Principles of Neural Information Theory

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Principles of Neural Information Theory

Principles of Neural Information Theory

Principles of NeuraI
The brain is the most complex computational machine known to
science, even though its components (neurons) are slow and
unreliable compared to a laptop computer. In this richly
illustrated book, Shannon's mathematical theory of information
is used to explore the metabolic efficiency of neurons, with
special reference to visual perception. Evidence from a diverse Information Theory
range of research papers is used to show how information
theory defines absolute limits on neural efficiency; limits which Computational Neuroscience
determine the neuroanatomical microstructure of the eye and
brain. Written in an informal style, with a comprehensive and Metabolic Efficiency
glossary, tutorial appendices, explainer boxes, and a list of
annotated Further Readings, this book is an ideal introduction to James V Stone
cutting-edge research in neural information theory.

Dr James V Stone is an Honorary Reader in Vision and

Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sheffield,

Books by James V Stone

Deep Neural Networks

Information Theory: A Tutorial Introduction

Bayes’ Rule: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis

Vision and Brain: How We Perceive the World

Seeing (with J Frisby)

Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial Introduction

Sebtel Press
A Tutorial Introduction Book
Principles of Neural
Information Theory
Computational Neuroscience and

Metabolic Efficiency

James V Stone
Title: Principles of Neural Information Theory
Computational Neuroscience and Metabolic Efficiency

Author: James V Stone

c 2018 Sebtel Press

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form without written permission from the author.
The author asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this
work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First Edition, 2018.

Typeset in LATEX 2" .
First printing.
File: main NeuralInfoTheory v44.tex.

ISBN 978-0-9933679-2-2

Cover based on photograph of Purkinje cell from mouse cerebellum

injected with Lucifer Yellow. Courtesy of National Center for
Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California.
For Fleur
1. In the Light of Evolution 1
1.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. All That We See . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3. In the Light of Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4. In Search of General Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5. Information Theory and Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6. An Overview of Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. Information Theory 9
2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2. Finding a Route, Bit by Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3. Information and Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4. Maximum Entropy Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5. Channel Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.6. Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.7. The Gaussian Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.8. Fourier Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.9. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3. Measuring Neural Information 27

3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2. The Neuron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3. Why Spikes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4. Neural Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.5. Gaussian Firing Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.6. Information About What? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.7. Does Timing Precision Matter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.8. Rate Codes and Timing Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.9. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4. Pricing Neural Information 43

4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.2. The Efficiency-Rate Trade O↵ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.3. Paying With Spikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.4. Paying With Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5. Paying With Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.6. Optimal Axon Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.7. Optimal Distribution of Axon Diameters . . . . . . . . . 53
4.8. Axon Diameter and Spike Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.9. Optimal Mean Firing Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.10. Optimal Distribution of Firing Rates . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.11. Optimal Synaptic Conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.12. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5. Encoding Colour 63
5.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.2. The Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.3. How Aftere↵ects Occur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.4. The Problem With Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.5. A Neural Encoding Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.6. Encoding Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.7. Why Aftere↵ects Occur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.8. Measuring Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.9. Maximising Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.10. Principal Component Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.11. PCA and Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.12. Evidence for Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.13. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

6. Encoding Time 91
6.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.2. Linear Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.3. Neurons and Wine Glasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.4. The LNP Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.5. Estimating LNP Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.6. The Predictive Coding Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
6.7. Estimating Predictive Coding Parameters . . . . . . . . 113
6.8. Evidence for Predictive Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.9. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

7. Encoding Space 119

7.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.2. Spatial Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
7.3. Do Ganglion Cells Decorrelate Images? . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.4. Optimal Receptive Fields: Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 127
7.5. Receptive Fields and Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
7.6. Measuring Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
7.7. Maximising Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
7.8. van Hateren’s Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
7.9. Predictive Coding of Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
7.10. Evidence For Predictive Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
7.11. Is Receptive Field Spacing Optimal? . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7.12. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8. Encoding Visual Contrast 149
8.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
8.2. The Compound Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
8.3. Not Wasting Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
8.4. Measuring the Eye’s Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
8.5. Maximum Entropy Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8.6. Evidence For Maximum Entropy Coding . . . . . . . . . 161
8.7. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

9. The Neural Rubicon 163

9.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
9.2. The Darwinian Cost of Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
9.3. Crossing the Neural Rubicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Further Reading 167


A. Glossary 169

B. Mathematical Symbols 173

C. Correlation and Independence 177

D. A Vector Matrix Tutorial 179

E. Neural Information Methods 183

F. Key Equations 189

References 191

Index 197

Who Should Read This Book? Principles of Neural Information

Theory is intended for those who wish to understand how the
fundamental ingredients of inert matter, energy and information
have been forged by evolution to produce a particularly efficient
computational machine, the brain. Understanding how the elements
of this triumvirate are related demands knowledge from a range
of academic disciplines, but principally biology and mathematics.
Accordingly, this book should be accessible to readers with a basic
scientific education. However, it should also be comprehensible to
any reader willing to undertake some serious background reading (see
Further Reading). As Einstein said: Most of the fundamental ideas of
science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a
language comprehensible to everyone.

General Principles. Some scientists consider the brain to be a

collection of heuristics or ‘hacks’, accumulated over the course of
evolution. Others think that the brain relies on a small number of
general principles, which underpin the diverse systems within the brain.
This book provides a rigorous account of how Shannon’s mathematical
theory of information can be used to test one such principle, metabolic
efficiency, with special reference to visual perception.
From Words to Mathematics. The methods used to explore
metabolic efficiency lie in the realms of mathematical modelling.
Mathematical models demand a precision unattainable with purely
verbal accounts of brain function. With this precision, comes an equally
precise quantitative predictive power. In contrast, the predictions of
purely verbal models can be vague, and this vagueness also makes
them virtually indestructible, because predictive failures can often be
explained away. No such luxury exists for mathematical models. In
this respect, mathematical models are easy to test, and if they are
weak models then they are easy to disprove. So, in the Darwinian
world of mathematical modelling, survivors tend to be few, but those
few tend to be supremely fit.
This is not to suggest that purely verbal models are always inferior.
Such models are a necessary first step in understanding. But
continually refining a verbal model into ever more rarefied forms is not
scientific progress. Eventually, a purely verbal model should evolve to
the point where it can be reformulated as a mathematical model, with
predictions that can be tested against measurable physical quantities.
Happily, most branches of neuroscience reached this state of scientific
maturity some time ago.
Signposts. Principles of Neural Information Theory describes the raw
science of neural information theory, un-fettered by the conventions
of standard textbooks. Accordingly, key concepts are introduced
informally, before being described mathematically.
However, such an informal style can easily be mis-interpreted as poor
scholarship, because informal writing is often sloppy writing. But the
way we write is usually only loosely related to the way we speak, when
giving a lecture, for example. A good lecture includes many asides
and hints about what is, and is not, important. In contrast, scientific
writing is usually formal, bereft of sign-posts about where the main
theoretical structures are to be found, and how to avoid the many
pitfalls which can mislead the unwary. So, unlike most textbooks, and
like the best lectures, this book is intended to be both informal and
rigorous, with prominent sign-posts as to where the main insights are
to be found, and many warnings about where they are not.
Originality. The scientific evidence presented here is derived from
research papers and books. Occasionally, facts are presented without
evidence, either because they are reasonably self-evident, or because
they can be found in standard texts. Consequently, the reader may
wonder if the ideas being presented were originated by the author. In
such cases, be re-assured that all of the material in this book is based
on research by other scientists. Indeed, like most books, Principles
of Neural Information Theory represents a synthesis of ideas from
many sources, but the general approach is inspired principally by these
texts: Vision (1981) 72 by Marr, Spikes (1997) 93 by Rieke, Warland, de
Ruyter van Steveninck and Bialek, Biophysics (2012) 16 by Bialek, and
Principles of Neural Design (2015) 109 by Sterling and Laughlin. Note
that the tutorial material in Chapter 2 of this book is based on the
author’s book Information Theory (2015) 112 .
In particular, Sterling and Laughlin pointed out that the amount of
physiological data being published each year contributes to a growing
Data Mountain, which far outstrips the ability of current theories to
make sense of those data. Accordingly, whilst this account is not
intended to be definitive, it is intended to provide another piton to
those established by Sterling and Laughlin on Data Mountain.
PowerPoint Slides of Figures. Most of the figures used in this book
can be downloaded from

Corrections. Please email corrections to [email protected].

