Simulation Based Training For Anaesthesia Residents

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Anesthesiology Research and Practice

Volume 2016, Article ID 4237523, 12 pages

Review Article
Improving Patient Safety through Simulation Training in
Anesthesiology: Where Are We?

Michael Green, Rayhan Tariq, and Parmis Green

Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine, Hahnemann University Hospital,
Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Michael Green; [email protected]

Received 20 October 2015; Revised 28 December 2015; Accepted 3 January 2016

Academic Editor: Getúlio R. de Oliveira Filho

Copyright © 2016 Michael Green et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

There have been colossal technological advances in the use of simulation in anesthesiology in the past 2 decades. Over the years, the
use of simulation has gone from low fidelity to high fidelity models that mimic human responses in a startlingly realistic manner,
extremely life-like mannequin that breathes, generates E.K.G, and has pulses, heart sounds, and an airway that can be programmed
for different degrees of obstruction. Simulation in anesthesiology is no longer a research fascination but an integral part of resident
education and one of ACGME requirements for resident graduation. Simulation training has been objectively shown to increase
the skill-set of anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology is leading the movement in patient safety. It is rational to assume a relationship
between simulation training and patient safety. Nevertheless there has not been a demonstrable improvement in patient outcomes
with simulation training. Larger prospective studies that evaluate the improvement in patient outcomes are needed to justify the
integration of simulation training in resident education but ample number of studies in the past 5 years do show a definite benefit
of using simulation in anesthesiology training. This paper gives a brief overview of the history and evolution of use of simulation
in anesthesiology and highlights some of the more recent studies that have advanced simulation-based training.

1. Introduction reduces the extinction of skills [5]. In addition to helping with

the technical skills, simulation training can help reinforce
Anesthesia has often been compared to aviation industry [1]. nontechnical skills such as task management, leadership,
Passengers entrust their lives to pilot, while patients under- team working, situation awareness, and decision making [6,
going anesthesia entrust their lives to the anesthesiologist. 7]. These nontechnical skills are vital to patient safety in emer-
Both are high risk system with minimal tolerance for error gency and crisis situations. A usual simulation experience
[2]. Today the aviation industry has an exceptionally high consists of three components: the initial briefing, the actual
safety record but this was not always the case. One of the most simulation experience, and the debriefing. Debriefing is the
important reasons cited for the improvement in the safety of chief component of simulation that allows trainee to under-
aviation industry has been the routine use of aviation simula- stand their decision making processes which is the first step
tors in the training of pilots [3]. Simulation is now considered in changing their clinical practice for better patient outcomes.
a vital part of aviation industry culture to train pilots, air traf- Institute of Medicine report on number of medical error
fic controllers, and other flight crew. Simulation can similarly [8] has focused public attention on better training, which has
be used in anesthesiology curriculum to train residents. sharply increased the interest in simulation training. Today
Simulation in medical curriculum means recreating or the cost of simulation has gone down significantly and it has
imitating part of some clinical scenario for purpose of become an integral part of anesthesiology residency training.
training or evaluation [4]. Simulation scenarios can be used The goal of this review is to give a brief overview of the history
for orientation to new procedures, exposure to uncommon and evolution of use of simulation in anesthesiology and
clinical scenarios, and assessment of knowledge. Simulation highlight some of the more recent studies that have advanced
accelerates skill acquisition, improves skill retention, and simulation-based training.
2 Anesthesiology Research and Practice

