BCI Principles and Practice

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EDITED BY Jonathan R. Wolpaw, MD



A L B A N Y, N Y

Elizabeth Winter Wolpaw, PhD




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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Brain–computer interfaces : principles and practice / [edited by] Jonathan R. Wolpaw, Elizabeth Winter Wolpaw.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-19-538885-5 (hardcover)
1. Brain mapping. 2. Pattern recognition systems. 3. Signal processing—Digital techniques. I. Wolpaw, Jonathan R.
II. Wolpaw, Elizabeth Winter.
[DNLM: 1. Brain Mapping. 2. Brain—physiology. 3. Pattern Recognition, Automated. 4. Self-Help Devices.
5. Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted. 6. User-Computer Interface. WL 335]
RC386.6.B7B624 2012
616.800285—dc23 2011018572

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Dedicated to
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The possibility that signals recorded from the brain might be and other life-support technology now enable even the most
used for communication and control has engaged popular and severely disabled people to live for many years. Furthermore, it
scientific interest for many decades. However, it is only in the is now understood that people who have very little voluntary
last 25 years that sustained research has begun, and it is only in muscle control can lead enjoyable and productive lives if they
the last 15 that a recognizable field of brain–computer interface can be given even the most basic means of communication and
(BCI) research and development has emerged. This new field is control. BCIs, even in their currently limited state of develop-
now populated by some hundreds of research groups around ment, can serve this need.
the world, and new groups are appearing continually. The The distinctive property of BCI research and development,
explosive growth of this field is evident in the fact that a major- beyond its remarkable recent growth, is that it is inherently
ity of all the BCI research articles ever published have appeared and necessarily multidisciplinary. The sequence of operations
in the past five years. that lead from the user’s brain to the BCI’s action indicates this
This surge in scientific interest and activity arises from a clearly. Appropriate selection of the brain signals that a BCI
combination of three factors. First and most obvious is the uses depends on our understanding of neuroscience, both
recent appearance of powerful inexpensive computer hardware basic and applied. Recording these signals properly depends
and software that can support the complex high-speed analy- on the physical sciences as well as on electrical and materials
ses of brain activity essential to real-time BCI operation. Until engineering and sometimes on neurosurgery and tissue biol-
quite recently, much of the rapid online signal processing ogy as well. Appropriate, efficient, and timely processing of the
used in current and contemplated BCIs was either impossible recorded signals requires computer science and applied math-
or extremely expensive. Now, hardware and software are no ematics. The design and operation of the algorithms that trans-
longer limiting factors: given the appropriate expertise, almost late signal features into device commands that achieve the
any promising BCI design can be implemented quickly and user’s intent depend on systems engineering as well as on
inexpensively. understanding of spontaneous and adaptive changes in brain
The second factor is the greater understanding of the function. The selection of appropriate user populations and the
central nervous system (CNS) that has emerged from animal implementation of appropriate applications require clinical
and human research over the past 50 years, particularly the neurology and rehabilitation engineering and depend on
voluminous new information about the nature and functional expertise in assistive technology. Finally, management of the
correlates of brain signals such as EEG activity and neuronal complex ongoing interaction between the user and the applica-
action potentials. Along with this new understanding have tion device requires understanding of behavioral psychology
come improved methods for recording these signals, in both and human factors engineering. All these disparate disciplines,
the short-term and the long-term. The continuing increases in and effective cooperation among them, are essential if BCI
basic knowledge and improvements in technology are enabling research and development are to be successful in their primary
and guiding steadily more sophisticated and productive BCI goal, to provide important new communication and control
research. Particularly important is the veritable revolution in options to people with severe disabilities.
the appreciation of the brain’s remarkable capacity for adapta- The multidisciplinary nature of BCI research was a major
tion, both in normal life and in response to trauma or disease. impetus for this book and is the first principle of its structure
This new appreciation is a stunning change from the concep- and content. The book is intended to provide an introduction
tion of the hardwired CNS that prevailed only 20 or 30 years to and summary of essentially all major aspects of BCI research
ago. It generates enormous excitement about the possibilities and development. Its goal is to be a comprehensive, balanced,
for using these adaptive capacities to create novel interactions and coordinated presentation of the field’s key principles, cur-
between the brain and computer-based devices, interactions rent practice, and future prospects. It is aimed at scientists,
that can replace, restore, enhance, supplement, or improve engineers, and clinicians at all levels, and it is designed to be
the brain’s natural interactions with its external and internal accessible to people with a basic undergraduate-level back-
environments. ground in biology, physics, and mathematics. In response to
The third factor is new recognition of the needs and abili- the inherently multidisciplinary nature of the field, it seeks to
ties of people disabled by disorders such as cerebral palsy, introduce people from the many different relevant disciplines
spinal cord injury, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), to all aspects of BCI research and thereby enable them to inter-
multiple sclerosis, and muscular dystrophies. Home ventilators act most productively. Attention has been paid to ensuring that

v ii
the chapters mesh into a reasonably coordinated and logical BCI system, from signal acquisition to output commands, and
whole, while at the same time preserving the sometimes differ- discusses the applications that these commands control. Part
ing views of the individual authors. IV reviews the principal kinds of BCIs developed to date and
Each chapter tries to present its topic in a didactic format describes the current state of the art. Part V addresses the issues
so that the reader can acquire the basic knowledge needed to involved in the realization, validation, and dissemination of
work effectively with researchers and clinicians from the wide BCI systems useful to people with severe disabilities. Success
range of disciplines engaged in BCI research. For example, in these difficult tasks is critical for the future of BCI technol-
the chapters on signal processing (chapters 7 and 8) do more ogy. Part V also considers the possibilities for BCI uses that go
than simply review the various signal analysis methods that beyond the assistive communication and control applications
have been used in BCIs. They try to provide an accessible that have engaged the most attention up to the present; these
introduction to the broad range of signal analysis methods further possibilities include BCI applications that could serve
that might conceivably be applied to BCI use, and they outline people with or without disabilities. In addition, Part V includes
the comparative advantages and disadvantages of these meth- a chapter discussing the ethical issues associated with BCI
ods for specific BCI purposes. The goal is to enable the reader research and development. Part VI, the Conclusion, considers
to participate actively in choosing from among alternative the key problems that must be solved if BCIs are to fulfill the
methods. high expectations that so many people have for them.
The book has six major parts. The Introduction stakes out Many people have contributed to this book. Each chapter is
the book’s territory by carefully defining what is and what is a unique and essential part of the whole. We hope that together
not a brain–computer interface and it identifies six important they tell a coherent and exciting story and that therefore the
themes that appear throughout the book. Part II introduces the whole is even greater than the sum of its parts.
different kinds of electrical and metabolic brain signals that
BCIs might use; these chapters are necessarily long and chal- Jonathan R. Wolpaw
lenging because they present many fundamental principles Elizabeth Winter Wolpaw
that underlie the subjects of all of the subsequent chapters. Part Albany, New York
III proceeds through each of the components that constitute a September 2011

vi i i | P R E F A C E

Brain–computer interface research and development is a team courage in facing the difficult challenges of their lives is an
sport and so has been the realization of this book. No single inspiration to all of us. We thank them all for this inspiration
author could have written it. The contribution of every one of and especially want to thank those who have participated in
the chapter authors was essential to our goal of presenting a many of the studies reported here. They are truly partners in
comprehensive view of this complex new field. Coming from a this work.
wide variety of disciplines, they are brought together here by Many institutions, both public and private, located in many
their knowledge of and commitment to research in areas countries around the world, have supported the research that is
important to BCI research and development. In this volume, the substance of these chapters. Without their generous and
they share their expertise and the fruits of their own work and enthusiastic support, virtually none of the work reported in
that of other researchers and clinicians all over the world. Some this book would have been possible.
of the authors have been engaged in BCI research since its Finally, we would like to thank our editors at Oxford
beginnings, others have joined the ranks more recently, and University Press. It has been a pleasure to get to know and work
still others work in related fields. All of them have generously with Craig Allen Panner, Associate Editorial Director for
contributed to make this book possible. We thank them all for Neuroscience, Neurology, and Psychiatry, who encouraged us
this generosity and for their patience through the numerous to embark on this project in the first place. We thank him
steps of the process. heartily for giving us this opportunity and for his wise guid-
We are indebted to the many experts who served as exter- ance and unfaltering patience throughout the process. We
nal reviewers. Their names are listed on pages xvii–xviii of thank Assistant Editor Kathryn Winder for her enthusiasm
this volume. They represent many different disciplines and and for her unerring attention to detail in seeing this project
hail from many different places. Their insightful comments through to completion. We also thank Production Editor
and suggestions have made the chapters substantially better. Karen Kwak, and Viswanath Prasanna, Elissa Schiff, and the
We also thank our colleagues at the Wadsworth Center for rest of Oxford’s production team for their extraordinary care in
their numerous helpful comments and suggestions; we are turning the manuscript into a polished product.
particularly grateful to Chadwick Boulay, Peter Brunner, It has been a privilege to work with all of these remarkable
Natalie Dowell-Mesfin, Markus Neuper, Jeremy Hill, and Stuart people, and we are grateful to have had the chance to do so. We
Lehrman for their excellent technical advice and assistance. hope that this volume provides a valuable foundation, frame-
People disabled by neuromuscular disorders have been work, and resource for those engaged, or involved in any other
and remain the primary impetus for BCI development. Their way, in BCI research and development.

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Contributors xiii 9. BCI HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 165

Chapter Reviewers xvii J. Adam Wilson, Christoph Guger,
and Gerwin Schalk


Steven G. Mason, Brendan Z. Allison,
IN TR O D UC T I O N and Jonathan R. Wolpaw


SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN 3 Jane E. Huggins and Debra Zeitlin
Jonathan R. Wolpaw and Elizabeth Winter Wolpaw


2. NEURONAL ACTIVITY IN MOTOR CORTEX AND Eric W. Sellers, Yael Arbel, and Emanuel Donchin
Lee E. Miller and Nicholas Hatsopoulos
Gert Pfurtscheller and Dennis J. McFarland
Paul L. Nunez
Brendan Z. Allison, Josef Faller, and Christa Neuper
Nick F. Ramsey ACTIVITY 251
Gerwin Schalk



A N D O P ERAT I O N John P. Donoghue


Hansjörg Scherberger
Kevin J. Otto, Kip A. Ludwig, and Daryl R. Kipke
THE BRAIN 105 Ranganatha Sitaram, Sangkyun Lee,
and Niels Birbaumer
Ramesh Srinivasan


Dean J. Krusienski, Dennis J. McFarland,
and José C. Principe U S IN G B CI S

Dennis J. McFarland and Dean J. Krusienski Leigh R. Hochberg and Kim D. Anderson

Theresa M. Vaughan, Eric W. Sellers, Mary-Jane Schneider, Joseph J. Fins,
and Jonathan R. Wolpaw and Jonathan R. Wolpaw


Frances J. R. Richmond and Gerald E. Loeb PA RT S I X
Janis J. Daly and Ranganatha Sitaram MEETING THE EXPECTATIONS 387
Jonathan R. Wolpaw and Elizabeth Winter Wolpaw
Benjamin Blankertz, Michael Tangermann, Index 393
and Klaus-Robert Müller

xii | C O N T E N T S

Brendan Z. Allison, PhD Josef Faller, MSc

Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces
Institute for Knowledge Discovery Institute for Knowledge Discovery
Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology
Graz, Austria Graz, Austria

Kim D. Anderson, PhD Joseph J. Fins, MD, FACP

Miami Project to Cure Paralysis Division of Medical Ethics
University of Miami Weill Cornell Medical College
Miami, Florida, USA New York, New York, USA

Yael Arbel, PhD, CCC-SLP Christoph Guger, PhD

Department of Communication Sciences g. tec Guger Technologies OG
and Disorders Schiedlberg, Austria
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida, USA Nicholas Hatsopoulos, PhD
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy
Niels Birbaumer, PhD Committee on Computational Neuroscience
Institute of Medical Psychology and University of Chicago
Behavioral Neurobiology Chicago, Illinois, USA
Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany, and Leigh R. Hochberg, MD, PhD
IRCCS Ospedale San Camillo Rehabilitation R&D Service
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and
Venezia Lido, Italy School of Engineering
Brown University
Benjamin Blankertz, PhD Providence, Rhode Island, USA, and
Department of Computer Science Department of Neurology
Berlin Institute of Technology Massachusetts General Hospital, and
Berlin, Germany Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Janis J. Daly, PhD
Departments of Neurology Jane E. Huggins, PhD
Louis B. Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Medical Center, and Department of Biomedical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine University of Michigan
Cleveland, Ohio, USA Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Emanuel Donchin, PhD Daryl R. Kipke, PhD

Department of Psychology Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of South Florida University of Michigan
Tampa, Florida, USA Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

John P. Donoghue, PhD Dean J. Krusienski, PhD

Department of Neuroscience Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brown University Old Dominion University
Providence, Rhode Island, USA Norfolk, Virginia, USA

x iii
Sangkyun Lee, MSc, Dr rer nat Gert Pfurtscheller, MSc, PhD
Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Emeritus Professor
Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen Institute for Knowledge Discovery
Tübingen, Germany Graz University of Technology
Graz, Austria
Gerald E. Loeb, MD
Department of Biomedical Engineering José C. Principe, PhD
University of Southern California Computational NeuroEngineering Laboratory
Los Angeles, California, USA University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida, USA
Kip A. Ludwig, PhD
CVRx®, Inc. Nick F. Ramsey, PhD
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Division of Neuroscience
Steven G. Mason, PhD Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience
Left Coast Biometrics Inc. University Medical Center Utrecht
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dennis J. McFarland, PhD Frances J. R. Richmond, PhD

Laboratory of Neural Injury and Repair School of Pharmacy
Wadsworth Center University of Southern California
New York State Department of Health Los Angeles, California, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Gerwin Schalk, MS, MS, PhD
Lee E. Miller, PhD Wadsworth Center
Department of Physiology New York State Department of Health, and
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Biomedical Engineering University at Albany, SUNY, and
Northwestern University Department of Neurology
Chicago, Illinois, USA Albany Medical College
Albany, New York, USA
Klaus-Robert Müller, PhD
Department of Computer Science Hansjörg Scherberger, MD
Berlin Institute of Technology German Primate Center
Berlin, Germany Department of Biology
University of Göttingen
Christa Neuper, PhD Göttingen, Germany
Department of Psychology
University of Graz, and Mary-Jane Schneider, PhD
Institute for Knowledge Discovery Department of Health Policy Management
Graz University of Technology and Behavior
Graz, Austria School of Public Health
University at Albany, SUNY, and
Paul L. Nunez, PhD Laboratory of Neural Injury and Repair
Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Engineering Wadsworth Center
Tulane University, and New York State Department of Health
Cognitive Dissonance, LLC Albany, New York, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Eric W. Sellers, PhD
Kevin J. Otto, PhD Department of Psychology
Department of Biological East Tennessee State University
Sciences and Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Johnson City, Tennessee, USA
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

xiv | C O N T R I B U T O R S
Ranganatha Sitaram, MEng, PhD Elizabeth Winter Wolpaw, PhD
Institute of Medical Psychology and Professor Emerita of Chemistry
Behavioral Neurobiology Siena College, and
Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen Wadsworth Center
Tübingen, Germany New York State Department of Health
Albany, New York, USA
Ramesh Srinivasan, PhD
Department of Cognitive Sciences Jonathan R. Wolpaw, MD
University of California Wadsworth Center
Irvine, California, USA New York State Department of Health, and
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Michael Tangermann, Dr rer nat University at Albany, SUNY
Department of Computer Science Albany, New York, USA
Berlin Institute of Technology
Berlin, Germany Debra Zeitlin, MA, CCC-SLP, ATP
Center For Rehabilitation Technology
Theresa M. Vaughan, BA Helen Hayes Hospital
Laboratory of Neural Injury and Repair New York State Department of Health
Wadsworth Center West Haverstraw, New York, USA
New York State Department of Health
Albany, New York, USA

J. Adam Wilson, PhD

Department of Neurosurgery
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

C O N T R I B U T O RS | x v
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Brendan Z. Allison, PhD Meltem Izzetoglu, PhD

Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces School of Biomedical Engineering
Institute for Knowledge Discovery Drexel University
Graz University of Technology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Graz, Austria
Albert Kok, PhD
Charles W. Anderson, PhD Emeritus Professor of Physiological Psychology
Department of Computer Science University of Amsterdam
Colorado State University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Robert Leeb, PhD
Tracy Cameron, PhD Chair in Non-Invasive Brain-Machine Interface
St. Jude Medical École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Neuromodulation Division Lausanne, Switzerland
Plano, Texas, USA
David M. LeMaster, PhD
Jose M. Carmena, PhD Wadsworth Center
Department of Electrical Engineering and New York State Department of Health and
Computer Sciences University at Albany, SUNY
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Albany, New York, USA
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California, USA Lee E. Miller, PhD
Department of Physiology
Bruce H. Dobkin, MD Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Department of Neurology Department of Biomedical Engineering
Geffen/UCLA School of Medicine Northwestern University
Reed Neurologic Research Center Chicago, Illinois, USA
University of California Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California, USA Fernando H. Lopes da Silva, MD, PhD
Emeritus Professor, Swammerdam Institute
Richard P. Dum, PhD for Life Sciences
Department of Neurobiology Center of NeuroSciences
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine University of Amsterdam
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Thomas C. Ferree, PhD Dennis J. McFarland, PhD

Department of Radiology and Program in Biomedical Laboratory of Neural Injury and Repair
Engineering Wadsworth Center
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center New York State Department of Health
Dallas, Texas, USA Albany, New York, USA

Jeremy Hill, DPhil Michael C. Morton, MA

Laboratory of Neural Injury and Repair Global Regulatory Affairs Department
Wadsworth Center Medtronic, Inc.
New York State Department of Health Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Albany, New York, USA

x v ii
Richard Normann, PhD Aiko K. Thompson, PhD
Department of Bioengineering Helen Hayes Hospital
University of Utah West Haverstraw, New York, USA, and
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Wadsworth Center
New York State Department of Health
Robert Oostenveld, PhD Albany, New York, USA
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging Wei Wang, MD, PhD
Radboud University Nijmegen Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Nijmegen, The Netherlands School of Medicine
Department of Bioengineering
Nick F. Ramsey, PhD Swanson School of Engineering
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery University of Pittsburgh
Division of Neuroscience Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience
University Medical Center Utrecht Katryna Warren, BSc
Utrecht, The Netherlands St. Jude Medical
Neuromodulation Division
Robert L. Ruff, MD, PhD Plano, Texas, USA
Departments of Neurology
Louis B. Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center Nikolaus Weiskopf, Dr rer nat
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
Cleveland, Ohio, USA UCL Institute of Neurology
University College London
William Zev Rymer, MD, PhD London, UK
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Department of Physiology Carolee Winstein, PhD, PT, FAPTA
Department of Biomedical Engineering Division Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry
Northwestern University Department of Neurology
Chicago, Illinois, USA Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Krishna V. Shenoy, PhD Los Angeles, California, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Bioengineering Steven L. Wolf, PhD, PT, FAPTA, FAHA
Department of Neurobiology Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Stanford University Department of Medicine
Stanford, California, USA Department of Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Karen L. Smith, MSc Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Laboratory of Neural Injury and Repair
Wadsworth Center
New York State Department of Health
Albany, New York, USA

x vi i i | C H A P T E R R E V I E W E R S
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n 1924, Hans Berger, Professor of Psychiatry at the University the body by producing outputs that serve the needs of the
of Jena in Germany, discovered that electrical signals pro- organism. All the natural outputs of the CNS are neuromuscu-
duced by the human brain could be recorded from the scalp. lar or hormonal. A brain–computer interface (BCI) provides
After five years of further study, Berger published the first of 14 the CNS with new output that is neither neuromuscular nor
articles that established electroencephalography (EEG) as a hormonal. A BCI is a system that measures CNS activity and
basic tool for clinical diagnosis and brain research (Berger, converts it into artificial output that replaces, restores, enhances,
1929). In 1938, just as his work had begun to receive interna- supplements, or improves natural CNS output and thereby
tional recognition, the German government closed his labora- changes the ongoing interactions between the CNS and its exter-
tory and forced him into retirement. The year was momentarily nal or internal environment.
brightened for him by a holiday greeting from Herbert Jasper, Understanding this definition requires an understanding of
a young North American neuroscientist at the start of a stellar each of its key terms, beginning with CNS. The CNS is com-
career. Jasper sent to Berger the drawing shown in figure 1.1. prised of the brain and the spinal cord and is distinguished
It implies, albeit in a fanciful way, that EEG signals could also from the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which is comprised
be used for communication. of the peripheral nerves and ganglia and the sensory receptors.
This possibility—that people could act through brain sig- The structures of the CNS are distinguished by their location
nals rather than muscles—has fascinated scientists and nonsci- within the meningeal coverings (or meninges), by their unique
entists alike for many years. Now, nearly a century after Berger’s cell types and histology, and by their function in integrating the
epochal discovery, possibility is becoming reality. Although many different sensory inputs to produce appropriate motor
the reality is new and tentative and very modest, its excitement outputs. In contrast, the PNS is not within the meninges, lacks
and potential are driving the burgeoning field of brain– the unique CNS histology, and serves mainly to convey sensory
computer interface research (fig. 1.2). This book is about that inputs to the CNS and to convey motor outputs from it.
field—the principles that underlie it, its achievements so far,
the problems that confront it, and its prospects for the future. 500


Peer-reviewed BCI articles

As currently understood, the function of the central nervous 300

system (CNS) is to respond to events in the outside world or



< 1990 90–92 93–95 96–98 99–01 02–04 05–07 08–10

Figure 1.2 BCI articles in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. In the past
15 years, BCI research, which was initially limited to a few isolated laboratories,
Figure 1.1 This drawing was included in a holiday greeting that Herbert Jasper has emerged as a very active and rapidly growing scientific field. The majority
sent to Hans Berger in 1938. It is an early rendering of what is now called a of research articles have appeared in the past five years. (Updated from
brain-computer interface. (© Photo Deutsches Museum, Munich.) Vaughan and Wolpaw, 2006.)

CNS activity consists of the electrophysiological, neuro- muscles via implanted electrodes so that the muscles move the
chemical, and metabolic phenomena (e.g., neuronal action limbs. Or a person who has lost bladder function due to
potentials, synaptic potentials, neurotransmitter releases, multiple sclerosis might use a BCI to stimulate the peripheral
oxygen consumption) that occur continually in the CNS. These nerves that control the bladder, thus enabling urination. In
phenomena can be quantified by monitoring electric or mag- these examples, the BCI outputs restore the natural outputs.
netic fields, hemoglobin oxygenation, or other parameters A BCI output might enhance natural CNS output. For
using sensors on the scalp, on the surface of the brain, or within example, a person performing a task that requires continuous
the brain (fig. 1.3). A BCI records these brain signals, extracts attention over a prolonged period (e.g., driving a vehicle or
specific measures (or features) from them, and converts (or serving as a sentry) might use a BCI that detects the brain
translates) these features into artificial outputs that act on the activity preceding lapses in attention and then provides an
outside world or on the body itself. Figure 1.3 illustrates output (e.g., a sound) that alerts the person and restores
the five types of applications that a BCI output might control. attention. By preventing the attentional lapses that periodically
For each of these five application types, it shows one of many impair natural CNS output (and might cause traffic accidents),
possible examples. the BCI enhances the natural output.
A BCI output might replace natural output that has been A BCI output might supplement natural CNS output. For
lost as a result of injury or disease. For example, a person who example, a person who is controlling the position of a com-
can no longer speak might use a BCI to type words that are puter cursor with a hand-operated joystick might use a BCI to
then spoken by a speech synthesizer. Or a person who has lost select items that the cursor reaches. Or a person might use a
limb control might use a BCI to operate a motorized wheel- BCI to control a third (i.e., robotic) arm and hand. In these
chair. In these examples the BCI outputs replace lost natural cases, the BCI supplements natural neuromuscular output with
outputs. an additional, artificial output.
A BCI output might restore lost natural output. For exam- Finally, a BCI output might conceivably improve natural
ple, a person with spinal cord injury whose arms and hands CNS output. For example, a person whose arm movements
are paralyzed might use a BCI to stimulate the paralyzed have been impaired by a stroke involving the sensorimotor

Brain-computer interface

Signal Feature Feature Commands

acquisition extraction translation







Figure 1.3 The basic design and operation of a brain-computer interface (BCI) system. In this illustration, the BCI is shown in green. Electrical signals reflecting
brain activity are acquired from the scalp, from the cortical surface, or from within the brain. The signals are analyzed to measure signal features (such as
amplitudes of EEG rhythms or firing rates of single neurons) that reflect the user’s intent. These features are translated into commands that operate application
devices that replace, restore, enhance, supplement, or improve natural CNS outputs. (Modified from Wolpaw et al., 2002.) (Supplement image © Stelarc, http://
stelarc.org; Improve image © Hocoma AG, www.hocoma.com.)

4 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C E S
cortex might use a BCI that measures signals from the dam- are defined as systems that translate brain signals into new
aged cortical areas and then stimulates muscles or controls an kinds of outputs.
orthotic device so as to improve arm movements. Because this
BCI application enables more normal movements, its repeated
use may induce activity-dependent CNS plasticity that improves
the natural CNS output and thereby helps the person to regain The term brain-machine interface (BMI) was used as early as
more normal arm control. 1985 to describe implanted devices that stimulate the brain
The first two types of BCI application, replacement or res- (Joseph, 1985) but was not applied specifically to devices that
toration of lost natural outputs, are the goals of most current provide new outputs until more recently (e.g., Donoghue,
BCI research and development, and examples of them appear 2002). In practice the term BMI has been applied mainly to
many times throughout this book. At the same time, the other systems that use cortical neuronal activity recorded by
three kinds of BCI applications are also possible and are draw- implanted microelectrodes. At present, BCI and BMI are syn-
ing increasing attention (chapters 22 and 23). onymous terms, and the choice between them is largely a
The last part of the definition states that a BCI changes the matter of personal preference. One reason for preferring BCI
ongoing interactions between the CNS and its external or internal to BMI is that the word “machine” in BMI suggests an inflexi-
environment. The CNS interacts continuously with the outside ble conversion of brain signals into output commands and thus
world and with the body. These interactions consist of its motor does not reflect the reality that a computer and the brain are
outputs to the environment together with its sensory inputs partners in the interactive adaptive control needed for effective
from the environment. By measuring CNS activity and convert- BCI (or BMI) operation.
ing it into artificial outputs that affect the environment, BCIs The terms dependent BCI and independent BCI were intro-
change not only the CNS outputs but also the sensory inputs duced in 2002 (Wolpaw et al., 2002). In accord with the basic
coming from the environment. These changes in sensory input BCI definition, both use brain signals to control their applica-
are commonly referred to as feedback. Devices that simply mon- tions, but they differ in their dependence on natural CNS
itor brain activity and do not use it to change the ongoing inter- output. A dependent BCI uses brain signals that depend on
actions between the CNS and its environment are not BCIs. muscle activity. For example, the BCI described by Vidal (1973,
1977) used the amplitude of a VEP that depended on gaze
direction and thus on the muscles that controlled gaze. A
BCI TERMINOLO GY dependent BCI is essentially an alternative method for detect-
ing messages carried in natural CNS outputs. Although it does
not give the brain a new output that is independent of natural
outputs, it may still be useful (e.g., Sutter, 1992) (chapter 14).
Although an EEG-based BCI was demonstrated by Grey Walter In contrast, an independent BCI does not depend on natu-
in 1964 (Graimann et al., 2010a), the term brain-computer ral CNS output; in independent BCIs, muscle activity is not
interface was apparently first used by Jacques Vidal in the essential for generating the brain signals that the BCI uses. For
1970s. He applied the term very broadly, using it to describe example, in BCIs based on EEG sensorimotor rhythms (SMRs)
any computer-based system that produced detailed informa- (chapter 13), the user may employ mental imagery to modify
tion on brain function. Nevertheless, in the course of his work, SMRs so as to control the BCI output. For people with severe
Vidal developed a system that satisfies the narrower present- neuromuscular disabilities, independent BCIs are likely to be
day meaning (Vidal, 1973, 1977). Vidal’s system used the visual more useful. At the same time it is important to recognize that
evoked potential (VEP) recorded from the scalp over the visual most actual BCIs are neither purely dependent nor purely
cortex to determine the direction of eye gaze (i.e., the visual independent. The output of a steady-state VEP-based BCI may
fixation point) and thus to determine the direction in which reflect the user’s degree of attention (in addition to the user’s
the user wanted to move a cursor. Several years earlier, in the gaze direction) (chapter 14). Conversely, most SMR-based
first neuron-based BCI, Eberhard Fetz and his collaborators BCIs rely on the user having sufficient visual function (and
had shown that monkeys could learn to use a single cortical thus gaze control) to watch the results of the BCI’s output com-
neuron to control a meter needle to gain food rewards (Fetz, mands (e.g., cursor movements).
1969; Fetz and Finocchio, 1971). The recent term hybrid BCI is applied in two different ways
The BCI definition presented at the beginning of this chap- (Graimann et al., 2010b). It can describe a BCI that uses two
ter is based on the definitions and discussions in a number of different kinds of brain signals (e.g., VEPs and SMRs) to pro-
reviews over the past decade (Donoghue, 2002; Wolpaw et al., duce its outputs. Alternatively, it can describe a system that
2002; Schwartz, 2004; Kübler and Müller, 2007; Daly and combines a BCI output with a natural muscle-based output
Wolpaw, 2008; Graimann et al., 2010a). It is intended to be (chapter 23). In the latter usage, the BCI output supplements a
comprehensive and definitive and, at the same time, to relate natural CNS output (e.g., as illustrated in fig. 1.3).
BCIs to the sensorimotor hypothesis (Young, 1990; Wolpaw, Another recent term, passive BCI, is applied to BCI appli-
2002), which is the theoretical foundation of modern neuro- cations that use brain signals that are correlated with aspects
science. The sensorimotor hypothesis is that the whole func- of the user’s current state, such as level of attention (Zander
tion of the CNS is to respond to external and internal events and Kothe, 2011). For example, a BCI might detect EEG
with appropriate outputs. In accord with this hypothesis, BCIs features preceding lapses in attention and produce an output

CHAPTER 1 . B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C E S : S O M E T H I N G N E W U N D E R T H E S U N | 5
(e.g., a sound) that alerts the user and restores attention signals (e.g., neuronal firing patterns or EEG rhythms). The
(Chapter 23). The term passive is meant to distinguish these profound implications of this requirement become apparent
BCI applications from those that provide communication when BCI use is considered in terms of how the CNS normally
and control (i.e., active BCIs). However, passive and active are operates. The research of the past 200 years, and especially of
subjective terms that lack clear neuroscientific definitions. recent decades, has revealed two basic principles that govern
Furthermore, continued use of a passive BCI might well induce how the CNS produces its natural outputs.
CNS adaptations that improve its performance, so that the The first principle is that the task of creating natural outputs
term passive becomes no longer applicable. Thus, it seems is distributed throughout the CNS, from the cerebral cortex to the
preferable to categorize BCI applications simply as shown in spinal cord. No single area is wholly responsible for a natural
figure 1.3, in which case passive BCIs will generally fit into the output. As illustrated in an extremely simplified form in figure
enhance or supplement category. 1.4A, the selection, formulation, and execution of actions such
as walking, speaking, or playing the piano are achieved through
collaboration among cortical areas, basal ganglia, thalamic
nuclei, cerebellum, brainstem nuclei, and spinal-cord interneu-
The recent explosion of BCI research is part of a surge of inter- rons and motoneurons. For example, while cortical areas
est in a broad spectrum of new technologies and therapies that initiate walking and oversee its progression, the rhythmic high-
promise unprecedented understanding of and access to the speed sensorimotor interactions needed to ensure effective
brain and its disorders. These include structural and functional locomotion are handled largely by spinal-cord circuitry
imaging methods of high resolution and specificity, chroni- (McCrea and Rybak, 2008; Ijspeert, 2008; Guertin and Steuer,
cally implanted devices for stimulating specific structures, 2009). The end product of this widely distributed CNS activity
molecules and particles that can encourage and guide neuronal is the appropriate excitation of the spinal (or brainstem)
regeneration and reconnection, cells that can replace lost tis- motoneurons that activate muscles and thereby produce
sues, and rehabilitation regimens that can restore useful func- actions. Furthermore, although activity in the various CNS
tion. A number of these new methods act directly on the brain, areas involved often correlates with motor action, the activity
and thus contrast with BCIs, which, as defined here, allow the in any one area may vary substantially from one trial (i.e., one
brain to act directly on the world. At the same time, some of performance of a particular action) to the next. Nevertheless,
these methods (e.g., direct stimulation of cortical or subcorti- the coordinated activations of all the areas ensure that the
cal sensory areas) are likely to be incorporated into future BCI action itself is very stable across trials.
systems to improve their performance (chapters 5 and 16). The second principle is that normal CNS outputs (whether
Direct input methods, together with BCIs (which provide they be walking across a room, speaking specific words, or play-
direct outputs), fit into the general class of brain interfaces. ing a particular piece on the piano) are mastered and maintained
Whether direct input methods will someday acquire their own by initial and continuing adaptive changes in all the CNS areas
designation (e.g., computer-brain interfaces [CBIs]) remains involved. In early development and throughout later life, neu-
to be seen. The BCI definition described here recognizes the rons and synapses throughout the CNS change continually to
novel nature of devices that provide new CNS outputs. acquire new actions (i.e., new skills) and to preserve those
already acquired (e.g., Carroll and Zukin, 2002; Gaiarsa et al.,
2002; Vaynman and Gomez-Pinilla, 2005; Saneyoshi et al.,
SI X I MPORTA N T T HEMES 2010; Wolpaw, 2010). This activity-dependent plasticity is
responsible for acquiring and maintaining standard skills such
The rest of this chapter introduces six themes that we believe as walking and talking as well as specialized skills such as danc-
are important for understanding BCI research and develop- ing and singing, and it is guided by the results that are pro-
ment. These themes arise explicitly or implicitly many times in duced. For example, as muscle strength, limb length, and body
this book, and they are introduced here to emphasize and clar- weight change with growth and aging, CNS areas change so as
ify their importance. to maintain these skills. Furthermore, the basic characteristics
of the CNS (i.e., its anatomy, physiology, and mechanisms of
plasticity) on which this continuing adaptation operates are the
products of evolution guided by the need to produce appropri-
ate actions, that is, to appropriately control the spinal motoneu-
rons that activate the muscles. In figure 1.4A, to emphasize that
The natural function of the CNS is to produce muscular and this adaptation occurs and that it is directed at optimizing the
hormonal outputs that serve the needs of the organism by natural CNS outputs (i.e., muscle activations), all of the CNS
acting on the outside world or on the body. BCIs provide the areas are shown in the same color as the muscles.
CNS with additional artificial outputs derived from brain sig- In light of these two principles—the many areas that con-
nals. Thus, they require the CNS, which has evolved to produce tribute to natural CNS outputs and the continual adaptive plas-
muscular and hormonal outputs, to now produce entirely new ticity in these areas—BCI use is a unique challenge for a CNS
kinds of outputs. For example, the sensorimotor cortical areas, that has evolved and is continually adapting to produce the
which normally interact with subcortical and spinal areas to natural CNS outputs. Unlike natural CNS outputs, which are
control muscles, are now asked instead to control certain brain produced by spinal motoneurons, a BCI output is produced

6 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C E S
CNS/muscle system CNS/BCI system

Cortex Cortex

Basal Basal
Cerebellum Cerebellum
ganglia ganglia

Thalamus Thalamus BCI

Brainstem Spinal Brainstem Spinal

nuclei interneurons nuclei interneurons

Motoneurons Motoneurons

Other Other
Vision Vision
senses senses

Action Action

Figure 1.4 CNS production of a muscle-based action versus CNS production of a BCI-based action. (A) This greatly simplified diagram shows the production of a
normal motor action by the many CNS areas that collaborate to control spinal (or brainstem) motoneurons and thereby activate muscles. The red color indicates
that all the CNS areas adapt to optimize muscle control. (B) This diagram shows the production of a BCI-mediated action by the same CNS areas, which now
collaborate to optimize the control by the cortical area that produces the brain signals that the BCI translates into its output commands. The BCI assigns to the
cortex the output role normally performed by spinal motoneurons and thereby asks that the CNS areas adapt to optimize an entirely new kind of output. This
change in the target of CNS adaptation is indicated in this illustration by the fact that the color of all these areas (green) now matches the color of the BCI.
(Modified from Wolpaw, 2007.)

not by motoneuron activity but, rather, by signals that reflect and other key areas can adapt to this new purpose remain
activity in another CNS area (e.g., motor cortex). Normally the uncertain. The ultimate capacities and practical usefulness of
activity in this other area (e.g., motor cortex) is simply one of BCIs depend in large measure on the answers to this question.
many contributors to natural CNS output. However, when its The evidence to date shows that the adaptation necessary
signals control a BCI, this activity actually becomes the CNS to control activity in the CNS areas responsible for the
output. Figure 1.4B illustrates this fundamental change. The signals used by BCIs is certainly possible but that it is as yet
area that produces the signals that the BCI uses (i.e., the cortex imperfect. BCI outputs are in general far less smooth, rapid,
in this illustration) takes on the role normally performed by and accurate than natural CNS outputs, and their trial-to-trial,
spinal motoneurons. That is, the cortex produces the final day-to-day, and week-to-week variability is disconcertingly
product—the output—of the CNS. How well the cortex can high. These problems (particularly the problem of poor reli-
perform this new role depends in part on how well the many ability) and the various approaches to addressing them, are
CNS areas that normally adapt to control spinal motoneurons major concerns in BCI research, and they are discussed often
(which are downstream in natural CNS function) can instead in this book.
adapt to control the relevant cortical neurons and synapses
(which are largely upstream in natural CNS function). Figure
1.4B indicates this change in the goal of adaptation by now
showing the CNS areas in the same color as the BCI, which,
instead of the muscles, now produces the action.
For example, a BCI asks the cerebellum (which normally Natural CNS outputs are optimized for the goals of the organ-
helps to ensure that motoneurons activate muscles so that ism, and the adaptation that achieves this optimization occurs
movement is smooth, rapid, and accurate) to change its role to primarily in the CNS. In contrast, BCI outputs can be opti-
that of helping to ensure that the set of cortical neurons mized by adaptations that occur not only in the CNS but also
recorded by a microelectrode array produces patterns of action in the BCI itself. In addition to adapting to the amplitudes, fre-
potentials that move a cursor (or a prosthetic limb) smoothly, quencies, and other basic characteristics of the user’s brain sig-
rapidly, and accurately. The degrees to which the cerebellum nals, a BCI may also adapt to improve the fidelity with which

CHAPTER 1 . B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C E S : S O M E T H I N G N E W U N D E R T H E S U N | 7
its outputs match the user’s intentions, to improve the effec- (chapter 2) provide logical starting points for development of
tiveness of adaptations in the CNS, and perhaps to guide the BCI-based control of devices such as robotic arms (chapter
adaptive processes in the CNS. 16). On the other hand, the fundamental importance of
Thus, BCIs introduce a second adaptive controller that can CNS adaptation for all BCIs, and the evidence that adaptive
also change to ensure that the organism’s goals are realized. methods can elicit multiple degrees of freedom even from EEG
BCI usage therefore depends on the effective interaction of two signals (chapter 13), suggest that the difference between the
adaptive controllers: the user’s CNS and the BCI. The manage- BCI performance provided by single neurons and by EEG may
ment of this complex interaction between the adaptations of not be nearly as great as the difference in their topographical
the CNS and the concurrent adaptations of the BCI is among resolutions.
the most difficult problems in BCI research. The challenges it Questions about signal selection are empirical issues that
poses arise at many points throughout this book. can be resolved only by experiment, not by a priori assump-
tions about the inherent superiority of one signal type or
another. For BCIs, the critical issue is which signals can pro-
vide the best measure of the user’s intent, that is, which signals
Brain signals recorded by a variety of different electrophysio- constitute the best language for communicating to the BCI the
logical and metabolic methods can serve as BCI inputs (chap- output desired by the user. This question can be conclusively
ters 12–18). These signals differ considerably in topographical answered only by experimental results.
resolution, frequency content, area of origin, and technical Selection of the best brain areas from which to record the
requirements. Figure 1.5 shows the range of electrophysiologi- signals is also an empirical question. Studies to date have
cal methods from EEG to electrocorticography (ECoG) to focused mainly on signals from sensorimotor (and visual) cor-
intracortical recording and indicates the multiple scales of the tical areas. The usefulness of signals from other cortical or sub-
brain signals available for BCIs, from the centimeter scale of cortical areas is also being explored (e.g., chapter 17). This is an
EEG through the millimeter scale of ECoG to the tens-of-mi- important question, especially because the sensorimotor corti-
crons scale of neuronal action potentials. All of these electro- ces of many prospective BCI users have been damaged by
physiological methods have been used for BCIs and warrant injury or disease and/or their visual function may be compro-
continued evaluation, as do the metabolic methods discussed mised. Different brain areas may well differ in their adaptive
in chapters 4 and 18. Each has its own advantages and disad- capacities and in other factors that may affect their ability to
vantages. Which methods will prove most useful for which serve as the sources of new CNS outputs.
purposes is as yet unknown, and the answers will depend on a
host of scientific, technical, clinical, and commercial factors.
On the one hand, the role of neuronal action potentials
(spikes) as basic units of communication between neurons Like most communication and control systems, BCIs face the
suggests that spikes recorded from many neurons could pro- problems of artifacts that obscure the signals that convey
vide numerous degrees of freedom and might thus be the best output commands. For BCIs, artifacts may come from the
signals for BCIs to use. Furthermore, the strong relationships environment (e.g., electromagnetic noise from power lines or
between cortical neuronal activity and normal motor control appliances), from the body (e.g., muscle (electromyographic
[EMG]) activity, eye movement (electrooculographic [EOG])
activity, cardiac (electrocardiographic [EKG]) activity, bodily
EEG movements) or from the BCI hardware (e.g., electrode insta-
Scalp bility, amplifier noise). The different varieties of artifacts and
the measures for eliminating them or reducing their impact are
tissue addressed in chapters 6 and 7. Particularly for BCIs that record
brain signals noninvasively, artifacts present a danger that war-
rants some discussion even in this introductory chapter.
The first requirement for any BCI study or demonstration
is to ensure that it is, in fact, using a BCI (i.e., that brain signals,
not other types of signals, control its output). Systems that use
other kinds of biological signals, such as EMG activity, may be
ECoG valuable in their own right, but they are not BCIs. Unfortunately,
Spikes & LFPs
Cortex nonbrain signals such as EMG activity may readily masquer-
ade as brain signals. Electrodes placed anywhere on the scalp
5 mm can record EMG activity from cranial muscles or EOG activity
that equals or exceeds EEG activity in amplitude and that over-
Figure 1.5 Recording sites for electrophysiological signals used by BCI systems. laps with it in frequency range. Because people can readily
EEG is recorded by electrodes on the scalp. ECoG is recorded by electrodes
control cranial EMG or EOG activity and may not even be
on the cortical surface. Neuronal action potentials (spikes) or local field
potentials (LFPs) are recorded by microelectrode arrays inserted into the cortex
aware that they are doing so, such nonbrain activity may con-
(or other brain areas). A few representative cortical pyramidal neurons are taminate or even dominate the signals recorded by a BCI and
indicated. (Modified from Wolpaw and Birbaumer, 2006.) may thereby ensure that the BCI outputs are produced in part,

8 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C E S
or even entirely, by nonbrain signals. Clearly, effective BCI discriminate between EEG and EMG, and thus, their results
research and development are not possible in such circum- may be misleading. These issues are addressed in greater detail
stances. (Indeed, even in the scientific literature there are in chapters 6 and 7.
examples of putative BCI studies in which EMG signals mas-
querade as EEG signals, so that the results reflect cranial-mus-
cle control rather than brain-signal control.) Commercial
devices (e.g., for gaming) that are currently marketed as BCIs
often do not differentiate EEG from EMG or other nonbrain A BCI can produce two kinds of output commands: a com-
signals. Only if it is certain that the control signals arise from mand that selects a goal or a command that controls a process.
brain activity and not from other activity can the results of Figure 1.6 illustrates these two options applied to the move-
BCI studies be useful to people whose severe disabilities have ment of a motorized wheelchair.
eliminated their control of nonbrain signals. In the goal-selection protocol shown at the top, the user and
To avoid the danger of contamination by nonbrain signals, the BCI simply communicate the goal (i.e., the user’s intent) to
EEG-based BCI studies need to incorporate topographical software in the application, and it is the application that then
and frequency analyses that are sufficiently comprehensive to manages the process that accomplishes that intent. For exam-
distinguish between brain and nonbrain signals. Noninvasive ple, the BCI might communicate the goal of moving to a loca-
metabolic BCI studies may need to incorporate analogous pre- tion facing the television. The application device (i.e., the
cautions. EEG studies that simply record from a single site, or wheelchair) then produces the several concurrent sequences
that focus on a single narrow frequency band, cannot reliably of actions (e.g., movements in x and y directions, turning,

a1,n … a1,2 a1,1

Goal selection
a2,n … a2,2 a2,1
a3,n … a3,2 a3,1
Application f1,1 f1,2 … f1,n
f2,1 f2,2 … f2,n
f3,1 f3,2 … f3,n


Process control
c1,n … c1,2 c1,1 a1,n … a1,2 a1,1

c2,n … c2,2 c2,1 Application a2,n … a2,2 a2,1

c3,n … c3,2 c3,1 a3,n … a3,2 a3,1

f1,1 f1,n
f1,2 …
f2,1 f2,2 … f2,n
f3,1 f3,2 … f3,n

Figure 1.6 BCI outputs: goal selection versus process control. BCI output commands can either select goals or control processes. In goal selection the BCI
command specifies only the user’s intent; the process that achieves this intent is accomplished by the application (i.e., the motorized wheelchair), which produces
several concurrent sequences of actions (e.g., a1,t=1, a1,t=2, . . . a1,t=n; a2,t=1, a2,t=2, . . . a2,t=n; etc.) that control its movement and also manage the ongoing interactions
between these actions and the resulting sequences of feedback (e.g., f1,t=1, f1,t=2, . . . f1,t=n; f2,t=1, f2,t=2, . . . f2,t=n; etc.). The feedback to the user is mainly the end result.
In process control the brain and the BCI provide several concurrent sequences of commands (e.g., c1,t=1, c1,t=2, . . . c1,t=n; c2,t=1, c2,t=2, . . . c2,t=n; etc.) that correspond to
the sequences of actions that the application produces; and the brain and the BCI continue to manage the ongoing interactions between these actions and the
resulting feedback. The most successful BCIs are likely to combine goal selection and process control appropriately for each purpose and to thereby emulate the
distributed control characteristic of natural muscle-based CNS outputs. (Modified from Wolpaw, 2007.)

CHAPTER 1 . B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R FA C E S : S O M E T H I N G N E W U N D E R T H E S U N | 9
braking) (denoted by a’s in fig. 1.6[top]) that move the wheel- cortex sometimes functions in a process-control manner in
chair to the desired location at a safe speed. The wheelchair which it controls every detail of an action, and at other times it
application also receives concurrent detailed feedback (denoted functions in a goal-selection manner in which it delegates the
by f’s) that allows it to adjust its actions as needed to avoid dan- details to subcortical areas.
gers such as staircases and obstacles such as walls, furniture, The most effective and desirable BCIs are likely to be those
and other people. As the figure illustrates, the goal-selection that imitate to the greatest extent possible the action-appropri-
protocol places most of the burden (i.e., for complex high- ate distribution of control that characterizes natural CNS func-
speed interactive control) on the application. The BCI simply tion. To do this, BCIs might combine the two approaches of
communicates the goal, and the user simply views, and benefits goal selection and process control. For example, in reaching to
from, the overall result. This example is analogous to using a and grasping an object with a robotic arm, the cortex and the
global positioning system (GPS) to select a destination and BCI might command the three-dimensional movement of the
then putting your vehicle on automatic pilot (assuming of hand, the hand orientation, and the grasp while the application
course that it is equipped with this option!). device might handle the details of the movements of the indi-
In contrast, in the process-control protocol shown at the vidual limb segments and the details of wrist rotation and
bottom of figure 1.6, the user and the BCI control all finger flexion. Such distributed designs, which place fewer
the details of the process that accomplishes the user’s intent. demands on the user and the BCI, may also be more realistic in
The user and BCI produce sequences of commands (denoted the present state of BCI development. As progress continues,
by c’s), which the wheelchair simply converts into actions (e.g., and as BCIs incorporate more elaborate and timely feedback
movements in x and y directions, turning, braking). The user from the evolving action to the CNS, goal selection and pro-
processes the concurrent sequences of feedback to adjust the cess control might be combined so that BCIs can emulate with
BCI’s commands appropriately. The user and the BCI manage steadily growing fidelity the speed, reliability, and ease of the
all the details of the process that puts the user in front of the brain’s natural outputs.
television. The wheelchair simply does exactly what it is told to
do. If goal selection is like using a GPS and an automatic pilot,
process control is like driving the vehicle yourself and making
all the decisions on which way to turn, how fast to go, when to
stop, and so forth. Because of the complexity and multidisciplinary requirements
A simple summary of the difference between these two of BCI development, most research groups focus on a single
kinds of BCI output commands is that in goal selection aspect, such as recording hardware, signal processing, or appli-
the BCI tells the application what to do, whereas in process cation design. This focus is both understandable and impor-
control it tells it how to do it. As chapters 12–18 illustrate, tant for making substantive contributions. At the same time,
goal-selection and process-control protocols have both been the continuation and ultimate success of BCI development
used in a variety of BCIs, noninvasive as well as invasive. depend on realizing systems that are useful to the people with
From the point of view of the CNS and the BCI, goal severe disabilities who are the principal reason for the exis-
selection is relatively easy. It requires only that the BCI provide tence of the field and for the substantial attention and support
the goal (i.e., the user’s intent), which is the one part of the it currently receives. Thus, it is essential to develop systems
desired action that the application alone cannot provide. Once that are clinically useful.
the goal is communicated, the application software and hard- This task is an extremely demanding endeavor. It requires
ware are expected to achieve the goal rapidly and reliably. Goal effective interdisciplinary collaborations and management of
selection is generally most appropriate for simpler BCI appli- the complicated clinical and administrative requirements of
cations in which the set of possible commands is relatively human research (chapter 20) as well as attention to the more or
small and fully defined (e.g., word-processing or wheelchair less unique ethical issues associated with BCI research (chap-
navigation in a specific environment with limited destina- ter 24). Clinically useful BCI systems must function effectively
tions). For more demanding applications, in which the set of and reliably in complex and often changing environments.
possible goals may be large and not fully defined, or in which They must be usable by nonexperts without excessive technical
unexpected complications can occur (e.g., multidimensional support and must provide applications that improve the lives
control of a robotic arm or wheelchair navigation in different of their users. These requirements constitute a hard and unfor-
environments with many possible destinations), it may be nec- giving test for systems first developed in the laboratory. At the
essary to use process control, which generally places greater same time, satisfying them validates the entire field of BCI
demands on the CNS and the BCI. research and development.
As illustrated in figure 1.4A, natural CNS outputs are the Even when BCI systems are clinically validated, their
product of the combined activity of many areas from the cortex wider dissemination to the people who need them most faces
to the spinal cord. Furthermore, the distribution of control several practical challenges. The dissemination of new medical
varies appropriately from action to action. For example, a technologies is typically a commercial endeavor and thus
lengthy clinical and experimental literature indicates that the requires a reasonable expectation of profitability. However, the
cortex plays a much greater role in fine finger control than it number of people who need the relatively modest capabilities
does in gross movements such as hand grasp (Porter and of current BCIs, or of the BCIs likely to be available in the
Lemon, 1993). In accord with the terminology used here, the near future, is relatively small by typical marketing standards.

10 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Thus, the immediate user population may not be large enough severe disabilities. The clinical evaluation and validation of
to attract and reward the commercial entities that could manu- BCIs are demanding endeavors requiring interdisciplinary col-
facture, market, and support current BCIs for those who need laboration and satisfaction of the complicated requirements of
them most. Effective approaches to this problem may lie in clinical research.
therapeutic BCI applications (chapter 22) that can serve BCI research, which occupied only a handful of laborato-
larger populations (e.g., people who have had strokes) and ries 15 years ago, is now an explosively growing field involving
in well-structured commercial initiatives that target both the hundreds of research groups throughout the world. Its excite-
core group of people with severe disabilities and the much ment and potential are drawing many young scientists and
larger numbers of people in the general population who engineers into a vibrant research community that is engaging
might use BCIs for other purposes (chapter 23). These difficult the numerous issues and pursuing the great promise of BCI
issues and their potential solutions are discussed in chapters 21 technology. The intent of this book is to contribute to the fur-
and 24. ther growth and success of this community by providing a
solid grounding in fundamental principles and methods, by
summarizing the current state of the art, and by raising and
SUM MA RY discussing critical issues.

The CNS interacts continuously with the outside world and the
body through its natural neuromuscular and hormonal out-
puts. BCIs measure CNS activity and convert it into artificial
outputs that replace, restore, enhance, supplement, or improve Berger, H. Uber das electrenkephalogramm des menchen. Arch Psychiatr
Nervenkr 87:527–570, 1929.t
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12 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
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n 1870, Eduard Hitzig and Gustav Fritsch applied electrical At about the time of Woolsey’s experiments, the first
stimuli to a region on the surface of a dog’s brain that caused recordings of electrical activity from single neurons in the
the limb on the opposite side of its body to move. This brains of either awake or lightly anesthetized animals were
observation was critical in a number of respects. It demon- conducted in the laboratories of Vernon Mountcastle, David
strated that, like muscles, the brain is electrically excitable. By Hubel, Herbert Jasper, and Edward Evarts (Mountcastle 1957;
finding limb movement represented in a particular area, it also Hubel 1957; Jasper et al. 1958; Evarts 1966). By inserting
addressed the larger issue of whether different parts of the microelectrodes into the cortex so that their exposed tips were
brain, and of the cerebral cortex in particular, were devoted to close to individual cortical neurons, they were able to record
different functions. In the middle of the 19th century opinions single action potentials, or spikes, from these neurons.
on this point ranged from that of the minute cortical special- An action potential is a brief (about 1 msec) and highly
ization held by the phrenologists (Gall and Spurzheim 1809), stereotyped fluctuation in neuronal membrane potential that
to that of Pierre Flourens, who held that the cerebral cortex occurs when excitatory synaptic input to the neuron triggers an
was largely unspecialized (Flourens 1824). Based on their abrupt, transient opening of channels in the cell’s membrane,
experiments, Hitzig and Fritsch ultimately described the area through which specific ions can flow. These action potentials
of the brain that we now know as the primary motor cortex are actively regenerated as they travel down a neuron’s axon to
(Fritsch and Hitzig 1870). Also in the 1870s, David Ferrier provide synaptic input to other neurons. Action potentials are
conducted experiments similar to those of Hitzig and Fritsch
using monkeys as subjects (Ferrier 1873).
Today, neurosurgeons routinely use electrical stimulation
to map the brains of awake human patients undergoing surgi-
cal procedures for treatment of severe epilepsy or tumor resec-
tion. The goal is to identify eloquent cortex, (i.e., areas where
Hip ee le


damage will result in paralysis or in loss of sensation or linguis-

Kn Ank oes

tic ability). These methods were pioneered by the Canadian


neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, whose work led to the now e

ttl g
Li Rin le

familiar map of the motor homunculus that is reproduced in d

id ex
different versions in nearly every textbook dealing with neuro- M Ind mb k
u c
science (Penfield and Boldrey 1937; Penfield 1958) (fig. 2.1). Th Ne row
B ball
This map depicts the areas of motor cortex associated with dis- e ye
tinct motor functions. It is a distorted image of the body in a nd Face
which parts that require more finely graded control (e.g., the Ey

hand) have disproportionately large representations.

Beyond the primary motor cortex, Penfield identified
the areas that we now refer to as the premotor cortex and the Sw Ton aw
all gue

supplementary motor area (Penfield and Welch 1951). These ow


names (and the names of several other premotor areas) reflect


their connections into primary motor cortex and their rela-


tively sparse projections into the spinal cord. Other investiga-
tors working in the same period included Woolsey and
colleagues (Woolsey et al. 1952), who used a variety of tech- 1948
niques in experimental animals to map not only the motor
cortex but also the sensory areas of cortex that are part of a Figure 2.1 The motor homunculus derived by Wilder Penfield illustrating the
larger network of sensory, association, and motor areas that effects of electrical stimulation of the cortex of human neurosurgical patients.
function together to produce normal movement. Adapted from Nolte (2002).

viewed as the basic units of interneuronal communication TERMINOLOGY FOR DIRECTIONS IN THE CNS
and information transfer in the nervous system. A detailed
Several different coordinate axes are used to describe directions
description of this fundamental phenomenon may be found in
within the body in general and the CNS in particular (fig. 2.2).
any basic neurophysiology textbook.
The mediolateral axis is perpendicular to the midline, and the
These seminal neuronal-recording experiments began to
body is bilaterally symmetrical along this axis. That is, the zero
reveal the relationships between neuronal discharge (i.e.,
point of the mediolateral axis is at the midline, and the value
spikes) in motor and sensory areas of cortex and movements
rises as distance to the left or right increases. The rostral (or
or external sensory events. In the decades since these first stud-
cranial) to caudal axis (also called the rostrocaudal axis) goes
ies, tremendous improvements have been made in microelec-
from the head (or more precisely, the face or mouth) to the tail.
trode and electronics technology so that it is now possible to
Thus, the most rostral part of the CNS is the front of the frontal
record the activity of many tens or hundreds of neurons simul-
lobe, and the most caudal is the end of the spinal cord. The
taneously. This new technology has helped give rise to the
third axis is the dorsoventral axis; it is perpendicular to both
brain-computer interface (BCI), whereby such recordings can
the mediolateral and rostrocaudal axes, and goes from the
be interpreted by a computer and used as a source of control
back (or dorsum) to the front (or ventrum). In a quadruped,
signals, ultimately to provide movement or communication to
these definitions remain consistent for the spinal cord and
a paralyzed person.
brain. In a biped, the rostrocaudal and dorsoventral axes rotate
This chapter has six sections. The first four discuss the
forward, such that the dorsoventral axis becomes parallel to
anatomy and functional roles of the brain areas that are most
the gravity vector (fig. 2.2, lower).
relevant to the development of BCI technology. This coverage
Axis terminology is further complicated by the anterior-
is intended to provide a basic background for those readers
posterior axis. In general, anterior refers to the direction toward
who are not familiar with these topics and a succinct review for
the front of the head or body (i.e., the face or abdomen), and
those readers who are. The final two sections discuss the infor-
posterior refers to the opposite direction. However, when
mation content of neuronal discharge recorded from these
applied to the brain, the anterior-posterior axis is the same as
areas and review current methods for recording and analyzing
the rostrocaudal axis. Thus, the front edge of the frontal lobe is
spikes from many cortical neurons simultaneously (these two
the most rostral, or anterior part, of the cerebrum, and the tip
topics are discussed further in chapters 5 and 16).
of the occipital lobe is the most caudal or posterior. In contrast,
when applied to the spinal cord, the anterior-posterior axis is
the same as the dorsoventral axis. Finally, the terms used for
specifying location along the main axis of a limb are proximal
and distal: proximal means close to the body, whereas distal
In humans, most of the brain consists of the two paired cerebral
means far from the body (e.g., the hand or foot).
hemispheres (fig. 2.2). Each hemisphere is covered with cortex,
a structure that varies in thickness in different regions from
about 1.5 to 4.0 mm. The cortex is known colloquially as gray
matter because of the color imparted by its large number of THE CEREBRAL CORTEX
neurons. Beneath the cortex are a number of other deeper
The cerebral cortex has four major parts, or lobes:
gray-matter structures, the subcortical areas including the basal
ganglia, cerebellum, brainstem, and thalamus. The brain’s white
• frontal
matter (so-called because of its lighter color) consists of
the many nerve fibers that interconnect the various cortical • parietal
areas and that connect the cortex to subcortical areas (and
• occipital
visa versa).
The left panel of figure 2.3 shows the trajectory of a single • temporal
corticospinal fiber (i.e., one that extends from the cortex to the
spinal cord). This fiber starts in motor cortex, goes through the Whereas the cerebral cortex of lower mammals (e.g.,
cerebral peduncle, the pons, and into the medulla, where it rodents, rabbits, and some primates) is a relatively smooth
crosses to the other side of the body and enters the spinal cord. sheet, the cerebral cortex of higher mammals is highly
It ultimately projects to interneurons and motoneurons in the convoluted by a set of gyri (ridges) and sulci (grooves) that
ventral horn of the spinal cord on that side. Thus, in general, divide the cortex into distinct anatomical regions. The convo-
corticospinal fibers from neurons on one side of the brain lutions have presumably evolved to increase cortical volume
activate muscles on the other side of the body. while maintaining an unchanged thickness. The sulci and gyri
Because the cerebral cortex is responsible for movement define the four main lobes of the cerebral cortex, as well as
planning and because it is relatively accessible experimentally, other cortical subdivisions (fig. 2.2). The frontal and parietal
it is the brain area of primary focus in most BCI research. lobes are separated by the central sulcus (CS), which is a deep
Accordingly, this section of the chapter will focus mainly on groove between the cortical folds (called gyri) (fig. 2.2). The
the cortex, with brief additional discussion of the subcortical frontal lobe lies on the anterior side of the CS and the parietal
areas with which it is interconnected and that affect and modu- lobe lies on its posterior side. The gyrus on the anterior side of
late its activity. the CS is the precentral gyrus, that on the posterior side is the

16 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Central sulcus Postcentral gyrus

Precentral gyrus

association Primary
cortex visual

Frontal lobe lobe



Anterior Posterior
Rostral Caudal

motor cortex
Central sulcus Primary somatic sensory cortex

Parietal lobe
association cortex
Frontal lobe

Prefrontal lobe
cortex Temporal lobe

Primary visual

Lateral Preoccipital notch


Primary auditory
cortex Brainstem

Figure 2.2 Major divisions of the human cerebral cortex in dorsal (from above) and lateral views. The four major lobes (frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal) are
indicated, as well as several of the functionally defined cortical areas. Adapted from Kandel et al. (1991).

postcentral gyrus. Primary motor cortex (M1) lies along the Posterior (or caudal) to the CS are the parietal lobe and then
anterior wall of CS and continues into the precentral gyrus. the occipital lobe. Primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is within
Primary somatosensory cortex (S1) lies along the posterior the most anterior part of the parietal lobe. Farther posterior, in
wall of the CS and continues into the postcentral gyrus. what is referred to as the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), is a
The frontal lobe is dramatically expanded in humans, even region of multimodal association cortex, that receives input
compared to our closest primate relatives. Much of this expan- from the somatosensory, visual, and auditory sensory areas
sion is within the most anterior, prefrontal area (fig. 2.2), which that surround it.
is involved in higher-order executive function, including com- The occipital lobe, at the posterior pole of the brain, consists
plex cognitive behaviors, personality, and decision making. primarily of visual areas. The temporal lobes are located ventrally

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 1 7


Optic tract

Corticospinal Oculomotor nerve (III)
tract Basis pedunculi Trigeminal nerve (V)


pedunculi Pyramid

Motor decussation
Spinal cord

Pontine Caudal



Figure 2.3 (Left) The corticospinal tract as it descends from the cerebrum through the brainstem to the spinal cord. (Right) Ventral view of the midbrain, pons,
medulla, and spinal cord; the cerebellum (not shown) is behind (i.e., dorsal to) the pons and medulla. Adapted from Kandel et al. (1991).

along the sides of the brain. They are critical for auditory signal into the functional differentiation of the cerebral cortex. This
processing, higher-level visual processing, and memory. map is shown in figure 2.4, and some of the important areas
The cerebral cortex has three histologically distinguishable are noted in table 2.1. With the advent of modern anatomical
parts: the neocortex; the paleocortex; and the archicortex. The and physiological techniques, many of the Brodmann areas
neocortex comprises most of the cortex in mammals and is dis- have been further subdivided. The overlap between the ana-
cussed in detail in this chapter. The paleocortex and archicortex tomically defined maps and functional maps determined later
are evolutionarily older forms of cortex. The paleocortex com- by physiological methods is rather remarkable.
prises a region at the bottom (i.e., the ventral side) of the cerebrum
that includes, but is not limited to, the olfactory cortex. The
archicortex (largely synonymous with the hippocampus) is a struc-
ture located deep within the temporal lobes that plays a critical Neocortex is composed of six morphologically distinct layers
role in the formation of new memories and in spatial navigation. (labeled I–VI), distinguishable mainly by the types of cells
In the early 1900s, Korbinian Brodmann differentiated they contain. Pyramidal cells (named for their pyramidal shape)
approximately 50 areas within the cerebral cortex, based largely are projection neurons (i.e., their axons extend to other cortical
on the distribution, density, and types of cells within each regions and/or to subcortical regions as far away as the spinal
area (Brodmann 1909). His published cytoarchitectonic map cord). Of the nonpyramidal neurons, stellate cells (also called
provided the framework for many subsequent investigations granule cells) are the most numerous; stellate cells have extensive

18 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
6 4 TABLE 2. 1 Common names and abbreviations of the major
3 1 2
8 5
cortical motor areas together with their Brodmann and
7a Matelli designations*

46 19
10 Primary motor cortex M1 4 F1
44a 44
Premotor cortex PMdr 6 (6aβ) F7
45 (Dorsal, rostral division)
52 41 42
47 Premotor cortex PMdc 6 (6aα) F2
11 (Dorsal, caudal division)
38 Premotor cortex PMvr 6 (6aα) F5
37 19 (Ventral, rostral division)
Premotor cortex PMvc 6 (4c) F4
(Ventral, caudal division)
Figure 2.4 Lateral view of the cerebral cortex from the work of Korbinian
Brodmann. Each of the different symbols represents an area Brodmann
Supplementary motor SMA 6 (6aα) F3
considered to be anatomically distinct. He identified and numbered a total of
more than 50 such areas. His numbering is best understood in terms of his
sectioning methodology. Unlike modern brain sectioning, which usually Presupplementary pre-SMA 6 (6aβ) F6
proceeds along the rostrocaudal axis, Brodmann sectioned along the motor area
dorsoventral axis, so that his areal numbering begins at the top of the brain
(i.e., the central sulcus) and often alternates anteriorly and posteriorly as it Cingulate motor area CMAr 24 24c
proceeds ventrally. From Nolte (2002). (rostal division)

Cingulate motor area CMAc 23 24d

dendrites that arise from the cell body and that terminate, along (caudal division)
with the axon, within a restricted region of the cortex. Stellate
cells are primarily involved in processing information locally. Anterior intraparietal area AIP 7

Layer I, the outermost layer of the neocortex, is called the Ventral intraparietal area VIP 5/7
molecular layer. It contains very few neurons and is composed
mostly of the dendrites arising from pyramidal neurons in Medial intraparietal area MIP 5
deeper layers and horizontally running axons. Layer II is called Parietal reach region PRR 5
the external granular layer and contains mostly stellate cells
and small pyramidal cells. Layer III is called the external pyra- Primary somatosensory S1 1, 2, 3
midal layer and contains both small and medium-sized pyra- cortex
midal cells. It is the primary source of fibers that interconnect Prefrontal cortex PFC 9
the different areas of cortex. Layer IV is the internal granular
layer. It contains many nonpyramidal neurons and receives *Matelli et al. (1985, 1991).

much of the input coming to the cortex. These fibers that come
to the cortex (and are therefore called afferent fibers) originate
in the thalamus and carry signals from each of the primary
Intracortical efferents arising in layer III project ipsilater-
senses. Layer V is the internal pyramidal layer. It contains the
ally within a given gyrus and interconnect cortical regions in
largest pyramidal cells, the source of the long axons that proj-
different lobes of the ipsilateral side. The longest fibers travel in
ect out of the cerebrum (and are therefore called efferent fibers).
association bundles. For example, the superior longitudinal
The largest of these Layer V pyramidal cells are located in the
fasciculus contains the fibers that interconnect the frontal and
primary motor cortex and are referred to as Betz cells (Betz
parietal lobes. Fibers projecting between the hemispheres
1874). Finally, Layer VI, called the multiform layer, contains
travel primarily through the corpus callosum, which contains
the greatest variety of cell types. It is the source of most fibers
some 300 million fibers.
from the cortex (i.e., efferent fibers) to the thalamus.
In different cortical regions, the amount of cortex devoted to
a given layer varies depending on the function of the area. For SUBCORTICAL AREAS
example, the primary visual and somatic sensory cortices have
The major subcortical areas of the brain that interact with
an input layer IV that is much thicker than that in the primary
cortex and are intimately involved in motor and sensory
motor cortex; in contrast, the output layer V predominates in
function include the:
primary motor cortex. In sensory regions of cortex, layer IV
contains a large number of granule cells. These regions are there-
• thalamus
fore often referred to as granular cortex. In contrast, motor areas
of cortex lack a prominent layer IV and are termed agranular. • brainstem

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 1 9
• basal ganglia at the pyramidal decussation (as shown in fig. 2.3) within the
caudal medulla and run in the lateral columns of the spinal
• cerebellum
cord in primates and cats. (In rats, the CST is at the base of the
dorsal columns of the spinal cord.) The remaining fibers remain
The thalamus is located below the cortex and deep within
uncrossed until they terminate bilaterally in the spinal cord,
the cerebrum. It serves as the main gateway to the cerebral
and constitute the ventromedial CST. In primates particularly,
cortex for sensory inputs from the spinal cord and from other
some corticospinal fibers synapse directly on motoneurons
subcortical structures including the basal ganglia and cerebel-
within the ventral (or anterior) horn of the spinal gray matter,
lum. It also receives input from the cerebral cortex, which sug-
especially motoneurons supplying the distal extremities. Some
gests that the thalamus plays a complex regulatory function.
CST fibers (those arising from S1) project into the dorsal (or
The brainstem is at the base of brain (just visible in fig. 2.2,
posterior) horn of the spinal gray matter, which receives sen-
lower panel). The brainstem, consisting of the midbrain, pons,
sory afferents coming in from the peripheral nerves. However,
and medulla oblongata, can be seen in greater detail in figure
the majority of CST fibers project to the intermediate zone and
2.3. The medulla oblongata connects to the spinal cord. The
influence motoneurons (which are located in the ventral [ante-
brainstem contains nerve fibers descending to and ascending
rior] horn of the spinal gray matter) indirectly, through spinal
from the spinal cord; it also contains a number of motor and
sensory nuclei, collections of neurons that further process
these signals. The most numerous of these are within the pons
(and are known collectively as the pontine nuclei).
The basal ganglia are a collection of interconnected nuclei
located deep within the cerebrum. They are strongly connected
with the cerebral cortex and play a critical role in movement.
The cerebral cortex is the area of greatest interest in BCI
Both Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s chorea are associ-
research because it is most accessible to electrode probes (as
ated with pathology in the basal ganglia.
well as to scalp recording) and because it is highly involved
The cerebellum (derived from the Latin for little brain) is
in the executive function of motor and communication
nestled under the posterior part of the cerebral hemispheres
(see fig. 2.2, lower panel). The cerebellum is involved in the
The cortical surface features provide convenient landmarks
production of smooth, coordinated movements as well as in
for the identification of particular regions of the brain. In mon-
motor learning and adaptation. Although it has no direct con-
keys, the small spur extending posteriorly from the arcuate
nections to the spinal cord, it influences movement indirectly
sulcus (see fig. 2.5), is a useful mediolateral landmark approxi-
by way of its connections to the cerebrum and brainstem.
mating the region of the cortex that controls proximal arm
People with disorders of the cerebellum are still able to move,
movements (Georgopoulos et al. 1982). In humans, a distinc-
but their movements lack normal coordination; these charac-
tive portion of the precental gyrus known as the “hand knob”
teristic deficits are known collectively as ataxia.
marks the region controlling hand movements (Yousry et al.
1997). These landmarks are often used to guide implantation of
intracortical electrodes. However, although they are useful for
localization during surgery to place electrodes, the deep sulci
Nerve fibers that leave the cortex are called cortical efferent make experimental access to the cortex with multielectrode
fibers; fibers that enter the cortex are called cortical afferent recording techniques more difficult.
fibers. The cortical efferent fibers converge to pass through the Table 2.1 lists the main motor areas of the brain that have
internal capsule, a very dense collection of cortical afferent and been identified by a number of different classification systems.
efferent fibers located just lateral to the thalamus. From the The most widely used are shown in the table and include the
internal capsule, these and other descending fibers form the common names (column 1); their common abbreviations
paired cerebral peduncles (basis pedunculi in fig. 2.3) each of (column 2); the cytoarchitectonic areas described for the
which contains roughly 20 million fibers. Between 85% and monkey by Brodmann (1909) and by Vogt (1919) (column 3);
95% of these fibers terminate within the brainstem, the largest and a later system based on cytochrome-oxidase staining in
proportion within the pontine nuclei. This corticopontine path- the monkey (column 4) (Matelli et al. 1985; Matelli et al. 1991).
way also provides a massive projection from many regions of In this chapter, we use primarily the common names and
the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum. Other efferent fibers from abbreviations shown in columns 1 and 2 of table 2.1.
the cortex end in the caudate and putamen (collectively known
as the striatum), the input nuclei of the basal ganglia (see
below). Other cortical efferents, known collectively as corticob-
ulbar fibers, terminate in the lower brainstem area and include P R I M A RY M O T O R C O RT E X
projections to both motor and sensory brainstem nuclei. Primary motor cortex (M1), located in the frontal lobe, is a
The remaining one million cortical fibers form the medul- brain region of great importance in BCI research because of its
lary pyramids (which give the pyramidal tract its name) and close relation to movement control. Fritsch and Hitzig (1870)
continue to the spinal cord as the corticospinal (CST) tract. and Ferrier (1873) were able to activate muscles with relatively
Eighty to ninety percent of these CST fibers cross the midline weak electrical stimulation in this area because of the relatively

20 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Cingulate SMA M1 SI
preSMA (F3) PE
(F6) PEci Central
9m CMAd
24a,b 23a,b

sulcus prePMd PE
(F7) PMd 1
9I M1 Intraparietal
(F2) SI 2
(F1) sulcus
46d (F4) 7
46v PMv


Lateral SII

1 cm 5 V6A


Figure 2.5 Identification of cortical areas in the macaque monkey. Anterior is to the left and posterior is to the right. The cingulate and lateral sulci are unfolded,
and each fundus (i.e., the deepest part of the sulcus) is indicated by a bold dashed line. The intraparietal sulcus is unfolded similarly and shown as an inset. The
borders between cytoarchitectonic areas are delineated with dotted lines. M1 and the premotor areas are shaded. Abbreviations: AIP, LIP, MIP, VIP are anterior,
lateral, medial, and ventral intraparietal areas, respectively; CMAd, CMAv, CMAr are dorsal, ventral, and rostral cingulate motor areas, respectively; F1 to F7 are
cytoarchitectonic areas in the frontal lobe according to Matelli et al. (1985, 1991); IC is insular cortex; M1 is primary motor cortex; PMd is dorsal premotor area;
PMv is ventral premotor area; prePMd is predorsal premotor area; preSMA is presupplementary motor area; SI is primary somatosensory cortex; SII is secondary
somatosensory cortex; SMA is the supplementary motor area; PE and PEip are parietal areas (Pandya and Seltzer 1982); PO is the parietooccipital area or V6A
(Wise et al. 1997); 9m, 9l, 46d, 46v are prefrontal areas (Walker 1940; Barbas and Pandya 1989). Adapted from Dum and Strick (2005).

large density here of giant Betz cells whose axons form the parts are spatially distorted because control of some body parts
CST. In primates particularly, these cells frequently project is more complex than that of others. For example, control of
directly to spinal motoneurons, which probably contributes to the many facial or hand muscles is much more complex than is
their ability to activate small sets of muscles (Lemon 2008). control of the much larger biceps muscle that flexes the elbow.
The primary motor cortex is organized somatotopically. Consequently, a greater amount of cortical area is devoted to
That is, particular regions of M1 are devoted primarily to the the control of the face or the hand than to the upper arm. These
control of particular body areas. This organization is reflected general principles of somatotopic organization apply to sensory
in Penfield’s homunculus (fig. 2.1), in which an oddly shaped as well as motor areas of cortex.
body is drawn along the central sulcus. Representations of Despite the basic appeal of this textbook caricature of cere-
the legs and feet are found within the medial wall of the cere- bral cortex motor representation, a true motor map probably
brum; the trunk, upper arm, and hand representations occur bears a good bit less resemblance to the body (Schieber 2001).
progressively more laterally in the hemisphere; and the face is Figure 2.6, taken from work in Cheney’s laboratory, contains a
most lateral. Although neighboring body parts are typically map that is analogous to Penfield’s in that it shows the spatial
represented within neighboring areas of cortex, these body distribution of motor areas that represent various body areas

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 2 1
(Park et al. 2001). The solid line in this figure represents the lip (ArS) (see fig. 2.5). As noted in the figure, the PM is divided
of the anterior bank of the precentral gyrus. The parallel dashed into dorsal (PMd) and ventral (PMv) areas. Each of these is
line indicates the fundus of the central sulcus and the posterior sometimes further divided into rostral (PMdr and PMvr) and
limit of M1. This study achieved much higher spatial resolu- caudal (PMdc and PMvc) areas. These subdivisions are distin-
tion than those of Penfield, because it used intracortical, rather guished by differences in their parietal and prefrontal inputs,
than surface stimulation and because the stimulating currents by their outputs to M1, and by whether or not they project to
were almost 1000-fold smaller. Although the gross features of the spinal cord (Ghosh and Gattera 1995; Matelli et al. 1998;
figure 2.6 are similar to those in figure 2.1 (i.e., the face most Fujii et al. 2000).
lateral, the legs most medial, and the hand and arms in between; In addition to these premotor areas, there are several other
see also Sessle and Wiesendanger 1982), it lacks the individual limb-related premotor areas that have been identified within the
digits and simple linear mapping along the sulcus of the famil- frontal lobe of the monkey. These can be seen in the upper draw-
iar homunculus. ing in figure 2.5: the supplementary motor area (SMA) and the
Since Penfield and Woolsey identified the primary and cingulate motor area (CMA). SMA is located medial to PMdc,
premotor cortices, many additional motor cortical areas have and is primarily within the interhemispheric fissure. It extends
been identified. Although not shown in figure 2.5, M1 can be slightly onto the exposed surface of the cortex. CMA is located
subdivided into two regions: caudal M1 (M1c) (essentially that entirely on the medial wall within the cingulate sulcus. As seen
lying within the sulcus); and rostral M1 (M1r) (the portion on in figure 2.5, the CMA has been further subdivided into rostral
the cortical surface and extending rostrally—or anteriorly— (CMAr), dorsal (CMAd) and ventral (CMAv) areas.
nearly to the arcuate sulcus [ArS in fig. 2.5]). Neurons in M1c, Electrical stimulation applied to the premotor cortices can
nearest to the somatosensory cortex, are more strongly influ- elicit movement as in M1. However, somewhat higher currents
enced by somatosensory inputs than are neurons in M1r (Strick are required here than for M1, and the movements tend not to
and Preston 1978a; Strick and Preston 1978b). A variety of be isolated to individual parts of the hand or limbs as they are
other motor areas have been identified that have projections for M1. All of these premotor areas (except for PMdr) are char-
into M1. acterized by fairly extensive spinal projections in parallel with
those from M1 (Hutchins et al. 1988; Dum and Strick 1991).
Premotor cortex (PM), also located in the frontal lobe, is the S O M AT O S E N S O RY C O RT E X
area anterior (rostral) to the primary motor cortex (fig. 2.5). The primary somatosensory cortex (S1), located in the parietal
In monkeys, the border between the M1 and PM falls roughly lobe, is important in movement because it conveys the sensa-
midway between the central sulcus (CS) and the arcuate sulcus tions of touch, temperature, pain, and limb position that are
important in guiding movement. S1 lies in the most anterior
part of the parietal lobe. It starts along the posterior (caudal)
Medial 1 mm wall of the CS and extends into the postcentral gyrus. It receives
both tactile and proprioceptive (see below) input from the
spinal cord by way of the thalamus.
Anterior Posterior The sense of touch originates from a combination of mech-
anoreceptors located either superficially or deep in the skin.
Both the depth and the spacing of the receptors determine the
spatial resolution of the signals they convey, from the exquisite
sensitivity of the tips of the fingers, to the much less sensitive
skin on the trunk. In addition, some of these receptors remain
sensitive to maintained contact (slowly adapting receptors),
whereas others are optimized to sense changes (rapidly adapt-
ing receptors).
S1 also conveys proprioception, the sense of both limb posi-
tion and movement. Although less a part of our conscious
Proximal awareness than either vision or somatosensory modalities,
Distal proprioception is, nevertheless, quite important for planning
& distal
and guiding movement. Proprioceptive input is derived pri-
Face marily from two types of receptors within the muscles: muscle
Trunk spindles that are sensitive both to muscle length and to rate of
Lateral Hindlimb stretch, and Golgi tendon organs that sense muscle force.
As is true of other senses, somatosensory input is relayed to
Figure 2.6 Map of the effects of intracortical microstimulation within primary the cerebral cortex by the thalamus. The thalamus is located
motor cortex of a monkey. The map indicates the body parts that were
deep within the brain and is subdivided into a number of regions,
activated by stimulation at each point in cortex. The central sulcus has been
unfolded. The dashed line indicates the fundus (i.e., bottom) of the central
each of which processes input from a different sensory modality.
sulcus. The solid line is the crown of the precentral gyrus. Adapted from Thalamic somatosensory inputs converge on several cerebral
Park et al. (2001). cortical areas, which together comprise S1. These include

22 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Brodmann areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 (fig. 2.7). Area 3a receives pri- temporal lobe. These have been referred to, respectively, as the
marily proprioceptive input, whereas 3b receives tactile input. dorsal and ventral visual streams (Ungerleider and Mishkin
The border between 3a and 3b lies within the central sulcus, 1982), and the function of these two streams has traditionally
but its location varies considerably among individuals been divided into object-location (the “where” or dorsal
(Krubitzer et al. 2004). Area 1 is similar to area 3b in that it stream), and object-recognition (the “what” or ventral stream).
responds mostly to tactile stimuli, receiving a combination of Another view is that these two streams might more properly be
inputs from the thalamus and area 3b. On the other hand, area viewed as vision-for-action and vision-for-perception, respec-
2 is similar in many respects to 3a in that it is predominantly tively (Goodale and Milner 1992), a view that reflects the
proprioceptive, receiving input both from the thalamus and anatomy of the dorsal action stream, which passes from
from area 3a. visual cortex into the PPC and then into the motor areas of the
Perhaps unexpectedly, S1 also sends many axons to the frontal lobe.
spinal cord, but the axons terminate mainly in the dorsal part As with the visual system’s division into object-recognition
(i.e., the dorsal horn) of the spinal gray matter and are thought for perception and object-location for action, the somatosen-
to regulate spinal reflexes and afferent input to the cerebrum sory system may be similarly divided into representations for
(Liu and Chambers 1964; Coulter and Jones 1977; Yezierski perception and action. The ventral stream (perception) analog
et al. 1983; Ralston and Ralston 1985). projects from the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII in
figure 2.5) to the insula and is thought to be involved in tactile
P O S T E R I O R PA R I E TA L C O RT E X learning and memory (Mishkin 1979; Friedman et al. 1986).
The PPC (i.e., areas 5 and 7, including the regions within the The dorsal stream analog (action) enters the PPC together with
intraparietal sulcus in fig. 2.5) is also involved in sensory func- visual input and then projects to the frontal lobe.
tion. It is an example of a multimodal association cortex, in that Within the PPC are several areas that play important roles in
many of these neurons receive a combination of visual, audi- the control of movement. These lie near the intraparietal sulcus
tory, and somatosensory inputs (Blatt et al. 1990; Andersen (IPS) (fig. 2.5). The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) (see fig. 2.5,
et al. 1997; Breveglieri et al. 2006). The PPC probably combines inset showing detail of the IPS) is primarily involved in the con-
this sensory input to form an internal map of the limbs and trol of saccadic (i.e., rapid) eye movements (Robinson et al.
their relation to the external world that is used to guide move- 1978). The ventral intraparietal area (VIP) (fig. 2.5, inset) is
ment planning. Lesions within this part of the brain can cause located in the groove at the bottom of the IPS and contains neu-
a disorder called hemispatial neglect, in which a person becomes rons with complex tactile/visual receptive fields. VIP is thought
unable to recognize the limbs on the opposite side of the body. to be involved in the coding of space in egocentric, head-
Vision and proprioception are undoubtedly the most centered coordinates (Duhamel et al. 1997, 1998), a function
important of the sensory input modalities that guide move- that may be important for both head and limb movements.
ments. Visual signals from the occipital lobe follow two diver- The anterior and medial intraparietal areas (AIP and MIP)
gent paths, one extending into the PPC and the other into the (fig. 2.5, inset) are both involved in arm and hand movements:
MIP is devoted primarily to reaching movements; AIP is
devoted to the control of grasping (Mountcastle et al. 1975;
Taira et al. 1990; Cohen and Andersen 2002).
An area that has received considerable attention recently is
the parietal reach region (PRR) which includes MIP as well as
the dorsal aspect of the parietooccipital area (PO; also known
as visual area, V6A). Many neurons in PRR encode the end-
point of limb movements in a gaze-centered coordinate system
(Batista et al. 1999). These regions project to the PM area PMd,
4 while the ventral and lateral areas (VIP, AIP) project to PMv
3b (Wise et al. 1997; Dum and Strick 2005; Chang et al. 2008).
VIP and AIP may specifically target PMvc and PMvr, respec-
tively (Luppino et al. 1999).
lateral P R E F R O N TA L C O RT E X
Lateral The prefrontal cortex (PFC), located in the frontal lobe, sur-
rounds the principal sulcus and includes Brodmann areas 9
posterior and 46 (seen in fig. 2.5). It is usually not grouped with other
lateral Deep
Input from cortical areas involved in motor control in the primate brain
part) medial lemniscus
(caudal Cutaneous because of its differing anatomical connections and lack of
part) stimulation-evoked movements. The PFC does not contribute
to the CST as do primary motor and premotor cortices and
parts of the parietal cortex (Lemon 2008); and, unlike premo-
Figure 2.7 Projections from the somatosensory portions of the thalamus to the tor and PPC areas, the PFC does not directly project to or
primary somatosensory cortex. Adapted from Kandel et al. (1991). receive inputs from M1 (Picard and Strick 2001). The dorsal

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 2 3
and ventral aspects of the PFC project to the dorsal and ventral chapter: M1, PMd, PMv, SMA, PPC, and S1. We choose these
premotor areas, respectively. In spite of these many differences cortical areas because they are particularly relevant for corti-
from the other cortical motor areas, PFC is included here cally controlled BCIs since they are intimately involved in the
because it appears to have a major role in high-level executive planning and execution of voluntary movements and because
functions relating to movement. several have been the focus of past and current BCI develop-
The most dramatic and famous example of the loss of func- ment. Using the results of electrical stimulation and single-
tion due to prefrontal damage is that of Phineas Gage. Gage neuron recording studies, we will consider each of these
sustained an injury in 1848 when a long, one-inch diameter cortical areas along each of the four dimensions. Finally, we
iron rod was driven through his head while he was setting an will consider the roles of these areas in the motor hierarchy in
explosive charge to level a railway roadbed, destroying a major the context of reaching to grasp an object, a natural behavior
portion of his frontal lobes (Damasio et al. 1994). Although he that traces its evolutionary roots to primate foraging and
lived and functioned normally in many respects, his friends arboreal locomotion.
described dramatic changes in his personality. What little is
known about the ensuing psychological changes derives
largely from the comments of John Martyn Harlow, the physi-
cian who cared for Gage both in the immediate aftermath of
the accident, and in the ensuing decade before he died. The Motor behavior can be viewed as a process of planning or
formerly friendly and reliable Gage had become, quoting preparation, followed in time by execution of that plan. Because
Harlow, “impulsive, unreliable, unable to carry out his plans, planning precedes execution and is considered to provide more
was profane and now lacked deference towards others. So general, abstract information about the movement (see next
marked was this change, that his friends said he ‘was no longer section), it is viewed as a process that occurs higher in the
Gage’” (Harlow 1868). motor hierarchy than execution. Planning includes several
In addition to the PFC’s apparent role in less well-defined tasks: the identification of a goal (e.g., a target to be reached);
executive functions, its role in short-term memory has been the selection of the limb to be used (e.g., the right upper limb);
highlighted by a large number of well-controlled lesion experi- and finally the specification of a path to the target (e.g., where
ments and clinical studies as well as electrophysiological the hand moves to reach the target). In complex, ethologically
recordings from animals. The maintenance of spatial working relevant behaviors, it is often impossible to temporally separate
memory in particular appears to be a function of PFC (Jacobsen planning from execution since they overlap in time. An exper-
1935; Funahashi et al. 1989; Goldman-Rakic 1995). It is exper- imental approach to separate planning from execution is the
imentally difficult to separate this function from that of control instructed-delay paradigm. In this paradigm an instructional
of the spatial focus of attention, which may also be an impor- cue is first presented to inform the subject (human or animal)
tant component of PFC function (Lebedev et al. 2004). which of several possible movements should be performed.
This cue is followed by an enforced-delay period (typically sev-
eral hundred milliseconds) during which the cue is present
and planning can occur, but movement execution is not
allowed. At the end of the delay, a go cue instructs the subject
to make the movement. In some experiments a period requir-
ing a short-term memory process is incorporated by removing
To understand how the brain controls the limbs, and particu-
the instruction cue before the end of the delay period.
larly to understand the role of the cortex, the conceptual frame-
Using this paradigm, investigators have been able to deter-
work of a motor hierarchy is very helpful. In this conceptual
mine which cortical and subcortical areas are involved in the
framework, motor control is seen as a set of functions that are
planning process. This is accomplished by examining the mod-
hierarchically organized and performed in series. Although it
ulation of neural activity during the delay period. Riehle (2005)
is not always possible to segregate particular functions within
proposed three criteria that must be met for neural activity to
distinct cortical and subcortical structures, the concept of
be considered planning-related: (1) modulation of spiking (i.e.,
motor hierarchy serves as a useful aid in understanding the
neuronal action potential) frequency relative to baseline must
functional differences among various brain structures.
occur during the planning period; (2) this modulation must be
The concept of a motor hierarchy can be understood along
related to the movement to be made after the go cue; and
at least four different dimensions:
(3) trial-by-trial variations in this modulation must predict
trial-to-trial variations in the movement features (e.g., reaction
• time (planning vs. execution)
time, success, or failure).
• encoding (abstract vs. concrete coding)
• complexity (simple vs. complex movements)
• source (external vs. internal movement initiation). Although there are strong reciprocal connections between
PM and M1, electrophysiological data suggest that PM is more
Using these four dimensions as guidelines, we will consider strongly engaged during planning, whereas M1 is more
six major cortical areas that have been described in this intimately involved in movement execution.

24 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Modulation in M1 typically begins only 50–200 msec in execution. It may therefore be said that PM resides higher in
before movement onset, providing strong evidence that M1 is the motor hierarchy than M1 (Weinrich and Wise 1982). At
involved in the execution phase (Evarts 1968; Georgopoulos the same time the data suggest that, although PM exhibits
et al. 1982). As illustrated in figure 2.8, the modulation profiles more robust and earlier preparatory activity, a gradient of pre-
of different M1 neurons are quite heterogeneous: they include paratory-to-execution functions exists along the rostrocaudal
both transient (phasic) and sustained (tonic) components, as dimension of the precentral gyrus (Johnson et al. 1996).
well as various combinations of increasing or decreasing
firing rates (Cheney and Fetz 1980; Kalaska et al. 1989). P O S T E R I O R PA R I E TA L C O RT E X
A number of studies have also observed that if an instructed- For visually-guided movements, the PPC (including Brodmann
delay paradigm is used (enforcing a delay between the presen- areas 5 and 7), and regions within the intraparietal sulcus, may
tation of a movement target and the subsequent movement be viewed as even higher in the motor hierarchy than PM. PPC
initiation cue), early planning-related activity can be observed receives visual information related both to the movement goal
prior to the initiation cue (Tanji and Evarts 1976). This activity and to the state of the limb (via direct inputs from extrastriate
has been used to predict the upcoming movement direction areas including V2, V3, V4, medial temporal area [MT], and
(Georgopoulos et al. 1989). medial superior temporal area [MST]). This visual information
Premotor cortex also exhibits rate modulation locked to is retinotopic (i.e., in a coordinate system anchored to the
movement onset. Activity during the delay period is greater in retina) (Baizer et al. 1991). In fact, neurons in the PRR appear
PM than in M1 (Godschalk et al. 1981; Weinrich and Wise 1982; to code arm-movement direction in a retinotopic coordination
Riehle and Requin 1989; Riehle 1991; Crammond and Kalaska system much like that of other visual cortical areas (Batista
2000). Moreover, several studies show that preparatory modu- et al. 1999). Several studies have shown that area-5 neurons
lation typically occurs earlier in PM (in particular PMd) than in exhibit broad directional tuning like that of M1 (see below),
M1 (Riehle 1991; Kalaska and Crammond 1992) (fig. 2.9). such that single-neuron firing rates vary with target direction
These findings support the conclusion that PM is more even during an instructed-delay period prior to movement
closely related to planning, whereas M1 is more closely involved (Kalaska et al. 1983; Crammond and Kalaska 1989).
However, Kalaska and colleagues report evidence that
directional signals in M1 do not necessarily originate in pari-
etal cortex (Kalaska et al. 1983). Using an identical center-out
movement task, they directly compared neurons of M1 with
those of area 5 and demonstrated that, on average, M1 neurons
50 began modulating their firing-rates about 60 msec earlier than
area-5 neurons. The earlier responses in M1 do not support the
idea that the directional signals in M1 originate in parietal
0 cortex. Because the earliest area-5 neurons began modulating
before movement onset, the authors speculate that at least
some of the directional responses in area 5 may represent an
Discharge rate (spikes/second)

efference copy from M1 (i.e., a copy of the signal from M1 used
to inform area 5 about the command being sent in parallel to
the CST) rather than proprioceptive feedback. Given that PPC
is not one homogeneous area, one way to reconcile these
conflicting viewpoints is to consider that certain parts of PPC,
such as PRR within the intraparietial sulcus, sit higher in the
50 temporal hierarchy and send inputs to M1, whereas other
parts, such as area 5 on the gyrus (where Kalaska et al. (1983)
recorded), sit lower in the temporal hierarchy and receive
0 efference copy information from M1.

Despite the relatively distant connection of lateral PFC to
M1 and to the spinal cord, activity in lateral PFC does
change during sensorimotor tasks (Tanji and Hoshi 2008).
Di Pellegrino and Wise (1991) compared the activity of
prefrontal and premotor cortical neurons during a modified
–1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 instructed-delay task. They found that, like PM neurons, pre-
Time (seconds) frontal neurons show direction-dependent discharges related
to movement onset. However, prefrontal discharge was more
Figure 2.8 Differing firing-rate profiles of four neurons in the primary motor
cortex during a reaching task against a constant load. Each plot represents the
phasic, more stimulus-related, and began 150 msec earlier on
average firing rate as a function of time. The onset of movement is at time 0. average than PM discharge. These observations place PFC
Redrawn from Kalaska et al. (1989). higher on the motor control hierarchy than PM.

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 2 5
Dorsal premotor cortex

0° 45° 90° 135° 180° 225° 270° 315°

Spikes per second (Hz)






Primary motor cortex

Spikes per second (Hz)



0 0.4 0.8
Time (s)

Figure 2.9 Simultaneous recordings from three dorsal premotor cortical neurons (PMd) and three M1 neurons during an eight-direction, reaching task. (A) Perievent
histograms for three PMd neurons (rows) aligned on the onset of an instructed-delay period for each movement direction (columns). Arrows point to the average
movement onset time. (B) Perievent histograms from three M1 neurons. Time zero represents the onset of the instruction cue for both sets of figures. Notice that
the PMd neurons exhibit modulation early in the instructed-delay period, whereas the M1 neurons do not. From Hatsopoulos et al. (2004).

THE ENCODING DIMENSION: end-effector are specified in a coordinate system linked to a sta-
ABSTRACT VERSUS CONCRETE CODING tionary part of the robot. Using this model for the nervous
system, the movement goal or trajectory plan would be repre-
A movement can be described with different levels of abstrac-
sented in an egocentric coordinate system (i.e., a coordinate
tion. These range from the most abstract (e.g., the movement
system anchored to the body). The trajectory plan would be fur-
goal itself, represented by a target in space), to the somewhat
ther transformed from body coordinates into joint coordinates
less abstract (e.g., the hand movement necessary to reach the
using the so-called inverse kinematics equations, which dictate
goal), to the most concrete (e.g., the temporal sequence of
how the angular position of each of the joints evolves over time
muscle contractions necessary to move the hand). Theories of
[i.e., θ(t)] to execute the trajectory plan along each dimension:
biological motor control have borrowed concepts from robot-
ics in an effort to elucidate these different levels of abstraction.
In robotics, a goal and the desired trajectory plan for the F[ x(t )] = q (t ) (2.1)

26 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
where x(t) is a time-varying vector of end-effector positions, 1988; Kalaska et al. 1989; Maynard et al. 1999; Moran and
θ(t) is the vector of joint angular positions, and F is a nonlinear Schwartz 1999).
Because movement is ultimately governed by forces obey- Kinematic Information
ing Newton’s second law, the joint trajectories are realized Although movement direction has been the most exten-
using a set of torque trajectories τ(t) determined by the inverse sively studied, there is also evidence that M1 neurons represent
dynamics equation: other kinematic features of movement, including velocity,
position, and movement distance (Georgopoulos et al. 1984;
G[q (t ), q(t ), q(t )] = t (t ) (2.2) Fu et al. 1993; Kurata 1993; Ashe and Georgopoulos 1994; Fu
et al. 1995; Paninski et al. 2004). Over the past 25 years this
where τ(t) is the vector of time-varying angular torques and model of M1 as a source of kinematic signals has emerged as
G is a nonlinear function of the angular position, velocity, and the dominant viewpoint. With a few exceptions (Carmena
acceleration of the joints. et al. 2003; Pohlmeyer, Perreault, et al. 2007; Moritz et al. 2008;
Using this robotics perspective, a given brain area might Fagg et al. 2009; Gupta and Ashe 2009; Pohlmeyer et al. 2009),
represent (or encode) one of the different levels of movement it has served as the basis for all BCIs that use M1 neuronal
abstraction. That is, it might encode an abstract goal in world activity to control movement.
or egocentric coordinates; it might encode the kinematics of
the arm and hand in egocentric or joint-centered coordinates; Population Vectors
or it might encode the forces or muscle activities required to Georgopoulos showed that the PDs and discharge rates of
realize the kinematics. a large population of neurons can be combined to predict
movement direction (Georgopoulos et al. 1986). This is called
P R I M A RY M O T O R C O RT E X the population vector approach. It simply takes the vector-sum
Early Work of preferred directions among a population of directionally
Beginning 40 years go with the work of Evarts (1968) and
continuing to the present, research in behavioral electrophysi-
ology has attempted to determine the motor variables encoded
in the activity of single cells in M1. Despite much effort the
–500 0 500 1000
results are still not entirely clear. Evarts’s postulate was that M1
represented kinetic variables (e.g., joint torque or its deriva-
tives) and thus corresponded to the final transformation on the
right side of equation 2.2. This view was supported by the early –500 0 500 1000 –500 0 500 1000

data from his laboratory as well as by a number of succeeding

studies (Smith et al. 1975; Hepp-Reymond et al. 1978; Cheney
and Fetz 1980; Kalaska et al. 1989; Taira et al. 1996; Hepp- –500 0 500 1000 –500 0 500 1000

Reymond et al. 1999; Cabel et al. 2001), with further support

coming from studies showing that the activity of a population
of neurons (i.e., population activity) in M1 can be used to pre- –500 0 500 1000 –500

0 500 1000 MSEC

dict grip force, joint torque, or EMG activity (Carmena et al. T M

2003; Westwick et al. 2006; Pohlmeyer, Solla, et al. 2007; Fagg

PCA110 . S01
et al. 2009; Pohlmeyer et al. 2009). –500 0 500 1000

Directional Tuning 60
There is now strong evidence that cells in M1 encode sig-
nals representing the movement of the hand in space (i.e., the
input to eq. 2.1), including information about direction.
IM pulses/sec

Georgopoulos and colleagues (1982) performed the classic
experiment testing this postulate. In this experiment monkeys
were required to make hand movements from a central posi- 20
tion to one of eight peripheral targets. About 75% of M1 neu-
rons exhibited broad directional tuning during these movements.
That is, each neuron displayed a preferential response to one
direction, called the cell’s preferred direction (PD). The peak 45 135 225 315°
discharge during movements made to other directions was a Direction of movement
function of the cosine of the angle between the cell’s PD and
Figure 2.10 Directional tuning of a neuron from primary motor cortex (M1). (Top
the actual direction of motion (fig. 2.10). The presence of
panel) Raster plots (i.e., spikes) from one M1 neuron over repeated movements
directional tuning has been an extremely robust finding that in each of eight movement directions. (Bottom panel) The average spike rate
has been replicated in many other studies of M1 for both two- from the same neuron as a function of direction. A cosine function was used to
dimensional and three-dimensional reaching (Schwartz et al. fit the data. From Georgopoulos et al. (1982).

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 2 7
tuned neurons after weighting each PD-vector by the firing Shift of P.D. of muscles (pro-sup)
rate of the corresponding neuron. Using the population-vector Extrinsic Forearm
approach, Schwartz and colleagues demonstrated that more %
complex movement paths with time-varying directions can be n = 23
decoded as well (Schwartz 1992; Schwartz and Moran 1999).
This approach has been used in real-time BCIs to guide the 15
movement of virtual and robotic devices in three dimensions Modulated by
(Taylor et al. 2002; Velliste et al. 2008). 10 forearm orientation

Other Studies 5
Despite the numerous demonstrations supporting kine-
matic encoding of hand movement in M1, there have been a –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
number of studies suggesting a more complex picture (e.g.,
studies of M1 discharges during isometric contraction [i.e., Shift of P.D. of M1 neurons (pro-sup)
muscle contractions without movement]) (Taira et al. 1996; % Extrinsic Forearm
Boline and Ashe 2005; Sergio et al. 2005). The directional tuning 15
of most (but not all) M1 neurons during movement is affected n = 72
by changes in external load, initial hand position, and arm pos-
ture (Kalaska et al. 1989; Caminiti et al. 1990; Caminiti et al. 10
1991; Scott and Kalaska 1995). Furthermore, for individual M1
Modulated by
neurons, context-dependent effects can also alter the relation- forearm orientation
ship between firing rate and force (Hepp-Reymond et al. 1999). 5
Strick’s laboratory examined the postural dependence of
M1 discharge with a behavioral paradigm in which monkeys
were trained to perform wrist movements in one of four direc- 0
–40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
tions (flexion, extension, radial deviation, and ulnar deviation)
Shift of preferred direction (deg)
with the forearm supinated, pronated, or midway between the
two extremes (Kakei et al. 1999). Since forearm rotation Figure 2.11 Change in preferred direction (PD) of muscle activity (upper panel)
changes the pulling direction of muscles (thereby changing the and M1 neuronal activity (lower panel) as the forearm was rotated from the fully
muscles’ preferred directions computed in extrinsic, body-cen- pronated to the fully supinated orientation. Shaded regions indicate cases in
which the peak magnitude of activity changed by more than 30% with wrist
tered coordinates), they used measurement of the shifts of
orientation. The dashed vertical lines suggest three possible coordinate
M1-neuron PDs in the different postures to show that indi- systems: extrinsic (i.e., world-fixed) coordinates; forearm-fixed coordinates; or
vidual M1 neurons represented movement in either a muscle- intrinsic coordinates that reflect the average 70° rotation of muscle PDs. The
based (intrinsic) or body-centered (extrinsic) coordinate PD rotation of many neurons behaved much like that of muscles, but another
system (fig. 2.11). Forearm rotation did not affect discharge larger group did not rotate. Forearm orientation affected the magnitude of
most muscles and neurons. n is the number of neurons studied. Adapted
rate for 20% of the neurons, affected the magnitude but not the
from Kakei et al. (1999).
PD of discharge for 30%, and (much in the way it affected
muscle discharge) affected the PD for 32%. These results sug-
gest that both low-level muscle activations and higher-level location or the direction of cursor movement independent of
hand movements are represented within M1. the required limb movement.
There is also evidence that discharge in M1 may even rep- The strong correlations among the different movement-
resent target location, regardless of arm-movement direction. related signals have made it very difficult to address the ques-
Alexander and colleagues developed a behavioral paradigm to tion of what M1 actually encodes. Likewise, theoretical studies
distinguish activity related to spatial features of the target from have taken opposing views on the question of the primacy of
activity related to arm movement (Shen and Alexander 1997a). high- or low-level tuning within M1 (Mussa-Ivaldi 1988;
Monkeys were trained to control a cursor with movements of a Todorov 2000; Fagg et al. 2002). Given the currently contradic-
joystick using whole-arm movements similar to those in tory state of the literature, a number of interpretations are pos-
Georgopoulos’s study (Georgopoulos et al. 1982). In one con- sible. First, M1 might encode an as yet undiscovered feature of
dition, the joystick and cursor movements were identical. movement that may be partially correlated with the parameters
However, in a second condition, they rotated the spatial map- of movement already examined. Second, M1 might not be a
ping between the joystick and cursor motion by 90 degrees functionally homogeneous area, but, rather, may contain a het-
such that upward movement of the cursor now required a erogeneous set of neurons that together possess the full range
rightward movement of the joystick. During reaction time and of representations postulated from the robotics perspective. A
movement time, the activity of roughly 40%–50% of neurons third possibility, entirely consistent with the second, is that the
was exclusively related to the direction of arm movement, motor cortex serves as a substrate for implementing the trans-
regardless of the target location or cursor movement. However, formation from sensory to motor coordinate systems. In sum-
during the instruction, delay, and reaction time periods, the mary, there is at present no clear consensus as to M1’s position
activity of 10%–15% of the neurons was related to the target along the abstract-to-concrete dimension.

28 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
In contrast to the ambiguity regarding M1, the picture appears Beginning with the classical stimulation studies of Penfield
to be clearer for PM and PPC. Using the rotated visual-display (Penfield and Welch 1951), it has been recognized that the
paradigm described above, Shen and Alexander (1977b) found supplementary motor area (SMA) of the cortex is an important
that neurons representing target location were much more area in the representation of complex movements involving
common in dorsal premotor (PMd) cortex than in M1. multiple limb segments.
Likewise, Strick and colleagues found that most ventral Single-neuron recordings have demonstrated that SMA
premotor cortical (PMv) neurons encode wrist-movement neurons fire preferentially for complex movement sequences
direction in a body-centered coordinate system, with virtually compared to simple movements. In a task using a series of
none encoding it in muscle coordinates (Kakei et al. 2001). push-pull movements of a handle, individual SMA neurons
Several studies have also described a spatial gradient of fired only for particular sequences of movements, but not for
target selectivity in which more M1 neurons with higher-order, any single movement in isolation (Shima and Tanji 2000). For
abstract properties were found rostrally, near the boundary example, as illustrated in figure 2.12, one SMA neuron fired
between M1 and PMd (Alexander and Crutcher 1990; Johnson whenever a pull was followed by a push, but not when these
et al. 1996). movements were performed in other sequences or in combina-
A recent study directly compared the ability of simultane- tions with other movements.
ously recorded populations of M1 and PMd neurons to decode However, recent studies have called into question the view
discrete target location versus continuous hand position in that movement-sequence representations reside within SMA
an instructed-delay, center-out task (Hatsopoulos et al. 2004). but not within M1. Lu and Ashe demonstrated that M1 neu-
Although target location and movement direction were not rons preferentially encode specific memorized movement
explicitly dissociated, this study found that PMd populations sequences (Lu and Ashe 2005). They also found that injections
could more accurately predict target direction prior to of muscimol (a drug that inhibits neuronal activity) into M1
movement, whereas M1 populations could more faithfully increased errors during memorized sequences, without
reconstruct continuous hand position. These findings further increasing errors in nonsequenced movements.
support the notion that PM activity is related to an abstract The electrical stimulation used in Penfield’s experiments
goal. was of much greater intensity and longer duration than that
Kalaska and colleagues compared the effects of a bias-load typically used in the most recent intracortical-stimulation
force imposed systematically in different directions during studies. However, using lengthy stimulation trains (500–1000
center-out hand movements in neurons in M1 and in area 5 of msec) and relatively high current intensity to stimulate frontal
the PPC (Kalaska et al. 1989, 1990). M1 neurons exhibited a lobe (including M1) and parietal lobe, Graziano et al. (2002,
mixture of different load effects. In contrast, area-5 neurons 2004) elicited seemingly goal-directed movements that
were almost completely unaffected by the added load and thus
appear to represent the kinematics of movement regardless of
Push Pull Turn Turn Pull Push
the force required to move.



Many everyday movements are complex and can be viewed as

either sequential or simultaneous recruitment of simpler Push Turn Pull Pull Push Turn
movements. For example, typing on a keyboard or playing
the piano requires a sequence of finger movements, and reach-
ing to grasp an object requires coordination across proximal
and distal segments of the upper limb. Moreover, bimanual
movements require the coordination of both limbs. At a behav-
ioral level, complex movements are typically not just the
concatenation of simpler movements, since one movement Turn Push Pull Pull Turn Push
element may affect the execution of another element. This
is particularly evident in the language phenomenon of co-
articulation, in which the production of one phoneme is
influenced by the need to produce the next phoneme (Daniloff
and Moll 1968; Benguerel and Cowan 1974). It is also evident
in piano playing (Engel et al. 1997) and probably in many 1 sec
other complex movements. These behavioral phenomena
Figure 2.12 A neuron recorded from the supplementary motor cortex that
suggest that there are specialized neural circuits that link
responds during the combination of a pull movement followed by a push
and coordinate simple movements into more complex movement but that does not respond to individual movement elements.
sequences. From Shima and Tanji (2000).

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 2 9
mimicked ethologically relevant behaviors involving complex circuits dedicated to internal and external movement genera-
movements of multiple limb segments. Although the interpre- tion. In contrast, M1, which is lower in the motor hierarchy, is
tation of these observations is controversial given the large not affected by this contextual difference.
magnitude and long duration of electrical stimulation, they
suggest that cortical control of movement sequences may be
V I S U A L LY G U I D E D R E A C H - T O - G R A S P
distributed beyond SMA.
( P R E H E N S I O N ) B E H AV I O R

Thus far we have described a motor hierarchy understood on

the basis of the four dimensions outlined above. These descrip-
tions have been framed in general terms. We now look in detail
at a concrete example, that of prehension, the act of reaching
A movement can be triggered and initiated by an external stim- to grasp an object, to see how these hierarchical functions
ulus, or it may be initiated internally by motivation. For exam- throughout the cortex lead to purposeful movement.
ple, one may reach for and grasp a cup among several other Prehension is a fundamental feature of human behavior. It
visually presented objects after instruction to do so (i.e., external traces its evolutionary roots to primates foraging for food in arbo-
initiation), or one may simply decide to reach out for the cup to real environments, and it has supported the development of more
satisfy a desire for the hot coffee it contains (i.e., internal initia- complex actions, such as tool use. Current BCI research is study-
tion). The distinction between external and internal initiation is ing prehension in order to develop cortically controlled BCI
particularly evident in the generation of complex movements systems capable of moving to locations and grasping objects.
such as those involved in playing a musical instrument: a pianist
can play from sheet music that provides visual instructions as to T W O C O RT I C A L N E T W O R K S S U B S E RV E
which keys to press, for how long, and in which order (i.e., exter- PREHENSION
nal initiation); or, with repeated practice, the pianist can remem- Prehension is interesting from the perspective of motor con-
ber and generate (i.e, internal initiation) the proper sequence of trol because it is a complex behavior that requires the coordi-
key presses without the support of external stimuli. nation of proximal and distal components of the arm.
The distinction between external and internal movement Electrophysiological data provide some evidence for two corti-
guidance can be seen rather dramatically in Parkinson’s dis- cal networks, one supporting reach behavior and the other
ease. Although severe akinesia can prevent some people with supporting grasp (fig. 2.13). The dorsal network—including
Parkinson’s disease from initiating even a simple step on their area 5d (in the PPC), MIP (medial intraparietal area), PMdc
own, they may be able to walk if visual cues are placed on the (the caudal portion of dorsal PM), and M1—appears to be spe-
ground. cialized for control of shoulder and elbow movements (i.e., for
reach behaviors). Corticospinal projections from PMdc and
S U P P L E M E N TA RY M O T O R A N D rostral M1 (i.e., on the precentral gyrus) terminate predomi-
P R E M O T O R C O RT I C E S nantly in upper cervical (i.e., neck) segments of the spinal cord
Experimental evidence provides support for the existence of containing motoneuron pools innervating proximal muscula-
two separate neural circuits (in SMA and PM) that subserve ture (He et al. 1993). A recent electrical-stimulation study sug-
internally guided versus externally guided movements, respec- gests that there is a dorsal-to-ventral topography within PMd,
tively. Electrophysiological experiments in behaving monkeys such that stimulation above the arcuate spur elicits predomi-
suggest that SMA is particularly important for internally gen- nantly proximal arm movements (Raos et al. 2003). In con-
erated movements. Mushiake and colleagues trained monkeys trast, the ventral network including the anterior intraparietal
to press a set of buttons in various sequences (Mushiake et al. area (AIP), rostral portion of the ventral PM (PMvr), and M1
1991). To train the animals to perform a particular button- (particularly the caudal portion of M1 buried in the central
press sequence, lights within the buttons were turned on in the sulcus) has been postulated to control distal movements such
proper sequence to cue each movement. After several repeti- as grasping (Kurata and Tanji 1986; Rizzolatti et al. 1988;
tions the lights within the buttons were gradually dimmed Jeannerod et al. 1995). The AIP and PMvr possess similar func-
until they were completely extinguished. A significant number tional properties, including both visual and motor responses to
of SMA neurons began to modulate only after the lights had grasped objects. Not surprisingly, given AIP’s proximity to
been extinguished and stopped firing when the lights were visual input, AIP’s discharge appears to depend more on the
restored. These SMA neurons were thus understood to be shape of the grasped object and less on the actual details of the
related to internal initiation of movement. grasp (Jeannerod et al. 1995).
In contrast, a second neural circuit involving the PM (PMd Unlike AIP neurons, many PMvr neurons appear to be
and PMv) appears to be involved in externally-generated more sensitive to different types of grasp (Taira et al. 1990;
movements. In the same experiment (Mushiake et al. 1991), a Sakata et al. 1995; Raos et al. 2006). There appear to be at least
large number of PMd and PMv neurons fired while the lights two functionally distinct groups of grasp-related neurons in
remained illuminated, but stopped firing once the lights were PMvr. In monkeys, the first group (called canonical neurons)
extinguished. In contrast, M1 neurons did not differentiate discharges not only for particular types of grasps but also when
between the two conditions. This study suggests that area 6 (the the monkey simply observes the grasped object (Rizzolatti et al.
area containing both SMA and PM cortices) has specialized 1988; Rizzolatti and Fadiga 1998). A second group (called

30 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Thus, despite extensive study, the existence of a strictly
topographic organization within the arm area of M1 is still
Dorsal network (“Reach”)
somewhat controversial. Modern stimulation studies argue
for the existence of a concentric or horse-shoe organization,
PMdc with distal representations mainly in the caudal portion of
M1 (including the anterior bank of the central sulcus) that
are surrounded by a zone of proximal-arm representations
PMv (see fig. 2.6) (Kwan et al. 1978a, 1978b; Park et al. 2001; Park
(F5) AIP
et al. 2004). In between these two zones is a third zone in
Ventral network (“Grasp”)
which low-current stimuli elicit activity in combinations of
proximal and distal muscles (Park et al. 2001). There are two
possible functional interpretations of this intermediate zone:
that single neurons encoding either distal or proximal compo-
Figure 2.13 Two proposed neural networks in the macaque monkey cortex nents are intermingled in close proximity to each other and
involved in control of proximal reaching movements and distal grasping can be excited concurrently with electrical stimulation; or,
movements, respectively. A dorsal reach network consists of the superior alternatively, that single neurons encode both proximal and
parietal cortex (area 5d and MIP), caudal dorsal premotor cortex (PMdc) and
distal components. Based on strong congruence between
primary motor cortex (M1). A ventral grasp network includes the anterior
intraparietal area (AIP), rostral ventral premotor cortex (PMv; F5), and M1.
stimulus-triggered and spike-triggered averaging of EMG
signals, Park et al. (2001, 2004) argue in favor of the second
interpretation. As for the inner distal and outer proximal
mirror neurons) discharges even when a monkey watches zones, coordination of reach and grasp might appear in the
another individual (either monkey or human) make a particu- form of spatiotemporal patterning of the firing of these two
lar grasping movement (di Pellegrino et al. 1992; Gallese et al. populations of neurons.
1996). Thus, AIP appears to represent more abstract informa- Recent anatomical studies using retrograde transneuronal
tion (i.e., higher in the motor hierarchy) than does PMvr, which rabies-virus transport from individual muscles have demon-
itself is clearly at a higher level in the hierarchy than M1. strated that direct projections from cortex to spinal motoneu-
rons arise almost exclusively from the caudal portion of M1 in
P R I M A RY M O T O R C O RT E X the anterior bank of the central sulcus (Rathelot and Strick
The primary motor cortex (M1) is clearly involved in the con- 2006). Moreover, these studies demonstrate that motor neu-
trol of distal as well as proximal components of arm move- rons innervating proximal as well as distal muscles receive
ments. We have already described evidence that M1 neurons these monosynaptic projections and form a medial-to-lateral
encode a variety of proximal reach movement parameters. topography within caudal M1 such that proximal cells reside
Electrophysiological recordings in behaving monkeys have more medially and distal cells more laterally. Therefore, caudal
also shown that single neurons in M1 modulate their activity M1 may be a particularly important area for producing coordi-
with many different aspects of distal limb function, including nated reach-to-grasp behaviors.
torque about the wrist (Evarts 1966; Murphy et al. 1979; Cheney
and Fetz 1980; Kurata 1993; Kakei et al. 1999) and grip force
(Hepp-Reymond et al. 1978; Muir and Lemon 1983; Wannier
et al. 1991; Maier et al. 1993).
Lesions of M1 or the pyramidal tract in monkeys cause PROPRIOCEPTION
transient paresis or paralysis of the proximal limb and persis- At present, the user of a BCI that controls movement of a
tent loss of finely controlled wrist and finger movements (in cursor or robotic limb must rely on relatively slow visual feed-
particular, the loss of the ability to fractionate the movements back to guide the movement and to correct errors. In contrast,
of individual digits) (Denny-Brown 1950; Lawrence and in normal movements these functions are accomplished in
Kuypers 1968a; Passingham et al. 1978). Intracortical micro- large part by the proprioceptive system. People suffering loss of
electrode stimulation of M1 using short stimulation trains and proprioceptive feedback can rely on watching their limbs, but
low-current amplitudes can elicit muscle contractions and their movements are typically slower and less coordinated than
movements about the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and finger joints normal and require great concentration (Ghez et al. 1995;
(Asanuma et al. 1976; Huntley and Jones 1991; Donoghue et al. Sainburg et al. 1995). Thus, sensorimotor feedback in the form
1992). Longer stimulation trains (lasting several hundred mil- of proprioception is an important modulator of movement
liseconds) can elicit complex, apparently goal-directed move- control.
ments involving proximal and distal joints that appear similar Proprioceptive sense comes from a variety of muscle and
to natural reaching and grasping (Graziano et al. 2002, 2004). joint sensory organs (e.g., muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs,
Consistent with these observations, a number of imaging and joint receptors, etc.). Their inputs converge onto cortical areas
stimulation studies indicate that proximal and distal represen- 3a and 2 of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Additional
tations are intermingled and distributed throughout the arm complexity arises because the position and velocity sensitivi-
area of M1 (Huntley and Jones 1991; Donoghue et al. 1992; ties of muscle spindles can be modulated by descending input
Schieber and Hibbard 1993; Sanes et al. 1995). from the brain (Burke et al. 1978; Loeb and Duysens 1979;

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 3 1
Prochazka 1981) and because both Golgi tendon organs (Houk C H A N G E S I N S O M AT O T O P I C M A P S
and Henneman 1967; Crago et al. 1982) and joint receptors A F T E R I N J U RY
(Grigg 1975; Millar 1973) are differentially sensitive to actively If BCIs that use cortical neuronal activity are to be useful to
and passively generated forces. As a result, cortical responses people with severe disabilities, it will be important to take into
to perturbations during movement are likely to differ from account the dramatic changes in cortical somatotopic maps
those during rest. Indeed, studies that have compared the dis- that occur after both peripheral and central injuries. A good
charge of S1 neurons during active and passive movements example of this dramatic change is the phantom-limb sensa-
find only partial correspondence (Soso and Fetz 1980; tion experienced by many amputees, in which sensory affer-
Prud’homme and Kalaska 1994). In this and in many other ents from the remaining portion of the limb innervate the
respects, the discharges of area 2 and 3a cells appear to be fairly adjacent denervated cortex, causing them to sense the pres-
similar. ence of the limb despite its absence (Flor et al. 2007).
Less dramatically, prolonged and selective use of particular
NEURONAL ACTIVITY IN S1 AND digits causes their cortical representations to increase in size
R E L AT E D A R E A S (Pascual-Leone and Torres 1993; Nudo et al. 1996; Xerri et al.
Movement-related neuronal activity in S1 is predominantly 1996). Furthermore, mechanical coupling of two digits has
phasic (i.e., occurring during the movement itself), is often been shown to cause their cortical maps to fuse (Clark et al.
proportionate to movement speed, and in most cases is com- 1988; Jenkins et al. 1990). Similar changes have been demon-
bined with lesser tonic, or position-related discharge (Soso and strated in response to either cortical or peripheral electrical
Fetz 1980; Gardner and Costanzo 1981; Wise and Tanji 1981). stimulation (Nudo et al. 1990; Recanzone et al. 1990).
One study of planar, center-out reaching movements made in These observations have important implications for people
a variety of directions revealed sinusoidal-shaped tuning with neurological disorders, for the possible use of BCIs that
curves very much like those of neurons in M1 (Prud’homme depend on signals originating in specific sensorimotor cortical
and Kalaska 1994). areas, and for the incorporation of BCIs with sensory-feedback
The earliest studies of the signals in S1 were those of methods that depend on cortical stimulation.
Mountcastle in the late 1950s and focused largely on the sense
of touch (Mountcastle 1957; Mountcastle et al. 1957).
Mountcastle established that all the primary sensory and motor SUBCORTICAL AREAS
cortical areas are composed of distinct columns of neurons
extending from the most superficial to the deepest layers of Subcortical areas also make important contributions to motor
cortex. He further suggested that these columns might act as behaviors. However, due to their less accessible locations, they
elemental computational units, each processing inputs from are less pertinent to BCI technology, at least in its present state.
one part of the body and one type of receptor (Mountcastle Thus, we discuss these areas only briefly. In the future, as
1957). As these inputs are transmitted through the cortex, recording technology and scientific understanding continue to
from area 3b to area 1 and then into the secondary somatosen- improve, these subcortical areas may assume greater impor-
sory cortex, they gradually combine inputs from different tance in BCI research and development. The major subcortical
receptor types and cortical areas, thereby conveying more areas that we discuss are the:
complex, multimodal representations of stimuli within larger
receptive fields. This progression in receptive-field complexity • thalamus
and size continues as the somatosensory signals propagate into • brainstem
the PPC, where they are combined with visual and auditory
inputs. • basal ganglia
This progression of signal processing was recently analyzed • cerebellum
in the context of a sensorimotor decision-making process (de
Lafuente and Romo 2006). Monkeys were trained to discrimi-
nate the presence or absence of a vibratory stimulus applied to THE THALAMUS
the fingertip. The monkeys indicated the presence or absence
of the stimulus by making one of two different movements. As previously noted, the thalamus provides the principal input
This was an easy task unless the amplitude of the stimulus was to the cerebral cortex, conveying inputs from the spinal cord as
quite small, in which case the monkeys made frequent mis- well as from subcortical areas. It consists of a number of dis-
takes. Recordings were made from a number of different corti- tinct nuclei divided into lateral, medial, anterior, intralaminar,
cal areas during the period in which the monkey was making midline, and reticular groups. The lateral group is further sub-
its decision. The results showed that the correspondence divided into ventral and dorsal tiers. Thalamic nuclei fall into
between the monkey’s final judgment and the neuronal dis- two general classes: relay nuclei and diffuse-projection nuclei.
charge increased as the recordings shifted from the primary The relay nuclei subserve a single sensory modality or motor
somatosensory cortex to the secondary somatosensory cortex, area, and they interact reciprocally with fairly circumscribed
to the PMdc. Conversely, regardless of the monkey’s ultimate regions of the cerebral cortex. In contrast, the diffuse-projec-
decision, activity in the primary sensory areas corresponded tion nuclei influence broad regions of cortex and have impor-
with the properties of the mechanical stimulus. tant connections to both the basal ganglia and the limbic

32 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
system (Morgane et al. 2005). They are thought to be involved inputs from disparate cortical areas and sending output exclu-
in the regulation of arousal, emotion, and cognitive state sively to the motor cortex (Kemp and Powell 1971). More
(Jones 1981; Van der Werf et al. 2002). recently, it has been recognized that the output of the basal
The ventral tier of the lateral group of thalamic nuclei ganglia targets a much broader range of cortical areas, com-
contains the ventral anterior (VA) and ventral lateral (VL) prising (much like the corticocerebellar pathways [see below])
nuclei. These are the main motor nuclei of the thalamus several parallel loops (Alexander et al. 1986). These include the
and convey inputs from the basal ganglia and cerebellum to motor, oculomotor, lateral orbitofrontal, dorsolateral prefron-
specific areas of the cerebral cortex. In turn, these cortical areas tal, and anterior cingulate, or limbic circuits. Although these
project back to the basal ganglia and cerebellum. These inter- loops are thought to be largely separate, there is likely to be
connections appear to constitute well defined loops that origi- some degree of convergence within their thalamic or cortical
nate and terminate in specific cortical areas. In addition to the targets (Joel and Weiner 1994; Hoover and Strick 1999).
traditional motor and premotor cortical areas that have been As shown in figure 2.14, the head of the caudate nucleus is
recognized for decades, it is also now evident that motor areas adjacent to the putamen, with the two structures separated by
within the medial wall of the cerebrum, and even nonmotor fibers of the internal capsule. Functionally, they are considered
areas in temporal lobe and PFC, are involved in similar loops to be one structure, the striatum, which serves as the primary
(Middleton and Strick 2000). input nucleus of the basal ganglia. The striatum receives inputs
from throughout the cerebral cortex, the brainstem, and the
thalamus. The basal ganglia also include the globus pallidus
and the substantia nigra. These structures are the principal
We have already described cerebral cortical projections that output nuclei. They send a large number of inhibitory fibers to
descend into subcortical areas and to the spinal cord. There are the ventroanterior (VA) and ventrolateral (VL) nuclei of the
also brainstem areas that project to the spinal cord. These thalamus. The thalamus in turn sends excitatory projections to
include the red nucleus, the brainstem reticular formation, the various motor-related areas, including the primary motor
vestibular nuclei, and the superior colliculus. Their spinal pro- cortex, the supplementary motor area, PM, and the PFC.
jections have been divided into lateral and medial systems, Output from the basal ganglia also goes directly to the superior
based on the location of their terminations in the spinal cord, colliculus and is involved in eye and head movements.
which largely overlap with the lateral (crossed) and ventrome- The basal ganglia are thought to be involved in the expecta-
dial (uncrossed) corticospinal systems, respectively (Kuypers tion of reward, and the prediction of actions to optimize them,
et al. 1962). Brainstem motor areas are most prominent in particularly within the prefrontal and limbic circuits (Kawagoe
lower mammals and decline in prominence relative to the cere- et al. 1998; Schultz et al. 2000). Evidence is also emerging of the
bral cortex as one ascends phylogenetically toward humans. important role of the basal ganglia in promoting the learning
The main component of the lateral system is the red of actions (including sequences of movements) that optimize
nucleus, which receives somatotopically organized projections
from the cerebellum and, to a lesser extent, from the primary
motor cortex. Its output, the rubrospinal tract crosses the
midline within the brainstem and descends in the lateral Fibers of
the internal Body of
column of the spinal cord. Like the crossed CST, it terminates caudate nucleus Lateral
in regions of the cord that influence motoneurons of limb and ventricle
Head of
hand (or paw) muscles. The rubrospinal tract is involved in caudate
independent use of the limb, primarily reach and grasp move- nucleus
ments (Lawrence and Kuypers 1968b).
The medial brainstem system includes primarily the retic-
ular, vestibular, and tectal nuclei. Their outputs (the reticu-
lospinal, vestibulospinal, and tectospinal tracts) descend in the
ventral column of the spinal cord. Like the uncrossed CST,
they target primarily interneurons and propriospinal neurons
that control axial and proximal limb muscles on both sides of
the body and appear to be principally involved in the control of Amygdala
whole-body posture, orienting, and locomotion (Lawrence Tail of
caudate nucleus
and Kuypers 1968b).


Figure 2.14 Location of the basal ganglia deep within the cerebral cortex,
The basal ganglia are a group of nuclei located deep within the parallel to the lateral ventricle. The fibers of the internal capsule pass through
the striatum, causing a separation between the caudate and the putamen.
cerebrum (fig. 2.14). These highly interconnected nuclei are
Although it is located in close proximity to the tail of the caudate nucleus, the
implicated in a range of motor disorders, including Parkinson’s amygdala is not considered part of the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia output
disease and Huntington’s chorea. The earliest models of the nuclei, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra, are medial to the putamen and
basal ganglia viewed them as essentially a funnel, receiving are not visible in this figure. From Kandel et al. (1991).

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 3 3
reward (Graybiel 1995, 2005). Degenerative changes within source of the cerebellar output fibers. Moving mediolaterally
the basal ganglia are associated with a number of motor and are found the fastigial, interpositus, and dentate nuclei, which
cognitive disorders, most prominently Parkinson’s and receive the outputs from the most medial (i.e., the vermis),
Huntington’s diseases. intermediate (i.e., paravermis), and most lateral (i.e., hemi-
spheric) parts of the cerebellar cortex, respectively. The cere-
bellar hemispheres have become greatly enlarged in the
phylogenetic transition from cats to monkeys to humans and
L O C AT I O N , O R G A N I Z AT I O N , A N D are often called the neocerebellum, while the vermis and para-
CONNECTIONS vermis constitute the paleocerebellum. The floculonodular
The cerebellum sits on the dorsal surface of the brainstem lobe (also called the archicerebellum) is the most primitive
caudal to the cerebrum. The cerebellar cortex is highly convo- part of the cerebellum, and it sends its axons directly to the
luted into many folds or folia, to a much greater extent than the vestibular nuclei in the brainstem.
gyri and sulci of the cerebral cortex, and is divided by a series Multiple maps of the body-surface representation in the
of fissures running roughly mediolaterally. Figure 2.15 pres- cerebellar cortex have been made (e.g., Snider and Stowell
ents a dorsal view of the human cerebellum. The primary 1944). Representation of the trunk is usually placed within the
fissure divides the anterior lobe from the posterior lobe, and vermis, with the limbs in the hemispheres. The floculonodular
the posteriolateral fissure divides the posterior lobe from the lobe receives mainly visual and vestibular input (Snider and
flocculonodular lobe (not visible in this view). Although the Stowell 1944; Manni and Petrosini 2004) and is chiefly involved
cerebellum is symmetrical about the midline, it is not divided in balance and eye movements.
at the midline, as is the cerebrum. Cerebellar inputs and outputs pass through the anterior,
The cerebellar cortex has only three layers, and unlike the middle, and posterior cerebellar peduncles. The inputs come
cerebrum, there is little variation across different cortical from many different sources in the pontine nuclei and the
regions. With few exceptions, the same neuronal types, in the spinal cord. Cerebellar outputs go to the cerebral cortex via the
same proportion, with the same well-defined interconnections, ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus and to a variety of brain-
are found throughout the cerebellar cortex. The Purkinje cells, stem motor areas, including the red nucleus which gives rise to
which are the cerebellar output neurons and are among the the rubrospinal tract.
largest neurons in the CNS, are in the middle layer. Beneath the The cerebellum and the cerebrum are closely intercon-
cerebellar cortex are the cerebellar nuclei, which receive the nected. The leg, arm, and face regions of the primary motor
Purkinje cell axons from the cerebellar cortex, and are the main cortex send separate, parallel projections to the cerebellum

Primary fissure Vermis


Cerebellar peduncles:

Globose nucleus
Fastigial nucleus

Figure 2.15 Dorsal view of the cerebellum, showing both the cortical surface and the underlying paired nuclei. The right hemisphere has been removed to reveal
the three cerebellar peduncles that connect the cerebellum to the brainstem. From Kandel et al. (1991).

34 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
through the pons. The cerebellar nuclei, in turn, project back INFORMATION IN ACTION
through the VL nucleus of the thalamus to the same cortical POTENTIALS (SPIKES)
regions. Thus, closed loops connect the leg, arm, and face rep-
resentations in the motor cortex to those in the cerebellum. Neuronal action potentials (or spikes) are believed to be the
Similar closed-loop circuits with the cerebellum appear to exist basic units of interneuronal communication and information
for each of the premotor areas in the frontal lobe (Dum and transfer in the CNS. In accord with this understanding, the
Strick 2003; Kelly and Strick 2003; Glickstein et al. 2009; Strick second section of this chapter discussed the functional correla-
et al. 2009). tions of various cortical areas largely in terms of the amount of
activity (i.e., the numbers of spikes produced). In this section
CEREBELLAR FUNCTION we consider exactly how spikes or series of spikes (spike trains)
Current understanding of cerebellar function began with might encode the information important for motor control.
Gordon Holmes, a neurologist who served with the British There are several hypotheses about the way in which informa-
Forces in France during World War I. Holmes made repeated tion might be encoded in spiking activity. This is important for
observations of the effects of gunshot wounds in the cerebel- BCI technology, which is based on the premise that brain sig-
lum and visual cortex (areas which, being relatively unpro- nals can be decoded and used to control devices.
tected by the back of the helmet, were quite vulnerable to
injury) (Pearce 2004). Holmes quoted one of his patients, who
R AT E - C O D I N G H Y P O T H E S I S
had a lesion of the right cerebellar hemisphere as saying, “the
movements of my left arm are done subconsciously, but I have The prevailing view today is referred to as the rate-coding
to think out each movement of the right arm. I come to a hypothesis. It posits that information is transmitted by neurons
dead stop in turning, and have to think before I start again” through the rate at which they produce spikes. The notion
(Holmes 1939). Based on such observations, Holmes wrote of a rate code was first clearly articulated by Adrian and
numerous papers giving classic descriptions of cerebellar dis- Zotterman (1926), who recorded action potentials from
orders (Holmes 1939). cutaneous nerve fibers in the leg of a cat as the pressure applied
The effects of cerebellar lesions are unlike those resulting to the footpad was varied. While spike amplitude remained
from injury to the cerebrum. In particular, motor deficits are stable, the number of spikes counted over several seconds was
ipsilateral to the side of the injury, and they do not result in proportional to the pressure applied. This observation sug-
paralysis. Damage to the cerebellar hemispheres is associated gested that spike frequency, or rate, is the fundamental mecha-
with a broad spectrum of disorders of limb movements. The nism of coding information. This is called the rate-coding
term ataxia is used generally to describe the resulting incoordi- hypothesis.
nation, which may include: dysmetria (wrong-amplitude move- Since the seconds-long time interval used in this initial
ments), intention tremor occurring particularly near the end of study appeared to be too long to encode the rapidly changing
movement, disdiadochokinesia (inability to perform a rapidly sensory, motor, and cognitive information associated with
alternating movement), or decomposition of complex move- motor behaviors, later investigators refined the rate-coding
ments into several components. Such findings indicate that the hypothesis by considering much smaller time windows able to
cerebellum is important in fine-tuning the details of movement, accommodate rapid variations (Richmond et al. 1987).
and in coordinating the limbs and limb segments so that com- Nevertheless, the preferred operational time scale of neurons
plex movements occur smoothly and automatically. These find- and the appropriate time scale for measurement of spike rates
ings have generated a variety of models for how the cerebellum remain unsettled.
performs these functions (e.g., Lacquaniti and Maioli 1989; In many BCI applications, spikes are counted in bins (i.e.,
Paulin 1989; Miall et al. 1993; Kawato 1999; Spoelstra et al. time periods) of 20–100 msec (Serruya et al. 2002; Taylor et al.
2000; Kawato and Gomi 1992; Wolpert et al. 1998). 2002; Carmena et al. 2003; Pohlmeyer et al. 2009). Counting
In addition, the cerebellum has long been known to play a spikes in bins is a common method for estimating firing rates.
role in motor learning, including the recalibration of eye/hand However, this method has certain problems. First, the tempo-
coordination during growth, as well as adaptive adjustments in ral boundaries of the bins are chosen arbitrarily with respect to
the vestibular reflexes that control eye and head movements to the occurrence of individual spikes (e.g., so that a given spike
stabilize vision (Gellman et al. 1985; Stone and Lisberger 1986; might span two adjacent bins). Second, when bin width (i.e.,
Kim et al. 1987; Wang et al. 1987; Lou and Bloedel 1992). duration) is reduced to improve temporal resolution, the rate
Cerebellar injury is associated with a loss of the ability to adapt resolution decreases (because rate is computed in increments
movements to changing conditions. of 1/binwidth) (Dayan and Abbott 2001). An alternate method
Although the cerebellum has traditionally been viewed as a not extensively used in BCI applications is to convolve a spike
motor structure, recent views suggest that it also helps to opti- train with a Gaussian or similar filter in order to translate the
mize the acquisition of sensory information (Gao et al. 1996; point process into a continuous rate signal (French and Holden
Blakemore et al. 2001) and to organize higher cognitive func- 1971; Dayan and Abbott 2001). With this approach, the width
tions (Kim et al. 1994; Daum and Ackermann 1995; Thach of the Gaussian filter acts much like the bin width in standard
2007). Such higher-order functions are thought to be located binning, and it determines the temporal resolution at which
within the hemispheres and dentate nucleus. the firing rate is measured.

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 3 5
The temporal-coding hypothesis offers an alternative viewpoint.
In this hypothesis information is encoded in the fine temporal The spikes of cortical neurons are detected by microelectrodes
patterns of spikes. That is, the precise temporal pattern of that penetrate into cortex so that their tips (or other recording
spike occurrences carries information beyond the total surfaces) are close to the neurons. This section discusses the
number of spikes. There is much debate as to what the essential techniques used to record and analyze spikes (see also chapters 5,
distinction is between rate and temporal coding. Some 7, and 16). Recording of field potentials by electroencepha-
researchers argue that by shrinking the bin width or lographic (EEG) methods is described in chapters 3 and 6.
Gaussian-filter width to some arbitrarily small value, a rate
code becomes indistinguishable from a temporal code, and MICROELECTRODES
that, therefore, there is no fundamental difference between
the two hypotheses. Others argue that if temporal patterns The first reported use of penetrating electrodes to record spikes
of action potentials measured on a millisecond (as opposed from individual cortical neurons was probably Renshaw’s study
to tens or hundreds of milliseconds) time scale do carry in the late 1930s using an agar-filled micropipette and a vacu-
behavioral information, then these patterns constitute proof um-tube amplifier (Renshaw et al. 1940). It was not until the
of a temporal code. Theunissen and Miller (1995) have early 1950s that metal microelectrodes were used to record
proposed a formal distinction between the two hypotheses spikes from neurons in visual, somatosensory, and motor cor-
by appealing not only to the temporal fluctuations of the tices (Hubel 1957; Mountcastle 1957; Jasper et al. 1958; Hubel
neural response but also to the temporal variations in the 1959; Evarts 1966). These microelectrodes were essentially
stimulus or behavior that is encoded. They argue that if insulated wires with sharpened uninsulated tips.
temporal patterns in a spike train are fluctuating faster than Many different types of microelectrodes are now in use for
the stimulus or behavior and carry information about the intracortical recordings, including multielectrode arrays that
stimulus or behavior, then this is evidence for a temporal can be chronically implanted in the brain for months or even
code. For example, if we consider the original work of years. Several commonly used variations are shown in figure
Adrian, who monitored action potentials in cutaneous nerve 2.16. The simplest of these are microwire electrodes, arrays of
fibers under different levels of maintained pressure (Adrian thin wires soldered to a connector in two or more rows (fig.
and Zotterman 1926), any pattern of spike trains within the 2.16A). The diameter of the wires is typically 25–50 μm, and
measurement period (beyond that of the mean spike rate) their composition may be steel, tungsten, or platinum-iridium.
that correlated with the pressure level would constitute a The tips of the wires are generally cut off at an angle to produce
temporal code. sufficient sharpness to penetrate the pia mater (the innermost
Although some data support the idea of temporal and thinnest of the three meningeal layers surrounding the
coding in sensory systems (Richmond et al. 1987; Middlebrooks brain). Because of the high flexibility of these wires, they must
et al. 1994), there is less evidence of temporal coding in the be stiffened during insertion. A coating of polyethylene glycol
motor system, at least at the single-neuron level. However, a is typically used to accomplish this and makes it possible to
number of studies suggest that precise temporal synchrony construct electrodes as long as 20 mm or more. The coating is
between neurons in the motor cortex may carry behavioral dissolved with warm saline as the electrodes are inserted slowly
information. For example, Riehle and colleagues recorded into the cortex to the desired depth. The electrodes are stabi-
simultaneously from multiple M1 neurons while monkeys lized in position by anchoring the connector directly to the
performed a simple reaching task in which the cue to move skull with an adhesive such as methyl methacrylate.
could occur at one of several predictable time points. Significant If the tips of electrodes in an array are ≤50 μm apart, the
synchronization between pairs of M1 neurons occurred at spike of a given neuron may be detected at more than one elec-
these expected cue times even when the firing rates of the con- trode. This offers more than just redundancy. A single elec-
stituent neurons did not change at these times (Riehle et al. trode often records spikes from several different neurons, and
1997). The authors suggest that rate and temporal coding it may be difficult to identify the spikes produced by each indi-
are not mutually exclusive, but, rather, provide complemen- vidual neuron. Separation is usually accomplished on the basis
tary information, in which the firing rate of individual neu- of differences in spike shapes (see section on Spike Sorting in
rons encodes movement information, while the synchrony this chapter). The spike-sorting process can be more reliable if
between neurons encodes expectation or enhanced attention the spikes of an individual neuron are recorded by more than
(Middlebrooks et al. 1994). In another study (Hatsopoulos one electrode. This was the rationale behind the stereotrode
et al. 1998), M1 neurons appeared to synchronize transiently (McNaughton et al. 1983), which was constructed by twisting
near the onset of a reaching movement, and the magnitude of together two 25-μm platinum/iridium wires and cutting the
synchrony changed with the direction of movement. A fol- ends with a sharp scissors. Subsequently, four wires were used
low-up study suggested that this synchrony, while present in for the same purpose, giving rise to the tetrode (Gray et al.
pairs of M1 neurons, carries directional information that is 1995). These have been further bundled into arrays of as many
redundant with the simple rate coding of individual neurons as 12 tetrodes, each adjustable in depth (Wilson and
(Oram et al. 2001). McNaughton 1993; Yamamoto and Wilson 2008; Kloosterman

36 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
et al. 2009; Nguyen et al. 2009), providing the ability to record mounted on the skull. This allows the electrode array to float
quite reliably from large numbers of neurons and to record on the surface of the cortex, thereby reducing movement
spikes from a given neuron on several electrodes simultane- relative to brain tissue.
ously (fig. 2.16B). A similar rationale was part of the motivation for the 100-
An alternative design that has recently become available electrode Utah array, invented nearly 20 years ago by Richard
commercially (Microprobes for Life Sciences, http://www. Normann at the University of Utah (Jones et al. 1992) and now
microprobes.com/; Plexon Neurotechnology Research Systems, available commercially through Blackrock Microsystems
http://www.plexon.com/) is the floating microelectrode array (http://www.blackrockmicro.com/) (fig. 2.16D). Many differ-
(fig. 2.16C). This array consists of as many as 36 electrodes ent laboratories have now adopted it for high-density cortical
mounted in a small ceramic substrate, and bonded to thin con- recordings. The array is constructed from a block of silicon,
necting wires (i.e., leads). The electrode tips are finely etched formed into 100 cone-shaped spikes separated by 0.4 mm and
and generally have somewhat better recording properties than either 1.0 or 1.5 mm long. The tips are metalized with either
microwires, the tips of which are simply the cut ends of the platinum or iridium; the shank is insulated with silicon nitride.
wire. The array geometry is highly customizable, with elec- The electrodes are connected via very thin wires to a separate
trodes as long as 10 mm. The array is inserted much like a skull-mounted connector. Unlike other microelectrode arrays
microwire array, but the flexible leads run to a connector that are inserted relatively slowly into the cortex, the Utah
array is inserted at very high speed (in <1 msec) to a calibrated
distance using a pneumatic inserter. This approach is designed
to reduce the mechanical dimpling of the surface that is other-
interface board
wise typically associated with the insertion of such a large
number of electrodes.
The use of a silicon substrate allows for the adoption of
some of the technology developed for the fabrication of inte-
Plastic drive grated circuits. An excellent example of this strategy is the
Michigan probe originally developed at the University of
Michigan and now available commercially from NeuroNexus
Collector cannula Technologies (http://www.neuronexustech.com/) (fig. 2.16E).
2 mm The basic electrode consists of a single shank approximately 15
33 mm
μm thick, 150 μm wide, and up to 10 mm long, etched from
C D 2 mm silicon. Along the length of this shank are as many as 64
iridium, gold, or platinum contacts, each routed to a connector
at the base of the shank. A variety of electrodes are available
with different geometries and numbers of contacts. Moreover,
several of these devices can be combined in a single package to
form a more complex planar device. The design of the Michigan
probes provides an opportunity to integrate electronic circuitry
m onto the same substrate as the electrode array itself.
The U-Probe (Plexon Neurotechnology Research Systems,
http://www.plexon.com/) is another example of an electrode
25 μm with multiple contact sites along its length (fig. 2.16F). Unlike
the Michigan probe, its overall geometry is more like the
3 mm traditional electrode, with a cylindrical cross section and a
conical tip.
40–150 mm


185–420 μm

The spikes recorded from these microelectrodes have ampli-

Electrode contacts tudes on the order of tens to several hundred microvolts, and
the impedance of the electrodes ranges from several hundred
Figure 2.16 Different types of microelectrode arrays for recording spikes from kilohms to several megaohms. Consequently, the recordings
cortical neurons. (A) Microwires (Tucker Davis Technologies). (B) Multiple are quite prone to noise from a variety of sources such as power
tetrode microdrive (Kloosterman et al. 2009; Nguyan et al. 2009). (C) Floating
lines, lights, and electrical equipment. In addition, simply
microelectrode array (Microprobe, Inc.) (D) Array of 100 silicon electrodes
(Utah array) (Blackrock Microsystems). (E) Planar multisite silicon electrodes
bending the leads generates tiny microphonic currents that can
(Michigan electrodes) (Neuronexus Technologies). (F) Metal multisite electrode, be as large as the spikes if care is not taken to eliminate them.
the “U-Probe” (Plexon). The process of eliminating noise from the recorded signals is

C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 3 7
called conditioning. Conditioning eliminates irrelevant aspects neurons. Therefore, all algorithms begin by representing the
of the signals so that the spikes can be discerned. The most spike waveform according to some feature set. The simplest is
effective approach is to condition the signals as close to the the fluctuation of the spike voltage over time. Sets of represen-
electrodes as possible so that the subsequent transmission tative examples of these waveforms can be selected from
through longer leads is less prone to interference. This is several minutes of recorded data, and an average waveform can
accomplished in several steps. be computed and used as a template to sort subsequent spikes.
The first step is amplification of the signal very close to the Each spike that is subsequently collected can be compared to
electrode by a headstage. Commercially available headstages each of the template waveforms with any of a number of differ-
range from very simple voltage followers constructed from ent similarity metrics. If the match is sufficiently close, it is
discrete transistors to more sophisticated integrated-circuit assumed to have been generated from the corresponding
devices with 10x or greater voltage gain and appropriate template neuron (Tolias et al. 2007; Rebesco et al. 2010).
bandpass filtering (see chapter 7). Most of the companies offer- Another approach is to represent the spike waveform using
ing electrode arrays also provide headstages configured for an appropriate reduced-dimensionality basis set. For example,
their particular arrays. Since substantial noise can arise from assuming that the action potential is sampled at 40 kHz for 1.5
the wires connecting the headstage to the next stage of pro- msec, there are 60 voltage values per action potential. Given
cessing, recent interest has focused on using telemetry to elim- that the action potential is highly autocorrelated in time, the
inate the need for these wires. Several telemetered headstages dimensionality of the signal can be reduced from 60 to perhaps
with as many as 96 channels are available commercially (e.g., two or three dimensions using an analysis technique called
Triangle Biosystems, Inc., http://www.trianglebiosystems.com/; principal components analysis (PCA) (chapter 7), while still
Biosignal Group Corp., http://www.biosignalgroup.com/). accounting for most of the variance across individual spikes.
After this initial step of signal conditioning is accomplished Alternatively, a small set of arbitrarily chosen features can be
at the headstage, further filtering and amplification are typically defined (e.g., spike width, peak-to-trough amplitude, or time-
required. These further steps are discussed in greater detail in to-peak voltage). By thus projecting the action potential wave-
chapters 7 and 9. Some degree of high-pass filtering (chapter 7) forms into a lower-dimensional space, distinct clusters often
is usually necessary because of the high gain (10,000x) required emerge, each potentially corresponding to a single neuron. In
and because of the DC offsets (i.e., abrupt voltage shifts) and a process called cluster-cutting, boundaries separating the clus-
low-frequency noise introduced by movement artifacts. Such ters can be manually defined so that it is often possible to iso-
filtering does not impair spike detection since most of the power late more than one neuron from a single microelectrode.
in spikes is in frequencies of 300 Hz to 10 kHz. However, in With the growing use of multielectrode methods that allow
addition to spikes it is often desirable to record local field 100 or more neurons to be recorded simultaneously, manual
potentials (LFPs) (see chapter 3), which have lower frequencies, spike-discrimination methods have become extremely tedious
so the high-pass filter should be kept below 10 Hz. In addition, or entirely impractical. Automated methods have been devel-
an appropriate (i.e., 5–10 kHz) anti-aliasing low-pass filter oped to address this problem and to eliminate the subjectivity
(chapter 7) is typically applied, and then the signals are digitized characteristic of manual methods (Wood et al. 2004).
at rates of 25–40 kHz. Further digital filtering may be helpful in Nonparametric clustering algorithms (e.g., k-means or fuzzy
subsequent stages to deal with particular noise sources or to clustering) can automatically discover partitions between nat-
help in identifying spikes from different neurons. urally occurring clusters in the PCA or feature space. However,
many of these methods have an inherent weakness in that they
require prior knowledge of the expected number of clusters
(Lewicki 1998). More powerful spike-sorting algorithms that
For most of the history of single-neuron behavioral electro- can also estimate the number of distinct clusters in a data set
physiology, researchers relied on single, moveable microelec- have been developed (Lewicki 1994; Wood and Black 2008). By
trodes, positioning their tips very near the cell body of one using Bayes’s rule (see chapter 8), the probability that a given
neuron in order to selectively capture its extracellular voltage spike waveform belongs to a particular cluster can be used to
waveform. More recently, however, with the advent of multi- sort spikes into distinct clusters.
electrode technology, it is not always practical to isolate single
neurons, either because it is too time-consuming to position
each electrode close to a single neuron or because the elec- SUMMARY
trodes are rigidly fixed in one position and may or may not be
near a particular neuron. In response to this problem, over the The ease with which we make arm and hand movements is due
past decade sophisticated algorithms for identifying the spikes to the interaction of many different cortical and subcortical
of individual neurons have become prevalent in microelec- brain areas. This network is necessary to transform a high-
trode electrophysiology. This process is called spike sorting, level, abstract representation of a movement goal into the
and a relatively large literature describing a number of different sequence of muscle activations necessary to effect the move-
approaches has emerged (see (Lewicki 1998) for a review). ment. The goal might be represented initially in visual coordi-
The assumption underlying all spike-sorting algorithms is nates, or it might be generated internally. Feedback to guide
that the size and shape of the spikes from a single neuron are the movement is normally provided both by the somatosen-
highly stereotyped and differ from those coming from other sory and visual systems. The cerebellum is thought to refine

38 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
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C H A P TE R 2 . N E U R O N A L A C T I V I T Y I N M O T O R C O R T E X A N D R E L AT E D A R E A S | 4 3
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n most present-day BCI systems electric or magnetic signals TABLE 3. 1 Approximate scales of cortical tissue
produced by brain activity are used to convey the user’s inten-
tions to the BCI system. This chapter focuses primarily on SCALE TYPE RANGE (mm) BRAIN STRUCTURES
electric rather than magnetic recording because electric record-
ing (particularly by electroencephalography [EEG]) is conve- Microscale LFP < 10–1 Cell body,
nient, widely used, and inexpensive, whereas magnetic recording synaptic knob
by magnetoencephalography (MEG) is expensive, cumbersome,
Mesoscale ECoG 10–1 to 10 Module to
and remains largely confined to research settings. For purposes macrocolumn
of our discussion in this chapter, we may categorize brain elec-
tric fields as belonging to four classes according to the nature Macroscale EEG > 10 Brodmann area,
and spatial scale of the neural activity that produces them. lobe, brain

Chapter 2 deals with the first of these (i.e., action potentials pro-
duced by individual neurons), and this chapter addresses the
Table 3.1 lists these three scales, their recording methods,
other three classes. These three classes encompass the electric
and examples of the neuroanatomical structures at each scale.
fields produced by the activity of neurons and their synapses at
Note that each of today’s methods for recording electric fields
three spatial scales of measurement. These three scales, measur-
covers only one of the scale ranges. Table 3.2 lists cortical struc-
ing micro-, meso-, and macroscale fields, are determined by the
tures related to function and links them to these three scales.
size and location of their respective recording electrodes.
A BCI usually focuses on the electric fields or potentials
generated in a particular brain area, those associated with a
• Microscale fields, in practice, are the local field particular motor or cognitive function, or both. Its goal is to
potentials (LFPs) that are recorded within brain enable a person to use these fields for communication and con-
(usually cortical) tissue and mostly reflect trol, substituting BCI technology for the normal use of mus-
current sources related to synaptic activity cles. Thus, just as understanding muscle-based movement
occurring within perhaps 0.1–1.0 mm of the entails understanding how muscles generate force and the
recording electrode, that is, within tissue characteristics of that force, effective BCI research necessarily
volumes typically in the 10–3 to 1 mm3 range.
• Mesoscale fields are mostly recorded from the TABLE 3. 2 Spatial scales of cortical tissue structure
surface of cortex. Such recordings are called the related to function
electrocorticogram (ECoG). They are believed to
reflect mainly synaptic and other source (mm) DESCRIPTION
activity occurring over a substantial portion
of the depth of local cortex (2–5 mm), that is, Minicolumn 0.03 102 Spatial extent of
within tissue volumes of 1–20 mm3. inhibitory connections

• Macroscale fields are recorded as the Module 0.3 104 Input scale for
electroencephalogram (EEG). These are obtained corticocortical fibers
from the scalp. Each electrode reflects synaptic Macrocolumn 3.0 106 Intracortical spread
source activity occurring within large parts of of pyramidal cell
the underlying brain, perhaps 10–40 cm2 of the
cortical sheet, or cortical tissue volumes in the Region 50 108 Brodmann area
103 to 104 mm3 range. Thus, EEG represents the Lobe 170 109 Areas bordered by
space-averaged source activity in tissue major cortical folds
containing on the order of 100 million
to a billion neurons. Hemisphere 400 1010 Half of brain

begins with some basic information about brain physiology, courses emphasize fields due to charges in dielectrics (i.e., insu-
anatomy, and physics: How are the brain’s electric fields lators) rather than the membrane current sources generating
generated? How are they distributed through the head? What fields. The practical problems in electrophysiology require a
determines their spatial and temporal characteristics? How are much different emphasis, one that treats current sources in
they best distinguished from other fields of brain or nonbrain conductive media.
origin? These basic questions are the business of the present The second reason for this chapter is the most obvious and
chapter. It is intended to be a concise and accessible summary most important. Electric currents and fields depend on the
of the physical principles important for understanding LFP, medium that contains them. Living tissue presents unique
ECoG, and EEG signals and for employing these signals in BCI problems as a medium for these currents. In particular, spatial
research and development. We begin with a brief treatment of scale is a central issue in all of electrophysiology, specifically in
electric field fundamentals and go on to address the principles the critical distinction among the microscopic, mesoscopic, and
that underlie the behavior of these fields within the brain and macroscopic fields. The nature of brain electric fields depends
in other tissues of the head. strongly on the scale under study. In a complex system with
We first provide a short nontechnical overview. Synaptic nontrivial relationships among dynamics at different spatial
and action potentials at neural membranes create current and temporal scales, it is important to appreciate that no one
sources, the so-called generators of LFP, ECoG, and EEG signals. scale is intrinsically better than another (Nunez 2010). The
These same current sources also generate magnetic fields (those usual elementary relations between charges and electric fields
detected by MEG), but with different sensitivity to specific are of minimal use in electrophysiology. Static membrane
source characteristics. As we will see, MEG is partly indepen- charge produces no electric field that can be recorded by an extra-
dent of, and complementary, to EEG. At the low frequencies that cellular electrode. This is because many charged particles (ions
are of interest in electrophysiology, the electric and magnetic such as Na+, Cl-, etc.) in the extracellular fluid change position
fields are uncoupled; that is, each may be estimated without ref- to shield membrane charge. Thus, the electric field due to the
erence to the other. For this reason, we will avoid the label elec- static charges in the extracellular space is essentially zero (i.e.,
tromagnetic which implies a single (coupled) field and which it is electroneutral, except at atomic scales). In a conducting
generally exhibits much more complicated dynamic behaviors. medium like living tissue, this charge shielding impels a focus
Much of the membrane current from source regions not on charges (the usual focus in describing electric fields and
remains in the local tissue and forms small current loops that potentials in insulators) but, rather, on current sources.
may pass through the intercellular, membrane, and extracellu- A third justification for this chapter is that electrophysiol-
lar media. Such local source activity may be recorded as LFP. In ogy is concerned exclusively with fields of low frequency.
addition, some of the source current may reach the cortical sur- Although currents generally produce magnetic fields, it is only
face to be recorded as ECoG, and a little even gets as far as the at field frequencies in the megahertz range or higher (i.e., fre-
scalp to be recorded as EEG. The manner in which source cur- quencies far above those found in the brain) that they form
rent spreads through brain, CSF, skull, and scalp tissue is called nonnegligible electromagnetic fields and associated propagat-
volume conduction and is determined by the geometric (i.e., due ing waves. The fields generated in tissue are well below the
to surface shapes) and electrical resistivity of these tissues. For megahertz range. This allows us to focus, instead, on quasi-
example, skull tissue has a high resistivity, causing current gen- static electric or quasistatic magnetic fields. We use the quasi-
erated in local cortical regions to spread widely. (This is one static approximation, in which electric fields (e.g., those
reason that the cortical region contributing to potentials measured by EEG) occur as if magnetic fields do not exist and
recorded at each scalp electrode is much larger than the elec- in which magnetic fields (e.g., those measured by MEG) occur
trode itself.) The second contributor to this space-averaging as if electric fields do not exist. It is important to note here that
effect is the physical separation (about 1 cm) between cortical although some time intervals of EEG records may appear as
sources and scalp. In EEG, this current-spreading also contrib- waves traveling across the scalp (as revealed by progressive
utes to the knotty issue of choice of a reference electrode, to be EEG phase shifts), these events are not due to electromagnetic
discussed in more detail in chapter 6. Whereas large-scale mea- waves. Rather, such “brain waves” owe their origins to some
sures like EEG provide the big picture but no local details, combination of synaptic delays, intrinsic cellular dynamics,
small-scale measures like LFPs provide local detail but only and action-potential propagation delays, and they originate at
very sparse spatial coverage. Thus, these measures plus the least partly from the selectively nonlinear behavior of active
intermediate-scale ECoG provide complementary and largely cell membranes.
independent measures of brain source activity at different spa- To begin our introduction to the physiological electric
tial scales and therefore with different levels of description. fields that can be measured and used for BCIs, we first give a
Many physics and engineering books provide excellent short overview of electric circuits with emphasis on the ideas
treatments of electric field fundamentals. Why then is this that carry over naturally to brain electric fields. The goal is to
chapter necessary? First, texts on electric circuits or electro- provide the electric-field novice with a robust bridge to the
magnetic fields focus on issues of minimal interest in electro- more advanced topic of multiscale brain electric fields. The
physiology and are not, by themselves, very useful in the basic physics and physiology supporting the ideas of this chap-
current context. Introductory electrical engineering is con- ter are presented in more technical depth in (Nunez and
cerned with one-dimensional current in wires, rather than Srinivasan 2006a) where a more extensive reference list may
volume current in three spatial dimensions. Elementary physics also be found.

46 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
CUR REN TS A ND PO T ENT IALS IN panel) and an ideal independent current source (lower panel)
E LE CTRIC C IRC UIT S (typically a separate circuit containing transistors and voltage
sources). Ideal here means that the magnitude of the voltage or
current produced by an independent source is a fixed property
Electric current is defined as the directed motion of positive and is not affected by other elements in the circuit. (Note that
charge (coulombs) per unit time. It is measured in units of in all circuit images in this chapter, arbitrary combinations of
amperes (A), where one ampere equals one coulomb/second circuit elements are represented by rectangles, as in the case of
(C/sec). However, the positive current direction is an arbitrary box X; their inner details are not relevant to this discussion.)
definition. In metal wires the carriers of current are negatively Representation of sources as ideal and independent is not uni-
charged electrons moving in directions opposite to positive versally valid. For example, if a switch in series with the current
current. By contrast, current carriers in living tissue are posi- source is opened, thereby disconnecting it from other parts of
tive and negative ions moving in opposite directions, and both the circuit, the current must go to zero unless the source sup-
of these movements contribute to the total current in tissue plies enough power to cause electrons to jump the air gap in
volume conductors. the switch, creating sparks. However, with proper circuit
In a typical electric circuit, the small resistance contributed design, the ideal source assumption will be valid whenever box
by the wire may be neglected so that opposition to current X contains normal circuit elements.
occurs only at discrete circuit elements with resistance R. Ohm’s The ideal voltage source VS (fig. 3.2, upper panel) in series
law (eq. 3.1) relates the potential difference (V1–V2) across with the resistor R is equivalent to the ideal current source IS
resistor terminals to the current I passing through the resistor (fig. 3.2, lower panel) in parallel with the same resistor R in the
following sense. In both cases, Vs = RIs and all the currents and
V1 V2 = RI (3.1) voltages in the network represented by box X are identical,
regardless of whether the terminals (a, b) of the box are con-
Current moves from higher to lower potentials, so that nected to the voltage or current source network. This equiva-
positive current in equation (3.1) is consistent with V1 greater lence principle, closely associated with Thevenin’s theorem of
than V2. The process is somewhat analogous to water flow electrical engineering (see any introductory engineering text
down a pipe, with volume flow (liters per second) representing on electric circuits) is valid irrespective of the complexity of
current, and the heights of the pipe ends representing the two the network in box X, which might contain hundreds of non-
voltages. According to this analogy, current, like water, flows linear circuit elements. The equivalence of voltage and current
“downhill” as indicated in figure 3.1. The pipe’s resistance to sources also occurs in volume conductors such as the head.
water flow depends on its cross-sectional area and the frictional Whereas smaller-scale electrophysiology (LFP and single-
force applied to the water by the pipe wall. This metaphor neuron studies) may be concerned with membrane potentials
emphasizes that potential differences, not potentials, cause cur- measured by small electrodes (see chapters 2, 5), data from
rent to flow. This distinction has long been a source of confu-
sion in the EEG community when reference-electrode effects
are evaluated. Although idealized electric circuits typically
allow for a convenient reference location where the potential a
may be set to zero, actual human heads, which contain unknown
sources of current, are not so cooperative. The important issue
Vs X
of reference selection is extensively discussed in chapter 6. –


Voltages and currents may be generated by several kinds of

sources. Figure 3.2 shows two circuits: an ideal independent
voltage source (an AC or alternating-current generator) (upper a

Is R X
V1–V2 I
Figure 3.2 Circuit with ideal independent sources: voltage source (upper panel)
and current source (lower panel). The equivalence of voltage and current
Figure 3.1 Fluid flow rate through the central pipe (liters/sec) depends on sources is described in the text. All the currents and voltages in the electric
the height difference between its two ends V1–V2 and the pipe resistance R. network represented by X are unchanged when the voltage source (upper) is
The fluid flow is analogous to current flux through a resistor with a voltage replaced by the current source (lower). The network X is arbitrary, perhaps
difference across its terminals. containing thousands of nonlinear circuit elements.