A list of corrections can be found at

Acknowledgments. Shashank Vatedka deserves a special mention

for checking the mathematics in a final draft of this book. Thanks to
Caroline Orr for meticulous copy-editing and proofreading. Thanks to
John de Pledge, Royston Sellman, and Steve Snow for many discussions
on the role of information in biology, to Patrick Keating for advice
on the optics of photoreceptors, to Frederic Theunissen for advice
on measuring neural information, and to Mike Land for help with
disentangling neural superposition. Thanks also to Mikko Juusola
for discussions on information rates in the fly visual system, and to
Mike DeWeese for discussions of linear decodability. For reading either
individual or all chapters, I am very grateful to David Atwell, Horace
Barlow, Ilona Box, Julian Budd, Matthew Crosby, Nikki Hunkin,
Simon Laughlin, Raymond Lister, Danielle Matthews, Pasha Parpia,
Jenny Read, Jung-Tsung Shen, Tom Sta↵ord, Peter Sterling, Eleni
Vasilaki, Paul Warren and Stuart Wilson.

James V Stone, Sheffield, England, 2018.

To understand life, one has to understand not just the flow of
energy, but also the flow of information.

William Bialek, 2012.

Chapter 1

In the Light of Evolution

When we see, we are not interpreting the pattern of light intensity

that falls on our retina; we are interpreting the pattern of spikes
that the million cells of our optic nerve send to the brain.
Rieke, Warland, De Ruyter van Steveninck, and Bialek, 1997.

1.1. Introduction

Just as a bird cannot fly without obeying the laws of physics, so a brain
cannot function without obeying the laws of information. And, just as
the shape of a bird’s wing is determined by the laws of physics, so the
structure of a neuron is determined by the laws of information.
Neurons communicate information, and that is pretty much all that
they do. But neurons are extraordinarily expensive to make, maintain,
and use 63 . Half of a child’s energy budget, and a fifth of an adult’s
budget, is required just to keep the brain ticking over 105 (Figure 1.1).
For both children and adults, half the brain’s energy budget is used
for neuronal information processing, and the rest is used for basic
maintenance 8 . The high cost of using neurons accounts for the fact
that only 2-4% of them are active at any one time 65 . Given that
neurons are so expensive, we should be un-surprised to find that they
have evolved to process information efficiently.

1 In the Light of Evolution

1.2. All That We See

All that we see begins with an image formed on the eye’s retina (Figure
1.2). Initially, this image is recorded by 126 million photoreceptors
within the retina. The outputs of these photoreceptors are then re-
packaged or encoded, via a series of intermediate connections, into a
sequence of digital pulses or spikes, that travel through the one million
neurons of the optic nerve which connect the eye to the brain.
The fact that we see so well suggests that the retina must be
extraordinarily accurate when it encodes the image into spikes, and
the brain must be equally accurate when it decodes those spikes into
all that we see (Figure 1.3). But the eye and brain are not only good
at translating the world into spikes, and spikes into perception, they
are also efficient at transmitting information from the eye to the brain.
Precisely how efficient, is the subject of this book.

1.3. In the Light of Evolution

In 1973, the evolutionary biologist Dobzhansky famously wrote:

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. But
evolution has to operate within limits set by the laws of physics, and
(as we shall see) the laws of information.

(a) (b)
Figure 1.1. a) The human brain weighs 1300g, contains about 1010 neurons,
and consumes 12 Watts of power. The outer surface seen here is the neocortex.
b) Each neuron (plus its support structures) therefore accounts for an average
of 1200pJ/s (1pJ/s = 10 12 J/s). From Wikimedia Commons.

1.3. In the Light of Evolution

In the context of the Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution, it seems

self-evident that neurons should be efficient. But, in order to formalise
the notion of efficiency, we need a rigorous definition of Darwinian
fitness. Even though fitness can be measured in terms of the number of
o↵spring an animal manages to raise to sexual maturity, the connection
between neural computation and fitness is difficult to define. In the
absence of such a definition, we consider quantities which can act as a
plausible proxy for fitness. One such proxy, with a long track record in
neuroscience, involves information, which is measured in units of bits.
The amount of information an animal can gather from its
environment is related to fitness because information in the form of
sight, sound and scent ultimately provides food, mates and shelter.
However, information comes at a price, paid in neuronal infrastructure
and energy. So animals want information, but they want that
information at a price that will increase their fitness. This means that
animals usually want cheap information.
It is often said that there is no such thing as a free lunch, which
is as true in Nature as it is in New York. If an animal demands
that a neuron delivers information at a high rate then the laws
of information dictate that the price per bit will be high; a price
that is paid in Joules. However, sometimes information is worth
having even if it is expensive. For example, knowing how to throw a
spear at a fast-moving animal depends on high-precision sensory-motor
feedback, which requires neurons capable of processing large amounts
of information rapidly. If these neurons take full advantage of their
potential for transmitting information then they are said to have a high




Figure 1.2. Cross section of eye. Modified from Wikimedia Commons.

1 In the Light of Evolution

coding efficiency (even if the energy cost per bit is large). Conversely,
if a task is not time-critical then each neuron can deliver information
at a low rate. The laws of information dictate that if information rates
are low then the cost per bit can be low, so low information rates can
be achieved with high metabolic efficiency 66;109 . Both coding efficiency
and metabolic efficiency are defined formally in Chapters 3 and 4.
The idea of coding efficiency has been enshrined as the efficient
coding hypothesis. This hypothesis has been interpreted in a various
ways, but, in essence, it assumes that neurons encode sensory data
to transmit as much information as possible 82 . The efficient coding
hypothesis has been championed over many years by Horace Barlow
(1959) 13 , amongst others (e.g. Attneave (1954) 7 , Atick, 1992) 3 ),
and has had a substantial influence on computational neuroscience.
However, accumulating evidence, summarised in this text, suggests that
metabolic efficiency, rather than coding efficiency, may be the dominant
influence on the evolution of neural systems.
We should note that there are a number of di↵erent computational
models which collectively fall under the umbrella term ‘efficient coding’.
The results of applying the methods associated with these models tend
to be similar 93 , even though the methods are di↵erent. These methods
include sparse coding 41 , principal component analysis, independent
component analysis 15;110 , information maximisation (infomax) 67 ,
redundancy reduction 5 , and predictive coding 90;107 .

Response (spikes)



200Luminance 400 600 800 1000
Time (ms)
200 400 600 800 1000
Time (ms)
Time (ms)
Figure 1.3. Encoding and decoding (schematic). A rapidly changing
luminance (bold curve in b) is encoded as a spike train (a), which is decoded
to estimate the luminance (thin curve in b). See Chapters 6 and ??.

1.4. In Search of General Principles

1.4. In Search of General Principles

The test of a theory is not just whether or not it explains a body of

data, but also how complex the theory is in relation to the complexity
of the data being explained. Clearly, if a theory is, in some sense,
more convoluted than the phenomena it explains then it is not much
of a theory. This is why we favour theories that account for a vast
range of phenomena with the minimum of words or equations. A prime
example of a parsimonious theory is Newton’s theory of gravitation,
which explains (amongst other things) how a ball falls to Earth, how
atmospheric pressure varies with height above the Earth, and how the
Earth orbits the Sun. In essence, we favour theories which rely on a
general principle to explain a diverse range of physical phenomena.
However, even a theory based on general principles is of little use
if it is too vague to be tested rigorously. Accordingly, if we want to
understand how the brain works then we need more than a theory
which is expressed in mere words. For example, if the theory of
gravitation were stated only in words then we could say that each planet
has an approximately circular orbit, but we would have to use many
words to prove precisely why each orbit must be elliptical, and to state
exactly how elliptical each orbit is. In contrast, a few equations express
these facts exactly, and without ambiguity. Thus, whereas words are
required to provide theoretical context, mathematics imposes a degree
of precision which is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to achieve
with words alone. To quote Galileo Galilei (1623)

The universe is written in this grand book, which stands continually

open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns
to comprehend the language in which it is written. It is written in
the language of mathematics, without which it is humanly impossible
to understand a single word of it.

In the spirit of Galileo’s recommendation, we begin with an

introduction to the mathematics of information theory in Chapter 2.

