmond by dressing in such
preferences and violent tendencies be any less provocative colours and calling a spade a shovel, or
circumstantial than their allegation that ‘Big in this case, a bigot by his proper name....”
Jock Knew’? (continued on page 1690)

The following towards life and football, by now the
is an inter- club's supporters are basically the one's
view given to you could find in any other German sta-
dium. There is a slight difference made
by the agreement of anti-racism, but
the Ultras
there are only few who are politically
Sankt Pauli active and are actively fighting nazis.
(USP). It
TÁL: When and why did your Ultras
should be
group start?
noted that the USP do not represent
USP: When Ultrà Sankt Pauli was
the political views of all FC St Pauli founded in 2002 the support of the team
fans, although they are increasingly inside the stadium had reached an all-
influential within the club. We at TÁL time low. It was our goal to improve the
have many disagreements with, and support by two things: a form of support
criticisms of, the answers given to which was new for Sankt Pauli (the ultrà
some of the questions we posed to support) and a group structure where
the USP in this interview. In the in- everyone who wanted to contribute to
the support was able to bring
terests of space, however, we have
him/herself in.
decided to allow the interview to
stand on its own merits. We will, TÁL: How many members do you
however, be putting our own view of have?
USP: We are a group of about 170 peo-
the politics that are being promoted
ple plus another ~200-300 who are not
at St Pauli by the USP in the next
members but are in our sector in the
edition of TÁL, as well as our per- stadium and sing with us - at least on
spective and account of the history home games.
of the relationship and links between
TÁL: Is your Ultras group a hooligan
TÁL and St Pauli fans in general.
group, or just a collective of fans
that likes to make big displays at
TÁL: Please give some information
the stadium?
about your club; history, the league
USP: To us ultrà is more than big dis-
it plays in, and the type of support-
plays in the stadium or violence (which
ers (working class, young and old,
we only apply against fascists or to de-
how fanatical etc)
fend ourselves). Much more important
USP: FC Sankt Pauli was founded in
are personal bondings between the
1910. They have been playing in the 3rd
members. Inside and outside the stadi-
division for three years now. The 4th
um, during weekdays and weekends.
year of 3rd division football is about to
begin. The last time they played in the TÁL: What attitude do you have to-
Bundesliga was in the 2001/2002 sea- wards football hooligans?
son. After that they were relegated two USP: We do not care about hooliganism.
consecutive times. In Germany hooliganism has basically
On the contrary to the 1980's when vanished out of the stadiums and shifted
Sankt Pauli's supporters had a much towards appointed fights on fields or in
more alternative and political attitude forests.
meeting of the network of Italian left-
TÁL: Do you have any political atti-
wing supporters Resistenza Ultras,
hosted by our friends Freak Brothers
USP: We are left-wing! We, as a group,
are not involved in any party politics
Also several members are involved in
though. Of course there are several dif-
politically active left-wing groups outside
ferent left-wing policies represented in-
of USP and most of the time there are
side our group, but we can all agree on
numerous members participating in anti-
antifascism, antisexism and antiracism.
fascist demonstrations in Hamburg and
TÁL: What political actions at foot- northern-Germany.
ball and outside of football (if any)
TÁL: How do you raise funds to sup-
have you been involved in?
port your group - is it only from
USP: We have been involved in several
members donations and fundraising
political projects inside and outside the
schemes, or do you receive financial
stadium lately. One of our biggest
support from your club and/or local
projects so far is our refugees-project.
and national government funding
In the course of which we invited refu-
gees into the stadium to try to make
USP: We finance the group through sev-
them forget about the racist refugee-
eral projects. There is an annual mem-
bureaucracy of the German state, at
ber contribution of 30€, but we also
least for ninety minutes. And to show
count on donations by other supporters.
them that there are people who care.