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 47
macroscale EEG are more conveniently related to the multiple use impedance and resistance interchangeably. However, even
synaptic current sources produced within mesoscale tissue at macroscopic scales, capacitive effects may be important at
volumes. Just as they are in electric circuits such as those electrode/tissue interfaces where the contact approximates a
shown in figure 3.2, these current and voltage source descrip- resistor and capacitor in parallel. This occurs because chemical
tions can be regarded as equivalent for electrical phenomena in reactions take place at the metal/tissue interface where tissue
the head. ion current induces tiny electron current in the amplifier cir-
The sources shown in figure 3.2 are independent: they are cuit. Capacitive effects are, of course, quite important at the
fixed regardless of what happens in box X. By contrast, figure microscopic scale of individual cells. Indeed, membranes in
3.3 shows a circuit with an ideal dependent (i.e., controlled) states well below threshold for action-potential firing are mod-
current source, indicated by the diamond symbol. In this eled as chains of resistors in parallel with capacitors, similar to
example, the current IS is controlled by the voltage in some coaxial TV cables, but with zero inductance.
other part of the circuit according to some rule, IS = f (VX). This Tissue volume conduction adds several complications not
control is provided by some influence not indicated in the present in electric circuits, but volume conduction is simpler
figure, typically a separate circuit. Given the dense intercon- in other ways. The first major simplification is the neglect of
nectivity of cerebral cortex, dependent sources provide more magnetic induction. As noted, brain currents can produce gen-
realistic cortical analogs than independent sources. uine electromagnetic fields (propagating waves or far fields)
only at field frequencies in the megahertz range or higher, fre-
quencies far above those found in the brain. It is thus reason-
able to use the quasistatic approximation, in which electric
Fundamentally, circuit dynamics are governed by differential fields (e.g., those measured by EEG) occur as if magnetic fields
equations, which model resistive, capacitive, and inductive ele- do not exist, and magnetic fields (e.g., those measured by
ments. However, for cases in which all sources produce sinu- MEG) occur as if electric fields do not exist. Thus, EEG wave
soidal voltages or currents and all circuit elements are linear, propagation across the scalp is not electromagnetic; rather, its
electrical engineers have devised a clever trick to bypass some origins are some combination of axonal propagation and syn-
of the mathematics. The trick is to employ complex circuit aptic (i.e., postsynaptic potential) delays.
variables such as impedance, which have real and imaginary
parts. Impedance (Z) is the AC equivalent of resistance and
accounts for phase shifts due to capacitive and inductive prop-
erties of circuit elements. Ohm’s law (eq. 3.1) remains valid, A second major simplification in tissue volume conduction
provided that resistance R is replaced by impedance Z. Z is a occurs because, for the weak electric fields detected by EEG,
complex quantity providing for phase shifts between current tissue appears to behave linearly at macroscopic scales. By this
and voltage. Resistors, capacitors, and inductors are often com- we mean that in this context, bulk neural tissue obeys Ohm’s
bined in circuit analysis to form equivalent impedance. The real law. (By contrast, neural cell membranes become nonlinear
and imaginary parts of Z are labeled the composite resistance near their thresholds for firing action potentials; this is a
and reactance, respectively, of the combined circuit elements. microscale phenomenon.) At the macroscale of bulk tissue
At frequencies of interest in EEG, inductive effects (cou- that is relevant for EEG studies, and at frequencies below per-
pling of electric and magnetic fields) in macroscopic neural haps 10–100 kHz, current largely bypasses high-resistance
tissue masses are entirely negligible. Capacitive effects have membranes and thereby obeys Ohm’s law.
also been found to be negligible in most studies, although small For electric circuits, the analogous linearity is indicated in
but measureable capacitive phase shifts were found in at least figure 3.4, in which the rectangular boxes stand for arbitrary
one study of live human skull (Akhtari et al. 2002) . Thus, in combinations of linear resistors, capacitors, inductors, and/or
addressing macroscale tissue volume conduction, we usually any other linear elements, including independent sources. The
current source I1 in figure 3.4 (upper panel) generates numerous
voltages and currents within networks represented by the rect-
angles; V1 is any such voltage. Similarly, the current source I2
+ VX – (fig. 3.4, middle panel) generates the voltage V2 at the same loca-
tion as V1. Figure 3.4 (lower panel) shows that when the two
current sources are turned on simultaneously, the potential at
this location is simply the sum V1 + V2. This simple outcome
Is = f (VX) does not hold true if the boxes contain nonlinear elements.
About 10 billion synapses producing current sources
occupy regions the size of a cortical macrocolumn (see section
Multiple Scales of Cortical Sources below and table 3.2 in this
Figure 3.3 Circuit with ideal dependent source. The diamond symbol represents chapter) with diameter of 1–3 mm and containing perhaps a
a dependent current source with its output given by the function I S f (VX ), 105 to 106 neurons. If I1 and I2 were to represent two cortical
that is, controlled by the voltage VX across the terminals of the gray box
(representing arbitrary circuit elements). This control occurs through processes
current sources, such as the net source current produced
not shown in the image, possibly a separate circuit. The white boxes also in two cortical columns, figure 3.4 correctly indicates that
represent arbitrary circuit elements. the resulting dural or scalp potential is simply the sum of

48 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
V1 conductor with distributed sources. Thus, for the head volume
conductor in EEG applications, we will adopt the symbol Ф
rather than V to indicate the (theoretical) nominal potential with
I1 respect to infinity, where the term nominal indicates that this is
the potential due only to sources generated by the brain. Note
that experimental recordings, whether from inside or outside
the skull, measure the experimental potential V, rather than the
theoretical potential Ф. V is expected to closely approximate Ф
V2 if recordings are mostly free of artifact, other noise sources, and
electrode reference distortions. External-noise reduction is
greatly facilitated by modern amplifier systems designed to
I2 reject potentials that are equal at recording and reference
sites (i.e., common mode rejection), and to thereby eliminate
(ideally) most environmental (nonbiological) noise sources.
The third issue concerns spatial scale. This issue is often
ignored in abstract neural network models, but it is critically
V1+V2 important in actual physical or biological systems. The spatial
scale of electrophysiological measurement spans four or five
orders of magnitude, depending on the size and location of the
recording electrodes. In practice, all descriptive electrical prop-
I1 I2 erties (i.e., potential, current density, resistivity, etc.) must be
defined at a specific spatial scale. For example, the resistivity
(see below) of a membrane will differ greatly from that of the
extracellular fluid, and both will differ from that of a composite
Figure 3.4 Superposition in a linear electric network. In this figure only, large-scale tissue mass.
rectangles represent linear circuit elements. In the upper and middle panels, Ohm’s law in volume conductors is a more general state-
current sources I1 and I2 produce voltages V1 and V2, respectively, when acting
ment than it is in its usual form in electric circuits (eq. 3.1). In
separately. When both sources are turned on together (lower panel), the
resulting voltage at the same location is V1 + V2. This simple result does not
volume conductors Ohm’s law is expressed as a linear relation-
hold true in nonlinear circuits. ship between vector current density J (in microamperes per
square millimeter, μA/mm2) and electric field E (microvolts
per millimeter, μV/mm):
potentials generated by each column separately. This result
does not require that the sources oscillate at equal frequencies
J E (3.2)
or even produce sinusoidal oscillations at all; only the validity
of Ohm’s law is required. This linearity of the tissue volume
Here σ (Siemens/mm, or S/mm, or ohm-1mm-1) is the con-
conductor must not be confused with the nonlinear dynamics
ductivity of the physical or biological material. Conductivity is
of source interactions. A simple circuit analog illustrates this
typically used in mathematical models. In contrast, experi-
distinction: in figure 3.3 the dependent current source IS, and
mentalists tend to use its inverse resistivity, η ≡ 1/σ (ohm mm),
other sources in the gray box might be coupled by some com-
as the standard parameter. When conductivity is a scalar, equa-
plicated nonlinear process that may lead their dynamics to be
tion (3.2) is a vector equation, equivalent to three scalar equa-
quite complicated; nevertheless, the net voltage produced by
tions in three directions. Because we are concerned here only
multiple sources will still sum linearly.
with quasistatic (not electromagnetic) fields, the electric field
may be expressed conveniently as the gradient of potential
VOLUM E C ONDUCT O RS E = −∇ = −⎜ + + ⎟
⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂z ⎠ (3.3)
Both electric circuit analysis and electrophysiology are
Three important new issues arise with the transition from elec- greatly simplified by the introduction of the more simple
tric circuits to volume conduction. First, while low-frequency (scalar) electric potential Ф. The term on the far right side of
current in a copper wire is uniformly distributed over its cross equation 3.3 involving spatial derivatives applies only in rect-
section, current through the head is spread out in complicated angular coordinates. The shorter vector form (−∇Ф) (middle
spatial patterns determined by both geometric and resistive of eq. 3.3) is generally preferred because it is explicitly inde-
tissue properties. pendent of human choices of coordinate system.
The second issue concerns the definition of electric poten- The simple, one-dimensional version of Ohm’s law (eq. 3.1)
tial. In electric circuits the symbol V normally denotes potential is easily obtained from equations 3.2 and 3.3 for the special
with respect to some arbitrary circuit node where the potential case of current passing through a material of constant cross
may be set to zero. This practice will not work in a volume section. This is shown in figure 3.5. Suppose current I is

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 49
constant across the cross-sectional area A of a cylindrical con- scalar resistivity is expressed as a function of vector location r;
ductor of resistivity η and length Δx, as in the case of 60-Hz an alternate form is η = η(x, y, z). Finally, tissue is generally
current in a copper wire. In this example, J=Jxi and E=Exi, anisotropic, meaning that resistivity (or conductivity) is direc-
where x indicates the direction of current and electric field tion dependent. In white matter, for example, resistivity is
and i is a unit vector in the x direction. The x component of lower for current flux in directions parallel to axons. In aniso-
current density is Jx=I/A. The electric field is approximately tropic tissue (whether homogeneous or inhomogeneous),
Ex Δ / x = ( − ) / Δx . Substitution of these relations conductivity is a tensor (or matrix) with matrix elements that
into equation 3.1 yields may or may not be functions of location r.
hΔxI In anisotropic conductors, Ohm’s law, equation 3.2, involves
Φ1 Φ 2 = matrix multiplication. All serious volume-conductor models
A (3.4)
of the head take into account major inhomogeneities (i.e.,
In the case of simple wire current, the symbols Ф and V are among brain, CSF, skull, and scalp tissues). However, because
interchangeable. Comparison of equations 3.1 and 3.4 shows of a paucity of detailed experimental data, nearly all head
that the resistance of a wire or other cylindrical medium of models assume that these tissues are isotropic. Despite this
resistivity η, length Δx, constant cross section A, and constant crude approximation, head volume-conductor models provide
current density across the cross section is given by semiquantitative predictions of relations between intracranial
sources and scalp potentials that are very useful for many
R= applications. For example, even very simple volume-conductor
A (3.5)
models can provide important “filters” to weed out ill-con-
Thus, resistivity is a basic property of the medium through ceived EEG data reduction methods; that is, if a proposed
which current passes. It is determined by interactions between method does not work even with simple head models, it cannot
charges in motion and the medium’s atomic, molecular, or cel- be expected to work with actual heads.
lular structure. In contrast, resistance depends both on the Despite the complications of conductive inhomogeneity
medium and its geometric properties. and anisotropy, experiments indicate that living tissue is linear
In EEG applications involving head volume conductor at macroscopic scales: Ohm’s law (eq. 3.2) is valid, but perhaps
models, equation 3.5 reminds us that the resistance of any cur- only in matrix form. This experimental finding is fully consis-
rent path depends on both geometry (tissue boundaries) and tent with the nonlinear conductive properties of active mem-
tissue resistivity. The former may be obtained by MRI, but it is branes: in a tissue volume that is mesoscopic (e.g., 1 mm3) or
much more problematic to find the latter. For example, the larger, most externally applied current passes through the
resistance to current normal to the surface of a skull plug of extracellular fluid. It is important to note that higher cell den-
cross-section A may be expressed as the sum of the resistances sity increases mesoscopic resistivity, but the resistivity never-
of the three skull layers, the middle of which (i.e., cancellous theless remains linear. Tissue resistivity can vary widely with
bone) has much lower resistivity than the top and bottom measurement scale: a microelectrode with tip diameter of 10–4
layers (i.e., cortical bone) (Law 1993; Akhtari et al. 2002; Nunez to 10–3 cm may record potentials based only on extracellular
and Srinivasan 2006a). fluid, which has substantially lower resistivity than a meso-
scopic or macroscopic tissue mass (i.e., which includes cells).
Thus, it makes little sense to speak of tissue “resistivity” with-
out explicit reference to the spatial scale at which this property
Current flux in the head volume conductor involves several is defined or measured.
complications not normally present in simple circuits. The
most obvious is that current spreads out from sources nonuni-
formly so that current density J(r, t) at each location r is
not generally constant over any cross section A. Also, head Several classes of models have proven valuable in testing our
resistivity varies with type of tissue so that η = η(r). That is, the intuitions about volume conduction in heads, and they show
medium is an inhomogeneous volume conductor. Here the that the EEG folklore has often been wrong. The most widely
adopted head models are the three-sphere and four-sphere
models. The four-sphere model, portrayed in figure 3.6, con-
V1 V2 sists of an inner sphere (brain) surrounded by three spherical
shells representing cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), skull, and scalp
layers. The three-sphere model incorporates the CSF as part of
A the brain; in practice it is about as accurate as the four-sphere
η I
model because the largest model errors are caused by inhomo-
geneity and anisotropy and by uncertainty concerning skull
Δx resistivity (Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a).
Cortical mesoscale sources (small arrows in fig. 3.6) send
Figure 3.5 The resistance of a cylindrical conductor of resistivity η also depends
on its length Δx and its cross section A. In contrast, resistivity η is simply a
currents into surrounding tissues. These currents form closed
property of the medium (e.g., copper wire, salt water, tissue) through which the loops by returning to their cortical origins. Most of this source
current passes. current remains inside the skull, but a little reaches the scalp

50 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
electrodes measure large portions of the forest but no trees,
whereas intracranial electrodes measure some individual trees
or maybe even a few ants on their leaves.
Although the idealized n-sphere models have easily imple-
Cortical sources Skull
mented analytic solutions, they provide only crude representa-
tion of tissue boundaries. By contrast, finite-element and
boundary-element models, which are substantially more com-
puter intensive, may employ MRI images to locate tissue
boundaries more accurately. Are these numerical models more
Brain accurate than n-sphere models? The answer is not clear, mainly
because accurate tissue resistivity is every bit as important as
accurate geometry for estimating volume conduction. Tissue
resistivity (especially skull resistance) is often poorly known
and may vary by 100% or more across subjects or across loca-
tions in the same subject. Furthermore, both bulk skull (with
three distinct layers) and white matter are substantially aniso-
tropic, meaning that the conductivity of each tissue is an inho-
mogeneous tensor (or 3×3 matrix), with unknown or poorly
Figure 3.6 The usual four-sphere head model consists of an inner sphere (brain) known individual components. Some data indicate that, in
surrounded by three spherical shells representing CSF, skull, and scalp layers.
sharp contrast to equation 3.5, bulk skull plug resistance is
The small arrows represent cortical mesoscale sources where closed current
loops begin and end. Some of this current reaches the inner dura layer and is
uncorrelated to thickness, apparently because thicker skulls
recorded as ECoG; much less reaches the scalp to be recorded as EEG. may have a disproportionately thick inner layer of cancellous
bone, which has relatively high conductivity (Law 1993). This
implies that attempts to correct head models by using MRI to
and may be recorded as EEG. Cortical morphology, especially find tissue boundaries may achieve only marginal improve-
the parallel arrangement of pyramidal cells (chapter 2), sug- ments unless much more accurate tissue conductivities are also
gests that source currents tend to flow perpendicular to the obtained. Nevertheless, several heroic studies have obtained
local cortical surface. Thus, gyral source currents tend to be in vivo measurements of tissue resistivity (e.g., Akhtari et al.
perpendicular to the CSF layer, and sulcal source currents tend 2002; Lai et al. 2005; and others reviewed in Nunez and
to be parallel to the CSF layer; however, this geometric picture Srinivasan 2006a). These studies show rather large variation in
is very crude given the convoluted nature of cortical folds. resistivity estimates, across tissues, across laboratories, and
Positive and negative ions travel in opposite directions along across individual subjects.
current paths such that the numbers of positive and negative
charges remain equal in mesoscopic (or even much smaller)
volume elements at all locations. This is a standard condition of POTENTIALS RECORDED INSIDE
conductive media called electroneutrality. (To imagine this, pic- THE CRANIUM
ture a densely crowded boardwalk on which all men walk north
and all women walk south, with much pushing and shoving
such that gender neutrality is preserved in all large regions of the The incredible fractal-like complexity of cortical tissue, notably
crowd. If they walk at the same speed, the men and women the myriad of synapses on branched dendrites, results in com-
contribute equally to this “person current.”) Although most plex cortical source distributions and correspondingly complex
source current remains inside the skull, a little passes into the extracellular potentials. Consider first a thought experiment in
scalp before returning to cortex. From a strictly external view- which we record and plot a detailed map of potentials at every
point, these are essentially skull current sources, and they pro- point within a single cortical macrocolumn of 3 mm height
duce currents and potentials in the scalp. and diameter, with a volume of 85 mm3. To construct in detail
Whereas EEG is recorded at the scalp, larger potentials are the potentials next to small cell bodies, we might first imagine
recorded when electrodes are placed inside the cranium on the the microscopic scale and define the ambiguous term “point”
cortical surface for ECoG. The ECoG potentials naturally pro- as, for example, a cubical voxel (volume element) 0.001 mm on
vide better localization of brain dynamics. Even more detail is each side. Fully mapping a macrocolumn at this scale would
obtained with smaller electrodes that record LFPs from within require something like 100 billion microelectrode placements.
cortical tissue. Whereas scalp-recorded EEG measures the Figure 3.7 depicts an experiment using a spherical electrode of
activity of synaptic current sources in tissue volumes contain- radius ξ with center located at the tip of the arrow r. The volume
ing roughly 100 million neurons, intracranial electrodes can of the electrode tip is B=4πξ3/3. The recorded potential is
record activity in volumes containing perhaps 1–10 million approximately related to our fanciful point potential ФP by the
neurons, depending mostly on electrode size and location. It is following integral over the volume B
important to note that intracranial recordings generally obtain
B ∫∫∫
different information, not more or better information, than Φ( , t ; x ) ΦP ( ′ )dB( ′)
that obtained from the scalp. To use a standard analogy, scalp B (3.6)

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 51
ΦP(r, r′,t) from a single point source I(t) in a medium of conductivity σ is
given by
I(( )
Φ( , t ) ≅
4ps r (3.7)

Equation 3.7 follows from a simple argument. Surround

the point source with an imaginary spherical surface of radius
r. Since total current is conserved, the radial current density Jr
at this surface equals current divided by surface area, with all
current moving in the radial direction. Application of Ohm’s
law (eq. 3.2) to this current density yields equation 3.7. Let the
Figure 3.7 F P ( , r ′, t ) is the theoretical tissue potential at a point located at r+r’. current source be 4π microamperes (μA), and let cortical resis-
Actual measured potentials F( , t ; x ) that are centered on site r (tip of r arrow) tivity (η = 1/σ) be 3000 ohm mm. The potential in the cortex
depend critically on electrode volume (dashed circle). For a spherical electrode
on a spherical surface of 1.0 mm radius (surrounding the point
of radius ξ, the volume is B = 4px 3/ 3 . Given the fractal-like structure of cortical
tissue, the dynamic behavior of potentials recorded at different scales may be source) is then approximately 3000 μV, assuming all other
quite different. sources and sinks are located much farther away (but see caveat
2 in the next paragraph).
Equation 3.7 incorporates several idealizations and thus
requires the following caveats: (1) The symbol Ф(r,t) indicates
The approximate sign is used in equation 3.6 because, nominal potential with respect to infinity, approximated with a
in practice, the electrode will distort the original current “distant” (compared to the source region) reference electrode;
distribution and potential. Given the fractal-like nature of cor- (2) since all current sources must be balanced by current sinks,
tical anatomy and the fact that intracranial electrophysiology equation 3.7 cannot normally be applied in isolation; (3) the
spans three or four orders of magnitude of spatial scale, we distinction in equation 3.6 between a point potential and
expect the dynamic behavior of potentials recorded inside the the potential recorded with an electrode of radius ξ applies;
cranium to be scale sensitive. The magnitude, spatial depen- and (4) the medium is assumed to be infinite with constant
dence, and time dependence of intracranial potentials gener- scalar conductivity σ, that is, no boundary effects due to other
ally depend on the electrode scale (radius = ξ). Potentials tissues are included.
recorded at larger scales tend to have smaller magnitudes
because larger electrodes tend to pick up more of a mixture of
positive and negative source contributions that cancel (as
reviewed in Abeles 1982; Nunez 1995). Furthermore, there is The idealized current dipole consists of a point source +I and a
no guarantee that the dominant frequencies observed at one point sink –I, separated by a distance d, as shown on the left
scale will closely match frequency spectra recorded at another side of figure 3.8. However, the word dipole has an additional
scale. For example, in brain states with dominant alpha activ- and more general meaning that makes the dipole concept
ity, most of the beta and gamma activity recorded with ECoG applicable to a wide range of source-sink configurations: nearly
is typically missing in the simultaneous scalp-recorded EEG, any source-sink region where the total source and sink cur-
apparently because higher-frequency cortical source regions rents are equal (local current conservation) will generate a pre-
are much less synchronous and/or smaller than the alpha dominantly dipole potential at distances large compared to the
source regions (Pfurtscheller and Cooper 1975; Nunez 1981, dimensions of the source-sink region. Thus, the collection of
1995). Potentials that are generated in cortex and recorded equal point sources and sinks shown on the right side of figure
from the scalp represent neural activity that has been severely 3.8 produces an approximate dipole potential at distances r
space-averaged due to volume conduction through the inter- when r is large compared to d (e.g., r=3d or 4d or more, depend-
vening tissue. This results in data at scales greater than several ing on the desired accuracy of the dipole approximation). For
centimeters and thus insensitive to electrode size. Equation 3.6 this reason, cortical dipoles, and especially dipole layers
is an example of experimental coarse-graining (spatial averag- (sheets), provide the dominant source models for potentials
ing) of a dynamic variable. Theories of neocortical dynamics recorded on the scalp. The potential due to either of the source
often incorporate theoretical coarse-graining, to reflect the fact distributions in figure 3.8 may be approximated by
that genuinely useful theory in electrophysiology must be
explicitly linked with the appropriate measurement scale. I(( )d cos q
Otherwise, the theory may be little more than mathematical Φ( , t ) @ r d
4ps r 2 (3.8)
Here θ is the angle between the dipole axis and the vector r
to the point of measurement. The effective pole separations are
d =d for the source-sink (fig. 3.8, left) and d <d for the dis-
Any current source region may be modeled as a sum of tributed sources (fig. 3.8, right). The angular dependence in
distributed point sources (i.e., where current comes from) and equation 3.8 is strictly correct only if all sources lie on the
sinks (i.e., where current goes to). The potential at distance r vertical axis. However, equation 3.8 provides a reasonable

52 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
This nonlinearity is immediately evident from the monophasic
θ nature of the transmembrane potential. That is, Ohm’s law
r requires that membrane current source distribution along the

axon match the direction (in or out) of transmembrane poten-
d d tial. The latter cannot be strictly monophasic along a linear
membrane because membrane source current must have
–I matching sinks somewhere along the axon.
In genuine tissue, the falloff of action potentials with dis-
Figure 3.8 The current dipole (left side of the figure) consists of a point source +I tance from an axon is likely to be very complicated due to axon
and point sink (negative source, −I) separated by distance d. A mixture of equal
bending, axon myelination, influence of nearby cells, and other
numbers of point sources and sinks of equal strength (right side of figure) also
produces an approximate dipole potential at moderately large distances (say factors. Action potentials in nonmyelinated fibers fall off quite
r > 4d depending on the accuracy of the dipole approximation) but with smaller rapidly (perhaps within a few millimeters) with distance from

effective pole separation d < d yielding smaller potentials at the same distance.

the axon. By contrast, action potentials in large myelinated
As sources and sinks become fully mixed, d → 0, which indicates a so-called fibers tend to fall off slowly (over several centimeters) perpen-
“closed field” of essentially zero potential external to the source region.
dicular to fiber axis (Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a). This raises
the question of whether action potentials in corticocortical
approximation if the sources approximate a fairly narrow fibers (which form most of the white matter layer just below
cylindrical region as shown on the right side of figure 3.8. As neocortex) might contribute to the EEG. The answer hinges
the average separation between point sources and sinks is partly on whether action potentials in enough white matter
reduced, the effective pole separation and external potential fibers physically line up and produce synchronous sources dis-
also become smaller. The so-called closed field of electrophysi- tributions that superimpose to produce measurable potentials

ology corresponds to the limiting case d →0, which occurs at the scalp. If this did occur, we might expect very fast (>100
when positive and negative point sources are well mixed, Hz) EEG components (reflecting the passage of the triphasic
having small average separations. The layered structure of waveform) as in the example of the brainstem evoked poten-
mammalian cortex is critical to the production of scalp poten- tial. However, the standard view is that cortical synaptic sources
tials: no recordable EEG would be expected if cortical neurons are the dominant generators of scalp-recorded EEG. This view
were randomly oriented or if excitatory and inhibitory synap- is based partly on compelling experimental evidence from
tic action were highly mixed in cortical columns. animal studies that have used depth probes to map sources
The potential due to the two monopoles (the dipole in (Lopes da Silva and Storm van Leeuwen 1978). Additionally, as
fig. 3.8, left) or to the source-sink collection (fig. 3.8, right) may discussed in detail in Nunez and Srinivasan (2006a), the
be generally expanded in (mathematical) multipole series assumption that dipole layers of different sizes produced by
that include the dipole and quadrupole terms, in addition to cortical synapses are responsible for EEG leads to generally
higher-order terms that are nonnegligible close to the source correct predictions of the ratios of ECoG to EEG amplitudes
region. Note that use of the term dipole in the mathematical observed in different brain states.
expression (expansion) differs from its use when describing
the idealized dipole on the left side of figure 3.8. (This is a
common source of confusion in electrophysiology.) The mono-
pole term in such expansions is zero, provided that local cur- LFPs are microlevel phenomena recorded within cortex. They
rent is conserved (i.e., when all local point sources are matched are recorded by microelectrodes placed sufficiently far from
by point sinks of equal strength); the dipole potential then membrane surfaces to avoid domination by individual neu-
becomes dominant. rons, a purposeful reduction in spatial resolution somewhat
analogous to the coarse-graining in equation 3.6. The poten-
tials recorded are expected to measure synaptic sources within
∼1 mm and action-potential sources within ∼0.1 mm of the
In controlled experiments using isolated axons, classical axon- electrode tips (Leggett et al. 1980; Gray et al. 1995). These
surface recordings with respect to a distant electrode during potentials are generally low-pass filtered (<350 Hz) (see
the passage of an action potential yield triphasic waveforms chapter 7) to remove the fast activity coming from action
traveling along the axon. Such surface potentials (measured potential sources. The result is the standard LFP, which can be
with respect to a distant electrode) are generally in the 100-μV modeled as a sum over many point sources using equation 3.7.
range. By contrast, the corresponding transmembrane potential LFPs are expected to be largest in regions where sources are
(potential difference between inside and outside the cell) is a mostly of the same sign, although any current source activity
traveling monophasic waveform in the 100-mV range; that is, of frequency low enough to survive the low-pass filter can, in
its magnitude is about 1000 times larger. When cell membranes theory, contribute to the LFP.
behave as linear conductors (i.e., when Ohm’s law is valid),
axon current source distribution at membrane surfaces mimics
transmembrane potential. However, active membranes or even
membranes approaching threshold are inherently nonlinear, ECoG (discussed in more detail in chapter 15) is a mesoscale
meaning Ohm’s law is dramatically and selectively violated. (intermediate scale) phenomenon that involves placement of

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 53
electrodes just above the brain’s surface on the arachnoid (the High-Resolution EEG in this chapter). In general, spatial filter-
middle of the three meningeal membranes that surround the ing may be applied to data recorded from any system with a
brain and spinal cord), and just below the dura mater (the out- sufficiently large number of well-placed sensors in a manner
ermost and thickest of the meninges). Because the electrodes analogous to digital filtering in the time domain. Thus, devel-
do not penetrate into the brain, ECoG is less invasive than LFP opment of high-resolution versions of MEG is plausible,
recording and provides spatial resolution intermediate between although the issue of selective sensitivity to different source
LFPs and EEG. Before reaching the ECoG electrodes, cortical orientations remains.
source currents pass through several layers: the cerebral cortex,
the pia mater (the innermost and thinnest of the meninges),
the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and the arachnoid. Of great BRAIN SOURCES AT MULTIPLE SCALE S
importance is that these currents do not pass through the skull.
The main differences between ECoG and LFPs include ECoG’s
larger electrodes, ECoG’s larger average source-electrode sepa- Nearly all scalp potentials recorded without averaging origi-
ration, and the different choices of temporal filtering. ECoG nate in cortical dipole layers (sheets) that occupy at least 10–40
spatial resolution appears to be roughly 2–10 mm, apparently cm2 or more of cortical surface (Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a).
limited partly by source distribution across the 3-mm cortical Furthermore, all other things being equal, the crowns of corti-
depth. ECoG is considered the gold standard for identifying cal gyri (see chapter 2) are expected to provide larger contribu-
cortical tissue prone to epileptic activity and is routinely tions than sources in cortical folds. Isolated cortical dipoles,
employed to provide guidance prior to epilepsy surgery (Fisch often adopted as models for somatosensory evoked potentials
1999; Niedermeyer and Lopes da Silva 2005). and epileptic spikes, are simply special cases of dipole layers
with very small dimensions. Two major reasons for the domi-
nance of synchronous cortical sources are evident. First, poten-
tials generated locally fall off with distance from their source
Most of the degradation in spatial resolution from ECoG to regions, and cortical sources are closest to the scalp. Second,
EEG is due to the intervening skull. Thus, electrodes placed and even more importantly, cortical pyramidal cell morphol-
inside the skull but above the dura may provide a good inter- ogy allows dipole sources to line up in parallel, potentially cre-
mediate-resolution option for long-term clinical applications ating large dipole layers. Because the dipole vectors in such
such as BCIs. Such electrodes would be less invasive than layers are perpendicular to the cortical surface, gyral crowns
ECoG electrodes and might achieve more stable long-term are generally more efficient generators of EEG than fissures
performance. and sulci in which the dipole layers in opposing cortices tend
to cancel each other. When near-parallel sources in contiguous
gyral crowns are synchronously active, they add by linear
superposition to create relatively large scalp potentials, an
Table 3.3 lists the estimated (but very approximate) spatial effect acknowledged when EEG amplitude reduction is labeled
resolution achieved with each of the several recording meth- desynchronization (chapter 13) (Kellaway 1979; Pfurtscheller
ods discussed here. The asterisks on high-resolution EEG and and Lopes da Silva 1999).
high-resolution MEG indicate that their spatial-filtering
algorithms are not directly comparable to other methods (see

The multiple scales of cortical morphology, current sources,

TA BL E 3 . 3 Estimated spatial resolution of recorded potentials or
and recording electrodes are summarized in tables 3.1 and
magnetic fields generated by cortical sources 3.2, and in figure 3.9. As indicated in figure 3.9, the macro-
column (mesoscale) in neocortex is defined by the spatial
RESOLUTION (mm) extent of axon branches (seen in the bracketed region E in
fig. 3.9) that remain within the cortex (called recurrent collater-
Microelectrode of radius ξ ≥ξ als). The large pyramidal cell (C) is one of 105 to 106 neurons in
the macrocolumn. Nearly all pyramidal cells send an axon
LFP 0.1–1
(G) into the white matter, and most of these reenter the cortex
ECoG 2–5 at some distant location (corticocortical fibers). Each large
pyramidal cell has 104 to 105 synaptic inputs (F and inset) caus-
Intraskull recording 5–10
ing microcurrent sources and sinks. A convenient source
Untransformed EEG 50 variable is s(r,t), the total current per unit volume ΔH that
crosses a spherical surface centered at location r:
Untransformed MEG 50
I( ,t )
High-resolution EEG* 20–30 s( , t ) =
DH (3.9)

High-resolution MEG* Unknown Here the volume ΔH is assumed to be smaller than the
*Not directly comparable to the other methods listed; see text. measurement volume in equation 3.6. Field measurements can

54 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
be expected to fluctuate greatly when small electrode contacts (return) current from more distant locations on the cell. Thus,
(A) are moved over distances of the order of cell body diame- microcurrent source-sink separations depend on capacitive-
ters. Small-scale recordings measure space-averaged potential resistive membrane properties of cells within the volume in
over some volume (B) and depend mostly on the size of the addition to synaptic action density. As a result a simple model
electrode contact. An instantaneous imbalance in sources or predicts a low-pass filtering effect on scalp (and to a lesser
sinks in bracketed regions (D) and (E) will cause a diffuse cur- degree ECoG) potentials below perhaps 50–100 Hz due to
rent density J and potential difference ΔФ across the cortex. reduction in average source-sink separations (Nunez and
The conductivity σ (or resistivity η) and other electrical Srinivasan 2006a). Action potentials can contribute to recorded
properties of bulk tissue must always refer to space averages potentials from inside the cranium, but their contribution to
over volumes of a certain size. Such parameters have different (unaveraged) scalp potentials is believed to be small.
meanings depending on the measurement scale. A pyramidal
cell is a large structure compared to a microelectrode tip. As
pictured in figure 3.9, field measurements can be expected to
fluctuate greatly when small electrodes (i.e., B, or the individ-
ual contacts on A) are moved over distances of the order of cell Each mesoscale (mm3) volume of human neocortex contains, on
body diameters. At microelectrode scales, the fundamental average, about 105 neurons and 109 or so synapses. Each active
electrophysiological parameters are defined separately for synapse produces local membrane current, as well as return
intercellular and extracellular fluid and membrane. current from more distant membrane surfaces, as required by
Macroelectrode recordings, like those with EEG, present current conservation. Excitatory synapses produce negative
quite a different picture. The scalp electrode measures fields source regions (sinks) at local membrane surfaces and distrib-
due to neural activity in tissue masses containing perhaps 108 uted positive sources at more distant membrane locations.
neurons. In this case, conductivity must refer to average prop- Inhibitory synapses produce current in the opposite direction
erties in a large volume of tissue. The conductivity (or resistiv- (i.e., sources at local membrane surfaces and sinks at more distant
ity) of tissue can be expected to depend strongly on the packing locations). Thus, the distribution of passive sources and sinks
density of the cells because membranes provide relatively high- over each cell depends on both the synapse polarity and the
resistance current pathways. capacitive-resistive properties of the cell and surrounding space.
At the cell membrane the microsource function s(r, t) The current dipole moment per unit volume P(r, t) of a
includes both active sources at the synapses and passive tissue mass is defined as a weighted space average of all the

3 mm

D 2
3 C
6 B
7 Z1 ΔΦ
2.5 mm 8 0.6 mm
9 J
E 12
13 F

s(r, w, t )

Figure 3.9 The macrocolumn is defined by the spatial extent of axon branches E that remain within the cortex (recurrent collaterals). The large pyramidal cell C is
one of 105 to 106 neurons in the macrocolumn (the figure would be essentially solid black if only as many as 1% were shown). Nearly all pyramidal cells send an
axon G into the white matter; most reenter the cortex at some distant location (corticocortical fibers). Each large pyramidal cell has 104 to 105 synaptic inputs F
(and inset) causing microcurrent sources and sinks s(r, w, t), where the vector r locates the tissue volume W (e.g., a macrocolumn, as in fig. 3.10) and the vector w
locates microsources within this volume of tissue W. An instantaneous imbalance in sources or sinks in regions D and E (see brackets at left of column) will cause a
diffuse current J and potential difference ΔΦ across the cortex (z is impedance). Field measurements can be expected to fluctuate greatly when small electrode
contacts (at the numbered sites along A) are moved over distances of the order of cell body diameters. Recordings at a somewhat larger scale are represented by
region B, which could represent a larger electrode contact. Adapted from Nunez (1995).

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 55
micro-sources s(r, t) within the volume (fig. 3.10). The vector r likely to be satisfied if W is a full cortical column of some
locates the center of the tissue volume or mass (voxel W) with diameter containing both the soma and dendrites of cortical
respect to an arbitrary coordinate system. The voxel size is also neurons. The second condition, that the scale of W be suffi-
partly arbitrary; that is, dipole moments may be defined at ciently small compared to the recording distance, ensures that
different scales. The vector w locates the microsources inside the contributions to scalp potential of quadrupole and higher-
the volume W; thus, the notation s(r, t) is replaced by s(r, w, t) order terms are negligible. If both conditions on W are satis-
when appropriate. In figure 3.10 the filled circles represent fied, the dipole term is dominant in the general multipole
positive sources, and the open circles represent negative expansion expressing scalp potential.
sources. With positive sources mostly in the upper part of the The volume microsources s(r, w, t) are expressed in micro-
tissue mass W, P(r, t) is positive. We refer to P(r, t) as a meso- amperes per cubic millimeter (μA/mm3), and mesoscopic source
scopic source function or dipole moment per unit volume. It is strength P(r, t) in microamperes per square millimeter (μA/
defined by the following integral over the tissue volume mm2), respectively. Thus, P(r, t) has units of current density
element W: and has a simple interpretation for the idealized source distri-
bution depicted in figure 3.11 in which inhibitory synaptic
1 activity (which produces current sources) in the lower part of
W ∫∫∫
(r , t ) w (r, w , t )d (w )
W (3.10) a cortical column is balanced by excitatory synaptic action
(which produces current sinks) in the upper part of the column
Equation 3.10 is useful in EEG when the volume W is (and with no intermediate sources). In this highly idealized
chosen to roughly match coordinated source activity; W may picture, the dipole moment per unit volume P(r, t) is essen-
be anything between perhaps the minicolumn to macrocol- tially the (negative) diffuse macroscopic current density J(r, t)
umn scales (table 3.2). Neocortex may then be treated as across the cortex. The two variables P(r, t) and J(r, t) have
a continuum in EEG applications, so that P(r, t) is a continu- opposite signs because they essentially represent currents
ous field variable. There are, however, two limitations to this external and internal to the column, respectively. Only a small
approach. First, the tissue volume should be large enough to part of the external current (thin gray arrows outside the
contain many microsources s(r, w, t) due to local synaptic column) reaches the scalp to produce EEG.
activity as well as their passive return currents; at the same
time, its characteristic size should be much smaller than the
closest distance to the recording electrode. The former condi- SCALP-RECORDED POTENTIALS
tion suggests that the total strength of microsources will be
approximately balanced by an equal strength of microsinks
such that the monopole contribution of the tissue volume W is Any voltage measurement requires both a recording electrode
approximately zero, that is and a reference electrode. EEG practitioners have long been
perplexed in attempting to find a proper reference electrode
I W ( , t)
t) ∫∫∫ s( , , t) d (w ) ≅ 0
t )dW for EEG recordings. For ECoG measurements, the reference
W (3.11)

P(r, t )
This condition is represented symbolically in figure 3.10
with an equal number of open and filled circles. While the
volume W is partly arbitrary, condition equation 3.11 is more

J(r, t )
P(r, t)

s(r, w, t)

Inhibitory synaptic action


Figure 3.11 Idealized case providing an intuitive interpretation of dipole

moment per unit volume P(r,t). In this example, all sources and sinks produced
by synaptic action are located in a deep layer (inhibitory-produced sources)
and a superficial layer (excitatory-produced sinks) of a cortical column. As a
result, the mesosource is P(r,t ) ≈ − J(r,t ), the diffuse current density
(microamperes per square millimeter) between the layers of sources and sinks.
Figure 3.10 A volume W of tissue (e.g., a cortical macrocolumn). The mixture of The sign change occurs because current from the lower layer exits the column,
microsources or sinks s(r,w,t) results in a mesosource (i.e., a dipole moment per spreads through distant tissue (including a little to the scalp to yield EEG), and
unit volume) P(r,t) in volume W. This mesosource representation is useful for returns through the top of the column to the cortical sinks in the upper layer.
calculating scalp potentials only if W is sufficiently large that local current The three dashed cylindrical regions represent neural subpopulations within
conservation holds, as given by equation 3.11. the larger tissue mass.

56 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
electrode is located outside the skull and may usually be con- produce dramatically different, and often misleading, results.
sidered effectively “quiet,” because the voltages outside the skull Thus, it is essential to choose a reference that is appropriate for
are categorically much smaller than inside. In contrast, scalp the specific recording situation. Chapter 6 describes the differ-
potentials cannot generally be recorded with respect to some ent options and discusses the factors important in selecting
theoretical place called “infinity.” This presents a significant among them.
challenge for EEG recording.
Suppose V(r,t) is an unknown scalp potential. Each EEG
channel records an experimental scalp potential that depends THE FORWARD AND INVERSE
on a pair of scalp electrode locations (rn,rR) PROBLEMS IN EEG
V ( n , R , t ) = V ( n t)
t ) V ( R ,t ) (3.12)
In EEG theory, the so-called forward problem consists of calcu-
Or in shortened notation lating scalp potentials from a known mesosource function P(r′,
t), defined in equation 3.10 as the dipole moment per unit
VnR Vn − VR (3.13) volume generated in each mesoscopic tissue voxel located at r′.
The nominal macroscopic potential with respect to infinity at
In standard EEG parlance, reference recordings involve any scalp location r is then given by the following integral over
choosing some fixed location rR, typically an ear, mastoid, or the volume K
neck site, and recording all potentials with respect to this fixed
site. Unfortunately, rR rarely qualifies as a genuinely indifferent Φ( , ) ∫∫∫
K , ′)
(r,r (r ′, )dK ( ′)
reference. Whereas so-called bipolar recordings measure the
potential difference between two nearby electrodes both of Here K is the total volume of tissue with active brain
which are presumed to be changing in potential, these record- sources, generally the entire brain excluding ventricles. All
ings are not fundamentally different from referenced record- geometric and conductive properties of the head volume con-
ings, except that bipolar recordings acknowledge the presence ductor are included in the Green’s function GK(r,r′), which can
and influence of the reference electrode explicitly. be viewed as the inverse electrical distance (squared) between a
Recording all potentials with respect to some fixed location source at r′ and a location r where the potential is obtained. In
rR is advantageous in that it allows for rereferencing to any other an infinite, homogeneous, and isotropic volume conductor, the
site B. That is, suppose potentials are recorded with respect to electrical distance equals the actual distance, but this idealiza-
site R with a system of N channels and N + 1 scalp electrodes. tion is a poor approximation for genuine heads because of
Suppose we wish to find the potentials that would have been current-path distortions.
recorded had the reference been located at site B. This is accom- Although equation 3.15 may seem complicated, it provides
plished with the following (identity) transformation very useful information about the general relationship of poten-
tials to brain sources. Much of this general insight is relatively
Vn VB ≡ (Vn VR ) − (VB VR ) (3.14) independent of head-model inaccuracy. Let P(r′, t) be defined
such that the volume W in equation 3.10 is a voxel of 1 mm3. The
The first parentheses in equation 3.14 represent the origi- sources in a 1000-cm3 brain may then be represented by 3 mil-
nal reference recording; the second parentheses are a single lion discrete mesosources Pk(t), taking the three components of
potential difference obtained from the same data set. The left the vector P(r′, t) into account. The potential at any location is
side of equation 3.14 then yields the new reference recording. simply the weighted linear sum over all sources, so equation
If the potentials VB and VR are free of all artifact (i.e., nonbrain 3.15 may then be expressed as a sum of 3 million terms:
activity such as heart, muscle, or other biological or nonbio-
logical potentials), VB and VR are equal to the theoretical nom-
inal potentials with respect to infinity and are given the symbols
Φ n (t ) ∑g
k =1
P (t )
nk k
ФB and ФR. Equation 3.14 is just one of several EEG data
transformations discussed later in this chapter (as well as in The fact that EEG may exhibit quite different frequency
chapters 6 and 7). content at different locations or at different scales is simply the
result of the selective weighting g nk of the scalar mesosource
components, Pk (t ), of each voxel.
For several reasons, scalp (EEG) or cortical-surface (ECoG)
The essential feature of a true reference is that it is located far potentials are believed to be generated almost exclusively by
from any sources. Unfortunately, however, the word far is often cortical sources. First, sources close to cortical surfaces are
misinterpreted. A true reference (i.e., at infinity) must be elec- associated with larger Green’s functions [i.e., GK(r,r′) or g nk ].
trically far. This concept and the methods available for realiz- Second, the large source-sink separations in cortical tissue cre-
ing it as closely as possible are discussed in detail in chapter 6. ated by large pyramidal cells yield large mesosources Pk (t ) , as
As emphasized and illustrated there, the choice of a reference indicated in equation 3.10. Third, the parallel arrangement of
electrode is absolutely crucial to correct interpretation of the pyramidal cells allows the vectors P(r′, t) to line up in the
EEG signals recorded. Indeed, different reference choices can smooth parts of cortex (i.e., the gyral crowns). In contrast, in

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 57
cortical folds (which are also deeper), these vectors may tend (Note that equation 3.17 cannot be applied to ECoG because
to cancel. As a result, for EEG and ECoG, sources in gyral the electrodes are too close to cortical sources for the
crowns generally generate larger surface potentials than sources dipole approximation to be valid. ECoG depends much more
in cortical folds. on the details of synaptic source distribution across cortex;
By contrast, external magnetic fields (detected by MEG) such cortical potentials may be estimated from distributed
are generated mostly by source vectors parallel to the local microsources using equation 3.6).
scalp (and parallel to the plane of the MEG coil). To the extent
that cortical folds are perpendicular to local scalp (and per-
pendicular to the MEG coil), the dipole vectors contributing
to MEG tend to come mainly from the sources in the sides of The classical inverse problem in EEG is concerned with finding
cortical folds if they are not cancelled by sources in the appos- the locations and strengths of the current sources on the right
ing sides. This feature tends to allow MEG data to be fit to side of equations 3.15, 3.16, or 3.17 from discrete samples of
localized source models even when the actual sources are the potential VnR (with respect to some reference) on the sur-
widely distributed (an outcome that can be good or bad, face of the volume conductor. That is, the recorded potentials
depending on the application and on how the data are inter- VnR are used to estimate the nominal potentials with respect to
preted). infinity Ф(r,t) (i.e., Фn in simplified notation). In practice,
From these arguments we conclude that cortical anatomy dipole searches employing sophisticated computer algorithms
itself is the main determinant of the factors responsible for the are based on recordings at perhaps 20–128 or more surface
relatively large scalp potentials generated by cortical sources. locations, either for fixed time slices (i.e., segments) or over
Nevertheless, EEG amplitudes can vary from a few microvolts time windows. By contrast to the forward problem, the inverse
to more than several hundred microvolts across various brain problem has no unique solution. If one dipole provides a rea-
states. Large scalp potentials require that the mesosources P(r′, sonable fit to surface data, two or three or 10 dipoles can pro-
t) be synchronous (i.e., in phase) over large cortical areas. The vide even better fits. Scalp potentials can always be made to fit a
general rule of the head is that source regions must be synchro- wide range of distributed cortical sources. Within experimental
nous over about 6 cm2 or more of cortex in order to be record- error, any scalp-potential map can be made to fit source distri-
able on the scalp without averaging (Cooper et al. 1965; butions that are exclusively cortical, or even made to fit sources
Ebersole 1997; Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a). (The label syn- that are exclusive to cortical gyri. In the absence of additional
chronously active in this context is based on cortical surface information, the constraints (e.g., physiological assumptions)
recordings and should be viewed mainly as a qualitative required to obtain these fits cannot generally be expected to be
description.) In the case of dipole layers extending into fissures accurate, and the inverse solutions (computed source locations)
and sulci, tissue areas larger than 6 cm2 are apparently required are generally no better than the physiological assumptions and
to produce measurable scalp potentials. The idea that scalp head-model accuracy. As discussed in Nunez and Srinivasan
potential magnitudes depend largely on source synchrony is (2006a), many inverse solutions indicating that EEG generators
widely recognized in clinical and research EEG environments consist of a few isolated dipoles are inconsistent with known
where amplitude reduction is often characterized as desynchro- physiology and anatomy. One warning sign of an inadequate
nization (Kellaway 1979; Pfurtscheller and Lopes da Silva solution is failure to show that the estimated source-strength is
1999). EEGs with typical amplitudes in the range 20–100 μV sufficient to account for scalp-potential magnitudes. Sophisti-
apparently require synchrony over at least several tens of square cated computer algorithms are useful only if they are based on
centimeters of smooth cortical surface. The largest scalp poten- sound physiology; sophisticated mathematics can never com-
tials may require synchrony over 50–100 cm2 or more (Nunez pensate for unrealistic physical assumptions.
and Srinivasan 2006a).
Since nearly all EEG signals are apparently generated by
cortical sources, it is often convenient to replace equation 3.15 QUANTITATIVE AND
by equation 3.17, which is the integral over the cortical surface, HIG H-RESOLUTION EEG
with the mesosource volume elements W in equation 3.10
interpreted as cortical columns, and P(r′, t) interpreted as a
vector everywhere parallel to pyramidal cell axes (i.e., normal Rereferencing of unprocessed EEG data provides the simplest
to the local cortical surface). Scalp potentials are then expressed example of the many transformations that may be applied in
in terms of the modified Green’s function GS(r,r′) and the unit quantitative EEG analysis. Some data transformations have
vector âs(r′), which is everywhere normal to the local cortical clear physical and physiological motivations; others are purely
surface and may be estimated with MRI images. Scalp poten- mathematical. Fourier transforms (see section on Fourier
tial (eq. 3.15) is then expressed as Transforms in this chapter) are clearly useful across many
applications, mainly because specific EEG frequency bands are
closely associated with specific brain states. Other transforma-
Φ( , ) ∫∫ S (r,, ′) P(( ′, t )d (r ′) tions have more limited appeal; in extreme cases they may be
S no more than mathematics in search of applications. How can
= ∫∫ G S ( , r ′)  (r ′) (r ′, t )d (r ′) we distinguish truly beneficial transformation methods from
S (3.17) useless mathematical exercises? One obvious but underused

58 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
approach is to apply each promising transformation method to is expressed in terms of the amplitude or power (i.e., amplitude
several physiologically based dynamic and volume-conduction squared) and the phase of each frequency component. The
models. If the method produces transformed variables that phase information is required to estimate coherence between
reveal important dynamic properties of the known sources EEG channel pairs for each frequency component. Practical
modeled in these simulations, it may be useful with genuine FFT analysis methods are detailed in several texts (Bendat and
EEG data; if not, the method is probably not worth using. Note Piersol 2001; Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a) and are reviewed in
that even simple analytic head models like the n-sphere models chapter 7. The FFT is a starting point for the application of
are quite valuable in such tests even though such head models various statistical tools including coherence.
may not be very accurate. That is, simple head models provide Other approaches to spectral analysis include wavelets
a critical “filter” through which any proposed method should (Lachaux et al. 2002), autoregressive models (Ding et al. 2000),
first pass before being tested further. Had this philosophy been and Hilbert transforms (Bendat and Piersol 2001; Le Van Quyen
applied in EEG over the past 40 years or so (after computers et al. 2001). These methods are sometimes more useful than the
became readily available), the graveyard of erroneous EEG FFT with short data epochs. Any of them can be applied to
reports would contain far fewer occupants. Examples of appro- EEG, but interpretation of the transformed variables provided
priate and inappropriate transformations are discussed in by methods other than FFT may depend on assumptions and
(Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a). parameter choices. These limitations are substantial in some
The relationships between observed potential differences applications and are generally not as widely appreciated as are
VnR=V(ri, rj, t) and brain sources P(r, t) depend on the anatomy the minimal limitations of the FFT. Thus, it is often prudent to
and physiology of brain tissue and the physics of volume con- apply different spectral analysis methods to the same data sets
duction through the human head. Quantitative EEG analysis and then compare the results. The validity of each mathemati-
consists of mathematical transformations of recorded poten- cal tool can be assessed by comparing different methods applied
tials to new dependent variables X and independent vari- to identical data (both genuine and simulated).
ables 1 x2 , x3 , ... , that is,
V ( i , j , t ) → Χ ( x , x , x , ... ) (3.18)

The transformations in equation 3.18 can provide important In standard EEG terminology, synchrony is a qualitative term
estimates of the behavior of source dynamics P(r, t) that supple- normally indicating mesosources P(r,t) that are approximately
ment the estimates provided by the unprocessed data V(ri, rj, t). phase-locked (i.e., synchronized with respect to time), with
In the simple case of transformed electrode references, the new small or zero phase offsets. In this case, sources tend to add by
dependent variable X retains identity as an electric potential. linear superposition to produce large scalp potentials. Thus,
With surface Laplacian transforms (i.e., in high-resolution EEG), the label desynchronization is typically used to indicate the
X is proportional to the estimated local skull current and reduction of EEG amplitude, as, for example, in the case of
brain surface potential. Other transforms include Hilbert alpha-blocking during eye opening or during execution of
transforms, wavelets, principal or independent components certain cognitive tasks.
analysis, constrained inverse solutions (source localization), cor- The term coherence refers to the standard mathematical
relation dimension estimates, and several measures of phase definition, and it is equal to the normalized cross-spectral den-
locking between scalp sites, especially coherence. Coherence sity function, typically estimated with FFTs. Coherence is a
estimates are normally based on Fourier transforms (i.e., spec- measure of phase-locking, specifically the phase consistency
tral analysis). These methods are discussed in chapter 7. between channel pairs. Sources that remain synchronous (i.e.,
have zero or small phase lags) over some period produce large
coherence values over the same period. However, depending
on their phase offsets, coherent sources may or may not be syn-
Historically, and especially before spectral analysis came into chronous: two oscillations that remain approximately 180° out
more common use in the 1970s, EEG frequency content was of phase are fully asynchronous but exhibit high coherence.
often described by simply counting waveform zero crossings. Coherence is a squared correlation coefficient and is expressed
For pure sinusoidal signals, this approach accurately indicates as a function of frequency band. For example, when some
signal frequency; a 10-Hz sine wave has 20 zero crossings per study subjects perform mental calculations (with eyes closed),
second. However, when the signal contains a mix of frequen- many electrode pairs exhibit increased EEG coherence (com-
cies, the number of zero crossings can yield a misleading pic- pared to resting) in the theta and upper alpha (∼10 Hz) bands
ture. For example, a mixture of moderate beta (18–30 Hz) and and decreased coherence in the lower alpha band (∼8 Hz)
larger alpha (8–12 Hz) oscillations might be classified simply (Nunez et al. 2001; Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a).
as beta based on visual inspection of zero crossings (Nunez
and Srinivasan 2006a).
Fourier (or spectral) analysis expresses any arbitrary time
series as a sum of sine waves with different frequencies and
phases. The most widely understood and generally practical Averaged evoked potentials (EPs) are generated by sensory stim-
algorithm is the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Each waveform uli such as light flashes, auditory tones, finger pressure, or mild

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 59
electric shocks. EPs are typically recorded by time-averaging 2006a), which requires no head model but is approximately
single-stimulus waveforms as an attempt to remove any noise proportional to the dural potential when the cortical regions of
or other sources that are not time-locked to the stimuli. Event- synchronous sources are not too large (e.g., when they are less
related potentials (ERPs) (see chapter 12) are recorded in the than about 40 cm2 of smooth cortex). The spline Laplacian
same way as EPs, but they normally occur at longer latencies completely eliminates the reference problem and provides a
from the stimuli and are more related to endogenous brain partial solution to current spreading in the volume conductor.
state. With transient EPs or ERPs, the stimuli consist of repeated Skull conductivity is lower than that of contiguous tissue by
short pulses, and the number required to produce an averaged factors of about 10–40; thus, most source current reaching the
evoked potential may be anywhere from about 10 (for visual scalp passes normal to the skull. Based on this factor and Ohm’s
EPs) to several thousand (for auditory brainstem EPs). The law, the surface Laplacian Ln at scalp site n is related to the local
scalp response to each pulse is averaged over the individual outer skull potential ФKn and the inner skull (i.e., outer CSF)
pulses. The EP or ERP in any experiment is a waveform con- potential ФCn by the approximate relation (Nunez and
taining a series of characteristic components, or potential Srinivasan 2006a)
peaks (local maxima or minima), typically occurring in the
first 0.5 sec after stimulus presentation. A component’s ampli- n An ( Kn − Cn ) (3.19)
tude, latency from the stimulus, or covariance (at multiple
electrode sites) may be studied, in connection with a cognitive Here the parameter An depends on local skull and scalp
task (e.g., usually for ERPs) or with no task (e.g., usually for thicknesses and resistivities. The interpretation of Ln depends
EPs) (Gevins et al. 1983 Gevins and Cutillo 1995). critically on the nature of the cortical sources. With very large
Steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) (see chap- dipole layers, the potential falloff through the skull is minimal,
ter 14) use a continuous, sinusoidally modulated stimulus, so that ФKn and ФCn have similar magnitudes and the surface
typically a flickering light produced by special goggles and Laplacian is very small. Thus, very large dipole layers occupy-
superimposed on images from a computer monitor that provide ing a substantial portion of the upper cortical surface (as may
a cognitive task. The brain response in a narrow frequency band occur with the global spike and wave of epilepsy, and in the
(often less than 0.1 Hz) around the stimulus frequency is mea- lower-frequency part of the resting alpha-rhythm band) make
sured. Magnitude, phase, and coherence (in the case of multiple only small or negligible contributions to the Laplacian. By con-
electrode sites) may be related to different parts of the task. trast, when cortical source regions consist of small to moder-
SSVEPs have two main advantages over transient ERPs: the ate-sized dipole layers, the potential falloff through the skull is
large increase in signal-to-noise ratio within the narrow bands substantial, such that ФKn<<ФCn. Thus, for small to moderate-
studied; and the observation that cognition typically affects sized dipole layers, with diameters less than around 5–10 cm,
select frequency bands. Thus, SSVEP largely avoids the ERP the negative Laplacian is approximately proportional to the
artifact problems that often confound cognitive experiments. dural surface potential. The Laplacian then acts as a spatial
SSVEP coherence reveals that mental tasks consistently filter that removes low-spatial-frequency scalp signals that are
involve increased 13-Hz coherence between selected electrodes caused by volume conduction or genuine source dynamics.
and decreased coherence between other electrodes (Silberstein However, it cannot distinguish between these two.
et al. 2004). Binocular rivalry experiments using steady-state Dura imaging and Laplacian algorithms remove (i.e., filter)
magnetic-field recordings show that conscious perception of a genuine large-scale cortical patterns in addition to volume-
stimulus flicker is reliably associated with increased cross- conduction distortions. Raw scalp potentials and high-resolu-
hemispheric coherence at 7 Hz (Srinivasan et al. 1999). These tion EEG are selectively sensitive to source regions of different
data are consistent with the formation of large-scale cell assem- sizes. Thus, they are complementary measures of neocortical
blies (e.g., cortical dipole layers) at select frequencies with dynamics. High-resolution EEG supplements, but cannot
center-to-center scalp separations of roughly 5–20 cm. replace, unprocessed potentials.
Over the past 20 years, the author’s research groups have
tested the Melbourne dura-imaging and the New Orleans
spline-Laplacian algorithms in several thousand simulations
The process of relating recorded scalp potentials V(rn,rR,t) to and with many sets of genuine EEG data (Nunez 1995; Nunez
the underlying brain mesosource function P(r,t) has long et al. 2001; Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a). When applied to
been hampered by reference-electrode distortions and by EEG recorded with high-density electrode arrays, these two
inhomogeneous current spreading through the head volume completely independent algorithms provide nearly identical
conductor. The average reference method (AVE) (chapter 6) estimates of dural potential patterns. That is, electrode-by-
provides an approximate solution to the problem of reference- electrode comparison of the two estimates yields correlation
electrode distortions but altogether fails to address the prob- coefficients typically in the 0.85 and 0.95 ranges, with 64 and
lem of inhomogeneous current spreading. These issues, plus 131 electrodes, respectively. Note, however, that the actual
the severe limitations on realistic inverse solutions, provide magnitudes of dura-image and Laplacian variables cannot be
strong motivation to add high-resolution EEG estimates to the directly compared because they have different units, micro-
standard toolbox. Two distinct approaches are dura imaging, in volts and microvolts per square centimeter, respectively. In
which a head model is employed to find an estimated dural idealized simulations with n-sphere models and 131 surface
potential map; and the Laplacian (Nunez and Srinivasan samples, we evaluated algorithm performance by calculating

60 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
site-by-site correlations between the estimated and actual models that relate current sources in the brain (where tissue
dural surface potentials produced by a wide range of localized conductivities and boundaries are known only approximately)
and distributed source patterns in several four-sphere head to MEG, as compared to EEG. In practice, however, EEG has
models. Both algorithms yield typical correlation coefficients an important advantage in that scalp electrodes are more than
∼0.95 in these simulations (Nunez et al. 2001; Nunez and twice as close to the appropriate cortical sources as MEG coils;
Srinivasan 2006a). with today’s MEG systems, these coils must be placed 2–3 cm
Although dura-imaging and spline-Laplacian algorithms above the scalp. Thus, MEG’s advantage of tissue transparency
nicely supplement the unfiltered EEG, an additional caution- is offset by its disadvantage in sensor location. Its main strength
ary note is appropriate. We have cited error estimates in terms is its selective sensitivity to tangential sources (but mostly those
of correlation coefficients rather than mean-square errors unapposed from the opposite side of a cortical fold) when such
because correlation coefficients provide the more appropriate sources are of primary interest.
test when the high-resolution algorithm precedes normalized For certain applications, the identification of special source
operations (e.g., coherence estimates, which are relatively regions may be particularly important. When they are located
insensitive to local signal magnitudes). Because genuine-tissue in fissures or sulci, epileptic foci or primary sensory cortex
properties, such as skull area resistance, are expected to vary sources may be difficult or impossible to isolate with EEG
over the head surface, the parameter An in equation 3.19 must because they are masked by larger potentials originating from
actually vary with location. Thus, the magnitude of the cortical gyri. One can easily imagine clinical or other applica-
Laplacian estimate provides a much less reliable indicator of tions in which MEG may locate or otherwise characterize such
cortical source patterns than does its sign. Nevertheless, large special sources, especially in candidates for epilepsy surgery. It
local Laplacians are normally expected to provide a good indi- is important to recognize, however, that MEG’s advantage in
cation of local source regions (Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a). this regard occurs because it is relatively insensitive to gyral
sources, not because it is generally more accurate than EEG,
which it is not (Malmivuo and Plonsey 1995; Nunez and
TH E BRA IN ’S MAGNET IC F IELD Srinivasan 2006a).
On the practical side, MEG technology is expensive and
In this chapter, we have emphasized electric (i.e., EEG and cumbersome. It must be used in a magnetically shielded cham-
ECoG) rather than magnetic (i.e., MEG) recording because the ber and the coils must be supercooled with liquid helium.
former (particularly in the case of EEG) is inexpensive, far These practical disadvantages, in addition to the others dis-
easier to employ than magnetic measures, and widely used for cussed in this section, make it a method that can be supportive
BCIs. A short description of magnetoencephalography (MEG) of, but not likely to be primary to, BCI development.
is included here to provide a somewhat broader perspective on
general BCI-related issues.
MEG is an impressive technology for recording the brain’s VOLUME CONDUCTION VERSUS
extremely small magnetic fields (Hamalainen et al. 1993). SOURCE DYNAMICS
Available since the early 1980s, this technology has been pro-
moted as preferable to EEG for both genuine scientific consid- The physics of EEG is naturally separated into two mostly dis-
erations and poorly justified commercial reasons. MEG is parate subtopics: volume conduction and brain dynamics (or,
advantageous in that it is selectively sensitive: it is much more more specifically, neocortical dynamics). Volume conduction is
sensitive to sources P(r,t) oriented parallel to its sensor coils concerned with relationships between mesosources P(r,t) and
(which are placed approximately parallel to the local scalp). the resulting scalp potentials; the appropriate expressions are
This implies that MEG tends to be more sensitive to tangential equations 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17, which provide forward solu-
dipole sources P(r,t) on sulcal walls and less sensitive to sources tions. Although the fundamental laws that govern volume con-
along gyral surfaces (although the convoluted geometry of duction (i.e., charge conservation and Ohm’s law) are well
cortex provides exceptions in many regions). By contrast, both known, their application to EEG is, in understated physics par-
the unprocessed EEG and the Laplacian appear to be more lance, nontrivial. The time variable in these laws takes on the
sensitive to sources in cortical gyri. Thus, either in the context role of a parameter, and EEG time dependence is just the
of source localization or for more general analyses of spatial- weighted volume average of all contributing brain sources.
temporal patterns, the relative merits of MEG and EEG depend This is indicated most clearly in equation 3.16. The resulting
on the nature of the underlying mesosources P(r,t). However, simplification of both theory and practice in EEG is substan-
such source information is almost never available in advance tial: linear superposition of potentials due to multiple sources
of decisions to choose between EEG and MEG systems. represents an extremely valuable dry island in the present sea
MEG has certain important advantages and also some dis- of uncertainty about the details of volume conduction and the
advantages when compared to EEG. An important advantage dynamic behavior of sources.
of MEG arises from the fact that the skull and other tissues are Brain dynamics is concerned with the origins of time-
transparent to magnetic fields, which are therefore minimally dependent behavior of brain current sources. It presents quite
distorted between sources and sensors and are apparently close a different story. In the simple example of the dependent source
to those produced by sources in a homogeneous sphere. For in the electric circuit shown in figure 3.3, the functional rela-
this reason, there appears to be much less uncertainty in tionship Is=f(VX) originates from hidden interactions between

CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 61
circuit elements. We expect analogous (but far more compli- years ago in classical EEG and ECoG studies by the pioneers
cated) phenomena to occur in brains. That is, multiple brain Grey Walter, Herbert Jasper, and Wilder Penfield (see Nunez
sources interact in cell assemblies (networks) to produce the and Srinivasan 2006a for overview). Local cortical patches that
complex, fractal-like dynamic behavior that is recorded with could reflect the cortical parts of thalamocortical networks
different methods (and provides neural correlates of conscious- produce oscillatory alpha-band activity that may or may not
ness) (Nunez 2010). Although a number of plausible physio- match global alpha frequencies (Nunez 1974, 2000a, 2000b,
logically based mathematical theories have been developed, we 2010, 2011). The label global suggests dynamics dominated by
are far from any comprehensive theory of brain dynamics long spatial wavelengths, implying large contributions to scalp-
(Nunez and Srinivasan 2006b; Nunez 2011). Nevertheless, recorded potentials but much smaller contributions to the
even very approximate, speculative, or incomplete dynamic Laplacian. Substantial interaction between networks and global
theories can have substantial value in supporting general con- synaptic fields is hypothesized, with global fields playing a cen-
ceptual frameworks and in generating new experiments. tral role in functional integration of local and regional net-
The relationship of the recorded potentials to the full works. This general conceptual framework addresses the
dynamics of the neocortex may be illustrated with an ocean- so-called binding problem of brain science: that is, how the
wave metaphor. Spatial maps of any kind may be expressed as unity of conscious perception is brought about by separate and
a sum over spatial frequencies in two dimensions in a manner distributed networks perhaps operating in nested hierarchies
similar to Fourier analysis in the one-dimensional time (Nunez and Srinivasan 2006a, 2006b; Nunez 2010).
domain. For example, ocean-wave energy is distributed over
more than four orders of magnitude of spatial and temporal
frequencies. The longest ocean waves, the tsunamis and tides, SUMMARY
have wavelengths of hundreds or thousands of miles. Wind-
driven waves have intermediate lengths. Ripples due to surface The goal of this chapter has been to provide the reader with the
tension have wavelengths of less than a foot. Similarly, electro- basic information needed to be an effective user of electric- or
physiology spans about five orders of magnitude of spatial scale magnetic-field recording methods in BCI research and devel-
(and spatial frequencies) depending on the size and location of opment. To this end we have addressed the generation, distri-
electrodes. bution, and detection of these fields on micro-, meso-, and
Because of poor spatial resolution, EEG is sensitive to only macroscales, thereby accounting for the multiscale structure of
the very longest spatial wavelengths in the full spatial spectrum brain tissue. Current sources in the cortex generate potentials
of cortical dynamics. (The analogous ocean-wave measurement that may be recorded at all three scales. The small and interme-
would be surface displacement averaged over ocean patches a diate scales represented by LFPs and ECoG activity provide
thousand or so miles in diameter; only the tides, not the wind- more local details but only sparse spatial coverage. The large-
driven waves, would be observed in such experiments.) scale EEG covers much of the entire upper-cortical surface, but
Intracranial recordings of brain potentials (LFP and ECoG) are it yields only very coarse spatial resolution. High-resolution
sensitive to only a selected part of the cortical spatial spectrum. EEG, implemented as either Laplacian and dura image algo-
Electrode size and location determine which part of this spec- rithms, can supplement unprocessed EEG, providing some-
trum is recorded; and the recording may exclude much of the what better spatial resolution, but at the cost of eliminating the
long-wavelength dynamics. (By analogy, wave-height measure- very large-scale dynamics that may be of interest. Thus, unpro-
ments taken from a ship or low-flying helicopter see mainly cessed and high-resolution EEG provide complementary mea-
wave chop driven by local winds, missing tides and tsunamis sures of cortical dynamics. In all cases, the observed dynamic
entirely. Such small-scale ocean data would fail to match any behaviors of recorded potentials or magnetic fields are pro-
conceptual framework based on tidal mechanisms.) Thus, duced by the weighted linear sums (i.e., linear superposition)
dynamic behaviors observed with intracranial recordings may of the underlying sources. Different brain regions and mea-
differ substantially from potentials recorded at the scalp. surement scales may exhibit quite different dynamics (e.g.,
The author has proposed one possible conceptual frame- dominant frequencies), but such differences are due only to the
work for the dynamic behavior of cortical mesosources (Nunez different weights in the sums associated with different source
1995, 2010). According to this framework, P(r,t) is generated locations and recording methods.
by a combination of network (or, more accurately, cell assem- Effective use of these methods in BCI research and devel-
bly) and global synaptic field sources. The latter are simply the opment also depends on understanding additional practical
numbers of active excitatory and inhibitory synapses in each issues: What are the key features of the electrodes (or magnetic
tissue volume. The networks may be pictured as embedded in coils) that record these fields? How many are needed, where
global synaptic fields (including standing and traveling waves) should they be placed, and how should they be referenced?
analogous to the social networks embedded in a culture. This How should the recorded data be analyzed to maximize the
general idea is demonstrated by human alpha rhythms, which signal-to-noise ratio and to focus on the measures best
consist of long-wavelength (low spatial frequency) potentials suited for communication and control? These operational
plus more localized (apparent) network activity. The local cor- questions are based partly on the fundamentals of brain phys-
tical patches where this activity occurs were recently identified ics outlined in this chapter and are considered in detail in
with modern Laplacian methods but were originally found chapters 6 and 7.

62 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
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CHAPTER 3 . E L E C T R I C A N D M A G N E T I C F I E L D S P R O D U C E D B Y T H E B R A I N | 63
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rain activity involves three types of processes: electrical, instead are the highest spatial detail and highest temporal
chemical, and metabolic. Best known of these is the elec- detail possible. Spatial and temporal detail are both measured
tromagnetic activity that results in a neuron’s action in terms of resolution, the distance between two adjacent points
potential, which is itself the result of chemical events occurring in space or time that can be distinguished from each other. For
in and around the neuron. Action potentials and other neu- example, in digital photography, a photo taken with a 1-Mpixel
ronal electrical phenomena allow for electrical measurement camera produces an image consisting of squares and does not
of brain activity with electroencaphalography (EEG), magneto- show much detail. In contrast, a 10-Mpixel image will have
encephalography (MEG), electrocorticography (ECoG), or more squares and will display a lot of detail. The size of the
with microelectrodes implanted in the brain tissue. However, squares (much smaller for the higher-resolution image) is
these methods have a variety of disadvantages. EEG and MEG called the resolution. The term resolution is also used in brain
sensors are located far from the neurons, and the signals imaging. However, since the measurements in brain imaging
acquired do not allow precise identification of the active brain are in three dimensions, the term voxel (volume element) is
areas. In addition, since the orientation of neurons relative to used instead of pixel (picture element). A spatial resolution of 1
the sensors strongly affects the measurements, some brain mm means that each voxel has a size of 1 mm along each side.
regions are less visible to these sensors. Electrodes placed Temporal resolution reflects the time it takes to make one
directly on or within the cortex measure electric activity in measurement. Again using a familiar analogy, this time of dig-
their immediate vicinity, but they can cover only a very limited ital video recording, we know that more frames per second
part of the brain. Thus, these methods based on electrical sig- produce smoother and more detailed moving images and thus
nals have significant inherent limitations. Brain activity can give higher temporal resolution. Temporal resolution is typi-
also be detected by measuring chemical processes, but the cally measured in milliseconds (ms) or seconds (s). For both
methods for doing so in humans (mainly by positron emission spatial and temporal resolution, a smaller value (in mm or ms)
tomography [PET]) are still rather crude, involve injection of indicates higher resolution; conversely, a larger value indicates
specially manufactured markers, and have poor temporal reso- poorer resolution.
lution. Because of the limitations of electrical and chemical Although electrical, chemical, and metabolic processes
methods, much effort has recently been invested in measuring can all be measured with current techniques, they do so with
metabolic processes to study brain activity. These metabolic different degrees of resolution and different degrees of overall
methods are the focus of this chapter. success depending on the type of process measured and the
Metabolic processes involve the utilization of energy. When properties of the measuring technique. Figure 4.1 shows
neurons increase their firing rate, they use more energy. This the properties of the most commonly used techniques to
energy is supplied by chemical reactions in and around the neu- measure brain activity. Various chemicals can be imaged with
rons. The increased metabolic activity increases the demand for PET, using specially manufactured markers that are injected
the basic fuels of metabolism: glucose (sugar) and oxygen. This (Tai and Piccini 2004). However, temporal detail and spatial
change in demand can be detected because it is accompanied by detail are very poor when compared to images produced by
increased blood flow to the region. Since blood flow in the brain electrical and metabolic methods. It takes tens of minutes to
is highly controlled and locally regulated, it acts as a marker for record one PET image of the brain, and the spatial resolution
neuronal activity. This chapter explains how signals indicating is moderate at best (about 5 mm). In contrast, imaging of
increased blood flow in the brain (also called the hemodynamic electrical processes can give excellent temporal detail. With
response) can, even in humans, be detected and used to con- electrical methods, one can detect and distinguish between
struct detailed images of the brain that reveal brain activity. two events occurring within a few milliseconds of one another
in the same brain region. However, unless one places ele-
ctrodes within or on the surface of the brain, it is difficult to
OVE RVIEW OF F UNCT IO NAL pinpoint the precise location of this electrical activity, since
NE UROIM A GIN G the flow of current in the brain is affected by less conductive
materials like thick membranes and the skull (chapters 3 and
6). Thus, the precise origin of the signals is uncertain, and the
Ideally, an imaging technique should capture every event in images produced by electrical methods have low resolution
every neuron. Since this is currently not possible, our aims (1–2 cm).

Spatial resolution (number of neurons) Whole • Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).
1010 brain
This method measures blood flow by tracking
changes in the different forms of hemoglobin
107 MEG (Villringer et al. 1993; Boas et al. 2004). The
changes in hemoglobin that accompany brain

106 ECoG fMRI
105 activity are called the blood-oxygen-level-
104 dependent (BOLD) response (Ogawa et al. 1990).
103 fNIRS uses infrared light of specific wavelengths
102 Micro that passes through the skull and back out,
101 array where it is detected. It has low spatial resolution
1 Few
neurons (on the order of centimeters) but reasonably
1 101 102 103 104 105
good temporal resolution. However, its temporal
Temporal resolution (in milliseconds) resolution is limited to several seconds primarily
because of the slow rate of the hemodynamic
Figure 4.1 Resolutions of different brain-imaging techniques. Color gradient
response (Vladislav et al. 2007). Since it is
represents the extent to which the brain can be imaged in one experiment.
relatively easy and convenient to use, it is an
attractive possibility for BCI development.
TECHNIQUES FOR IMAGING BLOOD FLOW • Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
The metabolic processes that are the focus of this chapter track fMRI also measures the BOLD response by
changes in blood flow and are the most recently developed of tracking the changes in blood flow indicated by
the relevant imaging techniques. Methods that measure meta- the relative amounts of the different forms of
bolic processes give good spatial resolution (ranging from 5 hemoglobin (Ogawa et al. 1990). fMRI relies on
mm to less than 1 mm), and all brain areas can be imaged. The the distinctive responses of different forms of
speed of image capture can be very high, and images can be hemoglobin to a high magnetic field. Although
constructed in less than half a second. However, temporal this method is expensive and technically
detail is only moderate because the change in blood flow itself demanding, it is the most sensitive of the four
is much slower: it takes about 2 s for a blood vessel to react to hemodynamic methods and has the highest
the increased oxygen demand, and it takes another 12 s for spatial resolution. It is currently the most
blood flow to decrease afterward (Donaldson and Buckner widely used of the four hemodynamic imaging
2001). Despite this limitation, the good spatial resolution and methods listed here for both basic research and
broad coverage of the brain make blood-flow imaging an BCI development.
intriguing and useful method for many neuroscientific endeav-
ors. For these reasons, blood-flow imaging has been used These four methods will be described in greater detail in
increasingly in BCI research. this chapter, but to do so, we must first discuss the physiologi-
Currently, there are four major methods used in humans for cal events and the factors that make it possible to obtain images
imaging changes in brain blood flow and its related processes. of brain activity based on blood flow. Let us first examine the
relationship between blood flow and brain activity.
• Functional transcranial Doppler (fTCD): This
method measures changes in blood flow in the BLOOD-FLOW RESPONSES TO BRAIN ACTIVITY
major arteries of the brain (Stroobant and
Oxygen transport is one of the key functions of blood.
Vingerhoets 2000). Of the four metabolic
Oxygenated blood is pumped from the heart through the arter-
methods listed here, it is the easiest to use
ies to the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries that pass through
because the equipment is mobile and afford-
all the organs and muscles. There, it releases the oxygen that
able, and because it can be performed with a
supports metabolic processes, and it absorbs the carbon dioxide
small probe held against the side of the head
produced by metabolic processes. The blood returns to the
(above the cheekbone), allowing for measure-
heart via the veins and then circulates through the lungs where
ments in almost any setting. Although it is
it releases carbon dioxide and picks up molecular oxygen (O2).
quite sensitive, it can only measure differences
The newly oxygenated blood returns to the heart, and the cycle
between the left and right hemispheres. Thus, it
starts again. Each complete cycle takes about one minute. In the
is of minimal use for BCI purposes.
blood, the transport of oxygen is carried out by hemoglobin
• Positron emission tomography (PET). In (Hb), an iron-containing complex protein that can bind O2. Hb
addition to its use in tracking chemical events, in the blood exists in two forms: deoxy-hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb),
this technology can also track blood flow (Fox which does not contain bound O2, and oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb),
et al. 1984). However, it is slow, and it requires which does. As blood passes through the lungs, each deoxy-Hb
injection of radioactive compounds. Thus, it molecule picks up four O2 molecules and thereby becomes
has little appeal for BCI applications where oxy-Hb. When the blood passes through organs and muscles,
speed and ease of use are crucial. the oxy-Hb releases its oxygen and becomes deoxy-Hb.

66 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
When a brain region’s metabolic activity increases, its are also largely responsible for the LFPs, and for ECoG and
oxygen consumption increases. After about a second or so, the EEG.) Hemodynamic changes are dramatically less pro-
neurons begin to absorb more oxygen from the oxy-Hb in the nounced at the sending end, that is, at the neuron cell bodies,
blood of the nearby capillaries (what happens during the delay which generate the action potentials that travel along the nerve
is not quite clear [see Hyder et al. 2006]). It is estimated that fibers to the terminals (Logothetis 2008). In sum, both the
oxygen consumption by neurons accounts for 80% of energy hemodynamic changes and the field potentials measured from
use in brain tissue; in contrast, glial cells account for about 5% the cortex originate mainly from the nerve terminals.
and therefore contribute little to metabolic demand (Renaud
et al. 2009; Attwell and Iadecola 2002). The capillaries respond
to the neurons’ increased demand for oxygen by widening to THE FOUR MAJOR METABOLIC
allow more fresh (oxy-Hb-containing) blood to flow into the NEUROIMAG ING METHODS
region. In this process, three important changes occur:
Let us now examine the four methods of blood-flow measure-
• the amount of blood (blood volume) in the ment in more detail and evaluate their relative merits for
immediate vicinity increases BCI use.
• the rate of blood flow increases
• oxy-Hb delivers oxygen to the cells and
becomes deoxy-Hb Blood is supplied to each hemisphere of the brain by three
main arteries: the anterior, medial, and posterior cerebral
When brain activity in the region falls back to its baseline arteries. Each arises from the Circle of Willis below the brain
level, these three properties also revert back to their original and supplies a specific segment of the hemisphere (fig. 4.2).
states. The four methods for imaging blood flow discussed in When a person starts to perform a task, particular areas of the
this chapter measure one or more of these three changes. cortex increase their activity level and require more oxygen.
The two methods most relevant to BCI technology are This oxygen is delivered by the main arteries, which, in response
functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and functional to the increased demand, increase the supply of oxygen-rich
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). They measure differences blood by increasing the rate of blood flow in those arteries. In
in the color (fNIRS) or magnetic properties (fMRI) of Hb in its functional transcranial Doppler (fTCD) imaging, a Doppler
two states: probe is placed in contact with the scalp and sends a sound
wave of constant frequency (on the order of 2 MHz) to one of
• oxy-Hb is light red, whereas deoxy-Hb is dark red the three main cerebral arteries (Stroobant and Vingerhoets
2000). This sound wave enters the head right above the cheek-
• oxy-Hb is nonmagnetic (“diamagnetic”), whereas bone through a triangular area of the skull that is sufficiently
deoxy-Hb is slightly magnetic (“paramagnetic”) thin for the sound to pass through. At the same time, the probe
detects the reflection of that sound wave. The frequency of the
Specifically, fNIRS measures the change in near-infrared reflected sound indicates the velocity of blood flow in the tar-
absorption as oxy-Hb becomes deoxy-Hb, whereas fMRI mea- geted artery (Stroobant and Vingerhoets. 2000). A change
sures the change in magnetic properties that occurs with occurs because the traveling blood causes a phase shift in the
change in the relative amounts of oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb during sound waves, which causes a velocity-specific change in the
brain activity.
Brain activity involves communication between neurons.
Since a specific communication involves a sender and a receiver Parieto- LAT.
(often located in a different part of the brain), it is important to A occipital
know whether hemodynamic changes are the same for both sulcus
sender and receiver, or whether they differ. Measuring com- PARIETAL
munication directly is not possible because each neuron is B
connected to as many as 10,000 other neurons, forming a OCCIPITAL
highly complex system (Buzsaki 2006). Changes in communi- TEMPORAL
cation can be measured indirectly by measuring single-neuron
firing rates or local field potentials (LFPs) (i.e., with microar- Pre-occipital
rays, chapter 5), or by measuring larger-scale field potentials notch C MED.
with ECoG (chapter 15) or EEG (chapter 6). Changes in com-
munication can also be measured using fNIRS or fMRI imag- Mid.
ing of hemodynamic changes associated with communication. Post.
These hemodynamic changes are most pronounced at the
Figure 4.2 (A) The lobes of the human cerebrum. (B and C) The three main
receiving end, that is, at the nerve terminals, where presynaptic
cerebral arteries (see color key) supply different (and partially overlapping)
neurons transfer neurotransmitters to postsynaptic neurons territories. B and C are lateral (LAT) and medial (MED) views, respectively, of
(Logothetis 2008; Attwell and Iadecola 2002). (These terminals the left hemisphere. (Adapted from O’Rahilly et al. 2004.)

C H AP T E R 4 . S I G N A L S R E F L E C T I N G B R A I N M E TA B O L I C A C T I V I T Y | 6 7
frequency of the sound that the blood reflects back to the water molecules are injected and pass through the body. Since
probe. fTCD is used clinically to detect abnormal blood flow the blood-brain barrier is readily permeable to water, radioac-
associated with brain pathology (e.g., stroke). When applied to tive water in the blood is exchanged with water in the brain.
the measurement of brain function, it relies on the fact that the This process occurs in proportion to the level of blood flow.
rate of blood flow to a particular brain area changes when a When the brain is active and blood flow to the brain increases,
person starts to perform a task controlled by that brain area the radioactive water concentrates in the brain.
(Stroobant et al. 2000). After injection of the marker, the PET scanner starts to col-
At any one time, fTCD can target only one artery in each lect images by measuring radiation with a ring of detectors in
hemisphere. Used in this way, it can, for example, determine a the scanner. Whenever a radioactive oxygen atom (15O) releases
particular person’s language lateralization (although language a positron that collides with an electron in the immediate sur-
function is located in the left hemisphere in more than 90% of rounding, the two particles annihilate each other and emit two
people, in some it is in the right hemisphere, and in others it is gamma photons traveling in opposite directions. These gamma
bilateral [Deppe et al. 2000]). Despite its usefulness for gaining photons then hit blocks made of crystals (scintillators) that sur-
this type of information, fTCD is unlikely to be useful for BCI round the subject’s head in the scanner. As the photons impinge
purposes because it measures changes that occur only in large on the crystal blocks, a brief flash of light occurs. This flash is
areas of brain (i.e., the large areas supplied by each of the three detected by high-performance optical cameras arranged
principal arteries). Anything that happens in one of those large directly outside the crystals. Since the two photons travel in
areas will increase blood flow, so if fTCD were used for BCI, opposite directions along a single line, they impinge on two
many different brain functions (including motor imagery and diametrically opposed scintillators. From detections of thou-
seeing someone else move) would trigger the BCI system and sands of such hits, the sources of emission from the brain can
cause frequent false detections. then be reconstructed.
The image constructed by the PET scanner displays the
density distribution of the radioactive tracers in the brain.
When a brain region is active and blood flow in that region
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) can produce images of increases, more radioactive water enters the brain tissue, and
chemical processes (Cherry and Phelps 2002) and can also the PET cameras detect the radioactivity to create a brain
produce images of metabolic processes. It does so by detecting image. However, since different parts of the brain have differ-
changes in blood flow (Fox et al. 1984). Although PET is very slow ent rates of metabolism, the areas with high radioactive-tracer
in imaging chemical processes (i.e., requiring tens of minutes), density are not necessarily those that are active. To determine
it is substantially faster in imaging blood flow (i.e., <1 min). what area(s) are active, it is necessary to collect a reference
PET requires the injection of radioactive compounds pre- scan made while the subject is in the scanner but not perform-
pared in an on-site cyclotron that inserts a radioactive atom in ing a task. Subtraction of the reference image from the task-
a specific marker molecule. (The radioactive isotopes used activity image generates a difference image, which identifies
have short half-lives and are administered at doses small the areas that are active during the task. Examples of PET
enough to preclude harmful biological effects.) In PET imag- images of the brain are shown in figure 4.3.
ing of blood flow, radioactive oxygen (15O) is first inserted into Temporal resolution for PET is modest, since at least 40 s
water molecules, making them radioactive. The radioactive are needed to collect enough information to construct one

Figure 4.3 PET images of the brain of one subject. (Top) distribution of F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG), a radioactive marker of glucose metabolism, showing one
slice in each of the transaxial, coronal, and sagittal directions. (Bottom) Distribution of a radioactive marker of cerebral blood flow (15O in water), reflecting brain
activity. (Courtesy of B. N. M. van Berckel, Free University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)

68 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
image. Spatial resolution is about 5 mm. A PET scanner is also • oxy-Hb is light red; it absorbs light of
expensive because it is necessary to have a cyclotron in the wavelength around 830 nm (to a greater extent
immediate vicinity since 15O decays rapidly, with a half-life of than deoxy-Hb does)
about 2 min. For scanning, this rapid decay is an advantage
because it makes multiple scans possible within one session, In a homogeneous medium, the attenuation of light is
thus allowing for mapping of different brain functions within expressed by the Beer-Lambert Law (Villringer and Chance
an individual. (In contrast, a slow decay would cause radiation 1997), which states that the attenuation, or absorbance, A, is
from one scan to affect the next.) The expense of the cycloctron proportional to the concentration of the absorbing molecule:
and the need for injection of radioactively labeled compounds
are significant disadvantages of this method. As a result, inter- A= c×e ×l (4.1)

est in 15O-PET imaging diminished when fMRI emerged and

developed as a viable imaging method. where c is the concentration of the absorbing molecule, ε is its
absorption coefficient (characteristic for a particular material),
and l is the optical path length. A change in the concentration
FUNCTIONAL NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY of the absorbing molecule, Δc, will produce a proportional
FUNCTIONAL NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY change in absorbance ΔA such that:
fNIRS also measures blood flow. It reveals brain activity for ΔA = Δc × e × l (4.2)

only the top few mm of cortex, is noninvasive, and is based on

the change in the blood’s color when oxygen is delivered to A can be detected by the fNIRS sensor at different time
brain tissue (Villringer et al. 1993; Boas et al. 2004). fNIRS is a points, so ΔA can be determined. Because the head provides a
BOLD-response technology that measures the changes in the complex heterogeneous medium for the path of light, the Beer-
relative levels of oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb during brain activity. Lambert Law is modified for fNIRS applications (Villringer
Oxygen-rich blood, high in oxy-Hb, is present in the main and Chance 1997) to include additional parameters that
arteries of the brain, as well as in the smaller arteries and the account for the effects of light scattering (e.g., signal loss due to
upstream segments of the capillaries. Oxygen-poor blood, high rays deflected away from the sensor and increased path length
in deoxy-Hb, is present in the downstream segments of the due to rays zigzagging before reaching the sensor). Nevertheless,
capillaries as it passes into the venuoles and then into progres- the Beer-Lambert equation expresses the basic principle under-
sively larger veins, the largest of which, the superior venous lying fNIRS measurement of changes in brain activity.
sinus, runs between the two hemispheres just below the skull. In fNIRS, light of wavelengths 690 and 830 nm is shined on
When an experimental subject performs a particular task, the skull with probes positioned on the scalp (fig. 4.4). This
brain activity increases in those brain areas relevant to the task, light is able to pass through skin and bone to reach the under-
and the amounts of oxy- and deoxy-Hb change in the immedi- lying brain tissue. Some of the light is absorbed by the brain
ate vicinity of those areas. In the resting state (before a subject tissue. Some of the light is scattered, and part of this scattered
performs a task), there is some baseline neuronal activity, some light is reflected back out of the head. Less reflection means
ongoing metabolic activity, some deoxy-Hb produced, and that more is absorbed. Since deoxy-Hb and oxy-Hb have
therefore some presence of baseline deoxy-Hb. When activity different patterns of absorbance at 690 and 830 nm, and since
in a particular brain region increases during task performance,
neuronal and glial metabolism both increase. At first, as the
cells take oxygen from the blood to support the increased
metabolism associated with neuronal activity, the level of
deoxy-Hb increases. The vascular system then responds quickly
to prevent oxygen deprivation in downstream brain regions,
and in doing so, it supplies much more oxygen-rich blood than
is necessary (Fox and Raichle 1986). This surge of fresh blood
causes the local concentration of oxy-Hb to increase and the
local concentration of deoxy-Hb to effectively drop (almost all
deoxy-Hb in the local vicinity is washed away). fNIRS takes
advantage of the fact that the relative amounts of oxy-Hb and
deoxy-Hb in the area change, and this change is proportional
to the level of neuronal activity. The changes in the oxy/deoxy
ratio can be detected because the absorbance spectra at near-
infrared wavelengths differ for oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb (Boas
et al. 2004). That is,
Figure 4.4 An example of an fNIRS device with sources and sensors. The four
• deoxy-Hb is dark red; it absorbs light of lights in the middle row are the illuminators, and the two rows at the edges
wavelength around 690 nm (to a greater extent house the 10 detectors. (Reprinted from Biopac Systems; retrieved from
than oxy-Hb does) fNIRdevices.com.)

C H AP T E R 4 . S I G N A L S R E F L E C T I N G B R A I N M E TA B O L I C A C T I V I T Y | 6 9
the absorbance at a particular wavelength is proportional to application. From data obtained from an array of fNIRS sen-
the concentration of the absorbing molecules, measurement of sors, a map can be constructed of the hemodynamic changes
the reflected light at wavelengths 690 and 830 nm reveals the that correlate with task performance. This map looks similar to
concentrations of the absorbing molecules, deoxy-Hb and fMRI maps, although the coverage is limited, and the spatial
oxy-Hb, respectively. When brain activity increases, the resolution is much lower (fig. 4.6).
deoxy-Hb concentration first increases as the blood’s Hb releases fNIRS is noninvasive, is relatively easy to use, and is porta-
its oxygen to the cells. This is a small effect and is detected as a ble and inexpensive compared to the other blood-flow mea-
small increase in absorbance at 690 nm (indicating more surement technologies. Its temporal resolution is relatively
deoxy-Hb). After a few seconds, the flow of fresh oxy-Hb-con- good (on the order of several seconds), but its spatial resolution
taining blood to the area increases, and the absorbance at 830 is relatively low (on the order of cm). Despite its limitations,
nm (indicating oxy-Hb) therefore increases. This is a much it has some promise as a method for BCI development. Further
larger effect because it is due primarily to the more than suffi- details on fNIR techniques as well as fNIRS use for BCIs are
ciently increased blood flow to the area (Fox and Raichle 1986). discussed in chapter 18.


fNIRS devices consist of light-source/detector pairs (together IMAGING
called sensors) positioned on the head (fig. 4.4). Up to about 52
The fourth metabolic imaging method that we discuss is fMRI,
pairs are currently possible, allowing for measuring a consider-
which first emerged as a potentially useful imaging technology in
able part of the brain surface. As hair obstructs the passage of
1990 (Ogawa et al. 1990; Kwong et al. 1992) and has developed
light (and hair movement disturbs the signal), the best signals
very rapidly since then. It provides excellent spatial detail and is
are obtained from the forehead. Other positions are possible
now one of the most widely used techniques for imaging brain
but require careful repositioning of hair that might obstruct
function. (A significant practical reason for its wide adoption is
the sources and detectors.
also the fact that it uses the same MRI scanner that radiologists
When the light source shines NIR light of a particular
use for a variety of clinical applications.) fMRI, like fNIRS, is a
wavelength through the skull at an angle, the light passes
BOLD-response method since it measures the relative amounts
through to the brain, penetrates a few mm into the cortex, and
of oxy- and deoxy-Hb in the brain tissue. It is noninvasive.
is reflected back out of the head where it is detected by the
Before describing fMRI methods and their applicability for
detectors located in its path. The deflections of the photons as
BCI technology, we first need to describe the properties of an
they cross the interfaces between the different tissues cause
MRI scanner and the underlying principles of magnetic reso-
them to follow a curvilinear path from the source to the detec-
nance (see McRobbie et al. 2007 for a detailed explanation of
tor. This path is called the photon banana (Hongo et al. 1995),
MRI). An MRI scanner consists of six key components:
and its shape is determined by the optical properties of the
tissues. As the distance between the source and the detector
• a large main magnet
increases and absorption increases (due to the longer path
length), more of the banana passes through the cortex. This • a radiofrequency transmitter
effect is illustrated in figure 4.5. However, although increased
• a receiver antenna
source-detector distance increases absorbance (due to longer
optical path length), it also results in more light scattering, • gradient coils
which degrades fNIRS sensitivity and spatial resolution. Thus,
• a front-end computer
the distance selected is a compromise between these two
opposing factors and should be appropriate for the particular • a reconstruction computer

A B 1st Nearest 2nd Nearest

Source neighbor neighbor

1.3 cm
3.0 cm

First nearest neighbor


Second nearest neighbor

Figure 4.5 Example of an fNIRS sensor scheme. Because a beam of light may scatter before it exits the head, it may be detected by sensors at multiple locations.
(A) Possible source-sensor pairings for the 14 sources and sensors shown. (B) Effects of distance between source and sensors (nearby is first neighbor, next is
second neighbor). Note the banana shape of the path of the scattered beam from the source to the sensors it reaches. Rays travel farther and deeper for the
second neighbor. (Reprinted with permission from Gregg et al. 2010.)

70 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S



Hb conc.
(mM cm)
task 0


Figure 4.6 Brain-activity maps obtained with fNIRS and fMRI with three levels of
difficulty in a mental task. Color indicates strength of the activation (i.e., oxy-Hb Figure 4.7 Schematic of an MRI main magnet. The six inner red rings indicate
concentration). Note difference in spatial detail (resolution) between the two the wire bundles generating the main field (B0) inside the tunnel. The two outer
techniques. (Reprinted with permission from Tsunashima and Yanagisawa 2009.) red rings generate a countering magnetic field to reduce the field outside the
scanner, allowing the MRI to be installed in limited space. (Reprinted with
permission from Cobham Technical Services; retrieved from http://www.
THE MAIN MAGNET wordsun.com.)
The large main magnet is an aluminum tube, usually 2 meters
long, with a 100-cm wide tunnel running through its center.
protons by classic mechanics and electrodynamics. Normally,
Wires are wound around the tube to form several rings (fig.
the tiny magnetic fields created by the many spinning protons
4.7). MRI magnets do not use standard copper wire because
(i.e., hydrogen nuclei present in human tissue) cancel one
the high electric currents required to produce the high mag-
another out because their axes of rotation (and magnetic
netic fields needed for imaging would make it difficult to cool
moments) are randomly oriented due to the Brownian motion
the wires and would increase the copper wire’s resistance,
of the molecules.
thereby preventing the creation of the high magnetic field.
In an external magnetic field, such as the B0 field of the MRI
Instead of copper, MRI magnets use wire made of a supercon-
scanner (dashed vertical blue line in fig. 4.8, conventionally
ducting material consisting of a combination of niobium-
titanium and copper. This superconducting material has zero
resistance to electric currents at very low temperatures. In Net magnetic moment of
the magnet, the wire is immersed in an aluminum casing that all protons in the field
contains liquid helium maintained at −269 degrees Celsius
(4 Kelvin). At this temperature, the wire becomes supercon-
Precession path
ducting. That is, it is possible to pass very high electric currents
without generating heat, thus creating a very strong magnetic
field. The magnetic field that results from passing high electric Magnetic moment
currents through the cooled superconducting wire is called the of one proton
B0 field. The strongest magnets currently in use generate a B0
field of more than 20 Tesla (T). The strongest magnets produce
the highest-intensity MRI signals. (Note that the magnetic
strength used in human MRI scanners is limited by the need
for a tunnel large enough for humans [Robitaille and Berliner
2006]. The strongest magnets currently used in humans have
B0 fields of 11.7 T. Most modern hospitals have a 3-T MRI
scanner for clinical diagnosis and research.)
Human tissue itself is not magnetic. However, it is rich in
hydrogen. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom (i.e., a proton) has
an intrinsic spin that is accompanied by a small magnetic
moment (dashed red line pointing up and to the right at the
instant depicted in figure 4.8) and an angular momentum.
Although these physical properties can be strictly described Figure 4.8 A hydrogen nuclear proton spins and has a magnetic moment

only by quantum mechanics, it is still possible, under the (slanted dashed red arrow) that precesses around the axis of the B0 field. The
behavior of one proton is shown. The net magnetic moment of all the protons
conditions typically present in an MRI scanner (McRobbie in the field (vertical dashed red arrow) aligns with the B0 field (vertical dashed
et al. 2007), to describe the properties of a large collection of blue arrow).

C H AP T E R 4 . S I G N A L S R E F L E C T I N G B R A I N M E TA B O L I C A C T I V I T Y | 7 1
defined as the +z axis), the tiny magnetic moments (e.g., slanted determined by their gyromagnetic ratio (a constant unique to
dotted red line in fig. 4.8) that are created by the protons’ spin every atom; e.g., hydrogen’s is 2.68 × 108 radian/[T × sec]) and
experience a torque that causes them to precess (wobble) the strength of the static external magnetic field to which they
around the axis of the B0 field’s magnetic moment (see circular are exposed. In higher magnetic fields the protons absorb rf
path of this precession in fig. 4.8). The magnetic moments of radiation of higher energy (and therefore higher frequency).
just over half of these precessing (wobbling) protons (like the Recall that in higher magnetic fields, the protons’ magnetic
proton shown in fig. 4.8) are oriented with the B0 field; they moments also precess (wobble) faster (i.e., at higher frequency).
precess around the +z-axis. The magnetic moments of the In fact, the frequency of the rf radiation that the protons absorb
remaining protons (not shown in fig. 4.8) precess around the is exactly equal to the frequency of their precession. This fre-
–z-axis. Since these precessions are not in phase with one quency, called the Larmor frequency, is described by the Larmor
another, the sum of all the individual proton nuclear moments equation (see McRobbie et al. 2007). (Note that high magnetic
yields a small net magnetic moment that is aligned with the B0 fields have a dramatic effect on the frequency of this preces-
field (dashed vertical red line in fig. 4.8). It is this small net sion. In the Earth’s magnetic field, the frequency is about 1 Hz,
magnetic moment that allows the tissue to produce an observ- but it is about 64 million Hz in a 1.5-T field.)
able signal under the correct conditions. The frequency of the The specific Larmor frequency of the rf pulse that is
precession (wobble) of the protons’ magnetic moments is pro- absorbed, and then emitted, by the protons is called the reso-
portional to the strength of the B0 field: in a higher B0 field, nance frequency (hence the name magnetic resonance imaging
they precess faster. or MRI). Thus, the Larmor frequency can be defined three
Although many atoms other than hydrogen will respond to ways: the frequency of precession (wobble), the frequency of
a magnetic field in this way, hydrogen is by far the dominant the rf radiation that is absorbed, and the resonance frequency.
contributor to MRI signals for two reasons. First, hydrogen is For each type of nucleus (e.g., hydrogen), this frequency
the most abundant atom in human tissue (about 65% of atoms changes in proportion to the exact strength of the surrounding
in biological tissue are hydrogen, predominantly present in magnetic field. In a higher magnetic field, the protons absorb rf
water and fat), and second, hydrogen is highly sensitive to radiation of higher frequency; in a lower magnetic field, the
energy absorption (which translates to signal strength) in MRI. protons absorb rf radiation of lower frequency.
Nuclei in other atoms such as carbon, phosphorus, and oxygen The receiver antenna (or receiver coil) detects the rf signals
are protected from magnetic manipulation by the large num- emitted by the protons during their relaxation to the ground
bers of electrons surrounding them and acting as a shield. state.
Although these other nuclei are present in the human body
and can generate signals for MRI, their detection is quite diffi- THE GRADIENT COILS
cult due to their low abundance and low sensitivity. For these To identify the areas of the brain responsible for particular sig-
reasons, all current clinical MRI scans are based on signals nals, the image reconstruction computer needs to be able to
from hydrogen. distinguish the spatial origins of the detected signals. This
information is provided through the contribution of the gradi-
THE RADIOFREQUENCY TRANSMITTER AND ent coils. The gradient coils consist of extra magnets lining
RECEIVER ANTENNA the inside of the main magnet (fig. 4.9). The gradient-coil
The radiofrequency (rf) transmitter is the second essential com-
ponent of the MRI scanner. It sends brief rf pulses (too small to
be noticed by the subject) to the head while it is in the scanner.
MRI scanner gradient magnets
The rf radiation is generally transmitted with its magnetic
component oriented perpendicular to that of the B0 field. As a Y coil
result, the net magnetic moment of the sample will now also Z coil
begin to precess around the axis of the magnetic component of
the rf pulse. (This brief rotation of the sample’s magnetic
moment also serves to bring the axes of precession of the indi- X coil
vidual nuclear spins into phase coherence.) Typically, the rf
pulse is very brief (a few milliseconds) and is terminated when
the magnetic moment of the sample has rotated so as to be
perpendicular to the static B0 field. When the pulse is turned
off, the protons relax to their original orientation. From an
energetic standpoint, this entire cycle represents the excitation
of the protons to a higher-energy excited state (net magnetic
moment away from the B0 field toward the rf field) and then a
return to the ground state (net magnetic moment aligned with
the B0 field) by relaxation. During the relaxation step, many of Patient
the protons emit energy in the form of rf radiation. Figure 4.9 Schematic of the MRI gradient coils. Each set of coils (coded by color
The energy, wavelength, and frequency of the rf radia- here) creates an additional magnetic field: x for right-to-left, y for front-to-back,
tion that is absorbed, and then emitted, by the protons are and z for foot-to-head. (Reprinted from http://www.magnet.fsu.edu.)

72 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
magnets are weak compared to the main magnet, but by adding deoxy-Hb has on the magnetic field. As noted earlier in this
to the B0 field, they can create a gradient of magnetic fields chapter, the hemodynamic effect generates the BOLD signal
across the imaged tissue. that was first described by Ogawa et al. (1990). The key prin-
In an MRI scanner, when the gradient magnets are switched ciple is that deoxy-Hb (which is paramagnetic) provides a dis-
on, different portions of the brain experience different magnetic- turbance additional to the magnetic field created by the main
field strengths due to the combined effect of the B0 field and magnet and the gradient coils. Deoxy-Hb changes the strength
the gradient coils. Since different magnetic-field strengths of the magnetic field in its immediate vicinity, so that the actual
give different Larmor frequencies, the protons in different local field strength is slightly lower than that predicted by the
locations in the brain will absorb (and then emit) rf radiation pulse sequence. This decrease, due to the presence of deoxy-
of different frequency. Thus, in each voxel, the protons will Hb, is revealed as a tiny dark spot in the reconstructed image.
absorb, and then emit, the rf radiation that has exactly the res- The intensity of the dark spot is correlated with the amount of
onance (Larmor) frequency corresponding to its local mag- deoxy-Hb present.
netic field, which is the combined result of the B0 field and the Since fMRI scanning is very fast (it takes only seconds to
gradient coils. make an image of the whole brain, and on some scanners it
takes even less than a second), it is possible to create a series of
T H E F R O N T- E N D C O M P U T E R A N D T H E images (i.e., a movie) of the brain, based on the amount of
RECONSTRUCTION COMPUTER deoxy-Hb at specific locations in the brain over time. As
The front-end computer controls the pulse sequence (also called described in this chapter’s section Brain Activity and Blood
the scanning protocol), which is a complex sequence of, and Flow, brain activity causes changes in the amounts of oxy- and
combination of, rf pulses and gradient-coil settings used during deoxy-Hb. At first, as oxygen is released to the cells, deoxy-Hb
a scan. There are many different pulse sequences, each of which increases, causing a darkening of the active part of the brain
results in a different type of image (i.e, anatomical, blood flow, image. Then, as the blood vessels respond to the cells’ need for
tumor detection, edema, etc.). For fMRI, only a few pulse oxygen, a surge of fresh blood causes the concentration of
sequences can be used, and the one most widely used is called deoxy-Hb to decline, thereby causing the image to brighten at
echo-planar imaging (see Bandettini 2001). the location of brain activity. Hence, during initiation of brain
The pulse sequence produces not only a gradient of field activity, the image first darkens (due to higher concentration of
strengths (and thus a gradient of Larmor frequencies), but it deoxy-Hb) and then brightens (due to lower concentration of
also affects the relaxation times of the protons differently in deoxy-Hb). The increase in brightness is proportional to the
different locations. The reconstruction computer (or reconstruc- amount of brain activity. Thus, maps of brain activity can be
tor) uses this information about the exact distribution of the created based on the changes in brightness of the fMRI image.
magnetic fields (created at each location by the gradient coils) A set of such maps is shown in figure 4.10. In this way, fMRI
and the relaxation characteristics of the protons (manipulated images can reveal the brain areas that are active during perfor-
by the pulse sequence) to relate specific signals to particular mance of specific tasks.
locations of origin. Effective functional neuroimaging with fMRI requires
many scans because the BOLD effect is small and because head
fMRI MEASUREMENT OF THE BOLD RESPONSE movements, respiration, and blood-vessel pulsations introduce
fMRI methodology produces maps of the hemodynamic considerable noise in the images (Jones et al. 2008). A variety
response to brain activity, based on the effect that local of software packages are available for fMRI data analysis;

Anatomy fMRI T-map

Figure 4.10 fMRI scans of a study subject during right-hand finger tapping. The yellow arrow in the left image indicates the location and plane of the brain “slice”
imaged for fMRI. The image labeled anatomy shows the anatomical scan used for the display of activation. The image labeled fMRI shows an fMRI scan. The
image labeled T-map shows the T-map for the task. The level of gray intensity indicates the strength of activation (white indicates an increase in activity; black,
a decrease in activity). In the images labeled anatomy, fMRI, and T-map, the left side of the images is the right side of the brain (radiological orientation).

C H AP T E R 4 . S I G N A L S R E F L E C T I N G B R A I N M E TA B O L I C A C T I V I T Y | 7 3
these incorporate algorithms that reduce the impact of noise.
The most widely used programs are SPM (http://www.fil.ion.
ucl.ac.uk/spm/), AFNI (http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni), FSL
(http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/), and the commercial program
Brainvoyager (http://www.brainvoyager.com/). These pro-
grams all generate brain-activity maps based on statistical
measures such as t- or F-statistics. The activity maps for each
subject are typically called t-maps (Ramsey et al. 2002). In a
t-map, every voxel has a value that reflects the amount of signal
change attributable to the task performed during the scan,
divided by the unexplained variability of the signal. A higher
t-value means that the activity change stands out more promi-
nently from the noise.


Figure 4.11 Example of an fMRI-generated image during a reading task in a
These techniques all produce functional images of the brain. healthy volunteer. The view is from the left. Anterior is to the left. Significant
What the resulting maps represent depends on the task the activity is shown in red.
subject is performing during image acquisition. Thus, experi-
mental tasks are designed to reveal the specific parts of the
brain that perform particular functions (Ramsey et al. 2002). out those systems, one can replace the blank screen in the
This task design, or paradigm design, is a field in its own right task with random drawings. With this task design, the visual
and merits some discussion here (Donaldson and Buckner system would be activated during the entire task and can be
2001). subtracted out to produce an activity map showing language
One main goal of functional neuroimaging is to reveal areas only.
which parts of the brain perform a particular function. For
example, in reading a book, it is not only the language network
that is active, but also visual systems, memory systems, and BCI APPLICATIONS OF fNIRS AND fM R I
even motor systems, all of which must participate in order to
read, comprehend, and interpret text, to move one’s eyes back Metabolic functional imaging methods such as fNIRS or fMRI
and forth, and to flip pages. Suppose that we want to learn can, in principle, be used as the basis for BCI technology.
which parts of the brain are involved in language. We may per- Examples of this are discussed in greater detail in chapters 18
form fMRI scans while a person reads in the scanner. However, and 22. As with all BCI methods, it is essential that signals be
scans of this activity alone would not provide informative processed in real time so that feedback to the user can be pro-
activity maps because the brain is always active, even during vided in real time. From the studies discussed in chapters 18
sleep or during anesthesia. When a person performs a task, and 22, it has become evident that people can learn to regulate
many brain regions may be involved. What is needed is to find specific aspects of their brain activity as detected by fNIRS or
the changes in the image that coincide with reading. fMRI, if they are given real-time feedback.
This is typically accomplished by designing a task that is In a typical BCI experiment, the subject first performs a
presented to the subject, usually with the use of specific soft- localizer task, in which brain activity is recorded during per-
ware such as “Presentation” (http://www.neurobs.com/) or formance of a specific task (e.g., imagining hand movement),
“Eprime” (http://www.pstnet.com/). For example, while in the alternated with a control task or rest period. The data are pro-
scanner, the subject might first see a blank screen for 30 s, then cessed, and a t-map is created to identify the brain areas
see text to read for 30 s, and then a blank screen. This cycle involved in the task. Next, a brain region is selected either
would repeat several times. Subsequent analysis would calcu- based on the location where the subject’s brain is activated by
late, for each voxel in the scans, the correlation between the the localizer task or based on an anatomical atlas of predefined
task (reading versus watching a blank screen) and the intensity brain regions, or a combination of the two. In subsequent
of the signal. The stronger the correlation, the more likely it is imaging sessions the subject performs the same or a similar
that the voxel in the image is involved in the reading task. The task and receives immediate fNIRS- or fMRI-based feedback
voxels are then superimposed on an anatomical scan to pro- regarding the level of the signal in the region of interest. This
duce a map of brain activity related to reading (fig. 4.11). feedback might, for example, be in the form of visual presenta-
Although this map reveals the anatomical location of tion of a vertical bar representing the level of activity in the
the brain regions that are active in reading, it also includes region. The subject tries to regulate the height of that bar, per-
areas that are merely correlated with the task but not necessar- haps based on mental imagery. The task can be a BCI-related
ily specific to language (e.g., the visual systems). To separate task such as moving a computer cursor to a target (e.g., Wolpaw

74 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
et al. 2002), or moving a cursor to play a game of Pong™. With fMRI localization might become far more precise in the future.
continued training, the subject’s control of the brain activity Miyawaki et al. (2008) recently showed that with pattern analy-
tends to improve. Control developed in this way might be sis they could determine which of a set of complex shapes (e.g.,
applied to an fMRI- or fNIRS-based BCI. letters) a subject was looking at. One can imagine that with
extensive further development, it may be possible for fMRI
analysis to identify specific words a person wants to communi-
cate or specific actions to implement.
BCIs using fNIRS certainly have the potential to provide very
basic communication capability to people with severe disabili-
ties (Coyle et al. 2007). Major advantages of fNIRS are that it is PROMISING FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
noninvasive, portable, and relatively inexpensive. However, its
temporal resolution is limited since it measures the BOLD Several areas of inquiry are likely to be particularly important
response. Moreover, fNIRS imaging of blood flow is inferior to as BCI technology and metabolic methods develop further.
that of fMRI both in spatial resolution and in that it reveals fMRI allows investigators and study subjects to discover the
activity for only the top few mm of cortex. Nevertheless, in the tactics that work best for them in gaining control of signals
future, with increases in the number of sensors and with stan- from specific cortical regions; the regions can then be targeted
dardization of placement methods, fNIRS-based BCIs might as implantation sites for microelectrodes (or sensor placement
constitute a practical option for people who need a basic com- for a noninvasive portable fNIRS system). fMRI can also track
munication system. These issues and possibilities are discussed the changes in brain activity that occur following practice and
further in chapter 18. can be used to identify the factors that contribute to those
changes. Thus, because it allows some of the key issues for
implanted systems to be investigated noninvasively in healthy
subjects and in individual patients, and over many brain areas,
Realistically, fMRI-based BCIs are at present not very practical fMRI is likely to play an important role in the development of
due to the high expense and bulk of the equipment, the need invasive BCIs.
for liquid helium to cool the superconducting coils, and the Improved spatial resolution will play a critical role in the
need for an rf-shielded chamber. (Nevertheless, in the case of importance of fMRI’s contribution to BCI technology. The
patients in a vegetative state, fMRI signal modulation can be strength of the MRI magnet determines the spatial detail of
useful [Monti et al. 2010]).) Although fMRI imaging itself is fMRI brain maps. With the advent of 7-T systems for human
fast, the BOLD response that it measures is slow (with a delay use, it is already clear that functional maps can be obtained
of several seconds), so fMRI feedback is relatively slow com- with high spatial detail (at 1 mm resolution), a level of detail
pared to feedback in BCIs that use electrical signals. not possible with standard 3-T fMRI scanners. These higher-
Nevertheless, since fMRI activity correlates closely with resolution maps provide even greater detail by distinguishing
electrical activity in the cortex (Ramsey et al. 2006, Hermes the different gray-matter layers (Siero et al. 2011) and indicate
et al. 2011), fMRI imaging can help to identify the most prom- that brain functions may be more highly localized than previ-
ising brain regions for BCIs that use other imaging methods. ously thought (Formisano et al. 2003). Further research on
This could be particularly valuable for supporting develop- functional resolution with high-field fMRI will provide infor-
ment and use of invasive BCIs. Microelectrode arrays (chap- mation on the optimal spatial detail for intracranial BCIs, so
ters 5 and 16) cannot be implanted throughout the entire that it may be possible for an intracranial BCI to obtain output
cortex, so it will be essential to develop methods for selecting commands with multiple degrees of freedom from a single
the best areas prior to implantation. For a prospective BCI small multielectrode intracortical microarray (Hatsopoulos
user, fMRI could identify the best areas for implanting arrays. and Donoghue 2009) or from one of the newly developed high-
In addition, fMRI-based training prior to implantation might density cortical surface (ECoG) arrays (e.g., as in Leuthardt
lead to the identification of brain areas that were not consid- et al. 2009).
ered promising prior to the training. High-field MRI systems are currently being used to develop
Such fMRI-aided preimplantation localization could be new signal modalities including new methods for imaging
especially valuable in BCI approaches that target higher corti- brain function. These include molecular imaging to measure
cal functions such as language (Brumberg et al. 2010), particu- neurochemical processes directly, as is done in MRI measure-
larly because cortical localization for these functions varies ment of neurotransmitters and intracellular metabolic pro-
widely across individuals. Thus, preimplantation guidance that cesses (Jasanoff 2010; Zhu et al. 2011). The neurochemical MRI
can be provided by fMRI is likely to be important. Moreover, modality is likely to be much more complex than the electro-
because it is noninvasive, fMRI can also be used in large con- physiological modality, as each neuron may use more than one
trol studies aimed at identifying brain areas and functions and neurotransmitter, and each transmitter may relate differently
in developing training protocols that may then be used for to brain activity. fMRI may also be used to measure electro-
BCIs for people with disabilities. physiological events directly (so-called neuronal-current fMRI).
Recent studies suggest that with the use of advanced multi- Thus far, this possibility been demonstrated only in in vitro
variate pattern analysis (e.g., Kamitani and Tong 2006), such experiments (Petridou et al. 2006). If the neuronal-current

C H AP T E R 4 . S I G N A L S R E F L E C T I N G B R A I N M E TA B O L I C A C T I V I T Y | 7 5
fMRI approach works in humans, it would eliminate the issues Fox PT, Mintun MA, Raichle ME, Herscovitch P (1984) A noninvasive
approach to quantitative functional brain mapping with H2(15)O and pos-
introduced by the delayed response of blood vessels that is itron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 4(3):329–333.
inherent in BOLD fMRI, and it would improve the accuracy of Fox PT, Raichle ME (1986) Focal physiological uncoupling of cerebral blood
localization. At this time, neither neurochemical nor neuronal flow and oxidative metabolism during somatosensory stimulation in
human subjects. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 83(4):1140–1144.
current MRI is yet available for use in humans. Gregg NM, White BR, Zeff BW, Berger AJ, Culver JP (2010) Brain specificity of
diffuse optical imaging: improvements from superficial signal regression
and tomography. Front Neuroenerget 2:14.
Hatsopoulos NG, Donoghue JP (2009) The science of neural interface systems.
SUMMA RY Annu Rev Neurosci 32:249–266.
Hermes D, Miller KJ, Vansteensel MJ, Aarnoutse EJ, Leijten FSS, Ramsey NF
Although most BCIs use electrical signals as measures of brain (2011) Neurophysiologic correlates of fMRI in human motor cortex.
Human Brain Mapping (Epub ahead of print june 20, 2011)
activity, metabolic signals can also be used. At present, two Hongo K, Kobayashi S, Okudera H, Hokama M, Nakagawa F (1995)
metabolic methods used for BCIs are functional near-infrared Noninvasive cerebral optical spectroscopy: depth-resolved measurements
spectroscopy (fNIRS) imaging and functional magnetic reso- of cerebral haemodynamics using indocyanine green. Neurol Res 17(2):
nance imaging (fMRI). Both methods measure the hemody- Hyder F, Patel AB, Gjedde A, Rothman DL, Behar KL, Shulman RG (2006)
namic response: they track changes in the relative amounts of Neuronal–glial glucose oxidation and glutamatergic–GABAergic function.
deoxy- and oxy-hemoglobin to measure changes in cerebral J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2006) 26:865–877.
Jasanoff A (2010) MRI contrast agents for functional molecular imaging of
blood flow and thereby infer changes in brain activity. The brain activity. Curr Opin Neurobiol 17(5):593–600.
temporal resolution of both methods is limited by the fact that Jolivet R, Magistretti PJ, Weber B (2009) Deciphering neuron-glia compart-
the hemodynamic response itself is slow; it is much slower mentalization in cortical energy metabolism. Front Neuroenerg 1:4.
Jones TB, Bandettini PA, Birn RM (2008) Integration of motion correction and
than the signals measured by electrical BCI methods. Spatial physiological noise regression in fMRI. NeuroImage 42(2):582–590.
resolution for fMRI is high (on the order of 1 mm), but it is low Kamitani Y, Tong F (2006) Decoding seen and attended motion directions
for fNIRS (on the order of cms). Whereas fMRI can image the from activity in the human visual cortex. Curr Biol 16:1096–1102.
Kwong HK, Belliveau JW, Chesler DA, Goldberg IE, Weiskoff RM, Poncelet BP,
entire brain, fNIRS is limited to the top few mm of the cortex, Kennedy DN, Hoppel BE, Cohen MS, Turner R, Cheng H, Brady TJ, Rosen
just below the skull. On the other hand, fMRI is very expen- BP (1992) Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of human brain activity
sive, cumbersome, and technically complex, whereas fNIRS is during primary sensory stimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89:5675–5679.
Leuthardt EC, Freudenberg Z, Bundy D, Roland J (2009) Microscale recording
inexpensive and portable. At present, fMRI is likely to be most from human motor cortex: implications for minimally invasive electrocor-
useful as a noninvasive method for localizing (and possibly ticographic brain-computer interfaces. Neurosurg Focus 27(1):E10.
training) brain function prior to implantation of microarrays Logothetis NK (2008) What we can do and what we cannot do with fMRI.
Nature 453(7197):869–878.
or other invasive BCI devices, whereas fNIRS may serve in McRobbie DW, Moore EA, Graves MJ, Prince MR (2007) MRI, from picture to
simple BCI systems that provide basic communication and proton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
that are practical for long-term home use by people with severe Miyawaki Y, Uchida H, Yamashita O, Sato MA, Morito Y, Tanabe HC, Sadato
N, Kamitani Y (2008) Visual image reconstruction from human brain
disabilities. activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders. Neuron
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C H AP T E R 4 . S I G N A L S R E F L E C T I N G B R A I N M E TA B O L I C A C T I V I T Y | 7 7
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he neural interface component of a brain-computer inter- surface to record field potentials with moderate
face (BCI) is the hardware device that detects brain information content from smaller more
signals so they can be sent to other components of the localized sets of neurons and synapses
BCI for analysis and translation into useful commands. Since
• miniaturized microelectrode arrays that are
different BCI systems record different brain signals from differ-
surgically inserted into the cerebral cortex to
ent areas at different resolutions either noninvasively or inva-
record neuronal action potentials (spikes) from
sively and use them to control different types of effectors (e.g.,
individual neurons and/or local field potentials
computer cursor, switch, robotic arm), it is inevitable that BCI
(LFPs) from small highly localized sets of
designs and functional requirements vary over a broad range.
neurons and synapses and that yield high
The design and functional requirements of a particular BCI are
information content.
driven by the BCI’s intended use and its intended target popula-
tion, people with severe disabilities. A BCI system that provides
The typical strategy in engineering a neural interface is
cursor control for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis will
to strive for the least invasive type that can provide brain sig-
have a much different design and different functional require-
nals with information content sufficient for controlling the
ments from one that is to control an anthropomorphic arm and
effector with the required reliability, safety, longevity, and cost-
hand for an otherwise able-bodied amputee.
effectiveness (Wolpaw et al. 2002; Wolpaw 2004).
One of the major challenges in designing BCI systems is to
This chapter focuses on intracortical BCI neural interfaces
develop effective and versatile neural interfaces to detect the
that use microelectrode arrays permanently implanted in
neural signals that then undergo signal transduction to sup-
movement-related areas of cerebral cortex to record from (and
port the BCI system’s functional requirements. To accomplish
possibly also to stimulate) individual neurons or local popula-
this, several primary requirements must be met:
tions of neurons. A microelectrode array is designed to pene-
• the interface must be safe trate into the cerebral cortex and be positioned in close
proximity to the targeted neuronal population. The term micro-
• the neural signals must have sufficient electrode array, or sometimes just microelectrode, is used as the
information to support BCI use general term to refer to any of several types of implantable,
• the interface must be reliable multisite recording microelectrodes, including microwire
arrays, Utah electrode arrays, and Michigan arrays.
• the degree of invasiveness must not exceed A microelectrode array detects the neural signals that are
what is absolutely necessary then sent to other components of the BCI system for process-
ing. Thus, the microelectrode array is the intracortical BCI’s
In light of these requirements, research and development
signal transduction component. To create a complete intracorti-
of neural interface technologies have been guided by the broad
cal BCI neural interface system, the microelectrode arrays
strategic goal of improving information content and reliability,
must be integrated with highly specialized low-power elec-
while minimizing risk and complexity. Since the characteris-
tronics for signal conditioning and communication, flexible
tics of the neural interface often become the rate-limiting
multichannel cables to connect the microelectrode and elec-
factor in a BCI’s performance, careful and appropriate design
tronics, and associated hermetic packaging to protect the elec-
of the neural interface is critical.
tronics and interconnects. The underlying premise driving
BCI neural interfaces currently fall into three major classes: development of microscale neural interfaces for BCI systems is
that these interfaces can ultimately record neural signals with
• electroencephalographic (EEG) scalp electrode
the high information content needed for control of high-di-
arrays that attach noninvasively to the skin to
mensionality prosthetic limbs and associated effectors.
record field potentials with relatively low
Design of useful microscale interfaces for implantation in
information content from very large and widely
the brain is particularly challenging because the microenvi-
distributed sets of neurons and synapses
ronment surrounding the interface is exquisitely sensitive to
• electrocorticographic (ECoG) electrode arrays the properties of the microelectrode. Adverse tissue responses
that are surgically positioned on the brain can occur, and the physiological states of nearby neurons and

local neuronal networks can be affected. To be of practical use, hypothesized that the small diameter of these platinum micro-
an implanted microelectrode must be reliable and long lasting, electrodes would provide better single-neuron recording, their
and must function with high fidelity and with little adverse fragility prevented pia mater penetration; and a harpoon-like
tissue reaction. wire was needed to mechanically stiffen the microelectrode
Although engineering BCI intracortical neural interfaces during insertion. The first successful chronic microelectrode
presents many challenges, a viable path for achieving this arrays consisted of five insulated tungsten microwires etched
goal exists. This path is based on current understanding of to sharpened tips bundled in plastic tubing (Marg and Adams
microscale neural interfaces and implantable microelectrodes, 1967). Although these devices provided more control of elec-
biological information about the brain tissue surrounding trode spacing and implantation, their fabrication was fairly
microscale implants, and ongoing progress in the sophisticated labor intensive, and there was high manufacturing variability.
neurotechnology underlying implantable devices. The seminal studies in direct brain control with intracortical
The outlook has brightened over the last 5-10 years through signals used microwire arrays of this kind (Fetz 1969; Schmidt
steady advances in the collective understanding of microscale et al. 1977).
neural interfaces and high-quality microelectrode technolo-
gies. Advanced next-generation microelectrode technologies
and materials are enabling new strategies and paradigms that GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS
have the potential to avoid both biological failure (i.e., tissue O F M I C R O E L E C T R O D E A R R AY S
damage or poor functionality) and device failure. These There is now a reasonably well-developed design space
approaches make it more probable that performance can for chronic microelectrode arrays in terms of materials, fabri-
achieve the ideal of 100% of the electrode sites working 100% cation technologies, packages, and component integration.
of the time for multiple decades in an individual using a high- In the categorization scheme depicted in figure 5.1, a given
dimensional BCI. microelectrode array is first categorized by whether it is
This chapter describes and discusses the current state of designed and fabricated using bundles of microwires or
intracortical neural interface technologies for BCI applications. through micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) micro-
The first section provides an overview of the various intracorti- fabrication processes, a broad class of technologies involving
cal microelectrode technologies now in use and under continu- microfabrication of silicon and polymer structures for minia-
ing development. The second section discusses the basic turized sensors, actuators, and integrated microsystems.
principles of extracellular neural recording and microelec- MEMS microelectrode arrays are micro-machined at wafer
trode-array design and analysis. The third section discusses the level from silicon and/or polymer substrates, whereas
performance of current types of implantable microelectrode microwire arrays are assembled from individual microwires.
arrays. The fourth section discusses the local brain tissue A microelectrode array is further categorized by the details of
responses associated with these devices. The final section dis- its fabrication process (e.g., planar, thin-film, or a bulk micro-
cusses strategies for improving implantable microelectrode machined MEMS process), its materials (e.g., platinum or irid-
performance through advanced designs and technologies. ium electrode sites, polymer or inorganic dielectric), and its
assembly/packaging. Various microelectrode array designs
have been validated to varying degrees through research use in
O VE RVIEW OF IMPLANTAB LE animals and/or early clinical testing of intracortical BCIs in
MI CROEL EC TRO DES F O R B CIs humans. Several of these designs are described in this chapter
in more detail.
The fundamental technical requirement for an intracortical To understand the functional requirements of microelec-
BCI neural interface is the ability to record neuronal spike trode arrays and how these requirements are met by different
activity and/or LFPs from the target neural population with types of devices, it is useful to consider a canonical microelec-
sufficient quality, information content, stability, reliability, and trode array that has the following five primary functional com-
longevity to meet the needs of the BCI system. Intracortical ponents.
interfaces are of particular interest because they may be the
best method for acquiring the high-information content sig-
• An array of electrode sites (or contacts) that are
nals needed for applications such as controlling a robotic arm
the location of biopotential signal transduction
with multiple degrees of freedom.
for recording. The sites are in direct contact
The various types of actual and proposed intracortical BCI
with brain tissue and support charge transfer
interfaces have developed largely from the rich history of
and capacitive current at their surface. The
implantable microelectrodes used in neuroscience research
most important factors in determining their
dating back over 60 years. In the 1950s, Strumwasser (1958)
electrical characteristics are the site material
implanted several 80-μm stainless-steel wires into the reticular
and the area, roughness, and shape of the
formation of squirrels and recorded multiunit spike activity for
contact surface.
4 days. This approach was later improved by etching smaller-
diameter (30-μm) platinum wires to a sharpened tip, enabling • The lead (or trace) that electrically connects the
single-unit recordings for over 3 days, and functional implant electrode site to the separate electronics
durations of 3 months (Burns et al. 1973). Although it was interface. The lead is buried in the dielectrics

82 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Silicon substrate

Surface Polymer substrate

micromachined Ceramic
technologies Bulk Other
Implantable micromachined
arrays Microwire array
Bundles of
wires Neurotrophic


Figure 5.1 Taxonomy of common implantable microelectrode arrays for BCI neural interfaces, based on their primary fabrication method and primary material.
The first level differentiates between bundles of microwires and MEMS technologies. The second and third levels involve progressively more specialized
processes and materials.

(see next item) and does not come into direct with the brain, and the substrate/dielectric
contact with tissue. Its primary requirements surface area is usually significantly larger than
are: a sufficiently low resistance to minimize the total surface area of all the electrode sites.
signal loss between the electrode contact and A functionalized dielectric coating may be used
the electronics; sufficient flexibility and to provide an additional moisture barrier
robustness to avoid both breakage and between the tissue and the lead, to fine-tune
mechanical stress on the electrode contact; a device-tissue interface properties (e.g.,
compatible and consistent fabrication process; roughness or lubricity), or to attenuate or
and negligible corrosion or cytotoxicity if the control tissue reactions. Additionally, an
surrounding dielectric covering is partially or electrode site coating can be used to fine-tune
fully breached. the electrical characteristics of the site (e.g., to
lower its impedance, to sense neurochemicals,
• The dielectric, which is the material, or
or to deliver small doses of drugs).
composite material, that electrically insulates
each individual lead from the surrounding
These five primary components are interrelated through
tissue. The primary requirements are to
materials, fabrication process compatibility, and application
maintain sufficiently high electrical insulation
requirements. For example, high-temperature silicon-oxide
between the lead and the surrounding tissue
and silicon-nitride thin films are often suitable long-term
and to have sufficient flexibility, strength, and
dielectrics, but the high temperature at which these films must
robustness to remain intact for long implant
be deposited precludes the use of metal leads (or traces). The
times. The dielectric is generally characterized
alternative is to use conductive polysilicon traces, but the
by its dielectric constant, leakage resistance, and
tradeoff is that polysilicon has higher resistivity than thin-film
shunt capacitance, as well as the degree to which
it degrades over time in tissue. Although it may
be acceptable for dielectric characteristics to
change over time, the changes must be
predictable and not cause significant loss of
function (e.g., a conductance path to tissue). Microwire arrays (fig. 5.2) continue to be a very important
technology for intracortical BCI neural interfaces. There are
• The substrate, which is the component that
many approaches to making microwire arrays, all of which
provides the structural integrity of each tine or
take the approach of assembling small-diameter (usually
shank of the electrode array. Not all types of
10–100 μm) insulated wires into structured bundles. The pre-
microelectrode arrays have a distinct substrate
cision and consistency of the bundle vary with the intricacy of
component; in some cases the dielectric material
the assembly process. In these arrays, the recording sites are
and/or the leads provide both electrical
the exposed tips of the individual microwires. The wires are
insulation and structural support. The substrate
typically made of tungsten, platinum, or platinum/iridium
can also provide an additional moisture barrier
with a thin insulating coating of parylene, epoxylite, or Teflon™.
between the dielectric layer and tissue.
Although the microwire itself is a mature technology, notable
• Optional surface coatings, which may be used innovations have been made in the methods for fabricating
to modify particular electrical, mechanical, or more precise arrays with more microwires (Nicolelis and
biological characteristics of a microelectrode Ribeiro 2002; Nicolelis et al. 2003; Williams et al. 1999), for
array. Typically, a microelectrode’s substrate/ machining the wire tips (Bullara et al. 1983), and for producing
dielectric and its electrode sites are in contact “floating” arrays (i.e., arrays that are not rigidly anchored to

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 8 3
20 μm



Electrode site



Gold wires
Cross-section at A-A′
1 mm

8 mm

Figure 5.2 Microwire arrays. (A) Schematic illustration of the structural components near the distal end of a single microwire. In the typical case, the uninsulated tip
of the microwire is the electrode site; the insulated aspect of the microwire serves as the interconnect component; and the insulative coating is the dielectric layer.
Microwires do not have a separate substrate component. (B) Scanning electron micrograph of the tip of a typical platinum-iridium (PtIr) microwire formed through
laser ablation of the insulation at the tip and electrochemical shaping of the tip (Cogan 2008). (C) Bundle of precisely arranged microwires forming a Microwire
arrays (Nicolelis et al. 2003). (D) Microwire arrays with a ceramic platform and multiwire gold interconnect to create a “floating” implantable array for recording
and stimulating (Musallam et al. 2007).

bone or dura) (Musallam et al. 2007; Rennaker et al. 2005). bioactive design strategy that induces neuronal processes
Twisted microwires (i.e., two microwires to form a stereotrode, to grow close to the microwires (Brumberg et al. 2010; Kennedy
or four wires to form a tetrode) (Gray et al. 1995; McNaughton 1989). The neurotrophic electrode consists of several micro-
et al. 1983) are used extensively in neuroscience research to wires inserted into a small glass cone that is open on both
create a cluster of multiple, closely spaced sites at the end of a ends and filled with a neurotrophic material. When this
single multistrand wire. Tetrodes have not been emphasized in electrode assembly is implanted in cerebral cortex, neuronal
BCI research because clustered sites are not thought to signifi- processes grow, over several weeks, into and through the
cantly improve the recording of unit activity from the target cone so that a few neuronal processes are close to the micro-
pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex (due to the size of these wires within the cone (Kennedy et al. 1992). The neurotrophic
cells and their moderate packing compared to other parts of design concept is unique among microelectrode technologies
the brain). Nevertheless, the tetrode configuration does in that the cone creates a relatively closed environment for
improve single-unit discrimination in some areas of the brain, the neural interface and that the neurotrophic material
such as the hippocampus. induces targeted neuronal plasticity to establish a long-term,
bioactive neural interface. Although neurotropic electrodes
record reliably and with high signal quality, their disadvantage
compared to higher channel-count microelectrode arrays
The neurotrophic electrode (also called the cone electrode) is a is that each electrode assembly records from relatively few
particular class of microwire-based electrode with a unique neurons.

84 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
and refined over nearly 20 years (Bhandari et al. 2010; Campbell
MEMS-based microelectrodes include the Utah electrode et al. 1991; S. Kim et al. 2009). At present, it is probably the
array, the Michigan-style probe, and others. MEMS technol- most widely used type of implantable microelectrode array for
ogy represents a broad class of technologies involving micro- intracortical BCI neural interfaces. This device is fabricated by
fabrication of silicon and polymer structures for miniaturized micro-machining monocrystalline silicon blocks to form an
sensors, actuators, and integrated microsystems. MEMS-based archetypal bed-of-nails architecture (fig. 5.3). Each rigid coni-
methods use significantly different microfabrication technolo- cal shank (or tine) of the Utah array has approximately one
gies from microwire arrays to create various types of implant- conical recording site at its tip, making it functionally similar
able microelectrode arrays that are functionally equivalent to to a single microwire. In earlier versions of Utah arrays the
microwire arrays in terms of neural recording and stimulation. site material was platinum and the dielectric was polyimide
MEMS technologies use a broad range of conductive and (Campbell et al. 1991), but recent fabrication developments
dielectric materials to make microelectrode arrays in many have now transitioned to sputtered iridium oxide and parylene
sizes and architectures. These can be fabricated with high pre- (Bhandari et al. 2010). The typical arrangement is a 10 × 10
cision and consistency. The microfabrication and assembly of array of tines, with tine lengths of 1.5–2.0 mm, regularly spaced
MEMS arrays is generally more complex than that of microwire at 400 μm, resulting in a 4 mm × 4 mm footprint on the cortical
arrays. These processes involve detailed sequences of selective surface. The Utah array is typically attached to skull-mounted
deposition or removal of patterned thin films of conductive or interface electronics (Nurmikko et al. 2010), to a connector
dielectric materials on a substrate, and/or bulk micromachin- through a thin wire cable (Rousche and Normann 1998), or to
ing of materials through etching, grinding, or sawing. an electronics chip attached directly to the bond pads (S. Kim
et al. 2009). The array is surgically implanted into cortex using
U TA H E L E C T R O D E A R R AY a well-described surgical procedure and a specialized, high-
The Utah electrode array (fig. 5.3) is a well-known MEMS velocity inserter (Rousche and Normann 1992). The Utah array
microelectrode array that has been systematically developed has extended the design space of comparable microwire arrays


20 μm

A A′

Electrode site

400 μm

Cross-section at A-A′

Figure 5.3 The Utah electrode array (UEA). (A) Schematic illustration of the structural components near the distal end of a single tine of the UEA. The uninsulated
tip of the doped silicon tine is the electrode site; the insulated aspect of the tine serves as the interconnect component; the thin-film parylene coating and silicon
nitride are the dielectric component; the silicon tine itself is the substrate. (B) Scanning electron micrograph of the tip of a UEA tine (Bhandari et al. 2010). (C)
Scanning electron micrograph of the bottom (brain) side of the typical 10 × 10 UEA (100 tines, with 400-μm separation) illustrating the “bed of nails” structure
(Bhandari et al. 2010). (D) UEA bonded to multiwire gold interconnect cable to create a “floating” implantable array for intracortical recording and stimulation
(Donoghue et al. 2007).

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 8 5

Electrode Traces/leads

A A′


Electrode site

Substrate Cross-section at A-A′ E


Figure 5.4 The planar Michigan-style electrode array. (A) Schematic illustration of the structural components near the distal end of a single shank of a typical planar
Michigan-style electrode. The electrodes are a thin layer of metal sites at prescribed positions along the shank. Thin-film polysilicon or metal traces connect each
electrode site to a separate bond pad at the back end of the probe. The traces are buried in thin-film inorganic (typically silicon nitride and/or silicon dioxide) and/
or organic layers that comprise the dielectric component. The silicon back side of the electrode is the substrate. (B) Design layout of a typical Michigan electrode
having four shanks, each with four sites. (C) Scanning electron micrograph of the tip of a shank on a Michigan electrode showing six precisely arranged electrode
sites. (D) Examples of eight different site and shank designs for intracortical recording. (E) Michigan-style electrode array connected to a flexible thin-film polymer
ribbon cable to create a “floating” implantable array for intracortical recording and stimulation. (Courtesy of NeuroNexus, Ann Arbor, MI.)

through its very precise and reproducible geometry and pack- 5–50 μm thick) planar penetrating shanks (fig. 5.4A,B). The
aging. Thus, for example, tine lengths, intertine spacing, and probes are fabricated through lithographic patterning of thin
total tine number may be readily varied. A clinical-grade ver- films of dielectrics and conductors on a silicon substrate to
sion of the Utah array was used in a seminal study of intracor- form very precise arrays of recording (and/or stimulation)
tical BCIs in humans (Hochberg et al. 2006), and a number of sites. An integrated or separate thin-film ribbon cable, or inter-
animal studies describe the use and performance of the Utah connect, is bonded to the penetrating probe to connect to
array in chronic cortical recording (Suner et al. 2005) and another connector or to an electronics interface. This technol-
stimulation applications (Rousche and Normann 1999). ogy has a broad design space that allows designs that have
almost any reasonable one-, two-, or three-dimensional layout
MICHIGAN-STYLE PROBE of electrode sites across one or more planar shanks. Michigan-
The Michigan-style probe (fig. 5.4) is another well-known type style probes offer unique advantages over alternative types of
of MEMS microelectrode array. The seminal Michigan probe is electrode technologies. These include greater site-packing den-
a planar device having a boron-diffused silicon substrate, a sity, reduced tissue displacement per site, reproducibility, and
silicon dioxide and silicon nitride dielectric stack, polysilicon precise two- and three-dimensional geometries. Michigan-
traces, and iridium electrode sites (Anderson et al. 1989; style probe technologies have been successfully commercial-
BeMent et al. 1986; Hetke et al. 1990; Najafi et al. 1990; Wise ized and validated in neuroscience research. The in-vivo
et al. 1970; Wise and Angell 1975; Wise et al. 2004). Through a performance of various types of Michigan probes is well
sustained development program, this base MEMS technology described (e.g., Csicsvari et al. 2003; Drake et al. 1988b; Kipke
has since been expanded to broader types of electrode designs, et al. 1991; Ludwig et al. 2006; Vetter et al. 2004a), and ongoing
materials, and microfabrication techniques to result today in a development is directed at translating this technology for clin-
broad-based Michigan-style microelectrode platform technol- ical applications, including BCI systems.
ogy that is used in a wide range of neural structures for diverse
neural interface applications. OTHER MEMS-BASED PROBES
In the canonical form, the Michigan-style probe technology Since the seminal Michigan probe first established the feasibil-
creates an array of planar electrode sites on thin (i.e., nominally ity of planar, thin-film microelectrode arrays (Drake et al.

86 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
1988), the broad class of photolithographically defined, planar HOW A RECORDING MICROELECTRODE
MEMS technology has been advanced by a number of research REGISTERS SIGNALS
groups (Han and McCreery 2008; Kewley et al. 1997; Kovacs
The biopotential at the electrode surface is the combined result
et al. 1994; McCarthy et al. 2011a; McCarthy et al. 2011b;
of neural signal sources in the vicinity of the electrode site that
McCreery et al. 2007; Moxon et al. 2004; Muthuswamy et al.
are conducted through the encompassing brain tissue from
2005; Neves 2007). There are now various microfabrication
their points of origin to the electrode surface (Bretschneider
processes, assembly technologies, and integrated microsystems
and De Weille 2006). The neural signal sources are membrane
that significantly expand the design space of this class of micro-
currents that underlie action potentials and synaptic potentials
electrode array technology.
among the neurons of interest. Brain tissue is a volume con-
Interest in developing implantable microelectrode arrays
ductor that, to a first approximation, is assumed to be linear,
that are more flexible and robust than thin silicon probes has
resistive, and homogeneous, but not necessarily isotropic (see
motivated the development of thin-film polymer and hybrid
chapter 3, this volume). The numerous sources and sinks from
polymer-silicon microelectrode arrays (Fernandez et al. 2009;
active neurons (and glia cells) within a brain region are assumed
Guo et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2004a; Rousche et al. 2001; Schuettler
to combine linearly to create a fluctuating electric field that is
et al. 2005; Seymour and Kipke 2007; Seymour et al. 2009;
sampled by the small area of the electrode site. For implanted
Seymour et al. 2011; Stieglitz et al. 2000; Yu et al. 2009). It has
electrodes the biopotential characteristics (e.g., spike ampli-
been suggested that the lower elastic modulus improves the
tudes and waveforms and local field potential spectra) may be
flexibility of these materials to reduce the elastic mismatch with
affected by reactive tissue responses that develop over time and
brain tissue and provide enhanced compliance that may mini-
that change the local tissue conductivity. They can also be
mize the motion of the device relative to the surrounding cortex
affected by neuronal damage, degeneration, or morphology
(Lee et al. 2005; Subbaroyan et al. 2005). As discussed in this
changes that may develop from the presence of the microelec-
chapter, this approach may help to reduce the reactive tissue
trode array.
response (Fernandez et al. 2009; Mercanzini et al. 2008).
The biopotential at the microelectrode site is transduced to
In sum, over the past two decades it has become clear that
an electronic current in the electrode trace by complex, but
chronic intracortical neural recording is both technologically
well-described electrochemical processes at the electrode-tis-
feasible and useful for basic neuroscience studies and in neuro-
sue interface (Cogan 2008; Merrill et al. 2005; Robinson 1968).
prosthetic applications and that microelectrode technologies
This signal transduction occurs through two types of reversible
make this possible. The current challenges are to increase reli-
electrode-electrolyte interface currents. The first is a capacitive
ability, longevity, and signal fidelity, as well as overall safety.
displacement current resulting from the intrinsic capacitance
of the electrode-tissue interface. The second is a chemical cur-
BASI C C ONC EPT S O F NEURAL rent resulting from intrinsic oxidation-reduction reactions at
R E CORDING WIT H CHRONICALLY the electrode surface. Extracellular spike recording occurs
I M P LA NTED MIC ROELECT RO DES mainly through capacitive currents because of the small
amount of charge displacement in the small and fast extracel-
No matter what the source of the brain signals or the recording lular spikes. Extracellular action potentials have amplitudes of
techniques on which a BCI is based, a BCI’s efficacy is a func- about 50–500 μV and bandwidth of about 500–5000 Hz. Local
tion of the quality of the recorded neural signals used as an field potentials relevant to BCIs have amplitudes of about
input to the system. In this context it is useful to consider the 10–800 μV and bandwidth of about 0.1–200 Hz. Recording
fidelity of the neural recording, that is, the extent to which the local field potentials may, in general, involve both capacitive
characteristics of the recorded signal match the underlying displacement currents and oxidation-reduction currents
neuronal signal source(s). In the simplest formulation, maxi- depending on the bandwidth and amplitude of the signals.
mizing the information content of the cortical-control signal The lumped-element functional model shown in figure 5.5
for input to a BCI is an exercise in attaining sufficient neural provides useful representations of the primary functional ele-
recording fidelity. ments of chronic extracellular neural recording. This model
The overall strategy to attain sufficient fidelity of chronic represents extracellular recording from K neurons using an
extracellular neural recording is to maximize and maintain electrode array containing L electrode sites and a separate elec-
sensing of the neuronal signals of interest by the electrodes and trode site to provide the voltage reference signal. Each record-
to reduce the obscuring sources of noise. This involves using ing channel has three functional submodels arranged in series
microelectrode arrays that have sufficient selectivity, sensitiv- (see fig. 5.5A): biopotential sensing to represent the summation
ity, and stability to record large-amplitude signals from the of biopotentials within the recording volume of an electrode
targeted neuronal populations, while also minimizing the site; neural interface tissue impedance to represent the conduc-
interfering and additive noise sources. To address this issue tivity of the local tissue surrounding an electrode site; and
effectively, it is important to understand how a recording an electrode-tissue interface to represent electrochemical and
microelectrode registers signals, the factors that influence electrical characteristics of the electrode.
neuronal signal characteristics in chronic neural recordings, In its simplest formulation (fig. 5.5A), the biopotential-
and the factors that influence the contributions of noise sources sensing submodel can be considered as a summation node to
in these recordings. linearly combine neural sources scaled by source amplitude

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 8 7
and inverse distance from the electrode. A higher level of detail Additional noise sources include random fluctuations and
would also include integration of biopotentials across the elec- instability in the half-cell potential caused by disturbances of
trode site, which becomes important when considering record- the double-layer capacitance and contamination of the elec-
ing selectivity and sensitivity. Note that in this treatment, the trode surface, thermal noise (also referred to as Johnson or
electrode site is not considered to be a simple point but rather Nyquist noise) due to the random motion of electrons in the
a surface having a particular geometric surface area. (This is electrode trace, and frequency-dependent 1/f noise (also
important, because, for example, a 750 μm2 circular site has a referred to as flicker or pink noise). To a reasonable first
diameter of 30 μm, which is a significant dimension relative to approximation, these noise sources can be modeled as thermal
the size, location, and packing density of neurons, and the dis- (Johnson, 2005) noise and represented by the voltage source,
tribution of charge on the electrode surface.) Intrinsic neural velec-ns=(4kTZΔf)0.5, where k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is Kelvin
noise that results from neural activity that is either too small or temperature, Z is electrode magnitude impedance, and Δf is
too distant to be identified or that is unrelated to BCI control is the frequency range of interest.
represented by the Vneu-ns input to the summation node. This functional systems-level model of extracellular neural
Extrinsic biological noise associated with voltage perturba- recording is useful for associating electrode performance char-
tions caused by muscle activation (e.g., electromyographic acteristics, such as recording selectivity, sensitivity, and signal-
activity [EMG] from cranial or extraocular muscles), by eye to-noise ratios, with electrode design and usage parameters,
movements (electrooculographic activity [EOG]), by heart- such as electrode site size, electrode materials, and placement
beats (electrocardiographic activity [ECG]), and motion of electrode sites within the targeted brain region. However,
artifacts are represented by the lumped input, Vbio-ns. the model’s structure and assumptions do not map directly to
The neural interface tissue impedance submodel (fig. 5.5B) underlying detailed biophysical mechanisms (e.g., biopotential
represents the tissue impedance surrounding an electrode site sampling, resistive paths through the neural interface, and
due to the localized reactive tissue response. Although the electrode site morphology are interrelated with complex
extent of the localized tissue impedance variations and the spatial and electrical characteristics). More sophisticated
corresponding effects on chronic neural recordings are not models require finite-element analysis of the neural sources,
fully understood, the model in figure 5.5B captures two of the neural interface tissue impedance, and electrode-electrolyte
observed characteristics of tissue impedance: a resistive com- interface.
ponent associated with conductance pathways in the extracel-
lular space and a complex impedance component associated
with cellular encapsulation around the electrode site.
The biopotential signal transduction at the electrode-tissue
interface and transmission of the resulting electronic signal In the context of electrode design and analysis, neural signal
through the electrode traces to the electronics interface are fidelity can be considered in terms of general sensor attributes
represented with the lumped-element equivalent circuit sub- of sensitivity, selectivity, and stability.
model shown in figure 5.5C (Merrill et al. 2005; Robinson Recording sensitivity can be defined as the ratio of the
1968). The voltage source, Ehc, represents the half-cell potential differential change in the recorded signal (i.e., Ve2 in fig. 5.5A)
of the electrode-tissue interface. The capacitor, Cdl, represents to a differential change in the underlying signal source (i.e.,
the double layer capacitance. The resistor, Rct, represents the Vneu). Under this definition, the maximum sensitivity is 1 (i.e.,
resistance to the transfer of charge that occurs through Faradaic all differential charge of an input spike is transduced to the dif-
currents. The constant phase element (CPE) impedance repre- ferential charge of an output spike in the electrode trace).
sents charge-transfer variations resulting from the surface Sensitivity varies inversely with electrode site size because the
morphology of the electrode site and the ion-diffusion nonlin- relative contribution of any one targeted neural signal source
earities in the diffusion region. The resistor, Rs, represents the in the transduced signal generally decreases as biopotentials
resistance to ion movement in the diffusion region. The capac- are integrated across a larger site area. Sensitivity is also affected
itor, Csh, and resistor, Rsh, represent the shunt or leakage path- by the shunt pathway (Csh and Rsh), resistive losses in the tissue
ways from the insulated electrode traces to the bulk tissue. The (Rint and Rs), and resistive losses in the electrode trace (Rt).
resistor, Rt, represents the resistance in the electrode trace from Recording selectivity can be defined as the degree to which
the electrode site to electronics interface. The voltage source, an electrode preferentially records a targeted group of neuron
velec-ns, represents the lumped electrode intrinsic noise sources signal sources and excludes unwanted neural signal sources.
that arise from several biophysical and electrical phenomena. As such, selectivity varies inversely with electrode site size
The primary source is associated with the electrode-tissue because a larger sensing area will tend to integrate biopoten-
interface and caused by Brownian motion of electrons, drift tials from more neural signal sources.
and diffusion of charged ions due to concentration gradients, Recording stability can be defined as the degree to which
and oxidation/reduction reactions occurring at the electrode/ the functional characteristics of the electrode array—including
electrolyte interface (Hassibi et al. 2004; Kovacs 1994; Robinson biopotential sensing, neural interface tissue impedance, and
1968; Schmidt and Humphrey 1990; Shoham and Nagarajan electrode-tissue interface components—do not change over
2003). The magnitude of the noise depends on the site mate- time. Well-designed electrodes have relatively stable electrode-
rial, size, and surface morphology, and contamination. tissue interface characteristics (which suggests that recording

88 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Biopotential Tissue interface Electrode Electronics
A sensing interface B Zint,l
Vneu,K Vexc,L Ve1,L Ve2,L
S Zint,L Zelec,L
Vexc,l Ve1,l

Vneu,2 Vexc, 1 Ve1,1 Ve2,1
S Zint,1 Zelec,1
Vneu,1 Rint
Vneu-ns, 1
Vref Zint,ref Zelec,ref
Ve1,1 Ehc Rt Ve2,1
Rs Velec-ns
Rct Csh Rsh

Figure 5.5 Lumped-element functional models of neural recording with a microelectrode array. (A) System model of extracellular neural recording from K neurons
with an electrode array with L channels. The three components for each channel are biopotential sensing (S), tissue interface impedance (Zint,j), and electrode
equivalent impedance (Zelec,j) (note that j can range from 1 to L). (B) Lumped-element equivalent circuit for impedance changes in the neural interface associated
with reactive tissue responses. This model incorporates adjacent cellular layers of glia and macrophages as a membrane capacitance, a membrane conductance
resistance, and a membrane area-scaling term (m) related to encapsulation thickness and cell-to-cell adhesion within the cellular layer. The extracellular pathway
between cells is defined as a resistance. (C) Lumped-element equivalent circuit for the microelectrode site. Rs, access resistance of the site; Cdl, the double-layer
capacitance; Rct, the charge-transfer resistance; CPE (constant phase element), the generalized phase shift (time delay) associated with site morphology, diffusion
limitations, and associated interface complexities; voltage source Ehc, half-cell potential of the electrode-electrolyte interface; velec-ns, additive noise sources in the
interface; Csh, shunt capacitance; Rsh, leakage resistance; Rt, electrode trace resistance.

stability depends mainly on the Biopotential Sensing and recordings to be biased toward larger neurons over smaller
Tissue Interface blocks shown in fig. 5.5). Stability can be neurons, and toward neurons that are closer to electrode sites
affected by variability in the neural signal source, which can over neurons that are farther from electrode sites. In order to
occur if a neuron is damaged or degenerates, or undergoes maximize recording selectivity and sensitivity, the electrode
morphological or electrophysiological changes. It can also be site size should be matched to the cell sizes, cell-packing den-
affected by time-varying changes in reactive tissue responses sity, and current source amplitudes.
around the electrode.
Thus, the basic strategy for optimizing neural signal fidelity
is to design electrodes to have sufficient sensitivity, selectivity,
and stability to maximize the contributions of neural signals of
interest and minimize the contributions of the various noise Intrinsic electrode noise is minimized first through appropriate
sources (see next section). That is, the strategy is the familiar selection of materials and electrode design to lower the elec-
one of maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio. The primary fac- trode impedance (i.e., noise power varies with impedance).
tors in neural signal amplitude are the distance of the neuron The trace resistance can be reduced through proper selection
from the electrode site, the magnitude and spatial distribution of trace material and size, and the shunt pathways can be min-
of its current sources and sinks, and the size of the electrode imized through selection of high-quality dielectric materials
site. The largest deflections in extracellular potentials occur (which can generally be accomplished without performance
close to the largest membrane current, which, under typical trade-offs). The double-layer capacitance and charge-transfer
circumstances, is assumed to be the point of origin of the resistance are a function of material and site size. The spread-
action potential, the cell body/axon hillock. The extracellular ing resistance is a function of site size. The net trade-off is
potential falls off with distance from a current source as 1/r that increasing site size to lower electrode impedance has the
(i.e., with r the distance from source to electrode site). For neu- general effect of decreasing recording selectivity and sensitiv-
rons with morphology and channel distributions that approxi- ity. Advanced microelectrode site materials, such as iridium
mate a localized and paired current source and sink (i.e., a oxide thin-films (Cogan et al. 2009) and conductive polymers
current dipole, as is typically assumed for spiking cortical (Abidian et al. 2010; Abidian et al. 2009; Ludwig et al. 2011;
pyramidal cells), the extracellular interactions between source Ludwig et al. 2006; Venkatraman et al. 2011), can significantly
and sink lead to a fall-off in extracellular potential as roughly lower electrode impedance without changing the electrode
1/r2. In addition, neurons with larger cell bodies and dendritic site size.
processes tend to have larger membrane currents compared to Intrinsic neural noise sources can be minimized by increas-
smaller neurons. These factors contribute to causing spike ing recording selectivity and by positioning the electrode site

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 8 9
close to the neurons of interest. However, this generally involves et al. 2008; Kipke et al. 2003; Liu et al. 1999; Maynard et al.
minimizing the electrode site area, which usually causes higher 1997; McCreery et al. 2004; Nicolelis et al. 2003; Rousche and
electrode impedance (and thus, intrinsic electrode noise) and Normann 1998; Santhanam et al. 2006; Suner et al. 2005; Vetter
lower recording stability. et al. 2004b; Ward et al. 2009; Williams et al. 1999).
The contributions of extrinsic biological noise can be The first observation is that recording performance (i.e.,
minimized through appropriate signal referencing and sig- signal longevity, reliability, and quality) generally degrades
nal conditioning (Horsch and Dhillon 2004; Kovacs 1994; over weeks to months, such that the information-rich neural
Linderman et al. 2006; Ludwig et al. 2009; Schmidt and signals required for high-dimensional BCI control diminish
Humphrey 1990; Shoham and Nagarajan 2003; Webster 1998). and are eventually lost. The second is that chronic recordings
The importance of proper referencing is discussed extensively over time typically do not fail completely; there are usually
in chapters 3, 6, and 15 in this volume (also see Donoghue some remaining neural signals available across an array, typi-
2007). Typically, referencing is accomplished either by record- cally lower-quality multineuron activity or LFPs. The third
ing from an additional microelectrode site or by recording observation is that over time, neural signals from a particular
from a relatively large electrode positioned in a location with microelectrode, or from a microelectrode array as a whole, are
minimal neural activity; the recording from the additional ref- generally variable and not reliable; good and bad recording
erence is subtracted to remove correlated noise across channels days often alternate, with little ability to predict, observe, or
(Blanche et al. 2005; Henze et al. 2000; Ludwig et al. 2009; control the transition. The fourth observation, coming usually
Nelson et al. 2008; Vetter et al. 2004b; Webster 1998; Williams from anecdotal reports and representing the exception rather
et al. 1999). Each type of configuration involves associated than the rule, is that there are particular cases in which
trade-offs. single-neuron recording is stable, at a particular site or at least
An alternative solution is to use a common average refer- somewhere on the array, for long periods of time (i.e., one to
ence (AVE or CAR), commonly employed in EEG to help several years).
detect small signals in very noisy recordings (Cooper et al. Meaningful assessment of chronic-recording performance
2003; Offner 1950; Osselton 1965) (see chapters 6 and 7, this over time involves evaluation of several interrelated recording
volume). Unlike more complex posthoc methods of removing characteristics, including signal quality, array yield, signal
noise from recorded signals (Aminghafari et al. 2006; Bierer stability, recording longevity, and overall reliability. Although
and Andersen 1999; Oweiss and Anderson 2001), CAR is a there are not yet definitive, universally accepted quantitative
computationally simple technique and therefore amenable to measures of these characteristics, a growing literature is begin-
incorporation into the recording hardware (i.e., on-chip) and ning to quantify electrode performance in these terms (Kipke
to real-time BCI applications. As its name implies, the record- et al. 2003; Liu et al. 1999; Liu et al. 2006; Nicolelis et al. 2003;
ings from all the microelectrodes are averaged, and the average Suner et al. 2005; Vetter et al. 2004a). Qualitative inferential
is used as the reference to be subtracted from each individual comparisons among different types of microelectrode arrays
site (Ludwig et al. 2009). Through the averaging process, signal are common, but meaningful quantitative comparisons are
or noise that is common to all sites (i.e., correlated) (e.g., 60-Hz limited because of different experimental preparations, tech-
noise or motion artifact) remains on the CAR and can thus be niques, and analysis algorithms (Polikov et al. 2005; Suner
eliminated from each site’s recording. et al. 2005; Ward et al. 2009; Williams et al. 1999). Moreover,
development of relevant performance measures for recording
LFPs is particularly problematic because the amplitude and
CH R ONIC REC O RDING PERF O RMANCE bandwidth characteristics of these signals make it difficult to
O F I NTRA C ORTI CAL distinguish them from nonneural background noise. Thus,
MI CROEL EC TRO DE ARRAYS LFP recording performance is typically assessed indirectly by
measuring the performance of BCIs that use these signals.
A steadily growing body of evidence indicates that reliable
chronic recording of information-rich neural activity is feasi-
ble with intracortical microelectrode arrays. However, the
present technologies do not yet achieve the chronic perfor- For action potential (spike) recordings, signal quality is typi-
mance levels that are possible. In addition to various material- cally expressed as a signal-to-noise ratio, in which the signal is
and device-related failures, biological processes also contribute defined as the amplitude of identified spikes, and the noise
substantially to the degradation of recording performance. level is defined in terms of either the root-mean-square (RMS)
A concise general description of the chronic-recording level of the recording after the identified spikes are removed, or
performance of intracortical microelectrode arrays is challeng- as 2–6 standard deviations from the average signal level. Signal
ing because of the inherent complexity and variability of quality is important for intracortical BCI applications because
chronic microscale neural interfaces and because of the diffi- it directly affects the reliability of the spike trains (i.e., the
culty of quantitatively assessing recording performance. timing of identifiable single-neuron or multineuron spike
Looking across many studies using several types of microelec- activity) that provide inputs to BCI decoding algorithms (see
trode technologies, and considering the highest-quality micro- chapters 7, 8, 16, 17, in this volume). In typical cases, signal-to-
electrodes and implant techniques, four general observations noise ratios of about 2.5 to 4 (i.e., spike amplitudes 2.5–4.0
emerge (Hochberg et al. 2006; Jackson and Fetz 2007; Kim times higher than the RMS noise level) are interpreted as

90 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
multineuron activity and accepted as the lowest useful level have been found to be quite robust (Chestek et al. 2007;
of spike activity. Signal-to-noise ratios greater than about Ganguly and Carmena 2009; Heliot et al. 2010; Hochberg et al.
4.0 are interpreted as single-neuron activity. Most microelec- 2006; Santhanam et al. 2006; Velliste et al. 2008).
trode sites with useful signals have multineuron activity or
one or two discriminable single neurons plus multineuron
Recording longevity can be operationally defined as the length
of time over which the neural recordings maintain consistent
recording quality, array yield, and stability characteristics. A
The array yield is operationally defined as the fraction of elec- number of investigators have recently reported viable neuronal
trodes on an array that record discriminable spike activity (or recordings extending over months or longer using microwire
appropriate LFPs) of sufficient quality over a given time inter- arrays (Nicolelis et al. 2003), ceramic-substrate arrays (Moxon
val. Array yield is important because it measures the number et al. 2004), Utah arrays (Suner et al. 2005), and Michigan
of spike trains providing input to the BCI decoding algorithm. arrays (Vetter et al. 2004a). A recent, systematic study was con-
In studies in rats the daily array yield over postimplant periods ducted to compare objectively the performances of these vari-
of weeks to several months was typically 50–90% (Vetter et al. ous microelectrode arrays (Ward et al. 2009). This report
2004a; Ward et al. 2009). Comparable array yields have been confirmed the various longevities previously reported and
reported in nonhuman primate studies (Nicolelis et al. 2003; indicated largely comparable performance of the different
Suner et al. 2005). Initial studies of intracortical BCIs in microelectrode technologies. However, this comparative-
humans showed similar daily array yields over a period of sev- performance study was conducted using rat brain exclusively,
eral months (Hochberg et al. 2006). Both within and across and therefore did not take into account some of the potential
studies, the large variability in array yield reflects the current failure modes for implants in larger brains (e.g., high accelera-
limited ability to make precise a priori assumptions about a tion movements of the head in nonhuman primates [Santhanam
particular level of chronic recording performance. et al. 2007]).


Signal stability can be defined as the likelihood of recording the In addition to considering the chronic performance of micro-
same set of putative neurons on a given microelectrode site electrode arrays, it is important to consider the performance of
over specified time periods. Signal stability is important the intracortical implant procedure itself. What risks are asso-
because it directly relates to the day-to-day consistency of spike ciated with receiving an intracortical BCI neural interface; and
discrimination settings and BCI decoding algorithms. If neural what is the likelihood of the implant attaining and maintaining
signals are highly stable, spike discrimination settings will a useful level of function? Most of the animal studies in this
require minimal adjustment, and decoding algorithms will area have not been designed to address these questions in a
receive consistent sets of inputs from day to day. Although comprehensive manner, and the relevant clinical experiences
fraught with caveats, signal stability is typically measured by have been limited. An ad hoc, qualitative assessment across
tracking the consistency of brief (about 1-ms) extracellular animal studies, combined with one of the few studies to report
spike waveforms, sometimes augmented with spike train sta- both implant successes and failures (Williams et al. 1999), sug-
tistics such as the interspike intervals (Chestek et al. 2007; gests that in experienced labs with validated protocols and
Dickey et al. 2009). It is particularly difficult to confirm that trained personnel, roughly 60–90% of implants result in at
day-to-day recordings of an action potential with a stable volt- least a nominal level of useful performance. The most impor-
age-time wave shape are from the same neuron over time. tant salient aspect of this assessment is that while the likeli-
In a landmark study, Harris et al. (2000) used simultaneous hood is high, it is well below 100%. That is, any given implant
intracellular recordings and extracellular tetrode recordings to procedure is likely to be successful to some degree, but success
investigate the reliability of manual spike sorting by experi- is not guaranteed. Although clinical studies to date have been
enced operators. Despite the experience of the operators and very limited, they support this general observation (Hochberg
the availability of multidimensional tetrode recordings, signifi- et al. 2006).
cant rates (as high as 30%) of both Type I (false-positive) and Taken as whole, the animal and human studies to date sug-
Type II (false-negative) errors were found. Additionally, the gest that long-term, information-rich neural recordings from
measured waveform features of the extracellular spike wave- intracortical electrodes are ultimately feasible. Nevertheless,
forms were found to change up to 30% over a 24-hr period the transition of BCI intracortical neural interfaces from
(Santhanam et al. 2007). Thus, it appears that not only are there research grade to clinical grade has yet to be accomplished.
inherent technical difficulties in recording from the putative This transition involves two classes of tasks: first, to increase
same neuron (judged by its spike waveform), but it is also dif- the number of sites on an array that record viable signals, to
ficult to discern the discrimination errors. Nevertheless, and improve the recording fidelity signal on each of these sites, and
regardless of confidence in, or ability to, record from individ- to increase day-to-day recording stability; second, to increase
ual neurons over short and long time frames, significant levels the longevity and reliability of the recordings from weeks to
of BCI control have been achieved with chronic recordings and months and (eventually) to decades.

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 9 1

In addition to assessing chronic recording performance, intra-

cortical microelectrode arrays must be evaluated with regard
to any localized tissue responses that occur around the implant.
Although the detailed relationships between brain-tissue
responses (i.e., histology) and chronic neural recording perfor-
mance (i.e., function) are not well understood, it is reasonable
to expect that they are closely related because functional char-
acteristics result directly from the state of the neurons within
the field of interest and from the electrical characteristics of the
electrode-tissue interface (Liu et al. 2006; Nicolelis et al. 2003;
Polikov et al. 2005; Rousche and Normann 1998; Schwartz
et al. 2006; Williams et al. 1999; Biran et al. 2005; Purcell et al.
2009a; Purcell et al. 2009b; Silver and Miller 2004). Although
elucidation of these reactive processes is just beginning, it is
generally expected that better understanding of the dynamic
biological processes surrounding a microscale neural interface
will guide development of advanced microelectrode designs
that are better able to record chronically from information-rich
sources. This will be necessary if intracortical recording is to be
used for controlling BCIs, particularly those capable of com-
plex applications (i.e., multidimensional movement control).
The common working hypothesis is that degradation of
recording performance over time is caused by deleterious brain-
tissue responses, and improvement of long-term recording per-
formance involves attenuating, mitigating, or appropriately
guiding these brain-tissue responses (Kennedy et al. 1992; Lee
et al. 2004b; Maynard et al. 1997; Rousche et al. 2001; Shain et al.
Figure 5.6 Brain tissue microenvironment around a microelectrode implanted in
2003; Stensaas and Stensaas 1978; Suzuki et al. 2003; Takeuchi
rat cerebral cortex, with cortical surface at the top. The image is a montage of
et al. 2004; Zhong and Bellamkonda 2007). In this section of the 64 three-dimensional images collected on a Zeiss LSM META system with
chapter we review current understanding of the complex and spectral unmixing. Cyan, CyQuant-labeled cell nuclei; purple, NeuroTrace-
nuanced relationship between the electrode-brain microenvi- labeled Nissl substance; yellow, Iba1-labeled microglia; red, GFAP-labeled
ronment and a microelectrode’s functional performance. astrocytes; green, EBA-labeled blood vessels. (Image courtesy of C. Bjornsson,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, modified for this chapter [Tsai et al. 2011].)
To illustrate the scale of implanted microelectrodes relative to the density of
THE MICROENVIRONMENT SURROUNDING the primary brain-tissue elements, the outline shapes (dotted lines) of two
A N I M P L A N T E D M I C R O E L E C T R O D E A R R AY typical microelectrode shanks/tines (50-μm diameter and 400-μm separation)
are superimposed on the montage. The left microelectrode depicts a single
The brain and spinal cord are enclosed within the meningeal site at the tip (e.g., a microwire or Utah electrode array). The right
membranes and cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid. In a typical microelectrode depicts a tip site and an array of sites along the shank
(e.g., a Michigan-style electrode array). Their respective approximate
region of brain, cells (i.e., neurons and glia) fill about 78% of
recording volumes (i.e., about 100-μm radius from electrode site) are
the volume, microvasculature about 2%, and extracellular shown in blue.
space about 20% (Nicholson and Syková 1998; Tsai et al. 2009).
In humans, the average cell density across cortex is about
100,000 cells/mm3, with significant variations among cortical It is important to note that, through the course of normal
regions and among layers within a region (reviewed in Tsai activity, the brain and spinal cord move relative to the skull and
et al. 2009). The average neuronal density is about 30,000 neu- vertebrae (e.g., with respiration, heartbeat, bodily movements).
rons/mm3 (Tsai et al. 2009), resulting in a glial to neuronal cell This movement is particularly prominent in primates.
ratio of about 2:1. The vasculature length in human cortex is
about 0.4 m/mm3. In mouse, average microvessel diameter is
about 4 μm, and the average distance from any spot in cortex
to the closest vessel is 13 μm (Tsai et al. 2009). The overall
composition of brain tissue in the cerebral cortex is illustrated Implanting a microelectrode array into the cerebral cortex
in figure 5.6, which shows a detailed image of the microenvi- requires incising, or at least penetrating, the meninges, including
ronment of the rat cerebral cortex at the scale of a typical the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater. Arachnoidal
implantable microelectrode shank. penetration releases cerebrospinal fluid, and arachnoidal and

92 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
pial penetration disrupts vasculature. Cortical insertion displaces can show very different tissue reactions (Rousche and Normann
or damages neurons, glia, and intracortical microvasculature. 1998; Williams et al. 2007), and that different ranges of tissue
The localized injury response due to microelectrode array damage can be observed at different locations on a single elec-
insertion starts immediately. This localized response involves trode track (Stensaas and Stensaas 1976). These findings sug-
the four primary constituent elements in the microenviron- gest that the heterogeneity of the tissue at the microscale level
ment: neurons, reactive cells (i.e., microglia, macrophages, and results in variable localized injuries. Kozai et al. (2010) used a
astrocytes), blood vessels, and extracellular matrix. Given the two-photon imaging technique to produce a 3-D reconstruc-
packing density of blood vessels and the size and shape of micro- tion of the subsurface neurovasculature prior to inserting an
electrodes, the initial electrode insertion penetrates the blood- electrode and showed that proper selection of the insertion
brain barrier (BBB) at some point, resulting in edema as well as location based on this imaging could produce a >80% reduc-
a release of erythrocytes and macrophages into brain tissue tion in vascular damage. This suggests that imaging or other
(Schmidt et al. 1993). The simple presence of a typical micro- preimplant information may lessen localized tissue damage
electrode shank (nominally 15 × 50 μm, inserted 2.5 mm into due to insertion.
cerebral cortex) would be expected to displace or destroy about In sum, it appears that, regardless of the mitigation strate-
120 glia, about 60 neurons, and about 80 tiny blood vessels. gies that might be used to minimize insertion damage, some
In addition to this volumetric estimation of the cellular, initial vascular damage and subsequent BBB disruption are
vascular, and extracellular damage, compressive damage occurs unavoidable given the size, stiffness, and sharpness of current
due to the viscoelastic nature of the neural tissue. Bjornsson types of implantable microelectrode arrays. In addition to
et al. (2006) used a novel ex-vivo preparation to compare the rupturing the BBB barrier, array insertion injures or destroys
tissue distortion in thick slices from rat brains as a function neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia and thus
of insertion speed and device sharpness. By fluorescently initiates some degree of initial reactive tissue response. In the
labeling the vasculature and observing the tissue deformation presence of a chronically implanted array, the initial response
via microscopy, they reported that damage due to severing, perpetuates inflammation and subsequent tissue responses,
rupturing, and dragging of vasculature was common as far as leading to a chronic brain tissue response. Interestingly, the tissue
300 μm away from the insertion site. The acute tissue disrup- damage decreases if the array is removed (Biran et al. 2005).
tion and damage from microelectrode-array insertion has also
been studied by measuring changes in local pH levels in the
extracellular space surrounding the electrode shank as a func-
tion of insertion speed (fig. 5.7) (Johnson et al. 2007). The chronic tissue response is a time-varying, complex
Despite these observations of the local tissue injury typically sequence of events that involves many signalling molecules
incurred by microelectrode array insertion, it is particularly and cell types. The chronic inflammation that follows
noteworthy that adjacent electrode tracks from the same array device insertion is not unique to microscale devices such as

2 mm @ 0.05 mm/s 2 mm @ 0.5 mm/s 2 mm @ 1 mm/s

20 s

15 7.5
14 100 s
12 7.3
10 7.2
8 7.1 pHe
5 6.9
Acidosis spike
3 6.8
Alkalosis peak Alkalosis peak Alkalosis peak
Acidosis trough Acidosis trough Acidosis trough 6.7

Figure 5.7 Insertion damage measured by spatiotemporal variations in extracellular pH (pHe) levels along an electrode shank inserted 2 mm deep at three different
speeds (A, 0.05 mm/sec; B, 0.50 mm/sec; C, 1.00 mm/sec). Spatiotemporal pHe plots reveal more robust longer-term acidosis with slow insertion speed (e.g., A),
as well as variability in the response along the probe shank. The upper plots give a detailed picture of the pHe response during the act of insertion (duration of
insertion indicated by gray bars at bottom). The lower plots show a 10-min response window. A triphasic acidic–alkaline–acidic waveform, which includes
substantial longer-term acidosis, is evident following the slowest insertion (A). Insertion speeds of 0.50 and 1.00 mm/sec (B and C) typically elicited a biphasic
alkaline–acidic waveform with a muted acidosis trough. (From Johnson et al. 2007, with permission.)