1 In the Light of Evolution

1.5. Information Theory and Biology

Claude Shannon’s theory of communication 100 (1948), heralded a

transformation in our understanding of information. Before 1948,
information was regarded as a kind of miasmic fluid. But afterwards,
it became apparent that information is a well-defined and, above all,
measurable quantity. Since that time, it has become increasingly
apparent that information, and the energy cost of information, imposes
fundamental limits on the form and function of biological mechanisms.
Shannon’s theory provides a mathematical definition of information,
and describes precisely how much information can be communicated
between di↵erent elements of a system. This may not sound like much,
but Shannon’s theory underpins our understanding of why there are
definite limits to the rate at which information can be processed within
any system, whether man-made or biological.
Information theory does not place any conditions on what type of
mechanism processes information in order to achive a given objective.
In other words, information theory does not specify how any biological
function, such as vision, is implemented, but it does set fundamental
limits on what is achievable by any physical mechanisms within any
visual system.
The distinction between a function and the mechanism which
implements that function is a cornerstone of David Marr’s (1982) 72
computational theory of vision. Marr stressed the need to consider
physiological findings in the context of computational models, and his
approach is epitomised in a single quote:

Trying to understand perception by studying only neurons is like

trying to understand bird flight by studying only feathers: It just
cannot be done.

Even though Marr did not address the role of information theory
directly, his analytic approach has served as a source of inspiration,
not only for this book, but also for much of the progress made within
computational neuroscience.

1.6. An Overview of Chapters

1.6. An Overview of Chapters

Note that the following section contains technical terms which are
explained fully in the relevant chapters, and in the Glossary.
To fully appreciate the importance of information theory for neural
computation, some familiarity with the basic elements of information
theory is required; these elements are presented in Chapter 2 (which
can be skipped on a first reading of the book). In Chapter 3, we use
information theory to estimate the amount of information in the output
of a spiking neuron, and also to estimate how much of this information
(i.e. mutual information) is related to the neuron’s input. This leads to
an analysis of the nature of the neural code; specifically, whether it is a
rate code or a spike timing code. We also consider how often a neuron
should produce a spike so that each spike conveys as much information
as possible, and we discover that the answer involves a vital property
of efficient communication (i.e. linear decodability).
In Chapter 4, we discover that one of the consequences of information
theory (specifically, Shannon’s noisy coding theorem) is that the cost
of information rises inexorably and disproportionately with information
rate. We consider empirical results which suggest that this steep rise
accounts for physiological values of axon diameter, the distribution of
axon diameters, mean firing rate, and synaptic conductance; values
which appear to be ‘tuned’ to minimise the cost of information.
In Chapter 5, we consider how the correlations between the outputs
of photoreceptors sensitive to similar colours threaten to reduce
information rates, and how this can be ameliorated by synaptic pre-
processing in the retina. This pre-processing makes efficient use of the
available neuronal infrastructure to maximise information rates, which
explains not only how, but also why, there is a red-green aftere↵ect,
but no red-blue aftere↵ect. A more formal account involves using
principal component analysis to estimate the synaptic connections
which maximise neuronal information throughput.
In Chapter 6, the lessons learned so far are applied to the problem
of encoding time-varying visual inputs. We explore how a standard
(LNP) neuron model can be used as a model of physiological neurons.
We then introduce a model based on predictive coding, which yields

1 In the Light of Evolution

similar results to the LNP model, and we consider how predictive

coding represents a biologically plausible model of visual processing.
In Chapter 7, we consider how information theory predicts the
receptive field structures of visually responsive neurons (e.g. retinal
ganglion cells) across a range of luminance conditions. In particular,
we explore how information theory and Fourier analysis can be used
to predict receptive field structures in the context of van Hateren’s
model of visual processing. Evidence is presented that, under certain
circumstances, these receptive field structures can also be obtained
using predictive coding. We also explore how the size of receptive fields
a↵ects the amount of information they transmit, and the optimal size
predicted by information theory is found to match that of physiological
receptive fields.
Once colour, temporal and spatial structure has been encoded by a
neuron, the resultant signals must pass through the neuron’s non-linear
input/output (transfer) function. Accordingly, Chapter 8 explores the
findings of a classic paper by Simon Laughlin (1981) 60 , which predicts
the precise form that this transfer function should adopt in order to
maximise information throughput; a form which seems to match the
transfer function found in visual neurons.
A fundamental tenet of the computational approach adopted in
this text is that, within each chapter, we explore particular neuronal
mechanisms, how they work, and (most importantly) why they work
in the way they do. Accordingly, each chapter evaluates evidence that
the design of neural mechanisms is determined largely by the need to
process information efficiently.

Chapter 2

Information Theory

A basic idea in information theory is that information can be treated

very much like a physical quantity, such as mass or energy.
C Shannon, 1985.

2.1. Introduction

Every image formed on the retina, and every sound that reaches the
ear is sensory data, which contains information about some aspect of
the world. The limits on an animal’s ability to capture information
from the environment depends on packaging (encoding) sensory data
efficiently, and extracting (decoding) that information. The efficiency of
these encoding and decoding processes is dictated by a few fundamental
theorems, which represent the foundations on which information theory
is built. The theorems of information theory are so important that they
deserve to be regarded as the laws of information 91;100;112 .
The basic laws of information can be summarised as follows. For
any communication channel (Figure 2.1): 1) there is a definite upper
limit, the channel capacity, to the amount of information that can be
communicated through that channel, 2) this limit shrinks as the amount
of noise in the channel increases, 3) this limit can very nearly be reached
by judicious packaging, or encoding, of data.

Further Reading
Bialek (2012) 16 . Biophysics. A comprehensive and rigorous account of
the physics which underpins biological processes, including neuroscience
and morphogenesis. Bialek adopts the information-theoretic approach,
so successfully applied in his previous book (Spikes, see below). The
writing style is fairly informal, but this book assumes a high level of
mathematical competence. Highly recommended.
Dayan P and Abbott LF (2001) 29 . Theoretical Neuroscience This
classic text is a comprehensive and rigorous account of computational
neuroscience, which demands a high level of mathematical competence.

Doya K, Ishii S, Pouget A and Rao RPN (2007) 35 . Bayesian Brain:

Probabilistic Approaches to Neural Coding. MIT Press. This book of
edited chapters contains some superb introductions to Bayes’ rule in the
context of vision and brain function, as well as more advanced material.

Gerstner, W and Kistler, WM 44 . Spiking neuron models: Single

neurons, populations, plasticity, 2002. Excellent text on models of the
detailed dynamics of neurons.
Land MF and Nilsson DE (2002). Animal eyes. New York: Oxford
University Press. A landmark book by two of the most authoritative
exponents of the intricacies of eye design.
Marr, D (1982, reprinted 2010) Vision: A computational investigation
into the human representation and processing of visual information.
This classic book inspired a generation of vision scientists to explore
the computational approach, succinctly summarised in this famous
quotation, “Trying to understand perception by studying only neurons
is like trying to understand bird flight by studying only feathers: It just
cannot be done”.
Reza FM (1961) 91 . An Introduction to Information Theory.
Comprehensive and mathematically rigorous, with a reasonably
geometric approach.
Rieke F, Warland D, van Steveninck RR and Bialek W (1997) 93 .
Spikes: Exploring the Neural Code. The first modern text to formulate
questions about the functions of single neurons in terms of information
theory. Superbly written in a tutorial style, well argued, and fearless in
its pursuit of solid answers to hard questions. Research papers by these
authors are highly recommended for their clarity.

Further Reading

Eliasmith C (2004) 37 . Neural Engineering. Technical account which

stresses the importance of linearisation using opponent processing, and
nonlinear encoding in the presence of linear decoding.
Sterling P and Laughlin S (2015) 109 . Principles of Neural Design.
Comprehensive and detailed account of how information theory
constrains the design of neural systems. Sterling and Laughlin
interpret physiological findings from a wide range of organisms in terms
of a single unifying framework: Shannon’s mathematical theory of
information. A remarkable book, highly recommended.
Zhaoping L (2014) 120 . Understanding Vision. Contemporary account
of vision based mainly on the efficient coding hypothesis. Even though
this book is technically demanding, the introductory chapters give a good
overview of the approach.
Note added in press: This is an active area of research, with new
research papers being published on a monthly bassis, such as Chalk
et al (2018) 26 and Liu et al (2018) 69 .

Tutorial Material
Byrne JH, Neuroscience Online, McGovern Medical School University
of Texas.
Frisby JP and Stone JV (2010). Seeing: The Computational Approach
to Biological Vision.
Laughlin SB (2006). The Hungry Eye: Energy, Information and
Retinal Function,
Lay DC (1997). Linear Algebra and its Applications.
Pierce JR (1980). An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols,
Signals and Noise.
Riley KF, Hobson MP and Bence SJ (2006). Mathematical Methods
for Physics and Engineering.
Scholarpedia. This online encyclopedia includes excellent tutorials on
computational neuroscience.
Smith S (2013). Digital signal processing: A practical guide for
engineers and scientists. Freely available at
Stone JV (2012). Vision and Brain: How We See The World.
Stone JV (2013). Bayes’ Rule: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian
Stone JV (2015). Information Theory: A Tutorial Introduction.