2. Methods bronchial blocker. Simulation allows residents to get comfort-

able with rare anesthetic events. Simulation training improves
The study selection was performed using the MEDLINE, skills and management when crises are subsequently pre-
Scopus, and EMBASE database to find studies that inves- sented in simulation environment. Bruppacher et al. [12]
tigated the use of simulation in anesthesiology. The search carried out a study to see if this translates into real life
was restricted to English language (or English translation of) situations. The authors used weaning from cardiopulmonary
articles and abstracts published up to October 1, 2015. The bypass model to assess the effectiveness of simulation versus
search terms included the following: “Simulation”, “Medical traditional teaching methods. Routine weaning from CPB is
simulation”, “Simulation training”, “M.E.T.I”, “High-Fidelity a high risk clinical setting involving a series of predictable
simulators”, “Anesthesia simulators”, “Patient simulation”, technical and nontechnical clinical actions. The “simulation
“Airway simulation”, “Anesthesiology simulation”, and “Anes- taught group” scored significantly higher than the “seminar
thesiology residency simulation”. During the search, journal taught group” at both 2 weeks (posttest) and 5 weeks (i.e.,
articles with topics related to testing of anesthetic equipment retention-test) on nontechnical skills global rating scale and
on simulation models were excluded. The results of the a checklist of expected clinical actions, even though both
studies were divided by the different types of simulation train- groups performed similarly in the pretests.
ing in anesthesia, that is, simulation of airway management, Although the predominating use of simulation in anes-
simulation of ultrasound guided regional anesthesia, use thesiology is to educate in crisis management, it is also used
of simulation in obstetric anesthesia, and cardiothoracic to teach routine anesthetic management. Patient simulators
anesthesia training. can be used to recreate realistic environment and can help
trainees practice routine skills for patient monitoring and the
3. Rationale for Using Simulation recognition and management of critical events, for example,
in Anesthesiology while administrating sedation medications on patient sim-
ulators [13, 14]. In addition to anesthesiology residents, this
Simulation is an interactive and innovative educational simulation setup can be used to give hands-on training to
tool that can build confidence, improve clinical knowledge nonanesthesiologists who routinely partake in sedation [15].
through practice, and enhance team performance. Anesthesi- There are inherent limitations to teaching in the operating
ology is a hands-on specialty. As in other hands-on specialties room; in addition to the natural distractions that hamper the
such as surgery and emergency medicine, the only way to learning experience, the balance between patient care and
master a skill is to practice it again and again. Simulation education needs to be considered. Resorting to simulation
provides a safe learning environment where anesthesiology thus is the logical choice, which provides a platform for train-
residents and students can be taught, practice, and be eval- ing in a risk-free environment. Simulation has been proven
uated on technical skills such as intubation and ventilation to be a helpful resource in training of not only anesthesiology
without ever putting a real patient at risk [9]. It is therefore not residents but also the medical students rotating through the
surprising that simulation has gained considerable interest anesthesiology department [16]. Medical students can gain
and acceptance into anesthesiology education and curricu- confidence by practicing airway and vascular access skills on
lum. Anesthesiology is in fact the pioneer for the introduction mannequins before actually attempting them on a patient
of simulation into medical education [10]. Anesthesiology [17]. Similarly interactive group-based computer simulations
was instrumental in the development of a high fidelity human in which students assume the role of anesthesiologist can
simulation used for medical education in other medical improve their knowledge base of anesthesia [18].
specialties as well. After the ACGME mandated 80-hour workweek regula-
tion for residents in US, educators are hard-pressed to find
The most widespread use of simulation in anesthesiology new and innovative ways to make the residency training
is to provide crisis management training. Simulation allows experience as enriching as possible. Simulation is being used
residents to experience clinical scenarios that are infrequent in new and novel ways. Aggarwal et al. [19] describe how they
in daily practice, but critical to anesthesia practice such as designed a liver-transplantation anesthesiology simulation
the use of bronchial blockers and double-lumen endotracheal course for residents at University of Pittsburg incorporating
tubes (ETT) for single lung isolation. Failor et al. [11] enrolled both traditional didactics and mannequin-based simulation.
13 anesthesiology residents in a prospective, observational Outcomes of this intervention, as measured by pre- and post-
study to evaluate the effectiveness of using the high fidelity course quizzes, showed a statistically significant improve-
AirSim Bronchi airway simulator to teach residents how to ment. The residents also reported increased preparedness and
manage lung isolation with double-lumen ETT and bronchial confidence through self-reported questionnaires.
blockers. Instead of comparing resident performance before Simulation in anesthesiology has been used as an evaluat-
and after the simulation exercise, the authors noted the ing tool. There have been several studies assessing reliability
self-reported confidence of the residents with the devices. and validity of simulation-based evaluation. Although in a
Resident confidence scores for each lung isolation technique few studies there has been some variability in reliability,
improved after the simulation training, with the median gain especially on evaluating the behavioral aspects, on the whole
ranging from 0.5 to 1.5. The largest improvement occurred there have been positive results regarding the reliability [20–
with the bronchial blockers (𝑃 < 0.05), perhaps because, for 22] and validity [23–25] of simulator-based evaluation when
many residents, it was their first chance to interact with a compared to traditional evaluation methods. It seems likely
Anesthesiology Research and Practice 3

Table 1: Important milestones in simulation in anesthesiology.

Year Simulation model Type of model Principle investigator/company

1960 Rescue Anne Mechanical/physical Asmund Laerdal
Mechanical model with hybrid digital Dr. Stephen Abrahamson/Dr. Judson Denson
1965 Sim One [119]
and analogue computer (University of Southern California)
Harvey cardiology Moderate to high fidelity model with
1968 Dr. Michael Gordon
mannequin electrical components
Anesthesia Simulator Dr. Howard A. Schwid (Department of
1987 Software
Consultant® [30, 31]1 Anesthesiology, University of Washington)
1982 Gasman® [29, 120, 121] Software Philip JH.
High fidelity physical and digital
1987 CASE [122] Dr. David Gaba
Gainesville Anesthesia High fidelity physical and digital
1988 Dr. J. S. Gravenstein
Simulator [33] model
High fidelity physical and digital
1990s SimMan® Laerdal Medical
High fidelity physical and digital
1990s HAL Patient Simulator Gaumard® Scientific Company
METI-Human Patient High fidelity physical and digital
1996 Medical Education Technologies Inc.
Simulator model