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 9 3
microelectrode arrays. It also occurs with implantation of elec- electrode tracks confirmed this conclusion and indicated
trodes for deep brain stimulation (Haberler et al. 2000; Moss leakiness in the BBB as well.
et al. 2004; Nielsen et al. 2007). However, due to the small size Astrocytes are a second class of cells that participate in the
of the microscale devices, and especially because of their use in localized injury response. Astrocytes typically perform sup-
recording rather than stimulation, the chronic brain tissue portive roles for the neuronal environment, regulating nutri-
responses due to this persistent neuroinflammation are likely ents and neurotransmitters, as well as helping to form the BBB.
to affect their performance and reliability over the long term. During a chronic tissue response, and apparently due to the
same cytokine signaling to which the microglia respond, astro-
CELLULAR RESPONSES cytes assume a reactive phenotype characterized by hypertro-
Microglia are the first class of cells that respond in the localized phy, proliferation, and secretion of various neuronal growth
injury after device insertion. Within the first day activated inhibitory molecules (e.g., NG2 chondroitin-sulfate proteogly-
microglia are observed around the implanted devices cans [Levine 1994] or Nogo protein [GrandPre et al. 2000]).
(Szarowski et al. 2003). Cytokines and chemokines, the inflam- During this activation, the astrocytes can form a glial sheath
matory molecules that activate the microglia, are present near around the microelectrode (Edell et al. 1992; Turner et al.
to and adsorbed onto the implanted device. The microglia 1999) (see fig. 5.8C,D), which is probably part of the process
change from a ramified (i.e., resting) morphology into an of reformation of the BBB during which reactive astrocytes
amoeboid morphology similar to that of macrophages (Fawcett up-regulate gap junction proteins (connexins) to enable the
and Asher 1999). In this activated state microglia behave simi- formation of tight junctions (Haupt et al. 2007).
larly to macrophages, propagating the inflammatory cascade Neurons themselves can also be affected by the chronic
through the release of additional cytokines and through tissue response. Although a related signal cascade has not been
attempting to phagocytize the implanted device. Using the defined, the tissue response is typically accompanied by long-
immunostain ED-1, which is specific for both microglia and term neuronal death or damage in the area adjacent to the
macrophages, Winslow and Tresco (2010) determined that microelectrode, creating what may be referred to as neuronal
these cell types were still active 12 weeks after insertion of a kill-zone, or perhaps more accurately, a neuronal depletion
typically sized microwire but that they were largely confined to zone (Biran et al. 2005; Edell et al. 1992; Polikov et al. 2005)
an area <100 μm from the electrode (see fig. 5.8A,B). This (see fig. 5.8E). This finding was subsequently correlated with
finding suggests persistent neuroinflammation. In the same chronic local inflammation around the electrodes (McConnell
study, the presence of IgG immunoreactivity surrounding the et al. 2009a). In addition to the anatomical depletion zone,

Average nuclei/50 × 50μm bin

80 80
Fluorescence intensity

Fluorescent intensity

70 12 week 70 12 week 12 week

60 3.5
50 50 3
40 2.5
20 30 2
10 20 1.5 ∗
0 10 1
–10 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 100 200 300 400 500 0.5
Distance from electrode (μm) Distance from electrode (μm) 0
0–50 50–100 100–150 150–200 200–250 250–300 300–350 350–400

Distance (μm)

Figure 5.8 Chronic tissue responses from microwire implants in rat motor cortex 12 weeks after implantation. (A) Microglia as a function of distance from the
implant, as indicated by average ED-1 immunoreactivity (+ standard deviation). (B) Average surface plot for ED-1 immunoreactivity showing symmetrical
distribution around the microwire. Scale bar = 100 μm. (C) Astrocytes as a function of distance from the implant as indicated by average glial fibrillary acidic
protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity (+ standard deviation). (D) Representative horizontal section illustrating the hypertrophic astrocyte response, as indicated by
GFAP immunoreactivity (pink). DAPI (4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining (blue) indicates the presence of additional cell types near the electrode-tissue
interface. Scale bar = 100 μm. (E) Average number (± standard deviation) of NeuN-labeled neuronal cell bodies as a function of distance from the implant.
There is a significant decrease (*p ≤ 0.05) in the number of neuronal nuclei within 50 mm of the microwire, as compared to the average number in unimplanted
tissue (indicated by the light gray horizontal line). (From Winslow and Tresco 2010, with permission.)

94 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
physiological (i.e., functional) effects may also develop, either
through network restructuring due to synaptic damage or
through creation of silent neurons (Henze et al. 2000).
Oligodendrocytes have also recently been shown to contrib-
ute to the reactive tissue response. Loss of myelin occurs
around devices implanted for 2, 4, and 12 weeks (e.g., Winslow
and Tresco 2010). These effects also extend along a cortical
column, suggesting widespread physiological influence
(Woolley et al. 2009). Demyelination, a hallmark of many neu-
rodegenerative diseases, causes slowing of action potential
conduction and thereby disrupts normal function. One possi-
ble (although unproven) mechanism of neuronal silencing is
based on Hebbian dynamics (Hebb 1949). The hypothesis is
that the synaptic inputs from these slowed axons, because they
no longer synchronize with inputs from other axons, gradually
weaken to the point that the neurons giving rise to these slowed
axons are essentially disconnected from the network. Figure 5.9 In situ histological image of neural interface microenvironment with
electrode placed in motor cortex. Single optical section (approximately 50 μm
into a 300-μm-thick sagittal section through the motor cortex) at the site of a
E X T R A C E L L U L A R M AT R I X C H A N G E S silicon Michigan microelectrode array implanted 1 week prior to imaging.
Extracellular matrix changes may also occur in response to Yellow, GFAP; red, ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba1); cyan,
injury from penetrating electrodes. In spinal cord injury, glial receptor-interacting protein (RIP). Scale bar=200 μm. (From Woolley et al. 2011.)
scar formation is associated with production of extracellular
matrix proteins (e.g., γ1 laminin, type IV collagen, α1 laminin) device-tissue interface in vivo is a way to assess the effect of
by reactive astrocytes (Liesi and Kauppila 2002). Several chronic tissue response on performance (Grill and Mortimer
reports suggest that these extracellular matrix changes also 1994). Williams et al. (2007) observed a gradual and significant
occur with penetrating injury in the cortex (Liu et al. 1999; increase in tissue impedance over the first seven days after
Stensaas and Stensaas 1976) and that they probably contribute implantation of a microwire array in somatosensory cortex of the
to the observed increases in the impedance spectra. However, rat. This increase did not occur for all arrays; rather, it occurred
due partly to a lack of adequate methods, there are little data for those that exhibited an extensive GFAP reaction in post-mor-
that directly address the role of extracellular matrix changes tem histology, indicating a high degree of encapsulation.
associated with chronic microelectrode arrays. A lumped-parameter circuit model was developed to delin-
eate the real and imaginary contributions to the impedance
from the electrode, the cells, and the extracellular space
(Williams et al. 2007). Subsequently, McConnell et al. (2009a)
Several recently developed histological methods are helping to described a more detailed model to quantitatively correlate
elucidate changes at the cellular level and in the extracellular impedance parameters with histological measures of GFAP
matrix. For example, a new device-extraction histological and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The results of these
method avoids the potential for artifactual overlabelling of the impedance studies have been corroborated by the observation
tissue near the microelectrode array by immunohistochemical in glial cell cultures of three-dimensional, high-density glial
antibodies and biomarkers. Although in situ histology (e.g., growth around neural probes (Frampton et al. 2010). Increased
fig. 5.9) (Woolley et al. 2011) can provide detail at the level of glial sheathing was correlated with increased impedance
the interface that cannot be gathered with traditional methods, (Frampton et al. 2010). These studies provide longitudinal data
such in-situ methods provide only end-point data. In contrast, that corroborate earlier histological observations regarding the
in-vivo imaging (e.g., Kleinfeld and Griesbeck 2005) can repeat- progression of the stereotypical chronic brain tissue response
edly assess the chronic tissue response as it develops over time. to an implanted microelectrode array.
As this technique develops further, it may provide enhanced
information regarding the timing and composition of the
chronic reactive tissue response over the lifetime of the array.
Figure 5.10 gives a qualitative summary of the reactive Several important questions remain to be answered concern-
tissue responses resulting from chronic implantation of a ing the chronic brain-tissue response to an implanted micro-
microelectrode into cerebral cortex from the time of electrode electrode array and its effect on electrode performance.
insertion through 6 weeks after implantation. Does the astrocyte sheath progressively condense in the area
surrounding a microelectrode array, and does it thereby increase
the tissue impedance between neuronal signal sources and elec-
trode sites? Some of the earlier studies involving earlier types of
microelectrode arrays and insertion techniques support this
The acute and chronic tissue responses discussed above may hypothesis (Turner et al. 1999; Williams et al. 2007). However,
affect electrode performance. Measuring the impedance of the several recent studies that use current types of microelectrodes

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 9 5
A B Injury state C Early chronic state D Persistent chronic state

Electrode insertion

Hours post-implant ~2 weeks post-implant ~6+ weeks post-implant

Neurons Microglia Possible persistent local inflammatory responses

within ~100 microns of electrode
Vascular Neurons: progressive degeneration
elements Astrocytes: condensed sheath
Vascular: leaky BBB, revascularization
Microglia: persistent activation

Figure 5.10 Summary of typical chronic brain-tissue responses to an implanted microelectrode in cortex. The chronic phase involves varying degrees of dynamic
neuroinflammatory processes triggered by reaction to the implanted electrode as a foreign body. (A) Acute injury response characterized by cellular damage, local
bleeding, localized ischemia, and edema develops immediately after electrode insertion. (B) The early phase of the chronic response involves activated microglia
(purple) and reactive astrocytes (yellow), accompanied by some degree of damage or loss of neurons (blue). (C and D) The chronic response persists throughout
the lifetime of the implant and involves a spectrum of responses, which may include progressive neuronal degradation, condensation of reactive astrocytes into a
sheath around the electrode, ongoing low-level microglia activation, and a leaky blood-brain barrier. The factors leading to progressive encapsulation of the
electrode by reactive cells, including condensation of reactive astrocytes (illustrated by transition from panel C to panel D), are not completely understood.
Encapsulation seems to be a function of electrode design, surgical techniques, and localized characteristics of the electrode-tissue microenvironment.
(From the authors, in collaboration with W. G. Shain, University of Washington, Seattle.)

and techniques (McConnell et al. 2009b; Winslow et al. 2010; links between the chronic tissue state (i.e., histology) and the
Winslow and Tresco 2010) suggest that progressive encapsula- concurrent recording characteristics of the microelectrode
tion through a condensing astrocyte sheath is not inevitable. (i.e., function) is relatively sparse, and the causative links now
What is the actual cause of the gradual loss of signal over drawn are mainly inferential. The progressive degradation of
time? Is it neuronal degeneration, silent neurons, or discon- neural recording characteristics probably results from a com-
nected neurons? Recent demyelination data suggest that the plex interplay of multiple mechanisms. Several putative mech-
latter two may have a prominent role in the loss of signal anisms are discussed here.
(Winslow and Tresco 2010). Since the brain reacts to the typical implanted microelec-
Is the persistence of the inflammatory and microglial com- trode array as a foreign object, the constitutive properties of the
ponents of the chronic tissue response the cause of recording device (e.g., its materials, mechanical characteristics, shape, and
unreliability and failure? Several studies indicate persistent size) are all expected to determine the brain’s reactive response
inflammation with chronic neural microimplants (Winslow to some degree. In accord with biocompatibility considerations
and Tresco 2010; Woolley et al. 2009; Biran et al. 2005; Polikov of material-host responses, high-quality microelectrode materi-
et al. 2005; Szarowski et al. 2003; Turner et al. 1999). Careful als can be selected so that the microelectrode remains intact
experimental studies of effectors known to trigger various within the brain and does not elicit significant deleterious bio-
tissue response processes are likely to guide development of logical responses to the materials themselves (Kipke et al. 2003;
electrode designs and techniques that minimize deleterious Stensaas and Stensaas 1978). Appropriate materials include
tissue responses. thin-film dielectrics made of parylene C or silicon-oxide, and
electrode sites made of platinum, platinum/iridium, iridium, or
M E T H O D S T O A D D R E S S D E G R A D AT I O N poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) (Abidian et al.
OF SIGNAL QUALITY CAUSED BY 2009; Cogan et al. 2009; Ludwig et al. 2011; Ludwig et al. 2006;
TISSUE RESPONSE Wilks et al. 2009). Although these materials do not at this time
Although there is growing understanding of the response seem to cause functional loss, it is possible that they do induce
of brain tissue to a chronically implanted microelectrode deleterious responses that might become apparent as micro-
array, direct and detailed information providing mechanistic electrode technologies continue to be refined.

96 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Biofouling (i.e., the adsorption of molecules to the electrode The movements of the electrodes relative to the brain tissue
sites) has been hypothesized to be a cause of the chronic tissue have been hypothesized to induce a chronic inflammatory
response and degradation of recording. One approach to deter- response due to repeated cellular disruption or strain. Whereas
mining the effect of biofouling on device performance is to this is a reasonable hypothesis, the micromotions that actually
remove the biofouling at some point after implantation. This occur in vivo have not been precisely measured or linked to
has been achieved by passing small amounts (hundreds of nA) particular brain-tissue response processes (Liu et al. 2006;
of direct current from the electrode sites to a distant ground Schmidt and Humphrey 1990; Subbaroyan et al. 2005).
(Johnson et al. 2005; Otto et al. 2006). Although this produces
significant reductions in impedance, and occasionally, the
reappearance of large-amplitude neural signals from individ- STRATEG IES FOR DEVELOPING
ual microelectrode sites, this approach is not a viable long- NEXT-GENERATION INTRACORTICAL
term solution to biofouling because its repeated use would be BCI INTERFACES
likely to progressively degrade the electrochemical state of the
electrode site. The engineering science behind implantable microelectrode
An alternative approach is to minimize biofouling by coat- technologies and applications has advanced to the point of
ing the device with anti-biofouling materials prior to insertion. enabling data-driven, rational development of next-generation
These coatings may block the initial protein adsorption of the intracortical BCI interfaces. This heralds a remarkable new
cytokines and chemokines and thereby create a stealth environ- era in the arc of microelectrode technologies that began over
ment for the microelectrode array (i.e., in which the microelec- 50 years ago when readily available laboratory materials and
trode array and/or site is not sensed by nearby neurons and techniques were used to make the early microwire arrays. The
glia). The most successful anti-biofouling agent used thus far is scientific results from these early studies sparked the introduc-
polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Alcantar et al. 2000). Recent in- tion of newly developed MEMS technologies to enable the
vitro results indicate that coating with PEG reduces protein development of more sophisticated and specialized types of
adsorption on the microelectrode surface (Sommakia et al. microelectrodes, thereby significantly expanding the micro-
2009). This suggests that PEG may prevent the initial precursor electrode design space. Now, the primary challenges have
proteins that cause biofouling from adsorbing onto the micro- moved beyond simply making high-quality microelectrode
electrode array. Whereas these initial results are encouraging, arrays and getting them into the brain. Rather, the challenge
the longevity of these coatings in vivo is still unknown. now is to develop advanced designs, materials, and techniques
Another promising point of inquiry is the mechanical mis- that more effectively integrate with the brain at cellular and
match between the relatively soft brain and the relatively stiff subcellular scales and that function reliably for many years. As
electrode. Typical microelectrodes are 3–6 orders of magni- this advanced functionality brings emerging clinical applica-
tude stiffer than brain tissue, creating a mechanical mismatch. tions into focus, the additional challenge of clinical translation
For example, the elastic moduli of silicon and polyimide are of the microelectrode technology comes to the forefront.
166 gigapascals (GPa) and 2.5 GPa, respectively, while the Advanced strategies for microelectrode design that maxi-
estimated elastic modulus of brain tissue is only about 5 kPa mize the quality, stability, and reliability of neural recordings
(comparable to room temperature gelatin). It has been difficult can produce high-fidelity neural recordings. In addition, inno-
to test directly and in isolation the hypothesis that this mis- vative approaches to signal processing will also further improve
match causes tissue damage and tissue response. Several mod- the quality of signals going into the neural decoding algo-
eling studies have reported simulations showing higher strain rithms. These include topics addressed in other chapters such
fields near the tip of stiff electrodes compared to less stiff elec- as referencing strategies, multichannel denoising and filtering
trodes (Lee et al. 2005; Subbaroyan et al. 2005). The effect of techniques, and blended approaches that combine spike
the softness of the electrode surface has also been studied, but, recordings with local field potentials (e.g., Gaumond et al.
as with electrode stiffness, the effects of electrode softness have 2004; Ludwig et al. 2009).
been difficult to isolate and measure. The addition of a rela- A general strategy is starting to emerge for developing
tively soft hydrogel coating does not appear to significantly next-generation intracortical microelectrode arrays. This strat-
affect the tissue response (Kim et al. 2010). Although stiffness egy has four coupled elements.
and hardness are likely to be factors in performance degrada-
tion, recent results showing minimal tissue responses to con-
ventional stiff and hard electrode types (Winslow et al. 2010),
suggest that they are not major factors.
Micromotions, operationally defined as small (i.e., submi- Although injury associated with microelectrode insertion and
cron to micron) movements of the electrode relative to the sur- implantation is not a definitive predictor of long-term chronic
rounding tissue, may also have a role in signal degradation. performance, the components of the initial injury (i.e., bleed-
These movements may be caused by normal brain pulsations ing on the brain surface, meningeal reaction, intracortical
(e.g., respiratory and cardiac) and by movements of the brain microhemorrhages, cellular damage) drive inflammatory
associated with bodily movements, and they may be exacer- responses and tissue-repair processes in the early postimplan-
bated by tethering of the array to the dura or the skull and by tation period. There is limited, if any, capacity to restore lost
the mechanical mismatch of the electrodes relative to the brain. or damaged neurons in the electrode’s microenvironment.

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 9 7
Insertion approaches that minimize damage include precise planar control sites. This electrode technology continues to be
control of the insertion trajectory, position, speed, and depth, developed for chronic recording applications.
as well as well-designed electrode leading edges. After implan-
tation the microelectrode array should be able to move with
small, normal brain movements. Finally, dural sealing and/
or repair are essential in order to prevent fluid seepage from
the microelectrode insertion point and to minimize dural In addition to meeting stringent size, mechanical, and electri-
adhesions to the electrode interconnects outside the brain cal requirements, the surfaces of a microelectrode array should
(Nunamaker and Kipke 2010; Nunamaker et al. 2011). be designed to interface with the surrounding cells and extra-
cellular substances in a manner that localizes and minimizes
foreign-body responses and that promotes tissue integration.
This might be achieved with thin, conformal coatings (Pierce
et al. 2009) and/or precisely controlled surface morphologies
There is a compelling data-driven and intuitive rationale for for the dielectric and substrate components and for the elec-
developing microelectrodes that are smaller, more flexible, and trode sites. The basic strategy is to attenuate proinflammatory
perhaps have open mesh-like architectures. At the same time, signalling, reduce biofouling, maintain the BBB, and promote
the microelectrodes must have suitable electrical characteris- neuronal growth and maintenance (Azemi et al. 2011; He et al.
tics for high-quality bioelectrical signal transduction and con- 2006; He et al. 2007).
nection to electronics. They must also have sufficient strength
and robustness for surgical handling and insertion into the
cortex. Finally, the microelectrode arrays and their coatings
must have sufficient integrity to remain intact and functional
for long periods of time. Beyond designs and technologies for the microelectrode array
In one in-vivo study, researchers investigated in rat subcu- itself, an additional innovative direction would be active
taneous tissue the effect of single polymer fibers with diameters management of localized, dynamic brain-tissue responses.
of 2–27 μm (Sanders et al. 2000). The results showed a marked Such interventions would most probably employ localized or
decrease in capsular thickness around fiber diameters in the systemic delivery of therapeutics targeting localized inflamma-
2.1 to 5.9-μm group. Other studies showed that the geometric tory processes (Abidian et al. 2010; Abidian et al. 2009;
dimensions of adhesive substrate patterns determined whether Anderson 2008; Purcell et al. 2009b). This concept may extend
apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurred, and affected to feedback control based on electrode functional perfor-
growth by controlling cellular spreading (Chen et al. 1997; mance, local tissue conditions, or the state of the subject.
Chen et al. 2004; Turner et al. 2000). These results led to the The strategy would be to facilitate self-repair of the intracorti-
hypothesis that microelectrodes with dimensions of less than cal interface. This strategy might become a component of
7 μm would significantly reduce the brain-tissue response intracortical implant systems that are capable of reliable, stable
by preventing cellular adhesion to and growth on the electrode functional performance over years to decades.
This hypothesis was confirmed in a cross-disciplinary
study that added a thin (5-μm) polymer lateral extension to a LOOKING TO THE FUTURE
conventional microelectrode shank. Called the subcellular edge
electrode, or SEE probe (see fig. 5.11A), this device was pro- What is the developmental path from the current state of
duced in several different forms, and the chronic tissue microelectrode technology to realization of a clinical-grade
responses they induced in rat cerebral cortex were evaluated intracortical BCI neural interface that is used to control a life-
(Seymour and Kipke 2007; Seymour et al. 2011). As shown in like prosthetic arm and hand with normal movement? Ongoing
figures 5.11C and D, the SEE probe induced significantly less research and development should be increasingly driven by
encapsulation than a conventional shank electrode, and pre- the results of highly focused engineering and scientific studies
served healthy neurons in the surrounding tissue. One partic- of critical biological processes and device technologies. As
ularly striking result was a significant decrease in encapsulation such, improved methods for quantitative analysis of the tissue
density around the lateral edge of the thin platform: encapsula- responses around a chronic microelectrode array are needed
tion density at the lateral platform edge was reduced to about to evaluate their relationship to recording performance.
50% of the level around the conventional microelectrode Investigation of detailed mechanisms of electrode performance
shank. Moreover, neuronal loss was significantly reduced: (and failure) must extend beyond correlational analysis of
within the first 25 μm it was 30–48% less than for the con- tissue responses and electrode-array performance. Further-
ventional shank. These findings led to further technology more, as we seek to develop microelectrode arrays that will
development to make functional versions with an open archi- function for decades in humans, it will be critical to have
tecture and with small electrode sites positioned on the lateral improved methods to evaluate safety and effectiveness, includ-
edge (see fig. 5.11B). Initial short-term in-vivo testing of ing perhaps accelerated lifetime testing.
this subcellular edge electrode found that the edge sites Finally, although the focus of this chapter has been on neural
recorded, on average, higher amplitude spikes than nearby recording, recent advances in neural interface technology

98 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

“Cornell” probe
100 × 100 μm “Open-architecture”


“Michigan” probe Stiff penetrating shank
Microglia (SU-8 and parylene) 100-μm
100 × 14 μm
(soma) Support arms
4-μm wide
5-μm thick
SEE probe concept

70 × 45 μm Potential electrode
site placement
100 × 5 μm

Normalized nonneuronal
density (NND)
s 3.4
s 3.8


8 L Lateral edge 1.2

S Probe shank
1.0 Conventional
6 Contralateral electrode
tissue placement
4 0.8

2 0.6

0 0.4
0–25 μm 25–50 μm 50–75 μm 0–25 μm 25–50 μm 50–75 μm

Figure 5.11 The subcellular edge electrode (SEE Probe) is an example of an advanced type of data-driven electrode design based on a biomimetic principle of
subcellular size to modulate the foreign body response. (A) Schematic cross sections of a relatively thick silicon probe (Cornell probe) (top); a Michigan silicon
probe (middle); and the SEE probe concept (bottom), shown with the relative sizes of cells. The upper two structures were found to have a similar tissue response
after 4 weeks (Szarowski et al. 2003). The SEE probe lateral platform has subcellular dimensions; note the large size of the microglia relative to the 5-μm edge.
(B) Scanning electron micrograph of a prototype SEE probe having a conventional-sized stabilizing shank with a thin, lattice-like lateral platform. The scale bar
equals 100 μm. (C) Qualitative and quantitative results around two nonfunctional SEE probes. Top left: GFAP (red) and OX42 (green) antibodies label astrocytes
and microglia, respectively (scale bar = 100 μm). Top right: GFAP (red) and NeuN (green) label astrocytes and neuronal cell bodies, respectively (scale bar = 100
μm). Bottom left: normalized mean nonneuronal density as a function of distance from probe interface (p < 0.05). Bottom right: Mean neuronal density as a
function of probe interface (p < 0.05). The advanced architecture featuring dimensions less than 7 μm and large perforations in the substrate improved the chronic
neural interface through reduced encapsulation and reduced neuronal loss. (D) Schematic illustration of electrode placement, comparing SEE and conventional
probes, and showing the corresponding average nonneuronal density regions. Histological results indicated that the best electrode placement would be at the
lateral edge. (Scale bar = 100 μm.) (Seymour and Kipke 2007; Seymour et al. 2011.)

and pilot studies in nonhuman primates and humans (Bak 2002). Several recent studies integrating cortical microstimula-
et al. 1990; Bartlett et al. 2005; Bradley et al. 2005; Schmidt tion into a BCI task (Fitzsimmons et al. 2007; Marzullo et al.
et al. 1996) suggest that intracortical electrical microstimula- 2010; O’Doherty et al. 2009) showed that, in some cases,
tion may be a valuable method for providing sensory feedback response latencies are shorter than with natural sensory stimu-
in a BCI (see chapter 16, in this volume). Microstimulation lation. These reports indicate the potential value of intracortical
requires only an energy source, uses the same physical encod- microstimulation for providing sensory feedback in a variety of
ing parameters to interface with every sensory system (i.e., tasks. On the other hand, cortical microstimulation is highly
stimulus frequency, duration, shape, and amplitude in volts or artificial in that it bypasses earlier precortical stations of sen-
amperes), and provides stimuli that can be highly controlled in sory processing and simply translates peripheral differences in
location, temporal characteristics, and other parameters sensation location and strength into differences in the location
(Koivuniemi et al. 2011; Koivuniemi and Otto 2011; Romo and strength of cortical stimulation. Thus, its usefulness for
et al. 1998; Rousche and Normann 1999; Rousche et al. 2003; BCI applications remains to be determined. Whereas numer-
Salzman et al. 1990; Scheich and Breindl 2002; Talwar et al. ous physiological and technical issues remain to be resolved,

C H A P TER 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 9 9
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C H A P TE R 5 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M W I T H I N T H E B R A I N | 1 0 3
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ost brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) determine isolated from the ground of the power supply. The ground elec-
their user’s wishes by recording electromagnetic trode is connected to the amplifier ground, which is isolated
signals noninvasively from sensors on or above the from the ground of the power supply. As described in detail in
scalp. As described in chapter 3 of this volume, the two princi- chapter 3, potential differences V2(t) – V1(t) measured on the
pal noninvasive extracranial methods that are used for BCIs scalp are generated by brain current sources P(r, t) (current
are electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalogra- dipole moments per unit volume) and by biological artifacts.
phy (MEG). Chapter 3 describes the generation of EEG and Environmental electric and magnetic fields can also generate
MEG signals by the dipole current sources produced by neural scalp potentials, mostly due to capacitive coupling of body and
activity and the principles that determine their distribution electrode leads to ambient electromagnetic fields (e.g., from
through the head. This chapter addresses the methods for power lines and other electric equipment.)
recording these signals. EEG is the main focus because it is by In figure 6.1, the potentials at scalp locations 1 and 2 with
far the most commonly used noninvasive BCI methodology. respect to an external ground (“infinity”) are given by V1(t) +
EEG is inexpensive, convenient, and amenable to diverse envi- VCM(t) and V2(t) + VCM(t), respectively, where VCM(t) is the
ronments and has been developed commercially into portable common mode potential (the potential common to both loca-
and even wireless designs for a wide variety of purposes. EEG tions that is caused mostly by power-line fields). Electrocar-
in general and EEG-based BCI technology in particular have diographic (ECG) signals and other factors can also make
generated a substantial body of theoretical and practical contributions. EEG systems as exemplified by figure 6.1 use
research literature. In contrast, only a few research groups are differential amplifiers, which are designed to reject the
actively working on MEG-based BCIs, because MEG instru- (spatially constant) common-mode potential VCM(t) and
mentation is expensive, cumbersome, and not practical for amplify the potential difference between pairs of scalp loca-
everyday use. As a result, at least to date, MEG is used mainly tions such that the output voltage E(t) is proportional to scalp
as a research tool for BCI technology. potential differences generated within the body (Kamp et al.,
In the first part of this chapter we consider practical aspects 2005), that is,
of EEG and MEG recordings. In the remainder we consider the
critical physical issues associated with use of these methods. E(t ) = A[V2 (t ) V1 (t )] (6.1)
These issues will be addressed by using both real EEG data and
simulations in idealized physical models of the head to clarify where A is the total system gain typically due to several ampli-
the key features of EEG and MEG signals. Physical models of fier stages. The ground electrode that is placed on the scalp,
EEG and MEG recordings underlie source analysis methods nose, or neck provides a reference voltage to the amplifier to
and are constructed based on the fundamental properties of prevent amplifier drift and to facilitate better common-mode
the electric and magnetic fields generated by current sources in rejection. As shown in figure 6.1, the ground serves as a refer-
the brain. We focus on the two main practical issues in the ence for the differential amplifier. The remaining unwanted
acquisition of EEG signals: reference location and number of contribution from the common-mode signal is due mainly to
electrodes. The models will help us understand the impact that unequal contact impedances of the two recording electrodes
these two experimental parameters have on spatial properties (Ferree et al., 2001).
of recordings. We conclude by considering alternative choices Traditional EEG practice provides guidelines for contact
regarding data-acquisition strategy in the specific context of impedances, typically requiring impedances of less than 10 kΩ
BCI applications. (Picton et al., 2000). This can be achieved by abrading the scalp
at the electrode site and using a conductive gel or paste between
the electrode and the scalp. When using modern amplifiers
E E G REC ORDING that have large input impedances (e.g., 200 MΩ), electrode-
contact impedances of ∼30–50 kΩ (relatively large compared
to traditional guidelines) can easily be tolerated without
Every EEG recording involves at least three electrodes: a ground degrading EEG quality (Ferree et al., 2001); the only noticeable
electrode and two recording electrodes. Figure 6.1 depicts effect is to increase power-line artifacts at 50 Hz (Europe, Asia,
EEG recording from a human subject who is conductively Africa, Oceania) or 60 Hz (North and South America), which

below 1 Hz. In applications where low-frequency recordings
Recording Diff are essential (e.g., most event-related potential [ERP] record-
electrodes amp
Ground ings; see chapters 12 and 14, in this volume), Ag/AgCl
electrode electrodes are typically used. Most commercial EEG elec-
P(r, t ) trode systems use Ag/AgCl electrodes. Au electrodes also
minimize drift and show less high-frequency noise than Ag/
AgCl electrodes.
Conductive-gel and sponge-saline electrodes are often
referred to as wet electrodes. Because of the inconvenience and
messiness of the typical electrode gels and the short useful
ADC Gain
lifespan of the electrode saline solutions, there has been much
interest in recent years in developing dry electrodes, electrodes
that do not require the low-impedance contact with the scalp
that gel and mild skin abrasion provide to wet electrodes.
Signal The sensor material of a dry electrode can be an inert metal
processing EEG storage and display
(e.g., platinum, gold, or stainless steel) or even an insulator.
Whichever material is used, there is generally a capacitive cou-
Figure 6.1 The major components of a typical EEG recording system are
pling between the skin and the electrode. A number of differ-
shown. Electrodes record scalp signals due to brain current sources (arrows); ent dry electrodes have been described (Taheri et al., 1994;
the signals are passed through differential amplifiers sensitive to potential Searle et al., 2000; Popescu et al., 2007; Matthews et al., 2007;
differences between electrode pairs and insensitive to common-mode Sullivan et al., 2008; Sellers et al., 2009; Gargiulo et al., 2010;
potentials (the generally much larger, spatially constant potentials over the Grozea et al., 2011), and several are available from commercial
scalp). Modern EEG systems record simultaneously from about 32–131 scalp
locations. Analog filters low-pass filter (see chapter 7) the input signal, typically
vendors (e.g., Nouzz [http://nouzz.com], Quasar [http://www.
removing substantial EEG power above about 50 or 100 Hz. High-pass analog quasarusa.com]). However, problems related to movement,
EEG filters typically remove substantial power below about 0.5 Hz (depending environmental noise, and degradation of the sensor materials
on the application). A notch filter (chapter 7) may or may not be used to in contact with sweat on the skin have been identified but are
remove the power-line frequency (e.g., 60 Hz in the United States, 50 Hz in not yet adequately resolved. Thus, although anxiously awaited
Europe and Asia). The scalp signal is substantially boosted by amplifier gains
(e.g., amplified 20,000 times). In modern EEG systems the amplified analog
by many in the EEG community, dry-electrode technology is
signals are sampled and digitized, and numbers are assigned to successive still evolving. For the practicality of noninvasive BCIs, the suc-
segments of the waveforms. This step is called analog-to-digital conversion cessful development of dry electrodes could represent an
(ADC). It requires calibration by measuring the ADC output produced by a extremely significant advance.
known calibration signal. EEG waveforms may then be displayed on a It is also worth noting that several options that reduce (but
computer screen and stored for additional processing. In BCI systems, online
processing of the EEG signals often starts with frequency analysis (using the
do not eliminate) the need for conductive gel (or saline) and
fast Fourier transform [FFT] or another method) of each data channel. See skin abrasion are currently available (Brunner et al., 2011).
chapter 7 for more information about low-pass, high-pass, and notch filtering Active electrodes, electrodes that amplify the EEG signal at the
as well as the FFT and other frequency analysis methods. (Adapted from electrode, are offered by many commercial vendors (although
Cadwell and Villarreal, 1999, and Fisch, 1999.) they are typically quite expensive). Another option is active
shielding of the connection between the electrode and the
amplifier in order to prevent capacitive coupling with the envi-
can easily be removed from the data by online analog filters or ronment (Twente Medical Systems International, http://www.
by postprocessing with digital filters (see chapter 7, in this tmsi.com).
volume). This tolerance for higher-impedance electrode con-
tacts that is provided by high-input-impedance amplifiers
allows the use of electrodes embedded in small sponges con-
taining conductive saline solution. These sponge-saline elec- As emphasized in chapter 3, it is important to recognize that
trode systems have higher contact impedance than the there are no monopolar recordings in EEG. All EEG recordings
conductive-gel electrode systems traditionally used for EEG. are bipolar: it is always necessary to use electrode pairs to mea-
On the other hand, application of the electrodes is significantly sure scalp potentials because such recording depends on cur-
faster: a large number (e.g., 128) of sponge-saline electrodes rent passing through a measuring circuit (Nunez and
can be placed in 15 minutes, as compared to 20 minutes or Srinivasan, 2006), and each electrode in the pair is active (i.e.,
more with conventional gel electrodes. The major disadvan- its voltage fluctuates over time). Thus, no EEG recording mea-
tage of sponge-saline electrodes is their limited recording time sures the voltage difference between an active electrode and an
(about an hour) because impedances rise as the sponges dry. inactive, or unchanging, electrode. Typically, one of the two
Both conductive-gel and sponge-saline electrode systems electrodes is designated as the recording electrode and the other
use metallic electrodes usually made from tin (Sn), silver/ electrode is designated the reference electrode. In reality, the
silver-chloride (Ag/AgCl), gold (Au), or platinum (Pt). Sn elec- EEG signal depends equally on the potentials at both the
trodes are the least costly but introduce low-frequency noise recording electrode and the reference electrode positions.

106 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
In most EEG practice, the potentials at all the other Praamstra, 2001). EEG caps with 128 of these electrodes are
(typically 32–256) electrodes are recorded with respect to one widely available commercially. It should be noted that for large
electrode selected as the reference electrode. Any particular numbers of channels (>64), other placement systems have been
choice of reference placement has advantages and disadvan- developed, with the goal of obtaining more regularly spaced
tages that depend on the locations of the sources generating sampling of scalp potentials, an approach that is potentially
the EEG signals. Because we usually do not know with preci- advantageous for source localization and high-resolution EEG
sion the locations of the sources before recording EEG, it is methods (Tucker, 1993).
often not obvious in advance which will be the best reference
location. References are frequently chosen without clear under-
standing of the biases they impose on the recording. For exam-
ple, many researchers have used and may still use the linked-ears EEG signals are detected by the electrodes, amplified and fil-
or linked-mastoids reference, but there is minimal theoretical tered by analog circuits, and then digitized. The analog circuits
justification for this choice. Another popular choice is the remove both low- and high-frequency noise and all signal
common-average reference. The properties of these two popu- components that have frequencies greater than the Nyquist
lar reference choices are discussed in detail later in this chapter. limit (see chapter 7, in this volume), which is defined by the
Fortunately, it is possible to reference all the electrodes to a sampling rate of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The
single electrode, and then, by simple subtraction in postpro- discrete sampling of continuous signals is a well-characterized
cessing, change the effective reference to another recording problem in time-series acquisition and analysis (Bendat and
site. Other simple linear transformations are also possible and Piersol, 2001). As discussed in chapter 7, the central concept is
often useful, including the nearest-neighbor (Hjorth) Laplacian the Nyquist criterion: fdig > 2fmax where fdig is the digitization (i.e.,
and common-average reference (discussed later in this chapter sampling) rate and fmax is the highest frequency present in the
and in chapter 7, this volume). Thus, when all electrodes are signal. For example, if the highest frequency in a signal is 20
referenced to a single electrode during recording, the choice of Hz (20 cycles per second), a minimum sampling rate of 40 Hz
that reference electrode can be arbitrary since the data can (one sample every 25 msec) is required. This frequency ensures
easily be rereferenced in postrecording data processing. that each peak and each trough in the 20-Hz oscillation is sam-
pled once so that we can detect that oscillation. Sampling at a
lower rate will cause aliasing, defined as the misrepresentation
of a high-frequency signal as a low-frequency signal because
The positions of the electrodes are referred to collectively as the sampling rate of the ADC is lower than the Nyquist limit. If
the electrode montage. In practice, these vary considerably a time series has been aliased by undersampling, no digital
across laboratories. Standard electrode-placement strategies signal processing method can undo the aliasing because the
use the International 10–20, 10–10, and 10–5 placement sys- information necessary for accurate representation of the time
tems shown in figure 6.2 (Oostenveld and Praamstra, 2001). series is not present in the digitized data.
These montages are based on systematic extensions of the stan- In conventional digital EEG practice, a sampling rate is
dard clinical-EEG 10–20 electrode montage (Kiem et al., 1999), selected and the aliasing error is avoided by applying a low-
and they are widely (but not universally) used. The basis of pass filter (see chapter 7, in this volume) to the analog signal.
these standard electrode placements is to define contours (As the name implies, a low-pass filter allows only signals of
between skull landmarks (e.g., nasion and inion) and to subdi- frequency below a given value to pass.) This filter eliminates
vide the resulting contours in proportional distances. The power (i.e., amplitude squared) at frequencies greater than the
standard 10–20 system uses proportional distances of 20% of maximum frequency determined by the Nyquist limit. In prac-
the total length along contours between skull landmarks, tice, it is most common to use what is termed the Engineer’s
whereas the 10–10 and 10–5 systems use 10% and 5% dis- Nyquist criterion (or the Engineer’s Nyquist limit) by which the
tances, respectively. Figure 6.2 shows the standard 10–20 low-pass filter is typically applied with a cutoff frequency that
system consisting of 21 electrodes indicated by black circles. is 2.5 times smaller than the sampling rate (e.g., if the frequen-
The standard nomenclature used to identify electrodes by cies of interest are less than 30 Hz, the cut-off frequency is 30
the major skull bones is indicated on each of these electrodes Hz, and the sampling rate is at least 75 Hz). This more restric-
(AES, 1994). Note that electrodes on the left side are odd- tive limit, the Engineer’s Nyquist limit, is used to account for the
numbered, whereas electrodes on the right side are even-num- possibility of phase-locking between the sampling and high-
bered, and that midline electrodes are indicated by z. The frequency components of the signal (Bendat and Piersol, 2001).
10–10 system consists of 74 electrodes: it includes the 10–20 (Phase locking occurs if the ADC and a high-frequency com-
electrodes (black circles) as well as 53 additional electrodes ponent of the signal are synchronized.) That is, if phase-locking
(gray circles). Possible intermediate electrodes defined by occurs and the ADC rate is only twice that of the component,
the 10–5 system are indicated by dots or open circles. The the component will always be sampled at the same points in its
68 open-circle electrodes (named by extending the standard cycle, and this will produce a distorted measure of its ampli-
nomenclature), combined with the 10–10 system, comprise tude. For example, if it is always sampled at its negative and
a subset of 142 electrodes that provides a more complete positive peaks, its measured power will be falsely high, whereas
and homogeneous coverage of the head (Oostenveld and if it is always sampled at its zero-crossings, its power will be

C H A P TE R 6 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M O U T S I D E T H E B R A I N | 1 0 7

Fp1 Fp2

AFp3 AFp4
F9 AF5h AF6h F10
AF3h AFz AF4h
F7 F8
F5 F6 FFT10h
FFT9h F3 F4
F1 Fz F2
FT9 FFC5h FFC6h FT10

FTT9h FTT10h

T9 T7 C5 C3 C1 Cz C2 C4 C6 T8 T10




P1 Pz P2
P3 P4
TPP9h APP10h
P5 P6
P7 PPO1h PPO2h P8
PO3h POz PO4h
P9 PO5h PO6h P10
PPO9h PO7 PO8 PPO10h

O1 O2
POO9h POO10h
PO9 PO10
Ol1h Ol2h

I1 I2

Figure 6.2 The standard 10–20, 10–10, and 10–5 electrode montages. The 10–20 montage is indicated by the 21 electrodes shown as black circles. The 10–10
montage (totalling 74 electrodes) consists of the 21 electrodes of the 10–20 montage (black circles) plus 53 additional electrodes indicated in gray. The additional
electrodes of the 10–5 montage are indicated by the black dots and the open circles. The 68 open circles and the 74 10–10 electrodes together comprise a
142-channel montage that provides a more complete and homogeneous coverage of the head. The nomenclature for the standard 10–20 and 10–10 and 10–5
extensions is indicated. Note that electrodes on the right side have even numbers and electrodes on the left side have odd numbers, while electrodes along the
midline are indicated by z. (Reproduced with permission from Ooostenveld and Praamstra, 2001.)

measured as zero. Using the Engineer’s Nyquist criterion

AV O I D I N G , R E C O G N I Z I N G , A N D E L I M I N AT I N G
prevents such distortion.
N O N B R A I N S I G N A L S ( A R T I FA C T S )
Typically, the analog signal from each EEG channel is sampled
200–1000 times/sec, digitized (assigned numbers proportional Nonbrain physiological sources make substantial (and unde-
to instantaneous amplitude), and converted from ADC units to sirable) contributions to EEG recordings. These include
volts. In conventional clinical EEG practice, these samples are primarily signals from cranial muscle activity (measured by
then stored on a disk. In BCI applications and in certain clinical electromyography [EMG]), eye movements (measured by
applications, they are also processed online (see chapters 7 and electrooculography [EOG]), and heart muscle activity (mea-
8, in this volume) to produce a real-time output. sured by electrocardiography [ECG]). EMG artifacts are

108 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
broadband high-frequency artifacts observed above ∼10 Hz. no practical effect on the lower frequencies that contain
EOG artifacts generated by eye blinks or eye movements and most of the EEG information. This suggests that the best strat-
ECG artifacts generated by the heart have stereotypical wave- egy (particularly for BCI research studies) for minimizing con-
forms that can be easily identified in an EEG record (Fisch, tamination with artifact is to identify useful EEG features in
1999). Mechanical effects from electrode or cable movement frequency bands that are less likely to have artifacts and to
typically induce low-frequency (<2 Hz) oscillations, abrupt carry out the comprehensive topographic and spectral analyses
baseline shifts, or high-frequency transients (electrode pops). needed to distinguish EEG from non-EEG (particularly EMG)
As noted earlier, higher electrode impedance will increase signals.
power-line (50–60 Hz) artifacts. Other kinds of environmental
sources can also contaminate EEG recordings. One obvious
consequence of all of these artifacts is potentially to reduce MEG RECORDING
the signal-to-noise ratio for the EEG features used to produce
BCI outputs. Moreover, artifacts (especially EMG) masquerad- In addition to the generation of electrical signals, brain-current
ing as EEG can give the false impression of EEG-based sources can also generate an external magnetic field that can be
BCI control and/or interfere with the user’s acquisition of detected with specialized sensors. Detection of these magnetic
actual EEG-based BCI control (e.g., McFarland et al., 2005). signals is performed by MEG (see chapter 3, this volume) (see
Although nonbrain activity may be useful for some purposes Hamaleinen et al., 1993, for a detailed review). MEG methods
(e.g., EMG switches for assistive communication), in the record the small magnetic field generated by the brain using a
context of BCI research and development, nonbrain activity superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) mag-
constitutes artifact that needs to be avoided, detected, and netometer. SQUID devices were first used to detect the mag-
eliminated. netic field of the brain in the 1970s (Cohen, 1972) and are
Many of the potential artifacts in EEG signals occur at sensitive detectors of magnetic flux. As discussed in chapter 3,
higher frequencies (e.g., power-line noise (50/60 Hz) and it is important to recognize that the magnetic fields associated
EMG activity). This suggests the possibility of using the ampli- with brain activity are not coupled to the brain’s electrical fields;
fier’s low-pass filter to remove the high-frequency artifacts. that is, they are not the more familiar electromagnetic fields
However, the choice of filter settings requires careful consider- When compared to EEG recording, MEG has advantages
ation. Clearly, a low-pass filter must be set to ensure removal of and disadvantages. For BCI applications, a major disadvantage
power at frequencies above the Nyquist criterion. However, of MEG is that the magnetic fields associated with brain
severe low-pass filtering increases the risk of allowing muscle current sources are very small relative to the ambient magnetic-
artifact (i.e., EMG) to masquerade as EEG. This can occur field variations that are outside experimental control (e.g.,
because EMG is normally recognized by its power at high fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field). Moreover, MEG (like
frequencies (well above the EEG frequency range); removal EEG) has the usual problems of noise from power-line fields.
of high-frequency EMG by a low-pass filter will actually Thus, as typically used, an MEG SQUID coil is able to detect
prevent recognition of EMG artifacts present in the low- the small magnetic field generated by the brain only when the
frequency range. As a result, the remaining low-frequency subject is placed in a specially shielded chamber, usually made
EMG can be mistaken for EEG (Fisch, 1999). For example, of high-permeability mu-metal (Hamaleinen et al., 1993), in
suppose that an analog filter is used to remove most power at order to minimize contamination of the recording by the exter-
frequencies greater than 30 Hz, thereby obtaining a much nal magnetic field. Superconductivity is essential to the func-
cleaner-looking EEG signal. The remaining signal might tion of the SQUID coils, so the coils are maintained at very low
well contain significant muscle artifact in the 8–30 Hz range temperatures in a helium-containing insulated (Dewar) cham-
(the mu and beta bands), and it will be much more difficult to ber. The main practical effect of this elaborate system is that
recognize this artifact without the higher-frequency informa- the measurement point is about 1–2 cm above the scalp
tion to provide guidance. In particular, such subtle muscle surface. This substantial distance from the sources of brain
artifacts could substantially reduce the signal-to-noise ratio in activity reduces spatial resolution significantly.
the beta band or even the mu band. It is important to recognize Individual SQUID coils, called magnetometers, can be
that EMG artifact can contaminate EEG signals even when arranged in different configurations to accommodate different
they are recorded over central head areas (e.g., Goncharova purposes. The simplest configuration is a single magnetometer.
et al., 2003). An array of 100–200 magnetometers can provide coverage of
Many commercial EEG systems have notch filters (see the entire head. Each one detects only the radial component of
chapter 7, in this volume) to remove power-line interference the magnetic field generated by brain sources. Another
(60 Hz in North and South America; 50 Hz in Europe, Asia, common coil configuration is an axial gradiometer, which con-
Africa, and Oceania). On the other hand, the appearance of sists of a pick-up coil and a compensation coil located above the
such noise serves as a warning that electrode impedance pick-up coil; the two coils are wound in opposite directions to
has risen (or that the electrode may even have lost contact cancel noise produced by nonbrain magnetic fields. Although
entirely). Thus, automatic removal of power-line noise takes both the simple magnetometer and the axial-gradiometer coil
away a useful check on system function. Furthermore, if EEG configurations have spatial resolution comparable to (but
processing and analysis are based on FFT or other spectral- sometimes poorer than) EEG (Malmivuo and Plonsey, 1995;
analysis methods, the presence of moderate 60-Hz noise has Srinivasan 2006; Srinivasan et al., 2007), they are both more

C H A P TE R 6 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M O U T S I D E T H E B R A I N | 1 0 9
sensitive than EEG to a particular subset of sources. Whereas EEG
EEG detects activity from both tangential and radial sources,
MEG is sensitive to sources oriented tangentially to the detec- 1 cm
tors and is blind to sources pointed radially (Nunez and
Srinivasan, 2006). This property of MEG is identically valid in 1 cm
spherical models of the head (see chapter 3 in this volume) and
is approximately valid in realistic models that include the fields 0.5–1.0 CM
produced by return currents. MEG’s preferential sensitivity for
tangential sources has particular value in studies of primary 1.0–1.2 CM
eg hj
sensory areas of the brain that are located in sulcal folds ori- bd km
ented tangential to the MEG coils (Hamaleinen et al., 1993).
This preferential sensitivity to tangential sources, discussed in
0.2–0.3 CM
more detail later in this chapter, accounts for the main practi- c
i l
cal distinction between EEG and MEG.
A recently developed MEG system implements a planar Figure 6.3 Sources of EEG and MEG signals. Neocortical sources can be
pictured generally as dipole layers (or dipole sheets) that fold in and out of
gradiometer; it consists of two adjacent coils (with parallel axes)
cortical fissures and sulci, with mesoscale source strength (see chapter 3, in this
wound in opposite directions. This configuration measures the volume) varying as a function of cortical location. EEG is most sensitive to
gradient of the radial component of the magnetic field in one correlated dipole layers in gyri (such as regions a–b, d–e, and g–h), less
direction. The planar gradiometer strategy is similar to the sensitive to correlated dipole layers in sulci (such as region h–i) and insensitive
bipolar EEG recording strategy (see EEG Reference Electrode to opposing dipole layers in sulci (such as regions b–c–d and e–f–g) and
randomly oriented dipoles (such as region i–j–k–l–m). MEG is most sensitive to
Selection, in this chapter) and imparts to MEG a potentially
correlated and minimally opposed dipole layers in sulci (such as region h–i) and
much higher spatial resolution than is possible with conven- much less sensitive to all the other sources shown, which are radial, opposing,
tional MEG. or randomly oriented dipole layers.
A major advantage of MEG over EEG is that MEG provides
a true field measure at a specific point, whereas EEG measures dipoles located in sulci (e.g., region h–i) and much less sensi-
the potential difference between two points on the head. Thus, tive to all the other dipoles shown (i.e., radial, random, or
MEG does not require the choice of a reference sensor. As apposed dipoles). Subcortical structures such as the thalamus
explicated in the EEG Reference Electrode Selection section of make negligible contributions to EEG and MEG signals because
this chapter, reference selection is a critical factor in EEG of their smaller surface areas and greater distances from the
recording, since an improper choice can result in data that are sensors (Nunez, 1981).
misleading or even entirely useless. Furthermore, MEG is less It is not generally true that MEG has better spatial resolu-
distorted by the head openings and other tissue inhomogene- tion than EEG, despite the fact that this idea has entered
ities that can distort EEG. (Because current follows the paths of into the common folklore of the neuroscience community.
lowest resistance, such irregularities may cause EEG electrodes This reality can be appreciated by direct examination of the
to record substantial scalp currents produced by sources located properties of volume conduction in EEG and field spread in
far from the recording sites.) These and other considerations MEG (Malmivuo and Plonsey, 1995; Srinivasan et al., 2007).
such as signal-to-noise ratio and electrode density must be Figure 6.4 shows the sensitivity distributions for a single EEG
taken into account when assessing the relative advantages and electrode (yellow circle in figure inset) and a single MEG coil
disadvantages of EEG and MEG for a particular application. (small green line seen exterior to the head in inset). For this
Other practical issues, such as temporal filtering and analog- figure Srinivasan et al. (2007) defined a sensitivity function
to-digital conversion (ADC) are identical for EEG and MEG. that describes the contribution of sources at each location to
the signal recorded by the sensor. Figure 6.4A shows that the
EEG electrode is most sensitive to sources in the gyral crown
COMPA RIS ON O F EEG AND closest to the electrode. Although sensitivity falls off with dis-
ME G IN S EN S ITIV IT Y AND tance from the electrode, gyral crowns distributed elsewhere
SPATIA L RES OLU T IO N over the hemisphere contribute roughly half the potential of
the crown directly beneath the electrode. Sources along sulcal
To some degree, EEG and MEG complement each other in walls, even when close to the electrode, contribute much less to
their sensitivities to cortical activity. This is illustrated in figure the EEG than sources in the gyral crowns. Figure 6.4B shows
6.3 in which each arrow indicates a cortical dipole. In cortex, the sensitivity of the same electrode after applying a Laplacian
EEG is most sensitive to correlated dipoles located in cortical transformation (see Surface Laplacian section later in this
gyri (e.g., regions a–b, d–e, and g–h in fig. 6.3). EEG is less chapter; see chapters 3 and 7, in this volume). As expected, the
sensitive to correlated dipoles located in cortical sulci (e.g., sensitivity of the EEG Laplacian is highest for the gyral crown
region h–i). It is insensitive to apposing sets of correlated directly beneath the electrode. At the same time, the Laplacian
dipoles (i.e., sets that cancel each other due to their opposite is far less sensitive to distant gyral crowns and thereby provides
orientations) located in sulci (regions b–c–d and e–f–g) and a far more localized measure of source activity. Figure 6.4C
randomly oriented dipoles (region i–j–k–l–m). In contrast, shows the sensitivity distribution of an MEG coil located 2 cm
MEG is most sensitive to correlated and minimally opposed above the EEG electrode. The sensitivity function has local

110 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
a somewhat wider region of cortex than EEG. This effect is a
A direct consequence of the greater distance between sources
and sensors in MEG than EEG. The recent developments in
MEG hardware (i.e., planar gradiometer coils) potentially pro-
vide much better spatial resolution (analogous to the role
played by close bipolar EEG recordings). Nevertheless, even
with advances in MEG recording technology, the main differ-
ences between EEG and MEG are not related to spatial resolu-
tion. The main difference between EEG and MEG is that they are
preferentially sensitive to different sources. The choice of method
depends on the location, orientation, and size of the source
B region, which is rarely known in advance. The main advantage
of MEG for source localization is that the model of the spread
of the magnetic field is much simpler and better understood
than models of volume conduction of electric current. The
main disadvantage of MEG is the cost and complexity of the
1 instrumentation as compared to EEG.


One of the most important issues in any EEG recording strat-
egy is the choice of reference-electrode location. Figure 6.5
shows examples of a visual evoked potential (VEP) recorded at
–1 a right occipital electrode (O2 in the 10–20 electrode system;
location X in figure 6.5A and 6.5C), with the reference mathe-
matically (see Bipolarity of EEG Recording section above and
Figure 6.4 Brain sensitivity distributions associated with (A) the raw scalp EEG, chapter 3, in this volume) shifted to different electrode posi-
(B) a surface Laplacian of scalp EEG, and (C) MEG, for a single EEG electrode
tions. Because the occipital cortex contains striate and extras-
location (yellow circle at right inset) and a single magnetic coil position (green
line at right inset). The cortical surface was constructed from the MRI of one triate visual areas, the VEP is reasonably expected to include
subject. Simulated dipole sources P(r, t) (dipole moment per unit volume, signals generated by sources in occipital cortex. Figure 6.5A
100,000 in one hemisphere) were assumed to be normal to the local cortical shows the VEP with the reference mathematically shifted to
surface. Scalp surface potentials, scalp Laplacians, and surface normal each of three different electrodes within 2.7 cm of the vertex
magnetic fields due to each dipole were calculated at the electrode and coil
electrode (CZ), which was the reference-electrode position
locations shown in the inset based on a concentric three-ellipsoid head model.
(See Srinivasan et al., 2007, for details of these simulations.) The potentials, used for the recording. The VEP is often characterized in terms
Laplacians, and magnetic fields were normalized with respect to their maximum of the magnitude of the positive and negative voltage peaks.
values (i.e., +1 and –1 on the scale bar) so that the relative sensitivity of the The amplitude of the first positive deflection, peaking at
three measurements could be compared. (A) The EEG electrode is most approximately 120 msec poststimulus, is reduced by about
sensitive to the gyral sources under the electrode, but this electrode is also
one-third as the reference site is changed from the midline
sensitive to large source regions in relatively remote gyral crowns; it is much
less sensitive to sources in cortical folds. (B) The Laplacian is most sensitive to position (1) to either of the other two positions (2, 3). Amplitude
gyral sources under the electrode; sensitivity falls off very rapidly at moderate differences are also evident at other peaks in the evoked-poten-
and large distances. (C) The MEG is most sensitive to sources in cortical folds tial waveform. Figure 6.5B shows the same VEP with the refer-
that tend to be tangential to MEG coils. Maximum MEG sensitivity occurs in ence site shifted to three midline frontal locations (4, 5, 6)
folds that are roughly 4 cm from the coil in directions tangent to the surface.
separated from one another by less than 2.7 cm. The first posi-
Regions in blue provide contributions to MEG of opposite sign to those of
yellow/orange, reflecting dipoles on opposite sides of folds; these tend to tive peak is reduced in comparison to reference positions near
produce canceling magnetic fields at the coil. the vertex shown in figure 6.5A, and the shape of the evoked
potential is considerably altered between 100 and 350 msec
poststimulus. When the reference is located at frontal sites, the
maxima on sulcal walls. Since apposing dipoles in sulcal walls VEP is dominated by a faster oscillation than that seen in the
(e.g., regions b–c–d and e–f–g in fig. 6.3) have opposite effects waveform obtained when the reference is close to the vertex
on the coil because of the reversal in source orientation, oppos- (compare figs. 6.5A and 6.5B). Figure 6.5C shows the VEP
ing sulcal walls with correlated activity are expected to make with the reference site mathematically shifted to the left mas-
only small or negligible contributions to MEG. toid (7) or temporal electrodes (8, 9). The positive peak occur-
It is clear from figure 6.4 that the MEG coil, like the EEG ring 120 msec poststimulus is no longer distinguishable from
electrode, is sensitive to a wide area of the cortex. Indeed, esti- noise, and the first distinct peak occurs 200 msec poststimulus.
mates of the area of sensitivity (Srinivasan et al., 2007; Thus, both the amplitude and temporal structure of the VEP
Malmivuo and Plonsey, 1995) indicate that MEG is sensitive to recorded at a location over the occipital lobe can be altered

C H A P TE R 6 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M O U T S I D E T H E B R A I N | 1 1 1
Figure 6.5 Influence of the reference-electrode site on the visual evoked potential (VEP). The original VEP (A) was recorded at the occipital location O2 (site X on
the head in A) with respect to a Cz reference (site 1). All other sites in the three images were also recorded with respect to the Cz reference. This allowed the VEP
to be referenced not only to site 1 but also to be rereferenced to sites 2 and 3 in A, to sites 4, 5, and 6 in B, and to sites 7, 8, and 9 in C. This produced nine
examples of the VEP, shown in the traces on the left. As discussed in detail in the text, it is clear that the choice of the reference location has a substantial influence
on VEP waveforms, even when the references are located seemingly far from the primary visual cortex under O2. (Adapted with permission from Nunez and
Srinivasan, 2006.)

considerably by the choice of reference site. Which is the true reference electrode, this notion stems from the unfounded idea
VEP? The answer is all of them. VEPs depend on the location that if a recording electrode is near a generator (i.e., a dipole
of both the so-called recording electrode and the so-called ref- source) and the reference electrode is far from it, the reference
erence electrode. The different waveforms and peak amplitudes electrode can be considered to be at an infinite distance and
seen in figure 6.5 suggest that the sources and/or the volume therefore to be inactive. If this idealized picture were accurate,
currents caused by visual stimuli are not tightly confined to one could truly record potentials with respect to a standard
primary visual cortex, and thus that both electrodes (i.e., the zero-potential reference. However, the so-called inactive elec-
so-called recording electrode and the so-called reference elec- trode may or may not be a good reference. Whether or not it is
trode) may be affected by them. VEP sources may be widely depends partly on the size of the generator region, which itself
distributed, and/or the head volume conductor may provide depends on several factors. Dipole layers of synchronous and
low-resistance pathways over large distances. In fact, both of partly aligned cortical neurons that extend over large areas of
these possibilities probably occur and affect the VEPs. the cortical surface appear to be the primary generators of
Is there an ideal, or correct, reference position? Although scalp EEG; thus, generator dimensions can easily be as large as
the EEG folklore suggests that an inactive electrode is the ideal tens of centimeters. With head diameters on the order of

112 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
20 cm, it is generally not possible to find a point on the head at The unavoidable conclusion is that no sufficiently distant
a sufficiently large distance from the generator regions to be reference point is generally available in EEG recording. We
considered to be at an infinite distance away. Because of volume rarely know in advance where EEG sources are located (or if
conduction, locating a reference electrode at a place where they are indeed localized at all), and thus we rarely know
there is no underlying generator is not sufficient for it to be whether a true reference location exists or, if it does, where it is.
considered at infinity. Furthermore, low-resistance current Even in cases where the sources are truly localized, their loca-
paths in an inhomogeneous or anisotropic head can make tions must be known in advance in order to choose the appro-
electrical distances shorter than actual distances. Even if there priate reference. Thus, the (perhaps painful) truth about EEG
is no generator activity directly beneath the electrode, for a ref- references is that there is no essential difference between
erence to be considered at infinity, the electrical distance recording and reference electrodes: in EEG, we measure poten-
between the reference and recording electrodes must be very tial differences between two locations on the head, and these
large in comparison to the generator region. differences depend on the locations of both electrodes, as well
Because all sources and sinks of interest in EEG are located as on the brain source configurations and locations. That is,
in the head, which is partly isolated (electrically) from the every EEG recording is a bipolar recording: it reflects the volt-
body except for the relatively narrow path through the neck, age difference between two active electrodes.
the current produced by brain sources is expected to be mostly
confined to the head (Nunez and Srinivasan, 2006). We expect
minimal current flow through the relatively narrow neck
region. (Indeed, if neck geometry did not severely restrict neck In spite of the fact that all EEG recordings are in fact bipolar,
currents, scalp potentials would often be greatly contaminated EEG terminology usually uses the term bipolar recording to
by ECG sources, which are about 100 times stronger than EEG refer to the special case of measuring the potential difference
sources.) Thus, for EEG, a reference on the neck is essentially between two electrodes that are relatively close to one another.
the same as a reference anywhere on the body (if we disregard Today, the term bipolar recording is used most commonly in
the minimal additional series resistance of the rest of the body) clinical environments. As two electrodes are moved closer and
(Nunez and Srinivasan, 2006). closer together, they provide a progressively better (or more
fine-grained) estimate of the local gradient of the potential
(i.e., voltage) along the scalp surface on the line between the
two electrodes. As discussed in chapter 3, the electric field is
A simple test can reveal whether any candidate reference loca- proportional to current density along the scalp surface. When
tion can be considered a true reference (i.e., at infinity). the two electrodes are placed close together, the recorded
Suppose, for example, that we suspect that there is beta activity potential difference is roughly proportional to the current den-
localized in right motor cortex. If this assumption of a localized sity tangential to the scalp. The current flows from higher to
generator region is correct, any location on the left side of the lower potential.
head might qualify as a suitable reference. We might, for exam- Bipolar recordings with closely-spaced electrodes (i.e.,
ple, choose a putative reference over left prefrontal cortex. The <2–3 cm apart) are better for localizing sources (at least ideal-
critical reference test is to see whether the appearance of the ized superficial sources) than are recordings that use a single
beta activity remains constant as we change the reference loca- fixed reference at some relatively distant location. The use of
tion from left frontal to, for example, left temporal or left mas- bipolar electrode pairs for measuring local tangential electric
toid or left neck. If the amplitude and frequency are unchanged fields is an improvement over distant-reference recordings in
with such changes of reference location, then the true reference the sense that both electrodes are explicitly acknowledged to
test is passed. If, on the other hand, the recorded beta activity be active (and the reference issue becomes moot). If the bipolar
changes as the reference location changes, the candidate refer- pair crosses isopotential lines, it senses current flow from
ence location fails the true reference test, probably because the regions of higher to lower potential. In contrast, if the bipolar
postulate of a localized source region is incorrect. pair is placed along an isopotential line, zero potential differ-
The examples of a VEP recorded at the occipital channel ence is recorded. Clinical electroencephalographers often use
shown in figure 6.5 indicate that none of the reference sites different bipolar pairs to emphasize different sources, and to
examined passes the true reference test. The peak amplitudes make qualitative judgments of their orientation and localiza-
and temporal waveforms change with the reference location. tion based on long experience with such methods (Pilgreen,
For each set of reference locations (fig. 6.5A, B, or C), shifting 1995; Fisch, 1999). In addition, raw EEG may be recorded with
the reference locally even among the three closely spaced elec- respect to a distant fixed reference and later converted to bipo-
trodes has substantial effects on the peak amplitudes and fre- lar recordings by subtraction (see Bipolarity of EEG Recording
quency content of the VEP. The implication is that, with each section above and chapter 3, this volume), provided that the
of these reference locations, the potential difference between recording electrodes were placed sufficiently close together.
the recording electrode and the reference electrode reflects a Figure 6.6 provides an example of three additional sets of
somewhat different set of sources. The distribution of sources VEP recordings, this time using bipolar electrode pairs. Each
underlying this VEP example may be sufficiently large and set consists of VEPs from 6 different bipolar pairs. Each pair
widely spread to prevent any location on the head from quali- consists of a fixed (central) recording electrode (X in the figure)
fying as at infinity. and an electrode at one of six surrounding positions, all at a

C H A P TE R 6 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M O U T S I D E T H E B R A I N | 1 1 3
distance of ∼2.7 cm from X. In each plot, the six black curves activity is localized in brain tissue immediately beneath the
indicate the bipolar potentials, while the thick gray line is the central electrode (X) of figure 6.6B. In figures 6.6A and C, the
mean of all six bipolar potentials. These bipolar VEPs are con- different bipolar pairs show 120-msec peaks of opposite polar-
siderably different from the VEPs shown in figure 6.5, which ity, and these average to near zero (i.e., the gray traces). This
used distant references. Peaks are still evident at 100 and 200 implies the presence, at the central (X) electrodes of figures
msec poststimulus, but the slower oscillation evident in figure 6.6A and C, of tangential currents passing from regions of
6.5A and the potentials at 300 msec or later are reduced in higher potential to lower potential. Thus, although the bipolar
each set of bipolar VEPs shown in figure 6.6. The positive peak VEPs reveal a source below the central electrode of figure 6.6B,
at 120 msec poststimulus is clearest in figure 6.6B, where five they provide little evidence for sources below the central
of the six bipolar pairs exhibit a positive peak. The bipolar electrode of figure 6.6A or 6.6C.
VEPs in figure 6.6B are generally larger than the bipolar VEPs The analysis of close bipolar pairs illustrated in figure 6.6
in figures 6.6A and C. This implies that some of the source can be an effective strategy to identify local generators. By

Figure 6.6 Examples of VEPs from bipolar electrode pairs. Starting from VEPs recorded with a reference at the vertex, the VEPs from bipolar electrode pairs were
calculated by taking the difference between the VEP recorded at the central electrode in each set (referenced to the vertex) and the VEP at each of the six
surrounding electrodes (also referenced to the vertex). In this way the effect of the original (i.e., the vertex) reference electrode cancels exactly. The separation
distance between bipolar electrode pairs is 2.7 cm. Each plot (A, B, C) corresponds to a different right-posterior-area location of the center electrode in each set.
The six different black VEPs in each plot come from the six bipolar pairs for the set of placements shown at the right. The thick gray line in each plot is the average
of its six bipolar VEPs. See text for discussion.

114 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
placing the reference electrode nearby rather than at a distant quite short of this goal. Potential differences between electrode
location on the head, we limit the sensitivity of each pair of pairs depend on head-current patterns due to sources that are
electrodes mainly to local sources. In fact, when 32 or fewer not necessarily close to the electrodes. With linked references,
electrodes are available, closely spaced bipolar recordings are potentials depend on head currents at three different locations
perhaps the best option available to improve the spatial resolu- (i.e., the two ears and the recording-electrode position). This
tion of the EEG (Srinivasan et al., 1996). Closely related to this may further complicate, rather than simplify source-distribution
strategy is the Hjorth or nearest-neighbor Laplacian (Hjorth, estimates. The apparent symmetry of equation 6.2 is misleading:
1975) discussed in this chapter. a linked reference may artificially correlate potentials recorded
near the mastoid regions and thereby yield erroneous estimates
of hemispheric source asymmetries (Srinivasan et al., 1998a).
The linked-ears or linked-mastoids reference is a popular refer-
ence strategy. However, the main reason for their widespread The average reference (AVE) (also called the common-average
use appears to be tradition rather than a compelling theoretical reference [CAR] or global-average reference) is now widely used
justification. That is, there is no compelling reason to believe in EEG studies. This AVE reference does have some theoretical
that this reference approximates an ideal reference (i.e., a refer- justification (Bertrand et al., 1985). When one records data from
ence at infinity). N electrodes, the measured potentials Vn (n = 1, 2,. . . N) are
Published EEG studies typically implement the linked-ears related to the scalp potential Φ(r) (with respect to infinity) by
or linked-mastoids reference in two major ways. One, which
we call the physically linked-ears (or the physically linked- Vn Φ(rn ) − F(rR ) (6.3)
mastoids) reference, is to physically link the ears (or mastoids)
by a wire and use this wire as the reference. Alternatively, with
where rn is the position of the nth electrode and rR is the
the mathematically linked-ears (or mastoid) reference, each
reference-electrode site. If we designate the average of these
scalp potential (Vx) is recorded with respect to a reference
measured potentials as VAVG, the potential at the reference site
placed at one ear (Vx – VEar1), with the potential at the second
can be written in terms of the scalp potentials as
ear measured with respect to the first ear (VEar2 – VEar1). The
mathematically linked-ears reference is calculated by subtract-
1 ∞
ing half this potential difference from each scalp potential, Φ( R ) ∑ Φ(
N n=1
Φ( n ) − VAVVG
creating an artificial reference at the average potential of the
two ears or mastoids.
The first term on the right side of equation 6.4 is the average of
It is now widely appreciated that the physically linked ref-
the scalp surface potentials at all recording sites. Theoretically,
erence is actually a random reference, meaning that the effec-
this term vanishes if the electrodes are postitioned such that
tive reference site generally varies across subjects and/or over
the mean of the potentials approximates a surface integral over
time in the same subject because of unequal electrode contact
a closed surface containing all current within the volume.
impedances (Nunez, 1991; Nunez and Srinivasan, 2006).
Because only minimal current flows from the head through the
Furthermore, the relatively low (∼10–20 kΩ) impedance of the
neck even with the reference electrode placed on the body, it is
electrode contrasts sharply with the high-input impedance of
a reasonable approximation to consider the head to be a closed
modern amplifiers. (The goal of high-input impedance is to
volume that confines all current. As a consequence of current
limit drastically the current flowing across the scalp-electrode
conservation, the surface integral of the potential over a volume
boundary; in this way, the act of measuring the scalp voltage
conductor containing dipole sources must be zero (Bertrand
has a negligible effect on that voltage.) Physically linking the
et al., 1985). In this case, then, the reference potential can be
ears or mastoids permits more current to flow across these
estimated by the second term on the right side of equation 6.4
scalp-electrode boundaries, tending to make the scalp poten-
(i.e., by averaging the measured potentials and changing the
tial artificially similar on the two sides of the head.
sign of this average). This reference potential can be added to
As a result of these complications of the physically linked
each measurement Vn using equation 6.3, thereby estimating
reference, use of the mathematically linked reference has
the reference-free potential Φ(rn) (i.e., the potential with respect
gained in popularity. The mathematically linked reference is
to infinity, at each location).
calculated to create an artificial reference at the average poten-
Because we cannot measure the potentials on a closed sur-
tial of the reference sites 1 and 2 (which are on the left and right
face surrounding the brain, the first term on the right side of
ear, or left and right mastoids):
equation 6.4 will generally not vanish. For example, the distri-
bution of potential on the underside of the head (within the
⎛ V2 V1 ⎞ ⎛ V V1 ⎞
( )− ≡ Vn − 2 neck region) cannot be measured. Furthermore, the average
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ (6.2) potential for any group of electrode positions (given by the
second term on the right side of equation 6.4), can only approx-
Although the mathematically linked reference has been pro- imate the surface integral over the volume conductor. Thus,
posed as a solution to the reference problem, it actually falls this is expected to be a very poor approximation if applied with

C H A P TE R 6 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M O U T S I D E T H E B R A I N | 1 1 5
the standard 10–20-electrode system. As the number of elec- between these electrodes is 2.7 cm. The topographic maps are
trodes increases to 64 or more, the error in the approximation interpolated from the potentials calculated at the electrode
is expected to decrease. Thus, like any other choice of refer- positions. The positive lobe (solid lines) and negative lobe
ence, the average reference provides biased estimates of refer- (dashed lines) of the potential distribution associated with this
ence-independent potentials. Nevertheless, when used in tangential dipole are readily apparent, and reverse over the
studies with large numbers of electrodes (e.g., 128 or more) midline. The radial dipole (negative at the surface) generates a
that are spread widely over the head, the average reference more restricted potential distribution close to the right mas-
seems to perform reasonably in providing reference-indepen- toid electrode.
dent potentials (i.e., in approximating an ideal reference) Figure 6.7B shows the potential distribution if the refer-
(Srinivasan et al., 1998a). ence electrode is placed at the vertex, indicated by an X.
Figure 6.7 illustrates a simulation of scalp potentials gener- Directly above the center of the tangential dipole, the potential
ated by two dipole sources, one radial (i.e., perpendicular) to generated by the tangential dipole is zero and a small positive
the scalp and one tangential (i.e., parallel) to the scalp. The potential is contributed by the radial dipole. This small positive
radial source (i.e., the lateral blue minus sign in fig. 6.7A) is contribution by the radial dipole results in an apparent asym-
located at a depth comparable to that of the surface of a cortical metry in the potential distribution due to the tangential dipole,
gyrus located just beneath the skull. The tangential dipole (i.e., with a reduced magnitude of the positive peak on the right side
the medial red plus and blue minus signs in fig. 6.7A) is located of the array and an increase in the magnitude of the negative
somewhat deeper, at a depth comparable to that of a gyrus peak. Figure 6.7(C and D) shows the potential distribution
located in the superficial part of the medial wall of one of the when the reference is placed at the left and right mastoid,
cerebral hemispheres. Figure 6.7A shows the location of the respectively. The left mastoid reference produces little change
two sources (blue and red symbols) and the reference-inde- from the potential distribution seen in 6.7A, since the poten-
pendent potentials (with respect to infinity) obtained from 111 tial at the left mastoid is close to zero. By contrast, placing
electrode locations on the surface of the outer sphere in a four the reference electrode at the right mastoid (fig. 6.7D) signifi-
concentric-spheres head model (see chapter 3, in this volume). cantly distorts the potentials by adding a positive potential
The average nearest-neighbor (center-to-center) separation to all locations. This effect is also present, but with smaller


Figure 6.7 Simulated potential maps on the surface of a four-sphere head model (see chapter 3). It shows two dipole sources: one tangential (located 3.2 cm
below the scalp) (indicated by the blue minus sign and red plus sign close to the vertex) and one radial (located 1.4 cm below the scalp and indicated by the blue
minus sign near the right lateral edge of the head). The tangential source has twice the strength of the radial source. Potentials were calculated at 111 surface sites
derived from a 128-channel array centered at the vertex and covering the area subtended by an angle of 109° from the vertex. The simulated electrode positions
are indicated in the figure by the small gray circles. Topographic maps of the potential distribution were obtained from a spline interpolation (Srinivasan et al.,
1996). (A) Potential map with respect to infinity with the dipoles indicated. (B) Potential map with reference (indicated by X) located at the vertex. (C) Potential map
with reference (X) located at the left mastoid electrode. (D) Potential map with reference (X) located at the right mastoid electrode. (E) Potential map with respect
to the mathematically linked (averaged) mastoids (X and X). (F) Average (AVE) reference potential map obtained by first calculating the potentials at 110 electrode
sites with respect to the vertex, then calculating the average reference, and finally rereferencing every site to this average reference. See text for discussion.

116 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
magnitude, when a mathematically linked-mastoids reference method essentially equivalent to a reference at infinity. REST
is used, as shown in figure 6.7E (with the linked-mastoids can also suffer errors due to electrode density and electrode
reference computed from 110 electrodes using the vertex- coverage and can suffer additional errors due to head-model
referenced potentials). In contrast, the AVE reference shown in uncertainty. This latter additional source of error may discour-
figure 6.7F provides potentials that closely approximate those age implementation of REST and is perhaps the reason it was
provided by the ideal reference shown in figure 6.7A. Thus, as not used earlier.
the close similarity of figures 6.7A and F indicates, the AVE However, this aversion to REST is generally not warranted
reference works well, at least in this example. because the three error sources are correlated; in particular, the
One concern often expressed about the AVE reference is coverage error is expected to become progressively smaller as
that the presence of strong sources deep in the brain may result the head model improves. Thus, if the head model is sufficiently
in major misinterpretations of recorded data. In most EEG accurate, it is possible for REST (even with its three sources of
recordings there are few if any electrodes on the lower surface error) to be more accurate than AVE (with only its two error
of the head. Thus, a dipole near the center of the head and ori- sources). From this argument we see that the choice between
ented toward the vertex contributes more positive potential to AVE and REST largely depends on the accuracy of a genuine
the array of electrodes than negative potential. By using the (as opposed to an idealized) head model. Because the accuracy
AVE reference, we force the potential distribution to have a of REST in genuine heads is currently unknown, one plausible
mean of zero over the portion of the head covered by the elec- strategy is to apply both AVE and REST to the same data sets
trodes (typically 50–70% of the head surface). However, (Nunez, 2010). Any result that changes substantially when
although the average reference can distort potentials generated AVE is replaced by REST (or vice versa) may be suspect.
by deep sources (Junghofer et al., 1999), the impact of this dis-
tortion is usually small since EEG potentials generated by deep
sources are usually much smaller than those generated by
superficial sources. In one study spherical splines were fit to
the voltage at superior electrodes to approximate the potential In summary, no matter which reference strategy is used, we
at inferior sites due to deep sources, thereby improving the record the potential at one head location with respect to some
estimate of the average reference (Ferree, 2006). other head location. By definition this potential difference is
It is important to emphasize that the effectiveness of the the result of integration of the electric field over any path con-
AVE reference depends on the number and distribution of the necting the reference point and the point in question. The
electrodes that compose it, as well as on the nature and number potential is not a unique characteristic of a single point but
of the sources. Although the AVE reference offers theoretical rather a characteristic of the path between two points.
as well as practical advantages, it is effective only if it uses a The changes in the recorded potentials that result from
sufficient number of electrodes (e.g., 64 to 128 or more) dis- changing the reference location make intuitive sense since any
tributed over the entire scalp, including (if practical) locations change involves subtracting the potential at one location on
on the lower surface of the head. Practical considerations that the head from all the other potentials. This has an impact
limit electrode placements on the lower surface of the head not only on the estimated spatial properties of the EEG but
include artifacts such as muscle activity. also on its temporal properties, since the potential at the refer-
ence location can be expected to vary over time. This impact is
evident in figure 6.5, where the time course of the VEP depends
on the position of the reference electrode. The main point is
A more recent approach to the reference problem is to base the that any specific reference, including the mathematically
reference on a head model. This method is called the reference linked-ears or linked-mastoids reference, contributes poten-
electrode standardization technique (REST) (Yao, 2001; Yao tials from distant sites to the potential obtained from each
et al., 2005). The basic idea is to first define equivalent sources, so-called recording electrode. The specific effects of any choice
sources that can account for the recorded scalp potential distri- of reference will depend on the configuration of the EEG
bution. Next, these fictitious sources are used to find the cor- sources. An average reference based on many electrodes spread
responding reference potential with respect to infinity. The widely over the head provides a good estimate of reference-
philosophical approach of this method differs from the inverse independent potentials because it integrates many possible
problem (discussed in chapter 3, in this volume) in that no paths to the point.
close relationship between the equivalent sources and genuine
brain sources is ever claimed (Nunez, 2010).
In addition to reference selection, the other important practical
Aside from artifact and external noise, AVE errors are due to issue for any EEG recording is the number of electrodes needed
limited electrode density and incomplete electrode coverage to obtain an accurate spatial representation of the relevant EEG
(i.e., sampling only the upper part of head). If these errors were and the locations for their placement. We consider this prob-
fully eliminated (which is only possible in detached heads), AVE lem in terms of the Nyquist theorem: to represent a continuous
would provide the desired gold standard, that is, a reference signal by discrete sampling, the sampling rate must exceed twice

C H A P TE R 6 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M O U T S I D E T H E B R A I N | 1 1 7
the highest frequency in the signal (see chapter 7, in this volume). Examples of spherical harmonics with n = 4, 5, 7, or 9, and
In other words, to avoid aliasing, at least two samples per cycle with m fixed at 3 are shown in figure 6.8. The left column
are required. This requirement is quite familiar to researchers (fig. 6.8A) shows each spherical harmonic under assumptions
who digitally sample time series. Moreover, the Nyquist crite- of perfect sampling, while the middle and right columns show
rion for discrete sampling of any analog signal applies not only the same spherical harmonic discretely sampled with 111 sim-
to temporal sampling but also to spatial sampling. ulated electrodes (fig. 6.8B) or with only 36 simulated elec-
In EEG recording, the scalp-surface potential at any point trodes (fig. 6.8C). The samples are assumed to cover the upper
in time is a continuous field that varies over the surface of the part of the sphere (with the north pole at the vertex) to a max-
head. The electrode array provides a discrete sampling of this imum latitude somewhat below the equator (0 ≤ θ≤ 109 deg).
field and is therefore subject to the Nyquist criterion. However, With the 111 electrode positions, the average (center-to-cen-
unlike the time series of a single amplifier channel, which is ter) nearest-neighbor separation between electrodes is 2.7 cm
continuous, the spatial signal is discrete (i.e., it is acquired (somewhat less than that of the 10–10 system); with the 36
only at a limited number of points on the head). Whereas the electrode positions, the average separation is 5.8 cm (similar to
temporal signal can be easily low-pass filtered by analog filters the spacing of the 10–20 system). The topographic maps shown
to meet the Nyquist criterion as dictated by the sampling rate, in Figure 6.8 were produced by interpolation (Srinivasan et al.,
the raw spatial signal cannot be treated in the same manner 1996). The figure shows that discrete sampling distorts the
because no continuous representation of the spatial signal is spherical harmonics as n increases. In the figure, both the 36-
ever available. As a consequence of this limitation, any aliasing and 111-electrode arrays accurately represent the n = 4 spheri-
caused by under-sampling (i.e., by too widely spaced elec- cal harmonic (i.e., compare the maps at the tops of the three
trodes) cannot be undone. Thus, it is essential that adequate columns). However, for the n = 5 spherical harmonic, the 111-
spatial sampling of the potentials be accomplished from the electrode array (column B of the n = 5 row of topographies)
outset. gives an accurate representation, but the 36-electrode array
The highest spatial frequency that can be observed without produces serious aliasing (see column C of the n = 5 row of
aliasing is determined by the electrode density (assuming a topographies). For the n = 7 spherical harmonic, the 111-elec-
relatively uniformly distributed electrode placement) and elec- trode array again gives an accurate representation, but it loses
trode size. If the EEG contains signals with spatial frequencies spatial detail (i.e., begins to produce aliasing) with the n = 9
that are too high for the electrode density, the signals will be spherical harmonic. Thus, as n increases, aliasing can create
spatially aliased. They will appear in topographical maps or the erroneous appearance of spatial frequencies lower than the
spatial spectra as signals of lower spatial frequency and will actual spatial frequencies. That is, aliasing distorts EEG com-
thereby distort spatial maps of potential, coherence, and other ponents that have relatively focused spatial distributions so
measures. In this context, it is important to note that when the that they appear to have broader less focused distributions.
EEG is spatially under-sampled (e.g., with only one recording From these examples it is evident that the highest spatial
electrode and one reference electrode), the measured time frequency present in the EEG determines the sampling density
series is a valid measurement of the potential difference between needed to accurately reflect its spatial distribution. Although
the two sites, but the spatial distribution of the potential is time series can be filtered by anti-aliasing filters applied accord-
unknown. ing to the Nyquist criterion (e.g., low-pass analog filtering of
To illustrate spatial-sampling issues further, let us consider signals below 40 Hz to permit sampling at 100 Hz), an equiva-
the problem of discrete sampling of the potential distribution lent process of spatial filtering is not possible for the sampling
on a spherical surface containing dipole current sources. Any by individual scalp electrodes because such sampling is inher-
distribution on a spherical surface can be expressed as a sum of ently discrete. If the number of electrodes is insufficient, spatial
spherical harmonics Ynm. Ynm are the natural basis set for func- maps of the potentials are unavoidably aliased (e.g., the lower
tions defined on a sphere, analogous to the Fourier series for three maps for 36 electrodes in fig. 6.8C).
functions defined on a time interval that is used in spectral For scalp-recorded EEG, power at higher spatial frequen-
analysis of EEG time series (see chapters 3 and 7, in this cies is severely limited by the blurring of brain potentials due
volume). The n and m indices of the Ynm functions denote spa- to the intervening tissues of the head. This limitation actually
tial frequencies in the two surface directions (e.g., north/south makes the problem of discrete sampling of scalp potentials
and east/west). Index n defines the angle θ which is essentially more manageable. The effect of volume conduction through
latitude (but measured from the north pole [(e.g., the vertex the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), skull, and scalp is that it spatially
{electrode Cz}], rather than from the equator). Index m defines low-pass filters the cortical potentials (Srinivasan et al., 1996;
the angle ϕ, which is essentially longitude. Any potential distri- Nunez and Srinivasan, 2006). That is, nature has conveniently
bution due to dipole sources in a spherical-head model may be provided us with an analog low-pass spatial filter in the form of
represented by a double sum of spherical harmonic functions the poorly conducting skull! However, note that whereas this
over the two indices (Arfken, 1985). Thus, a potential distribu- low-pass filter is present in EEG recordings, it is absent in elec-
tion for which n is 4 and m is 3 rises and falls exactly four times trocorticographic (ECoG) recordings (see chapter 15, in this
as one moves around the sphere from the north pole to the volume). This can add substantially to the problem of spatial
south pole and back to the north pole, and it rises and falls aliasing of ECoG mapping in animals and humans. (On the
exactly three times as one moves once around the equator. other hand the absence of this natural low-pass spatial filter in

118 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Figure 6.8 Illustration of the impact of electrode density on the spatial distributions calculated for potentials of different spatial frequencies. The vertex (i.e., the
north pole) is the center. The circle extends to 19° below the equator. The spherical harmonic index m (i.e., longitude) of the potentials is fixed at 3. Each row
corresponds to a potential with a different value (i.e., 4, 5, 7, or 9) of the spherical harmonic index n (i.e., latitude). Column A is the gold standard, that is, the
potential distributions plotted with infinite (i.e., perfect) sampling. Columns B and C are the maps obtained by sampling the potential distributions with 111
electrodes (B; 2.7-cm spacing) or 36 electrodes (C; 5.8-cm spacing), respectively, and spline interpolation. Gray circles indicate the electrode positions.
See text for discussion.

ECoG recording allows it to measure accurately signals with potentials. This corresponds to 128–256 electrodes covering
higher spatial frequencies, which is one of its major advantages the upper surface of the head. Srinivasan et al. (1998b) and
over EEG recording [see chapter 15, in this volume].) Nunez and Srinivasan (2006) have used volume-conduction
In conclusion, we note that appropriate application of models to obtain estimates of the highest spatial frequencies
the Nyquist criterion in choosing the density and location of that can be expected to contribute significantly to EEG signals.
EEG electrode arrays requires a priori knowledge of the Using these values, they have calculated that 128–256 elec-
spatial spectrum of the EEG and of the source distributions. trodes are needed to produce adequate spatial sampling of
Such information is not generally available, in part because scalp potentials.
knowledge of the adequate number of electrodes for a specific
EEG signal would first require over-sampling of the potential
distribution to determine the highest spatial frequencies pres- HIGH-RESOLUTION EEG METHODS
ent in the data. One study using very closely spaced needle
electrodes suggested that a spacing of 1.9–2.7 cm (Spitzer et al., The poor spatial resolution of EEG could limit EEG-based BCI
1989) is adequate to avoid aliasing somatosensory evoked development, particularly when the BCI protocol seeks to use

C H A P TE R 6 . A C Q U I R I N G B R A I N S I G N A L S F R O M O U T S I D E T H E B R A I N | 1 1 9
signals from particular localized cortical areas (e.g., the hand electrode can be estimated with as few as five electrodes using
region of primary motor cortex). In addressing this limitation, a nearest-neighbor Laplacian, that is, a finite difference approx-
high-resolution EEG methods may have greater value than imation of the second derivative (Hjorth, 1975). While this is a
source-localization methods. In fact, high-resolution methods crude estimate of the Laplacian as compared to more accurate
have already been applied successfully in BCI research but computationally intensive methods, the nearest-neighbor
(McFarland et al., 2006). High-resolution EEG methods are Laplacian is potentially a very useful solution for BCI applica-
based on a conceptual framework that differs substantially tions because it requires only five electrodes localized to a lim-
from that of EEG source-localization methods (Nunez and ited scalp area and can be computed easily and efficiently in
Srinivasan, 2006). Because scalp-recorded EEG is not by itself real time (e.g., as a part of actual BCI operation).
sufficient information to estimate the distribution of sources In effect, the surface Laplacian algorithm acts as a band-
within the head, source-localization methods must rely on pass spatial filter that tends to emphasize sources focused in
assumptions about the numbers and nature of sources. In con- the underlying superficial cortex. Extensive simulation studies
trast, high-resolution EEG methods do not need to make of the surface Laplacian have been conducted using dipole
assumptions about the sources. Instead, they focus on increas- sources in spherical and realistically shaped head models
ing the sensitivity of each electrode. (Srinivasan et al., 1996; Srinivasan et al., 1998; Nunez and
The EEG signal recorded at each electrode is a spatial aver- Srinivasan, 2006; Srinivasan et al., 2007). The surface Laplacian
age of active current sources distributed over a volume of appears to effectively limit the sensitivity of the electrode to
brain space. The size and shape of this volume depend on a compact sources located within a distance of 2–3 cm. Figure
number of factors including the volume conduction properties 6.4B demonstrates the enhanced spatial resolution afforded by
of the head and the choice of reference electrode. The contribu- the surface Laplacian in a simulation with a realistic head
tion of each source to this spatial average depends on the elec- model. Here the Laplacian focuses the sensitivity of the elec-
trical distance between source and electrode, the source trode to the gyral surface directly beneath the electrode. The
orientation, and the source strength. When two electrodes are part of the EEG signal removed by the Laplacian filter is not as
very closely spaced, they record similar signals because they well localized; it may be generated by very deep sources (less
reflect the average activity in largely overlapping tissue vol- likely) or by coherent sources distributed over large cortical
umes. High-resolution EEG methods improve spatial resolu- areas (e.g., entire cortical lobes) (more likely). In the latter case,
tion by reducing the effective volume that each electrode the question of EEG source localization is essentially irrelevant,
averages. since the sources themselves are not well localized but are,
instead, regional or even global (Nunez, 2000). In sum, the sur-
face Laplacian filter is a useful tool that achieves high-resolu-
S U R FA C E L A P L A C I A N tion EEG by reducing the volume of the tissue that produces
The surface Laplacian (see also chapter 7, in this volume) the activity detected at each electrode location.
improves spatial resolution by making the electrode more sen-
sitive to activity from sources that are superficial, radial, and
localized underneath the electrode and less sensitive to activity SUMMARY
from sources that are deep or broadly distributed (i.e., of low
spatial frequency). The surface Laplacian is the second spatial Electroencephalography is the principal noninvasive BCI
derivative of the scalp potential in both surface directions (lat- method. Magnetoencephalography may also be used. Both
itude and longitude on a sphere). It is an estimate of current EEG and MEG have comparable spatial resolution. They differ
density entering (or exiting) the scalp through the skull principally in that they are preferentially sensitive to different
(Srinivasan et al., 2006; Nunez and Srinivasan, 2006). The brain sources. EEG emphasizes synchronized dipole sources in
Laplacian method requires only that the outer surface shape of superficial gyral surfaces and larger dipole layers that generate
the volume conductor (i.e., the head) be specified; typically a larger scalp potentials. In contrast, MEG emphasizes sources
best-fit spherical surface is adopted. One of the complicating in the sulcal walls, which are tangential to the scalp and thus
factors in interpreting scalp EEG involves reference-electrode tangential also to the coils.
effects: at each instant, the potential recorded at the reference It is not clear what role MEG can have in practical BCI
electrode is subtracted from potentials recorded at all the other applications because of the expense and inconvenience of the
electrodes. Since the surface Laplacian is a (second) spatial need to cool the superconducting coils and to isolate the sub-
derivative, the potential common to all electrodes is automati- ject in a magnetically shielded room in order to detect the
cally removed in the Laplacian estimate. Thus, the reference brain’s magnetic fields, which are very small relative to envi-
electrode can be moved to any position on the head without ronmental magnetic fields. Nevertheless, MEG may be valu-
influencing the surface Laplacian. At the same time, because able in laboratory-based studies aimed at developing new BCI
the surface Laplacian estimates derivatives of the potential protocols and/or in locating brain areas relevant for other BCI
along the scalp surface, high-density electrode arrays are gen- methodologies, particularly those that require implantation of
erally recommended to obtain good spatial resolution with recording arrays.
modern Laplacian algorithms (i.e., 64–131 electrodes or more) EEG recording requires careful attention to electrode appli-
(Srinivasan et al., 1996). Nevertheless, the Laplacian at a given cation, number, and location, to sampling rate, to reference

120 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
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122 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

he purpose of a BCI is to detect and quantify character- or other transformations of multiple fundamental features
istics of brain signals that indicate what the user wants detected at multiple electrodes and/or multiple time points.
the BCI to do, to translate these measurements in real Such complex features, if selected appropriately, can reflect the
time into the desired device commands, and to provide con- user’s desires more accurately than the fundamental features
current feedback to the user. The brain-signal characteristics themselves. Most features used in BCI applications are based
used for this purpose are called signal features, or simply on spatial, temporal, and/or spectral analyses of brain signals
features. Feature extraction is the process of distinguishing the or the relationships among them. Furthermore, in order to
pertinent signal characteristics from extraneous content and determine the user’s wishes as accurately as possible, most
representing them in a compact and/or meaningful form, BCIs extract a number of features simultaneously. This set of
amenable to interpretation by a human or computer. Feature features is referred to as a feature vector.
extraction is the focus of this chapter. Figure 7.1 shows the To be effective for BCI applications, a feature should have
overall structure of a BCI and the place that feature extraction the following attributes:
(shaded in red in the figure) occupies in this structure. It occurs
after signals have been acquired, and it prepares the signals for • its spatial, temporal, spectral characteristics,
translation into BCI output commands. The process of feature and dynamics can be precisely characterized for
extraction does this by isolating the important features of the an individual user or population of users
signals from superfluous corrupting information or interfer-
• it can be modulated by the user and used in
ence, typically referred to as noise.
combination with other features to reliably
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a measurement is simply
convey the user’s intent
the ratio of the signal power to the noise power. Power, which is
proportional to the squared amplitude, is a measure of energy • its correlation with the user’s intent is stable
per unit time. Power is universally used to quantify and relate over time and/or can be tracked in a consistent
arbitrary electrical signals such as audio, communications, and and reliable manner
electroencephalogram (EEG). A high SNR indicates minimal
corruption of the signal of interest by background noise. Figure 7.1 shows a block diagram of a BCI system with empha-
In discussing feature extraction, it is important to under- sis on its signal-processing aspects. First, the analog brain
stand the difference between noise and artifacts. Both noise signals measured from the sensors are amplified to levels
and artifacts can contaminate the signal. Noise is due to back- suitable for electronic processing (and they may also be sub-
ground neurological activity. In contrast, artifacts are due to jected to an analog filter); these signals are then digitized and
sources unrelated to the neurological activity and are not transmitted to a computer. The digitized signals then pass to an
intrinsic to the expected measurement of this activity. Artifacts optional signal-conditioning stage, which acts to enhance the
can be due to biological or external sources, such as eye blinks signals and/or remove extraneous information. Otherwise, the
or artificial respirator activity. Artifacts typically combine digitized signals are grouped into sample blocks comprised of
additively in the measurement of the desired signal, often com- the current (and possibly previous) consecutive digitized values.
pletely masking the signal. Thus, it is important to note that the The feature extraction and conditioning algorithm analyzes
SNR may not directly apply to artifacts. each incoming sample block from one or more signal channels
A fundamental signal feature is simply a direct measure- to produce the features that constitute the feature vector. This
ment of the signal (e.g., the voltage difference between a pair of analysis can involve any of a wide variety of possible spatial,
electrodes at a particular time after a sensory stimulus). By temporal, and/or spectral transformations. This feature vector
themselves, fundamental signal features usually provide lim- is then passed to the feature translation stage, in which it is
ited relevant information about typically complex brain sig- converted into device commands and feedback to the user.
nals. Thus, it is more common for BCIs to use features that are This chapter reviews signal amplification/digitization
linear or nonlinear combinations, ratios, statistical measures, and then focuses in some detail on feature extraction. Feature

BCI signal processing
+ extraction f(T)=[f ,f ...f )
1 2 n Feature
+ conditioning Feature vector
Digitized T+2 T+1 T
Brain signals e.g., Spatial filter
Amplifier and
analog-to-digital Sample
converter block

User feedback Application Device commands

device e.g., [Δx(T), Δy(T)]

Figure 7.1 A block diagram of a BCI system, with the portion representing feature extraction shaded in red. Brain signals are recorded by one of a variety of
methods. They are amplified and digitized, then conditioned (e.g., spatial filtering) and, in blocks of consecutive samples (with the sample block currently being
processed numbered as T in the diagram, the subsequent sample block numbered T+1, etc.), sent to the feature extraction (e.g., frequency analysis) and
conditioning (e.g., normalization) algorithm. This results in a single feature vector for each consecutive sample block processed (i.e., a function T) that is translated
into a device command (e.g., amount of vertical displacement from the previous cursor position, also a function of T). An application device executes the
command and sends feedback to the user, completing the closed loop.

translation will be covered in chapter 8. Nevertheless, it is processing or machine-learning background, and basic
important to recognize that feature extraction constitutes the knowledge gained from previous chapters. It begins with an
transformation of fundamental signal characteristics to pro- overview of some basic principles of digital signal processing
duce a feature vector, whereas feature translation is merely the and a discussion of common techniques used to enhance sig-
transformation of this feature vector into a form that is appro- nals prior to feature extraction. It then covers method selec-
priate for device control. Thus, in certain designs (e.g., artificial tion, typical processing protocols, and major established
neural networks; see chapter 8, this volume), a single transfor- methods for BCI feature extraction.
mation is used to convert the digital signals directly into device
commands, and there is no clear distinction between the
extraction and translation stages.
As the first stage in the signal processing that converts
A N A L O G - T O - D I G I TA L C O N V E R S I O N
brain signals into actions that accomplish the user’s intent,
feature extraction is critically important. Accurate and robust Electrical signals recorded from the brain are on the order of
feature extraction simplifies the subsequent translation stage microvolts (μV) to millivolts (mV) and are typically amplified,
and produces more accurate and reliable actions and more using a standard biosignal amplifier, to higher voltages suitable
natural feedback to the user. On the other hand, it is possible to for processing and storage. Most modern biosignal amplifiers
compensate for somewhat poor or nonspecific feature extrac- also digitize the signal using an analog-to-digital converter
tion by using a more complex translation algorithm to produce (ADC); if the amplifier itself does not perform this digitiza-
equally effective results. It is important to recognize that tion, a separate ADC is necessary to process and store the
feature extraction and translation go hand-in-hand and that signal using a computer. Analog-to-digital conversion consists
practical BCI systems balance the emphasis between these two of two consecutive steps: sampling and then quantization.
stages and ensure that they work together effectively.
The presentation in this chapter focuses on well-established SAMPLING
feature-extraction methods that are applied to EEG, electro- Sampling is the process of capturing the value (typically volt-
corticogram (ECoG), or single-neuron recordings. It is meant age, but possibly a value originating from other signal mea-
to serve as an introduction to and reference for common BCI sures such as blood flow) of a continuous analog signal at
feature-extraction methods. Most methods of feature extrac- specific instants in time. The signal values at these instances
tion that appear in the BCI literature are based on, or are closely in time are known as samples. In conventional ADCs, samples
related to, the methods presented in this chapter. are uniformly spaced in time. This spacing or sampling rate
The chapter is written and organized assuming that readers is measured in Hertz (Hz) (samples/second). For example,
have an understanding of college-level linear algebra and an analog signal sampled at 100 Hz will produce a digital
calculus, basic probability and statistics, negligible signal signal comprised of 100 consecutive samples uniformly

124 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
spaced over a 1-sec interval, with values corresponding to the levels of an 8-bit ADC (which has 256 quantization levels) are
analog signals at the consecutive sampled time points. The 39 mV apart (because 10 V divided by 256 equals 39 mV); the
higher the sampling rate, the better the time resolution and levels of a 16-bit ADC (which has 65,536 quantization levels)
the more accurately the sampled signal represents the are only 0.153 mV (or 153 μV) apart. It should be noted that
original analog signal. However, in many cases perfect recon- the analog signal amplification and the voltage range of the
struction of the analog signal can be achieved with a certain ADC should be coordinated in order to distribute the quanti-
minimum sampling rate. The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theo- zation levels over the full expected amplitude range (called the
rem is used to find that minimum acceptable sampling rate. It dynamic range) of the analog signal. Otherwise, if the dynamic
states that perfect reconstruction can be achieved only by sam- range of the amplified analog signal is smaller than the voltage
pling the analog signal at a rate that is at least double the high- range of the ADC, only the lowest quantization levels will be
est frequency of the analog signal. This threshold is known as used, resulting in suboptimal amplitude resolution. This can
the Nyquist sampling rate (or Nyquist criterion or Nyquist limit). be mitigated somewhat by overcompensating when one is
If the sampling rate for a particular signal is less than the selecting the bits of resolution for the ADC, that is, by selecting
Nyquist sampling rate, the information contained in the an ADC resolution that will be sufficient in cases where
sequence of samples is distorted and not representative of the the dynamic range of the signal may drop below the expected
true spectral characteristics of the original signal. voltage range of the ADC. On the other hand, if the dynamic
The distortion that can occur due to a sampling rate that is range of the amplified analog signal is larger than the voltage
less than the Nyquist criterion is known as aliasing. The con- range of the ADC, all voltages above the largest positive and
cept of aliasing can be visualized using the classic example of a negative quantization levels will be mapped to those levels,
rotating fan and a strobe light in a dark room. The fan rotates respectively. This results in a digitized signal with clipping
at a constant rate (analogous to an analog signal that oscillates distortion, leaving square-like clipping artifacts in which the
at a constant frequency). The strobe flashes (potentially inde- peaks of the signal exceed the largest quantization levels.
pendent of the fan rate) at a constant rate (analogous to the The number of bits in the ADC also affects the SNR, which
digital sampling rate). If the strobe light is set to flash at the is commonly measured in decibels (dB):
same rate as the fan, the fan will appear motionless. This is
obviously not representative of the true motion of the fan, and ⎛ Psign
siignal ⎞ ⎛ Asign
i al ⎞
SNR d ) = 10 log
N (dB log10 ⎜
it is thus a form of aliasing. ⎝ noise ⎠
P ⎝ noise ⎟⎠
To prevent aliasing, analog signals are often low-pass fil-
tered (see section Digital Filtering in this chapter) prior to where P is the power and A is the amplitude of the signal or
sampling to ensure that there are no frequency components noise. The noise in this case represents the quantization error
above the imposed Nyquist limit. This filter is known as an caused by rounding. For instance, an 8-bit ADC uses one bit
anti-aliasing filter. To understand this, let us consider an for the sign (polarity) and 7 bits for the amplitude. The well-
example using EEG. In scalp-recorded EEG, little observable accepted rule of thumb is that 6 dB of SNR are obtained
activity occurs above 80 Hz. Therefore, an anti-aliasing filter for each bit in an ADC. Thus, for the 7 bits for amplitude, the
at 80 Hz could be applied (but is not necessary if there is no SNR is approximately 6 dB/bit × 7 bits ≈ 40 dB. Using this value
signal power above 80 Hz in the raw EEG), and a sampling SNR = 40 dB to equal the right-hand term in equation 7.1, and
rate of 160 Hz would be sufficient to digitize and perfectly solving equation 7.1 for the ratio Asignal/Anoise, we get 100. This
reconstruct this signal. A sampling rate above this 160 Hz is means that, for an 8-bit ADC, the captured digital-signal
also acceptable but is unnecessary and will require more data- amplitude will be approximately 100 times the quantization
storage space. noise amplitude.
At the same time, it should also be noted that higher sam-
Q U A N T I Z AT I O N pling rates and finer quantization require more digital storage
Quantization is the conversion of each sample (e.g., its analog space. Thus, an effective BCI system requires a sampling rate
voltage) into a binary number for processing and storage in a and quantization level that adequately capture the analog signal
computer. The number, k, of binary bits used for quantization but that are also practical in terms of the necessary hardware
determines the number of possible discrete amplitude values and software. The binary value assigned to each digital sample
used to represent the digital signal. These discrete amplitude can be mapped back to the corresponding voltage value for
values are called quantization levels. The number of quantiza- signal visualization and processing. Figure 7.2 illustrates the
tion levels equals 2k. For example, an 8-bit ADC produces 28 sampling and quantization process. Additional details regard-
(i.e., 256) quantization levels, and a 16-bit converter produces ing sampling and quantization theory can be found in (Proakis
216 (i.e., 65,536) levels. These quantization levels are usually 2007).
uniformly spaced over the analog voltage range of the ADC.
Each sample of the analog voltage is normally rounded to the
nearest quantization level. The more quantization levels used,
the more accurate is the digital-amplitude representation of Much of signal-processing theory is rooted in Fourier analysis,
the original analog signal. For example, if the voltage range of which transforms a time-domain (i.e., time on the x-axis) signal
the ADC is ±5 V (giving a range of 10 V), the quantization into its equivalent frequency-domain (i.e., frequency on the

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 2 5
Continuous time (ms)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
7 111
Analog signal
Digitized signal

6 110

5 101
Continuous amplitude (μV)

3-bit binary code

4 100

3 011

2 010

1 001

0 000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Sample number

Figure 7.2 A basic 3-bit binary encoding of an analog signal. Note that the digital samples exist only at the sample instants corresponding to the sample number;
the dashed line is provided for illustration purposes.

x-axis) representation. The primary utility of Fourier analysis The magnitude and phase for each sinusoidal component
is to decompose a signal into individual sinusoidal compo- are given as:
nents that can be isolated and evaluated independently. Using
Fourier analysis, practically any signal can be accurately repre- Magnitude : X (w)) a 2 (w ) b2 (w )
sented as the sum of a number (possibly an infinite number)
of amplitude-scaled and time-shifted sinusoids at specific ⎛ b( ) ⎞
Phase q g( X (w )) = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟
frequencies. This is illustrated in figure 7.3, which shows the ⎝ a( ) ⎠ (7.3b)
successive approximations of a neuronal action potential (left
column) and a bipolar pulse (right column) by sums of sinu- The Fourier transform represents a conversion from the
soids. Note that the continuous signals (top row) are better time domain to the frequency domain. Note that the magni-
approximated as more sinusoids (e.g., the third and particu- tude and phase representations produce real numbers. These
larly the fourth row) are used for modeling. values can be plotted with respect to frequency in order
In order to model these continuous signals, it is necessary to visualize the frequency content of a signal. The inverse
to properly adjust the phase and the magnitude of each sinu- Fourier transform can be computed from the magnitude and
soid. For an arbitrary signal x(t), the magnitude (scale) and phase to perfectly reconstruct the signal in the time domain.
phase (shift) of the sinusoid at each frequency [ω (radians) = The original time-domain signal is reconstructed from the
2πf (Hz)] required to represent an arbitrary signal can be deter- scaled and shifted sinusoids at each frequency as follows:
mined from the Fourier transform:

∞ ∞ x(t ) = ∫ X ( ) cos(wt + q(( ))dw
∫ x(t(t )e ∫ x(t )[cos
−j t
X( ) dt [c wt j sin t ]dt −∞ (7.4)
−∞ −∞
∞ ∞
The Fourier transform for digital signals (with finite fre-
= ∫ x(t ) cos wtd
t t j ∫ x(t ) sin wtdt
quency resolution given by the inverse of the number of sam-
ples times the sampling period) can be efficiently implemented
a( ) b( )

= a( ) jb(
jb( ) using a computer via the fast Fourier transform algorithm
(7.2) (FFT). More detail regarding Fourier methods is provided in

126 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Spike Bipolar pulse most practical (i.e., real-time) applications, causal filters are
necessary because future input and output samples are not yet
The simplest example of a digital filter is the computation
of a uniform moving average. In computing a uniform moving
1 sinusoid average, the digital signal passes through the filter, and the
filter output at a particular instant is equal to the sum of
the past N consecutive samples each weighted by 1/N (this is
the equivalent of calculating the current output sample as the
4 sinusoids average of the N past samples). In this case the amplitudes of
signal frequencies that have a period less than N (i.e., “high”
frequencies) tend to average to zero or to be attenuated at the
filter output. This occurs because, for these high frequencies, N
32 sinusoids samples include samples from both the positive and negative
halves of each cycle, which tend to cancel each other and
thereby reduce the average value yielded by the filter. The
amplitudes of signal frequencies having periods greater than N
Figure 7.3 Modeling of continuous signals using Fourier analysis. A spike and a (i.e., “low” frequencies) tend to be preserved because N is not
bipolar pulse are shown in the top row of the figure. The second row shows an long enough to contain samples from both halves of the cycle,
approximation with a single sinusoid, with a single cycle in the interval shown. and thus the majority of the samples are of the same polarity,
The next row shows the sum of sinusoids with 1, 2, 3, and 4 complete cycles
and the magnitude of the filter output tends to be larger rela-
(i.e., four sinusoids having uniformly spaced frequencies) in the interval. Note
that these four sinusoids are orthogonal (i.e., uncorrelated) in the interval tive to the output for higher frequencies. Since higher frequen-
shown. The last row shows the sum of 32 orthogonal sinusoids. Note that the cies are attenuated and lower frequencies are preserved, the
continuous signals are better approximated as more sinusoids are used for computation of a uniform moving average is known as a low-
modeling. pass filter. In a similar fashion, a simple high-pass filter can be
constructed by alternating the polarity of the sample weights
for successive input samples. In this case constant and slowly
the section on Fast Fourier Transform in this chapter and in varying signals will average toward zero at the filter output,
Proakis and Manolakis (2007). and more rapid signal fluctuations will be preserved. In sum,
by properly adjusting the length of the filter (i.e., N, the number
of successive samples included) and the weights assigned to
D I G I TA L F I LT E R I N G successive samples, very specific ranges of signal frequencies
Digital filters are central to digital signal processing. They can be amplified, attenuated, preserved, and/or eliminated.
modify the frequency content of a digital signal by attenuating Thus, digital filters can enhance, isolate, or eliminate signal
some frequencies (or frequency ranges) and amplifying phenomena that have power at particular frequencies. In addi-
others. Each successive sample of a digitized signal is tion to low-pass and high-pass, the other two most common
passed through a digital filter to produce a new value as the types of filters are bandpass and notch (band reject). A band-
output. pass filter preserves signal power within a specified continuous
Given a digital signal x[n], each input sample of x[n] enters frequency range, while attenuating signal power outside of this
the filter sequentially (note that n is now used to denote the range. A notch filter is the converse of a bandpass filter; it
sample number of the digital signal, which is analogous to t for attenuates signal power within a specified continuous fre-
continuous time signals). The digital filter’s output y[n] at any quency range, while preserving signal power outside of this
given time point is simply a weighted sum of the current and range.
past input (and possibly past output) samples: Figure 7.4 illustrates the magnitude response for each of the
four common filter types. The magnitude response indicates the
amplitude scale factor, or gain, that the filter applies to
y[n] = ∑ bl x[n
x[n l] − ∑ a y[n
y[n l] an input signal of a particular frequency. Actual filters produce
l =0 l 1
l= (7.5)
a rapidly changing response rather than an abrupt cutoff in
where x[n – l] is the l past input sample, y[n – l] is the lth
the frequency domain. Although it is not possible to create
past output sample, bl and al are scalar weights for each input an ideal filter having magnitude response with a perfect thresh-
and output sample, respectively, and M and N are the number old at a particular frequency (i.e., a step discontinuity), it is
of input and output sample weights employed by the filter, possible to achieve sufficient approximations for most practical
respectively. The resulting filter output y[n] is a digital signal purposes.
having the same number of samples as x[n], where the first Any of the four common filter types, as well as others, can
sample of y[n] corresponds to the first sample of x[n]. Past be realized using equation 7.5. However, there are some trade-
input and output values of the filter are commonly initialized offs, depending on whether or not the filter employs feedback
to zero. Filters that depend only on current and past input of past outputs. If the filter does not employ feedback of past
and past output samples are referred to as causal filters. For outputs (i.e., al = 0), the filter is known as a finite impulse

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 2 7

Input signal (time)

Filter magnitude responses (frequency) Output signals (time)

Figure 7.4 The signal on the left has a frequency that decreases linearly with time (known as a chirp signal) (x-axis is time). The middle column (x-axis is frequency)
shows the magnitude response (i.e., the amplitude scale factor, or gain, applied) for each of the four filters: (A) low-pass; (B) high-pass; (C) bandstop/notch; and
(D) bandpass. The signals in the right column (x-axis is time) are the outputs when the filters of the middle column are applied to the signal in the left column.

response filter. If the filter does employ feedback of past outputs F I N I T E I M P U L S E R E S P O N S E F I LT E R S

(i.e., al ≠ 0), the filter is known as an infinite impulse response A finite impulse response (FIR) filter is a weighted moving-
filter. These two fundamental linear digital filter structures are average filter without feedback of past outputs. The term finite
described here, and additional details regarding digital-filter is used to describe this filter because a single sample entering
design can be found in Proakis and Manolakis (2007). the filter is guaranteed to affect the resulting output signal for
a time no longer than the order of the filter (i.e., the duration
of the time period from which the filter obtains the samples
Impulse 16 Hz sine wave used to determine each output sample). Since there is no
output feedback in an FIR filter (i.e., the output is not used in
Time domain
the calculation of subsequent outputs), it is stable; that is, the
output signal amplitude cannot grow without bound if
the input is amplitude-limited. Moreover, FIR filters can be
designed with a linear phase response. This means that any
4 Hz FIR
time delay introduced by the filter will be the same for all
frequencies; thus, the filter does not distort the morphology of
the output signal with frequency-dependent delay. This prop-
16 Hz FIR erty is particularly advantageous when the signal of interest is
characterized or distinguished by its shape (i.e., by the relative
amplitudes of consecutive samples). The primary disadvantage
of FIR filters is that filter length increases with increasing
40 Hz FIR
sharpness of the desired magnitude response transition. Very
long filter lengths are needed to achieve very sharp transitions
in the magnitude response that approach those provided by
FFT ideal filters. This is a key consideration for real-time BCI imple-
Constant > 0
mentations because longer causal FIR filters will result in
Figure 7.5 Comparisons of FIR filters and Fourier spectra. The top row shows
longer time delays of the output. For a causal FIR filter with
two time-domain waveforms (impulse and sine wave). The next three rows symmetric weights, the time delay of the output in samples will
illustrate the outputs after passing these time-domain signals through a 4-, correspond to roughly half the filter length.
16-, and 40-Hz FIR bandpass filter, respectively. The bottom row shows the Figure 7.5 shows the outputs of three different FIR filters
corresponding Fourier-based spectra. Note that the impulse (left column) (bandpass of 4-, 16-, and 40-Hz) and a Fourier spectrum, given
produces output at all frequencies, whereas the sine wave (right column)
produces output at frequency corresponding to the frequency of the input.
two different time-domain input signals (impulse and 16-Hz
Thus, considering the output of only a single FIR filter or spectral bin can be sine wave). The impulse produces an output in each of the
misleading. It is always advisable to examine the entire spectrum. FIR filters, as well as a uniform value across the Fourier spectra.

128 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
In contrast, the sine wave produces an output only in the FIR • spatial filtering
filter with the same frequency characteristics and a narrow
• removal of environmental interference and
peak in the Fourier spectra. Thus, considering the output of
biological artifacts
only a single FIR filter or spectral bin can be misleading. It is
always advisable to examine the entire spectrum.
Signals are often prefiltered to eliminate frequencies that lie
An infinite impulse response (IIR) filter can be thought of as outside the frequency range of the brain activity most relevant
combination of two FIR filters, one that combines the current to the application. Depending on the application and the avail-
and past inputs and one that combines the past outputs. The able hardware, this prefiltering can be performed before or
IIR filter output is the sum of the two FIR filter outputs. The after the signal is digitized. For example, because the observed
term infinite is applied to this filter because a single input signal power in EEG decreases as 1/frequency and the skull
sample will affect an infinite sequence of output samples and scalp tissue provide additional signal attenuation,
through its role in determining the outputs that constitute the scalp-recorded EEG frequencies above 40 Hz have a very low
feedback. The primary advantage of IIR filters is that they are signal-to-noise ratio and thus may not be very useful for BCI
capable of producing sharp transitions in the magnitude applications. Additionally, EEG low-frequency drift produced
response using relatively few properly weighted input and by the amplifier is sometimes present in EEG and can distort
output samples. However, in contrast to FIR filters, IIR filters signal visualization. When combined with an ADC of limited
can be unstable because of their use of feedback. Thus, they amplitude range, a reduction in amplification may be neces-
must be designed so as to promote stability. In addition, IIR sary, thus reducing the amplitude resolution of the digitized
filters tend to have a nonlinear phase response; that is, different signal. As a result, it is common at the beginning of EEG fea-
frequencies will experience different time delays unless specifi- ture extraction to apply a 0.5–40 Hz (or narrower if possible)
cally designed otherwise. Depending on the application, this bandpass filter to isolate the relevant brain activity. For instance,
phase distortion may not be of particular concern for feature 8–12 Hz bandpass can be applied to isolate mu-band activity,
extraction since compensations for the nonlinear phase char- or 8–30 Hz can be applied to include both mu- and beta-band
acteristics can be achieved during feature translation. activity. In contrast, for evoked potentials such as the P300 (see
chapter 12, in this volume), it is prudent to use a high-pass
cutoff of 0.1–0.5 Hz to preserve the characteristic low-
frequency information of the response (typically with a low-
TH E THREE S TEP S O F F EAT URE pass cutoff between 5–40 Hz, depending on the nature of the
E XTRA C TION evoked response). In general, the width of the filter should be
set conservatively to prevent unnecessary loss of information,
The process of feature extraction is discussed here as a three-
which can also be beneficial for offline analysis of the signals.
step procedure:

• signal conditioning to reduce noise and to D ATA D E C I M AT I O N A N D N O R M A L I Z AT I O N

enhance relevant aspects of the signals If the signal is digitized at a rate that is higher than the Nyquist
rate required to capture the relevant activity, it may be advanta-
• extraction of the features from the conditioned geous to decimate the sampled signal to the minimum effective
signals sampling rate for more efficient processing and storage.
• feature conditioning to properly prepare the Decimation is the elimination of samples in a periodic fashion.
feature vector for the feature-translation stage For example, the decimation of a signal by a factor of two will
eliminate every other sample, effectively halving the sampling
rate and the length of (i.e., the number of samples in) the signal.
FIRST STEP: SIGNAL CONDITIONING However, just as with sampling in analog-to-digital conver-
sion, it is important to avoid aliasing (see section on Sampling
The first step of feature extraction is called signal conditioning
earlier in this chapter). To avoid aliasing, the signal should be
or preprocessing. This step enhances the signal by preemptively
low-pass filtered before decimation, with a cutoff frequency
eliminating known interference (i.e., artifacts) or irrelevant
equal to one-half of the decimated sampling frequency.
information, and/or by enhancing spatial, spectral, or tempo-
The most common way to normalize a set of signals is to
ral characteristics of the signal that are particularly relevant to
subtract from each signal its mean value and then scale the
the application. It is common to have some prior knowledge
resulting signals by dividing by its variance. Signal normaliza-
about the general signal characteristics relevant for a particular
tion can be useful when one is comparing different signals that
application, and this knowledge is used in conditioning. Signal
have differences in mean values or dynamic (i.e., amplitude)
conditioning can include a number of different procedures that
ranges that are not relevant to the particular application. For
can primarily be categorized as:
example, EEG signals recorded over two brain areas often
differ markedly in amplitude range, but the signal dynamics
• frequency-range prefiltering
within these ranges may be of primary interest for a given BCI
• data decimation and normalization application, not the actual difference in the respective signal

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 2 9
amplitude values. Normalization can also be used to adjust sig- determining the set of spatial-filter weights W. These approaches
nals that are affected by unintended electrode impedance dif- fall into two major classes: data-independent and data-
ferences (which are obviously not relevant to the application). dependent spatial filters.
By converting the signals to the same scale, normalization can
potentially simplify the analysis and interpretation of the sig- Data-Independent Spatial Filters
nals and the subsequent processing steps. At the same time, Data-independent spatial filters typically use fixed geomet-
however, normalization must be used with caution since it rical relationships to determine the spatial-filter weights and
does eliminate the potentially useful amplitude differences thus are not dependent on the data being filtered. These filters
within a set of signals. have certain local or global characteristics that, although some-
what generic, can be extremely effective in many applications.
S PAT I A L F I LT E R I N G McFarland et al. (1997) describe the value of appropriate data-
In methods that measure electrical signals from the scalp or independent spatial filtering for BCIs. Figure 7.6 illustrates
within the head, the quantity measured is the electrical poten- the characteristics of several of these filters: the common-
tial difference (in volts) between two electrodes, and the volt- average reference and two surface Laplacian spatial filters (small
age signal obtained is commonly called a channel. Each channel and large).
reflects the voltage fields produced by multiple proximal brain A common-average reference (CAR or AVE) spatial filter is
sources and sometimes by nonbrain sources as well (e.g., realized by recording all channels with a common reference,
muscle activity, 60-Hz artifacts, etc.). The sensitivity of a chan- computing at each time point the global mean of all the digitized
nel to different brain sources depends on the sizes and orienta- channels, and then subtracting that mean from each individual
tions of the sources in relation to the locations of the channel’s channel. This tends to reduce the impact of artifacts that are
two electrodes. Thus, by properly selecting the pairs of elec- similar across all channels (e.g., 60-Hz power-line interference).
trodes that comprise each channel, it is possible to make the A surface Laplacian spatial filter is based on a computation
channel more sensitive to some sources and less sensitive to of the second spatial derivative. If the channels have been
others. If all the channels recorded have one electrode in recorded with a common reference, this computation is effec-
common, it is possible to reconstruct any desired alternative tively equivalent to taking a central channel of interest and
set of channels by weighting and combining the channels after subtracting the mean of all the channels at some fixed radial
digitization. This procedure is known as spatial filtering. The distance from this central channel. Although this simplified
common electrode, called the reference electrode, or reference, Laplacian filter is effective and commonly used, more elaborate
is usually placed at a location that is relatively inactive, or Laplacian filters can be constructed based on the precise spa-
insensitive, with regard to brain activity, and in this case the tial-derivative derivation. Spatially adjacent channels tend to
recording is termed monopolar (even though, as explained in be highly correlated since they have similar positions relative
detail in chapters 3 and 6, all voltage recordings, strictly speak- to many brain sources. By eliminating this correlated activity, a
ing, are bipolar.) When both electrodes in a channel are affected Laplacian filter emphasizes highly localized activity (i.e., activ-
by brain activity, the recording is typically termed bipolar. ity that is not the same at both locations). Thus, the fixed radial
Spatial filters are generally designed to enhance sensitivity distance of the filter should be set based on the spatial charac-
to particular brain sources, to improve source localization, teristics of the activity of interest.
and/or to suppress certain artifacts. Most commonly, spatial
filters are selected as linear combinations (i.e., weighted sums) Data-Dependent Spatial Filters
of channels and can be represented in matrix form: In contrast to the generalized data-independent filters,
data-dependent spatial filters are derived directly from each
⎡y y12  y1P ⎤ ⎡ w11 w12  w1N ⎤ ⎡ x11 x12  x1P ⎤ BCI user’s data. Although these filters tend to be more complex
⎢y y 22 ⎥ ⎢w w22 ⎥⎢x x 22 ⎥ in terms of derivation and spatial geometries, they can produce
⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ 21 ⎥ ⎢ 21 ⎥
⎢  ⎥ ⎢  ⎥⎢  ⎥ more precise results for a particular user or application. This is
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ particularly useful in cases where little is known about the
⎣y y MP ⎦ ⎣w M w MN ⎦ ⎣ x N x NNP ⎦
exact characteristics of the relevant brain activity. Data-
(7.6) dependent filters are derived by placing an objective constraint
or equivalently in matrix notation: on the weight matrix W from equation 7.7. Because Y consists
of linear combinations of the original channels, the constraints
WX on W are typically designed to linearly combine the original
channels X to produce fewer, more meaningful and/or local-
where each row of X consists of P consecutive digital signal ized channels in Y, effectively reducing the dimensionality
samples from one of N channels, each row of W is a set of N of the problem. Three common methods for deriving data-
channel weights that constitute a particular spatial filter, and dependent spatial filters are discussed here:
each row of Y is a resulting spatially filtered channel (M spa-
tially filtered channels × P samples). Essentially, each spatially • principal components analysis (PCA)
filtered channel of Y is a weighted sum of the all of the channels
• independent component analysis (ICA)
in X, where the channel weights are defined by the correspond-
ing row in W. There are several common approaches for • common spatial patterns (CSP)

130 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Ear Small Large
reference Laplacian Laplacian

B 4 Ear reference
Small Laplacian

Amplitude (μV)
3 Large Laplacian

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Spatial frequency (cm/cycle)

C Ear CAR Small Large

reference Laplacian Laplacian




36 18 18 18
Amplitude (μV)

18 9 9 9

0 0 0 0
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.0 0.0 0.0
0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7.6 Comparison of four spatial filters. Sixty-four channel EEG data, collected while well-trained subjects were moving a cursor to targets on the top or
bottom edge of a video monitor using sensorimotor rhythms, were analyzed offline using four spatial filters. (A) Electrode locations used by four different spatial
filters for EEG recorded from C3 (red). For the common average reference (CAR) and Laplacian methods, EEG at the green electrodes is averaged and subtracted
from EEG at C3. (B) Spatial bandpass. For each method, the trace shows the square root of the root-mean-square values (amplitude, mV) of a signal that varies
sinusoidally in amplitude across the scalp as its spatial frequency varies from 6 cm, twice the interelectrode distance (i.e., the highest spatial frequency that would
not cause spatial aliasing), to 60 cm (i.e., approximate head circumference). (C) Average r2 topography, and amplitude and r2 spectra for each spatial filter method
for trained BCI users at the frequency and electrode location, respectively, used online (r2 is the proportion of the variance of the signal feature that is accounted
for by the user’s intended cursor direction toward the target). Each method is applied to the same body of data. With each method, EEG control (measured as r2)
is focused over sensorimotor cortices and in the mu- and beta-rhythm frequency bands. In this example using sensorimotor rhythms, the value of r2 is highest for
the CAR and large Laplacian spatial filters and lowest for the ear reference. (Adapted from McFarland et al. 1997. Reprinted with permission from Clinical

Principal Component Analysis. Given a set of spatial sig- PCA determines a set of weights W that transform the set
nals, a specific linear combination of these signals (i.e., a spatial of channels X into a set of new channels Y having the same
filter) can be determined such that the resulting signals account dimensionality (i.e., W is a square matrix), such that the filtered
for the highest proportion of the amplitude variance of the set signal in Y associated with the first principal component
of original signals. Because EEG channels tend to be highly (row of weights in W) is the linear combination of the signals
correlated, PCA can be useful for localizing and enhancing in X that produces maximum amplitude variance. When
certain brain activity, particularly when amplitude variance is applying PCA, the resulting principal components are orthog-
correlated with the BCI task conditions. onal to each other; that is, the resulting output channels are

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 3 1
uncorrelated with each other. Each successive principal com- but the number of independent sources must be accurately
ponent accounts for a smaller portion of the amplitude vari- approximated to effectively isolate the intended source infor-
ance of the original channels. Because the first few principal mation. In addition, the maximum number of independent
components usually capture most of the variance of the chan- sources that can be identified is limited to the number of chan-
nels in X, the remaining components are typically discarded. nels in X. When the number of original channels is much
By keeping only the signals in Y that represent the dimensions greater than the number of expected independent sources and/
accounting for the most variance in X, the dimensionality or the channels are highly correlated, it is common to use PCA
of the problem can be greatly reduced. That is, a typically prior to ICA to remove the irrelevant channels and streamline
large number of original (input) channels is reduced to the ICA processing. Hyvärinen (1999) provides a useful survey
a smaller number of output channels (e.g., a large portion of ICA algorithms, and Makeig et. al. (2000) discuss the appli-
of the variance of 64 input channels may be captured in cation of ICA for a BCI.
five or fewer output channels after PCA). Ideally, this
process discards very little relevant information, but this is not Common Spatial Patterns. CSP is an approach closely
guaranteed. related to PCA, except that the task-condition labels (e.g.,
One disadvantage of PCA for discriminating different movement vs. rest, move cursor right vs. move cursor left, etc.)
types of brain activity in a BCI application is that, since no are incorporated when determining W such that the corre-
information about BCI task conditions is used to derive the sponding components produce minimum variance for one
weight matrix W, the resulting PCA signals accounting for the condition and maximum variance for the other, and vice versa.
largest amplitude variance may not be correlated with the task In this way the CSP spatial filters are optimal for discriminat-
conditions. For instance, if all of the original channels are cor- ing between two task conditions. For CSP, the channels in
rupted with significant 60-Hz line noise compared to the EEG X are first bandpass-filtered, which makes the variance equiva-
signal power, it is likely that this 60-Hz signal will appear as a lent to band power (see the discussion of band power in
top PCA component although it would be independent of any this chapter’s section on Frequency [Spectral] Features). As with
BCI task conditions. Thus, the drawback in PCA is that a com- PCA and ICA, only the relevant CSP components are retained.
paratively low-power channel that is highly correlated with the Since the reduced CSP signal matrix is already optimized for
task conditions may not be included in the top set of PCA discriminating the task conditions, the resulting CSP projec-
components. Dien et al. (2003) discuss the application of both tions can be fed directly to the translation algorithm without
spatial and temporal PCA for detecting event-related poten- further feature extraction. Also, by inverting the filtering
tials in EEG. matrix W and spatially plotting its components, it is possible
to visualize the actual spatial patterns corresponding to the
Independent Component Analysis. Although the chan- different task conditions. Müller-Gerking et al. (1999) discuss
nels resulting from PCA are uncorrelated, they are not neces- basic use of CSP for BCI applications, whereas Lemm et al.
sarily statistically independent. To be statistically independent, (2005) and Dornhenge et al. (2006) discuss extensions of basic
the joint probability distribution function FXY(x, y) = Pr{X ≤x, CSP methodology.
Y ≤y} of channels x and y must satisfy the following:
FXY (x , y ) FX (x )FY ( y ) (7.8) E N V I R O N M E N TA L I N T E R F E R E N C E
In contrast, to be uncorrelated, the expected value of the chan-
Environmental interference is an artifact in brain-signal record-
nels must satisfy the following:
ings not attributable to biological sources. It includes interfer-
E{ XY } E{ X }E{Y } ence from environmental factors such as power-lines or other
electrical sources in the environment. Biological artifacts arise
Thus, independence is a stricter constraint on the statistical from biological sources such as muscle (electromyographic)
relationship between channels than uncorrelatedness. (EMG) activity, eye movement (electrooculographic) (EOG)
Assuming that particular sources of brain activity are localized activity, heart-beat (electrocardiographic) (ECG) activity,
and function independently, identifying a spatial filter that respiratory activity, etc. We will discuss the most commonly
produces independent channels is important because it is the- encountered interference and biological artifacts. Other kinds
oretically more likely to identify the channels sensitive to dif- of nonbrain noise can usually be addressed with methods
ferent signal-generating sources within the brain. ICA seeks to similar to those described here.
determine the weight matrix W that produces independent
channels in Y. Because the resulting spatial weights tend to 50/60-Hz Power-Line Interference
correspond to localized activity, this process can also be under- Power-line interference is generated by the electrical systems
stood as a form of source separation or source localization. As in buildings. The electrical and/or magnetic fields created by
with PCA, an application might use only the most relevant these systems may create electrical fields in the body that are
ICA components (i.e., the channels that correlate well with the detected by electrodes used to record brain signals, particu-
BCI task conditions) in order to reduce the dimensionality. larly EEG electrodes. This interference manifests itself as a
In general, ICA presents a significant challenge in BCI continuous sinusoidal signal at 50 Hz (in Europe and Asia) or
applications. Not only are the algorithms relatively complex, 60 Hz (in North and South America). Significant power-line

132 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
interference often results from high electrode impedance or the chosen features. This section introduces the process of fea-
impedance mismatch involving the electrodes of individual ture extraction with emphasis on methods widely used and/or
channels or the ground electrode. Some degree of power-line particularly appropriate for BCI applications. The methods are
interference is often unavoidable, particularly in home or other described in terms of processing a single channel, but they can
nonlaboratory environments in which BCIs are often used. be generalized to multiple channels.
However, even when this interference is obvious in the recorded
channels, it may not impair feature extraction if it is stable over METHOD SELECTION
time and consistent across channels, or if it is not within the Most BCI applications to date have used components of brain
frequency range most relevant for the BCI application. If pow- signals that are clearly characterized spatially, spectrally, and
er-line interference is a significant problem, a bandstop (or temporally (e.g., sensory evoked potentials or sensorimotor
notch) filter can be applied to eliminate a narrow frequency rhythms). In these situations, the known characteristics of the
band (e.g., 55–65 Hz) that encompasses the power-line inter- components and the specific BCI application usually dictate a
ference. With multichannel recordings, Laplacian and CAR logical starting point for feature extraction. For example,
spatial filters can remove power-line interference that is because sensorimotor rhythms are amplitude modulations at
common to all the channels without the need for frequency specific frequencies over sensorimotor cortex, it is logical to
filtering. extract frequency-domain features using processing parame-
ters appropriate to the characteristic dynamics of these
Interference from EMG and EOG Activity rhythms. In contrast, in more exploratory situations, when less
and Eye Blinks is known about the optimal feature choice, it is preferable to
EMG activity is electrical activity generated by muscle contrac- first assess potential features in both time and frequency
tions. It is typically manifested as spectrally broadband activity domains, and it may be worthwhile initially to construct a fea-
that often varies substantially from moment to moment. EOG ture vector that includes features extracted in both time and
activity is the electrical activity generated by eye movements. frequency domains. In the long run, however, it is best to elim-
For obvious reasons, this interference tends to be prominent in inate features that are redundant or less relevant to the applica-
frontal EEG activity. Similarly, eye blinks create a large tran- tion. Since feature extraction and translation need to work
sient frontal pulse that can also affect more posterior channels. together, the choice of translation algorithm may affect the
EMG, EOG, and eye-blink artifacts are problems mainly for choice of feature-extraction method, and vice versa. McFarland
EEG. They are absent or minimal in ECoG or intracortical sig- et al. (2006) and Bashashati et al. (2007) provide comprehen-
nals, which are typically of much higher amplitude than EEG sive surveys of BCI feature-extraction methods and translation
and are largely shielded from contamination by the skull. algorithms.
In EEG recording, EMG is typically the most significant
artifact because it is often difficult to remove or even to fully BLOCK PROCESSING
recognize. In scalp EEG recording, cranial EMG activity is For most BCI applications, it is highly desirable for the pro-
most prominent around the periphery (i.e., frontal, temporal, cessing to occur in real time (i.e., rapidly enough to sustain an
occipital) and can easily exceed brain activity in amplitude. ongoing interaction between the user and the system that
EMG can also contaminate EEG recorded from more central accomplishes the user’s intent). Prior to feature extraction, the
head regions (Goncharova et. al. 2003). Since EMG is broad- incoming signal samples are commonly segmented into
band (from the mu/beta range up to several hundred Hz), it is consecutive, possibly overlapping, sample blocks (see fig. 7.1).
often difficult to detect and difficult to remove using a fre- A feature vector (i.e., the values of one or more features) is
quency filter and can easily masquerade as EEG. It therefore created from the signal samples within each individual sample
presents a considerable challenge in BCI recording. Often, it block. The feature vectors from the successive sample blocks
can be recognized only with sufficiently comprehensive topo- are then fed to the translation algorithm, which produces a
graphical analysis (Goncharova et. al. 2003). device command or user feedback corresponding to each
Spatial filtering may be useful for reducing EMG, EOG, or sample block or corresponding to sets of consecutive sample
eyeblink artifacts. For example, the spatial filter weights might blocks. For efficient online implementation, the length and
be derived from a regression with respect to frontal temporal overlap of these sample blocks should fit the relevant temporal
electrodes (if temporal EMG is present), or based on electrodes dynamics of the signal, the feature-extraction method, the
placed next to the eyes (if EOG is present). Since most of the nature of the application, and the concurrent user feedback, as
power for EOG and eye-blink artifacts is usually in low fre- well as the available processing power. For example, for BCI
quencies (∼1 Hz), a high-pass or bandpass filter can be used to cursor control, it is not normally necessary to compute a new
remove these artifacts, as long as the BCI-relevant EEG signals feature vector (and thus a cursor movement) for each new
are not also of low frequency. input sample, since the sampling rate is usually much higher
(e.g., 128 Hz) than an acceptable cursor movement rate
(e.g., 20 movements/sec). Computing feature vectors more fre-
S E C O N D S T E P : E X T R A C T I N G T H E F E AT U R E S
quently than needed for the application is generally a needless
After the initial signal conditioning step has optimized the expenditure of computational time and power.
signal by enhancing its most relevant features and/or reducing For some applications, it is not necessary to compute fea-
artifacts, the next step of feature extraction measures or extracts ture vectors for every sample block. For instance, in the case

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 3 3
of transient stimulus-locked responses such as stimulus- 2
evoked potentials like the P300 response (see chapter 12, this A
volume), it is important to compute the feature vectors only 0
for a defined period after (and perhaps also before) each stimu- –2
lus. Additionally, for some applications, feature vectors for a
number of successive sample blocks are averaged to improve 1
the signal-to-noise ratio before being processed by the transla- B 0
tion algorithm to produce output.
T I M E ( T E M P O R A L ) F E AT U R E S
Peak-Picking and Integration C
Peak-picking and integration are two of the most straight- 0.5
forward and basic feature-extraction methods. Peak-picking
simply determines the minimum or maximum value of the 0
signal samples in a specific time block (usually defined relative 1
to a specific preceding stimulus) and uses that value (and pos- D
sibly its time of occurrence) as the feature(s) for that time 0.5
block. Alternatively, the signal can be averaged or integrated
over all or part of the time block to yield the feature(s) for the 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
block. Some form of averaging or integration is typically pref-
erable to simple peak-picking, especially when the responses Figure 7.7 The procedure for extracting bandpower from a signal. (A) The
original signal. (B) The result after applying a bandpass filter to the data in A.
to the stimulus are known to vary in latency and/or when
(C) The result after squaring the amplitude of B. (D) The final bandpower result
unrelated higher-frequency activity is superimposed on the after smoothing C with a low-pass filter. The x-axis is time.
relevant feature. Moreover, these same methods can be applied
for tracking transient amplitude peaks in the frequency
domain. Farwell and Donchin (1988) used these straightfor-
ward methods with considerable success in the first P300- Band Power
based BCI. One of the most straightforward and intuitive methods for
tracking amplitude modulations at a particular frequency is to
Correlation and Template-Matching first isolate the frequency of interest by filtering the signal with
The similarity of a response to a predefined template might a bandpass filter. This produces a signal that is largely sinusoi-
also be used as a feature. Computing the similarity, or correla- dal. Next, to produce purely positive values, the signal is recti-
tion, of a response to a template is essentially equivalent to FIR fied by squaring the signal or by computing its absolute value.
filtering using the template as the filter weights. For a given Finally, the adjacent peaks are smoothed together via integra-
response, the output of the template filter will be high for the tion or low-pass filtering. The effects of each of these steps
segments that closely resemble the template and low for are illustrated in figure 7.7. Although the smoothed signal
segments that differ from the template. Wavelet analysis (see (fig. 7.7D) tracks the magnitude envelope of the frequency
section on Time-Frequency Features in this chapter) can be of interest, the resulting instantaneous magnitude estimate will
considered a variation of this method; it uses templates with be slightly delayed due to the smoothing step. When multiple-
specific analytical properties to produce a frequency decompo- frequency band tracking is required, it is typically preferable to
sition related to Fourier analysis. Krusienski et al. (2007) and use an FFT- or AR-based method rather than using multiple
Serby et al. (2005) apply a template scheme to a sensorimotor bandpass filters and computing the band power of each
rhythm-based BCI and a P300-based BCI, respectively. output.

F R E Q U E N C Y ( S P E C T R A L ) F E AT U R E S Fast Fourier Transform

Much brain activity manifests itself as continuous amplitude- The FFT is an efficient implementation of the discrete
and frequency-modulated oscillations. Therefore, it is often Fourier transform, which is the discrete-time equivalent of the
advantageous to accurately track these changes in the fre- continuous Fourier transform already discussed in this chap-
quency domain. Although the Fourier transform is the most ter. The FFT represents the frequency spectrum of a digital
common method for converting from the time domain to the signal with a frequency resolution of sample-rate/FFT-points,
frequency domain, there are several alternatives that have where the FFT-point is a selectable scalar that must be greater
characteristics that are particularly desirable given specific or equal to the length of the digital signal and is typically
constraints or specific objectives. These include: chosen as a base 2 value for computational efficiency. Because
of its simplicity and effectiveness, the FFT often serves as the
• band power baseline method to which other spectral analysis methods are
• fast Fourier transform (FFT)
The FFT takes an N-sample digital signal and produces
• autoregressive (AR) modeling N frequency samples uniformly spaced over a frequency range

134 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Because N-sample signal blocks may section the signal
abruptly to create false discontinuities at the edges of the block,
A artificial ripples tend to be produced around the peaks of the
spectrum. This can be mitigated by multiplying the block of
samples by a tapering windowing function that tapers the sam-
ples at the edges of the sample block, thus reducing the ripples
in the spectrum. Although this acts to smooth the spectral
B ripples, it also expands the width of the frequency peaks, and
thus lowers overall spectral resolution. In many cases, this is a
tolerable tradeoff for obtaining a smoother spectrum.
Note that it is also common to refer to the power spectrum
rather than the amplitude spectrum. Recall that signal power is
proportional to the squared signal amplitude. Each bin of the
FFT magnitude spectrum tracks the sinusoidal amplitude of
the signal at the corresponding frequency. A simple estimate of
the power spectrum can be obtained by simply squaring the
FFT magnitude. However, more robust FFT-based estimates
can be obtained by using variants of the periodogram (Hayes
D 1996). Wolpaw and McFarland (1994), Pregenzer and
Pfurtscheller (1999), and Kelly et al. (2005) provide examples
of FFT-based methods applied to BCIs.
Time (ms) FFT frequency bins
Autoregressive Modeling
Figure 7.8 Fast Fourier transform. Four time-domain digital signals are shown
on the left (shown as continuous signals for illustration purposes). The four
Autoregressive (AR) modeling is an alternative to Fourier-
corresponding FFT magnitude spectra are shown on the right. The time and based methods for computing the frequency spectrum of a
frequency plots have the same respective amplitude scale. The leftmost FFT signal. AR modeling assumes that the signal being modeled
bin is centered on 0 Hz, and the rightmost is centered on sampling rate/2. was generated by passing white noise through an infinite
Signals A, B, and C are harmonically related sinusoids (i.e., integer multiple
impulse response (IIR) filter. The specific weights of the IIR
frequencies of signal A) that sum to produce the nonsinusoidal periodic signal
D. Because the FFT is a linear transform, the same holds for the magnitude
filter shape the white noise input to match the characteristics of
spectra. Although the FFT phase is not shown, notice that the phase of the the signal being modeled. White noise is essentially random
sinusoids has an important role in the shape of signal D in the time domain noise that has the unique property of being completely uncor-
(i.e., shifting the phase of A, B, or C will alter the shape of D). related when compared to any delayed version of itself. The
specific IIR filter structure for AR modeling uses no delayed
input terms and p delayed output terms. This structure allows
of ±sampling rate/2, thus making it a one-to-one transforma- efficient computation of the IIR filter weights. Because white
tion that incurs no loss of information. These frequency- noise has a completely flat power spectrum (i.e., the same
domain samples are often referred to as frequency bins and are power at all frequencies), the IIR filter weights are set so as to
the digital equivalent of the results of a continuous Fourier shape the spectrum to match the actual spectrum of the signal
transform, with the frequency resolution specified. The FFT being analyzed. It has been posited that filtering a white-noise
will produce complex values that can be converted to magni- process with an AR filter is a suitable model for the generation
tude and phase as shown in equations 7.3a and 7.3b. The FFT of EEG, since EEG is essentially a mixture of spontaneously
spectrum of a real signal has symmetry such that only half of firing spatial sources (synapses and neurons), measured at dif-
the bins are unique, from zero to +sampling rate/2. These ferent locations (i.e., electrode positions). This process can be
positive bins are shown in figure 7.8 for several sinusoids that approximated to a first order by filtering a white-noise process
comprise the periodic waveform in the bottom row. The bins (effectively it assumes a linear generation model for the EEG
from zero to –sampling rate/2 are the mirror image of the with constant excitation which, however, is unlikely to occur in
positive bins. Therefore, for an N-sample real signal, there are the brain). In sum, the filter weights used for AR spectral anal-
N/2 unique frequency bins from zero to sampling rate/2. ysis of EEG are based on the assumption that EEG is equivalent
Knowing this fact allows one to apply and interpret the FFT to filtering white noise with an IIR filter.
even without a firm grasp of the complex mathematics associ- Because the IIR filter weights define the signal’s spectrum,
ated with the notion of “negative frequencies.” AR modeling can potentially achieve higher spectral resolu-
Finer frequency sampling can be achieved by appending M tion for shorter signal blocks than can the FFT. Short signal
zeros to the N-sample signal, producing (M + N)/2 bins from blocks are often necessary for BCI outputs such as cursor con-
zero to the sampling rate/2. This is known as zero padding. trol in which frequent feature updates are essential. Additionally,
Zero padding does not actually increase the spectral resolution the IIR filter structure accurately models spectra with sharp,
since no additional signal information is being included in the distinct peaks, which are common for biosignals such as
computation, but it does provide an interpolated spectrum EEG. Hayes (1996) discusses the theory and various approaches
with different bin frequencies. for computing the IIR weights (i.e., AR model) from an

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 3 5
observed signal. The estimated power spectrum can be com- amplitude modulation characteristics. For instance, for a given
puted from the IIR filter weights as follows: sample block length, the amplitude of a particular high-
2 frequency component (with respect to the block length) has
b( )
AR ( ) = p 2 the potential to fluctuate significantly over each cycle within
1 + ∑ a p (k )e − jkw the sample block. In contrast, the amplitude of a lower-
k =1 frequency component will not do so because a smaller number
of cycles occur within the sample block. For a given sample
where ap(k) and b(0) are the estimated IIR filter weights and p block, the FFT and AR methods produce only one frequency
is the AR model order. In this case, frequency bins similar to bin that represents these fluctuations at the respective fre-
the FFT can be defined by evaluating equation 7.10 at the quency. By observing this bin in isolation, it is not possible to
frequencies of interest. Alternatively, since the relevant infor- determine when a pulse at that particular frequency occurs
mation is contained in the filter weights, it is also common to within the sampling block. Wavelet analysis solves this problem
use the weights themselves as features. by producing a time-frequency representation of the signal.
The primary issue with AR modeling is that the accuracy of However, as predicted by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,
the spectral estimate is highly dependent on the selected model there is always a time/frequency resolution trade-off in signal
order (p). An insufficient model order tends to blur the spec- processing: it is impossible to precisely determine the instanta-
trum, whereas an overly large order may create artificial peaks neous frequency and time of occurrence of an event. This means
in the spectrum. One approach is to view the EEG as being that longer time windows will produce spectral estimates having
comprised of 3–6 spectral peaks representing some combina- higher frequency resolution, while shorter time windows will
tion of delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma waves (see chapter produce estimates having lower frequency resolution.
13, in this volume). In this case each peak can be represented The output of the FFT can be realized from a set of parallel
as a pair of the p poles (i.e., roots of the denominator in equa- bandpass filters (a so-called filter bank), with each filter cen-
tion 7.10) of an AR model, which requires only a relatively low tered at uniform frequency intervals. In contrast, wavelet anal-
model order of 6–12. However, this reasoning fails to account ysis designs a filter bank to achieve an improved time-frequency
for distinct spectrally adjacent or overlapping signals (such as resolution. In wavelet analysis a characteristic time-limited
mu-rhythm and visual alpha-rhythm activity) or for other nar- pulse shape, called the mother wavelet, is used to construct a
row-band and/or wide-band activity (such as EOG and EMG) template for each temporal FIR bandpass filter in the filter
that may contaminate the signal. The complex nature of the bank. Typically, mother wavelets tend to be oscillatory in
EEG signal should be taken into account for accurate spectral nature, and thus have a bandpass magnitude response. Each
estimation, and this often cannot be reliably accomplished template filter in the filter bank is correlated with the signal of
with such small model orders. It should be noted that the interest. The output of a given template filter will have a com-
model order is dependent on the spectral content of the signal paratively large magnitude when it overlaps with a portion of
and the sampling rate. For a given signal, the model order the signal that is similar to the template filter. This filtering pro-
should be increased in proportion to an increased sampling cess is repeated multiple times in parallel via the filter bank,
rate. For scalp EEG sampled at 160 Hz, model orders of 10–20 using the same template shape for each filter but stretching or
are frequently prudent. On the other hand, a small model order compressing it by different factors or scales for the different fil-
may be adequate when only a few frequencies are of interest ters in the bank. Since each scaled mother wavelet filter has a
and when other aspects of the signal are eliminated by band- unique temporal length and represents a unique oscillation-
pass-filtering prior to AR spectral analysis. McFarland et al. frequency characteristic, each filter output represents a unique
(2008) discuss AR model-order selection for BCI applications. time-frequency content of the signal. This scheme results in a
The Burg Algorithm (Hayes 1996) is commonly used for more effective, nonuniform time-frequency tiling (i.e., resolu-
estimating the weights in equation 7.10 because, unlike most tion of adjacent time-frequency bins) compared to the FFT
other methods, it is guaranteed to produce a stable IIR model. because changes in high-frequency characteristics can be iden-
It is also possible to generate a single AR model using multiple tified over shorter time intervals than with the segment length
signals. This is known as multivariate AR modeling. Anderson used by the FFT. This time-frequency tiling and corresponding
et al. (1998), Pfurtscheller et al. (1998), Wolpaw and McFarland mother-wavelet scaling are illustrated in figure 7.9.
(2004), and Burke et al. (2005) apply various methods of AR There is a wide variety of mother wavelets, and each has
modeling to BCI applications. specific time-frequency characteristics and mathematical
properties. In addition, application-specific mother wavelets
T I M E - F R E Q U E N C Y F E AT U R E S ( WAV E L E T S ) can be developed if general pulse characteristics are known or
Wavelet analysis solves one major drawback of conventional desired. Moreover, different sets of scaling and shifting factors
spectral-analysis techniques based on the power spectrum, can be applied, and relationships existing among these factors
that is, that the temporal and spectral resolution of the result- can be used for computation of a wavelet transform. Just as the
ing estimates are highly dependent on the selected segment FFT provides an efficient computation of the Fourier Transform
length, model order, and other parameters. This is particularly for digital signals, the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) pro-
a problem when the signal contains a wide range of relevant vides an efficient computation of the wavelet transform using
frequency components, each possessing temporally distinct specific scale and shift factors that minimize redundancy in the

136 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
all of the individual vectors in the sum have the same instanta-
A neous phase, the vectors all point in the same direction and the
resultant sum will equal one. The closer the PLV is to 1, the
more consistent the phase difference between the signals (i.e.,

they are phase locked with each other.) When the instanta-
B neous phase difference is random with a uniform distribution,
the PLV will be near zero, indicating that the signals are not
phase coupled in the frequency band examined. Gysels and
C Celka (2004), Brunner et al. (2006), and Wei et al. (2007) apply
Time C the PLV in BCI applications.

Figure 7.9 The diagram on the left indicates the time-frequency tiling Whereas the PLV measures the phase relationship between
(i.e., resolution of adjacent time-frequency bins) achieved by a wavelet analysis. two narrow-band signals, coherence measures the correlation
Note that the higher-frequency content of a signal is computed over shorter between the amplitudes of two narrow-band signals. In this
time intervals (A), and the lower-frequency content is computed over longer
case, the “narrow bands” are selected from among the spectral
time intervals (C). The time-domain waveforms on the right represent different
scales of an example mother wavelet that could be used to compute the
bins of an FFT or other spectral-estimation method. The
wavelet coefficient for the corresponding time-frequency tile. power spectrum of the signals, Sxx(f), is used rather than the
amplitude spectrum. Sxx(f) is equivalent to the squared Fourier
transform of the signals. Sxy(f) is an average of several individ-
ual estimates of the cross spectrum between signals x and y.
time-frequency representation. Graimann et al. (2004), The coherence between these signals is determined as follows:
Bostanov (2004), and Qin and He (2005) apply wavelet analy- 2
sis to various BCI paradigms. Mallot (2008) provides the theo- Sxy (w )
retical details of wavelets. g (w ) =
Sxx (w )S yy (w )

S I M I L A R I T Y F E AT U R E S 2
The amplitude of γ (ω) will have a value ranging between 0
Phase Locking Value (if there is no coherence) and 1 (if there is perfect coherence).
Brain activity that occurs synchronously (i.e., in the same It should be noted that a sufficiently large number of observa-
phase) across multiple channels can be relevant to BCI applica- tions is necessary to accurately estimate coherence. Thus,
tions. The phase locking value (PLV) is a measurement of the coherence is not likely to be useful as a feature for online BCI
level of phase coupling that occurs between two signals occu- operation.
pying the same narrow frequency range. This is a useful
approach for quantifying the phase relationship between sig- Mahalanobis Distance
nals from two different EEG electrodes. First, both of the sig- Features can be defined by measuring the similarity
nals are filtered using a narrow bandpass filter. Then, the between certain signal features and predetermined baseline or
instantaneous phase difference between the filtered signals is archetypal distribution(s) of these features. The Euclidian dis-
computed either by using the Hilbert Transform (Proakis and tance (the familiar “straight line” distance between two points
Manolakis 2007) or the phase information provided by the in space) is one possible similarity feature that can be used to
FFT. Because the instantaneous phase difference tends to vary compare a feature vector to a baseline feature vector. When the
over time, the values must be averaged to determine the con- potential exists for the features comprising the feature vector to
sistency of phase coupling between the signals. However, be correlated, the Mahalanobis distance (DM) is preferred
because phase is circular (i.e., 0 radians is equivalent to 2π because it accounts for the covariance among features and is
radians), phase cannot be averaged directly. Instead, each scale invariant:
phase-difference observation is converted into a vector having
a magnitude equal to one (represented here as a complex expo- (x m )T S −1 (x
DM (x ) = (x ( m) (7.14)
nential). The vectors are summed and divided by the number
of observations as follows: where x is the multivariate feature observation and ∑ and μ
are the covariance matrix and the mean of the archetypal dis-
i al1 ( ) − q sign
q ( ) q sign i al 2 ( ) tribution, respectively. Example Euclidean and Mahalanobis
distance contours from the mean of a two-dimensional feature
PLV = ∑ e jq (t )
N t =1
space are illustrated in figure 7.10. In this figure, features 1 and
2 are correlated, and observations along the equal-Euclidean-
distance contour (in blue) clearly do not have a consistent rela-
Equation 7.11 represents the instantaneous phase difference tionship with the joint distribution of the features, in contrast
between the two bandpass-filtered signals. In equation 7.12, to the Mahalanobis contour (in red). Essentially, feature-vector
the magnitude of the resultant vector represents the PLV. When observations that exist on equal probability contours of the

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 3 7
4 Euclidean

Feature 2



–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
Feature 1

Figure 7.10 Example of equidistant Mahalanobis (red) and Euclidean (blue) contours from the mean of a two-dimensional feature distribution having correlated
features. The Mahalanobis contour captures the covariance of the features, but the Euclidian contour does not.

joint probability-density function defined by the archetypal used with caution and only in clearly appropriate situations,
features have an equal Mahalanobis distance from the mean of because it does discard interchannel information that could
the distribution and thus have an equal probability of belong- conceivably be relevant to the particular BCI application.
ing to the archetypal distribution.
Some feature-translation algorithms, such as Fisher’s Linear
T H I R D S T E P : F E AT U R E C O N D I T I O N I N G
Discriminant (see chapter 8, in this volume), achieve optimum
The distributions and the relationships among the features can results when the input features have Gaussian distributions.
have a significant effect on the performance of the translation Input features often are not natively Gaussian-distributed. For
algorithm that follows feature extraction. These effects depend example, a feature defined as the magnitude of an FFT ampli-
on the characteristics of the particular translation algorithm. tude bin will likely not have a Gaussian or symmetric distribu-
This section reviews common methods of feature-conditioning tion since the lower range of the feature is bounded by zero and
(post-processing) that can improve the performance of particu- the upper range is unbounded. Moreover, the power of the
lar translation algorithms. EEG frequency spectrum is inversely proportional to fre-
quency. In many cases unimodal non-Gaussian distributed
N O R M A L I Z AT I O N features can be effectively shaped to be more Gaussian by
In signal conditioning, signal normalization is commonly applying a monotonically increasing nonlinear transforma-
accomplished by subtracting the signal mean and scaling the tion. A monotonically increasing transformation guarantees
signal amplitude to have unit variance (i.e., variance equal to that the transformed feature values will have the same ordering
1). Features can also be normalized. Feature normalization is as the original values with different spacing between the
advantageous when the features comprising a feature vector values.
display differences in their means or dynamic ranges that are Although specialized transforms can be derived for shap-
not relevant to their BCI usage. For example, the derivation of ing known feature distributions into more Gaussian distribu-
feature weights for a multiple-regression algorithm can be very tions, the simple log-normal transform shown below has
sensitive to differing feature magnitudes. Features of greater proved effective for transforming a variety of general unimodal
magnitude will tend to dominate the results, even if their distributions to be more Gaussian:
greater magnitude has no bearing on their usefulness.
Furthermore, translation algorithms tend to perform better y l x (7.15)
when the features comprising the feature vector have similar
dynamic ranges. If feature dynamic ranges differ substantially, This transform is especially effective for EEG because it com-
the algorithm may be biased by being more sensitive to some pensates for the decrease in power with increasing frequency
features than to others. Nevertheless, normalization should be and thus creates a more symmetric distribution.

138 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
F E AT U R E S M O O T H I N G doing and yet little about specific neurons. Spike trains are
For some feature-extraction methods and applications, the microscale brain activity (see chapter 2, in this volume) and are
resulting features may exhibit undesirable fluctuations over recorded by microelectrodes within the brain (as are LFPs). In
short periods. Although these may or may not be an artifact of contrast, EEG recorded from the scalp and ECoG recorded on
the processing, they can potentially disrupt the feedback to the the brain surface are, respectively, macroscale and mesoscale
user that is a key aspect of BCI operation. Whatever their ori- (see chapter 3, in this volume) brain activity. The timing of the
gins, these fluctuations can be suppressed by applying a simple spike (i.e., when it occurs in time) is important and is usually
median filter or low-pass filter that is based on the frequency of measured with a resolution of 1 msec.
the fluctuations. Note that a causal low-pass filter will intro-
duce some delay to the signal. This may result in some brain
responses being followed by a transient rebound effect in the THE STRUCTURE OF SPIKE TRAINS
features that reflect the response. This rebound can be used
to reinforce detection of the response, but it can also be sup- The key information in EEG, ECoG, or LFP activity is the con-
pressed with a properly designed digital filter. tinuous fluctuation of voltage over time. In contrast, the key
information in spike trains is the time at which each spike
occurs (see chapter 2, in this volume). In most spike-recording
When the extracted features are highly correlated, principal situations relevant to BCI applications, we assume that all the
component analysis (PCA) and independent component spikes produced by a given neuron are the same. Signals like
analysis (ICA) can be applied to decorrelate the features, and/ this, that is, signals that carry information only in the time at
or reduce the dimensionality of the feature vector. Effectively which a discrete event occurs, are called point processes (Snyder
reducing the dimensionality of the feature vector can greatly 1975). Due to the great difference between continuous signals
simplify the training and effectiveness of the translation like EEG and those comprised of point processes like spike
algorithm, particularly when few observations are available trains, the methods used to extract information from them
for training the translation algorithm (see chapter 8, in this differ. To discuss spike-train analysis, we start by introducing
volume). Use of PCA and ICA in the feature domain is identi- some terminology and the mathematical models of spike trains
cal to their use for the raw signal samples, except that for the from which features are defined.
feature domain, matrix X is comprised of feature observations Because we assume that all spikes produced by a given
rather than signal samples. neuron are identical, and that key information in a spike train
resides in the timing of spikes, it is reasonable to model a spike
train as a sequence of identical, instantaneous mathematical
E XTRA C TING FEAT URES F RO M functions, each of which represents an individual spike. These
SP I KE TRA INS functions are intended to represent the spike’s timing informa-
tion without regard to the spurious amplitude fluctuations that
Up to this point we have focused on extracting features from are common in actual spike recordings. Thus, a spike train can
continuously varying signals, such as those recorded by EEG, be mathematically modeled as a train of theoretical spikes
termed delta functions, s(t ) = ∑ i =1d (t t i ), where δ(t) is a
ECoG, and local field potentials (LFPs). Each of these signals
(as well as, indirectly, those recorded by MEG, fMRI, fNIRS, delta function and intuitively has unit area only when t =ti, and
and PET) is a complex reflection of the activity of many differ- is zero otherwise. More precisely, the delta function extracts
ent synaptic and neuronal sources. At the same time, neurons the value of any function at the time the argument of δ(t) is
communicate by producing discrete impulses (i.e., the action zero, or (t i ) = ∫ x(t )d (t t i )dt for arbitrary x(t), where the
potentials or spikes described in chapter 2) at specific time limits of the integral are over the domain of x(t) (McClellan
instances. This neuronal activity produces a very different type et al. 2003). This is equivalent to the signal sampling process
of signal, the spike train, which reflects the activity of a single discussed in the Sampling section of this chapter, where x(t)
neuron. The final section of this chapter summarizes the fea- represents the signal. However, in this case, the delta functions
ture-extraction methods commonly applied to spike trains. are not used to sample a continuous analog signal; instead, they
By present understanding, the action potential (or neu- are used as a mathematical representation of a spike train.
ronal spike) is the fundamental electrical event responsible for Perhaps the most widely used feature of a spike train is the
the transfer of information among neurons in the brain. In firing rate, which measures the number of events per unit time
contrast to EEG, ECoG, or other continuously varying signals (Dayan and Abbott 2001). This property can be captured in
that reflect the activity of many neurons and synapses, each different features. The spike-count rate is the number (n) of
spike train reflects the activity of one particular neuron. spikes in a given time interval T, or V n / T / T ∫ s(t )dt . If
Whenever the neuron’s internal state and its concurrent synap- one substitutes the definition of the delta function in s(t), one
tic inputs combine to achieve a specific voltage threshold, the sees indeed that the value of the integral is just the number of
neuron produces a spike. Thus, a spike train reveals very spe- spikes in [0, T]. The problem is that neurons tend to change
cific information: it tells when a specific neuron fires. At the their firing rate over time, so it is also necessary to calculate the
same time, it reveals relatively little about what is going on in time-dependent firing rate. However, we need a value of T
the network(s) to which that one neuron belongs. In contrast, large enough to give a reliable assessment of the rate; if the
EEG signals tell us about what large populations of neurons are neuronal firing rate changes very fast compared with this value,

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 3 9
it is difficult to obtain an accurate description of the change in where λ = n/T. If the interval t0 becomes infinitesimal and
rate. Thus, it is often necessary to compromise in choosing the we are interested only in the probability that a single point
parameters (e.g., the value of T) used to extract features related lands in the infinitesimal interval t0 (which becomes just a
to firing rate. point t in the line), we can ignore the exponential and obtain
The severity of the necessary compromise can be eased by P{k=1}=λ. λ is called the rate (or intensity), and it measures the
acquiring more data. Let us assume that a researcher repeat- density of points in a macroscopic interval.
edly stimulates the same neuron, collects the data for each To go from points in the line to spike trains, we define a
stimulus, and then aligns the data with respect to the stimulus. random process as an index set of random variables over time.
In each trial, the spike-count average can be computed, Specifically, let z (t ) = ∑ i d (t t i ). If the values of ti are random
perhaps with a T1<T, and then averaged over the trials. This variables specified by the binomial distribution law given
is called the trial average, denoted here by < r >. With a suffi- above in equation 7.15, this random process is called a Poisson
cient number of trials, T1 can be decreased to a rather small process. What is interesting in the Poisson process is that both
value (i.e., ΔT). Now we can define the firing rate as the mean and the autocorrelation function are completely
t T
r (t ) = 1 / T ∫ s(t ) d . This method of estimating the specified by λ:
firing rate is called the Peristimulus Time Histogram (PSTH)
E{z (t )} = l (7.17)
(Dayan and Abbott 2001), and it provides better temporal res-
olution than the spike count rate over a given time window.
Looking closely at the definition of r, it is clear that it actually R(t1 , t 2 ) l 2 ld (t1 − t 2 ) (7.18)
counts the number of spikes during a prespecified time interval.
The advantage of focusing on the number of spikes per time If we idealize a spike as a delta function, and assume that
window is that we now have integer numbers that resemble the spikes occur randomly according to the statistics described
continuous-amplitude time series of the EEG. The experimenter above, then the spike train becomes a realization of a Poisson
must select the time interval that makes sense for the experi- process.
ment (e.g., it might vary from 10 to 100 msec), and this will Another consequence of the descriptive power of λ is
constrain the time resolution of the analysis. In sum, extracting that we can ignore where the actual spikes are and just describe
features from spike trains is not, after all, very different from spike trains more roughly, but also more compactly, by their
extracting features from continuous signals. The same methods intensity value λ. This gives rise to the two major types of
discussed in this chapter for continuous signals (e.g., autocor- processing methods for spike trains (Sanchez and Principe
relation functions, filters, FFTs, etc.) can also be applied to spike 2007): the timing methods in which the actual spike times
trains that have been binned into intervals. However, this matter; and the rate methods in which just the λ matters. In
approach does sacrifice the information contained in the exact general, λ may also be a function of time [i.e., λ(t)], which
times of individual spikes; if we believe that this information is makes the process an inhomogeneous Poisson process (Dayan
important (e.g., for a BCI application), then we need to employ and Abbott 2001).
a different set of methods for extracting features from spike
trains. We now look at some of these methods.
The simplest model for the timing of the individual spikes in a
The first step in analyzing spike trains is to describe them by
spike train is a Poisson process (Papoulis 1965). In a Poisson
the firing rate (also called the intensity or rate function). In
process, we define a time interval [0, T] and assume we have n
order to apply Poisson-process models, two important deci-
points to place within the time interval. The question then is:
sions must be made: the size of the time window (or interval),
what is the probability of getting k of these n points within a
and how to smooth the integer values over time. There are four
given sub-interval t0 of [0, T]? This is clearly a random experi-
basic methods to estimate the intensity function: windows
ment governed by probability laws. Assuming that the place-
(binning); kernels; nonparametric regression; and a newly
ment of each point is independent of the placement of all the
introduced reproducing-kernel Hilbert space method (Paiva
others, and that each point has a probability p of being placed
et al. 2009). The first two of these are discussed here; the last
in the interval (p=t0/T), and probability (q=1−p) of being
two are more complex and will not be addressed here (see
placed outside this interval, the probability of k points falling
Paiva et al. 2009 for their description).
in t0 is the binomial distribution:
For simple binning, the firing rate over each time interval is
P {k} = ⎛ ⎞ pk qn−k .
estimated to be constant with a value proportional to the
⎝ k⎠ number of spikes within the interval. A more elaborate esti-
mate can be achieved by using a kernel or kernel function,
Using very large limits for n and a very small interval, we which is simply a mathematical function that is centered on
obtain: each spike. The amplitudes of the overlapping kernel functions
(lt 0 )k in a spike train are then summed to estimate the intensity func-
P {k} = e − lt0 . tion. Figure 7.11 shows an example of a spike train (A) and its
k! (7.16)
reconstruction using rectangular windows (B), a Gaussian

140 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

B 50

Rate (Hz)

C Rate (Hz) 50


D 50
Rate (Hz)


E 50
Rate (Hz)


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s)

Figure 7.11 Reconstruction of a spike train by three methods: (A) a spike train; (B) resolution of the spike train shown in A by a rectangular window; (C) resolution by
Gaussian kernels; (D) resolution by Laplacian kernels; (E) resolution by an exponential function.

kernel (C), a Laplacian kernel (D), and an exponential func- Spike-Triggered Average
tion (E). These are expressed, respectively, as: The STA estimates the mean value of a stimulus over the
time before a spike occurs. Several stimuli are presented, and
Rectangular κ R (x)
x = ⎧1 | x |< a ⎫ they are aligned with the occurrence of the spike. This is
⎨ ⎬ expressed as:
⎩0 | x | ≥ a⎭
1 n
κ G (x)
⎛ −x ⎞
x = exp ⎜ 2 ⎟
2 SA ( ) ∑ x(ti
n i =1
⎝ 2s ⎠
where the spike is assumed to occur at ti and x(t) is the input
Laplacian ⎛ − | x |⎞ stimulus (Dayan and Abbott 2001). The STA can reveal the
κ L (x)
x = exp
⎝ t ⎠ stimulus waveform that tends to precede the generation of
the action potential and can indicate the length of the stimulus
Exponential ⎛ −x ⎞ history that is relevant.
κ E (x)
x = exp u(x)
⎝ t ⎠
Tuning Curves
The firing rate at each point in time can be estimated from It is sometimes important to characterize neural response
the graphs in figure 7.11, but it is important to remember when some property of the stimulus changes (e.g., in visual
that there is an intrinsic limitation to the resolution in all cortex, during the observation of the rotation of a bright line).
reconstructions due to the binning (i.e., the window length or, If the neuron is processing information from the stimulus, its
in exponential functions, the denominator, called the kernel firing rate will change when the stimulus changes. One can
bandwidth). therefore count the number of spikes during the presentation
In analyzing spike trains from sensory cortex, characteriz- of the stimulus at each angle and then create a curve as a func-
ing the cause of the spike is often important; in this case the tion of the parameter (angle in this case) (Georgopoulos et al.
spike-triggered average (STA) is used. In contrast, in analyzing 1986). The Gaussian tuning curve can be constructed as:
spike trains from motor cortex, describing the consequences of
a spike is frequently the objective; in this case, the tuning curve ⎛ ⎛ q q max ⎞ ⎞

T ( ) rmax exp /2
(see chapter 2) is used (this is sometimes useful for sensori- ⎝ ⎝ s ⎠ ⎟⎠
cortex neurons as well).