Appendix A


ATP Adenosine triphosphate: molecule responsible for energy transfer.

autocorrelation function Given a sequence x = (x1 , ... , xn ), the
autocorrelation function specifies how quickly the correlation
between nearby values xi and xi+d diminishes with distance d.
average Given a variable x, the average, Pnmean or expected value of a
sample of n values of x is x=1/n j=1 xj .
bandwidth A variable with frequencies between f1 Hz and f2 Hz has a
bandwidth of W =(f2 f1 )Hz.
Bayes’ rule Given an observed value y1 of the variable y, Bayes’ rule
states that the posterior probability that the variable x has the
value x1 is p(x1 |y1 )=p(y1 |x1 )p(x1 )/p(y1 ).
binary digit A binary digit can be either a 0 or a 1.
bit The information required to choose between two equally probable
alternatives. Often confused with a binary digit (Section 2.2).
central limit theorem As the number of samples from almost any
distribution increases, the distribution of sample means becomes
increasingly Gaussian.
channel capacity The maximum rate at which a channel can
communicate information from its input to its output.
coding capacity The maximum amount of information that could be
conveyed by a neuron with a given firing rate.
coding efficiency The proportion ✏ of a neuron’s output entropy that
provides information about the neuron’s input.
conditional probability The probability that the value of one random
variable x has the value y1 given that the value of another random
variable y has the value y1 , written as p(x1 |y1 ).
conditional entropy Given two random variables x and y, the average
uncertainty regarding the value of x when the value of y is known,
H(x|y)=E[log(1/p(x|y))] bits.
convolution A filter can be used to change (blur or sharpen) a signal
by convolving the signal with the filter, as defined in Section 6.4.


correlation See Appendix C.

cross-correlation function Given two sequences x=(x1 ,...,xn ) and y=
(y1 ,...,yn ), the cross-correlation function specifies how quickly the
correlation between xi and yi+d diminishes with abs(d).
cumulative distribution function The cumulative area under the
probability density function (pdf) of a variable.
decoding Translating neural outputs (e.g. firing rates) to inputs
(e.g. stimulus values).
decoding function Maps neuronal outputs y to inputs xM AP , where
xM AP is the most probable value of x given y.
decorrelated See uncorrelated.
dynamic linearity If a neuron’s response to a sinusoidal input is a
sinusoidal output then it has dynamic linearity.
efficient coding hypothesis Sensory data is encoded to maximise
information rates, subject to physiological constraints on space,
time and energy.
encoding function Maps neuronal inputs x to outputs yM AP , where
yM AP is the most probable value of y given x. Equal to the
transfer function if the distribution of noise in y is symmetric.
entropy The entropy of a variable y is a measure of its variability. If
y adopts m values with independent
Pm probabilities p(y1 ),...,p(m)
then its entropy is H(y)= i=1 p(yi )log2 1/p(yi ) bits.
equiprobable Values that are equally probable are equiprobable.
equivariant Variables that have the same variance are equivariant.
expected value See average.
filter See Wiener kernel.
Fisher information A measure of information which approximates
mutual information if noise is Gaussian with small variance 119 .
Fourier analysis Used to represent (almost) any variable as a weighted
sum of sine and cosine functions (see Sections 2.8 and 7.4).
Gaussian variable If the values of a variable x are drawn independently
from a Gaussian distribution with a mean µx and variance vx then
this is written as x⇠N (µx ,vx ) (Section 2.7).
identity matrix Has 1s on its diagonal elements and 0s elsewhere.
iid If a variable x has values which are sampled independently from
the same probability distribution then the values of x are said to
be independent and identically distributed (iid).
independence If two variables x and y are independent then the value
of x provides no information about the value y, and vice versa.
information The information conveyed by a variable x which adopts
the value x=x1 with probability p(x1 ) is log2 (1/p(x1 )) bits.
joint probability The probability that two or more variables
simultaneously adopt specified values.


Joule One Joule is the energy required to raise 100g by 1 metre.

kernel See filter.
linear See static linearity and dynamic linearity.
linear decodability If a continuous signal s, which has been encoded
as a spike train y, can be reconstructed using a linear filter then
it is linearly decodable.
logarithm If y=loga (x) (i.e. using logarithms with base a) then y is the
power to which a must be raised to obtain x (i.e. x=ay ).
mean See average.
metabolic efficiency A neuron that is metabolically efficient encodes
sensory data to maximise information transmitted per Joule,
subject to physiological constraints on information rate, space,
and time. Metabolic efficiency is usually defined as the ratio
mutual information/energy, but may also refer to entropy/energy.
micron One micron equals 10 6 m, or one micrometre (1 µm).
mitochondrion Cell organelle responsible for generating ATP.
monotonic If y=f (x) is a monotonic function of x then a change in x
always induces an increase or it always induces a decrease in y.
mutual information The reduction in uncertainty I(y,x) regarding the
value of one variable x induced by knowing the value of another
variable y. Mutual information is symmetric, so I(y,x)=I(x,y).
noise The random ‘jitter’ that is part of a measured quantity.
natural statistics The statistical distribution of values of a physical
parameter (e.g. contrast) observed in the natural world.
orthogonal Perpendicular.
phase The phase of a signal can be considered as its ‘left-right’ position.
A sine and a cosine wave have a phase di↵erence of 90 degrees.
power The rate at which energy is expended per second (Joules/s).
The power required for a variable with a mean of zero is
proportional to its variance.
power spectrum A graph of frequency versus the power at each
frequency for a given signal is the power spectrum of that signal.
principal component analysis Given an elliptical cloud of n data
points in an m-dimensional space, principal component analysis
finds the longest axis of this ellipsoid w1 , and the second longest
axis w2 (which is orthogonal to w1 ), and so on. Each axis is
associated with to one of m eigenvectors, and the length of each
axis is associated with an eigenvalue.
probability distribution Given a variable x which can adopt the values
{x1 ,...,xn }, the probability distribution is p(x)={p(x1 ),...,p(xn )},
where p(xi ) is the probability that x=xi .
probability function (pf) A function p(x) of a discrete random variable
x defines the probability of each value of x. The probability that
x=x1 is p(x=x1 ) or, more succinctly, p(x1 ).


pyramidal cell Regarded as the computational engine with various

brain regions, especially the neocortex. Each pyramidal cell
receives thousands of synaptic inputs, and has an axon which
is about 4cm in length.
random variable (RV) The concept of a random variable x can be
understood from a simple example, like the throw of a die. Each
physical outcome is a number xi , which is the value of the random
variable, so that x=xi . The probability of each value is defined
by a probability distribution p(x)={p(x1 ),p(x2 ),...}.
redundancy Natural signals (e.g. in an image or sound) are redundant,
because most values can be predicted from nearby values.
signal In this book, the word signal usually refers to a noiseless
variable, whereas the word variable is used to refer to noisy and
noiseless variables.
signal to noise ratio Given a variable y=x + ⌘ which is a mixture of a
signal x with variance S and noise ⌘ with variance N , the signal
to noise ratio of y is SNR=S/N .
standard deviation The square root of the variance of a variable.
static linearity If a system has a static linearity then the response to
an input value xt is proportional to xt .
theorem A mathematical statement which has been proven to be true.
timing precision If firing rate is measured using a timing interval of
t=0.001s then the timing precision is ◆=1/ ts = 1,000s 1 .
transfer function The sigmoidal function E[y] = g(x) which maps
neuronal inputs x to mean output values. Also known as a static
nonlinearity in signal processing. See encoding function.
tuning function Defines how firing rate changes as a function of a
physical parameter, such as luminance, contrast, or colour.
uncertainty In this text, uncertainty refers to the surprisal
(i.e. log(1/p(y))) of a variable y.
uncorrelated See Appendix C.
variable A variable is like a ‘container’, usually for a number.
Continuous variables (e.g. temperature) can adopt any value,
whereas discrete variables (e.g. a die) adopt certain values only.
variance The variance is of x is var(x)=E[(x x)2 ], and is a measure
of how ‘spread out’ the values of a variable are.
vector A vector is an ordered list of m numbers x=(x1 ,...,xm ).
white Like white light, a signal which contains an equal proportion of
all frequencies is white, so it has a flat power spectrum. An iid
Gaussian variable (i.e. with uncorrelated values) is white.
Wiener kernel Spatial or temporal filter, which has dynamical linearity
in this text.