Other financing sources are group mer-
We started this project in the 04/05 sea-
chandising, USP-held parties every 3-4
son and are looking forward to continue
months, and we also receive monetary
aid from a marihuana-growshop called
Another project we were involved to-
Hanfburg located close to the stadium.
gether with several left-wing groups in
We want to stay financially independent
last season was the campaign against a
in order to be able to stay politically in-
nazi-store selling nazi-clothes in the Tal-
strasse, close to our stadium and the
Reeperbahn. Last season we organized a
demonstration against it with about
2000 participants. Now the store is
about to close up and we think our in-
volvement played at least a small part in
Since 2004 we have also been organiz-
ing a four-day-long anti-racist tourna-
ment together with the Fanladen every
year. Last time there were 44 teams and
several hundred participants from all
over Europe playing football, getting to
know each other, discussing and danc-
ing. Establishing connections between
left-wing groups is important to us. TÁL: What is your attitude to na-
But we're not only hosting an own tour- tional flags? (we heard that no na-
nament, we are also participating in oth- tional flags are allowed on display at
ers. Like the Mondiali Antirazzisti in your anti-racist football tourna-
Montecchio which we have been visiting ment)
for the last four years, or the Raduno USP: Our agreement inside the group is:
Antirazzista Internationale which is a no national flags in our sector! Nations
are instruments to exclude triotic hype caused by the flags, shouted nazi-chants
and degrade others. Your World Cup to an end. and tried to attack the
nationality is given to main stands. After the
you by birth which game about 1000
excludes everyone who Sankt Pauli supporters
is not born in the same waited for them. They
country as you. Even were only able to leave
with the best inten- the city under heavy
tions we cannot imag- police protection.
ine a positive Other teams we dislike
nation/state. For us are the ones with fan-
the idea of nations scenes dominated by
clashes with the idea fascist groups. Of
of all humans being course we dislike Ham-
equal. burg's other team,
hamburger sv. But there
TÁL: Don’t you agree TÁL: Many progressive
hasn't been a real derby in
that the national flags football fans believe in
recent years.
of Ireland, Palestine, the slogan 'Reclaim The
Cuba, Euskadi and of Game', would you TÁL: Which other fans
the Celtic nations rep- therefore subscribe to and Ultras do you have
resent progressive the idea that you friendships with?
movements against the should 'reclaim the USP: We have contacts to
political status quo, and German national team' various people and to
indeed in cases like Ire- from the hooligans and many different fan scenes
land, Palestine and the far-right? in Europe, mostly defined
Euskadi they are flags USP: No. Supporting a by common opinions on
associated with revolu- national team would be politics. Some of us for
tionary struggle? USP: contradictory to the politi- example founded the
No. To us establishing new cal beliefs of most of the St.Pauli CSC. Others visit
states or countries with members. Also the people the Freak Brothers Terna-
citizenship on the basis of who see the world cup na, Filmstadtinferno Ba-
birthplace is no improve- and the German team's belsberg, Schickeria
ment. Also the countries games as an event and a Munich or other groups
Cuba and Palestine are reason to display the Ger- and clubs.
topics of critical and con- man flag and the typical
TÁL: Is there anything
troversial discussions in- way of German football
else that you want to
side the German left. But support causes us severe
say about your club,
explaining this conflict stomach ache.
your city, country, poli-
would go far beyond the
TÁL: Who are your big- tics?
scope of this interview.
gest rivals?? which USP: Contradicting recent
TÁL: Which country's other clubs and fans do rumours we are very
team did you support in you most dislike and happy about Celts visiting
the last World Cup? why? us and our fan scene as
USP: USP as a group does USP: In recent seasons it long as he/she is able to
not support any national was Chemnitz supporters find some appreciation
team. Though most of the who were the most hated. towards our way of living
group members hoped for At their last away game in football. If you are inter-
an early defeat of the Ger- our stadium about 200 of ested in our way of sup-
man team to put the pa- them collectively dis- port check out:
played modified swastika- www.ultra-stpauli.com
As was mentioned in the last issue of the fan- dinate amount of interest in the activities of the
zine, pre-season was a great time for the Green Brigade, something that we acknowl-
group. The trips to Newcastle and Peterbor- edged after the game as they boarded their
ough won't be forgotten any time soon, but bus, which unluckily for them was parked
one trip we haven't mentioned is the short jour- alongside ours.
ney along the M8 to see a Celtix XI take on
The colourful display planned for the Aberdeen
Airdrie. For a club like Airdrie where racism is
match instead took place at the home match
still very much a feature of their support, it was
against Spartak Moscow, albeit on a smaller
agreed that we had to have some sort of a
scale simply to avoid any further harassment
presence at the match. A good number of the
by stewards or police. Green and white
group traveled through to this match, singing
hooped strips of material were arranged, with
throughout and arranging a small flag display.