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 4 1
where rmax is the largest firing rate observed θmax, is the to each neuron’s tuning curve. The BCIs reported by Taylor
maximal angle used (normally negative and positive), and σ is et al. (2002) and Velliste et al. (2008) were based on this idea.
the width of the Gaussian (T is measured in Hz). The basic algorithm was further improved using a state model
A very similar strategy can be used for motor control, but within a Bayesian formulation (Schwartz et al. 2001; Wu et al.
in this case, the external consequences of spike firing are of 2006; Brockwell et al. 2004).
interest. For example, the experimental subject might be
engaged in reaching a target in a center-out task (normally PA I RW I S E S P I K E - T R A I N A N A LY S I S
with the hand) to different points arranged in a circle. The neu- Features Reflecting Similarity between
ronal firing rate is estimated for each one of the directions in Spike Trains
the circle using the relationship: It is sometimes relevant to quantify the similarity between
two spike trains. This is analogous to the comparison between
T( ) r0 (r cos((q − q max )
(rmax r0 ))cos( two continuous signals using cross-correlation (Eliasmith and
Anderson 2003). The problem is that spikes are delta functions,
where r0 is the mean firing rate. The absolute value is used here so the cross multiplication most probably yields zero unless
to preserve the interpretation of firing rate even when T(θ), spikes occur at precisely the same time in each train (i.e., they
measured in Hz, is negative. overlap). This difficulty can be avoided if a kernel is applied to
The metric for evaluating the tuning property of a neuron the spikes; use of a kernel essentially applies a linear filter
is called the tuning depth, defined as the difference between to the spike train. The most commonly used kernel is the
the maximum and minimum values in the neural tuning exponential kernel, h(t)=exp(−t/τ)u(t), where u(t) is the
curve T(θ), normalized by the standard deviation of the firing Heaviside function (zero for negative time, 1 for positive time)
rate, std(r) (Paiva et al. 2009). and τ controls the decay rate of the exponential. Other func-
tions can be used, but this decaying exponential is a good
rmax rmin
tuning depth = example that allows for on-line operation because it is causal.
std(r )
The spike train si (t ) = ∑ m=1d (t t mi ) is filtered by h(t) to

yield yi (t ) = ∑ m=1 h t t mi ). We select a second spike train sj(t)

The tuning depth is normalized between 0 and 1 for unifor-
and filter it by the same filter to obtain y j (t ) = ∑ m 1 h t t m )
mity. However, the normalization loses the relative scale j

between the tuning depth of different neurons when it is neces- where the spike times tj (and possibly the number of spikes Nj)
sary to compare different neurons with different rates. Figure are different. The cross-correlation between the two spike
7.12 shows the tuning depth of two motor cortex neurons. trains yi(t) and yj(t) is defined (Dayan and Abbott 2001) as:
The tuning curve is the basis of the population vector algo-
rithm proposed by Georgopoulos et al. (1986) (see chapter 2,
this volume) to show that motor-cortex neurons are sensitive
Ci j ( ) ∫ y (t(t ) y (t(t
i j )dt

to all the possible directions in space. The population vector This cross-correlation function is obtained by shifting one of
algorithm can therefore be used as a generative model for BCIs the filtered spike trains in time. It measures the similarity
since the movement direction can be predicted from the between the two spike trains at different time shifts (i.e., differ-
preferred direction vectors of all neurons active at each time ent lags). The time of the Ci,j(τ) peak shows the lag at which the
step, with the active neurons appropriately weighted according two spike trains are most similar.

90 0.25 90 0.08
120 60 120 60
0.2 0.06
150 30 150 0.04 30

210 330 210 330

240 300 240 300

270 270

Figure 7.12 The tuning curves for two motor-cortex neurons (at left and right). The tuning curve for each neuron is shown in blue. Each point in each tuning curve is
estimated in 45° sectors centered at the point. The tuning curves display the sensitivity of the neuron to movement in each direction of the space. In this example,
measured with respect to the subject position, the left neuron is tuned to movement segments at 300°, and the right neuron to movement segments at 230°.
The red line in each plot represents that neuron’s preferred direction (see chapter 2). (Data from Principe laboratory.)

142 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S




Spike trains

360 362 364 366 368 370

Time (s)

0.1 0.05

Windowed cross–correlation
Windowed cross–correlation

0.08 0.04

0.06 0.03

0.04 0.02

0.02 0.01

0 0
360 362 364 366 368 370 360 362 364 366 368 370
Time (s) Time (s)

Figure 7.13 Comparison of kernel cross-correlation and the normal windowed cross-correlation functions. (Top) Kernel cross-correlation intraclass correlation
coefficient (ICC) and the spike trains (i.e., raster plots) of 34 motor-cortex neurons. (Bottom) Standard windowed cross-correlation functions for two different
strategies. (Bottom left) A 200-msec sliding window with 1-msec increment for one pair of neurons. (Bottom right) Same as the cross-correlation with kernels but
spatially averaged across channel pairs. The data were collected from rat motor cortex (blue is right cortex, green is left cortex). The red segment represents the
time period during which the animal is pressing the lever. The kernel cross-correlation (Top) shows both high- and low-frequency variations, but the high-frequency
variation is much less evident in the conventional cross-correlations (Bottom). (Data from Principe laboratory.)

Figure 7.13 compares the results of applying a kernel cross- much of the temporal resolution in the fine structure of the
correlation (top panel) and normal windowed cross-correla- spike firing is lost (e.g., the high-frequency changes in spike
tion functions (bottom panels) to microelectrode-array data activity) with this analysis, but it is nevertheless clear that
collected from the motor cortex of a rodent during a lever- spike-train correlations decrease markedly during lever press.
press task. Thirty-four neurons were used for this analysis. In As a special case, we can perform the same operation on a
the top panel, pairwise correlations were computed using equa- single filtered spike train to calculate its autocorrelation:
tion 7.27 where h(t) is a first-order low-pass filter with a t = 1
msec time constant; these were averaged over all pairs of neu- , ( ) ∫ y (t(t ) y (t(t
i i )dt
rons for the same lever press. The figure shows that the similar-
ity among the neural firings is lost during lever pressing This autocorrelation function measures the similarity in the
(indicated by the red bar), and increases back to its baseline structure of the spike train over different time lags. It is very
after the lever press. Figure 7.13 (bottom) presents the results useful in detecting periodicities in spike trains.
for the cross-correlation at zero lag using the rate method dis-
cussed in this chapter’s section The Structure of Spike Trains. Features Reflecting Differences between
The data are based on a sliding window of 200 msec, over Spike Trains
spikes binned with a 1-msec rectangular window, on a selected It is sometimes important to measure dissimilarity among
pair of channels (visually judged to have high correlation with spike trains. Dissimilarity is important in using firing patterns
the lever-pressing task) (fig. 7.13, bottom left), as well as aver- to distinguish among different classes of neurons. The actual
aged over all neurons (fig. 7.13, bottom right). As expected, number of different classes of neurons is often not known,

C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 4 3
which makes it impractical to try to classify spike trains into The Victor Purpura distance between spike trains Si and Sj is
different classes. Nevertheless, clustering can still explore the defined as
structure of the responses.
Clustering is the division of the data into subgroups such dVP (Si , S j ) m
C ( Si Sj )
∑ K (t
Ci l , t Cj j [l ] )
that the elements of a subgroup are more similar among them- (7.33)

selves than they are to the other members of the dataset. where the minimization is between the set of all unitary opera-
The definition of a proper dissimilarity metric (called here a tions c[l] that transform Si into Sj.
distance for simplicity) is critical for accurate clustering. The
most widely used spike-train distances are:
• the van Rossum distance (van Rossum 2001)
• the Cauchy-Schwarz distance (Paiva et al. 2009) Signals recorded from the brain typically contain substantial
noise and extraneous information that often interfere with
• the Victor-Purpura distance (Victor and detecting and measuring those features of the signals that are
Purpura 1997) useful for BCI applications, that is, that reflect the intent of the
user. Thus, before the signals can be translated into outputs, the
The van Rossum distance extends to spike trains the useful features of the signals must be extracted and presented
concept of Euclidean distance. Thus, it maps a full spike train to the translation algorithm in an appropriate format. This
to a point. The distance between two spike trains Si and Sj is chapter reviews the full range of the standard methods used to
defined as: extract features from brain signals. These include methods
appropriate for continuous signals such as EEG (e.g., spatial
dn R Si , S j )
yi (t ) y j (t ) dt ) (7.29)
and temporal filtering, template matching, spectral analysis) as
well as methods appropriate for signals reflecting point pro-
Thus, small distances are obtained when the spike-train time cesses such as single-neuron activity (e.g., firing rate, spike-
structures are similar. triggered averaging, tuning curves, measures of spike-train
The Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) distance metric is the inner similarity or dissimilarity). In general, the most desirable
product distance between pairs of vectors (the cosine of the methods are those that are theoretically motivated and bio-
angle between the vectors). This metric can be generalized logically realistic and that have been found to perform well in
using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, yielding actual real-time BCI applications. For successful BCI opera-
tion, feature extraction must be followed by a translation
gi g j
dCS g i , g j ) log algorithm that is appropriate to the features extracted, to the
gi g j
(7.30) application, and to the user. Translation algorithms will be the
subject of the next chapter.
where gi and gj are vectors representing two spike trains. To
apply this equation to spikes, one normally applies to spike-
time differences a filter with an impulse response that is a REFERENCES
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C H AP T E R 7 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N | 1 4 5
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he preceding chapter of this volume describes common intended by the BCI user. Nevertheless, a model such as
methods for extracting features from brain signals for a simple linear equation may often provide a very good
BCIs. Ideally, these features would be in a form that description of the relationship. If there are many observations,
could directly communicate the user’s intent. However, because then the model provides a much more compact representation
the features represent indirect measurements of the user’s of the data than a simple enumeration of the original data. This
intent, they must be translated into appropriate device com- may come at the expense of a certain degree of accuracy in the
mands that convey that intent. This is accomplished using a values of Y. Most important for BCI systems, the model allows
translation algorithm. The core of a translation algorithm is a generalization from past observations to future observations.
model, which is a mathematical procedure typically comprised Given a new observation of X (e.g., an EEG feature vector), the
of a mathematical equation, set of equations, and/or mapping model provides a prediction of Y (e.g., the three-dimensional
mechanism such as a lookup table. The model accepts the fea- robotic arm movement intended by the user).
ture vector (i.e., the set of features) at a given time instant as its Because a model essentially comprises one or more equa-
input and processes the feature vector to output a set of com- tions, the individual features of the feature vector can be con-
mands that the application device can recognize. For instance, sidered to be the independent variables of the equations. The
an amplitude in a specific electroencephalographic (EEG) fre- dependent variable(s) of the equation(s) are the command(s)
quency band might be translated into a binary 0 or 1 that pro- that are transmitted to the output device. Models often include
duces an “off ” or “on” command, respectively, for a light switch. initially undefined constants that act on the features such as
A more complex application might require that a set of features scaling factors, exponential terms, summation bounds, and
be translated into three-dimensional spatial coordinates that data window lengths (e.g., b and a in eq. 8.1). These constants
are used to update the position of a robotic arm. are referred to as the model parameters. For simple linear
The data used to develop a model may be just a few obser- models, which are often simply the sum of scaled features and
vations of a few features or many observations of many fea- a constant, the scale factors (i.e., the parameters that the fea-
tures. In either case the goal of the model is to describe the tures are multiplied by) are often referred to as feature weights
relationship between these features and the user’s intent in a or coefficients. Certain models, such as artificial neural
form that is simpler than the data that are actually measured. networks, do not model feature extraction and translation as
The value of such a description is that it can be used to convert distinct, cascaded stages. Instead, these types of models may
future observations to appropriate output (i.e., it can be accept the raw EEG data as input, and then output the corre-
generalized to new data). For example, the relationship between sponding device commands without producing an intermedi-
two variables, X and Y, can be described by a simple linear ate, explicit feature-extraction stage.
function: The model parameters are commonly selected, or trained
(also referred to as learned or parameterized) by using a set of
Y bbX
X a (8.1)
training data. Each unit of training data (i.e., each observation)
where b is the slope of the linear function and a is the consists of a feature vector (or training sample) and its correct
intercept on the y-axis. If this equation is used as a model for a (i.e., intended) output (or training label). Through an iterative
BCI, X is the feature vector (e.g., EEG features extracted by procedure, called supervised learning, the parameters are
methods such as those described in chapter 7) and Y is the repeatedly adjusted until the model translates the feature vec-
vector of commands sent to an output device (e.g., movements tors into output commands that are as accurate as possible (i.e.,
of a cursor). As discussed later in this chapter, the values of b as close as possible to the correct output commands).
and a are parameters of the model that can be defined by a The accuracy of the model is evaluated with an objective
variety of different methods. function (also called a cost function or a fitness function). For
The relationship between X and Y defined by the model is instance, a common objective function is the mean-squared
usually not a perfect description of the relationship between error (i.e., difference) between the model output and the
the actual values of the features and the output commands correct output: the smaller this error, the more accurate the

model. During the supervised learning process, the feature that intent is conveyed to the BCI output device (i.e., the appli-
vectors (i.e., the training samples) are processed by the model cation device). The processes of model selection and parame-
with some initial parameters (selected randomly or using a terization involve decisions based on the requirements of
priori information), the objective function then compares the the BCI application as well as the nature and amount of data
model outputs to the correct outputs (i.e., the training labels), available for model development and optimization. For exam-
and the model parameters are then updated based on the ple, some applications only require a binary choice, whereas
objective function; finally, the process is repeated until stop- others require continuous highly accurate control in several
ping criteria are satisfied (e.g., the mean-squared error is dimensions. Simple models suitable for binary choice may not
minimized). be able to provide accurate complex output commands. On the
The fact that BCIs operate in real time places demands on other hand, complex models that can provide such commands
the modeling of BCI data that are not typical of many other may encounter difficulty in generalizing well to new data.
areas of neuroscience research. It is not sufficient to develop A wide variety of models are available for use in BCI trans-
through post-hoc analysis a model that applies well to a given lation algorithms (McFarland, Anderson et al., 2006; Lotte
body of previously acquired data. Instead, the crucial require- et al., 2007; Principe and McFarland, 2008), and the list contin-
ment is that the model must apply to new data as well, that is, ues to increase. Indeed, the universe of possible models is infi-
it must generalize. Its ability to generalize is tested (or vali- nite (Kieseppa, 2001). We focus in this chapter on simple
dated) using an independent set of observations called testing representative examples of commonly used models, we illus-
data. Each unit of testing data (i.e., each observation) consists trate how they work, and we consider the factors important in
of a feature vector (i.e, testing sample) and its correct (i.e., selecting and using them.
intended) output (or testing label). Testing data are used to
validate the model after its parameters have been fixed via
training. In this validation, the testing data are processed by
the model, and the model outputs are compared to the corre- DISCRIMINANT MODELS
sponding testing labels by using the same objective function AND REGRESSION MODELS
employed for model training or some other measure of model Models fall into two classes according to whether their outputs
accuracy. This model validation process is essential for evaluat- are discrete categories or continuous dimensions. Specifically,
ing how well a given model generalizes to new observations. models are either discriminant functions (also called classifica-
However, some models and training procedures are prone to tion functions) or regression functions (McFarland and Wolpaw,
overfitting, in which the parameterized model is tuned so pre- 2005). Examples of simple discriminant and regression func-
cisely to the training data that subtle differences between the tions are illustrated in figure 8.1. A discriminant function
training data and the test data prevent it from modeling the translates the observations (i.e., the feature vectors) into dis-
testing data accurately. crete categories of output (e.g., specific letters). A regression
This chapter discusses the kinds of translation algorithms function translates the observations into a continuous variable
most frequently used in BCIs. It is meant to serve as a balanced (e.g., cursor movement). For the two-target (i.e., two possible
introduction to the range of algorithms applicable to BCIs. outputs) case illustrated in figure 8.1, both kinds of models
Most algorithms in the BCI literature are based on, or closely require that a single function be parameterized. However, for
related to, the algorithms presented in this chapter. Like the the five-target case (i.e., with five possible outputs), the dis-
previous chapter, this chapter assumes that the reader has col- criminant model requires that four functions be parameter-
lege-level linear algebra and calculus, minimal signal process- ized, while the regression model still requires that only a single
ing or machine-learning background, and basic knowledge function be parameterized. Discriminant functions are partic-
gained from previous chapters. ularly useful in BCIs that produce simple “yes/no” or “target/
The chapter is divided into four sections. The first section nontarget” outputs (e.g., P300-based BCIs [Donchin et al.,
considers the factors important in selecting a model and pro- 2000; see chapter 12, in this volume]), whereas regression
vides an overview of the models used in BCI translation algo- functions are well suited for BCIs that must provide continu-
rithms. As noted above, the model is the core component of any ously graded outputs in one or more dimensions (e.g., BCIs
translation algorithm. The second and third sections discuss that produce cursor movements in two dimensions [Wolpaw
the two other components of a translation algorithm: selection and McFarland, 2004; see chapter 13, in this volume]).
of the features included in the model, and parameterization of For simplicity, the examples used in this section are dis-
the model. The final section describes methods for evaluating criminant functions (i.e., they have discrete, categorical out-
translation algorithms. puts). Nevertheless, it is important to note that all the model
types discussed here can also serve as regression functions that
provide continuous outputs.
Selecting an appropriate model is the key to developing a suc- As described above, model parameters are normally based on
cessful translation algorithm. Assuming that the input features a body of previous observations (i.e., training data). This
contain the relevant information regarding the user’s intent, method assumes that future data will be similar to the training
the chosen model will determine how quickly and accurately data and thus that the parameterized model will continue to

148 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Classification Regression Training data Test data


Feature 1

Feature 1
2 target

Feature 2 Feature 2

Figure 8.2 A simple linear discriminant (i.e., classifier) applied to training (A) and
5 target test (B) data sets. The feature vector has two features, and the discriminant
function has two possible outputs (e.g., yes and no), represented by
upward-pointing solid triangles and downward-pointing open triangles,
respectively. (The features were produced by combining the output of a
random-number generator with a constant that differed for the two outputs.)
(A) The discriminant function based on the training data (solid line) perfectly
Figure 8.1 Comparison of classification (i.e., discriminant) and regression
classifies the training data. (B) The discriminant function based on the training
models. The diagonal lines are specific functions. For the two-target (i.e., two
data (solid line) does a good but not perfect job of classifying the test data.
possible outputs) case, both models require only one function to separate the
A discriminant function based on the test data (dashed line) does a perfect job,
different outputs. However, for the five-target case (i.e., five possible outputs),
but because it is derived by post-hoc analysis, it could not have been used in
the classification model requires four functions, whereas the regression
actual online BCI operation.
approach still requires only a single function.

work well (i.e., that it will generalize to new observations). to the training data, generalizability tends to decrease as the
However, biological data in general, and brain signals espe- number of parameters in the model increases. Hence the choice
cially, normally display considerable apparently spontaneous of the number of parameters to include in the model often
(or chance) variation over time. Such chance variation is a involves a trade-off between minimizing the model’s error and
problem for all models, particularly those used in BCIs, which maximizing its generalizability. Thus, the amount of training
must operate effectively using new data. data available is an important factor in determining a model’s
Figure 8.2 illustrates the problem with an example of a complexity.
simple discriminant model (known as Fisher’s linear discrimi- Another problem arises when the statistics of the data
nant [Fisher, 1936]) that uses two features and produces two change over time. The data can be described by simple statis-
possible outputs, represented by upward-pointing solid trian- tics, such as the average values (i.e., means) and variabilities of
gles and downward-pointing open triangles, respectively. The each feature. Feature variability is usually measured as vari-
data (i.e., the observations) and the discriminant model are ance, which is the average value of the square of the difference
plotted in feature space. Figure 8.2A shows a small training between each sample (i.e., observation) of the feature and the
data set of ten observations and a discriminant model that has mean value of the feature. The data can also be described in
been parameterized from the training data using a least-squares terms of the relationships among the different features (e.g.,
objective function (see below). The model works perfectly on the linear relationship or covariance between two features).
the training data; it translates every observation into its correct One or more of these measures may change during BCI opera-
output. Figure 8.2B shows this same model applied to a new tion. Changes may occur as the user tires over the course of a
test data set. In this case it performs well but not perfectly: one day, as he or she acquires BCI experience and adopts new strat-
of the ten new observations is not correctly translated. The egies, as a disease such as ALS progresses, or for a variety of
model might be reparameterized with these new observations other reasons. When such changes in the data statistics occur,
(i.e., the dashed line), but it would be likely to again encounter the data are said to be nonstationary.
a decrease in performance when applied to a newer set of test Figure 8.3 illustrates the impact of nonstationarity. As
data. This example illustrates the fact that there is usually some figure 8.3A shows, a parameterized model works very well
drop in performance when a parameterized model is applied, with its training data. However, as figure 8.3B shows, it does
or generalized, to new data. Nevertheless, successful model not work well with a set of test data because the means and
generalization is a crucial requirement for BCIs, since their covariances of the data have changed. No amount of data in the
online operation must always use new data. original training set could have resulted in good generalizabil-
The problem of chance variation may be reduced by using ity since the statistics of the data have changed. Rather, it is
large sets of training data (in contrast to the very small set necessary to have a translation algorithm that evolves, or
used in figure 8.2). The generalizability of models tends to adapts, as the data change. Given changing statistics, it is desir-
increase as the number of observations in the training data set able to use adaptive algorithms. Although adaptation to
increases. At the same time, although models with more changes in the mean of the data is relatively easy to accomplish,
parameters (i.e., degrees of freedom) often provide a closer fit adaptation to changes in data covariances is more difficult.

C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 4 9
Training data Test data Let the machines Operant Optimized
learn conditioning co-adaptation
Feature 1

Feature 1
user user user

BCI system BCI system BCI system

Feature 2 Feature 2

Figure 8.3 A simple linear discriminant applied to training (A) and test (B) data Figure 8.4 Three concepts of BCI operation. The arrows through the user
sets that have different statistics (i.e., mean and standard deviation). In this and/or the BCI system indicate that they adapt to improve and maintain the
example the observations corresponding to the two possible outputs (e.g., yes correlation between the user’s intent and the BCI’s output.
and no) are represented by ellipses rather than shown as individual
observations. The center and shape of each ellipse represent the mean and
covariance, respectively, of the observations corresponding to each output.
The discriminant function (solid line) in A separates the two outputs very well.
In B, however, the data statistics have changed, and the original discriminant Up to the present, most BCI translation algorithms have
function is no longer effective. (Based on Vidaurre et al., 2006.) relied mainly on supervised learning to parameterize their
models. In real-life operation, however, BCIs do not usually
have labeled training data; that is, they do not have perfect
In addition to the adaptive capability built into the transla- knowledge of the correct outputs (i.e., of what the user intends).
tion algorithm, the BCI user can also be conceptualized as an The most common solution is to have periodic calibration
adaptive entity: the user learns to use the BCI system (and usu- sessions in which the BCI tells the user ahead of time what the
ally improves performance). Consequently, BCI operation can correct outputs are. For example, copy-spelling is typically used
be viewed as the interaction of two adaptive controllers, the to calibrate P300-based BCIs (e.g., Krusienski et al., 2008; see
BCI user and the BCI system (Wolpaw et al., 2002). Figure 8.4 chapter 12, in this volume). Alternative solutions are possible.
shows three alternative concepts of the adaptation associated For example, if a BCI application includes an error correction
with BCI operation. In Figure 8.4A the user is assumed to pro- option (e.g., a backspace command), the BCI might assume
vide signal features that do not change over time. The BCI is that whatever was selected and not corrected was, in fact, the
expected to adapt to these features through machine learning, a user’s intent.
process in which the translation algorithm gradually improves
the accuracy of its model by minimizing (or maximizing) an
objective function (Blankertz et al., 2003). In contrast, in Figure C O M M O N FA M I L I E S O F M O D E L S
8.4B the translation algorithm does not change, and the user is
L I N E A R L E A S T- S Q U A R E S D I S C R I M I N A N T
expected to adapt the signal features to the algorithm through
F U N C T I O N S ( C L A S S I F I C AT I O N )
an operant-conditioning process (Birbaumer et al., 2003). This
process is driven by reinforcement: when the user adapts the The linear least-squares discriminant (or classification) function
features appropriately, the BCI produces the output that the is rooted in classical statistics and is one of the simplest and
user intends. Figure 8.4C combines the adaptations of both 4A most commonly used models (Fisher, 1936). The general form
and 4B: both the user and the BCI system adapt so that BCI of a linear model is given by:
operation depends on the appropriate interaction of two
dynamic processes (Wolpaw et al., 2002; Taylor et al., 2002). The Y b1 X1 b2 X2 … bn xn + a (8.2)
user and system co-adapt as the user learns and the system
adapts to the changing statistics of the user’s signals. These ongo- where Y is the predicted value (i.e., the BCI output), b1 . . . bn
ing changes further complicate the task of selecting a model and are weights (i.e., parameters) to be determined, a is a
parameterizing it so that it generalizes well to new data. constant (i.e., another parameter) to be determined, and X1..Xn
are the features used to predict Y.
S U P E RV I S E D A N D U N S U P E RV I S E D L E A R N I N G Figure 8.5 illustrates a simple linear discriminant based on
Another issue in the design of BCI translation algorithms least-squares criteria. It uses two features, X1 and X2, to distin-
concerns whether or not the parameterization of the model guish between two possible outputs (or classes), Y. Figure 8.5A
algorithm is supervised. The discriminant model illustrated illustrates the process. Using the available data, a linear func-
in figures 8.2 and 8.3 is parameterized through supervised tion with the form of equation 8.2 is derived; it predicts the
learning, that is, by using a training data set in which the value of Y from the corresponding values of X1 and X2. In figure
correct outputs are known (i.e., the outputs are labeled). 8.5B, the values of X1 and X2 for which the predicted value of Y
However, sometimes labeled training data are not available. is 0 are indicated by the solid line (i.e., the discriminant func-
In this case, models can be parameterized using unsupervised tion). This line separates the two classes, which will produce
learning techniques (Schalk et al., 2008). two different outputs.

150 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
A B function that allows us to use the feature values associated with
each letter to determine whether the letter is the target or a
nontarget: the letter is the target if equation 8.2 yields a value of
Y that is greater than 0. Assuming that this parameterized
function generalizes well to new data, the user can now employ
the BCI to spell whatever he or she wishes.

The Bayesian approach to statistics uses the concept of maxi-
Figure 8.5 A simple least-squares linear discriminant function is used to mum likelihood to combine prior knowledge with newly
separate a set of observations into two possible BCI outputs (or classes). The
acquired knowledge to produce a posterior probability (Bickel
axes are the two predictor variables (X1 and X2), and Y is a binary variable (the
BCI output) that can have values of +1 or –1 (represented by open and filled
and Levina, 2004). It produces the model parameters that are
triangles, respectively). The left panel illustrates the function that predicts class most likely to be correct based on the available data. For exam-
membership (i.e., the function Y’= b1X1 + b2X2 + a). The predicted value Y’ is a ple, for a BCI that uses one feature, the first step is to assign
continuous variable that goes from positive to negative. The dashed line in each value of the feature to one of a limited number of catego-
Panel A indicates the direction along which the predicted value of Y’ changes
ries (e.g., discrete ranges of EEG voltages). Then these category
from more positive (upper left) to more negative (lower right). The right panel
shows the discriminant function (solid line), which is perpendicular to the
assignments are used to compute the probability of each pos-
function that predicts class membership and indicates the values of X1 and X2 sible class membership (i.e., the probability that each possible
for which the prediction is that Y’=0. Thus, this discriminant line separates the BCI output is the user’s intended output). This is accomplished
data into the two possible BCI outputs or classes (the Y = +1 and the Y = –1 by means of Bayes’s theorem:
P (Y )P ( X | Y )
P (Y | X ) =
P( X ) (8.4)
In practice, the linear discriminant function can be
obtained by solving the normal equation, which is given by: where Y is the event (i.e., a specific BCI output) and X is the
category of the feature. The notation P(Y|X) indicates the prob-
ability of Y given X. Bayes’s theorem states that predicting Y
b (X ′ X) 1 X ′ Y (8.3)
from X is computed by multiplying the prior probability of Y
where b is the vector of coefficients for the discriminant func- by the probability of X given Y, and then dividing by the prob-
tion, Y is the vector of class memberships, and X is an n by k ability of X. This simple relationship forms the basis for
matrix of features that predicts class membership. The n rows Bayesian statistics.
of X represent the individual observations and the k columns There are many ways in which this approach can be applied.
represent the individual features. The product, X′X, represents Perhaps the simplest is the naive Bayesian classifier which
the covariance between features. The ()-1 operation indicates makes the simplifying assumption that the features are inde-
matrix inversion, and the X′Y product represents the cross- pendent. Thus,
product between X and Y (i.e., the covariance between class
membership and features). This formula, written in matrix P (Y )P ( X1 | Y )P ( X2 | Y )...P ( Xn | Y )
P (Y | X1 , X2 , ... Xn ) =
notation, provides a solution to several kinds of least-squares P ( X1 )P (X
( X1 )...P ( Xn )
problems including both discriminant analysis and multiple
regression. It is similar in form to the univariate formula where X1, X2, and Xn are the first, second, and nth features.
for the slope of a straight line and can be solved by a direct Simply stated, the naive Bayesian classifier states that the pre-
computation. diction of Y given X1, X2, and Xn is computed by multiplying
We now consider how the discriminant function would be the prior probability of Y and each probability of Xi given Y,
applied by a simple BCI, the P300-based matrix speller (e.g., and then dividing by the product of the probabilities of X1, X2,
Donchin et al., 2000; see chapter 12). The BCI user watches a . . . Xn. The classifier then computes the posterior probability of
matrix of letters as its rows or columns flash rapidly in succes- all possible Ys and picks the one with the greatest likelihood.
sion and EEG is recorded. The user is asked to perform a copy- The naive Bayesian classifier is a very straightforward and
spelling task in order to provide a labeled set of training data. intuitive method for designing a classifier from training fea-
The problem is to make a classifier that can discriminate tures. Whereas the Bayesian approach allows many degrees of
between the user’s EEG response to the target (i.e., the letter to complexity (e.g., Bayesian networks [Shenoy and Rao, 2005]),
be spelled) and his/her responses to nontargets (i.e., all the the naive Bayesian classifier serves as a useful contrast to the
other letters). Our prior knowledge of the target identity allows classical least-squares discriminant function (Fisher, 1936). As
us to assign correct values to Y, the vector of class member- noted above, the naive Bayesian classifier considers the features
ships (e.g., +1 and –1 for targets and nontargets, respectively). in isolation from each other, whereas the least-squares dis-
The specific features in the EEG (i.e., the voltages at specific elec- criminant considers the variances and covariances of the
trodes and times) are the elements of the X matrix. By solving for features. Thus, the naive Bayesian classifier is much simpler,
the b1 . . . bn values in equation 8.2, we produce a discriminant and it performs very well in some situations, even when the

C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 5 1
features are not truly independent as assumed for the model.
It has proved successful even when there are many features and
very little training data (Bickel and Levina, 2004). This is typi-
cally the case at the start of BCI usage when there are as yet not
enough observations to provide a good estimate of the covari-
ance matrix. To summarize, the naive Bayesian approach pro-
vides a means of incorporating prior information into the
discriminant. However, this approach does not deal with issues
that arise due to correlations between the features (i.e., the
problem of colinearity).
When the features are correlated, it is often the case that Figure 8.7 Illustration of a suppressor variable. Feature X1 overlaps with the BCI
output Y, and feature X2 overlaps with X1, but X2 does not overlap with Y. If X2 is
prediction is improved by giving more weight to features that
included in the model it serves as a suppressor variable that improves the
have unique covariance with class membership. EEG features usefulness of X1 by eliminating some of the noise that it introduces.
are frequently correlated with each other due to effects such as
volume conduction. A case of correlated features is illustrated
in figure 8.6, where the relationships between and among vari-
ables are indicated with Venn diagrams. The circles represent would give X2 a weight of opposite sign to X1, allowing it to
the variance of each variable and the overlap between circles subtract part of the X1 prediction error.
represents their covariance. X1, X2, and X3 are three features McFarland, Anderson, et al. (2006) describe a case of a
and Y is the BCI output. The intersection between X1 and Y is suppressor variable with a P300-based BCI. Given two features
about 30% of their areas, whereas the intersection between Y from electrode Cz, one at 0 msec and one at 240 msec after the
and X2 is about 40% of their areas (i.e., the r2 values for X1 and stimulus, the 0-msec feature did not predict the correct output,
X2 are 0.30 and 0.40, respectively, where r2 is the proportion of but the 240-msec did. However, combining the 0-msec and
the total variance in the output Y that is accounted for by X1 or 240-msec features in the model greatly improved prediction
X2). Thus, X2 is a better predictor of Y than X1 is. X3 also has over that produced by the 240-msec feature alone. It is likely
about 40% overlap with Y, but it shares most of this with X2. that inclusion of the 0-msec feature provided noise cancella-
The unique correlation of X2 or X3 with Y is only about 10%, tion (i.e., it provided a baseline correction that removed slow
whereas the unique correlation of X1 with Y is 30%. A model drifts in the EEG signal).
such as the naive Bayesian classifier, which assumes that the A comparison of the linear least-squares discriminant with
features are independent, would give greater weight to X2 and the naive Bayesian classifier illustrates the types of trade-offs
X3 than to X1. In contrast, a model that takes covariance into that need to be considered in selecting among general families
account would give X1 more weight than either X2 or X3. of models. The naive Bayesian classifier is simple and works
Figure 8.7 illustrates a case where two features correlate but well with a few training observations and a large number of
only one of them, X1, predicts the BCI output, Y. Nevertheless, features. However, when enough observations are available to
the overlap between X2 and X1 can remove some of the predic- accurately estimate the covariance matrix, the linear least-
tion error in X1. In this case, X2 is a suppressor variable squares discriminant, which considers the relationships among
(Friedman and Wall, 2005). The naive Bayesian model would the features, may perform better.
not give a large weight to X2 since it does not independently
predict Y. In contrast, the least-squares discriminant function S U P P O RT V E C T O R M A C H I N E S
Our first two families of models solve the problem of discrimi-
nating among different classes (i.e., different BCI outputs) by
direct computations from the data (i.e., the features). In
modern machine-learning approaches, computer algorithms
gradually improve their performance by minimizing (or maxi-
mizing) some parameter of a model by iteration. One example
of this approach is the support vector machine, illustrated
in figure 8.8. The support vector machine selects specific obser-
vations at the border between two classes and uses these to
define the upper and lower margins (i.e., the dotted lines) of a
region that separates the classes. This acts to maximize the
separation between the classes in order to produce greater gen-
eralizability. In figure 8.8, the circles and triangles are observa-
tions corresponding to the two classes, respectively. The solid
circles are two of the support vectors. As such, they define the
Figure 8.6 Correlations among features (X1, X2, X3), and between these features
hyperplane that is the upper margin. Similarly, the solid trian-
and the BCI output (Y). The variance of each variable is represented by a circle,
and the covariance between any two variables is represented by the overlap of
gle is the support vector that defines the lower margin. Thus,
their circles. Note that the unique correlation X1 with Y is greater than that of X2 the support vector machine selects actual observations from
or X3 with Y. This is because X2 and X3 share much of their overlap with Y. the data set to define margins in feature space that separate the

152 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

r2 = 0.76 r2 =0.95

Figure 8.9 Linear and quadratic regressions. In A, the data are fit with a linear
function given by Y= bX + a. In B, the data are fit with a quadratic function
given by Y= b1X2 + b2X + a. The average distance between the line and the
points is much smaller in B, and thus the r2 value is much higher.

X2; by projecting the single X into a two-dimensional space

Figure 8.8 A support vector machine generates a hyperplane (solid line) that
(i.e., X and X2), the prediction has been improved. Although
defines the border between the observations belonging to two different
classes (i.e., BCI outputs) shown as circles and triangles. The support vectors
this is a simple linearizing projection, many other more
are the solid symbols. They define the upper and lower margins (dashed lines) complex projections are possible. Similar projections of
of the region between the classes. The hyperplane (solid line) that separates the data can be used with either discriminant or regression
the two classes is placed midway between the margins. functions.
Modern machine-learning algorithms make extensive use
of projections of data into higher-dimensional feature space as
data into different classes. New observations are classified a method of linearizing nonlinear problems. These are often
according to whether they fall above or below the solid line referred to as kernel methods. A wide variety of kernels have
midway between the two margins. been devised. Some of these, such as the Gaussian kernel,
The support vector machine minimizes an objective func- permit the construction of class-separating hyperplanes with
tion through a series of iterations. This function includes two very irregular shapes.
components. The first component consists of the Euclidian dis- An alternative approach to nonlinearity is to use artificial
tances between the observations in each class and the separat- neural networks (Müller et al., 2003). Artificial neural net-
ing hyperplane. Observations that are on the correct side of the works are simplified models of biological neural networks.
margin do not contribute to this component. The second com- Their primary purpose is not to simulate or replicate actual
ponent of the objective function is the Euclidian distance biological neural networks or brain activity. Rather, they are
between the margins. Thus, the support vector machine must developed in the expectation that they will allow the powerful
select observations from the data set that simultaneously mini- decision-making capabilities of biological neuronal networks
mize these two components of the objective function. A param- to be applied to a variety of classification problems. Thus, for a
eter in the model allows the relative influence of these two BCI, the network input consists of the feature vectors, and its
components to be tuned to the data type. Proponents of the output consists of the commands sent to the application.
support vector machine suggest that this algorithm can be Artificial neural networks are comprised of individual
trained with relatively few observations, that it generalizes well units called neurons. In their basic form, illustrated in figure
due to the presence of the margins, and that it is relatively 8.10A, these neurons consist of a summing node, which sums
insensitive to outliers (Parra et al., 2005). all the inputs to the neuron, and a subsequent activation func-
tion, which produces the output. The activation function trans-
NONLINEAR MODELS forms the product of the summing node and can take any form.
The discussion so far has focused on linear methods for sepa- Threshold-type activation functions (i.e., functions that pro-
rating observations (i.e., feature vectors) into their correct duce a binary, or Yes/No output) are common for classification
classes (i.e., BCI outputs). However, linear methods may not applications. Each neuron can be envisioned as a simple clas-
always be effective (Müller et al., 2003). A variety of methods sification unit. A neural network is formed by interconnecting
exist for addressing the problem of nonlinearity. One approach individual neurons in a parallel and cascaded fashion, which
is to transform the data by some means that makes them more combines the output of the individual neurons to form com-
suitable for linear analysis. This is illustrated in figure 8.9. In plex decision boundaries. Each neuron uses a decision hyper-
figure 8.9A, the data are fit with a straight line. The proportion plane to convert a weighted sum of its inputs into an output. Its
of the total variation in the data that is accounted for by the threshold activation function determines which side of the
line (i.e., a linear model) is 0.76 (i.e., r2). In figure 8.9B, the data hyperplane the sum falls on; this defines the neuron’s output.
are fit with a second-order equation (i.e., a quadratic model). Neural networks typically have hidden layers of neurons
For the quadratic model, r2 is 0.95 indicating that the quadratic (fig. 8.10B) that form unions between these decision boundar-
function fits the data better. In the linear case, the sole predic- ies and thereby demarcate unique regions corresponding to
tor of Y is X. In the quadratic case, the predictors of Y are X and the different possible outputs of the network. Thus, through

C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 5 3
layer layer layer

In any BCI, the two parts of signal processing (i.e., feature
Input1 w1
function extraction and feature translation) must work together well.
w2 Thus, the choice of the feature type (e.g., evoked-potential
Input2 + Output
amplitude, power in a frequency band, single-neuron firing
Input3 rates) and the choice of the model type (e.g., linear discrimi-
nant, Bayesian classifier, support-vector machine, etc.) neces-
sarily affect each other. For example, if the feature type is P300
Figure 8.10 (A) An individual unit (or neuron) of a neural network. The three amplitude, a two-class classification algorithm may be most
inputs on the left are weighted and summed. If the result reaches the threshold appropriate. In contrast, if the feature type is mu-rhythm
of the activation function, the unit produces an output. (B) A neural network power, a linear regression might be the sensible choice. Once
classifier. The three layers of units (from left to right) are an input layer, a
the choices of feature type and model type have been made, the
hidden layer, and an output layer. These are connected in sequence by
connections that have variable weights. During training, these weights are next steps are to determine the specific features to be used and
adjusted using back propagation to minimize the difference between the the parameters to be applied to these features. These two steps
network’s actual output and its correct output. can be taken in sequence (i.e., first feature selection and then
parameter selection), or in one combined operation. This and
the next sections of the chapter consider commonly used fea-
training (i.e., iterative adjustments in the summing node and ture-selection and parameterization methods.
threshold function of each neuron), the hyperplanes produced by Since recordings from the brain often produce a large
each neuron in the network partition the feature space to define number of signals, some means of feature selection (i.e., dis-
the decision boundaries that represent each possible output. carding features that do not positively contribute to model
Neural networks can vary widely in numbers of units, accuracy) or dimension reduction (i.e., preprocessing the exist-
numbers of layers, and neuron interconnections. Figure 8.10B ing features in a way that eliminates irrelevant feature dimen-
illustrates a simple feed-forward network that has four inputs sions) is generally needed. As noted earlier there is a trade-off
and two outputs. These represent, for example, four brain between better output accuracy for training data when more
signal features and two possible BCI commands. During net- features are used and better generalization to new data when
work training, the network processes a set of labeled training fewer features are used. The calculation of parameter values is
data (i.e., feature vectors for which the correct output is known). always subject to error; these errors accumulate as the number
After each observation is processed, the output of the network of features, and therefore the number of parameters, increases.
is compared to the correct output label to define the error (i.e., In contrast, parameter errors decrease as the amount of train-
the difference between the actual output and the correct ing data increases. Thus, the amount of data available for train-
output). Then, the summing nodes of each neuron are slightly ing the function is an important factor in deciding how many
adjusted (or updated) so as to reduce the error. This updating features to use. Simpler models (i.e., models using fewer fea-
process proceeds backward through the network from the tures) will typically generalize better to new data and may be
output layer to the input layer, and thus it is called backpropa- easier to implement within the constraints of real-time online
gation. As training progresses through the labeled training operation. Furthermore, fewer features may make the resulting
data, the error in the network output diminishes. model easier to understand and thereby facilitate efforts to
A neural network with sufficient neurons is, in theory, develop further improvements.
capable of approximating any function. As a result, neural There are two basic approaches to selecting a subset of fea-
networks can be used to deal with non-linear aspects of BCI tures from a larger collection of features. The first is to apply a
feature-translation problems. However, because the neural- heuristic, a simple rule based on common sense or experience.
network structures can become complex and each individual A very simple example of a heuristic would be to select only
weight must be trained, the training process may be lengthy the upper 10% of the features based on their individual abilities
and require a large amount of labeled training data. Further- to predict the correct output. The second approach is to include
more, satisfactory solutions are not always guaranteed because in the parameter-calculation process a regularization step, in
of practical limits on training algorithms and data sets. which a constraint is placed on the parameters. An example of
As noted above, for the sake of simplicity, the model exam- regularization would be to place a limit on the sum of the abso-
ples discussed in this section have all been discriminant func- lute values of the feature weights. These approaches restrict the
tions (i.e., they have discrete, categorical outputs). However, number and/or weights of the features used in the model.
each of these types of model can also be designed to produce a A simple heuristic that selects those features best able to
continuous output, and thus serve as a regression function. For predict the correct output when considered individually may
example, equation 8.3 can produce coefficients for a discrimi- not identify the optimal feature set since, as discussed above,
nant function or for a regression function, depending on correlations between the features may complicate matters.
whether the vector of Y values is discrete or continuous. Generally, features that make unique contributions to output
Similarly, both Bayesian models and support vector machines prediction are more useful. In addition, some features that do
can be discriminant or regression functions, and neural net- not predict the output themselves may be valuable because
works can produce discrete or continuous outputs. they suppress error in other features.

154 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Ideally, a search for the optimal subset of features will con-
sider all possible combinations. However, this ideal approach is A
often impractical due to the large number of features available.
One alternative is to use a stepwise heuristic. A forward stepwise
selection starts with the best individual feature (i.e., the feature
that gives the best prediction when used by itself) and consid- B
ers each of the remaining features in a pair-wise combination
with this best feature. The optimal pair is selected on the basis
of some criterion, and then this process is repeated with that
pair being combined with each of the remaining features. C
Alternatively, a backward selection procedure starts with all of
the features in the model and eliminates the one that contrib-
utes least to the prediction accuracy of the model. This process 0 1 2
is then repeated with the remaining set of features. It is also Time
possible to combine forward and backward procedures.
Figure 8.11 Three possible data-windowing methods. The training data
Whichever method is used, there must be some stopping rule available at any given time are represented by the rectangles. The training data
to determine at what point in the process the best model has actually used for parameterization are represented by the filled areas. (A) The
been selected. The stopping rule is generally based on some parameters are determined at Time 1 from the Time 0–1 data and are never
criterion variable (such as r2 or the percent of outputs correctly changed. (B) The parameters are determined at Time 1 using the Time 0–1
data and are redetermined at Time 2 using the Time 1–2 data. (C) The
predicted). For example, the feature selection process might
parameters are determined as in B except that recent data are given more
continue until the change in r2 with each new iteration is no weight. In contrast to the static window method in A, the sliding window
longer significant. methods in B and C can track the changing statistics of the data.
A regularization approach to feature selection might apply
a penalty term to the feature weights during the step in which
parameter values are determined (see below). An example of
this approach is Lasso regression (Tibshirani, 1996). Applied should be used). This time frame is referred to as the data
to a least-squares regression model, this method limits the sum window. Long data windows can provide more accurate param-
of the absolute values of the feature weights to a specific value. eter estimates. However, short time windows are more respon-
As described by Tibshirani (1996), this method may be applied sive to changes (i.e., nonstationarity) in the data. According to
so that many features receive weights of 0, which effectively the static concept of BCI operation presented in figure 8.4A,
eliminates them from the model. Because this method of regu- the best approach would be to use as much data as possible
larization incorporates feature selection into the parameteriza- since this should produce more accurate parameter estimates.
tion process, it is referred to as an embedded technique. However, according to the often more realistic coadaptive con-
cept presented in figure 8.4C, the data window should be
shorter so as allow the parameters to track the changes in the
PAR AMETERIZING A MODEL statistics of the data.
Figure 8.11 illustrates several possible data-windowing
After selection of a model and the specific features to be schemes. In figure 8.11A, the parameters are estimated from
included in it, the next step is to assign specific values to the the data obtained between Times 0 and 1, and then are never
parameters of the model. This step is generally referred to as changed. In figure 8.11B, the parameters are estimated at Time
parameter estimation in recognition of the probable difference 1 using the Time 0–1 data and re-estimated at Time 2 using the
between the parameters calculated from the training data and Time 1–2 data. In figure 8.11AC, the parameters are estimated
the ideal parameters for new data. It recognizes that there is as in 8.11B, except that recent data are given more weight. In
almost always some error in parameterization. contrast to the scheme of figure 8.11A, those of figures 8.11B
Parameters can be estimated in a number of ways. For a and C can track the changing statistics of the data.
linear least-squares regression model, the parameters (i.e., fea- If the statistics of the data do not change over time (i.e., the
ture weights and constants) can be computed directly by solv- data are stationary) then the static data window illustrated in
ing equation 8.2. Alternatively, they can be estimated by any of figure 8.11A makes sense. However, the sliding window tech-
several iterative optimization algorithms (e.g., Press et al., 2007). nique of 8.11B or C is more appropriate if the data are nonsta-
These algorithms generate an approximate solution and then tionary. This might be the case, for example, if the user’s brain
refine it in repeated cycles until acceptable accuracy is obtained. signals change as a function of time of day or if the user gradu-
This approach has the advantage that it can also be applied to ally adapts to the BCI more effectively over time. Any BCI
nonlinear functions (e.g., support-vector regression). However, translation algorithm could use this sliding window technique
iterative optimization algorithms are more computationally by periodically changing the training data used for parameter-
intense than direct solutions and do not guarantee a solution ization. A smaller data window allows more accuracy in track-
(i.e., they may never reach the desired degree of accuracy). ing changes in the data, whereas a longer data window provides
The parameterization process should also consider the more stable estimates of parameter values. Thus, there is a
time frame of the training data (i.e., how much training data trade-off between tracking accuracy and stability.

C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 5 5
The method illustrated in figure 8.11C also uses a sliding located elsewhere on the surface. Alternative optimization
window, but in this case more recent data are given more influ- methods such as evolutionary algorithms (e.g., genetic algo-
ence in determining the parameters. The simplest example of rithms and particle swarm optimization) are designed to avoid
this approach is the least-means squares (LMS) algorithm such suboptimal local minima and thus may provide superior
(Haykin, 1996). The LMS can be used to update the parameters parameterization in complex situations (Krusienski and
of a linear function (e.g., eq. 8.1). To do this, the current param- Jenkins, 2005).
eter values are used to make a prediction of the next value of
Y(t). If Y ′(t) is the predicted value, the prediction error e(t) is

e(t ) = Y (t ) − Y ′(t ) MEASURING PERFORMANCE

The performance of BCI systems in general, and BCI translation
and each parameter in the vector of parameters is updated algorithms in particular, can be evaluated by comparing their
according to: actual outputs with the correct outputs (assuming, of course,
that the correct outputs are known). A variety of evaluation
b(t ) = b(t ) + l e(t ) X (t ) (8.7) measures are available (McFarland, Anderson, et al., 2006).
where b(t+1) is the parameter vector at time t+1, l is a learn- ACCURACY
ing-rate parameter that controls the rate of adaptation, and The simplest evaluation method is measurement of the accu-
X(t) is the current feature vector. By this update, each param- racy for a given application. For example, in a P300 matrix
eter is changed a small amount in a direction that reduces the application, accuracy is the percent of total selections that are
error on the current trial. As a consequence, this method correct. Although accuracy is a straightforward measure, it has
should slowly converge on the best values for the parameters. limitations that, depending on the BCI design and application,
An update occurs with each new observation, and the algo- may necessitate additional or alternative measures.
rithm needs only to remember the parameters produced by the In some applications, different kinds or degrees of errors
last update. With a properly selected learning rate, the LMS are possible and may have very different consequences. For
algorithm will track the least-squares solution for the parame- example, in moving a cursor to select a particular icon, an error
ters. This algorithm is related to the back propagation algo- could be failing to reach the icon, or it could be moving to
rithm discussed earlier. The primary difference between them another (incorrect) icon. The first error simply wastes time,
is the nature of the model they use to parameterize. whereas the second requires that a mistake be corrected.
The use of the LMS algorithm just discussed is an example Or, in the more graphic example summarized in table 8.1,
of supervised learning. Knowledge of the correct outcome is suppose a user is in a BCI-driven wheelchair that can either
used to adaptively estimate model parameters. This is possible, move forward or stay in place. If the BCI correctly recognizes
for example, when labeled training data have been collected the user’s intent, whether it is to move forward (a true positive
during a calibration session in which the BCI user is asked to [TP] output) or to stay in place (a true negative [TN] output),
produce certain outputs. However, in subsequent BCI use, the everything is fine. If the BCI fails to recognize the user’s intent,
user’s actual intent is not known by the BCI. As discussed by its error can be an error of omission, a false negative (FN) or an
McFarland, Krusienski et al. (2006), estimating some model error of commission, a false positive (FP). In a FN error, the
parameters does require labeled training data, whereas estimat- user wants to move forward and the wheelchair stays in place.
ing others does not. For example, it is possible to estimate the The result is that the user loses time and may become frus-
mean and variance of the features without knowledge of the trated. In a FP error, the user wants to stay in place and the
user’s intent. For a BCI cursor-movement application, this wheelchair moves forward. The result may be disastrous: if the
information can be used to normalize the output of the transla- wheelchair is facing a busy street or the edge of a cliff the user
tion algorithm in order to maintain constant cursor speed and may be injured or killed. A BCI-driven wheelchair that makes
minimize directional bias. On the other hand, determining the numerous FN errors and no FP errors is clearly preferable to
optimal feature weights requires knowledge of the user’s intent. one that makes no FN errors and a few FP errors. Thus, in this
The LMS algorithm is the simplest and one of the most
widely used adaptive parameterization methods. More com-
plex adaptive methods (e.g., the recursive least squares [RLS] TABLE 8.1 Possible outcomes for a BCI-driven wheelchair
and the related Kalman filter) have also been used to parame-
terize models in BCI translation algorithms (e.g., Black and USER INTENT ACTION


Adaptive parameterization methods such as the LMS and PLACE (N) FORWARD (P)

Kalman filter operate well when the error surface (i.e., the rela-
Move Error: User stays Correct (TP)
tionship of the output error to the feature vector and the labeled forward (P) in place (FN)
output) is relatively simple. In situations in which the error
surface is complex, an adaptive method may converge on a Stay in Correct (TN) Error: User may fall
local error minimum and miss a much lower error minimum place (N) off a cliff (FP)

156 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
example, accuracy alone is clearly not an adequate measure of this purpose. If all the squared prediction errors are summed,
BCI performance. then the resulting statistic is χ2 (i.e., chi-squared). The χ2 statis-
A set of four measures is often used to assess performance tic represents the variance in the output that is due to BCI error.
in a P/N selection of this kind. Expressed in terms of the four This value is often normalized by dividing by the total variance
possible outcomes described above, these measures are: in the output, giving the proportion of the total variance due to
error, or 1 – r2. The proportion of the variance in the output
• Sensitivity (TP rate or Hit rate) = TP/(TP + FN) that is accounted for by the model is then r2. These statistics
• Selectivity (also called positive predictive value can be used to summarize goodness-of-fit for both discrete
or precision) = TP/(TP + FP) and continuous data.
Error is often quantified in the engineering field in terms of
• Specificity (also called negative predictive root-mean-squared error (RMS). This metric is the square root
value) = TN/(TN + FN) of the average squared error (i.e., difference between actual and
• Accuracy = (TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN) correct outputs). It is similar to measures used in statistics in
that it is based on the squared difference between predicted
Depending on the nature of the P and N outputs, one or and observed results.
another of these measures may be most critical. Thus, in the If one simply added up all of the prediction errors made by
example shown in table 8.1, in which a FP might be cata- a BCI, the sum would tend to be zero since positive errors
strophic, it is most important that selectivity be as close to would tend to cancel out negative errors. This can be avoided
1.0 as possible. Accuracy alone is not an adequate measure of by summing their absolute values (i.e., ignoring their sign) or
performance. by summing their squared values. Historically, squared differ-
Accuracy has other limitations as well. Two different trans- ences have been used because they are more tractable with
lation algorithms may have identical accuracies, but one of traditional (i.e., precomputer) methods. However, modern
these algorithms may need much less time to produce each computer technology has removed previous practical limita-
output; accuracy alone does not capture this important perfor- tions on computations. As a result, modern machine-learning
mance difference. Furthermore, accuracy alone does not cap- algorithms (e.g., support vector machines [see above]) often
ture the consistency of performance. For example, an algorithm assess error as an absolute (i.e., Euclidean) difference between
for which accuracy averages 90% but varies from day to day or actual and correct output.
hour to hour from 40% to 100% may be less useful than an
algorithm with a stable accuracy of 80%. MINIMIZING ERROR VERSUS
A particularly troublesome problem with accuracy arises MINIMIZING COMPLEXITY
in trying to compare performances when the number of pos- All other things being equal, the translation algorithm that
sible choices is not constant. For example, it is not immediately produces the lowest prediction error should be used. However,
clear whether an accuracy of 90% for two possible outputs is as noted earlier, there are other important considerations, such
better or worse than an accuracy of 75% for four possible out- as level of simplicity. Simpler models may generalize better to
puts. Making this determination may be important in config- new data or may be easier to implement in real-time operation.
uring an application for a particular translation algorithm. Model complexity is usually evaluated in terms of the number
Although most BCIs to date use synchronous operating of parameters that must be estimated. Often models with more
protocols (see chapter 10, in this volume) in which the BCI parameters can achieve lower prediction error, at least on train-
always knows when the person wants to use it, the most natu- ing data. Hence, there is often some trade-off between error
ral and flexible BCIs would use asynchronous protocols, in and complexity. One objective method for selecting the opti-
which the BCI itself recognizes when the person wants to use mal model is to minimize Akaike’s information criterion (AIC)
it (see chapter 10 for full discussion of this issue). Asynchronous (Akaike, 1974), which is a weighted combination of prediction
protocols introduce the possibility of errors related to the BCI’s error and model complexity. Akaike’s criteria can be expressed
need to recognize when the person wants to use it: in a false in terms of r2 as:
negative error, the system fails to recognize the person’s desire
to use the BCI; in a false positive error, the system begins pro- AIC k + n l (1 r 2 ) / n (8.8)

ducing BCI outputs when the person does not want to do so.
Finally, although accuracy can assess the performance of a where k is the number of parameters in the model and n is the
BCI that produces a succession of discrete output commands, sample size (e.g., the size of the training set). Thus, AIC
it may not be suitable for evaluating BCIs that produce decreases as the prediction error and/or the number of param-
continuous outputs, such as cursor movements. eters decreases. The optimal trade-off between error and com-
plexity is not clear. The uncertainty concerns how to determine
the relative importance of error versus simplicity. A variety of
ASSESSING CONTINUOUS OUTPUTS alternatives have been proposed (see Stoica and Selen, 2004,
The performance of a BCI that produces a continuous output for review).
can be evaluated with a continuous metric. The squared differ- In evaluating performance, it is usually more informative
ence between the actual output and the correct output at each to compare different translation algorithms rather than to eval-
point in time (i.e., the prediction error) is frequently used for uate single algorithms in isolation. When one asks whether a

C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 5 7
translation algorithm does a good job of producing the correct figure provides an objective answer to a question posed earlier
output, the answer depends in large part on what other alterna- in this section: an error rate of 10% with two choices is worse
tives exist. As an example, a common use of AIC is to compare than an error rate of 25% with four choices.
models of different complexity and select the one with the The great importance of accuracy, illustrated in figure 8.12,
lowest value. In this way, an optimum combination of accuracy is often not fully appreciated in BCI research. With two choices,
and complexity might be obtained. 90% accuracy is literally twice as good as 80%, and only half
as good as 100%. Bit rate provides an objective measure for
B I T R AT E A S A M E A S U R E O F B C I P E R F O R M A N C E measuring improvement in a BCI translation algorithm and
Wolpaw et al. (2002) suggested evaluating BCI performance for comparing different algorithms. It can also help select
using bit rate. Bit rate, or information transfer rate, is the stan- among different applications (Wolpaw et al., 2002). Other
dard method for measuring communication and control sys- measures based on Shannon’s theory (Shannon and Weaver,
tems. It is the amount of information communicated per unit 1964; Pierce, 1980), such as mutual information (Schlogl et al.,
time. Based on Shannon and Weaver (1964) and summarized 2002), are also useful.
very well in Pierce (1980), this measure incorporates both At the same time, in using bit rate to assess BCI perfor-
speed and accuracy in a single value. Bit rate has been most mance, it is important to realize that this measure can be
commonly applied to assess the performance of an entire BCI applied to a given application in different ways, and the result-
system, rather than its translation algorithm in isolation. ing values for bit rate may differ greatly (even by orders of
Appropriately applied, it can be a very valuable measure. magnitude) (Luce, 2003). For example, in a cursor-movement
Inappropriately applied, it can provide results that are mislead- application, bit rate might be calculated for the trajectory of
ing or irrelevant. cursor movement or simply for the resulting output selection.
Figure 8.12 shows the relationship between accuracy and The former method may produce much higher bit rates than
bit rate for different numbers of possible selections. Bit rate is the latter because the information needed to specify a trajec-
shown both as bits/trial (i.e., bits/selection), and as bits/min tory is usually much greater than that needed to select among
when 12 selections are made per minute (e.g., a reasonable rate a limited number of outputs. The difference may be further
for a P300-based BCI). For example, the bit rate of a BCI that accentuated if the analysis focuses only on the early part of the
has a 10% error rate with two choices is equal to that of a BCI movement (e.g., the first 0.5 sec) and thus uses a very small
that selects among four choices with a 35% error rate. This denominator for calculating bits/time.
In general, in applying bit rate to assess BCI performance,
two principles should be observed. First, the numerator (i.e., the
information) should be the information in the final output of the
5 60 given application, not the information in some part of the pro-
cess that leads to the output. For example, in a cursor movement
application, the information in a trial is defined by the number of
4 48 possible outputs, not by the details of the movement. Second, the
denominator (i.e., the time) should be the total time needed for
an output, not the time occupied by some limited segment of the
Bits/min (12 trials/min)

process that leads to the output. For example, in a P300 matrix

3 36
application, the time is the total time from the beginning of one

selection (i.e., trial) to the beginning of the next. In sum, if bit

N = 32 rate is to be most useful in evaluating BCI performance, it should
2 24 be applied in a way that approximates as closely as possible the
N=8 actual performance of the BCI for its user.
There is probably no single evaluation measure (not even
1 12 bit rate) that is sufficient for all BCI applications. For example,
N=2 in terms of bit rate, a BCI transmits information if its error rate
is less that 1-(1/N), where N is the number of possible outputs.
0 0
Thus, a P300-based 6 × 6 matrix BCI application, which has 36
0 20 40 60 80 100 possible outputs, transmits information as long as it makes
Accuracy (%) errors on less that 1-(1/36) (i.e., <97.2%) of the selections.
However, in reality, this application is of practical value only if
Figure 8.12 Information transfer rate in bits/trial (i.e., bits/selection) and in bits/
min (for 12 trials/min) when the number of possible outputs (i.e., N) is 2, 4, 8,
its error rate is much lower, that is, 30% or less (Sellers et al.,
16, or 32. As derived from Pierce (1980) (and based on Shannon and Weaver, 2006). If the error rate is higher, the frequent need for correc-
1964), if a trial has N possible outputs, if each output has the same probability tion (e.g., backspacing in a spelling application) renders the
of being the one that the user desires, if the probability (P) that the desired system unacceptably slow. Nevertheless, measures such as bit
output will actually be produced is always the same, and if each of the other
rate and r2 are extremely useful in comparing different BCI
(i.e., undesired) outputs has the same probability of selection, that is,
(1 – P)/(N – 1), then bit rate, or bits/trial (B), is: B = log2N + Plog2P + (1 – P)
translation algorithms, and they are essential for providing
log2[(1 – P)/(N – 1)]. For each N, bit rate is shown only for accuracy ≥100/N benchmarks for the iterative processes of developing and
(i.e., ≥chance). (From Wolpaw et al., 2002) optimizing new alternatives.

158 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Finally, it should be noted that, although the online evalu-
ations that do occur usually involve normal volunteers for rea-
BCI systems operate in real time. The user and the BCI system sons of practicality, the BCI users most appropriate for these
must interact effectively to ensure that the user’s intent is studies are the people for whom the particular BCI application
accomplished. The user must produce brain signals that the is intended. The many different neuromuscular disorders that
BCI can interpret, the BCI must translate these signals into create the need for BCI-based communication and control
outputs, and the user must be informed of these outputs in a may themselves affect a user’s interactions with a BCI system,
timely fashion so that he or she can continue to generate sig- and thus the performance of the translation algorithm.
nals that embody the desired intent. As a result, the ultimate
test of any BCI translation algorithm is how it performs in
actual real-time operation. In engineering terms, this is called
closed-loop performance: the BCI user is continually aware of
the consequences of BCI operation and can therefore adjust Offline evaluations have clear limitations. Most important,
the brain signals to ensure that the correct intent continues to they cannot evaluate the impact of differences among algo-
be accomplished. Real-time performance is the ultimate test of rithms in the ongoing feedback they provide during online
the ability of a translation algorithm to generalize to new data. closed-loop operation. Thus, they cannot address how well a
The real-time environment ensures that training and test data particular algorithm enables and encourages the continual
are independent. Thus, effectiveness in real-time, closed-loop adaptations of user to system and system to user that are fre-
performance is the gold standard for evaluating BCI transla- quently essential for stable and effective BCI performance.
tion algorithms. Although closed-loop performance is the Offline evaluations may also have additional limitations
ideal method for comparing alternative algorithms, it is often specific to particular BCI applications. For example, a BCI
difficult to implement direct comparisons, particularly when action in which the user moves a cursor to a desired icon on a
many different algorithms or different variations of a single screen typically ends when an icon is reached. As a result, the
algorithm need to be compared. time necessary is a function not only of the user’s brain signals
The impact of closed-loop performance on the user (and but also of the algorithm that translates those signals into
the BCI if it too adapts) may be complex and may develop cursor movement. Thus, if an offline evaluation applies a new
gradually over prolonged performance. Individual users typi- algorithm to brain signals that were gathered during online
cally differ widely in their initial characteristics and/or in their operation with a different algorithm, the stored data may not
subsequent adaptations during closed-loop performance. In be sufficient, that is, the brain signals may run out before the
addition, the consequences of closed-loop experience with a new algorithm brings the cursor to an icon.
given algorithm make it very difficult to adequately compare Nevertheless, when applied appropriately, and when used
several different algorithms in a single person. As a result, mainly to guide selection of particularly promising algorithms
closed-loop evaluation is extremely time consuming and labor for subsequent online testing, offline evaluations are extremely
intensive, and it is generally only practical after the set of pos- valuable, indeed essential, in BCI research and development.
sible algorithms has been winnowed down to a small number
of particularly promising alternatives. A LT E R N AT I V E PA R A D I G M S F O R O F F L I N E
Thus, for a given BCI application, the process of evaluating E VA L U AT I O N S
different models and different methods for selecting their features Three kinds of paradigms are commonly used for offline evalu-
and determining their parameters typically begins with paradigms ations in BCI research. Two of these collect brain signals during
simpler than closed-loop operation, paradigms that facilitate the open-loop performance and then, in offline analyses, compare
comparison of large numbers of alternatives. The common feature the effectiveness of different algorithms in producing the
of these paradigms is that they do not evaluate the consequences appropriate output.
of providing the output of the BCI to the user in real time; that In the first type of paradigm, BCI users simply engage in
is, they do not involve closed-loop operation. Rather they cognitive operations such as mental arithmetic or mental rota-
employ offline analyses of BCI data already acquired. tion of a geometric figure without feedback of any kind, and
The most effective BCI research will usually incorporate brain signals are recorded while they do so. (Many common
both offline and online evaluations. Offline evaluations can be psychophysiological experiments provide data of this kind.)
used to identify a small number of particularly promising The goal is then to devise a translation algorithm that can
alternatives, which can then be submitted to online closed- determine from the brain signals which operation the person
loop testing (e.g., Krusienski et al., 2008; McFarland and was engaged in. (Often the evaluation stops at this point and
Wolpaw, 2005). By identifying the best of these few alterna- does not proceed to online real-time experiments in which the
tives, the online results may lead to a new series of offline eval- subject uses these cognitive operations to produce specific BCI
uations comparing different versions of this algorithm, and the outputs in closed-loop BCI operation.)
new offline results may in turn lead to new online studies. This In the second type, brain signals are recorded while sub-
iterative offline/online research process may prove particularly jects are using the BCI, but the subjects are told what outputs
effective in optimizing BCI function. Up the present however, to produce and are not given feedback as to the outputs
this coordinated research design has been relatively rare in BCI actually produced. The resulting signals are analyzed offline
research. with the different candidate algorithms, and the results are

C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 5 9
compared. The algorithms giving the best results (i.e., the clos- factors (e.g., the amount of training data available) affect how
est match between correct output and actual output) may then different algorithms perform relative to each other. Although it
be compared in online closed-loop performance. is probably safe to say that more complex models usually
The third kind of offline paradigm collects data during require more training data, further research is needed to deter-
closed-loop operation with a particular translation algorithm mine how specific aspects of different model families interact
and then in offline analyses compares the performance of a set with the characteristics (e.g., amounts, stationarity) of the
of candidate algorithms. This paradigm is most appropriate training and test data.
when ongoing user adaptation is minimal (e.g., in a P300-
based BCI) or when the candidate algorithms to be compared E VA L U AT I N G D I F F E R E N T M O D E L S
do not differ greatly from each other. For example, Krusienski In comparing different models for use in translation algo-
et al. (2006) used data from a P300-based matrix speller to rithms, it is often important to consider which differences
compare the performance of five methods: Fisher’s linear dis- between models are most relevant and to what extent these dif-
criminant; stepwise discriminant analysis; a linear support ferences can be changed. For example, an investigator may
vector machine; a support vector machine with a Gaussian observe a difference in performance between a Fisher’s linear
kernel; and Pearson’s correlation of univariate features. discriminant model and a support vector machine that uses
Although performance did not differ markedly among these Gaussian kernels. This difference could be due to several fac-
techniques, Fisher’s linear discriminant and stepwise discrimi- tors, such as the fact that the support vector machine uses the
nant analysis produced the best overall results. kernel function to deal with nonlinearities. However, a kernel
function can also be used with Fisher’s linear discriminant
C R O S S - VA L I D AT I O N I N O F F L I N E (Müller et al., 2001), and this might markedly change the per-
E VA L U AT I O N S formance difference between the models. Similarly, a regular-
The primary goal in developing a new BCI translation algo- ization parameter, which is implicit in a support vector
rithm is an algorithm that performs well with new brain sig- machine, can also be used by a Fisher’s discriminant. Thus it
nals as well as with those used to develop the algorithm. That should be possible to determine what specific aspects of these
is, the algorithm must generalize well to future data. Thus, its two algorithms account for differences in their performances.
performance should be evaluated using data different from Lotte et al. (2007) reviewed the literature on BCI classifica-
those used to define and parameterize it. This process is called tion algorithms. They noted that either regression or classifica-
cross-validation. tion algorithms can be used but that classification algorithms
In the simplest cross-validation scheme, the data are were the most popular approach. Thus, it was the one they
divided into a training set and a test set. The training set is used reviewed. They concluded that support vector machines gener-
to parameterize the algorithm, and then the test set is used to ally performed well and attributed this to their use of regular-
evaluate its performance. This method works well when there ization (see Feature Selection section above). They also
is a large amount of data available. Ideally, the training set discussed the need for systematic comparisons of classifiers
should include enough data to avoid over-fitting (see above), within the same context. It should be noted that most of the
and the test set should have enough data to get an accurate work that they reviewed involved offline data analyses.
estimate of performance. Often, however, the data are limited.
Thus, it is common to use a resampling scheme such as K-fold CONSIDERING THE AMOUNT
cross-validation. In K-fold cross-validation, the data set is O F T R A I N I N G D ATA
divided into K partitions. Each of the K subsamples is used A number of studies have found that the relative performance
once as the test set while the remaining K – 1 samples are used of different model classes can vary with the amount of data
for training; that is, each subsample provides one fold of the available for training. For example, Vidaurre et al. (2007) used
cross-validation. The results for the K folds are then averaged spectral features from data collected while subjects imagined
to yield the final cross-validation performance of the algo- left- or right-hand movements to compare linear, quadratic,
rithm. Other methods are also possible. For example, in the and regularized discriminant functions in regard to their accu-
bagging method (Li et al., 2010), training and test sets are cre- racy in determining for each trial which movement the subject
ated by repeated random sampling of the entire body of data was imagining. They found that the results of the comparison
(i.e., partitions are created by sampling the data with no restric- depended on the amount of data used for training the func-
tion on how often a given sample is used). tions. With a small amount of data available for training, the
linear discriminant function performed best. With more data
available for training, the three functions performed similarly.
Besserve et al. (2007) also examined the effect of the amount of
data available for training a translation algorithm. They used
The examples given in preceding sections illustrate the com- spectral features from EEG data collected while subjects per-
plexities involved in comparing algorithms that may differ in a formed a visuomotor tracking task to reproduce the track.
variety of ways (e.g., type and number of features used, model They compared three models: a linear discriminant; a support
type, amount of training data, parameterization method, etc.). vector machine; and a k-nearest-neighbor algorithm. With
What is most apparent is that it is not possible to arrive at large sets of training data, the three algorithms performed sim-
simple conclusions about which algorithms are best. Multiple ilarly as more features were included in the models. However,

160 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
with smaller data sets, the performance of the linear discrimi- differences between the calibration data and the online data,
nant function declined more sharply than those of the other such as the greater demand for visual processing during online
two models as additional features were added. The very differ- operation. The change in the data between calibration and
ent conclusions these two studies reach as to the value of online performance further emphasizes the importance of
linear discriminant functions illustrate the inconsistencies in online closed-loop testing.
the literature and the complexities involved in selecting meth- Linear regression algorithms are frequently employed in
ods for specific purposes. BCIs that use features derived from cortical single-neuron
activity (e.g., neuronal firing rates [Serruya et al., 2002; Taylor
E VA L U AT I N G F E AT U R E S E L E C T I O N et al., 2002]). Wu and Hatsopoulos (2008) examined single-
Several offline studies have evaluated the feature-selection pro- neuron data offline from monkeys that had been operantly
cess. Millán et al. (2002) used spectral EEG features from data conditioned to perform a target-pursuit application. They
collected while the subject imagined motor movements. They showed that an adaptive Kalman filter was more accurate than
showed that selecting only the most relevant features improved stationary algorithms in predicting arm position, and they
performance. Krusienski et al. (2008) used data from a P300- suggested that this reflects the fact that the motor system
based BCI matrix-selection application to examine the effects changes over time.
of including various subsets of electrodes in a stepwise linear In an online study, Vidaurre et al. (2006) evaluated the
discriminant analysis. They found that larger numbers of elec- effects of algorithm adaptation on performance of a two-target
trodes could improve performance and they identified a set of cursor-movement application controlled by spectral features
eight electrodes that was extremely effective. Krusienski et al. of EEG recorded over sensorimotor cortex. They found that
(2008) went on to validate this offline result in online testing adaptive algorithms performed better than static algorithms.
and thus showed that, in this example at least, offline results Furthermore, continuous adaptation was superior to periodic
did generalize to online closed-loop performance. (i.e., between sessions) adaptation. They suggest that adaptive
McFarland and Wolpaw (2005) reported offline analyses algorithms are particularly useful for training inexperienced
exploring the effects of feature selection in a BCI application BCI users, who often produce less stable patterns of brain
that used spectral features of EEG sensorimotor rhythms to activity.
control cursor movements. They found that a small subset of At the same time, it is likely that adaptation is more impor-
features chosen by stepwise regression produced r2 values tant for some BCIs than for others. For example, learning
nearly as large as those produced by the entire feature set. They effects appear to be much more prominent in BCIs that use
then showed that these results did generalize to online closed- sensorimotor rhythms than in those that use P300 responses.
loop performance. Thus, adaptive algorithms, especially those capable of continu-
Overall, these studies indicate that careful attention to ous ongoing adaptation, are likely to be more valuable for sen-
selecting (from among the many features usually available) sorimotor rhythm-based BCIs.
only those features most relevant to the specific BCI applica-
tion helps to achieve translation algorithms that are simpler
and perform better in online closed-loop operation.
The BCI research community has invested considerable effort
E VA L U AT I N G A D A P T I V E A L G O R I T H M S in facilitating offline evaluations and comparisons of alterna-
Several groups have explored the use of adaptive BCI transla- tive BCI translation algorithms. In this vein, several data com-
tion algorithms. Their studies show that adaptation is benefi- petitions have been organized (Sajda et al., 2003; Blankertz
cial and suggest which aspects of translation are most et al., 2004; Blankertz et al., 2006), with entries submitted by
worthwhile to adapt. The superiority of adaptive algorithms is researchers from around the world. In these competitions sev-
not surprising, since numerous factors can contribute to non- eral data sets, each consisting of data collected with a variety of
stationarities in the data. These factors include: technical fac- closed-loop or open-loop paradigms (e.g., P300-based BCI
tors such as variations in electrode placement or impedance; data, sensorimotor rhythm-based BCI data, self-paced tapping
general user factors such as warm-up and fatigue and sponta- data), are provided to the research community. Typically, a
neous variations; and application-specific user factors such as portion of each set is training data, and is provided with labels
learning. Shenoy et al. (2006) showed that the statistics of the as to the correct BCI outputs, while the rest of the set com-
data may change between calibration and online control. To prises test data for which the correct outputs are not provided.
calibrate a linear discriminant algorithm, they asked subjects The task of the contestants is to determine the correct outputs
to engage in several motor-imagery tasks in response to visual for the test data. Their performances in doing this determine
stimuli and extracted features from the EEG data by a common the results of each competition.
spatial patterns analysis. They then used the algorithm online In assessing the results of these competitions, Blankertz
to move a cursor in a two-target application and found that et al. (2004) noted that some entries had accuracy near chance
the statistics of the data were different for calibration and on the test data, suggesting that their methods, although per-
online operation. They showed that performance was improved haps performing well with training data, did not generalize well
by using any of several simple adaptive procedures to update to the test data. In contrast, other entries produced excellent
the parameters of the algorithm. It was not necessary to results for the test data. Blankertz et al. (2006) also found that
modify feature selection. They discussed factors likely to cause most of the competition winners employed linear methods (e.g.,

C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 6 1
Fisher’s linear discriminant or linear support vector machine). may not generalize as well to new data. Limiting the model to
They also noted that several winning algorithms incorporated only the most relevant signal features often improves its ability
both time-domain and frequency domain measures. to generalize.
Although these data competitions provide useful sugges- BCI development relies heavily on offline analyses of data
tions for algorithm improvements, it is still difficult to assess gathered during BCI operation or during a wide variety of
the relative merits of the approaches employed because, while open-loop psychophysiological studies. These analyses can be
the results depend in part on the algorithms employed, they extremely useful in comparing different models, different fea-
also depend on how well the algorithms were implemented. In ture selection methods, and different parameterization meth-
addition, since the entries differed in multiple respects (e.g., ods. In this work, it is imperative to test alternative algorithms
different preprocessing and signal extraction methods as well on data sets different from those used to parameterize them
as different translation algorithms), the contribution of each (i.e., it is necessary to cross-validate them).
difference to the superiority of one entry over another is often At the same time, however, offline analysis cannot establish
not clear. Moreover, since most of the BCI competition data how well an algorithm will perform in actual online closed-
sets have been rather small, the differences among the most loop operation, because it cannot reproduce the unpredictable
successful entries have often not been statistically significant. ongoing interactions between the new algorithm and the BCI
Finally, because these competitions necessarily involve only user. Thus, once offline analyses have identified the most prom-
offline evaluations, their results still require online closed-loop ising algorithms, these algorithms should be assessed in actual
testing to establish their validity. online closed-loop evaluations. Whereas online studies of
normal volunteers are useful and are often most practical, the
BCI users most appropriate for these studies are the people with
SUMMA RY severe disabilities for whom BCI applications are primarily
intended. Thus, they should be included whenever possible.
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ysis, although helpful in developing an algorithm, is not suffi- Blankertz, B., Müller, K.-R., Curio, G., Vaughan, T.M., Schalk, G., Wolpaw, J.R.,
cient. As an overall principle, generalizability increases as the Schlogl, A., Neuper, C., Pfurtscheller, G., Hinterberger, T., Schroder, M.,
amount of data used for parameterization increases, and it and Birbaumer, N. (2004) The BCI competition 2003: Progress and per-
spectives in detection and discrimination of EEG single trials. IEEE
decreases as the number of features (and thus the number of Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 51, 1044–1051.
parameters) increases. At the same time, changes over time in Blankertz, B., Müller, K.-R., Krusienski, D., Schalk, G., Wolpaw, J.R., Schlogl,
the brain signal features (e.g., due to spontaneous variations, A., Pfurtscheller, G., Millan, J., Schroder, M., and Birbaumer, N. (2006) The
BCI competition III: Validating alternative approaches to actual BCI
learning, technical factors) may prompt the development and problems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation
use of adaptive translation algorithms (e.g., algorithms that Engineering, 14, 153–159.
reparameterize their models periodically). Donchin, E., Spencer, K.M., and Wijesinghe, R. (2000) The mental prosthesis:
Assessing the speed of a P300-based brain-computer interface. IEEE
Linear models such as Fisher’s discriminant analysis and Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 8, 174–179.
multiple regression have been used in BCIs for some time. Fisher, R.A. (1936) The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems.
More recently, alternative approaches such as Bayesian meth- Annals of Eugenics, 7, 179–188.
Friedman, L., and Wall, M. (2005) Graphical views of suppression and multi-
ods and support vector machines have also become popular. collinearity in multiple linear regression. American Statistician, 59, 127–136.
Many trade-offs must be considered in selecting from among Haykin, S. (1996) Adaptive Filter Theory, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-
these general families of models, as well as in selecting features Hall.
Kieseppa, I.A. (2001) Statistical model selection criteria and the philosophical
for and parameterizing a particular model. Complex models problem of underdetermination. British Journal of the Philosophy of Science,
sometimes fit existing data better than simple models, but they 52, 761–794.

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Krusienski, D.J., and Jenkins, W.K. (2005) Design and performance of adaptive An international assessment of research and development trends. Berlin:
systems based on structured stochastic optimization strategies. IEEE Springer 47–64.
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Krusienski, D., Sellers, E.W., Cabestaing, F., Bayoudh, S., McFarland, analysis competition to evaluate machine learning algorithms for use in
D.J., Vaughan, T.M., and Wolpaw, J.R. (2006) A comparison of classifica- brain-computer interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and
tion techniques for the P300 speller. Journal of Neural Engineering, 3, Rehabilitation Engineering, 11, 184–185.
299–305. Schalk, G., Leuthardt, E.C., Brunner, P., Ojemann, J.G., Gerhardt, L.A., and
Krusienski, D.J., Sellers, E.W., McFarland, D.J., Vaughan, T.M., and Wolpaw, Wolpaw, J.R. (2008) Real-time detection of event-related brain activity.
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Lotte, F., Congedo, M., Leuyer, A., Lmarche, F., and Arnaldi, B. (2007) A review J.R. (2006) A P300 event-related potential brain-computer interface (BCI):
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Review of General Psychology, 7, 183–188. (2002) Instant neural control of a movement signal. Nature, 416, 1411–1142.
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D.J. (2006) BCI meeting 2005—Workshop on BCI signal processing: cation. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
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and Rehabilition Engineering, 14, 135–138. Towards adaptive classification for BCI. Journal of Neural Engineering, 3,
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tor beta rhythms. Progress in Brain Research, 159, 411–419. puter interfaces. In L. K. Saul, Y. Weiss, and L. Bottou (Eds.). Advances
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C H A P T E R 8 . B C I S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G : F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N | 1 6 3
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ardware and software are critically important in imple- also be useful in BCI development, particularly as development
menting brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and in of new BCI systems becomes progressively more complex.
ensuring that they function effectively in real time. To work successfully, such sets of specifications and tools
Indeed, the recent advent and wide availability of powerful, must satisfy two criteria. First, they need to be applicable to a
inexpensive hardware and software are some of the principal well-defined and large set of needs. For example, specifications
factors responsible for the recent explosive growth in BCI of a unique electrode configuration that are applicable to only
research and development. BCI hardware provides the physi- a very small range of needs would likely find only limited use.
cal means through which brain signals are acquired, digitized, In contrast, specifications for connectors (e.g., for implanted
stored, and analyzed. It typically includes the sensors that devices or EEG caps) could be used for a wide range of BCI
detect brain activity, an amplifier with an analog-to-digital applications, and thus wide adoption is more likely. Second,
converter, a computer that processes the digitized signals, such technical specifications need to be accompanied by a
and the cables that connect these components to one another. number of implementations that can be readily used. For the
BCI software controls the storage and analysis of the digitized example of the connector specifications, these implementa-
signals and their conversion into outputs that achieve the user’s tions may be physical connectors in different shapes and sizes,
intent. adapters for other common connectors, and so forth. For BCI
Effective development of BCI hardware and software pres- software, technical specifications should be accompanied by
ents some challenges that are often not present in the develop- a set of software implementations that realize the technical
ment of other technologies. For example, since it is as yet specifications. In addition to these two criteria, the technical
unclear which sensor modalities, which brain signals, and specifications and their implementations must be properly
which processing methods are optimal for any given BCI appli- communicated to the engineers who build the BCI systems.
cation, it is necessary to evaluate and compare the efficacy of This chapter discusses the key components of the hardware
many different sensors, brain signals, and processing methods. and software currently used in BCI research and design, and it
At the same time, there is little commercial interest in explor- describes evaluation procedures that can help ensure that
ing these issues since the target BCI-user population is rela- research BCI systems perform as desired. (Other BCI systems,
tively small. In many ways this situation mirrors that of the such as those used for commercial purposes, will likely incor-
early days of computer technology, a time that was character- porate a closed system consisting of a digital signal processing
ized by small market opportunities and little technical stan- [DSP] chip, a field-programmable gate array [FPGA], or other
dardization. Success in such early stages of development hinges fixed solutions tightly integrated with the amplifier and device
on the capacity to quickly evaluate and compare many differ- output or display [Brunner et al., 2011].) The chapter is divided
ent promising options. As a result, a crucial function of BCI into three major sections. The first section covers BCI hard-
technology is to ensure not only that a given BCI system can be ware and describes the sensors that detect brain signals, the
implemented but also that this implementation can be accom- components that amplify and digitize these signals, the inter-
plished rapidly and efficiently. In other words, it is essential to face hardware that connects different components, and the
optimize the processes that transform new BCI designs into client hardware that runs BCI software. The second section
functioning implementations. covers BCI software and describes: the data acquisition com-
Such process optimizations may be achieved with widely ponents that record, digitize, and store brain signals; the sig-
available and widely applicable sets of clearly defined technical nal-analysis components that extract signal features that
specifications and the tools based on those specifications. For represent the user’s intent and that translate these features into
example, in early computer development, the introduction of commands that embody the user’s intent; the output compo-
the RS-232 standard for serial connectivity, and connectors nents that realize that intent; and the operating protocol that
based on that standard, removed the need to develop a new determines the configuration, parameterization, and timing of
communication protocol for every new printer or other device, operation. This section also presents important principles for
thereby greatly facilitating the subsequent development and use designing BCI software and lists software tools currently used
of all kinds of input/output devices. Similarly, use of appropriate for BCI research. Finally, a section on evaluation procedures
sets of specifications and tools for hardware and software should describes the components of the timing characteristics of a

BCI system and the procedures to evaluate them, with repre- recordings (fig. 9.1A), the electrodes are placed on the scalp
sentative results. and are not in direct electrical contact with the conductive
tissue, so conductive electrode gel is usually applied between
the electrode and the skin (although “dry electrodes,” not using
gels, are currently under development [e.g., (Popescu et al.,
2007; Taheri et al., 1994]). Other sensors, such as ECoG elec-
trodes (fig. 9.1B) or microelectrodes (figs. 9.1C and D), are in
Sensors detect physiological signals and transform them into direct electrical contact with conductive tissue and thus do not
voltages that can be amplified and digitized for processing by a require conductive gels. Figure 9.2 shows the locations of EEG,
computer so that they can ultimately provide useful output ECoG, and intracortical electrodes.
signals. Most BCI systems use electrophysiological sensors (e.g., Sensors do not measure the electrical potential at a single
electroencephalographic [EEG] electrodes, electrocorticographic electrode but, rather, the potential difference between two
[ECoG] electrode grids, or micro-, needle, or wire electrodes). electrodes (see chapters 3 and 6, this volume). Different elec-
BCIs can also use sensors that detect magnetic or metabolic sig- trode configurations (or montages) are used depending on the
nals, (e.g., magnetoencephalography [MEG] (Mellinger et al., electrode type and location and on the kind of information to
2007), functional near-infrared spectroscopy [fNIRS], or func- be obtained from the recording. The two most commonly used
tional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]). Because most cur- configurations are called monopolar and bipolar montages
rent BCIs use electrophysiological signals, the discussion (although as explained in chapter 3, all recordings of voltage
presented here focuses primarily on electrophysiological tech- are, strictly speaking, bipolar since they necessarily measure a
niques. Methods using nonelectrical sensors are discussed in potential difference between two locations). In a bipolar mon-
chapters 4 and 18 as well as in chapter 3 of this volume (MEG). tage, the signal recorded from each electrode is the potential
In all electrophysiological techniques, electrodes detect the difference between it and another electrode placed over a dif-
electrical voltage generated by neuronal activity and pass it to ferent brain area. In this case both electrodes are usually sensi-
the amplification unit. Although the different types of elec- tive to brain activity, that is, both are considered to be signal
trodes share similar operating principles in serving this func- electrodes. In contrast, in a monopolar montage, the signal
tion, their design (e.g., size, material, geometry) usually recorded from each electrode is the potential difference
depends on the recording location (e.g., the scalp, the cortical between it and a designated reference (or common) electrode,
surface, or within the cortex) and the application for which which is most often placed at some distance from the brain.
they are used. Figure 9.1 shows four types of sensors. For EEG The reference electrode is usually considered to be neutral


10 mm

2 cm


2 mm

2 mm

Figure 9.1 (A) A single EEG electrode (image courtesy of Grass Technologies, West Warwick, RI) (B) X-ray showing two implanted subdural Ad-Tech ECoG electrode
grids and a short strip of 4 electrodes (Ad-Tech, Racine, WI). (C) The Utah/Cyberkinetics microelectrode array (Maynard et al., 1997). (D) One configuration of the
Michigan microelectrode array (Kipke et al., 2003).

166 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
(i.e., largely insensitive to brain activity) (see chapter 6 of this the amplifier. Since the amplitude of brain signals is small, they
volume for full discussion of this complex issue). (An example are susceptible to contamination by movements of the cable
of a nonneutral reference is the mastoid in an EEG experiment and by environmental electromagnetic noise such as power-
that involves activity in auditory cortices [which are located line interference. Thus, it is often important to shield, shorten,
near the mastoid].) Thus, in a bipolar montage every signal and stabilize the cable. Passive electrodes are relatively
electrode is referenced to another signal electrode. In contrast, inexpensive and are used in the vast majority of clinical and
in a monopolar montage, every signal electrode is referenced research EEG recordings.
to a neutral electrode. These configurations can be used In contrast, active electrodes contain a preamplifier with a
whether one is acquiring signals by EEG, ECoG, or microelec- 1–10× gain built inside the electrode. Although this added
trode recording. (It should be noted that, in traditional EEG component itself adds some noise (because the input imped-
parlance, signal and reference electrodes were often referred to ance and the signals are larger), it also makes the electrode
as active and inactive electrodes. However, at present the term considerably less sensitive to such factors as environmental
active is generally used as defined later in this chapter, and noise and cable movements. Consequently, active electrodes
inactive has largely disappeared.) can perform well in environments with higher environmental
noise or higher electrode-skin impedance. Like passive elec-
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY trodes, active electrodes require gel at the interface between
Introduction to EEG the scalp and the electrode.
The most common method for recording brain signals in The gels used with EEG electrodes are necessary but not
humans is electroencephalography (EEG), which is noninva- ideal for long-term recording because they usually dry out and
sive, safe, and relatively inexpensive. EEG is recorded with elec- stop functioning after some time. Thus, a number of research
trodes placed on the scalp. It is the summation of the electrical groups are trying to develop dry electrodes, i.e., electrodes that
activity of thousands to many millions of synapses, neurons, do not require gel. Although these efforts have produced
and axons in the underlying brain, particularly the cortex, that encouraging results indicating the feasibility of dry electrodes
produces detectable scalp voltages, as described in chapter 3 (e.g., Fonseca et al., 2007; Luo and Sullivan, 2010; Popescu et al.,
(Fisch and Spehlmann, 1999). Many factors influence the over- 2007; see also chapter 6, in this volume), there is at present no
all quality of the signal, including the strengths of the sources robust and widely available dry electrode for EEG recording.
and their distances from the electrodes, the locations of the Researchers are also investigating water-based electrodes, which
electrodes on the scalp, the electrical impedances of the elec- will simplify EEG setup and clean-up (Volosyak et al., 2010).
trodes and of the tissues between them and the sources, and the The impedance of the skin-electrode junction is called the
recording montage. It is estimated that at least 6 cm2 of syn- electrode impedance. It is the opposition to alternating current
chronized cortical activity is required to generate a reliably and is measured in units of ohms (Ω). This impedance between
detected scalp potential (Nunez and Srinivasan, 2006). Chapters the scalp and the electrode is one of the most important factors
3 and 6 in this volume discuss the basic principles of EEG determining the quality and stability of EEG recordings. The
recording in detail. Here, we review the types of EEG electrode conducting electrode gel placed between the electrode and the
types, their electrical characteristics, and their placement. scalp decreases the impedance and allows current to travel
more easily from the scalp to the sensor. Impedance is mea-
EEG Electrode Design sured between two electrodes placed on the scalp. That is, for
As discussed in chapter 6, EEG electrodes can be made of so-called monopolar recordings, it may be measured between
different metal or metal/metal-salt combinations; the choice of the so-called signal electrode and the so-called reference
metal can have a significant impact on the type and quality of electrode, between a pair of signal electrodes (for so-called
recordings. The most commonly used EEG electrodes are made bipolar recordings), or between one signal electrode and all the
of gold, tin, or silver/silver-chloride (Ag/AgCl) (fig. 9.1A). Gold others. The impedance is frequency dependent. The specific
and tin electrodes are maintenance-free and have a good fre- frequency used to define the impedance of a system varies
quency response for most EEG purposes. For recording EEG from one manufacturer to another but is typically in the range
signals that include frequencies below 0.1 Hz, Ag/AgCl elec- of around 20 Hz. The impedance depends on the surface area
trodes provide superior results. In order to reduce large offset of the electrodes, the condition and preparation of the skin, the
(i.e., DC) potentials, all electrodes connected to the same ampli- properties of the gel, and the amount of time that has lapsed
fier should use the same material. Nonetheless, even when iden- since electrode placement. Sometimes the skin is slightly
tical materials are used, small offset potentials can be accentuated abraded (e.g., with an abrasive electrode paste or a blunt
by movement artifacts, as described later in this chapter. needle) to decrease impedance. Electrode gels containing NaCl
EEG electrodes can be passive or active. Passive electrodes in concentrations of 5–10% can also help in reducing imped-
are simply metal disks (made of either tin, silver, silver/silver ance. For good EEG recording, the impedance should be below
chloride, or gold-plated silver) that are connected to an ampli- 5000 Ω (Fisch and Spehlmann, 1999).
fier by a cable. A good electrode-scalp interface is critical for
obtaining good recordings. This is achieved by cleaning or EEG Electrode Placement and
lightly abrading the skin and using conducting gels at the inter- Signal Characteristics
face between the scalp and the electrode to allow current to The maintenance of secure and stable electrode placement
travel from the scalp to the sensor and then along the cable to on the scalp is one of the most critical requirements in

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 167
EEG electrodes EEG signals typically have an amplitude of 10–20 μV, a
ECoG electrodes
spatial resolution on the scale of centimeters, and a bandwidth
of 0–70 Hz (i.e., they record signals in this frequency range).
These relatively poor signal characteristics are the result of
volume conduction through the tissue between the brain and
the electrode. As the EEG signals pass through the dura, fluids,
skull, and skin, the signals spread and blur. Furthermore, the
tissue acts as a low-pass filter, attenuating fast high-frequency
components of the signal. Therefore, EEG can provide infor-
mation only about the electrical activity of the brain over large,
highly synchronous areas.

Introduction to ECoG
The electrocorticogram (ECoG) is recorded from electrodes
Figure 9.2 Different BCI recording modalities. EEG electrodes, ECoG
that are surgically implanted below the skull. The electrodes
electrodes, and intracortical microelectrodes are placed in different locations.
(Modified from Leuthardt et al., 2006b.)
are placed either above the dura (i.e., epidural) or below the
dura (i.e., subdural). Because placement of the electrodes
requires surgery, ECoG recording in humans is typically
EEG recording. Along with high impedance, unstable place- accomplished by recording from patients who have such elec-
ment is one of the most common causes of poor or artifact- trodes implanted for short periods (up to 1–2 weeks) for clini-
laden EEG recordings. Many research and clinical groups use cal-evaluation reasons. These are usually people who are under
commercially available electrode caps (e.g., Electro-Cap evaluation for surgery for epilepsy or tumor abatement and
International, Eaton, OH; g.tec, Graz, Austria), which allow for who are interested in participating in a research protocol. Since
fast and accurately positioned placement of the electrodes. this population is limited, many fewer subjects are available for
Most caps use the standard International 10–20 system of elec- BCI studies with ECoG than with EEG.
trode placement (see chapter 6 and Klem et al., 1999) or an
extended version of that system (Oostenveld and Praamstra, ECoG Electrode Design
2001; Sharbrough et al., 1991). Many caps come with built-in ECoG electrodes used in humans are typically made of
electrodes at fixed locations, as shown in figure 9.3, right, but platinum, silver, or stainless steel and are available in strip or
have the disadvantage of the inflexibility of the montage and grid configurations (e.g., 64 electrodes arranged in an 8 × 8
the difficulty of replacing an electrode in case of failure. Other array; see fig. 9.1B) (see chapter 15 of this volume). The elec-
caps (fig. 9.3, left) have many locations into which the indi- trodes in the array are embedded into a thin and flexible silas-
vidual electrodes must be screwed. The advantage of these caps tic sheet. Each exposed recording site is generally about
is that many different montages can be implemented, individ- 2–3 mm in diameter, with interelectrode distances of 5–10 mm.
ual electrodes can be easily replaced in the event of failure, and Each individual electrode connects to a ribbon cable that is
electrode height can be adjusted as needed to reduce imped- several feet long and connects to the amplifier and digitizer.
ance; on the other hand, each electrode must be inserted or Several research groups have begun to build ECoG recording
removed independently, and the wires must be brought arrays using photolithographic procedures with highly flexible,
together and properly handled so as to minimize environmen- biocompatible substrates such as polyimide, and electrode sites
tal noise and movement artifacts. with materials such as platinum (Kim et al., 2007; Rubehn
et al., 2009). Although these new designs have provided very
encouraging results in animal studies, they are not yet approved
for use in humans. Since ECoG arrays include many different
electrode configurations that are chosen based on the clinical
needs of each individual patient, there is little standardization
among the configurations used for ECoG BCI studies.

ECoG Electrode Placement Signal Characteristics

Since ECoG electrodes are implanted in humans for clini-
cal purposes (e.g., for localizing seizure foci and functional
mapping in patients with epilepsy [Crone et al., 1998] or for
continuous stimulation for patients with chronic intractable
pain [Stadler et al., 2010; Tsubokawa et al., 1991]), the clinical
goals for the patient, not the research goals, must always be the
highest priority. Despite the resulting disadvantages, ECoG
Figure 9.3 (Right) Electrode cap with built-in electrodes giving a specific montage. recording has many advantages. First, compared to EEG sensors,
(Left) Electrode cap with many sites for individual screwed-in electrodes. ECoG recording sensors are located closer to the sources of the

168 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
brain signals recorded. Second, ECoG signals have amplitudes structure. Microwire arrays are commonly made of stainless
that are higher than those recorded with EEG (e.g., a maximum steel or tungsten. The Utah array uses Teflon™-insulated plati-
of 50–100 μV for ECoG, compared to 10–20 μV for EEG num-iridium wires soldered to a silicon micromachined base.
[Leuthardt et al., 2004b]). Third, spatial resolution is on the scale The Michigan electrode array consists of a silicon-substrate
of millimeters, versus the cm scale used for EEG (Freeman et al., base with gold leads and iridium recording sites deposited by
2000; Slutzky et al., 2010). Finally, ECoG can record a frequency photolithography. Cone electrodes use an insulated gold wire
bandwidth up to at least 250 Hz (Leuthardt et al., 2004a) com- placed in a hollow glass cone.
pared to EEG’s bandwidth maximum of about 70 Hz. It is these Due to the small dimensions of their exposed recording
superior characteristics that explain the use of ECoG in preop- areas, microelectrodes have very high impedances—hundreds
erative evaluation for brain surgery. At the same time, they have of kilohms to several megohms. Thus, the signals are usually
facilitated investigations in BCI research and other areas. amplified by a preamplifier located as close as possible to the
ECoG is typically recorded in a monopolar configuration; electrode prior to transmission to the main amplifier. This
signals are referenced to an electrode located either over a func- reduces environmental noise from the signal (e.g., 60- or 50-Hz
tionally silent area of cortex or placed subdermally (i.e., under the power-line noise and movement artifacts), since the brain
skin but outside the skull). Because ECoG signals have relatively signal is amplified before the noise is introduced.
large amplitudes and are recorded inside the skull, they are not
very susceptible to noise from sources outside the brain when the Intracortical Signal Characteristics
electrodes have a good ground electrode. Moreover, as in EEG Two of the most important limitations of microelectrode
recordings, the reference electrode should be placed in an area in recordings are the technical demands imposed by the record-
which voltage is not modulated by the experimental conditions. ing and processing from many sites at high bandwidth (e.g.,
25–50 kHz) and the difficulties of establishing and maintaining
I N T R A C O RT I C A L R E C O R D I N G recordings from individual neurons over longer periods.
Introduction to Intracortical Recording In the recording of action potentials the quality of the
Microelectrodes surgically implanted within the brain are used recording is typically assessed by the signal-to-noise ratio
to record extracellular neuronal action potentials (spikes) or (SNR) (see chapter 7 in this volume), which is the ratio of the
local field potentials (LFPs). These microelectrodes (figs. 9.1 and signal amplitude (i.e., the peak-to-peak amplitude of an action
9.2) consist of an exposed conductive metallic area placed on an potential) to the noise amplitude (i.e., the background noise).
insulated substrate; both the electrode metal and the insulated An acceptable standard deviation of the background noise may
structure can vary based on the fabrication method and experi- be 10–20 μV, whereas desired action-potential amplitudes are
mental application. With a few notable exceptions (e.g., on the order of 100 μV or more.
Hochberg et al., 2006; Kennedy et al., 2004), BCI studies with
this recording technology have been limited to animals (i.e.,
mainly rodents and monkeys). As described in detail in chapter
5, microelectrodes can be fabricated by different procedures and Brain signals have relatively small amplitudes (e.g., 10–20 μV
in different configurations: individual microwires with a distant for EEG; 50–100 μV for ECoG, 1 μV for evoked potentials).
reference; twisted wires that produce a tetrode configuration Thus, after they are detected by an electrode, and before they
(Harris et al., 2000); silicon micromachined arrays such as the can be used by a computer in a BCI application, they must first
Utah array (Nordhausen et al., 1996) (fig. 9.1C), MEMS-based be amplified (and perhaps filtered) and digitized. Signal ampli-
silicon arrays such as the Michigan electrode array (Wise et al., fication, and (depending on the system design) signal digitiza-
1970) (fig. 9.1D); and the cone electrode, in which a standard tion, are accomplished by the biosignal amplifier.
wire electrode is placed inside a hollow glass cone, into which The biosignal amplifier must amplify the source signal
cortical neurites grow (Kennedy, 1989). The Utah array and without distortion, and it must suppress noise as much as
Michigan electrodes have become widely used for chronic intra- possible. Amplifiers have either analog outputs or an integrated
cortical recordings. Each electrode system has an array of elec- analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) unit. When an amplifier is
trodes that varies in geometry, dimension, and electrode count. used for recordings in humans, it must be safe and properly
The Utah array is designed as a “bed-of-needles,” in which the approved for human use. This is particularly important when
recording sites are placed in a 10 × 10 flat plane, and generally invasive recording methods are used (e.g., in the case of ECoG
record at a single depth in cortex (see fig. 9.1C). Each electrode and intracortical recordings), since the electrodes make direct
needle is typically 1.2 mm long, with an exposed surface of contact with brain tissue and must be electrically isolated from
50 μm, and approximately 400 μm between adjacent needles. any power sources.
Conversely, the Michigan electrode has recording sites placed
at different depths on one or more probes, allowing recordings AMPLIFIER DESIGN
in three dimensions. The Michigan electrode array typically Biosignal amplifiers used for neural recordings are instru-
has at least 16 electrode sites and can have more than 64. The site mentation amplifiers. They are differential amplifiers (i.e.,
spacing and diameters vary depending on the application (e.g., measuring a potential difference) and have high-impedance
whether spikes or LFPs are being recorded). input buffers and a high common-mode rejection ratio
Intracortical Electrode Design. A wide range of materials (CMMR). The CMMR is the measure of how well a differential
are used for the electrode sites and for the electrode support amplifier rejects a common signal present on both input leads.

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 169
A channel consists of a pair of electrodes, and the amplifier In EEG recordings, electrodes are typically placed on the
measures the difference in potential between those two elec- scalp with 2.5–10 cm between adjacent electrodes, and the
trodes. Ideally, the amplifier should augment only those signals ground electrode is usually placed elsewhere on the head (e.g.,
that differ between the two input electrodes, and it should on the forehead or the mastoid behind the ear). A typical mon-
attenuate or eliminate the signal components that are common tage is shown in figure 9.4. All EEG recordings measure the
to both signals. The CMRR is typically between 60 and 110 dB difference in potential between two electrodes. As already
(i.e., between 99.9% and 99.9997% of a potential that is noted, the convention is to call EEG recording monopolar
common to the two electrodes is eliminated). Additional elec- when an electrode potential is compared to that of a so-called
tronics applied to individual electrodes before the instrumen- reference electrode that is placed at an electrically distant loca-
tation amplifier (e.g., a preamplifier or other filtering) may tion, and to call EEG bipolar when an electrode potential is
introduce different gains on each channel, and therefore reduce compared to that of any one of the other so-called signal elec-
the CMRR of the amplifier. trodes on the head (see chapters 3 and 6 in this volume). In
For EEG recording with 128 electrodes on the scalp, an either case, each channel consists of a pair of electrodes, and
amplifier with 128 channels contains 128 inputs for the elec- the amplifier measures the difference in potential between
trodes, as well as an input for the so-called reference electrode them. Typically, for bipolar recording, EEG amplitude is
and an input for the ground. For BCIs, amplifiers with fewer 5–20 μV depending on the scalp location, interelectrode dis-
channels (e.g., 8 or 16) can be used quite effectively. A typical tance, and the underlying brain activity. Bipolar recordings are
instrumentation amplifier is shown in figure 9.4. This amplifier less sensitive to widespread noise and other artifacts and are
includes a buffering stage and an amplification stage. The buff- more sensitive to localized brain activity.
ering stage consists of a high-impedance input buffer that uses In so-called monopolar recordings, all the channels of the
a voltage follower circuit for each signal input. Because this amplifier use as their negative input a common, or reference,
high impedance allows only an insignificant amount of current electrode that is often placed on the ear lobe or mastoid (fig.
to flow into the amplifier, it prevents a high-resistance source 9.5). The other electrodes are connected to the positive inputs
from being loaded down (i.e., dissipated) (Clark and Webster, of the amplifier channels. As in the bipolar montage, the
1995). The amplification stage, which follows buffering, ampli- ground electrode is usually located on the head. Monopolar
fies the difference between the two input signals. The equation EEG recordings typically have amplitudes up to 50 μV.
for the differential gain of this amplifier is given by: Monopolar recordings are more sensitive to broadly distrib-
uted EEG activity as well as to widespread noise and other arti-
⎛ 2R ⎞ R facts and are less sensitive to localized brain activity.
V0 = ⎜ 1 + 1 ⎟ s (V2 V1 ) Nevertheless, monopolar recording has a significant advan-
⎝ Rg ⎠ R2
tage: because all the channels use the same reference, the



F9 F10
F7 F8 Amp Filter ADC “CP3-FC3”
F5 F3 F1 F2 F4 F6
FT9 FT10

A1 T9 T7 C5 C3 C1 CZ C2 C4 C6 T8 T10 A2 Biosignal Amplifier

V1 + R2 R3
TP9 TP10 – R1
P3 P1 PZ P2 P4
P5 P6 –
P7 P8
P9 P10 Rg Vo

O1 O2 – R1

V2 +
R2 R3

Buffering stage Amplification stage

(1X gain) (e.g., 1000X gain)

Figure 9.4 Bipolar EEG channel with amplifier. In this example, the potential difference between electrodes CP3 and FC3 combine to make channel (CP3-FC3).
Electrode FPz is used as the ground. The differential amplifier circuit is also shown.

170 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S


F9 F10
Amp Filter ADC C3
F7 F8
F5 F3 F1 F2 F4 F6
FT9 FT10

Amp Filter ADC C4

A1 T9 T7 C5 C3 C1 CZ C2 C4 C6 T8 T10 A2


TP9 TP10
P5 P3 P1 PZ P2 P4 P6
Amp Filter ADC Pz
P7 P8
P9 P10

O1 O2
OZ Filter ADC Oz



Figure 9.5 Electrode montage for monopolar EEG recording. In this example, the electrodes C3, C4, Pz, and Oz are all referenced to a mastoid electrode (TP9).
Electrode FPz is used as the ground. Refer to figure 9–4 for the amplifier circuit.

digitized signals can be used to reconstruct with software any AMPLIFIER REQUIREMENTS
desired montage. By this means it is possible to focus on EEG The amplifier input impedance should be much higher than
components with particular spatial-distribution characteristics the electrode impedance (i.e., the impedance of the electrode-
(e.g., McFarland et al., 1997) (see chapter 7 of this volume for scalp interface). If it is not, the signal will be significantly
discussion of spatial filtering). attenuated. EEG or ECoG electrode impedance is normally in
In most cases, EEG amplifiers can also be used to record the range of 0.10–20 kΩ (at 1 kHz). The amplifier input imped-
ECoG signals, which have characteristics similar to those ance should be at least 100 times larger than this (i.e., at least
of EEG in terms of bandwidth, amplitude, and impedance several megohms). The amplifier input impedance should be
(all within about one order of magnitude of EEG). However, correspondingly higher for electrodes that have higher imped-
there are a few important differences. First, ECoG signals, par- ances, such as microelectrodes for recording from individual
ticularly those used for BCIs, contain high-frequency informa- neurons. In such cases preamplifiers with very high input
tion (e.g., 70–250 Hz) not seen in EEG recordings, which impedances are often used; the buffering stage in the differen-
typically have a low-pass cutoff (see chapter 7) of around 70 Hz tial amplifier shown in figure 9.4 satisfies this requirement.
or lower. Therefore, the amplifier filtering must allow high- An important consideration in choosing an amplification
frequency signals to pass through unattenuated. Second, the system is the number of channels required. This is determined
anti-aliasing filter (see chapter 7) must have a higher low-pass in part by the type of signal to be recorded and processed. For
cutoff and the sampling rate must be high enough to record example, eight or fewer channels may be sufficient for EEG
high-frequency signals. components such as slow waves or P300 evoked responses that
Amplifier designs for intracortical recordings also have have low spatial frequencies (Birbaumer et al., 2000; Guger
specific requirements. First, very high sampling rates are et al., 2003; Krusienski et al., 2006; Pfurtscheller et al, 1997).
required by the ADC (>25 kHz), so an appropriate anti-alias- The number of channels needed also helps determine the sig-
ing filter must be incorporated. Second, the type of signal being nal-analysis methods that should be used. For example, algo-
recorded may affect the required filtering. For example, single- rithms that integrate information from different cortical sites
unit recordings typically remove all low-frequency signals (e.g., common spatial patterns [CSP]) require more channels
(e.g., less than 300 Hz), in order to retain only the spike wave- (Guger et al., 2000; McFarland and J. R. Wolpaw, 2003; Ramoser
forms. Because the electrode arrays used for single-unit record- et al., 2000). ECoG and neuronal recordings often use 16 to
ings can also record LFPs, the amplifier must be designed several hundred channels (Campbell et al., 1989; Leuthardt
specifically for the type of recorded signal and the application. et al., 2004a; Rousche et al., 2001). Many modern amplifica-
However, it is also possible to record the wideband signal, and tion systems provide many channels and high per-channel
then perform digital filtering later in software. sampling rates (e.g., systems made by such vendors as Plexon,

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 171
g.tec, Tucker-Davis Technologies, and Alpha-Omega). At the and the frequency-sensitivity characteristics of the sensor
same time, the amplitude resolution and dynamic range of the that records them (e.g., EEG electrodes, ECoG electrodes, or
ADC can have a significant effect on the bandwidth of the sig- microelectrodes).
nals recorded. For example, ADCs with 16-bit resolution are In addition to anti-aliasing filters, amplification systems
often unable to accurately record DC potentials. In contrast, may incorporate additional analog filters that limit signal
ADCs with 24-bit resolution have a sufficient input range to content to specific frequency ranges. Analog filters can be
prevent saturation when presented with large DC potentials, constructed using resistors, capacitors, and inductors, but
while they still maintain the resolution for recording small and because of the physical size of inductors, most amplifiers
fast potential changes. As a result, most 16-bit ADCs have a use filters with only resistors and capacitors. These are called
high-pass filter applied prior to digitization to remove the DC RC filters. RC filters make it possible to block some frequencies
offset potential. Therefore, BCIs that use low-frequency waves (e.g., frequencies that contain noise) while allowing others to
should consider whether or not a 16-bit ADC is appropriate. pass. It is relatively simple to construct them in different con-
figurations and with different resistors and capacitors that
together determine the particular frequencies that are blocked.
A N A L O G - T O - D I G I TA L C O N V E R S I O N
The two possible types of RC filter are called low-pass and
The signals that are recorded from the brain are analog signals, high-pass filters. As the names suggest, low-pass filters allow
and are normally converted to digital signals before any fur- low frequencies to pass while blocking higher frequencies;
ther processing. This analog to digital conversion is called digi- in contrast, high-pass filters allow high frequencies to pass
tization. Digitization is performed by an analog-to-digital while blocking lower frequencies (e.g., the direct current [DC]
converter (ADC). An ADC digitizes signals from each elec- component of the signal). Low-pass and high-pass filters can
trode many times per second; this is called the sampling rate. also be combined to create what are called bandpass filters.
For example, an ADC with a sampling rate of 256 Hz acquires When low-pass and high-pass filters are combined to eliminate
256 samples per second, or one sample every 1/256th of a a narrow frequency band, they create what are called notch
second (i.e., one every 4 msec). As discussed in chapter 7, to filters. In contrast to bandpass filters, which let a range of
accurately acquire and reconstruct the information present in frequencies pass, notch filters block a range of frequencies
the signal, the sampling frequency must meet the requirements and are often used to suppress interference from 50-Hz or
of the Nyquist criterion, that is, it must be at least two times 60-Hz power lines.
larger than the highest frequency occurring in the signal. If the It is important to select an analog filter (e.g., Bessel,
Nyquist criterion is not satisfied, that is, if the signal contains Butterworth, or Chebychev designs) with characteristics
frequency components higher than half the sampling rate, then appropriate for the signal and the application. Analog filters
the digital signal will be distorted by aliasing (see chapter 7). are characterized by their order, their corner frequencies, and
When aliasing occurs, digitized signals with frequencies that their phase (Thomas et al., 2004). A filter’s order is the number
are higher than half the sampling rate masquerade as signals of of stages of the filter (i.e., the number of times the filter is
lower frequency. It is then impossible, in the digital version of applied in succession). A filter’s corner frequency is the transi-
the signal, to distinguish between an aliased signal and an tion frequency between the passed and blocked range: it is the
actual low-frequency signal. In practice, the sampling rate frequency at which the signal amplitude is attenuated by 3 dB
should be several times higher than the signal of interest, since compared to the peak amplitude (i.e., it is reduced to 29.3% of
the anti-aliasing filter (next section) is not perfect and does not the peak amplitude). A filter’s phase specifies the frequency-
completely eliminate higher-frequency signals. dependent time displacements it produces (i.e., how much it
delays a component of a specific frequency). A higher filter
F I LT E R I N G order is more effective in suppressing unwanted frequencies
Biological signals typically contain a large range of frequencies. but produces larger phase shifts in the signal. Filters with high
Thus, it is necessary either to digitize them at a very high orders can also be unstable.
sampling rate or to remove nonessential higher-frequency For several reasons it is often advantageous to use analog
information with an anti-aliasing filter prior to digitization. filters prior to digitization instead of applying the digital filters
For example, since scalp-recorded EEG signals are largely after digitization. First, analog filters are required to prevent
limited to frequencies below 100 Hz, higher-frequency activity aliasing (i.e., a digital filter cannot be applied to a digital signal
in EEG recordings is mainly non-EEG noise (such as electro- to remove aliasing because aliasing occurs in the digitization
myographic [EMG] activity). This unwanted activity can be process). Second, digital filters may become unstable due to
removed by applying an anti-aliasing filter with a corner the rounding errors of the digital processor. On the other hand,
frequency (see below) of 100 Hz to the signal prior to digitiza- digital filters do not eliminate the original signal (i.e., it is
tion. The signal can then be safely digitized with a relatively always possible to go back to the original unfiltered digitized
modest sampling rate of at least 200 Hz. In contrast, neuronal data), whereas analog filters (which are incorporated into the
action potentials contain relevant information at frequencies amplification system) do not permit going back to the original
up to several kilohertz; thus, the filter frequency range and unfiltered data (i.e., the only data available are the filtered data).
sampling rate need to be much higher for neuronal action Furthermore, it is easy to apply a variety of different digital fil-
potentials than for EEG. In sum, the choice of digitization ters to the same data and compare the results. Like analog fil-
parameters is determined by the kind of signals being recorded ters, digital filters can be characterized by their order, corner

172 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Electromagnetic interference
(power line, mobile phones, etc.)
Electrode artifacts 1st amplifier
(motion, polarization, etc.) High-pass Low-pass

Biosignal impedance

Biosignal artifacts Electronic artifacts

(EMG, EEG, etc.) (white and pink noise,
non-linearity, etc.)

2nd amplifier Notch Anti-aliasing ADC

D Digital output
High gain (USB, bluetooth,

Analog output (low impedance)

Figure 9.6 Schematic of a typical biosignal amplifier design and relevant artifacts.

frequencies, phase, and type (e.g., Butterworth or Chebychev). where Vres is the resolution, Vrange is the input voltage range, and
Figure 9.6 shows a typical biosignal amplifier design with its N is the number of bits. For example, a 24-bit amplifier with an
analog filters. input range of ± 250 mV can detect signal changes as small as
(i.e., has a resolution of) 500 mV V/ 224 0.03mV , whereas a
16-bit amplifier with the same input range has a resolution of
Once analog signals are appropriately amplified and filtered, 500 mV V/ 216 7.6mV . Conversely, a 16-bit ADC with a resolu-
tion of 0.03 μV would have an input range of only 1.95 mV,
they are digitized by the ADC. The choice of the sampling rate
whereas a 32-bit ADC with a resolution of 0.03 μV could
depends largely on the kind of brain signals being recorded.
handle an input range of over 127 V. Therefore, an ADC with at
EEG signals are often acquired with a sampling frequency of
least 24-bit resolution is needed to record signals that include
256 Hz. Typically, analog filtering between 0.5 and 100 Hz
large slow potentials or DC potentials. It is also important to
(Guger et al., 2001) is applied, although particular brain signals
note that the theoretical resolution of an ADC can be smaller
may require other filtering ranges. For example, slow-wave
than its actual resolution, because the ADC itself can introduce
recordings require a high-pass filter with a very low corner
noise to the signal, and hence the smallest bits are not always a
frequency (e.g., 0.01 Hz) (Birbaumer et al., 2000). P300-based
reliable representation of the signal.
systems may use a 0.1–30 Hz bandpass filter (Sellers et al.,
Brain signals recorded with many channels (i.e., many
2006). ECoG recordings are often filtered with a bandpass filter
electrodes) yield a spatial representation of the brain activity. If
of about 0.5–500 Hz and then digitized with a sampling
brain signals from different channels contribute to an analysis
frequency of 1000 Hz (Leuthardt et al., 2004a). Neuronal action
(as is the case with many BCI analysis techniques), all the
potential (spike) recordings are typically filtered with a
channels should be digitized simultaneously. However, if the
bandpass of 100 Hz to 6 kHz, and digitized at about 40 kHz
digitization system contains only one ADC that digitizes
(Zhang et al., 1998), because spikes typically have durations of
signals from different channels in succession, the samples
<1 msec.
from different channels are acquired at different times. Several
In addition to using an appropriate ADC sampling rate, it
solutions to this problem are possible: (1) using an amplifier
is extremely important to ensure that the voltage range and
with simultaneous sample-and-hold, which holds multiple
resolution of the ADC are appropriate for the signal being dig-
analog values until the digitizer is ready to read the sample;
itized. Most ADCs digitize signals using 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit
(2) sampling at a very high rate so that the discrepancies in
resolution over some input range (e.g., ± 250 mV). The small-
sample times among channels are very small; (3) using a sepa-
est signal change that the ADC can detect is dependent on the
rate ADC for each channel and synchronizing their sampling;
resolution and the input range:
(4) interpolating between the successive samples from each
channel to derive the expected values from all channels at
Vres = specific time points (e.g., McFarland et al., 1997). When
2N (9.2) multiple amplification systems are used, the problem of

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 173
non-simultaneous sampling is greatly exacerbated unless the between electrodes that can introduce a large DC offset
systems are synchronized. potential. (The same principle of always using the same
material holds true for any recordings within the brain that
use a reference [e.g., a skull screw].) At the same time, if a DC
voltage is stable and does not saturate the amplifier, it is often
Electrical signals recorded from the brain (and EEG signals in not a significant problem. However, if a DC voltage does satu-
particular) have small amplitudes and thus, despite all precau- rate the amplifier or if it varies over time, it can be a severe
tions, remain highly susceptible to various forms of contami- problem. Such variations are often produced by electrode
nation (fig. 9.6). As discussed in chapter 7, recordings can be movements that affect the electrical properties of the electrode-
contaminated by biological artifacts (e.g., EMG activity, ECG tissue interface.
activity, EOG activity), electrode or connector artifacts (e.g., Electrode movements can be minimized in several ways.
electrode pops [i.e., unstable tissue contact], movement poten- silver/silver chloride electrodes are nonpolarizable and thus
tials, DC offsets), electromagnetic interference (e.g., capacitive have less motion artifact than polarizable electrodes (e.g., plat-
or inductive coupling with power lines), and noise inherent to inum) (Bronzino, 2006). In general, the designs and integra-
the amplifier and the digitization process. Each artifact can tion of the EEG electrodes, their cables, and the electrode caps
affect the biosignals differently over different frequency ranges. are all important in minimizing instability at the metal-gel and
For example, for low-frequency EEG recordings (e.g., <30 Hz), gel-skin junction. Movement at the gel-metal junction can be
it may be more important to eliminate wideband EMG artifact reduced by having the electrode contact only the gel and not
(which can distort the entire signal) and less important to the skin itself. Movement at the gel-skin junction can be
eliminate 60-Hz noise. reduced by preparing the skin with abrasive gel to achieve opti-
Nevertheless, external electrical sources, especially 50- or mal impedance and by ensuring that the electrode is tightly
60-Hz alternating current (AC) power lines, are often major fixed in place (e.g., with collodion or a tight cap). In the case of
sources of artifacts. Thus, it is important to maximize the dis- active electrodes the gel can be used without abrasion. It is also
tance of the subject from electronic devices and power cords, worthwhile to minimize the possible movement of the cables
and it may be necessary to use additional shielding around the that connect the electrodes to the amplifier (e.g., by taping or
subject to reduce noise artifacts. This problem may be particu- otherwise anchoring them to the chair or bed), and to make
larly difficult in hospital settings or in the homes of people with the cap, electrodes, and electrode wires as light in weight as
severe disabilities due to the frequent nearby presence of equip- possible. For all recording methods (EEG, ECoG, intracortical
ment such as ventilators. Artifacts can also come from mag- recordings), flexible wires are important to reduce the danger
netic fields. Since this type of artifact depends on the physical of traction on the electrodes. Electrode platforms now under
separation between the wires that connect the two electrodes development will include on-chip filtering, amplification, and
of each channel to the amplifier, these wires are often twisted digitization, and wireless transmission that can reduce or
together to reduce the space between them and thereby reduce remove many of these concerns.
artifacts induced by magnetic fields.
Electrode movements can also produce artifacts by chang-
ing the DC offset voltage produced by the metal-electrolyte
and the electrolyte-skin junctions. For example, stainless-steel After digitization, brain signals are communicated to a host
electrodes, which have a high electrode impedance, can gener- device, most commonly a personal computer, through a hard-
ate high DC voltages (from the mV range up to the V range) that ware interface. The most common interfaces are listed in table
can be larger than the brain signals themselves (e.g., EEG is usu- 9.1. Even a Bluetooth™ transmitter is not completely wireless,
ally 5–20 μV at the amplifier input). DC offsets can be reduced since it requires connections between the electrode array and
by ensuring that all electrodes are of the same material and the amplifier and ADC. Its advantage is that it does not tether
that the same gel is always used. This avoids the polarization the user to a computer and allows freer movement.

TA BL E 9 . 1 Commonly used hardware interfaces and their properties


RS232 0.25 ++ + 1 <1

Bluetooth 2.0 0.26 ++ ++ 8 <100

USB 2.0 60 +++ +++ 127 <10

PCIe 2.0 500/lane ++ + 1–4 <1

Firewire 800 100 ++ + 63 <10

Ethernet 25–250 ++ +++ NA <1000

174 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
I N T E R FA C E P R O T O C O L S interface with a 115-kBit/sec bandwidth allows transmission of
RS232 was one of the first standardized transmission proto- 11 channels of 16 bits/sample data (plus one start and stop bit
cols. Computer serial ports use the RS232 protocol for serial per byte) at 512 Hz/channel. This might be sufficient for EEG
binary data transmission. It is robust and easy to use, but or limited ECoG recordings but not for spikes. A single USB
its low data transmission rate (or bandwidth) limits it to trans- 2.0-based interface port is capable of transmitting up to 26
mitting relatively few channels and at low rates. Although the channels of 32 bits/sample data at 38.4 kHz/channel, with
electrical definition of the RS232 interface is standardized, guaranteed bandwidth and retransmission if an error occurs.
there are several different RS232 connectors available. Finally, a PCI Express 2.0 card is capable of transmitting 8 GB/
Bluetooth™ is a wireless protocol for transmitting data over sec when using 16 lanes (500 MB/lane), and it can thereby
distances of less than 100 m. The mobility provided by this potentially transmit thousands of channels of 32-bit/sample
wireless protocol is a big advantage for biosignal recordings data at 40 kHz/channel. Thus, for applications that require high
because subjects can move freely with the recording device. sampling rates and many channels, PCI Express interfaces may
However, such wireless or mobile systems entail high power be the only possible choice.
consumption. With current technology, devices can be
designed to work for several days without recharging. Up to TRANSMISSION PRINCIPLES
eight Bluetooth™ devices can be connected wirelessly to a single With any of these types of interface, digital data are typically
computer simultaneously. However, the bandwidth is shared transferred from the data-acquisition device to the computer
among the devices so that the maximum data rate is divided by in blocks. The smallest possible block size is one sample, in
the number of devices. which only one sample per channel is transmitted at each time
USB is a serial bus standard for connecting devices to a host step. For example, if 64 channels are recorded, each block
computer. The USB protocol has recently become the de-facto would contain a total of 64 samples. However, for the computer
standard communication protocol for most new devices, replac- software receiving the data, there is usually a significant com-
ing other serial and parallel port devices. USB 2.0 provides a putational cost involved in acquiring each block of data, no
much higher bandwidth than Bluetooth™ or RS232 and therefore matter how large or small it is. This cost often makes it imprac-
allows more data to be transferred (e.g., higher sampling rates tical to use blocks that contain only one sample per channel,
and/or more channels). The main advantage of USB is that it is particularly with high sampling rates. For this reason, most
standard in nearly all new computers including laptops. However, devices transfer data in larger blocks (e.g., 30 samples per
if multiple devices are connected to the same USB hub (a single channel). For example, if 64-channel data are collected in
hub with multiple ports), the bandwidth is shared among all 30-msec blocks with a sampling rate of 1000 Hz, 1920 samples
devices, thus lowering overall bandwidth for each device. (64 channels × 30 samples) are transmitted in each block. If the
Firewire is a serial bus interface standard for high-speed sampling rate is 500 Hz, 960 samples are transmitted in each
communications that is often used by computers. It is currently block (64 channels × 15 samples).
one of the fastest interfaces and has many of the same proper-
ties as the USB protocol. It has some additional technical
advantages. For example, Firewire devices can be connected
sequentially to allow for multiple devices on a single hub. Biosignals are detected by the electrodes and transmitted to
The new Firewire 800 protocol is 66% faster than the USB 2.0 the amplifier and ADC, where they are filtered and digitized,
protocol, but it is not as widespread as the USB standard. respectively. The filtered and digitized data are transmitted to
Peripheral component interconnect (PCI) is a bus standard client hardware (e.g., a PC or dedicated microcontroller). The
for internal connection of hardware components, such as a client hardware handles several tasks: it controls data acquisi-
data-acquisition (DAQ) board. PCI provides very high data- tion; it stores the data from the ADC; it processes data to
transfer rates compared to USB, with varying degrees of digital extract brain-signal features and to translate them into output
resolution (e.g., 16, 24, or 32 bits), depending on the board. commands; and it sends the output commands to the applica-
New PCI Express interfaces provide even higher data-transfer tion device. Depending on the the BCI’s purpose, there
rates; this increases the number of channels and/or the sam- are several options for the client hardware (see table 9.2).
pling rates per channel that are possible. The primary disad- The selection depends on the demands of the planned usage,
vantage of PCI is that the PCI card must be installed internally specifically those regarding portability, computational power,
within the PC. This means that only desktops and laptops that and whether or not a standardized operating system (e.g.,
have PCI slots (most laptops do not) can be used and that the Microsoft Windows) with compatible drivers is required. We
PC needs to be turned off to install the PCI card. As a result, briefly consider the selection of client hardware for a variety of
PCI-based systems are not as portable as systems that use the applications.
interfaces described above. For clinical EEG and ECoG BCI applications, it is impor-
Ethernet is a network interface that is available on most tant to have complete BCI systems that are reliable and easy to
computers. It is capable of very high data-transfer rates. A dis- operate and that have an adequate sampling rate and number
advantage of ethernet is that most computers have only one of channels. In these situations, a portable and wearable data-
ethernet port. acquisition device that can be mounted on a wheelchair or
To compare the different interfaces described above, it is useful beside the patient may be particularly desirable. Although
to compare their transmission capabilities. An RS232-based pocket PCs are highly portable, can be switched on rapidly,

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 175
TA BL E 9 . 2 The different client hardware options and their characteristics


Laptops − ++ ++ + +

Netbook +++ +/− − − ++

PC +/− +++ +++ +++ −

Pocket PC +/− − − − +++

and can also be easily mounted, they are limited in processing and to produce real-time outputs, it is the BCI software that
capabilities and screen size. Since BCI research and develop- determines and coordinates what actually happens. BCI soft-
ment often address questions that require more channels, ware contains four key components:
higher sampling rates, and more demanding real-time
analyses, it is often essential to use powerful, highly flexible • Data acquisition, which amplifies, digitizes,
BCI systems. Conventional laptops and PCs are typically more transmits, and stores brain signals
capable of satisfying the need for many channels, high sam-
pling rates, and high interface bandwidth. • Signal analysis, which extracts signal features
Spike recordings using microelectrodes arrays typically that represent the user’s intent and translates
require much higher sampling frequencies than EEG/ECoG these features into commands that embody the
recordings. Thus, they require very high digitization capabili- user’s intent
ties and data-transmission rates. A highly capable PC worksta- • Output, which uses these commands to control
tion or dedicated hardware is often the solution adopted in this an output device (e.g., a cursor, an
situation. environmental controller, a wheelchair) and
Finally, in accord with the definition of a BCI used through- which provides feedback to the user about the
out this book, it should be noted that the application hard- results of the output
ware itself (e.g., wheelchair, robotic arm, etc.) is not part of the
BCI per se. That is, the BCI is responsible for the tasks of • An operating protocol, which configures and
acquiring brain signals and processing them to generate output parameterizes the acquisition, analysis, and
commands. These commands are then implemented by the output components and determines the onset,
application which may (e.g., as in a speller) or may not (e.g., as offset, and timing of operation.
with a robotic arm) be physically housed in the computer
that performs the other functions (e.g., signal processing) of In data acquisition, brain signals are recorded, stored, and
the BCI. made available for analysis. The parameters that describe this
data acquisition include: the number of signal channels that
FUTURE DIRECTIONS are acquired; the signal sampling rate; and the block size (i.e.,
the number of signal samples that are transferred to the signal
Future hardware development that would have a major impact processing module in each batch of data). Different BCIs vary
on improving BCI systems includes improvements to sensor substantially with regard to these parameters. For example, a
technologies. For EEG electrodes it is desirable that electrodes BCI for a P300-based clinical application may require acquisi-
can be rapidly applied and that they can function robustly tion of 8 channels at a sampling rate of 256 Hz per channel; a
without gel. Development of practical and robust dry elec- BCI for ECoG research may require acquisition of 128 chan-
trodes will be a major step in achieving these goals (see chapter nels at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz per channel; and a BCI that
6 of this volume). For ECoG, one can expect development of uses a microelectrode array to record from single neurons may
highly flexible ECoG arrays with very high channel counts and require acquisition of more than 128 channels at 40 kHz per
high spatial resolution (see chapter 15 of this volume). For channel. Many hardware vendors offer software that can
implantable microelectrode arrays, one can expect further acquire and store brain signals using hardware made by that
miniaturization that increases spatial resolution and decreases vendor (e.g., Neuroscan, EGI, BrainProducts, Plexon, Tucker-
damage to brain tissue caused by chronic implantation (see Davis, or Ripple).
chapter 5 of this volume). In signal analysis, signals acquired from the brain are trans-
ferred into output device commands. This process has two
stages. As described in chapters 7 and 8, the first stage is feature
extraction, which involves the extraction of specific brain-
signal features that reflect the intent of the user. The second
stage is translation in which those features are converted into
While the components of BCI hardware provide the technical device commands. These two stages are realized using a number
capability to acquire signals from the brain, to analyze them, of mathematical operations, such as frequency analyses or

176 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
spike sorting (for feature extraction), and linear or nonlinear • The software should readily accommodate
algorithms (for translation). These two stages can be realized different hardware components and different
using software products that address specific requirements operating systems.
or that can be adapted to a variety of different needs. Several
manufacturers offer software that can extract features (e.g., S AT I S F Y I N G T H E T E C H N I C A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R
the firing rate) from neuronal activity (e.g., Tucker-Davis, A BCI SYSTEM
Cyberkinetics, or Plexon). More general software, capable This first criterion is itself often very challenging. An effective
of many different analyses, includes Matlab™ (which is the BCI must acquire signals from the brain, analyze these signals
de-facto standard for signal analysis in a wide range of domains), to produce output commands, and produce the output (and
LabView™, or the open-source languages Octave (which is associated feedback), and it must do all this in real time with
mostly compatible with Matlab) or Python with its numerical minimal delays and stable timing. Software that is optimized
analysis packages. for any one of these three steps, such as the programs men-
The output component of the software controls the output tioned above (e.g., E-prime, etc.), may not be able to interact
device and conveys appropriate information (i.e., feedback) effectively with the other steps in a timely fashion. For exam-
about that output to the user. For some applications the output ple, analysis of brain signals during stimulus presentation
and the feedback are identical (e.g., a BCI spelling application requires that the timing of stimulus presentation is known with
that puts its output on a screen in front of the user, or a robotic respect to the timing of data acquisition. Existing experimental
arm the movements of which can be seen by the user). In other protocols that integrate signal acquisition with stimulus pre-
applications the output and feedback are different (e.g., an sentation often configure stimulus presentation software to
environmental control application in which the output is a output the timing of stimulus presentation (e.g., to the parallel
command for room-temperature change, and the feedback is port) and then record that output signal along with the brain
an indication of the change that appears on the user’s screen). signals. Although this approach allows for accurate association
All BCIs require some sort of feedback on performance to of stimulus timing with brain signal samples, it is substantially
achieve and maintain optimal performance. Several capable limited in the complexity of the paradigms it can support.
commercial software programs can provide feedback via There are several reasons for this. First, each type of event that
visual or auditory stimuli (e.g., E-prime, Presentation, needs to be registered in this way requires its own signal chan-
Inquisit, DirectRT, STIM, Cambridge Research VSG, or nel (which may reduce the number of brain-signal channels
Superlab). In some of these packages, the stimuli can be that can be recorded, if enough synchronous digital input
dependent on external input and thus could be used to provide channels are not available). Second, the hardware that accom-
feedback in a BCI. plishes this requires making new cable connections, and so
The operating protocol, discussed in chapter 10 of this forth. Third, there is no record in the data file about the nature
volume, defines the configuration and parameterization of of the events on the different event channels (which impedes
the data acquisition, signal analysis, and output components offline interpretation).
and determines the onset, offset, and timing of operation. Thus,
the operating protocol ties the function of these three individ- A C C O M M O D AT I N G M A N Y D E S I G N S A N D
ual components together and ensures that the BCI functions S U B S E Q U E N T M O D I F I C AT I O N S
effectively. The second criterion is that the software should be able to
implement any specific BCI design and to accommodate sub-
sequent modifications needed. Later modification should be
DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR R&D BCI SOFTWARE relatively easy and should not require extensive reprogram-
ming. This is particularly important for BCI studies with
The four key components of the BCI software can be realized
humans since these studies often involve many different kinds
using a large variety of technical approaches. In selecting
of studies by many different researchers at many different loca-
among these approaches to build the most useful BCI software,
tions. Nevertheless, this principle has generally not received
particularly in the present early stage of BCI research and
the attention it deserves. Successful adherence to this require-
development, three criteria must be met:
ment depends mainly on the BCI software framework’s archi-
tecture (i.e., the flexibility and capacities of the software’s
• The software must satisfy the technical require-
different components and their interactions), which must be
ments of real-time operation. It must encom-
general enough to accommodate changes in key parameters of
pass the full range of sampling and update
the system. For example, BCI software should not limit a BCI
rates, have sufficient speed of analysis, and have
system to a specific number of signal channels, to a specific
low and reliable output latency.
sampling rate, or to specific signal-analysis methods. Although
• The software should allow the efficient software with such limitations may perform effectively in spe-
implementation of a broad range of BCI cific configurations, a desired change in the configuration may
designs and should facilitate subsequent necessitate extensive reprogramming of the entire system. It is
modifications. That is, it should be able to often difficult or impossible to assess the flexibility of a given
accommodate different types of brain signals, BCI system by simply evaluating its performance in a specific
signal analyses, and outputs. configuration.

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 177
A C C O M M O D AT I N G D I F F E R E N T implement many different BCI designs, a platform that could
H A R D WA R E C O M P O N E N T S A N D accommodate a wide variety of brain signals, processing meth-
D I F F E R E N T O P E R AT I N G S Y S T E M S ods, output types, hardware components, operating systems,
The third criterion is that the software should readily accom- and so forth. The goal was to enable researchers to make
modate different hardware components and different operat- changes in their BCI systems easily and without extensive
ing systems. This makes it possible and practical for a BCI reprogramming.
system’s data collection and data analysis, as well as its further Such general-purpose BCI software platforms have been
development, to be performed by different personnel in developed. These platforms include:
different locations with potentially different hardware. System
or experimental development may be performed in one • a Matlab/Simulink-based system (Guger et al.,
laboratory using a particular brand of data acquisition hard- 2001) that has recently been commercialized as
ware, whereas data collection may be performed in a different g.BCIsys (http://www.gtec.at/products/g.
laboratory using different hardware. Unfortunately, this prin- BCIsys/bci.htm) and intendiX (http://www.
ciple is also rarely considered. intendix.com/)
Moreover, the data stored during online operation should • a flexible brain-computer interface described by
be readily available for analysis by other research groups. It is Bayliss (2001)
an all-too-common practice for data to be stored in a format
specific to a particular study and for essential details of the • the BF++ framework (Bianchi et al., 2003)
study to be stored elsewhere (e.g., notebooks, clinical data- (http://www.brainterface.com)
bases, etc.). This practice hinders or prevents analyses by • xBCI (http://xbci.sourceforge.net)
others as part of collaborative projects. In contrast, when
data and associated parameters are stored in a standard format • rtsBCI, which is a Matlab/Simulink-based
they can be easily accessed and evaluated by many different system that is part of the BioSig package
investigators. Thus, BCI software that stores all online data (Schlögl et al., 2004) (http://biosig.sf.net)
and associated parameters in a standardized format can
• Pyff, a platform-independent framework to
greatly facilitate BCI research and development and can also
develop BCI feedback applications in Python
contribute to the efficient and effective oversight of clinical
(Venthur and Blankertz, 2008)
In summary, BCI software must first and foremost imple- • Real-Time Messaging Architecture (RTMA)
ment a system that, from a technical perspective, functions (Velliste et al., 2009)
properly. In addition, since most research environments
involve different people, a variety of experiments, and some- • OpenViBE (Renard et al., 2007)
times multiple locations (i.e., in BCI research programs • BCI2000 (Schalk et al., 2004; Mellinger et al.,
rather than isolated BCI research projects), it is also critical to 2007; Schalk, 2009; Schalk and Mellinger, 2010;
build such BCI implementations using a software architecture Wilson and Schalk, 2010)
that can accommodate the differing parameters of different
BCI paradigms and that can facilitate the interaction and Of these systems, the only openly available platforms that
collaboration of different people. Creating a system with these have been used in laboratories beyond those that developed
demanding characteristics from scratch is complex, difficult, them are OpenViBE and BCI2000. Development of these two
and thus costly, irrespective of what language or software systems is supported by dedicated funding. Thus, these two
environment (e.g., C++ or Matlab™) is used for the implemen- projects have the impetus and resources to continue to develop,
tation. Thus, as an overall approach, it is desirable to build maintain, and disseminate the software. Both OpenViBE and
BCI systems using general-purpose BCI software that appro- BCI2000 represent general-purpose BCI software platforms
priately addresses these requirements and that also solves the that can also be used for other data acquisition, stimulus pre-
issues of complexity, difficulty, and cost associated with system sentation, and brain-monitoring applications. Both platforms
development. are based on a modular design that is implemented in C++.
OpenViBE can use 10 different data-acquisition devices.
Current realizations support EEG-based one- or two-dimen-
sional BCIs using motor imagery, a P300-based speller, and
real-time visualization of brain activity in two or three dimen-
In the earliest days of BCI development, all laboratories wrote sions. OpenViBE’s functions are documented for users as well
their own software to handle the specific needs of their respec- as developers on a project wiki. A number of published studies
tive BCI applications. Typically, there was little capacity for the have used OpenViBE (e.g., Lécuyer et al., 2008; Lotte et al.,
products of one group’s efforts (e.g., their software and hard- 2010). OpenViBE is available under the LGPL license at http://
ware) to satisfy another group’s needs. Based on the consider- openvibe.inria.fr.
ations described above, it became clear that this was a needlessly BCI2000 can use more than 18 different data-acquisition
inefficient approach and that it would be beneficial to try to devices and can synchronize them with signals from a variety
develop a general-purpose BCI software platform that could of other input devices (e.g., joystick, mouse, keyboard,

178 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Nintendo Wii controller, Tobii™ eye trackers). It currently sup- 2008a) and for BCI control of assistive technologies (Cincotti
ports BCIs that use EEG signals (e.g., P300, sensorimotor et al., 2008b). BCI2000 has also provided the basis for the first
rhythms, slow cortical potentials), ECoG signals, or local field extensive clinical evaluations of BCI technology for the needs
potentials, and has a basic capability to support BCIs that use of people with severe motor disabilities (Kübler et al., 2005;
spikes. Current realizations support three-dimensional cursor Nijboer et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2006) and the first applica-
movements, a P300 speller, and a sequential menu-based tion of BCI technology to functional restoration in people after
speller. It can also provide programmable auditory-visual strokes (Buch et al., 2008; Daly et al., 2009; Wisneski et al.,
stimulation. BCI2000 also comes with a certification proce- 2008). Finally, several studies have used BCI2000 for purposes
dure to document system timing of any BCI2000 configuration other than online BCI control (e.g., mapping of cortical func-
(Wilson et al., 2010). BCI2000 and its use are described in tuto- tion using ECoG [Brunner et al., 2009; Kubánek et al., 2009;
rials and references targeted at users and developers on a proj- Leuthardt et al., 2007; Miller et al., 2007a, 2007b; Schalk et al.,
ect wiki and also in a book (Schalk and Mellinger, 2010). 2007, 2008a, 2008b]); the optimization of BCI signal process-
BCI2000 is available free of charge for research and educational ing routines [Cabrera and Dremstrup, 2008; Royer and He,
purposes at http://www.bci2000.org. 2009; Yamawaki et al., 2006]).
BCI2000 is based on a general model that consists of four In summary, general-purpose BCI software has been effec-
interconnected modules: tive in implementing functioning BCI systems, in reducing the
complexity, time, and cost of setting up and maintaining those
• source (data acquisition and storage) BCI systems, and in enabling multisite studies using multiple
• signal processing acquisition systems and computers.
Although it is able to satisfy the requirements of BCI
• application research and development programs, general-purpose BCI
• operator interface software may become superfluous, even cumbersome, in the
future when specific BCI designs are validated and finalized for
These modules communicate using a generic protocol based clinical use. When this time comes, it may be optimal to imple-
on TCP/IP, and they can therefore be written using any pro- ment a dedicated BCI software system specifically for each
gramming language on any operating system. The communi- particular purpose. Even in these cases, however, it may be
cation between and among the modules uses this generic advantageous to retain such properties as the modularity of
protocol to transmit all information needed for operation. components that are liable to be changed in the future; this
Thus, the protocol does not need to be changed if a module is should facilitate the implementation of future modifications
changed. The distinctive property of this structure is that and expansions as well as the continual oversight of system
changes may be made in one or more of the modules without function.
necessitating changes to the other modules or to the rules by
which they interact with one another. In addition, the modules
are interchangeable (e.g., any signal acquisition module can be EVALUATING BCI HARDWARE
used with any signal processing module without requiring any AND SOFTWARE
additional programming or configuration). This allows new
acquisition systems, algorithms, and applications to be devel- Timing performance is the technical metric of greatest interest
oped quickly and integrated into the BCI2000 framework in evaluating the ability of BCI hardware and software to sup-
without the need to worry about re-implementing previously port an effective BCI system. To work properly, BCI systems
existing modules. must perform a sequence of tasks that are properly timed and
BCI2000 has had and continues to have a substantial coordinated. Without proper timing, the BCI will perform
impact on BCI research. By the end of 2010, it had been poorly or will fail entirely. The tasks that must be properly
acquired by more than 600 laboratories around the world. It timed include acquisition of the brain signals, storage of these
has provided the basis for studies reported in more than 150 signals so that they can be processed in blocks, their analysis
peer-reviewed publications that describe BCIs based on EEG, (i.e., extracting features and translating them) to produce
ECoG, and MEG recordings. For example, it has been used to output commands, and implementation of these commands by
demonstrate cursor control using: EEG (McFarland et al., the application. Moreover, these must be accomplished in a
2008a, 2008b, 2010; J. R. Wolpaw and McFarland, 2004); ECoG closed-loop manner by providing feedback of task perfor-
(Blakely et al., 2009; Felton et al., 2007; Leuthardt et al., 2004a; mance to the user. In addition, these steps must be properly
Leuthardt et al., 2006a; Miller et al., 2010; Schalk et al., 2008c; coordinated in real time and they must occur on time. All the
Wilson et al., 2006); and MEG signals (Mellinger et al., 2007). tasks of the BCI that connect the user’s brain signals to the
It was used for control of a humanoid robot by a noninvasive output device must be accomplished quickly with little or no
BCI (Bell et al., 2008) and for exploring the BCI usage of P300 variation (jitter) in timing. Thus, in evaluating BCI hardware
evoked potentials (Furdea et al., 2009; Kübler et al., 2009; and software, timing considerations are critical. The timing
Nijboer et al., 2008; Sellers et al., 2006, 2010; Townsend et al., characteristics of a BCI system, and thus its suitability for spe-
2010; Vaughan et al., 2006) and steady-state visual evoked cific applications, depend on its individual hardware and soft-
potentials (SSVEP) (Allison et al., 2008). It has been used in a ware components and on the manner in which these components
BCI based on high-resolution EEG techniques (Cincotti et al., interact. The principles involved in assessing a BCI’s timing are

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 179
reviewed here (and presented in more detail in Wilson and the box labeled “ADC.” We will call this period the sample block
Schalk, 2010). duration. Sample block durations are typically several tens of
milliseconds long. A 30-msec data block acquired, for example,
at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz would contain 30 samples per
channel. At t−1, the digitized data block (block N1) is ready to
be transmitted to the PC. From t−1 to t0 (the box labeled “DT”
L AT E N C Y O V E RV I E W for data transfer), the data are transmitted to the BCI’s PC; this
The operation of any BCI can generally be seen as occurring in transmission is completed at t0. Thus, at t0, the data block N1
three stages: data acquisition; data processing; and output. All has been stored in PC memory (RAM) and is ready to be pro-
three stages might be controlled by a single program (e.g., a cessed. From t0 to t1 (the box labeled “SP” for signal process-
single Matlab script or C-language program). Alternatively, ing), the data are processed and translated into a command
they might be controlled by multiple independent programs that is sent to the application device at t1 From t1 to t2, the com-
that interact with each other via a defined communication mand is processed by the application device, which executes
protocol (e.g., a network-aware protocol like BCI2000 or the command at t2.
OpenViBe). By whichever means these three steps are con- Figure 9.7 also shows the onset and duration of the pro-
structed, each step requires time and thus entails delay gression of the next two sets of data (blocks N2 and N3). Note
latencies. If these latencies are too long or too unpredictable, that the progression of block N2 is offset from block N1’s pro-
they can interfere with, or entirely prevent, effective real-time gression by the time period represented by t−2 to t−1; thus, while
operation of the BCI system. the N1 block reaches application output at t2, block N2 reaches
Figure 9.7 shows the timeline of events in the operation of output at t6. If the sample block duration is 30 msec, block N2’s
a typical BCI system. It shows the progression of three blocks output occurs 30 msec after N1’s.
of data (blocks N1, N2, and N3) from the arrival of the brain The latency is the period of time represented by the differ-
signals at the amplifier, to production of the BCI output, to the ence in two time points. For example, the signal-processing
execution of the BCI’s command by the application, with the latency is t1 minus t0. The magnitude and variability of each
times of each successive event marked. latency depend on the system parameters, as well as on the
Let us examine the progress of the first block data, N1. capacities of the hardware and software. Effective BCI opera-
During the period from t−2 to t−1, data are collected, and the tion requires that these latency magnitudes and variabilities
ADC amplifies, digitizes, and stores the data in a hardware fall within acceptable limits. To understand these latencies
buffer where it waits to be transmitted to the PC. The first better, we now examine them in more detail.
sample collected in the block of data stays in the buffer for the
duration of the block (e.g., 30 msec) while it waits for the rest A D C L AT E N C Y
of the data in the block to be collected, amplified, digitized, and The time period for acquisition of data for a sample block
stored in the buffer. In the figure this process is illustrated in is fixed by the BCI protocol. The amplification, digitization,

System latency
Sample block duration
Block processing
t–2 DT
t–1 SP
t0 APP
t1 t2

t–1 DT
t3 SP
t4 APP
t5 t6

t3 DT

Figure 9.7 System timing diagram showing the timeline of events in a typical BCI system. It follows the progress of three blocks of data (N1, N2, and N3) from
the amplifier input to the BCI’s application device. Abbreviations: ADC, analog-to-digital converter; DT, data transfer; SP, signal processing; APP, application.
The times (t) that define the latencies of each successive event are marked.

180 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
and storage of the data typically have latencies of <1 μsec and processing time. These factors will help determine the mini-
are often in the range of 10 nsec; they are therefore negligible mum acceptable capacities of the processing hardware and
on the scale of the acquisition duration of a single sample software. The system must be able to process each block at least
(i.e., at a sampling rate of 25 kHz one sample is acquired every as fast as it is acquired and amplified, digitized, and stored by
40 μsec). The exact latency depends on the type of converter the ADC, that is, by the time the next block is ready for pro-
used (e.g., flash, successive-approximation, sample-and-hold, cessing. Thus, the time from t0 to t+1 must be shorter than the
counter, or tracking ADC, each of which has a different digiti- time from t−2 to t−1. Otherwise, the BCI will lag progressively
zation method, speed, and precision [Tompkins, 1993]). Note further behind (i.e., the time elapsed between brain signal
that because data are always transmitted in blocks containing input and device output will get longer and longer over time),
a certain number of samples, the last sample acquired for a and BCI performance will degrade.
data block will spend only a minimum time in hardware and
software buffers, whereas the samples acquired earliest will A P P L I C AT I O N - O U T P U T L AT E N C Y
spend a longer time (approximately t−2 to t−1) in the buffers. The application-output latency, LApp, is defined as the delay from
the time at which the BCI command is issued to the time at
D ATA - T R A N S F E R L AT E N C Y which the application device implements this command. From
The data-transfer latency, LDT is the latency between the time at figure 9.7, this is the time from t1 to t2:
which all the data in the block have been acquired, amplified,
digitized, and stored in the buffer (t−1 for N1) and the time at Application Output Latency = LApp
p t 2 − t1 (9.5)
which the data are acquired by the PC software to be available
to the PC software for processing. In figure 9.7, for the N1 The application latency is determined by a number of fac-
block, this is the time from t−1 to t0. Using the times defined in tors that depend largely on the nature of the application’s
figure 9.7: output. For example, if the output is cursor movement on a
video screen, its latency is affected by the speed of the graphics
Data Transfer
f Latency
c LDT = t 0 t −1 (9.3) card, the type of monitor (e.g., cathode-ray tube [CRT] or
liquid crystal display [LCD]), and the monitor resolution and
For amplifiers connected via bandwidth-limited serial
refresh rate. If the output is the movement of a robotic arm, the
interfaces, the transmission latency may have a measurable
application output latency depends on the response time of the
impact on amplifier latency. When using USB 2.0 or PCI card
robot and the distance to be moved.
connections, transmission latency (t−1 to t0) may generally be
neglected, as illustrated by the following example. If we assume S Y S T E M L AT E N C Y
acquisition of 16 channels of 24-bit (3-byte) data and transmis- The system latency is defined as the minimum time interval
sion of blocks of eight samples, each block corresponds to 384 between brain signal input to the ADC and the related change
bytes of data. At USB 2.0 speed (i.e., a maximum transmission that this causes in the application output. Recalling that the last
rate of 60 MB/sec), these data should take approximately sample in block N1 is collected just before or at t−1, the system
6.4 μsec to transfer, which is less than the duration of a single latency is the time from t−1 to t2. It can be calculated as the sum
sample’s acquisition. On the other hand, if the configuration is of data-transfer, signal-processing, and application latencies:
changed to 64 channels and a block duration of 100-msec and
is sampled at 4800 Hz (equal to 92,160 bytes), the transmission System Latency
c (t 2 − t −1 ) (9.6)
time will be approximately 1.5 msec, assuming that transmis-
sion starts instantaneously and without interruption. Because The system latency jitter is the standard deviation of the system
this is on the time scale of events during the BCI task, it may be latencies in a given test and provides a measure of the variabil-
important to take this latency into account. ity in overall system timing.

The signal-processing latency, LSP is defined as the total time The block processing duration is the time interval between suc-
required for the data to be processed, that is, for the signal fea- cessive blocks of data that have been transmitted to the PC for
tures to be extracted and translated into an output command. processing. As figure 9.7 shows, N1’s data are presented to the
From figure 9.7, this is the time from t0 to t1): PC at t0, whereas N2’s data are presented to the PC at t4. Thus:
Processing Latency
c LSP = t1 t 0 (9.4) n Duration (t 4 − t 0 )
Block Processing (9.7)

The signal-processing latency depends on the complexity Ideally, the block processing duration should be identical
of the processing and on CPU speed. For example, the process- to the sample block duration. However, inconsistencies in
ing for a cursor-movement application might extract the power operating-system timing may interrupt and delay data transfer
spectrum from every data block, whereas the processing for a and/or signal processing, causing the time period between data
matrix-selection application might extract evoked potential blocks to be different from the expected block duration. (This
amplitude. The computational demands of these different fea- introduces a jitter; see below.) The block processing jitter is the
ture extractions may differ considerably. The number of chan- standard deviation of equation (9.7) for all block durations in a
nels that need to be processed will, of course, also affect single test.

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 181
The block processing duration is the primary indicator of the A
system’s ability to perform real-time signal processing in a BCI
paradigm. The block processing duration must be no longer ..
than the sample block duration. If the time required to process Optical
a block of data is longer than the time to acquire the data, sensor
the system will still be processing block N1 when block N2 is
ready to be transferred for signal processing. In a closed-loop
system, this means that the application output and feedback
are progressively delayed. This quickly produces performance
degradation. If this is the case, adjustments must be made (e.g., F
the signal-processing algorithms need to be optimized to increase
performance, or a more powerful signal-processing computer Stimulus
C Amplifier/
detector E
system must be used, or the task itself must be modified). ADC

All of the latencies described in this chapter have some vari-
ability. This variability is called jitter. Jitter is defined as the D
standard deviation of the measured latencies. The jitter is Figure 9.8 Components of the test BCI validation system: (A) computer running
essentially a measure of the timing consistency of each system BCI2000; (B) monitor and optical sensor; (C) stimulus detection trigger box; (D)
component. For example, the output latency may have a mean TTL outputs from trigger box to amplifier; (E) amplifier; (F) amplifier digital
of 10 msec but a jitter of 8 msec, which indicates that there is output to digital input.

much variability in the time required to update the output.

Jitter can potentially have significant effects on the user’s BCI
performance, particularly with stimulus-evoked BCIs such as above, and address factors that have substantial effects
the P300 speller in which the evoked-response signal process- on timing performance. This representative system uses a
ing depends on the precise timing of the stimulus delivery. g.USBamp amplifier/digitizer and a g.TRIGbox stimulus-
Furthermore, jitter that occurs early in the BCI system detection box (both from g.tec Guger Technologies, Graz,
chain of events will affect all later components as well. For Austria) and the BCI2000 software platform (Schalk et al.,
example, a large data transfer jitter will propagate through the 2000). BCI2000 is executed on an 8-core, 2.8-GHz Mac Pro
signal-processing and application components and will with 6 GB RAM and an NVIDIA 8800 GTX graphics card.
increase the variability of output timing. We tested the system performance with two different opera-
The sources of jitter depend on the hardware, software, and ting systems, Microsoft Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista
operating system used. For example, BCIs running on the SP1, and two different monitors, a CRT monitor with a refresh
Microsoft Windows operating system must compete with other rate of 100 Hz and an LCD monitor with a refresh rate of
system services (e.g., antivirus programs, email programs, 60 Hz.
interactions with hardware, and other background programs). Figure 9.8 shows this test BCI system and the timing evalu-
At any time, Windows may decide that another process has a ation system. The system was controlled by BCI2000 running
higher priority than the BCI program and therefore allow the on a PC (seen in fig. 9.8A). It repeatedly presented (not shown
other process to finish before BCI processing can begin. This in the figure) a white rectangular stimulus on a black back-
problem can be mitigated by disabling services and other pro- ground. The optical sensor (B in fig. 9.8) was placed over the
grams in Windows, by increasing the task priority of the BCI area of the monitor where the stimulus appeared. The sensor
program, or by using a real-time operating system such as provided input to the stimulus detection box (C in fig. 9.8).
some versions of Linux. (However, many hardware drivers are The threshold levels were set so that changes in video lumines-
available only for Windows operating systems, in which case cence were properly detected. When the detection box detected
Windows is the only option.) a stimulus, it generated a 250-mV pulse that was recorded by
The timing definitions described here apply to any BCI the amplifier (E). (It is also possible to generate a 5-V pulse,
system. All systems that record and process brain-signal data which can be recorded on a synchronous digital input chan-
and generate a device command will have some latency between nel.) This allowed accurate measurement of the timing of the
acquisition of the brain signals and the corresponding action stimulus. The data transfer latency was measured by using the
executed by the application device. This is true regardless of digital input and output lines; immediately following the acqui-
the nature of the brain signals (e.g., EEG, ECoG, or neuronal sition of a data block, the digital output line was pulsed and
action potentials) or the choice of output device (e.g., a robotic recorded on a digital input line (F). This pulse appeared in the
arm, computer cursor, or a spelling application). next data block after a period of time equal to the block dura-
tion latency, since the next block was already being amplified,
digitized, and stored while the current block was being trans-
mitted to the PC.
In this section we describe the timing characteristics of a rep- Figure 9.9 shows the system latency components during a
resentative test BCI system in terms of the latencies defined cursor movement task as a function of the sampling rate and

182 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
75 2 ms
Data transfer

Latency (ms)
1 ms


4 16 32
4 16 32 (# channels)
512 1200 2400 4800
Sample rate (Hz)

Figure 9.9 System latency components for different BCI configurations running on Windows XP. The three segments of each bar are the contributions of the three
latencies (i.e., data transfer, processing, and output) to the system latency, which is the total height of each bar. Each group of three bars contains results for 4, 16,
and 32 channels; the four groups of bars represent four different sample rates (i.e., 512, 1200, 2400, and 4800 Hz). In the inset, the latencies are expanded to
make the relatively short duration of the data-transfer latency visible. This duration is less than the time for a single sample unless large amounts of data are
transferred (i.e., with high sampling rates and channel counts).

the number of channels. Each latency result is described in filter involving combinations of all channels, increases as a
detail here. power of three with the number of elements. Thus, doubling the
number of channels will increase the processing time by (23)
D ATA - T R A N S F E R L AT E N C Y (i.e., by 8 times). Therefore, it is critical to consider the com-
The data-transfer latency (light gray bars in fig. 9.9) varied puter’s ability to process even small increases in the amount of
with the amount of data transmitted (fig. 9.9, inset panel at data resulting from more channels or a higher sample rate.
right): when data with more channels or a higher sampling rate
were acquired, more time was required to transmit the data O U T P U T L AT E N C Y
over the USB 2.0 connection. Nevertheless, this delay was In contrast to the signal-processing latency, the video-output
insignificant compared to the latencies for processing and latency did not depend on the number of channels, sampling
output; it was less than 1 msec even for 32 channels sampled at rate, or task (p = 0.67). The mean video-output latency on the
4800 Hz. Because the data-transfer latency was measured by MacPro Windows XP system using a CRT monitor with a
analyzing the digitized signals, the resolution of the reported refresh rate of 100 Hz was 5.06 ± 3.13 msec. The minimum and
values was dependent on the sampling rate. Specifically, sam- maximum output latencies were 1.33 msec and 11.33 msec,
pling rates of 512, 1200, 2400, and 4800 Hz correspond to a respectively. Because the current implementations of the
timing resolution of 1.95 msec, 0.83 msec, 0.42 msec, and 0.21 BCI2000 feedback protocols are not synchronized to the
msec, respectively. These values are smaller than acquisition of refresh rate of the monitor, the video output latency values
a single sample at the given rate. As the figure shows, the pro- could range from 0 msec (i.e., when the output command was
cessing latency (dark gray bars) accounted for most of the issued precisely at the monitor refresh) to the inverse of the
overall latency and varied with the amount of data processed. refresh rate (i.e., when the output command was issued imme-
diately following a refresh). The latency could be as much as
S I G N A L - P R O C E S S I N G L AT E N C Y 10 msec at a refresh rate of 100 Hz. The experimental results
The signal-processing latency was significantly (p < 0.001, corresponded closely to this: 1/(11.33 msec – 1.33 msec) equals
ANOVA) influenced by the sampling rate and number of 100 Hz. The minimum output latency (1.33 msec) should then
channels. This is expected, since the signal-processing proce- correspond to the latency of the system (operating system and
dure for the cursor-movement task involves performing a video card) in processing a graphics command and sending it
common-average reference for the entire data block and then to the monitor.
calculating the power spectrum of every channel. Therefore, As described, all tests were replicated using an LCD
larger sample rates or channel counts produced a correspond- monitor. In this case, the mean video output latency was
ing increase in the amount of time required to process the data. 15.22 ± 5.31 msec, with a range of 7.29 to 27.16 msec. The
This would be the case for any signal-processing algorithm. maximum possible refresh rate for this monitor was 60 Hz.
It is important to understand how the algorithmic com- (The mean value is larger for the LCD monitor due to the on
plexity relates to the amount of data processed. That is, it is time for liquid crystals, which is the amount of time required
usually not reasonable to expect that there will be a linear rela- for the crystals to reconfigure and let light pass through when
tionship between the amount of data to be processed and the a current is applied [Stewart, 2006].) The performances of
time required to process the data. For example, a simple matrix- the CRT and LCD monitors are compared in figure 9.10
matrix multiplication, as is done when computing a spatial which shows that the CRT monitor almost always produces

CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 183
CRT LCD the distributions of video-output latencies for Windows XP
40 40
and Windows Vista on the Mac Pro. The data suggest that the
% Occurrence
30 30 timing of stimulus presentation using Vista, at least with this
particular hardware and driver configuration, may be inade-
20 20 quate for many BCI applications. It is usually impossible to
observe such timing inconsistencies with the naked eye. The
10 10 BCI system running on Windows Vista did not appear to have
different timing characteristics (e.g., stimulus presentation
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 timing) compared to the Windows XP system. Nevertheless,
Video latency (ms) our analysis showed that the timing on the Windows Vista
system was far more variable (Wilson and Schalk, 2010). Thus,
Figure 9.10 Comparison of BCI2000 video output latencies for CRT and LCD
monitors, for all tests.
unless the actual stimulus delivery time is measured and
taken into account by the BCI, this more variable timing
might impair the performance of BCI systems that depend on
precise stimulus timing, such as those based on P300 evoked
substantially smaller output latencies with less variation among This consideration of BCI timing characteristics and our
latencies. evaluation of a representative BCI reveal that choices regarding
Thus, the timing properties of the monitor are important to the system’s monitor and the operating system can have a sub-
consider when designing a BCI system, and the type of moni- stantial effect on the timing performance of the BCI system. In
tor selected can have a significant impact on the performance particular, using Windows Vista and/or an LCD monitor may
of the BCI. An LCD monitor, although weighing less and being reduce the performance of the BCI system due to increased
more accessible, may not have acceptable performance for all latencies and jitter in stimulus presentation and due to loss of
BCI applications due to its inherent variability in timing. the tight temporal relationship between timing of stimulus
However, LCD monitor technology is progressing at a fast presentation and timing of data acquisition. In summary,
pace, and newer monitors are available with 120-Hz refresh determination of the timing of each new system configuration
rates and response times of <1 msec. is very important in evaluating and comparing BCI system
software and hardware.
In addition to the tests described above, all tests were repli-
cated on the same Mac Pro system using Windows Vista SUMMARY
Enterprise instead of Windows XP in order to determine
the effect that the operating system has on the tasks using This chapter discusses the key components of the hardware
otherwise identical hardware and the CRT monitor. There were and software currently used in BCI development and describes
no significant measurable differences in the ADC latency or evaluation procedures that can help ensure that BCI systems
signal-processing latency between Windows XP and Windows perform as desired. The section on hardware describes the dif-
Vista for any task, sampling rate, or number of channels ferent types of sensors that detect brain signals, the compo-
(p > 0.5). nents that amplify and digitize these signals, the interface
However, the video-output latencies for Windows Vista hardware that connects different components, and the client
were significantly larger than those for Windows XP (p < 0.001) hardware that runs BCI software. These descriptions indicate
(fig. 9.11). The mean video-output latency for Windows Vista that the engineering principles behind BCI hardware are rela-
was 20.26 ± 7.56 msec (with a range from 6.12 msec to tively well understood so that the selection and configuration
42.39 msec) compared to 5.72 ± 1.62 msec (with a range of of BCI hardware can be accomplished by appropriately apply-
1.33 msec to 11.33 msec) with Windows XP. Figure 9.11 shows ing and integrating current understanding of analog and digi-
tal electronics.
The section on software describes the different components
of BCI software: data acquisition components that record, dig-
Win XP Win Vista
40 15 itize, and store brain signals; signal analysis components that
extract signal features that represent the user’s intent and that
% Occurrence

10 translate these features into commands that embody the user’s
20 intent; output components that control the application that
5 realizes that intent; and the operating protocol that determines
10 the configuration, parameterization, timing, and oversight of
0 0 operation. This section also describes important principles for
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 designing BCI software and lists currently used software
Video latency (ms)
tools for BCI research. As is the case for implementation of
Figure 9.11 Comparison of video output latencies for Windows XP and hardware, the implementation of BCI software follows well-
Windows Vista. established principles of software design.