Appendix B

Mathematical Symbols

⌦ convolution operator. See pages 100 and 122.

(upper case letter delta) represents a small increment.

t small timing interval used to measure firing rate.

r (nabla, also called del), represents a vector valued gradient.

ˆ (hat) used to indicate an estimated value. For example, v̂x is an

estimate of the variance vx .

|x| indicates the absolute value of x (e.g. if x= 3 then |x|=3).

 if xy then x is less than or equal to y.

if x y then x is greater than or equal to y.

⇡ ‘approximately equal to’.

⇠ if a random variable x has a distribution p(x) then this is written

as x⇠p(x).

/ proportional to.

E the mean or expectation of the variable x is E[x].

E power, usually measured in pJ/s.

(capital sigma), represents summation. For example, if we represent
the n=3 numbers 2, 5 and 7 as x1 =2, x2 =5, x3 =7 then their
sum xsum is
xsum = xi =x1 + x2 + x3 =2 + 5 + 7.

Mathematical Symbols

The variable i is counted up from 1 to n, and, for each i, the term

xi adopts a new value and is added to a running total.
(capital pi) represents multiplication. For example, if we use the
values defined above then the product of these n=3 integers is
xprod = xi (B.1)
= x1 ⇥ x2 ⇥ x3 =2 ⇥ 5 ⇥ 7=70.

The variable i is counted up from 1 to n, and, for each i, the term

xi adopts a new value, and is multiplied by a running total.

✏ (epsilon) coding efficiency, proportion of a neuron’s output entropy

which provides information about the neuron’s input.

" (Latin letter epsilon) metabolic efficiency, the number of bits of

information (entropy) or mutual information per Joule of energy.
◆ (iota) timing precision, ◆=1/ t s .

(lambda) mean and variance of a Poisson distribution.

s (lambda) space constant used in exponential decay of membrane

voltage, the distance over which voltage decays by 67%.

⌘ (eta) noise in ganglion cell output.

⇠ (ksi) noise in photoreceptor output.

µ (mu) the mean of a variable, and 1 µm = 1 micron, or 10 m.

⇢(x,y) (rho) the correlation between x and y.

(sigma) the standard deviation of a distribution.

corr(x,y) the estimated correlation between x and y.

cov(x,y) the estimated covariance between x and y.

C channel capacity, the maximum information that can be transmitted

through a channel, usually measured in bits per second (bits/s).

C m ⇥ m covariance matrix of the output values of m cones.

Ct m ⇥ m temporal covariance matrix of the output values of m cones.

Cs m ⇥ m spatial covariance matrix of the output values of m cones.

Mathematical Symbols

C⌘ m ⇥ m covariance matrix of noise values.

e constant, equal to 2.7 1828 1828 . . . .

E the mean, average, or expected value of a variable x, written as E[x].

g neural encoding function, which transforms a signal s=(s1 ,...,sk )

into channel inputs x=(x1 ,...,xn ), so x=g(s).

H(x) entropy of x, which is the average Shannon information of the

probability distribution p(x) of the random variable x.

H(x|y) conditional entropy of the conditional probability distribution

p(x|y). This is the average uncertainty in the value of x after the
value of y is observed.

H(y|x) conditional entropy of the conditional probability distribution

p(y|x). This is the average uncertainty in the value of y after the
value of x is observed.

H(x,y) entropy of the joint probability distribution p(x,y).

I(x,y) mutual information between x and y, average number of bits

provided by each value of y about the value of x, and vice versa.

Imax estimated upper bound on the mutual information I(x,y) between

neuronal input and output.

lnx natural logarithm (log to the base e) of x.

logx logarithm of x. Logarithms use base 2 in this text, and base is

indicated with a subscript if the base is unclear (e.g. log2 x).

m number of di↵erent possible messages or input values.

M number of bins in a histogram.

N noise variance in Shannon’s fundamental equation for the capacity

of a Gaussian channel C = 12 log(1 + P/N ).

N If the values of a variable x are drawn independently from a

Gaussian distribution with mean µx and variance vx then x this
is written as x⇠N (µx ,vx ).

n the number of observations in a data set (e.g. coin flip outcomes).

p(x) the probability distribution of the random variable x.

Mathematical Symbols

p(xi ) the probability that the random variable x has the value xi .

p(x,y) joint probability distribution of the random variables x and y.

p(xi |yi ) the conditional probability that x=xi given that y=yi .

R the entropy of a spike train.

Rmin lower bound on the mutual information I(x,y) between neuronal

input and output.

Rinf o upper bound on the mutual information I(x,y) between neuronal

input and output.

Rmax neural coding capacity, the maximum entropy of a spike train at

a given firing rate.

s stimulus variable, s=(s1 ,...,sn ).

t small interval of time; usually, t=0.001s for neurons.

vx if x has mean µ then the variance of x is vx = x =E[(µ x)2 ].

w vector of m weights comprising a linear encoding kernel; w is usually

an estimate of the optimal kernel w⇤ .

x cone output variable.

x vector variable; xt is the value of the vector variable x at time t.

X vector variable x expressed as an m ⇥ n data matrix.

y neuron output variable.

y model neuron output variable.

y vector variable; yt is the value of the vector variable y at time t.

y ⇤C mean firing rate that maximises information rate (bits/s).

y ⇤M mean firing rate that maximises metabolic efficiency (bits/pJ).

z input to model ganglion cell.

z input to ganglion cell.

z vector variable; zt is the value of the vector variable z at time t.

Appendix C

Correlation and Independence

Correlation and Covariance. The similarity between two variables

x and y is measured in terms of a quantity called the correlation. If x
has a value xt at time t and y has a value yt at the same time t then
the correlation coefficient between x and y is defined as

⇢(x,y) = cxy E[(xt x)(yt y)], (C.1)

where x is the average value of x, y is the average value of y, and cxy is a

constant which ensures that the correlation has a value between -1 and
+1. Given a sample of n pairs of values, the correlation is estimated as
cxy X
corr(x,y) = (xt x)(yt y). (C.2)
n t=1

We are not usually concerned with the p value of the constant cxy , but
for completeness, it is defined as cxy = var(x) ⇥ var(y), where var(x)
and var(y) are the variances of x and y, respectively. Variance is a
measure of the ‘spread’ in the values of of a variable. For example, the
variance in x is estimated as
var(x) = (xt x)2 . (C.3)
n t=1

In fact, it is conventional to use the un-normalised version of

correlation, called the covariance, which is estimated as
cov(x,y) = (xt x)(yt y). (C.4)
n t=1

Because covariance is proportional to correlation, these terms are often

used interchangeably.

Correlation and Independence

It will greatly simplify notation if we assume all variables have a

mean of zero. For example, this allows us to express the covariance
more succinctly as
cov(x,y) = x t ⇥ yt (C.5)
n t=1

= E[xt yt ], (C.6)

and the correlation as corr(x,y)=cxy E[xt yt ].

Decorrelation and Independence. If two variables are independent
then the value of one variable provides no information about the
corresponding value of the other variable. More precisely, if two
variables x and y are independent then their joint distribution p(x,y)
is given by the product of the distributions p(x) and p(y)

p(x,y) = p(x) ⇥ p(y). (C.7)

In particular, if two signals are Gaussian and they have a joint Gaussian
distribution (as in Figure C.1b) then being uncorrelated means they are
also independent.

p(x,y) p(x,y)

x x
y y

(a) (b)
Figure C.1. (a) Joint probability density function p(s, y) for correlated
Gaussian variables x and y. The probability density p(x,y) is indicated by the
density of points on the ground plane at (x,y). The marginal distributions
p(s) and p(y) are on the side axes. (b) Joint probability density function
p(x,y) for independent Gaussian variables, for which p(x,y)=p(x)p(y).