that in the future simulation-based evaluations could become It calculates the time course of anesthesia uptake in each
a part of high-stakes examination. Devitt et al. [23] confirmed compartment of the body as well as the breathing circuit
validity of simulator-based evaluations to differentiate a large and vaporizer. Since its introduction more than 33 years ago,
group of individuals based on clinical experience or training. an updated version of Gasman (Med Man Simulations, Inc.,
Over the coming years, the role of simulation as a training Boston, MA) is still in use in residency training programs
and evaluation tool in anesthesiology is expected to grow. across the country [28]. Daniel et al. [29] demonstrated
how the use of this pharmacokinetics software, Gasman,
4. History and Evolution of Simulation objectively improved the understanding of pharmacokinetics
principles in 23 residents.
in Anesthesiology
Anesthesia Simulator Consultant [30, 31] was developed
4.1. The Early Years. Although the use of simulation in by Schwid in the late 1980s to simulate critical events in
medical education can be traced back to the medieval time, anesthesia and critical care. It is still being used with minor
the first ever simulation model worth mentioning is “Laerdal’s updates in its software.
Rescue Anne.” It was a simple model designed to teach
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The first true moderate to 4.3. High Fidelity Mannequin Simulators. In 1987, Dr. David
high fidelity model in anesthesiology was made in the 1960s Gaba at Stanford University developed a very realistic, phys-
in University of Southern California. “Sim One” was a ical simulation system which he labelled CASE 1.2 (Com-
very expensive but life-like prototype with the anatomically prehensive Anesthesia Simulation Environment). CASE was
shaped chest that moved with breathing, the eyes blinked, built primarily to help with Anesthesia Crisis Resource Man-
the pupils dilated and constricted, and the jaw opened and agement (ACRM) training [32].
closed. The “Sim One” however had a very limited success as
Around the same time, Dr. J. S. Gravenstein and his
it was way ahead of it time and the technology at that time
colleagues at University of Florida created the Gainesville
was not suitable to allow mass commercialization of this high
Anesthesia Simulator (GAS). It was a very sophisticated simu-
fidelity model [26]. Around the same time, other mannequin
simulators such as the “Harvey cardiology mannequin” were lator that could imitate breathing and generate a pulse, EKG,
developed. This particular model could simulate up to 27 and a lung that followed normal physiological calculations to
cardiac conditions [27]. Table 1 lists important milestone in consume and eliminate gases accurately. There were hidden
history of simulation in anesthesiology. sensors on the functionally intact anesthesia machine that
recorded users’ action which were used in providing feedback
4.2. Introduction of Software Based Simulation. As the math- [33, 34].
ematical models of physiology and pharmacology became Around the 1990s, a number of commercial high fidelity
clearer, various computer software attempted to simulate the anesthesiology simulators (HFS) were introduced based on
normal human response. the principles of the above two HFS. The simulators in use
In 1982 Philp JH introduced the Gasman software for around the world today are updated versions of the same
teaching the pharmacokinetics of anesthesia administration. simulators.
4 Anesthesiology Research and Practice