a Champions League logo ban-
Perhaps most importantly, we
ner being the centre-piece of
displayed our anti-racist 'Fist
our display, hoping to inspire
smashing swastika' banner. In
the Bhoys onto victory and the
reply to this, a group of the
group stages.
home fans lived up to their vile
reputation by displaying a ban- As time goes on I feel groups
ner glorifying child abuse and like the Green Brigade and TAL
attempting to disgrace the are going to become even more
great name of Jock Stein. important to remind people
what the club is really about
The season got started for us
and to campaign against the
with a small display on 'Flag
club going down the route it
Day' consisting of 9 flags spell-
does seem to be going. While
ing out the word 'Champions'
some great successes are be-
along with a banner with the
ing achieved on the pitch, the
image of the SPL trophy. How-
soul of the club does seem to
ever, we once more encoun-
be disappearing with any form of the club's
tered some unwanted attention with Celtic
identity seemingly being pushed out in favour
sending their luminous lackeys in to remove
of a new corporate image. The announcement
our group banner.
of John Reid as Brian Quinn's replacement as
This was then followed by a trip to the away Celtic chairman is another nail in the
match at Aberdeen. The group was able to coffin. The PLC are on the verge of appointing
take a full bus to the match and had big plans as Chairman of Celtic (a club founded by Irish
made for a colourful display. These plans immigrants) a British unionist warmonger with
were sadly unable to happen with the security Iraqi blood on his hands who, whilst serving as
there refusing any sorts of flags, banners or Home Secretary in the Blair government,
canes into the stadium. As was mentioned in adopted an openly anti-immigrant stance!
the last issue, Grampian Police again contin- Where's the sense in that?
ued their harassment of Celtic fans with even
In protest at this decision we have decided to
stricter security in operation this time
display our group banner upside down in the
around. On this occasion, however, they were
style adopted by Ultras groups in Europe until
assisted by a busload of Rock Steady stew-
after the PLC holds its AGM in November.
ards supplied by Celtic’s own security team. A
number of these Celtic stewards took an inor- Article by CFCEddie

Interview by Matty Bhoy

A critical period in the devel- TÁL: Chris, we might start ple actually had conversa-
opment of political music is off by getting you to tell us tions, there were people
now upon us. We are at a about your band. When did coming around to the house
time when politicians have Seanchai and the Unity Squad every night and some of the
criminalised the music and form? stories told was like being at a
people associated with it are CB: We started up ten years concert. There wasn't any
quickly branded as sectarian, ago, initially it was a side money around but nobody
when nothing could be further project apart from Black 47 seemed to care. My kids go
from the truth. The Celtic but we went full time five over there now and they
board have apparently years ago. watch The Simpsons 24 hours
deemed the singing of some a day and most of the conver-
TÁL: For readers who per-
songs as unacceptable…One sations seem to be concerning
haps haven't heard your mu-
wonders what Michael Davit the price of property, that's
sic, how would you describe
would be thinking! progress I guess.
the style of Seanchai? I've
TÁL fanzine has identified the
heard it explained as music TÁL: I understand that you
importance of raising and
that has no boundaries. were a member of the “thin
maintaining the profile of like
CB: I think our music is fairly blue line” in the NYPD?
minded artists. Each issue in
original, like us or hate us we CB: I went into the cops aged
the foreseeable future will
don't sound like anybody I'm 20 and did eleven years, I left
contain an interview or story
aware of, which might explain when Black 47 got a record
with a band member or solo
our lack of commercial suc- deal. I worked in Times
artist. It’s a chance for read-
cess. Square the whole time, before
ers to gain an insight into the
Disney moved in. I think the
thoughts and opinions of the TÁL: Tell us about yourself,
movie Taxi Driver captures it's
modern day bards… Let the Chris. Where did you grow
ambience at the time. I've
People Sing! up? What sort of influences
heard the job described as
In the first instalment of this did you experience that per-
having a front row seat for the
column, TÁL managed to haps shaped you as a person?