Appendix D

A Vector Matrix Tutorial

The single key fact about vectors and matrices is that each vector
represents a point located in space, and a matrix moves that point to
a di↵erent location. Everything else is just details.
Vectors. A number, such as 1.234, is known as a scalar, and a vector
is an ordered list of scalars. Here is an example of a vector with two
components a and b: w=(a,b). Note that vectors are written in bold
type. The vector w can be represented as a single point in a graph,
where the location of this point is by convention a distance of a from
the origin along the horizontal axis and a distance of b from the origin
along the vertical axis.
Adding Vectors. The vector sum of two vectors is the addition of
their corresponding elements. Consider the addition of two pairs of
scalars (x1 ,x2 ) and (a,b)

(a + x1 ), (b + x2 ). (D.1)

Clearly, (x1 ,x2 ) and (a,b) can be written as vectors:

z = (a + x1 ),(b + x2 ) (D.2)
= (x1 ,x2 ) + (a,b)
= x + w. (D.3)

Thus the sum of two vectors is another vector, which is known as the
resultant of those two vectors.
Subtracting Vectors. Subtracting vectors is similarly implemented
by the subtraction of corresponding elements so that

z = x w (D.4)
= (x1 a),(x2 b). (D.5)

Vector Matrix

Multiplying Vectors. Consider the sum given by the multiplication

of two pairs of scalars (x1 ,x2 ) and (a,b)

y = ax1 + bx2 . (D.6)

Clearly, (x1 ,x2 ) and (a,b) can be written as vectors

y = (x1 ,x2 ).(a,b),

= x.w, (D.7)

where equation (D.7) is to be interpreted as equation (D.6). This

multiplication of corresponding vector elements is known as the inner,
scalar or dot product, and is often denoted with a dot, as here.
Vector Length. First, as each vector represents a point in space it
must have a distance from the origin, and this distance is known as the
vector’s length or modulus, denoted as |x| for a vector x. For a vector
x=(x1 ,x2 ) with two components this distance is given by the length of
the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides x1 and x2 , so that
|x| = x21 + x22 . (D.8)

Angle between Vectors. The angle between two vectors x and w is

cos✓ = . (D.9)

Crucially, if ✓ = 90 degrees then the inner product is zero, because

cos90=0, irrespective of the lengths of the vectors. Vectors at 90 degrees
to each other are known as orthogonal vectors.
Row and Column Vectors. Vectors come in two basic flavours, row
vectors and column vectors. A simple notational device to transform a
row vector (x1 ,x2 ) into a column vector (or vice versa) is the transpose
operator, T
✓ ◆
(x1 ,x2 )T = . (D.10)

The reason for having row and column vectors is because it is often
necessary to combine several vectors into a single matrix which is then
used to multiply a single vector x, defined here as

x = (x1 ,x2 )T . (D.11)

In such cases it is necessary to keep track of which vectors are row

vectors and which are column vectors. If we redefine w as a column

Vector Matrix

vector, w=(a,b)T , then the inner product w.x can be written as

y = wT x (D.12)
✓ ◆
= (a,b) (D.13)
= x1 w 1 + x2 w 2 . (D.14)

Here, each element of the row vector wT is multiplied by the

corresponding element of the column x, and the results are summed.
Writing the inner product in this way allows us to specify many pairs
of such products as a vector-matrix product.
If x is a vector variable such that x1 and x2 have been measured n
times (e.g. at n time consecutive time steps) then y is a variable with
n values
✓ ◆
x11 , x12 , ..., x1n
(y1 ,y2 ,...,yn ) = (a,b) . (D.15)
x21 , x22 , ..., x2n

Here, each (single element) column y1t is given by the inner product of
the corresponding column in x with the row vector w. This can now
be rewritten succinctly as

y = wT x.

Vector Matrix Multiplication. If we reset the number of times x

has been measured to N =1 for now then we can consider the simple
case of how two scalar values y1 and y2 are given by the inner products

y1 = w1T x (D.16)
y2 = w2T x, (D.17)

where w1 =(a,b)T and w2 =(c,d)T . If we consider the pair of values y1

and y2 as a vector y=(y1 ,y2 )T then we can rewrite equations (D.16)
and (D.17) as

(y1 ,y2 )T = (w1T x,w2T x)T . (D.18)

If we combine the column vectors w1 and w2 then we can define a

matrix W

W = (w1 ,w2 )T (D.19)

✓ ◆
a b
= . (D.20)
c d

Vector Matrix

We can now rewrite equation (D.18) as

✓ ◆
a b
(y1 ,y2 )T = (x1 ,x2 )T . (D.21)
c d

This can be written more succinctly as y = W x. This defines the

standard syntax for vector-matrix multiplication. Note that the column
vector (x1 ,x2 )T is multiplied by the first row in W to obtain y1 and is
multiplied by the second row in W to obtain y2 .
Just as the vector x represents a point on a plane, so the point y
represents a (usually di↵erent) point on the plane. Thus the matrix W
implements a linear geometric transformation of points from x to y.
If n>1 then the tth column (y1t ,y2t )T in y is obtained as the product
of tth column (x1t ,x2t )T in x with the row vectors in W
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆✓ ◆
y11 , y12 , ..., y1n a b x11 , x12 , ..., x1n
y21 , y22 , ..., y2n c d x21 , x22 , ..., x2n

= (w1 ,w2 )T (x1 ,x2 )T (D.22)

= W x. (D.23)

Each (single element) column in y1 is a scalar value which is obtained

by taking the inner product of the corresponding column in x with the
first row vector w1T in W . Similarly, each column in y2 is obtained by
taking the inner product of the corresponding column in x with the
second row vector w2T in W .
Transpose of Vector-Matrix Product. It is useful to note that if
y=W x then the transpose yT of this vector-matrix product is

yT =(W x)T =xT W T , (D.24)

where the transpose of a matrix is defined by

✓ ◆T ✓ ◆
a b a c
WT = = . (D.25)
c d b d

Matrix Inverse. By analogy with scalar algebra, if y = W x then

x=W 1 y, where W 1 is the inverse of W . If the columns of a matrix
are orthogonal then W 1 =W T .

This tutorial is copied from Independent Component Analysis (2004),

with permission.

Appendix E

Neural Information Methods

Consider a temporal sequence of stimulus values x, and the resultant

neuron outputs y; which can be either a sequence of continuous values
or a sequence of spikes. The mutual information between x and y is
defined as

I(x,y) = H(y) H(y|x) (E.1)

= H(x) H(x|y) (E.2)
 0.5 log(1 + SN R) bits, (E.3)

where SNR is the signal to noise ratio, with equality if each variable is
independent and Gaussian. The mutual information can be estimated
using three broad strategies 20 , which provide: 1) a direct estimate using
Equation E.1, 2) an upper bound using Equation E.3, and, 3) a lower
bound using Equation E.2. For simplicity, stimulus values (s in the
main text) are represented as x here, so that y = g(x) + ⌘, where g is a
neuron transfer function, and ⌘ is a noise term.

The Direct Method

The total entropy H(y) is essentially a global measure of how much
the response sequence varies over time. In contrast, the noise entropy
H(y|x) is a measure of how much variation in the response sequence
remains after the stimulus value at each point in time has been taken
into account. Therefore, the di↵erence between H(y) and H(y|x) is a
measure of the amount of variation in the response sequence that can
be attributed to the stimulus sequence.
Estimating the Entropy of a Spike Train. In physics, the entropy
of a jar of gas is proportional to the volume of the jar. By analogy, we
can treat a spike train as if it were a one dimensional jar, so that spike
train entropy is proportional to the amount of time T over which the
spike train is measured H(T , t) / T , where t defines the temporal

Neural Information Methods
resolution used to measure spikes. Dividing H(T , t) by T yields the
entropy rate, which converges to the entropy H(y) for large values of
T , specifically,

H(T , t)
H(y) = lim bits/s. (E.4)
T !1 T
Strong et al (1998) 113 use arguments from statistical mechanics to show
that a graph of H(T , t)/T versus 1/T should yield a straight line (also
see Appendix A.8 in Bialek, 2012 16 ). The x-intercept of this line is at

Trial Spike Trains Trial Spike Trains

1 00100001011110001101 1 00100001011110001101
2 01100010001110001001 2 01100010001110001001
3 01100010001100001001 3 01100010001100001001
4 01100010000100001001 4 01100010000100001001
5 01100010000100001011 5 01100010000100001011
6 01100010000100001001 6 01100010000100001001
7 00100010000100011101 7 00100010000100011101
8 11100010000100001001 8 11100010000100001001
9 01000010100100000001 9 01000010100100000001
10 01100010000100011001 10 01100010000100011001

S:mulus sequence S:mulus sequence

(a) (b)
Figure E.1. The direct method (schematic). The same stimulus sequence is
repeated for N =10 trials, and the N response sequences are recorded, where
a spike is represented as 1 and no spike as 0.
a) Total entropy H(y) is estimated from the probability of particular spike
35 spike train sequence (which is the concatenation
trains within a long unique
of 10 trials here). The probability p(y) of a particular T -element spike train
y is estimated as the number of instances of y, expressed as a proportion of
all T -element spike trains. For example, in the data above, there are 170
places where a 3-element spike train could occur, and there are 35 instances
of the spike sequence y=[100] (marked in bold), so p(y)=35/170⇡0.206.
b) Noise entropy H(y|x) is estimated from the conditional probability of
particular spike trains. The same stimulus value occurs at the same time
in each of N =10 trials. Therefore, the conditional probability p(y|x) of the
response y to a stimulus sub-sequence x which starts at time t is the number
Ny of trials which contain y at time t, expressed as a proportion of the number
N of spike trains that begin at time t (i.e. p(y|x)=p(y|t)). For example, there
are Ny =9 instances of the spike sequence y=[100] at t=3 (marked in bold),
so the conditional probability is p(y=[100]|t=3)=9/10=0.9.