184 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
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CHAPTER 9 . B C I H A R D W A R E A N D S O F T W A R E | 187
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revious chapters in this section describe BCI operation (e.g., using it to communicate with someone) and is at other
from signal acquisition, through feature extraction and times not using the BCI (e.g., is doing something else, sleeping,
translation, to output commands, and the hardware and daydreaming, etc.):
software that produce it. BCIs do not operate in isolation; they
operate in the world, that is, in an environment. Their environ- • The state of active BCI use is referred to as
ment has three essential elements: the BCI user; the BCI appli- intentional control.
cation; and, usually, external support for the BCI. Just as the
• The state of other activities is referred to as no
individual steps of BCI operation (i.e., signal acquisition, fea-
intentional control, or more simply, no control.
ture extraction, etc.) interact with each other according to a
protocol (see chapter 9, this volume), each BCI interacts with
By this terminology, a person is using the BCI during inten-
its environment according to a protocol. This protocol, speci-
tional control and not using the BCI during no control (Mason
fying how the BCI relates to its environment, is called the BCI’s
et al. 2007; Mason and Birch 2005).
operating protocol.
Ideally, BCI use should be as easy and convenient as a per-
A BCI operating protocol has four key elements. Each can
son’s muscle-based actions. That is, the person should be able
be stated as a question:
to operate the BCI in a self-paced mode, in which the BCI is
• Who initiates BCI operation: the BCI or the user? readily available, and in which the user can perform intentional
control whenever s/he desires (Mason et al. 2006). To allow
• Who parameterizes the feature extraction and such user-paced operation, a BCI must be able to differentiate
translation process: the BCI or its external reliably between the user’s no-control state and the user’s inten-
support? tional-control state. This is a difficult requirement. It is difficult
• Does the BCI tell its application what to do or because a wide range of brain activity signals might correspond
how to do it? to no control, and the BCI must be able to recognize all of them
as indicating the no-control state. If the BCI is unable to accu-
• Does the BCI try to recognize its own errors or is rately distinguish between no control and intentional control,
this left entirely to the user or the application? brain activity during no control will sometimes be translated
into unintended actions. This problem of sending an unin-
Taken together, the answers to these questions comprise a tended message or command has been called the “Midas Touch
BCI’s operating protocol. Problem,” after the greedy king who wished that everything he
This chapter addresses each of these questions in turn. touched would turn to gold, then accidentally turned his
Each question has two possible answers, and each answer daughter into gold (Moore 2003). For many BCI applications,
defines a particular class of BCI operating protocols. Although even a small number of such false-positive errors could make
specific BCI protocols may bridge classes (e.g., some aspects of BCI use very frustrating and possibly impractical. For other
parameterization might be handled by the BCI and others by BCI applications, it could even be hazardous: if, for example,
external support), these questions and their answers provide a the BCI controlled a motorized wheelchair on the sidewalk
framework for understanding operating protocols. The chapter next to a busy city street.
describes the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of At present, BCI operating protocols address the need to
each protocol class, and it provides illustrative examples from avoid unintended actions during a no-control state in one of
among existing or conceivable BCIs. It concludes with a dis- two ways: through synchronous protocols that limit BCI actions
cussion of the specialized operating protocols needed for user to times when the user can safely be assumed to be in the
training and for research. intentional-control state; and, alternatively, through self-paced
(or asynchronous) protocols that are able to distinguish
satisfactorily between the no-control state and the intentional-
control state.
A synchronous protocol limits the times during which the
As is true for anyone who can engage in a particular inten- BCI will actually convert the user’s brain activity into action
tional action, a BCI user is sometimes actively using the BCI (Mason and Birch 2005; Müller-Putz et al. 2006). One kind of




Figure 10.1 (A) A synchronous operating protocol. Shading indicates the times when the BCI is available for control, and hatching indicates the times when
the BCI expects the user to be providing control commands. The arrows indicate the cues provided by the BCI prior to the onset of the BCI usage periods.
(B) A self-paced (also called asynchronous) operating protocol. The continuous shading indicates that the BCI is always available to the user. The hatched
rectangles indicate periods of intentional control that are initiated by the user and recognized by the BCI. The time periods between hatching are periods
of no control.

synchronous protocol gives the user a specific sensory stimu- S E L F - PA C E D P R O T O C O L S

lus and analyzes the brain activity that occurs during a fixed The alternative to a synchronous protocol is a self-paced proto-
period immediately afterward. The BCI converts brain signals col (also referred to as an asynchronous protocol). A self-paced
into output only during that poststimulus period. In this way, protocol distinguishes between no-control and intentional-
the protocol limits and specifies the times when the BCI control states. This mode of operation is depicted in
will convert brain activity into action. Alternatively, the figure 10.1B. It allows a person to use the BCI whenever s/he
protocol might provide cues, such as a “get-ready” indicator desires. Self-paced protocols can yield more natural and
to inform the user of an impending period of expected inten- dynamic interactions between the user and BCI, but they are
tional control. Synchronous BCI operation is depicted in much more challenging to develop. Initial efforts to develop
figure 10.1A. reliable self-paced protocols have had some success, but they
One common type of synchronous BCI is a P300 speller are not yet suitable for general use outside the laboratory.
discussed in detail in chapter 12, this volume. The user views a Self-paced steady-state visual evoked potential-based
matrix containing letters and/or other items. Each row or (SSVEP-based) BCI designs have been described in several
column of the matrix flashes in succession, and the subject studies (Trejo et al. 2006; Allison et al. 2010). To produce a BCI
notes (e.g., counts) each flash that contains the letter that s/he output, the user focuses on one of a set of rapidly flickering
wants to communicate. The resulting brain activity can be used lights each of which represents a different possible output.
to identify which row and column contain the desired letter Whenever the BCI detects a significant increase in EEG
and thus allows the user to spell with brain activity (Farwell activity at the same frequency as one of the flickering targets, it
and Donchin 1988; Sellers et al. 2006; Vaughan et al. 2006; Jin implements the command associated with that target. Thus,
et al. 2010). This BCI is synchronous because the output is users can move a cursor to spell, select numbers, or perform
based on the user’s responses to stimuli (i.e., flashes) presented other tasks by focusing on a target whenever they wish. If the
on a schedule determined by the BCI. user is doing something other than using the BCI and is not
In a second type of synchronous BCI, users spell by imag- attending to any of the flickering targets, then there is no
ining different types of movements. Brain-imaging techniques increase in the activity associated with any of the targets, and
can determine which kind of movement imagery a person is the BCI does not produce outputs. (See chapter 14 for further
performing. For example, users might think about moving the discussion of such SSVEP-based BCIs.)
left hand, right hand, feet, or other areas and thereby direct a Self-paced BCIs can rely on motor imagery as well. Some
cursor or arrow to select a particular letter (Wolpaw et al. 2003; BCIs allow users to navigate through a virtual environment
Scherer et al. 2004; Pfurtscheller et al. 2006; Müller et al. 2008). (Leeb et al. 2007; Scherer et al. 2008) by imagining movements
Such a BCI is synchronous because users must imagine the at any time. If the BCI detects the EEG activity associated with
movements at specific times. One drawback to these synchro- one of several specific mental tasks (such as imagining left-
nous protocols is that the BCI expects intentional control when hand movement), then that activity is translated into a particu-
it gives the prompt, and if the user does not respond with lar command.
appropriate brain activity during the specified period, the
result may be an undesired action. The two synchronous BCI COMBINED SYNCHRONOUS
approaches described above typically do not even consider the A N D S E L F - PA C E D P R O T O C O L S
possibility that the user does not intend to use the BCI at the It is certainly also possible to design BCIs that combine self-
specified time. Hence, such BCIs will always identify one of paced and synchronous protocols. For example, the BCI might
the possible items as the target (or will identify a direction for remain in an inactive standby mode until the user produces a
cursor movement, etc.), which will of course be a mistake if the specific sequence of sensorimotor rhythm amplitudes (or some
user does not intend any control. In addition, the user may find other brain activity) that rarely if ever occurs by chance and
that a synchronous protocol, in which the BCI specifies the that can serve as a reliable self-paced key to activate the BCI.
times of operation, is awkward and unnatural for many real- The activated BCI might then operate under a synchronous
world tasks. protocol to support intentional control until the user produces

190 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
another (or the same) self-paced key to return the BCI to the brain signals associated with the imagined actions can yield an
standby mode. optimal set of parameters for translating the user’s brain activ-
For example, one recently developed system allows users to ity into the specific application commands linked to the
turn an SSVEP BCI on or off by imagining foot movement specific imagined actions (Pfurtscheller et al. 2006; Trejo et al.
(Pfurtscheller et al. 2010). Other types of such semisynchro- 2006; Müller et al. 2008). These protocols are most suited for
nous BCIs might facilitate more flexible operation. They might limited single-time BCI studies in which a single prestudy
use contextual cues to interpret user requests and thus allow parameterization is sufficient (Allison et al. 2010). In contrast,
users to perform different tasks with the same signal. For in real-life use, it would be typical for a BCI to be used repeat-
example, if a user imagines foot movement while playing a vir- edly over many days or more, and it is thus likely that periodic
tual soccer game, the system might perform different actions repetitions of the preparameterization procedure would be
based on the game state. The avatar might run forward if the needed (Nijboer et al. 2010). On the other hand, some BCI sys-
ball is far away, or kick the ball if it is nearby, or the BCI might tems can function well for prolonged periods with the same set
switch to a strictly synchronous mode for a special action such of parameters (Sellers et al. 2006).
as a penalty kick. BCIs that combine users’ commands with
other relevant information to produce appropriate outputs S E L F - PA R A M E T E R I Z E D P R O T O C O L S
should become increasingly common and capable as BCIs are Self-parameterized (also called adaptive) BCI protocols select
integrated with ambient intelligence and context-aware sys- and modify their own parameters. They might do this through
tems (Allison 2009; Millán et al. 2010). periodic automated procedures. For example, a P300 BCI used
for word-processing could periodically conduct a brief auto-
CURRENT USE OF SYNCHRONOUS mated copy-spelling session in which the user is given a
A N D S E L F - PA C E D P R O T O C O L S number of letters (i.e., target letters) to select from a matrix.
At present, the realization of reliable, fully self-paced BCI pro- Analysis of the responses evoked by target versus nontarget let-
tocols remains one of the most difficult and important prob- ters would yield an updated set of parameters for translating
lems confronting the development of BCIs that are suitable for the user’s brain activity into letter selection. Alternatively, a
widespread use outside the laboratory. Until such protocols are BCI might incorporate continuing parameter updating into its
further developed and validated in online testing, synchronous standard operation. For example, a sensorimotor rhythm
protocols can certainly serve in simple BCI communication (SMR)-based BCI might continually adjust the constants in
systems for people who cannot use conventional (i.e., muscle- the equations that convert SMR amplitudes into cursor move-
based) assistive communication devices (e.g., Vaughan et al. ments by making simple assumptions about average intent
2006; Kübler and Birbaumer 2008; Nijboer et al. 2010; Sellers over past movements (e.g., that, on the average, the user
et al. 2010). intended to move right as often as s/he intended to move left).
Because self-parameterized BCI protocols can adjust (at
least in theory, see chapter 8, this volume) to spontaneous and
H O W I S T H E F E AT U R E - E X T R A C T I O N A N D adaptive changes in the user’s brain signals, they are generally
T R A N S L AT I O N P R O C E S S PA R A M E T E R I Z E D ? preferable in BCIs for everyday use. They will undoubtedly
In the feature extraction and translation operations, the BCI become more common as BCI research and development
extracts specific features from the brain signals and uses them evolve. During this transition time, many, indeed most, proto-
as independent variables in calculations that produce depen- cols are and will continue to be partially self-parameterized in
dent variables (i.e., the commands that go to the application). that they select and/or update some parameters on their own
The parameters of these operations specify how often they and receive the remainder from elsewhere (e.g., from proce-
occur, which features are extracted, how they are extracted, dures conducted by technical support personnel or research-
and the forms and constants of the equations that translate the ers). For example, in the SMR-based BCI system described in
extracted features into the dependent variables. Appropriate Wolpaw and McFarland (2004), the features used are selected
parameter selection, or parameterization, is obviously essential by the experimenters while the weights assigned to those fea-
for effective BCI performance. Parameters vary widely among tures are continually updated by the BCI itself. In a recent
BCIs as a function of signal type and of the methods used for long-term study of SMR-based and P300-based BCI usage, key
feature extraction and translation. Nevertheless, BCI operating parameters were updated automatically, and, in addition, some
protocols can be broadly grouped into two categories: parameters were modified as needed by the experimenters
(Nijboer et al. 2010).
• preparameterized protocols
• self-parameterized protocols. D O E S T H E B C I T E L L I T S A P P L I C AT I O N
W H AT T O D O O R H O W T O D O I T ?

P R E PA R A M E T E R I Z E D P R O T O C O L S After recording brain signals, a BCI performs two operations.

Preparameterized BCI protocols use fixed parameters that have First, it extracts signal features such as the power in specific
been selected for the BCI. For example, a BCI might be param- frequency bands or the firing rates of specific neurons. Then,
eterized from the results of an initial session in which the user it translates these features into commands that operate an
is asked to imagine a specific set of actions. Analysis of the application (also called a device) such as a word-processing

C H A P T E R 1 0 . B C I O P E R AT I N G P R O T O C O L S | 1 9 1
program, an environmental control unit, a wheelchair, or a Furthermore, a particular BCI application might switch
neuroprosthesis. Although all BCIs extract signal features and back and forth between process-control and goal-selection
translate them into commands, their operating protocols fall protocols. Thus, a BCI mouse-control application, in which a
into two classes in terms of the nature of the commands that process-control protocol moves the cursor to an icon, might
they produce (Wolpaw 2007). These two classes are described then switch to a goal-selection protocol to decide whether to
and illustrated in chapter 1 of this volume (see also fig. 1.6) select (i.e., click on) that icon or continue on to another icon
and include: (e.g., McFarland et al. 2008). For example, Cherubini et al.
(2008) describe a BCI system that can allow commands in
• goal-selection protocols three modes: single-step, semi-autonomous, or autonomous.
In the single-step mode, the robot moves a fixed short distance
• process-control protocols
with each movement command, whereas in the semi-autono-
mous mode, each movement command causes the robot to
GOAL-SELECTION PROTOCOLS move a graded distance in one direction, avoiding obstacles
In a goal-selection (or simply selection) protocol (also referred through artificial intelligence. These first two modes are pro-
to as a discrete-control protocol), signal features are translated cess-control protocols. In contrast, in the third mode, the
into specific commands selected from among a finite set of pos- autonomous mode, each command selects a target from among
sible commands: “type the letter E”; “turn the TV to channel 3”; a set of targets in a defined environment, and the robot then
“pick up the apple”; and so forth. Thus, in a goal-selection proto- moves to the target. This mode is a goal-selection protocol. As
col, each feature-translation operation produces a different com- noted at the beginning of this chapter, chapter 11 discusses
mand chosen from among a defined set of discrete commands. applications to which either or both of these two classes of
P300-based and SSVEP-based BCIs (see chapters 13 and operating protocols (goal-selection and process-control) might
15, this volume) illustrate how synchronous or asynchronous be applied.
BCIs can rely on goal-selection protocols. In both examples,
the user can select among a set of different goal-selection com-
mands by attending to one item out of a set of choices. H O W A R E T R A N S L AT I O N E R R O R S H A N D L E D ?

For a communication or control interface, an error is a failure

PROCESS-CONTROL PROTOCOLS to recognize the user’s intent. All such interfaces face the
In a process-control (or simply process) protocol (also referred problem of errors, and BCIs are no exception. A BCI might
to as a continuous-control or kinematic-control protocol), signal mistakenly recognize “Yes” as “No,” “Type an A” as “Type a B,”
features are translated into commands that produce the next or “Stay in place” as “Go forward.” Furthermore, a BCI that
step in a process (e.g., movement of a cursor or a wheelchair, uses a self-paced operating protocol might commit false-
progressive opening and closing of a robotic hand, change in positive or false-negative errors by mistaking the no-control
the force exerted by a neuroprosthesis, etc.). In a process- state for the intentional-control state or vice versa. That is, the
control protocol, each feature-translation operation produces BCI might produce output when the user does not intend to
the next step in an ongoing process (e.g., the next movement of use the BCI, or it might not produce output when the user does
a cursor on a computer screen). For example, the self-paced intend to use the BCI. (The former is analogous to a smart-
BCIs mentioned above (Leeb et al. 2007; Scherer et al. 2008), phone with a touch screen sensing a touch when no touch has
which enable users to move through a virtual environment via occurred.)
imagined movement, rely on process control. So do many In their present early stage of development, BCIs are par-
other BCIs, including other SMR-based BCIs, single neuron- ticularly prone to translation errors. The importance of such
based BCIs, and even some P300-based BCIs (e.g., Hochberg errors and the measures taken to eliminate them or minimize
et al. 2006; Citi et al. 2008; McFarland et al. 2010). their impact vary widely across BCIs and their applications. In
word-processing applications, for example, misspellings may
C O M PA R I S O N O F G O A L - S E L E C T I O N be tolerated or easily fixed. On the other hand, in prosthesis
AND PROCESS-CONTROL PROTOCOLS or wheelchair control applications, movement errors may
The question of how the BCI converts the user’s intention into have severe consequences. Nevertheless, even for an applica-
action—by either a goal-selection protocol or a process-control tion as safe as word-processing, too many errors can make the
protocol—focuses exclusively on the nature of the command BCI very inefficient, unacceptably frustrating, or even entirely
that results from the feature translation. From that command useless.
onward, a BCI could serve many different applications in many The need to minimize errors often leads to slower perfor-
different ways. For example, a goal-selection protocol, which is mance. In P300-based goal-selection protocols, for example,
commonly used for applications such as word-processing, it is possible to reduce errors by increasing the number of
could also be used to drive a wheelchair if the set of commands stimulus sequences per selection, but performance will conse-
included: “go to the kitchen”; “go to the TV”; and so forth. quently be slower. To reduce errors for SMR-based process-
Conversely, a process-control protocol, which is commonly control protocols, the length of the data segment used to
used to move a cursor, could operate a TV if the process moved determine each step (e.g., each cursor movement) may be
the cursor to reach icons that then executed actions such as increased or the size of each step may be decreased, but again
“turn TV on,” “select channel 10,” and so forth. performance will be slower. Thus, the benefits of measures that

192 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
reduce errors must be weighed against the concomitant OPERATING PROTOCOLS FOR USER
slowing of performance. In fact, users themselves often have TRAINING AND SYSTEM TESTING
preferences in this regard, with some preferring fast error-
ridden performance and others preferring slow but accurate The central purpose of BCI systems is to provide communica-
performance. tion and control. BCI operating protocols are designed to serve
BCI operating protocols handle errors in one of two ways: this purpose. At the same time, special protocols are often
needed for system parameterization and testing and for user
• through error-blind protocols training. The special protocols that serve these purposes typi-
cally have a distinctive feature: the intent of the user, and thus
• through error-detection protocols
the correct output of the BCI, are established ahead of time and
are known to the user, the operator/experimenter, and the BCI.
ERROR-BLIND PROTOCOLS Protocols of this kind can be called directed-output (or super-
In error-blind protocols, the BCI operation does not include vised learning) protocols, or simply directed protocols. They
any provision for detecting or correcting errors. Most current allow the actual output of the BCI to be directly compared to
BCI operating protocols fall into this category. These error- its correct output. Such protocols are often used to parameter-
blind protocols do not themselves recognize errors, nor do ize BCI systems. For example, the copy-spelling routines used
they incorporate any measures for dealing with them. Although to develop or update classifiers for P300-based BCI spelling
they may consider the likelihood of errors in defining param- applications are directed protocols (e.g., Sellers et al. 2006;
eters such as the number of stimulus sequences per selection Vaughan et al. 2006; Nijboer et al. 2010) (see chapter 12, this
(e.g., Jin et al. 2010), they do not include any procedures volume). Comparable routines can be used to parameterize
for detecting or eliminating errors during BCI use. Rather, SMR-based BCIs that rely on specific motor imagery (e.g.,
they simply identify the user’s intent through their feature Scherer et al. 2004; Pfurtscheller et al. 2006; Müller et al. 2008)
extraction and translation procedures and send the (hopefully (see chapter 13, this volume) and SSVEP-based BCIs (e.g.,
correct) result to the application. Trejo et al. 2006) (see chapter 14, this volume).
In these error-blind protocols, error recognition and Furthermore, directed protocols can guide the BCI user
correction is left to the user and/or to the application. For and/or the BCI system in their adaptive interactions that seek
example, in a word-processing application, the user may to improve the correspondence between the user’s intent and
recognize mistakes and correct them by backspacing. Or a the brain-signal features that the system extracts and translates
wheelchair-movement application might recognize a wall into output. This guidance function has been particularly
(or a drop-off ) ahead and therefore ignore a “Move forward” important in the development of SMR-based BCI control of
command from the BCI. In both of these examples, the BCI multidimensional cursor movements (e.g., Wolpaw and
operating protocol is not responsible for detecting or address- McFarland 2004; McFarland et al. 2010) (see chapter 13, this
ing the error. In the first example, the user does this, and in the volume).
second example, the application does. Directed protocols are widely used in BCI research. Indeed,
such protocols produce the data reported in most BCI studies.
ERROR-DETECTION PROTOCOLS These protocols allow the success of different BCI designs, and
In error-detection protocols, the BCI operation includes spe- of different modifications of specific designs, to be assessed
cific measures for avoiding, detecting, and/or correcting and compared. Thus, they are essential tools in the develop-
errors. BCIs that use error-detection protocols are at present ment and validation of more effective systems (Müller-Putz
confined primarily to laboratory settings. These BCIs use the et al. 2006; Pfurtscheller et al. 2006). Furthermore, a self-
person’s brain signals not only to recognize intent but also to parameterized BCI protocol might reparameterize itself peri-
detect errors. They may, for example, recognize from the brain odically by employing a directed-protocol subroutine.
signals that are evoked by the execution of a command whether At the same time, it is important to understand that directed
or not that command was an error (Schalk et al. 2000; Parra protocols only approximate real-life protocols in which the
et al. 2003; Buttfield et al. 2006; Ferrez and Millán 2008). Or, user alone specifies the intent to be translated into device com-
they might recognize from signal features simultaneous with mands. Although the approximation is often close, this is not
those used to recognize intent that an error is occurring (Bayliss necessarily always true. One major concern is that the user’s
et al. 2004). Or, perhaps even better, they might use particular brain activity may be substantially different for directed and
signal features to predict errors ahead of time and then take real-life protocols. This issue may reduce the confidence with
appropriate measures (such as not sending the fallacious intent which the results obtained with a directed protocol can be
to the application). For example, Makeig and Jung (1996) extrapolated to real-life BCI operation.
showed that EEG measures could predict up to 10 sec ahead of
time when sonar operators were more likely to make errors
(see other examples in chapter 23, this volume). Although BCIs SUMMARY
that incorporate error correction into their operating protocols
are just beginning to be explored, their development is likely to A BCI operates in an environment that includes the BCI user,
become increasingly important as efforts to produce truly the BCI application, and, usually, external support for the BCI.
useful BCIs continue to advance. It interacts with this environment according to an operating

C H A P T E R 1 0 . B C I O P E R AT I N G P R O T O C O L S | 1 9 3
protocol. BCI operating protocols can be characterized in terms Buttfield, A., P. W. Ferrez, and J. del R. Millán. 2006. Towards a robust BCI:
error potentials and online learning. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng.
of four fundamental questions, each of which has two possible 14:164–168.
answers. Cherubini, A., G. Oriolo, F. Macrí, F. Aloise, F. Cincotti, and D. Mattia. 2008.
The first question is: How is BCI operation initiated? In A multimode navigation system for an assistive robotics project. Auton
Robots 25:383–404.
synchronous protocols, the BCI initiates its own operation. In Citi L., R. Poli, C. Cinel, and F. Sepulveda. 2008. P300-based BCI mouse with
self-paced (or asynchronous) protocols, the user’s brain signals genetically-optimized analogue control. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil
initiate BCI operation. Synchronous protocols are simpler to Eng. 16:51–61.
Farwell, L. A., and E. Donchin. 1988. Talking off the top of your head: toward
develop. However, self-paced protocols may provide more a mental prosthesis utilizing event-related brain potentials.
natural and convenient communication and control. The BCI Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 70:510–523.
systems now being introduced into clinical use have synchro- Ferrez, P. W. and J. del R. Millán. 2008. Error-related EEG potentials generated
during simulated brain-computer interaction. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
nous protocols, whereas self-paced protocols are an area of 55:923–929.
increasing research interest. Hochberg, L. R., M. D. Serruya, G. H. Friehs, J. A. Mukand, M. Saleh, A. H.
The second question is: Into what does the BCI convert Kaplan, A. Branner, D. Chen, R. D. Penn, and J. R. Donoghue. 2006.
Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraple-
the user’s brain signals? In a goal-selection protocol, each gia. Nature 13(442):164–171.
feature translation operation produces a command that is Jin, J., B. Z. Allison, C. Brunner, B. Wang, X. Wang, J. Zhang, C. Neuper, and G.
selected from among a finite set of possible commands (e.g., Pfurtscheller. 2010. P300 Chinese input system based on Bayesian LDA.
Biomed Technik 55:5–18.
the letters of the alphabet). In a process-control protocol, each Kübler A., and N. Birbaumer. 2008. Brain-computer interfaces and communi-
feature translation operation produces a command that is cation in paralysis: extinction of goal directed thinking in completely
the next value in an ongoing process (e.g., the movement of paralysed patients? Clin Neurophysiol. 119:2658–2666.
Leeb, R., F. Lee, C. Keinrath, R. Scherer, H. Bischof, and G. Pfurtscheller.
a cursor). 2007. Brain-computer communication: motivation, aim, and impact of
The third question is: How is the feature-extraction and exploring a virtual apartment. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 15:
translation process parameterized? Preparameterized protocols 473–482.
Makeig, S., and T. P. Jung. 1996. Tonic, phasic, and transient EEG correlates of
use fixed parameters that have been provided to the BCI. auditory awareness in drowsiness. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res. 4:15–25.
Self-parameterized protocols select and modify their own Mason, S. G., A. Bashashati, M. Fatourechi, K. F. Navarro, and G. E. Birch.
parameters, either continually during the course of their 2007. A comprehensive survey of brain interface technology designs. Ann
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normal operation or through periodic automated procedures. Mason, S. G., and G. E. Birch. 2005. Temporal control paradigms for direct
Although preparameterized protocols are simpler to develop, brain interfaces—rethinking the definition of asynchronous and synchro-
self-parameterized protocols are generally more suitable for nous. Paper presented at HCI International, at Las Vegas, NV.
Mason, S. G., J. Kronegg, J. E. Huggins, M. Fatourechi, and A. Schloegl.
long-term usage. Many current BCIs use protocols that are 2006. Evaluating the performance of self-paced brain computer interface
partially preparameterized and partially self-parameterized. technology. Available from http://www.bci-info.org//Research_Info/
The fourth question is: How are errors handled? Error- documents/articles/self_paced_tech_report-2006–05-19.pdf.
McFarland, D. J., Krusienski, D. J., Sarnacki, W. A., and Wolpaw, J. R. 2008.
blind protocols do not themselves recognize errors, nor do they Emulation of computer mouse control with a noninvasive brain-computer
incorporate any measures for dealing with them; error han- interface. J Neural Eng, 5:101–110.
dling is left to the user and/or to the application. In contrast, McFarland, D. J., Sarnacki, W. A. and Wolpaw, J. R. 2010. Electroencephalographic
(EEG) control of three-dimensional movement. J Neural Eng, 11;7(3):
error-detection protocols use the person’s brain signals not only 036007.
to recognize intent, but also to detect errors. Error-detection Millán, J. del R., R. Rupp, G. R. Müller-Putz, et al. 2010. Combining brain-
protocols are just beginning to be developed and they are likely computer interfaces and assistive technologies: State-of-the-Art and
Challenges. Front Neurosci. 7(4):161.
to become increasingly important. Moore, M. M. 2003. Real-world applications for brain-computer interface
Finally, BCI training and testing rely heavily on special technology. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 11:162–165.
directed protocols in which the correct output is established Müller, K. R., M. Tangermann, G. Dornhedge, M. Krauledat, G. Curio, and B.
Blankertz. 2008. Machine learning for real-time single-trial EEG-analysis:
ahead of time. These protocols are used to parameterize BCI from brain-computer interfacing to mental state monitoring. J Neurosci
systems, and they are essential for the laboratory development Methods 167:82–90.
and optimization of better systems. They can also guide the Müller-Putz, G. R., R. Scherer, G. Pfurtscheller, and R. Rupp. 2006. Brain-
computer interfaces for control of neuroprostheses: from synchronous to
BCI user and the BCI system in optimizing the BCI’s recogni- asynchronous mode of operation. Biomed Technik 51(2):57–63.
tion and implementation of the user’s intent. At the same time, Nijboer F., N. Birbaumer, and A. Kübler. 2010. The influence of psychological
directed protocols may not provide perfect guidance to how state and motivation on brain-computer interface performance in patients
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—a longitudinal study. Front Neurosci.
BCIs will function in real-life operation when the user alone 21(4):55.
determines the correct output. Parra, L. C., C. D. Spence, A. D. Gerson, and P. Sajda. 2003. Response error
correction—a demonstration of improved human-machine performance
using real-time EEG monitoring. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng.
Pfurtscheller G., B. Z. Allison, C. Brunner, G. Bauernfeind, T. Solis-Escalante,
Allison, B.Z. (2009). The I of BCIs: Next generation interfaces for brain – R. Scherer, T. O. Zander, G. Mueller-Putz, C. Neuper, and N. Birbaumer.
computer interface systems that adapt to individual users. In: Human- 2010. The hybrid BCI. Front Neurosci 4:42.
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2010. BCI demographics: how many (and what kinds of) people can use an current projects. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 14:205–210.
SSVEP BCI? IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 18:107–116. Schalk, G., J. R. Wolpaw, D. J. McFarland, and G. Pfurtscheller. 2000. EEG-
Bayliss, J. D., A. S. Inverso, and A. Tentler. 2004. Changing the P300 brain based communication: presence of an error potential. Electroencephalogr
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Scherer, R., F. Lee, A. Schlögl, R. Leeb, H. Bischof, and G. Pfurtscheller. 2008. spectrum or steady-state visual evoked potentials. IEEE Trans Neural Syst
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1-D and 2-D cursor control: designs using volitional control of the EEG gram. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 11:204–207.

C H A P T E R 1 0 . B C I O P E R AT I N G P R O T O C O L S | 1 9 5
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he ultimate practical goal of most brain-computer inter- AT technology to those who need it. The basic principles and
faces (BCIs) is to operate devices that provide communi- clinical realities that have proven critical to development and
cation or control capacities to people with severe dissemination of conventional (i.e., muscle-based) AT are
disabilities. The device operated by a BCI is referred to as its equally relevant to BCI-based AT. Thus, they are emphasized
application. The application is not part of the BCI. It receives throughout this chapter.
the BCI’s output commands, and it converts these commands This chapter addresses BCI development and implementa-
into useful actions, thus making the BCI and the application tion as an exciting and potentially important new AT area.
together into a potentially powerful assistive device. Without a It has six major sections. The first section places BCIs in the
useful application, a BCI is an interesting research endeavor or context of AT and describes the target users. The second
conversation novelty of no practical value. Thus, a BCI’s appli- section examines the types of control schemes (i.e., goal selec-
cations are crucial to its utility and to its subsequent clinical tion versus process control) for BCI control of AT applications.
and commercial success. The third section considers the kinds of AT applications that
Hypothetical BCI applications, as presented in science fic- BCIs might operate. The fourth section discusses the most
tion books and films, range from living in alternate realities important factors involved in selecting and providing AT
(e.g., The Matrix, Warner Bros. Pictures 1999), to enhancing applications controlled by BCIs. The fifth section describes two
human abilities (Gibson 1984), to becoming a spaceship basic approaches to configuring BCI-controlled AT applica-
(McCaffrey 1969). Even in the scientific literature BCI studies tions (i.e., BCI/AT versus BCI+AT). Finally, the sixth section
have sometimes looked toward goals of these types as eventual discusses approaches to performance optimization.
future applications (e.g., Vidal 1973). The appeal of BCIs as
mainstream technologies, or at least as mainstream toys, is
apparent from the appearance in the news and at trade shows
of games or game controllers that claim brain signals as their
control source (e.g., Heingartner 2009; Twist 2004; Snider
2009). Advertisements for these products may evoke images of
using brain power to become super-human. An assistive technology (AT) is a device or procedure that
In reality, however, the limited capabilities that true BCIs bridges the gap between the physical (or cognitive) abilities of
can currently provide make them of interest mainly to people people with impairments and a function that they want to
with significant physical impairments. Many people with dis- perform. For example, a wheelchair provides mobility and
abilities already use assistive technology (AT) to provide acces- improves function for people who are otherwise unable to
sible interfaces with commercial devices that were not designed move around in their homes or communities by themselves.
with a disabled user in mind. For example, an AT can provide Likewise, a communication device that produces spoken words
an alternative interface to an existing technology (e.g., a head- can enable those who cannot speak to communicate with
controlled computer mouse) or it can provide alternative others, either face to face or by telephone.
methods of accomplishing a task (e.g., a wheelchair to provide AT typically uses a person’s remaining functional abilities
mobility). By either means, an AT restores function to people to replace lost or missing function. Thus, a manual wheelchair
with significant impairments by providing an alternative allows arm function to replace missing leg function, and a
method for task completion. Successful BCIs could signifi- head-controlled computer mouse allows head movement to
cantly extend the usefulness of AT and could allow it to serve replace hand function for mouse operation. AT for cognitive
people who cannot be adequately served by current AT devices, impairments typically relies on the physical ability to take notes
all of which depend in some measure on muscle control. or to access lists of instructions to overcome memory or other
As BCI researchers develop BCIs for everyday use by cognitive limitations. Since BCIs do not require physical move-
people with physical impairments, they should seek the ment, they have been proposed mainly for people with severe
involvement of experts who are experienced in evaluating and physical rather than cognitive impairments. In the future BCIs
meeting the needs of people with physical impairments. These might also prove useful to the much larger numbers of people
experts include prospective BCI users with personal experi- with less significant impairments who would benefit from an
ence of disability, as well as medical or AT experts who provide additional interface option for accessing technology. For example,

a person who operates a communication system using a switch America (RESNA), founded in 1981 (Cooper et al. 2007),
activated by muscle activity may find a BCI useful for operat- provides a meeting ground for researchers and clinicians in
ing environmental control of lights, temperature, or an enter- this field and can be a good resource for BCI researchers
tainment system. At this time, only one research group appears and developers. Graduate degrees in AT are available from a
to be exploring the use of BCIs to help people with cognitive number of institutions (www.resna.org; http://www.athenpro.
impairments (e.g., Hsiao et al. 2008; and see chapter 22 in this org/node/124). Further information on the evaluation of the
volume). abilities of people with physical impairments, on the prescrip-
A BCI might be integrated with an application so that tion of AT, and on comprehensive coverage of AT can be found
together they constitute a stand-alone AT device (referred to in Cook and Hussey (2002).
here as a BCI/AT device or system) that provides a specific
function (e.g., speaking phrases through a voice simulator).
Alternatively, a BCI might serve as a general-purpose or plug-
and-play interface that replaces standard physical interfaces P E O P L E W I T H T O TA L , C L A S S I C A L , O R
(e.g., a joystick or mouse) to operate existing AT applications INCOMPLETE LOCKED-IN SYNDROME
(e.g., a power wheelchair, a computer cursor, or a robotic arm). The choice of interface to operate an AT depends on the abili-
Such general-purpose or plug-and-play systems will be referred ties of the user. Interfaces for severely disabled users are usually
to in this chapter as BCI + AT devices or systems to distinguish driven by body motion, eye-blink, breath, myoelectric activity,
them from stand-alone BCI/AT systems. Whereas the stand- eye gaze, or voice. These modes of device control all require
alone BCI/AT option is limited to a single application (which it some degree of muscle activation and usually some actual
may perform very well), the plug-and-play BCI + AT option physical movement. Such conventional AT interface options
has more versatility (but may or may not perform as well for are accessible to anyone who can reliably make one of these or
each of its various possible applications). similar muscular actions. Nevertheless, some people are unable
Throughout the lengthy history of AT research and devel- to produce even the minimal muscle activations needed to
opment, numerous AT devices have been created. Most of control such conventional AT interfaces.
these can be easily configured to be controlled by muscle-based Given the limited capabilities of current BCIs, one logical
interfaces such as a switch, joystick, keyboard, or computer group of potential BCI users consists of people who are
mouse. The interface selected is matched to the user’s available unable to make any voluntary muscle activation and who thus
abilities. For example, a wheelchair can be driven by a joystick, may be described as having total locked-in syndrome (total LIS)
or by a keypad of small switches, or by a switch activated by (i.e., the inability to activate any muscle despite having ade-
breath control. Thus, AT can provide many useful functions quate cognitive function [see chapter 19 in this volume]).
to people who can produce even the simplest muscle activa- However, it is difficult to assess whether individuals with total
tion. In contrast, BCIs are intended primarily for people who LIS retain adequate levels of higher cortical function and
cannot produce such muscle actions or who cannot produce whether (and when) they are sufficiently alert to operate a BCI.
them consistently or reliably. If BCIs can provide the same Moreover, this profound level of immobility may make it dif-
standard outputs as switches, joysticks, keyboards, and com- ficult for these individuals to perceive a BCI display and may
puter mice, they can operate existing AT. A BCI with standard limit their ability to observe the output of a BCI’s operation.
outputs that could replace a USB keyboard, USB mouse, Such difficulties have not yet been thoroughly addressed in
joystick, or mechanical switch closure could be used to control research studies, and it is as yet unclear whether BCIs can be
many different devices. Table 11.1 lists some examples of useful to people with total LIS. Furthermore, total LIS appears
existing AT devices that might be controlled by a plug-and- to be quite rare (although it may sometimes be misdiagnosed
play BCI. as coma).
As BCIs move toward clinical use to directly benefit people Total LIS should be distinguished from the more common
with physical impairments, their development will benefit syndromes classical LIS and incomplete LIS (see chapter 19, this
from the input of people trained in AT. AT development and volume). Classical LIS is defined as total immobility, but with
implementation are areas of rehabilitation engineering that retention of vertical eye movements and blinking as well as
meld engineering and medical knowledge about disability. AT EEG evidence of undisturbed cortical function (Bauer et al.
is a well-established component of patient care and has a 1979) (see chapter 19, this volume). In contrast to the case for
lengthy history, a large literature, and a corps of trained per- people with total LIS, people with classical LIS can be assessed
sonnel who can be of great use to BCI researchers. Working in for cognitive capacity and alertness because they usually retain
conjunction with physicians, physical and occupational thera- some limited communication ability (i.e., via eye movements).
pists, and speech-language pathologists, AT personnel have People with incomplete LIS retain remnants of voluntary move-
experience in evaluating the needs of and current abilities of ment, such as a finger twitch. Total LIS, classical LIS, and
people with disabilities and in determining their options for incomplete LIS may result from any of a number of disorders
interfacing with technology. Thus, AT service providers can or events, including brainstem stroke, advanced amyotrophic
assist in designing BCIs to meet the needs of people with phys- lateral sclerosis (ALS) (Hayashi and Oppenheimer 2003),
ical impairments, and they are well positioned to compare trauma (Bauer et al. 1979; Katz et al. 1992), tumor (Bauer et al.
BCI performance with that of other options. The Rehabilitation 1979), viral infection (Katz et al. 1992), or severe cerebral palsy
Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North (Neuper et al., 2003) (see chapter 19, this volume).

198 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
TA B L E 1 1 . 1 Different types of AT devices that could be operated by a BCI using switch, USB-mouse, or USB keyboard interfacing;
short examples of features and performance enhancement features are provided



Vantage1 AAC* C,P** C,P Pictorial based Icon prediction

DynaWrite2 AAC C,P C,P Text-based, stand-alone Word prediction,


Imperium3 ECS C ECS nested menus

Relax II4 ECS C ECS simple menu

DynaVox Vmax5, AAC, ECS, C C Comprehensive communication, Word/Icon

Prentke Romich ECO2,6 CA computer access and prediction, stored
Tobii C127 environmental control systems text
with many input methods

Wivik8 CA C,P C,P C,P Speech output Word prediction,


WordQ9 CA C,P Word prediction

DASHER10 CA C C,P Unique time-dependent mouse- Unique word

based text entry prediction features

REACH Interface AAC, CA C,P C,P C,P Text based, computer based Word prediction,
Author11 Smart key

Cowriter12 CA P P Word prediction

PointSmart13 CA P Gravity effect

Assistive Mouse CA P Tremor reduction


Smart Mustang M P Line following and

Motorized Wheelchair15 obstacle avoidance
Prentke Romich Company, Wooster, OH.
DynaVox Mayer-Johnson, Pittsburgh, PA.
Tash, Inc, Richmond, VA.
Tash, Inc, Richmond, VA.
DynaVox Mayer-Johnson, Pittsburgh, PA.
Prentke Romich Company, Wooster, OH.
Tobii Technology AB, Danderyd, Sweden.
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital; Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
GoQ Software, Dover, NH.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Applied Human Factors, Inc., Helotes, TX.
Don Johnston Incorporated, Volo, IL.
Infogrip, Inc, Ventura, CA.
Montrose Secam Limited, Iver, Bucks, UK.
Smile Rehab Ltd, Newbury, Berkshire, UK.
* AT Categories: AAC—Augmentative and Alternative Communication; ECS—Environmental Control System; CA—Computer Access, M—Mobility (but note associated safety issues).
** “C” indicates appropriate for control by that type of BCI. “P” indicates the presence of potentially beneficial performance enhancement features.

PEOPLE WITH SOME RESIDUAL function (and especially those whose remaining muscle func-
MOTOR FUNCTION tion is unreliable or easily fatigued), who are potentially the
From the AT perspective, people with classical LIS or incom- greatest beneficiaries of current BCIs. At the same time, because
plete LIS are part of a larger population consisting of people these people do have some muscle function, BCIs may be com-
who have lost all useful muscle function except for very limited peting with a considerable range of conventional muscle-based
and focal control (e.g., limited eye movements, slight twitches AT devices. Thus, although conventional AT cannot help people
of a muscle, imprecise control of a head-pointing device). It is with total LIS, it is frequently able to help people who have
this population, people with very little remaining muscle minimal movement capability, including those with classical

C H A P T E R 1 1 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S | 1 9 9
LIS or incomplete LIS. For example, residual eye movements with ECOpoint, Prentke Romich Co., Wooster, OH; DynaVox
or tiny muscle twitches can be used to operate a switch. In fact, EyeMax, DynaVox Mayer-Johnson, Pittsburgh, PA). Such sys-
any trace movement can be used to communicate yes/no tems can provide all these functions through touch-screen,
(either through technology or to an observant communication switch-scanning, head-movement, or eye-gaze interfaces. For
partner). A simple yes/no response can enable a surprisingly many people with advanced ALS, BCIs do not as yet provide
complex array of communication capabilities when combined enough additional function to be preferred over these other
either with technology that fulfills the same purpose or with a methods. However, BCIs should enable them to continue to
partner who presents options one at a time. communicate as their disease progresses and as their other
A low-technology but effective method of communication (muscle-based) capabilities diminish. Indeed, some people
is manual scan using a communication board that includes let- with ALS have chosen to try a BCI and use it regularly in prep-
ters, common sentences, and/or words. This technology aration for their anticipated eventual loss of muscle function.
requires a communication partner who points to each item on For the small number of people with total LIS, BCIs may be
the board and waits for a yes/no response that may be given the only option. However, for the much larger group of people
with minimal muscle movement (e.g., eye blink or change of who retain minimal muscle function (i.e., those who can use
gaze direction) to indicate what the user wants to communi- other AT), BCIs can serve as a useful alternative interface that
cate. The communication partner can speed communication may replace a muscle-based interface when muscles fatigue or
by guessing at word or sentence completion and getting a yes/ become unreliable. Thus, BCIs will compete with other AT
no confirmation on the guess. Although labor-intensive for the interfaces operated by muscle function. To compete success-
communication partner, this communication method has fully, they must provide significant added capability. It is
proven successful and has been used even for large projects expected that as research and development advance and gener-
(the best known being Jean-Dominique Bauby’s writing of his ate more powerful, convenient, and robust BCI systems, these
book The Diving Bell and the Butterfly [Bauby 1997]). Such use improved BCIs should become useful for the large number of
of manual scan with a communication partner can enable people with severe disabilities who are now served by many
communication, but the reliance on the communication part- different conventional AT interfaces.
ner may shape or direct the content of the communication. The
user cannot communicate independently; rather, communica-
T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F A U S E R - O R I E N T E D
tion is the product of a duet involving user and partner, and the
speed of communication will depend on the familiarity of the
communication partners and the complexity of the topic. AT For BCIs to compete successfully for users both now and in the
that replaces the need for a communication partner can pro- future and to provide additional benefits beyond conventional
vide independence in communication. The restoration of some AT, BCI researchers and developers must employ a user-
measure of independence is often very important and highly oriented approach to system design. Ultimately, the choice
desirable to people with very limited useful muscle control. between a muscle-based interface and a BCI will depend on
(On the other hand, reducing or replacing the need for a com- the capabilities and priorities of individual users as well as
munication partner also reduces the immediate social interac- on the speed, accuracy, and convenience that each type of
tion of communication, which the user may also value.) interface provides.
With appropriate conventional (i.e., muscle-based) AT, a
selection can be made using any muscle contraction or physi- USER-SELECTED GOALS
cal movement of which the user is capable. Options from which In all areas of life, people are generally most successful at, and
a user selects can be presented as either visual or audio prompts. most eager to engage in, the activities that they themselves
The number of functions that an AT user can control with even want to do. Young children may excel at remembering the
a single switch is manifold and is limited only by budget, by the names of their favorite dinosaurs but cannot remember the
user’s tolerance for the complexity of the interface and the gen- names of the continents. Adults put off starting tedious proj-
erally slow rate of control, and by the support system available ects. Likewise, people with physical impairments are more
for acquiring, customizing, and maintaining the technology. likely to use AT if the task that it enables is one that they value
Communication rate can be increased by a predictive system and desire. Indeed, one of the primary factors responsible for
that includes spelling and natural-language semantic predic- abandonment of AT is the lack of consideration of the user’s
tion of word order. In addition, a communication system can desires during device (i.e., application) selection (Brown-Triolo
speak aloud the user’s selections. An AT controlled by a single 2002). In developing useful BCIs, we must be sure that they
switch can also operate an environmental-control system that provide people with the applications they want in order to
allows the user to perform such tasks as turning on the radio or meet their own personal goals. People with physical impair-
television, changing channels, and even adjusting the tempera- ments are as diverse as those without physical impairments,
ture in the room. and their personalities, goals, and dreams are as varied. The
For people with advanced ALS, AT controlled by commer- uses to which they want to put an AT device, whether BCI-
cially available systems using eye gaze or a switch operated by controlled or not, are often surprising and depend on person-
residual muscle activity is currently able to provide communi- ality, individual life experiences, and desires. Although the
cation, computer access, and control of the environment (e.g., extent of disability is unavoidably a limiting factor, with suffi-
Tobii C12, Tobii Technology AB, Danderyd, Sweden; ECO2 cient motivation and support, many activities are available for

200 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
people with significant physical impairments. With appropri- The support essential for use of AT extends beyond the
ate AT, a person with tetraplegia since childhood may still pilot physical tasks of setup and equipment maintenance. For face-
a sailboat, and someone with a double amputation of the lower to-face conversation, it is generally necessary to have willing
limbs may still engage in downhill skiing. conversation partners who will persevere in the face of the
A survey of 63 people with ALS showed that, among all slow communication rates that BCI-controlled communica-
areas of potential AT use, they placed highest priority on com- tion systems typically provide. Such systems will be used only
munication (Gruis et al., 2011). Thus, it is expected that many if the user has good opportunities to talk, people to talk to, and
potential BCI users will value communication applications things to talk about. Thus, family members, friends, and
(e.g., interacting with people directly, reading and writing acquaintances may need to act as enablers who provide oppor-
emails, accessing the internet, participating in telephone calls). tunities for use of BCI-controlled AT. Successful use of BCI-
They may want to have independent control of some form of controlled AT therefore requires adequate training not only in
entertainment (e.g., television, music, or books). Other users the obvious areas of BCI setup, maintenance, and trouble-
may most highly value activities such as maintaining current shooting, but also in less obvious areas such as communication
employment, or writing memoirs, books, or articles. For poten- strategies and BCI usage opportunities. AT professionals
tial users whose life expectancy permits long-term goals, the experienced in the use of alternative and augmentative com-
focus may expand beyond basic computer access and control munication devices can be a great resource in designing, plan-
of the environment to include educational and vocational ning, and implementing such training so that the BCI succeeds
goals. Thus, BCIs and their AT applications should be aimed at in improving the user’s quality of life.
serving these and other purposes important to their users, and
they should be easily configurable to serve the particular goals C O N S I D E R AT I O N O F U S E R R O U T I N E
of each user. AND PREFERENCES
Setup Time
A P P R O P R I AT E T R A I N I N G A N D If a BCI-controlled AT system is to be successfully adopted
S U P P O RT S T R U C T U R E as an integral part of a person’s communication and control
Successful use of any AT depends on user acceptance. User strategy, its use must fit within the user’s daily routine. While a
acceptance must be accompanied by adequate user training 15–20 minute setup time may seem like a small price to pay for
and by the presence of an appropriate support structure. The BCI use over many hours, this may be unacceptable in a rou-
importance of these factors is often not adequately appreciated. tine that may already require up to two hours for basic daily
AT devices are frequently provided without any training in activities such as bathing, dressing, toileting, taking medicines,
their use. For example, a wheelchair may simply be given to a acquiring nutrition (possibly through a feeding tube), transfer-
person’s spouse to take home without basic instructions in how ring into a wheelchair, and adjusting the seating system
the user gets in and out or navigates around obstacles. Sometimes for optimal comfort. For an EEG-based BCI, the ease with
expensive augmentative communication devices are provided or which the electrodes can be applied and removed will be a
obtained without provision for training the intended user or consideration, as will any BCI-related additional daily hygiene,
caregiver in how to use the device or customize the vocabulary. such as washing electrode gel from the hair. For a person in
In such cases, the devices may be used very little or not at all. a wheelchair or for someone who uses a ventilator, washing
Although the nature of BCI technology makes the need for out the electrode gel may be a significant challenge, although
user training obvious, it may be less apparent that caregivers a dry shampoo can facilitate this task. (The inconvenience of
also need significant training. Caregivers are normally respon- the electrode gel is one of the major reasons for the desirability
sible for daily AT setup and routine maintenance, and this is of dry electrodes; see chapter 6, this volume.) Similarly, for
equally true for BCI-operated AT. A user may have several BCIs that use implanted recording arrays, a requirement
caregivers who differ in their levels of technical competence for daily calibration may constitute an impediment to user
and comfort. For an EEG-based BCI to be successful, the care- acceptance.
givers must have basic computer skills and be sufficiently Fatigue may also be a factor for users with particular disor-
trained and detail oriented to ensure that electrode placement ders (e.g., people with ALS who often need to rest after com-
and impedance are appropriate and that the electrodes are ade- pleting their morning routine); any need for additional rest
quately cleaned on a regular basis. Without attention to such may increase the perceived cost of BCI setup time. Thus, fac-
requirements, successful BCI use is not possible. tors that can reduce BCI setup time may be of paramount
Most often, one or two caregivers or family members take importance to the successful integration of BCIs into people’s
the responsibility for setup and maintenance of an AT. daily lives.
Therefore, an individual’s routine use of an AT device, whether
operated by a conventional interface or by a BCI, can be Appearance
affected by the caregivers’ schedules. Caregiver turnover can Acceptance of BCI technology may also depend on the
also be an issue, because new caregivers must be trained when- BCI’s appearance. The electrode caps currently used with EEG-
ever an old caregiver leaves. If a caregiver is unwilling or unable based BCIs are obvious. Whereas some users with few other
to perform the routine tasks and to troubleshoot any unex- interface options may not be concerned about their appear-
pected malfunctions, the caregiver can effectively prevent ance while using a BCI, others may still consider this an impor-
successful AT use by even the most eager user. tant issue. For people with less severe impairments who have a

C H A P T E R 1 1 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S | 2 0 1
wider range of AT options available and who may lead less caregiver acceptance of an AT device.) Although the issue of
sequestered lives, BCI acceptance may depend in considerable inadvertent activations is of particular importance for BCIs,
part on their appearance when they are using the BCI. it is often overlooked, probably because the devices that most
of us use in our everyday lives are not linked to such small
Portability movements and are therefore not as susceptible to inadvertent
BCI portability is another often overlooked factor that may activations.
be essential for clinical and commercial success. For some Each BCI application will have a particular cost associated
users, the ability to communicate outside the home may be with inadvertent activations. For some applications, the conse-
exceedingly important. Accurate communication during med- quences are simply annoying or inconvenient (e.g, calling
ical appointments can be a matter of life and death. Participation a nurse or caregiver unnecessarily) or frustrating (e.g, choos-
in community activities such as religious services, family sport- ing incorrect letters in spelling). For other applications, inad-
ing events, or hobby clubs may be key factors in an individual’s vertent activations may place the user or others at risk (e.g,
quality of life. BCI-based communication outside the confines rolling a wheelchair down a staircase or into another person).
of the controlled home environment presents additional chal- Furthermore, users’ sensitivity to inadvertent activations may
lenges to BCI development because unpredictable environ- depend on the situation. When actively using a BCI, the user
ments can interfere with signal recording (e.g., electrical noise recognizes personal involvement in errors that occur and may
associated with power lines, elevators, automatic door openers, therefore have a relatively high tolerance for the occasional
and many other devices that may produce recording artifacts; inadvertent output. In contrast, during no-control periods (see
see chapter 7, this volume). As users come to rely on BCIs as an chapter 10) (especially those during which a sleep mode of
extension of themselves and as a primary means of communi- some sort has been activated in the BCI), the user may be much
cation, they will expect to be able to use their BCI systems less tolerant of inadvertent BCI output because such errors will
wherever they go and with unfamiliar conversation partners. be perceived as solely the fault of the BCI. Furthermore, such
Thus, BCIs for use outside the home must be portable, must errors may entail an inordinate drain on time and energy for
have a setup time short enough to enable setup after transport, the user or a caregiver to undo their effects. Reliable avoidance
and must be sufficiently robust to operate reliably in a wide of such errors may be a key factor in ensuring user (and care-
variety of complex environments. giver) acceptance of BCI-controlled AT devices.
If BCIs are to move beyond the laboratory and become Avoiding inadvertent activation is particularly critical for a
useful AT devices for people with significant motor impair- BCI, because the user is generally always in contact with the
ments, they must serve each user’s most important purposes, BCI once it is set up. Only a few BCI studies (e.g., Birch et al.
they must be adequately supported and easily integrated into 2003) have begun to explore this issue despite its high impor-
the user’s life, and they should be portable and robust enough tance in practical settings. As discussed in detail in chapter 10,
to function in a variety of environments. if the BCI uses an asynchronous operating protocol, it must
determine from brain activity alone whether the user is intend-
ing control or is, instead, engaged in some other task (e.g.,
thinking, composing text, watching TV, sleeping, etc.).
Conventional AT interfaces for people who have extreme func- Even for the synchronous BCIs now beginning to be pro-
tional disabilities are particularly susceptible to inadvertent vided to users, the problem of inadvertent activations remains.
device activations (i.e., unintended outputs) because these Solutions are cumbersome. For example, in use of a P300-
interfaces are designed to detect very small movements or tiny based keyboard, one approach to minimizing inadvertent
physiological signals that are not typically used for device con- activation is for the user to activate a sleep-mode or pause
trol. AT interfaces particularly likely to produce such inadver- function, during which the system recognizes that it should
tent activations include pressure switches, accelerometers, and ignore signals. Once in this sleep mode, the only option avail-
electromyographic (EMG) switches (activated by the electrical able is to exit the sleep mode; this operation typically requires
activity of a muscle). As discussed further in chapter 10, BCIs the user to activate the “restart” option twice in succession.
too must avoid inadvertent activations. A user who wishes to take only a short break to think of the
Inadvertent activations are an important issue because they next word to type may be frustrated by having to make three
are one of the most frequent causes for abandonment of AT selections to do so (i.e., one to stop the BCI and two to restart
devices. For example, so that they are able to call a nurse inde- it). Accurate automated recognition of a no-control state would
pendently, hospital intensive-care patients may be given a be highly beneficial, especially since such states (e.g., brief day-
switch that uses a small motor action such as wrinkling the dreaming) may occur transiently even when a user is actively
forehead if no other voluntary movement is available. If the engaged in using the BCI.
switch repeatedly calls the nurse when the patient does not
intend to do so, the staff may decide to remove the device (and
presumably check on the patient more frequently). In this case, CONTROL SCHEMES: MATCHING BCIs
although the patient might be able to learn to perform the fore- WITH APPLICATIONS
head movements reliably enough to use the switch effectively,
the device would be abandoned before this learning can take The function of a BCI application is to accomplish the user’s
place. (This example also further illustrates the importance of intent (i.e., goal), whether it is to spell letters, to control the

202 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
room environment, or to move objects with the hand of a A TV Kitchen Kitchen B
robotic arm. In developing a BCI for use with a specific appli- Table Door
Computer Bathroom Picture
cation, it is essential to ensure that the BCI is compatible with Window
the application. A particular BCI should be matched with the Bedroom Living Front
application only after considering both the BCI’s characteris- room Door

tics and capabilities (e.g., operating protocol and output type,

Figure 11.1 Possible control interfaces for driving a wheelchair. (A) A goal-
system speed, accuracy, reliability) and those of the application selection interface provides single selection destinations, but limited options.
(e.g., its degree of automation, the nature of the action it It relies on automation for safety and task completion. (B) A process-control
produces). interface provides directional control but requires multiple selections to reach a
The application’s operation has three principal elements: destination. It could incorporate automatic hazard detection for safety.

• The command that the BCI provides to the

application. This is the output of the BCI and
the input to the application, and it can be either application which destination to go to. Figure 11.1B shows five
a goal-selection command or a process-control possible wheelchair directions (Forward, Backward, Right,
command. Left, Stop). In this case, the BCI sends a series of process-
control commands that step-by-step move the wheelchair to
• The conversion of the BCI’s command(s) into the desired destination.
the application’s action. This conversion can be From both the user’s and BCI’s perspective, goal selection
either direct or indirect. is generally easier than process control because the achieve-
• The action that the application produces. This is ment of the goal, which may involve complex high-speed inter-
the output of the application and it actions (e.g., fig. 1.6 in chapter 1), is handled by the application.
accomplishes the user’s goal. It can be either Well-functioning goal selection can provide faster, more natu-
discrete or continuous or both. ral control. Indeed, as discussed in chapter 1 of this volume,
goal selection may be more closely aligned to the way in which
The options for these elements, with their principal advantages the nervous system normally behaves (i.e., motor control is
and disadvantages, are discussed in this section. Appropriate normally distributed across multiple levels of the CNS rather
matching of the BCI to the application is critical for ensuring than micromanaged by the cortex itself). However, goal selec-
that the application’s action accomplishes the user’s intent. tion may limit the flexibility and usefulness of the application
(e.g., in fig. 11.1A, only nine destinations are possible).
Furthermore, goal-selection may place high demands on the
T H E B C I ’ S C O M M A N D T O T H E A P P L I C AT I O N :
application device, which is expected to automate the accom-
plishment of the user’s goal. For applications such as robotic
The output of the BCI is a command that serves as the input to arm control, or even wheelchair movement, sophisticated
the application. This command is generally expressed as a spe- high-speed automation is important. Poor automation can
cific voltage. This voltage might have a specific set of possible frustrate the user, especially if the automation misses an obvi-
values (e.g., –2, –1, 0, +1, +2), or it might be capable of having ous solution or is unable to adapt to different circumstances
any value within a specific range of values (e.g., –5 to +5). (It (e.g., an obstacle necessitating a different movement path).
should be noted that all outputs provided by digital hardware Poor automation can even be dangerous if it does not recog-
are, technically, discrete values; however, their typically high- nize important safety concerns (e.g., in piloting a wheelchair
resolution [e.g., 16- or 32-bit] ensures that BCI commands near a staircase).
can effectively assume any value.) From the application’s perspective, process control is often
The command from the BCI to the application can be in easier than goal selection because the BCI tells it exactly what
the form of either goal selection or process control (see chapters to do to achieve the user’s goal. Process control may also be
1 and 10 in this volume; see fig. 1.6, this volume). A goal- better able to accommodate a wider variety of goals and may
selection command simply tells the application what the user’s adapt more easily to different situations or unexpected events
goal is (e.g., a voltage of –1, or a voltage that falls between 0 and (e.g., an obstacle in the way of a movement, a heavier object to
–1, might correspond to a particular goal, such as a specific be lifted). Process control may increase the flexibility of func-
desired location of the user’s wheelchair). The application’s task tion and decrease the automation necessary in the application.
is then to perform the action that achieves the goal. In contrast, On the other hand, it may also require considerably greater
a process-control command does not tell the application what speed and complexity in the BCI’s output, and thus it can
the goal is; rather, it tells the application what to do to achieve place greater demands on both the user and the BCI. For
the goal (e.g., a specific voltage would correspond to a move- example, process control of a robotic arm would require the
ment of the wheelchair in a specific direction). Figure 11.1 user and the BCI to support the complex high-speed multijoint
illustrates these two different kinds of BCI commands for an interactions that goal selection would otherwise delegate to the
application that drives a wheelchair. Figure 11.1A shows application. In practice, applications that combine goal-
nine possible wheelchair destinations, that is, nine possible selection and process-control commands could be good
goals. The BCI sends a goal-selection command that tells the options: goal selection commands could allow the application

C H A P T E R 1 1 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S | 2 0 3
to handle basic components of an action, while process-control indirect selection methods such as Morse code have been
commands might be used to provide increased precision shown to outperform more modern direct-selection methods
or adaptation to changing circumstances. For example, goal such as text messaging [Henderson 2005].) On the other hand,
selection might move the hand of a robotic arm to a specific for applications such as robotic-arm control, indirect selection
location, and process control might control the action the hand places high demands on both the user and the BCI.
performs (e.g., button push, full hand grasp, thumb-finger Direct and indirect selection may also be used in combina-
pinch, finger point, etc.). tion if a user desires more selections than can be provided with
direct selection. Direct selection can allow quick access to
the most frequent selections, whereas indirect selection can
make less frequent selections available (e.g., by using matrix
I N T O T H E A P P L I C AT I O N ’ S A C T I O N :
items that lead to submatrices). A cell phone provides a good
example of combined direct and indirect selection. It has a
In accord with terminology developed in the AT literature, an keypad for direct selection of numbers (the most common
application can convert the BCI’s commands into the action selections), but also, with labels on specific numbers, provides
that achieves the user’s goal either directly or indirectly (Cook indirect access to letters, punctuation, and symbols. Whereas
and Hussey 2002). In direct selection, a goal-selection command direct-selection interfaces may make all the selections visible,
is converted into the action. In indirect selection, a series of thereby minimizing memory requirements, indirect selection
process-control commands produces the action. often involves the additional cognitive load of recalling a
Figure 11.2A illustrates a direct selection. A P300-based BCI code or a sequence of actions in order to perform the desired
(see chapter 12, this volume) presents the letters of the alphabet selection.
in a matrix and enables the user to choose among them. The
BCI command indicates to the application the letter chosen by
T H E A P P L I C AT I O N ’ S A C T I O N :
the user, and the application simply displays that letter on the
screen, adds it to a document in progress, and so forth. As illus-
trated here, direct selection can be fast and easy for the user and The action is the final outcome of the user’s expression of intent
the BCI, and thus it is often preferable if it can encompass through the BCI and the application. This action can be dis-
an adequate array of possible actions. On the other hand, for crete (e.g., selecting a letter), or continuous (e.g., wheelchair
applications such as robotic arm control, direct selection may movement to a location), or both (e.g., continuous cursor
entail a high degree of automation in the application. movement followed by discrete icon selection). Both discrete
Figure 11.2B illustrates an indirect selection. To spell a letter, and continuous actions can be produced by either goal-
the user first chooses among three groups of letters, then selection or process-control commands from the BCI. For
among subgroups of the group chosen, and finally among the example, a discrete letter selection might be produced by a
letters of the subgroup. Thus, the BCI sends three commands to P300-based BCI that gives a goal-selection command to choose
the application for each letter that the application produces. a given matrix item, or by an SMR-based BCI that gives a series
Morse code is an example of indirect selection: a dot or a dash of process-control commands that move a cursor to the letter.
is itself meaningless, but three dots mean selection of the letter A continuous wheelchair movement to a location might be
S and three dashes mean selection of the letter O. A P300-based produced by a P300-based BCI that gives a series of goal-
BCI can also provide indirect selection when, for example, its selection commands (e.g., move forward one meter, turn
matrix includes icons that lead to new matrices that provide 90 degrees to the right, etc.) that move the wheelchair to the
the user with further options. When used appropriately, indi- location, or by an SMR-based BCI that gives a series of pro-
rect selection can be very efficient and powerful. It can allow cess-control commands (a succession of two-dimensional
simple “yes/no” or “0/1” BCI output commands to produce a movements [i.e., Δx1Δy1, Δx2Δy2, etc.]) that move the wheel-
theoretically unlimited number of different actions. (In fact, chair to the location.


L M N O P Q A-C D-F G-I UNDO The potential applications of BCIs are limited only by the
R S T U V W imagination. As BCI researchers develop BCIs to control vari-
X Y Z . , G H I UNDO ous applications, it is essential that they keep in mind the pur-
poses that the application serves for the users and the other AT
Figure 11.2 (A) A direct-selection interface by which the letter H can be selected options that are already available to them. If BCIs are to become
with a single action. With this interface, the user must be able to accurately widely accepted and used by large numbers of people, they will
select one of 30 options. 䉳 indicates a backspace selection. (B) An interface
not be used in isolation but instead will be part of a suite of AT
using indirect selection that requires three steps to select the letter H. Each
row illustrates a single selection step offering four options. For the purpose of
devices employed by people with a variety of abilities and
this illustration, the correct option is in boldface. The UNDO command would impairments. Table 11.1 gives examples of some existing AT
return the user to the previous selection step in case a mistake is made. devices that could be controlled by a BCI. The applications

204 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
described in this section are within the realm of possibility communication encompasses a range of communication
with the current state of BCI performance or should be achiev- modalities, from no technology to high technology, with each
able in the foreseeable future. We will review the categories of modality serving a particular purpose or being preferred under
BCI AT applications from two perspectives: that of the user particular circumstances. For the current target population of
and that of the developer of the technology. BCI users, who have extremely significant disabilities, BCIs
may constitute their only modality. However, many potential
users still have a reliable way of signaling Yes/No with a
THE USER’S PERSPECTIVE: FUNCTIONS familiar communication partner, and together with this part-
T H AT B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S C O U L D P R O V I D E ner, they might even be able to carry out letterboard-based
communication. For these users the BCI can restore indepen-
From the user’s perspective, BCI-controlled AT applications
dent communication and/or enable more detailed and efficient
can be classified based on the functions that they support.
communication on topics of the user’s choice, as well as
These include primarily:
communication with unfamiliar or distant partners (e.g., via
email). Moreover, a BCI-controlled AT application could be
• communication
valuable to users of muscle-based AT applications when muscle
• mobility fatigue occurs.
As with all AAC methods, the role that a BCI AAC applica-
• activities of daily living.
tion plays within the spectrum of a user’s communication
options will be affected by the time and energy associated with
C O M M U N I C AT I O N its setup and use. To take a non-BCI example, a person with
Communication is usually the highest-priority need for people quadriplegia may use writing sticks (essentially pencils attached
who have lost the ability to communicate. A person who is able to the hands) for short projects such as email, but may use a
to communicate can generate personal care, environmental computer-based voice recognition system for longer projects.
control, mobility, and most other capabilities by asking others For short projects the loss in typing efficiency with the sticks is
to perform these tasks on one’s behalf. Thus, communication offset by avoiding the annoyance of donning the voice-input
has generally been the first application to which BCIs have microphone headset and having to speak aloud each word and
been put (e.g. Kuebler et al. 1999; Farwell and Donchin 1988; punctuation mark with minimal inflection. For longer projects
Kennedy et al. 2000; Wolpaw et al. 1998). the gain in speed provided by the voice input system justifies the
Among AT professionals, the term augmentative and alter- time and energy needed for its setup and use. For the same rea-
native communication (AAC) is used for the special function sons BCI methods that minimize setup time and maximize effi-
of providing communication. AAC services are frequently ciency will achieve wider acceptance and more extensive use.
provided by teams of AT professionals, including speech- Even then, they may still not be preferred for every situation.
language pathologists. Conferences devoted to AAC or orga-
nized by users of AAC meet nationally and internationally MOBILITY
(e.g., http://www.aacinstitute.org/; http://www.isaac-online. Mobility is a key factor in independence and therefore a func-
org/en/home.shtml). tion that is highly valued by many potential BCI users. In a
Communication encompasses not only standard verbal survey of people with ALS conducted by Huggins et al. (2011),
conversation but also preparation of written statements that interest in BCI-based operation was high for all kinds of AT
can be delivered immediately or later through a text-to-speech applications, but power-wheelchair operation tended to gener-
device or as preprogrammed text. Communication can also ate more interest than other noncommunication tasks (Huggins
occur through a sequence of symbols or pictures that have et al., 2011). Mobility encompasses several categories of abili-
meaning to both communication partners. Communication ties: the ability to adjust body position while sitting or lying
software programs can increase the rate and efficiency of com- down (e.g., for comfort, line of sight, pressure relief, respira-
munication by using core vocabularies combined with auto- tion, or other aspects of health); the ability to move about
matic text-to-speech conversion, word prediction, prestored within the living quarters; and the ability to leave the living
text, or semantic expansion of picture sequences into text or quarters and travel in the community. The provision of wheel-
verbal statements. Thus, computer-based communication sys- chairs, alternative seating options, and other body-positioning
tems may speed the production of text, allow preparation of capacities is another specialty area within the field of AT
text for later delivery, or translate symbolic communication (http://www.iss.pitt.edu).
into text or speech. These capabilities are important since com- Since AT devices for mobility can be operated by joystick,
munication ability encompasses the ability to communicate switch, or scanning controls, they could presumably also be
not only with familiar partners but also with unfamiliar part- operated by BCIs. Thus, BCIs might serve as interfaces to any
ners who may not understand the abbreviations or shortcuts of the systems that operate adjustable beds, seating systems,
known to familiar partners (Hidecker et al. 2008). power wheelchairs, and adapted driving systems, and could
Because AAC professionals often recommend multiple thereby provide a range of mobility functions. Several projects
modes of communication for those who need AAC services, for BCI control of wheelchairs are already underway (e.g.,
BCIs might serve a useful communication role even if a Galan et al. 2008; Leeb et al. 2007). However, whereas errors in
user has other options for communication. Multimodal communication may be undesirable and frustrating, errors in

C H A P T E R 1 1 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S | 2 0 5
mobility control can be dangerous. The risks of errors while and for functioning without constant supervision, BCI reliabil-
driving a motor vehicle or even a wheelchair are obvious. In ity will be a key factor in ensuring acceptability and safety.
addition, for a person with reduced respiratory capacity,
fatal consequences could result simply from getting stuck in a
T H E D E V E L O P E R ’ S P E R S P E C T I V E : T Y P E S O F AT
completely horizontal position, thereby increasing respiratory
load (Allen et al. 1985; Blair and Hickam 1955). Thus, safety
considerations are paramount in any type of AT mobility Since BCIs are by definition interfaces, they might simply
application. In situations in which incorrect or inadvertent replace the muscle-based interfaces that traditionally control
commands could pose dangers, BCI accuracy and reliability AT applications. Thus, it is also appropriate to classify BCI-
will be critically important. To help manage these risks, it will controlled applications in the same way that applications
be important to incorporate appropriate safety technology operated by other AT interfaces are classified. From the tech-
such as sensors that detect and prevent unsafe conditions nological perspective, possible BCI-controlled AT applications
(e.g., as in obstacle-avoiding wheelchairs [Simpson 2005]). The can thus be classified as:
use of many mobility applications will involve accommoda-
tions to the physical parameters of the device (e.g., size, weight), • switch-activated AT
timing considerations based on movement speed, and con-
• computer access (typing and mouse emulation)
sideration of the frequency and severity of hazards in the
environment. • robotics
• functional electrical stimulation (FES)
Although communication is the primary function enabling • prosthesis control
self-determination, the ability to perform activities of daily
living (ADLs) provides a measure of independence and corre- S W I T C H - A C T I VAT E D AT
spondingly a feeling of not being a burden to others. Different Simple two-state, or binary, switches (i.e., “on/off ” or “Yes/
cultures place different levels of importance on independence. No”) are a powerful AT tool for enabling people with the most
Cultural background, interpersonal relationships, and per- severe impairments. Such switches can either be momentary
sonal experience help to determine the priority a particular (producing only a short-duration output after a single activa-
user places on independence in ADLs and help to determine tion) or latched (remaining on or off until activated again). An
which ADLs are considered most important. ADLs encompass AT system operated by a single switch can provide access to
self-care tasks such as eating, dressing, and toileting, as well as numerous functions, limited only by the maximum length and
many of the functions frequently included in the term environ- complexity of the switching sequence that the user is willing to
mental control (e.g., room temperature and lighting). The field tolerate. In communication devices, single switches are most
of neuroprosthetics also includes ADL applications such as often used to operate AT with either scanning or coded access
bowel and bladder control and restoration of sexual function (Cook and Hussey 2002). In scanning, possible selections are
(Hamid and Hayek 2008). The ability to independently per- presented or highlighted sequentially. When the selection
form a key set of ADLs (along with the ability to summon desired by the user is offered, the user activates the switch and
assistance in an emergency) can often enable people with the selection is made. Choosing a selection can then result in
severe disabilities to live independently, supported by external generation of a spoken word or a sentence (for communica-
assistance only at strategic times during the day (e.g., for rising tion), turning on a light or TV (for environmental control),
and retiring, meals, and medications). typing a character, word, or sentence (for computer access and
Environmental-control tasks are frequently well suited to communication), or choosing a seating system adjustment (for
the modest information-transfer rates of current BCIs, since a mobility). In some cases selections are grouped so that a
small amount of information can often adjust the environment sequence of selections is necessary to produce a desired output.
in ways that do not then need to be modified very often (e.g., For example, a user may first select a device (e.g., TV) and then
temperature, lights). At the same time this means that suppres- select the command for the device (e.g., next channel). Directed
sion of inadvertent activations is extremely important. scanning allows the user to employ multiple switches to steer
Although BCI users may be quite satisfied to spend two min- the direction of the scan and then select the desired item. This
utes selecting a TV channel, they will be dissatisfied if an unin- is similar to using keyboard arrow keys and key repeats to
tended BCI output changes the channel in the middle of the select the desired cell in a spreadsheet. In addition, single
dramatic climax of a show, and if it then requires two minutes switches can be used for coded access to computers, such as in
to return to the desired channel. Several projects have tested Morse-code typing.
BCI applications that provide functions related to ADLs, Most stand-alone environmental-control systems are
including: general environmental control (Karmali et al. 2000); designed for operation by one or two switches (with one switch
exploring a virtual environment (Leeb et al. 2007); and con- moving between options and the other activating the chosen
trolling assistive robots (Cincotti et al. 2008). Other ADL tasks option). Several studies have described BCIs that produce
have not yet been implemented with BCIs, and some may not switch function (e.g., Friedrich et al. 2009; Mason and Birch
yet be realistic for BCIs. As BCI users come to rely on their 2000; Graimann et al. 2003). Because switch-activated AT
BCI-controlled applications as tools for independent living requires only one degree of freedom, it can leverage the limited

206 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
control that current BCIs can provide. However, accurate Leuthardt et al. 2004). Although use of a mouse also generally
performance in the no-control state is particularly important requires a click action for icon selection, many AT devices can be
for switch-activated applications, since a single inadvertent acti- configured so that they do not require a mouse click. Instead, the
vation can require many correct activations to cancel its effect. selection occurs when the cursor is held in one place (e.g., on the
icon) for a configurable amount of time. This is called a dwell
COMPUTER ACCESS feature, and it can be implemented either within the AT or
Computers and internet connections have become the basis incorporated as a feature of the BCI itself. Although the mouse
for many ADLs and communication tasks that were once click operation (or a substitute operation like dwelling) is very
performed through manual manipulation of objects. Computer important, only some BCI designs for cursor movement include
access typically involves both text generation from a keyboard this option (e.g., McFarland et al, 2008).
and cursor movements with a mouse. However, recognized
accessibility guidelines suggest that computer programs should ROBOTICS
be fully functional using only the keyboard or only a mouse, so Robotics has long been considered a potential AT application.
many commercial mainstream and AT computer programs Although robotic arms can provide many desirable functions,
now include keyboard shortcuts that eliminate the need for use they are rarely used because of questions of mounting location,
of a mouse, as well as menus or shortcut buttons that eliminate appropriate controls, cost, and safety. Although commercial
the need for typing (e.g., an on-screen keyboard for text gen- devices such as feeders or page-turners, which can be described
eration). Nevertheless, these features are not yet ubiquitous, so as special-purpose robotics, are available for ADLs, the perfor-
BCIs that can replace both keyboard and mouse functions are mance of these devices is typically poor. Current feeders need
still needed. someone to cut food and set up the feeder, and they may still
require that the user reach for the food with head and neck
Typing movements; in addition, multiple attempts may be necessary
Typing is one of the most common BCI applications and to pick up food and deliver it to the user’s mouth. All in all, to
indeed was the first application for which the P300-based BCI date such devices have produced frustration but little gain in
was tested (Farwell and Donchin 1988). Typing is a form of independence. Similarly, page-turners are notoriously poor at
communication, whether printed, presented to a communica- their intended task and are impaired by glossy or heavy papers
tion partner via the computer screen, sent as an email, or con- or tight bookbindings and sometimes by factors such as high
verted to speech and spoken aloud. Thus, typing can be an AT room humidity (which can make it harder to pick up pages).
application vital for enabling social interactions and gainful Electronic devices for reading text and accessing books are fre-
employment. BCI typing is most often implemented using quently recommended as a replacement for robotic page-turn-
P300-based BCIs, which now produce typing speeds of about ers. Other robotics applications, such as obstacle-avoiding
five characters per minute (Furdea et al. 2009; Townsend et al. wheelchairs (Simpson 2005) or robotic exoskeletons to enhance
2010; Donchin et al. 2000), and might be made faster with core mobility (e.g., (Gordon et al. 2006; Fleischer et al. 2006) are
vocabularies and predictive-spelling options. In addition to under development. These applications may be good candi-
typing text, typing can also activate icons or menu items, pre- dates for BCI operation, since a semi-autonomous robot could
stored sequences of commands (macros), or prerecorded be directed even by the limited information transfer available
speech. BCIs have been interfaced with commercial word-pre- from a BCI. Indeed, some projects combining BCI technology
diction and typing programs (Vaughan et al. 2006; Thompson and semi-autonomous robotic applications are already under
et al. 2009). Text generation has also been achieved with BCIs way (e.g., Iturrate et al. 2009; Cincotti et al. 2008).
operated by sensorimotor rhythms (e.g., Vaughan et al. 2006;
Pfurtscheller et al. 2006) or by slow cortical potentials (Kuebler F U N C T I O N A L E L E C T R I C A L S T I M U L AT I O N
et al. 1999). Functional electrical stimulation (FES), also referred to as func-
tional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS), has long been a target
Mouse Emulation BCI application (see chapter 22, this volume). FES can restore
Mouse emulation provides the ability to produce cursor movement to a paralyzed limb through direct stimulation of a
movements using technology other than a standard computer person’s muscles, nerves, or spinal cord. Although FES systems
mouse. AT devices for mouse emulation include trackballs, for hand-grasp, standing, and mobility, as well as for bladder
head-, foot-, or voice-controlled mouse emulation devices, and and bowel control, have been reported (Mauritz and Peckham,
keyboard- or switch-operated mouse emulations (e.g., the stan- 1987; Johnston et al. 2005), and several systems have received
dard Windows™ accessibility feature, MouseKeys). In these AT approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in
devices, cursor movements are typically used to operate AT by the United States (Hamid and Hayek 2008), their success as
selection of icons on a screen, with each icon producing a func- clinical applications remains uncertain. Müller-Putz et al.
tion such as typing a letter, speaking a sentence, turning on a (2005) have demonstrated BCI operation of an FES system.
light, or loading a different screen of options. Numerous studies One of the key difficulties for FES-enhanced standing and
have shown that cursor movements can be controlled by EEG- walking is the need to use a walker to assist balance. This makes
based BCIs (e.g., Trejo et al., 2006; McFarland et al., 2008; Wolpaw the FES user’s arms unavailable for other tasks. Thus, a BCI
et al., 1991; Li et al., 2010), by intracortical BCIs (e.g., Kim et al. might provide a great advantage for the FES user by eliminating
2008; Kennedy et al. 2004), or by ECoG-based BCIs (e.g., the need for hand-control of the FES. However, the fine

C H A P T E R 1 1 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S | 2 0 7
gradations of control and the rapidity with which adjustments improve the performance and acceptance of BCI-controlled
must be made to maintain balance may be beyond the capabili- applications.
ties of current BCIs. For such BCI applications, goal-selection Partnership with AT professionals can also help with the
control with some degree of automation may be advantageous. interpretation of research results and with the acquisition of
funding. Subtleties of language used in manuscripts or grant
PROSTHESIS CONTROL proposals can reveal a BCI researcher’s unfamiliarity with his/
Control of prosthetic limbs is another long-standing target her target users and hinder publication or funding. Some com-
application for BCIs. User acceptance of prosthetic limbs is a monly used terms (e.g., “wheelchair-bound”) are considered
complex and poorly understood problem. A review of 25 years offensive in the disability community (and can provoke a scald-
of studies on prosthesis use and abandonment (Biddiss and ing lecture on how the wheelchair enables the rider, who is not
Chau 2007) shows that the mean rates of rejection of prosthet- “bound” to it at all). Even terms such as research “subject”
ics are in the range of 23–45%. Although this might seemingly (instead of “participant” or “user”) or “disabled person” (instead
present an opportunity for BCI technology (i.e., BCIs might of “person with a physical impairment”), can be viewed nega-
prove better), many of the factors responsible for prosthesis tively. In the disability, rehabilitation engineering, and other
rejection (e.g., weight, durability, and lack of sensory feedback communities, the use of appropriate language that places the
[Biddiss and Chau 2007]) would presumably not be eliminated individual above all labels based on functional ability is gener-
simply by using BCI technology. ally considered a sign of experience and understanding of the
Nevertheless, BCIs could provide alternative control inter- practical needs of people with physical impairments. For some
faces for a prosthesis. Because a prosthesis is viewed as an inti- funding agencies, inappropriate terminology can raise serious
mate extension of the user’s body (Biddiss and Chau 2007), BCI questions about the adequacy of the researcher’s background.
success with a prosthesis will depend on the ability of the BCI Partnership with an AT professional can help to avoid these
and the prosthesis to provide responsive, precise control with- and other pitfalls.
out requiring undue attention on the part of the user. Thus, to
compete with current control systems, BCIs would probably
need to provide several independent continuous control signals
that a user could manipulate easily and rapidly. These BCIs When selecting appropriate AT applications for use with BCIs,
would need to compete successfully with other innovative pros- the most authoritative experts will be the potential users them-
thesis-control technologies now appearing, such as a system selves. The principles of universal design and user-centered
that involves transplanting residual nerves to other muscles in practice strongly support the involvement of target users
order to enable myoelectric control (Kuiken et al. 2009). throughout the technological design process, including during
research and development (Preiser and Ostroff 2010). Since the
target users are the consumers of AT applications, their opin-
SE LEC TING AT APPLICAT IO NS F OR ions will significantly affect whether these applications are a
BCI CONTROL success. Individuals with conditions that classify them as poten-
tial BCI users are experts on the experience of living with one
specific set of impairments, and their involvement as part of the
Choosing a useful BCI AT application for a person with physi- design team can provide invaluable insights. Thus, it is essential
cal impairments is a complex task. In addition to the technical that their opinions and experiences be considered in the design
aspects of the application itself, there is a subtext of interper- and selection of AT applications controlled by BCIs. This issue
sonal, psychosocial, sociological, and disability-rights issues is discussed in more detail in chapter 19 of this volume.
that must be considered for successful acceptance of an AT. AT
prescription is ideally accomplished by a team of certified
AT professionals working in conjunction with others such as STAND-ALONE BCI/AT SYSTEMS VERS US
physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language BCI+AT SYSTEMS
pathologists, social workers, clinical psychologists, and physi-
cians. AT professionals are expert in navigating issues relating BCI researchers and developers can take either of two
to the prescription of technology, and they know a great deal approaches in using a BCI to operate an AT application. The
about commercially available AT. Their input can be extremely first approach creates a stand-alone BCI/AT system, that is, a
helpful in the process of choosing a BCI-controlled AT appli- BCI that is integrated with a new AT device. The second
cation that is appropriate for a given individual or group. As approach creates a BCI that operates one or more existing
BCI-controlled AT applications for people with physical commercial AT devices. These are called general-purpose or
impairments are developed, BCI researchers can partner with plug-and-play BCIs. Plug-and-play BCIs and the AT devices
AT professionals in order to benefit from the years of research they control are referred to in this chapter as BCI+AT systems.
and development underlying current AT expertise and prac- Creating a stand-alone BCI/AT system requires a develop-
tice. Such partnerships will increase the likelihood of accep- ment approach that reinvents an AT functionality so that it can
tance of BCI-controlled AT applications. AT professionals can be integrated with a BCI. In this case, the new stand-alone
also guide BCI researchers to the existing AT technology that BCI/AT system would usually replicate AT functionality that
is appropriate for BCI operation or suggest features that will is already commercially available in AT devices used with

208 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
conventional (i.e., muscle-based) control interfaces. (The with progressive disabilities to continue to use familiar and
exceptions are in a few areas such as robotic and FES devices functional AT devices as they switch to (or add) a BCI when
that may not be commercially available.) Because it does not their condition progresses and conventional (i.e., muscle-
take advantage of the considerable effort and experience based) interfaces begin to fail. In this way, the time, money,
embodied in existing AT devices, the development of stand- and effort already invested in AT systems would not be lost
alone BCI/AT systems is generally not cost-effective, wastes as their disabilities progress; and the functions that the AT
development resources, and often limits the functionality avail- provides would be maintained despite deterioration of their
able to the users. physical abilities. Furthermore, AT service-delivery personnel
In contrast, when possible, combining a BCI with com- would not have to be retrained for new BCI-specific applica-
mercially available AT devices to create BCI+AT systems will tions (as they would for BCI/AT systems); the BCI would
usually be more expeditious because it reduces the develop- simply be an alternative method for accessing all the function-
ment effort and may in fact increase the functionality of the ality of the already familiar AT devices. Thus, the plug-and-
resulting product. The BCI simply replaces the conventional play approach could reduce the technical-support burdens on
muscle-based interfaces for which the AT devices were origi- new BCI companies, allowing them to concentrate on the
nally developed. Designing such plug-and-play BCIs to oper- functionality of the BCI controller, and leaving the AT applica-
ate existing AT devices frees BCI developers to focus time and tions, and their service delivery and support, to companies
resources on creating the most accurate and reliable BCI pos- already specializing in these areas. In summary, a strategic
sible and on increasing the range of AT devices that the BCI focus on plug-and-play BCIs could result in both lower cost
can operate. and increased functionality for the BCIs that eventually come
Although there are many advantages to plug-and-play BCIs to market.
that operate commercial AT devices, there may be instances Plug-and-play BCIs need to be easily configurable to suit
in which the performance of a stand-alone BCI/AT system the differing requirements of a variety of commercial AT
is significantly better. The potential relative advantages and devices. The on-site AT or AAC professionals who would per-
disadvantages of the two approaches should therefore be form this configuration are generally experienced in designing
carefully considered. To be successful, BCIs must be cost- AT communication screens to fit the needs of individual users.
effective for AT users, AT providers, and BCI developers. For An easily configurable plug-and-play BCI could therefore give
people with newly acquired disabilities who for the first time its users access to all the functionality of commercial AT
require AT and for whom a BCI is the most appropriate devices. Given the wide range of available commercial AT
interface, the economy and desirability of a stand-alone devices, a well-designed plug-and-play BCI could provide con-
BCI/AT system versus a plug-and-play BCI+AT that uses com- siderably greater functionality than that practical (or perhaps
mercial AT will depend on their relative costs and available even possible) with a stand-alone BCI/AT system.
functionalities. A few examples of the use of BCIs to operate commercially
available AT have been reported. The Environmental Control
BCI (Karmali et al. 2000), a BCI specifically developed for
B C I + AT S Y S T E M S
environmental control functions, uses hardware modules from
In a BCI+AT system, the BCI simply replaces a physical switch the commercially available ActiveHome X10 Home Automation
or computer keyboard or mouse. Thus, such plug-and-play System (X10.com, Seattle, WA, USA) to control a light, fan,
BCIs could be truly interchangeable with conventional AT and radio. (X10 modules are frequently used in AT environ-
interfaces. This capability would increase the number of devices mental control systems because of their easy installation and
that BCIs could operate and the number of people who could low price.) In this system, the BCI sends instructions to the
benefit from them. It could expand the market for BCI tech- X10 modules through an X10-command line interface (Karmali
nologies to include people with a wide range of disabilities. A et al. 2000) to provide access to X10 home-automation mod-
BCI might be the only usable AT interface for people with ules. Similarly, BCI control of the novel Dasher text-entry
movement insufficient to operate muscle-based AT interfaces. program (http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher), which
For people whose physical abilities fatigue quickly, it could was originally designed for operation by a cursor or by switches,
increase the efficiency of AT operation or provide a back-up or has been implemented (Felton et al. 2007) and analyzed in
alternative interface that could still be operated even when detail (Wills and MacKay 2006).
physical fatigue sets in. For people with conventional interface A P300-based BCI speller has been combined with a com-
options or those using several different AT devices, a plug-and- mercial word-prediction program (Vaughan et al. 2006; Sellers
play BCI could also provide a back-up or alternative interface. et al. 2010) that runs transparently with many commercial pro-
For people with progressive disabilities, it could enable them to grams and writes directly into these programs. It provides word
use their AT devices even if their physical condition deterio- prediction as well as speech output (in the form of reading
rates to the point where muscle-based interfaces are no longer back each selection or the full text upon completion). Several
usable. people with advanced ALS have used or are now using this BCI
Not only would plug-and-play BCIs provide great func- application in their daily lives (Sellers et al., 2010; Vaughan
tionality, they would also be more cost effective for people with et al., 2006). Each of these people has a different need and
disabilities and for AT service-delivery personnel. A BCI that agenda for it. One has used the system independently up to 6-8
could operate commercially available AT would allow people hours per day for several years to maintain employment as a

C H A P T E R 1 1 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S | 2 0 9
research scientist, to communicate with caregivers and family, trajectories, incorrect key selections, etc.). For this reason, BCI
and to write and send emails. Another, who has no access to development can benefit from AT performance-enhancement
any other AT device, uses the BCI to communicate basic needs devices or optimization features designed to compensate for
to her caregiver. A third, who still has slight facial muscle con- physical impairments. (Indeed, another advantage of using
trol that she uses to provide single-switch computer access, plug-and-play BCIs to operate commercially available AT
uses the BCI to write articles and poetry, and plans to make devices is that they can benefit from the extensive past efforts
greater use of the BCI as her disease progresses still further and of AT developers to enhance performance.) For example, in
as the BCI’s range of applications expands. AT devices for people who type slowly, word prediction is often
used in conjunction with scanning, on-screen keyboards, or
physical keyboards. Users start to type a word and then choose
S TA N D - A L O N E B C I / AT S Y S T E M S the completion of the word from a list. Although word predic-
The primary justification for choosing a stand-alone BCI/AT tion has been shown to save keystrokes, it does not necessarily
system is that it might provide dramatic advantages in impor- produce an increased rate of text generation, because the
tant aspects of performance (e.g., convenience, speed, or accu- mental load of searching the list and selecting the word may
racy). For example, a person with weak eye movements may slow the generation of text. Koester and Levine (1998) exam-
have difficulty shifting gaze and visual focus between two ined this trade-off and concluded that word prediction is useful
screens (i.e., the BCI screen and the screen of the AT device). for people who type slowly. Since BCI typing is typically slow,
A stand-alone BCI could address this problem by integrating word prediction is likely to be beneficial; it is, in fact, already
the two displays into one screen. On the other hand, future being used for BCI typing by people with severe disabilities
plug-and-play BCIs could be designed to eliminate this prob- (Vaughan et al. 2006). Nevertheless, the possibility that the
lem by making the BCI display transparent and superimposing additional cognitive load required by word prediction might
it on the AT display or by using a retinal projection method interfere with BCI operation warrants further examination.
(i.e., projecting an image directly into the user’s eye) to display Variants of word prediction may provide greater enhance-
them together (Takahashi and Hirooka 2008). ment by reducing or changing the cognitive load. For example,
A fully integrated stand-alone BCI/AT might outperform a the Smart Key™ function (Applied Human Factors, Inc.,
plug-and-play BCI by being able to use task-performance infor- Helotes, TX) limits the active keys to those likely to be used
mation for real-time adaptations of BCI operation. On the other next, thereby reducing the number of possible selections and
hand, a plug-and-play BCI might also be able to do this. For the likelihood of unintentional selections. An override key is
example, a backspace or correction key could allow the user to included to allow the user to type words unknown to the Smart
indicate incorrect BCI performance and thus guide BCI adapta- Key™ function. By incorporating natural-language spelling
tion. (In this case, a separate correction key might be used to rules into the text-production stream, the Smart Key™ function
correct the user’s—as opposed to the BCI’s—errors.) could improve the typing accuracy of a plug-and-play BCI by
A stand-alone BCI/AT system could use natural-language rejecting unintended characters (essentially canceling probable
(i.e., conventional) spelling and semantic rules in the com- errors). Dasher and MinSpeak™ also provide performance-en-
mands it sends to the AT. In contrast, with a plug-and-play hancement features for text entry or communication that could
BCI, this might not be desirable because the commercial AT benefit BCI use.
device might routinely utilize normally unused sequences of AT experience suggests that cursor movement can also be
letters and numbers for performance-enhancement shortcuts. enhanced. The Assistive Mouse Adapter (Montrose Secam Ltd,
Thus, in this case, the stand-alone system might be preferable. Iver, Bucks, UK) is a hardware device designed to reduce unin-
For all such considerations, the advantages of a stand-alone tentional mouse movements caused by hand tremor. It filters the
system would need to outweigh the performance-enhance- signal from the mouse to produce smoother on-screen cursor
ment features provided by the commercial AT device. movement. Some devices such as the PointSmart (Infogrip, Inc,
In summary, plug-and-play BCIs that operate standard AT Ventura, CA) also add a gravity (i.e., attractive) effect near
devices in BCI+AT systems are in general likely to be easier to potential cursor targets to assist with target acquisition.
develop than stand-alone BCI/AT systems, and they are likely These and other AT performance-enhancement features
to be as, or more, effective. For particular needs or in particular have been designed to compensate for the limited accuracy of
circumstances, however, stand-alone BCI/AT systems may conventional (i.e., muscle-based) AT control interfaces. It is
have advantages in performance or convenience that justify the quite likely that they can also help compensate for the limited
added effort and expense needed for their development. accuracy and modest speed of current BCIs. BCI researchers
may save substantial time and effort and improve their results
by learning from and incorporating these existing perfor-
mance-enhancement features.
The types of errors that occur with current BCIs mirror those
that typically occur with conventional AT devices for people The goal of most brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) is to operate
with physical impairments (e.g., inaccurate cursor movement assistive technology (AT) devices that provide communication

210 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
or control capacities to people with severe disabilities. The AT PointSmart Product Details - Infogrip, Inc., 2003 <http://www.infogrip.com/
device operated by a BCI is referred to as its application. Prentke Romich Company. How do I Scan Using a Single Switch? (2007) <http://
Although the application itself is not part of the BCI, it is the support.prentrom.com/article.php?id=271>.
means by which the BCI’s commands are put into action. Thus, RESNA. <http://resna.org/resnaresources/resources-education>, (2009a).
RESNA. RESNA Homepage, <www.resna.org>, (2009b).
the BCI sends commands to the application, which converts RESNA. RESNA: Certification, <http://resna.org/certifications/certification-
them into useful actions. A BCI’s applications are crucial to its what-is-certification>, (2009c).
utility and to its clinical and commercial success. Smart Key Technology, 1997–2006)<http://www.ahf-net.com/smartkey.htm>.
Synopsis for the Matrix, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0133093/synopsis, 1999.
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vent-related brain potentials (ERPs) in the EEG are man- et al., 1984; McCarthy & Donchin, 1981; Polich, 2007). This
ifestations at the scalp of neural activity that is triggered variability in latency reflects the fact that the P300 is elicited by
by, and is involved in the processing of, specific events. the decision, not necessarily conscious, that a rare event has
The voltages that constitute the ERP are embedded within the occurred, and the decision latency can, and does, vary with the
general EEG activity recordable from the scalp and are usually nature (e.g., the difficulty) of the decision (Kutas et al., 1977).
quite small relative to the ongoing EEG. However, because The P300 is usually largest over central parietal scalp and
the ERPs are time-locked to events, and follow a constant attenuates gradually as distance from this area increases.
time course, they can be extracted by averaging multiple In 1988, P300 was first used as the basis for a BCI (Farwell
trials of eliciting events. The result is a series of positive and & Donchin, 1988), and a steadily growing number of research
negative voltage deflections that are referred to as components. groups are currently pursuing its BCI applications. Current
The successive components typically differ in their stimulus P300-based BCIs allow users to select items displayed on a
rate and amplitude dependence, their topographical distribu- computer screen. Thus, while the process is very different, a
tions, and their relationships to the information-processing P300-based BCI selection is essentially equivalent to a selec-
activities of the brain. The components that can be recorded tion by a standard computer keyboard. Because P300-based
over the first 150 msec following the eliciting event tend to BCIs are noninvasive, use hardware that is portable and inex-
reflect activity in the primary sensory systems, and their pensive, and can provide reliable performance, they are essen-
waveforms and scalp distributions vary with the modality tially the only BCIs that are currently being used outside of the
of the eliciting stimuli. These are known as the exogenous laboratory by severely disabled people for important purposes
components. Longer-latency components tend to reflect in their daily lives, such as communication and environmental
information-processing activity that is cognitive in nature and control. Furthermore, many different laboratories are explor-
is thus less dependent on stimulus modality and more depen- ing possibilities for further increasing the capabilities and
dent on the significance of the eliciting event in the subject’s usefulness of P300-based BCIs.
concurrent tasks. They are usually referred to as endogenous This chapter discusses the nature of the P300, addresses the
components. principles of its BCI usage, reviews the major areas of P300-
Both early (exogenous) and late (endogenous) components based BCI research, summarizes current clinical usage of
of visual evoked potentials (i.e., VEPs) have been used as signal P300-based BCIs, and considers the prospects for their further
features for BCIs. The design and operation of BCIs that use development.
endogenous ERP components differ both in principle and
practice from those of BCIs that use exogenous ERP compo-
nents. This chapter focuses on BCIs that use P300, an endoge- THE ODDBALL PARADIGM
nous ERP component. Chapter 14 discusses BCIs that use
exogenous VEP components. The specific set of circumstances for eliciting the P300 ERP is
known as the Oddball Paradigm. This paradigm has three
essential attributes (Donchin & Coles, 1988):
• A subject is presented with a series of events (i.e.,
The P300 is a positive deflection that occurs in the scalp- stimuli), each of which falls into one of two classes.
recorded EEG after a stimulus that is delivered under a specific
• The events that fall into one of the classes are less
set of circumstances. It was first described by Sutton et al.
frequent than those that fall into the other class.
(1965) and has been widely studied since then to explore higher
cortical functions in humans (for review see Bashore & Van • The subject performs a task that requires
der Molen, 1991; Donchin, 1981; Duncan et al., 2009; Fabiani classifying each event into one of the two
et al., 1987; Polich, 2007; Pritchard, 1981). Although it often classes.
occurs at a latency of about 300 msec relative to the eliciting
stimulus (hence the designation of P300), its latency may vary The events that fall into the less-frequent class (i.e., the
from 250 to 750 msec (Comerchero & Polich, 1999; Magliero oddball events) elicit a P300. As long as an experimental design

adopts the three attributes of the oddball paradigm, any stimu-
Set 0
lus and any classification task can elicit a P300. Set 1
It is important to note that, although the two classes are Set 2
Set 3 =1&2
generally two different classes of stimuli, this is not a require- Set 4 =0&3
ment. As shown by Sutton et al. (1967), a P300 can be elicited
by an event that consists of the absence of a stimulus, if
that absence satisfies the conditions of the oddball paradigm. FZ
That is, a P300 ERP is elicited by rare events that violate the
subject’s expectations. FCZ
Most P300 studies have used visual or auditory stimuli.
Figure 12.1 illustrates a typical P300 experiment. The letters C3 CZ C4
O and X flash on a video screen in a random order at a rate of
one per second (i.e., the stimulus onset asynchrony). The X
occurs infrequently (e.g., 20% of the flashes) and is thus the PZ
P3 P4
oddball stimulus, while the O occurs frequently (e.g., the other P7 P8
80% of the flashes). The subject is asked to count the number of PO3 POZ PO4
times one of the stimuli (e.g., X) occurs. Each time a stimulus
O1 O2
occurs, a marker is placed in the data file to indicate the iden- OZ
tity of the stimulus, X or O. Each stimulus is presented on the
screen for 100 msec, and then the screen is blank for 900 msec
(i.e., the interstimulus interval [ISI]) until the presentation of Figure 12.2 Electrode locations evaluated for use in a P300-based BCI by
the next stimulus. Figure 12.1A shows the time course of the Krusienski et al. (2008). EEG was recorded from 64 electrodes. The sets of
experimental events. electrodes shown here (i.e., dashed, dotted, bold-dotted circles) were
compared in regard to offline classification accuracy as described in the text.
Figure 12.1B displays the ERPs elicited by the oddball
stimulus at midline electrode locations Fz, Cz, and Pz of the
10–20 system (see fig. 12.2) for 800 msec after the stimulus. this example) (Duncan-Johnson & Donchin, 1977). The next
The three responses show a typical P300 scalp topography: most salient components are the P100 and N200 components,
the most prominent potential is a positive component occur- which are considered to be exogenous components even
ring about 350 msec after the X stimulus; and it is largest at though they can be modulated to some extent by attention
the Pz electrode and attenuates at more anterior and poste- (Heinze et al., 1994; Mangun, 1995; Mangun et al., 1993).
rior locations. It should be noted that the results would be As noted, P300 latency may vary from 250 to 750 msec
essentially the same even if the subject had been asked to (Comerchero & Polich, 1999; Magliero, et al., 1984; McCarthy
count the frequent O stimuli rather than the rare X stimuli: & Donchin, 1981; Polich, 2007). This variability is thought to
P300 is always elicited by the rare events (i.e., the X stimuli in reflect differences in the amounts of time it takes to classify

A Oddball sequence 20% X, 80% O


100 ms 900 ms
1000 ms (SOA)

B –6 C
–4 Cz
Pz –5
Amplitude (μV)

Cz 0
–50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (ms)

Figure 12.1 (A). Time course of rare (i.e., oddball) (X) and common (O) stimuli in a standard oddball protocol. (B) Average oddball ERPs from a subject for electrode
locations Fz, Cz, and Pz, showing a progressively larger positive deflection from frontal, to central, to posterior sites. The convention used here shows positive
amplitude down and negative amplitude up. (C) Topographical distribution of the average ERP amplitude 300–400 msec after the oddball stimulus. The large
positive ERP component (i.e., P300) is maximum at Pz and is widely distributed over posterior-parietal regions.

216 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
different kinds of events. Kutas et al. (1977) demonstrated the P300 AMPLITUDE AND STABILITY
relationship between the latency of the P300 and the difficulty
of the classification task. The extensive studies of the past 45 years have defined
the characteristics of the P300 in considerable detail. Here we
focus on issues of particular importance to P300-based BCIs.
P 300 ORIGIN A ND F UNCT IO N One issue particularly relevant for BCI usage comprises
the factors that determine P300 amplitude. P300 amplitude
Some of the most compelling evidence related to the origin of is positively correlated with the time interval between events
the P300 has been provided by Knight and colleagues through (i.e., stimuli). All other things being equal, longer interstimu-
studies in patients with brain lesions. Knight et al. (1989) lus intervals result in higher amplitude P300s, at least up to
showed that lesions in the temporal parietal junction abolished intervals of about 8 sec (Polich, 1990; Polich & Bondurant,
the auditory P300 at posterior scalp sites, even though the 1997). Whereas P300 amplitude in a standard oddball experi-
patients could still discriminate between the stimuli. In con- ment is usually 10–20 μV, the P300s produced by BCI applica-
trast, damage to lateral parietal cortex did not impair P300 tions are usually 4–10 μV. This is presumably due to the rapid
generation. These results suggest that lateral parietal cortex is stimulus presentation rates used by P300-based BCIs and the
not critical in auditory P300 generation. Additional studies resulting overlap of the ERPs to successive stimuli (Martens
have extended these findings. In separate experiments using et al., 2009; Woldorff, 1993). P300 amplitude is also affected by
auditory, visual, or somatic stimuli, Knight and Scabini (1998) moment-to-moment changes in the probability of the oddball
showed that prefrontal and lateral parietal lesions had no stimulus (Donchin, 1981; Donchin & Isreal, 1980; Horst et al.,
effect on P300 latency or amplitude. In contrast, temporo- 1980; Squires et al., 1977). For example, if, by chance, the odd-
parietal junction lesions markedly reduced auditory and soma- ball stimulus occurs two or more times in succession, P300
tosensory P300s and reduced visual P300s. Soltani and amplitude is reduced after the first oddball stimulus.
Knight (2000) provide a comprehensive review of this impor- P300 amplitude is also affected by the sum total of the sub-
tant work. ject’s concurrent activities. Thus, when a subject who is per-
Recently, studies that combine the high temporal resolu- forming a task that elicits a P300 is asked to perform a
tion of EEG with the high topographical resolution of fMRI secondary task at the same time, P300 amplitude decreases
have provided some additional insight concerning the neural (Isreal, Chesney, et al., 1980; Isreal, Wickens, et al., 1980;
substrate of P300. In a standard auditory oddball task, Mulert Kramer et al., 1983; Sirevaag et al., 1989). Protocols may be
et al. (2004) found the P300 to be accompanied by increased designed that concurrently incorporate two different tasks and
fMRI activity in the supplementary motor cortex, the anterior two different sets of stimuli and thereby elicit two different
cingulate cortex, the temporoparietal junction, the insula, and P300s. For example, Sirevaag et al. (1989) combined a joystick
the middle frontal gyrus. Furthermore, this fMRI activity was tracking task with an auditory discrimination task. As the rela-
greater and occurred earlier in the right hemisphere than in tive difficulty of the two tasks was changed, and the attention
the left hemisphere (Bledowski et al., 2004; Mulert et al., 2004). each required changed correspondingly, the amplitudes of the
In patient studies involving intracranial recording, EEG, and two P300s also changed. As one task became more difficult and
fMRI, Linden (2005) implicated the inferior parietal lobule thus required more attention, the amplitude of its P300
and the temporoparietal junction in P300 generation. In regard increased, and the amplitude of the P300 associated with the
to the fMRI data (see chapter 4 in this volume), it should be other task decreased. These results and related studies show
noted that blood-flow-related activity measured over several that attentional allocation and task difficulty affect P300 ampli-
seconds cannot be confidently attributed to an event (i.e., tude. They are relevant for P300-based BCIs since BCI users,
P300) that occurs somewhere in this period and lasts about in addition to simply watching for the desired stimuli (e.g.,
100 msec. Thus, fMRI results concerning the area(s) responsi- the letters they want to spell), are usually engaged in another
ble for P300 generation must be interpreted cautiously. task as well (e.g., planning the message being written with
The most comprehensive account of the functional role of the BCI).
P300 is called the context-updating model (Donchin, 1981; Another issue of particular importance for P300-based BCI
Donchin & Coles, 1988). Although this model does not make applications is the extent to which P300 amplitude and latency
assumptions regarding the actual neural generators of P300, it change over time, both within an individual session and across
proposes that the P300 reflects context-updating operations. days, weeks, months, and even years. In this area the available
According to the model, as stimuli are presented and evalu- literature is mixed. Polich (1986) and Fabiani et al. (1987)
ated, the degree to which the events are consistent with the showed robust test/retest correlations for peak amplitude and
current model of the context is assessed. When an event vio- latency across sessions conducted within two weeks of one
lates the expectations dictated by the model, and when the vio- another. On the other hand, Kinoshita et al. (1996) found sig-
lation requires the model to be revised (i.e., context updating), nificant decreases in P300 amplitude when sessions were spread
a P300 is elicited. The model accounts for many of the salient over several months. A number of studies have reported that
characteristics of the P300 and is supported by a variety of P300 amplitude decreases during a session, and P300 latency
behavioral and psychophysiological studies (e.g., (Adrover- can display cyclical variations over several hours (Lin & Polich,
Roig & Barcelo, 2010; Barcelo & Knight, 2007; Barcelo et al., 1999; Pan et al., 2000; Ravden & Polich, 1999). To a consider-
2007; Dien et al, 2003; Linden, 2005; Luu et al., 2007). able extent, much of the variability in P300 amplitude is due to

C H A P TE R 1 2 . B C I S T H AT U S E P 3 0 0 E V E N T- R E L AT E D P O T E N T I A L S | 2 1 7
latency variability (i.e., latency jitter). Kutas et al. (1977) showed events were flashes of an entire row or column of the matrix.
that changes in P300 latency from trial to trial reduce the First the rows and then the columns flashed in random order
amplitude of the averaged P300 and that adjustment for this at rates as high as 8/sec. At this rate, the six rows and six col-
latency variability eliminates the apparent amplitude variability. umns each flashed once in 1.5 sec. The BCI user was instructed
Thus, studies that focus on P300 amplitude and do not adjust to attend to a given letter and to keep a running mental count
for latency variability may yield misleading results. of the number of times that letter flashed. Farwell and Donchin
(1988) did not ask the subject to foveate (i.e., look directly at)
the target letter. They assumed that some BCI users might not
P 300-BA S ED BC I S be able to control gaze direction (e.g., due to ALS), and thus
they relied instead on the evidence of Posner (1980) that atten-
The primary advantages of P300-based BCIs are that they are tion can be focused away from the gaze fixation point.
noninvasive, can be parameterized for a new user in a few min- It is important to emphasize that this BCI met the require-
utes, require minimal user training, are usable by 90% of people ments of the oddball paradigm and capitalized on its proper-
(assuming ability to attend to the stimuli and to perform the ties. The subject was presented with a random sequence of
classification task), can provide basic communication and con- events. The rare (or oddball) class included the flashes of the
trol functions, and are relatively reliable. For these reasons, row and the column that contained the target letter, while the
among present-day BCI systems, P300-based BCIs are the type frequent class included the flashes of the other five rows and
most amenable to independent long-term home usage by five columns. Farwell and Donchin (1988) predicted that only
people with severe disabilities. This section describes the initial the two rare events would elicit detectable P300s and that once
P300-based BCI design and then reviews the ways in which this row and column were identified, the target would be the
this design has been modified and extended to improve or letter at their intersection.
expand the communication and control it provides. Figure 12.3B shows the time course of events in the opera-
P300-based BCIs incorporate the three essential attributes tion of this BCI. Of particular interest is the fact that the rapid
of the oddball paradigm in a way that serves the needs of a rate of stimulus presentation (e.g., every 125 msec) means that
communication and control system. Specifically: two or even three stimuli are delivered before a P300 to the first
stimulus can occur. That is, the poststimulus EEG analysis
• Stimuli representing possible BCI outputs are epoch (originally 600 msec) for a given stimulus is still under
presented in a random order. way when the next several stimulus events occur. Thus, the
analysis epoch for each stimulus overlaps those of the several
• The stimulus representing each possible output
preceding and the several succeeding stimuli. The impact of
is presented rarely (e.g., with a probability of 1/
this overlap on P300 performance, and the measures that might
[number of possible outputs]).
be taken to reduce it (e.g., slower presentation rates), are
• The BCI user is asked to attend to the stimulus addressed later in this chapter.
that represents the output he or she desires (i.e., Using EEG recorded from a single electrode (Pz, referenced
the target stimulus). to linked ear electrodes) and a 600-msec post-stimulus analysis
epoch, Farwell and Donchin (1988) compared four different
With a BCI protocol that has these three essential attri- classification algorithms: stepwise linear discriminant analysis
butes, the stimulus representing the desired BCI output (i.e., (SWLDA); peak picking of amplitude in the 200- to 400-msec
the target stimulus) becomes an oddball stimulus and thus interval; the area under the curve in the same interval; and the
elicits a P300 ERP. covariance between the single trial data and a template repre-
senting the standard P300. It should be noted that SWLDA has
been used since the 1960s for single trial detection of the P300
(Donchin, 1969; Donchin et al., 1970; Donchin & Herning,
In 1988, Farwell and Donchin (Farwell & Donchin, 1988) 1975; Horst & Donchin, 1980; Squires & Donchin, 1976). In this
described a P300-based spelling application, which they first P300-based BCI study, Farwell and Donchin (1988) found
referred to as a mental prosthesis. Their hope was that people that the SWLDA and peak picking algorithms provided the
who were paralyzed could use it to communicate simple mes- highest accuracy in identifying the target stimulus (i.e., the item
sages. In their first design, all the letters of the alphabet were that the user wanted to select). They also found that accuracy
presented one at a time on a video screen in a random order, was higher for a stimulus presentation rate of 4/sec than for a
and the subject was asked to note when the letter he or she faster rate of 8/sec. As expected, more stimulus repetitions pro-
wanted to select (i.e., the target letter) appeared. The target duced higher accuracy. Accuracy of 80% (with 2.8% [i.e., 1/36]
letter did elicit a P300. However, because the letters were pre- expected by chance) required 20.9 sec per selection; and 95%
sented at a rate of 1/sec, and multiple presentations of each accuracy required 26.0 sec. These two options gave selection
letter had to be averaged to reliably detect the P300, several rates of about 3.0 and 2.3 characters per minute, respectively.
minutes were required for the subject to select just one letter. This seminal study of 1988 demonstrated the feasibility of
Thus, the design was modified to allow selections to be made P300-based communication. It has since served as the starting
more rapidly. In the new design, the subject viewed a 6 × 6 point and the first benchmark for the many P300-based BCI
matrix of letters and other commands (fig. 12.3A). The stimulus studies that have followed.

218 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
A G M S Y *

B H N T Z *





B 1975 ms
25 125 ms

100 ms
Flash 1 (600 ms)
Flash 2
Flash 3
Flash 4–10
Flash 11
Flash 12

Figure 12.3 (A) The 6 × 6 matrix of possible selections. (B) The time course for a series of 12 flashes with a stimulus onset asynchrony (i.e., time from beginning of
one flash to the beginning of the next) of 125 msec. The six columns flashed in a random order and then the six rows flashed in a random order. The dashed flash
line represents flashes 4-10. The 600-ms analysis epochs are indicated. (Modified from Farwell and Donchin, 1988.)

not possible to conclude that a new design is superior to previ-

ous ones until it has been evaluated and validated in actual use
by people with severe disabilities. These caveats must be
The central goal of almost all these subsequent studies has been emphasized as we proceed to discuss the extensive work explor-
to improve the speed, accuracy, capacity, and/or clinical practi- ing possible improvements in P300-based BCIs.
cality of P300-based BCIs so that they can provide important Most P300-based BCI studies have focused on offline anal-
new communication and control options for people whose yses of data previously collected. Although offline analysis can
severe motor disabilities prevent them from using conventional enable very efficient comparison of different alternatives, it can
(i.e., muscle-based) assistive communication technology. only predict how the alternatives may perform in actual online
In considering these efforts to improve the performance of usage. Even with leave-one-out cross-validation, offline analy-
P300-based BCIs, it should be remembered that the core of sis cannot reveal exactly how future performance may change
the evaluation should be the improvement that the BCI can when a method is actually used online. To the extent that the
make to the quality of life of users with severe disabilities. new method changes the classification, and thus the feedback
In this regard, the fact that the BCI can restore a measure of provided to the BCI user, it may affect subsequent EEG and
independent communication may be more important than the thereby affect subsequent performance in ways only assessable
BCI’s exact accuracy or bitrate (i.e., speed). Furthermore, it is by online testing. The critical importance of online validation

C H A P TE R 1 2 . B C I S T H AT U S E P 3 0 0 E V E N T- R E L AT E D P O T E N T I A L S | 2 1 9
of new methods is discussed in greater detail in chapter 8 of 2003; Guo et al., 2010; Hong, Guo, et al., 2009;
this volume. In sum, while offline analysis is the workhorse of Hong, Lou, et al., 2009; Kaper, et al., 2004;
BCI research, online testing must be considered the gold stan- Krusienski et al., 2006; Lal et al., 2004; Lenhardt
dard. About 25% of the studies that have used offline analyses et al., 2008; Lima et al., 2010; Meinicke, et al.,
to evaluate alternative P300-based BCI methods have also 2002; Olson et al., 2005; Qin et al., 2007; Salvaris
included online validation of their results. & Sepulveda, 2009; Salvaris & Sepulveda, 2007;
Serby et al., 2005; Thulasidas et al., 2006)
A LT E R N AT I V E E L E C T R O D E M O N TA G E S • Stepwise linear discriminant analysis (SWLDA)
(see chapter 8, this volume) (Bianchi et al., 2010;
As reviewed in Fabiani et al. (1987), P300 has traditionally
Brouwer & van Erp, 2010; Dias et al., 2007;
been recorded from electrodes Fz, Cz, and Pz, according to the
Garrett et al., 2003; Hoffmann et al., 2008;
10–20 electrode system (Jasper, 1958). Figure 12.2 shows
Krusienski et al., 2006; Nijboer et al., 2008;
examples of several electrode montages that have been used in
Sellers & Donchin, 2006; Sellers et al., 2006;
P300-based BCI studies (Krusienski et al., 2008). The original
Townsend et al., 2010)
Farwell and Donchin (1988) study used only the EEG recorded
from electrode Pz. Studies since then have explored other • Fisher’s linear discriminant (chapter 8, this
recording montages: three or four midline electrodes, Fz, Cz, volume) (Babiloni et al., 2001; Gutierrez &
Pz, or Oz (Piccione et al., 2006; Sellers & Donchin, 2006; Serby Escalona-Vargas, 2010; Hoffmann, et al., 2008;
et al., 2005); the International 10–20 system (Citi et al., 2008); Nazarpour et al., 2009; Salvaris & Sepulveda,
a set of 10 midline and parietal/occipital electrodes (Kaper 2009, 2010)
et al., 2004; Lenhardt et al., 2008); a set of 11 electrodes (Neshige
et al., 2007); and a set of 25 central and parietal electrodes In an extensive offline analysis, Krusienski et al. (2006)
(Thulasidas et al., 2006). compared classification by SWLDA, linear support vector
Krusienski et al. (2008) compared the performances of machines, Gaussian support vector machines, Pearson’s correla-
SWLDA classification algorithms based on the EEG from: tion method, and Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis. Although
locations Fz, Pz, and Cz; locations PO7, PO8, and Oz; or all six all five methods performed reasonably well, the SWLDA and
of these locations. These locations are shown in figure 12.2. Fisher’s linear discriminant methods were significantly better
The algorithms that used either set of three EEG electrode than the other three (approximately 88% accuracy vs. 80–83%
locations achieved accuracies of about 65% on the 6 × 6 matrix, accuracy). Meinicke et al. (2002) also compared three different
whereas the algorithm that used all six locations achieved an classification methods: area; peak picking; and SVMs. They used
accuracy of 90%. At the same time, they also found that electrode Pz and showed that the SVM solution reached about
SWLDA classification was not further improved by using 78% accuracy in 30 sec, whereas the area and peak-picking
a still larger set of 19 electrodes (fig. 12.2) that included the methods reached about 78% accuracy in 1 min.
original 6 electrodes. The high performance of these 6 elec- In addition to the kinds of studies described above, several
trodes in offline analyses was also confirmed in online testing. Internet-based BCI data competitions (e.g., Blankertz, 2005;
These results are supported by the results of Hoffmann et al. Blankertz et al., 2004; Blankertz et al., 2006; Bradshaw et al.,
(2008), who investigated the 4 midline electrodes, a set contain- 2001; Rakotomamonjy & Guigue, 2008) have motivated many
ing four additional parietal electrodes, as well as sets that research groups from all over the world to try to develop better
included 16 and 32 electrodes. In general, the set using the mid- P300-based BCI algorithms. Although a number of the new
line and parietal electrodes performed as well as the 16- and algorithms may achieve small improvements in performance,
32-electode montages. Meinicke et al. (2002) also examined the the overall result of now fairly extensive studies is that various
effects of various numbers of electrodes on the resulting signal-processing methods, when properly employed, provide
classification. They found that with one or three electrodes, roughly similar performance in offline analyses. At the same
30 sec were needed to achieve 85% accuracy; in contrast, 7 or time, some algorithms are likely to be easier than others to use
10 electrodes reached accuracy above 95% after 15 sec. in online applications. Taken as a whole, these studies suggest
that individual differences among BCI users may be a more
critical determinant of performance than the exact choice of
A LT E R N AT I V E S I G N A L - P R O C E S S I N G M E T H O D S classification algorithm, provided that the algorithm is prop-
erly parameterized (chapter 8, this volume). This overall result
Numerous studies have evaluated and compared the perfor-
implies that major improvements in the current performance
mances of a variety of different classification algorithms, for
of P300-based BCIs are likely to come from other kinds of
changes, as addressed later in this chapter.
• Independent components analysis (chapter 7, this
volume) (Beverina et al., 2003; Khan et al., 2009; Li A LT E R N AT I V E S T I M U L I A N D S T I M U L U S
et al., 2009; Serby, et al., 2005) P R E S E N TAT I O N PA R A M E T E R S

• Support vector machines (chapter 8, this A number of studies have focused on the standard visual matrix
volume) (Beverina, et al., 2003; Garrett et al., with row/column presentation and explored the impact of

220 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
variations in basic parameters such as item size and number, succession (once as part of a column and once as part of a row).
the rapidity of row/column flashing, flash duration, and the As a result, the P300 ERP evoked by the second flash is likely to
number of repetitions per selection (Salvaris & Sepulveda, be attenuated (Squires et al., 1976); and, because their analysis
2009; Sellers et al., 2006). epochs overlap, the two ERPs may distort each other (Martens
For example, Sellers et al. (2006) compared two different et al., 2009; Woldorff, 1993). Furthermore, depending on the
values of stimulus onset asynchrony (i.e., the time from subject and particularly with higher stimulus-presentation
the beginning of one stimulus to the beginning of the next) rates, the subject may not even notice the second flash of the
(175 msec and 350 msec), as well as two different matrices target. Another problem is that, with the row-column format,
(3 × 3 and 6 × 6). In contrast to the findings of Farwell and it is the target’s row or column, not the target alone, that evokes
Donchin (1988), but consistent with the findings of Meinicke the P300 ERP. As a result, although items not in the target’s row
et al. (2002), they found that the higher stimulus rate yielded or column are seldom selected by mistake, items that are in the
higher classification accuracy regardless of whether the condi- target’s row or column are selected by mistake much more
tions were matched for the number of stimulus presentations often (Donchin et al., 2000; Fazel-Rezai, 2007).
or the time per selection was held constant. In addition, P300 To address these two problems, Townsend et al. (2010)
amplitude was larger with the 6 × 6 matrix than with the 3 × 3 developed a format in which groups of items (e.g., six items
matrix. This is consistent with the many studies showing that from an 8 × 9 matrix of alphanumeric symbols and commands)
P300 amplitude is inversely related to target probability (e.g., were presented simultaneously. The groups were selected to
Allison & Pineda, 2003, 2006; Duncan-Johnson & Donchin, satisfy two constraints. First, no item could be presented a
1977). On the other hand, Guger et al. (2009) compared the 6 second time until at least six intervening groups of flashes had
× 6 matrix format to a single-item presentation format. occurred. Second, two adjacent items were never presented at
Although P300 amplitude was higher with the single-item the same time. This checkerboard presentation format elimi-
format, the matrix format yielded higher accuracy and higher nated the two problems of successive target presentations and
bit rate (chapter 8, in this volume). adjacent item presentations. In an online comparison in 18
Using the Farwell and Donchin matrix format, other stud- subjects that took into account the need to correct for any
ies have explored other variations in the presentation. Takano errors that occurred, the checkerboard format performed sig-
et al. (2009) varied the contrast between the stimuli and the nificantly better than the standard row/column format. In
background. They compared a white/gray pattern (luminance addition, most users, including several people with ALS,
condition); a green/blue isoluminance pattern (color condi- reported that they liked the checkerboard format better.
tion); and a green/blue luminance pattern (luminance/color Further explorations of alternative presentation formats are
condition). In online testing the third condition (luminance/ likely to produce further improvements.
color) provided higher accuracy. Salvaris and Sepulveda (2009)
varied the item/background colors, the item size, and the dis-
tance between items. Although a white background yielded the
best performance, and small items yielded the lowest perfor-
mance, no single option was best for all subjects. As described above, the P300 is evoked by stimuli of special
Perhaps the most important practical implication of these significance. In the case of P300-based BCIs, the special sig-
and other studies of basic format parameters is that the optimal nificance is that the stimulus represents the BCI output desired
parameter settings vary across users, and thus they should be by the user. Thus, P300 elicitation does not require that the
optimized for each new BCI user (Sellers & Donchin, 2006). user look directly at (i.e., fixate) the stimulus, and P300-based
Other researchers have explored modifications in the BCIs should be usable by people with limited or even absent
nature of the visual stimulus. In an effort to reduce the impact eye movements, such as many of those with late-stage ALS.
of the overlapping analysis epochs associated with rapid stimu- At the same time, some recent evidence suggests that the
lus presentation rates, Martens et al. (2009) tested an apparent- performance of P300-based BCIs that use a matrix format
motion paradigm in which the matrix items were in rectangles may depend to some extent on the user’s ability to fixate the
and the stimulus was a sudden 90° rotation of the rectangle. desired item.
The user’s task was to count the number of times the rectangle Brunner et al. (2010) and Treder and Blankertz (2010)
containing the desired item rotated. This paradigm showed a compared P300-based BCI performance when the user fixated
statistical improvement in performance for two of six subjects. a central point to that when the user fixated the target. In both
In a similar effort, Hong et al. (2009) explored a stimulus studies, performance was better when the user fixated the
designed to elicit a motion-specific ERP component (i.e., target. However, as noted previously, it is well known that P300
N200) that is most prominent at parietal electrodes P3 and P7. amplitude is decreased when the subject is assigned a second
Although offline analyses found performance similar to that of task (Donchin, 1987b; Fowler, 1994; Gopher, 1986; Kramer
the standard P300-based BCI format, the results suggested that et al., 1986; Kramer et al., 1983; Kramer et al., 1985; Sirevaag
the new design might reduce the number of scalp electrodes et al., 1989; Wickens et al., 1983; Wickens et al.,1984). By asking
needed. that the subject fixate a point other than the target during BCI
Several studies have addressed two problems associated use, Brunner et al (2010) and Treder and Blankertz (2010)
with the row/column stimulation format. First, the desired essentially imposed a second task. Thus, although accuracy
item (i.e., the target stimulus) sometimes flashes twice in was significantly higher when the target was fixated, it is not

C H A P TE R 1 2 . B C I S T H AT U S E P 3 0 0 E V E N T- R E L AT E D P O T E N T I A L S | 2 2 1
surprising that the gaze requirement yielded lower P300 paradigms is the low number of possible selections (e.g., two or
amplitude and reduced accuracy. Although Brunner et al. four) compared to the much higher number available with
(2010) concluded that the higher classification accuracy in standard visual P300-based BCIs (e.g., 6 × 6 = 36). Thus, the
the fixate-target condition indicates that P300-based BCI per- rate of communication is necessarily slow. Nevertheless it
formance depends on the subject’s ability to fixate the target might still be extremely valuable for people who lack other
character, it is evident from their results that classification does effective options.
not require fixation. Moreover, using a paradigm similar to In an effort to improve the bitrate, several studies have pre-
that of Treder and Blankertz (2010), Liu et al. (2010) reported sented auditory stimuli that map onto a visual matrix. Furdea
mean accuracy higher than 96% for a covert attention task. et al. (2009) used a 5 × 5 visual matrix in one condition, and a
These results demonstrate that optimizing the presentation 5 × 5 auditory (i.e., the spoken words “one” to “ten”) and visual
paradigm can yield highly accurate results even when the matrix in another condition. The auditory stimuli mapped to
subject does not fixate the target. the five rows and five columns of the matrix, which were
Nearly all P300-based BCI studies since 2004 have incor- labeled 1–10. Nine of 13 subjects were able to use the auditory
porated relatively short-latency (e.g., 150–250 msec) features and visual matrix with accuracy of 70% or higher. In contrast,
recorded from occipital scalp locations (i.e., over visual cortex). all 13 subjects achieved accuracy of 75% or higher in the visual
The clear value of such early-latency posterior scalp features condition, and 11 of the 13 were above 95%. In a similar design,
suggests that the responses elicited by the matrix P300-based Klobassa et al. (2009) used a 6 × 6 matrix and presented envi-
BCI, and the accuracy of the classification they achieve, may ronmental sounds that correspond to the rows and columns.
depend to some degree on occipital visual evoked potentials This study showed that subjects were eventually able to use the
(e.g., P100 and N200 see The Oddball Paradigm above), in system with the auditory stimuli alone. However, the commu-
addition to the P300. On the other hand, it should be noted nication rates were still relatively low next to those of visual
that occipital VEP components are affected by attention (Eason, P300-based BCIs.
1981; Harter et al., 1982; Hillyard & Munte, 1984; Mangun These early studies have established the feasibility of audi-
et al., 1993). It has also been noted that P300-related activity tory P300-based BCIs. This achievement, combined with the
occurring in the temporal-parietal cortical junction may con- clinical need for such systems, should encourage their further
tribute to the EEG recorded from occipital electrodes (Dien development.
et al., 2003; Polich, 2007).
The practical implications of these results for the clinical
usefulness of P300-based BCIs are not clear. Whereas P300-
based BCI performance may depend to some degree on the
user’s ability to look directly at the desired item, the impor- Current P300-based BCI designs provide relatively modest
tance of this factor in determining the usefulness of these BCIs rates of communication. Many research groups are working to
for people with eye-movement impairments remains to be improve P300-based BCIs by exploring new electrode selec-
determined. In this regard it is relevant to note that one person tion methods, presentation paradigms, and applications.
with ALS who could no longer use his eye-tracker communi- Cecotti et al. (2011) introduced a new electrode-selection
cation device was able to use a P300-based BCI very effectively algorithm to reduce the number of electrodes necessary for a
(Sellers et al., 2010). In a more general sense, it is important given person to use a P300-based BCI. Electrode selection,
to appreciate that the performance of any BCI that depends on more specifically reduction, will be a valuable asset in terms of
the user’s vision is likely to be affected by loss of eye-movement cost, convenience, and portability as more people begin to use
control. For example, a sensorimotor-rhythm-based BCI BCIs. In theory, a small number of electrodes should be suffi-
(chapter 13, this volume) that controls cursor movement may cient for P300-based control; however, due to individual differ-
not perform as well when the user’s gaze is not able to follow ences, it may be advantageous to start with a somewhat larger
the moving cursor. This practical reality brings us to the next array and then prune it to as few electrodes as possible.
section. Other studies have explored variations in contrast and
color (Salvaris & Sepulveda, 2009; Takano et al., 2009), over-
lapping stimuli and apparent (Martens et al., 2009) or actual
P 3 0 0 - B A S E D B C I S T H AT U S E
(Hong et al., 2009) motion, stimulus presentation modifica-
tions (Jin et al., 2011; Townsend et al., 2010), suppressing char-
Some of the people who need the basic communication capac- acters that surround the target during calibration (Frye et al.,
ity that a P300-based BCI could provide may find it impracti- in press), and using mindfulness induction to increase atten-
cal or impossible to use a system that requires vision. For tional resources (Lakey et al., 2011). Schreuder et al. (2010)
example, in addition to weak eye-movement control, people designed a five-choice auditory BCI by giving each stimulus a
with advanced ALS may have visual difficulties due to diplopia unique tone and a unique spatial location. The study showed
(double vision), ptosis (drooping eyelids), or dry eyes. In that the system produced speed and accuracy comparable to
response to this problem, several research groups have begun some visual P300-based BCIs. Brouwer and van Erp (2010)
developing P300-based BCIs that use auditory stimuli instead showed that a tactile P300-based BCI using stimulating elec-
of, or in addition to, visual stimuli (Hill, 2005; Nijboer et al., trodes placed around the waist can achieve speed and accuracy
2008; Pham et al., 2005). The major limitation of these similar to that of most auditory BCIs.

222 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E
New applications are also emerging. For example, extent to which long-term intensive home use (i.e., many hours
Münssinger et al. (2010) showed that a P300-based BCI can be per day over months and years) will degrade performance. The
used as a creative tool as well as a communication device. amplitude, form, or stability of the P300 might conceivably
Subjects performed copy-spelling, copy-painting, and free- degrade over the hours of use within a day and/or over many
painting tasks. We have seen advances toward a P300-based days and weeks of use. For example, habituation, or decreased
Internet browser (Bensch et al., 2007; Mugler et al., 2008; amplitude with repeated stimulus presentation, occurs with
Mugler et al., 2010) and also how a predictive spelling program many ERP phenomena (Kinoshita et al., 1996; Ravden &
can increase throughput (Ryan et al., 2011). Polich, 1998, 1999). The initial results for P300-based BCI use
are encouraging. Sellers and Donchin (2006) showed reliable
use of the P300-based BCI by six people, three with ALS, over
a period of 10 weeks. Most notably, despite frequent lengthy
daily use over 3 years, P300-based BCI performance by a
Because P300-based BCI systems are noninvasive, relatively person with ALS did not deteriorate (Sellers et al., 2010). The
portable and inexpensive, and perform reliably, they are the amplitude and form of the target and nontarget ERPs remained
first BCIs being taken out of the laboratory and used indepen- stable. Furthermore, even though the SWLDA algorithm was
dently by severely disabled people in their daily lives for basic reparameterized periodically, the optimal parameters changed
communication and environmental control. Although the first very little over time.
report of in-home testing is provided in Farwell and Donchin One important finding from efforts to provide the P300-
(1988), the concept was first described earlier by Donchin in a based BCI to people who are very severely disabled is that it is
1985 lecture (see Donchin, 1987a, for a transcript of the lec- useful to conduct an initial test of the extent to which the
ture). Birbaumer et al. (1999) reported the first long-term person can generate a P300 in the simplest and most straight-
home usage of a BCI system by a man with ALS. However, it is forward form of the oddball paradigm, such as a protocol in
only recently that a larger-scale effort to implement home use which a succession of two pictures (e.g., a zebra or an elephant)
independent of close oversight by a research team has begun are presented, with one appearing 80% of the time and the
(Sellers et al., 2010; Vaughan et al., 2006). Even though the other 20%. If the rare event fails to elicit a P300, it is very
system is slow compared to conventional means of communi- unlikely that the person will be able to use a visual P300-based
cation, it should be noted that, for severally disabled users, BCI. A recent innovation is the development of a screening
communication speed is often less important than accuracy method to evaluate more thoroughly within a few sessions
and reliability and the fact that the BCI restores a measure of whether a severely disabled person has the ability to use the
independence (Kübler & Neumann, 2005; Nijboer et al., 2008; P300-based BCI (McCane et al., 2009).
Sellers & Donchin, 2006) (although most BCI users would pre-
sumably opt for faster communication if it were available).
These first efforts have encountered, defined, and begun to SUMMARY
address the myriad difficult issues that arise when a new tech-
nology is taken out of the simple, highly controlled laboratory An event-related potential (ERP) is a distinctive pattern of volt-
environment and placed into the complex, changing, and age changes that is time-locked to a specific event. The most
unpredictable environments in which people, including those prominent ERP BCI is the P300-based BCI. The P300 is a pos-
with severe disabilities, actually live. These issues include (but itive potential that occurs over central-parietal scalp 250–700
are certainly not limited to): the capacities, expectations, and msec after a rare event occurs in the context of the oddball
desires of the prospective users and their caregivers; the need paradigm. This paradigm has three essential attributes:
for extremely simple and robust hardware and software and for
simple and convenient usage procedures; the difficulty of eval- • A subject is presented with a series of events (i.e.,
uating prospective users who currently can communicate very stimuli), each of which falls into one of two classes.
little if at all; the impact of the user’s disease process on P300
• The events that fall into one of the classes are less
generation; the selection of the proper point in the disease pro-
frequent than those that fall into the other class.
cess to introduce BCI usage; the physical and mental state of
the user; the physical and social features and stability of the • The subject performs a task that requires
home environment; the presence of electromagnetic noise or classifying each event into one of the two
instability; the need for prompt and effective technical support; classes.
the impact of other illnesses; and the practical and ethical
issues that arise if and when disease progression degrades BCI In 1988, Farwell and Donchin described a BCI based on
performance. These many issues are addressed more fully in the oddball paradigm. The rows and columns of a 6 × 6 matrix
chapters 20 and 24 of this volume. Indeed, although the subject of letters and commands flashed rapidly, and the rare events
of chapter 20 is the clinical usage of BCIs in general, its sub- were the flashes of the row and column that contained the item
stance is of necessity drawn almost entirely from experience the subject wanted to select. This P300-based BCI provided
with P300-based BCIs. relatively slow but effective communication.
One issue important for home use is addressed here because Over the past two decades, the original P300-based BCI
it applies to P300-based systems specifically. That issue is the design has provided a robust basis for continued development

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226 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E

rain-computer interfaces (BCIs) based on sensorimotor SMRs can also be increased in association with sensorimo-
rhythms (SMRs) have been the focus of research and tor events (e.g., immediately after movement). This is called
development for many years because of the long history event-related synchronization (ERS) (Pfurtscheller, 1992). ERS
of evidence that the execution or imagination of limb move- may be, at least under certain circumstances, a correlate of a
ment induces changes in rhythmic activity recorded over deactivated or inhibited cortical network. Figure 13.1 illus-
sensorimotor cortex (Pfurtscheller and Aranibar, 1979; Neuper trates the ERD and ERS patterns associated with actual or
and Pfurtscheller, 1999). These changes in SMRs can be imagined movements of foot or hand. Note the similarities
detected on the scalp by electroencephalography (EEG) or between the patterns for actual and imagined movements. As
magnetoencephalography (MEG) or on the surface of the brain also illustrated in figure 13.1, SMR ERDs and ERSs are both
by electrocorticography (ECoG) (McFarland et al., 2000; characterized by localized cortical (or scalp) topographies and
Jurkiewicz et al., 2006; Graimann et al., 2002). SMRs are specificities in frequency. These phenomena can be studied
recorded and their useful features are extracted and translated with time courses, time-frequency representations, and topo-
as described in chapters 6, 7, and 8 of this volume, and the graphic maps (e.g., Pfurtscheller and Lopes da Silva, 1999).
resulting outputs are then used to control one or more of a The extensive networks responsible for the SMRs recorded
variety of potentially useful BCI applications (e.g., movement over the cortex include both cortical and subcortical struc-
control in one, two, or three dimensions). tures. Thus, recordings from depth electrodes reveal mu-
This chapter discusses BCI usage of SMRs. It begins by and beta-range activity in the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus,
reviewing their nature and basic characteristics, goes on to and pedunculopontine area (Androulidakis et al., 2008;
address the issues critical for recording and analyzing them, and Klostermann et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2002). The relation-
then reviews their existing and possible future BCI applications. ships among these areas are complex. For example, with move-
ment, mu ERD occurs in motor cortex and mu ERS occurs in
the subthalamic nucleus, whereas beta ERD occurs uniformly
SE N SORIM OTOR RHYT HMS in motor cortex, thalamus, and the subthalamic nucleus
(Klostermann et al., 2007).
SMRs are oscillations in the electric or magnetic fields recorded
over sensorimotor cortices (i.e., posterior frontal and anterior
parietal areas) (see chapter 3 of this volume and Pfurtscheller SMR S DURING SENSORIMOTOR
and Lopes da Silva, 1999). SMRs typically fall into three major BEHAVIORS
frequency bands: mu (8–12 Hz), beta (18–30 Hz), and gamma
(30–200+ Hz). EEG recording is largely limited to mu, beta, Over the past several decades, many studies have described in
and lower-frequency gamma activity, but ECoG and MEG can detail how voluntary movements are associated with mu and
detect higher-frequency activity. Most SMR studies to date beta ERD localized over sensorimotor cortical areas
have used EEG, and this is reflected in this chapter’s focus on (Pfurtscheller and Aranibar, 1979; Pfurtscheller and Berghold,
mu and beta SMRs. Gamma activity in ECoG recording is 1989; Derambure et al., 1993; Toro et al., 1994; Stancák
discussed extensively in chapter 15. and Pfurtscheller, 1996b; Neuper and Pfurtscheller, 2001a;
Beginning with the early studies of Berger (1930), Jasper Pfurtscheller, Graimann, Huggins et al., 2003; Cassim et al.,
and Andrew (1938), and Jasper and Penfield (1949), it has been 2001; Alegre et al., 2002). For example, more than two seconds
shown repeatedly that SMRs change with motor behavior. prior to a finger flexion, mu ERD appears over the contralat-
Chatrian et al. (1959) described the decrease, or desynchroniza- eral Rolandic region (i.e., over the central sulcus) and becomes
tion, of the Rolandic wicket rhythm (i.e., the mu rhythm) during bilaterally symmetrical during actual execution of movement
movement. Subsequent studies confirmed that SMRs decrease (Stancák and Pfurtscheller, 1996a). These effects are illustrated
during motor behaviors. This decrease, known as event-related in figure 13.2.
desynchronization (ERD) (Pfurtscheller and Aranibar, 1979), Mu rhythms display two distinct ERD patterns. Lower-
consists of a reduction in rhythmic activity related to an inter- frequency (8–10 Hz) mu-rhythm ERD occurs during almost
nally or externally paced event such as a voluntary movement. any kind of motor behavior, is widespread over the entire sen-
ERD is also referred to as blocking of a rhythm. SMR ERDs can sorimotor cortex, and probably reflects general motor prepara-
be seen as correlates of activated cortical networks. tion and attentional processes. In contrast, higher-frequency

Positive BOLD Foot movement Positive BOLD
Hand movement
Neg. Execution Imagination
Execution Imagination



“Focal ERD/surround ERS” “Focal ERD/surround ERS”

Figure 13.1 Examples of ERD and ERS patterns (obtained from EEG and fMRI data) during actual and imagined movements of the foot (left) or hand (right). Clearly
visible are the antagonistic pattern of activation (ERD, positive BOLD signal [see chapter 4]) and deactivation (ERS, negative BOLD signal). Note also the similarity
of the ERD maps for actual and imagined movements. (From Pfurtscheller and Lopes da Silva, 2011.)

(10–13 Hz) mu-rhythm ERD is topographically restricted and Localized mu ERD related to a specific sensorimotor event
is related to task-specific aspects of performance. In sum, low- does not usually occur in isolation. It is typically accompanied
er-frequency mu ERD appears to be nonspecific, whereas by simultaneous ERS in neighboring cortical areas. To describe
higher-frequency mu ERD is topographically and functionally this phenomenon, Suffczynski et al. (1999) introduced the
specific (Pfurtscheller, Neuper & Kraus, 2000). term focal-ERD/surround-ERS (also referred to as center/
Like the mu rhythm, the beta rhythm exhibits desynchron- surround). There are numerous examples of this phenomenon.
zation (ERD) in association with somatosensory stimulation Figure 13.1A shows hand-area ERD and foot-area ERS during
and motor behaviors. In addition to this ERD, beta rhythms hand movement, whereas figure 13.1B shows hand-area ERS
also display a brief ERS following movement, which is called and foot-area ERD during foot movement. The phenomenon
beta rebound (Pfurtscheller, 1981; Pfurtscheller et al. 1996a). may also involve cortical areas representing different sensory
Figure 13.3 illustrates this phenomenon. It shares with other modalities. For example, Gerloff et al. (1998) reported that the
event-related responses characteristics such as: strict somato- mu ERD occurring during repetitive finger movement was
topic organization (Salmelin et al., 1995; Pfurtscheller and accompanied by ERS of the 8–12 Hz visual alpha rhythm
Lopes da Silva, 1999; Jurkiewicz, 2006); somatotopically spe- rhythm recorded over parieto-occipital (i.e., visual) cortex.
cific frequencies (e.g., slightly lower frequencies over hand area Conversely, Koshino and Niedermeyer (1975) and Kreitmann
than over foot area [Neuper and Pfurtscheller, 2001b]); similar and Shaw (1965) reported that the alpha ERD over occipital
patterns after active and passive movements (Cassim et al., cortex during visual stimulation was accompanied by mu ERS
2001; Alegre et al., 2002), electrical nerve stimulation (Neuper over sensorimotor cortex. Metabolic imaging studies provide
and Pfurtscheller, 2001b), or motor imagery (Pfurtscheller additional evidence of focal ERD/surround ERS. For example,
et al., 2005); and coincidence with reduced excitability of neu- Ehrsson et al. (2003) showed that actual or imagined toe
rons in motor cortex, as measured with transcranial magnetic movements increased the BOLD signal (see chapter 4) in a foot
stimulation (Chen et al., 1998). representation area and decreased it in a hand area.
The focal ERD/surround ERS phenomenon may reflect a
mechanism that accentuates attention to a specific sensorimo-
100 tor subsystem by inhibiting other cortical areas that are not
75 ~ 9–11 Hz ERS directly involved in the specific behavior (Pfurtscheller
et al.,1996b). In this process the interplay between thalamo-
cortical modules and the inhibitory reticular thalamic nucleus

25 PO1
neurons may play an important role (Lopes da Silva, 1991,
–25 C4
–75 ERD
N = 12
–100 Early clinical studies by Jasper and Penfield (1949) show that
0 2 4 6 8 10 s SMR ERD is associated with motor imagery as well as with
Movement actual movement. Gastaut et al. (1965) observed mu ERD
when subjects with amputated limbs imagined moving their
Figure 13.2 Grand average ERD and ERS time courses during slow voluntary
missing limbs.
movements of the right index finger. The movement period is indicated below
the x-axis. Note that the ERD starts over the left motor area several seconds
More recent studies have further documented the ERDs
prior to movement. Also note the ERS over posterior areas. (From Neuper and associated with movement imagery and have demonstrated
Pfurtscheller, 2001a.) their similarity to the ERDs associated with actual movements.

228 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Hand movement
150 C3 Cz
–50 Ref t1 t2 t3 Ref t1 t2 t3
–4 –2 0 2 4s –2 0 2 4s

Foot movement
200 %
150 C3 Cz
–50 Ref t1 t2 t3 Ref t1 t2 t3
–4 –2 0 2 4s –2 0 2 4s

n =10 ~15.2 – 20.2 Hz

~19.8 – 24.8 Hz

Figure 13.3 Grand average ERD and ERS patterns over hand and foot areas. The time courses for electrodes C3 and Cz are shown separately for finger and foot
movement. The vertical lines indicate the movement offset. Band-power increase is indicated by upward deflections. Note the ERD prior to movement and the
ERS following movement. Also note that the effects of finger movement are greater over C3 and the effects of foot movement are greater over Cz. (From Neuper
and Pfurtscheller, 2001b.)

Figure 13.1 illustrates this similarity. For example, imagery of ANALYZING SENSORIMOTOR
right- and left-hand movements is associated with ERD of mu CORTEX ACTIVITY
and beta rhythms over the contralateral hand area that is com-
parable to the premovement ERD seen during execution of
self-paced movements (Pfurtscheller and Neuper 1997, 2006, Since SMRs consist of rhythmic oscillations, their quantifica-
2010). Further support for somatotopically localized ERD with tion begins with frequency analysis. For EEG, the relevant
imagery comes from studies in patients with impaired motor range is 5–40 Hz, whereas for ECoG and MEG the relevant
function (Neuper and Pfurtscheller, 1999; Neuper et al., 2006). range extends considerably higher, to at least 200 Hz (Graimann
Furthermore, foot motor imagery, like actual foot movement, and Pfurtscheller, 2006). The classical approach to quantifying
is followed by beta ERS (Pfurtscheller and Solis-Escalante, SMRs and tracking their ERD and ERS is simple bandpass fil-
2009). tering (see chapter 7 of this volume) in one or more specific
Many other studies using a variety of recording techniques frequency bands. The standard ERD/ERS calculation as defined
provide further evidence for the participation of sensorimotor by Pfurtscheller and Aranibar (1979) is accomplished by band-
cortex in motor imagery and for the similarities of the activity pass filtering each trial, squaring the samples, and then averag-
associated with imagery to that associated with actual move- ing over multiple trials. The results are used to define the
ment. These include studies using EEG (McFarland et al., 2000; proportional power decrease (ERD) or power increase (ERS)
Caldara et al., 2004; Neuper et al., 2005; Pfurtscheller, Brunner, relative to a specific reference interval that is usually a period of
Schlögl et al., 2006; Neuper et al., 2009), ECoG (Leuthardt several seconds shortly before the onset of the event (e.g.,
et al., 2004), MEG (Mellinger et al., 2007), functional magnetic movement or movement imagery; fig. 13.3). Since time-domain
resonance imagery (fMRI) (Porro et al., 1996; Lotze et al., 1999; evoked potentials can mask SMR ERD or ERS, the mean value
Dechent et al., 2004; Ehrsson et al., 2003), and near-infrared of the samples to be averaged is typically subtracted from each
spectroscopy (fNIRS) (Wriessnegger et al., 2008). sample before squaring them. The results can be used to pro-
The strong similarities between actual movement and duce time-frequency maps (Graimann et al., 2002).
movement imagery in the activity patterns found in sensorim- A variety of other frequency-analysis methods have been
otor cortical areas are consistent with the concept that motor applied to SMRs. These include the Fourier transform (Makeig,
imagery is realized via the same brain structures involved in 1993), the continuous wavelet transform (Tallon-Baundry and
movement preparation and performance (Jeannerod, 2001; Bertrand, 1999), matching pursuit (Durka et al., 2001), and
Decety, 1994). autoregressive models (Marple, 1987). Further information on

C H A P T E R 1 3 . B C I S T H AT U S E S E N S O R I M O T O R R H Y T H M S | 2 2 9
these techniques, their unique features, and their particular components (Naeem et al., 2006). ICA is addressed more fully
advantages and disadvantages is provided in chapters 7 and 8 in chapter 7.
of this volume. In general, the choice of a particular method
for a given application is frequently determined by the trade-
off that the method provides between frequency resolution and ANALYSES OF RELATIONSHIPS BETWE E N
time resolution. DIFFERENT CHANNELS

Currently, almost all BCIs use signal features obtained from

single recording sites (e.g., power in a specific frequency band,
SMRs and their associated time-domain evoked potentials are voltage at a specific time point). Nevertheless, a number of
usually localized over specific cortical regions. Thus, spatial- studies suggest that features consisting of the relationships
filtering methods that emphasize localized signal features (i.e., between the signals from different recording sites may be valu-
features with high spatial frequency) and de-emphasize wide- able for BCI applications that use SMRs (e.g., Lachaux et al.,
spread features (i.e., features with low spatial frequency), can 1999; Gysel and Celka, 2004; Brunner et al., 2006). Brunner
substantially improve the recognition and measurement of et al. (2006) found that phase locking value (PLV), which
SMRs (McFarland, McCane et al., 1997). The conventional reflects the level of phase synchronization between signals
monopolar (i.e., referential) EEG method has minimal spatial from different locations, can be useful in distinguishing among
resolution and is thus not well suited for revealing localized different mental states. Pairs of electrodes within one hemi-
ERD/ERS patterns over sensorimotor areas. Other spatial- sphere (e.g., electrodes over premotor and primary motor cor-
filtering techniques such as the common average reference tices) appeared to be more useful than interhemispheric
(CAR or AVE) and Laplacian derivations or simple bipolar electrode pairs. PLV methods are described in chapter 7.
derivations are more suitable. Spatial filtering principles and
alternatives are discussed fully in chapter 7 of this volume.
Figure 13.4 illustrates the importance of appropriate spatial TRANSLATING SMR ACTIVITY INTO
filtering for recording SMRs. It shows the SMR localization DEVICE CONTROL
achieved by analyzing the same EEG data with three different
spatial filters. The superior signal quality provided by the CAR Early SMR-based BCI applications often used linear regression
and large Laplacian methods is clear. Independent component algorithms to translate SMR amplitudes into cursor move-
analysis (ICA) is another technique that can be used for spatial ments (e.g., Wolpaw et al., 1994). Further developments of this
filtering aimed at improving SMR recognition and quantifica- approach have yielded the most complex SMR-based BCI con-
tion. It is a statistical signal-processing method that decom- trol realized to date (Wolpaw and McFarland, 2004; McFarland
poses a multivariate input signal into statistically independent et al., 2008, 2010). Regression algorithms have the advantage of

Ear CAR Small Large

reference Laplacian Laplacian




36 18 18 18
Amplitude (μV)

18 9 9 9

0 0 0 0
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.0 0.0 0.0
0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 13.4 Three different spatial filters applied to the same data from four BCI users controlling cursor movement with their SMRs. (Top) Average topographies of
r2 for top/bottom target differences. (Bottom) Average spectra of r2 for the channel used for cursor control. (From McFarland et al., 1997.)

230 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
being able to support acquisition of many different targets with particular algorithm can only be fully assessed through actual
a single function; and thus they can readily generalize across online testing. This crucial issue is considered in more detail in
different numbers of targets (McFarland and Wolpaw, 2005). chapter 8 of this volume.
Consider, for example, the icons on modern video desktop
displays and graphical user interfaces, which often change with
context. Any number of icons (i.e., targets) can be mapped by ARTIFACTS
two regression functions. In contrast, many SMR-based BCI
applications to date have used classification algorithms, for Artifacts produced by nonbrain signals, whether originating
which each change in the number of possible selections neces- from power lines, muscle activity, or other sources, are a major
sitates deriving new classification parameters (e.g., Pfurtscheller, source of concern in BCI research and development (see
Neuper, Flotzinger et al., 1997; see Lotte et al., 2007 for Fatourechi et al., 2007 for review). Chapter 7 addresses artifact
review). issues more completely. Here we discuss those aspects that are
Adaptation of the translation algorithm to the changing of particular concern for BCIs that use SMRs.
characteristics of individual users is a desirable attribute for Electromagnetic signals recorded from the scalp may be
BCI systems (McFarland, Lefkowitz et al., 1997). Vidaurre et al. produced by brain or nonbrain activity. Electromyographic
(2006) and Shenoy et al. (2006) have characterized the chang- activity (EMG) from cranial, facial, and neck muscles and elec-
ing statistics of the signal features of individual users. McFarland trooculographic activity (EOG) from eye movements and
et al. (2006) discussed the multiple parameters that can be eye blinks are the most prominent and important nonbrain
adaptively controlled in a sensorimotor BCI system. The artifacts. Furthermore, mental efforts, such as those often asso-
method by which this is done may vary with the parameter in ciated with BCI usage, often produce changes in these non-
question. For example, an adaptive estimate of the slope brain signals (e.g., Ichikawa and Ohira, 2004; Silvestrini and
and intercept of the equation that translates EEG into cursor Gendolla, 2007; Whitham et al., 2008).
movement considers only simple statistics of the signal (e.g., EMG presents a particularly difficult problem as it pro-
Ramoser et al., 1997). In contrast, feature-selection algorithms duces broadband signals that may extend over widespread
often consider the covariances between signal features (e.g., areas of scalp, including the vertex (Goncharova et al., 2003).
McFarland and Wolpaw, 2005; Shenoy et al., 2006; Vidaurre Because EMG activity can overlap with SMRs in both fre-
et al., 2006). Several recent studies have further demonstrated quency and location (and may greatly exceed them in ampli-
the impressive performance of SMR-based BCIs that use tude), simple low-pass filtering (see chapter 7) is generally not
adaptive algorithms (McFarland et al., 2011; Thomas et al., an adequate remedy. Consequently, without sufficient topo-
2011; Vidaurre et al., 2011). graphic and spectral analysis, EMG signals may obscure, or
may masquerade as, actual SMRs.
For example, McFarland et al. (2005) describe how cranial
ONL IN E A N D OF F LINE ANALYSES EMG can interfere during the initial training of users operat-
ing an SMR-based BCI application. As illustrated in that study,
Communication is an interactive process that requires the user EMG contamination can be readily identified and differenti-
to track the process continually and correct mistakes. Control ated from actual brain signals by appropriately comprehensive
applications require the user to navigate on the basis of their topographical and spectral analysis. In the absence of such
current state (e.g., cursor position) and make necessary correc- analysis (e.g., if the data are limited to one or two locations or
tions during the course of performance. Thus a BCI device that to a limited frequency range), it is often not possible to deter-
is used for communication or control applications runs in real mine whether the signals used by the BCI are actual brain
time and provides feedback to the user. Whereas early SMR- signals or EMG. Topographic and spectral characteristics of
based BCI studies described results for real-time operation SMRs and EMG are illustrated in figure 13.5. This issue has
(e.g., Wolpaw et al., 1991; Pfurtscheller et al., 1993), much sub- recently become even more important as studies have begun to
sequent BCI research has focused on offline analyses of prere- focus on gamma-range (i.e., >30 Hz) brain activity (e.g.,
corded data (e.g., Blankertz et al., 2006). Indeed, in the Lotte Palaniappan, 2006), which is very weak in the scalp-recorded
et al. (2007) review of BCI classification algorithms, most of EEG (Pfurtscheller and Cooper, 1975). (Whitman et al. [2008]
the studies considered used offline analyses. have even suggested that all scalp-recorded gamma-range
Although offline studies are convenient and efficient, and signals may be due to EMG activity.) In sum, essentially all
can often guide subsequent online studies, offline results may SMR-based BCI research and development efforts that use
not generalize to online performance. BCI operation depends scalp recording should incorporate the comprehensive topo-
on ongoing real-time interaction between the brain signals the graphical and spectral analyses needed to recognize artifacts
user produces and the outputs into which the BCI translates produced by cranial and facial EMG. Scherer et al. (2007) have
these signals. Thus, the outputs that a particular translation suggested an interesting additional measure in which EMG
algorithm produces are likely to affect subsequent brain sig- detection is based on the residual variance in the signal not
nals, and these will in turn affect subsequent BCI outputs. explained by an autoregressive model. Recently, Halder et al
These interactive effects are not accessible to offline analyses in (2011) supported the brain origin of the signals used by a SMR-
which data obtained with a particular algorithm are reanalyzed based BCI by showing concurrent fMRI activation of the
with promising new algorithms. As a result, the value of a appropriate brain regions.

C H A P T E R 1 3 . B C I S T H AT U S E S E N S O R I M O T O R R H Y T H M S | 2 3 1


0.11 0.55

User A User D User G

1.0 Sensorimotor Forehead Sensorimotor Forehead Sensorimotor Forehead

cortex cortex cortex
Session 1





Session 10




0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 13.5 (Top) Average topographies of r2 (in the frequency band used for control) for top/bottom target differences from seven BCI users (A–G) during their first
and 10th sessions of SMR training. Note the localized control over sensorimotor areas in users A–E by the 10th session. In contrast, Users F and G did not develop
such SMR control. Note also the probable EMG activity over frontal areas in users D–F early in training. This activity disappeared with training. (Bottom) Spectra
over sensorimotor cortex and forehead of BCI users A, D, and G. Note the broadband probable EMG activity over forehead areas early in training in users D and
G. In User D, this decreased markedly with training, whereas in User G it did not. True SMR control is spatially and spectrally focused (e.g., user A throughout and
user D later in training). (From McFarland et al., 2005.)

Unlike EMG artifacts, which may occur over a very broad (e.g., Vaughan et al., 1998; Wolpaw and McFarland, 2004;
spectral range, EOG artifacts are mainly at lower frequencies McFarland et al., 2010).
(i.e., 1–4 Hz), except at frontal polar sites (Hagemann and
Naumann, 2001). As a result, EOG is generally not a major
concern for BCIs that use SMRs. A number of methods for BCI USES OF SMR S
removing EOG artifacts have been described (e.g., Croft et al.,
2005; Fatourechi et al., 2007). Over the past 20 years, SMRs have been applied to BCI appli-
Although cranial and facial EMG is a major potential cations in a variety of different ways. Essentially all of these
source of artifacts, muscle activity is a concern for another efforts have started from the observation that SMRs change
reason as well. Because SMRs are often affected by motor with motor imagery as well as with actual movements. Thus,
actions, muscle activity in the limbs or elsewhere in the body the prospective BCI user is asked to imagine particular actions
can affect these rhythms. The possibility of peripheral media- and the resultant changes in SMR amplitudes are translated
tion of SMR changes has been a concern in the development of into outputs such as cursor movement.
SMR-based BCI applications, particularly in regard to their Although SMR-based BCIs generally use imagery in some
potential usefulness for people who lack voluntary motor func- way, they differ substantially in how they do this. At one end of
tion. Thus, a number of studies have included careful ancillary the spectrum are BCIs that simply use imagery as a starting
experiments to demonstrate that the SMR control they report point that enables the user to gain initial control of the
does not depend on muscle activity elsewhere in the body BCI’s output. Then, from this point on, these BCIs rely on

232 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
progressive adaptive interactions between the user (who grad- that the imagery became less important, and their control over
ually improves SMR control) and the BCI (which gradually cursor movement became more like a normal muscle-based
improves its translation of that control into outputs such as action. This observation is consistent with the learning of many
cursor movement). In this approach, successful BCI operation conventional (i.e., muscle-based) tasks in which, with contin-
is based on the continued mutual adaptation of user to system ued practice, performance becomes automatized (e.g., Bebko
and system to user. As this process proceeds, imagery typically et al., 2003; Poldrack et al., 2005). Furthermore, it bodes well
begins to be less important and often disappears entirely, so for the eventual practical success of SMR-based BCIs, since
that BCI use appears to become automatized like a well-learned automatized performance is less likely to interfere with con-
muscle-based action (e.g., Wolpaw and McFarland, 2004; current mental operations. For example, in composing a man-
McFarland et al., 2010). uscript an experienced typist does not need to think about
At the other end of the spectrum are BCIs that rely on spe- each individual keystroke.
cific imagery or other mental tasks initially (e.g., foot move- Subsequent to this first demonstration, one-dimensional
ment vs. hand movement, calculation vs. mental visualization SMR-based cursor control was extended to allow selection
of object rotation), define the SMR changes associated with among more than two targets (e.g., McFarland et al., 1993;
each task, and continue to rely on these relationships through- McFarland et al., 2003; Pfurtscheller, Müller-Putz, Schlögl
out subsequent BCI operation (e.g., Curran and Stokes, 2003; et al., 2006). In addition, SMRs detected by MEG were applied
Curran et al., 2004; Krauledat et al., 2008). This approach to cursor control (Mellinger et al., 2007). More complex train-
assumes that the SMR patterns associated with the chosen ing protocols have enabled people to learn to control two SMR
tasks do not change with repeated BCI usage, and/or that any signals simultaneously and to use this control to move a cursor
changes can readily be accommodated by recalibrations. It in two dimensions (Wolpaw and McFarland, 1994, 2004;
does not try to actively engage the adaptive properties of the Kostov and Polak, 2000; Cincotti et al., 2008). In Wolpaw and
user’s brain in order to improve BCI operation. These two McFarland (1994, 2004), movement in each dimension was
different approaches are illustrated in this chapter’s next sub- controlled by a linear equation that translated SMR features
sections, which describe the different kinds of SMR-based BCI (i.e., the independent variables) into cursor movement (i.e., the
applications that have been implemented. dependent variable). The SMR features used (i.e., amplitudes
It should be noted that efforts to develop SMR-based BCIs in specific frequency bands at specific locations) and the
were also encouraged by evidence that people could learn to weights assigned to them were the result of continued adaptive
change SMR amplitudes in one direction (i.e., increase or interaction between the user and the BCI over the course of
decrease) (e.g., Kulman, 1978; Elder et al., 1986). Since these training sessions. As discussed in Wolpaw (2010), this SMR-
early studies had therapeutic goals (e.g., decreased seizure fre- based two-dimensional cursor control is comparable in speed
quency in epileptic patients), they did not attempt to show that and accuracy to that achieved in humans with intracortical
people can learn to change SMR amplitudes rapidly and accu- microelectrode implants (Hochberg et al., 2006). It has been
rately in either direction, up or down. Such rapid bidirectional supplemented by an SMR-based “select” function to provide
control is essential for BCI communication and control mouse-like operation that enables a BCI user to move a cursor
applications. The initial demonstration and subsequent to a target and to then decide whether to select it (McFarland
refinements of rapid bidirectional SMR control have been the et al., 2008). Most recently, SMR-based cursor control has been
central achievement of SMR-based BCI research over the past extended to three dimensions (McFarland et al., 2010), and
20 years. two-dimensional control has been combined with a constant
progression in a third dimension to enable movement in three
dimensions (Royer et al., 2010). Figure 13.6 illustrates simulta-
CUR SOR MOVEMENT IN O NE neous independent control of three movement dimensions.
OR MORE DIME NSIONS These and related studies show that SMRs can provide rapid
and accurate control of one output or parallel control of several
In 1991, Wolpaw et al. (1991) described an SMR-based BCI in independent simultaneous outputs.
which users moved a cursor to hit a target located on the top or
bottom edge of a video screen. Cursor movement was con-
trolled by the amplitude of mu-rhythm (8–12 Hz) activity COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS
recorded over sensorimotor areas. After an initial screening
session to identify the locations and frequencies of SMR Spelling systems are communication aids that allow users to
changes associated with actual limb movements and/or move- express themselves by selecting letters or other items, thus
ment imagery, cursor movement direction (i.e., up or down) forming words and sentences. People with ALS have learned to
was made dependent on these changes, and users were encour- use SMRs to operate a spelling device (Neuper et al., 2003;
aged to find motor imagery that would move the cursor toward Kübler et al., 2005). One SMR-based BCI spelling application
the target. Subjects reported using a variety of kinds of imagery divided the alphabet into four parts, and users reached a single
for moving in one direction or the other (e.g., imagining run- letter through a series of three successive selections (Wolpaw
ning, floating, shooting baskets, etc.) As their control improved, et al., 2003). Millán et al. (2003) reported an average spelling
and as the translation algorithm was adapted to use the grow- rate of ∼3.0 letters/min for a BCI that differentiated among
ing control as effectively as possible, users typically reported the EEG patterns associated with imagination of left hand

C H A P T E R 1 3 . B C I S T H AT U S E S E N S O R I M O T O R R H Y T H M S | 2 3 3
A Vertical Horizontal Depth



Cpz C4 C3

Correlation (R2)



0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

250 ms
10 μV
Left Back

Figure 13.6 SMR topographies and spectra from a BCI user controlling three-dimensional cursor movement. In this case, movement in each dimension was
controlled by 26-Hz EEG activity at one or two specific electrodes. (A) Scalp topographies (nose at top) of the correlations of the 26-Hz frequency band with the
vertical, horizontal, and depth target locations, respectively. (The correlations are shown as R in order to distinguish negative and positive correlations.) The
electrodes that controlled each dimension of movement are marked with an X. (B) Spectra corresponding to the correlations (r2) of the activities at the scalp
electrode that made the largest contributions to the control signal are shown. The correlations with the vertical, horizontal, and depth dimensions are presented as
red, blue, and black lines, respectively. The activity at the electrode that provided a given control signal correlated strongly with the corresponding dimension of
the target location and did not correlate with the other dimensions. (C) Samples of EEG activity at the marked electrodes from single trials; these illustrate the
control in each dimension that the user employed to move the cursor to the target. (From McFarland et al., 2010.)

movement, right hand movement, and cube rotation. Müller an orthosis that opened and closed the user’s paralyzed hand.
and Blankertz (2006) described an intriguing BCI application This BCI was subsequently combined with the Freehand (Keith
(“Hex-O-Spell”) in which the BCI differentiated among six et al., 1989), an implanted neuroprosthesis that uses functional
possible choices, and two successive selections were used to electrical stimulation (FES) of hand muscles to restore grasp.
arrive at the desired letter (as illustrated in fig. 13.7). More Using this BCI/FES system, a paralyzed person was able to use
recently, Friedrich et al. (2009) described an application in foot motor imagery to modulate SMRs in order to perform
which an automatic scanning protocol proceeded through a set hand grasp (Pfurtscheller et al., 2003b; Müller-Putz et al.,
of choices and the user produced a specific SMR change when 2005).
the desired selection was reached. Virtual reality (VR) provides an excellent training and test-
ing environment for simulating BCI control applications that
would be very costly, potentially dangerous, or even impossible
CONTROL A PPLICAT IONS to realize at present. In a simulation of wheelchair control, the
BCI controls not an actual wheelchair but rather the move-
In an early application, an SMR-based BCI was used to restore ment of a virtual wheelchair through an immersive virtual
hand grasp in a person paralyzed by spinal cord injury environment that simulates the real wheelchair movement as
(Pfurtscheller, Guger, Müller, et al., 2000). The BCI controlled realistically as possible. Recently, Leeb et al. (2007) reported an

234 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Berli Berli Berli Berlin

< – H G < – H G
? I ? I
. F . F

Figure 13.7 The Hex-o-Spell. The two states classified by the BCI system control the turning and lengthening, respectively, of the green arrow. Letters could be
chosen in a two-step procedure. First a subgroup is selected, and then the hexagon that contains the desired letter is selected. (From Müller and Blankertz, 2006.)

experiment in which a person paralyzed by spinal cord injury Birch (2000) described an asynchronous BCI that uses time-
was placed with his wheelchair in the middle of a multiprojec- domain motor-related potentials, and subsequently applied it
tion-based stereo and head-tracked VR system that simulated to the real-time control of a video game (Mason et al., 2004).
a street with shops populated by 15 people (i.e., avatars). By Scherer et al. (2004) described an asynchronous protocol based
using foot vs. hand motor imagery to modulate power in a on left hand, right hand, and foot motor imagery that they
15–19 Hz frequency band recorded over sensorimotor cortex, applied to a spelling application. In a later study, Scherer et al.
the BCI user was able to move forward from avatar to avatar (2007) developed an asynchronous SMR-based BCI by train-
in the virtual environment. This paradigm is illustrated in ing two independent classifiers. One classifier detected the
figure 13.8. Figure 13.9 shows examples of time-frequency onset of a motor-imagery task and the second determined
maps during hand and foot motor imagery in this BCI VR which movement imagery task (among several possibilities)
application. the subject was performing. With the resultant outputs, the
BCI user could navigate in a virtual environment or use the
Google Earth website. Most recently, Solis-Escalante (2009)
ASY NC HRON OU S B CI S and Pfurtscheller et al. (2010) provided evidence that the beta-
range SMR ERS that occurs immediately after foot motor
BCIs may be synchronous or asynchronous. In a synchronous imagery might support effective asynchronous BCI operation
BCI, the system specifies the timing of operation. In an asyn- and Hema et al (2011) used an asynchronous SMR-based BCI
chronous BCI, the user determines timing. Chapter 10 in this to control a wheelchair.
volume discusses these two alternative designs more fully.
Although the asynchronous design may be preferable for some
applications (especially those most likely to be useful for people POTENTIAL USERS OF SMR-BASED BC I S
who are severely paralyzed), it is much more difficult to realize.
Thus, almost all BCIs described to date are synchronous. An important practical issue for SMR-based BCIs is whether
Several studies have explored the use of SMRs and related their most likely prospective users will be able to operate them.
activity to realize asynchronous BCI applications. Mason and Although early observations suggested that SMRs occurred in

Figure 13.8 (Left) A virtual street populated with 15 avatars and a user with tetraplegia in his wheelchair in the middle of a multiprojection wall virtual reality system.
The BCI user wore the electrode cap with one bipolar channel connected to the BCI system (amplifier and laptop on the right side). (Right) The task of the
participant was to go from avatar to avatar in the direction of the end of the street (outlined with a dashed line). The avatars were lined up, and each avatar had an
invisible communication sphere (drawn as dotted lines here). The BCI user had to stop within this sphere, not too close and not too far away from the avatar. (From
Leeb et al., 2007.)

C H A P T E R 1 3 . B C I S T H AT U S E S E N S O R I M O T O R R H Y T H M S | 2 3 5
f [Hz] Right hand imagery

40 N =158



10 C3 Cz C4

Foot imagery

N =154



10 C3 Cz C4

–2 0 2 4 –2 0 2 4 –2 0 2 4 t [sec]

Figure 13.9 Examples of time-frequency maps from an online BCI experiment with right hand (upper panel) versus foot (lower panel) motor imagery in a trained
subject. The task was to use only motor imagery to walk along a virtual street (Pfurtscheller, Leeb, Keinrath, et al.,2006). The cue was presented at t = 0, and the
motor imagery process lasted several seconds. Only trials without artifact (N = 158 and N = 154) were used for the calculation of the time-frequency maps.
Different reactivity patterns occurred during right hand versus foot motor imagery. Hand motor imagery showed a broadband contralateral (C3) 10-Hz and 20-Hz
ERD and a midcentral (Cz) beta ERS, while foot motor imagery displayed narrowband 11-Hz, 22-Hz, and 33-Hz ERS at electrode positions C3 and C4 and a
broadband midcentral beta ERD. (For details see Leeb, 2008.)

only a minority of people (Chatrian, 1976), subsequent com- were as successful as people without disabilities in mastering
puter-based analyses demonstrated that SMRs occur in most SMR-based control of two- and three-dimensional cursor
adults (Pfurtscheller, 1989). Furthermore, Guger et al. (2003) movements, and at least one individual with severe cerebral
tested the ability of 99 healthy adults to use SMR activity from palsy was able to use a simple SMR-based BCI application
one bipolar EEG channel over sensorimotor cortex to perform (Wolpaw and McFarland, 2004; McFarland, Krusienski, et al.,
a two-choice task. After brief training, 93% achieved accura- 2003; McFarland et al., 2008, 2010). Enzinger et al. (2008) sug-
cies of >60%. Thus, it appears likely that most people without gest that BCI use might actually serve to restore more normal
disabilities are able to use SMR-based BCIs. EEG following spinal cord injury.
At the same time, the most critical issue is whether people BCI use by individuals with severe disabilities may be
with severe disabilities, who are the primary users of assistive constrained by other factors related to their disease or disability.
BCI devices, can use SMR-based systems. It is possible that a For example, people with ALS may have visual difficulties (e.g.,
pathological process that causes severe motor disabilities may diplopia, ptosis, dry eyes, gaze instability) that interfere with
also impair SMR control. For example, although ALS is tradi- their use of BCIs that require effective vision. Spurred by this
tionally considered a disease that mainly affects spinal cord problem, Nijboer et al. (2008) described an interesting auditory
motoneurons, it can also affect motor cortex and related areas BCI design in which users learned to control SMRs in order to
of frontal cortex, and may also be associated with dementia select from among a set of different sounds. Such auditory BCIs
(Witgert et al., 2010; Yoshida, 2004). Nevertheless, the avail- might be particularly useful for people whose disabilities
able data, although limited, suggest that most of the major interfere with their vision or their ability to maintain gaze.
target user groups retain the capacity for SMR control. Kübler Birbaumer and Cohen (2007) have suggested that an addi-
et al. (2005) showed that four people severely disabled by ALS tional problem may arise in people whose severe disabilities
could operate an SMR-based BCI, although their training rates have left them with no remaining useful muscle control. The
and eventual performance tended to be at the low end of the continued existence of this totally locked-in state (see chapters
range for people without disabilities. Cincotti et al. (2008) 11 and 19 of this volume), in which no intentional behaviors
reported that four people with muscular dystrophy or spinal can occur, might conceivably produce a state of learned
muscular atrophy could use an SMR-based BCI. helplessness (Seligman, 1972) that precludes effective BCI
EEG changes have been described in people with spinal operation. If this is the case, BCI usage might be possible only
cord injuries (Cramer et al., 2005) or cerebral palsy (e.g., Jaseja, if it begins before the individual becomes totally locked-in (i.e.,
2007). Nevertheless, several people with spinal cord injuries so that the person never becomes helpless).