5. Current State of Simulation A recent randomized control trial [42] compared the
in Anesthesiology currently used high fidelity simulators, SimMan, and HAL
Patient Simulator to actual patients. The performance of
At the present time, there are about 80 commercially available endotracheal intubation was found to be comparable in
simulators for use in anesthesia, with prices ranging from patients and both simulators. However for LMA, no chest rise
100 US $ for the software based simulators to more than was visible in 35% (HAL) and 32.5% (SimMan) of the cases
50,000 US $ for the high fidelity patient simulators. Cumin after inserting LMA. Furthermore, effective mask ventilation
and Merry [35] classified these commercially available simu- was not possible in 60% of the cases using HAL, compared
lators based on the following 3 categories: with 0% of cases using SimMan and 2.5% of patients (𝑃 <
0.001). This study questions the validity of currently used
(1) Mode of interaction (screen-based, hardware-based, simulators for supraglottic airway management techniques
or virtual reality-based). but does suggest that they have good validity for endotracheal
(2) Physiological model used. intubation.
(3) Their use to teach predominantly psychomotor skills Future models of high fidelity simulators could address
or cognitive skills. this issue in construction and allow for more realism in supra-
glottic airway management techniques. The fact remains
Of special interest are the following high fidelity patient that no patient simulator, no matter how technologically
simulators that are in wide use in anesthesiology residency advanced, can ever mimic the human body perfectly. It is
training programs around the world. important however to recognize these limitations and the
SimMan (Laerdal, Stavanger, Norway) is an advanced
differences and limitations of the simulators should be given
patient simulator that has a realistic airway, allows vascular due consideration during the debriefing process.
access with pharmacological drug recognition system, and
can even display neurological or physiological symptoms 6. Finding the Balance between High versus
such as seizures and tears. Teatherless operation allows the
educators to monitor the performance of the trainees remo-
Low Fidelity
tely through a variety of clinical scenarios. SimMan is capable The fidelity of a simulator is the degree to which the simulator
of simulating normal and difficult airways and also testing of replicates the real environment [43]. High fidelity mannequin
airway equipment. simulator imitates human physiology and anatomy as real-
HAL® Patient Simulator (Gaumard, Miami, Florida, USA) istically as possible, compared to a low fidelity CPR model.
is another similar high fidelity simulator in use today [36]. It It is often assumed that the high fidelity simulator gives a
boasts programmable airway, realistic vital signs, and blood richer training experience. However, this might not always
pressure and allows performance of tracheostomy or needle be true. This also depends on a large part of the objective
cricothyrotomy [37]. the educators are trying to achieve. This was shown by
METI-Human Patient Simulator (CAE Healthcare®, Sara- Nyssen and colleagues when they compared effectiveness
sota, Florida) has a very detailed cardiovascular, respiratory, of computer screen-based simulators and effectiveness of
neurological, and pharmacological modeling and claims to mannequin-based simulators [44].
accurately represent complex critical care and drug inter- Chandra and colleagues studied the effectiveness of a low
action scenarios [36]. Different add-ons of Human Patient fidelity versus high fidelity fiber optic intubation training
Simulator (HPS) allow for simulation of central venous can- model. There was no significant difference between the low
nulation [38] and arterial cannulation. fidelity (𝑛 = 14) and high fidelity (𝑛 = 14) model groups
Several studies have tried to determine the accuracy of when comparing the global rating scale, checklist, time,
these high fidelity simulators. Lejus et al. [39] evaluated the and success at achieving tracheal intubation [45]. Similarly
accuracy of the METI-Human Patient Simulator during oxy- Friedman et al. did not find any advantage of using HFS
gen administration and apnea maneuvers. They found that on pediatric residents’ airway management and intubation
O2 pulse saturation (Spo2) on HPS decreased much later when skills when compared to low fidelity model. Other studies
compared to human subjects, regardless of preoxygenation. [46] evaluated the effect of training on high fidelity versus
Schebesta et al. [40] evaluated the upper airway anatomy of training on low fidelity epidural simulators on the residents’
four high fidelity patient simulators and two airway trainers performance. Two blinded observers graded the videotaped
in comparison with actual patients (𝑛 = 20) by means of CT performance of residents performing epidural anesthesia on
scan. The METI-HPS (METI®, Sarasota, FL) was found to be patients. No significant difference could be found between
the most realistic high fidelity patient simulator with regard to the group that was trained on high fidelity simulator and the
accuracy of airway parameters (6/19 [32%] of all parameters group that was trained on low fidelity simulator. A recent
were within the 95% CI of human airway measurements). meta-analysis of 14 studies looking at the benefit of using high
Hesselfeldt et al. [41] concluded that SimMan patient simula- fidelity model for advanced life support training showed no
tor was “acceptably realistic” for simulating mask ventilation, significant improvement over low fidelity models with regard
laryngeal mask insertion (LMA), and endotracheal intuba- to either the skills or the knowledge [47].
tion. They did however point out some of the shortcomings Although most of these studies evaluating low fidelity
of SimMan such as difficulty in maintaining a mask seal and versus high fidelity simulation training are small, low-
the shortened distance from teeth to the vallecula. powered studies and their results should be interpreted as
Anesthesiology Research and Practice 5