Neural Information Methods

1/T =0, corresponding to a y-intercept of H(T , t)/T at T =1, which

is therefore the entropy H(y).
The direct method usually involves two types of output sequences:
unique and repeated. The unique spike train is a response to a long
sequence of inputs; this is used to estimate the total spike train entropy.
The repeated spike train sequence consists of spike trains obtained in
response to N repeats of a stimulus sequence; these are used to estimate
the entropy of the noise in the spike train. However, if the repeated
sequence is sufficiently long then the entire set of N response sequences
can be treated as a unique spike train, as in Figure E.1.
Estimating Total Entropy H(y). The entropy H(T , t) for one
value of T is estimated from the probability p(y i ) of the mT di↵erent
observed sequences y 1 ,...,y mT of length T
X 1
H(T , t) = p(y i )log , (E.5)
p(y i )

4.3 Entropy and Information for Spike Trains 27






0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure E.2. The direct

Figure 4.7:method.
Entropy andEntropy and noise
noise entropy ratesentropy
for the H1 rates
visualfor a visual
neuron in the fly
neuron (H1 in responding
the fly), responding
to a randomly tomoving
a randomly moving
visual image. Thevisual image.
filled circles Theupper
in the
filled circles intrace
upper the full spike-train
trace show entropy
the fullratespike-train
computed forentropy
different values
rate forof 1/ Ts .
The straight line is a linear extrapolation to 1/ Ts = 0, which corresponds to Ts →
di↵erent values∞of. The
1/Tlower(with t=3ms). The straight line is an extrapolation
trace shows the spike train noise entropy rate for different values
to 1/T =0 (i.e.ofT1!1),
/ Ts . The and yields
straight line isH(y).
again anThe lower trace
extrapolation to 1/ Tshows the spike
s = 0. Both entropy rates
train noise entropy rate
increase for di↵erent
as functions of 1/ Ts values
, and theof 1/T
true , and the
spike-train andstraight linerates
noise entropy is are
again an extrapolation to 1/Tat large
and yields . At 1/ Ts ≈
of 1/ TsH(y|x). The20/di↵erence
s, there is a sudden
between shift in
the dependence. This occurs when there is insufficient data to compute the spike
the ordinate intercepts of the two straight lines is H(y) H(y|x), and is
sequence probabilities. The difference between the y intercepts of the two straight
therefore the mutual information
lines plotted is the mutualrate (Equation
information E.1).
rate. The Reproduced
resolution is !t = 3 ms.with
permission from Strong
from Stronget al (1998)
et al., 1998.) .

stimuli in equation 4.6. The result is 185

" #
!t ! 1 !
hnoise = − P[B (t )] log P[B (t )] (4.58)
Neural Information Methods
where p(y i ) is the number of instances of the sequence y i , expressed as
a proportion of the number of di↵erent sequences of length T observed
anywhere in the unique output sequence (see Figure E.1a).
The entropy of the output sequence is found by estimating
H(T , t)/T for successively larger values of T , and then extrapolating
to find the entropy at 1/T = 0 (i.e. at T = 1). In the limit T !1,

H(T , t)
H(y) = lim (E.6)
T !1 T
1X T
= lim p(y i )log , (E.7)
T !1 T
p(y i )

as shown by the upper line in Figure E.2.

Estimating Noise Entropy H(y|x). The stimulus sequence x is
repeated N times, so there are a total of N similar response sequences.
The conditional (i.e. noise) entropy is estimated as

H(y|x) ⇡ Et [H(y|xt )], (E.8)

where xt is the stimulus sub-sequence starting at time t, and y is the

corresponding response. Note that this average is taken over successive
time indices between t = 1 and t = n T . H(y|xt ) is the entropy of the
output sequences y i given xt (analogous to Equation E.7)
1X t
H(y|xt ) = lim p(y i |xt )log i |xt )
, (E.9)
T !1 T p(y

where p(y i |xt ) is the number of instances of the sequence y i , expressed

as a proportion of the number of di↵erent sequences of length T
observed at time t in the output sequences (see Figure E.1b). Note
that the same stimulus value occurs at the same time in each trial,
so that p(y|xt ) = p(y|t). As above, H(y|xt ) is found by evaluating the
right hand side of Equation E.9 for successively larger values of T , and
extrapolating to find the entropy at 1/T =0 (i.e. at T =1), as shown by
the lower line in Figure E.2. Finally, mutual information is estimated
from Equation E.1. Also see Nemenman, Shafee, and Bialek (2002) 76 .
Assumptions. Inputs are repeated many times. Data are spike
trains. Makes no assumptions regarding the distribution of variables,
and therefore requires large amounts of data.

Neural Information Methods

The Upper Bound Method

If the noise ⌘ in the output y has an independent Gaussian distribution
then the mutual information between x and y is maximised provided
x also has an independent Gaussian distribution. Thus, if the input
x is Gaussian and independent then the estimated mutual information
provides an upper bound. Additionally, if each variable is Gaussian
(but not necessarily independent) with a bandwidth of W Hz then its
entropy is the sum of entropies of its Fourier components. To review
Fourier analysis, see Sections 2.8 and 7.4.
In common with the direct method, input sequences need to be
repeated many times, but the number N of trials (repeats) required
is fewer here. This is because a Gaussian distribution is defined in
terms of its mean and variance, so, in e↵ect, we only need to estimate
a few means and variances from the data.

Estimating Output Signal Power

PN i
1. Find the average output sequence y = 1/N i=1 y .
2. Obtain Fourier coefficient (a(f ),b(f )) of y at each frequency f .
3. Estimate the power of each frequency f as S(f ) = a(f )2 + b(f )2 .

Estimating Output Noise Power

1. Estimate noise ⌘ i = y i y in each of the N output sequences.
2. Find Fourier coefficient (a(f ),b(f )) of ⌘ i at each frequency f .
3. Estimate the power at each frequency f as N i (f )=a(f )2 + b(f )2 .
4. Find the average power of each Fourier component
1X i
N (f ) = N (f ). (E.10)
N i=1

Assuming a Nyquist sampling rate of 2W Hz, estimate the mutual

information I(x,y) by summing over frequencies (as in Equation 2.28)
X ✓ ◆
S(f )
Rinf o = log 1 + bits/s, (E.11)
N (f )
f =0

where Rinf o I(x,y), with equality if each variable is iid Gaussian.

Assumptions. The response sequences to each of N repeats of the
same stimulus sequence are continuous. Each output sequence is
Gaussian, but not necessarily independent (iid).

Neural Information Methods
The Lower Bound Method
Unlike previous methods, this method does not rely on repeated
presentations of the same stimulus, and can be used for spiking or
continuous outputs. In both cases, we can use the neuron inputs
x and outputs y to estimate a linear decoding filter wd . When the
output sequence is convolved with this filter, it provides an estimate
xest =wd ⌦y of the stimulus x, where ⌦ is the convolution operator. We
assume that x=xest + ⇠est , so that the estimated noise in the estimated
stimulus sequence is ⇠est = x xest (Figure 1.3).
Assuming a bandwidth of W Hz and that values are transmitted at
the Nyquist rate of 2W Hz, we proceed by Fourier transforming the
stimulus sequence x to find the signal power X (f ) at each frequency f ,
and Fourier transform ⇠est to find the power in the estimated noise
M(f ) at each frequency. The mutual information is estimated by
summing over frequencies

Rmin = H(x) H(⇠est ) (E.12)

= logX (f ) logM(f ) (E.13)
f f
X X (f )
= log bits/s, (E.14)
M(f )
f =0

where Rmin  I(x,y), with equality if each variable is iid Gaussian.