236 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
FUTURE DIREC T IO NS Data to date suggest that many people with severe motor
disabilities, such as those due to ALS or spinal cord injury, are
As the preceding subsection of this chapter illustrates, SMRs able to use SMR-based BCIs.
are promising features for BCI use. They might provide the The eventual value of SMR-based BCIs will hinge on
multichannel outputs needed to control devices such as wheel- improvements in speed, accuracy, and reliability. Better encour-
chairs, robotic arms, or neuroprostheses. Their ultimate value agement and guidance of the mutual adaptation of the user to
for these and other purposes will depend primarily on the reli- the BCI and the BCI to the user are likely to be particularly
ability, accuracy, and speed of the control they provide. Clearly, important. The development of asynchronous BCI designs, use
much work remains to be done in these areas. of relationships between channels as signal features, and atten-
Improvements in feature selection and extraction, and in tion to the distinctive characteristics of specific SMRs should
the translation algorithms applied to the EEG features are cer- also prove productive.
tainly important. The incorporation of features derived from
relationships between individual channels (e.g., coherences) is
a particularly promising area for study. Perhaps the most com- REFERENCES
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lthough P300 evoked responses and sensorimotor direction, etc.). The user typically makes a selection by fixating
rhythms (see chapters 12 and 13 in this volume) have on (i.e., gazing at) the stimulus that represents the desired BCI
received the most attention as EEG features for BCIs, output. The BCI computes the frequency spectrum of the
they are not the only EEG features that have been or are being occipital EEG. The frequency spectrum usually shows a
used for BCI development. Indeed, several of the earliest BCIs peak that matches the rate of the stimulus on which the user is
used two other kinds of features, steady-state visual evoked fixating, and the BCI then produces the output represented by
potentials (SSVEPs) and slow cortical potentials (SCPs), and that stimulus. Figure 14.1 depicts a user who fixates on the
these features, particularly SSVEPs, continue to be relevant to box that flickers at 8 Hz, shows the frequency spectrum of
BCI development. They are addressed in this chapter. the EEG recorded from occipital location O2, the develop-
ment over time of the power in each frequency band, and
the topographical distribution of power in the band at 8 Hz
STE ADY-S TATE V ISUAL EV OKED (i.e., the frequency of the stimulus the user is gazing at).
P O TEN TIA L S A N D SSV EP-B ASED B CI S EEG power is concentrated at that frequency and its harmonic
frequencies, and the 8-Hz activity is focused over occipital
An EEG evoked potential (EP) is a distinctive pattern of cortex.
positive and negative voltage deflections that is time-locked to The standard SSVEP BCI paradigm, in which each of the
a specific sensory stimulus or event (see chapter 3 in this repetitive stimuli occurs at a specific frequency, is called the
volume). Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) are those evoked by frequency-modulated visual evoked potential (f-VEP) BCI para-
sudden visual stimuli, such as a light flash, the appearance of digm (Bin et al., 2009). It is shown in figure 14.2, which also
an image, or an abrupt change in color or pattern. The most shows two arrhythmic repetitive stimulation paradigms that
prominent VEP deflections, or components, include N70 and have been used in BCIs. In a t-VEP paradigm, the different
P100, which tend to occur about 70 and 100 ms after the elicit- stimuli are mutually independent and nonoverlapping. The
ing visual stimulus, respectively (Celesia and Peachey, 2005). BCI computes the average VEP for each stimulus and produces
They are generated in or near the primary visual cortex and the output represented by the stimulus that elicits the largest
thus are most prominent over occipital scalp areas. VEP. In a c- (or m-sequence) VEP paradigm, each stimulus
Steady-state VEPs (SSVEPs) are stable oscillations in volt- occurs in a pseudorandom pattern that is nearly orthogonal to
age that are elicited by rapid repetitive stimulation such as a the patterns of all the other stimuli. The BCI computes the
strobe light, a light-emitting diode (LED), or a pattern-revers- correlation between the EEG and a template computed for
ing checkerbox presented on a monitor. The successive stimu- each stimulus. Typically, the stimulus on which the user is
lus presentations evoke similar responses, and the overlap of fixating produces the highest correlation.
these responses produces a steady-state oscillation. SSVEPs Bin et al. (2009) compared the accuracy and speed of BCIs
may be analyzed by conventional averaging methods or by that used f-, c-, and t-VEP paradigms. They found that the
frequency analysis. Frequency analysis normally reveals a peak c-VEP paradigm performed best, with the f-VEP paradigm
at the frequency of stimulation, as well as peaks at higher yielding intermediate performance, and the t-VEP BCI much
harmonic frequencies. worse. One major advantage of the f-VEP paradigm is that it
does not require stimulus time- or phase-locked recording of
the EEG, and hence it is well suited to user-paced, asynchro-
nous operation, which is a very natural way of interacting with
In a standard SSVEP-based BCI, the user is presented with a a computer system. Future SSVEP BCI development will prob-
display of concurrent repetitive stimuli (e.g., several LEDs) ably further explore c-(m-sequence) paradigms and other
that are located at different places in the visual field. Each stimulus presentation variants. Although these alternatives are
stimulus is presented at a fixed frequency that differs from the technically not SSVEP paradigms (i.e., their stimuli are not
other stimuli. Each stimulus represents a specific BCI output rhythmic), they are typically grouped with SSVEP BCIs for
(e.g., type a specific letter, move the wheelchair in a specific convenience.

ERDS Map (8 Hz SSVEP response)


Frequency (Hz)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (s)

Power density spectrum (8 Hz LED, site O2)

Power spectral density (μV2)

Gaze and attention

off stimulus

0.5 8 Hz Gaze and attention on

8 Hz SSVEP stimulus
16 Hz

24 Hz


32 Hz

0 10 20 30
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 14.1 SSVEP-based BCI operation and analysis. The user views three red boxes each of which flickers at a different frequency. By choosing to focus on the
8-Hz box, she elicits EEG activity at 8 Hz and its harmonic frequencies (as shown in the frequency spectrum of EEG activity at occipital location O2; blue trace in
bottom panel). Also shown for comparison is the spectrum produced when the user is not looking at one of the boxes (red trace). It lacks the 8-Hz and harmonic
peaks but is otherwise similar. The 8-Hz activity is focused over occipital areas (as shown in the topographical plot [top middle] of power at 8 Hz [with blue
indicating higher power]). The top right panel shows that this increased activity does not occur immediately. The vertical line indicates the time at which the
user decides to look at the 8-Hz box. Power at 8 Hz and its harmonic frequencies increase significantly (p < 0.01 indicated by blue-green) over the next 2 sec.
(Yellow indicates significant power decrease.)

On/off Visual fixation Time domain Frequency domain

stimulation pattern (gaze and/or attention) response (EEG) response (EEG)
2 2
T1 (f1)
T2 (f2) 1 1.5
f-VEP T3 (f3)


0 1
(SSVEP) T4 (f4)
–1 0.5
T5 (f5)
T6 (f6) –2 0
2 3 4 5 10 20 30
Time (s) Frequency (Hz)

T1 5

t-VEP T4 –5
T5 –10

Time (ms)
111 0011 01 00 1 0000 1 01011 101100011 10 1.5
T1 5
c-VEP T2

T3 0
–5 0.5
T6 –10 0
0 500 1,000 10 20 30
Time (ms) Frequency (Hz)

Figure 14.2 Three different SSVEP or related VEP stimulus paradigms. T1–6 are six different repetitive stimuli each representing a different BCI output. The left
panels indicate when the stimuli turn on (trace high) or off (trace low). Note that only the f-VEP (i.e., SSVEP) paradigm uses rhythmic stimuli (as indicated by the
evenly spaced square pulses). The right panels show the resulting EEG measures. Note that the frequency-domain response is not shown in the t-VEP case since
t-VEPs are typically analyzed only in the time domain. See text for explication. (Adapted from Bin et al., 2009.)

242 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
E A R LY S S V E P - L I K E B C I S applications and further defined their main characteristics.
Middendorf et al. (2000) developed an SSVEP-based BCI that
Early BCI studies used VEPs as an input for BCI systems. In
could control a functional electrical stimulator (FES) to initiate
the first BCI described in the published literature (Vidal 1973,
knee flexion. The same article also described an SSVEP BCI
1977), the user viewed a maze and a checkerbox stimulus.
that could control the roll position of a flight simulator, and
By directing gaze at one of four fixation points surrounding the
explored the effects of discrete (intermittent) versus propor-
checkerbox stimulus (and thus producing a VEP that reflected
tional (continuous) feedback during training. Although the
which quadrant of the visual field the stimulus was in), the user
type of feedback did not matter, performance did improve with
could move a cursor in one of four directions and thereby
training, an important observation that was subsequently
move through the maze. The system recorded bipolar EEG
confirmed (Allison et al., 2006).
from four occipital electrode pairs and could identify the
Many other SSVEP-based BCI studies have explored aero-
correct fixation point (and thus the correct direction) with
nautical or other navigation applications. For example, Lalor
>90% accuracy.
et al. (2005) introduced a game in which players could use an
Sutter (1992) developed a BCI that used an m-sequence
SSVEP BCI to help an avatar called a “Mawg” to walk a tight-
(c-VEP) stimulation paradigm. As shown in figure 14.3 (lower
rope. As the Mawg crossed the tightrope, it sometimes leaned
right), the user viewed a display with 64 selections (i.e., 64
to its left or right. Players were instructed to help stabilize the
different stimuli). The system was programmable such that
Mawg by focusing on one of two oscillating (i.e., pattern revers-
each of these 64 selections could lead to another menu of new
ing) checkerboxes. (The authors commented that some players
selections. For example, selecting a letter could bring up a
purposely focused on the wrong checkerbox, causing the Mawg
second menu with words beginning with that letter. This early,
to fall more quickly. This anecdote underscores a concern in
very thorough BCI research effort explored epidural recording
BCI research, which is the difficulty of knowing whether users
electrodes and wireless signal transmission, evaluated use by
are actually complying with instructions.)
people who were severely disabled, and achieved performance
Müller-Putz et al. (2005) found that basing selection on
that remains impressive.
three rather than two of the harmonic peaks in the frequency
spectrum significantly improved accuracy for a four-choice
SSVEP-based BCI. Subsequent studies confirmed the value of
using harmonic peaks and also showed that some subjects had
Over the last 12 years, a wide variety of studies have applied strong third-harmonic peaks (Allison et al., 2008; Müller-Putz
standard (f-VEP) SSVEP-based BCIs to a range of different et al., 2008; Brunner et al., 2010a).


BRI Speech
processor synthesizer
Display A/D
generator conversion
Keyboard interface

BRI display

32 pages of key functions

Signal amplifier
IR telemetry receiver
IR telemetry
Visual keyboard (64 keys)

Figure 14.3 Overview of an early c-VEP BCI system called a brain-response interface (BRI). The user could select one of 64 choices in an 8 × 8 matrix by focusing on
the corresponding cell. Each cell blinked in a different phase of a pseudorandom binary sequence (more specifically, a maximum length sequence pattern).
As indicated, this BCI supports an elaborate menu structure and uses wireless signal transmission. (From Sutter, 1992.)

C H A P T E R 1 4 . B C I S T H AT U S E S T E A D Y- S TAT E V I S U A L E V O K E D P O T E N T I A L S | 2 4 3
bandpower, or correlation analysis (Kelly et al., 2005; Brunner
et al., 2010a). Hence, the BCI can determine which stimulus
the user is attending to by detecting frequencies in occipital
EEG that correspond to one of the oscillating stimuli (see
fig. 14.1).
In practice, people typically do look at the stimulus that
represents the desired BCI output, unless disability prevents
them from doing so or the experimenter asks them not to do
so. Thus, in many situations and applications, SSVEP BCIs
operate essentially as eye-tracking systems.
Although the rapid visual stimuli used by SSVEP-based
Figure 14.4 Screenshot of an SSVEP BCI to navigate a virtual car around a BCIs do not appear to be annoying or fatiguing to most people,
racetrack. The subject focuses on one of the four checkerboard patterns.
they may annoy elderly users (Allison et al., 2010c). With
Each of the 36 subfields switches between black and white at a different
stimulus frequency. The four checkerboxes move with the car. (From Martinez higher stimulus rates (above about 35 Hz), the stimuli do not
et al., 2007.) appear to flicker and they produce less annoyance or fatigue.
However, the SSVEPs resulting from these high-frequency
stimuli are harder to detect. One method of dealing with this is
Trejo et al. (2006) and Martinez et al. (2007) (see fig. 14.4) the phase-rectified signal averaging (PRSA) technique, which
described SSVEP-based BCIs that allowed the user to move a effectively enhances quasiperiodic oscillations in nonstation-
map and a car, respectively, in one of four directions by focus- ary signals (like the EEG). The method aligns (i.e., phase-recti-
ing on one of four oscillating checkerboxes. Such BCIs might fies) and averages equal-length signal segments relative to
provide hands-free functioning for people such as astronauts. automatically selected anchor points. The power density
With such designs, performance might be improved by simul- spectrum of the resulting EEG shows pronounced peaks at
taneously focusing on two different stimuli to produce diago- the frequencies of quasiperiodic oscillations (i.e., the stimulus
nal movements (Müller et al., 2003; Allison et al., 2007a). the user is fixating on) while other spectral components are
Faller et al. (2010) described two SSVEP-based BCIs that attenuated (Bauer et al., 2006). Garcia-Molina and Mihajlovic
allowed users to navigate an avatar through immersive virtual- (2010) showed that PRSA improved performance for high-
reality or augmented-reality environments by focusing on one frequency SSVEP stimuli—but not to the level achieved with
of four oscillating stimuli each of which corresponded to a standard lower-frequency stimuli.
movement command. For example, users could move through
a virtual-reality slalom course. The slalom course included a
rest area in which the user did not move. This element tested
the performance of a “no-control state”, which is especially SSVEP BCIs are likely to have a bright future. They involve a
important for BCIs (including SSVEP-based BCIs) that use straightforward user task (i.e., to focus on the stimulus that
asynchronous operating protocols (see discussion in chapter represents the desired BCI output), do not require significant
10), since unintended (i.e., false-positive) outputs may be training, and work in most prospective users (Allison et al.,
a major problem for asynchronous BCI systems (e.g., 2010a, 2010b, 2010c; Brunner et al., 2011). They have long
Pfurtscheller et al., 2010b). been appreciated for their high information-transfer rate (ITR)
(e.g., Sutter 1992), which continues to improve (e.g., Wang
et al., 2010) and will probably increase further in the near
I M P O R TA N T I S S U E S F O R S S V E P - B A S E D B C I S
The traditional understanding is that SSVEP-based BCIs Gaze dependence remains an issue. Efforts continue to
operate by determining which stimulus the user is fixating on. explore this question for SSVEP-based BCIs as well as for
For this reason, SSVEP-based BCIs have been described as P300-based BCIs (e.g., Brunner et al., 2010b; Treder and
dependent BCIs (see chapter 1 in this volume), that is, they Blankertz, 2010) (see chapter 12). Integrating the stimuli within
depend on the user’s muscle-based control of gaze direction monitor-based applications and placing them near the center
and they might thus be of limited value to users who lack of the visual field could reduce the need to shift gaze. Indeed,
reliable gaze control (Wolpaw et al., 2002; Gao et al., 2003). embedding oscillating stimuli within graphically immersive
However, it has become clear that SSVEPs are not entirely environments is a major challenge for future SSVEP BCIs
dependent on muscle-based gaze. Recent work shows that (Faller et al., 2010).
SSVEP BCIs can function without gaze fixation (although fixa- At the same time, SSVEP-based BCIs may not be useful to
tion gaze can considerably improve performance) (Kelly et al., people with severely compromised vision. For this reason,
2005; Allison et al., 2008). SSVEP-based BCIs can detect which BCIs that use steady-state tactile or auditory stimuli are being
stimulus the user is attending to, even if the user is not gazing explored. Müller-Putz et al. (2006) described a BCI that used
directly at it. Attending to the stimulus, even when not gazing attention-driven amplitude modulation of steady-state soma-
at it, increases the amplitude in the fundamental and harmonic tosensory evoked potentials (SSSEPs) to discriminate between
spectral peaks associated with that stimulus. This effect can be two different repetitive tactile stimuli. The system stimulated
detected in a number of ways, including spectral analysis, each of the user’s index fingers at a different frequency. As with

244 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
SSVEPs, frequency analysis of the SSSEPs showed fundamen- function are measured in the time domain and thus are referred
tal and harmonic spectral peaks that corresponded to the to as time-domain activity. Movement or movement imagery is
frequency of the attended stimulus. By concentrating on the typically associated with relatively slow changes in the voltages
left or right finger, users could increase the spectral peaks recorded over sensorimotor cortex. These are called slow corti-
associated with the left or right stimulus, respectively. The cal potentials (SCPs). SCPs are event-related potentials that are
change was detected by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) time-locked and phase-locked to specific sensorimotor events
(see chapter 8). (i.e., they occur at predictable times before, during, or after
Kim et al. (2011) tested a BCI based on auditory steady-state specific events). SCPs typically consist of negative potential
evoked potentials (ASSEP). Subjects heard pure tones from two shifts that precede actual or imagined movement or cognitive
different sources. One source switched on and off at 37 Hz, and tasks (e.g., mental arithmetic). They are thought to represent
the other one at 43 Hz. The frequency spectrum of the ASSEP cortical activation in preparation for action (Birbaumer
depended on which stimulus the user was attending to. Although et al., 1990; Shibasaki and Hallett, 2006). An SCP is typically
the accuracy and speed of these two nonvisual steady-state followed by a biphasic wave referred to as the movement-related
evoked potential-based BCIs were low relative to most other potential (Colebatch, 2007).
BCIs, they represent initial research efforts and there are many The Bereitschaftspotential (or readiness potential) is a nega-
possible options for improving their performance. These non- tive SCP that usually begins 500–1000 ms before a self-initiated
visual BCIs could provide communication and control to users movement (Kornhuber and Deecke, 1965; Altenmüller et al.
with severely impaired vision and, perhaps, also to healthy users 2005; Shibasaki and Hallett, 2006). It has several components
whose vision is engaged in other tasks (e.g., driving, watching a that differ in onset time and topographical distribution and
movie, or using another kind of BCI). probably reflect activity in the supplementary motor area
In recent years hybrid BCIs have drawn considerable atten- and in primary motor and sensory cortices. Its amplitude and
tion (for review, see Pfurtscheller et al., 2010a; Millán et al., topography are affected by movement type and the muscles
2010). As defined in chapter 1, a hybrid BCI combines two involved, as well as by psychological variables.
different kinds of BCIs or combines a BCI with a conventional The contingent negative variation (CNV) is a negative SCP
muscle-based control device (e.g., a keyboard, a mouse, a that begins 200–500 ms after a stimulus (S1) that warns that an
joystick). Many hybrid BCIs include an SSVEP-based BCI imperative stimulus (S2) (i.e., a stimulus that requires a par-
output. ticular action) will occur one to several seconds later (Walter
In one hybrid design, the user could turn an SSVEP-based et al. 1964). The action may be motor or cognitive. The CNV is
BCI on or off by using a sensorimotor-rhythm (SMR)-based distributed over frontal areas and over the regions directly
switch operated by imagining foot movements (Pfurtscheller involved in the action, and it is affected by motivational and
et al., 2010b). Horki et al. (2011) described a hybrid BCI task-specific factors (Altenmüller et al., 2005).
in which motor imagery controlled grasp function and an Like SMRs, SCPs and related potentials over sensorimotor
SSVEP-based BCI controlled elbow function. Panicker et al. areas are associated with motor imagery as well as with actual
(2011) used SSVEP activity to ascertain whether the user was movements (Beisteiner et al., 1995; Cunnington et al., 1996).
paying attention to a P300-based BCI. If no SSVEP activity was The involvement of primary motor areas in movement
detected, the P300-based BCI did not output any target charac- imagery is supported by dipole-source analysis of electric and
ter but simply indicated a “no-control” state by providing an magnetic fields (Lang et al., 1996). Thus, these time-domain
“=” symbol as feedback. Hence, the SSVEP signal effectively phenomena provide further evidence that sensorimotor corti-
turned the P300 BCI into an asynchronous BCI. Finally, a series cal areas are involved not only in actual limb movements, but
of recent studies explored hybrid BCIs that use SSVEP and also in imagination of the same movements.
SMR activity simultaneously (Allison et al., 2010a and 2010b; Although SCPs are typically recorded from the scalp and
Brunner et al., 2010a and 2011). They showed that the combi- are thought to reflect the activity of cortical sensorimotor areas
nation could improve accuracy and that it could enable the (Colebatch, 2007), recent studies in patients with electrodes
user to simultaneously move a cursor in one dimension with implanted for therapeutic deep-brain stimulation find similar
SMR activity and in a second dimension with SSVEP activity. activity in subcortical brain structures. For example, SCPs
comparable to those recorded over the cortex can be recorded
from the subthalamic nucleus (Paradiso et al., 2003).

As noted, SCP activity may be modulated by many cognitive

activities, such as moving or performing arithmetic. SCP BCI
Chapter 13 in this volume discussed BCIs that use SMRs, users learn to perform mental tasks to produce SCP changes
which are recorded over sensorimotor cortex and are affected that can be detected by a BCI and used for control. This train-
by actual or imagined movement. SMRs are EEG features that ing, which is essentially operant conditioning (Kübler et al.,
are analyzed in the frequency domain (e.g., frequency on the 2001; Allison et al., 2007b; Neuper and Pfurtscheller, 2010),
x-axis) and thus are often referred to as frequency-domain requires repeated sessions over weeks or months and is not
activity. Additional EEG features associated with motor effective in some prospective users.

C H A P T E R 1 4 . B C I S T H AT U S E S T E A D Y- S TAT E V I S U A L E V O K E D P O T E N T I A L S | 2 4 5
In early studies, subjects used their SCP control to move a disabled users in real-world settings. This article also suggested
rocket ship icon up or down on a computer screen in response that such users might require more training than healthy users,
to a tone cue indicating the correct direction (e.g., Lutzenberger since 13 healthy users who were also assessed showed more
et al., 1979; Elbert et al., 1980). These studies used this promising results with less training.
paradigm to explore the impact of SCP training on a variety Birbaumer et al. (1999) described a SCP-based BCI spell-
of disorders, including epilepsy, alcohol dependency, schizo- ing system. Two users with severe ALS learned to use SCPs to
phrenia, and different types of depression (Schneider et al., control an LSP system similar to that used by Kübler et al.,
1992a, 1992b, 1993; Kotchoubey et al., 1996; Leins et al., 2007). (1999). The report included the first full message written
They generally had clinical or basic-science (rather than by one user, named in the article as Hans Peter Salzmann.
communication and control) goals, and although the publica- Mr. Salzmann produced about two characters per min, and his
tions reporting these studies did not mention the term “BCI” message clearly reflects that he was both mentally active and
in the title or abstract, their paradigm clearly qualifies as a BCI very grateful for his BCI communication system. He continued
paradigm. to use this BCI until his death in 2007.
In a typical SCP-based BCI, the user communicates through Later work expanded the range of applications available to
a series of trials. In each trial a possible selection is offered. an SCP-based BCI. These included an alternate spelling system,
Each trial has two time intervals: a baseline interval followed a web browser that was later upgraded in numerous ways, and
by an active-control interval (Lutzenberger et al., 1979; Kübler a three-layer selection system (Kaiser et al., 2002; Hinterberger
et al., 1999). During the baseline interval, the user rests. During et al., 2004a; Bensch et al., 2007). Additional SCP studies
the active control interval, the user either generates an SCP explored basic-science issues and investigated SCPs in con-
(e.g., by performing a specific mental task) in order to make junction with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
the selection or does not generate one (i.e., continues to rest) in and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (Kübler et al.,
order to ignore the selection. For example, a user spelling a 2002; Hinterberger et al., 2004b, 2005).
letter selects the first half of the alphabet (if it contains the
desired letter) or ignores it and waits for the second half to be
offered in the next trial. In subsequent trials the chosen half of
the alphabet is progressively subdivided until a single letter is For about 25 years, SCP BCIs were among the dominant BCI
selected. research approaches (e.g., Lutzenberger et al., 1979; Birbaumer
These early SCP BCIs were especially slow because users et al., 1999; Kübler et al., 2001; Wolpaw et al., 2002; Hinterberger
could make only one selection every 10 sec (at best). et al., 2004a; Birbaumer and Cohen, 2007). SCP-based BCIs
Subsequently Kübler et al. (1999) described an SCP-based BCI were grounded in extensive basic and clinical research and have
that allowed a selection every 4 sec. The baseline interval and been validated in people with severe disabilities and in home
active control interval were each 2 sec. Since only the last 500 settings. However, over the past decade several fundamental
msec of the baseline interval were used in data analysis, the problems with SCP-based BCIs have greatly limited interest in
first 1.5 sec gave the user time to return to a resting state. Three their further development. First, as is clearly evident from the
users with ALS were trained on a task in which they directed a studies described here, they are quite slow. Although Kübler
ball from the center of the screen toward a rectangular box et al. (1999) did succeed in shortening the time per selection
located at one of the edges of the screen. All subjects were able from 10 sec to 4 sec, they reported that efforts to further reduce
to control the ball’s vertical position through SCP activity the time per selection were not successful because the users
recorded from site Cz, referenced against both mastoids (in said that shorter trials were exhausting. Second, SCP BCIs do
two subjects) or the nasion (in the other subject). Depending not allow good multidimensional control. Although efforts to
on training, some subjects were also able to control the hori- attain multidimensional control with SMR BCIs have been suc-
zontal axis via SCP differences between channels C3 and C4. cessful (e.g., Wolpaw and McFarland, 1994, 2004; Scherer et al.,
Subjects were trained until they reached 70% accuracy on a 2004; McFarland et al., 2010; Royer et al., 2010), SCP BCIs that
three-trial sequence, such as “keep the ball in the center” twice allow successful simultaneous control of more than one dimen-
and then “hit the rectangle at the bottom.” This required sion have been less successful (Kübler et al., 1999). Third, SCP
months of training. They were then switched to a language BCIs are very prone to error, and fourth, extensive training is
support program (LSP) that allowed spelling. The LSP pre- necessary. Moreover, when subjects who used SCP BCIs were
sented letters or groups of letters on the bottom half of the also given an opportunity to try an SMR or P300 BCI, they pre-
monitor. Whenever a letter or group of letters appeared on the ferred one of the two latter approaches (Birbaumer and Cohen,
bottom, subjects could move the ball toward it with SCP activ- 2007; Allison et al., 2010b). Taken together, these factors explain
ity or they could ignore it. If subjects chose to ignore it, another why interest in SCP-based BCIs has diminished.
choice was presented. This process continued until subjects However, new SCP-based BCI designs might serve to
made a selection that contained the target letter. Then, this enhance (see chapter 1 of this volume) other kinds of BCI con-
group of letters was split into two halves presented sequentially trol or muscle-based control. In an offline study Garipelli et al.
on the bottom of the monitor, and the process continued until (2009) showed changes in the CNV associated with anticipa-
the target letter was selected. This study and the concurrently tion. Such technology could be very useful in various ways. For
published study by Birbaumer et al. (1999) were among example, the authors suggested that a BCI wheelchair-control
the first to validate BCIs as assistive technologies for severely system could use such a CNV-based anticipation measure to

246 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
determine whether the user wanted to enter the next room or conditions. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Meeting, 129.
to continue down the corridor. By recognizing anticipation, Allison, B. Z., Brunner, C., Grissmann, S., & Neuper, C. (2010a). Toward
SCP analysis might improve the performance of the SMR- a multidimensional “hybrid” BCI based on simultaneous SSVEP and
based system described by Friedrich et al. (2009). Similar BCI ERD activity. Program No. 227.4. Society for Neuroscience Conference.
San Diego, CA.
designs might also be valuable for marketing studies, usability Allison, B. Z., Brunner, C., Kaiser, V., Müller-Putz, G. R., Neuper, C., &
testing, basic research, and other applications. In recent work Pfurtscheller, G. (2010b). Toward a hybrid brain-computer interface based
Bai et al. (2011) explored SCPs and SMR changes that precede on imagined movement and visual attention. Journal of Neural Engineering,
7, 026007.
voluntary movement (Kornhuber and Deecke, 1965; Allison, B. Z., Graimann, B., Lüth, T., & Gräser, A. (2007a). An SSVEP
Pfurtscheller and Aranibar, 1979) (see chapter 13). The system brain-computer interface (BCI) with simultaneous attention to two targets.
detected movement onset an average of 0.62 sec before it Program No. 770.9. Society for Neuroscience Conference. San Diego, CA.
Allison, B., Lüth, T., Valbuena, D., Teymourian, A., Volosyak, I., & Gräser, A.
occurred with a low false positive rate. Neurofeedback para- (2010c). BCI demographics: how many (and what kinds of) people can use
digms that train SCP activity might also prove useful in a vari- an SSVEP BCI? IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems Rehabilitation
ety of disorders (e.g., Leins et al., 2007). Engineering, 18, 107–113.
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Wolpaw, J. R. (2008). Towards an independent brain-computer interface
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and that flash at different rates. The user looks at the stimulus Beisteiner, R., Höllinger, P., Lindinger, G., Lang, W., & Berthoz, A. (1995).
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lectrocorticography (ECoG), also sometimes called During these relatively short periods, research studies may
intracranial EEG or iEEG, is the technique of recording be possible, when patients are interested in participating and
electrical signals from locations underneath the skull when their baseline CNS function, current medical state, and
but not within the brain itself. On the continuum of invasive- current medications permit them to do so. Because these
ness going from scalp-recorded EEG signals at one end to patients are under evaluation for brain surgery, many of the
intracortically recorded single-unit action potentials and local earlier human ECoG studies were conducted by research-
field potentials (LFPs) at the other, ECoG represents a midway oriented clinicians (Calvet and Bancaud 1976; Fried et al. 1981;
point: it involves surgery, but the electrodes do not penetrate Ojemann et al. 1989; Menon et al. 1996; Hirai et al. 1999; Aoki
into the brain (see fig. 15.1). ECoG can be recorded from the 1999). For this reason, and because in each case the ECoG array
surface of the dura mater (i.e., epidurally) using electrodes is placed in a location pertinent to the individual patient’s clin-
placed on the dura or using screws that penetrate the skull and ical needs, these studies have most often focused on research
serve as electrodes. Alternatively, ECoG can be recorded from topics relevant to the individual patient’s clinical evaluation
beneath the dura (i.e., subdurally) using electrodes placed (e.g., topographical mapping of motor or language function).
directly on the surface of the brain. ECoG signals resemble These early efforts culminated in the first comprehensive char-
EEG signals in that they are the result of field potentials from acterization of ECoG responses to visuomotor tasks (Crone,
population activity rather than action potentials from individ- Miglioretti, Gordon, and Lesser 1998; Crone, Miglioretti,
ual neurons. ECoG is currently regarded as a highly promising Gordon, Sieracki et al. 1998). As the growing interest in brain-
modality for BCI development because it is greatly superior to computer interface (BCI) research began to draw multidisci-
EEG in amplitude, topographical resolution, frequency range, plinary research teams, often including electrical and software
and resistance to artifacts, and may be superior to intracortical engineers, applied mathematicians, and neuroscientists, evalu-
signals in long-term stability. ation of ECoG data began to extend to more comprehensive
ECoG was first recorded from animals and humans in the offline BCI studies (Huggins et al. 1999; Levine et al. 1999;
late 19th century (Caton 1875). Interest has increased in recent Levine et al. 2000; Rohde et al. 2002; Graimann et al. 2003;
decades, and a variety of animal studies (particularly in rats, Pfurtscheller et al. 2003). In 2004, an online study by Leuthardt
rabbits, cats, and pigs) have appeared in the literature (e.g., et al. (2004) sparked substantial interest by showing that ECoG
Freeman 1978; Freeman and Schneider 1982; Freeman and van can support accurate BCI operation with little user training.
Dijk 1987; Hata et al. 1987; Peruche et al. 1995; Dési et al. 1996; This study also provided initial evidence that ECoG signals
Waters et al. 1996; Dias-dos Santos and Machado 1997; contain information about the direction of hand movements.
Shinozuka and Nathanielsz 1998; Fritz et al. 1999; Schürmann For BCI purposes, ECoG appears to avoid or reduce some of
et al. 2000). Because placement of ECoG electrodes requires the shortcomings of the traditional noninvasive and invasive
surgery, human studies are currently limited to people who are signal acquisition techniques. Although EEG is noninvasive and
implanted with ECoG electrodes preparatory to brain surgery has been shown to support important BCI applications, including
(usually to remove an epileptic focus or a tumor). There have two- and three-dimensional movement control (Wolpaw and
been only a few exceptions to this general rule, most notably a McFarland 1994, 2004; Farwell and Donchin 1988; Wolpaw et al.
1992 study by Sutter (1992) in which visual evoked responses 1991; Sutter 1992; McFarland et al. 1993; Pfurtscheller et al. 1993;
in ECoG recorded over occipital cortex allowed a person Birbaumer et al. 1999; Kübler et al. 1999; Pfurtscheller et al. 2000;
severely disabled by ALS to communicate at a rate of 10–12 Wolpaw et al. 2002; Millán et al. 2004; Kübler et al. 2005; Vaughan
words/min. Because the ECoG electrode arrays placed presur- et al. 2006; Müller and Blankertz 2006; McFarland et al. 2008;
gically are implanted for clinical purposes, the configuration Royer et al. 2010; McFarland et al. 2010), the highest-functioning
and location of the electrodes, as well as the duration of the EEG-based BCIs require substantial user training, and their
implant, are determined solely by clinical requirements and performance is often not reliable. On the other end of the spec-
without any regard for research needs. The electrodes are typi- trum are BCIs that are based on intracortical recordings of action-
cally 4 mm (2.3 mm exposed) platinum electrodes and are potential firing rates or LFPs (Georgopoulos et al. 1986; Taylor
configured in either a grid (e.g., 8 × 8 electrodes) or strip (e.g., et al. 2002; Serruya et al. 2002; Shenoy et al. 2003; Andersen
four or six electrodes) configuration with an interelectrode dis- et al. 2004; Lebedev et al. 2005; Santhanam et al. 2006; Hochberg
tance of usually 10 mm (see fig. 15.2). They are typically et al. 2006; Donoghue et al. 2007; Velliste et al. 2008). Thus far,
implanted for periods of only several days to 1–2 weeks. despite the dramatically better resolution of microelectrode

Regional domain Source of signals Invasiveness

EEG 3–5 cm Non-invasive

ECoG 0.1–1 cm

1 mm

Field potential Invasive

Single unit 200 microns

Figure 15.1 Recording domains for single-unit, LFP, ECoG, and EEG recording. (Modified from Leuthardt et al., 2006b.)

recordings compared to EEG recordings, these BCIs have yet to remain substantial obstacles to their widespread clinical use
greatly exceed the performance of EEG-based BCIs and still face in humans.
significant and unresolved questions as to the long-term func- When compared to EEG, ECoG has several major
tional stability of intracortical electrodes, particularly for record- advantages:
ing action potentials (Shain et al. 2003; Donoghue et al. 2004;
Davids et al. 2005). Despite encouraging evidence that current • higher spatial resolution (i.e., 1.25 mm for
noninvasive and invasive BCI technologies can actually be useful subdural recordings [Freeman et al. 2000] and
to severely disabled people (Kübler et al. 2005; Hochberg et al. 1.4 mm for epidural recordings [Slutzky et al.
2006; Sellers et al. 2010), these shortcomings and uncertainties 2010] vs. several centimeters for EEG)

Figure 15.2 ECoG array in situ. (A) Exposed brain after craniotomy (removal of a portion of the skull). (B) 8 × 8 electrode grid on the surface of the brain. (C) Lateral
x-ray image; the electrode grid and several electrode strips (see arrows) are visible. (D) Average brain template and electrode locations co-registered to the x-ray
image. (Modified from Schalk et al., 2008.)

252 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
• higher signal amplitude (i.e., 50–100 μV they are used (see chapter 13). As discussed in chapter 13, mu
maximum vs. 10–20 μV maximum for EEG) and beta rhythms are oscillations in the 8–12 Hz (mu) and
18–26 Hz (beta) frequency bands. Changes in mu/beta ampli-
• far less vulnerability to artifacts such as
tude typically occur in association with actual or imagined
electromyographic (EMG) (Freeman et al.
movements (see fig. 15.3) [Pfurtscheller and Cooper 1975;
2003) or electroocular (EOG) activity (Ball
Crone et al. 1998]), and are relatively focused spectrally but
et al. 2009)
relatively widespread spatially (see fig. 15.4). While mu/beta
• broader bandwidth (i.e., 0–500 Hz [Staba et al. amplitude gives information about general aspects of move-
2002; Gaona et al. 2011] vs. 0–40 Hz for EEG) ments (e.g., whether or not a hand is moved), it is thought to
hold only modest information about the details of movements
With respect to ECoG’s larger bandwidth, it is important to (e.g., kinematic parameters of hand movements) (Toro et al.
note that this advantage may in part be directly related to the 1994).
larger amplitude of ECoG. Although ECoG generally displays With a bandwidth that typically reaches as high as
a 1/frequency drop-off in signal power (Miller et al. 2009a), 30–40 Hz, EEG detects mu and beta activity very well. Although
task-related brain signals may still remain larger than the noise recent advances in recording hardware and analysis methods
floor of the amplifier/digitizer, and thus they are detectable at suggest that the frequency range of EEG may be extended
higher frequencies than with EEG. In addition to these advan- (Jokeit and Makeig 1994; Darvas et al. 2010), EEG is largely
tages of signal quality, ECoG electrodes (which do not pene- insensitive to gamma activity, which begins at 30–40 Hz
trate cortex) may provide greater long-term functional stability (Pfurtscheller and Neuper 1992) and extends as high as 400–
(Loeb et al. 1977; Bullara et al. 1979; Yuen et al. 1987; Pilcher 500 Hz (Miller et al. 2009a). In contrast, ECoG can detect
and Rusyniak 1993; Margalit et al. 2003) than intracortical gamma activity very well. This is potentially a major advantage
electrodes (which induce complex local responses that may for BCI development because gamma activity, unlike mu and
degrade or prevent neuronal recordings (see chapter 5 in this beta activity, displays high functional localization (e.g., see
volume). A recent study by Chao and colleagues (2010) showed fig. 15.4). Many ECoG studies (Menon et al. 1996; Crone et al.
that the signal-to-noise ratio of ECoG signals, and the cortical 1998; Aoki et al. 1999; Freeman et al. 2000; Crone et al. 2001;
representations of motor functions that can be identified with Pfurtscheller et al. 2003; Leuthardt et al. 2004; Sinai et al. 2005;
ECoG, are stable over several months (Schalk 2010). Thus, Schalk et al. 2007; Miller et al. 2007a; Leuthardt et al. 2007,
there is strong theoretical and empirical evidence that ECoG Lachaux et al. 2007; Canolty et al. 2007; Sanchez et al. 2008;
could enable BCIs that have high functional specificity and Kubánek et al. 2009; Miller, Schalk et al. 2010; Edwards et al.
that are less susceptible to the problems of reliability and 2010; Pei et al. 2010; Chang et al. 2011) have reported that
long-term stability that often affect other electrophysiological topographically focused gamma activity correlates closely with
signal-acquisition methodologies. specific aspects of cortical function or with behavioral details
such as the direction of limb movements (Leuthardt et al. 2004;
Schalk et al. 2007; Pistohl et al. 2008; Kubánek et al. 2009;
E LE CTROPHY S IO LO GICAL F EAT URES Miller et al. 2009b; Acharya et al. 2010) (see fig. 15.5).
D E TEC TED BY EC O G In contrast to mu and beta activity, gamma activity usually
has a broad spectral distribution. Although a somewhat arbi-
With its detection of brain electrical activity over a wide fre- trary frequency-based division into “low” and “high” gamma
quency range, ECoG detects several electrophysiological fea- activity has been proposed (Sinai et al. 2005), it has become
tures of potential use for BCIs. These include the mu and beta increasingly apparent that gamma activity is a broadbanded
rhythms (Chatrian 1976) that are well described in the classical noise-like phenomenon that declines in amplitude as frequency
EEG literature, as well as in the numerous BCI studies in which rises (Miller et al. 2009a; Miller et al. 2009b). However, the


400 ms 0 25 50 75
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 15.3 Example of ECoG signals during a task and rest. (A) Raw ECoG signals from one subject during rest (black trace) and while imagining saying the word
“move” (red trace). The oscillations associated with rest decrease with imagery. (B) Frequency spectra for the corresponding conditions. Imagery is associated with
decrease in the mu (8–12 Hz) and beta (18–26 Hz) frequency bands. (From Schalk, 2006.)

C H A P TE R 1 5 . B C I S T H AT U S E E L E C T R O C O R T I C O G R A P H I C A C T I V I T Y | 2 5 3


Spectral increase

Log power
High frequency band 0 50 100 150

Relative power
Spectral decrease

Low frequency band 31%

0 50 100 150
Rest Hand

Figure 15.4 Example of ECoG during the task of repetitively opening and closing of the hand and during rest. (A) Signals in the mu/beta band (5–30 Hz) decrease
with the task and are spatially less specific (i.e., they are broadly distributed topographically), whereas signals in the gamma band (i.e., 70–116 Hz as measured
here) increase with the task and are spatially more specific (i.e., they are sharply focused topographically). (B) The power spectrum on a logarithmic scale for
the electrode marked with a star in the topographies illustrates the decrease in the mu/beta band (marked by the green bar) and increase in the gamma band
(orange bar). (From Brunner et al., 2009.)

most recent evidence suggests that this view may be an by fMRI (see chapter 4 in this volume). In summary, recent
oversimplification (Gaona et al. 2011). Although gamma activ- results suggest that gamma activity reflects local cortical-
ity appears to be closely related to the firing rate of individual processing activity that occurs immediately beneath the ECoG
neurons (Kasanetz et al. 2006; Ray et al. 2008; Manning et al. electrodes. Thus, like LFPs detected within the brain, it reflects
2009; Miller 2010), it remains unclear to what extent its ampli- the activation of local neuronal and synaptic populations.
tude depends on the respective contributions of neuronal firing ECoG activity in the mu, beta, and gamma bands can be best
rates and synaptic potentials, and of their relative phases. displayed in the frequency domain (i.e., with frequency on the
Gamma amplitude has also been closely linked to the blood x-axis and amplitude on the y-axis). In the frequency domain,
oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signals detected by functional modulations in activity appear as amplitude changes in four
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Niessing et al. 2005; major bands: theta (4–8 Hz), mu (8–12 Hz), beta (18–25 Hz),
Lachaux et al. 2007; see chapter 4 in this volume). It is plausi- gamma (> 40 Hz) (Miller et al. 2009a; He et al. 2010).
ble, and even probable, that increased cortical activation is ECoG also displays discrete (i.e., evoked) and continuous
reflected directly in gamma activity and leads to the increased time-domain features (i.e., time on the x-axis and amplitude
metabolic demand that is reflected in the BOLD signal detected on the y-axis). Discrete time-domain ECoG features are

A Left vs. right movement B

(absol. val. in % of baseline)

Left vs. right difference

160 30
Frequency (Hz)


0 0
0 400 800
Time (ms)

Figure 15.5 ECoG recording reveals information about the direction of a hand movement. (A) ECoG signal in different frequency bands recorded at one location in
the contralateral hand area of motor cortex from one subject differentiates left and right movement directions. (From Leuthardt et al., 2004.) (B) Color-coded
shading of average data from five subjects illustrates the information about hand movement direction provided by ECoG recorded over different cortical areas.
Most of the information is captured over the hand representations of motor cortex. (Modified from Schalk et al., 2007.)

254 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
A 21
B 1
28 8
Normalized amplitude

30 57
33 64
38 C
30 45 60

0 20 40 60
Time (s)

Figure 15.6 Example ECoG time course during a tracking task. In this task, a subject used a hand-controlled joystick to move a cursor so as to track a target that
moved on a computer screen. (A) Time courses for ECoG signals from 20 locations (see B) and (bottom four traces) for the horizontal and vertical positions of the
cursor ( Xcrs, Ycrs ) and the moving target ( Xtrk, Ytrk ). Symbols along y-axis to the right of the plots indicate the five channels (i.e., 25, 26, 33, 35, and 36) in which the
time course of ECoG activity (i.e., the local motor potential, LMP) correlates with the movement parameters Xcrs or Ycrs. (B) Grid electrode locations with symbols at
the channels that show the LMP as identified in the data of A. (C) Magnification of ECoG time course of channel 35 from 30 to 60 sec, as well as the horizontal
positions of the cursor (dark green trace) and the moving target (light green trace). The (black) ECoG time course correlates better with the (dark green) cursor
position than with the (light green) target position. (From Schalk et al., 2007.)

usually evoked by a physical or cognitive stimulus, as in P300 Recent studies have shown that gamma activity is also modu-
evoked responses (e.g., [Farwell and Donchin 1988]) or in lated by the phase of lower-frequency brain oscillations (e.g., in
steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) (e.g., Allison the theta, mu/alpha, and beta ranges) (Canolty et al. 2006;
et al. 2008; see chapters 12 and 13 in this volume), or associated Canolty and Knight 2010; Miller, Hermes et al. 2010; He et al.
with the onset of a movement (e.g., Bereitschaftspotential 2010; i.e., by cross-frequency or phase-amplitude coupling).
[Kornhuber and Deecke 1965], contingent negative variation Although these relationships have many possible interpretations,
[Walter et al. 1964], or movement-related potentials [Levine they might provide a mechanism for coordinating fast processes
et al. 2000]) (see chapter 13). Despite some early interest in the (e.g., movements) with slower perceptual or cognitive processes
use of ECoG movement-related potentials for BCI purposes (Canolty and Knight 2010). To what extent these coupling mech-
(Graimann et al. 2003) and a recent demonstration of rapid anisms could be useful in a BCI context remains unclear.
communication using ECoG-recorded evoked potentials (VEP The picture of cortical function that emerges from estab-
and P300) (Brunner et al. 2011), discrete time-domain ECoG lished cortical research and from all of these studies is one in
phenomena have to date received little attention from BCI which: (1) local cortical processes can be detected in gamma
researchers. On the other hand, a recent study (Schalk et al. activity (Miller, Schalk et al. 2010); (2) local cortical processes
2007) describes a continuous time-domain ECoG feature, are synchronized with or modulated by signals from other areas
called the local motor potential (LMP), that encodes different and this is reflected in the interactions of rhythm phase with
aspects of movements (see fig. 15.6). Although this phenome- gamma amplitudes ([Canolty and Knight 2010], for review); (3)
non has been confirmed by other studies (Kubánek et al. 2009; the function of a particular cortical system (e.g., hand area of
Acharya et al. 2010), its physiological origin and its potential motor cortex) is enabled or disabled by the thalamus through
BCI value remain to be defined. thalamocortical oscillations that express themselves in mu/beta
As indicated above, increases in gamma activity appear rhythms (Niedermeyer and Lopes da Silva 1993). Figure 15.7
to reflect highly localized cortical activation that correlates illustrates the current state of this evolving understanding of
with different motor, sensory, and cognitive functions. cortical function and the related ECoG signals.

C H A P TE R 1 5 . B C I S T H AT U S E E L E C T R O C O R T I C O G R A P H I C A C T I V I T Y | 2 5 5
retain structural integrity and biocompatibility. It also con-
gamma strains the possible implantation techniques. For example, very
activity thin recording devices may provide optimal biocompatibility.
cortical However, due to their flexibility, it is difficult to push them to
Cortex processing
sites distant from the craniotomy during the implantation. On
the other hand, it is difficult to implant relatively rigid devices
rhythm phase in the sulci.
mu/beta In addition to the choice of appropriate materials, acquisi-
amplitude tion of ECoG signals requires attention to several important
properties of the ECoG signal. Because ECoG amplitude atten-
Thalamus uates rapidly as frequency rises (Miller et al. 2009a; He et al.
2010) (e.g., from several hundred microvolts at low frequen-
cies to several hundred nanovolts at higher frequencies), effec-
tive ECoG recording requires high-fidelity amplifiers/digitizers
with sufficient resolution in time (i.e., adequate sampling rates)
and with sufficient range and resolution in amplitude (i.e., ade-
quate voltage range and resolution). In general, the sampling
rate should be at least 1 kHz, the voltage range should be at
Figure 15.7 Schematic of current and emerging understanding of the
least a few millivolts, and the resolution should be at least
physiological origin of ECoG signals. The amplitude of mu/beta rhythm 16-bit or, better still, 24-bit. Moreover, any analog low- or
oscillations represents the level of thalamocortical interactions. Gamma activity high-pass filtering at the amplification stage should be able to
represents the degree of local cortical processing. ECoG rhythm phase accommodate the diverse physiological phenomena that are
modulates local cortical processing.
detected in ECoG. Ideally, there should be no high-pass filter,
and the low-pass filter frequency should be less than half of the
In summary, ECoG can detect brain electrical activity over digitization rate (to satisfy the Nyquist-Shannon sampling the-
a very wide frequency range. Although EEG-based studies orem) (see chapter 7 in this volume). However, most clinical
have already shown that the lower frequencies in this range are (and even some research) ECoG amplification/digitization
useful for BCIs, substantial evidence now suggests that the systems do not at present meet these stringent requirements
higher frequencies, which are easily accessible only with ECoG and thus may not be capable of acquiring ECoG signals with
recording, may be even more useful for BCI development. The sufficient fidelity to capture all the information needed by a
value of other physiological phenomena in ECoG (i.e., the particular study.
LMP, cross-frequency or phase-amplitude coupling) for BCI Since at present most ECoG-based BCI research is per-
purposes is currently unclear. formed in human subjects who have been temporarily
implanted with an ECoG array for clinical reasons, substantial
practical constraints and challenges are necessarily involved.
CUR RENT EC O G -B ASED B CI S Because of these difficulties, relatively few online ECoG-based
BCI studies have been published to date (Leuthardt et al. 2004;
We now consider the methods by which ECoG signals are Leuthardt et al. 2006a; Wilson et al. 2006; Felton et al. 2007;
acquired, identified, and subsequently utilized for BCI applica- Schalk 2008; Hinterberger et al. 2008; Blakely et al. 2009; Rouse
tions in the current generation of ECoG-based BCIs. Although and Moran 2009; van Steensel et al. 2010; Miller, Schalk et al.
almost all ECoG-based BCI research to date has been in 2010; Brunner et al. 2011).
humans implanted with subdural electrode arrays for short
periods prior to surgery, the results should be applicable to
animals as well. This is particularly important because many
issues critical to the development of ECoG-based BCIs are The protocol of an ECoG-based BCI study usually has two
likely, for both practical and ethical reasons, to be addressed parts. In the first part, the ECoG feature(s) to be used for BCI
first in animals. control are chosen. In the second part, the feature(s) are used
for online BCI control of cursor movement or another output.
As in BCI studies with other kinds of signals, the first task
is to select those signal features (e.g., gamma activity at a par-
The current generation of ECoG recording devices has been ticular location) to be used for BCI control and to extract them
used primarily in humans for clinical applications. As dis- from the complex raw signal data (see chapter 7). Typically, the
cussed in chapter 5, these devices usually consist of platinum criterion for this selection is that the particular ECoG feature
electrodes that are embedded in a silastic base. In the newer shows a clear change from the resting state that is correlated
generation of ECoG recording devices, small platinum elec- with a motor action such as tongue or contralateral hand move-
trodes are embedded on thin films made of biocompatible ment. Some studies have explored the use of features that
materials (e.g., polyimide, parylene, or silk). The choice of change with sensory input (Wilson et al. 2006) or with specific
materials determines the ability of the recording device to cognitive functions (van Steensel et al. 2010). A different and

256 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
as yet unrealized possibility is to select features that correlate performance, or they may be continually updated (adapted) on
with specific parameters of an action (e.g., velocity of hand the basis of recent data, to adjust for ongoing changes in the
movements). This approach is encouraged by recent animal features (e.g., as was done in Taylor et al. 2002 for single neu-
(Mehring et al. 2004; Chao et al. 2010), and human (Leuthardt ron-based control and in Wolpaw and McFarland 2004 and
et al. 2004; Miller et al. 2007a; Leuthardt et al. 2007; Miller et al. McFarland et al. 2010 for EEG-based control). Whereas such
2007b; Schalk et al. 2007; Schalk et al. 2008; Pistohl et al. 2008; feature adaptations appear to be important for single neuron-
Sanchez et al. 2008; Kubánek et al. 2009; Miller et al. 2009b; based and EEG-based BCI movement control, they may be less
Acharya et al. 2010) studies that indicate that ECoG can give important for ECoG-based movement. (Single-neuron-based
detailed information about the kinematic parameters of a con- BCI algorithms may require adaptations to adjust for changes
current movement. Indeed, in properties relevant to BCI tech- in the sample of neurons recorded by the microelectrodes and/
nology, ECoG can provide information comparable to (Schalk or in the activity of the individual neurons; EEG-based BCI
et al. 2007) or even exceeding (Kubánek et al. 2009) that pro- algorithms may require adaptation to adjust for spontaneous
vided by intracortical microelectrode recordings in nonhuman changes in the features or changes due to adaptation [i.e., learn-
primates (Lebedev et al. 2005). This is probably due to the ing] by the user.) For ECoG, recent results (Blakely et al. 2009;
larger coverage of ECoG compared to microelectrode record- Chao et al. 2010) suggest that cortical representations of func-
ings, which perhaps compensates for ECoG’s lower spatial tion in ECoG are more stable than those detected with intrac-
resolution. Most important to BCI development, and not pre- ortical microelectrodes and that spontaneous signal fluctuations
viously known or appreciated, is that signals recorded with are less prominent than in EEG.
ECoG contain a lot of information about movements. As yet,
little is known about which brain functions (e.g., motor or sen-
sory), which task-related parameters (e.g., hand movement vs.
rest, hand velocity), and which corresponding ECoG features Promising results from several laboratories have demonstrated
will prove to be the best basis for realizing BCI control. online ECoG-based BCI control (Leuthardt et al. 2004;
In several studies (Leuthardt et al. 2004; Schalk 2008) the Leuthardt et al. 2006a; Wilson et al. 2006; Felton et al., 2007;
features to be used for control were selected by asking the sub- Schalk 2008; Hinterberger et al. 2008; Blakely et al. 2009; Rouse
ject to perform, or to imagine performing, various motor and Moran 2009; van steensel et al. 2010; Miller, Schalk et al.
actions (e.g., opening and closing the hand contralateral to the 2010; Brunner et al. 2011). With one exception using non-
electrode array, or protruding the tongue). First, the research human primates (Rouse and Moran 2009), these studies have
subject engaged in the actual or imagined action during pre- been conducted with human volunteers. Almost all of them
sentation of a visual cue. The cues, which lasted approximately have used the highly flexible general-purpose BCI software
4 sec, were interspersed with rest periods of comparable dura- platform BCI2000 (Schalk et al. 2004; Schalk and Mellinger
tion. The different actions were interspersed randomly, and 2010; see chapter 9).
each was repeated at least 30 times. Offline analysis converted Leuthardt et al. (2004) reported the first use of ECoG for
the raw ECoG data into the frequency domain using an autore- BCI operation. Four people used different actual or imagined
gressive model (Pierce 1980; see chapter 7), and determined motor actions to move a cursor in one dimension (i.e. [up/
the ECoG features (e.g., amplitudes at specific frequencies and down]) to reach a target located at the bottom or top of a com-
specific locations) that correlated with specific actual and/or puter screen. Over brief training periods of only 3–24 min, and
imagined actions (i.e., that showed clear differences from the using features associated with different actual or imagined
resting state). For a given ECoG feature and a given action, the actions, the four subjects achieved online success rates of
strength of the correlation was measured as the coefficient of 74–100% (with 50% expected by chance) (see fig. 15.8A for
determination (r2, [Wonnacott and Wonnacott 1977]) between learning curves). Although the limited number of subjects and
the distribution of feature values for the action trials and the the limited number of study sessions do not permit meaning-
distribution for the interspersed rest periods. This measure ful quantitative (i.e., speed/accuracy) comparisons of the per-
indicated the fraction of the total variance of the feature that formance achieved with ECoG to that achieved with EEG-based
was accounted for by the action, and thus it indicated how or single neuron-based BCIs, the acquisition of control (see
much control the action had over the feature. The feature(s) fig. 15.8A) appears to be faster than that typically achieved
with the highest r2 values were chosen to be used for online with EEG-based BCIs. For example, with less than 10 min of
BCI control. practice, one subject achieved an accuracy of 97% in control-
In the second part of the typical ECoG BCI protocol, the ling one-dimensional cursor movement by imagining (to move
subject is trained to operate the BCI by using the features up) or not imagining (to move down) speaking the word
chosen to control an output (e.g., usually a computer cursor). “move.” Offline analyses of data gathered from the four sub-
In work published to date, a linear combination of one or more jects while they were using a joystick to control two-dimen-
of the chosen features controlled each dimension of move- sional cursor movement indicated that ECoG features at
ment. This approach is thus identical to that described in chap- frequencies up to 180 Hz encode substantial information about
ter 8 for EEG control of a computer cursor. After being set both dimensions of movement (see fig. 15.5A).
initially, the parameters of the linear transformation, such as The online one-dimensional BCI control reported in this
offset (intercept), gain (slope), and coefficients for the features initial report was confirmed and extended by several other
(independent variables) may remain constant throughout studies using similar experimental protocols. Wilson et al.

C H A P TE R 1 5 . B C I S T H AT U S E E L E C T R O C O R T I C O G R A P H I C A C T I V I T Y | 2 5 7
A 100 B 100 In a study of item selection (rather than movement con-
trol), Hinterberger et al. (2008) showed that an ECoG-based
BCI allowed subjects to select characters with motor imagery.
75 In this study, the subjects imagined one of two movements
(e.g., moving a hand or the tongue). The BCI detected which of
Accuracy (%)

Accuracy (%)
60 these two imageries the subject was attempting and used the
50 result in a multistep selection process to select a character. The
40 best-performing subject spelled one character in approximately
3 min. In a more recent item-selection study involving a single
25 test subject, Brunner et al. (2011) tested an ECoG-based matrix
speller comparable to that developed for use with EEG (Schalk
Subject A
Subject D
Subject B
Subject E
Subject C et al. 2004; Krusienski et al. 2006). The subject achieved spell-
0 0 ing rates (i.e., 17 characters/min [69 bits/min]) sustained, 22
3 9 15 21 3 9 15 21 27 33 characters/min [113 bits/min] peak) several times higher than
Training duration (min) Training duration (min)
those reported for EEG (e.g., Serby et al. 2005; Sellers et al.
Figure 15.8 (A) Learning curves for ECoG control of vertical cursor movement 2006; Nijboer et al. 2008; Lenhardt et al. 2008; Guger et al.
using motor imagery to move up and rest to move down. (Accuracy in absence 2009; Sellers et al. 2010).
of control would be 50%.) Patient B (green trace) imagined opening and Schalk et al. (2008) extended the one-dimensional ECoG
closing the right hand, Patients C (yellow trace) and D (red trace) imagined
BCI results in a study showing that an ECoG-based BCI
saying the word “move,” and Patient D (blue trace) imagined protruding the
tongue. (From Leuthardt et al., 2004.) (B) Learning curves for ECoG control of allowed five subjects to use imagined or actual motor actions
two-dimensional cursor movement. (Accuracy in absence of control would be to control a computer cursor in two dimensions. Over a brief
25%.) (Modified from Schalk et al., 2008.) training period of 12–36 min (see fig. 15.8B), each subject
acquired substantial control of particular ECoG features
recorded from several electrodes in a single array over one
(2006) and Felton et al. (2007) reported comparable control hemisphere (see fig. 15.9). After these few minutes of training,
using closer electrode spacing (i.e., 5 mm as opposed to 10 mm the ECoG features supported success rates of 53–73% in a
in Leuthardt et al. 2004) and ECoG features associated with two-dimensional, four-target, center-out task in which chance
sensory (rather than movement) imagery. van Steensel at al. accuracy was 25%. In contrast, the somewhat higher levels of
(2010) showed that ECoG recorded over left dorsolateral pre- two-dimensional control that have been attained with EEG
frontal cortex, an area involved in working memory, can also required three training sessions per week over at least 7 weeks
support rapid acquisition of movement control. In work with a (Wolpaw and McFarland 2004).
single subject, Blakely et al. (2009) found that an ECoG-based Whereas most ECoG-based BCI studies have been per-
BCI with fixed parameters performed well over five days. formed in human clinical patients, Rouse and Moran (2009)
Miller, Schalk et al. (2010) showed that motor imagery-based published the only online ECoG-based BCI study to date in
BCI control using locations in motor cortex can produce ECoG monkeys. In this preliminary study with one monkey, ECoG
changes that exceed those produced by actual movements. features were used to control two different two-dimensional
Finally, in a study of potential importance for the development tasks: reaching and circle-drawing. For online control in either
of practical long-term ECoG-based BCIs, Leuthardt et al. task, the authors used 65–100 Hz gamma activity in ECoG
(2006a) found that an electrode placed epidurally (rather than recorded from two arbitrarily selected epidural electrodes over
subdurally) over premotor cortex also supported effective con- primary motor cortex. The authors assigned gamma activity
trol (i.e., 100% accuracy). recorded from each of the two electrodes to horizontal or

Vertical control Horizontal control

(tongue) (hand)

r2 0.08
0.1 r2

Figure 15.9 Topographies of control of two-dimensional cursor movement for one subject, calculated for all locations and for the control signals provided by the
ECoG features used online. These topographies show the color-coded correlation (as r2 values) of the chosen ECoG features with vertical or horizontal movement
and thus indicate the level of task-related control of different cortical areas. This subject used imagined tongue movements for vertical control and imagined hand
movements for horizontal control. Yellow stars indicate the locations used for control online. These figures suggest that selection of different locations could have
yielded better online performance, in particular for horizontal control. This demonstrates that appropriate feature selection is important. (Modified from Schalk
et al., 2008.)

258 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
vertical cursor movement control, respectively. Over the course one mm (1.25 mm for subdural recordings [Freeman et al.
of five recording days, the monkey was able to use gamma 2000] and 1.4 mm for epidural recordings [Slutzky et al. 2010]).
activity to achieve control of a cursor to successfully perform The spatial resolution of single-neuron recordings is approxi-
center-out reaching tasks as well as circle-drawing tasks. This mately one order of magnitude higher. Thus, it will probably
study also suggested the particular gamma-frequency band remain difficult or impossible to detect the firing of individual
that resulted in the best control. neurons from the cortical surface with ECoG. On the other
In summary, the human and animal ECoG-based BCI hand, ECoG’s larger coverage has been shown to compensate
studies to date show that ECoG recorded from different loca- for this lower spatial resolution (Schalk et al. 2007; Kubánek
tions and in different experimental paradigms can support et al. 2009). As yet it is unknown to what extent BCI perfor-
impressive BCI performance. ECoG might provide perfor- mance depends on the ability to record activity from individual
mance that exceeds that of EEG and that requires substantially or very small assemblies of neurons. A related question is to
less training to acquire. This probable superiority may be due what extent ECoG’s limitation in spatial resolution will ulti-
largely to the ability of ECoG to record high-frequency (i.e., mately limit the degrees of freedom that can be extracted.
gamma) activity, which is minimal or entirely absent in EEG. Studies to date have demonstrated online two-dimensional
Furthermore, ECoG may provide movement-related informa- BCI control (Schalk 2008) and offline decoding of five (Kubánek
tion comparable to that found in single-neuron activity and et al. 2009) and seven (Chao et al. 2010) different independent
could prove more stable for long-term use. movement parameters.
The third limitation is that placement of ECoG recording
electrodes requires an invasive (surgical) procedure. Although
LI MI TATION S it is possible, or even likely, that invasive procedures for implan-
tation of ECoG or single-neuron electrodes will eventually
The ECoG-based studies reported thus far encourage further become as safe as many other invasive medical procedures,
exploration of the value of research and development of any invasive procedure will almost certainly entail greater risk
ECoG-based BCIs. At the same time, it is important to and expense than noninvasive procedures, and thus it will
consider at least three limitations to this technique. likely be held to a higher standard of performance. Moreover,
The first limitation is that acquisition of ECoG signals for the need for surgical implantation of the electrodes will
BCI research entails substantial practical obstacles, at least for limit the practical utility of ECoG for nonmedical BCI applica-
recording in human subjects. Current human ECoG-based tions such as gaming, artistic expression, and performance
BCI research is limited almost exclusively to people who have enhancement (see chapter 23).
been temporarily implanted (typically for only about 1 week)
with an ECoG array, in order to localize a seizure focus and
essential cortical functions prior to surgical resection for miti- IMPORTANT QUESTIONS AND AREAS
gation or cure of epilepsy or a tumor. When given the opportu- FOR FURTHER RESEARCH
nity to participate in an ECoG study, most of the presurgical
patients choose to do so. After the implantation and postop- Studies published to date suggest that ECoG-based BCIs offer
erative recovery (about 1–2 days), they are generally available distinct advantages that could make them very useful to people
for research only a few hours per day at most. These patients with severe disabilities. At the same time, however, the work so
vary considerably in cognitive capacities (typically assessed by far has barely begun to address the important questions that
standard clinical neuropsychological testing), level of enthusi- need to be answered if that promise is to be fulfilled. The ques-
asm for participating, and clinical status (e.g., seizures, pain, tions to be addressed include: the best recoding locations; the
nausea, medications). Their clinical needs necessarily take best ECoG features (e.g., gamma vs. mu/beta vs. LMP); the
precedence over research interests. Thus, study schedules are best recording site and method (subdural/epidural/skull
often affected by their appointments for imaging, clinical tests screws); the best electrode diameter and density (i.e., inter-
(in particular electrical cortical mapping of function), medica- electrode distance); the best kinds of actual or imagined action
tion regimens (e.g., pain medication), and personal visits. (e.g., movements, sensations, cognitive functions); the best
Furthermore, the ECoG recording is generally performed in a array designs for long-term biological impact and functional
hospital room that has severe space constraints and may have stability; and the realization of wholly implantable systems.
considerable auditory and electromagnetic environmental As is the case for BCIs that use other signals, online ECoG
noise (e.g., from electrical beds, pressurized stockings, or auto- studies are essential for validating the systems and for develop-
mated drug delivery systems) that may be difficult or impossi- ing optimal solutions. Although many issues can be explored
ble to reduce. In order to be successful in these studies, the through offline analyses, online testing is necessary to establish
research personnel must be highly trained and efficient, and the validity of results. Human studies have been, and are likely
should be ready to run experiments whenever the opportunity to remain, largely confined to relatively short-term studies in
arises. The research system (both hardware and software) people implanted temporarily for clinical purposes. Much
should be streamlined, robust, and always available. of the essential research and development work can, and
The second limitation is related to ECoG’s lower spatial hopefully will, take place in animals (mainly monkeys and
resolution when compared to single-neuron recordings. rats). This will be particularly true for issues that require long-
ECoG’s spatial resolution has been estimated to be around term studies. Indeed, for many of the issues that must be

C H A P TE R 1 5 . B C I S T H AT U S E E L E C T R O C O R T I C O G R A P H I C A C T I V I T Y | 2 5 9
resolved, there is no need or justification for human studies It is worth noting that implantable ECoG-based BCI sys-
prior to satisfactory completion of animal studies to justify and tems are likely to have two significant advantages over implant-
guide the human studies. Animal studies are likely to yield a able intracortical (in particular single neuron-based) BCI
better understanding of the physiological bases of the different systems. First, with ECoG arrays, it is more practical to record
kinds of frequency-domain and time-domain features of ECoG from larger areas of cortex than is practical with microelec-
(e.g., mu/beta, gamma, LMP, phase-amplitude coupling) that trode implants, which record only from very small volumes of
may enable informed choices for the configuration and imple- tissue. Thus, ECoG arrays may provide a more practical and
mentation of ECoG-based BCI systems. comprehensive means to access the cortical networks that
The current generation of ECoG implants, in particular produce motor outputs. (On the other hand, minimizing an
those implanted prior to surgery (e.g., for epilepsy or tumors), ECoG implant’s invasiveness may require minimizing the size
are neither optimized nor even suitable for long-term BCI of the implant, thereby reducing this advantage.) Second, the
operation. The implant design (e.g., materials, electrode spac- power demands of ECoG recording are much more modest
ing) is generally determined purely by clinical needs and is than those of single-neuron recording. This is a very important
suited only for relatively short-term use. These arrays are usu- consideration for wholly implantable systems. Action-potential
ally placed subdurally, cover areas up to 7 × 7 cm (thereby recording requires a digitization rate of >10 kHz per channel.
requiring a sizeable craniotomy), and have a percutaneous With high numbers of channels, it is difficult to satisfy this
tethered connection to an external data-acquisition system. requirement with wholly implanted low-power wireless-trans-
This placement and the percutaneous connection increase the mission systems without generating undue heat. In contrast,
risk for infection and for epidural or subdural hematomas. In ECoG requires a digitization rate of only 500–1000 Hz per
contrast, ECoG-based BCI systems suitable for long-term use channel, more than an order of magnitude less. (On the other
would be wholly implantable and might use arrays that cover hand, LFP recordings from microelectrodes can also detect
relatively small areas of cortex and are placed epidurally. The gamma activity, which can be satisfactorily recorded at sam-
work needed to develop the complete implants and establish pling rates similar to those used for ECoG.) Furthermore, if a
their safety and effectiveness, first in animals and then in BCI relies on an ECoG feature such as gamma activity and an
humans, has just begun. appropriate analog filter is employed, the digitization rate
Most of the components needed for a long-term ECoG- might be as low as 50 Hz per channel (Schalk 2008), more than
based BCI implant already exist. However, they have not yet two orders of magnitude less than that required for neuronal
received regulatory approval for human use. These compo- recording. In this case, a 1000-channel ECoG array would
nents include ECoG implants that implement passive record- require a total digitization rate of only 50 kHz, the same rate
ing structures (J. Kim et al. 2007; Rubehn et al. 2009; see required by only three to five microelectrodes. Whereas the
fig. 15.10A,B) or even active electronics on biocompatible sub- requisite clinically approved devices are still in development,
strates (D. H. Kim et al. 2010). These implants could be con- fully implantable devices capable of this digitization rate could
nected to amplification/digitization devices (Avestruz et al. readily be implemented using current technologies. Given the
2008) and/or wireless transmission units (Anderson and probable long-term stability of ECoG recordings (Chao et al.
Harrison 2010; Miranda et al. 2010; fig. 15.10C). With the 2010; Schalk 2010), appropriate modification or extension of
addition of a battery (which could be implanted in areas current technologies could lead to wireless ECoG implants that
distant from the ECoG implant, in the chest, for instance), could transmit ongoing brain activity from many thousands of
these components could be combined into a fully and perma- cortical sites and that could deliver robust signals over many
nently implantable system, and could then be validated in years. Ideally, this system might consist of an epidural array
animal and subsequent human studies. that includes amplification/digitization/wireless electronics, is

External Implant
transceiver electronics Electrode

A B C grid
Cable to

Figure 15.10 Emerging generation of ECoG recording devices. (A) Thin film-based ECoG devices and their connectors for recordings in different species. (Picture
courtesy of Dr. Justin Williams.) (B) ECoG recording device for high-channel-number recordings in a monkey. (From Rubehn et al., 2009.) (C) Proposed ECoG grid
with wireless interface. (Courtesy of Ripple, Inc.)

260 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
BCI systems. In addition, ECoG also detects the LMP, which
also displays high functional specificity.
Up to the present, ECoG-based BCI studies have been lim-
ited primarily to people temporarily implanted with ECoG
recording arrays prior to surgery. Despite the many practical
difficulties of such studies, the results are promising. They sug-
gest that ECoG-based BCIs might provide control comparable
to, or even superior to, that reported for EEG-based and single
neuron-based BCIs. These results, combined with some likely
practical advantages of ECoG methodology, are encouraging
further efforts to develop ECoG-based BCI systems. Particularly
important issues to be resolved include: determination of the
best cortical locations (i.e., motor, sensory, cognitive); the best
recording methods (i.e., epidural vs. subdural, cortical loca-
tion, and electrode spacing); the optimal feature selection (i.e.,
mu, beta, gamma, LMPs); and the most effective algorithm
designs. Many of these issues will be most readily addressed in
animal studies.
ECoG-based BCI systems suitable for long-term human
use must be wholly implantable and capable of performing
reliably for many years. Although such systems have not yet
Figure 15.11 Proposed clinical implementation of ECoG technology. Schematic been developed, the individual components that would com-
illustration of micro-ECoG implant platform based on a standard 19-mm
prise them do exist or are under active development. The
neurosurgical cranial trephine. The flexible electrode substrate is folded into a
“leaf-spring” arrangement, allowing for the implant to flex and to
extensive work needed to develop the complete systems and
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264 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

ne useful way of categorizing a brain-computer inter- motor cortex to provide smooth control signals (Humphrey
face (BCI) is by the location of its sensor. The type et al. 1970; Georgopoulos 1988).
and site of the sensor are directly tied to the kinds of Whether BCIs record FPs or spikes, they need to process
signals that can be obtained and enable or limit the fidelity or (e.g., filter, amplify, etc.) the recorded signals and decode them
quality of the signal. Intraparenchymal BCIs (iBCIs) are those into commands that can be used to control a device. Since
that acquire brain signals from electrodes implanted within iBCIs use signals acquired at their source (i.e., within the
brain tissue (i.e., parenchyma), usually cerebral cortex. These brain), the hope is that they will produce better device control
are also called penetrating or intracortical BCIs. These BCIs are than is possible for eBCIs: that iBCIs will achieve more com-
distinguished from extraparenchymal BCI (eBCIs), which plex control (i.e., more degrees of freedom); be able to control
acquire signals from electrodes located outside brain tissue multiple body parts (e.g., multiple limbs); and be more natural
(e.g., those placed on the scalp or on the surface of the brain). to use. At the same time, however, the unique requirements for
eBCIs record field potentials (FPs), which are a complex prod- iBCI sensors and the nature of the signals they record create
uct of activity in many synapses and neurons (see chapter 3 in challenges that are in several ways distinct from the require-
this volume). Recording potentials on the scalp is called elec- ments of eBCIs. Much progress has been made in achieving
troencephalography (EEG), whereas recording potentials on stable, reliable signals in iBCIs, and the results are encouraging.
the surface of the brain is called electrocorticography (ECoG). This chapter describes iBCIs developed to date and addresses
iBCIs are unique in that they can record not only field poten- the issues involved in their further development, issues con-
tials, but also single-unit activity (SUA) (i.e., the action poten- cerning biocompatibility, design, reliability, and signal proper-
tials [also called spikes] that reflect the output of single neurons). ties. We also refer the reader to chapters 2 and 5 in this volume
Furthermore, if spikes of a cluster of neurons are combined, and to a number of reviews that cover various aspects of these
they produce what is called multiunit activity (MUA). Thus, in issues more comprehensively than is possible here (e.g.,
providing BCI control, an iBCI can use detailed information Hatsopoulos & Donoghue 2009; Waldert et al. 2009; Andersen
about spiking patterns within the nervous system, as well as et al. 2004; Donoghue 2008; Donoghue et al. 2007; Nicolelis &
detailed information about local field potentials (LFPs). The Lebedev 2009; Ryu & Shenoy 2009; Schwartz 2004).
type of iBCI recording desired determines the sensor’s design.
An electrode with an appropriately small recording surface is
needed for recording spikes (Lempka et al. 2006). A larger GOALS IN DEVELOPMENT
intraparenchymal electrode can record a more general field OF iBCI SYSTEMS
potential (FP) (sometimes called an iEEG). (Such large elec-
trodes would typically not record distinct spikes, even though Because iBCIs use sensors implanted in the brain and record
located in brain tissue.) activity from relatively small populations of neurons, some of
The first evidence that spikes recorded from cortical neu- the goals of iBCI research and development are unique to
rons were potentially useful as a BCI output signal came from iBCIs. The goals of iBCI development include:
the pioneering work of Eberhard Fetz and collaborators who
showed in the late 1960s and in the years following that mon- • to demonstrate the ability of signals recorded
keys could learn to use a single neuron to control a meter from limited neuronal populations to provide
needle to achieve food rewards (Fetz 1969; Fetz & Finocchio complex control (e.g., of cursor movements or
1972). These seminal studies provided critical initial evidence limb movements)
that signals from motor cortex could be used in real time to
• to establish the range of functionally useful
control physical systems, and thus presaged demonstrations of
actions that iBCIs can restore to people who are
closed-loop, multineuron control a quarter of a century later.
Later work, in turn, rekindled interest in learning how much
control can be provided by one neuron alone (Moritz et al. • to identify the advantages and benefits of iBCIs
2008). A second landmark was the introduction of the concept over eBCIs, which do not require that sensors
of population coding, the power of populations of neurons in be implanted in the brain

• to develop iBCIs that are safe for long-term use with nearly complete body paralysis (e.g., due to high-level
(i.e., years and decades) spinal cord injury or stroke) engaged in pilot iBCI trials have
found that spiking patterns from the arm area of the motor
• to develop iBCIs that can function reliably and
cortex can provide useful commands even years after injury
stably for years
(Hochberg et al. 2006; Kim et al. 2008; Truccolo et al. 2008;
Simeral et al. 2011). People with tetraplegia have provided
These goals are being addressed through studies in both
simple demonstrations of the ability to type and communicate
animals (primarily monkeys and rats) and, in early-stage
through a computer interface, to control robotic limbs to
human clinical trials in people with severe motor disabilities.
reproduce arm actions, and to operate other potentially useful
Animal models are important for development and testing of
technologies. Up to the present, iBCIs are the only BCI systems
new sensor designs (including device-tissue interactions) and
to have demonstrated the ability of people with tetraplegia to
decoding algorithms, and they are also contributing to new
achieve continuous control of a computer cursor or other
understanding of the neuronal control of movement.
devices (e.g., Hochberg et al. 2006).
These results constitute a proof-of-concept that iBCIs can
be used by humans with longstanding tetraplegia from any of
COMPLEX C ONT RO L F RO M SMALL several causes (spinal cord injury, stroke, or ALS). More exten-
P OP UL ATIONS O F NEURO NS sive animal studies have demonstrated iBCI ability to use
decoded neural activity to perform two- and three-dimen-
Although iBCIs can record both LFPs and spikes, and although sional control of computer cursors, to operate robotic arms for
the potential for using both LFPs and spikes is currently being self-feeding, and to move muscles through brain-activated
explored, most of the iBCI studies to date have emphasized the electrical stimulators when nerve conduction is blocked
use of information from spikes. A major premise underlying (Serruya et al. 2002; Taylor et al. 2002; Moritz et al. 2008;
this emphasis is that the signals (i.e., spikes) reflecting the Velliste et al. 2008). Other studies have also indicated that
activity of the individual neurons that normally generate move- learning through use can enhance control (Ganguly & Carmena
ment commands (e.g., for the hand and arm) are likely to pro- 2009). Most important, these studies have shown that small
vide better control than more global EEG or ECoG signals or populations of neurons are capable of providing a rich signal
even LFPs. The hypothesis is that coupling to the brain’s actual source even in people with longstanding paralysis.
command-signal source will enable control that is natural to
use and immediately available, with low demand for attention
and low requirements for learning. At the same time, however, POSSIBLE ADVANTAGES OF iBCIs
iBCIs can record signals from only a small sample of the exten- OVER eBCIs
sive panoply of neurons engaged in performing even a simple
voluntary action. Thus, one of the major challenges in iBCI At present, it remains to be determined what level of function
development is to determine the amount of control that is pos- an iBCI would need in order to justify the surgical procedure
sible from a limited sample of neurons. If it is found that use of required to implant its sensors into the brain. As noted previ-
small neuronal populations does limit control, it is possible ously, the fact that iBCIs are the only modality that has access
that this limitation might be overcome by the user learning to signals reflecting the activity of the individual neurons that
(i.e., to encode movement commands in the activity of these normally provide movement commands suggests that iBCIs
neurons) and/or by the iBCI software learning (i.e., to better should be able to provide substantially more complex, intui-
decode the activity of these neurons). Although complete tive, and rapid control of output devices. Although it is difficult
answers to such questions require understanding fundamental to directly compare the results reported for current iBCI and
cortical information processing and neural coding, empirical eBCI systems due to differences in sensors, signal processing,
solutions have already been found even without full under- outputs, operating protocols, and assessment methods, more
standing of the complex underlying mechanisms. Some of substantive and meaningful comparisons and value judgments
these will be described in this chapter. should become possible in the coming years. At present, any
claim of superiority must be examined skeptically.
Both iBCIs and eBCIs seem likely to lead to new classes of
FUNCTIONA LLY USEF UL ACT IONS F OR devices, each with the potential to help those with disabilities
P E OPLE WHO A RE PARALYZED in various ways, but each with limitations. Knowledge gained
from all of these systems will advance our understanding of
A major goal of all BCIs is to restore useful actions to people neural function in health and disease and will probably make
unable to move because of defects in the neuromuscular path- many other important and unexpected contributions to
ways that usually produce movement. This target user popula- science and medicine. For example, the advances in implant-
tion could include not only people who are totally unable to able stimulators for cardiac disease contributed to the develop-
move (i.e., as in the rare totally locked-in syndrome, as may ment of cochlear implants, which restore hearing; cochlear
occur in late-stage ALS), but also those with greatly impaired implants, in turn, have advanced understanding of auditory
movement control because of paralysis from stroke or injury, function in health and disease. In an analogous fashion, iBCI
or because of amputation. Preliminary data from a few humans development may lead to a wide range of new devices that can

266 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
take advantage of unique cellular-level signals to elucidate stability can introduce another level of risk in iBCIs, if further
human disease or to ameliorate disorders such as epilepsy surgery is required to remove or replace nonfunctional devices.
with closed-loop implantable systems (see chapter 22 in this Thus, it is essential that, over many years, iBCIs be able to con-
volume). tinue to record brain signals that can be reliably decoded into
useful outputs. Variations in the signals, whether of technical
or biological origin, must be minimized and must certainly not
SAFETY significantly impair iBCI performance. Although the animal
Intracortical BCIs require sensors that are implanted in the and human results to date are generally encouraging (Suner
cortex during a surgical procedure. This requirement for surgi- et al. 2005; Simeral et al. 2011) and indicate that implanted
cal implantation is what defines iBCI methods as invasive. The microelectrodes can function reliably for several years, it is
two major risks of surgically placed devices in general are nevertheless clear that much remains to be done to fully address
infection and tissue damage that might produce long-lasting key issues, both technical (e.g., long-term encapsulant and
functional loss. Despite these risks, safety has been achieved mechanical robustness) and biological (e.g., the impact of
for a variety of brain and nonbrain implantable technologies tissue reactions). Such technical advances will help to achieve
(e.g., cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants, deep brain stimu- iBCIs suitable for life-long usage.
lators) and these devices are now widely used by hundreds of
thousands of people with disease or disability.
The invasiveness of a BCI sensor is, of course, not unique SIG NALS AVAILABLE TO iBCIs AND
to iBCIs: ECoG methods (see chapter 15) are also invasive THE SENSORS THAT RECORD THEM
since they require surgical implantation of the electrode array.
K E Y F E AT U R E S O F A N i B C I
The ECoG electrode arrays currently in use can be placed for
<30 days only (by FDA rules), can require extensive surgery Like all BCIs, iBCIs have three essential components: a sensor
(i.e., wide skin incision and craniotomy), and entail a docu- that records brain signals (see chapters 5 and 6 in this volume),
mented potential for serious adverse events (Wong et al. 2009). a method of signal processing (i.e., feature extraction and
The development of smaller ECoG grids aims to reduce these translation) (see chapters 7 and 8) to decode the signals into
problems while retaining selectivity in the recording areas commands, and an application device that implements the
targeted. Although ECoG methods do require surgery, the commands (see chapter 11). The most significant differences
electrodes do not penetrate into the brain, but instead lie on between iBCIs and eBCIs arise from their sensors. Whereas
the surface of the brain. By contrast, the electrodes used in eBCIs use sensors located outside the brain (e.g., on the scalp
iBCIs penetrate brain tissue. These iBCI electrodes are very as in EEG or on the cortical surface as in ECoG), iBCIs use
small (<100 μm diameter). Although one might expect addi- sensors that penetrate into the brain (usually into the cerebral
tional risk from the penetration of the electrodes into the brain, cortex). As a result, iBCIs can record two classes of signals:
the somewhat limited human experience so far has provided single-neuron action potentials (spikes); and field potentials
no evidence for the risk of serious adverse events from these (FPs). In contrast, eBCIs record only FPs. iBCI sensors can
penetrating electrodes (Hochberg et al. 2006; Kennedy et al. record both field potentials (FPs) and action potentials from the
2000). Although there are few published data on the surgical extracellular space simultaneously. Field potentials comprise
risks for chronically implanted penetrating electrodes in 0–0.2 kHz potentials due to current flux through the somato-
humans (i.e., risks for deep-brain stimulators are reviewed dendritic membranes of many neurons. In contrast, spikes are
in Clausen 2010), current versions of iBCIs have percutaneous the brief (∼1-msec) all-or-none impulses of higher frequency
connections (i.e., wires through the skin or cables to tether to (∼1 kHz) generated at the axon hillocks of individual neurons
external hardware) that risk the introduction of infection. For (figs. 16.1 and 16.2). Spikes are the measure of neuronal output,
this reason, long-term safety of iBCIs (particularly safety from the neural information-carrying product of the neurons, which
infection) will require fully implantable and wireless sensors. often passes over long distances to other brain areas. (It is
Devices of this kind require sophisticated electronics for signal important to note that the neuronal spikes recorded by iBCIs
processing that are unprecedented for long-term human appli- should not be confused with the spikes seen in EEG or ECoG
cation (Boviatsis et al. 2010). Current technological develop- in association with epileptic seizures. The latter spikes reflect
ments (e.g., microscale high bandwidth processors, signal the synchronized activity of many neurons.)
transmission and powering methods) and initial animal and
human data provide encouraging results, suggesting the even-
tual development of iBCIs that meet these goals (Song et al. SIGNALS RECORDED BY iBCIs
2009). At the same time, considerable work remains to be done
to achieve and validate fully implantable, wireless iBCIs suit- An iBCI sensor can record three major types of signals:
able for long-term human use over many years.
• action potentials (also called spikes, single-
neuron activity, or single-unit activity [SUA])
• multiunit activity (MUA)
In addition to being safe, a practical iBCI must also provide
reliable and stable long-term function. Lack of reliability and • local field potentials (LFPs)

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 6 7
“Good (3)” “Fair (2)” “Poor (1)” “No signal (0)”
A1 150
Amplitude (microvolts)




SNR = 11.2 SNR = 3.2 SNR = 1.4 SNR = 0

Time (window of 1.2 milliseconds)

A2 a 160 33
Hold Move

C w18


1.6 ms

2 3 4 go 5
Time (sec)

Figure 16.1 Action potentials (spikes) from motor cortex. (A) Spikes from single neurons in primary motor cortex recorded by chronically implanted Si-platform
multielectrode arrays (Blackrock Microsystems, Salt Lake City, UT). (A1) Waveforms from a monkey. (From Suner et al. 1999.) (A2) Waveforms from a human. (From
Hochberg et al. 2006.) A1 shows the different quality of spiking signals (high to low) that can be detected from these arrays. A2 (top trace) illustrates two spikes
simultaneously recorded on the same electrode, where the differences between the two neurons in spike shape as well as amplitude can be appreciated. (B)
Simultaneous recordings from each of the 96 microelectrodes of a Si-platform array 23 months after implantation in the monkey primary motor cortex (Donoghue
lab, unpublished data). Each box is the signal from a single electrode (channel). Spikes of various shapes and amplitudes are visible in many of the channels; about
150 total signals are present. The 9 (of 96 possible) channels with no visible traces may lack signal because the electrode is not close to a neuron, had noisy
signals, or had nonfunctional connections. (C) Two types of electrical potentials (spikes and local field potentials (LFPs) are available from intraparenchymal
microwires. (From Donoghue et al. 1999.) Each pair of traces shows recordings from microwires in monkey primary motor cortex derived from the same channel.
The top trace of each pair is low-pass filtered (0.3–100 Hz) to show the LFP signal, while the bottom trace shows the same signal high-pass filtered (300–7.5 kHz)
to show multiunit activity (MUA). Here, the monkey was motionless between the two vertical dashed lines in advance of a cue to move the wrist (i.e., “Go”). Note
that the MUA has no predictable correlation with LFP, i.e., periods of spiking occur either with or without LFP oscillations, suggesting that they are separate
information channels.

ACTION POTENTIALS (SPIKES) and also higher-order information about future movement
Neuronal spiking is of great interest as an iBCI signal source sequences and goals. Hand velocity, position, forces, goals, and
because it is likely to be a rich source of information. Spiking is other variables can all be gleaned from single neurons in motor
generally assumed to be the major information output for cortex, allowing accurate reconstruction of ongoing hand tra-
long-distance, high-content communication for all neurons jectories from populations of neurons recorded in able-bodied
capable of spiking and to be a predominant form of coding in monkeys (Scott 2008; Kalaska et al. 1997; Georgopoulos 1988)
the nervous system (Shadlen & Newsome 1998). Spike rate (see chapter 2). Higher-level information, such as goals, plans
(number of spikes in a specific interval or a related mathemati- for upcoming hand movement, as well as limb kinematics,
cal function) is generally considered to represent neural output can also be decoded from spiking in parietal and frontal areas
information, although additional information may be available that connect with primary motor cortex (M1 in fig. 16.3A)
in the higher-order statistics of spike trains, such as their rela- (Achtman et al. 2007; Pesaran et al. 2006; Scherberger &
tive timing (e.g., a synchrony code [Singer 1999]). Andersen 2007) (see chapter 17).
The amount of movement information available from the The discrete nature of spikes, coupled with the need to dis-
spiking activity of even a single neuron is impressive: it includes criminate among the spikes produced by different neurons
information about future movements and movement parameters (called spike-sorting), requires processing different from that

268 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
LEP, MEP and task epochs
A 150 B
100 Instruction go-cue stmv

–100 20 20 20 20
Fast b-oscillation
–150 0 0 0 0
–1400 –1200 –1000 –800 –600 –400 –200 0 200
–20 –20 –20 –20
Power spectrum density
60 –40 –40 –40 –40

50 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5


Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec)

–1400 –1200 –1000 –800 –600 –400 –200 0 200
Time (ms)

Figure 16.2 Local field potentials (LFPs) in motor cortex. (A, top) The raw (blue 0.3–100 Hz filtered) and multitrial averaged (red) LFP signals from one channel of a
multielectrode array in monkey primary motor cortex (MI) show the premovement beta-band (∼20–30 Hz) activity prior to the cue to move, as well as the motor
event-related potential just prior to the start of the movement (time 0, red vertical line). (A, bottom) The spectrogram of the same LFP data shows prominent
beta-band activity in the premovement delay period and lower-frequency activity around the time of arm movement onset. The color coding shows relative power
(red = high, blue = low) (Truccolo and Donoghue, unpublished data). (B) Traces showing the low-frequency event-related potential (filtered 0.3–10 Hz) around the
time of arm movement onset (time = 0) while a monkey reached in the horizontal plane to targets in each of four orthogonally positions (see fig. 16.3B).
Differences in the form of the potential reflect directional tuning in this low-frequency LFP.

PF 7a B
150 Hz


Figure 16.3 Arm motor signals from cortex. (A) Frontal and parietal areas where spike activity related to arm movements has been found in intact behaving
monkeys. Stippling indicates the points in each cortical area (e.g., M1, PM) where single neurons have been recorded that modulate with movement kinematics
(and, for some areas, forces, goals, plans, and other features as well). (From Kalaska & Crammond 1992.) (See chapter 2 this volume.) Each area is a potential
source of BCI control signals. (B) Movement-related spiking activity in a monkey M1 during reaching. (Top left) Cartoon of monkey performing a “center out”
reaching task; movement goals (all possible targets, white; current target, red) are presented on a vertically presented monitor. The monkey directs the cursor to
the selected target by making arm movements from the center hold zone to one experimenter-selected target. (Top right) Raster plots and summary histogram
show that spikes rates for this M1 neuron increase ∼150 msec before movement and in association with movement. Each raster line is one trial; the trials are
aligned on the start of movement (vertical bar is at 0, each time tick is 100 msec, y axis is spikes/sec). (Below) Directional tuning for one M1 neuron. Each raster
plot and summary histogram shows the firing of a neuron during movement to one of eight targets (as shown in B, above). Note that this neuron is most active for
movements that are down and to the right (i.e., its preferred direction) and that its activity diminishes as movement diverges from this direction. The smooth
correlation of spike number with movement direction is well fit by a cosine function, which can be used as a model to predict the direction of movement from the
firing rate (chapter 2). Populations of directionally tuned neurons provide a reliable estimate of the actual direction of movement that can be used as a control
signal for iBCIs (unpublished data from Donoghue laboratory).

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 6 9
used for FPs, which are continuous lower-frequency signals. (Cunningham et al. 2009; Wood et al. 2004). Thus, for iBCIs,
As described in chapter 7, spike data can be processed as MUA may be an effective signal that is less prone to signal non-
discrete time series, using the armamentarium of methods stationarities while preserving the unique information that is
for such analyses. At the same time, spike recording makes present in spiking signals.
special demands on the sensors. They must be very small, they
must remain intact and functional in an inhospitable (i.e., LOCAL FIELD POTENTIALS
warm and ionic) environment for long periods, they must Field potentials (FPs) are signals that may reflect highly local
not produce infections, they must stay close to the neurons or broadly distributed changes in electrical potential. Although
generating spikes, and they must not kill the neurons or induce the actual sources of FPs are complex, it is often convenient to
scarring (i.e., gliosis) that degrades or prevents spike recording think of them as a reflection of input to neurons (i.e., synaptic
(see chapter 5). Whereas these stringent demands are not currents) (Nunez 1996) (see chapter 3). The FPs recorded by
required for EEG electrodes (the major adverse issue of which small sensors within brain tissue, such as the microelectrodes
may be skin irritation), ECoG sensors may evoke some of the used by iBCIs, are LFPs, that is, they are FPs that are highly
adverse tissue responses encountered by the penetrating sen- localized. A distinct advantage of electrodes placed within
sors of iBCIs. Moreover, since spike recording requires much neural tissue is their ability to record LFPs and spikes simulta-
higher sampling rates than FP recording, the digitization and neously (fig. 16.1C). Although LFP signals are complex mix-
power needs of iBCIs are substantial. This high power require- tures of activity from many sources (Bullock 1997), they
ment increases the challenge of realizing the fully implantable capture local electrical-field changes originating close to the
systems essential for very long-term use. Nevertheless, rapid microelectrodes. In general, one expects electrodes with
advances in miniaturized electronics are quickly diminishing smaller recording surfaces to be relatively more sensitive to
the significance of this issue (chapter 5). nearby activity than are electrodes with larger recording
While a single neuron can provide substantial information, surfaces. FPs contain both rhythmic activity (sensorimotor
populations (or ensembles) of many single neurons can pro- rhythms [see chapter 13]) and potentials related to particular
vide much more information and with greater fidelity (i.e., central or peripheral events (event-related potentials [see
with higher signal-to-noise ratio) (Georgopoulos et al. 1986; chapter 12]) (e.g., Colebatch 2007) (fig. 16.2).
Maynard et al. 1999). Neural populations can provide very It is generally agreed that three major frequency bands are
accurate predictions of ongoing limb actions, such as the readily evident in all types of FP recording from primary sen-
trajectory of the hand during a reach (fig. 16.3B). This collec- sorimotor cortex in alert primates, including humans: a low-
tive information coding by populations of neurons is often frequency (<8-Hz) band that can contain distinct movement- or
called a population or ensemble code. It is this code that has event-related potentials (ERPs); a mid-frequency (8–30 Hz)
the potential to provide real-time estimates of intended move- band that contains mu- and beta-rhythm activity (see chapter
ments for iBCIs. 13); and a high-frequency (>30-Hz) gamma band (see chapter
15). Mu, beta, and gamma rhythms are collectively referred to
M U LT I U N I T A C T I V I T Y as sensorimotor rhythms. (A good comparison of these signals
The neuronal spikes recorded extracellularly from different is provided in Waldert et al. 2009 and Zhuang et al. 2010.)
neurons usually differ from one another in shape and ampli- Although the exact relationships among these bands (and other
tude (fig. 16.1). The moveable microelectrodes used mainly in bands within them) are a renewed area of intense inquiry, the
short-term laboratory settings can be adjusted to focus on a low-frequency bands have been most correlated with synaptic
particular neuron and can thus maximize the signal-to-noise input, high-frequency bands have been most correlated with
ratio and increase the certainty that the properties of that indi- spiking, and the mid-frequency bands seem to be related to
vidual neuron are being evaluated. However, most iBCIs use attentional or other more global signals (Belitski et al. 2008).
microelectrodes that are in relatively fixed positions, the spikes Mu and beta rhythms recorded within or above primary
they record are often small, and those of multiple neurons may sensorimotor cortex have been shown to change in association
be intermingled (fig. 16.1A). As a result, separating the spikes with movement and movement imagery (Shoham et al. 2001).
from different neurons is often difficult. Thus, sophisticated They are of great interest as BCI control signals (see chapter 13),
software is applied to extract specific features of the spike particularly because they can persist even in humans
waveforms and use them to separate the spikes of different who are paralyzed, and are still capable of modulation in asso-
neurons. This is called spike sorting (see chapter 7 in this ciation with intended movement (Hochberg et al. 2006)
volume). Nevertheless, low-amplitude noise-ridden recordings (fig. 16.4) . All LFP bands have generated interest as possible
may be difficult to process in this way, either manually or with independent or linked-control signals for iBCIs (Rickert et al.
automated software. 2005; Waldert et al. 2009; Zhuang et al. 2010). iBCI sensors
Alternatively, neuronal spiking can be treated as multiunit thus have a rich source of control signals that can be treated as
activity (MUA), without being sorted into individual neurons information channels, including several LFP bands in addition
(fig. 16.1C). Although the complex mixtures of neurons to spikes.
that comprise MUA make it less useful for basic-science stud- Whereas FPs have traditionally been assumed to contain
ies of neural information codes, it appears that effective iBCI only low frequencies (i.e., from low direct-current frequen-
operation may not require the careful spike-sorting that is cies to those up to about 100 Hz), ECoG can record signals
essential for characterizing neural information processing at higher frequencies (e.g., 500 Hz [Gaona et al. 2011])

270 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
S1 Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open
(sec) 76.8 83.2 89.6 96 102.4 108.8 115.2


S3 –1 0 1 –1 0 1 –1 0 1 –1 0 1


Figure 16.4 Arm and hand neural activity from M1 cortex of humans with tetraplegia recorded with a chronically implanted multielectrode array during imagined
upper-limb movements. (A) Raster plots of spikes from three M1 neurons during successive verbal requests to imagine closing or opening the hand (S1, spinal
cord injury). Note the clear correlation of each neuron’s spikes with the intention to close the hand. (From Hochberg et al. 2006.) (B) Directional tuning of an M1
neuron in a human with tetraplegia subsequent to a brainstem stroke (S3). The rasters show firing during repeated single trials when the participant is instructed to
imagine right, up, left, or down arm movements as indicated by the arrows. The histograms show the summed activity of the trials for each direction (firing rate in
hertz; time in seconds; 0 = time of verbal request; red line = smoothed rate). Note directional tuning to imagined arm reaches that resembles activity seen in
able-bodied monkeys making reaching movements (compare with fig. 16.3) (also see chapter 2).

(chapter 15). FP recordings that include such high frequencies For each of these types of recording sensor, several basic
may also include some neuronal spikes in addition to the FPs but challenging criteria must be met in order to successfully
that they are traditionally thought to record. (Published reports record from a population of neurons for long periods of time.
are often lax in describing FP bandwidth and processing, which First, the implanted device must be safe. Second, it must func-
can have a major impact on BCI performance.) BCI research tion reliably, ideally for decades. Third, it is desirable to incor-
has launched a number of efforts to improve our understand- porate more recording sites, since it is expected (although
ing of the relationships between neuronal spiking and FPs, not yet fully validated) that a larger population of neurons will
which may further our understanding of how information produce better iBCI performance. Fourth, the recording sites
is processed in the brain (e.g., Zhuang et al. 2010; Moran & must be arranged in a geometry that minimizes tissue damage
Bar-Gad 2010). Depending on the sensor used, the FP signal during insertion and during the sensor’s subsequent residence
may reflect highly local or broadly distributed changes in elec- in the tissue. To complicate matters further, the third and
trical potential and can include spike activity, especially when fourth criteria involve a trade-off: while larger numbers of
spikes are highly synchronized. recording sites impart an added benefit in the redundancy they
provide in case the number of neurons recorded declines over
time, too many electrodes will produce substantial tissue
TY P ES OF iBC I S ENSORS damage. The ideal balance between these competing factors is
not yet known.
Intraparenchymal recording is performed using a variety of The electrodes developed for iBCIs vary greatly in materi-
electrode types. As illustrated in figure 16.5, these include: als and form. These are discussed in detail in chapter 5 and are
briefly described here. At present, considerable controversy
• Multielectrode arrays (MEAs) (also called surrounds the relative merits of these various sensors, with
platform arrays or Utah arrays). strong claims made as to each one’s ability to achieve long-
• Multisite electrodes (also called shank term, reliable recording. Although there is strong evidence that
electrodes or Michigan electrodes) electrode insertion causes tissue reaction and damage (Shain
et al. 2003; Szarowski et al. 2003) (see chapter 5), long-term
• Microwire arrays neuronal recording is nevertheless clearly possible with all of
• Cone electrodes (also called neurotrophic them. At the same time, no BCI sensor has yet been shown to
electrodes) provide reliable long-term recording in a large study.

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 7 1
Normann 1992). As the BrainGate neural interface system, this
Multielectrode arrays (MEAs) (also called platform arrays or array is currently under evaluation (limited to investigational
Utah arrays) have multiple microelectrodes protruding from a use) for long-term use in people with tetraplegia, under an
flattened superstructure that rests on the arachnoid membrane investigational device (FDA IDE) exemption (Hochberg et al.
(i.e., below the dura). Each electrode has a sharp tip and is 2006) (see chapter 21). Other MEA platforms in which metal
insulated except over the recording surfaces. For example, the microelectrodes are fixed to platforms of various materials
array commercially available from Blackrock Microsystems (Fofonoff et al. 2004; Musallam et al. 2007) are being used in
(Salt Lake City, USA) has a flattened 4 × 4-mm platform with animals for preclinical iBCI studies and other purposes.
100 metal or silicon 1.5-mm-long microelectrodes protruding The MEA platforms designed to date have the disadvan-
from it. The platform sits against (i.e., floats on) the cortical tage of having only one recording site at the tip of each probe.
surface (fig. 16.5A and 16.5B) (Donoghue 2008). Referred to Thus, recording from a neuron relies on the random chance
as the Utah array, this design was originally developed by that the tip’s final position after insertion is close to the neu-
Richard Normann and his research group at the University of ron’s soma or major dendrites (i.e., within <∼100 μm [Buzsaki
Utah (Campbell et al. 1991) and was further developed into 2004]). Since the array is fixed in place once inserted, there is
a long-term implantable device suitable for iBCIs through no further opportunity for improving recording by moving the
a collaborative effort of the laboratories of Normann and electrode. Fortunately, the high packing density of cortical
John Donoghue (Maynard et al. 1999) (with support from neurons makes it highly probable that a tip is close enough to a
Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems). The electrodes of neuron and that any tip is within recording distance of tens
the array are inserted quickly through the arachnoid and pia of neurons (Gold et al. 2006). Use of arrays with many elec-
via a custom pneumatically driven inserter (Rousche & trodes (typically now∼100) means that a considerable number




Platform array

Multisite probe


100 μm
1935 μm

0 μm
60 μm

20 μm
60 μm 125 μm

150 μm

Figure 16.5 iBCI sensors. Types of iBCI sensors for long-term neuronal (spike) and local field potential (LFP) recording. A platform array (A, left) has multiple
electrodes protruding from a flattened superstructure that rests on the pia-arachnoid, with each electrode having a sharp tip and insulation except over the
recording surface. (From Donoghue 2008.). (B, left) On the left is a 100-microelectrode array with a 4 × 4-mm platform and 1.0-mm electrodes, and on the right a
scanning electron micrograph enlargement of one row of the microelectrodes illustrating their geometry (Blackrock Microsystems). The Multisite probes shown in
A (center) and B (right) are flattened shanks with multiple exposed side ports that allow recording at multiple sites along their length (commercially available from
Neuronexus, Ann Arbor, MI). Microwires, shown in A (right) are typically laboratory-fabricated arrays of fine (∼50 μm) wires with only the ends exposed and are
usually fixed to the skull. Cone electrodes (A, lower right) consist of 1–4 microwires encased in a glass pipette tip that contains growth factors. Neuronal processes
(neurites) grow into the cone, and their spikes can then be detected by the wires. This sensor is essentially integrated into the cortex. (From Kipke 2004; Vetter
et al. 2004.)

272 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
of neurons are likely to be recorded. Particularly in motor rodents and monkeys (Porada et al. 2000), for recordings over
cortex, the large apical dendrites of deeper neurons generate at least a year (Nicolelis et al. 1997), and for recordings up to
large fields; thus, there is a bias to detect these neurons, and seven years (Kruger et al. 2010). In one case (Patil et al. 2004),
they can be recorded over relatively longer distances than with microwires inserted as a bundle through a cannula, they
smaller neurons. This geometry strengthens the likelihood that were used for an acute iBCI-related human study that recorded
neurons of interest could be recorded for long time periods. from basal ganglia. Overall, the long-term performance of
Moreover, in agranular cortex, which includes the motor microwire arrays has been mixed, with common reports of
cortex, the middle depths include the largest pyramidal neu- decline in signal quality over time for a significant percentage
rons of deep layer III and layer V (see chapter 2) where move- of the wires. Nevertheless, microwires have been and are being
ment-related activity is readily encountered (fig. 16.3); this used in several laboratories for long-term recordings in monkey
zone is located at about 1–1.5 mm in depth (Meyer et al. 1996). cortex (Kruger et al. 2010; Nicolelis et al. 2003; Donoghue et al.
(In monkeys, many pyramidal tract neurons are also encoun- 1998; Taylor et al. 2002; Ganguly and Carmena 2009).
tered at a depth of ∼1.5mm [Humphrey & Corrie 1978].)
It is not yet clear what the potential for long-term multi-
electrode recordings in humans really is. However, it is encour- CONE ELECTRODES
aging that one person participating in a study in the laboratory Cone Electrodes (also called neurotrophic electrodes) are the
of the author has an implanted array that, to date, has provided fourth major type of electrode used within the brain. Kennedy
functional recording for over five years. and colleagues developed this intriguing modification of
microwire design, in which the exposed end(s) of one to four
M U LT I S I T E E L E C T R O D E S microwires are housed in a short glass cone containing various
neurotrophic (growth) factors (Kennedy 1989; Kennedy et al.
Multisite electrodes (also called shank electrodes or Michigan 1992). As part of the tissue response to the insertion of the
electrodes) are flattened shanks with multiple (∼8–16) record- cone electrode and in response to the growth factors, neurites
ing sites distributed along the length of a single flat narrow often grow into the cone so that they are close to the recording
blade. The most prominent example of this type of electrode surfaces of the wires and their spikes can be detected. This
was developed from a silicon substrate by Daryl Kipke and his sensor becomes essentially integrated into the cortex and can
group at the University of Michigan and is thus called the provide long-term recording (Kennedy 1989). The cone
Michigan electrode (Kipke 2004). These are commercially anchors the wire in the brain so that it moves with the brain
available from Neuronexus (Michigan, USA) (Kipke 2004; (Kennedy 1989; Kennedy et al. 1992). This appears to reduce
Vetter et al. 2004). When the shank is inserted into cortex, the the recording disturbances caused by small brain movements.
multiple recording sites can provide recordings from multiple
cortical levels. It is also possible to combine multiple shank
electrodes into two-dimensional sets of parallel electrodes
that provide a large number of recording sites distributed
horizontally as well as vertically through a cortical area (Kipke
2004). Shank electrodes have been used in iBCI-related animal
studies (Marzullo et al. 2006; Parikh et al. 2009), but they have
not yet been applied in human studies. Other examples of Many iBCIs tested in monkeys have used neurons related to
shank electrodes have been made with ceramic (Moxon et al. arm movements and recorded from the arm area of primary
2004). motor cortex (MI), the premotor area, and the parietal reach
region (e.g., Serruya et al. 2002; Taylor et al. 2002 Carmena
et al. 2003; Hatsopoulos et al. 2004; Shenoy et al. 2003; Andersen
et al. 2010). This emphasis on arm areas may derive in part
Microwire arrays are the third major form of multielectrode from the perceived importance of the arm in humans and
design. These are typically laboratory-fabricated arrays of fine monkeys and from the fact that, for people with tetraplegia,
(∼50 μm diameter) rigid wires with only the ends exposed; recovering arm function would be greatly enabling.
they are usually fixed to the skull (e.g., Kralik et al. 2001; The anatomical location of the M1 arm area in humans is
Schwartz 2004; Donoghue 2008). Microwire arrays can be fab- indicated by a distinct anatomical feature called the knob,
ricated inexpensively in the lab, making them valuable for which is part of the precentral gyrus and is readily seen in a
many research applications. Although there is great diversity standard MRI (Yousry et al. 1997), facilitating surgical implan-
from one laboratory to another, microwire arrays for cortical tation of the iBCI array. In iBCI studies in monkeys, the focus
recordings commonly consist of a set of uniform diameter, on neurons related to arm control arises mainly from the large
thin (10–70 μm diameter), insulated metal wires glued together literature on the relationship between skilled arm use and neu-
in a regular pattern of any number (e.g., typically 8 or more). ronal activity in cortical motor areas (see chapter 2). This lit-
The wire tips, which may be blunt or tapered, are exposed and erature is especially abundant on the role of primary motor
provide the recording surfaces. They are inserted into the cortex in arm function (e.g., neuronal population coding of
cortex by a variety of methods particular to each laboratory. multiple movement dimensions [Paninski et al. 2007]). Prior
They have been used successfully for long-term iBCI studies in research also revealed the locations of other cortical areas

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 7 3
important in arm control (e.g., fig. 16.3). In monkeys, more on the correlations between cortical-neuron activity and arm
than 10 well-defined areas are known to be involved in the movements. Then, actual arm control of the cursor was
planning or generation of arm movements (Kalaska & replaced by the output of decoded neural signals as the control
Crammond 1992). The relative advantages and disadvantages mechanism. The decoded neural signal was immediately effec-
of each of these areas as signal sources for iBCIs are still largely tive as a substitute for arm movement: the monkeys continued
unexplored. to be able to perform the task of cursor control; although the
In contrast to the attention given to arm-movement con- monkeys could still move their arms, the cursor was actually
trol, much less attention has been paid to cortical control of the controlled by the brain signals, not by arm movements.
leg, perhaps due to the greater difficulty of experiments involv- Importantly, this control continued for as long as the monkey
ing highly controlled leg movements and the poorer accessibil- was engaged in the task, without any need for resetting or reca-
ity of the deeply situated midline cortical areas that are involved libration. In one case, the monkey stopped moving its arm as
in leg movements. Nevertheless, Fitzsimmons et al. (2009) its brain signals moved the cursor, indicating that it had uncou-
recently studied the decoding of leg movements in monkeys and pled actual arm movement from the M1 neuronal activity.
showed the potential to decode aspects of these movements. Taylor et al. (2002) advanced this work further by showing
There is no consensus on what is the ideal anatomical source that monkeys could use M1 activity to control three-dimen-
of control signals and if, in fact, there is an ideal source. Since sional cursor movement in a virtual-reality task. Carmena
many different brain areas interact in complex ways to produce et al. (2003) subsequently showed concurrent continuous and
output, signals from multiple areas are likely to be important, discrete iBCI control, including control of both cursor position
and each area can provide its own control signals and poten- and target selection (i.e., grasp). Additional work has demon-
tially make a unique contribution. Since the majority of iBCI strated the potential for iBCI control using neurons from non-
studies to date use signals from M1 and closely related motor primary motor cortical areas, including the premotor cortex
areas, we will focus on these. Use of the parietal cortex and (Santhanam et al. 2006) and the parietal cortex (Hwang &
other areas for iBCIs is discussed in chapter 17 of this volume. Andersen 2009) (see chapter 1).
These studies in monkeys have demonstrated iBCI control
of a variety of outputs. Although most studies have involved a
i B C I S T U D I E S T O D AT E I N N O N H U M A N
computer task (i.e., movement of a cursor and/or selection of
an item on a computer screen), Schwartz and his colleagues
The increasing success of multielectrode arrays as chronic have also demonstrated control of a multijoint robotic arm that
recording devices in the cortex of monkeys, the substantial emulates human reach and grasp actions (Velliste et al. 2008).
knowledge regarding arm-movement coding by populations of This work is particularly significant in that it allows direct
neurons in primary motor cortex, and the anatomical and evaluation of the ways in which the brain changes to achieve
functional similarities between monkeys and humans, have all direct control of complex mechanical devices (e.g., a multi-
contributed substantially to the success of and interest in the jointed robotic arm), that is, without the usual mediation by
development of iBCIs using recording from motor cortex. intervening brain and spinal cord connections and by muscles.
Emergent iBCI systems demonstrated to date differ from one In these studies, the monkeys fed themselves using the iBCI-
another in the type of sensor they employ, in their decoding controlled robotic arm, and their control improved with con-
algorithms, and in the uses to which they put their outputs. tinued practice.
Most of these efforts have focused on producing arm control or
arm-like control. These systems have been applied in monkeys
(e.g., Velliste et al. 2008) and in humans with tetraplegia (e.g.,
Hochberg et al. 2006). These research efforts have produced a Whereas the iBCI studies described above involved able-bod-
range of closed-loop demonstrations of the ability of iBCIs to ied monkeys, BCI technology is intended to serve people who
achieve continuous control of computer cursors, to operate lack useful movement control due to a wide variety of neuro-
physical robotic systems, and to control muscles. muscular disorders. Thus, it is important to determine whether
long-standing paralysis interferes with the ability of the motor
cortex to control a BCI. Humans unable to move their limbs
could certainly benefit from the ability to control complex
Monkeys have been the major model for human iBCIs. Fetz devices that mimic the actions of their own arms, and sophis-
and colleagues (Fetz 1969; Fetz & Finocchio 1971) provided ticated robots are now available that might be controlled by a
early demonstrations of a simple iBCI by showing that mon- BCI. The amount of BCI control possible will depend on the
keys could adjust the firing rate of a single neuron in motor user’s ability to provide the brain signals needed to control the
cortex when rewarded for doing so. Serruya et al. (2002) device. For an iBCI, the question is whether neuronal spiking
reported the first demonstration of iBCI control of a computer patterns corresponding to movement intention are produced
cursor in two dimensions in a closed-loop system. The monkey even in the absence of the ability to move. This is particularly
was initially trained to move a handle with its arm and thereby important because, in most forms of paralysis, CNS motor
control movement of a cursor to reach targets randomly placed pathways and/or neuronal areas are damaged (as in spinal cord
on a screen. Cortical neuron activity was recorded throughout injury or stroke) or have undergone pathological degeneration
this training. A linear decoding algorithm was developed based (as in ALS).

274 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
To create an experimental model of paralysis in monkeys, persisted in the M1 arm areas of all four people even years after
muscle activation can be prevented by a reversible pharmaco- onset of paralysis (Hochberg et al. 2006; Truccolo et al. 2008;
logical peripheral nerve block. In studies conducted by Moritz Kim et al. 2008; Simeral et al. 2011). Furthermore, and most
et al. (2008) and by Pohlmeyer et al. (2009), monkeys were able importantly, the M1 neurons were immediately engaged by
to create useful control signals despite such pharmacologically imagining limb actions: even in the absence of any actual
induced disconnection of the CNS from the muscles. When movement, and without learning or practice, the act of imagin-
cortical neurons were used to control electrical stimulation of ing the action was immediately able to change cortical neuronal
the muscles (i.e., the cortical neurons were essentially recon- activity. This was remarkable since these individuals had not
nected to their intended muscle targets), it was possible for moved their arms voluntarily for 2–9 years. Despite the years of
these animals to learn to execute simple limb movements nonuse, the neuronal spiking and LFPs found in M1 bore many
(Moritz et al. 2008; Pohlmeyer et al. 2009). Reminiscent of similarities to those that occur in the M1 arm areas of able-
Fetz’s work decades before, Moritz et al. (2008) also showed bodied monkeys. Cortical neurons well-tuned to the direction
that activity from only one or two cortical neurons was suffi- of imagined movement were readily detected (e.g., fig. 16.4).
cient to control simple actions. Thus, these iBCI studies in tem- BrainGate2, a second and larger trial involving up to 15
porarily paralyzed monkeys suggest that paralyzed humans participants, began in 2009. It is designed to assess the long-
may be able to use cortical neurons to control the movements term safety, stability, and reliability of the implanted array,
of devices such as robotic arms, or even the movements of their the quality and quantity of the neuronal activity found follow-
own limbs. At the same time, it is not yet known to what degree ing high-level spinal cord injury or brainstem stroke, or in
this model accurately captures the state of the nervous system a degenerative disorder (e.g., ALS), and the possibilities for
for a human with long-term paralysis. controlling assistive devices, such as a typing interface or
robotic assistant.
The long history of microelectrode studies in animals, the suc- LONG -TERM PERFORMANCE OF iBCIs
cess in decoding the recorded cortical neuronal activity, and the
iBCI demonstrations in monkeys all contributed to the launch A recent preclinical study (Suner et al. 2005) reported encour-
of pilot clinical trials of iBCI systems in humans with tetraple- aging evidence of the possibility of good long-term perfor-
gia. This provides a superb example of the ways in which years mance by a platform array. This array was used to record signals
of fundamental research can lead to the development of tech- from three monkeys over 514-, 154- and 83-day periods,
nology with great potential to help humans with paralysis. As it respectively (fig. 16.6). The signals varied in number and form
turns out, the results in monkeys parallel the ongoing iBCI from day to day, but there was no evidence for a time-related
studies in humans with severe motor disabilities that impair the
normal CNS output pathways (Hochberg et al. 2006). 100
The first studies of iBCIs in humans were begun in the late
1990s by Philip Kennedy and colleagues (Kennedy and Bakay
1998; Kennedy et al. 2000). Their first study showed that a 80
Number of recorded

person with ALS could intentionally modulate spiking activity 70

recorded by two cone electrodes in motor cortex (Kennedy and 60

Bakay 1998). In a second study, a person who was locked in by a 50

brainstem stroke (i.e., totally paralyzed except for limited eye
movements) used the spikes recorded by one cone electrode to
move a cursor in one direction (i.e., 0.5-dimensional control) 30
(Kennedy et al. 2000). (In this case, to demonstrate that neural 20 DE
control could be uncoupled from remaining movements, the 10 CL
participant first learned over a 4-month period to dissociate
contraction of periorbital muscles from modulation of the 100 101 102
One year
spike rate.) This initial human iBCI trial demonstrated the Time (days)
ability to use neural signals to control a computer cursor. Duration of study
The first pilot study of a human iBCI system that used pop-
Figure 16.6 Number of neurons recorded in three monkeys by a multielectrode
ulations of cortical neurons began in 2004 (Hochberg et al.
platform array over a period of 83, 154, or 514 days. Each monkey was
2006) and used the BrainGate iBCI sensor (consisting of a recorded from for the defined duration (log scale of time), and then data
multielectrode platform array) implanted in the arm region of collection stopped. Note that in the first weeks, both increases and decreases
M1 (i.e., the knob) (Yousry et al. 1997). As of this writing, four occurred in the numbers of neurons discriminated from the recordings and that
people with tetraplegia have been implanted with this initial fluctuations in the count on the order of 10% occurred regularly, with
occasionally larger up or down changes. Also note that the numbers of neurons
BrainGate System1 (which is approved for study as an investi-
were about the same for the first and last sessions of the prolonged periods
gational device by the FDA). Two of these people had high- over which data were collected. This indicates that large numbers of signals
cervical spinal-cord injury, one had ALS, and one had a pontine can be recorded for lengthy periods by iBCI arrays in monkey cortex. (From
stroke. The results showed that both neuronal spiking and LFPs Suner et al. 1999.)

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 7 5
decline in the number neurons recorded. Recordings were the (FDA) (see chapter 21). Data from only a few humans, with
most unreliable during the first few weeks, with one array only a few time points, are currently in the literature. Since
increasing its reliability, one decreasing, and one remaining iBCIs in humans are still in the investigational stage, no system
roughly stable. Useful spike recording continued through these has been fully validated and established. Testing and validation
periods, although the numbers of neurons recorded waxed and require a long process that is highly regulated to ensure sound
waned (i.e., for some electrodes, signals came and went), and clinical and ethical principles. For the same reasons the long-
the sizes and shapes of their spikes changed as well. One term reliability of ECoG sensors for BCI use has not yet been
monkey was studied for an additional 3 years. tried in human clinical trials. However, an early-stage study of
Experiences from the first BrainGate pilot clinical trial the reliability of implanted ECoG grids for seizure monitoring
were consistent with the conclusion that platform arrays can in epilepsy is in progress (Van Gompel et al. 2008). The early
perform reliably over long periods. All four of the participants stage of results coming from all of these studies makes it diffi-
in the trial (people with tetraplegia) had the platform array cult to make substantative comparisons of the long-term bio-
implanted in the arm region of motor cortex (Hochberg et al. stability or biocompatibility of implanted sensors, whether
2006; Truccolo et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2008), and spikes were they are intracortical and extracortical. Nevertheless, the data
recorded for at least 10 months after implantation. As of this on safety of all these implanted devices seems encouraging.
writing (nearly 5 years after implantation), one of the partici- Despite these promising successes, most iBCI investigators
pants is still in the study (figs. 16.7B and 16.8), and spikes con- report that, after successfully recording for months, some
tinue to be recorded. (Furthermore, over a total of >2800 days arrays may fail within a year of implantation (e.g., Donoghue
of implantation [7.7 years] in these four people, no infection et al. 2004; Schwartz et al. 2006). Despite the temptation to
has occurred, either in the CNS or in the skin.) attribute this failure to lack of biocompatibility, results from
Kennedy’s glass-cone electrodes (Kennedy & Bakay 1998) studies specifically examining tissue response indicate that
were also tested in humans and those results too supported injury-related changes appear to be largely complete within the
long-term recording in humans. first two months after implantation (Shain et al. 2003). It is
Thus, only two iBCI sensor types have been tested in thus probable that later device failure may be due to material
human for prolonged periods: the Si-platform array (Hochberg degradation (e.g., issues of biostability) or mechanical factors,
et al. 2006) and the glass-cone electrode (Kennedy et al. 2000). rather than issues of biocompatibility.
Both are in pilot trials under an Investigational Device In summary, the results to date in animals and humans
Exemption (IDE) from the Food and Drug Administration indicate that, although sensor movement relative to the brain
MSE (cm2)

A 20 8
MSE (cm2)

1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1 5 10 15 20 25
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1 5 10 15 20 25
Number of neurons Number of neurons

(a) Session 1: n = 37 (b) Session 2: n = 38 (c) Session 3: n = 57 (d) Session 3

Figure 16.7 Control using iBCI systems. (A) Decoding movement from small populations of M1 neurons (from Wu et al. 2006). Plots showing success in decoding of
arm-reaching movement in center-out tasks (see fig. 16.3) for two monkeys as a function of the numbers of neurons used. The upper panel shows mean squared
error deviation from an ideal (straight) path, and lower panels show cross-correlation coefficient as a function of number of neurons. Depending on the monkey,
performance appears to asymptote with about 25–40 neurons. (B) Panels a–c show examples of average decoded trajectories from a population of M1 neurons for
a human with tetraplegia in a center-out task that required moving the cursor from a center hold zone to a peripheral target. Actions were repeated continuously
(without interruption) for all of the movements made, but only outward paths are shown for clarity. Panel d shows every path for one session. (Data and figures
from Kim et al. 2008.)

276 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

Figure 16.8 Cursor control using the BrainGate neural interface system. (A, B) Two attempts by a human with tetraplegia to use imagined arm movement to draw a
circle with a cursor (arrowhead). The cursor is controlled by neuronal activity recorded from a population of neurons in M1 cortex. The movement starts from the
black square (which serves as an ink well) and is shown by the line ending in the cursor. In the first trial, the participant avoids moving the cursor to the eraser
(upper left) but is unable to complete a circle. In a subsequent attempt in the same session, without additional practice, the subject avoids the eraser and
succeeds in producing a full loop. (From Hochberg et al. 2006.) (C) Neurally controlled virtual functional electrical stimulation (FES) system. The panels illustrate
the motions produced during neural control by a human with tetraplegia of a virtual FES system that models all features of a paralyzed arm controlled by a current
FES system. In this case, the fingertip position is controlled by the simulated FES system that drives models of four shoulder and two elbow muscles, based on
commands derived from neuronal activity in M1 of a human with tetraplegia. The user is able to move the fingertip to the red dot, which was placed at a random
screen location. In the rightmost panel the target is reached and turns white. This demonstrates the possibility of using neuronal activity recorded by an iBCI array
to drive an FES system that excites muscles that have been paralyzed by spinal cord injury, stroke, or other central lesions. (From Chadwick et al. 2011.)

probably does affect the population of neurons recorded and from one another, it is difficult to make direct comparisons
although biocompatibility and biostability continue to be of with compelling conclusions.
concern, iBCI electrode arrays can continue to record neuronal
spikes for long periods, even years (Bartels et al. 2008). The
results suggest that long-term recordings are feasible for human FA C T O R S T H AT A F F E C T R E C O R D I N G S TA B I L I T Y
The variables that most affect long-term iBCI sensor perfor-
mance can be grouped into three major classes:
• Movement (the extent to which physical forces
Since the surgical implantation of foreign objects always car- cause motion of the electrodes relative to the
ries some amount of risk, invasive BCI devices, whether surrounding brain tissue)
implanted within the brain itself or within the cranium, must • Biocompatibility (the ability of the tissue to
last for many years without requiring replacement or repair. accept the device, i.e., the extent of tissue
Furthermore, the long-term implantation itself must not entail damage and/or tissue responses that
significant risks of infection or tissue damage. These risks can encapsulate the electrodes and impair their
be minimized by good choices as to the type and geometry of recording capacity)
the implanted materials, by using proper surgical insertion
techniques, by ensuring implant stability, and by continued • Biostability (the ability of the implant to resist
monitoring of tissue responses and possible infection. Although damage by the body’s environment and to resist
these factors undoubtedly contribute to risk/benefit assess- material failure during long-term use).
ment and to the success of long-term recording, they have not
been formally evaluated in a comprehensive fashion. Given the Movement of the sensors relative to the surrounding brain
many variables that distinguish the various sensor approaches tissue is a key issue for iBCIs. iBCIs that use single-neuron

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 7 7
spike detection require that the recording surface be very small without long-term consequences, although a few serious
and that it remain very close to the neuron. The best quantifi- adverse events have been reported. In evaluating these studies,
cations of this requirement indicate that a microelectrode tip it is important to recognize that, although infection is often
must be less than ∼100 μm from a neuron to detect its spike listed as one of the more common events, clinical evaluations
with a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio (Buzsaki 2004; Buzsaki of devices often use the single label “infection” to describe a
& Kandel 1998; Henze et al. 2000). Fixation of the array to the whole gamut of conditions of very different severity: superfi-
skull (called tethering) may result in a disturbance of this cru- cial skin infections, infections along lead wires, or, of much
cial proximity as the brain moves within the skull (e.g., due to greater concern, intracranial infections (i.e., infections that
cardiac or respiratory pulsations, head or body movements, involve the meninges and/or the brain itself).
etc.). With such a small margin of allowable movement, it is Biostability is the ability of implanted sensors to withstand
impressive and encouraging that some laboratories describe the warm, relatively high-salt environment inside the body.
years of recording with multielectrode arrays (Suner et al., Biostability is closely related to biocompatibility, and it is often
2005). In addition, several studies report that ∼40% of the difficult to differentiate their individual contributions to any
recorded neurons can be recorded stably for weeks in monkeys observed loss in signal. Although very important, biostability
with microelectrode arrays (Ganguly & Carmena 2009; Dickey has received less overall attention in the BCI field than bio-
et al. 2009; Nicolelis et al. 2003). compatibility. Many materials degrade after long-term expo-
The question of biocompatibility involves consideration of sure to the body’s warm, ionic environment. Aging of materials,
possible tissue reactions to an implanted device. These reac- along with physical forces, may cause device failure due to
tions might interfere with its function, and/or have other effects broken connections, failed wire bonds, degraded electrode
(e.g., infection) that put the patient’s wellbeing at risk. Tissue coatings, or leaks in insulating materials. Failure of the insula-
reaction around an intracortical microelectrode may include tion along the electrical path causes shunting of the signals or
the death of neurons near the electrode and the formation of a cross-talk between different wires. Although it would clearly be
layer of glial cells around the electrode, commonly thought to advantageous to create signal processors that would last for
be a major impediment to long-term recording (chapter 5). decades and that would fit within or just above the skull, the
Although immediate and chronic tissue responses to specific goal of implantable electronics for iBCIs has not yet been
electrode implants have been carefully delineated in several reached. Development of such implantable electronics is chal-
studies (Shain et al. 2003; Winslow & Tresco 2010), it is difficult lenging because of the possibility of exposure of the electronics
to draw general conclusions because of substantial differences to ionic fluids. Achieving this for iBCI devices is more chal-
across iBCI sensors in size, shape (e.g., platforms vs. single lenging than for other sensors currently implanted in humans
probes), coating material, insertion technique, surgical proce- (Hsu et al. 2009; Song et al. 2005) because of the significantly
dure, manufacturing venue (lab or commercial), and quality greater complexity of the electronics capable of sampling small-
control. Furthermore, understanding the long-term impact of amplitude brain signals at high rates across many channels.
tissue reaction on neuronal health and spike recording is com- All BCIs must address the issues of sensor movement, bio-
plex. Nevertheless, although the effects of damage are debated, compatibility, and signal stability, but their importance is com-
there is general agreement that most reactive processes stabi- pounded when the sensors are implanted, especially when they
lize within a few months of electrode implantation (Winslow are implanted in brain tissue. However, because of the number
and Tresco 2010). Moreover, those animal and human studies of characteristics that vary from one method to another, it is
showing recordings lasting a year or more suggest that tissue very difficult to directly compare different methods of record-
reaction does not prevent long-term recording. ing with regard to these issues. Consider, for example, two dif-
Whether on or in the brain, intracranial devices pose all ferent and well-known iBCI sensor designs: the Si-platform
the risks associated with neurosurgery and the introduction of array (an MEA) and a microwire array. The Si-platform array
a foreign material in the body. Most prominently, these include produced by Blackrock Microsystems (Salt Lake City, UT) has
infection, bleeding, and mechanical damage to tissue. Most a machine-fabricated 10 × 10 grid of 100 tapered silicon micro-
information concerning the biocompatibility of devices electrodes separated from one another by 400 μm (fig. 5). The
implanted in the brain comes from deep brain stimulating electrode shanks are coated with parylene, and the tips are
(DBS) electrodes (Awan et al. 2009; Seijo et al. 2007). These coated with platinum. During implantation, the array is
devices penetrate centimeters into the brain and are much inserted very rapidly into the cortex by a custom pneumatic
larger in diameter than microelectrodes (1.27 mm vs. ~50 μm). inserter. The rigid platform, which floats on the brain’s surface,
Yet, DBSs have been implanted in more than 80,000 people is subject to tethering forces generated by a partially flexible
and have functioned successfully for decades—and with no cable that leads to a skull-mounted connector. This array has
more than the typically low rates of complication found with been implanted mainly in old-world monkeys but also in a few
other established neurosurgical procedures. human study participants (Hochberg et al. 2006; Truccolo et al.
The available clinical data for brain implants of all types 2008). It would be difficult to make a direct comparison of this
(i.e., epidural, subdural, penetrating) indicate that the overall array with a microwire array (Kralik et al. 2001). Microwire
complication rate is about 5% (Hamani & Lozano 2006). These arrays may contain a variable number of blunt-tipped 45-μm-
complications include excessive bleeding, swelling, and/or diameter tungsten wires in various spacing patterns. The
acute skin, meningeal or (very rarely) brain infections after wires (which are coated with isonyl) are inserted very slowly
implantation. The vast majority of these complications resolve and glued to the skull, so that the brain and the wires move

278 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
independently. Most tests of their function are in rats which planning (Santhanam et al. 2006). The well-known general
have a thin skull and relatively little movement of the brain topographic organization of motor areas (chapter 2) makes it
with respect to the skull. (In addition, it is not certain that possible in principle to decode actions for each of the limbs
tissue responses in rats are the same as in humans.) In sum, it (left and right, leg and arm). The capacity for such localization
is not possible to make meaningful comparisons between dif- appears to be an advantage of iBCIs: the spikes from different
ferent arrays used in different species with different coating cortical areas could then be used as relatively independent
materials, different foreign body combinations, and different output control channels. Of course, this would require implan-
anchoring methods. Systematic methods and tools are needed tation of multiple arrays.
to compare the individual contributions of the different factors Relating neuronal spikes to CNS outputs, such as hand
that affect recording success and failure. motion, is of interest in basic neuroscience as well as in devel-
opment of BCI technology. For both endeavors, decoding is
based on understanding the fundamental principles of neural
D E CODIN G THE NEURONAL SPIKES coding and information processing (Serruya et al. 2003; Tillery
R E CORDED BY i B CIs & Taylor 2004; Panzeri et al. 2002) (chapter 2). Knowledge
about the operation of neurons in producing normal motor
All BCIs need to translate the brain signals they record into function can be applied in development of BCI systems. In
command signals that will achieve the user’s intentions, such addition, spikes may also be used for iBCI control in ways that
as where or how to move a cursor, an arm, or a wheelchair. are not used in normal CNS operation. For example, spikes
Thus, each BCI must determine the relationships between its from particular neurons might produce BCI outputs at time-
brain signals and the user’s intent (Donoghue et al. 2007; lags different from those occurring in normal function, or the
Serruya et al. 2003). As previously noted, iBCI sensors can spike trains from different neurons might be combined in non-
record both neuronal spikes (single-unit activity) and local physiological ways to produce outputs. Since the goals of basic
field potentials (LFPs). The methods for decoding both spikes neuroscience and iBCI development overlap significantly in
and field potentials, including LFPs, are discussed extensively many of their objectives, the realization of optimal informa-
in chapters 7 and 8 of this volume. Although the possibility of tion-extraction methods has generated widespread interest.
using both neuronal spikes and LFPs from the same iBCI elec- In humans, spike decoding for BCI applications typically
trodes has been explored in monkeys (Hwang & Andersen begins with the recording of spikes during an actual or imag-
2009), most attention has been focused on spikes for iBCI con- ined set of movements. With spike trains from multiple neu-
trol. Thus, in this section we review the methods used for rons, each neuron is a single channel of information, and
decoding of spikes. together they comprise a multichannel signal, or population
Spike decoding is somewhat different from the decoding of source that creates a vector of values that summarizes for each
EEG, ECoG, and LFPs because the spikes consist of discrete time point the information contained in the data from the
events often including contributions from up to 100 or more population of neurons (chapter 7). The data are then used to
individual neurons that can be combined to produce a useful select and parameterize a model (see chapter 8) that describes
output signal. Decoding spikes from motor cortex benefits how the spikes are related to movements.
greatly from an almost 50-year history of studies of the rela- Since neuronal spiking can be considered a discrete pro-
tionships between neuronal activity in primary motor cortex cess, decoding strategies typically use spike-counts in small
(i.e., MI) and arm movements in behaving monkeys (Kalaska time intervals, or bins (which can be as small as 1 msec, but are
& Crammond 1992) (e.g., fig. 16.3) (see chapter 2). Neuronal more typically 10–100 msec). The bins of spike trains serve as
spike trains that display direction- and velocity-tuning to arm the data points that are the independent variables in the
reaches are easily found in motor cortex. Thus, even random models; movements are the dependent variables. The model is
sampling of neurons by fixed, implanted electrode arrays can the equation that relates the independent variable (the bins of
provide a rich sample of neurons that are cosine-tuned for spike trains) to the dependent variable (the movement). Bin
direction and hand speed (Maynard et al. 1999) (chapter 2). length is usually defined empirically to optimize decoding or
The spike trains of such neurons provide information that to reduce processing time. (It appears that the exact specifics of
can be used to provide continuous reconstruction of hand time-binning are not major factors in determining the out-
position and/or velocity. Indeed, simple linear combinations of come of the decoding process [Chestek et al. 2009a].) After
small groups of M1 neurons can produce accurate predictions binning, a spike train may be converted into a continuous
of hand trajectory (direction and speed) in intact monkeys function, or spikes may be used to compute an instantaneous
(e.g., Moran & Schwartz 1999) as well as of imagined move- rate and then decoded using methods appropriate for continu-
ments in paralyzed humans (see Hochberg et al. 2006) (figs. ous functions. Such analyses are discussed in detail in chapters
16.1 and 16.4). In addition, a vast literature of basic research 7 and 8 of this volume.
shows that spikes from specific neurons can predict joint Spike-decoding has used both linear and nonlinear models
angles, muscle-contraction strengths, force levels, and indi- to relate spike trains to actual or intended actions. Model
vidual or combined finger actions, as well as bimanual and performance is typically measured by comparing the move-
unimanual actions. Furthermore, spikes from neurons in ment derived from the spike trains to the actual (or intended)
secondary motor areas (fig. 16.3A) can provide information movement and computing their difference in terms of mean-
about goals, as well as direction information during motor squared error (i.e., the closer to zero, the better) or a correlation

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 7 9
coefficient (i.e., the closer to +1, the better) (fig. 16.7A). Although most iBCI studies have focused on translating
Multiple movement features, such as position and velocity, the spike trains produced by single neurons (or putative single
may be derived from the same spike trains. Opinions as to the neurons, given the frequent uncertainties in distinguishing
most effective models differ considerably across research between spikes from different neurons), multiunit activity
groups. Linear functions are the simplest models, and have (MUA) might also be used for iBCIs control. Use of MUA
been used with substantial success (e.g., Paninski et al. 2004). could impart some valuable advantages. First, using MUA
A number of other models have also been studied as possibili- avoids the need for spike discrimination. Second, it may sim-
ties for improving the accuracy with which trajectories can be plify model parameterization. Third, and perhaps more impor-
reconstructed and for making iBCI movement control more tant, MUA data may be less dependent on the precise placement
like natural movements. of the implanted array and may be less affected by its subse-
Bayesian models (see chapter 8) may improve the quality of quent small movements relative to the surrounding brain
iBCI decoding (Wu et al. 2004; Wu et al. 2006). The appeal of tissue. There is no established definition for the composition of
Bayesian models is that they are probabilistic, and, by setting an MUA signal: it may range from two fairly distinguishable
model parameters according to the likelihoods of particular neurons to an unknown, but presumably large, number of
observations, they can reduce the influence of outlier spiking indistinguishable neurons. The differences between multiunit
patterns (see chapter 8 for fuller discussion). That is, if a par- activity and single-unit activity in the kind and amount of
ticular pattern of spike trains from the designated neuronal information they provide, as well as their relative values for
population (i.e., the neuronal ensemble) is highly unlikely, it is iBCI purposes, require further study.
given less weight in calculating movement parameters. Models
that incorporate Kalman filters (chapter 8) can be particularly
effective. They can routinely achieve high correlations between
the spiking signal and movement kinematics, and they consis- As noted above, the single-neuron recording methods now
tently outperform purely linear models (Sykacek et al. 2004; being applied in iBCI development have been used for decades
Wu et al. 2006; Wu & Hatsopoulos 2008). At the same time, in basic neuroscience studies of cortical function. As used in
although decoding may be improved by various nonlinear basic neuroscience, single-neuron recording is a powerful
models (Shoham et al. 2005; Pouget et al. 2000; White et al. observation method. It is used in an entirely passive, open-loop
2010; Wu et al. 2009), the improvement is often small, and fashion: there is usually no feedback from the recording system
the computational overhead can be extremely high compared to the nervous system. Use of iBCI sensors simply in this open-
to linear models. Thus, such models may sometimes prove loop fashion, to examine the correlations between neuronal
impractical for real-time operation. activity and actual movements (and to obtain results that have
Of particular concern in model selection are nonstation- important implications for BCI development), does not, how-
arities in the spike trains that degrade decoding accuracy ever, constitute a true BCI (see chapter 1).
because they change the relationships between spike trains and True BCIs operate, by definition, in a closed-loop fashion:
movement kinematics (Stevenson et al. 2011). Nonstationarities the recorded activity produces output (hopefully the action
can arise from external events or from as yet largely unknown desired by the user) that is provided in real time as feedback
internal sources and are often encountered in iBCI perfor- (usually visual) to the user. Thus, the BCI output can affect
mance. Nevertheless, as will be illustrated later, decoder subsequent neuronal activity, and the user has the opportunity
performance can be remarkably good in spite of this problem. to improve system operation through adaptive changes in that
The extensive past work on spike decoding and the critical activity.
related issues are reviewed in detailed in several sources (Fagg This opportunity to recruit the full resources of the brain
et al. 2009; Wu & Hatsopoulos 2008; Wu et al. 2006; Truccolo for improving control may help account for the remarkable
et al. 2005; Serruya et al. 2003; Pouget et al. 2000; Paninski et al. success of small numbers of neurons and simple linear models
2009; Paninski et al. 2007; Sanger 2003). in closed-loop iBCI settings. Fortunately, these central adap-
For optimal decoding, one also needs to establish the tive capacities often remain intact even when the brain’s normal
time-lag, or delay, between the spike measures and the kine- output pathways are damaged (e.g., as in spinal cord injury).
matic variable of interest (e.g., the delay between the spike Closed-loop operation permits the user to learn how to pro-
measure and movement onset). Lags are typically defined on vide brain signals that optimize the BCI’s ability to recognize
the basis of the recorded data so as to maximize the correlation and implement the user’s intent. In very early studies, Fetz and
between the measure and the kinematic variable. Lags are typ- Finoccio (1971) showed that monkeys could modify the firing
ically 100–150 msec; that is, spikes account best for movements of single cortical neurons in response to feedback. Several iBCI
that occur 100–150 msec in the future. This observation is studies of multidimensional cursor control in monkeys (e.g.,
consistent with the assumption that these spikes contribute to Serruya et al., 2002) provide further evidence for adaptive
producing subsequent movements. At the same time, however, changes in neuronal behavior and suggest that intermediary
neurons differ in optimal lag times; for some the lag is negative, structures, such as the basal ganglia or cerebellum, may con-
suggesting that they are responding to movement-related tribute by modifying the input-output relationships of the cor-
feedback from sensory receptors (Paninski et al. 2004) and tical neurons being recorded. Furthermore, monkeys can adapt
may have sensory roles in addition to their roles in movement when a decoding algorithm is deliberately scrambled, so that
control. the relationships between activity in specific neurons and the

280 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
BCI’s output are changed; that is, they learn to change neuronal
firing to match the new decoder and to regain good control of
the BCI output (Taylor et al. 2002; Helms Tillery et al. 2003;
Jarosiewicz et al. 2008; Ganguly & Carmena 2009; Koyama
et al. 2010).



BCIs in general, and iBCIs specifically, have been used to pro-

vide one of two kinds of decoding: continuous or discrete.
Continuous decoding is best described as real-time control of
an ongoing movement, such as of a cursor or a robotic limb.
Discrete decoding consists of the ability to classify specific
events, as when a letter or icon is selected from among a set of Figure 16.9 Example of an iBCI-based communication interface used by a
possible choices. (These terms correspond to process control human with tetraplegia. The computer displays an alphabetically organized
and goal selection protocols; see chapters 1 and 10.) In an keyboard and implements word prediction as letters are typed (Rolltalk system,
example of discrete decoding, Santhanam et al. (2006) used Abilia, Sweden). Letter selections are made by moving the cursor to the letter
neuronal activity recorded in premotor cortex while a monkey or word using neural activity from M1 decoded while making imagined hand
movement, then selecting this location with an imagined hand squeeze. The
planned to reach to a goal (but did not actually move to select sentence “I love it” has been typed in response to a query about the user’s
the goal). They calculated that the discrete goal-selection opinion of the system. (From Hochberg laboratory, with permission.)
capacity demonstrated by the data could, if converted to key-
strokes, be used to type up to 15 words/min (see chapter 17 of
this volume for further discussion). Discrete and continuous and deliver them to someone at another location (Hochberg
decoding may also be combined. et al. 2006).
It is possible to apply both continuous and discrete decod- BCIs seek to provide at least one, but preferably more,
ing to the neuronal activity recorded from a single array and to stable and reliable control channels. As discussed in chapter
thereby achieve two different outputs concurrently (e.g., mouse 11, a reliable control channel from any type of BCI could be
control and keystroke control). A human with tetraplegia was coupled to nearly any application device, from a simple on/
able to move a cursor in two dimensions (through continuous off switch to a fully functioning computer, robotic arm, or
decoding) and was also able to select targets (through discrete wheelchair. Although it is generally thought that control is lim-
decoding) (Kim et al. 2007b). Such demonstrations reveal the ited by the richness of the BCI’s input signal (i.e., the number
richness of the information that can be decoded from the of independently controllable dimensions), in reality it is often
spikes of even a small neuronal population, and they thereby the application that is the critical limiting factor. Thus, on the
indicate the great potential of iBCIs for producing complex one hand, by goal selection (see chapter 11), a robot can be
multichannel communication and control. designed to respond automatically to a switch input to open a
bottle of water, pour it into a cup, and deliver it so that a person
could drink from the cup; however, this requires custom soft-
CO MMU NIC ATIO N AND CO NT ROL ware and hardware that is generally intolerant of significant
AP P LIC ATIONS OF iB CIs changes in the circumstances of use (e.g., object locations,
sizes, weights, etc.). On the other hand, by process control (see
People with severe paralysis could use an iBCI to control a chapter 11), a very high-dimensional control signal could be
variety of devices. People who are tetraplegic have used adjusted by the user to accommodate altered circumstances: a
implanted cortical arrays to operate a computer, a robotic limb, glass of different shape, a bottle now nearly empty, or a cup at a
a wheelchair, and various electrical or electromechanical assis- different location. Such adjustments mimic those that the
tive devices (Donoghue et al. 2007). All four of the participants intact neuromuscular system routinely performs effortlessly. A
in the first BrainGate study performed a two-dimensional task major motivation behind iBCI development is the opportunity
requiring movement of a cursor under continuous control to to engage the actual output circuitry of the cortical motor areas
one of four targets placed at screen edges (Hochberg et al. 2006; to capture the same signals that produce these natural actions
Kim et al. 2008; Truccolo et al. 2008). They also used several and allow them to achieve these same flexible functions for
different speller designs to type messages (Kim et al. 2008) people with motor disabilities. Because the range of assistive
(e.g., fig. 16.9). The reliability of this capability has not, how- devices is covered in chapter 11, the discussion in this chapter
ever, been systematically evaluated in a rigorous quantitative is limited to the potential unique advantages of iBCIs and
manner. In addition to cursor control (fig. 16.8A), BrainGate special cases where iBCIs may meet the goal of more fully
participant S1 was able to open and close a myoelectric hand replacing lost functions.
at will (one-dimensional control) and was able to reach and If properly developed, iBCIs might provide a wide range of
grasp objects with a robotic arm that was guided by a 5-target uses with multiple potentially independent control signals that
cursor interface, allowing him to grasp objects at one location far exceed the limitations in speed and flexibility of any current

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 8 1
assistive technologies. The small size of each sensor and the (fig. 16.8C). This system could be implemented with FES
high information content of spikes might allow bilateral technology already available to allow this person to reach and
implants in both arm and leg areas that could simultaneously grasp an object.
control both arms and legs. The potential to engage any corti-
cal area as an additional control output (e.g., premotor and
parietal areas), and the possibilities for using both spike trains iBCI USER POPULATION
and LFPs for control, suggest that iBCIs could provide very
complex control approaching or even conceivably surpassing As described in many chapters of this book, there are numer-
the normal highly flexible neuromuscular control of people ous disorders in which the brain’s normal neuromuscular
without disabilities. Although these exciting speculations are output pathways are interrupted or grossly disturbed in other
as yet unrealized, recent data do show that even a single small ways. Spinal cord injuries, brainstem strokes, cerebral palsy,
array in one area of cortex can provide high-dimensional and many degenerative disorders can damage the corticospinal
control of a limb. For example, Vargas et al. (2010) showed and other descending pathways carrying voluntary movement
in monkeys that a single array can provide about 10 indepen- signals, thus preventing intentions generated in the brain and
dent dimensions of control that can decode voluntary reaching brainstem from acting on spinal motor control structures.
and grasping actions performed by able-bodied monkeys. Peripheral nerve disorders and muscular dystrophies can also
Applied to robotic arms, this control might provide highly prevent the brain’s commands from producing movements.
flexible and very useful reach-and-grasp actions for people These conditions disconnect and/or destroy important
with upper-limb paralysis. Even more significantly, such a motor structures, and in their most severe forms they can pro-
system might allow the reanimation of a person’s own para- duce total paralysis, requiring assistive support for essentially
lyzed muscles. all activities. An iBCI that restores only a fraction of the
A long-range goal of neural engineering research is to rec- lost motor functions could have an enormous impact, restor-
reate the connection between the brain and the muscles, thus ing some independence in the activities of daily living, the
circumventing the damage to pathways and structures that ability to interact with others, and perhaps even the ability
normally deliver motor commands from the brain to other to work.
areas of the body. Ideally, such a system would be fully inter- As iBCI technology advances and becomes more fully
nalized and as flexible as the intact system. Initial steps toward automated and easier to use, it may also have value for people
realization of such a system have provided promising results. with less severe disabilities. Thus, for example, in people who
First, functional electrical stimulation systems (FES) have been are paralyzed on one side due to a subcortical hemispheric
fully and permanently implanted to activate muscles with voli- stroke or traumatic injury, an iBCI might reconnect the cortex
tional control signals (Peckham & Knutson 2005; Hincapie & to the limbs and restore voluntary control of the contralateral
Kirsch 2009). About 600 people with incomplete paralysis (e.g., arm and hand. Furthermore, iBCI systems could be useful
thoracic or mid- to low-cervical spinal cord injuries) currently to the many children and adults with cerebral palsy so severe
have FES systems that allow them to control arm and hand that they have little or no useful motor control. Finally, with
muscles to reach and grasp, or to control trunk and leg muscles iBCIs that can provide sufficiently rich control signals, it might
to maintain posture, or to sit or stand. The current systems use be possible for amputees to control a multidimensional
the activity of muscles that remain under voluntary control as artificial limb such as that recently developed by the DARPA
control signals. However, these command signal sources are Revolutionizing Prosthetics Initiative.
very limited in dimensionality, require mapping of one signal Developing iBCIs suitable for all these populations is an
onto another, require significant remaining muscle control, ambitious goal that requires progress in a number of critical
and interrupt the normal functions of this remaining control. areas. Achieving this goal could greatly benefit millions of
Command signals from iBCI implants could avoid some or all people with movement disabilities from moderate to severe.
of these limitations.
iBCIs can be operated without initial learning and without
undue attentional demands. For example, talking, head move-
ments, and attention to other tasks can occur while engaging ADVANCES NEEDED TO ACHIEVE
in BCI-controlled tasks (Hochberg et al. 2006). This suggests iBCI SYSTEMS PRACTICAL FOR
that reanimation of paralyzed muscles is feasible through iBCIs LONG-TERM HUMAN USE
without interfering with concurrent control of unparalyzed
muscles. Furthermore, the ability of iBCIs to tap into the brain’s The studies to date in both animals and humans show that
own independent control channels for both arms and legs also iBCIs have great promise for restoring useful function to
suggests that control of the entire body might one day be people with severe neuromuscular disabilities. At the same
achieved. In a recent study, command signals from an iBCI time, however, it is equally clear that realization of this promise
implant in a person with tetraplegia were used to control a vir- depends on advances in several crucial areas. These advances
tual arm by stimulating its virtual muscles with an FES system are needed to produce iBCI systems that are fully implantable,
(Chadwick et al. 2011). The subject was able to move the arm safe, and easy to use, that can function stably and reliably for
immediately and continuously in a two-dimensional plane decades, and that provide function substantially superior to
and flex the virtual finger with an imagined hand squeeze that provided by noninvasive BCI systems.

282 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
FUL LY IMPLA N TA B LE, SAF E, could be closed. Although such a system would require excep-
AN D BIOC OM PAT IB LE SYST EMS tionally small components and very complex integration to fit
in the minimal space between the cortical surface and the skull,
The iBCI systems used in human pilot trials to date have a such devices are being developed (e.g., Kim et al. 2009).
number of shortcomings that make them impractical for long- Another alternative under development places most or all of
term everyday home use. These include the use of percutane- the initial-processing electronics in a pad of electronics that
ous connectors, the tethering to cumbersome hardware, the sits below the skin and above the skull, with a cable through
need for on-site technician oversight of system calibration and the bone that connects to the intracortical array. This design
operation, and the possibility of device failures that may neces- (fig. 16-10A) is now being tested in animals (Song et al. 2007).
sitate repeated surgical repair or even device removal. In addition, any such electronic implant must remain imper-
Percutaneous connectors constitute a continuing risk for meable to the tissue fluids that would damage the electronics.
infection. An obvious solution to this problem, as well as to Device encapsulation methods to provide the necessary pro-
that of tethering, is a fully implanted device, without percuta- tection for many years are still in the development stage.
neous connections, that transmits the signals it records by The powering of implanted medical devices in general is a
telemetry. Such wireless iBCIs will need to satisfy high signal- problem that has not been fully resolved. Some implanted
processing and power requirements if they are to have the devices are successfully driven with implanted rechargeable
many electrodes and high bandwidth needed to record both batteries or external induction coils. However, useful iBCI
spikes and LFPs and to transmit them to next-order processors implants would have larger power demands than the implanted
inside or outside the body. An ideal wireless system would have medical devices now commonly in use. Power consumption
all of the processing and communication electronics mounted generates heat, and it has not yet been established how much
on the array itself, so that after insertion, the dura and bone heat the brain can tolerate (Kim et al. 2007a). Assessment of

Epicranial electronics

A Array

4 mm

B C 0 1 2 3 4


2 ms
# of spikes

Time (s) 40
0 1 2 3 4
Time (s)

Figure 16.10 Prototype of fully implantable wireless iBCI array system for humans. (A) A 96- channel, chip-scale preamplifier and analog multiplexor mounted
directly on the back of the platform base of the array (too small to be visible). Signals from 100 microelectrodes are carried via the ribbon cable to a pad of
electronics that is mounted above the skull and under the skin (epicranial electronics). These components filter the signals to create a broadband multiplexed
signal (both LFPs and spikes) and then transmit these digitized signals through the skin via an infrared laser mounted in one of the chips. (B) Spike waveforms
recorded from monkey M1 cortex using this system. A receiver just above the skin detected these signals, which were further processed (demultiplexed, filtered,
discriminated) using external software and hardware. (C) The rasters summarized in the histogram below show modulation of a spike train associated with arm
movements initiated during the interval marked by the red and blue triangles. (From Borton et al. 2009; Patterson et al. 2004.)

C H A P TE R 1 6 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 8 3
this critical question is particularly challenging because each principle, be performed by automated software. Adaptive
implant design is likely to have its own unique thermal conse- algorithms could adjust the composition of populations con-
quences. In addition, the substantial space, coil alignment, and tributing to the control signal as well as the equations that use
other engineering issues involved in providing power to an their information.
implant with a rechargeable battery or an induction coil have Adaptive algorithms might also encourage and facilitate
not yet been resolved. the user in learning to control neuronal firing so as to improve
Despite these complex challenges, some progress toward the output commands. Studies to date provide impressive
fully implantable iBCIs suitable for long-term use has been evidence that such learning can occur and can improve
made (e.g., Song et al. 2005; Song et al. 2007; Chestek et al. performance (e.g., Taylor et al. 2002; Ganguly & Carmena
2009b; Kim et al. 2009), and continued progress is anticipated 2009; Ganguly et al. 2011). Concerted efforts to define the
(see chapter 5). Although the technology necessary to solve the capacities and limitations of this learning and to develop
remaining problems exists, the design, fabrication, and valida- methods for encouraging and guiding it are critical to the
tion of iBCIs suitable for decades-long use is a complex multi- future success of iBCIs. Although these advances are certainly
faceted problem that requires substantial further work. possible, they will require extensive development and fairly
long-term studies in animals and humans.

To be truly practical, an iBCI system must be simple and reliable
enough for users or their caregivers to set it up and run it quickly, The iBCI systems discussed so far have relied exclusively on
easily, and without extensive training. Effective long-term inde- visual feedback to close the loop between user and system.
pendent operation depends largely on automation handled by However, normal neuromuscular movements also depend to a
the BCI’s software. Some aspects of this necessary automation large degree on complex somatosensory inputs (e.g., concern-
have already been achieved, but much remains to be accom- ing grip force, object contact, movement velocity, etc.) that
plished and then validated in comprehensive clinical testing. help to guide actions. Together, these inputs are much more
In addition, iBCI systems that are small and highly porta- rapid and informative than the simple visual feedback pro-
ble are particularly desirable, both because they can be more vided by current iBCIs. Thus, iBCI performance might be
easily integrated into often complex and crowded environ- markedly improved if such normal somatosensory feedback
ments and because they can more readily move with the user modalities could be added. Romo et al. (1998) showed that
(e.g., by being mounted on a wheelchair). Thus, the large, cum- low-level microstimulation by electrodes chronically implanted
bersome systems typical of pilot studies must be replaced with in monkey somatosensory cortex could provide perceptually
miniaturized systems. The continuing advances in micropro- useful sensory feedback. These results have been confirmed
cessors and other electronics have made such miniaturization and extended in other studies (London et al. 2008; O’Doherty
possible, but these now need to be applied to and realized in et al. 2009; Rebesco & Miller 2011). These findings suggest that
practical iBCI systems. intracortical arrays in somatosensory cortex could provide
complex spatiotemporal patterns of stimulation that could sub-
stitute for the sensory inputs normally associated with move-
SI G NA L S TA BIL IT Y AND ALGORIT HM ment. Advances of this kind might substantially augment the
AD APTIBIL ITY speed and precision of the control possible with iBCI systems
and reduce the requirement for visual monitoring of movement.
If iBCI systems are to be practical for long-term use, their sen-
sors must provide reasonably stable signals from day to day.
Signal instabilities can be a problem with all BCIs. For BCIs to OTHER POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS
be suitable for long-term independent use, fully automated OF iBCI TECHNOLOGY
software must diminish signal instabilities. Data available in
iBCI studies to date indicate that further improvements are Although the primary goal of the development of BCIs, includ-
essential. For example, long-term iBCI studies in both mon- ing iBCIs, is to restore communication and control to people
keys and humans show that the number (although perhaps not with severe neuromuscular disabilities, this technology may
the identities) of the recorded neurons varies from day to day have other important uses as well. As previously noted, iBCI
(e.g., Ryu et al. 2009; Suner et al. 2005; Santhanam et al. 2007), sensors can provide an unprecedentedly detailed view of
although some remain stable (Dickey et al. 2009; Ganguly & animal or human cortex at a neuronal level—and can do so
Carmena 2009; Ganguly et al. 2011). Effective methods for continually over lengthy periods of time. Thus, iBCI sensors
dealing with instabilities are not yet well developed. are a powerful new tool for basic-science investigations as well
Day-by-day changes in the composition of the neuronal as for studies aimed at developing new understanding of, and
population are often addressed by modifying the parameters in hopefully new ways to diagnose and treat, a variety of devastat-
the process that decodes the neural signals to produce output ing neurological disorders, such as stroke, traumatic brain
commands (see chapters 7 and 8). While this currently requires injury, and degenerative diseases (Hatsopoulos & Donoghue
a skilled technician and takes tens of minutes, it could, in 2009).

284 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
For example, as described earlier in this chapter, it has of control possible from spiking, the ability to combine LFPs
recently and surprisingly been learned that single neurons in and spikes provides a rich additional source of signals yet to be
human motor cortex can still be responsive to intended motor fully explored.
actions years after spinal-cord injury produces paralysis Devices controlled by iBCIs include robot arms and com-
that prevents such actions (Hochberg et al. 2006; Kennedy puter cursors. Both of these applications have potentially
et al. 2000; Kim et al. 2008; Truccolo et al. 2008). It appears great value for people unable to move, by enabling them
that the plasticity that occurs after injury or disease does not to manipulate their environment for feeding or self-care, to
necessarily lead to dramatic reorganization that abolishes communicate, or to pursue other productive activities pre-
such responsiveness (Sanes & Donoghue 1997). In the future, vented by paralysis.
iBCIs should provide other important insights into cortical Additional data concerning safety, reliability, longevity,
function in normal and pathological states. The ability to and utility are essential for further development and eventual
record both spikes and LFPs simultaneously will also allow commercialization of these systems to make them available to
direct analysis of the relationships between LFPs (which are the user population.
thought to reflect mainly synaptic inputs) and spikes (which iBCI sensors provide a unique perspective on human brain
reflect neuronal output). The dynamics of this transformation function because they allow the properties of single neurons to
are a key aspect of cortical information processing. be evaluated. They may also be useful for understanding other
iBCI sensors have many other potential applications in brain disorders at a resolution not previously attained and may
diagnosing or treating human neural disorders. This technol- lead to other related classes of devices that treat diseases such
ogy is being explored with regard to its possibilities for restor- as epilepsy. Overall, the future prospects for iBCIs are very
ing cognitive function (Serruya & Kahana 2008). iBCI sensors promising; they point to a continual series of advances that can
could also be used to detect changes in neural state that predict help people with paralysis to lead more independent lives, can
ensuing disruption of brain function, for example in epilepsy improve the treatment of neurological disease, and can increase
(see chapter 22). During seizures, the normally random Poisson basic understanding of brain function.
distribution of neuronal spiking can become broadly periodic.
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288 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

hapter 16 focused on the primary motor cortex as a cortex, and medial to the auditory cortex (which is in the
source of neuronal activity for BCIs. Two additional temporal lobe) (see chapter 2). It integrates sensory informa-
cortical areas are of particular interest for BCIs that use tion from primary sensory areas and generates a representa-
neuronal activity and have been fruitfully studied: the parietal tion of the outside world, particularly of objects and space.
cortex and the premotor cortex. Both of these regions contain This information is further processed for the generation of
specific areas that are involved in planning motor behaviors. specific actions. For example, neurons in the lateral intrapari-
These areas receive input containing sensory and volitional etal (LIP) area encode saccadic eye movements (rapid eye
information, and they produce output that goes to the primary movements to a particular location). In contrast, neurons in
motor cortex, which in turn sends motor commands down the the parietal reach region (PRR), located more medially and
spinal cord for execution. Although the exact role of these posteriorly in the intraparietal sulcus, encode the position, and
parietal and premotor areas is not yet completely understood, to some extent the trajectories, of upcoming arm-reaching
it is clear that several distinct subregions in these areas are movements (Andersen et al., 1997; Andersen and Buneo, 2002;
specialized for particular motor functions and are strongly Scherberger and Andersen, 2003), whereas neurons in the
involved in the transformation of sensory information into anterior intraparietal (AIP) area are specifically active during
motor actions. As we know from many psychophysical and the planning and execution of hand-grasping movements
lesion experiments (Clower et al., 1996; Wise et al., 1998; (Sakata et al., 1995; Baumann et al., 2009).
Kurata and Hoshi, 1999), this mapping from sensory to motor Similarly, the premotor cortex, located posterior to the pre-
coordinates is constantly updated. Whereas neural plasticity frontal cortex and anterior to the primary sensorimotor cortex,
could improve the decoding performance of BCIs in general, it integrates higher-order sensory and volitional information and
might be particularly effective in the parietal and premotor generates specific movement intentions. Like parietal cortex,
cortices because of the natural role of these areas in sensorimo- premotor cortex contains specialized subareas for eye-, arm-,
tor transformations. Thus, their use in BCIs is an attractive and hand-movements (Rizzolatti et al., 1997; Rizzolatti and
possibility. This chapter reviews the roles of the parietal and Luppino, 2001; Fluet et al., 2010). The frontal eye field (FEF)
premotor cortices in motor planning and discusses BCI studies contains neurons that represent saccadic eye movements. More
that have focused on these brain areas. medially, the dorsal premotor area (PMd) encodes reach move-
BCIs based on recordings from both parietal cortex and ments; and more laterally a rostral portion of the ventral pre-
premotor cortex have the potential to benefit people with paral- motor cortex (called area F5) is specifically active in
ysis by providing high-level, goal-related information to drive hand-grasping movements. Given the typically close coordina-
movement of a computer cursor, a robotic arm, or a prosthesis tion of eye-, arm-, and hand-movements in everyday life, it is
(Andersen et al., 2010; Vansteensel et al., 2010; Green and Kalaska, not surprising that these premotor areas are anatomically inti-
2011). Since we have a reasonable understanding of the principles mately interconnected. They also receive strong projections
of how movement intentions are represented in the premotor from the frontal cortex, which conveys volitional and motiva-
and parietal planning areas (see chapter 2 in this volume), it tional signals. Furthermore, these premotor areas are directly
should be possible to decode them by recording simultaneously and reciprocally connected to their corresponding eye, arm,
and in real time from a large number of neurons. and hand areas in the parietal cortex: PMd with PRR, FEF
with LIP, and F5 with AIP (see arrows in fig. 17.1). These con-
nections thereby represent an action-specific network for
AN ATOMY sensorimotor transformation that spans the relevant brain
areas and that is, as a result, able to combine volitional infor-
Figure 17.1 shows the locations of parietal and premotor corti- mation from the frontal cortex with perceptional signals from
ces and identifies several subregions of particular relevance to the parietal cortex for the generation of high-level action plans.
BCI development. The parietal cortex is located posterior to But how do the neurons in these areas actually represent move-
the primary somatosensory cortex, anterior to the visual ment intentions?


F5 Volition
Posterior Anterior

Figure 17.1 Parietal and premotor brain areas related to action planning in the monkey brain. Parietal and premotor cortices are subdivided into specific areas with
different functions. Parietal cortex areas: PRR, parietal reach region (green) (arm reaching); LIP, lateral intraparietal area (orange) (eye movements); AIP, anterior
intraparietal area (purple) (hand grasping). Premotor cortex areas: PMd, dorsal premotor cortex (also green) (arm reaching); FEF, frontal eye field (also orange) (eye
movements); F5, premotor area F5 (also purple) (hand grasping). Functionally related areas are connected with direct and reciprocal anatomical projections
(bidirectional arrows, with like colors indicating related areas). Parietal areas receive strong sensory, in particular visual, input. Premotor areas receive volitional
input. CS: central sulcus. Anterior: anterior pole of the brain. Posterior: posterior pole of the brain.

ACTION PL A NNING In either case the animal can initiate the next trial by looking
again at the central fixation light when it reappears after some
delay (∼1 sec).
Much of what is known about the representation of movements A delayed-reach task can be constructed in an analogous
in the primate brain has been obtained by single-neuron fashion. In this case, the sequence of events is the same, except
recording in awake, behaving monkeys. In such studies, ani- that the animal plans and executes a reach to the target while
mals are first trained to perform a specific behavioral para- continuing to look at the center-fixation light. The monkey is
digm, and then microelectrodes are slowly lowered into the informed of the type of task (i.e., delayed-saccade vs. delayed-
brain to record the neural activity of individual neurons while reach) for any given trial by the use of two different target
the animal performs the behavior. For example, the animal colors as cues (red for saccade, green for reach), such that
might be trained in a center-out movement task to look at, or delayed-saccade and delayed-reach trials can be randomly
reach toward, visually presented targets. interleaved.
In figure 17.2A, the movement paradigm is a delayed- After the animal has learned these tasks, neural activity can
saccade task. (A saccade is a rapid eye movement to a target.) be recorded from the brain with implanted microelectrodes
A delayed-saccade task requires that the animal waits a speci- while the monkey performs delayed-saccade and delayed-
fied amount of time before making the saccade. Specifically, in reach trials. The methodology for recording cortical neuronal
the delayed-saccade task illustrated in figure 17.2A, a monkey activity in awake behaving monkeys has been well established
first looks at and touches a central fixation light (i.e., typically a for nearly 50 years (Cordeau et al., 1960; Evarts, 1965;
light-emitting diode [LED]). Then, a red target-cue light flashes Mountcastle et al., 1975). Figure 17.2B shows the activity of
briefly (∼300 msec) at one of eight possible locations on the sample neurons in the parietal areas LIP (top row) and PRR
periphery of the screen. The monkey must then wait about one (bottom row) during the two tasks (Snyder et al., 1997). In the
second until the central fixation light goes out, at which time it saccade task the LIP neuron shows elevated activity during the
can look at the target (by making a saccade), but it must still target-cue itself, during the delay period, and during execution
continue to touch the central fixation light. Thus, during the of the saccade; in the reach task the same neuron shows
waiting time between the brief flash of the red target light and elevated activity only during the cue. In contrast, the PRR
the extinguishing of the central-fixation light, the animal must neuron shows the opposite effect: it is only transiently active
remember the location of the target and can plan the saccade, during the saccade task and is strongly active during the
but it must withhold its execution. If the monkey is successful cue, delay, and execution epochs of the reach task. From
in the trial (i.e., if it waits the required time and then looks at these representative examples, one can conclude that neurons
the target while still touching the central-fixation light), it in LIP and PRR are specifically active for saccades and arm
receives a reward consisting of a small amount of juice; movements, respectively (Snyder et al., 1997). The activity of
no reward is given when the trial is not completed successfully. these neurons during the intervening delay epoch suggests that

290 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
A they play a role in remembering the target location and/or
planning the movement. Presumably, they are involved in the
Delayed sensorimotor transformation of behaviorally relevant sensory
saccade stimuli into a representation that encodes a specific motor
task action.
Memorize Saccade to
Wait As the example in figure 17.2B illustrates, specific areas in
target target
Time parietal and premotor cortices are selectively active for partic-
ular types of actions (Rizzolatti and Luppino, 2001; Andersen
B Saccade trials Reach trials and Buneo, 2002). But how are these actions represented in
Cue Saccade Cue Reach neuronal activity? Figure 17.2C shows the activity of a PRR
neuron during the delayed-reach task for movements from the
185 central fixation point to eight different peripheral targets. The
Hz neuron is strongly active in the cue, delay, and movement
LIP epochs when the animal reaches to the right-down target, is
essentially silent when it moves to the opposite (left-up) target,
and is somewhat active when it moves to targets between these
two extremes. Such a movement preference is typical for pari-
etal and premotor neurons, with many neurons having an indi-
vidual preference (Mountcastle et al., 1975; Weinrich et al.,
Cue Saccade Cue Reach 1984) and with all movement directions being represented in
the overall neuronal population. Thus, each individual neuron
in the population is essentially voting for (tuned to) a particu-
neuron lar movement direction, and the overall movement appears to
be determined by the combined activity of a large number of
As we know from our own everyday behavior, movements
500 msec are not slavishly driven by external stimuli. We often select an
action from a multitude of possible options, and we can act
even in the absence of external stimuli. For such natural cir-
80 Hz
60 cumstances, one could ask whether parietal and premotor
40 activity represents aspects of the sensory stimuli or the motor
20 plan. Figure 17.3B shows the activity of a sample PRR neuron
during a free-choice task, in which the monkey could freely
select one of two stimuli as a reach target. This experiment also
included control trials in which only a single target was offered
Hz (fig. 17.3A). In the control trials (fig. 17.3A), the PRR neuron
2.7 s was strongly active for a reach movement to the right and was
inhibited for a movement to the left, indicating a preferred
direction to the right. However, when both targets were pre-
sented and the animal was free to choose (fig. 17.3B), the
Figure 17.2 Action-related activity in parietal cortex. (A) A delayed-saccade task
neuron was active to some degree with both choices but was
separates sensory from motor components of behavior. Animals memorized
the location of a briefly flashed visual target, waited in complete darkness for a much more active when the choice was in its preferred direc-
go signal, and then made an action (here a saccade) to the remembered target tion (i.e., to the right). When the animal chose the right target,
location. (B) Intention-specific neural activity in LIP and PRR during a the neuron was active throughout the movement. In contrast,
delayed-saccade task and a delayed-reach task. An LIP neuron (top row, left) when the animal chose the left (nonpreferred) target, the
showed elevated activity during the delay period (150–600 msec after the cue)
neuron was active only briefly after target presentation and
before a saccade but not before a reach movement (top row, right). In contrast,
a PRR neuron (bottom row, left) showed no saccade-related activity but did then quickly fell to an activity level below its pretarget baseline.
show reach activity (bottom row, right). Each panel shows a spike raster (eight Results of this kind indicate that neurons in parietal and pre-
trials aligned on cue presentation, every third action potential shown) and the motor cortices are initially activated by sensory stimuli that
corresponding spike density histogram. The short horizontal bars indicate the represent potential movement targets but are then strongly
timing of target flash (filled bar: saccade cue; open bar: reach cue); the long
modulated by the animal’s choice and, eventually, reflect only
horizontal bars indicate the approximate time of motor response (saccade or
reach). The thin horizontal plot (bottom of each panel) shows vertical eye the intended movement (Platt and Glimcher, 1999; Schall
position. Vertical scale bars: neuronal firing rate (Hz) and vertical eye position and Thompson, 1999; Scherberger and Andersen, 2007).
(degrees). (C) Directional tuning of a PPR cell with a right/down preferred Furthermore, as we will see (fig. 17.5B), activity can be modu-
direction. Left and center: Spike density histograms (as in B) for all reach lated by the expected utility of, or reward for, the intended
directions (white arrows). Right: spatial tuning of the average firing rate during
action. Thus, the parietal cortex and premotor cortex can be
the delay period. For this neuron, reach activity was maximal in the right/down
direction. (Modified from Snyder et al., 1997; Scherberger and Andersen, regarded as a network that integrates sensory and cognitive
2003.) (e.g., intention-related) signals to generate motor actions.