such; however, it seems that under certain circumstances outside the OR [56]. Several studies have evaluated the FOI
the benefits of simulations can be reaped by using a more simulation training.
economical approach. Even anesthesiology residency pro- Nilsson et al. [57] studied 23 anesthesia residents in a
gram with financial constraints can employ low-cost, low randomized controlled study to evaluate simulation-based
to moderate fidelity solutions and still achieve comparable training in FOI. They tried to determine the optimal structure
results. Anesthesia departments across the world are trying of training, that is, dividing the training either into segments
to experiment with low-cost, high fidelity model. Hartwell et (part-task training) or at once (whole-task training). Res-
al. [48] described how they fashioned such a machine in New idents were allocated randomly to receive either part-task
Zealand using biomedical calibration machines and modified or whole-task training of FOI on virtual reality simulators.
basic manikins already available in the institution. Procedures were subsequently evaluated on a mannequin.
In the future, the more expensive, high fidelity simulators They were then compared to experienced anesthesiologists
should be compared with the more economical low fidelity who had no prior such training. They found that a positive
simulators and a cost to benefits ratio should be calculated learning effect was observed in both the part-task training
to see if they provide any real advantage over the already group and the whole-task training group and that part-task
available simulation devices. The key is to use the appropriate versus whole-task training did not seem to make a difference
fidelity model based on the expected educational and learn- (𝑃 = 0.61).
ing objectives [49]. In a recent meta-analysis of advanced airway manage-
ment simulation training, Kennedy et al. [58] evaluated 76
7. Simulation in Airway Management observational studies and trials (total: 5,226 participants).
Simulation training was compared with both no intervention
Difficult airway management is one of the primary challenges and nonsimulation intervention. Simulation studies com-
and most important patient safety issue in the practice of pared with no intervention showed a benefit of simulation
anesthesiology. It is the leading cause of death and legal rami- in improving knowledge and skills, but not in behavioral
fications in anesthesiology [50, 51]. It is vital that anes- or patient outcomes. Simulation compared with nonsimu-
thesiology residents receive the best possible training in lation interventions showed increased learner satisfaction
airway management. Airway management is primarily a psy- and improved skills and patient outcomes (in a very limited
chomotor skill; hence simulation training seems a very suit- number of studies, 𝑛 = 3) but not knowledge. However this
able way to teach such skills [52]. meta-analysis was subject to heterogeneity and variation
ASA has published algorithms on management of difficult among included studies.
airway [53]. In case of a “can’t intubate, can’t ventilate” (CICV)
scenario, transtracheal oxygenation and cricothyrotomy are 8. Simulation in Regional Anesthesia
the final options. But these are rarely practiced by physicians
in real life, yet every anesthesiologist should be extremely Over the past few decades, regional anesthesia has become
proficient in these lifesaving technique. Simulation training synonymous with the use of ultrasonography (US) [59].
is ideal way to teach anesthesia residents the hand-on skill of Simulation is an effective tool, proven to help anesthesiology
cricothyrotomy. This can be done either on high fidelity simu- residents get comfortable with the use of US in regional
lator with the replaceable/consumable trachea and skin or on anesthesia techniques. A study was carried out at University
cow cadavers. Hubert et al. [54] evaluated the effects of high of California at Irvine Medical Center (2014) to test the
fidelity cricothyrotomy simulation on compliance with diffi- effectiveness of US compared to traditional didactic lecture.
cult airway management algorithms and the technical skills of In this prospective, blinded trial, 20 anesthesiology residents
cricothyrotomy. 27 anesthesiology residents were recruited to were allocated to either traditional 90-minute one-on-one
the study. The participants took a “preintervention simulation didactic lecture or a 90-minute training in a simulation center
test” based on CICV scenario simulator in which only 63% to learn the same topic. No differences were noted between
of the residents adhered to airway management guidelines. the two groups in prelecture test scores (𝑃 = 0.97). The
The residents were taught the principles of difficult airway simulation group however showed higher scores on both the
management in a 2-day seminar including hands-on training postlecture multiple choice (𝑃 = 0.038) and postlecture
on a task trainer. Postintervention tests which were done human-model examinations (𝑃 = 0.041) as well as a greater
randomly at 3, 6, or 12 months after the simulation training overall interest in perioperative ultrasound (𝑃 = 0.047) [60].
session showed that 100% of the residents adhered to the Woodworth and his colleagues designed a similar, single
guidelines and there was improvement of duration and tech- center, prospective study in which 29 participants were ran-
nical quality of the cricothyrotomy. A similar earlier study by domized to either simulation group in which teaching video
Boet et al. [55] showed similar results and a retention of skills with interactive software simulation was used or control group
when tested a year later. It is interesting to note the retention in which sham video was used. Participants were tested before
of complex psychomotor skills acquired through simulation. and after simulation training, on their ability to identify
Fiberoptic orotracheal intubation (FOI) is a complex anatomic structures on US images, as well as their ability to
psychomotor skill indispensable to the practice of anesthe- locate the sciatic nerve with US on live models. A 25-minute
siology. However residents often have a limited experience to instructional video and a software based interactive simula-
practice FOI on real patients. Simulation can cover this gap tion considerably improved knowledge of US anatomy of the
in training. It is known that FOI intubation skill can be learnt sciatic nerve; however there was no significant improvement
6 Anesthesiology Research and Practice