Assumptions. Stimulus sequence x is Gaussian, but not necessarily
independent (iid). Outputs are spiking or continuous.
Further Reading. This account is based on Strong et al (1998) 113 ,
Rieke et al (1997) 93 , Borst and Theunissen (1999) 20 , Dayan and
Abbot (2001) 29 and Niven et al (2007) 78 . Relevant developments
can be found in Nemenman, Shafee, and Bialek (2002) 76 , Juusola
et al (2003,2016) 53;54 , Ince et al (2009) 50 , Goldberg et al (2009) 45 ,
Crumiller et al (2013) 28 , Valiant and Valiant (2013) 114 , and Dettner
et al (2016) 31 .

Appendix F

Key Equations
Logarithms use base 2 unless stated otherwise.
X 1
H(s) = p(xi ) log bits (F.1)
p(xi )
H(s) = p(x) log dx bits (F.2)
x p(x)

Joint entropy
m X
X m
H(x,y) = p(xi ,yj ) log bits (F.3)
i=1 j=1
p(xi ,yj )
H(x,y) = p(x,y) log dx dy bits (F.4)
y x p(x,y)

H(x,y) = I(x,y) + H(x|y) + H(y|x) bits (F.5)

Conditional Entropy
m X
X m
H(y|s) = p(xi ,yj ) log bits (F.6)
i=1 j=1
p(xi |yj )
Xm X m
H(y|x) = p(xi ,yj ) log bits (F.7)
i=1 j=1
p(yj |xi )
H(x|y) = p(x,y) log dx dy bits (F.8)
y x p(x|y)
H(y|x) = p(x,y) log dx dy bits (F.9)
y x p(y|x)

H(x|y) = H(x,y) H(y) bits (F.10)

H(y|x) = H(x,y) H(x) bits (F.11)

Key Equations
from which we obtain the chain rule for entropy

H(x,y) = H(x) + H(y|x) bits (F.12)

= H(y) + H(x|y) bits (F.13)
X m
p(xi ) = p(xi ,yj ), p(yj ) = p(xi ,yj ) (F.14)
j=1 i=1
p(x) = p(x,y) dy, p(y) = p(x,y) dx (F.15)
y x

Mutual Information
m X
X m
p(xi ,yj )
I(x,y) = p(xi ,yj ) log bits (F.16)
i=1 j=1
p(xi )p(yj )
I(x,y) = p(x,y) log dx dy bits (F.17)
y x p(x)p(y)

I(x,y) = H(x) + H(y) H(x,y) (F.18)

= H(x) H(x|y) (F.19)
= H(y) H(y|x) (F.20)
= H(x,y) [H(x|y) + H(y|x)] bits (F.21)

If y = x + ⌘, with x and y (not necessarily iid) Gaussian variables then

Z W ✓ ◆
S(f )
I(x,y) = log 1 + df bits/s, (F.22)
f =0 N (f )

where W is the bandwidth, S(f )/N (f ) is the signal to noise ratio of

the signal and noise Fourier components at frequency f (Section ??),
and data are transmitted at the Nyquist rate of 2W samples/s.
Channel Capacity
C = max I(x,y) bits per value. (F.23)

If the channel input x has variance S, the noise ⌘ has variance N , and
both x and ⌘ are iid Gaussian variables then I(x,y)=C, where
✓ ◆
1 S
C = log 1 + bits per value, (F.24)
2 N

where the ratio of variances S/N is the signal to noise ratio.


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action potential, 28 convolution operator, 100, 122

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), cornea, 149
49, 169 correlation, 170
aftere↵ect, 63 correlation coefficient, 177
apposition eye, 150 correlation time, 42
autocorrelation function, 106, covariance matrix, 86, 107
169 Cramer-Rao bound, 95
automatic gain control, 155 cricket, 39
average, 169 cross-correlaton function, 105,
axon, 27 109, 170
cumulative distribution func-
bandwidth, 24, 25, 169 tion, 159, 161, 170
Bayes’ rule, 169
binary dark noise, 70
digits vs bits, 11 data processing inequality, 22
bit, 10, 12, 169 decodability
Bussgang’s theorem, 105 linear, 171
decoding, 170
calculus of variations, 54 decoding function, 170
capacity, 17, 169, 190 decorrelated, 170
central limit theorem, 36, 169 dendrite, 27
chain rule for entropy, 190 determinant, 86
channel capacity, 9, 17, 18 die, 14
characteristic equation, 86 di↵erence-of-Gaussian, 124
chromatic aberration, 64 di↵erential entropy, 23
coding capacity, 33, 43, 57, 169 direct method, 37, 183
coding efficiency, 37, 38, 169 dot product, 76, 100
colour aftere↵ect, 63 dynamic linearity, 92, 170
communication channel, 9 dynamic range, 154
compound eye, 149
conditional entropy, 21, 169 efficient coding hypothesis, 4,
conditional probability, 169 51, 170
conduction velocity, 28, 55 efficient metabolic principle,
cone, 64 165
contrast, 154 encoding, 9


entropy, 12, 13, 170, 189 time invariant, 93

entropy rate, 184 linearity
entropy vs information, 15 dynamic, 92
equiprobable, 170 static, 92
equivariant, 69, 170 LMC, 153
expected value, 170 LNP neuron model, 99
exponential decay, 29 log-normal, 159
exponential distribution, 17 logarithm, 11, 12, 171
low-pass filter, 120
firing rate, 28 lower bound method, 37, 188
Fisher information, 170
fly’s eye, 149 marginalisation, 190
Fourier analysis, 24, 25, 120, Marr, David, 6
128, 170, 187, 190 matrix, 76
maximum entropy, 16
Galileo, 5 maximum entropy efficiency, 58
ganglion cell, 65, 88, 110, 115, maximum likelihood, 95
122 measurement precision, 39
Gaussian channel, 22 metabolic efficiency, i, 44, 53,
Gaussian distribution, 16, 36 171
Gaussian variable, 170 Mexican hat, 123
glial cell, 58 micron, 171
midget ganglion cell, 89
ideal observer model, 41
mimic model, 93
identity matrix, 86, 170
mitochondria, 49, 171
iid, 16, 170
mitochondrial volume, 51
independence, 13, 170, 178
information, 11, 14, 170
linear filter, 92
information estimation, 183
mimic, 93
information theory, 6
predictive coding, 94
information vs entropy, 15
inner product, 76, 100 monotonic, 171
mutual information, 21, 171,
Jensen’s inequality, 83 190
Joule, 43, 171 Gaussian channel, 16
myelin sheath, 29, 49
kernel, 93, 120, 171
natural statistics, 171
large monopolar cells, 50, 153 neural superposition, 150, 151
least squares estimate, 95 neuron, 2, 27
linear, 171 noise, 6, 171
decodability, 41, 171 noisy channel coding theorem,
filter, 37, 92, 112, 142 21, 26
function, 97
superposition, 93, 97 o↵-centre cell, 123
system, 93 ommatidia, 149


on-centre cell, 123 synapse, 29

opponent process, 67, 89, 124 system filter, 133
optic nerve, 45, 46
optical superposition, 150 theorem, 9, 172
orthogonal, 171 timing precision, 39, 172
transfer function, 29, 99, 100,
parasol ganglion cell, 88 172
phase, 25, 171 transpose operator, 77, 182
Poisson distribution, 36 tuning function, 172
power, 23, 24, 171
power spectrum, 25, 171 uncertainty, 13, 14, 172
predictive coding, 94, 96, 110, uncorrelated, 172
141 uniform distribution, 17
principal component analysis, upper bound method, 37, 187
85, 171
probability variable, 172
distribution, 13, 171 scalar, 76
function, 171 vector, 75
mass function, 171 vector, 75, 172, 179
variable, 75
pyramidal cell, 27, 59, 172
water-filling, 83
random variable, 12, 172
white, 172
receptive field, 65
white spectrum, 129
on-centre, 123
Wiener kernel, 92, 100, 172
receptors, 29
redundancy, 172
redundancy reduction, 115
retinal ganglion cell, 65
reverse correlation, 101
rhabdom, 149
rhodopsin, 64
rotation matrix, 78

scalar variable, 76
Shannon, C, 6, 9
signal to noise ratio, 24, 172
source coding theorem, 18
space constant, 30
spatial frequency, 119, 120
spike, 2, 28
spike cost, 49
spike speed, 55
spike timing precision, 39
spike-triggered average, 101
static linearity, 92, 172

Dr James Stone is an Honorary Reader in Vision and Computational
Neuroscience at the University of Sheffield, England.

The Computational Approach
to Biological Vision

second edition

John P. Frisby and James V. Stone

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