C H A P TE R 1 7 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N PA R I E TA L O R P R E M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 9 1
A Single target left B Choice left


Rate (Hz)
T1 M H 20 T1 T2 M H
0 0
–0.5 0 0.5 1 –0.5 0 0.5 1

Single target right Choice right

100 100
Rate (Hz)

FP T 80 T FP T


T1 M H 20 T1 T2 M H
0 0
–0.5 0 0.5 1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Figure 17.3 Example of a neuron’s activity during target selection for arm reaching. (A) Activity for single-target trials to the left or right (see insets). (B) Activity
during choice trials, in which the animal selected either the left or right target (see insets). At the top of each panel is a spike raster with rows of dots indicating
action potentials in single trials; and at the bottom is a peristimulus time histogram indicating the mean spike rate (red) and 95% confidence area (green). Time
markers on the abscissa indicate the mean times of appearance of the first (T1) and second target (T2) and the mean times of the beginning (M) and end (H) of the
movement. T2 appears with some delay to T1 to compensate for the animal’s selection bias. Trials are aligned on the appearance of the first target (T1). (Modified
from Scherberger and Andersen, 2007.)

GRASPING many neurons were sensitive to other handle orientations and/

or grip types (Baumann et al., 2009). Many neurons represented
Primate hands are quite dexterous, and their movements are
the handle orientation from the cue epoch onward. In contrast,
complex. One might therefore posit that more cognition is
the number of neurons representing grip type increased during
involved in these movements than in simpler reaching move-
the task and peaked during movement execution. Similar grasp-
ments. Nevertheless, the neural mechanisms for the planning
related activity was also observed in premotor cortical area F5
of hand movements seem to be organized in a fashion very
which is closely related both anatomically and functionally to
similar to that for eye and arm movements (Baumann et al.,
parietal area AIP (see fig. 17.1) (Fluet et al., 2010). In addition,
2009). Figure 17.4A shows the activity of a sample neuron in
other experiments have shown that AIP and F5 are sensitive to
parietal area AIP during a delayed-grasping task, in which the
the visual presentation of objects even when no grasping actions
animal grasped a handle using either a precision grip or a power
are prepared (Murata et al., 2000; Raos et al., 2006).
grip. Typically, the monkey would use a power grip to hold a
These examples illustrate that the parietal and premotor
branch on a tree and a precision grip to pick up a raisin from
cortices can be regarded as a network that integrates sensory
the ground. In the experiment providing the data of figure
and cognitive signals for the generation of actions. Whereas
17.4 (modified from Baumann et al., 2009), the handle was
specific areas represent specific types of actions, individual
positioned in various orientations (see rotatable handle posi-
neurons in these areas represent sensory stimuli as well as sig-
tions at right in figure). During the cue epoch, a spotlight
nals for planning and executing particular movements. Based
illuminating the handle revealed its orientation, while the color
on these findings, it is natural to ask whether such neuronal
of an LED told the animal which grip to use (precision or
signals could be used for the decoding of specific intended
power). In the subsequent delay epoch, the animal could pre-
actions for BCIs and what such BCIs might look like.
pare the grasping movement but had to wait until the dimming
of the central fixation light to actually perform the grasp. Thus,
this is a delayed-grasping task.
Figure 17.4A shows that after the start of the cue epoch, the ACTION DECODING
firing rate of this neuron increased sharply and most strongly
for power grips with handle orientation of +50°. Thus, this
neuron was sensitive to the handle orientation as well as the grip Several research groups are currently developing BCIs for
type. In the overall population of the AIP neurons (fig. 17.4B), reaching that are based on signals from the parietal cortex or

292 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Precision grip Power grip
A –25°
0° 25°
–50° 50°

0° +50°
–25° +25°

80 Fix Cue Plan Move Fix Cue Plan Move –25°
Firing rate (Hz)




–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Fix Cue Plan Move

Percentage of neurons



Grip type
10 Orientation

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (s)

Figure 17.4 Grasp-related activity in parietal cortex. (A) Activity of a single AIP neuron during a delayed-grasping task, in which a monkey grasps a rotatable handle
(drawn at far right) either with a precision grip (left) or a power grip (right). Precision-grip trials are shown in the left column, and power-grip trials in the right
column. Spike rasters and average firing rates are presented in different colors for each of the five handle orientations (key at far right). The neuron shown is tuned
to (i.e., fires more with) the rightmost handle orientation (+50°) (black line in plot) and the power grip. (B) Orientation and grip-type tuning in the AIP neuronal
population (571 single neurons). Curves show the percentages of neurons tuned to (i.e., the percentages for which firing rate is affected by) orientation (gray) or
grip type (black) over the course of the trial (sliding window, 200-msec width, centered on each data point). Prior to 0.6 sec, the data curves are aligned to the end
of the cue (t = 0 with arrowhead marker); after 0.6 sec, they are aligned to the start of movement (dotted line with arrowhead marker). This change in alignment is
indicated by the break in the curves at 0.6 sec. (Modified from Baumann et al., 2009.)

the premotor cortex (Musallam et al., 2004; Santhanam et al., then used to decode the intended reach location. The animal
2006). Musallam and colleagues trained macaque monkeys could plan the upcoming reach movement during the mem-
first in a delayed-reach task and then in a brain-control ory period but had to withhold execution until a signal was
task after they permanently implanted microelectrode arrays given that instructed the animal to reach to the target.
in parietal area PRR and premotor area PMd. Figure 17.5A Importantly, in the brain-control version of the paradigm, the
shows the two tasks. In the reach task the animal first touched animal was immediately rewarded if the neuronal activity
and looked at a central fixation spot on a touch-sensitive during the memory period was correctly decoded (i.e., if it
screen; then a visual cue was presented for several hundred indicated the instructed reach direction correctly); but the
milliseconds in one of up to eight possible locations in the animal did not actually have to reach to the target. Animals
periphery of the screen. Single- and multineuron activity quickly adopted a strategy in which they planned, but did
was recorded simultaneously from many electrodes during the not execute, the intended reach movement. To provide addi-
next period (called the memory period), and this activity was tional feedback to the animal during these trials, a visual target

C H A P TE R 1 7 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N PA R I E TA L O R P R E M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 9 3
A was placed on the screen to indicate the decoded target
Figure 17.5B shows data during the brain-control task
from a sample neuron with a preferred reach direction up and
to the right. Activity increased from baseline after cue onset
and stayed elevated throughout the memory period (delin-
eated by vertical dotted lines). However, the neural response
was strongly modulated when different target-cue sizes were
used to signal the type of reward (orange juice vs. water) to
be expected for successful trial completion. Trials in which
the animal knew in advance that it would receive a preferred
Memory Decode
reward (orange juice) produced a significantly stronger
response (black curves and tick marks) than trials in which the
animal received a less-preferred reward (water; red curves and
Go Feedback
tick marks). Notably, this was true independent of whether the
Brain control preferred reward was indicated with the smaller or larger cue
size. Similarly, activity was also stronger when the expected
Reach amount of reward (volume) was greater or when the reward
Reach task probability was higher. This suggests that parietal and premo-
tor neurons can reflect not only the intended target location
B but also the expected value of the intended action.
The decoding performance in the brain-control task grad-
20 Up Right ually improved over the weeks and months of the ongoing
10 experiment. Figure 17.5C shows the overall success rate for
Firing rate (Hz)

predicting the correct target position (one out of four possible
positions) from 10–30 recording channels (single neurons and
30 multiunits) in about 70 daily sessions of two animals (different
20 Down Left
colors). Whereas performance in the beginning was only
0 slightly above chance (25%, dashed line), it gradually increased
–0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
to about 55% in the first and 35% in the second animal.
Time (s) Time (s)
Similarly, figure 17.5D depicts the success rate for the offline
decoding of the expected reward value (high or low) in a
Direction decode Reward decode population of three animals (dashed line: chance level 50%).
Interestingly, the mean decoding performance was signifi-
Success rate (%)

80 cantly larger when the animals performed the brain-controlled

60 task (85%) as compared to the reach task (75%).
These results indicate that the intended movement as well
30 as the expected reward can be decoded simultaneously from
20 Reach Brain control
20 neurons in PRR and PMd. Thus, signals from these areas might
sessions sessions
10 0 be useful for controlling movement of a cursor or a motor
10 30 50 70 0 36 0 44
Session number Session number prosthesis. Certainly, as with signals from other brain areas, it
will be important to identify those areas most suitable for
Figure 17.5 Cognitive control signals for neural prosthetics. (A) Delayed-reach decoding a specific motor function (e.g., hand grasp), particu-
task and brain-control task, as described in text. (B) Example of a neuron’s
larly if the goal is to restore that function without interfering
activity during the brain-control task with instructions to the up, right, left,
and down directions that were rewarded with either orange juice (black) or
with other, still intact motor functions.
water (red). This neuron was more active for trials when the preferred reward
(orange juice, black) was expected. (C) Overall success rate for decoding
the intended movement from four possible targets in subsequent recording
sessions of two animals (black and blue dots). Dotted line: chance level
Figure 17.6A shows the design of an experimental BCI for
(25%). Both animals improve their performance with experience. (D) Success
rate in the offline decoding of the reward expected (i.e., juice or water) in
performing a hand-grasping task. This BCI is designed to
36 reach (red) and 44 brain-control (black) sessions across three animals. decode intended hand movements from neuronal activity in
Error bars indicate standard deviation obtained by cross-validation. Dotted parietal area AIP and premotor area F5. These areas receive
line: chance level (50%). (Adapted from Musallam et al., 2004; with permission sensory (particularly visual) information, and their neuronal
from AAAS.)
activity is thought to represent intended hand movement.
To test the hypothesis that signals from these areas can be
used for decoding, 80 or 128 microelectrodes were implanted
in AIP and F5 in two monkeys (Townsend et al., 2008 & 2011).
Neuronal activity was recorded and sorted (to distinguish

294 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Neuronal signals Figure 17.6B shows the decoding results for a sample
session. The overall correct decoding performance was about
Spikes 50% (vs. 16.6% chance level). The matrix illustrated is a confu-
sion matrix (i.e., a matrix of the six possible grasp instructions
vs. the grasp-decoding results for each instruction). The matrix
summarizes how each of the six possible grasp instructions
Decoder was decoded. Most trials fell on the diagonal, indicating
correct predictions (e.g., the precision grip with rightward
orientation instruction was correctly decoded 59% of the
time). Decoding errors occurred mainly for closely related grip
orientations, while the grip type was almost never confused.
Spinal cord These results provide proof of concept that grasp intentions
X injury can be decoded from these higher-order cortical areas, and
they thus suggest that signals from these areas might be used to
Hand control signal Robotic hand control a BCI.

100 FA S T D E C O D I N G

As described throughout this book, both noninvasive and


invasive recording methods are being applied in BCI research


and development. It is often assumed, however, that the high-

Classification (%)
Instructed grasp

60 est information transfer rates can be obtained with invasive


methods, particularly those that record single-neuron (i.e.,

spike) activity. In a recent study Santhanam et al. (2006) used a

40 96-channel silicon electrode array implanted in PMd to explore


particularly fast decoding strategies.


20 First, monkeys were trained in a delayed-reach movement

task, from which a statistical description of the tuning proper-
ties of the recorded neurons (i.e., their correlations with reach

0 direction) was obtained. Then, the paradigm was changed so

Precision Power that most of the trials were prosthetic-cursor trials, in which
Decoded grasp neuronal activity during the delay period was used to move
the cursor to the target, so that no actual limb movement
Figure 17.6 Decoding of hand-grasping signals from neurons in AIP and F5 in a
occurred. Figure 17.7A illustrates the prosthetic-cursor trials.
macaque monkey. (A) Decoding schematic. In paralyzed patients, motor
commands can no longer pass from the brain to the motor effectors (dashed
Throughout the prosthetic-cursor trials, the animal continu-
gray line). This deficit can be bypassed with neural recordings that are made ously touched and looked at the central fixation spot (see fig.
directly in the brain (blue pads) and processed externally. (B) Confusion matrix 17.7A, all boxes), while a visual cue (a yellow dot) appeared in
(see text) indicating the performance in decoding the grip type (power vs. the periphery of the screen to indicate the target (e.g., see fig.
precision) and the grip orientation (leftward tilt [L], vertical [V], or rightward tilt 17.7A, Trial 1). Data from the first 150-msec epoch following
[R]) from 80 permanently implanted electrodes in AIP and F5. Data show the
the cue presentation were ignored to avoid potential confounds
results of one online decoding session with about 180 decoding trials. If
decoding performance were perfect, 100% of the trials would align on the related to the appearance of the visual stimulus. This first (cue)
diagonal from the lower left to the upper right corner. Here, the diagonal epoch was followed by a decoding epoch. After the decoding
shows an average performance of 72% across all six conditions. (Modified from epoch, the target cue (the yellow dot of fig. 17.7A, Trial 1) dis-
Townsend et al., 2008 & 2011.) appeared, and the target location that was decoded was pre-
sented on the screen (dashed circle in fig. 17.7A, Trial 2); if the
predicted location was correct (as it is in the figure), a new
among different neurons, see chapters 7 and 16 in this volume) target location (yellow dot in fig. 17.7A, Trial 2) was then pre-
in real time and subjected to a maximum-likelihood decoding sented. Several such prosthetic trials (e.g., fig. 17.7A, Trial
analysis method (see e.g., Shenoy et al., 2003) that predicted 1–3), each consisting of only these two epochs (cue plus decod-
the grip type (power vs. precision) and the hand orientation ing, totaling about 200–450 msec), were run in fast succession
(left tilt, vertical, right tilt) from the activity during the delay without rewarding the animal. Then a full delayed-reach task
epoch of the delayed-grasping task. The decoded grasp was allowed the animal to reach toward the target and to receive a
then presented to the animal as a picture of a hand grasping an liquid reward if this reach trial and the preceding sequence of
object. Importantly, for each correctly decoded grasp, the prosthetic trials were all successful.
animal received a reward immediately without having to exe- Selection of the length of the decoding epoch clearly
cute the movement. However, if the trial was not correctly affected performance. Decoding from longer segments gave
decoded, the animal was not rewarded but instead had to exe- more accurate decoding because of reduced noise in the
cute the correct grasp movement in order to receive a reward. integrated signal. However, longer segments increased trial

C H A P TE R 1 7 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N PA R I E TA L O R P R E M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 9 5
A Touch Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 exceed those achieved to date by other, noninvasive and inva-
sive, BCI studies. Thus, this new paradigm might enable high
information transfer rates and support improved performance
very useful for people who are paralyzed.

100 16
Decode accuracy (%)

12 While spiking activity originates from a single neuron located

ITRC (bit/s)
10 close to the electrode tip, the local field potential (LFP) is the
50 summation of excitatory and inhibitory dendritic potentials
from a large number of neurons in the neighborhood of the
6 recording site (see chapters 3 and 16 in this volume). Because
4 of the larger volume from which it gathers electrical informa-
0 2
tion, LFP activity is likely to be less affected by tissue reactions
(see chapter 5) following electrode implantation. It is therefore
200 250 300 350 400
logical to ask whether LFPs could be used to control a neural
Trial length (ms)
prosthetic device, and what kind of information might be
Figure 17.7 Information-transfer rate capacity during fast prosthetic-cursor trials. carried by such signals. By similar reasoning, signals recorded
(A) Sequence of three prosthetic-cursor trials. After the animal has placed its from the cortical surface (i.e., electrocorticographic [ECoG]
hand on the board (Touch), a target (solid circle) appears (Trial 1), the intended activity [Chapter 15]) might also be used to decode movement
reach movement is decoded, and a cursor (Trial 2, dashed circle) is placed on
the screen at the predicted location. If the predicted location is correct, the
next cursor trial starts immediately, with a new target appearing at a new LFP activity has been investigated in cortical and subcorti-
location (Trial 2, yellow dot). This process is repeated (e.g., Trial 3) for a total of cal areas (Eckhorn et al., 1988; Gray et al., 1989; Buzsaki and
three or more prosthetic-cursor trials, followed by a standard delayed-reach Draguhn, 2004). Several studies that relate motor, parietal, and
trial that allowed the animal to reach toward the target. The animal receives a premotor cortex LFP activity to behavior in experimental ani-
liquid reward if this reach trial and the preceding sequence of prosthetic trials
are all successful. In case of error, the trial sequence is aborted, and no reward
mals show that LFP signals are modulated over the course of
is provided. (B) Decode accuracy (black curve) and information-transfer rate task performance as well as by different behavioral conditions
capacity (ITRC) (red solid curve) for different trial lengths, as assessed from an (Murthy and Fetz, 1996; Donoghue et al., 1998; Baker et al.,
eight-target control experiment. Decoding accuracy increased with trial length 1999; Pesaran et al., 2002). For example, in the parietal reach
(and begins to saturate at around 250 msec). ITRC was maximal for a trial region (PRR), the power (i.e., amplitude squared) in specific
length of about 260 msec and then declined. Theoretical ITRC (red dotted line)
assumes 100% accuracy at all trial lengths. (Adapted from Santhanam et al.,
LFP spectral bands is modulated during the planning and exe-
2006.) cution of a center-out reach or saccade task (Scherberger et al.,
2005). Individual panels in figure 17.8A show the average LFP
power spectrogram across 10–20 trial repetitions from a set of
duration and thereby decreased the number of trials per second recording sites in PRR for reaches (left column) and saccades
and the maximum possible information-transfer rate. Thus, (right columns), and for movements in the preferred (top row)
there was a fundamental speed–accuracy trade-off. Several dif- and nonpreferred (bottom rows) direction. (Preferred direc-
ferent measures can be used to assess performance (fig. 17.7B). tions were determined for each recording site by the modula-
If performance was measured as the percentage of correctly tion in the 25–35 Hz frequency band.) The data shown in the
decoded trials, it improved with increased trial duration figure indicate that low-frequency components (0–15 Hz)
but saturated for trials longer than 250 msec (black curve). encoded the movement type (reach vs. saccade) during plan-
A different measure of performance, the information transfer- ning and execution independently from the movement direc-
rate capacity (ITRC) (solid red curve), reveals the rate at which tion (i.e., note the similarity at low frequencies between the
information is transmitted: it is defined in bits/sec, and is a spectrograms for preferred and nonpreferred directions). At
function of the decoding accuracy and the number of possible higher frequencies (15–50 Hz), however, the LFP also reflected
targets, divided by the trial duration (see chapter 8). The ITRC the movement direction (i.e., note the difference at high
did not simply increase monotonically with trial duration but, frequencies between the spectrograms for preferred and non-
rather, reached a peak of 7.7 bit/sec at a trial duration of 260 preferred directions).
msec in an offline test dataset (red solid curve). As expected, Simulations of decoding based on these sequentially
this was lower than the theoretical maximal ITRC (red dotted recorded data showed that LFP activity from parietal area PRR
curve), which assumes perfect decoding accuracy (100% could decode the movement direction as well as the animal’s
correct) for all trial durations. concurrent behavioral state (i.e., baseline fixation, reach plan-
Using online sequences of prosthetic-cursor trials with a ning, reach execution, saccade planning, saccade execution).
variety of possible numbers of targets (2, 4, 8, or 16), Santhanam To produce a simulation of this type, the data from subse-
et al. (2006) found maximal ITRCs in two animals of 6.5 bit/sec quently acquired recording sites were treated as if they had
and 5.3 bit/sec, respectively, for the 8-target task. These rates been recorded simultaneously and subjected to a Bayesian

296 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
A Reach Saccade

Frequency (Hz)

Power (dB)
40 40 5

20 20
0 0 –10
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1

Frequency (Hz)
40 40

20 20

0 0
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Time (sec) Time (sec)

B State decoding
Percent error (%)

Reach planning
Reach execution
Saccade planning
1 Saccade execution
1 5 10 50 100
Number of sites

Figure 17.8 Reach-movement decoding from LFP activity in PRR. (A) Population spectrogram of LFP activity (10–20 trial repetitions from a set of recording sites in
PRR) during delayed-reach (left column) and delayed-saccade (right column) movements in the preferred (upper row) and nonpreferred (lower row) directions.
Color code indicates LFP power relative to baseline activity (in decibels). Vertical lines mark the starts of the cue, planning, and movement periods. (The preferred
directions were determined for each recording site by the modulation in the 25- to 35-Hz frequency band.) The data shown in the figure indicate that low-
frequency components (0–15 Hz) encoded the movement type (reach vs. saccade) during planning and execution independently from the movement direction
(i.e., note the similarity at low frequencies between the spectrograms for preferred and nonpreferred directions). At higher frequencies (15–50 Hz), the LFP also
reflected the movement direction (i.e., note the difference at high frequencies between the spectrograms for preferred and nonpreferred directions). (B) Decoding
of five behavioral states using LFP (blue) or spiking activity (black). Behavioral states were baseline (circles), reach planning (squares), reach execution (diamonds),
saccade planning (upward-pointing triangles) and execution (downward-pointing triangles). Decoding performance of behavioral states was consistently better
(i.e., smaller percentage error) with LFP (blue) than with spiking activity (black). (Modified from Scherberger et al., 2005.)

decoder with cross-validation. Figure 17.8B illustrates the spiking activity for the reach direction might be compensated
error rates for decoding these five behavioral states with a for by employing a greater number of LFP recording sites
Bayesian classifier (see chapter 8) using various numbers (which is relatively easy to achieve). Results similar to these
of randomly selected recording sites. For LFP activity (blue), have also been obtained in other studies using LFP activity
prediction errors were below 10% when 20 or more sites from primary motor cortex to predict reach movements and
were used for decoding. In contrast, errors were much larger from the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) to predict saccades
when the neuronal spiking activity recorded at the same sites (Pesaran et al., 2002; Mehring et al., 2003). It therefore appears
was used for decoding (black). that the LFP is a suitable signal for decoding movement inten-
LFPs from PRR also appear to be capable of predicting the tions and might be even better suited than spiking activity for
movement direction with impressive accuracy: the overall some types of information, such as behavioral states. Moreover,
decoding accuracy was 81% for reach direction and 40% for LFP signals are relatively simple to record and potentially more
saccade direction (chance: 6.25%). Arm and eye movements robust than spiking activity during chronic recordings.
were never confused. However, the accuracy of this decoding Other brain signals (e.g., ECoG [chapter 15]), might also
of direction with LFPs was lower than when neuronal spiking play an important role in future BCI-controlled devices. ECoG
activity was used for decoding (97% for reach and 72% for is a cortical summation signal that is less localized than indi-
saccade direction). vidual LFPs, but still has much greater topographical resolu-
Taken together, these studies indicate that LFP activity in tion, wider frequency range, and higher amplitude than
PRR can predict both behavioral state and planned reach scalp-recorded EEG (Slutzky et al., 2010). Since ECoG elec-
direction. The lesser decoding accuracy of LFPs compared to trodes do not penetrate the brain (and may even be extradural),

C H A P TE R 1 7 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N PA R I E TA L O R P R E M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 9 7
they are considered to be less invasive than intracortical elec- which these different signals might complement each other
trode arrays. Because the performance of their electrodes does (and possibly noninvasive methods as well), so as to support
not depend on maintaining close proximity to individual corti- long-term BCI performance of substantial value to people with
cal neurons, both ECoG and LFP signals might prove to be severe disabilities.
more robust and reliable for long-term use in BCI applications What makes the parietal cortex and the premotor cortex
than neuronal-spiking activity. At the same time, the tuning interesting for BCI development is the fact that these areas are
properties of LFPs and ECoG (i.e., their correlations with able to process action-related information in parallel to other
movement intention) are just beginning to be explored and actions. In everyday life, we are able to grasp a cup of coffee
require substantial further investigation. while reading the newspaper or while talking. The neural
substrates for these capabilities are localized in the premotor
and in particular the parietal cortices. Patients with lesions in
parietal cortex quite often have deficits in performing such
functions, either at all or without excessive cognitive effort
(Perenin and Vighetto, 1988; Goodale and Milner, 1995). Such
The parietal cortex and the premotor cortex play important
capabilities of these regions will also be important for tomor-
roles in the generation of intentional movements. Both areas
row’s BCI technology. An ideal BCI should operate effortlessly
are intimately connected to the sensory system as well as to
and should allow parallel activities such as listening and talk-
areas related to volition, motivation, and reward. This places
ing, attending to other objects, and even performing other
the parietal and the premotor cortices at the center of senso-
movements simultaneously. The success of the future of a BCI
rimotor transformation and decision-making related to plan-
will be measured not only by its capacity to perform the
ning and execution of actions. Brain-computer interfaces
required movement, but also by its ability to do so without
(BCIs) can take advantage of the activity in these areas by
requiring excessive cognitive effort. Tapping into the networks
recording these signals and using them for device control.
dedicated to action-specific sensorimotor transformations in
In this chapter, we have reviewed the evidence that these
parietal and premotor cortices might therefore be particularly
two areas, the parietal cortex and the premotor cortex, contain
information about the goal and the timing of intended actions.
This evidence indicates that the physiological role of these
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C H A P TE R 1 7 . B C I S T H AT U S E S I G N A L S R E C O R D E D I N PA R I E TA L O R P R E M O T O R C O R T E X | 2 9 9
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ost brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) currently under the attenuation or absorbance of light in a homogeneous
development use the brain’s electrical signals. medium, A, is proportional to the concentration of the absorb-
Nevertheless, nonelectrical metabolic signals also ing molecule:
have potential for use in BCI development. Chapter 4 of this
volume describes four methodologies currently available for A c×e ×l (18.1)
measuring brain metabolic activity and focuses on the two of where c is the concentration of the absorbing molecule, ε
these methods that are of greatest immediate interest for BCI is a proportionality constant called absorptivity, and l is the
development: functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and optical path length. A change in the concentration of the
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). fNIRS has the absorbing molecule, Δc, will produce a proportional change in
advantages of being noninvasive and inexpensive. fMRI has the absorbance:
advantages of being noninvasive and providing very high spa-
tial resolution. However, as we will see in this chapter, both have DA Dc × e × l (18.2)
the disadvantage of poor time resolution, which is a crucial ele-
This change can be detected by an fNIRS sensor. As described
ment for real-time BCIs. Although BCIs based on these two
in chapter 4, fNIRS is based on the observations that near-
methods are still in the earliest stages of development, signifi-
infrared light (i.e., wavelengths of 700–1000 nm, the near-
cant recent advances have stimulated considerable attention to
infrared [NIR] range of the electromagnetic spectrum)
their potential value (Birbaumer, 2006; Birbaumer and Cohen,
penetrates living tissue. This can be observed in everyday life
2007; Sitaram et al., 2007; Sitaram et al., 2008; Sitaram et al.,
when bright light is directed toward an open palm, and the
2009; Weiskopf et al., 2007). In this chapter we focus on BCIs
light transmitted through the tissue causes a reddish glow on
based on fNIRS and fMRI methods. We review the fundamen-
the back of the palm. The red color is due to the pigment
tal principles underlying their use, the factors important in
hemoglobin in the blood. Since water molecules and hemoglo-
their use for BCIs, the kinds of BCI applications that are most
bin absorb less NIR light than light of other wavelengths, NIR
promising, and possible future directions and challenges.
(red) light is transmitted through the tissue.
Although both fNIRS and fMRI can in theory measure a
When placed on the scalp, pairs of optical sources and
wide variety of signals related to brain metabolism (see chapter
detectors can measure NIR transmission through layers of
4 in this volume and Huettel, 2004), almost all current uses
brain tissue. The light passing through the tissue is influenced
of these methods, including their BCI uses, are based on the
by the functional state of the tissue. Brain activity is accompa-
measurement of task-induced blood oxygen level-dependent
nied by changes in the components present in blood (e.g.,
(BOLD) responses (Huppert et al., 2006; Ogawa et al., 1990;
changes in the concentrations of oxygenated and deoxygen-
Villringer and Chance, 1997; Villringer and Obrig, 2002). The
ated hemoglobin [Villringer and Obrig, 2002]). These changes
BOLD response reflects changes in blood flow and is an indi-
can be detected as changes in the fNIR signal after transmis-
rect measure of brain activity, but there is growing evidence
sion of near-infrared light through the brain tissue. Thus,
that it is strongly correlated with the brain’s electrical activity
fNIRS measurement allows for indirect detection and mea-
(Logothetis, 2007; Logothetis, 2008). Recent advances in fNIRS
surement of brain activation.
and fMRI technology have enabled real-time acquisition,
Although fNIRS spatial resolution (in the cm range) is
decoding, and training of BOLD responses, leading to investi-
lower than that of functional magnetic resonance imaging
gations of their behavioral correlates, and their application to
(fMRI) (in the mm range), fNIRS has significant advantages
restoring communication and control capacities to people with
over other brain-imaging methods described in chapter 4.
severe motor disabilities.
First, fNIRS is safe and it is noninvasive. It does not use poten-
tially harmful radiation since it employs nonionizing near-in-
frared light. The intensity of light is maintained below safety
limits to avoid thermal damage. fNIRS does not require the
injection of contrast agents. With fNIRS, tissue function alone
produces the signal that is imaged. fNIRS monitors changes in
As discussed in chapter 4 of this volume, near-infrared spec- concentration of hemoglobin and changes in oxygen satura-
troscopy is based on the Beer-Lambert Law which states that tion of tissue and, from these measures, can calculate tissue

perfusion and oxygen supply/demand. With recent advances between two task conditions: when a person wants to move a
in microelectronics, optical engineering, and computer tech- cursor to the left and when s/he wants to move it to the right.
nology, fNIRS systems can be relatively small and easily
portable (especially in comparison to fMRI systems), and are
much less expensive than other imaging modalities such as f N I R - B C I S T R U C T U R E A N D O P E R AT I O N
fMRI and positron emission tomography (PET). Like all BCI systems, an fNIR-BCI system has components for
In a typical fNIRS measurement of brain-tissue activity, an signal acquisition as well as components for signal processing
optical diode (called an optode) acts as a light source (or emit- (i.e., feature extraction and translation). It produces an output
ter). Light emitted by the optode passes through the intermedi- that gives a command to an application, and it provides real-
ate layers of scalp and skull, enters cortical tissue, and then time feedback to the user depending on the type of application.
passes back out through the skull and scalp to one or more These components are depicted in figure 18.1.
detector(s) located at fixed distance(s) from the source. The
detector is typically a light-receiving optode connected to a
photomultiplier or a charge-coupled device (CCD). fNIR SIGNAL ACQUISITION
To explain how fNIRS detects changes in brain activity, we Figure 18.2A illustrates the basic elements of an fNIRS mea-
must first review two physiological changes that accompany surement system. It includes: a light emitter (also referred to as
changes in brain activity. As described more fully in chapter 4, an illuminator or a source); a detector; an amplifier; an analog-
these changes are responsible for what is called the BOLD to-digital convertor; and finally the potentially usable fNIR
response. Briefly, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and signals. The emitter (red) and detector (blue) optodes are placed
regional cerebral oxygen metabolic rate (rCMRO2) both at specific alternating locations on the scalp (fig. 18.2B). The dis-
increase when neuronal activity in that region increases. tance between the emitter and detector of each emitter/detector
However, the increase in rCBF is greater than the increase pair is 5–30 mm, depending on their arrangement on the scalp.
in rCMRO2; that is, the rCBF increase is greater than the A single emitter/detector pair is considered one channel.
increase needed to supply the extra oxygen required (Fox and Figure 18.2B shows an example of an optode configuration
Raichle, 1986). Thus, although both total hemoglobin and in which the emitter (red) and detector (blue) optodes are
oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb) concentrations increase when neu- placed on the scalp over the left and right motor cortices (i.e.,
ronal activity increases, deoxyhemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) concen- near the C3 and C4 locations [International 10–20 System]).
tration decreases. Since oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb absorb light at The detector optodes are located 2 cm from the emitter optodes.
different near-infrared wavelengths, fNIRS can detect changes As indicated by the dashed lines in figure 18.2B, any pair of
in their relative concentrations by measuring changes in the emitter and detector optodes forms one channel. Thus, with its
attenuation of light at specific frequencies and can then calcu- four emitters and four detectors, the optode arrangement
late the BOLD response, which is related to the concurrent shown in the figure results in 10 channels for each hemisphere.
changes in neuronal activity. Chapter 4 describes these events As indicated in figure 18.2A, near-infrared rays leave each
and methods in greater detail. emitter (only one shown in the figure), pass through the skull
The three major types of spectroscopy used for fNIRS are and the brain tissue of the cortex, follow a curvilinear path
continuous-wave spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy, determined by the optical properties of the tissue, are reflected
and frequency-domain spectroscopy. These techniques are back out of the skull, and are received by one or more detector
described in detail in Villringer and Obrig (2002). The contin- optodes. (Note the red photon banana [see chapter 4] repre-
uous-wave (CW) approach is the one that is most widely used senting the path of the photons.) The photomultiplier cycles
both in neuroimaging and in BCI studies. In commercially through all the emitter-detector pairings to acquire data at
available CW fNIRS instruments, the light source is either a every sampling period.
laser, a light-emitting diode (LED), or a simple halogen lamp After the signals at each frequency are acquired and digi-
that emits light at specific frequencies within the NIR spec- tized, they are then preprocessed (e.g., to eliminate artifacts),
trum. The advantages of the CW approach are its simplicity, are further processed to derive oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb concen-
flexibility, and potential for achieving a high signal-to-noise trations, and are finally stored on the hard-disk of the fNIRS-
ratio. One disadvantage is that the CW approach cannot BCI workstation. For each time point the stored file typically
quantify the absolute values of oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb but only includes: the raw signal intensities for each of the two or three
their relative changes. Another disadvantage is that its wavelengths used; the Hb concentration changes calculated
measurements are susceptible to distortion by any concurrent from these intensities; and codes indicating the current behav-
changes in light absorption in superficial extracerebral tissues ioral state of the subject (e.g., imagining moving the right hand,
such as the scalp. viewing an icon on a screen, etc.). If the system is operating in
In most fNIRS applications, including BCI applications, a real-time mode that controls an application and provides
the primary goal of data analysis is to detect differences feedback to the subject, the data concurrently undergo further
in brain activity in specific areas as a function of different processing to produce the output feedback signals. Such
behavioral states. For example, the goal might be to detect real-time usage also typically entails a preliminary calibration
differences between brain activity during rest versus during procedure (and also perhaps periodic recalibrations) to define
performance of a specific movement. In BCI usage in particu- the parameters that are used to convert the measures of oxy-Hb
lar, the goal might be to detect differences in brain activity and deoxy-Hb concentrations into the outputs.

302 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Signal acquisition Signal processing
NIRS instrument with: Raw DC & phase -LP & HP filters
-Signal generator -Temporal smoothing
stimulus codes
-Photo multiplier -Artifact correction
-Amplifer (Head movement,
-ADC probe movement,
physiological noise)

Oxy-and deoxy-

User Application: word speller Pattern classification

label Training, validation,
online classification


Figure 18.1 Basic architecture of an fNIRS-based BCI. Single or multiple pairs of light sources and detectors (see fig. 18.2B) are positioned on the user’s head in a
configuration determined by the brain areas producing the signals to be used by the BCI. Direct-current (DC) amplitudes and phase values are acquired,
amplified, and digitized by the fNIRS instrument, then preprocessed (i.e., by filtering and artifact-removal algorithms), converted into oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb
concentration values based on the Beer-Lambert Law, and finally translated (e.g., by simple thresholding, linear discriminant analysis, or pattern classification) into
real-time output (e.g., to a spelling application or a device controller). Here the BCI output moves the descending red cursor in the Word Speller right or left to
select the desired option at the bottom of the screen. (ADC is analog-to-digital converter; LP is low-pass; HP is high-pass.) (Modified and reprinted with permission
from Sitaram et al., 2007a.)

Secure connections between the optodes and the scalp are depending on breathing rate. Mayer-wave fluctuations occur
crucial for ensuring stable path lengths of the photons and at ∼0.1 Hz in conscious humans (Julien, 2006). Another con-
for reducing movement artifacts. To maintain good contact founding factor is the ongoing fluctuation of Hb oxygenation
between the optodes and the scalp and to reduce light attenua- state, which occurs even during the resting state (Hoshi, 2007;
tion, hair on the head must be kept out of the light path; this is Schroeter et al., 2004; Toronov et al., 2000). In addition, ongo-
usually accomplished by combing the hair, by using hair clips, ing regional changes in brain activity cause slower (0.05 Hz)
or by some other means. Many types of headsets have been changes in Hb oxygenation state. These fluctuations are all
developed to keep the optode pairs in position and in good superimposed on the signals associated with the behavioral
contact with the scalp. These include modified bicycle helmets, states under study and thus add noise to the fNIRS data
thermoplastic caps molded to the user’s head, spring-loaded recorded. Moreover, additional contamination can result from
fibers attached to semirigid plastic forms, fibers embedded in movement artifacts, ambient light, and intensity variations due
rubber forms (Strangman et al., 2002), and a mechanical to obstructions from hair.
mounting system (Coyle et al., 2007). Although improved signal-correction and analysis tech-
fNIRS channel-placement schemes have not yet been stan- niques are needed to address these problems fully and to
dardized in a way comparable to that developed for EEG (e.g., improve the signal-to-noise ratio, a number of corrections can
the 10–20 system [Sharbrough, 1991]). Nevertheless, such be implemented to overcome or reduce some of these effects in
standardization is essential for obtaining reproducible results order to extract the useful features from the raw signals. For
from the same subject, for ensuring consistency across studies, example, Sitaram et al. (2007b) applied the following prepro-
and for comparing studies. Coyle et al. (2007) proposed an cessing steps in an offline analysis of their data. First, raw
fNIRS polar-coordinate system derived from the EEG 10–20 intensity data from all channels were normalized by dividing
system. each value by the mean of all channels for all the time points.
The intensity-normalized data were then low-pass filtered (see
f N I R F E AT U R E E X T R A C T I O N chapter 7) with a cutoff of 0.7 Hz. The rate of change of optical
Raw data acquired by an fNIRS instrument are typically con- density, called delta-optical density, was then calculated for
taminated by physiological noise such as cardiac pulsations, each wavelength as the negative logarithm of the normalized
respiratory oscillations, and Mayer waves, which are spontane- intensity. Following the calculation of the delta-optical density,
ous oscillations of arterial pressure occurring at a frequency two different principal component analysis (PCA) filters
lower than respiration. Arterial pulse oscillations cause fluc- (see chapter 7) were applied to the data. The first PCA filter
tuations of fNIR signals across the whole brain and occur at corrected for motion in the data (e.g., head movement). The
frequencies of 1–2 Hz, depending on heart rate. Fluctuations second filter used the principal components of the baseline
caused by respiration occur at frequencies of 0.2–0.3 Hz, data (i.e., the data collected for 30 sec prior to the experimental

C H A P T E R 1 8 . B C I S T H AT U S E B R A I N M E TA B O L I C S I G N A L S | 3 0 3
A fNIR measurement system tasks) to remove physiological artifacts such as respiratory
oscillations. The resulting covariance-reduced delta-optical
Signal generator
density was used to calculate the change in concentration
(i.e., the delta concentration) with a method based on the Beer-
Lambert law (Villringer and Obrig, 2002).
A variety of other preprocessing procedures have been
used. Naito et al. (2007) low-pass filtered their raw data with a
Light Amplifier
emitting Photo detector
cutoff of 0.1 Hz to remove the effects of respiration and other
diode (LED) higher-frequency artifacts. Luu and Chau (2009) normalized
Analog to each trial of raw intensity data by dividing it by the mean of the
Optic digital signal from the baseline period. The logarithm of the filtered
fibres converter signal was then subsampled to an effective sampling frequency
of 3.125 Hz, based on the Nyquist criterion (chapter 7) that
× 103
10 sampling rate should be two times the highest-frequency
5 component of the signal.
fNIR signals Although used successfully in offline analyses of fNIRS
data, these and other possible preprocessing techniques may
0 50 100 150
or may not be directly transferable to online fNIR-BCI applica-
tions, as they require a large dataset for accurate and reliable
computation or involve inordinately long processing times.
B Optode arrangement on the participant’s head Further work is needed to explore the adaptation of these
Left Right
methods for online, real-time usage.
hemisphere hemisphere Commercial manufacturers of fNIRS instruments provide
custom-built analysis software packages. In addition, a pro-
gram that provides basic signal processing, linear modeling,
1 8 18 11 and image reconstruction of fNIRS data has been written by
2 7 9 19 17 12 the Photon Migration Imaging Lab (Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston) and is freely available (http://www.nmr.mgh.
3 6 10 20 16 13
C3 C4 harvard.edu/PMI/resources/homer/home.htm). Whereas these
4 5 15 14 analysis methods have been developed mainly for offline
analysis of fNIRS data, BCI use will require effective methods
for real-time analysis and generation of appropriate outputs,
including feedback to the BCI user. Better methods for
Emitter Detector C3/C4 locations eliminating the effects of spontaneous fluctuations in Hb
oxygenation will be particularly important for such real-time
Figure 18.2 (A) A continuous-wave (CW) fNIRS system in which light at two or
more wavelengths (e.g., 780 nm and 805 nm) is generated constantly or is applications.
modulated at a low frequency (a few tens of kilohertz) by a signal generator.
Light passes through the scalp and through a few millimeters of the upper f N I R F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N A N D O U T P U T
layer of the brain in a curvilinear path, sometimes called the photon banana Feature translation converts the extracted features (i.e., the
(see chapter 4). The light that emerges from the head is measured by a
processed signals) into the BCI output commands that convey
photodiode. Changes in the amplitude of the detected light at these
wavelengths reflect changes in the concentrations of oxygenated and the user’s intent (e.g., intent to move to the right or the left,
deoxygenated hemoglobin and are used to indicate the level of brain intent to say “yes” or “no,” etc.). The translation algorithm can
activity. The data shown in the example at bottom right in the figure distinguish among the signals representing different intents by
(from Sitaram et al., 2007) were acquired by a multichannel fNIRS instrument using univariate statistical parametric mapping (SPM) (Hoshi,
(OMM-1000 from Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) operated at three
2007) or several other methods such as a model-based analy-
different wavelengths (780, 805, and 830 nm), at a sampling rate of 14 Hz
and were digitized by a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter during motor sis, an event-related analysis, or a combination of these two
imagery (red is oxy-HB and blue is deoxy-Hb). (B) A multichannel fNIRS (Huppert et al., 2006; Schroeter et al., 2004) (see chapter 8).
optode arrangement on the scalp. Optodes are arranged on the left and Various methods have been used to translate the fNIRS
right sides of the subject’s head, above the motor cortices (i.e., near the measurements associated with specific cognitive or motor
C3 [left hemisphere] and C4 [right hemisphere] locations of the International
tasks into BCI output commands, such as those that control a
10–20 System). A pair of adjacent emitter and detector optodes forms one
channel (dotted lines). The four emitters and four detectors in the spelling program, a cursor, or a wheelchair. These translation
arrangement shown result in 10 channels on each side of the head methods can be as simple as setting thresholds or ranges for
(numbered 1–10 and 11–20). (Modified and reprinted with permission from the fNIRS measurements that identify different cognitive or
Sitaram et al., 2007b.) motor states, or they can be more complicated, as in the use of
sophisticated pattern-recognition algorithms. The choice of
translation method should be based on the requirements of the
application and the complexity and degrees of freedom of the
fNIRS measurements. The choice may also be constrained by

304 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
the need for online real-time processing and the capabilities of decreased activity (i.e., decreased oxy-Hb and increased
the computer software and hardware. Many of the translation deoxy-Hb) (fig. 18.3, upper left). Topographic images recon-
methods used for fNIR are comparable to those used for structed from data of the 20 channels showed distinct patterns
translating other kinds of signals (e.g., electrical signals such as of activations with left hand and right hand motor imagery,
EEG or ECoG) (see chapter 8). although substantial intersubject differences were observed
Support vector machines (SVM) (chapter 8) and hidden (Sitaram et al., 2007b). For both classification methods (SVM
Markov modeling (HMM) (Rabiner, 1989; Rabiner and Juang, and HMM) and for all subjects, finger-tapping data were clas-
1993) are two pattern-recognition methods that have been sified more accurately than motor-imagery data. In a direct
applied to fNIRS data to distinguish among different behav- comparison of the two pattern-classification techniques, HMM
ioral states. Sitaram et al (2007b) compared these two methods performed better than SVM for both finger-tapping and motor-
in classifying offline fNIRS data collected from 20 channels imagery tasks.
located over motor cortex, as subjects performed motor actions Luu and Chau (2009) used a classifier based on Fischer
and motor imagery. Acquired signals were processed to remove linear discriminant analysis (chapter 8) of a two-dimensional
artifacts produced by heartbeat and by muscle activity. For feature space to decode subject preferences from fNIRS signals
each trial, the investigators determined the changes in oxy-Hb recorded from 16 channels over medial prefrontal cortex. They
and deoxy-Hb concentrations 2–10 sec after the stimulus that chose the medial prefrontal cortex as the target region of the
triggered the start of the motor or imagery task. After prepro- study because this region had been previously implicated in
cessing, the data were classified by each of the two pattern- subjective valuation and decision making (Luu and Chau,
recognition methods, SVM and HMM. Most channels over the 2009). Images of two drinks were presented sequentially on the
hemisphere contralateral to the task (fig. 18.3, upper right and monitor, and the subjects were asked to view each drink as if it
lower left panels) showed increased oxy-Hb and decreased were being offered to them, to decide on a choice, and then to
deoxy-Hb, indicating increased activity. In contrast, responses indicate their choice explicitly by clicking with a mouse on the
in channels over the ipsilateral hemisphere indicated either a graphical box corresponding to their choice. Analysis of
smaller increase in activity (fig. 18.3, lower right panel) or the fNIRS signals during specific time periods produced the

Left hemisphere Right hemisphere

× 10–5 ch.6 × 10–5 ch.16
1 OxyHB 1.5
Left hand
0 0
Concentration changes


–1 –1.5

× 10–5 × 10–6
2 10

Right hand

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Time (s)

Figure 18.3 The BOLD response during motor imagery over the ipsilateral (same side as the hand of movement) and contralateral motor cortices. The figure shows
sample left- and right-hemisphere signals of average response from a subject performing left-hand and right-hand motor imagery. Channels over the side of the
motor cortex contralateral to the motor imagery (upper right and lower left) show activation (i.e., increased oxy-Hb and decreased deoxy-Hb). Channels over the
side of the motor cortex ipsilateral to the motor imagery (upper left and lower right) show either a similar but smaller response (lower right) or an opposite
response (upper left). (Modified and reprinted with permission from Sitaram et al., 2007b.) The y-axes of all plots show change of molar concentration (red,
oxy-Hb; blue, deoxy-Hb).

C H A P T E R 1 8 . B C I S T H AT U S E B R A I N M E TA B O L I C S I G N A L S | 3 0 5
features used by the classifier. Classification accuracy was eval- Hilbert transforms (King, 2009) to compute the instantaneous
uated by seven-fold cross-validation. Using simple features and amplitude and phase values of the fNIRS signal at each time
a linear classifier, the authors demonstrated that it was possible point. The values from a training data set (i.e., data for which
to decode subject preference from a single presentation of the correct answers were known) were then used to define
each of the two choices with an average accuracy of 80%. If this amplitude and phase vectors. A measure of Mahalanobis dis-
paradigm can be adapted to online analysis, it could poten- tance (an inverse measure of the covariance of a vector)
tially be used in a BCI to provide communication and control. (Mahalanobis, 1936) (chapter 7) was used to divide the two-
Naito et al. (2007) tested an offline classifier with fNIRS dimensional plot of amplitude and phase vectors into two dis-
signals recorded from a single channel over the left frontal lobe tinct regions, a “yes” region and a “no” region. When samples
(an area known to be involved in cognitive tasks), while sub- are normally distributed, the Mahalanobis distance is inversely
jects were asked to answer simple questions with “yes” or “no” proportional to the probability that a sample belongs to a given
(fig. 18.4). They used a feature-extraction method based on class. Mahalanobis distances for both “yes” and “no” vectors
were separately computed. A discriminant function was subse-
quently determined from the training set as a difference of the
A - Yes square of the above two distances such that if the function was
greater than zero, the sample belonged to the “yes” class and if
it was less than zero it belonged to the “no” class (fig. 18.4,
Light intensity

bottom panel). This function was then applied to test data to

1 determine whether the subject’s response was “yes” or “no.”
This method was found to perform well offline as indicated by
0.99 the classification performance of above 70% (Naito et al., 2007).
Rest Answer Rest
Whether it can be adapted to function effectively in an online
0.98 BCI remains to be determined.
0 12 24 36


B - No During BCI operation, one or both of two kinds of adaptation
may occur: the system may adapt to the user, and/or the user
Light intensity

may adapt to the system (chapter 8). System adaptation involves

changes in signal acquisition, feature extraction (chapter 7),
and/or feature translation (chapter 8). User adaptation reflects
changes in the signals that occur as the subject learns to use the
0.99 system. In adapting to the system, the user may invoke a mental
strategy to produce a suitable signal (e.g., motor imagery).
0.98 Feedback to the user and reward for success are both generated
0 12 24 36
Time (s) by the system and are critical for enabling rapid and effective
learning. Contingent feedback is known to help in the operant
learning of control of brain activity for the successful operation
C Yes of a BCI (e.g., Birbaumer et al., 2008). In the few online fNIR-
BCI studies reported thus far, visual feedback has been used to
Max amplitude xamp (%)

Q(x) = 0
1 indicate the degree of success of the subject’s mental imagery
in producing the target fNIR signal.

f N I R S - B C I I M P L E M E N TAT I O N S T O D AT E
Several laboratories have published studies describing fNIRS-
based BCIs. The first such experiments were carried out with
healthy subjects in separate efforts by Coyle and colleagues
0 (Coyle et al., 2004; Coyle et al., 2007) and by Sitaram and
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
colleagues (Sitaram et al., 2005). These studies took advantage
Oscillation number xosc
of the observation that during motor imagery (as during actual
Figure 18.4 Sample data from the first test of an fNIRS-based BCI in a large
movement), oxy-Hb concentration increases and deoxy-Hb
group of people with severe disabilities. Patients were asked to imagine concentration decreases in the contralateral hemisphere (as
singing a fast song to answer “yes” and to perform counting numbers in a seen in figs. 18.3 and 18.5). Thus, they used fNIRS signals
reverse order to answer “no.” (Top) Waveforms of “yes” responses. (Middle) associated with various kinds of motor imagery.
Waveforms of “no” responses. Waves were low-pass filtered (0.1 Hz), and the
Coyle et al. (2004) asked subjects to imagine continually
response for each trial was normalized in terms of the average response.
(Bottom) Linear discriminant analysis of “yes” and “no” waveforms (䊊 data
clenching and releasing a ball with one hand while an fNIRS
for the answer “yes”; × data for the answer “no”). The analysis interval is 10–35 system recorded signals over the motor cortices of both hemi-
sec. (Reprinted with permission from Naito et al., 2007.) spheres. They calculated average oxy-Hb concentration levels

306 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
for successive 1-sec intervals from the data of two channels Sitaram et al. (2008) implemented an fNIRS-based online
(i.e., two optode pairs), one over each motor cortex (near the word speller as a potential means of communication for people
C3 and C4 locations of the International 10–20 system). The who are locked-in. (Their system supports real-time data
data were acquired for 20 sec at a 100-Hz sampling rate. Visual acquisition for two commercially available fNIR systems:
feedback was provided by a circle on the screen that shrank OMM-1000 [Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan] and
and expanded with changes in oxy-Hb concentrations. To Imagent System [ISS Inc., Champaign, USA]). The word-
determine if the brain was in a state of rest or activation, they speller interface enables fNIRS responses created by left and
used a threshold of intensity of the oxy-Hb concentration right hand motor imagery to spell words by a two-choice
at the contralateral motor cortex channel (i.e., they compared cursor-control paradigm. The user employs left- or right-hand
the measures from the right and left hemisphere channels). imagery to move the cursor to the left or right, respectively, to
The reference level or threshold was set as the maximum select a box that contains the letter of choice. Feature vectors of
amplitude during the first 10 sec of the window. An event was oxy- and deoxy-Hb values from all channels in a moving
noted if the average oxy-Hb concentration was greater than the window of 4 sec are used as input to the pattern classifier to
reference level. determine the brain state.
Coyle et al. (2007) extended this study to develop a cus- The study by Naito et al. (2007) was the first investigation
tom-built fNIRS-BCI system that they called the “Mindswitch.” of an fNIRS-BCI in a relatively large group of severely disabled
The Mindswitch operated in a synchronous mode (i.e., only people, 40 men and women with ALS, among whom 17 were
during defined periods) with the objective of establishing a in a completely locked-in state (see chapter 19). These investi-
binary yes-or-no signal for communication (fig. 18.5). The gators used a single forehead fNIRS channel with 30-mm
authors compared the oxy-Hb concentration changes induced source/detector spacing and two wavelengths of NIR emission
by motor imagery to drive a selection between two options (770 and 840 nm) to measure the BOLD response. The goal
provided by a visual interface. The option associated with a was to allow the subjects to express a simple yes-no response.
larger change in oxy-Hb was then chosen as the desired The subject was asked a question. If the answer was “yes,” the
response. The fNIRS signal was derived from a single channel subject performed a mental calculation (e.g., multiplication of
on the left motor cortex. The protocol consisted of two options two big numbers) or imagined singing fast. If the answer was
alternately presented to the user and highlighted by the con- “no,” s/he imagined relaxing. The amplitude and phase of the
trolling software. When the desired option was highlighted, fNIRS signal for yes and no (fig. 18.4, top and middle panels)
the users performed motor imagery (i.e., they were instructed were calculated and analyzed by discriminant analysis to deter-
to imagine clenching a ball with their right hand while attend- mine the person’s answer. The average accuracy for the online
ing to the kinesthetic experience of movement) to enhance the operation of the BCI was 70% for the 23 people who were not
oxy-Hb signal in the motor cortex to indicate their choice. completely locked-in, but only 40% (i.e., below the chance
Experiments with healthy subjects showed that the signals accuracy of 50%) for the 17 people who were completely
were correctly classified in more than 80% of trials. locked-in. For the successful users, the average rate of correct
detection was about 80%. The fNIRS signals of those who were
completely locked-in showed only spontaneous low-frequency
oscillations and no apparent responses to the questions. The
× 10–4 Subject 2 - mindswitch authors suggest lack of motivation (i.e., as in learned helpless-
HbO, imagery
ness), as well as low levels of brain activation as possible
6 Hb, imagery reasons for this observation.
HbO, no imagery These initial offline and online fNIRS-based BCI studies in
4 Hb, no imagery people with and without disabilities suggest that a useful com-
Conc. change (mM.cm)

munication system might well be developed. However, its

2 potential value for people with the most severe disabilities
remains uncertain.


–4 The principal advantages of fNIRS for BCI applications are that

it is noninvasive and could readily be incorporated into rela-
–6 Target tively small, portable, inexpensive, and convenient systems. In
Rest Rest
these properties, it is clearly superior to other noninvasive
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 imaging methods such as fMRI (see chapter 4 and discussion,
Time (s) this chapter), PET (chapter 4), and MEG (chapter 3), which are
much more expensive and cumbersome and are thus largely
Figure 18.5 fNIRS measurement of hemodynamic (BOLD) response from the
confined to special laboratory environments (Hoshi, 2007).
right motor cortex during target selection by motor imagery in the
“Mindswitch” system. The average response for 10 trials is shown. The
fNIR-BCI systems could prove to be more convenient than
subject’s oxy-Hb (HbO) level increases during motor imagery. (HbO: oxy-Hb; EEG systems that depend on wet electrodes. Further miniatur-
Hb: deoxy-Hb) (Reprinted from Coyle et al., 2007, with permission.) ization using integrated optics and microelectromechanical

C H A P T E R 1 8 . B C I S T H AT U S E B R A I N M E TA B O L I C S I G N A L S | 3 0 7
(MEMS) devices could produce wearable fNIR-BCIs. In this weaknesses for BCI applications, and future developments that
regard portable instruments (e.g., HEO 200, from Omron Ltd., might be expected for this technology.
Tokyo, Japan) that allow users to move about during measure-
ment have recently been developed.
Because NIR light penetrates only about 3.0 cm into the fMRI PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE
head, an fNIR-BCI is sensitive only to activity changes in MRI is based on the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance
superficial brain layers. Nevertheless, broad areas of cortex are (NMR), a property of the quantum mechanical spin of atomic
accessible with this method. With further development of mul- nuclei that was discovered in the 1940s. Although NMR has
tichannel systems, fNIR-BCIs might enable increasingly com- been used in chemical and biochemical research for many
plex real-time communication and control. years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a more recent
Although fNIRS detection has the advantage of good technology for generating detailed images of the human body.
temporal resolution (i.e., <1 sec), the temporal resolution using In the early 1990s, Ogawa and colleagues first reported the use
this method is limited by the BOLD response itself, which is of MRI to image the functional human brain in a completely
relatively slow (3–6 sec [Logothetis, 2003]), at least as mea- noninvasive manner (Ogawa et al., 1990).
sured by current imaging methods. Other optical signals, such Brain function is known to involve many complex pro-
as the event-related optical signal (EROS) (Gratton et al., 2006), cesses including changes in blood flow, blood volume, and
have been reported to be faster; these offer the possibility of blood oxygenation, and the production of metabolic by-prod-
speedier activation and better control. For future use in BCI ucts. fMRI has the capability to measure parameters related to
development, use of such signals needs to be replicated and several of these physiological functions. As discussed in chap-
confirmed, and signal acquisition and analysis methods need ter 4, the most common use of fMRI measures BOLD contrast
to be configured for real-time operation. Such developments (Bandettini et al., 1992; Kwong et al., 1992; Ogawa et al., 1990),
could substantially increase the potential usefulness of fNIRS which is based on the magnetic susceptibility of hemoglobin
technology for BCI applications. (Hb). Because deoxygenated-Hb (deoxy-Hb) is paramagnetic,
its presence causes a distortion in the local magnetic field,
f M R I -BA S ED BC I S which produces a local change in the magnetic resonance
signal. Since brain activity changes deoxy-Hb concentrations
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is another non- in the blood, brain activity can be inferred by detecting changes
invasive imaging method based on nonelectrical brain signals in the magnetic resonance signal. The signal changes detected
that can be used for BCIs. As in fNIRS, fMRI also measures the by fMRI are caused by the dominance of increased blood flow
BOLD effect: it infers changes in brain activity from the changes during brain activation relative to changes in blood volume
in blood flow that are calculated from changes in oxy-Hb and and oxygen utilization (chapter 4). This constitutes the BOLD
deoxy-Hb concentrations. Whereas an fNIRS system measures response that is also the basis for fNIRS methodology. Although
changes in oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb based on their differing opti- details of the relationship between the BOLD signal and neural
cal properties, fMRI detects changes in oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb activity have not been completely established, accumulating
based on their differing magnetic properties. Because the hemo- evidence suggests that the BOLD signal is correlated with
dynamic response due to the BOLD effect lags behind neuronal changes in local field potentials (LFPs) (Logothetis, 2003).
activity by approximately 3–6 sec (Logothetis, 2003), hemody- With fMRI, measurement of the BOLD response allows the
namic signals acquired from fMRI, as is the case for fNIRS, have generation of detailed images of brain activity.
a relatively slow response time and low temporal resolution. On In a typical fMRI experiment, brain activity in a condition
the other hand, fMRI offers very high spatial resolution and of interest (e.g., right-hand finger tapping) is determined by
the possibility of complete brain coverage, including areas deep comparing functional images in this condition with images
within the brain. Chapter 4 discusses the fundamental princi- from a baseline condition in which the subject remains relaxed
ples of fMRI operation. Here we discuss its use in a BCI. without performing the task. This is sometimes referred to as
The principal difference that distinguishes fMRI BCI appli- subtractive methodology. Only after generating an average
cations from standard uses of fMRI is that the latter usually subtraction image or a map of a statistical parameter (e.g., a
depend on offline analyses to produce the images, whereas BCI pixel-by-pixel t-test comparison between the conditions),
applications require rapid online analysis to enable real-time are the regions of activity discernible. These regions can be
communication and control. Real-time fMRI was first reported superimposed onto high-resolution anatomical images or ren-
by Cox and colleagues in 1995 (Cox et al., 1995). Since that dered volumes in order to identify the structures in the brain
time the development of fMRI-BCIs has been facilitated by that are activated. Real-time fMRI and later developments
several important advances: improved MRI scanners; faster in fMRI-based BCI and neurofeedback have been enhanced
data-acquisition sequences; better real-time preprocessing and by significant advances in several technical areas: higher-
statistical-analysis algorithms; improved methods for visualiz- field magnets; multichannel receiver coils; improved tech-
ing brain activation; and improved methods for providing niques for signal preprocessing and artifact removal; improved
feedback to the subject. This section reviews the basic princi- analysis of functional images and statistical parametric map-
ples of fMRI and discusses the architecture and components of ping of brain activation; improved machine learning and pat-
an fMRI-based BCI, its applications to date, its strengths and tern recognition techniques; and affordable high-performance

308 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
computers. Moreover, with the advent of very rapid echo planar SAG Slices
imaging (EPI) (Bandettini et al., 1992), fMRI captures fast
changes in brain function with increased signal-to-noise

f M R I - B A S E D B C I S T R U C T U R E A N D O P E R AT I O N A
Slice thickness
Like other BCI systems, an fMRI-based BCI system includes
components for signal acquisition and signal processing (for 1.5 s
feature extraction and translation) (fig. 18.6). It produces out-
puts for an application, and it must provide real-time feedback
to the user. In present fMRI systems, these different compo- 1.5 s
nents are typically handled by separate computers connected by 1.5 s
a local-area network (LAN). Further details about the compo-
nents and physical structure of fMRI-based BCI systems may
be found in Sitaram et al. (2009) and Weiskopf et al. (2007).


An echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence (Bandettini et al.,
1992) is used to acquire whole brain images from experimental
subjects. With this technique, the three-dimensional brain is Time
divided into a specified number of two-dimensional slices of

Figure 18.7 An illustration of slice positioning and image acquisition in a

real-time fMRI measurement. Slices are positioned in an initial EPI reference
scan of the subject. In this example, 16 slices are positioned in a sagittal view.
Signal acquisition Slice thickness and gap thickness between slices are shown. (Data from
authors’ laboratory.)

specific thickness (e.g., 5 mm) and a specific gap (e.g., 1 mm)

between the slices (fig. 18.7). More slices give better spatial
resolution, but they also require more acquisition time. Thus,
Participant Signal feedback Signal analysis there is a trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution.
This is important because a BCI functions in real time and thus
depends on rapid signal acquisition, rapid signal processing,
and rapid production of output and feedback to the user.
In fMRI-based BCI uses, each brain slice is typically about
5 mm thick and has 64 × 64 (i.e., 4096) pixels, giving 3–4 mm
resolution in each dimension of the plane of the slice. For
example, Caria et al. (2007) used 16 slices with 4096 pixels/
BCI program slice, providing a voxel size (i.e., the brain volume assesed by
each data point) of ∼54 mm3 (i.e., ∼3.3mm × ∼3.3mm × 5mm),
with each voxel containing millions of neurons. These param-
eters provided adequate spatial and temporal resolution to
access the functional activation of a circumscribed region of
the brain (e.g., the left anterior insula). Acquisition of whole-
brain images is normally performed at intervals of 1–1.5 sec
Figure 18.6 An fMRI-based BCI system can be considered as a closed-loop (deCharms et al., 2004; Weiskopf et al., 2003) using EPI.
control system. Whole-brain images from healthy subjects or patients are
acquired employing a conventional Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) sequence or one
of its variants. The measured hemodynamic response due to the BOLD effect is
preprocessed for correction of artifacts (such as head motion). The signal
analysis subsystem performs statistical analysis and generates functional maps. The real-time operation essential for an fMRI-based BCI
Feedback can be presented to the subject in different modalities (e.g., visual, requires that brain images be produced immediately after
acoustic) and with a variety of visualization methods (e.g., varying activity levels each set of whole-brain images is acquired for each repetition
in one or more regions of interest [ROIs] using a graphical thermometer as
time (TR) (usually 1–1.5 sec). Because the standard MRI anal-
shown in the figure, or with functional maps, continuously updated curves of
the mean activity in one or more selected ROIs, or augmented interfaces such
ysis options originally provided by manufacturers did not sup-
as Virtual Reality). port such real-time image reconstruction, early developers of

C H A P T E R 1 8 . B C I S T H AT U S E B R A I N M E TA B O L I C S I G N A L S | 3 0 9
fMRI-based BCIs created their own sequences and image- increased brain activity) in specific conditions (such as when a
reconstruction programs (see chapter 4). For example, person performs motor imagery) and determines coefficients
Weiskopf and colleagues (Weiskopf et al., 2003; Weiskopf et al., to be used to translate the data from these voxels into BCI
2004b) modified the Siemens (Siemens Medical Systems, output. Since the number of trials available for such prelimi-
Erlangen, Germany) scanner’s software to reconstruct whole- nary analyses is usually limited, Bagarinao et al. (2003) devel-
brain images after each TR and to store these images in a folder oped a method for real-time GLM-coefficient estimation that
that could be immediately accessed for further processing, can be updated as new data become available. Thus, this
analysis, output, and feedback by the fMRI-based BCI system. approach is adaptive (see chapter 8) and is suitable for fMRI-
More recently, MRI manufacturers have upgraded their scan- based BCIs. A similar approach is taken by the analysis soft-
ning software to enable real-time acquisition of whole brain ware TBV (Brain Innovations, Maastricht, the Netherlands),
images (e.g., Siemens 3T, Syngo version VB15). which is employed in the data shown in figure 18.8. It uses the
After signal acquisition for each time point, the recon- recursive least-squares regression algorithm (Pollock, 1999) to
structed images are transferred to another computer where the incrementally update the GLM estimates. In subsequent online
images are pre-processed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio operation the results of the updated GLM estimate (or the
(SNR). In general, the SNR of fMRI data increases with the correlational analysis) are applied to the fMRI data from
strength of the main magnetic field and with more sophisti- each successive time-point to determine the BCI output and
cated MRI pulse sequences (chapter 4). Nevertheless, noise is provide feedback to the BCI user.
inevitably present in the raw signal, and thus a variety of Up to the present, many fMRI-based BCI studies have
preprocessing procedures have been developed to remove it. employed univariate methods to focus on one or two ROIs.
One of the major sources of noise in fMRI data is head motion, Although they measure brain activity repeatedly from many
which can interfere with detection of changes in brain activity thousands of locations, univariate methods are limited because
or can even mimic them. Head padding or a bite bar can reduce they analyze each location separately (Haynes and Rees, 2006).
head motion but cannot entirely eliminate it. Respiratory and Recent work shows that the sensitivity of human neuroimag-
cardiac artifacts are other sources of noise. Motion correction ing may be improved by taking into account the spatial pattern
in real time requires efficient algorithms that can be executed of brain activity (Davatzikos et al., 2005; Mitchell et al., 2003;
on fMRI data sets within a single TR. Norman et al., 2006; Polyn et al., 2005). A major argument for
In addition to corrections for motion, preprocessing using more than single ROIs is that perceptual, cognitive, or
typically includes spatial smoothing (i.e., low-pass spatial emotional activities generally recruit a distributed network of
filtering). It may also include averaging the data over specific brain regions. Pattern-based analysis methods recognize this
brain regions of interest (ROI). These measures can further and use not only the individual voxel values but also their
compensate for motion artifacts, minimize the impact of inter- spatiotemporal relationships. Many studies have reported
subject variability, and reduce data complexity (Weiskopf et al., offline classification of fMRI signals using various pattern-
2004b). based methods, such as multilayer neural networks (Norman
et al., 2006), Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD) classifier
f M R I F E AT U R E T R A N S L AT I O N A N D O U T P U T (Mourao-Miranda et al., 2005), and Support Vector Machines
After the images are generated, the software performs statisti- (SVM) (Lee et al. 2010) (chapter 8). LaConte et al. (2006) and
cal analysis and generates functional maps using such methods Sitaram et al. (2010) reported the implementation of real-time
as: subtraction of active or rest conditions; correlation analysis; pattern-classification systems practical for BCI use.
multiple regression; a General Linear Model (GLM); or pattern Sitaram et al. (2010) implemented a real-time multi-class
classification. Most fMRI-based BCI studies have used univar- brain-state classification of fMRI signals using a support vector
iate signal-analysis methods to translate fMRI data into BCI machine (SVM) to recognize discrete emotional states, such
output. A commonly used univariate method for detecting as happiness and disgust (as shown in fig. 18.9), on a scan-by-
neuronal activity from fMRI time-series data is correlation scan basis, in healthy individuals instructed to recall emotion-
analysis. This method computes correlation coefficients ally salient episodes from their lives. Real-time head-motion
between the time series of the reference vector representing the correction, spatial smoothing, and feature selection based on
change in the task conditions and the measurement vector of a new method of multivariate statistical mapping called
each voxel. For example, six alternating time blocks of motor effect mapping (Lee et al., 2010) reduced data dimension and
imagery and rest conditions, each of 30-sec duration, with a improved prediction accuracy (Sitaram et al., 2010). The clas-
1-sec TR, could be a task protocol for an fMRI-based BCI sifier showed robust prediction rates in decoding three discrete
experiment; in such a case, a reference vector could be pro- emotional states (happiness, sadness, disgust) in 16 partici-
duced by representing each scan of motor imagery with a value pants. Subjective reports of the degree of emotional recall pos-
of 1 and each scan of the rest condition with a value 0. itively correlated with positive-affect scores and negatively
Another common method is a general linear model (GLM), correlated with negative-affect scores, indicating that the mood
which provides a unified framework for univariate analysis of and motivational state of an individual determine his success
the fMRI data (Friston et al., 1995). A GLM can model multi- at emotional imagery and regulation. Further research by this
ple experimental and confounding effects simultaneously. research group is in progress to apply the real-time pattern
Prior to actual online BCI use, an offline GLM analysis identi- decoding of emotions to create an “affective BCI” for commu-
fies the voxels that are significantly activated (i.e., show nicating with people with Alzheimer’s disease.

310 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S


7 47
Time (s)


7 47
Time (s)
Event-related average



Left hand imagery

Right hand imagery

ROI 2 Rest

Time (s)
–3 0 3 6 9 12 15

Figure 18.8 Online generation of BOLD signal from two regions of interest (ROI): ROI1 (red) is in the right primary motor cortex and is activated by left-hand motor
imagery (red time segments in top plot on upper right); ROI2 (green) is in the left primary motor cortex and is activated by right-hand motor imagery (green time
segments in bottom plot on upper right). The subject used fMRI-based BCI feedback to acquire volitional regulation of the BOLD signal. The left side of the
images is the right side of the brain (radiological orientation). A, anterior; P, posterior; R, right; L, left. (Data from authors’ laboratory.)

FEEDBACK TO THE BCI USER feedback from specific anatomical ROIs (Weiskopf et al.,
People can learn to regulate brain activity when a measure of 2004a,b). A functional localization experiment (e.g., that
this activity, such as the BOLD signal, is provided as feedback presents a specific stimulus or asks the user to perform a spe-
(Schwartz and Andrasik, 1995). Learning is best if the feedback cific mental task) is conducted to define the anatomical land-
is accurate and occurs very quickly. With fMRI’s high spatial marks and identify the relevant activation, so that appropriate
resolution and whole brain coverage, it is possible to provide region-specific feedback can be provided. For example, overt




SVM output
Design labels
0 40 80 120 160 200

Figure 18.9 Binary classification of two emotions (happiness and disgust) in one subject. (A) Online support vector machine (SVM) output. (B) Effect map, with
yellow/red colors depicting pixels that discriminate for the happy condition and blue/green colors depicting pixels for the disgust condition. The six images
represent brain slices from a single subject. The brain activations (in color) were the result of a multivariate analysis of fMRI signals acquired in multiple trials of
emotional imagery. (Adapted from Sitaram et al., 2010.)

C H A P T E R 1 8 . B C I S T H AT U S E B R A I N M E TA B O L I C S I G N A L S | 3 1 1
finger tapping, movement imagery, or observing a particular may have greater application as a tool in neuroscience research
action can activate specific brain regions. Pattern-based meth- and in clinical treatment of neurological and psychiatric
ods (Laconte et al., 2006) can identify patterns of activation in pathologies (Sitaram et al., 2007; deCharms et al., 2008; Ruiz
multiple spatially distributed ROIs that interact with each et al., 2008).
other, and these patterns can be used to control feedback. Some recent studies (e.g., Boly et al., 2007) used fMRI to
After a specific ROI activation pattern to be used as feed- detect awareness in an unresponsive person with brain injury
back is identified, further processing is conducted to produce a by detecting the brain activation produced by spatial naviga-
representation of brain activity suitable for presentation as tion and motor-imagery tasks. Implementation of an online
feedback. Feedback is most commonly presented visually and version of this protocol might enable the assessment of the
in a variety of forms including functional maps, continuously state of consciousness in these individuals, and help medical
updated curves, graphical thermometers that display activity personnel and caregivers to develop basic communication
in one or more selected ROIs, or Virtual Reality (VR) displays with them.
(deCharms et al., 2004; Weiskopf et al., 2003; Sitaram et al.,
2005; Sitaram, 2007). Feedback-presentation intervals cannot
be less than the time needed for image acquisition and process-
ing; this time depends on the speed of the computer hardware In spite of its high cost and complex set-up, fMRI has distinct
and the efficiency of the algorithms. The timing can directly advantages for exploration and development of better BCI sys-
affect system performance. If a user is to learn to control tems. Its high spatial resolution, whole-brain coverage, and
the activity in a particular ROI, it is important that feedback anatomical specificity make it a potentially powerful tool for
occur within 1–2 sec of the change in brain signal (Caria et al., exploring novel BCI paradigms or for guiding the use of other
2007). BCI signal modalities. It could be useful for optimizing the
By conventional univariate methods, the signal change in placements of EEG, ECoG, or intracortical electrodes, or fNIRS
an ROI is usually computed as a difference between the BOLD optodes. Since technology for simultaneous acquisition of EEG
signal at that time-point and the BOLD signal during a and fMRI signals is already available, fMRI could help localize
baseline condition. The specificity of the feedback can be the sources of specific EEG features (e.g., specific evoked
further improved by having it reflect both positive and nega- potentials or EEG rhythms). Furthermore, fMRI could be valu-
tive changes in the activity in the ROI. Alternatively, some able in assessing the possible long-term effects of prolonged
studies (e.g., Weiskopf et al., 2004b) have provided feedback BCI use.
that reflects the difference in activation between two ROIs. Beyond the practical considerations of the expense and
This method greatly reduces the nonspecific effects of global size of the fMRI equipment, at present the major limitation of
changes caused by factors such as arousal and attention due to fMRI technology as a modality for BCI is its limited temporal
the task or spontaneous changes in the user; it cancels out these resolution. This is due to the fact that, as now used, fMRI
nonspecific effects, leaving the effects specific to the task (i.e., detects changes in brain activity by measuring changes in
imagining a right- or left-hand movement). Finally, correlation blood flow, which are relatively slow. However, methods are
coefficients and effective connectivity measures might be being developed for using MRI to directly measure changes in
used as feedback measures to train participants to regulate specific neurotransmitters and other chemical components,
activation patterns in brain networks, rather than simply in and to measure neuronal electrical processes. This technology,
individual circumscribed brain regions. called functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRS),
monitors the spectroscopic signals that reflect chemical pro-
cesses associated with neural activity (see chapter 4). fMRS
f M R I - B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S T O D AT E
could directly measure metabolic activity involved in excit-
Due to the high expense, nonportability, and technical com- atory and inhibitory neurotransmission by following the
plexity of fMRI systems, fMRI has not been widely used in concentrations and synthesis rates of metabolites involved in
development of BCIs to provide communication and control neuroenergetics, amino acid neurotransmission, and neuro-
for severely disabled people. Nevertheless, a few studies have modulation. Metabolites such as aspartate, gamma-amino
determined that fMRI can enable BCI control. Lee et al. (2009) butyric acid (GABA), glucose, glutamate, glutamine, and
developed an fMRI-based BCI with which the user controlled lactate could be measured within precisely defined regions in
the two-dimensional movement of a robotic arm. The users the brain.
were able to regulate regional activation of the primary motor Recently, Northoff et al. (2007) combined fMRI with fMRS
cortex with left- and right-hand motor imagery. The BOLD measurements at rest to detect negative BOLD responses (i.e.,
signal originating from the corresponding hand motor area reflecting decreased brain activity) and changes in the concen-
was translated into horizontal or vertical robotic hand move- tration of the neurotransmitter GABA in the right anterior cin-
ment, and visual feedback was provided. Results with three gulate cortex. With this approach they observed that the
participants demonstrated that brain activity associated with concentration of GABA in this region correlated with negative
motor imagery was detected by fMRI and supported real-time BOLD responses. Since it is not yet known whether humans
control of the robotic arm. can learn to control the concentrations of specific metabolites,
Although fMRI has not been extensively used as a modality online monitoring of metabolites by fMRS could provide
for BCIs for communication and control, fMRI-based BCIs important information about the underlying neurochemical

312 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
processes during the learned control of brain activity. Such Friston, K. J., Holmes, A. P., Poline, J. B., Grasby, P. J., Williams, S. C.,
Frackowiak, R. S., and Turner, R. (1995). Analysis of fMRI time-series
advances in fMRS methodology could also provide much more revisited. Neuroimage, 2(1), 45–53.
direct and precise measures of rapid changes in brain activity Gratton, G., Brumback, C. R., Gordon, B. A., Pearson, M. A., Low, K. A., and
and thereby contribute to BCI development. Fabiani, M. (2006). Effects of measurement method, wavelength, and
source-detector distance on the fast optical signal. Neuroimage, 32(4),
Haynes, J. D., and Rees, G. (2006). Decoding mental states from brain activity
SUM MA RY in humans. Nat Rev Neurosci, 7(7), 523–534.
Hoshi, Y. (2007). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy: Current status and
future prospects. J Biomed Opt, 12(6), 062106.
BCIs that use metabolic signals (i.e., fNIR-based BCIs and Huettel, S. A. (2004). Non-linearities in the blood-oxygenation-level
fMRI-based BCIs) are still in the early stages of research and dependent (BOLD) response measured by functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI). Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 6, 4413–4416.
development compared to BCIs that use electrical signals Huppert, T. J., Hoge, R. D., Diamond, S. G., Franceschini, M. A., and Boas, D.
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rain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have captured the human interaction. For people who have severe communication
imagination of scientists and the public for many years. disabilities despite intact cognition, BCI technology is poised
As described in other chapters in this book, hundreds of to have a profound impact. One clinical condition, locked-in
research laboratories around the world, as well as a handful of syndrome (LIS), is commonly identified as the most immediate
companies, are now focused on BCI research and development. target for BCI research. LIS was defined by Plum and Posner in
This phenomenon stands in sharp contrast to the very small 1966 as: “…a state in which selective supranuclear motor de-
number of people actually using BCIs outside of a research efferentation produces paralysis of all four limbs and the last
environment. If we define a BCI as a system that provides brain cranial nerves without interfering with consciousness. The vol-
control of an external device for communication or control, BCIs untary motor paralysis prevents the subjects from communi-
are currently in daily use by fewer than 10 people (primarily cating by word or body movement” (Plum and Posner 1966).
people with advanced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS]). LIS can result from a variety of clinical etiologies, including:
(Note that this definition does not include the investigational acute events such as ischemic or hemorrhagic infarction of the
responsive neurostimulation systems that are discussed later in brainstem (particularly the ventral pons), or traumatic brain
this chapter or the various other types of systems discussed in injury leading to torsion or compression of brainstem struc-
chapter 1.) The public, scientific, and media interest in BCI tures, basilar artery vasospasm, or central pontine myelinoly-
research results not from its widespread achievements but, sis; subacute disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome; or
instead, from promising early demonstrations of the remark- slowly developing or chronic diseases such as brainstem tumor
able potential for BCIs to help people replace or restore or motor neuron disease, most notably amyotrophic lateral
functions that have been compromised by illness or injury. sclerosis (ALS). A transient LIS can also be induced by
Most of this book is focused on the “what” and “how” of BCIs. pharmacologic neuromuscular blockade (with mechanical
For the purposes of this chapter, we will assume that the chal- ventilation) in the absence of adequate sedation (Topulos et al.
lenges of BCI development will be overcome and that the BCIs 1993).
currently being envisaged will become available to the people who The BCI literature displays some understandable inconsis-
want and need them. Here, we ask a more fundamental question: tency regarding the meaning of the term LIS. Indeed, the Plum
for whom, exactly, are these BCIs being developed? Whom will and Posner definition continues with: “Usually, but not always,
they serve and in what ways? To address these crucial ques- the anatomy of the responsible lesion in the brainstem is such
tions, we have organized our discussion by describing the func- that locked-in patients are left with the capacity to use vertical
tions that BCIs may eventually serve, and we highlight particular eye movements and blinking to communicate their awareness
clinical disorders that result in loss of these functions and the chal- of internal and external stimuli.”[emphasis added] (Plum
lenges that these disorders pose for BCI development. Commonly and Posner 1982). The principal inconsistencies in the use of
anticipated BCI functions fall into three categories: communica- the term LIS have thus concerned whether the person still
tion, mobility, and autonomic function. Following discussion of retains some control of eye movements. Bauer (Bauer et al.
these three categories, we consider other possible BCI uses and 1979) (cf. Laureys et al. 2005) provided a useful advance in the
then conclude by enumerating the properties that ideal BCI definition by distinguishing among:
systems would need to possess. Although such systems are
certainly not available at present, describing their essential • total LIS (with the absence of all voluntary
attributes can serve to focus and inform development efforts. movement, including eye movements)
• classical LIS (with intact vertical eye
R E STORIN G FU NCT IO NS LO ST DUE T O movements or blinking, as exemplified by
I NJ URY OR DIS EASE Jean-Dominique Bauby, who wrote the book
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly [Bauby 1997]
I M PA I R E D C O M M U N I C AT I O N using eyeblinks alone)
The ability to communicate—whether by speech, email, text • incomplete LIS (with retention of remnants of
message, or even a simple head nod or smile—is central to voluntary movement, such as a finger twitch)

For people with incomplete or classical LIS, early BCIs environment, whether for activities of daily living (e.g., eating,
using evoked potentials to choose among items in a matrix or bathing, dressing, brushing teeth, etc.), employment, enter-
to provide unidirectional or unidimensional cursor control tainment, or education (e.g., turning the pages of a book),
have already been shown to enable selection of letters or words occupy a substantial proportion of the day for most able-
on a screen. BCIs of this kind are currently in use by a small bodied people. Many diseases and injuries interfere with
number of people with advanced ALS (e.g., Sellers et al. 2010). mobility, and thus the restoration of mobility is a major goal of
In addition, BCIs that provide two-dimensional point- BCI research. It is important to realize that restoration of even
and-click interfaces have already been demonstrated (Kim small amounts of mobility (e.g., hand grasp) can markedly
et al. 2007; McFarland et al. 2008) and could enable powerful improve a person’s daily functioning. Hence, it is not essential
and intuitive control over standard software. When combined to restore total mobility, which would often be a formidable or
with word-prediction algorithms and text-to-speech programs, insurmountable task, particularly for people with severe dis-
and made generally available, these first-generation BCIs are abilities. By considering a series of impairments in mobility, we
expected to restore basic communication to people with incom- can begin to imagine how BCIs may eventually serve different
plete or classical LIS. populations of people with physical disabilities.
For people with total LIS (e.g., some people with advanced
ALS and on chronic mechanical ventilation), there has not yet TETRAPLEGIA
been a successful demonstration of BCI use. Although it is The partial impairment or total loss of function in the arms,
possible that this reflects the limitations of BCI systems trunk, legs, and pelvic organs (e.g., bladder, bowel) is referred
attempted thus far and/or the dearth of sufficiently meticulous to as tetraplegia (preferred to “quadriplegia” by the American
studies, it has also been suggested that the complete LIS state, Spinal Injury Association, ASIA [Maynard et al. 1997]).
as defined above, exists only transiently, since the state of com- Whereas ASIA applies this term specifically to people with
plete de-efferentation might quickly lead to diminished goal- injuries to neural elements within the spinal canal, people with
directed behavior (Birbaumer et al. 2008). Further research any disease or disorder that produces a partial or complete
will support or refute this hypothesis. In this research it will be paralysis of the arms and legs are commonly referred to as
essential to overcome the challenge of distinguishing an uncon- having tetraparesis or tetraplegia. Among the conditions that
scious state from failure of the BCI to enable a totally locked-in can lead to tetraplegia are cervical spinal-cord injury, brain-
person to communicate. stem stroke, ALS and other motor neuron diseases, Guillain-
The emergence of BCIs as tools to maintain communica- Barré syndrome, myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy,
tion for people with ALS raises important questions for both postpolio syndrome, neurofibromatosis, multiple sclerosis,
BCI development and clinical decision making. Although the spastic tetraplegia (a form of cerebral palsy), and “watershed”
vast majority of those with ALS in the United States and else- distribution bilateral strokes (so-called “man-in-the-barrel”
where currently elect not to be placed on mechanical ventila- syndrome [Olejniczak et al. 1991]) (cf. Christopher and
tion or other life-sustaining therapies, the availability of BCIs Dana Reeve Paralysis Foundation Report Foundation [CDR
that could ensure continued communication with family mem- 2009]).
bers and friends may change this decision (Hochberg and For the disabilities produced by many of these diseases and
Cochrane 2011). This issue is further complicated by the grow- injuries, currently available rehabilitative therapies and assis-
ing recognition that ALS can affect other aspects of cerebral tive technologies are, at best, only modestly effective; further-
function. Whereas some people with ALS retain intact cogni- more, continued access to them is often significantly restricted
tion, others develop cognitive deficits consistent with the fron- by insurance coverage, or the lack thereof. Given the hope that
totemporal-lobar degeneration that often accompanies the BCIs will help to restore mobility (and/or other) functions for
disease (Geser et al. 2010; Merrilees et al. 2010). Such associ- people with tetraplegia, it is tempting to perform a market
ated deficits may limit the types and locations of brain signals survey, asking people with tetraplegia what they might want
that might be used by BCIs, as well as the levels of concentra- from a BCI and whether they might want to use a BCI that
tion and attention that the BCI users can maintain. promises to achieve a particular outcome. However, market
Apart from LIS, other neurologic or head and neck injuries surveys have limitations when applied to medical devices and
can result in anarthria—the inability to speak, despite intact perhaps even more so for emerging neurotechnologies.
language comprehension and cognition. This differs from When a medical device is not yet supported by substantial
aphasia, in which the formulation or understanding of language evidence of safety and effectiveness (indeed, when the device
is affected. Studies are beginning to explore the possibility that might not even yet exist), it is unrealistic to expect people to
intended speech or language might be decoded from neural decide whether they would use it, particularly if it involves
signals in order to produce a so-called “speech prosthesis” some consideration of risk (e.g., an implanted BCI system).
(Brumberg et al. 2010). Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s disease provides
an excellent example. Imagine that in 1987 a research team had
told 1000 patients with Parkinson’s disease that they might be
able to walk more quickly and steadily and their hands might
Moving from one place to another, changing body position or not shake as much if they underwent a 7-hr brain surgery,
configuration, and manipulating objects in the immediate during which they would be awake, in which an electrode

318 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
50–60 mm long would be inserted near the center of the brain, accompanied by autonomic dysfunction (e.g., impairments of
with wires from the electrode tunneled under the skin to a bladder and bowel control; regulation of heart rate, blood pres-
pacemaker-like battery and stimulator in the chest, after which sure, body temperature; and sexual function) and is caused
the clinician would use a magnet to program the stimulator. most commonly by injury to the spinal cord. Thoracic/lumbar/
It is unlikely that many people would believe that such a device sacral spinal-cord injuries, postpolio syndrome, multiple scle-
could exist, much less that it could significantly reduce their rosis, neurofibromatosis, artery of Adamkiewicz ischemia,
disabilities, or that they would agree, even hypothetically, to spastic diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy), some types of mus-
undergo the procedure. Nevertheless, less than 25 years later, cular dystrophy, and bilateral anterior cerebral artery vasos-
DBS has become a standard of care (DBS 2001; Pahwa et al. pasm can all result in the inability to move the legs as well as
2006), and more than 80,000 patients with movement disor- impairments in bladder, bowel, and sexual function. Of the
ders have received these implants (Medtronic 2010). Thus, for 334 people with paraplegia due to spinal cord injury surveyed
people with tetraplegia, a market survey asking what a BCI in the Anderson (2004) study:
should do is unlikely to be a reliable guide for the scientists and
engineers designing BCIs. • 26.7% selected sexual function as their top
Far better is the simpler, more tractable question that was priority
asked by Anderson (2004): “What gain of function would
• 18% selected bladder/bowel function and the
dramatically improve your life?” In a survey of 347 people with
elimination of autonomic dysreflexia
tetraplegia and without mention of how such functional gains
would be achieved: • 16.5% selected increasing upper body/trunk
strength and balance
• 48.7% selected arm and hand function as their
• 15.9% selected regaining walking movement
top priority from among the seven choices that
were provided • 12% selected eliminating chronic pain
• 13% selected sexual function • 7.5% selected regaining normal sensation
• 11.5% selected upper-body/trunk strength and • 3.4% selected arm and hand function
It is striking—and perhaps surprising to many people with-
• 8.9% selected bladder/bowel function and the
out disabilities—that sexual and bowel/bladder/autonomic
elimination of autonomic dysreflexia (i.e., a life-
dysfunction are the most common first priorities for people
threatening condition resulting from abnormal
with paraplegia, and they have higher priority than does walk-
regulation of the autonomic nervous system)
ing for people with tetraplegia. This finding and its implica-
• 7.8% selected regaining walking movement tions will be discussed in this chapter’s section on autonomic
• 6.1% selected regaining normal sensation
Mobility, which is the most common priority for people
• 4% selected eliminating chronic pain. with tetraplegia, is also the first priority for about one-third of
those with paraplegia (Anderson 2004; Donnelly et al. 2004).
We believe that these responses will be useful in guiding the BCIs might help to restore mobility in a variety of ways, such as
development of BCIs aimed at future users with tetraplegia. It is providing control of powered wheelchairs, hand orthoses,
not surprising that restoration of arm and hand function was the robotic arms, or powered exoskeletons. Ultimately and most
first priority for about half of those with tetraplegia, since these desirably, systems that combine BCI technology with implanted
abilities are crucial to enhancing functional independence and functional electrical stimulation (FES) devices that activate
increasing participation in everyday life functions. Results similar paralyzed muscles might restore mobility that approaches
to these were reported by Snoek et al. (2004) after surveying normal motor control in speed, reliability, and ease of use
people with tetraplegia in the United Kingdom and the (Donoghue et al. 2007a; Donoghue et al. 2007b).
Netherlands. The growing power and ubiquity of computer-based
communication (e.g., email, text messaging) is further augment- LIMB LOSS
ing the importance of arm and hand function. The possibilities Amputation of one or more limbs due to trauma, vascular dis-
for using computers to control the local environment (e.g., in the ease, or for therapeutic purposes in the cases of some cancers
home or work place) also enhance their contributions to func- or infections, is another cause of decreased mobility or
tional independence. Thus, it is understandable and appropriate decreased ability to manipulate the immediate environment.
that much current BCI research and development is focused on Prosthetic limbs have been available for thousands of years
providing keyboard-like or mouse-like control of computers. (e.g., an early prosthetic leg, the “Roman Capua leg,” dates to
300 BCE, and the “Cairo toe” dates to 1295 BCE [Laferrier and
PA R A P L E G I A Gailey 2010]), and the past decade has seen the creation of
Paraplegia is the partial or complete loss of movement of remarkable powered and unpowered upper- and lower-extrem-
the lower, but not the upper, extremities. It may also be ity prosthetics (Aaron et al. 2006; Adee 2008). However, the

CHAPTER 1 9 . B C I U S E R S A N D T H E I R N E E D S | 319
functionality of these prostheses, particularly those for the have accessible facilities, on an airplane for a long trip). The
upper extremity, has been sharply limited by the controllers restoration of the ability to control autonomic functions—
that are available. These controllers are generally slow, provide specifically, to ensure continence when needed, and to permit
only simple, low-dimensional control, and require high con- voiding when desired—is a potentially valuable future role
centration on the part of the user. BCIs might provide much for BCI technology. Restoration of sexual function is simi-
more rapid and complex control and might thereby enable larly important, since sexual function affects how people
dexterous control of prosthetic limbs. Efforts to develop such perceive themselves and how they believe others perceive
systems have begun (Aaron et al. 2006). them. This importance is reinforced by the great emphasis
placed on sexual function by society (e.g., the extensive
attention and resources devoted to treating impotence in
I M PA I R E D A U T O N O M I C F U N C T I O N aging men).
In considering the functional losses incurred by people with The key point is the need to recognize that a person expe-
severe motor disabilities, able-bodied people frequently focus riencing lost function may have priorities for restoring func-
on the deficits that are most visible, that is, on losses of mobil- tion that are different from those expected by the able-bodied
ity and communication. This focus is reflected in the fact that population. In order to make devices that will actually be used
most research endeavors target these problems. However, for by the population for which the devices are intended, it is
those actually living with such disabilities, losses of bladder, imperative to address the priorities of that population.
bowel, and sexual function are often far more distressing and Because bladder and bowel control, sexual function, and
their restoration is thus considered most desirable. This reality other autonomic functions (e.g., blood pressure regulation)
is illustrated by the Anderson (2004) survey. For 39.7% of are in large part neurally based, BCI technology has the
people living with tetraplegia and for 38% of those living with opportunity to contribute to their restoration. Furthermore,
paraplegia, the first or second-highest priority was restoring bowel, bladder, and sexual functions generally take place
bladder/bowel function and eliminating autonomic dysreflexia during brief and often selectable time periods. Thus, the devel-
(Anderson 2004). For 28.3% of people living with tetraplegia opment of BCIs that restore these functions may not need to
and 45.5% of those living with paraplegia, the first or second- overcome the difficult problems associated with BCIs that
highest priority was restoring sexual function (Anderson 2004). must be available at most or all times (e.g., BCIs that restore
Similar results have been demonstrated by Widerstrom-Noga mobility) and that thus must avoid unintended or inappropri-
et al. (1999). ate outputs.
Loss of autonomic functions (e.g., bladder and bowel con-
trol, sexual function, regulation of heart rate, blood pressure,
and body temperature) can have a major impact on an indi- BCIs FOR REHABILITATION
vidual’s health, causing, among other problems, chronic kidney OF STROKE PATIENTS
infections, and contributing to severe ulcerations of skin and
subcutaneous tissues. Nearly every level and severity of spinal In addition to their potential role in replacing lost functions,
injury is associated with some degree of autonomic dysfunc- BCIs might also be useful in supplementing standard neurore-
tion. People with spinal injuries at thoracic level 6 or above can habilitation therapies so as to improve functional outcomes
also experience an additional problem known as autonomic (discussed in greater detail in chapter 22 of this volume).
dysreflexia, a dangerous increase (or, less commonly, decrease) Physical, occupational, and/or speech and language therapy
in blood pressure, which can be life-threatening if not man- are commonly used in stroke rehabilitation. Recognizing the
aged properly (Blackmer 2003). Bladder and bowel dysfunc- brain’s capacity for activity-dependent plasticity, newer reha-
tion are the two principal triggers of autonomic dysreflexia bilitative therapies seek to modify injured brain areas or to
(Blackmer 2003). Bladder and bowel dysfunction and auto- encourage noninjured brain areas to assume the functions of
nomic dysreflexia also impair sexual function in people with injured areas (Bolognini et al. 2009; Dobkin 2008; Wolf et al.
spinal cord injuries (Anderson et al. 2007a, 2007b, 2007c). The 2006). BCIs might contribute to these goals by encouraging the
significant correlation between experiencing autonomic dysre- return of brain activity that can enable voluntary control of the
flexia during bladder and bowel care and experiencing it during limbs, and/or by strengthening existing functional neural
sexual activity (Anderson et al. 2007a) suggests that the resto- pathways by pairing movement intentions (as perceived by the
ration of one aspect of autonomic function could benefit BCI) with actual movements (as assisted during therapeutic
several bodily systems. exercise).
In addition to their potentially serious health ramifications, In general, the beneficial effects of rehabilitation therapies
losses of bladder and bowel control have tremendous social are often limited by the amount of time that can be spent in
implications. Because they are socially unacceptable, these the therapy clinics and the number of visits that are covered
losses are devastating for those trying to participate in the by insurance (Buntin 2007). Hence, if BCI technologies are
community. Deficits in the maintenance of bowel and bladder to be effective in this arena, they should be suitable for home
function impair the ability to be in environments that lack use and easy to use without extensive ongoing professional
toilet facilities for unpredictable amounts of time (e.g., in a assistance or oversight. If these requirements are not met,
vehicle when there may be traffic, in a friend’s home that doesn’t the devices will not be readily accessible to many in the target

320 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
population. Input from the target population during all stages A WISH LIST FOR BCI USERS
of BCI development and testing in these areas will also be
critical for success. Although BCIs are likely to be customized to the needs of indi-
vidual users, this chapter offers an opportunity to look well into
the future and to imagine what the ideal BCI might provide for a
OTH ER POTEN T IAL B CI USERS person with locked-in syndrome, or how it might provide people
with tetraplegia the ability to care for themselves independently,
PEOPLE WITH EPILEPSY or how it might restore dignity to the millions of people living
with incontinence. As discussed in Anderson (2009) and noted
BCIs might assist in the management of other neurological in this chapter, it may not be possible for able-bodied researchers
or psychiatric illnesses. For example, in people with epilepsy, to fully understand the experience of a person living with a seri-
cortical-surface recordings may be used to detect the abnor- ous disability. It is thus imperative to seek end-user input early in
mal activity associated with seizures and then trigger stimula- the process of developing BCIs to help people with disabilities
tors to suppress this activity before the seizure becomes (see also chapter 11, this volume). Waiting until the marketing
clinically apparent (Sun et al. 2008). This is an example of a stage means wasted research time and resources. Here, taking
system that both directly detects and directly affects brain into account as much as possible the expressed desires of
activity. A BCI of this kind that could reliably predict an people with severe disabilities (see also chapter 11, this volume),
impending seizure might provide a warning ahead of time is a Top-Ten Wish List for a Perfect BCI.
(which would be extremely valuable) or even abort the seizure
by producing appropriate stimulation. Intracortical recordings
are now being employed to better understand the complex TOP-TEN WISH LIST FOR A PERFECT BCI
activities of individual neurons and neuronal networks during
1. Safe
the initiation, maintenance, and conclusion of seizures
(Truccolo et al. 2011). Early indications are that these rich 2. Affordable (and reimbursable)
signals may be valuable in the BCI-enabled prediction of
impending seizures. 3. Works all the time: when the alarm clock
goes off, at the work-place (and on the
commute), during Happy Hour, etc.
PEOPLE WITH COGNITIVE, MOOD, 4. Does not require the assistance of a caregiver,
OR OTHER DISORDERS technician, or scientist
BCIs might be combined with neural-stimulation technologies 5. Restores communication at the speed of
for a variety of closed-loop applications. As described above, a normal speech or typing
BCI might detect seizures before they become clinically evident
and then suppress them through neurostimulation. A BCI 6. Restores real-time, multidimensional,
might be used in conjunction with deep brain stimulation dexterous control of one’s own limbs (both
(DBS), which is being investigated for use in obsessive-compul- hands and both legs); or provides similar
sive disorder (OCD) and in major depression (Greenberg control of prosthetic limbs
et al. 2010; Lozano et al. 2008; Malone et al. 2009). If it is 7. Esthetically acceptable or invisible (e.g., fully
possible for a BCI to detect the neurophysiologic signatures of implanted)
pathologically compulsive behavior, or the impending onset
of an episode of major depression, it might conceivably trigger 8. Restores normal bowel/bladder control and
stimulation that could dampen or eliminate these conditions. sexual function
BCI technology might also provide advance warnings and 9. Reliable, lasts several years between battery
enable rapid interventions in the acute management of trau- changes and 10 years between upgrades
matic brain injury, status epilepticus, cerebral vasospasm, and
other life-threatening conditions treated in the intensive-care 10. Requires no more concentration than the
unit. same functions do for an able-bodied person
It is even conceivable that a BCI might be used therapeuti-
cally outside the realm of diseases usually associated with the We propose this list as a challenge to BCI research
central nervous system. For example, if morbid obesity results and development. Realization of each item will require the
in part from absence or inadequate brain processing of satiety continued engagement of multidisciplinary teams that will
signals, could a closed-loop BCI use brain stimulation to necessarily include neuroscientists, neurologists, computer
induce such signals or to enhance their effect on behavior? The scientists, engineers, applied mathematicians, surgeons, speech
use of BCIs for treating such complex disorders may be far in and mobility specialists, regulatory experts, and probably
the future, but applications of this kind may begin to emerge device manufacturers and corporate leaders as well as the
over the coming decade as neurotechnologies continue to be end-user consultants. One of the most exciting aspects of the
developed and combined. BCI field is its iterative nature—the interactions among

CHAPTER 1 9 . B C I U S E R S A N D T H E I R N E E D S | 321
the professionals and the crucial feedback from participants Brumberg JS, Nieto-Castanon A, Kennedy PR, Guenther FH. 2010.
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In this effort, the users for whom these technologies are being Buntin MB. 2007. Access to postacute rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
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Donnelly C, Eng JJ, Hall J, Alford L, Giachino R, et al. 2004. Client-centred
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The primary justification and impetus for BCI research and individuals with a spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 42:302–307.
development are their potential for addressing the needs of Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR, Nurmikko AV, Black MJ, Simeral JD,
people with severe motor disabilities due to neuromuscular Friehs G. 2007a. Neuromotor prosthesis development. Med Health Rhode Isl
disease, stroke, or trauma. These needs fall into three broad Donoghue JP, Nurmikko A, Black M, Hochberg LR. 2007b. Assistive technol-
categories: communication, mobility, and autonomic function. ogy and robotic control using motor cortex ensemble-based neural inter-
BCIs could eventually have a major impact in all three areas. face systems in humans with tetraplegia. J Physiol 579:603–611.
Foundation CDR. 2009. One Degree of Separation: Paralysis and Spinal Cord
Currently available systems focus mainly on communication, Injury in the United States Short Hills, NJ, Eds. Christopher and Dana
and substantial research is targeting mobility. Nevertheless, Reeve Foundation. 1–28.
autonomic deficits (especially loss of bladder and bowel con- Geser F, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ. 2010. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and
frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a spectrum of TDP-43 proteinopa-
trol and sexual function) are of equal or greater concern to thies. Neuropathology 30:103–112.
many prospective users, such as those with paraplegia due to Greenberg BD, Gabriels LA, Malone DA, Jr., Rezai AR, Friehs GM, et al. 2010.
spinal cord injury. BCI development efforts need to focus on Deep brain stimulation of the ventral internal capsule/ventral striatum for
obsessive-compulsive disorder: worldwide experience. Mol Psychiatry
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concern to the prospective users rather than simply the deficits Hochberg LR, Cochrane TI. 2011. Implanted neural interfaces: ethics in
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Practice, Oxford University Press.
target users should be consulted at all stages of development Kim SP, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP, Friehs GM, Black MJ. 2007.
and testing. The ultimate goal should be BCIs that are safe, Multi-state decoding of point-and-click control signals from motor corti-
affordable, easy to use, reliable, aesthetically pleasing, long- cal activity in a human with tetraplegia. CNE ‘07. 3rd International IEEE/
EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2007, 486–489.
lasting, and capable of restoring normal communication, Laferrier JZ, Gailey R. 2010. Advances in lower-limb prosthetic technology.
mobility, and autonomic function. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 21:87–110.
Laureys S, Pellas F, Van Eeckhout P, Ghorbel S, Schnakers C, et al. 2005. The
locked-in syndrome: what is it like to be conscious but paralyzed and
(Note: The contents do not represent the views of the Department voiceless? Prog Brain Res 150:495–511.
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CHAPTER 1 9 . B C I U S E R S A N D T H E I R N E E D S | 323
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revious chapters in this book have discussed the techni- This chapter addresses each of these questions in turn.
cal principles and methods of BCI technology. These It considers the steps involved in answering each and the
chapters show that, despite their current limitations, potential problems that must be overcome. Since the present
BCIs are fast becoming effective communication and control peer-reviewed literature lacks any formal multisubject studies
devices. However, the rapid growth of this research and its that address these questions (and indeed has few reports of any
remarkable progress are still confined almost entirely to the kind that are directly relevant to these questions), the discus-
cosseted environments of a multitude of laboratories through- sion necessarily relies heavily on the authors’ experience to
out the world. Furthermore, most BCI experiments have been date, which is primarily with a noninvasive EEG P300-based
and continue to be conducted in able-bodied humans or ani- BCI system (see chapter 12 in this volume). Nevertheless, the
mals rather than in the severely disabled people for whom this chapter’s overall intent is to provide information and insight
new technology is primarily intended. that would apply to any effort to take any BCI system out of the
Certainly, there are compelling theoretical and practical laboratory and validate its effectiveness in the everyday lives of
reasons for this overwhelming focus on laboratory studies in people with disabilities.
normal subjects: laboratories provide the strictly controlled
environments and expert oversight conducive to the develop-
ment and optimization of new technology; and able-bodied CAN THE BCI DESIGN BE IMPLEMENT E D
populations are more available and avoid the additional vari- IN A FORM SUITABLE FOR LONG-TER M
ables introduced by disease and injury that may vary widely INDEPENDENT USE?
across individuals.
Nevertheless, this focus leaves a major research gap that For some BCIs, this first question is readily answered in the
must be addressed if BCIs are to fulfill their primary purpose negative. For example, the expense, size, and complexity of
and justify the considerable support that their development fMRI-based or MEG-based BCI systems confine them to labo-
receives from governments and other funding entities. That is, ratory settings, at least for the foreseeable future (Bradshaw
the BCIs that work well in the laboratory need to be shown to et al. 2001; Buch et al. 2008; Cohen 1972; Kaiser et al. 2005; Lee
work well in real life, to provide people with disabilities new et al. 2009; Mellinger et al. 2007; Tecchio et al. 2007; van Gerven
communication and other capabilities that improve their daily and Jensen 2009). BCIs that rely on implanted devices (e.g.,
lives. electrocortigraphy [ECoG], local field potentials [LFPs], or
In some ways, this essential task is considerably more com- single units) have demonstrated impressive capacity both in
plicated and more demanding than the laboratory research that animals and in humans. These BCIs face the same safety
produces a BCI system. That original research has a single aim: requirements as any device for clinical use, and, in addition,
to design and optimize a BCI that provides reliable and accurate they must demonstrate that they are sufficiently reliable and
communication or control in a carefully controlled and closely effective to warrant human implantation (Donoghue 2008). At
monitored laboratory setting. In contrast, research that seeks to present, BCIs based on EEG (and possibly also those based on
establish the real-life usefulness of a BCI system has four differ- functional near-infrared spectroscopy [fNIRS]) are the best
ent aims. They may be stated as a set of four questions: candidates for independent use (Bauernfeind et al. 2008; Coyle
et al. 2007; Naito et al. 2007). Even so, their transition from the
laboratory to the home, and to long-term everyday use, requires
• Can the BCI design be implemented in a form
substantial reconfiguration of their components and consider-
suitable for long-term independent use?
ation of issues that do not generally arise in the laboratory.
• Who are the people who need the BCI system, Any BCI system deployed for independent use must be
and can they use it? safe to operate in the home environment without on-site tech-
nical support. Components should be few, small, portable, and
• Can their home environments support their use
relatively inexpensive; and the connections between them
of the BCI, and do they actually use it?
should be minimized (e.g., by use of telemetry) and extremely
• Does the BCI improve their lives? robust. They must be packaged in sturdy and configurable

Figure 20.1 (A) The current Wadsworth P300-based BCI home system. The components include a laptop computer, an eight-channel EEG amplifier
(Guger Technologies), an electrode cap (Electro-Cap International), a 20” monitor, and connecting cables. (B) A compact traveling BCI evaluation unit
designed for easy setup, breakdown, and storage of all necessary hardware and supplies.

housing to provide flexible setup and easy storage and must be abled people in their homes over months and years. It is
able to withstand potentially rough handling over many managed by the caregivers in the users’ homes, with internet
months. Ideally, the amplifiers should be insensitive to the oversight from the Wadsworth BCI laboratory and occasional
many sources of electromagnetic noise present in home set- home visits by technical personnel from the laboratory. The
tings, and the electrodes and their mounting (e.g., for EEG, the foreground of figure 20.2A shows the crowded environment
electrode cap) should be capable of functioning safely and of the user’s room. It is typical of the technically challenging
effectively for many hours per day over months without main- environments of people with severe disabilities.
tenance or replacement. The software should be easy to use and
thoroughly tested (i.e., impervious to BCI user or caregiver
error). Before attempting to take a BCI system out of the labo- WHO ARE THE PEOPLE WHO NEED TH E
ratory, investigators should meet these requirements to the BCI, AND CAN THEY USE IT?
greatest extent possible. At the same time, they should recog-
nize that further changes are likely to be needed when the BCI Present-day BCIs have relatively modest capabilities. Thus, the
is actually deployed in the home environment. In this regard communication and control applications they are able to pro-
the principles of modularity in the software (e.g., Schalk et al. vide are likely to be of significant value only to people with
2004) and in the hardware (e.g., Cincotti et al. 2008) can extremely severe disabilities that prevent them from using con-
expedite the implementation of improvements and upgrades, ventional assistive technologies (see chapter 11). Over the past
and the tackling of unexpected failures. decade a number of studies have begun to explore the BCI
Figure 20.1A shows the current version of the P300-based capacities of people who are severely disabled by disorders
BCI home system developed at the Wadsworth Center of the such as ALS or high-level spinal cord injury (e.g., Bai et al.
New York State Department of Health (Albany, NY); and figure 2010; Birbaumer et al. 1999; Conradi et al. 2009; Farwell and
20.1B shows a compact traveling unit for evaluating this Donchin 1988; Hochberg et al. 2006; Hoffmann et al. 2008;
system’s suitability for potential users who are homebound. Ikegami et al. 2011; Kauhanen et al. 2007; Kennedy and Bakay
Figure 20.2A shows the Wadsworth BCI home system in oper- 1998; Kübler et al. 2001; Kübler et al. 2005a; Kübler et al. 2009;
ation. This system has now been used by seven severely dis- McFarland et al. 2010; Miner et al. 1998; Mügler et al. 2010;

Figure 20.2 (A) A person severely disabled by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using the Wadsworth brain-computer interface (BCI) system in his home. He wears
a modified eight-channel electrode cap. (B) Monitor display used by caregiver to check electrode impedance. Red dots are the locations of the eight recording
electrodes. When all the locations become green, electrode impedance is sufficiently low, and the caregiver can initiate BCI use.

326 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Müller-Putz et al. 2005; Nijboer et al. 2008; Pfurtscheller et al. would prevent use of a BCI that uses visual
2000; Piccione et al. 2006; Pires et al. 2011; Sellers and Donchin stimuli).
2006; Sellers et al. 2010; Silvoni et al. 2009; Townsend et al.
2010;). Although some subjects have been studied in their • Stable living environment.
home environments, most of this work has generally consisted • Reliable caregivers (family members and/or
only of limited sessions with the experimenters closely over- professionals) possessing or capable of
seeing BCI operation. Nevertheless, the results to date are acquiring basic computer skills and committed
encouraging in that they indicate that many people with severe to supporting the subject’s BCI usage.
disabilities can use BCIs that could in theory help them in their
daily lives. • Subject and caregivers able and willing to
These individuals are usually home-bound (or institution- provide informed consent and clearly
bound) and attended by caregivers 24 hours per day (Albert enthusiastic about participating in a research
et al. 2009). They comprise the target user population for the study that may have no lasting direct benefit to
BCIs that are available now or likely to be available within the them (Vaughan et al. 2006).
next decade.
Given the wide variety of disorders that can cause severe
motor disability, the complexity of the disabilities they cause,
and other variables associated with these disorders (e.g., medi-
cation, other medical problems), it may be difficult to deter-
mine whether a particular person satisfies these criteria
How does a BCI researcher find good subjects for studies (Kuebler et al. 2006). For example, aphasia, which occurs in
testing the effectiveness and utility of BCI home use for people over 25% of people with strokes, can interfere with the ability
with severe disabilities? And how does he or she proceed with to understand instructions about how to use the BCI and/or
these subjects once they are identified? As in most clinical with formulation of messages to be communicated with it
studies, subjects are selected according to a specific set of (Pederson et al. 1995; Wade et al. 1986). On the other hand, a
criteria. For the user population described above, the basic right or left hemianopsia (i.e., loss of the right or left visual
inclusion criteria would be: field) produced by stroke would probably not interfere with
BCI use if the screen is positioned in the remaining visual field.
• Little or no useful voluntary muscle control Since many prospective BCI users are older adults with ALS or
(e.g., people with late-stage ALS, muscular strokes, age-related visual impairments (e.g., macular degen-
dystrophy, severe Guillain-Barré syndrome, eration, glaucoma, and cataracts [Streiff 1967]) might also
brainstem stroke, severe cerebral palsy, affect BCI capability. Appropriate assessment questions (e.g.,
high-level spinal cord injury, or a variety of can the person read text on a screen?) or a standard measure of
other severe neuromuscular disorders). visual acuity (e.g., Snellen test [Tucker and Charman 1975])
(For people with ALS or other progressive may evaluate this visual issue.
diseases, this criterion might be extended to Another relevant factor includes current medications
include those who have not yet reached this (e.g., sedatives) that may interfere with brain function or
level of disability but can be expected to do so affect the EEG (Towler et al. 1962). Cognitive impairments
eventually.) (which occur in up to 40% of people with ALS [Woolley et al.
2010; Volpato et al. 2010]) and depression may also interfere
• Conventional assistive (i.e., muscle-based) with BCI use. Although the recent literature indicates that
communication devices (e.g., eye-gaze systems, people with advanced ALS generally rate their quality of life as
EMG switches) not adequate for their needs: quite high, moderate depression is often present (Gauthier
they may be entirely unable to use these devices; et al. 2007; Chio et al. 2004; Robbins et al. 2001; Simmons et al.
their control may be inconsistent or they may 2006; Kübler et al. 2005b). As in other therapeutic endeavors
fatigue quickly; they may not like the devices; or (Kirchhoff and Kehl 2007) (as well as in most life endeavors),
they may desire the additional communication mood can affect motivation and play a significant role in BCI
and control capabilities that a BCI could provide. effectiveness (Kleih et al. 2010).
• Medically stable, with the intent, and a
reasonable expectation, of living for at least one
year. If they have ALS, they have already begun
artificial ventilation or have decided to do so
when it becomes necessary. Subject recruitment is a key part of any clinical study and often
presents significant difficulties (e.g., Bedlack et al. 2010).
• Able to follow spoken or written directions.
Recruiting and retaining individuals who have entered the late
• Absence of any other impairment that would stages of a progressive neurological disease can be particularly
prevent BCI usage (e.g., extremely poor vision challenging (Shields et al. 2010). Hospitals, regional clinics,

C H A P T E R 2 0 . C L I N I C A L E V A L U AT I O N O F B C I S | 327
and medical specialists are traditional sources of subject refer- approvals may be relatively straightforward for noninvasive
rals. However, many potential BCI home users no longer attend minimal-risk BCI systems, they become more problematic for
a clinic regularly or participate in routine rehabilitation ser- invasive BCI systems, which may entail significant risks
vices, and they may not be under the continuing care of medi- (including possible discomfort) (see discussion in chapter 24).
cal specialists. On the other hand, many of these individuals For people with progressive diseases such as ALS, informed
are enrolled in programs that provide assistive technology consent may be obtained (and BCI use might be initiated)
(AT) for seating, mobility, and communication needs (Cotterell during earlier stages of the disease when adequate communi-
2008). Thus, subject recruitment is often accomplished by con- cation capacity is still present. (Early BCI use may also facili-
tacting speech/language pathologists and/or physical thera- tate the transition to extensive BCI use when conventional
pists. Home-care physicians, rehabilitation hospitals, visiting- communication is no longer possible.)
nurse services, and hospice providers can also be sources of
potential BCI home users. Local school districts frequently
have information on programs that serve people with extreme
physical challenges. Finally, certain registries of patient popu-
lations can be useful in recruiting a clinical study cohort (e.g., For each person who has met the inclusion criteria and
the national registry of veterans with ALS developed by the provided informed consent (or assent), the next step is an
Veterans Administration, National ALS Registry Home evaluation of his or her ability to use the BCI. This evaluation
Page; Allen et al. 2008; Lancet Neurology Editorial 2009). Such represents a Go/No-Go decision for participation in the
registries can expand the number of potential contacts well clinical study. In work to date by the Wadsworth BCI research
beyond the immediate geographic region. Registries vary in group using a P300-based BCI, this evaluation has consisted
the currency of their information and in the steps required to of two or three 1–2 hour sessions. During each of these
use them in subject recruitment (e.g., Registry board approval, sessions the subject performs a cued letter-selection task
local IRB oversight). referred to as copy spelling (Birbaumer et al. 1999). The goal is
Whether a particular individual meets the inclusion crite- to collect data to parameterize the BCI so that the person
ria defined above can normally be determined from interviews can then use it to communicate intent (e.g., to spell freely,
with caregivers, medical personnel, and/or family members. select icons, etc.). In most cases, as few as 21 copy-spelling
Thus, in most instances, people who do not meet the criteria selections (i.e., trials) are sufficient to parameterize the system
can be identified and excluded without actually testing them (McCane et al. 2009). With the standard 6 × 6 P300 matrix (for
with the BCI. This can substantially reduce the time and effort which chance accuracy is 2.8%), accuracy of >70% is generally
the research group invests in testing people who do not turn considered adequate for effective communication (Sellers et al.
out to be appropriate for the study. It may also substantially 2006).
reduce the possibility that exclusion might greatly disappoint a McCane et al. (2009) used interviews to identify 25 people
prospective subject. with ALS who appeared to be good candidates for use
of a P300-based BCI. In subsequent testing with the BCI
system, 17 of the 25 candidates (68%) achieved the requisite
accuracy of >70% and were thus judged able to use the BCI.
The extremely disabled people who could benefit from current It is worth noting here that there was no correlation between
BCIs generally lack understandable speech. In many cases their the subjects’ BCI accuracy and their disability level as mea-
communication depends entirely on subtle movements of the sured with the ALS functional rating scale (Cederbaum et al.
face, especially small movements of the eyes (Neumann and 1999). For the other eight people accuracy was <40%. Seven of
Kübler 2003). Thus, it may be difficult to obtain the subject’s these people had visual problems (e.g., ptosis, nystagmus,
informed consent for participation in a BCI study. Nevertheless, diplopia) that interfered with BCI use. (Such problems are
individuals who retain a clear capacity to control such simple common in people with late-stage ALS [Mizutani et al. 1990;
movements and to thereby communicate (e.g., via a letterboard Pinto and de Carvalho 2008]). These data further emphasize
held by a caregiver) can provide informed consent, although the importance of gathering relevant information prior to BCI
the process may require considerable time and effort for all testing.
concerned. Furthermore, for studies that are found to pose no The evaluation of a person’s capacity to use the BCI may be
significant risk (e.g., most noninvasive BCI studies), subjects particularly difficult with people who lack a clearly reliable
may participate by providing informed assent (Black et al. means of basic communication (e.g., an eyeblink or muscle
2010). Informed assent requires only that they be able to answer twitch). If an individual does not have an obvious and rela-
yes/no questions. Unlike informed consent, it does not require tively fast way to ask and answer questions, the only way to
that they be able to ask questions. know that he or she has understood the instructions is for the
For people in whom the capacity to provide informed con- person to communicate using the BCI, and this requires and
sent (or assent) is uncertain, many locales have established assumes that the BCI itself is working properly. The difficult
procedures for permitting close relatives to act on behalf of issue of BCI use by people who lack any muscle-based com-
an incapacitated person to provide informed consent for munication (i.e., are completely locked-in) is addressed more
participation in a clinical trial. Although such surrogate fully in chapters 11 and 19 of this volume.

328 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
CAN THE HOME ENV IRONMENT • Measuring the extent, nature, and success of

THE CAREGIVERS Before home use begins, the BCI should be configured for the
individual user. For example, in the standard P300-based BCI,
Successful home use of current BCI systems requires a home
the numbers and sizes of the matrix items, as well as their
environment that can support their use. Home environment
brightness and flash-rate, can generally be adjusted according
assessment can be accomplished first by appropriate questions
to the abilities and preferences of the user. Careful attention to
during telephone interviews and then during the initial BCI
each user’s abilities and preferences is essential. Although
evaluation sessions. Home assessment includes evaluation of
speed is generally considered important in communication, it
not only the physical environment but also the level of interest
may or may not be of paramount importance to a user who has
and ability of the users and their caregivers. The immediate
little or no remaining useful motor function (Millán et al.
environments of people with severe disabilities are often
2010). For these individuals, the restoration of some measure
crowded with much essential equipment, including ventilators,
of independent communication may be more important than
mechanical beds, and wheelchairs. Thus, the placing of the BCI
speed. They may prefer slower but more accurate output to
system and the positioning of the prospective user may be
faster but less accurate output. Indeed, one person severely
challenging, and significant sources of electrical noise and
disabled by ALS who uses a P300-based BCI in his daily life
intermittent artifacts may be present. These factors, the diffi-
chooses to have a 9-sec pause inserted after each selection and
culties they present, and the prospects for overcoming them
thus communicates at a rate considerably slower than the
can be initially assessed in the first home visits. These visits are
maximum rate the BCI could provide (Sellers et al. 2010).
also an opportunity to assess, at least in an informal fashion,
When they become available for home use, BCI systems that
the technical skills, learning capacities, interest, and motiva-
use auditory stimuli or combined visual/auditory stimuli may
tion of the caregivers who will need to support BCI use.
be most appropriate for people who lack sufficient visual func-
Without capable and motivated caregivers, long-term BCI
tion (Farquhar et al. 2008; Hill 2005; Guo et al. 2010;
home usage is not possible (Wilkins et al. 2009).
Hinterberger et al. 2004; Klobassa et al. 2009; Sellers and
For subjects who have an adequate home environment and
Donchin 2006; Nijboer et al. 2008; Furdea et al. 2009; Kanoh
are able to use the BCI, the next step is to tell them and the
et al. 2008; Schreuder et al. 2010).
caregivers who will support and oversee BCI use about the BCI
BCI applications must also match their users’ preferences.
applications available and about the time, effort, and specific
Carefully tailoring the application to the individual while
tasks involved in BCI use. This will allow the level of motiva-
working within the constraints of the system design will
tion of both the subject and the caregivers to be further
improve user acceptance and general satisfaction with the BCI.
assessed. If they are motivated, a plan may then be formulated
Since motivation is critical in ensuring subject participation,
incorporating the purposes for which the user wants to use the
the choice of application is extremely important. For example,
BCI. For all users, particularly those who still retain some
people with high spinal-cord injuries who are still able to
capacity for conventional (i.e., neuromuscular) communica-
speak, may not be interested in a BCI application that controls
tion, this planning step should involve both the user and the
a speech-generating device, but may be very interested in an
caregivers to the greatest extent possible. As described in chap-
application that controls a computer mouse.
ters 11 and 19, the participants’ involvement is a key factor in
The BCI applications that have been tested thus far in home
the success of testing new and/or old BCI applications. If the
use are based mainly on selection of icons presented on a com-
subjects and their caregivers are motivated and a good usage
puter screen, and they often include sequential menu formats.
plan has been defined, the study can then move on to deter-
They can provide a number of simple functions, including
mine whether the person actually uses the BCI in daily life.
word processing, e-mail, environmental control, and Internet
access (e.g., Sellers et al. 2010). Menu formats and sequences
I N I T I AT I N G A N D E VA L U AT I N G B C I H O M E U S E can be configured to match the capacities, needs, and prefer-
Initiation and evaluation of BCI home use includes five primary ences of each user. They can support important functions such
tasks: as: requests for medical or other care; room temperature and
other environmental controls; answering simple questions (in
• Configuring the BCI to satisfy the needs and print or with a speech synthesizer); interactions with family
preferences of the user members or friends; requests for food or drink; e-mail; word-
processing; entertainment (e.g., TV access); Internet access;
• Placing the BCI in the home and others. Figure 20.3 shows an e-mail application that sev-
eral users of the Wadsworth P300-based BCI home system are
• Training the subject to use the BCI applications
now employing to communicate with family and friends.
and the caregivers to support BCI use
As discussed in detail in chapter 11, guidelines, standards,
• Providing ongoing technical support as needed and examples abound in the field of AT, and BCI researchers

C H A P T E R 2 0 . C L I N I C A L E V A L U AT I O N O F B C I S | 329
Figure 20.2A shows a person with ALS using a P300-based
BCI. It is clear from the figure that, in addition to the BCI
equipment, several other electronic and medical devices
including a ventilator are in very close proximity. The clutter
typical of the immediate home environment of severely dis-
abled people (who are usually in a wheelchair or a bed with
various medical equipment close by) requires that the BCI
system be portable and sufficiently small to fit into this com-
plex environment. The typical home also has other distractions
(e.g., people entering and exiting the room, telephones ringing,
dogs barking, etc.) that may interfere with the attention needed
for BCI usage and that should also be considered in deciding
where to place the BCI. Working together, the user, caregiver,
and investigators should consider the setting(s) in which the
BCI will be used, and decide how the user and the system com-
ponents will be best situated.
The typical home has multiple sources of electromagnetic
noise that can degrade the quality of EEG recording. In addi-
tion to generating ongoing 60-Hz (or 50-Hz) line noise, heat-
Figure 20.3 The e-mail application for the P300-based Wadsworth BCI home ing/cooling appliances (e.g., refrigerators) that cycle on and off
system. (A) On the right is the standard 8 × 9 matrix capable of controlling any
and other appliances such as electric garage-door openers can
Windows-based program that can be operated with a keyboard. On the left is
an e-mail that the BCI user has just composed and sent. The green “Send”
produce severe transient artifacts. The ventilators essential to
confirms to the user that the “Send” command has been recognized and the survival of many prospective BCI users often cause high-
executed. The small window below the message is an optional predictive frequency electromagnetic artifacts as well as low-frequency
speller feature that can increase writing speed. (B) On the left is the Help mechanical (i.e., movement) artifacts (Young and Campbell
Menu, which can be accessed by selecting the word “Help” from the bottom
1999). Such electromagnetic noise can be reduced by proper
row-fourth column of the matrix (right). This menu lists commands that can be
executed through other matrix selections. (See chapter 12 in this volume for
grounding and secure connection of the ground and reference
full explication of the P300-based BCI methodology used here.) electrodes and by such maneuvers as suspending the electrode
cables or simply moving them away from the ventilator. Low-
frequency mechanical artifacts caused by head movement with
should avail themselves of the extensive technology, experi- respiration may be reduced by simple solutions such as putting
ence, and expertise available in that field. Indeed, BCI home additional padding or pillows behind the user’s head or dis-
systems are best viewed as technology that extends the spec- pensing with the sponge pads sometimes placed under EEG
trum of conventional (i.e., muscle-based) AT technology, and electrodes. Caregivers and others should be instructed to take
BCIs may be most effective when used as new control inter- care not to disturb system components or cables once they are
faces for existing AT devices (chapter 11). BCI clinical research properly placed. Furthermore, it may be necessary to eliminate
can benefit from innovations in AT and in other areas of remaining artifacts (e.g., 60-Hz line noise) with filtering meth-
human-computer interface (HCI) research and development ods (see chapter 7). Finally, in addition to addressing sources
(e.g., Cook and Hussey 2002; Cremers et al. 1999). These can of artifacts, it is important to ensure that the electrical power in
be as straightforward as language-prediction programs (Ryan the home is sufficiently stable. In some situations, use of an
et al. 2011) or as novel as the Hex-o-spell (Blankertz et al. 2007; uninterruptible power supply (UPS) may be necessary.
Williamson et al. 2009). As each home environment is different, the various sources
of interference must be addressed on a case-by-case basis
PLACING THE BCI IN THE HOME (Sellers and Donchin 2006). To be suitable for home use, a BCI
In the transition from the laboratory to the home, many new system must be robust enough to avoid or accommodate these
factors that can interfere with BCI use come into play (Sellers problems. Determination of the extent to which a given system
et al. 2003; Sellers and Donchin 2006; Neumann and Kübler meets this requirement is one of the key goals of a home
2003). Although the nature of their vulnerabilities varies study.
with their methodology, all BCIs systems are likely to encoun- Another important part of situating the BCI in the home is
ter a variety of difficulties in making the transition from the resolving how the daily data on system operation and other
simple, highly controlled laboratory environment to much important data (e.g., periodic copy-spelling sessions for adjust-
more variable, uncontrolled, and demanding home environ- ing system parameters and/or measuring accuracy) can be
ments. This is likely to be the case for both noninvasive and transferred to the investigators remotely. Ideally, this can be
invasive BCIs and for BCIs that use electrical or metabolic sig- accomplished in an automated fashion through an internet
nals. Because most BCI types remain largely confined to the link. For example, this transfer may use remote desktop con-
laboratory, the discussion here necessarily focuses on the prob- trol (Cohen 2004). GoToMyPC® (Citrix Systems) is a service
lems encountered by the EEG-based BCIs now being tested in that provides secure access to remote sites and was used for
home use. transferring BCI data by Sellers et al. (2010). It supports data

330 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
transfer as well as real-time interaction. A separate license is the cap and maintain the cap and electrodes in good working
required for each site. order; recognize technical problems or poor performance and
request technical support as needed; ensure that data transfer
E N S U R I N G S A F E T Y A N D C O M F O RT to the research lab occurs as required; and ensure that periodic
User safety and comfort and caregiver convenience are brief copy-spelling sessions for checking system parameters
extremely important and require close and comprehensive and/or measuring performance take place.
attention. Many years of research and use in intensive care Typically, the caregiver’s training will occupy two or three
units, operating rooms, and emergency rooms show that long- separate 1-hour sessions and will culminate with the investiga-
term EEG use is compatible with ventilator technology tor simply watching the caregiver go through the entire BCI
(Friedman et al. 2009; Phillips et al. 2010; Tantum 2001). BCI usage process (i.e., placing the cap and starting the system,
clinical researchers must ensure that BCI presence and use overseeing operation, removing and cleaning the cap), as well
does not affect the functioning of other important medical as the ancillary processes (e.g., data transfer, copy-spelling
devices. Prior to home installation, each BCI home system, like session).
all medical equipment, should undergo a formal safety evalua- Neither caregivers, users, nor other clinical personnel are
tion by a hospital electronics support group or similar body. likely to be trained researchers. Therefore, all information,
Furthermore, users and caregivers need to understand that even for routine tasks, should be carefully scripted. Each train-
BCIs do not substitute for standard monitoring of the BCI user ing objective (e.g., cap placement, skin preparation, gel appli-
who has compromised pulmonary functions and thus that cation, electrode check, etc.) should be demonstrated and then
ventilator alarms and other safeguards must remain in place practiced, with training objectives clearly described and profi-
(Fludger and Klein 2008). In designing a BCI system and its ciency for each task tested separately (Gursky and Ryser 2007).
clinical study, it is also important to eliminate to the greatest For the caregiver, the required objectives may include some
extent possible the chance that BCI (or user) malfunctions that are seemingly obvious but nonetheless crucial (e.g., con-
might compromise safety (see chapter 24). For example, stud- tinuing to devote his or her attention to the user while follow-
ies that enable independent use of environmental controls ing the instructions on the screen). In addition to initiating
should ensure that the BCI cannot produce outputs that could and stopping the BCI, the caregiver should also be able to
endanger the user (e.g., by setting the room temperature too pause and resume BCI operation for essential activities (e.g.,
high). All the tasks that the BCI enables should be structured tracheal suction for a user who is on a ventilator [C. Wolf,
to prevent their creation of safety hazards. personal communication, 2011]).
For EEG-based studies, there is an extremely small chance Figure 20.2B displays a tool used to train the caregiver and
of skin abrasion. This risk depends on the particular sensor cap to serve as a reminder that electrode impedances must be
and gel. The Wadsworth Center BCI research group has used below an acceptable level prior to starting the BCI system.
the Electro-Cap InternationalTM cap system for 5000+ hours in Eight circles representing the electrodes can be red, yellow, or
the lab, has monitored 1000+ hours of its independent home green. Green indicates acceptable impedance. Yellow or red
use, and has not encountered a single incident of such abra- indicates that the electrode needs further attention (e.g., skin
sion. Despite this reassuring experience, researchers and care- preparation, gel). Other screens provide guidance in placing
givers must remain alert to the possibility, and caregivers the cap and in testing the connections between the computer
should make regular scalp inspection part of their normal BCI and the amplifier and monitor. As a general rule, caregiver
routine. training is most likely to be successful when the complexity of
the hardware and software are minimized to the greatest extent
In the course of the initial BCI evaluations and demonstrations
of the available applications, the user typically becomes famil- P R O V I D I N G O N G O I N G T E C H N I C A L S U P P O RT
iar with the basic features of BCI use. Nevertheless, to ensure AS NEEDED
that difficulties do not arise from simple misunderstandings or Once the BCI is placed in the home, and the user and
inadequate orientation, researchers should provide guided caregiver(s) are adequately trained, independent daily use can
practice and well-documented help menus. The more chal- begin. Throughout this use, and particularly in the initial weeks
lenging and complex requirement is training the caregiver to and months, the investigators should closely monitor opera-
support BCI system use. It is essential to have a logical and tion remotely and be readily available to resolve any difficulties
complete caregiver training protocol. Caregivers must know that arise. This oversight is essential for gathering the basic
how to initiate and oversee effective BCI operation. Since fully data of the study and also for maximizing the likelihood that
asynchronous BCIs are not yet available for home use (see the BCI will come to serve important purposes in the user’s
chapter 10), the initiation of BCI usage requires substantial daily life. The system will be used only if it works reliably and
neuromuscular function, and thus it involves a caregiver. with minimal difficulty. Thus, it is crucial, particularly in the
The caregiver must learn how to: place the electrode cap on early days, for the investigators to respond quickly to any
the user so that it is comfortable and properly positioned; add problems that arise, and to be prepared to correct them
electrode gel; turn the BCI system on; check that all electrodes immediately.
are recording good EEG signals and fix any that are not; initiate Many problems may be resolved remotely, through e-mail
system use; monitor BCI operation; turn the system off; remove or phone discussions with the caregiver, analyses of data sent

C H A P T E R 2 0 . C L I N I C A L E V A L U AT I O N O F B C I S | 331
over the Internet, or real-time audiovisual interactions over (ALSFRS R) which provides a succinct measure of disability
the Internet. Others may require home visits, and (rarely) (Cedarbaum et al. 1999). In addition to standard monitoring
replacement of a system component. It is worthwhile, and of these specific factors that may affect BCI use, caregivers and
might be considered a key aspect of a BCI home-use study, to investigators should be alert to sudden changes in BCI use that
employ a formal system for documenting problems and the might be caused by changes in the user’s physical or mental
time and effort involved in their solution. Such data are impor- state or other factors.
tant in assessing the clinical (and ultimately the financial) Finally, periodic questionnaire-based interviews of users,
practicality of the BCI system. caregivers, and family members are useful ancillary tools for
To a significant degree, problems may be reduced by care- identifying system or procedure modifications that might
ful selection of system components and prophylactic measures improve BCI performance or usefulness and/or increase user
aimed at ensuring that they function satisfactorily as long as or caregiver satisfaction and convenience.
possible. For example, one of the most widely used EEG caps
(ElectroCap, Inc.) has been estimated to have an average life
span of 450 hours. This corresponds to 450 diagnostic sessions DOES THE BCI IMPROVE THE
in a clinical EEG laboratory. However, a home BCI system USER’S LIFE?
might be used 5 hr/day, 7 days/week, which is 1820 hr/year
(Sellers et al. 2010). Thus, several caps might be needed by an Certainly, the simplest and most obvious measure of BCI use-
individual home user each year. Careful cleaning and regular fulness is the extent to which it is used. No matter how simple
cap rotation may extend cap and electrode life span and reduce and convenient, BCI use requires significant commitment on
the incidence of poor BCI performance caused by cap or elec- the part of both the user and the caregiver. Thus, frequent use
trode malfunction. Nevertheless, for a person who uses the is probably a good indicator that the user finds it worthwhile.
BCI many hours per day, caps should be routinely replaced or At the same time, for scientific evaluation, the validation of a
refurbished every few months, rather than simply changed home BCI system requires more formal and substantive assess-
when they fail. ment of its impact on the lives of its users and their caregivers,
As time passes, and the skills and sophistication of the user as well as on their family and friends.
and caregiver increase, problems are likely to arise less fre- Recent studies indicate that, despite common assumptions,
quently. Nevertheless, it is prudent to continue periodic regu- quality of life (QoL) can be quite good in people with severe
lar home visits, even if at relatively long intervals. During such motor disabilities (e.g., Kübler et al. 2005b; Nygren and
visits, the user’s physical state and environment may be reas- Askmark 2006; Chio et al. 2004; Simmons et al. 2006). Indeed,
sessed, applications may be added or upgraded as appropriate, this finding provides much of the impetus for BCI develop-
and adjustments may be made in the BCI hardware and ment. The measures developed for these QoL studies can also
configuration. be used to evaluate the impact of BCI use.
One of the most important considerations in choosing an
M E A S U R I N G T H E E X T E N T, N AT U R E , A N D S U C C E S S assessment instrument is its length. To ensure accurate and
OF BCI USE complete data collection from individuals who may have diffi-
The automated transfer of complete data on BCI system opera- culty communicating, any instrument should be relatively brief.
tion should allow full quantification of the extent (i.e., days used, One such instrument is the McGill QoL questionnaire, which
hours/day) and nature (i.e., specific applications) of daily BCI was designed for individuals with advanced disease (Cohen
use. The measurement of performance, specifically accuracy, is et al. 1995; Cohen et al. 1996). It is widely used as the basis for
more problematic because, for most routine usage, the actual other, more elaborate questionnaires, including the Simmons
intention of the user (i.e., the correct BCI output) is not known scale designed specifically for ALS (Simmons et al. 2006). The
with certainty. Periodic brief copy-spelling sessions in which the McGill questionnaire consists of 17 questions in two parts. Part
system specifies the correct output are the most straightforward A consists of one comprehensive question asking the patient for
solution. Alternatively, or in addition, appropriate analysis pro- an overall assessment of his/her quality of life (and is itself capa-
grams (designed with appropriate attention to user privacy con- ble of providing a basic QoL measure). Part B includes 16 ques-
cerns [see chapter 24]) may detect errors (e.g., spelling mistakes tions that cover physical, psychological, existential, and support
in written text) and calculate accuracies. domains. Answers are indicated on an 11-point Likert scale
It is also important to monitor other aspects of the user’s (0–10). Depending on practicality, additional more complex
state and environment for changes that may greatly affect BCI measures might be used to assess QoL in BCI users with severe
use. Disturbances such as intercurrent illnesses may interrupt disabilities (e.g., Chio et al. 2004; Kübler et al. 2007; Kurt 2007;
the user’s normal routine and can greatly reduce BCI use, at Lulé et al., 2009; Mautz et al. 2010; Simmons et al. 2006).
least temporarily. Other problems, such as the temporary In addition to the impact on the BCI users, comparable
absence or permanent departure of the caregiver who supports measures are available for evaluating BCI impact on others
BCI use, and the need to train a replacement, may also reduce (e.g., caregivers, family members), as well for evaluating others’
BCI use. Fluctuations or progression in the user’s basic disease, perceptions of how the BCI is affecting the user. These instru-
particularly for users with ALS, may also affect BCI use. For ments (e.g., The Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale
people with ALS, monitoring of this progression may be [PIADS] [Derosier and Farber 2005; Giesbrecht et al. 2009;
accomplished with the revised ALS functional rating scale Scherer et al. 2010]) may be administered at the beginning of

332 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
the study and at intervals of some months thereafter. Positive Indeed, this is particularly probable for the extremely disabled
changes in these measures can constitute important evidence subjects who are the users of BCI systems now ready for clini-
for the practical clinical value of a BCI system. cal testing. Since these BCI systems are relatively inexpensive,
BCI efficacy may also be measured in other ways, such as simply allowing the user to keep the hardware past the end of
by its ability to permit reductions in caregiver effort, or to the study may not be a major problem. However, the continu-
increase the productivity of the user. For example, the inde- ing need for technical support and supplies (e.g., electrode
pendent communication enabled by present-day P300-based caps) requires continued funding as well as expertise that may
BCIs may free the caregiver from serving as a communication be available only from the laboratory that conducted the study,
partner (and the user from the need to have a partner), or may which means that the laboratory personnel need to be available
even help the user to continue productive employment (e.g., and able to provide the support. Although this problem will
Sellers et al. 2010). presumably be resolved when BCI systems ultimately become
reimbursable medical devices, studies with currently nonreim-
bursable systems are needed to provide the data that will justify
D I FFIC U LT C HA LLENGES IN B CI such reimbursement.
TR ANS L ATIONA L ST UDIES The issue of commitment is even more complex for subjects
who have progressive disorders. The BCI may serve them well
BCI translational studies confront five difficult challenges that initially, but as their disease progresses the BCI may become
arise from the nature of the user population. First, the users are ineffective. The subject, caregivers, or family members may
typically extremely disabled and may have progressive diseases. then ask or expect the investigators to modify the system so
Their highly compromised physical states, medication regi- that it can continue to function effectively. Although the inves-
mens, frequent intercurrent illnesses, and dependence on often tigators may indeed want to do this, they may lack the requisite
transient caregivers mean that many factors unrelated to the resources or expertise. At this point no general solution is
BCI system itself may greatly affect its day-to-day usage and apparent for these very difficult situations, and acceptable
distort the data that quantify that use. Furthermore, for people courses of action must be developed on a case-by-case basis.
with progressive disease (e.g., ALS, multiple sclerosis), their It behooves the investigators to anticipate these situations as
overall level of function and their need for and ability to use they design BCI studies and to consider how they might respond
the BCI may change markedly over the course of the study. most effectively (see chapter 24 for further discussion).
This may further complicate the task of assessing BCI impact. The fourth issue concerns subjects who may well need a
In the case of ALS particularly, a substantial number of users BCI, but who do not qualify for the study or cannot use the
may die in the course of a long-term study (Murray 2006). BCI system under study. The ad hoc development of new mod-
The second issue is that it is extremely difficult or even ifications to accommodate a single prospective user (beyond
wholly impractical to conduct large-scale fully controlled stud- those possible in the existing system or readily implemented,
ies that compare BCIs to conventional assistive technology. such as covering one eye to prevent diplopia) is likely to divert
The number of appropriate subjects is limited and the partici- investigator efforts and resources from the study itself and
pation of each one requires prolonged effort on the part of the unlikely to be successful. Furthermore, such modifications
investigators. Thus, studies implemented by a single laboratory may well constitute entirely new research endeavors that
will generally have small numbers of subjects. Although coor- require their own IRB reviews and approvals. In general, if a
dinated multicentered studies are a possible method for study- clinical study is to be carried forward to completion and to
ing many subjects, they require an expensive and demanding yield substantive results, the range of possible subject-specific
second level of organization and oversight to ensure unifor- adjustments (e.g., matrix brightness, stimulus rate, etc.) should
mity of subject selection, investigator training, and study be defined from the start. Subjects who cannot achieve ade-
execution across the multiple sites involved. Furthermore, con- quate accuracy within this range of adjustments should not be
trolled studies comparing BCI systems with other assistive included in the study, difficult though this decision may be for
technology (e.g., eye-gaze systems) introduce further complex- all involved including the investigators. (At the same time, the
ity in terms of standardization of methods and uniformity of investigators might still offer substantive help to such indivi-
procedures. One potential response to this problem is a study duals as described in chapter 24.)
design in which each subject serves as his or her own control Finally, the need for initial and ongoing technical expertise
(i.e., uses the BCI for 6 months, then an eye-gaze system or often prevents the undertaking of BCI clinical studies alto-
nothing for 6 months, etc.) However, such designs are likely to gether, or limits them to individuals or institutions with sub-
be difficult to justify ethically (much less implement) in stantial resources and very strong commitments to the
extremely disabled users, and they may be essentially impos- endeavor. The development of effective translational partner-
sible in users with progressive disorders such as ALS. ships like that undertaken between the BCI research group at
The third issue concerns study duration and long-term the Wadsworth Center and clinicians at the Helen Hayes
commitment to the user. In general, formal studies usually Rehabilitation Hospital can enable BCI clinical studies (e.g.,
specify a time period over which each subject is studied (e.g., 1 McCane et al. 2009). Such partnerships between researchers
or 2 years in the case of home BCI use). However, if the BCI is and clinicians may facilitate and accelerate the translation of
successful, that is, if it substantially improves the user’s life, BCI systems from the laboratory to successful long-term home
he or she may very understandably want to continue to use it. use by those who need them.

C H A P T E R 2 0 . C L I N I C A L E V A L U AT I O N O F B C I S | 333
FUTURE IM PROV EMENT S T HAT WILL This chapter reviews the multiple complex issues involved
P R OMOTE BC I C LINICAL T RANSLAT ION in addressing each of these questions. These include: BCI
system robustness, convenience, and portability; subject inclu-
The practicality and appeal of EEG-based BCI systems for sion criteria; informed consent; the suitability of the home
home use should be greatly augmented by the continuing environment; user and caregiver education and training; user-
development both of more streamlined hardware and software specific system configuration and applications; ongoing tech-
and of applications that are useful to people with severe dis- nical support; collection of data on amount, type, and success
abilities (e.g., Cincotti et al. 2008; Münßinger et al. 2010; Sellers of BCI usage; complications by intercurrent illness and care-
et al. 2010). In addition, convenience and comfort can be giver changes; and evaluation of impact on user quality of life.
increased by the development of dry or active electrode sys- The chapter also addresses difficult issues particularly relevant
tems (e.g., Gargiulo et al. 2010; Popescu et al. 2007; Sellers to BCI studies, including disease progression, the practical
et al. 2009; see also chapter 6 in this volume). Cosmesis can be limitations on controls and on the size of study populations,
improved with more attractive and/or inconspicuous electrode and the issues that may arise when time-limited studies end.
mountings (i.e., electrode caps that look like ordinary hats or
helmets). Although the standard electrode cap with gel appli- REFERENCES
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336 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

rain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are medical devices sustainable fashion. An organization that cannot do so is of
developed to overcome functional deficits. The huge no use to patients who rely on its products, especially if those
investment of time and resources needed to develop a products will need continuing service over time.
BCI is justified only if these devices can ultimately serve people
beyond the narrow confines of investigational trials. This
would require commercialization of the BCIs developed in DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS—
these investigational studies. However, there are major obsta- DO WE HAVE A PRODUCT?
cles to the commercialization and market acceptance of any
new medical product, and some of these obstacles are com-
pounded for the specific case of BCI devices. Early in the devel-
opment of such products, it is imperative to address questions When an academic research team first tackles an unsolved
related to business strategy and market entry with the same clinical problem, the first step is normally a scholarly collec-
degree of rigor that is applied to questions of science and tech- tion of the known facts regarding the normal and pathological
nology. This chapter presents the nontechnical issues and regu- anatomy and physiology and the details and results of any pre-
latory strategies from a United States (U.S.) perspective, with vious treatments that have been tried. The course of the project
some consideration of key differences in Europe and Japan. depends critically on whether there is sufficient scientific infor-
(These countries are the usual locations for initial market entry mation available to proceed with the systematic engineering of
since they have both the population and purchasing power to a commercializable product. If not, then the knowledge base
ensure a relatively high level of uptake and utilization.) will have to be expanded through additional scientific research
Commercial sustainability is a central and challenging issue whose time-course and outcomes are likely to be far too uncer-
for any new product, particularly one that serves a relatively small tain to be attractive to investors or industrial partners. Thus,
population of users. Even a highly effective technology cannot such research is typically funded by grants to academic institu-
benefit patients unless it continues to be available from and sup- tions from government and/or philanthropic agencies.
ported by its manufacturer, prescribing physicians, and caregiv- The limited longevity of single-unit recordings from intrac-
ers. In a capitalist society, this is normally the job of for-profit ortical microelectrodes is a good example of a problem whose
entities that expect a substantial return on investment to offset solution probably requires advancing our fundamental under-
the risk of championing a new treatment or product. Occasionally, standing of the processes involved in foreign-body reactions. At
philanthropists with a specific interest or government agencies present, we have limited understanding of the extent of these
responsible for the common good are willing and able to shoul- processes (see chapter 5 in this volume), so it is impossible to put
der at least some of this burden. Nevertheless, for medical devices, a schedule on the necessary discoveries to be made. As these
both the investment and the attendant risks are likely to be quite processes are revealed, attempts will be made to target them
substantial. Whether the device is destined to be introduced in through chemical, mechanical, or other means, but there is
the environment of a profitable company or, alternatively, in no way to know in advance if or when those attempts will be
some other venue, numerous questions concerning design, man- successful. Researchers may stumble on a quick fix, or progress
ufacture, safety, and efficacy must first be addressed before its use may be incremental over many years before clinically viable
can be promoted to prospective prescribers or recipients. If the interfaces are available. On the other hand, for signals such as
product and/or health services related to its use are to be paid for field potentials (FPs) and electrocorticograms (ECoG), clinically
by public or private insurers, the advantages must be shown to viable interfaces do exist and are already in use for other
outweigh the costs relative to the costs of alternative treatments purposes. These may be practical for BCI use within a shorter
that may be available. Once in use, income from all sources must period of development and might prove to have sufficient band-
cover the costs of manufacture, sales, distribution, technical sup- width to support many of the applications originally envisioned
port, and remediation of deficiencies. For any organization, sur- for single-unit recordings. Government agencies are willing to
vival depends on meeting its payroll and other expenses in a support myriad research groups and methodologies in all of

these areas and at any level of development because they do not against which the specifications and prototypes can be verified
care which one of them succeeds. In contrast, business inves- to assure that the design meets the requirements of the users.
tors need defined schedules and teams for actual product The process of verification includes the systematic series of
development and success by their own company. As described tests performed to evaluate the match between requirements
in the next section of this chapter, the process and manage- and specifications, or between specifications and implementa-
ment of this product-oriented engineering and clinical research tion. Such tests might include bench tests and animal tests.
are rather different from what goes on in most academic After a prototype has been built, a second step of testing, called
research laboratories. validation, is performed to check that the prototype meets user
needs. Validation is typically accomplished by involving users
in the target population in the testing, through clinical trials,
DESIGN CONTROLS focus groups, or human-factors experiments. After all of these
When the knowledge base is sufficient to permit scientists and steps are completed, the design can finally be transferred to
engineers to start developing a novel medical product, the first manufacturing, with appropriate ongoing reviews to ensure
steps are relatively unstructured to enable relatively uncon- that the design can be manufactured correctly.
strained experimentation with different methods and designs. In the United States, the FDA requires manufacturers of
The medical device regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Class II and III medical devices (including all invasive devices
Administration (FDA) designate this as the concept phase. The and other products entailing significant risk to the user) to
goal is to obtain proof of principle that the application is fea- adhere to quality systems regulations that are codified in the
sible. The process is exempt from the procedures and docu- Code of Federal regulations (CFR; Title 21, Part 820; typically
mentation of design controls. Human experimentation would cited as 21 CFR 820). Quality systems include design controls
be unlikely at this point and would be subject to the usual (21 CFR 820.30) and are inspected for compliance by the FDA.
review by an institutional review board (IRB). At some point in In the European Union (EU) the quality of devices is described
this process the ideas generated in a research lab must be for- in one of two principal Directives (the Active Implantable
malized in order to ensure that the product can be made Medical Device Directive [90/385/EEC] and the Medical
consistently and safely for patients. Before such a product is Device Directive [93/42/EEC]) that outline similar approaches
used in systematic clinical research, its design must be fixed, to conformity to quality systems that are enunciated in the U.S.
documented, and carefully scrutinized for potential problems regulations. However, the primary standard for quality systems
that might lead to unexpected adverse outcomes. This is the in the EU and in Japan is based on an international standard,
process of design controls. ISO 13485 (ISO, 2003), and will be audited not by the relevant
It is an oft-quoted observation that nearly half of all prob- government agency but by a third-party auditor called a
lems encountered by medical products can be attributed to “notified body,” with which the company will work closely.
errors in design, as opposed to defects in manufacture. Medical It is important to note that the details of the quality-system
products are complex assemblages, and the systems that will be implementation in any jurisdiction are the responsibility of
used to derive and use signals from the brain are especially the manufacturer. In the design-control process itself, the
challenging. This challenge is well recognized by regulatory manufacturer must identify what constitutes the design input
agencies, which now insist that products with significant risk
to patients (so-called Class II and III products) (see Product
Design controls:
Classification in this chapter) must implement a well-controlled
system of design steps. These so-called design controls must be
User needs
applied quite early in the design process—after the concept for
the product has been developed but before clinical trials com-
mence and preferably before significant work has been done Requirements Design input

on how the product will actually embody the concept.

As illustrated in figure 21.1, design controls constitute an Validation
orderly method to identify product requirements, or inputs, in Specifications
order to meet all of the needs of all product users. These inputs Design output
are then translated into engineering language by identifying Implementation
the product specifications. These specifications are, in turn,
translated into one or more implementations/prototypes. The
specifications and implementations form the design output of Experience
the system. The inputs and outputs are linked by review steps
that are mandatory and that must be documented when the Figure 21.1 Design control schema (Loeb and Richmond, 2003, adapted from

product is eventually submitted for regulatory approval. The Design Control Guidance for Medical Device Manufacturers, 1997). The boxes
at top (User Needs) and bottom (Experience) reflect the external realities that
purpose of this process is to assure that the requirements are well
the design-control process attempts to capture. The three intervening boxes
considered and to examine broadly the suitability of the design represent the results of the design process that must be documented
in meeting the needs of patients, caregivers, healthcare person- according to design controls defined by the developer’s Quality Systems
nel, and society. The design inputs serve as the framework Manual.

338 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
and what constitutes the design output. The manufacturer Risk analysis
must also develop a Quality Systems Manual that details the • Intended use/intended purpose
steps it requires to design, build, and demonstrate the quality • Hazard identification
of its products, and the documents that will demonstrate • Risk estimation
compliance with those steps (21 CFR 820.40). Much of the Risk
manufacturer’s documentation regarding the verification and
validation of the device would be submitted with regulatory Risk evaluation
submissions for product testing (Investigational Device
• Risk acceptability decision
Exemption [IDE] in the United States) or with equivalent reg-
ulatory submissions in jurisdictions elsewhere. Additional
information including the Quality Manual would be submitted Risk control Risk
as part of submissions for market approval. The FDA or management
notified body would likely audit the records of the manufac- • Opinion analysis
• Implementation
turer for compliance with its own Quality Systems Manual.
• Residual risk evaluation
Companies already in the medical-device business typically • Overall risk acceptance
have a Quality Systems Manual. Research institutions that
intend to develop and test functional prototypes of Class II and
III medical devices will need to develop their own Quality Post-production information
Systems Manual—usually from templates and advice provided
• Post-production experience
by industrial consultants.
• Reviews of risk management
Design-control principles look forbidding, but they are experience
important for giving structure and documentation to an itera-
tive and complex process. Design control is the mechanism by
which the details of the medical product are communicated to Figure 21.2 Risk Management Framework from ISO 14971. The evaluation of
others. Because the design-control system forms a solid struc- risk is intended to achieve an appropriate balance between the benefits of the
tural framework for the activities of inventors and developers product itself and the various problems that might arise from its use
as the process matures, it is most useful if it is implemented (ISO, 2007).

early in the evolution of the project. The relationship between

design controls and the research and development process is
discussed in more detail in Loeb and Richmond (2003). form an important part of the investigational device exemp-
tion (IDE) application (discussed below) when first approval is
sought for clinical trials of new devices that are considered
RISK MANAGEMENT to have significant risk (which will be the case for some types
of BCIs).
In addition to the design-control process in development of a
medical product, it is also necessary to engage in a formal pro-
cess of risk management. Risk management is typically imple-
mented at several stages during the life cycle of the product, REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS—ARE W E
according to an internationally recognized risk management ALLOWED TO SELL OUR PRODUCT?
standard, ISO 14971 (ISO, 2007). As illustrated in figure 21.2,
this standard enunciates a step-wise approach to identify, Once it is determined that a product can function as predicted
evaluate, control, and monitor risk. Risk-management activi- and that its risks are not unacceptable, approval must be
ties typically include the use of one or more tools familiar to obtained from the relevant regulatory authority in the country
most engineers (Ozog, 1997). For example, failure modes and where the device will be disseminated. In any country the sale
effects analysis (FMEA) starts with the ways in which each of medical devices requires satisfying the requirements of its
component can fail and considers the consequences of such regulatory authority: in the United States, the FDA; in Europe,
failures. Fault tree analysis starts with actual harm that could the governmental bodies of individual countries that enforce
occur and works backwards to all of the factors that could the Medical Device Directives generated by the European
cause or contribute to the harm. Hazards and critical control Commission; and in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and
point (HACCP) analysis looks at processes in the manufacture Welfare. There are broad philosophical and legislative differ-
and use of a product to identify where hazards arise and how ences between the United States and the EU. In the United
they might be minimized. The goal of the risk management States, regulation of medical products is an outgrowth of con-
exercise is to evaluate and rank the severity and frequency of sumer protection and truth-in-advertising: the FDA often
each identified risk, so that resources and attention are directed requires clinical evidence demonstrating that products actu-
toward the most significant risks. In addition, as new risks ally provide the medical benefit that is claimed as part of their
become apparent, analyses are updated so that the evolving promotion. In the EU, the emphasis is largely on documenta-
history of the product’s development can be documented sys- tion of safety, but some risk can be deemed acceptable by a
tematically. This is important because this risk analysis will concomitant consideration of offsetting benefits. Clinical trials

C H A P TE R 2 1 . D I S S E M I N AT I O N : G E T T I N G B C I S T O T H E P E O P L E W H O N E E D T H E M | 3 3 9
of an as yet unapproved medical device, or for a new indication are free to prescribe what are called “off-label”
for an approved device, require specific permission (called an applications of the product.
IDE in the United States; see below) that is highly circum-
• What is the product distribution and support
scribed in order to obtain exactly the data required to apply for
system? Most companies producing products
permission to market the device.
for rehabilitation are relatively small and work
For clinical trials and/or for general marketing, the appli-
through distributors, a strategy that may be
cation and approval process is complicated by differences
inappropriate for products that present
between jurisdictions in the specific requirements for obtaining
significant risks and/or require direct training
approval. For example, in the United States, application is made
of prescribers, caregivers, or users.
directly to a division of the FDA’s Center for Devices and
Radiological Health. In contrast, the EU typically engages a For the purposes of simplicity here, we will explore the very
third party auditor/intermediary called a “notified body” to different routes to market that might be taken by a typical
manage the evaluation of the design dossier and the ongoing noninvasive BCI that records brain signals at the scalp versus
quality audits that are needed to commercialize a product with that for an invasive BCI using implanted intracranial electrodes.
the CE Mark (see below). Despite these differences in the for-
malities of documentation and review for approval of the
device, there is a strong trend toward “harmonized standards” P R O D U C T C L A S S I F I C AT I O N
in most countries (see Global Harmonization Task Force, www. A N D R E G U L AT O R Y S T R AT E G Y
ghtf.org). For most devices that interface with the nervous In the United States, as in other industrialized countries, med-
system, three types of documentation are required: a technical ical devices are classified according to risk. The U.S. classifica-
dossier; a preclinical testing dossier; and a clinical dossier. tion system specifies three classes in its Code of Federal
Together, they are used to demonstrate that the product is Regulations (21 CFR 860):
designed appropriately and that it performs safely and consis-
tently under certain defined conditions of use. • Class I devices are relatively safe and require
The product-development process is sufficiently compli- only minimal controls, mostly over manufac-
cated that great care should be used in mapping out a strategy turing quality.
to gain market approval without wasting large amounts of
time and money unnecessarily. Several factors must be • Class II devices have medium risk; quality,
considered: design control, and performance standards are
set to minimize these risks.
• In what country(s) will the product be intro- • Class III devices have the greatest risk; they
duced, and in what sequence? For some types have additional requirements related to clinical
of products, the regulatory pathway in the performance and safety testing.
United States is simpler than that in the
EU, whereas the opposite is true for other All currently marketed medical devices are classified within
product types. this structure and there are particular regulatory requirements
for devices in each class (see also Kaplan et al., 2004). The
• Who is the target audience and how will the
appropriate class for a given medical device can usually be
product be introduced to this audience? All
determined by comparison with similar or related products
product safety and efficacy regulations are
already on the market. For example, EEG equipment is covered
viewed from the perspective of the intended
in 21 CFR 882.1400 and is generally in Class II. There is an
patient population and conditions of use.
approved cortical electrode (21 CFR 882.1310) in Class II, but
Product labeling (a broad regulatory term that
it is for temporary use. Chronically implanted electrical devices
encompasses essentially all information
such as implanted intracerebral stimulators (21 CFR 882.5840)
provided in advertising, on packaging, in
are in Class III, suggesting that a long-term, invasive BCI
instruction manuals, and on the device itself)
would probably be determined to be Class III by the FDA.
must be designed and approved from this
Class I devices may not need to be submitted for approval if
they are exempted by their low classification. Most products
• What are the associated features of the product? with which this book is concerned will be in Class II or above.
Particularly in the United States, any claims In general, devices that are intended for long-term (>30 days)
regarding anticipated benefits for high-risk implantation or that emit energy into the body (e.g., stimula-
devices must be supported by clinical-trial data tors) are in Class III, but they may be down-classified if actual
and approved by the FDA as part of the clinical experience suggests that they pose little risk. Class III
labeling. The company must restrict its also includes all devices that are so novel that similar products
advertising and promotion to the specific are not yet on the market, unless the developer can reclassify
patient population and circumstances of use of the device to a lower class at the time of marketing submission,
those trials, even though individual clinicians as described below.

340 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
TWO ROUTES FOR FDA SUBMISSION Submission via the 510(k) process is simpler because it
reduces the amount of testing required for the new device,
The U.S. FDA has two principal routes for submission for mar-
relying on the fact that the predicate(s) on the market is(are)
keting approval:
already considered to be evidence that such products can be
used safely under the same conditions of use. The file itself
• the pre-market notification process [often
takes relatively little time to develop and often requires no new
called the 510(k) process, referring to section
clinical data; the FDA typically reviews the file within about 90
510(k) of the 1976 amendment to the Food,
days. Thus, a 510(k) submission means that new products can
Drug and Cosmetic Act]: this
enter the market in relatively short order.1
is available for products that are substantially
equivalent to existing products (i.e., predicate
F D A P R E - M A R K E T I N G A P P R O VA L
products) already in Class II.
The more complicated FDA Pre-Marketing Approval (PMA)
• the pre-marketing approval process (PMA): process is required for Class III products because they are con-
this is required for all products already in Class sidered to have substantial risks that are not adequately addressed
III or for which there is no predicate product by comparison to previously approved products. The PMA
(see below) in a lower class. process requires a much lengthier submission to allow evalua-
tion of the design, manufacture, safety, and efficacy of the new
product without reference to a predicate. Even for a case in
FDA 510(K) SUBMISSION which a similar product is on the market, the new product must
The 510(k) is the simpler process, and it relies on the ability to go through an independent review based on thorough testing of
prove substantial equivalence between the product under con- the product under both bench and clinical conditions.
sideration and a predicate product, another similar and already Preparation of the PMA submission is arduous, and FDA review
approved product that is on the market for the same use. In and approval of the file typically take up to a year or more.
practice the required level of similarity depends on the per-
ceived risks. For example, an EEG-based BCI used to operate a A P P R O V A L I N T H E E U A N D J A PA N
message service on a computer monitor would probably be
accepted as similar to other Class II EEG equipment, whose In the EU, a risk-based approach similar to the FDA’s is used,
classification in 21 CFR 882.1400 does not specify or delimit although products are divided into four classes (Class I, IIa, IIb,
any actual use of the EEG information. In contrast, a similar and III), based on escalating risk, and are classified according
interface used to control a powered wheelchair might well be to one of the Medical Device Directives. A general guidance for
considered to be Class III because it poses new safety concerns. risk-based classification can be found in the GHTF Document,
The submission package for the 510(k) product will be on Principles of Device Classification (SG1-N15:2006). In the
the order of 30–100 pages and should include a relatively European system, market readiness is indicated by affixing a
simple set of tests to prove comparability to a previously com- CE (Communauté Européenne) mark, after a notified body has
mercialized predicate product. Note that the new device need evaluated the technical dossier, the clinical trials where needed,
only be as safe and effective as the predicate device; it will not and the company’s conformance with a quality system.
be compared to other, more recently approved technologies or In Japan, a separate quasigovernmental agency called the
products that may be safer or more effective. Because of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) is
abbreviated path, the 510(k) product is generally considered to responsible for assessment of market readiness using a system
be cleared rather than approved by the FDA. similar to that in other countries, with final marketing permis-
The reader might wonder how a new device can be consid- sion recommended to the Ministry of Health, Labor and
ered different enough to have market viability and still qualify Welfare (MHLW) that approves the product registration.
for substantial equivalence. The 510(k) process was originally
introduced to “grandfather” the approval of all medical devices
on the market in 1976 except those then deemed to pose par- 1. At the time of this writing, the 510(k) process is under scrutiny by the FDA and
the Institutes of Medicine. The FDA internal 510(k) working group released a
ticularly significant risks (which were specified to be Class III). preliminary report on August 4, 2010. Some of the recommendations of that
The approved patient populations and uses for these older report might affect a 510(k) strategy as outlined above. For instance, higher risk
predicate devices tend to be quite broad or even unspecified devices, such as those now regulated by Special Controls may eventually be
grouped into what may be called “Class IIb,” and subject to increased regulatory
(e.g., EEG equipment cited above). It is not uncommon for new requirements. Devices that are regulated by “Special Controls,” such as the EEG
devices to incorporate entirely new technologies (e.g., inte- devices, may see increased regulatory scrutiny in the future. Additionally, the
grated circuits) and cosmetic form factors (e.g., molded pack- multiple predicate pathway, as defined above, has been criticized in the FDA’s
preliminary report. The reader is encouraged to research the most recent FDA
aging) and still be considered to be substantially equivalent to policy on the 510(k) process when developing a 510(k) regulatory strategy for a
the predicate device as long as they introduce no new technical BCI. See FDA News Release, August 4, 2010, FDA Issues Assessment of the 510(k)
or safety issues. Furthermore, the 510(k) process can be used if Program and Use of Science in Decision-Making: http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/
the new device marries features of two different predicate prod-
See also Draft Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff: Class II Special Controls
ucts as long as both are already approved and fall into 510(k) or Guidance Document: Cutaneous Electrode http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/
exempted categories (but see Footnote 1 below). DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm199247.htm

C H A P TE R 2 1 . D I S S E M I N AT I O N : G E T T I N G B C I S T O T H E P E O P L E W H O N E E D T H E M | 3 4 1
For FDA submissions, some of the novel devices developed by
BCI researchers will be difficult to classify because they have no
predicates. Because devices without predicates have tradition- Noninvasive BCIs (likely be in Class II in the United States, as
ally been classified as Class III, the approval path for such BCI approved medical products) may well be considered to be
devices will almost always be long. However, if the new device nonsignificant risk devices when used as laboratory prototypes
does not pose substantial risks to patients (i.e., as in the case of in a research setting [see 21 CFR 812.2(b), 21 CFR 812.3, 21
a noninvasive BCI used for communication), then it may be CFR 56]. In this case, the researcher need only convince his/
eligible for a route called de novo reclassification. In this strat- her local IRB to accept that designation and to approve the
egy, the new device is submitted under the 510(k) approval research protocol and informed consent process (21 CFR 50);
route, where it will be denied “substantial equivalence” designa- neither notification of nor approval by the FDA is required.
tion (since there is no predicate device). The manufacturer then Later, if a manufacturer eventually wants to commercialize the
has 60 days to petition for reclassification of the device from technology, some of this clinical research experience may pro-
Class III to Class II. This petition for reclassification is more vide useful supportive data; nevertheless, the manufacturer
demanding than a typical 510(k) submission, but it is worth- will have to generate complete regulatory submissions includ-
while for two important reasons. First, the reporting require- ing documentation of any redesign and required preclinical
ments after commercialization are less onerous for Class II than and clinical data for the actual product. The FDA publishes an
for Class III. Second, the lower classification may help later Information Sheet Guidance for IRBs, Clinical Investigators,
iterations of the same product reach the market more quickly.2 and Sponsors; Significant Risk and Nonsignificant Risk Medical
Despite such advantages of the lower classification, there Device Studies (Good Clinical Practice Program, January 2006;
are also some significant disadvantages. Reclassification will http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ScienceResearch/Special
mean that the application is not reviewed in the kind of detail Topics/RunningClinicalTrials/GuidancesInformationSheets
that would constitute an approval of the underlying technology andNotices/UCM118082.pdf ).
and design. The FDA instead notifies the applicant that it
accepts the applicant’s assurance that the product is “as safe
and efficacious as” a predicate product. This notification (rather ORPHAN PRODUCTS
than approval) provides less protection from liability: because The U.S. Congress has recognized that the high regulatory
the FDA has not actually reviewed the product, the product hurdles faced by low-risk medical devices can inhibit research
does not benefit from the safe harbor presumption available to and development of products for small markets. Thus, they
products that have gone through an approval process and empowered the FDA to establish a modified approval route spe-
received approval from the regulatory authority. In addition, cifically for medical devices when no current product satisfacto-
down-classification opens the door for the product to be used rily treats a serious illness in a small population of patients
as a predicate for competing products that can enter the market (defined as incidence less than 4000 patients per year with the
more easily by the 510(k) route, thereby simplifying their condition). These devices are referred to as orphan products (21
development path. This is an advantage or disadvantage CFR 814, Subpart H). In this approval path, the first step is to
depending on the goal of the inventor. It is a disadvantage if the gain designation as a humanitarian-use device (HUD). This is
goal is to establish a profit-making product because it helps accomplished through application to the Office of Orphan
competitors. It is an advantage if the inventor’s goal is to Products in the FDA, in a letter outlining the particulars of the
encourage and expedite innovation in the field without regard device and its manufacturer and arguing persuasively that the
to profit considerations. population is sufficiently small to warrant this classification. The
The box entitled Regulatory Process of a Class II Non- primary hurdle in achieving HUD status is convincing the regula-
Invasive BCI provides an example of the regulatory process for tors that the intended user population is in fact small and is seri-
a noninvasive EEG-based BCI. The box entitled Regulatory ously impaired without such a device. For BCIs, this argument is
Process of a Class III Invasive BCI provides an example of the probably straightforward. Classification as a HUD abbreviates the
regulatory process for a BCI based on electrodes implanted on submission path because the sponsor of a HUD device is not
the surface of the brain (as in electrocortigraphy [ECoG]; see required to demonstrate effectiveness (a requirement for PMAs).
chapter 15 of this volume) or within the brain (as in intracorti- This may shorten the clinical-trial process considerably. The man-
cal recording; see chapter 16). ufacturer must prove that the device is safe for its intended use
and that it offers probable benefit for its intended patient popula-
tion. Generally, this route is used only for Class III devices.
It may be possible to obtain an orphan-product designa-
2. Note that the FDA’s internal 510(k) working group has recommended that the tion for a noninvasive BCI that would be eligible for Class II
de novo process be streamlined to be faster and more effective. This designation (based on predicates) as long as no suitable prod-
recommendation has received favorable comment from industry. See CDRH
Preliminary Internal Evaluations http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/ uct is currently available commercially, but this would have to
CDRH/CDRHReports/ucm220272. be negotiated with the FDA. If a new device has a predicate in

342 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

Obtaining a Class II designation for a non-invasive BCI depends on identifying one or more acceptable predicate Class II devices from
the listing in 21 CFR Parts 870-890 (covering a wide range of electrodiagnostic and rehabilitative devices). The selection will depend on
the technologies employed by the new device’s interface (electrodes, telemetry, etc.), signal processing and other interactions with the
user and his/her environment.
Once a possible predicate device and its associated 510(k) number are identified, it is possible to obtain that redacted application
through Freedom of Information, and to identify what elements of the device would need to be replicated or shown to be substantially
equivalent to those of the new BCI device. Furthermore, for more recently approved devices there is often a summary of features on
the website that is sufficient to begin a design comparison. The predicate device may have its own predicate, in which case a compari-
son of the two applications can instruct someone new to this process about how the two devices were compared for regulatory
The following is a list of some Class II devices that may provide useful predicates.