in the live US scanning skills [61]. While the study had several scores remained almost at the same level 8 months later
limitations including lack of a validated assessment tool for showing long term retention of simulation acquired skills.
US image interpretation skills and small sample size, it is Similarly, another study by Scavone at al. testing the effec-
interesting to note that the improvement in knowledge did tiveness of focused simulation-based training on emergency
not directly translate into improved skills in ultrasonography. obstetric anesthesia showed encouraging results. Residents
Niazi et al. [62] observed that an hour long simulation exposed to the simulation group showed higher objective
training on needling and proper hand-eye coordination scores in the preoperative assessment, equipment availability
improved subsequent clinical block success. Several other check, and intraoperative management and higher score
studies have demonstrated an objective improvement in US overall as compared to the control group [77]. This study
skills in UGRA after simulation training [63–65]. shows a clear advantage of obstetric anesthesia simulation
Simulation has been proven as a helpful tool not only in training on clinical performance but further studies in the
teaching adult USRA but also for teaching pediatric USRA. A field should explore the advantage of simulation training on
novel curriculum with integrated simulation model for teach- residents’ performance on actual patient.
ing and evaluating UGRA skills in pediatric anesthesia fel- In addition to helping with technical skills training, simu-
lows showed promising results. Over the course of academic lation is the ideal environment to teach essential skills needed
year, cognitive UGRA-related skills of trainees improved to function as a team such as communication behaviors,
from baseline results of 53% to 79% at 12 months [66]. All leadership skills, collaboration, and role clarity [70]. Obstetric
this recent literature shows a benefit of integrating simulation crisis is the ideal platform for team training exercises because
training for improving the knowledge base and to a lim- of the acuity of the medical conditions, the interplay of differ-
ited extent the psychomotor skills involved in UGRA. The ent medical personal involved, and the importance of timely
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine communication [78]. Several authors have studied the role of
(ASRA) and European Society of Regional Anesthesia and simulation in refining team work skills [79, 80]. They found
Pain Therapy (ESRA) have published joint committee guide- that simulated obstetric emergency was perceived positively
lines for training in UGRA. These guidelines encourage the by the participants and it caused a measureable performance
use of simulators and phantom models in UGRA training improvement in the simulated environment; however it is not
[67]. However more research is certainly needed to optimize known if that translates into actual clinical performance.
the use of simulation in regional anesthesia training [68]. There has been a lot of recent interest in the use of sim-
ulation in obstetric anesthesiology as evident by literature. In
addition to some of the above studies, there have been several
9. Simulation in Obstetric Anesthesia reviews [69, 70, 81] on the topic as well as instructional articles
[82, 83] that guide how to best perform specific simulation
Obstetric floor can be a challenging environment for many in obstetric anesthesiology. Recently specific “task trainers”
anesthesiology residents. The anesthesiology residents have for spinal anesthesia [84] and epidural anesthesia [85] have
to hone their skills in a short duration of time, in a high risk been described, albeit not perfect. Future models of these
setting. Thus like other anesthesiology subspecialties, sim- specific task trainers can build upon the experience gained
ulation provides the perfect training ground. There are four and make improvements in the construction that can improve
broad uses of simulation in obstetric anesthesia: improve- the validity of the training as compared to actual human
ment of technical skills, nontechnical or teamwork skills, anatomy and physiology.
individual clinical competence, and the safety of the clinical
environment [69, 70]. Technical skills such as epidural anes-
thesia and estimating volume of blood loss [71, 72] can be 10. Simulation in Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
effectively taught via the use of simulation. Similarly video- With the recent technological and research advances, car-
taped simulation sessions can be used to teach team commu- diothoracic and vascular anesthesia is becoming increasingly
nication skills [73]. complex. Trainees have to learn intricate skills in a short
The volume of cesarean deliveries done under general period of time. Simulation allows them repeatedly to practice
anesthesia (GA) has significantly diminished over the past such skills and management of complex cases in a low-stress
few decades. Educators have advocated to use simulation environment without putting actual patients in harm’s way.
training to fill this gap in training of the residents [74]. Simulation is certainly a valuable addendum to the routine
Scavone et al. [75] described a standardized scoring sys- training in cardiothoracic anesthesia [86].
tem for objective assessment of residents’ performance of GA In addition to the high fidelity patient simulators men-
for emergency cesarean delivery on high fidelity simulator tioned above, there are several simulation devices available
(HPS). This tool was found to be both reliable and valid. Using in cardiothoracic (CT) anesthesia. These function either as
this scoring system Ortner et al. [76] compared 24 residents to stand-alone devices or as an add-on to HFS. These include
obstetric anesthesia attending physicians. The residents were devices to practice skills such as central venous line cannula-
exposed to repeated simulation-based training programs to tion such as Lifeform Central Venous Cannulation Simulator
perform GA for emergent cesarean delivery, over the course (Nasco, Ft. Atkinson, WI) and the Louisville Central Venous
of 8-week obstetric anesthesia rotation. The residents showed Cannulation Simulator [38]. Similarly there are devices to
a measurable improvement in performance. It was also simulate arterial cannulation which are constructed from
interesting to note that the objectively measured performance molded plastic or latex with a rubber tubing placed within
Anesthesiology Research and Practice 7