greatest show on earth. The
catch up with the front man of CB: I grew up in New York
crime rate soared during my
Seanchai and the Unity City in the seventies, it was a
career, probably due to the
Squad, and founding member lively place then, due to the
emergence of crack cocaine
of Black 47, Chris Byrne. abundance of drugs and ran-
and then the crime rate plum-
Seanchai’s music is so diverse dom violence the place felt
meted when I left, maybe I
that it is impossible to pigeon out of control. It was great.
was doing something wrong!
hole. From the in your face The energy of the place gave
hip-hop of “Fenians” to the the world hip-hop and the TÁL: One only has to listen
hauntingly tender “Ballad of Ramones. to a handful of Seanchai
Mairead Farrell,” each track The summers were particu- tracks to get the feeling that
keeps the listener glued. larly crazy but I missed out your Irish-American heritage
Similarly, you can’t pigeon because I was shipped off by is something that is of upmost
hole Chris Byrne. The singer, my parents to stay with rela- importance to you...
songwriter, uilleann piper, tives on a farm in the west of CB: Well I play the uilleann
rapper, activist, former cop, Ireland every year. That's pipes so no matter what we
bar owner and Professor took where I learned traditional record it's going to sound
time out to speak to TÁL … Irish music. There was only Irish, that's what I like about
one or two TV stations so peo- the pipes, they sound like Ire-

land. I guess the heritage New York. How has the city TÁL: Time for a plug! Tell us
thing is important, I mean it's rebounded since 2001? about your bar, Rocky Sulli-
who I am, and I would rate CB: In the months following van's. I've heard it described
my limbs as being of utmost September 11th most people by The Exiles bass guitarist,
importance as well. I know were walking around Coach, as the best bar in the
in a daze, and while they world!
TÁL: What does Seanchai
were walking around in a daze CB: Rocky Sullivan's has re-
and the Unity Squad stand for
opportunists moved in and cently moved to Red Hook in
politically? Your music has
bought the place up. So yes I Brooklyn, we were forced out
some strong nationalist
suppose New York has re- of Manhattan by insane rent.
bounded after September So far Red Hook has been
CB: Our music has been de-
11th but it hasn't benefited cool and I can't say I miss the
scribed as being political, I
any of the working class peo- yuppies. I think it will meet
would argue that every artist
ple I know. Coach's standards when Gary
is political, it's just that a lot
Óg, Sean Lyons and Coach
of bands have decided to ig-
TÁL: How was Seanchai's play there this St. Patrick's
nore the fact that most of the
latest tour of Ireland? I've Day.
people in this world are get-
read nothing but good reviews
ting fucked over every time TÁL: Is it true that you have
and have heard that yet again
they get out of bed in the a Celtic Supporters Club
you guys were very well re-
morning. there?
I wouldn't necessarily de- CB: There is a Brooklyn sup-
CB: Ireland was great, I
scribe myself as a nationalist; porters club in the planning
hadn't been there for a couple
I'm an Unrepentant Fenian stages.
of years and I enjoyed meet-
Bastard, thank you very
ing up with old friends. We'll TÁL: In your eyes, what
be back at Easter. does Celtic Football Club rep-
TÁL: Who are your influenc- resent?
TÁL: I'm having a guess that
es, both musically and politi- CB: Celtic has always been
there were a few crazy
cally? very important to me, I think
CB: In terms of musical influ- the Diaspora have a special
CB: What happens in Kin-
ences there are far too many affinity to the club, there is
negad stays in Kinnegad!
to mention and they change more of an identification with
all the time, although I would TÁL: Tell us about your lat- it than there was with Jackie’s
have to mention Josie McDer- est album, Irish Catholic Boy. Army, you're allowed to be a
mott - he taught me how to What are some of the themes part of it without some snob
play Irish music. In terms of running through it? from Dublin 4 informing you
politics I would say The Sing- CB: Irish Catholic Boy is an that you are a plastic paddy.
ing Flame by Ernie O'Malley Irish Catholic record. It Seville was one of the best
has shaped a lot of my think- dawned on me that a lot of weeks of my life. It was per-
ing as have the writings of the songwriters on the Irish fect… well almost perfect.
Gustavo Gutiérrez on libera- scene acknowledge the influ-
TÁL: Finally, Chris anything
tion theology. I also think ence of ethnicity in their lives
you'd like to add?