the artificial limb and also have a mechanism for gener- skills, and team management [100]. While these skills are
ating “arterial pulsation” (either with a manually squeezed not necessarily acquired through routine clinical training, yet
or electronic pump) [87]. While these devices can only these are important for an anesthesiology resident to learn
approximate normal anatomy, but nonetheless they are useful these skills. Nontechnical skills can be improved by the use
for teaching the actual procedural steps in cannulation, the of patient actors and videotaped encounters can be used to
interpretation of the data derived from the monitor, and evaluate, analyze, and give feedback of any communications
any simulated complications. Another interesting device, training or intervention [73, 101]. However, compared to
although not commercially available, is Sydney Perfusion other medical specialties, anesthesiology relies less on the use
Simulator (Ulco Engineering, Marrickville, Australia). It is a of “standardized patients” due to the intrinsic nature of the
software-controlled, electrically driven hydraulic device. It anesthesiology and difficulty in arranging and training the so-
was developed to reduce the incidence of serious errors in the called patient actors [102].
use of cardiopulmonary bypass [88]. Howard and colleagues described the anesthesia crisis
Bronchoscopy is a useful skill for anesthesiologists when management training which they called “Anesthesia Crisis
dealing with complex cases involving difficult airway and Resource Management” (ACRM) based on Crew Resource
lung isolation and when working in critical care unit. It is Management (CRM) used in the aviation industry for crisis
therefore necessary that an anesthesiologist should be ade- situation [32]. The participants were given didactic instruc-
quately skilled at bronchoscopy. In addition to the cognitive tions on the relevant topic before the simulation experience
ability, excellent manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination in the actual OR. This simulation was videotaped and used
are needed to get meaningful results from a bronchoscopy in the debriefing session. The idea is to put the resident in an
[89]. Simulation training is the ideal means to practice actual OR setting and the actions are observed from another
these skills. Bronchoscopy simulators vary in design from room, as not to become part of the scenario. There was an
simple nonanatomical box trainers [90, 91] to virtual reality- objective improvement in knowledge about anesthesia crisis
based bronchoscopy simulators [92]. Several studies have management after the first course (but not the second course).
shown the benefits of using a simulation-based bronchoscopy This was the first time nontechnical aspects of anesthesiology
curriculum [93–95]. The choice of the bronchoscopy trainer were thoroughly analyzed in regard to a simulated situation.
used depends upon the desired learning objectives. The principles of ARCM have been taken up by other centers
In the ever-changing landscape of anesthesiology, where around the country and internationally in countries such as
the anesthesiologists are assuming the role of perioperative Canada [103], UK [104], Germany [105], and New Zealand
physicians, the utilization of transesophageal echocardiog- [106].
raphy (TEE) and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is Since then several studies have described how the use of
increasing. Simulation is a helpful way to teach basic concept patient mannequins and HFS can build essential nontechni-
of TEE. It has been shown to improve cognitive skills like cal skills such as team work. Yee et al. [6] have described how
normal echocardiographic anatomy, structure identification, only a single session of training on high fidelity mannequin
and image acquisition [96, 97]. In a recent study Ferrero et simulator improved the nontechnical skills of anesthesia
al. [98] showed how mannequin-based TEE simulation train- residents as measured by the standardized Anesthetists’ Non-
ing allowed residents to obtain significantly higher-quality technical Skills (ANTS) system. Paige et al. [107] conducted a
images, compared to control group who received conven- small scale pilot study to understand the effects of high fidelity
tional didactic training in TEE. Over the past few years, simulation-based, interdisciplinary operating room training
several studies have evaluated the validity of echocardio- on team communication skills and crisis-related teamwork.
graphic simulation devices with overwhelmingly positive Majority of participants self-reported it as a useful experience
results. In a similar randomized study design, Neelankavil that will change their clinical practice. In another study, the
et al. [99] showed how anesthesiology residents showed results objectively showed an improvement of self-efficacy
better cognitive appreciation of transthoracic echocardiog-
for effective teamwork performance in everyday practice [108].
raphy (TTE) when trained on TTE Simulator (Heartworks,
However these studies depended on self-reporting, which is
Inventive Medical Ltd.), compared to control.
subject to inherent bias and therefore should be interpreted
All these studies do show an advantage in using simu-
with reasonable degree of caution.
lation in CT anesthesia, although more research is certainly
needed to explore this topic further. It seems likely that sim-
ulation training will continue to integrate itself in cardio- 12. Translation of Simulation Training into
thoracic anesthesiology training alongside the conventional Patient Outcomes
The current level of evidence supports the use of simulation
techniques in the training of anesthesiologists. Simulation
11. Teaching Nontechnical Skills Using training is known to increase not only self-reported confi-
Simulation in Anesthesiology dence [107, 108] but clinical performance as well [109]. It is
reasonable to hypothesize that the results of improved clinical
Recently there has been a lot of interest in using simulation performance would reflect as improved patient outcomes.
to teach and evaluate nontechnical skills. Nontechnical skills However despite all the interest and recent attention to the
encompass skills such as communication skills, interpersonal use of simulation in anesthesiology, very few studies have
8 Anesthesiology Research and Practice

been able to link simulation training to improved patient out- research should be directed to optimize the use of simulation
comes [110]. Zendejas and colleagues analyzed more than 50 in anesthesiology residency. This can be done by fine-tuning
studies in a systemic review but they found that simulation- the simulation process by answering questions such as how
based education was only associated with small to mod- often should simulation scenario be practiced, what kind of
erate, nonstatistically significant patient benefits compared simulation devices should be used to achieve a particular
to nonsimulation instruction [111]. More Recently, Lorello learning outcomes, and what is the best possible method of
et al. [112] carried out a meta-analysis and systemic review debriefing after a simulation [4]. The use of simulation in
of 77 anesthesiology simulation studies (6066 participants). an anesthesiology department requires considerable faculty
They compared simulation with no intervention (52 studies) development, yet such programs are poorly defined. Future
and nonsimulation instruction (11 studies). They found that research should identify the best way to approach this issue
simulation in anesthesiology was more effective than no while giving due consideration to curriculum integration,
intervention (except for patient outcomes) and noninferior clearly defined learning outcomes, and reliance on feedback
to nonsimulation instruction. [118]. Identification of the limitations of using simulation-
Even though the cost of maintaining an anesthesiology based training and identifying situations where it would
simulation lab has significantly reduced through the years, it be better to resort to traditional didactic methods still
is still a considerable burden on a very cost-conscious system. remains to be defined. Over the last few years there has
In addition to the cost there is also the need for training been an increased interest in team based simulation training
faculty and auxiliary staff. A recent study surveyed the radi- particularly interdisciplinary simulation training. However,
ology residency program directors to determine the factors there is no definite evidence showing the benefits.
influencing the use of high fidelity simulation at a training Efforts should also be directed at translating the current
program. The most common reasons cited for not utilizing a and future research into clinical practice. Future research
high fidelity simulation in radiology residency training pro- should be directed at establishing a definite relationship
grams were insufficient availability (41%) and cost (33%) [113]. between simulation training in anesthesiology and improved
As of 2010 the American Board of Anesthesiology patient outcomes. In order to prove improved patient out-
requires at least one simulated clinical experience per year, comes, long term, randomized, interventional studies are
although most residency programs in United States have a needed. This is necessary if residency programs and insti-
number much higher than this [114]. Likewise one stimulated tutions are to secure financial support for the rather costly
experience is required every ten years for maintenance for simulation infrastructure in a cost-conscious healthcare sys-
certification examination in anesthesiology (MOCA). The tem. In summary, the use of simulation in anesthesiology is
MOCA simulation course focuses not only on the medical evolving rapidly and integrating deeply into the anesthesia
and technical management of challenging clinical events curricula, and it seems likely it will continue to do so over
but also on nontechnical skills of dynamic decision making the coming years.
and team management [115]. A review of 583 participants
from first 2 years of MOCA simulation revealed that all
participants (100%) agreed that this was a positive learning Conflict of Interests
experience while as many as 94% of the participants agreed/ The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
strongly agreed that this MOCA simulation learning experi- regarding the publication of this paper.
ence will change their practice [116].
The cost of implementing simulation training in anesthe-
siology must be justified by demonstrable improvement in References
patients’ outcomes. Even so, the use of simulation in anesthe-
siology continues to grow as evident by literature; there have [1] R. L. Helmreich and J. M. Davies, “Anaesthetic simulation and
lessons to be learned from aviation,” Canadian Journal of Anaes-
been more publications on this topic in the past decade than
thesia, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 907–912, 1997.
in the entire century before it. There is little doubt that the
use of simulation in education will continue to grow in future. [2] R. L. Helmreich, “On error management: lessons from aviation,”
David M. Gaba, the authority on anesthesiology simulation, British Medical Journal, vol. 320, no. 7237, pp. 781–785, 2000.
has summarized this notion impeccably: “No industry in [3] J. Bent and K. Chan, “Flight training and simulation as safety
which human lives depend on the skilled performance of generators,” in Human Factors in Aviation, chapter 10, pp. 293–
responsible operators has waited for the unequivocal proof 334, Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pa, USA, 2nd edition, 2010.
of the benefit of simulation before embracing it” [117]. [4] V. R. Leblanc, “Review article: simulation in anesthesia: state
of the science and looking forward,” Canadian Journal of
Anesthesia, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 193–202, 2012.
13. Future of Simulation in Anesthesiology
[5] D. J. Murray, “Current trends in simulation training in anesthe-
Even though the use of simulation in anesthesiology is still sia: a review,” Minerva Anestesiologica, vol. 77, no. 5, pp. 528–533,
a relatively new and novel development, most of the anes- 2011.
thesiology residency programs in US have some kind of [6] B. Yee, V. N. Naik, H. S. Joo et al., “Nontechnical skills in
simulation training model available. The question is not if the anesthesia crisis management with repeated exposure to sim-
simulators will continue to be used in training of future ulation-based education,” Anesthesiology, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 241–
anesthesiologist but how the simulators will be used. Future 248, 2005.

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