Bobby Kennedy would have and ignore the role of Catholi-
CB: I would like to ask peo-
put the United States in a cism but for better or quite
ple to support live music if
better direction than it went. often worse, it’s there, it's the
you want to keep live music
elephant in the room. This is
TÁL: What's your personal around.
particularly true of celtic rock
take on the Bush Government
bands - was St. Patrick's Day TÁL: Chris, thanks for taking
and the involvement of the
really a bigger deal when you the time to speak to TÁL, it's
United States in Iraq and Af-
were a kid than your first much appreciated.
communion? Every major CB: My pleasure, see you on
CB: It's an absolute disaster,
event in life and especially in the message board.
the worst President ever, and
death, it's there. I'm not say- Check out
that's saying quite a lot.
ing it's a good thing or it's a www.seanchai.com,
TÁL: It's been 6 years since bad thing, I'm just saying it's www.myspace.com/seanc
the September 11 attacks in there. hai and
Celtic Minded
These celebrated two volumes of Celtic to this fanzine (although from the way the
Minded, edited by Joseph Bradley, are an books are edited you would never know that
important contribution to the debate around this fanzine, which has championed the Irish
the culture and identity of Celtic Football cultural and political identity of our club, even
Club and its supporters. Not only do they existed) when she says:
take on board the Irish and Catholic nature of “The words ‘Tiocfaidh Ár Lá’ seem often
the club, they also tackle the thorny question to cause tremors to run through the Park-
of ‘sectarianism’ in Scotland and place it in head edifice – ‘Our day will come’, What
the proper context of race hate. Sectarian- is offensive there? Sure it has a political
ism. As this fanzine has argued since it’s in- resonance but it seems to me that the
ception 16 years ago is merely a cover name phrase also encapsulates something that
for anti-Irish racism. It is an invention, a any football team might aspire to; namely
sleight of hand designed to divert attention ‘success’. Celtic has experienced a
from the perpetrators of anti-Irish racism and number of troughs during its history. This
apportion an equal share of the blame to its phrase was born among the Celtic sup-
victims. As TÁL has asserted many times in port (in a football sense) when we were
the past, ‘sectarianism’ seeks to make the experiencing a downturn in fortunes in
victim a willing party to his own oppression. the early 1990’s. At the time it reflected
Indeed it is much more than that. our hope and anticipation for the future. If
‘Sectarianism’ has become an abbreviation it has a further Irish political connotation
for what TÁL has euphemistically referred to then so be it. Maybe it becomes even
as the OSABATO (‘One Side’s As Bad As more appropriate in that context.”
The Other’) syndrome that afflicts every layer
of Scottish society at the mere suggestion Celtic Minded 2 continues along the same
that the Irish Catholic community in Scotland lines as the first book, addressing itself to the
is or ever was the victim of oppression. controversy over Aiden McGeady’s selection
for the Irish national squad, which was
The new book “It’s rangers for me”, edited by
roundly condemned by the Scottish sporting
academic rangers fan Graham Walker seeks
press and within the football community.
to go further by turning the tables from the
McGeady’s Irish identity is still denied by
usual equalization of victim and oppressor to
many who insist that his family background
actually turning the oppressor into victim with
and the cultural identity of his forebears
claims of ‘anti-rangers agendas’ and ‘denial
should be of secondary importance to the
of Protestant identity’. As if!
land of his birth. Joseph Bradley himself very
But back to Celtic Minded 1 & 2: The books’ ably argues that no other ethnic community
strength is not in the academics or ‘the great in Britain is subjected to the same rigours as
and the good’ who have contributed their the Irish in Scotland when it comes to mat-
tuppence worth of chapters, but is actually in ters of nationality and identity.
the voice that is given to ordinary supporters
We will revisit this subject again and make a
of our club. People like Patricia Ferns, a folk
more in-depth and critical review in the next
singer who does the rounds of Celtic Sup-
issue of TÁL. In the meantime I would rec-
porters Clubs functions makes a tremendous
ommend that Celtic Minded 1 & 2 should be
contribution in volume 1 that confronts the
on the bookshelf of every Celtic supporter.
cowardice of our own PLC board over their
Celtic Minded 1 & 2 (Argyll Publishing)
attitude to songs, slogans and maybe even
£10.99 each from all good bookshops.

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