• Electroencephalograph 21 CFR Sec.882.1400). An electroencephalograph is a device used to measure and record the electrical
activity of the patient’s brain obtained by placing two or more electrodes on the head

• Electroencephalogram (EEG) telemetry system (21 CFR Sec. 882.1855). An electroencephalogram (EEG) telemetry system
consists of transmitters, receivers, and other components used for remotely monitoring or measuring EEG signals by means of
radio or telephone transmission systems.
• Biofeedback device (21 CFR Sec. 882.5050): A biofeedback device is an instrument that provides a visual or auditory signal
corresponding to the status of one or more of a patient’s physiological parameters (e.g., brain alpha wave activity, muscle
activity, skin temperature, etc.) so that the patient can control voluntarily these physiological parameters.
• Single-function, preprogrammed diagnostic computer (21 CFR 870.1435): A single-function, preprogrammed diagnostic
computer is a hard-wired computer that calculates a specific physiological or blood-flow parameter based on information
obtained from one or more electrodes, transducers, or measuring devices.

Once an acceptable predicate has been identified, the manufacturer can proceed with a 510(k) regulatory submission. This will
typically include bench and perhaps animal testing to demonstrate substantial equivalence of the new product to the predicate product.
If accepted, the FDA will issue a clearance permitting the new product to be marketed and sold for the predicate indications.


Relatively few Class III invasive BCIs are available on the market currently, and most are under humanitarian device exemptions
(see text). Previously classified products that would probably be deemed to pose similar risks include:

• Implanted cerebellar stimulator (21 CFR 882.5820): An implanted cerebellar stimulator is a device used to stimulate electrically
a patient’s cerebellar cortex for the treatment of intractable epilepsy, spasticity, and some movement disorders. The stimulator
consists of an implanted receiver with electrodes that are placed on the patient’s cerebellum and an external transmitter for
transmitting the stimulating pulses across the patient’s skin to the implanted receiver.

• Implanted intracerebral/subcortical electrical stimulator for pain relief (21 CFR 882.5840): An implanted intracerebral/subcortical
stimulator for pain relief is a device that applies electrical current to subsurface areas of a patient’s brain to treat severe intrac-
table pain. The stimulator consists of an implanted receiver with electrodes that are placed within a patient’s brain and an
external transmitter for transmitting the stimulating pulses across the patient’s skin to the implanted receiver.

Nearly all Class III devices enter the market through the PMA process whereby each device is evaluated on its own merits without
primary reference to a predicate device. Although a Class III device cannot be approved on the basis of a predicate, it is often useful to
examine the documentation of the approval application for a device with similar safety considerations. For example, although deep
brain stimulators are not BCIs, they do involve many of the same safety considerations as BCIs that use implanted electrodes. Thus, the
experience and testing of such Class III products as deep brain stimulators can help to guide an inventor in understanding what will
need to be done to gain market approval. In this regard, there are a couple of important caveats. First, the bar for establishing safety
and efficacy changes with time, better science, and regulatory experience, so what might work for submissions in one decade may not
be adequate in another. Consultation with the FDA at an early stage is essential in ensuring that planning is appropriate and that time
is not lost with inappropriate testing strategies.

C H A P TE R 2 1 . D I S S E M I N AT I O N : G E T T I N G B C I S T O T H E P E O P L E W H O N E E D T H E M | 3 4 3
Class II that is substantially equivalent, then the presumption regulatory authority. If publishable research uses data from a
is that the market is already adequately served. patient who has received such a device, the research protocol
A number of incentives are provided for the development (but not the prescription of the device itself) will need the
of an orphan product. The applicant is eligible for R01 research usual review by an IRB.
grants up to $400,000/year total cost for four years that are
awarded competitively to applicants in a special research com-
petition that is reviewed through the FDA Office (currently REIMBURSEMENT CONSIDERATIONS—
RFA-FD-09–001). There are also helpful tax breaks and WILL ANYONE PAY FOR OUR PRODUC T ?
arrangements to waive certain aspects of Good Manufacturing
Practices (referred to as “GMP”). Devices that are sold under A device that is approved by the FDA by any of the routes
HUD rules must not charge more for the products than is outlined above is certainly not guaranteed to gain market
invested in the development and manufacture, but within this acceptance. In most developed countries, few individual
limit they have no required price controls. For pediatric patients are willing or able to afford expensive medical devices
devices, even this limit on price caps is waived. such as BCIs. Costs of the device and attendant treatment
Several provisos must be kept in mind before pursuing the are typically paid not by the patient but by a government-
HUD route. The labeling on the product must specify that the run or private medical insurance plan. The viability of these
product has not been reviewed for its efficacy. Perhaps more insurance plans requires that they keep costs down. One way
importantly, the product cannot be sold freely like a typical com- to keep costs down is to minimize expenditures on expensive
mercially approved device. Instead, the device can be used only medical technologies. Thus, a key but often neglected area
under the oversight of the IRB of a particular treatment center. of the regulatory strategy for approval of a new device is the
The IRB determines the particular conditions under which the development of a reimbursement approval plan (Raab and
device can be used within that institution. Unlike in the case of Parr, 2009).
an investigational device, the recipients are not part of a clinical
trial with all of its attendant protocols and oversight. The treated
patients do not have to sign an informed consent form as in a
clinical trial, although they will almost certainly sign the usual
surgical consent form and perhaps other documentation required In the United States, obtaining reimbursement for a product
by the institution’s legal advisors. If the manufacturer later elects first involves assuring reimbursement by the Center for
to pursue Pre-Market Approval for general marketing, clinical Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (http://www.cms.hhs.
experience accrued during the HUD phase may provide useful gov/Reimbursement), which is the biggest insurer by virtue of
supportive data regarding safety, but demonstration of efficacy its responsibilities for most coverage of seniors, low-income
will almost certainly require an investigational device exemption families, and individuals with certain life-threatening prob-
(IDE) and controlled clinical trial. Similar humanitarian-use lems such as kidney failure. Other insurers often look to
systems are also in place in the EU and Japan. Medicare decisions to guide their reimbursement decisions, so
CMS decisions have far-reaching implications for market
acceptance. CMS approves a new product through a submis-
sion process somewhat similar to that of the FDA. However,
Custom devices, designed for a specific patient and essentially for CMS, the arguments do not hinge on claims of safety and
prescribed by a physician, provide an even simpler route for efficacy but rather on claims of reasonable and necessary (Scherb
providing Class II or III medical devices to individual patients and Kurlander, 2006).
(21 CFR 812.3). This path may be useful for designing one-of- For a medical device company to survive on insurance
a-kind interfaces for early-stage research. However, the IRB reimbursement for its product, three conditions must be met:
needs to review the research protocol separately for each
patient and for each device, and this route cannot be used for • a coverage decision must be in place
similar implants in a series of patients. The field of orthopedics
• a code for the procedure or device must exist
often uses custom orthoses designed on a patient-by-patient
(or be created)
basis. If an implanted BCI is fitted to a particular patient and is
essentially not marketed in a usable out-of-the-box form, it is • payment for the product must be adequate to
possible that the single device might be made and even sold as justify manufacture and sales.
a custom device. The manufacturer can be an academic or
commercial enterprise. However, the custom-device approach
has several important implications. Because such a device is COVERAGE
considered to be part of the practice of medicine, the physician First, the product must be covered by the insurer. Medical
is involved in the specifications for the individual patient for devices are often part of omnibus coverage of a procedure
which it is designed. The device goes through no formal sub- listed as a diagnosis related group (DRG), and the cost of the
mission process with the FDA. The physician and the institu- product is included in the total amount given for the covered
tion thus implicitly accept much greater liability for the use procedure. However, insurance plans often require that very
of a custom device than for one that has been reviewed by a expensive devices be bought separately; and in this event, the

344 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
insurance plan must make a coverage decision. In the case of is more expensive, then the new product can profit from the
Medicare, if the product is sold in too small a volume to justify generous reimbursement already established for the product.
seeking a national coverage decision, this decision can be made However, if the new product is more expensive than compet-
case-by-case. In this instance, the insurer can make a negative ing products or treatments, a readjustment of the payment
or positive decision, according to the judgment of the admin- schedule is needed. In the past, this has been a major impedi-
istering organization, which is often a contractor such as a pri- ment for new, relatively costly products with small target
vate insurance company. However, to ensure that coverage will markets. However, a new scheme called the new technology
be granted to all individuals who are prescribed a device under add-on payment (NTAP) scheme was introduced in 2000.
the Medicare plan, it is necessary to seek a national coverage Although it has been further developed in recent years to
decision by formal application to CMS. This process entails address this problem, the program has not been very success-
some risk: if CMS does support coverage, then all appropriate ful to date. Clyde et al. (2008) reported that 28 applications had
patients become eligible for reimbursement, no matter where been filed for consideration under this program, but only seven
they live in the United States; if CMS does not support met the appropriate criteria and were approved.
coverage, the device will not be reimbursed by CMS in any
constituency. P R O V I N G R E A S O N A B L E A N D N E C E S S A RY
The process to gain approval for coverage is lengthy. It The notion that a product is reasonable and necessary is a cen-
requires submission of substantial clinical data beyond the tral tenet of reimbursement by a healthcare insurer. Satisfaction
clinical data normally required by the FDA. The clinical evi- of the criteria for reasonable requires clinical evidence that the
dence to support coverage must also include information product is not unreasonably expensive for the benefit that it
about pricing and cost-savings relative to other forms of medi- provides. Satisfaction of the criteria for necessary requires clin-
cal care, such as reductions in hospital stay or caregiver sup- ical evidence that the product is therapeutically important.
port. If a new product is not covered by CMS by the time of First, insurers will ask: Are BCI devices necessary for the
FDA approval, there will be a delay of at least another year, and patients targeted? Insurers might argue that such patients have
more commonly two years, before a coverage decision can be been managed in other ways for a long time and that such
secured. In any case, coverage is not automatic even if the interfaces will not substantially improve health outcomes and
device is FDA-approved. A recent case involving Cyberonics may, in fact, add risks and costs to the health care of the indi-
(a manufacturer of an implanted vagus-nerve stimulator that viduals. If the devices can return patients to work, or decrease
was approved for the treatment of intractable epilepsy) their utilization of hospital or health-provider services, it may
is instructive. The company was able to obtain FDA approval be to the insurer’s benefit to cover the technology. To provide
for its implanted vagus-nerve stimulator as a therapeutic such information for a new device, it is important to define
intervention for the treatment of depression. The company very early what data will be needed to make the relevant argu-
then applied for coverage to CMS, but coverage was denied ments to CMS. This will allow the necessary data to be col-
because the clinical outcomes data were not sufficiently com- lected from the same clinical trials that are undertaken for the
pelling for the higher threshold of reasonable and necessary as FDA submission. Of particular note is the fact that obtaining
opposed to safe and effective. the data needed for CMS submission often necessitates follow-
ing patients for a longer period of time than that needed for
CODING FDA submissions. A typical FDA pre-market trial seldom
When a healthcare facility or physician attempts to obtain pay- requires more than one year of follow-up for an individual
ment for a covered device, it is essential that the appropriate patient, although patients are usually consented for follow-up
code for the device be entered into the billing system. Without until the end of the trial. Therefore, the first patients to be
this code, the process to gain reimbursement is long and frus- enrolled in the trial are generally followed longer than the last
trating. A favorable decision on insurance coverage does not patients to be enrolled. For studies assessing the economic
automatically result in an assigned code. If a code does not impact of the technology, clear documentation of net cost
already exist, then it must be sought and approved. This takes savings may need data collected over several years, effectively
substantial time. Thus, a company developing a medical device spreading out over several years the high initial costs associ-
should seek expert guidance about the existence of coverage ated with providing the system.
and coding for the device. Some devices will fall under existing Second, insurers will ask: Are the costs of BCIs reasonable
codes for similar devices so that this process will be relatively for the assistance that they provide to patients? To assess this,
painless. However, a novel device with no marketed precedents CMS requires documentation of all costs associated with long-
could face substantial and unpredictable delays before it obtains term use, including service, repair, follow-up expenses, and
a coding decision. management of any adverse events. Furthermore, the costs for
recipients of the treatment who cease to benefit as a result of
PAY M E N T death or deterioration secondary to their underlying pathol-
Even if coverage and coding decisions are in place, the level of ogy must be included in the total costs. Obtaining sufficient
reimbursement for a particular product under a preexisting clinical data from a small and widely scattered population of
code may be too low for commercial success. Thus, it is critical potential users generally requires recruitment at multiple cen-
to gain a coverage decision that ensures adequate payment for ters beyond the institution that pioneered the new technology.
the product. If the new product replaces another product that This may result in poorer patient selection, increased adverse

C H A P TE R 2 1 . D I S S E M I N AT I O N : G E T T I N G B C I S T O T H E P E O P L E W H O N E E D T H E M | 3 4 5
events, or reduced retention for long-term follow-up, all of can often facilitate the understanding and navigation of
which can make the case for reimbursement weaker than it complicated systems of reimbursement.
appeared to be during the original pilot studies.
For an implanted BCI, it may be a challenge to make the
case for satisfaction of the reasonable criterion. For example, if FINANCIAL CHALLENGES—
an implanted BCI were priced at $25,000–$40,000 (the price IS THE ENDEAVOR SUSTAINABLE?
range for a cochlear implant), this cost would be substantial for
an insurance company and would not currently be on their The following analysis assumes that BCI technology will at
payment schedule for the kinds of conditions considered least eventually be manufactured and supported by a commer-
here. The case would depend on careful documentation of the cial entity. This is the general route for making products avail-
current costs of care for the patient, including the significant able in a capitalist economic system such as now prevails in
costs of healthcare delivery to a patient with poor mobility virtually all industrialized nations. Experience with similar
and communication capabilities, which might be reduced by products and endeavors provides a basis for rational analysis
utilizing the new device. of the opportunities and challenges. It is also possible that
a private philanthropist, or society in general, would decide to
endow a noncommercial entity, based on the particularly com-
pelling circumstances of typical candidates for BCIs. Given
Although CMS is an important source of reimbursement for their unique nature, a formal analysis of such options based on
medical devices, BCI manufacturers may still have to assist precedents is not possible, but we will consider some potential
their individual client patients and healthcare facilities in scenarios here.
obtaining reimbursement from individual insurance plans.
This battle is often more political than medical. Patient advo-
cacy groups and philanthropic foundations can be critical
allies, particularly in a field such as spinal cord injury. The V E N T U R E C A P I TA L A N D A N G E L I N V E S T O R S
opinions of physicians and therapists will also be important, The decision to start a for-profit business to build a new medi-
but it is important to remember that they are also business pro- cal product is necessarily driven by the anticipated return on
prietors. If the prescription and management of new technol- investment, prorated by the probability of success and dis-
ogy reduce their costs or increase their billable procedures, counted according to the delay until profitability. Professional
they are more likely to engage in the often tedious process of investors known as venture capitalists (VCs) or angels are early-
securing reimbursement on a case-by-case basis after the basic stage investors who appropriately use such a dispassionate
coverage decisions are in place. analysis as the basis for deciding to invest in a device. Inventors
and pioneers of new treatments may also be investing
their own money in the start-up company; since they are also
investing professional time (sweat equity), the decisions are
Medical-device marketing is seldom limited to a single coun- more complicated. A company must generate a profit if it is to
try. Thus, for any product, an analysis such as that outlined survive and make its products available to patients. If it cannot
above for the United States should also be mapped out for generate a profit, the products, no matter how effective they
other countries where the product will ultimately be sold. The may be, will not be available. Investors also want to have a
data required for regulatory and reimbursement approval in defined exit strategy—the mechanism and schedule by which
other countries will vary according to the classification and they will be able to liquidate their original investment times a
specific risks and benefits of the product. substantial multiplier (∼10×) for the risk that they have taken
There has been a fairly successful international effort to with their money. This usually involves building the company
harmonize many aspects of the regulatory process. With proper to sufficient size and profitability that it can be sold to a larger
planning, data collected for the U.S. FDA can support global entity or to the general public through an initial public offering
applications. Conversely, clinical trial data from other coun- of common stock. The box entitled Building a Technology
tries can generally be used for the FDA. Nevertheless, reim- Start-Up Company Box describes a typical scenario.
bursement decisions and procedures remain highly balkanized As the scenario described in the box shows, it is likely to be
(Simoens, 2008). Each country in Europe, each province in difficult to convince investors to initiate commercial develop-
Canada, and each public and private insurer in the United ment of even noninvasive BCI devices from scratch. One pow-
States makes its own decisions based on financial consider- erful way to make a risky business proposition more attractive
ations as well as on its own perception of the political climate is to leverage a small investment into a larger effort by taking
among the local constituencies, healthcare professionals, and advantage of research grants from government agencies and
business associations. In many European countries, individual charitable foundations. This is particularly important for a field
hospitals or healthcare districts may have fixed annual budgets like BCI technology where the risks are high and the market is
for a large class of services and devices. Their decisions to pro- likely to be modest at best. As shown in the scenario described
vide a particular technology may depend on timing in the fiscal in the box, equity investment dilutes ownership, reducing the
year and the influence of individual practitioners. In any venue, already limited upside potential of the original investors. By
partnerships with other companies or with local distributors contrast, grants and contracts represent operating revenue,

346 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
reducing the “burn rate” at which the original capital invest- (not to exceed 30% of the awarded funds). The principal
ment is consumed and thus making the balance sheet much investigator (PI) for an STTR can have primary employment at
more attractive to new investors or potential acquirers of the either the business or the academic entity, whereas the PI for
business. an SBIR must be employed primarily by the small-business
F E D E R A L G R A N T S I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S Both STTR and SBIR grants are applied for and awarded in
The appropriations legislation for most federal agencies in the phases. Phase 1 pilot-study grants are small ($75–100K) and
United States now includes the requirement that a minimum brief (∼6 months). Phase 2 development awards are substantial
percentage of their extramurally directed funding (called a set- ($750K–1M) and longer (2 years). An additional Phase 3 is
aside) be allocated to U.S. small-business entities, defined as also available in some programs but only with substantial cost-
companies with less than 500 employees. Two types of small- sharing by the small business. The rules and procedures for the
business grants are available. STTR and SBIR grant applications are surprisingly similar to
Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants require a those for regular academic grants: scholarly reviews of the
partnership with a nonprofit research institution that will per- literature, detailed research plans, forms to complete, limited
form at least 30% of the funded research. The STTR set-aside is submission dates, and a long delay to review and award. The
currently only 0.3%, and these grants are reviewed by the usual result is that these programs are relatively unattractive and
mechanisms (e.g., NIH Study Sections), resulting in fairly low relatively inaccessible to typical small businesses, which usually
success rates. Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants need to make rapid, incremental changes to existing products
have a set-aside of 2.5% and are often reviewed by special using staff engineers unfamiliar with academic research. In
panels with greater focus on product development and busi- contrast, start-up companies with academic roots enjoy
ness opportunities. SBIR grants can be spent entirely by the relatively high success rates, particularly in the well-funded
small business, or they can include an academic subcontract SBIR program. Since the SBIR requires that the PI be employed


• The inventors of a novel treatment raise $5M capital to start their business by selling 50% of their company to VCs. This deal
implicitly values the intellectual property (patents, copyrights, experience, expertise, etc.) at $5M and the total company worth
at $10M.

• At the end of 2 years, the $5M has been spent and the initial clinical trial data are encouraging, but the company is not yet
turning a net profit, so more capital must be sought to keep business development going or everything invested to date will be
• If the results are very strong and a substantial market appears to be imminent, it may be possible to raise another $5M by
issuing new shares equal to 20% of the value of the company. This implicitly values the company at $25M and causes a small
dilution in percentage ownership by the original investors to 40%, now worth $10M (on paper).
• If the results are modest and the remaining course appears lengthy, the company may have to raise $10M by issuing new
stock representing 80% of the recapitalized company, effectively diluting the original investors to 10% ownership of a
company worth only $12.5M. This represents a paper loss of $3.75M of their original investment, hence the term “down
round” for such a second stage of financing.

Throughout these ups or downs, the only way the investors can recover their investment is to sell their shares to someone else; liq-
uidating the company’s assets will return only pennies on the dollar. The average success rate for technology start-ups is about 10%
with profitability after 2-3 years; it is probably lower and much longer for novel medical devices because of the large regulatory and
reimbursement risks. For this reason, VCs generally operate as pooled investment funds, with many concurrent projects in the hope that
at least one will succeed.

• Just to break even (and not counting the cost of tying up their capital for several years), the VC doing first-round investments of
$5M in 10 different companies would have to sell its share of one company for $50M, representing a corporate valuation of well
over $100M, depending on dilution subsequent to the first round.

• Companies in the medical device sector can expect price:earnings ratios of 15:1 up to 50:1 depending on prospects for further
growth. At a P:E of 20, a $100M company would have to generate $5M in net profits after all expenses.
• The selling price for a typical medical product will probably allow 10% profits, with 20% for cost-of-goods, 20% for management
and infrastructure, and 50% for cost-of-sales (advertising, distributor’s mark-ups, clinician training, technical support, etc.).
• So the company will need at least $50M/yr in sales when the original investors are ready to exit.
• That sales target would represent 5000 units/yr at $10K/unit, a challenging goal for most BCI applications currently under

C H A P TE R 2 1 . D I S S E M I N AT I O N : G E T T I N G B C I S T O T H E P E O P L E W H O N E E D T H E M | 3 4 7
at least 50% by the small-business entity, it has given rise to some reversion rights to the technology if the enterprise fails
companies that are essentially SBIR-mills whose revenue (as most technology start-ups actually do). Without such rever-
is derived from such grants rather than from sales of actual sion rights, any assets including intellectual property (IP)
products. When such efforts do not result in sales of actual licensed to or owned by the company will be held by the
products, they do not in the end satisfy the original intent of receiver in the event of a bankruptcy, and the receiver could
the law. retain these indefinitely in the hope of a windfall through
licensing to or infringement by a future entity. Reversion of IP
FINDING AND WORKING WITH BUSINESS to the nonprofit institution in which it was originally devel-
PA RT N E R S oped will at least make it possible to start again with another
Business Partner Expertise commercial or noncommercial attempt at developing the
The doctoral-level scientists, engineers, and physicians technology.
who are the likely inventors of new medical technologies
typically acquire deep but narrow expertise about a particular
field of science or technology and are usually not well versed in POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS FO R
fields such as business and law. When such inventors start a DISSEMINATING AND SUPPORTING B CIs
business based on their technical expertise, they often fail to
perceive this shortcoming, ultimately dooming the enterprise An objective analysis of the commercial opportunities for pres-
regardless of its technical merit. The process of seeking and ent BCI technologies and markets reveals substantial chal-
involving investors in a new business should be seen as an lenges. The rate, accuracy, and reliability of the command
opportunity to rectify this problem, not limited just to the signals currently obtainable from both transcutaneous and
matter of acquiring working capital. Both the scientists and implanted BCIs are still relatively low, thus limiting their
investors need to see this process as an opportunity to learn immediate appeal to a relatively small population of patients
and assess. In the end, the success of the enterprise depends at for whom there are essentially no other communication
least as much on fully utilizing the capabilities of both sides as alternatives (e.g., people locked-in by brainstem strokes or by
on the amount of capital actually raised. If the investors are too late-stage ALS; see chapter 19). Providing even a slow commu-
inexperienced or emotionally involved to see that an enterprise nication channel to such patients may greatly improve their
is not commercially viable, an inevitable failure is simply post- quality of life, but it will not necessarily reduce their cost to
poned and magnified, valuable time is wasted, and a history is insurers. Furthermore, the initial prescription and calibration,
created that may poison the climate for future investment in and the ongoing maintenance, of a BCI system, even a nonin-
related products and markets. vasive system, are likely to involve additional professional
When outside investors are brought into a small business, services and may increase the required sophistication and daily
the inventors must recognize that the investors will necessarily workload of the caregivers.
be sharing in ownership and control of the company, all These considerations, and the relatively small numbers of
according to the contractually agreed terms. Those terms are such severely disabled individuals, may discourage commer-
often rather complex because they must anticipate a huge range cial entities’ interest in present-day BCI systems. Thus, BCIs
of contingencies in the development of new technologies, are in danger of becoming an orphan technology, a technology
products, and markets. The development process almost inevi- that is effective but that lacks viable commercial avenues for its
tably takes longer and costs more than originally anticipated, dissemination to people who need it. Nevertheless, dissemina-
leading to the need for multiple rounds of funding and further tion might be enabled by special strategies that circumvent or
sharing of ownership and control (see box entitled Building a overcome this practical problem.
Technology Start-Up Company.) At the outset, it is important Given the extreme need and limited numbers of potential
for researchers contemplating such a transfer to examine their BCI users, it may be possible to induce a philanthropic founda-
personal motives. If the goal is to amass personal wealth or to tion to guarantee a market base by agreeing to purchase,
realize their personal vision of the final product, they are likely distribute, and support a certain number of units, thereby
to be disappointed. Surprisingly often, the product or market reducing the costs of marketing, sales, and distribution, and
that actually results in commercial success is rather unlike the also thereby mitigating reimbursement risk, at least initially.
one that the researchers originally sought to develop. Much of Alternatively, it might be possible for a nonprofit foundation
the credit for and the profit from a success will go to those who dedicated to such dissemination and support to establish itself
correctly perceive, invest in, and exploit “market pull” rather as a permanent self-sustaining entity. Its income might come
than “technology push,” and these people are often not the from grants (public or private), donations, and limited fees,
inventors of the original technology. In the long run, it is and, if it also supports further BCI research and development,
important that business-oriented individuals have some con- from licensing BCI-related intellectual property to commercial
trol for the company to succeed, because they provide not only entities. One effort to develop such a foundation has recently
capital, but also essential expertise to the company. begun (see www.braincommunication.org). It remains to be
seen whether this alternative to commercial dissemination and
Reversion Rights support of BCI systems can be effective and sustainable.
In setting the terms for the contract between investors Another possible alternative to dissemination of BCIs
and inventors, it is also important for the inventors to have as medical products is to focus research and development on

348 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
simplifying noninvasive BCI systems so that they can be priced understand more than just the science and technology (Zenios
and used as consumer “lifestyle” products, similar to a special- et al., 2010).
ized mouse or computer game (e.g., “Brainwave Pong” toys The first place to start is with careful, objective analysis of
now available commercially). If no medical claims were made the risks and rewards of any proposed development effort.
in their promotion and they could be purchased and used From their scientific research, academicians are already famil-
without involving a prescribing physician, these BCIs might iar with systematic collection of data, projection and analysis
not be classified as regulated medical devices. This strategy of trends, and logical deduction. They need to apply these
could substantially reduce development time and expense, and analytic capabilities to business-related considerations: size of
it might greatly enhance market size, and thus commercial markets, cost of goods, regulatory and reimbursement risk,
viability. At the same time, of course, the systems would need cost of sales and support, and return on investment. If the
to incorporate capabilities and practicality suitable for the academic researcher does not have the knowledge or tools to
extremely disabled people who constitute the original target evaluation these factors, the input of a business-knowledgeable
population. partner becomes even more essential. In any case, the academic
The ultimate solution to the problem of BCIs potentially researcher needs to consider these factors at the outset,
becoming orphan technology will be the realization of BCI to inform decisions such as whether to proceed with a particu-
systems that are far more capable, more practical, and more lar research project, how to design a prototype product,
easily maintained. With such improvements in BCI capabili- and how to collect the data about clinical applications that
ties and convenience, BCI technology could expand into will spark interest in potential investors and business partners.
much larger clinical markets and perhaps even to important The typical academic endeavors of securing grant funds and
nonmedical applications. This market expansion would make publishing journal articles may advance the basic knowledge
this technology more appealing to commercial entities. Military needed to develop a product, but these alone will not directly
research has long been interested in BCIs for hands-free com- benefit patients who need the new medical devices.
munication and control, and some promising applications in At least for the immediate future, BCI systems are likely to
rapid image classification that are relevant to military needs be orphan technology with limited commercial appeal. Their
have emerged recently (see chapter 23, this volume). Although dissemination to the small populations of severely disabled
such applications do not directly serve disabled people, individuals who need them may require special strategies
their development could provide the critical incentive for the including (but not limited to) philanthropic support or efforts
commercialization of BCIs that can then be adapted and that combine their development with that of BCI systems for
approved for clinical markets. use by people without disabilities.


Clyde AT, Bockstedt L, Farkas JA, Jackson C (2008) Experience with Medicare’s
The present climate for developing novel medical devices is a New Technology Add-on Payment Program. Health Affairs 27(6):
rapidly evolving mix of both positive and negative factors. 1632–1641.
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ments for regulatory purposes. http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/cata-
use (particularly implanted devices such as cochlear implants, logue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=36786
deep brain stimulators, and spinal cord stimulators) are based ISO 14971:2007 Medical devices—Application of risk management to medical
on foundational development in academia that occurred 20–30 devices. http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_de-
years ago. At that time, there were fewer regulations on inves- Kaplan AV, Baim DS, Smith JJ, Feigal DA, Simons M, Jefferys D, Fogarty TJ,
tigational use of medical devices, and insurance reimburse- Kuntz RE, Leon MB (2004) Medical device development: From prototype
ment was readily obtained based on largely anecdotal evidence. to regulatory approval. Circulation 109:3068–3072.
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Today, regulatory processes present substantial barriers to and development. Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry 25(4):63–68.
both academic research on and commercialization of new Ozog H (1997) Risk management in medical device design. Medical Device
technologies such as BCIs. On the positive side, successful and Diagnostic Industry 19(10):112.
Raab G, Parr D (2009) From medical invention to clinical practice: The reim-
products have spawned a sophisticated medical-device indus- bursement challenge facing new device procedures and technology–Part 2:
try that now includes suppliers of high-tech, high-reliability Coverage. J. Am. Coll. Radiol. 3(10):772–777.
components, consultants, and service organizations that can Scherb ER, Kurlander SS (2006) Requirements for Medicare coverage and re-
imbursement for medical devices. In Becker KM, Whyte JJ, Eds. Clinical
handle the bureaucratic tasks, and well-capitalized companies Evaluation of Medical Devices, 2nd ed., Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.
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sophisticated than they were in the past. In order to participate T (2010) Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies,
meaningfully in these endeavors, academic researchers need to Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

C H A P TE R 2 1 . D I S S E M I N AT I O N : G E T T I N G B C I S T O T H E P E O P L E W H O N E E D T H E M | 3 4 9
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rain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have been widely motor recovery after stroke; to improve attention, emotional
studied for their ability to facilitate communication and reaction, and other cognitive processes; and to manage pain.
control. They have not been widely studied for their
ability to facilitate or induce recovery of function. The explora-
tion of BCI uses for inducing or facilitating recovery of motor, BCI-BASED FEEDBACK AS A POSSIBLE
cognitive, or emotional function has just begun, and it is the THERAPEUTIC TOOL
subject of this chapter.
This chapter describes ways in which BCIs might be used Central nervous system (CNS) plasticity encompasses the struc-
as therapeutic tools to restore more normal motor control and tural and functional neuronal and synaptic CNS changes that
more normal cognitive and emotional function to people with occur during learning of new information and during acquisi-
disabilities, and it reviews the exploratory studies to date. This tion of new cognitive or motor skills. These changes can occur
is an important endeavor because conventional rehabilitation throughout the CNS, from the cortex to the spinal cord. Induced
methods are often ineffective, or only minimally effective, in and guided by CNS activity, such plasticity occurs during devel-
restoring these functions to people with neurological injury or opment and throughout life (e.g., Wolpaw 2001; Ziemann 2004;
disease. The persistence of motor and cognitive impairments Kempermann 1997; Foster 2001). These normal and continual
in many of these people has made it imperative to investigate adaptations in the CNS affect the cognitive processes and motor
promising new methods and technologies of all kinds. behaviors that are the manifestations of personal intent and
As described in previous chapters, many studies have shown behavior (e.g., conversing, eating, painting a picture, etc.). Studies
that BCIs can provide communication and control capabilities to in both animals and humans reveal that similar activity-depen-
people who are paralyzed. These BCI applications substitute for dent plasticity can occur after stroke or after other CNS trauma
lost neuromuscular functions. They are not intended or expected or disease (Umphred 1995; Nudo 1996; Traversa 1997; Liepert
to change the nervous system so as to restore normal function. In 1998; Jones 1999; Neumann-Haefelin 2000; Chu 2000; Marshall
contrast, the BCI applications described in this chapter are 2000; Foster 2001; Biernaskie 2001; Nelles 2001; Liepert 2001;
intended to help people regain normal functions lost due to injury Carey 2002; Newton 2002; Johansen-Berg 2002;; Nudo 2006).
or disease. Since the development of BCI applications of this kind Biofeedback is a training technique that enables an indi-
is just beginning, most of the studies that have been reported are vidual to gain some element of control over physiological pro-
only preliminary and involve only small numbers of human sub- cesses such as blood pressure, heart rate, or brain activity that
jects. Nevertheless, they are worthy of discussion because, in some are not normally volitionally controlled. Biofeedback is based
cases, they provide promising results that justify further study. on the principle that a desired response can be learned, during
Although their purpose is different from that of BCIs for training which provides information that illuminates whether
communication and control, BCIs for these therapeutic pur- or not a specific thought complex or action has produced the
poses possess the essential properties of any BCI: they measure particular desired physiological response. It can be used as an
the user’s brain signals and convert them into an output that intervention method to guide a person to improve function by
provides immediate feedback to the user. That is, they establish modifying his/her own physiological processes. Stroke survi-
a real-time, closed-loop interaction between the user and the vors can learn to modify electromyographic (EMG) signals
BCI system. What differs in the use of BCIs for therapeutic pur- from paretic muscles to guide recovery of some voluntary
poses is that the feedback is designed to modify the brain activ- muscle activation (Dogan-Aslan 2010). Heart rate and other
ity in order to improve some aspect of motor or cognitive signals can be used to guide relaxation in individuals with anx-
function, either by altering ongoing brain activity and/or by iety (Elkins 2010). Feedback of various physiological signals
inducing and guiding long-term plasticity. This chapter reviews can be used to guide reduction of pain (Kayiran et al. 2010),
the present status, key problems, and future prospects of nonin- migraine headaches (Nicholson 2010), high or low blood pres-
vasive BCIs with such therapeutic aims. It focuses on the use of sure (Wang 2010), cardiac arrhythmias (Mikosch 2010), and
electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic reso- Raynaud’s disease (Karavidas 2006); and biofeedback using elec-
nance imaging (fMRI): to abort or prevent seizures; to improve troencephalographic (EEG) signals has been used in treating

epilepsy (Walker 2005; Monderer 2002; Sterman 2006; Strehl Slow cortical potentials (SCPs) (chapter 14) are time-
2006), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (Monstra 2005), domain event-related EEG features that occur at predictable
and other cognitive impairments (Angelakis 2007). times before, during, or after specific events. SCPs from EEG
These studies suggest that BCI-based feedback might pro- recorded over sensorimotor cortex typically consist of negative
vide a powerful tool for enabling people to modulate brain potentials that precede actual or imagined movement or cog-
activity in a therapeutic manner. BCI-based feedback might be nitive tasks (e.g., mental arithmetic). SCPs reflect changes in
used to produce more normal cognitive processes and motor polarization of apical dendritic trees in superficial cortical
control after CNS damage or disease (Daly and Wolpaw 2008; layers that result mainly from changes in synaptic inputs from
Grosse-Wentrup et al. 2011). thalamocortical afferents (Birbaumer 1999). Negative SCPs
indicate dendritic depolarization, which reduces the threshold
for paroxysmal neuronal firing and is associated with seizure
TH E RA PEU TIC USES occurrence (Birbaumer 1990). Several studies have shown that
O F EEG-BA S ED B CIs SCP-based BCI training to suppress negative SCPs can decrease
seizure frequency (Rockstroh et al. 1993; Kotchoubey et al.
1996; Kotchoubey et al. 1999; Kotchoubey et al. 2001).
EEG signals have been used for clinical diagnosis and investi- In sum, EEG biofeedback training based on either SMRs
gation of brain function since 1929 (Berger 1929). The use of and SCPs shows promise as a therapeutic tool for controlling
EEG feedback to reduce seizure frequency in people with seizures. SMR-based training has produced results sufficiently
epilepsy has been explored over several decades (e.g., Sterman encouraging to be included in some clinical guidelines for epi-
1972; Monderer 2002). Two approaches have yielded promising lepsy control. However, only single-site randomized control
results: regulation of sensorimotor rhythms (SMRs) (see trials have thus far been conducted, and no direct comparison
chapter 13); and regulation of slow cortical potentials (SCPs) (see between SMR and SCP training has been carried out. Additional
chapter 14). well-controlled studies, with more subjects and directly com-
As described in chapter 13, sensorimotor rhythms (SMRs) paring control and study populations (perhaps through large,
are frequency–domain features from EEG recorded over sen- multicenter trials) could further validate these therapies and
sorimotor cortex; their most prominent components are 8–12 their respective advantages (Ramaratnam 2008).
Hz mu rhythms and 18–30 Hz beta rhythms. Several studies
have shown that, after a series of BCI-based training sessions,
people with epilepsy can learn to modify SMR amplitude and
reduce seizure frequency (Andrews 1992; Lantz 1988; Sterman
2006). A meta-analysis of studies that included a total of 174 EEG feedback and training have also been studied in people
drug-refractory patients showed significantly improved sei- with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Monastra
zure control (defined as a minimum of 50% reduction in sei- et al. 2005) and in older adults with impaired cognitive function
zure incidence) in response to SMR training for 82% of the (Angelakis 2007). In a review of the ADHD treatment literature,
study participants (Sterman 2000). The American Academy of Monastra et al. (2005) assessed the empirical evidence for treat-
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) has determined ment efficacy and found significant clinical improvement in
that use of such training to treat a seizure disorder meets its approximately 75% of the subjects in each study evaluated.
clinical guidelines for evidence-based practice and should thus Using the efficacy guidelines jointly published by the Association
be considered by clinicians (Sterman 2000). for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) and the
Several other studies have examined intentional modulation International Society for Neuronal Regulation (ISNR), Monastra
of brain signals for epilepsy intervention. Ayers (1995) described et al. (2005) concluded that EEG biofeedback was probably
a study involving simultaneous up-regulation of 15–18 Hz activ- effective for the treatment of ADHD.
ity and down-regulation of 4–7 Hz activity in signals recorded Several studies (reviewed in Angelakis 2007) have shown
over the sensorimotor cortex. A 10-year follow-up of 10 patients that some characteristics of EEG features are correlated with
who had been otherwise medically intractable showed that they age and with cognitive performance in older adults. Beatty
had become and remained seizure-free in response to this train- (1974) found that vigilance activity during a monitoring task
ing. Walker et al. (2005) used a somewhat different approach, improved after EEG training that resulted in augmented occip-
combining regulation of signal amplitude and coherence. Drug- ital theta (3–7 Hz) activity relative to the sum of theta, alpha
refractory epilepsy patients were successfully trained to modify (8–12 Hz), and beta (13–30) activity. In contrast, vigilance
EEG signals toward normal, using the EEG signal features of decreased after training that resulted in suppression of occipi-
power and coherence. These patients were able to reduce coher- tal theta. EEG training to increase parietal-occipital alpha
ence across the two hemispheres. In one case, seizures resolved (8–13 Hz) amplitude increased cognitive processing speed and
and medication was discontinued; in a second case, seizures function when training increased the frequency at which alpha
were resolved, and the patient began driving and resumed his was greatest (Angelakis, 2007), or it increased performance on
normal life activities. Although limited in scope, such studies a mental rotation test when training selectively increased the
provide encouraging results on which to base a possible new amplitude of higher-frequency, but not lower-frequency, alpha
therapeutic protocol for epilepsy management. (Zoefel et al. 2011)

352 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
These illustrative studies indicate that EEG feedback train- the sensory afferent input it induces. Notably, many studies in
ing can have beneficial effects on attentional and cognitive both humans and animals indicate that training based on feed-
behaviors and might be useful as a therapeutic intervention. back of EEG or other brain signals can markedly change brain
activity (e.g., Fetz 1969; Taylor 2002; Carmena 2003; Leuthardt
2004; Daly 2006; Jackson 2006). Thus, BCIs, which can
I M P R O V I N G R E C O V E RY O F M O T O R F U N C T I O N focus on changing brain activity itself, may offer a more
direct and effective avenue for inducing brain plasticity that
EEG-based BCI training can also be applied to the problem
improves motor function. BCIs might provide a powerful new
of motor recovery after neural injury. While conventional
approach to improving motor function after CNS trauma or in
therapies for treating motor impairments after stroke, other
CNS trauma, or disease rely on exercise of the limbs, BCI-based
training offers a different approach to motor-recovery therapy.
S T R AT E G I E S F O R U S I N G B C I s
B R A I N P L A S T I C I T Y A F T E R N E U R A L I N J U RY Two distinct strategies have been suggested for applying
Extensive brain plasticity can occur during natural recovery BCI-based feedback of brain signals to rehabilitation of motor
after stroke. For example, in animals, motor recovery function (Daly and Wolpaw 2008).
after stroke is associated with structural changes in the brain The first strategy focuses on changing the brain activity
such as neural outgrowth in the intact area around the infarc- that occurs in the damaged brain area during the actual or
tion (Ng 1988; Stroemer 1995), increased synaptogenesis imagined performance of a motor action. The goal is to make
(Stroemer 1995), and increased axonal sprouting (Carmichael this brain activity more like the brain activity that would
2001) (even in older animals [Li 2006]). Evidence for func- normally occur during the motor task; the expectation is that
tional brain changes includes increased excitability (Scheine the production of more normal brain activity will improve
1996) and sequential expression of growth-promoting genes execution of the motor task itself. This strategy is illustrated in
(Carmichael 2005). Human studies have also provided evi- figure 22.1A.
dence of brain changes during natural recovery of motor func- The second strategy uses brain activity to improve the
tion after stroke (Cramer 2006; Cramer 1997; Teasell 2005; practice of a motor action that has been impaired (e.g., by using
Jaillard 2005). Even in regions distant from the infarction, the brain activity to control a movement-assist device that
Redecker (2000) reported changes such as hyperexcitability of helps move the limb). The goal is to provide practice of the
neurons in both lesioned and nonlesioned hemispheres. There motor task in a movement pattern that is as close to normal as
is also evidence for other kinds of changes during natural possible; the expectation is that the practice of a more normal
recovery, including reorganization of cortical sensory and movement pattern, with more normal sensory feedback, will
motor maps (Frost 2003; Gharbawie 2005), sprouting of abnor- encourage beneficial activity-dependent brain plasticity and
mal connections and new connections between cortical areas will thereby gradually improve motor performance. This strat-
(Dancause 2005), and rerouting of normal intrahemispheric egy is illustrated in figure 22.1B.
and interhemispheric connections between motor regions These two strategies, and the initial efforts to apply them,
(Napieralski 1996). are addressed in the following two sections.
In addition to the plastic changes occurring during natural
motor recovery, several studies have demonstrated activity- Improving Motor Function by Training More
dependent brain plasticity resulting from specific training Normal Brain Activity
after neural injury (e.g., animal model studies including The goal of training people to generate brain activity that is
Nudo 2006, Foster 2001, Chu 2000, Nudo 1996, Jones 1999, more normal, and that thereby drives more normal movement,
Nelles 2001, Biernaskie 2001; and human studies including is analogous to the therapeutic approaches used in EEG train-
Umphred 1995, Traversa 1997, Carey 2002, Newton 2002, ing aimed at reducing seizure frequency (see above). If it proves
Marshall 2000, Liepert 2001, Johansen-Berg 2002, and effective, it would constitute a novel use of BCI technology.
Neumann-Haefelin 2000). Taken as a whole, these studies Such a BCI-guided rehabilitation approach seeks to engage the
provide abundant evidence of the extent and complexity of damaged area of the brain by asking the person to attempt or
plasticity associated with recovery after injury. It is thus intrigu- imagine movement that would normally depend on the dam-
ing to consider that, by focusing training directly on brain activ- aged area specifically and by providing feedback about the
ity, BCIs might induce or guide plasticity that results in the activity in the damaged area. Thus, if the goal of treatment is to
recovery of motor control. retrain impaired wrist extension, then the BCI feedback
Frequently repeated, skilled motor actions, particularly depends on the brain signal in the damaged brain area directly
those employing precise temporal coordination of multiple involved in wrist extension. (In targeting control of a specific
muscle activations and joint movements, can induce changes brain area, this approach differs significantly from typical BCI
in sensorimotor areas of the brain (Nudo 2007). Current thera- applications in which the activity from any brain area may be
peutic methods based on such repetition focus on improving used to control the output device [e.g., the brain signal gener-
limb movements, and any associated induced brain plasticity ated from an imagined foot, arm, or facial movement might be
occurs ostensibly in response to the limb motor practice and used to activate a light switch.])

C H A P TE R 2 2 . B C I T H E R A P E U T I C A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R I M P R O V I N G B R A I N F U N C T I O N | 3 5 3
A Training strategy 1 B Training strategy 2

Signal features Signal features
Impaired signal Practice of
CNS volitional CNS close-to-normal
movement movement

sig e
Pr rm

nt or
og al

re m
re bra

fe ly
Direct training of More normal afferent signal

ss i n

af ve
i ve s

al ssi
cortical signal

ly ign

rm re
m al

no r og

C Goal
Recovered Normal volitional
CNS movement

Normal afferent signal

Figure 22.1 Two BCI-based strategies to encourage and guide CNS plasticity that improves motor function. (A) Training Strategy 1 translates specific features of
brain signals into an action (e.g., cursor movement) and uses that action as feedback to train patients to produce more normal brain signals. The hypothesis is that
the plasticity that produces these more normal signals will also restore more normal CNS function and will therefore improve motor control (C). (B) Training Strategy
2 engages specific features of brain signals to activate a movement-assist device that can compensate for the patient’s impaired neuromuscular control during
motor tasks. The hypothesis is that, by improving motor performance, this assistance will produce more normal sensory input that induces CNS plasticity that
restores more normal motor control (C). In sum, Strategy 1 tries to normalize brain signals with the expectation that such normalization will be accompanied by
improved motor function, whereas Strategy 2 uses brain signals to assist neuromuscular control with the expectation that the resultant more normal sensory input
produced by the better motor performance will induce plasticity that improves neuromuscular control. (Modified from Daly and Wolpaw 2008.)

It is not yet definitively known whether a person can and the Daly (2008) study, many subjects achieved good initial
actually learn to control the activity generated in a specific accuracies even in the first one or two sessions. The three sub-
damaged area. As yet, only a few studies have addressed jects in the Daly (2008) study achieved impressive initial brain-
this question with the stroke population, and the results are signal control (80–99% in the first training session) (fig.
mixed, but encouraging. Using feedback from magnetoen- 22.2A,B). In the study by Ang (2010), 11 subjects achieved ini-
cephalography (MEG) imaging in 20 training sessions, Buch tial accuracies ranging from 70–90% in the first two sessions.
et al. (2008) showed that patients were able to control brain However, these two reports of high accuracies in the early
signals related to a wrist-movement task with an accuracy of session(s) contrast with others (Buch et al. 2008; Hill et al.,
72.48 ± 18.36% (the level of control achieved during the last of 2006) that reported the need for more training sessions to
20 sessions). achieve greater accuracies. The difference in these results might
Daly (2008) showed that with feedback from an EEG-based be due to differences in study design (e.g., signal processing
BCI, three study subjects who had had strokes prior to BCI methods, training paradigm) or in the severity and location of
training and could not extend the wrist or move individual fin- stroke damage in the study subjects.
gers, were able to gain control of brain signals (SMR frequency While these preliminary studies provide some encouraging
bands of 9–24 Hz) from the arm/hand region of cortex by insights, additional larger studies are needed to establish
attempting or imagining wrist or finger movement. They were that people can learn to control signals generated in damaged
trained to decrease (i.e., desynchronize) this SMR activity areas of brain and that they can use this control to produce
(which is indicative of volitional control of movement) by signals similar to those associated with normal movements. It
imagining or attempting movement and to increase (i.e., syn- will then remain to be determined whether these more
chronize) this signal (which is indicative of a resting brain state) normal signals are associated with improved motor perfor-
by imagining or attempting relaxation of the same muscles. mance.
Over nine training sessions (three weeks, with three sessions
per week), they consistently achieved accuracies of 80–100%. Improving Motor Function by Enabling More
These results are summarized in figure 22.2. Normal Performance during Practice
Ang (2010), also using an EEG-based BCI, showed that 48 In conventional motor rehabilitation, movement training
of 54 stroke survivors (89%) could control a brain signal for a should include practice of progressively more normal move-
shoulder/elbow task with accuracies of 60–99%. In both this ment since practice of abnormal movement merely reinforces

354 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
A 100%


B 100%


C 100%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 22.2 Accuracy of sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) control across nine training sessions for three subjects performing the imagined wrist/hand task (A), the
attempted wrist/hand task (B), or the relaxation task (C). In A and B, accuracy is high throughout, almost always falling in the range 80–100%. In C, it is slightly
lower but remains in the range 70–100% throughout (except for 2 of the 27 sessions). (Modified from Daly et al. 2008.)

the abnormal movement. After stroke, some people are unable devices have been used effectively for upper-limb movement-
to produce voluntary movements that are sufficiently close to assisted practice for people mildly to moderately impaired after
normal movement to serve as useful motor practice. Clinical stroke (Ring 2005; Alon 2003) and for people severely impaired
studies have shown that in such cases, a movement-assist (Daly 2005). Daly (2008) trained three stroke survivors to use
device that enables close-to-normal movements during prac- brain signals from the sensorimotor region of the lesioned
tice can enhance the eventual restoration of more normal hemisphere to activate an FES-assist device for practice of wrist/
movements (Daly 2005; Alon 2003; Lo 2010). The value of this finger-extension movement. As noted above and illustrated in
strategy is supported by evidence from basic-neuroscience figure 22.2, they achieved high accuracy (80–100%) even in the
studies showing: that synchronous neural activity supports first session and remained accurate over nine sessions.
axon sprouting (Carmichael 2002); that sensory-afferent In another case study of a stroke survivor, Daly et al. (2009)
information from movement interacts in the temporal sulcus tested an EEG-based BCI system that was integrated with an
with the encoded observed or conceptualized movement which FES movement-assist device. Training consisted of brain-signal
subjects are attempting to imitate (Iacoboni 2001); and that feedback directed toward gaining control of signals recorded
visual-perception information regarding observed movement near the region of brain infarction, an area important for finger
is mapped in the primary motor region (Rizzolatti 2001). movement (fig. 22.3). Prior to the BCI-based FES training, the
A BCI that uses signals from relevant brain areas (either subject was unable to perform isolated index-finger metacarpal
those damaged by a stroke or related intact areas) to control a phalangeal (MCP) extension. After nine 1-hour BCI-based FES
movement-assist device might further increase the value of the training sessions, the subject was able to produce 26° of isolated
therapy provided by the assist device (fig. 22.1B). Moreover, MCP index finger joint extension (fig. 22.4).
the addition of BCI output to movement-assist device therapy BCI systems for motor training with robotic devices have
may increase the number of repetitions that can be tolerated, also been tested with stroke survivors. Using an MEG-based
as well as the duration of practice. Finally, the addition of a BCI BCI, Buch (2008) showed that six of eight patients could
to the movement-assist system might reduce the need for the activate a robotic wrist movement-assist device achieving an
constant participation of a therapist for many hours during accuracy of 72.48 ± 18.36% by the last of 20 sessions. In another
therapy (a requirement of conventional and emerging inten- study, a large trial using an EEG-based BCI, Ang et al.
sive therapies that is a major expense in rehabilitation). (2009) reported that subjects could activate a shoulder/elbow
Two types of movement-assistive devices are currently in robot with brain signals. For 89% of the subjects, accuracy
use: functional electrical stimulators (FES) and robots. FES ranged from 60% to 99% across subjects. These investigators

C H A P TE R 2 2 . B C I T H E R A P E U T I C A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R I M P R O V I N G B R A I N F U N C T I O N | 3 5 5
Figure 22.3 (A) Topographical distribution of the change in amplitude of 21–24 Hz sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) activity that occurs when the subject attempts to
extend the right index finger. The change is shown as signed R2 (the percentage of the total variance of the amplitude that is accounted for by attempting to extend
the finger). The change is sharply focused over the hand regions of both the lesioned (left) and unlesioned (right) hemispheres (the CP3 and CP6 electrodes,
respectively). The negative R2 values indicate that amplitude at these locations decreases markedly with attempted finger extension. (B) Relationship of the CP3
electrode to the left hemisphere lesion (outlined region). The electrode is directly over the lesioned area. (Reproduced with permission from Daly et al. 2009.)

(Ang et al. 2009) also examined the value of adding BCI train- outcome be influenced by characteristics such as etiology,
ing to robotics training of shoulder/elbow movement. They did location, nature, and severity of CNS injury or disease? Which
not find a statistically significant improvement in motor recov- brain signal features are most useful for motor relearning or
ery for robotics+BCI training versus robotics training alone. for control of a learning-assist device? Which electrode loca-
In another case study of a participant 14 months poststroke tions are best for recording these signals, and which signal
(Broetz 2010), goal-directed physical therapy was supple- locations and features can be most readily controlled? In addi-
mented by a BCI that used signals from the motor cortex on tion, it will be important to ascertain whether the brain-signal
the side of the stroke to drive movement of an orthosis and a features used by the BCI change during recovery of motor
robot attached to the upper extremity. The BCI used MEG and function. If so, what are the implications for BCI use and for
then EEG to measure brain signals. At the end of one year, the motor learning process?
hand function had improved according to motor function Finally, of greatest overall importance, the studies address-
tests, although it is not possible to determine the extent to ing these questions should include enough subjects and appro-
which BCI use improved the benefit of normal physical priate controls so that they can adequately test the basic
therapy. Leamy and Ward (2010) have begun to investigate the hypothesis that BCIs can improve motor rehabilitation beyond
usefulness in neurorehabilitation of combining near infrared that possible with current methods.
spectroscopy (NIRS)-based and EEG-based BCI control. Using
an overt finger-tapping task in healthy adults, they found that P R A C T I C A L I S S U E S F O R I N C O R P O R AT I N G
the combination of NIRS and EEG activity at seven sites over B C I - B A S E D M O T O R R E H A B I L I TAT I O N
the motor cortex provided better BCI performance than either INTO THE CLINICAL ENVIRONMENT
method alone. The usefulness of this combined BCI approach In the event that EEG-based BCIs can be effective in therapeu-
for neurorehabilitation has not yet been determined. In sum, tic motor-recovery applications, issues concerning their incor-
while encouraging early data have been obtained, it is not yet poration into clinical practice will become important. First, as
clear whether and how BCI-based methods might contribute discussed in chapter 19, the amount of time needed for set-up
to motor relearning and whether BCIs can use signals originat- and clean-up should be minimized. Use of the minimum
ing in damaged brain areas for this purpose. number of channels (i.e., electrodes) that give adequate brain-
signal information for the application is desirable. If and when
KEY ISSUES FOR FUTURE RESEARCH IN effective dry electrodes (i.e., not requiring gel) (chapter 6) are
B C I - B A S E D M O T O R R E H A B I L I TAT I O N available, they should make a big contribution to EEG-based
Exploration of the potential role of BCI methods in motor motor rehabilitation or any clinical application using EEG-
training requires resolution of a number of issues. Who are based BCI methods.
the best candidates for BCI-based motor training or for BCI- Second, in a hospital setting, an electrically shielded room
based movement-assisted practice? How would BCI treatment for motor therapy may help protect the EEG-based BCI from

356 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
in chapter 4, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method for
generating images of the brain, and functional MRI (fMRI) uses
MRI to identify regions of the brain that are active during
specific functions such as motor actions or emotional states
(Logothetis 2008). In recent years, preliminary studies have been
conducted to test the feasibility of using fMRI-based BCI tech-
nology for therapeutic purposes. In this vein, people with (or
without) disabilities have been trained using fMRI feedback to
self-regulate the brain activity associated with specific aspects of
sensory processing, motor function, cognition, and emotion.



Recent studies have tested the feasibility of an fMRI-based BCI

for training people to regulate brain regions related to emotion.
Caria et al. (2007) demonstrated the possibility of regulating
the blood oxygenation-dependent (BOLD) signal (chapter 4) in
the anterior insula in healthy participants (experimental group,
n = 15; control group, n = 6) through fMRI-based BCI training.
A follow-up study (n = 27) (Caria et al. 2010) showed that vol-
untary modulation of activity in the anterior insula induced
Extension (degrees)

25 changes in the subjective response to emotional stimuli

(fig. 22.5). During the fMRI-based BCI training, study partici-
15 pants were asked to observe and assess emotional pictures after
5 every time block of self-regulation of activity in the anterior
insula. Increase in the BOLD response in the anterior insula
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4
correlated with a more negative emotional valence rating for
Weeks pictures that evoked fear. This effect was not only area-specific,
but also specific to the effect of the picture. That is, a BOLD
BCI+FES treatment begins
increase in the anterior insula reduced the valence (i.e., made
Figure 22.4 Capacity for volitional right index finger extension before and after the perception more negative) only for pictures that evoked
nine sessions of BCI+FES training of the subject in figure 22.3. (A) Prior to fear. These findings might conceivably be applied in protocols
training, the subject could not extend the finger. (B) After training, the subject for treating people with posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD),
could extend the metacarpal phalangeal (MP) joint of the finger 26°. (BCI and
FES were not used during this test.) (C) Capacity for right index finger MP
anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, or other disorders.
extension over 14 weeks. For 10 weeks prior to BCI+FES training, no MP Other studies suggest that fMRI-based BCI training might
extension occurred. After 3 weeks (nine sessions) of training, the subject had be used to improve the efficiency of the neuronal networks that
recovered 26° of MP extension. (Modified from Daly et al. 2009.) produce behavioral responses. Lee and colleagues (2010, 2011)
examined changes in functional connectivity between brain
areas induced by training to regulate activity in the insular
electrical signal noise arising from other rehabilitation equip- cortex. They used fMRI-based BCI training and data from an
ment or building electrical systems. Third, motor-rehabilita- earlier study (Caria et al. 2007) to conduct a multivariate anal-
tion personnel will require training in patient screening, ysis. As illustrated in figure 22.6, connectivity analysis revealed
decision-making, BCI set-up, and BCI training protocols. that self-regulation training caused an initial increase and sub-
Fourth, an EEG-based BCI motor-assist system might be sequent partial pruning in network density, and a strengthen-
developed for home therapy performed by a stroke survivor ing of presumably important connections.
alone or with the help of a caregiver. For this kind of applica- Another aim of current research on brain self-regulation
tion, the BCI must be noninvasive, the electrodes easy to don, using fMRI-based BCI is to improve understanding and treat-
and the software user-friendly (Li 2010). Finally, health care ment of mental disorders. Several studies have involved sub-
insurance reimbursement approval for BCI-assisted motor jects with schizophrenia or sociopathic disorders to see if they
rehabilitation should be obtained. could acquire self-regulation of brain regions responsible for
emotion and to determine whether such learned regulation
could affect their behavior. Sitaram et al. (2009) used contin-
TH E RA PEU TIC USES OF fMRI-B ASED BCIs gent feedback, in conjunction with images associated with
negative emotions taken from previous episodes in the lives of
BCIs may also use metabolic rather than electromagnetic signals these subjects, to see if they could learn volitional regulation of
produced by brain activity (see chapters 4 and 18). As discussed the left anterior insula. Although the study was limited to a few

C H A P TE R 2 2 . B C I T H E R A P E U T I C A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R I M P R O V I N G B R A I N F U N C T I O N | 3 5 7
A Session 1 Session 4


Aversive pictures

5 ∗
4 Decrease
1 2 3 4
# session

Figure 22.5 (A) Group statistical parametric maps for first and last sessions of fMRI-based BCI training of the BOLD signal in the left anterior insula in healthy
participants. (B) Comparative ratings (mean and standard deviation) of valence (a value between 1 and 7 denoting the aversiveness of the picture) for aversive
pictures. Red bars are ratings during upregulation training blocks, and blue bars during downregulation training blocks. (Modified from Caria et al. 2010.)

A 0.35 subjects (n = 5) due to the difficulty in recruiting people from

this special population, the results indicated that those with
Causal density

more severe disease evidenced poorer self-regulation of the
0.25 brain signals. This finding supports the idea that these
individuals have deficits in emotional processing.
0.2 Connectivity analysis (i.e., analysis of the functional inter-
actions among brain areas) (Sitaram et al., unpublished data)
1 2 3 4 5 showed that learning to regulate the signals of the anterior
Session no. insula increased the number of causative connections (i.e.,
B 3.1
causal density) in the network of areas involved in emotion
and also increased the difference between the number of out-
going and incoming connections. The number of outgoing

connections from the left insula was greater than the number
of incoming connections to it both before and after training,
2.9 but time after training increased this difference. In another
study, Ruiz et al. (in press) trained (>20 sessions) nine patients
2.8 with DSM-IV schizophrenia (American Psychiatric Association
1 2 3 4 5
Session no. 1994) to control the BOLD signal of left and right anterior
insula. Their control of the BOLD signal increased over ses-
Figure 22.6 Functional interaction of brain regions as revealed by effective
sions. Increased control was accompanied by an increase in the
connectivity analysis of the fMRI signals acquired during fMRI-based BCI
training of the anterior insular cortex. (A) Change in causal density across
causal density of the functional connections of the network
training sessions. (B) Average connection strength between connections across involved in self-regulation of emotions. The changes involved
the training sessions. (Modified from Lee et al. 2011.) many brain areas: insula; superior medial frontal gyrus (i.e.,

358 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
cognitive control area); anterior cingulate cortex (i.e., attention recovery of upper-limb or other motor function. fMRI-based
area); and cuneus (i.e., visual perception and mental imagery BCIs might serve as an additional and novel tool for learning
area). Participants were administered emotion-recognition and consolidating specific motor-task strategies by people with
tests. Those who had completed BOLD control training and movement disabilities. Numerous studies showing plasticity
were successful in up-regulation of the BOLD signal were able during motor recovery provide a theoretical basis for this expec-
to more accurately recognize the “disgust” faces after training. tation (e.g., after ischemic damage to the primary motor area
These results suggest that fMRI-based BCIs may have a useful [M1], secondary motor areas such as the ventral premotor
role in learned modulation of brain activation that has behav- cortex [PMv] may reorganize to promote functional recovery of
ioral consequences in people with psychopathologies. the motor system [Ward and Cohen 2004; Gerloff et al. 2006]).
Rota and colleagues (2009) used an fMRI-based BCI to It has been suggested that fMRI-based BCI may offer a poten-
train healthy individuals to change activity in the right inferior tially powerful tool for the systematic development of functional
frontal gyrus (rIFG), known to be involved in processing the cortical reorganization (Ward and Cohen 2004), wherein intact
emotional value of auditory stimuli (Dogil et al. 2004). As brain areas assume the functions of the damaged areas.
illustrated in figure 22.7, the results indicated progressive In a pilot study, Sitaram et al. (2011) assessed the feasibility
learning in response to training across the sessions. Improved of fMRI-based BCI feedback training of poststroke patients to
control of the BOLD signal appeared to be associated with regulate brain activity in the PMv. This secondary motor area
improved ability to detect and identify emotional speech. In is involved in observation, imagery, and execution of move-
contrast, syntactic processing ability, used as a control mea- ment (Grezes and Decety 2001) and has extensive anatomical
sure, did not show any change. Functional and effective con- connections with the primary motor cortex (M1). The effect of
nectivity analysis of the brain signals revealed strengthening of learned modulation of the PMv BOLD response was evaluated
the connections of the rIFG with the prefrontal cortex and the with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Four healthy
bilateral precentral gyri (Rota et al. 2010). These findings sug- adults and two people with chronic subcortical strokes without
gest that functionally specific changes in connectivity may play residual movement were trained for 3 days to regulate the
an important role in the enhancement of speech processing. BOLD response in the PMv. The results showed that the BOLD
signal in the PMv increased significantly over training sessions.
The participants’ ability to learn this BOLD control correlated
directly with intracortical facilitation and correlated negatively
Several studies provide preliminary information that may guide with intracortical inhibition (both measured by TMS) prior to
the use of fMRI-based BCI training for regulation of motor feedback training. After training increased the BOLD response
function. As noted earlier in this chapter, despite the availability in the PMv, intracortical inhibition decreased significantly,
of various conventional options for movement restoration indicating a beneficial effect of self-regulation training on
in stroke patients, some patients show little or no functional motor cortical output. Although these results need to be con-
firmed with a larger sample population, this initial study sug-
gests that fMRI-based BCIs may have a potentially important
Behavioral results of the experimental group
role in stroke rehabilitation.

1.00 Pre-training accuracy PA I N M A N A G E M E N T

P < 0.05
Pre-training accuracy DeCharms et al. (2005) tested the ability of fMRI-based BCI
0.80 feedback training to modulate pain perception, and showed
that perception of a noxious stimulus could be modified with
simultaneous up- or down-regulation of brain activity in the

0.60 right anterior cingulate cortex (rACC). Patients with chronic

pain who gained control of the rACC-activity level reported
0.40 subsequent decrease in pain after training. These results are
encouraging and merit further study with training paradigms
designed to tightly correlate the region-specific training with
0.20 the measured motor, cognitive, or emotional effects. In addi-
tion, further studies are needed to determine the most effective
protocol parameters, such as the optimal timing of stimulus
presentation or task performance (i.e., whether it should occur
Grammatical judgment Prosody identification
during BOLD control, or before or after).
Figure 22.7 Behavioral effects of upregulation of the BOLD signal in right
inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) (Brodman area 45). The figure shows mean (±1.0 SE)
levels of accuracy for grammatical judgments and prosody identifications FUTURE WORK IN fMRI-BASED BCIs
before and after BOLD-feedback training. Significant improvement was
observed only for prosody identification (i.e., identification of affective
Prediction of cognitive, emotional, perceptual, and motor states
intonations) (two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p < 0.05). (Modified from from fMRI signals constitutes a possible future direction of
Rota et al. 2009.) research in this field. Recent advances in multivariate pattern

C H A P TE R 2 2 . B C I T H E R A P E U T I C A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R I M P R O V I N G B R A I N F U N C T I O N | 3 5 9
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362 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

he main focus of this book is the use of BCIs to restore one performance to the next (see, e.g., the example of profes-
communication and control to people with disabling sional piano players in Slobounov et al., 2002). However, the
neuromuscular disorders. At the same time, BCIs have a effectiveness of the actions may vary greatly from one perfor-
variety of other possible uses beyond serving as a new form of mance to the next when the tasks have high memory load or
assistive technology. Chapter 22 of this volume addresses BCI use when they require recognition of barely noticeable differences
for rehabilitation and other therapeutic purposes. This chapter or detection of stimuli that are near threshold. New methods
addresses BCI applications for the general population (i.e., appli- for reducing this variability and thereby ensuring more stable
cations that are not specifically intended for people who are dis- performances could be extremely useful. BCI technology, with
abled). These nonmedical uses fall into three major categories. its capacity for supporting real-time interactions based on the
The first category includes BCI applications for improving, user’s brain signals, could allow the implementation of such
stabilizing, or otherwise optimizing conventional neuromuscu- methods. For example, a BCI-enhanced vocabulary trainer
lar performances. For example, BCI-based monitoring of brain might present new word pairs only at times when the user is in
signals that correlate with poor attention might be used to trig- a mental state suitable for memory encoding (Guderian et al.,
ger stimuli that encourage attention. The second category 2009). (A different but related approach would be based on the
includes applications of BCI technology that enhance conven- prediction of the success of encoding from the evoked responses
tional neuromuscular performances beyond their normal to presented vocabulary, in the spirit of Karis et al., 1984.) Such
capacities. For example, BCI-based monitoring of brain signals BCI-based methods for timing behaviors according to the
associated with a difficult visual-detection task might be used user’s concurrent mental state could improve the reliability of a
to improve the speed or accuracy of detection. The third wide range of psychophysiological experiments and could also
category includes BCI applications that broaden or enrich life find many real-world applications. These methods might
experience. These include BCI-based internet-browser appli- improve the productivity, consistency, and safety of industrial
cations, computer games, relaxation applications, and applica- operations by avoiding or reducing the deleterious effects of
tions that enable artistic expression such as music or painting. inattention, fatigue, or emotion.
In addition, technology developed for BCIs can also be used Up to the present, information about mental state has typi-
for applications that do not fit the BCI definition described in cally been acquired through offline analyses of data garnered
chapter 1, such as neuromarketing (Fisher et al., 2010). from questionnaires, videotaping, or error tabulation (ITU–T
These three kinds of nonmedical use of BCI technology are Rec. P. 910, 2008; Wältermann et al., 2008). Such methods may
addressed in the following three sections. Each section dis- help in redesigning behavioral tasks or work environments,
cusses particular issues specific to that category, reviews appli- but they cannot be used for real-time interactive optimization of
cations developed up to the present, and considers possibilities performance. In contrast, BCI technology could assess mental
for the future. At the same time it is important to note that the state in real time and could thereby optimize the timing of
realization of these possibilities will depend in large measure on behaviors and/or produce immediate outputs that improve
substantial improvements in BCI convenience, control capacity, performance. The development of such BCI applications has just
and consistency. Particularly important in this regard will be begun. This chapter reviews several promising initiatives.
advances in EEG recording methodology (e.g., availability of
reliable dry electrodes) and advances in feature extraction and
translation algorithms. Obstacles and advances in these critical
areas are addressed in chapters 6–8 of this volume. The neurophysiological substrates of attention are the focus of
substantial research efforts, and these have generated increas-
ingly complex and specific conceptual frameworks (e.g., Fan
OP TIM IZIN G C ONV ENT IONAL et al., 2007). Reliable and convenient methods for real-time
P E R FORMA NC E monitoring of attention are particularly relevant for safety-
critical applications, in which human performance is often the
Although the brain signals associated with conventional neu- most variable factor. For example, fatal car accidents are one of
romuscular actions typically exhibit substantial trial-to-trial the leading causes of death in the United States (Mokdad et al.,
variability, the actions themselves are usually very stable from 2004, 2005; Subramanian, 2007) and the leading cause among

50 task. They were asked to detect brief (260-msec) 6-dB increases
Response-related log ampl. diff. (F(1,18))
10 subjects x 2 sessions occurring at random times at an average rate of 10/min in a
Channel: Cz 62-dB white-noise background. The investigators analyzed the
correlations between specific EEG frequency bands and the
Theta (4–6 Hz)
occurrence of errors (i.e., failures to detect the increase). They
30 Alpha (10–11 Hz)
found that errors were correlated with specific EEG frequency
bands on both short (i.e., trial-to-trial) and longer (e.g., min-
20 Gamma (35–50 Hz) ute-to-minute) time scales. Most important in the present
p = 0.001 context, they found in most subjects that 4–6 Hz theta activity
began to increase, and >35 Hz gamma activity began to
10 decrease, about 10 sec prior to errors (i.e., failures to detect)
(fig. 23.1). This implies that theta/gamma monitoring might be
0 used online to detect error-prone states and prevent errors by
–20 –10 0 10 20 alerting the person or by delaying the task. Another approach
Time re target onset (s) worth exploring would be use of the so-called “error-preceding
potentials,” which are systematic changes in brain activity that
Figure 23.1 Average time courses from 10 subjects of the hit-versus-error
differences (measured as F-statistic) in log amplitudes for the theta (solid),
foreshadow behavioral errors (Eichele et al., 2010).
alpha (dotted), and gamma (dashed) frequency bands. The dashed horizontal A recent study (Müller et al., 2008) evaluated the use of
line is the p = 0.001 significance level for independent comparisons. EEG signals to detect errors in a setting similar to that found in
Consistent hit-versus-error differences in the theta and gamma bands begin many important tasks. It simulated a security surveillance
about 10 sec before the response, whereas an alpha difference appears only
system in which the person needs to maintain close attention
after the response. (From Makeig and Jung, 1996, with permission.)
to a rather boring task. The objective was to determine whether
a BCI might use EEG signals to detect, and hopefully predict,
children (9–18 years) worldwide (Xu et al., 2010). Two main mental states associated with a high probability of errors. Each
causes for crashes are visual distractions (Ranney, 2008; Klauer subject viewed 2000 x-ray images of suitcases and was asked to
et al., 2010) and decreases in vigilance (Lyznicki et al., 1998; indicate those that did or did not contain dangerous objects by
Fletcher et al., 2005). Physiological measures such as eye-blink immediately pressing a key with the left or right index finger,
and heart rate have been used to detect such lapses of attention respectively (fig. 23.2). Successive images were presented. Each
(e.g., Papadelis et al., 2007). However, EEG-based markers, image was shown for 750 msec, and as soon as the subject
which are likely to be more directly related to attention, have responded (1.750 msec on average), the next image was
been used only rarely, due to the practical limitations of stan- presented. EEG was recorded from 128 channels at 1000 Hz.
dard EEG recording systems. Nevertheless, there is strong The monotonous nature of the task and the long duration of
evidence that EEG features could be of high value for online the experiment (i.e., ten 200-image blocks over a total of about
monitoring of attention. 120 min) were expected to produce a gradual decrease in atten-
In an impressive study by Makeig and Jung (1996), EEG tion and a consequential increase in errors in the later blocks.
was recorded from central and posterior midline locations Cz The time course of error occurrences (mainly misses, but
and POz while people performed a difficult auditory detection also 6–25% false positives) was smoothed to form a measure of

Figure 23.2 Examples of x-ray images used in the detection task. The upper row shows three suitcases that do not contain a weapon, and the lower row shows
three that do (i.e., machine gun, knife, and axe). (From Blankertz et al., 2010.)

364 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
0.7 could be used to ensure that the workloads associated with
their operation do not reach dangerous levels. For example,
0.6 one of the optional accessory systems might be switched off

when the workload demanded by critical tasks reached high
0.5 levels. Such EEG measures might also be used to avoid new
product features that elevate workload to unacceptable levels,
0.4 or, conversely, to validate new features intended to reduce
workload (e.g., automatic control of the distance from a vehicle
–100 –50 0 50 100 being followed). Furthermore, and most relevant in the
Temporal delay [trials] current context, such measures might be used in a real-time
BCI-based system to ensure that workload never reaches
Figure 23.3 Correlation coefficient between the CII (derived from the EEG) and
performance (i.e., error rate) for different time shifts. The highest correlation is
dangerous levels for individual users.
at zero time shift, as expected. In addition, and most important, the CII In a recent study performed in collaboration with Daimler
correlates strongly with an error even before the error occurs. AG, Kohlmorgen et al. (2007) developed and tested an EEG
measure of workload. They recorded EEG (32 channels located
according to the International 10–20 system) from 17 people
attention, or concentration, which was called the error index. while they actually drove on a highway at a speed of 100 km/hr.
To enhance the analysis, two threshold values of this error This was their primary task. At certain times, additional sec-
index were established for each subject. Values above the higher ondary and tertiary tasks were superimposed. The secondary
threshold indicated insufficient concentration, and values task was an auditory reaction task in which one of two buttons
below the lower threshold indicated sufficient concentration. mounted on the left and right index fingers had to be pushed
The EEG data for periods of high and low error index were about every 7.5 sec in response to a vocal prompt. The tertiary
compared, and a detailed description of this analysis was pro- task was either mental calculation or attending to one of two
vided (Müller et al., 2008). A prominent feature of the results simultaneously presented voice recordings. In an initial cali-
was the finding that decreased alpha (8–12 Hz) activity over bration phase, an EEG-based workload detector was calibrated
the left parieto-occipital scalp region was associated with high for each individual driver. Basically, this workload detector
error index. Based on the contrast between periods of high- classified spatial patterns of band power in subject-specific
and low-error index, a Concentration Insufficiency Index (CII) frequency bands. Initially, unstable channels and channels
was derived from EEG data. Figure 23.3 plots the correlation appearing to contain muscle or eye-movement artifacts
between the error index and the CII as a function of the tem- were removed. Then different parameter configurations (fre-
poral difference between them. It is clear that the two are highly quency bands, sets of channels, spatial filters, hysteresis thresh-
correlated at zero-time difference. Furthermore, and most olds) were evaluated, and the configuration that provided the
important in the current context, the correlation is high even best discrimination of the two workload conditions was
for 50 trials into the future. This implies that the CII derived selected. The algorithms to accomplish this are presented in
from the EEG data can provide a method to anticipate an Kohlmorgen et al., 2007.
increase in errors and thus to guide interventions to prevent or After this calibration, the system could determine the
correct them. driver’s workload in real time (see fig. 23.4). In the test phase of
the study, the system turned off the auditory reaction-time task
whenever it detected a high workload. In this way, it reduced,
or mitigated, the driver’s workload.
Many common and important tasks are complex combinations The results of this study showed that the average reaction
of multiple subtasks that must be performed simultaneously or time was 100 msec faster during the test phase (i.e., when the
in rapid succession. Driving a car exemplifies such a complex additional reaction-time task was turned off by the workload
task. The driver must control the vehicle, attend to the road, detector) than in the calibration phase (i.e., when the task con-
respond quickly and appropriately to a wide variety of possible tinued despite a high workload). The improvement in perfor-
expected or unexpected obstacles or other events, select or mance during the test phase may be explained by the fact that
follow a specific set of directions, and may also add optional the workload detector successfully predicted periods of poten-
tasks such as conversing or listening to music. At some point, tially reduced reactivity and exempted drivers from needing to
as the total composite workload increases, performance on the react during increased workload (Kohlmorgen et al., 2007).
various subtasks will deteriorate, and grievous consequences, These and other similar results (e.g., Sterman and Mann,
such as an accident, may follow. A number of studies have 1995; Gevins et al., 1995; Horne and Baulk, 2004; Lal and
identified EEG correlates of workload in ongoing brain signals Craig, 2005; Lin et al., 2005; Berka et al., 2007) suggest that
(Gevins et al., 1995; Smith et al., 2001; Berka et al., 2007; Holm such BCI-based methods might improve the stability and
et al., 2009) and in event-related potentials (Isreal et al., 1980; overall level of performance in a variety of situations in which
Donchin, 1987; Kramer et al., 1995; Prinzel et al., 2003; Allison high workload is a risk. At the same time, it is important to
and Polich, 2008). note that the EEG workload detector was substantially more
Offline analyses of such EEG measures of workload effective in some subjects than in others. Although product
obtained during the testing of new vehicles or other products development using these measures might be limited to such

C H A P T ER 2 3 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R T H E G E N E R A L P O P U L AT I O N | 3 6 5
Block type High modify the task or the emotional state whenever a deleterious
emotional state is detected. For example, the task might be
Off delayed or simplified whenever frustration or stress is detected.
Low Alternatively, it may be possible to train people to reduce EEG
measures known to be associated with emotional states that
impair performance. Important research in this direction
investigates the classifiability of emotions in music listening
Workload detector

Low (Lin et al., 2010).

In a pilot study, Blankertz et al. (2009) explored neuronal
correlates of emotional reactions related to interaction.
ml Multichannel EEG was recorded from pairs of subjects while
they competed in a two-alternative forced-choice task. For
specific periods of performance (and unbeknownst to the sub-
0 5 10 0 5 10
jects), the task was biased so as to give one subject or the other
Time [min] an unfair advantage (i.e., by earlier presentation of the stimu-
lus). This bias was designed to induce positive or negative emo-
Figure 23.4 Time course of the classifier output (lower panel) for the best- tional states (e.g., elation, stress, frustration) in the subjects.
performing subject and the corresponding binary high/low workload indication
The behavioral data were consistent across the four subjects of
used to control the mitigation (middle panel). The true high- and low-workload
conditions (auditory) are shown in the upper panel. The close correspondence
this initial study. For example, when placed at a disadvantage,
between the top and middle panels indicates that the classifier accurately subjects adapted their strategy (e.g., accepting higher error
detected the workload (95.6% correct). (From Blankertz et al., 2010.) rates in order to achieve faster reaction times to cope with the
competitor), probably reflecting an uncomfortable emotional
state. EEG analysis revealed significant within-subject differ-
ences between periods of negative and positive emotions in
individuals, their application in actual products for wider use theta-, alpha-, or beta-frequency bands. Within subjects, these
will presumably require that they be effective for all or almost differences had widely distributed and spatially coherent
all potential users. topographies (i.e., explainable by one or two dipoles) (see
chapters 3 and 6). The relevant frequency bands as well as their
spatial foci varied across subjects. Figure 23.5 shows the results
from one subject.
Emotional states such as anger, frustration, and depression The variety of EEG correlates found among the subjects
have been shown to affect the event-related potentials (ERPs) demonstrates the need for adaptive methods in order to suc-
elicited by specific stimuli and to be reflected in brain rhythms cessfully enhance task performance by emotional decoding.
(Aftanas et al., 2004; Olofsson et al., 2008). Activity recorded Studies with a larger number of subjects will show whether
over prefrontal cortex appears to be particularly affected by some EEG measures correlate with individual attitudes toward
emotional state (Davidson, 2004; Sotres-Bayon and Quirk, a particular emotion-provoking situation. In addition, further
2010). Furthermore, emotional state can affect task perfor- investigation is needed to establish that the observed changes
mance (Herrington et al., 2005; Gray, 2001; Cohen et al., 2010; in the EEG reflect emotions rather than other aspects of task
Janelle, 2002). Thus, it may be possible to use concurrent EEG performance (e.g., more forcefully pressing the buttons when
analysis to improve or stabilize performance by intervening to annoyed).

’Stress’ ’Annoyance’ Eyes closed

10−13.5 Hz 9.5−11.5 Hz 7−10 Hz

Figure 23.5 Topographic maps of (upper) alpha-band power for the emotional states “stress” and “annoyance” (minus baseline) in one subject. For comparison, a
map of (lower) alpha band power is shown for the condition eyes closed. Note that the eyes closed condition shows modulation in a different frequency band from
the affective conditions. The maps differ in their spatial foci.

366 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
E NH ANC ING C O NV ENT IO NAL determined the probability that a given image was a target
P E R FORMA NC E image. They computed 10 discriminative EEG features derived
from multiple windows in the first second after image presen-
Thus far, we have examined some of the ways in which BCIs tation and linearly combined those features to yield results
may help to ensure that people consistently perform specific indicating the probability that the image was a target image.
tasks at the upper levels of their abilities. BCIs might also allow The procedure was designed to be robust against slow drifts
people to exceed their normal performance ranges in accuracy and fast sample-by-sample fluctuations. With a group of five
or speed. This section discusses several possible approaches to subjects, these investigators showed that the rapid-presenta-
using BCIs to enable such supranormal performance. tion triaging step with BCI-based analysis could correctly
detect 92% of the target images. These were then given a high
priority for subsequent more careful evaluation.
Parra and colleagues coined the term cortically coupled
Several studies (Gerson et al., 2006; Parra et al., 2008; Sajda computer vision for their BCI-enhanced two-step image detec-
et al., 2010) have provided impressive illustrations of using tion (Gerson et al., 2006; Parra et al., 2008; Sajda et al., 2010).
EEG decoding to enhance performance in a search and The term indicates that it integrates traditional computer-
decision-making task. A person is presented with complex vision and BCI technology in order to increase the speed and
images, a few of which contain target objects. The person’s task accuracy of image search.
is to detect the targets and to indicate detection by reacting
(e.g., pressing a button) as quickly as possible. Despite recent
advances in computer vision technology (i.e., technology
that allows computers to “see,” that is, to extract from images
information important to a given task (Ballard and Brown, Many studies have described EEG features that precede and or
1982), humans perform more accurately than real-time object- even predict the details of spontaneous or stimulus-triggered
recognition systems in detecting objects in complex scenes motor actions, such as hand movement or finger flexion
(Bundeskriminalamt, 2007). Furthermore, in humans, brain (Blankertz et al., 2006; Waldert et al., 2008). A BCI system
signals can reflect the detection process prior to the actual able to accurately detect such premovement potentials might
response of the muscles (i.e., button-pressing) and can do be used to produce an action that is faster than is possible
so even in the absence of any requirement for muscles to by actual muscle contraction. The resulting enhancement
respond. in effective reaction time could be particularly valuable in
Parra et al. (2008) used real-time BCI-based EEG analysis time-critical situations such as the need for a vehicle operator
to assist in a detection task in humans. In the first step (a to react quickly to unexpected obstacles or other sudden
screening or triaging step), the complex images were presented events.
at a very rapid rate (i.e., 10–20 per second). The expectation Another possible BCI-based performance enhancement is
was that the images containing target objects (i.e., the target suggested by a variety of studies showing that performance
images) would evoke P300 responses (see chapter 12), whereas errors are associated with particular EEG features (e.g., the
images not containing target objects (i.e., the nontarget images) error-related negativity) (Falkenstein et al., 2000; Nieuwenhuis
would not do so. Each image was assigned a priority score et al., 2001; Schalk et al., 2000; Blankertz et al., 2003; Parra
indicating to what extent it had evoked a P300-like response. et al., 2003; Chavarriaga and Millán, 2010). One promising
Then, in the second step, the images were ordered according to possibility is that preceding or concurrent brain signals
their scores (i.e., higher scores first) and were presented to the that correlate with successful or unsuccessful performance
subject at a slow rate to permit careful examination and defini- (e.g., Schubert et al., 2009; Mathewson et al., 2009; Thut et al.,
tive detection. 2006; Chen et al., 2008; Fernández et al., 1999; Eichele et al.,
This two-step approach was expected to produce perfor- 2010) might be used in real time to abort or correct errors in
mance exceeding the normal range for several reasons. In the neuromuscular performances such as in rapid forced-choice
triage step the images can be presented at speeds considerably tasks.
greater than those possible when an actual neuromuscular
response is required. Furthermore, a conventional self-paced
search is usually much slower because the person responds BROADENING OR ENRICHING
only after reaching a given certainty threshold. Although the LIFE EXPERIENCE
initial rapid image presentation is essentially a coarse-grained
approach and is likely to produce some errors, the image pri- In this final section, we discuss BCI applications that do not
oritization can greatly facilitate the subsequent self-paced optimize or enhance the performance of conventional neuro-
examination that makes final decisions. muscular tasks but, rather, broaden or enrich social interac-
Parra and his colleagues employed a learning-based tions, creative endeavors, entertainment options, or other life
approach to discriminate between the EEG responses to target experiences. Although the initial development of these BCI
and nontarget images. They recorded 64 EEG channels, applications is generally intended for people with severe
extracted sliding 50-msec time windows, and computed a disabilities, they are likely to become appealing to people in
linear discriminant (see chapter 8) from training data that general as their convenience and capacities increase.

C H A P T ER 2 3 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R T H E G E N E R A L P O P U L AT I O N | 3 6 7
M E D I A - R E L AT E D A C T I V I T I E S Although BCI-based media applications are still in their
infancy, several intriguing early examples have been described.
People with or without neuromuscular disabilities are inter-
These clearly go beyond text-input applications like the origi-
ested in a variety of media-related activities: surfing the
nal P300-speller grid of Farwell and Donchin (1988) and its
Internet; assembling photo, video, and music collections and
successors, Hex-o-Spell (Blankertz et al., 2007; Williamson
sharing them with family and friends; joining interactive
et al., 2009) and Dasher (Wills and MacKay, 2006).
venues such as Internet chat rooms; participating in computer-
Figure 23.6 shows an example of the BCI-based browser
based painting or music composition; and, of course, consum-
interface Nessi (Bensch et al., 2007). It enables users not only to
ing audiovisual material for entertainment, education, or
browse web pages but also to access web-based services and
employment. These activities can be categorized into explora-
web-based applications in general. It is platform-independent
tion, social interaction, self-expression, and consumption.
and open source. Its functionality has been demonstrated with
Because an individual’s access to such activities usually has a
a two-class motor-imagery paradigm (Bensch et al., 2007).
major role in determining his or her quality of life, BCI-based
Two sets of selectable links are each highlighted by one of two
methods for improving this access might greatly improve the
different colors. To select a link, the user generates the control
lives of people with severe disabilities and perhaps the lives of
command (i.e., the motor imagery that he/she has been
others as well.
instructed to use to represent a given color) to select the set of
At present BCI applications for media-related activities
links that contains the desired link. The chosen set of links is
must accommodate the severe limitations in speed, accuracy,
then divided into two smaller sets, each in a different color;
and complexity characteristic of current BCI output com-
selection is repeated in this way until a single link is chosen
mands. These limitations are analogous to, and quite similar to,
and accessed.
those that apply to media-related activities on small hand-held
mobile devices such as smartphones (Murray-Smith, 2009). As
a result, the development of BCI-based media activities
can profit from the field of human-computer interaction, which
is constantly improving the interaction models for these Kübler et al. (2008) described a BCI-based brain-painting
devices. application that uses P300 evoked responses to visual stimuli

Figure 23.6 Screenshot of the Nessi BCI-based internet browser. On the left, the user observes feedback from the BCI control signals generated by two motor
imagery tasks (e.g., imagined finger movement vs. imagined tongue movement). In a series of two-choice imagery-based selections, the user steps down a binary
tree to arrive at a single link. (From Bensch et al., 2007.)

368 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
(SSVEPs) (chapter 14). Ramsey et al. (2009) describe a goal-
keeper game designed to encourage rapid generation of motor
imagery–based BCI commands. These simple BCI games are
useful in training for BCI use, but they probably do not have
the appeal or immersive properties that would lead people to
play them for entertainment alone, apart from their novel
method of control compared to standard games (i.e., brain sig-
nals rather than muscle-based movements).
Figure 23.8 shows a recently published BCI-based game
that requires only two-class control, but requires precise timing
and simulates complex physical interactions (Tangermann
et al., 2009). This application demonstrates that BCI control
signals derived from motor imagery can be precise enough in
timing to play a fast and reactive game in real time. Although
trade-offs between timing precision and classification preci-
sion were necessary for all users, the users found the game
to be highly immersive and engaging (Tangermann et al.,
Another notable BCI game is one based on the extremely
popular video game “Tetris” (Tetris Holding, www.tetris.com).
In this game, variously shaped pieces that are slowly falling
Figure 23.7 Artistic work generated by BCI-based brain-painting application down a computer screen can be moved horizontally or rotated
(Kübler et al., 2008). (Image by courtesy of Adi Hösle.)
in 90-degrees steps by the player so that they fit together exactly
upon reaching the bottom. In the BCI version of this game (fig.
23.9), left- or right-hand motor imagery moves the pieces left
(see chapter 12). By attending to desired items on a matrix of or right respectively, mental rotation (Ditunno and Mann,
simple painting tools (e.g., colors, shapes, etc.), the user can 1990) rotates it clockwise, and foot motor imagery makes it fall
place shapes on a digital canvas and color them. To date, this faster. Although hand and foot motor imagery have been used
application has been used by a number of people with ALS and often in BCI applications, mental rotation is a newer BCI para-
by an artist without disabilities. Although this application is digm that was first used for BCI control of a robot (Millán
somewhat restricted by its tool and shape set, it enables artistic et al., 2004). In this BCI version of Tetris, mental rotation was
expression that does not depend on neuromuscular function. used to rotate pieces and thus was ostensibly quite natural. It
Figure 23.7 shows a sample composition. was found to be associated with a predominantly right parietal
focus (fig. 23.9). This finding is consistent with the neuronal
activity that has been reported to be associated with such tasks
(Farah, 1989; Ditunno and Mann, 1990; Harris et al., 2000).
BCI-controlled gaming applications range widely from strictly However, bilateral (Tagaris et al., 1996) and even left hemi-
medical to completely nonmedical applications. The applica- spheric (Mehta and Newcombe, 1991) dominance has also
tion can be controlled by the BCI alone, or the BCI can be an been reported. Milivojevic et al. (2009) suggest an approach to
additional input that supplements conventional control. resolving these seemingly contradictory results.
Surveys that discuss approaches and requirements of BCI-
controlled games on a general level are discussed in Nijholt,
2009, as well as in Allison and Grainmann, 2008. Lécuyer et al.
(2008) provides a good overview of several BCI games and
virtual-environment applications. EEG Amplifier/digitizer
Games can provide strong motivation for practicing, and Filter (FQ/spatial)
thereby achieving, better control with a BCI system. Thus,
simple BCI-based games can assist naive users in mastering Classifier
BCI-based communication and control applications. They can
be designed to increase the intensity or duration of attention, Low-level
increase the speed and accuracy of brain-signal control, or controller
improve other important capabilities. The expectation is that Paddle
these improvements will transfer to the actual communication signal
or control usage of the BCI. For example, Lalor et al. (2005)
describe a game intended to improve the concentration needed Figure 23.8 A BCI-based game in which the user controls a pinball machine by
to operate a BCI that uses steady-state visual evoked potentials motor imagery with left- and right-hand motor imagery.

C H A P T ER 2 3 . B C I A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R T H E G E N E R A L P O P U L AT I O N | 3 6 9
Figure 23.9 BCI-based “Tetris” (Tetris Holding, www.tetris.com) game. (Left) The player uses left- or right-hand motor imagery to move the falling piece right or left,
respectively, mental rotation to rotate it clockwise, and foot motor imagery to make it fall faster. (Right) The topographical pattern of desynchronization (i.e.,
decrease in power) in the 18–24 Hz beta band associated with mental rotation. This desynchronization (red) indicates cortical activation. The right parietal focus is
in accord with reports in the literature (e.g., Ditunno and Mann, 1990), but see discussion in the main text regarding contrary findings. (Photograph and
topography from an exploratory experiment, by personal communication of the Berlin BCI group.)

BCI-based games, and especially games that can be played In designing a BCI-based game, the limited information-
either with a BCI or through conventional neuromuscular transfer rate of current BCI methods must be taken into
function such as a joystick (i.e., BCI-capable games), can also account. The greatest challenge is to develop a user interface
increase social integration for people who are severely disabled that accommodates the BCI’s limited speed and precision and
by allowing them to cooperate or compete with others, includ- still provides an attractive, highly immersive gaming experi-
ing people without significant disabilities. BCI versions of ence. The limited control can in part be compensated for by
strategic games such as chess that do not require fast or pre- providing rich and timely feedback for each control command
cisely timed actions enable two people to compete on equal issued by the user. This is a fruitful field for cooperation
terms, regardless of their respective neuromuscular capabili- between the BCI research community and the human-com-
ties. Games that require cooperation (rather than competi- puter interface community.
tion), in which two or more players work together to reach a
common goal, may provide still greater and more immersive BCI-SUPPLEMENTED GAMES
social integration. Whereas a BCI can serve as the sole source of control for a
In BCI-capable games that reward fast actions or precise game, it might also provide an additional control channel in
timing, such as speed chess or Tetris, the able-bodied player conventionally controlled games. In the future, as the robust-
could be slowed down or otherwise impeded (e.g., by adding ness and convenience of EEG recording devices grow and their
delays or uncertainty to keyboard inputs) so that the other costs continue to decline, game players in general may be inter-
player could compete on equal terms. Adjustments of this kind ested in exploring BCI supplements to standard game-pad,
might enable people with disabilities to compete on equal mouse, or keyboard input devices in order to expand and
terms. They would also allow people without disabilities to enrich their gaming experiences. The creation and use of such
experience, and thereby gain greater understanding of, the hybrid (i.e., combined BCI/conventional) games should bene-
daunting obstacles constantly faced by people with disabilities. fit from the development of reliable dry electrodes and algo-
BCI methods might also be used in otherwise conventional rithms that can reliably separate brain signals from artifacts
games to optimize the moment-to-moment match between the such as EMG- or eye-movement-related activity (see chapters
user’s mental state and the demands of the game, and thereby 6 and 7). At present, the manner in which BCI control and
to enhance the user’s experience. BCI or BCI-capable versions muscle control interact, and the paradigms that enable them to
of both slow strategic games and quick reactive games could operate concurrently and effectively, remain to be defined.
also be played remotely over the Internet. Joining a gaming The development of hybrid games should benefit from the
community provides opportunities for social interactions and methods developed for real-time monitoring of mental states
could allow people with severe disabilities to become active such as attention and workload described in the first section of
members of communities made up of people with or without this chapter. A game might use this information to adjust the
disabilities. speed or complexity of its ongoing operation to increase the

370 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
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372 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

cientific and engineering advances often bring with them BCI RESEARCH TO HELP PEOPLE
important ethical issues. As a prominent part of the prog- WITH DISABILITIES
ress that now promises unprecedented understanding of
and access to the brain and its disorders, BCI research in humans Restoring communication and control capacities to people
raises ethical issues that engage the attention and affect the actions with severe neuromuscular disabilities has been and continues
of scientists, engineers, clinicians, and policy makers. Some of to be the major focus of BCI research. The human research
these issues are straightforward and can be addressed effectively essential to this enterprise raises a variety of ethical questions.
(although not always easily) by adhering to well-established Some are more or less standard issues that arise in many other
principles. Others are new and unique. Arising from the practi- areas of biomedical research. Others are unique to BCI research
cal realities of BCI research or from the fundamental nature of or to the broader field of neurotechnology in general.
BCIs themselves, they may have no clear solutions at present.
This chapter discusses the ethical issues raised by BCI
research in humans. It is organized around the three principles
set out in the Belmont Report of 1978 (National Commission for
the Protection of Human Subjects, 1978), which is generally The first prerequisite for assessing the beneficence of any enter-
considered the founding document of modern human research prise is a clear definition of beneficence, that is, specification of
standards. The three principles are beneficence, respect for per- the precise nature of the good that is being pursued. For BCI
sons, and justice. Stated most simply, beneficence requires that research aimed at people with disabilities, this definition is
the potential benefits of human research (to humanity and per- clear: research is beneficial if it helps people to regain normal
haps to the research subjects) far outweigh its risks to the sub- function—to communicate, to move about, to work and play,
jects. Respect for persons requires that informed consent be and so forth. By this definition, the potential benefits of BCI
obtained from the subjects. Justice requires that the benefits and research are not in serious doubt. The chapters in this book
burdens of the research be fairly distributed. Each of these prin- provide ample evidence that, even with their current limita-
ciples is complex both in theory and in practice, and together tions, BCIs can restore basic communication and control
they have generated a large and steadily growing literature capacities to those with the most severe neuromuscular dis-
(Institute of Medicine, 2005; Ackerman, 2006; Illes, 2006; Leshner, abilities and can do so with minimal risk. With little or no
2007; Beauchamp and Childress, 2009). In this chapter, we focus capacity for independent action, these individuals may be
on those aspects most relevant to current BCI research. completely dependent on caregivers. A BCI can restore some
In applying these principles, it is helpful to divide BCI measure of autonomy and independence, enabling them to
research into two distinct, though potentially overlapping, cat- maintain social relationships with family and friends, to convey
egories. The first category comprises BCI research aimed at their desires to caregivers, to operate environmental control or
helping people with disabilities to obtain a functional status entertainment systems, or even to continue gainful employ-
equal to that of people who are not disabled. In terms of the ment (e.g., Sellers et al., 2010). Indeed, it has been argued that
BCI definition presented in chapter 1 and used throughout this society has an ethical obligation to enable people who have the
book, this category includes research aimed at restoring or capacity to communicate to do so (Fenton and Alpert, 2008;
replacing natural CNS output, or at improving natural output Fins, 2009a). As BCI technology improves, it is likely to become
to equal that of people who are not disabled. This area has been useful to much larger numbers of people with less severe dis-
and continues to be the major focus of BCI research, and it is abilities. In sum, the potential human benefits of BCI technol-
also the major focus of this chapter. The second category com- ogy are clear and provide ample justification for the human
prises research aimed at the general population. In terms of the research necessary to realize them. At the same time, attention
chapter 1 definition, this category includes research aimed at to a number of important factors is essential in order to maxi-
enhancing or supplementing natural CNS output or at improv- mize these benefits.
ing natural output to supranormal levels. Because work of this Many of the risks associated with BCI research are not as
kind is just beginning, and because the additional ethical issues obvious as those associated with other new neurotechnologies
that it raises remain largely hypothetical at present, its treat- and therapies, such as deep brain stimulation or other brain-
ment here is relatively brief. stimulation methods, drugs that manipulate neurotransmitter

function, or agents that encourage neuronal regeneration (Farah Deficiency in any one of the disciplines relevant to a study may
et al., 2004; Illes and Bird, 2006; Schermer, 2009; Gillett, 2006; prevent it from yielding substantive results or may even pose
Hamilton et al., 2011). Unlike these other methodologies, BCIs additional risks to the research subjects. Thus, for BCI research,
do not act directly on the brain; they act only as receptive devices as for other neurotechnology research (e.g., Fins et al., 2006),
that measure CNS activity. As described in chapter 1, BCIs con- engaging the multidisciplinary expertise needed to ensure
vert that activity into new outputs that replace, restore, aug- that every aspect of a study is well designed and executed is an
ment, supplement, or improve natural CNS output. Nevertheless, ethical necessity.
these new BCI-based outputs do come with risks. They might,
for example, induce undesirable plasticity in the brain, and E N S U R I N G A C C E S S I B I L I T Y O F R E S U LT S
invasive BCIs involving surgical implantation introduce atten- The second ethical implication of the multidisciplinary nature
dant dangers of bleeding, tissue reaction, and infection. These of BCI research is that the results of any BCI study should be
and other risks may be substantial, and research studies should made easily accessible to other research groups. This is consis-
be designed and executed so as to minimize them. The follow- tent with good science and with the principle of justice articu-
ing subsections discuss measures intended to maximize the lated in the Belmont Report; such intellectual collegiality
benefits and minimize the risks of BCI research in humans. promotes progress and should enhance access to new technol-
ogies. Furthermore, it is also consistent with the fact that most
T H E N E E D F O R M U LT I D I S C I P L I N A RY E X P E RT I S E BCI research is supported by public funds. This implies that
A N D C O L L A B O R AT I O N the results are not meant to be proprietary but rather to be
As illustrated abundantly in many chapters of this book, BCI shared in a way that promotes and benefits a scientific com-
research is inherently and necessarily multidisciplinary. It munity engaged in collaborative work (Fins, 2010).
involves neuroscience, physics, mechanical and electrical From a practical point of view, an open-access approach
engineering, applied mathematics, computer science, clinical to methods and results facilitates the growth of the field.
neurology, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, assistive technology, Many groups who lack the kinds of expertise or access needed
behavioral psychology, human factors engineering. (Indeed, to acquire particular kinds of data are able, by virtue of the
the multidisciplinary nature of BCIs and other neurotechnol- expertise they do possess, to use data gathered by others for
ogy is reflected in the necessarily interdisciplinary nature of further analyses that amplify and extend the value of the data.
neuroethics [Fins, 2011].) Contributions from and collabora- Excellent examples of the value of making BCI data widely
tion among all these different disciplines are needed for BCI available are the several BCI data competitions, in which a
research to be successful in its central goal, to restore commu- relatively small number of groups have provided specific kinds
nication and/or other capacities to those with disabilities. This of BCI data for analysis by signal-processing groups through-
reality imposes two specific ethical requirements on BCI out the world (Sajda et al., 2003; Blankertz et al., 2004; Blankertz
research studies. et al., 2006). These essentially collaborative efforts have pro-
duced important advances in signal-processing methods.
ENSURING QUALITY OF CARE However, despite such encouraging examples, the vast major-
First and most obviously, the personnel conducting a human ity of BCI studies to date have not produced fully accessible
(or animal) study should possess adequate expertise in all dis- data. Certainly, even though common data formats do exist
ciplines relevant to the study. Indeed, this requirement dates (e.g., Schalk and Mellinger, 2010), providing data with suffi-
back to the Nuremberg Code (1949), which states that the cient information to make it useful to another research group,
quality of care provided in research settings must equal that and ensuring that subject confidentiality is maintained, may
provided in clinical settings. For example, if a group of research- still be a substantial task. Nevertheless, the necessary efforts
ers whose primary expertise and interest is in development of should be undertaken whenever possible so that BCI data,
signal-processing algorithms seeks to collect EEG data from which often require special circumstances and substantial
human subjects, they need to ensure (often through collabora- efforts for their collection, are as productive as possible.
tion) that the details of EEG recording (i.e., electrode place- Maximizing the yield from such data is especially critical in
ments, reference selection, impedance reduction, digitization view of the considerable expense often involved in obtaining
resolution and rate, artifact detection, etc.) are properly han- them and the generally severe limitations on research funding
dled. This multidisciplinary requirement may be more from NIH and elsewhere.
difficult to satisfy when the subjects are people with specific
disabilities, since clinician involvement is then needed for sub- I N VA S I V E B C I R E S E A R C H : M O V I N G
ject access and selection. It can become still more difficult FROM ANIMALS TO HUMANS
when BCIs are tested for long-term use by people with dis- The implants used in invasive BCI methods entail risks of
abilities (when expert hardware/software support and skills in tissue damage and reaction, infection, device failure, and long-
handling the often complex interactions with caregivers and term functional instability (see chapters 5 and 16). These risks
family are needed), or when invasive BCIs are studied (when can in large measure be evaluated and reduced through
device engineering and neurosurgery also become essential animal studies that optimize electrode designs, develop better
components). Analogous multidisciplinary requirements apply implantation procedures, and assess long-term safety and
to BCI research groups with primary expertise in engineering, efficacy. The need for such animal studies as an essential pre-
assistive technology, behavioral psychology, and others. requisite for human studies was first articulated in the

374 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Nuremberg Code (1949). For invasive BCIs, the necessary test applications such as complex communication or elaborate,
studies are conducted mainly in rats and monkeys. Rat studies highly flexible movement control. On the other hand, issues
are suitable for some questions (e.g., tissue compatibility, such as the long-term safety, stability, and efficacy of fully
device durability). However, the substantial differences between implantable system prototypes are best assessed first, and
rodents and primates (e.g., in infection susceptibility, brain exhaustively, in monkeys prior to comparable human testing.
anatomy, and tissue movements) mean that monkey studies
are needed to address other key questions (e.g., infection risks, STUDYING BCI USE BY PEOPLE
long-term recording stability). Furthermore, because monkeys WITH DISABILITIES
can be trained to perform complex protocols, monkey studies The essential final step in the development of a BCI system is
can in principle address many questions about BCI control the demonstration that it is usable by and useful to those people
capacities. Of course, these animal studies must adhere to estab- for whom it is intended. Although this step can begin with
lished requirements for the care and use of laboratory animals, short-term studies in which people with severe disabilities use
and must be reviewed and approved by the local Institutional the BCI under close supervision, it ultimately requires long-
Animal Care and Use Committee (Committee for the Update of term (i.e., >6 months) studies of independent use (generally in
the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 2011). the users’ homes) in which the day-to-day operation and over-
Although animal studies are generally a necessary prereq- sight of the system is handled by the user and the caregivers,
uisite to invasive BCI studies in humans, the determination of with minimal ongoing technical support from the research
the point at which human studies, with the risks they entail, group. These demanding long-term studies are discussed in
become justifiable or necessary is a complex problem with a detail in chapter 20. Here we address the risks this work may
significant ethical component. The most extreme position is involve. We begin with physical and psychological risks that
that human implantation is not appropriate until all the ques- are largely analogous to those encountered in many other areas
tions that can possibly be addressed in animals have been of biomedical research. We then address risks that are specific
addressed and have satisfactory answers, that is, until wholly to BCI research, either because of the basic nature of BCIs or
implantable systems that are safe and perform effectively for because of their current state of development.
many years in monkeys have been developed and validated
and have shown that they can provide function that signifi- Physical Risks
cantly exceeds that possible with noninvasive BCI systems. By The physical risks associated with noninvasive BCI use are
this extreme position, only then will human implantations and generally minimal. With proper education of the caregivers
human studies be justified. However, the actual implementa- responsible for supporting BCI use, problems such as skin irri-
tion of this position is highly problematic because of the unique tation due to daily electrode application can be prevented or
capabilities and complexity of the human brain. It has not been readily addressed should they develop. BCI systems use medi-
widely adopted, either by researchers or by those charged with cal-grade electronic components so that the risks of inadver-
regulating human studies. tent shocks are almost nonexistent. At the same time, both
At present, invasive BCIs are under study both in animals researchers and caregivers need to ensure that hardware and
and in humans. Several factors justify these human studies. software are checked regularly and properly maintained.
First, the risks entailed (e.g., of infection, tissue damage, device Physical risks will increase when and if invasive BCI sys-
failure) appear to be very modest, and complications that do tems enter testing in long-term independent home use. Users
occur are generally transient and appear to do no lasting harm and caregivers will need to be instructed in how to recognize
(see chapter 16). Second, the studies are generally limited to local or systemic signs of infection or implant malfunction
people in whom the risks are not amplified by concurrent (e.g., erythema, swelling, fever, performance decline), and
health problems, adverse environmental factors, or the burden researchers will need to have in place appropriate oversight
of an unrealistic therapeutic conception (i.e., an incorrect and procedures as well as protocols for quickly and successfully
overly optimistic concept of the benefits of the device and its responding to such problems. At the same time, assuming that
ability to restore lost function) (Lidz et al., 2004). That is, the preclinical studies have been thorough and successful, these
subjects are healthy and medically stable aside from their risks should have very low probability and should be able to be
severe neuromuscular disabilities, they have supportive living addressed effectively if they occur.
environments, and they understand that they are participating
in research and that the BCI is not intended to be, and may Psychological Risks
well not be, a solution to their own communication and con- Like any study of a promising new treatment method,
trol needs. Thus, their participation does not constitute an whether a drug or a device, BCI studies in people with severe
excessive additional burden. Indeed, they generally welcome disabilities run the risk of subject disappointment if the system
the study, primarily as an opportunity to contribute to impor- proves not to be usable or useful. This risk may be mitigated,
tant research, and only secondarily as something that might but not eliminated, by emphasizing the limitations and uncer-
conceivably be of benefit to them personally in the future. tainties of the study in the informed consent process and
Third, the major aims of these studies generally include aims throughout the subject’s participation.
that are difficult or even impossible to address in monkeys. In order to minimize these psychological risks, researchers
Despite the fact that some BCI control applications can theo- should emphasize that subjects who volunteer to participate
retically be tested in monkeys, only human testing can readily are performing a service, for the research group certainly, and,

CHAPTER 2 4 . E T H I C A L I S S U E S I N B C I R E S E A R C H | 375
more importantly, for humanity in general. It should be A study limited to subjects who have already accepted
carefully explained that benefiting subjects is not the study’s mechanical ventilation must avoid giving the impression that it
primary purpose (even though it might do so). Rather, it is is coercing the continuation of ventilation. The subject must
actually the subject’s altruism and willingness to volunteer that continue to feel completely free to discontinue ventilation;
are providing benefits in new knowledge and, hopefully, in prior acceptance of a BCI should not in any way constrain this
useful new assistive technology. Researchers should emphasize decision.
this point when they first invite people to participate, during For BCI systems that have already demonstrated safety and
the informed consent process, and throughout the course of some measure of efficacy, better approaches might be to include
the study. Certainly, some subjects may still choose to partici- possibilities such as the acceptance or rejection of mechanical
pate mainly because they hope to benefit themselves. This is ventilation in the study protocol and to learn how subjects and
understandable and to be expected, but it is critical that all sub- their families actually consider (or even use) BCI systems in
jects understand that no personal benefit is promised (particu- making such difficult choices. After all, it is important to test
larly in an early trial), and that their participation is mainly a these devices in the real-life contexts in which they are likely to
very admirable and highly appreciated contribution to BCI both improve and perhaps also complicate the care of people
research and development. This understanding will often help with severe and often progressive disabilities. Studies of this
to reduce the risk of a therapeutic misconception on the part of kind should closely involve both local ethics committees and
the subject, that is, unrealistic expectations that may lead to palliative-care specialists who can help ensure that the rights of
disappointment (Lidz et al., 2004). these individuals, who are both study subjects and patients, are
Psychological risks may be particularly significant for sub- fully protected throughout the life cycle (Fins, 2006).
jects who see the BCI as a last resort because conventional
assistive devices have failed. In the most extreme situations, The Risk of Inappropriate Outputs
particularly prevalent in those with progressive disorders such Studies in which people use BCIs in their daily lives may
as ALS, subjects and family members may want to consider the also encounter risks associated with this use. For example,
possibility of BCI-based communication in making life through human or system error, a BCI used for environmental
decisions, such as whether or not to accept full-time artificial control and simple communication with a caregiver might set
ventilation. In fact, 42% of people with ALS on long-term the room temperature incorrectly or might fail to notify a care-
mechanical ventilation indicated that such ventilation should giver of an acute problem, such as a respirator malfunction.
be stopped if and when they became unable to communicate Possibilities of this kind make it incumbent on the research
(Moss et al., 1996). Prospective BCI users and their families group to design and configure the BCI applications so as to
may be desperate for a way to prevent the total isolation and minimize the likelihood of such malfunctions and to educate
dependency they foresee coming. As a result, the researchers both user and caregiver in avoiding and detecting these mal-
may be drawn into extremely complex and highly emotional functions. Fulfilling this obligation requires careful and imagi-
dilemmas that go far beyond the bounds of scientific research native consideration of all possible malfunctions and continued
and that may entail major psychological and other risks to the meticulous attention to their prevention and their detection.
subject and his or her family members. These potential risks
should be considered carefully by the research group in design- The Risk of Invasion of Privacy
ing the study and in defining the subject selection criteria. For One concern often voiced about BCIs is that their users
example, to reduce risk the experimenters might elect, at least might inadvertently reveal private thoughts and emotions, or
initially, to study only people who have already made the dif- even that outside authorities might use BCIs to extract infor-
ficult decision to accept mechanical ventilation, or people with mation without consent. Indeed, the P300 evoked potential,
stable disabilities for whom other communication and control which is the basis for one widely used BCI, has been suggested
options exist. as a method for lie-detection (Levy, 2007). This concern about
Limiting a study to people with stable disabilities also BCI technology is part of the general concern about the poten-
reduces the risk that disease progression will render the BCI tial abuses of the new brain-imaging technologies (e.g., MRI,
less and less useful to them. If and when this occurs, the fMRI) and other new diagnostic methods (e.g., genetic analy-
research group may feel obligated, or may be asked, to try to sis) (e.g., Farah et al., 2004; Illes and Bird, 2006).
modify the BCI so as to restore its effectiveness. Certainly, In reality, however, the danger to privacy posed by BCIs,
some provisions for simple modifications can be incorporated although plausible at first glance, may not become a major
into the initial research plan. However, beyond such basic problem. As discussed in chapter 1, BCIs provide the brain
responses, ad hoc modification efforts can often require extra with new nonmuscular output channels; they enable the user
effort that places enormous demands on usually very limited to communicate with and act on the world through brain sig-
resources. Furthermore, any such effort is essentially new nals rather than muscles. As such, they generally require the
research and may thus require its own approval process. At the active engagement of the user and are therefore not mind-
same time, the desire to help the subject may be compelling. reading devices. It is important that investigators and ethicists
Studying subjects with stable disabilities is one way to reduce make these points explicitly, lest unjustified fears undermine
the probability that such dilemmas will arise. Nevertheless, the legitimate uses of BCIs and limit their availability to popu-
each research group should try to consider in advance how lations in need of new assistive communication and control
these situations will be handled if they occur. devices (Fins, 2007).

376 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
BCIs that use cortical neurons or sensorimotor rhythms one’s professional obligation to those who are in need or
require at least as much user involvement and skill develop- vulnerable. Subjects with implanted devices and those requir-
ment as normal muscular control; and even the P300-based ing special supplies or specific interfaces are highly dependent
BCI depends on the user attending to the stimuli that are being on the research team, and the members of the team are morally
presented. Thus, BCIs, that is, systems that provide the brain obligated to do all they can not to abandon them when the
with new outputs, may not constitute substantial new threats formal study is completed (Fins, 2009b). To formally recognize
to individual privacy. In the future if BCIs incorporate meth- this obligation, and to increase the probability that it will be
ods such as targeted brain stimulation (e.g., to provide sensory honored, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) should require
feedback) in order to improve their performance, additional that study protocols include provisions for it. These might
ethical concerns may arise. However, such systems would be involve setting aside sufficient resources ahead of time and/or
more than simply BCIs, and thus are beyond the scope of the ensuring that the needed long-term services will be covered
present discussion. by conventional health insurance. Without such provisions,
On the other hand, the data collection and analyses subjects may be exceedingly vulnerable in the poststudy
conducted as part of long-term studies of independent BCI use phase, and this risk should be minimized to the greatest extent
may introduce invasion-of-privacy risks. For example, if the possible.
user employs the BCI to communicate with family, friends, or
co-workers and complete data on BCI use are collected, the The Risk of Deleterious CNS Plasticity
data will necessarily include these communications. Although As discussed in chapter 1, the brain’s neuromuscular skills
these communications may be accessible only to the research- (e.g., actions such as walking, talking, etc.) are acquired and
ers, their knowledge in itself might constitute an invasion of maintained by initial and continuing plasticity in the many dif-
privacy or be viewed as such by the user or by the user’s cor- ferent CNS areas involved. Throughout life, CNS neurons and
respondents. Thus, data collection might be designed to avoid synapses change continually to master new skills and to pre-
collecting the messages (e.g., by measuring only the number of serve those already mastered. BCIs, by providing new output
letters or words spelled and assessing errors by the number of channels (i.e., brain signals rather than muscles), ask the CNS
backspaces). to adapt in new ways so as to use these new outputs effectively.
Studies to date provide substantial evidence that such plasticity
The Problem of Time-Limited Studies does occur and that it is important (e.g., see chapter 13). Its
Another particularly difficult ethical issue arises from the occurrence is clearly desirable if it allows BCI use to become as
nature of most research studies: they are designed, and funded, easy as normal muscular control, and thereby enables the dis-
to cover certain time periods. For a study of long-term BCI abled user to function more normally in the world. In this case,
use, the period may be lengthy, even several years, but it is not the person’s dependence on technology should be no more
indefinite, if only because the research is generally not funded troubling than the dependence of a visually impaired person
indefinitely. Although this time limitation presents no problem on eyeglasses or a hearing-impaired person on a hearing aid.
in subjects for whom the technology is not useful, it may be a At the same time, due to the ubiquitous capacity for plas-
problem in subjects for whom the technology proves useful: ticity in the CNS and the fact that the CNS must maintain
they may want to continue using it beyond the study period. In many different skills, BCI use is likely to produce plasticity that
the most extreme examples, their continued ability to commu- is extremely complex and that may affect other aspects of
nicate may depend entirely or largely on continued use of the CNS function. The dangers of such associated plasticity are
BCI. Their continued possession of the BCI system itself may unknown. On the one hand, any new technology (e.g., auto-
not present a problem, since its initial cost was presumably mobiles, typewriters, video games) that changes how people
covered by the study budget. However, funding is still needed interact with the world presumably produces extensive CNS
for supplies (e.g., electrode caps), and, most important, expert plasticity. On the other hand, these other technologies involve
personnel are needed to provide technical support. Even if the only the brain’s natural neuromuscular outputs. BCIs are
subject can pay for this support, it may not be available except unique in providing new, wholly artificial outputs. Furthermore,
from the research group, which is usually not designed or the fact that BCI operation is based on the interaction of two
empowered to provide such support outside of a research set- adaptive controllers, the user’s brain and the BCI (chapter 1),
ting. Research groups may manage in one way or another to introduces unprecedented possibilities for new plasticity
continue to provide technical support, but this usually cannot (Wolpe, 2007). Thus, the brain of an individual who becomes
be guaranteed in advance. Thus, mention of this uncertainty accustomed to using a BCI may change in unprecedented ways.
should be included in the informed consent process. The extent, nature, and functional effects of such additional
This issue of continued support is a problem for which plasticity are unknown. At present, there is no evidence for
there will be no definitive solution until BCI technology deleterious effects, and this theoretical risk is justifiable in
becomes more widely available and is routinely supported by view of the substantial human promise of BCI technology. In
service, rather than research, organizations. Until then, fund- addition, the limited capabilities and applications of current
ing agencies, review boards, and research groups must address BCIs suggest that any inadvertent plasticity they produce is
it according to their own best lights and capacities. likely to be modest. Nevertheless, BCI researchers and others
When ethicists speak of such dilemnas they speak of the involved in BCI development should be aware of this potential
principle of nonabandonment, that is, not walking away from problem, should watch for it, and should be prepared to

CHAPTER 2 4 . E T H I C A L I S S U E S I N B C I R E S E A R C H | 377
respond appropriately to its appearance. At the same time, it is mean that their potential for inappropriate actions is commen-
important to stress that this risk remains purely theoretical and surably limited and readily addressed by simple safeguards.
lacks any supporting evidence whatsoever. Thus, it should not Furthermore, continued experience with these first BCIs
be allowed to inhibit well-designed and carefully executed BCI should reveal the extent of the problem and guide efforts to
research that may offer substantial benefits to people with deal with it as more capable BCIs are developed.
severe disabilities.
The Risk of Uncensored Actions
People often imagine, or even seriously consider, actions Like any human research study, BCI research requires that the
that are inappropriate, antisocial, or harmful to themselves or subjects provide informed consent. For the majority of people,
others. These contemplated actions do not normally occur even those with severe disabilities, the informed-consent pro-
because activity in certain brain areas (e.g., the frontal lobes) cess is usually not a major problem. The process can be satis-
ensures that they do not reach the cortical and subcortical factorily executed as long as the subject can understand the
motor areas and from them proceed to the spinal and brain- information provided and has a reliable means of communica-
stem motoneurons. However, BCI outputs are produced by tion. This communication capacity can be very simple, even a
brain signals, not by motoneurons, and the signals may come single-switch capacity, as long as it is configured (e.g., with
from nonmotor brain areas. Thus, it is conceivable that BCI- conventional assistive technology) to enable the subject to ask
based actions might sometimes bypass the brain’s normal questions and express concerns as necessary. At the same time,
censoring processes, so that BCI users might produce actions it is important to ensure that the prospective subject’s auton-
(or language) that they would never produce through conven- omy in making the decision to participate is not compromised
tional muscle-based outputs. by compelling (and perhaps unrealistic) expectations (on
Just as the likelihood that BCIs may cause deleterious CNS the part of the subject and/or family members) as to what the
plasticity, the likelihood that they might produce uncensored BCI will provide (e.g., continued communication capacity)
actions is unknown at present. There is as yet no evidence for (Haselager et al., 2009). This risk, and measures that may
such actions. It might be hoped, or even expected, that the pro- reduce it, were addressed in the section on minimizing psy-
cess of skill acquisition involved in learning how to use a BCI chological risks.
would include incorporation of the normal censoring pro- For the small number of subjects without reliable commu-
cesses. Nevertheless, the possibility of uncensored actions nication, informed consent may in principle be obtained from
exists, and some precaution against it is practical and appropri- those surrogates deemed to be legally authorized representa-
ate. At present, the proper precaution is summed up in a para- tives who have assumed official responsibility for the person
phrase of the first part of Isaac Asimov’s First Law of Robotics according to established procedures (e.g., Buchanan, 1989;
(Asimov, 1942), specifically: a BCI should be configured so that Winslade, 2007; Fins 2009a). Whereas this alternative is
it cannot injure a human being. (This rule is similar to the well- generally straightforward for studies of noninvasive BCIs, it
known medical aphorism, Primum non nocere, or First, do no becomes more complex and difficult for studies of invasive
harm.) BCIs, given their potential risks. The risk of discomfort or pain
The first, and easiest, human to protect is the user. Thus, a is of particular concern for a subject with no reliable means of
BCI-operated wheelchair should not be able to drive off a cliff, communication.
a BCI-operated robotic arm should not be able to strike its One approach to this problem is to plan ahead, which is
user, a BCI-operated orthosis should not be able to force limb often possible for people with progressive diseases, such as
joints beyond their normal ranges of motion, and a BCI- ALS. This may be accomplished through an advance directive
operated environmental control system should not be able to for research (similar to those often completed by prospective
raise or lower the room temperature beyond a physiologically research subjects with psychiatric illnesses or in the early stages
acceptable range. Certainly, many of these simple strictures of dementing diseases). Such a directive would articulate the
will already be required as precautions against malfunctions of person’s preferences in regard to BCI research participation
the BCI itself. However, when other improper actions are and/or would name an individual to make these decisions if
considered, and especially when harm to other humans is con- and when the person loses the ability to communicate. Just as
sidered, prevention becomes considerably more demanding. people in the early stages of ALS often decide whether or not
For example, should a BCI-operated wheelchair refuse to cross they will accept mechanical ventilation when it becomes nec-
a dangerously busy street, and how would it decide? Or, must a essary for their survival, they might decide whether they will
BCI-operated robotic arm that can point a remote control at a participate in a specific BCI study. They may even plan ahead
television be at the same time unable to point a gun at another by beginning BCI usage immediately.
person, and how would it make the distinction? Of course, such prospective solutions are not possible for
Such questions raise difficult technical, ethical, societal, people who have lost communication ability due to disorders
and legal liability issues comparable to those associated with that began suddenly and without warning, such as brainstem
the development of other computer-based technologies. The stroke. While the BCI experience to date with people who lack
degree to which uncensored actions are a BCI risk will become all communication ability has not been encouraging (e.g.,
clear only as BCI usage and capabilities increase. At the same Birbaumer, 2006; Hill et al., 2006), further careful study is
time, on a positive note, the limited capabilities of current BCIs essential. The notable achievements of individuals such as Judy

378 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
Mozersky (Mozersky, 1996) and Jean-Dominique Bauby maintain a BCI system for the person outside of a formal and
(Bauby, 1997) encourage such efforts. properly approved research protocol. First, such efforts are
One distinctive aspect of the informed-consent process for likely to fail, since research groups will generally lack the fund-
studies of long-term independent BCI use is that it may involve ing, personnel, and/or the full range of expertise needed to
more than just the prospective BCI user. The subject’s principal establish and sustain them. Second, such efforts are inherently
caregivers usually have essential roles in such studies, and thus improper, in that they constitute neither research nor clinical
their informed consents are also needed. Furthermore, the practice. They are not research because they are not conducted
assessment of the perceptions of caregivers, family members, under a fully defined and IRB-approved protocol, and they are
and others as to the impact of the BCI on the subject’s quality not routine clinical care because the technology they are pro-
of life and on their interactions with the subject may be a key viding has not been formally demonstrated to be effective and
part of the study; and their informed consents are required has not been approved for use by the relevant regulatory body
for this purpose. (e.g., the FDA in the United States). Although the FDA
Humanitarian Device Exemption (see chapter 21) may offer
researchers an alternative option in special circumstances, its
use can be problematic (Fins et al., 2011), and it does not pro-
R E P O R T I N G R E S E A R C H R E S U LT S , A N D
duce generalizable results, which are better pursued through
the standard route of an investigational device exemption
The principle of justice stipulates that the benefits and burdens (often as part of a premarket approval [PMA] process) and a
of the research be fairly distributed. It may be difficult to assess well-designed and IRB-approved clinical trial (chapter 21). It is
the benefit aspect of this statement, especially in early trials this latter route that will ultimately best serve the people in
when the nature and likelihood of the benefits are as yet largely need of BCI technology. In sum, providing a research-grade
unknown. The burden aspect of the statement is easier to BCI system simply as an ad hoc response to an individual
address. Other sections of this chapter have indicated how appeal is generally neither ethical, effective, nor consistent with
selection of study participants can avoid inclusion of people regulatory expectations and prevailing law.
whose participation would be likely to constitute an undue Obviously, the ultimate solution to such appeals is the
burden. This might frequently be the case for people in the widespread dissemination and support of powerful and practi-
throes of deciding whether or not to accept ventilation, people cal BCI systems (chapter 21). Unfortunately, such dissemina-
with unstable medical conditions, and people in difficult living tion remains in the as yet indefinite future. In the meantime, it
environments or with unreliable caregivers. is in the best interests of prospective BCI users, and the field in
In selecting subjects for a study, researchers are generally general, for BCI usage to remain almost entirely under the
severely limited by practical factors such as whether a person auspices of established research protocols.
lives close enough to be accessible for initial evaluation and for Nevertheless, research groups can, in the interim, still
ongoing technical support. Nevertheless, researchers may con- respond in a substantive and often helpful way to many of the
tribute in several ways to helping larger number of prospective appeals for help that they receive. With many such appeals, a
BCI users, and to ensuring that the benefits of the research are brief conversation will reveal that BCI technology has little or
widely available. nothing to offer the person, and, if this is true, it should be
communicated to the inquirer. Most important, whether or
RESPONDING TO APPEALS FROM not this is the case, the research group can usually give sub-
PROSPECTIVE USERS stantive help by providing information about the growing
BCI research and development draw substantial media atten- range of powerful conventional (i.e., muscle-based) assistive
tion. As a result, research groups are frequently approached by communication devices (e.g., eye-tracking systems) and
a family member or friend of a severely disabled person who is about organizations (hospitals, clinics, foundations) in the
seeking, often desperately, for a way to provide this person with person’s vicinity that can perform comprehensive assistive
the ability to communicate. If the researchers are conducting a technology (AT) evaluations and provide access to appropriate
study of long-term independent BCI use, and if this person devices.
meets the inclusion criteria, such an appeal may be timely and In the authors’ experience, which now includes over 200
easily handled by recruiting the subject into the study. However, such appeals, most people are largely or totally unaware of such
this fortuitous coincidence is rarely the case. Most groups are conventional technology or of the entities that can provide
not involved in such clinical studies, and, for those who are, the guidance and access to it. BCI research groups should make
study populations are limited, must satisfy strict inclusion themselves familiar with this referral information and should
criteria, and are generally confined to people located relatively be prepared to provide it as appropriate to those who inquire.
nearby. Certainly, if the researchers know of another BCI group Simply by doing this, they can often furnish invaluable help to
conducting a study for which the person is a good candidate, a those who appeal to them.
referral is appropriate. But this is unlikely given the relatively Furthermore, as discussed at length in chapter 11, BCI-
small number and sizes of BCI clinical studies. based AT is best understood and disseminated as an important
How then, do researchers respond to such requests from new extension of the spectrum of conventional muscle-based
people in dire need? However appealing it may seem, one AT devices. Thus, by putting prospective users in touch with
response to be avoided in most cases is to try to provide and AT clinics and other institutions, BCI researchers can facilitate

CHAPTER 2 4 . E T H I C A L I S S U E S I N B C I R E S E A R C H | 379
their eventual access to BCI-based AT. Such actions serve the beyond scientific and technical issues. Nevertheless, BCI
Belmont principle of justice. researchers can help in ensuring that BCIs reach those who
most need them by considering carefully where and how they
R E P O RT I N G R E S E A R C H R E S U LT S become involved in efforts to develop commercially viable
As in other productive research fields, the focus in BCI research BCIs. Thus, they might choose to participate only in commer-
should be on producing peer-reviewed primary articles in cial initiatives that include a serious intent and a well-struc-
high-quality scientific and engineering journals. In addition, tured plan to produce BCI systems for the primary target
researchers should recognize that the intense and often dis- population, people with substantial disabilities. Certainly, such
torted media attention that BCIs attract, although an advan- initiatives might include and benefit from other goals, such as
tage in some respects, is also a potential disadvantage, because BCI-based video games. Nevertheless, by choosing to partici-
it engenders unrealistic expectations in the public and skepti- pate in commercial initiatives that include BCI-based assistive
cism in other scientists. technology as a major component of their product line, BCI
Thus, it is extremely important for BCI researchers to be researchers can promote the dissemination of BCI technology
resolutely realistic and tempered in their interactions with the to those who need it most and can thereby observe the princi-
popular and scientific media (Illes et al., 2010). This does not ple of justice. At the same time, researchers who are involved in
preclude responsible engagement with the media; it simply commercial ventures should guard against real or apparent
calls for prudence and the avoidance of hyperbolic and unreal- conflicts of interest (e.g., Fins and Schiff, 2010) and should dis-
istic claims or speculations about new devices and their capa- close and justify this involvement in the informed-consent
bilities. Although this approach may sometimes reduce a process, in their interactions with regulatory bodies, and in
scientist’s media prominence, it should ultimately redound to their presentations and publications.
the credit of both the scientist and the entire research field.
For similar reasons, researchers should adhere as nearly as
possible to the Ingelfinger rule, the principle that peer-reviewed BCI RESEARCH FOR THE
publication must precede any other detailed dissemination of G ENERAL POPULATION
research results. Although studies are frequently first reported
in meeting presentations and abstracts, and may reach the sci- BCI research began primarily as a response to the needs of
entific and popular media in that way, their first full descrip- people with severe disabilities, and these needs continue to be
tion and documentation should be in a peer-reviewed format its major focus. At the same time, researchers are turning also
(Relman, 1981). to developing BCIs to be used by the general population for a
wide variety of purposes. Companies are developing and
FA C I L I TAT I N G W I D E S P R E A D D I S S E M I N AT I O N marketing BCI-based computer games and BCIs for artistic
Like many new technologies, BCIs are expensive to produce expression, and researchers are exploring BCI-based methods
and maintain. Although the initial cost of noninvasive BCIs is for facilitating tasks such as object detection (chapter 23). In
likely to drop as development continues, the cost of technical terms of the BCI definition articulated in chapter 1, these
support is likely to remain substantial. Furthermore, invasive efforts seek to use BCIs to enhance or supplement natural CNS
BCIs, because they require surgery, are generally much more output or to improve natural output to supranormal levels.
costly. Thus, ensuring that BCIs are widely available to those Like research developing BCIs for clinical purposes,
who need them, whatever their financial resources, is a consid- the research aimed at BCIs for nonclinical purposes is
erable problem, and it is considered in some detail in chapter governed by the Belmont principles of beneficence, respect for
21. Although this is not only (or even mainly) a research prob- persons (i.e., informed consent), and justice. The issues
lem, BCI researchers may still help in several ways to realize surrounding the principle of informed consent are less com-
effective solutions; and, in doing so, they can further serve the plex for people without disabilities. Communication limita-
principle of justice. tions and uncertainties about mental status are not present,
Researchers can contribute to BCI dissemination by con- and prospective subjects are not unduly influenced or coerced
sidering expense in designing them, by incorporating goals by an acute need for the communication capabilities that the
such as minimizing the necessary technical support into their BCI might be able to provide. On the other hand, if and when
research studies, and by developing BCI applications that BCIs are able to enhance the performance of particular groups
reduce the need for constant caregiver oversight or even enable (e.g., airline pilots) the issue of coercion may arise, and it could
the user to resume gainful employment. These efforts can sub- be potentially severe for BCIs that require implanted sensors
stantially reduce the cost and increase the personal and eco- (Moreno, 2006; Foster, 2006).
nomic appeal of BCIs, and thus they should be considered The application of the principle of beneficence is more
important aspects of the development of clinically practical difficult in this wider area, first because beneficence is harder
BCI systems. to define, and second because the range of possible nonclinical
The widespread dissemination and support of BCIs for uses is as yet unknown. Whereas the beneficence of BCI
people with disabilities depend ultimately on the participation research intended to help people with severe disabilities is
and success of commercial enterprises. The complex factors clear, the beneficence of BCI research intended to enhance,
that will determine whether and how commercial involvement supplement, or improve the CNS output of people without dis-
occurs are considered in chapter 21. These factors go well abilities depends on the purposes to which the new capabilities

380 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
are to be applied and on the value that human research com- surgery for enhancement (National Commission for the
mittees or society in general places on these purposes. Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral
BCI research to improve the performances of airline Research, 1977; Fins, 2003). This consideration provides fur-
pilots or surgeons would presumably be considered highly ther reason to defer BCI implants in people without disabilities
beneficial, much more so than BCI research to improve video- until the physical risks have been essentially eliminated, the
game or basketball performance. In reality, however, BCIs that unique benefits have been established, and the societal issues
improved performance in any one of these areas would almost are better understood.
certainly be applicable in the others as well. Indeed, it would
probably be difficult to imagine any BCI that enhanced, sup-
plemented, or improved CNS output that could not be put to a SUMMARY
purpose that most would consider worthwhile. The fact that
the same BCIs could also serve less desirable or even undesir- The recent advent of a broad spectrum of new technologies
able purposes is not an ethical issue specific to BCIs or to BCI and therapies that promise unprecedented understanding of
research. It is an issue that applies to most effective new tech- and access to the brain and its disorders has raised a host of
nologies. As such, it may be addressed by established societal practical and theoretical ethical issues. This chapter focuses on
norms and legal codes, or it may require their further develop- those issues most important to BCI research and development.
ment. The need to extend or modify established norms to pre- It is organized around the three principles set out in the
vent misuse is a frequent and unavoidable consequence of Belmont Report of 1978: beneficence, respect for persons, and
scientific and technological progress. The possibility that BCIs justice. Beneficence requires that the benefits of the research
will be misused need not discourage or impede research, par- (to humanity and perhaps to the research subjects) far out-
ticularly in view of the substantial human benefits this work weigh its risks to the subjects. Respect for persons requires that
may provide. the subjects provide informed consent. Justice requires that the
The specific risks of BCI research for people who are not benefits and burdens of the research be fairly distributed.
disabled are in general less complex than those of BCI research BCI research for people with severe disabilities, which has
for people with disabilities, since the psychological risks of BCI already demonstrated substantial human benefits, is clearly
failure, the complications of personal and familial situations, ethically justified. At the same time, the inherently multidisci-
and the issues raised by disease progression and study termina- plinary nature of BCI research means that groups engaged in it
tion are much less severe or are entirely absent. Certainly, the are ethically obligated to ensure that they have adequate exper-
physical risks and the risks of BCI malfunction or incorrect tise in every discipline relevant to the proposed study and that
outputs are comparable and require comparable precautions. their research results are available for further analysis by other
The risks of infection, damage, and device failure associated researchers.
with invasive BCIs are likely to be addressed and minimized in The development of invasive BCI methods involves both
clinical studies before these BCIs are ever used by the general animal and human research. In accordance with ethical
population. BCI implantations in people who are not disabled research principles, human studies should be limited primarily
appear to be unlikely in the near future. Indeed, they should be to issues that can be resolved only in humans, whereas other
undertaken only after all difficulties and dangers have been issues (e.g., realization of safe and effective long-term implant
resolved and after their superiority over noninvasive alterna- methods) should be addressed first in animals. Furthermore,
tives has been convincingly demonstrated. invasive BCI research requires a reasonable expectation that
The largely undefined risks of unexpected and possibly del- it will yield capacities not possible with noninvasive BCI
eterious CNS plasticity and of uncensored actions exist also in methods.
this kind of BCI research. Some information on the nature and Studies of BCI use by people with disabilities should
extent of these risks is likely to come from studies of BCIs for be designed and executed to ensure: that subjects and
people with disabilities. In the context of BCIs to be used by their families understand that they are doing a service by par-
the general population for many different purposes, these risks ticipating and may very well not benefit themselves; that the
are potentially greater and could have significant societal psychological and physical risks of BCI failure or malfunction
implications. BCIs that are fully integrated into people’s daily are minimized; that the risks of inappropriate BCI outputs are
lives are likely to have individual and societal effects that are minimized; that procedures to prevent invasion of privacy are
unpredictable and perhaps even unforeseeable at present. in place; and that the possibility that the subject may want to
However, they are in this regard essentially no different from use the BCI beyond the term of the study or that disease
other new technologies that extend the capabilities of CNS progression may degrade BCI usefulness is considered and
outputs, such as the printing press, the automobile, or the addressed as effectively as possible.
Internet. BCIs pose several theoretical risks. One is that long-term
Finally, in regard to the principle of justice, BCIs that sup- BCI use will induce deleterious CNS plasticity. The second is
plement or enhance natural CNS outputs raise the danger of that BCI-based actions may circumvent the normal censoring
further stratifying society by providing those with greater processes to which muscle-based actions are subjected.
access to new technology with still more advantages. Although Although there is as yet no evidence for the reality of these
this is a risk associated with many new technologies, it should risks, BCI researchers should consider them in study design
be noted that the Belmont Report opposed the use of psycho- and remain vigilant for their occurrence.

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his book began with the holiday greeting that Herbert powerful new methods for inducing and guiding CNS plastic-
Jasper sent to Hans Berger 74 years ago (fig. 1.1). The ity so as to restore useful function beyond that possible with
BCI that Jasper drew was pure fantasy at the time and other methods. They could thereby be a potentially major addi-
remained so for many more years. Now, however, fantasy has tion to the armamentarium of rehabilitation therapies. As CNS
become reality. Starting about 25 years ago, scientists around regeneration methods are discovered and as they advance,
the world began to develop capabilities comparable to those BCIs, through their capacity to induce adaptive plasticity, may
imagined in Jasper’s drawing. From early demonstrations of play an important role in guiding functional regrowth of neu-
electroencephalography (EEG)-based spelling and single- ronal connections. Because they could help very large numbers
neuron-based device control, they have moved on to apply of people, these kinds of therapeutic BCI applications would
EEG, intracortical, electrocorticographic (ECoG), and other greatly increase the clinical significance of BCI technology.
brain signals to increasingly complex control of cursors, robotic These visions of the future understandably inspire the
arms, prostheses, wheelchairs, and other devices. Jasper and excitement and energy, and attract the resources, now centered
Berger would presumably be pleased, though probably not on BCI research and development. Nevertheless, and despite
surprised, to learn that BCIs are possible and even useful. Their the remarkable achievements of the past 20 years and the
continued development is the focus of a rapidly growing growing interest and activity in the field, this future is not
research and development enterprise that generates tremen- assured. The future of BCI technology will depend on many
dous excitement in scientists, engineers, clinicians, and the factors. It is not yet known whether the inherent limitations
general public. This excitement reflects the promise of BCIs, of outputs produced directly from brain signals will limit the
which is indeed rich. success of BCI technology, and researchers have no control
over these limitations. Nevertheless, we can certainly control
the choices of the problems we address and the strategies we
TH E PROMIS E use to address them. Focused and effective attention to several
crucial issues is needed for the inspiring future envisioned to
By the definition used throughout this book, BCIs are systems actually occur.
that use brain signals to replace, restore, enhance, supplement,
or improve the brain’s natural outputs (fig. 1.3). Replacement
and restoration of natural outputs are intended mainly for THE MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEMS
people with severe disabilities. They have been, and continue
to be, the primary focus of BCI research. Such BCIs might In our view, problems must be solved in three crucial areas in
eventually prove sufficiently effective to be used routinely to order to achieve truly practical and effective BCIs. These areas
replace or restore useful function to many people disabled by are: signal acquisition hardware, validation and dissemination,
neuromuscular disorders. With advances in technology and and reliability. We will look at the needs in each of these areas
training, these BCIs might support communication that is as and consider how they may best be addressed.
fast as normal typing or talking, might reanimate paralyzed
limbs to produce normal movements, and might restore blad-
der, bowel, and other autonomic functions. They might, in SIG NAL ACQUISITION HARDWARE
short, enable the realization of a revolutionary new class of
assistive technology. Both noninvasive and invasive BCI systems rely on the sensors
BCIs might also enhance or supplement natural motor out- and associated hardware that acquire brain signals. Substantial
puts for pilots, surgeons, soldiers, air-traffic controllers, and improvements in this hardware are critical to the future suc-
other highly skilled professionals. They might furnish artists, cess of BCIs. Some of the needed improvements are straight-
athletes, video-gamers, and others with new opportunities and forward and achievable with current technology, whereas
challenges. Thus, they might constitute a major new technol- others hinge on further bioengineering advances.
ogy that would be widely used by large segments of the general
population and would fundamentally change important aspects
N O N - I N VA S I V E B C I s
of daily life.
BCIs might also be used to improve the recovery of people For EEG-based BCIs, the hardware needs are well known to
with strokes, head trauma, and other disorders by furnishing anyone who uses EEG for BCI or other long-term purposes

outside of protected laboratory or clinical environments. • can be recharged in situ by wireless energy
Electrodes and amplifiers for BCI use should ideally: transfer or other methods (or have batteries
that last for many years)
• not require skin abrasion or conductive gel • have external elements that are robust,
(i.e., so-called dry electrodes) comfortable, convenient, and unobtrusive
• be small and fully portable • interface easily and effectively with high-
• have comfortable, convenient, unobtrusive, and performance applications
cosmetically acceptable mountings
Although some of the improvements needed to achieve these
• be easy to set up, initialize, and monitor goals for implantable BCI interfaces are straightforward and
• function for many hours without maintenance attainable, others are more challenging.
The development of advanced-technology sensors, such as
• perform well in all environments without the Utah array, the Michigan electrode, and micro-ECoG
significant artifacts arrays, has extended the functioning lifespan of implanted sen-
• operate by telemetry instead of using extensive sors, improved their recording stability and fidelity, and atten-
wiring uated the tissue damage associated with their insertion and
continued presence. Despite these great strides, sensors that
• interface easily and reliably with BCI applications fully satisfy the needs listed here remain to be achieved.
Although the electrode arrays now being used function effec-
For many of these requirements, the path to achievement tively in the short term, and sometimes also in the long term,
is reasonably clear, and the work simply needs to be done. significant long-term tissue reaction occurs, and there is insta-
However, with or without dry electrodes, it may be particularly bility in the neuronal populations that are recorded. To a con-
difficult to satisfy the need for robust performance in all siderable degree, further work can be expected to clarify and
environments. Robust performance should therefore be a resolve these issues.
major objective of continuing research. Nevertheless, microelectrode arrays, no matter how finely
For functional near-infrared (fNIR)-based BCIs, the desirable machined and miniaturized, are foreign bodies inserted into
hardware improvements are largely analogous to those needed for the delicate and dynamic biological environment of brain
EEG-based BCIs. However, the overall capability of fNIR-based tissue. As such, they induce a host of effects, from simple
BCIs is less well defined at present and may be severely limited mechanical damage to complex electrophysiological, biochem-
by the inherent slowness of BOLD signals (see chapters 4 and ical, and immunological events (chapter 5). A variety of
18). On the other hand, if this technology proves able to moni- novel approaches to reducing these effects or their functional
tor more rapid metabolic processes (chapter 4), this limitation impact have been proposed and some are currently under
might disappear or become considerably less significant. investigation. At present, it is not clear which approaches
BCIs based on functional magnetic resonance imaging will be successful, or how successful they will be. It is possible
(fMRI) or magnetoencephalography (MEG) have prospects that major as yet undefined innovations in sensor technology
quite different from those of BCIs based on EEG or fNIR. will be needed for invasive BCIs to realize their full promise.
Because of the expense, bulk, and environmental requirements Innovation for BCI implants will certainly benefit from
of their hardware, these methods will, at least for the foresee- research and development of brain sensors and stimulators
able future, remain confined to research laboratories. Major that are used for other clinical purposes. Up to the present,
(as yet unforeseen) innovations would be needed to render development of sensors for any of these purposes has pro-
them more practical. Nevertheless, as described in chapter 4, gressed primarily through animal studies, and this will
such methods might be extremely useful in helping to locate undoubtedly be the case for the future. This is not only required
optimal sites for placement of invasive BCI sensors such as for safety, but it is also prudent, since initial human studies of
microelectrode arrays. new technology run the risk that an early failure with signifi-
cant adverse consequences could inhibit further research for a
long time.
I M P L A N T E D ( I N VA S I V E ) B C I S
Finally, for several of the potentially most useful BCI appli-
Implanted (invasive) BCIs present a more complex picture. cations, it is likely that additional implanted devices will be
The overall goal is to realize wholly implantable systems that: needed to stimulate specific CNS or peripheral structures. For
example, implanted stimulators will be needed to support BCI-
• are safe based restoration of bladder or bowel function or BCI-based
restoration of limb movements through activation of individ-
• remain intact, functional, and reliable for decades ual muscles. Such implants do exist at present, but further
• record stable signals for many years improvements in their capabilities, convenience, and reliability
are desirable, and they will need to be effectively interfaced
• convey the recorded signals by telemetry with BCI outputs.

388 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
VALI DATION A ND DISSEMINAT ION enterprise. It requires committed multidisciplinary teams with
the time and resources needed for prolonged studies of real-
C O M PA R I N G D I F F E R E N T S I G N A L S life use under complex and often difficult circumstances.
AND METHODS Nevertheless, validation studies are an essential step if BCIs are
to realize their promise. The results of these studies can also
BCI researchers are exploring a wide variety of promising non-
encourage and guide the development of BCI applications for
invasive and invasive brain signals and methodologies. Up to
the general population. The validation of BCIs designed to
the present, the primary goal has been simply to show that a
improve rehabilitation after strokes or in other disorders will
given BCI design works. However, as the field progresses and
be similarly demanding and will require carefully controlled
as BCIs begin to enter actual clinical use, two other questions
comparisons with the results obtained by conventional meth-
become important. The first question is how good a given BCI
ods alone.
can get (e.g., how reliable, how fast, how many degrees of
freedom it can provide, etc.). The second question is which
BCI designs are best for which purposes. T H E P R O B L E M O F D I S S E M I N AT I O N
The first question implies that each promising design
With their current capabilities, which make them useful mainly
should be optimized and that, furthermore, the ultimate limits
for people with the most severe disabilities, BCIs are essentially
on users’ capabilities with the design should be defined. This
an orphan technology. As discussed in chapter 21, an orphan
will require well-structured methods for reaching and defining
technology is one that is proven in the laboratory (and perhaps
the upper limits of performance. It will be important to develop
in field tests as well) but that does not provide adequate incen-
protocols that push the performance limits of both the user
tive for commercial interests to produce it and to promote its
and the signal-analysis methods, as well as the performance
widespread dissemination. Convincing demonstrations that
limits of the two together.
BCIs can improve motor rehabilitation could markedly expand
The second question is which designs are best for which
the potential user population. However, the efficacy of BCI
kinds of applications. This will be a more difficult question to
usage for such therapeutic purposes remains uncertain at pres-
answer. It will require some measure of consensus among
ent (see chapter 22 in this volume). In any case, if and when
research groups in regard to which applications should be used
further research improves the functionality of BCIs and makes
for comparing designs and how performance on them should
them commercially attractive, their dissemination will require
be measured. At some point in the not too distant future, this
viable business models that provide not only financial incen-
question will require reasonably formal attention. The most
tive for the commercial company but also adequate reimburse-
obvious pertinent example is the question of whether the per-
ment to the clinical and technical personnel who will deploy
formance possible with intracortical signals is markedly supe-
and support the BCIs.
rior to that possible with ECoG signals, or even EEG signals.
The best achievable scenario might be one in which BCIs
As noted in chapter 1, the data to date (e.g., see chapters 13, 15,
designed to help people with severe disabilities develop syner-
and 16) do not give a clear answer. Presumably, for many pro-
gistically with BCIs for use by the general population (chapter
spective users, invasive BCI designs will need to be markedly
23). Development of the former would provide essential scien-
superior to be considered preferable to noninvasive designs. As
tific knowledge, technical capabilities, and clinical experience,
the various designs move toward clinical use, it will become
while development of the latter would provide the commercial
increasingly important to reach some agreement on how they
incentive, simplifications, and robustness essential for large-
should be compared.
scale dissemination.

BCI research benefits in several ways from the fact that its pri-
mary purpose is to replace or restore useful function for people The third and probably most difficult problem is that of BCI
with severe disabilities. First, this purpose attracts substantial reliability. Although the future of BCI technology certainly
funding from government and private entities interested in depends on improvements in signal acquisition, as well as on
advancing health and helping people with disabilities. Second, convincing validation studies and viable dissemination models,
it promotes a careful focus on actual brain signals and avoid- the difficulties and uncertainties of these problems pale next to
ance of the artifacts that commonly occur (e.g., cranial electro- those associated with the problem of BCI reliability. This prob-
myographic [EMG] activity). It also sets relatively modest and lem is critical to the success of BCI technology and is likely to
achievable goals. Indeed, the modest level of functionality of have the greatest impact on its future.
current BCIs is of value mainly to people who have lost almost The magnitude of the problem is perhaps revealed best by
all normal neuromuscular function. the efforts to achieve BCI-based control of multidimensional
At the same time, the development of BCIs for people with movements. The results of these efforts have been well described
disabilities requires as its final step convincing validation of in impressive reports in high-profile articles that have received
real-life value in terms of efficacy, practicality, and impact on extensive coverage in the scientific and general media.
quality of life. As described in chapter 20, this is a demanding Nevertheless, they have been successful only up to a point.

C H A P T ER 2 5 . T H E F U T U R E O F B C I S : M E E T I N G T H E E X P E C TAT I O N S | 3 8 9
First, they are all laboratory demonstrations and have not skills, such as multidimensional movement control, will pre-
proven themselves in real-world environments. Second, even sumably require comparable activity-dependent plasticity.
with the data collected under highly controlled, optimal condi- Studies with both noninvasive and invasive BCIs provide ample
tions in simplified environments with continual expert over- evidence (e.g., chapters 13, 15, and 16) that the new skills
sight, BCI performance varies markedly and unpredictably learned during BCI practice involve their own CNS adapta-
from trial to trial, minute to minute, day to day, and individual tions, certainly in the brain area producing the relevant signals,
to individual. Although stretches of good performance cer- and probably in multiple connecting areas as well.
tainly occur (enough to provide statistically significant data for As noted in chapter 1, BCI operation depends on the effec-
publication and impressive videos), and although performance tive interaction of two adaptive controllers, the CNS and the
does tend to improve with practice, it never approximates BCI. The BCI must adapt to ensure that its outputs correspond
normal muscle-based motor control; and, most important, it to the user’s intentions. That is, it must adapt so that it focuses
never achieves, even in protected laboratory environments, the on the brain signal features that encode the user’s intent. At
reliability essential for actual practical use. the same time, the BCI should also encourage and facilitate
In all hands, no matter the signal type, the signal-process- CNS plasticity that improves the precision and reliability with
ing method, the task learned, or the application for which it is which the user’s intent is encoded in the brain signals. Thus,
used, BCI reliability, particularly for applications such as move- the BCI and CNS must work together to acquire and maintain
ment control, remains poor. BCIs suitable for translation into an effective and completely reliable partnership under all
real-life usefulness must be as reliable as natural muscle-based circumstances.
actions. Without a qualitative upgrade of as yet unknown Although BCIs are typically adapted initially to the user’s
nature, the real-life usefulness of BCIs will, at best, remain con- brain signals, the importance of ongoing adaptation, especially
fined to only the most basic communication functions for for complex applications such as movement control, is less
those with the most severe disabilities; they will not provide widely appreciated. Furthermore, only the simplest methods
control useful to many people for many purposes in their daily have been used: the BCI periodically parameterizes its transla-
lives. It is reliability, more than maximum speed or degrees of tion algorithm to make the best use of the brain signals as they
freedom, that is most likely to determine the future of BCI have been in the past, and it expects the CNS to adapt to that
technology. algorithm going forward. Whereas this basic operant-condi-
How can this knotty problem be solved? Paths to probable tioning design can be effective, the persistent unreliability of
solutions may be identified by recognizing and engaging three current BCIs indicates that it is not sufficient. Managing the
fundamental issues. The first is the central role of adaptive ongoing mutual adaptations of CNS and BCI so as to maxi-
interactions in enabling and maintaining successful BCI opera- mize and stabilize the encoding of the user’s intent and the
tion. The second is the need for BCI systems that recognize and BCI’s recognition of that intent depends on the development of
imitate as far as possible the distributed functioning of the algorithms that enable and optimize such adaptation. It will
normal CNS. The third is the need to take into account the also depend on finding answers to several key questions. Which
complexity of nervous system function by looking beyond brain areas are best able to adapt? Which brain signals are most
the brain signals currently used for BCI control and the kinds amenable to adaptation (e.g., mu/beta/gamma rhythms in EEG
of feedback now provided, that is, by incorporating additional or ECoG; local field potentials; multi- or single-neuron activ-
brain signals and providing additional sensory inputs. ity)? What are the most effective training protocols? What are
the time scales of adaptation (i.e., from seconds to hours to
weeks to years)?
The work needed to address these unknowns has just
The need for continuing interactive adaptation of both the BCI begun, and it is certain to be difficult and labor-intensive. One
and the CNS was introduced in chapter 1 and has been dis- need only consider the prolonged practice required to acquire
cussed in several other chapters. This final chapter returns to it other life skills. Complex BCI-based skills may also require
because of its critical importance to the ultimate success of BCIs lengthy training in which the benefits become evident only
in providing control that is both precise and reliable, which is very gradually. Furthermore, the optimal solutions to the key
the only kind of control of any significant value in real life. issues affecting adaptation are likely to differ from one BCI
BCIs provide the CNS with the opportunity to acquire new application to another, and from one user to another.
skills in which brain signals take the place of the spinal Engaging and managing CNS adaptation involve funda-
motoneurons that produce conventional muscle-based skills. mental neuroscientific questions and may yield important
The neuromuscular skills that are the natural function of the insights into CNS function in general. By learning which sig-
CNS depend for their initial acquisition and long-term main- nals and which areas can or cannot adapt most effectively, and
tenance on continual activity-dependent plasticity in many which protocols can induce effective and stable adaptation,
places in the CNS, from the cortex to the spinal cord (chapter and, eventually, by exploring the functional and structural
1). This plasticity, which generally requires intensive practice mechanisms of effective adaptations, BCI research is likely to
over months and even years, allows babies to learn to walk and illuminate the properties of natural CNS function and to lead
talk, children to master reading, writing, and arithmetic, and to better understanding of how the CNS produces its natural
adults to acquire specialized athletic, artistic, and intellectual neuromuscular outputs. Indeed, because it provides unique
skills. The acquisition and maintenance of reliable BCI-based models for elucidating nervous system function, BCI research

390 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S
has value for neuroscience in general, independent of the particularly those requiring high-speed responses, are often
practical applications that are the primary focus of most cur- delegated to subcortical areas.
rent efforts. In sum, the achievement of reliable, high-quality BCI
The central importance of CNS adaptation has a further performance may be substantially facilitated by incorporating
implication. It implies that the most critical (but hopefully not into the application itself as much control as is consistent with
intractable) problems in BCI development may be neurobio- the action to be produced. Ideally, if applications such as
logical rather than technical. The principles governing how the robotic arms are to be capable of many different kinds of
CNS acquires, improves, and maintains its natural muscle- actions, the distribution of control between the BCI and the
based functions may be the best source of guidance for design- application should adapt to suit each action, just as the distri-
ing effective BCI systems. In accord with this view, we consider bution of control within the CNS normally adapts to suit each
briefly how BCI-based function might improve its reliability by neuromuscular action.
more closely imitating normal muscle-based function.

CNS control of motor actions is normally distributed across The neuromuscular outputs of the normal CNS reflect the
multiple areas. Although cortical areas may control the goal collaborative contributions of many brain areas from the cortex
and the overall outline of an action, many of the details, par- to the spinal cord. For example, the direct corticospinal-tract
ticularly the high-speed sensorimotor interactions during the connections to spinal motoneurons represent only one of many
course of performance, are often handled mainly at subcortical influences that reach motoneurons and control their activity.
levels. For example, spinal reflex pathways produce the earliest The differing contributions of various cortical areas and sub-
responses to sudden load increases or postural instabilities; cortical centers, and their interconnections, are considered in
the cortex learns of these perturbations only later and may or chapter 2. For the present discussion, the most relevant obser-
may not produce additional corrective responses. Furthermore, vation is that, despite the fact that the activity in these many
the distribution of control depends on the requirements of the brain areas can vary substantially from trial to trial, neuromus-
task. Playing the piano entails cortical control of individual cular actions are nevertheless impressively stable and reliable
finger movements, but grasping an object may not. For the even under widely varying conditions.
latter, high-speed control of finger muscle contractions may be This observation suggests that BCI performance might be
delegated largely to spinal and subcortical pathways that can improved and stabilized by using signals from multiple brain
respond very quickly to sensory inputs reflecting the physical areas and by including features that reflect relationships
properties of the object (i.e., shape, hardness, weight). between areas (e.g., coherences). By enabling the CNS to
BCI performance is also likely to benefit from distribution operate more as it does in producing muscle-based skills (i.e.,
of control. In BCI design, the comparable distribution would through cooperation among different areas), this strategy
be between the BCI’s output commands (i.e., the user’s intent) might ultimately reduce the unreliability typical of current
and the application device that receives the commands and BCIs. Work has begun in this area and more is needed. It is
turns them into action. Chapter 1 describes two possible complex and demanding because there are so many possible
extremes of this distribution. In goal selection, the BCI simply combinations of features from different areas and so many dif-
specifies the goal to be achieved, and the application device ferent ways in which their relationships could be measured.
then handles the production of the action that achieves the Using signals from multiple areas might also help eliminate
goal. In process control, the BCI controls every detail of the another obstacle to fully practical BCIs. Current BCIs are
action. Figure 1.6 illustrates these two alternatives. The optimal mainly synchronous; that is, the BCI rather than the user deter-
solution for a particular BCI will probably vary from applica- mines when output is produced (chapter 10). Ideally, BCIs
tion to application and may often be a combination involving should be asynchronous (i.e., self-paced), so that the BCI is
both goal selection and process control. For example, consider always available and the user’s brain signals alone control when
BCI control of a robotic hand. If the task is playing the piano, BCI output is produced. BCIs that record signals from multiple
the BCI will need to specify individual finger movements. areas are more likely to be sensitive to the relevant current con-
However, if the task is grasping a bottle, the BCI can simply text, including both the environment and the user’s state and
specify that the goal is to grasp the bottle, and the application activities. Thus, such BCIs may be better able to recognize
and its software can then execute the action using feedback when their output is or is not appropriate.
from pressure sensors in the robotic hand to control individual Up to the present BCI applications have provided mainly
fingers so as to maintain effective grasp. In this latter scenario, visual feedback, which is relatively slow and often imprecise. In
the BCI’s task is much simpler (both in degrees of freedom contrast, conventional muscle-based skills generally rely on
and required speed) than it would be if it controlled all numerous sensory inputs that differ in modality (e.g., proprio-
aspects of the task; and the achievement of consistent ceptive, cutaneous, visual, auditory) and/or in site of origin
high-quality performance is thus likely to be considerably (e.g., distal or proximal limbs, trunk). BCIs that control tasks
easier and more reliable. The distribution of control in this involving high-speed complex movements (e.g., limb move-
scenario allows the cortex to operate more as it does during ment) are likely to need forms of sensory feedback that are
normal neuromuscular performances, in which many details, faster and more precise than vision. As noted in chapter 5,

C H A P T ER 2 5 . T H E F U T U R E O F B C I S : M E E T I N G T H E E X P E C TAT I O N S | 3 9 1
efforts to provide such feedback via stimulators in sensorimo- BCI systems that only a few years ago seemed in the realm of
tor cortex, thalamus, or elsewhere have begun. At this point, the science fiction. These BCI systems use many different brain
optimal peripheral or central sites and the most effective kinds signals, recording methods, and signal-processing approaches.
of stimulation are largely unknown. The choices will presum- They can control a variety of external devices, from cursors
ably vary with the BCI type, the application, and the etiology of and avatars on computer screens, to televisions and wheel-
the user’s disability (e.g., peripheral inputs will often not be chairs, to robotic arms and neuroprostheses. People with and
effective in people with spinal cord injuries). The selection of without disabilities have tested these devices, and a few are
sites and stimuli should also benefit from improved understand- already using them for important purposes in their daily lives.
ing of the normal roles of these sites and the kinds of inputs they With improved signal-acquisition hardware, convincing clini-
produce or receive during natural muscle-based control. cal validation, effective dissemination models, and, probably
most important of all, with increased reliability, BCIs are poised
to become a major new technology for people with disabili-
SUMMA RY ties—and possibly for the general population as well. BCI
research and development will continue to be a consummately
BCI development has a bright future, with many energetic and multidisciplinary effort, and the years ahead should be exciting
effective researchers in laboratories all over the world realizing indeed.

392 | B R A I N – C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E S

Page numbers followed by f or t indicate figures or tables, respectively

AAC application. See augmentative and current, 204–7 for total locked-in syndrome, 198–200 blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD)
alternative communication development of, 206 training in, 201 signals
application for environmental control tasks, 206 typing as, 206–7, 275 in ECoG, 254
action decoding, 292–98 FES, 206–8 user-oriented approach, 200–202 feedback and, 358f
cognitive control signals in, 294f hypothetical, 197 user routines for, 201 in fMRI, 308, 311f
errors in, 295 mobility, 205–6 user-selected goals in, 199t, 200–201 in fNIRS, 305f, 307f
fast decoding, 295–96 potential, 204–7 astrocytes, 92–96, 92f, 94f, 96f, 99f Bluetooth, 175
grasp decoding, 294–95, 295f professional involvement in, 208 asynchronous BCIs, 235 BMI. See brain-machine interface
ITRC in, 296, 296f prosthesis control, 208 asynchronous protocols, 157 BOLD signals. See blood oxygen level
from LFPs, 296–98 robotics, 207 AT. See assistive technology dependent signals
reach decoding, 292–94, 297f target users for, 208 ataxia, 20 bowel dysfunction, 319
simulations of, 296–97 user’s perspective for, 205–6 attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder brain. See also central nervous system;
action potentials, 15–16 AR modeling. See autoregressive (ADHD), 352–53 cerebral cortex; electric fields, in
in iBCIs, 267–68, 268f, 270 modeling attention optimization, 363–64 brain; motor control
motor control and, 35–36 artifacts attention tasks, 363–64 anatomy of, 16–20, 17f
Ohm’s Law and, 53 avoidance of, 8–9 auditory steady-state evoked potentials basal ganglia, 20
rate-coding hypothesis and, 35 ECoG and, 253 (ASSEP), 245 BCI and, 8
sources, 53 EEG and, 108–9 auditory stimuli, in P300 BCIs, 222 brainstem, 20
temporal-coding hypothesis, 36 EMG for, 231 augmentative and alternative cerebellum, 20, 34–35
active electrodes, 106 frequency bands for, 232f communication (AAC) cortical efferent projections, 20
in EEG, 167 hardware for, 174 application, 205 gray matter in, 16
activities of daily living (ADLs), 206 recognition of, 8–9 augmented sensory feedback, 284 neocortex, 18–19
adaptive algorithms, 161 in SMRs, 231–32 autoregressive (AR) modeling, 135–36 nerve fibers, 20
adaptive controllers, in BCI, 7–8 artificial outputs, of BCIs, 4–7 AVE. See average reference; common structure of, 16
ADHD. See attention-deficit hyperactivity creation of, 6–7 average reference subcortical areas, 19–20
disorder plasticity of, 6 average reference (AVE), 115–17 thalamus, 20
ADLs. See activities of daily living artistic expression, BCIs for, 368–69, 369f axial gradiometer, 109 white matter in, 16
afferent fibers, 20 ASSEP. See auditory steady-state evoked brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). See also
ALS. See amyotrophic lateral sclerosis potentials applications, BCI; assistive
amplifiers, 169–72 Assistive Mouse Adapter, 210 bandpass, 38, 120, 127 technology; hardware, BCI;
in analog-to-digital conversion, 169 assistive technology (AT), 197–207 band power, 134, 134f intraparenchymal BCIs; models, in
biosignal, 169 appearance of, 201–2 bandwidth, 253, 254f signal processing; signal
channels in, 169–70, 170f Assistive Mouse Adapter, 210 basal ganglia, 20 processing; software, BCI
CMMR, 169 for classical locked-in syndrome, location, 33f adaptive controllers in, 7–8
design, 169–71, 173f 198–200 motor control and, 33–34, 33f for ALS, 317
monopolar recordings, 170–71, 171f clinical evaluation of, 328 Bayesian classifiers, in signal processing angel investors for, 346–47
requirements, 171–72 commands in, 203–4 models, 151–52 artifact recognition and
amplitude, in P300 BCIs, 217–18, 221 commercial systems, 209 naive, 151 avoidance, 8–9
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 81, computer access and, 207 suppressor variable in, 152, 152f artificial outputs in, 4–5
194, 198, 317, 326f control schemes for, 202–4, 203f BCI2000 software, 178–79 for artistic expression, 368–69, 369f
analog-to-digital conversion, in signal device types, 199t BCIs. See brain-computer interfaces asynchronous, 235
processing, 124–29 direct selection interface in, 204, 204f Beer-Lambert Law, 69 attention optimization with, 363–64
amplifiers in, 169 discrete actions in, 204 beneficence, 373–74 for bladder dysfunction, 319
digital filters in, 127–28, 128f inadvertent activations, costs for, 202 Bereitschaftspotential. See readiness BMI and, 5
digitization in, 173–74 for incomplete locked-in syndrome, potential for bowel dysfunction, 319
filters in, 172–73 198–200 Berger, Hans, 3, 3f, 387 brain areas and, 8
FIR filters, 128–29, 128f indirect selection interface in, beta rhythms, 253, 254f brain signals in, 4
Fourier analysis in, 125–27, 126f, 127f 204, 204f in iBCIs, 270 business partner funding for, 348
hardware for, 172–74, 180–81 mouse emulation in, 207 in SMRs, 227–28 cerebellum interaction, 7
IIR filters, 129 performance control optimization, 210 binning, 279 classifications of, as product, 340, 343b
quantization in, 125 plug-and-play, 198, 209 biocompatibility, 278, 283–84 clinical evaluation of, 325–34
sampling in, 124–25 portability of, 202 biofeedback, 351–52 clinical trials for, 340
software for, 180–81 preferences in, 201 biofouling, 97 closed-loop performance in, 159
anarthria, 318 professional involvement in, 208 biosignal amplifiers, 169 for cognitive disorders, 321
angel investors, 346–47 for residual motor function, 199–200 biostability, of BCIs, 278 communication applications, 205
anti-aliasing filters, 118, 125 robotics, 207 bipotentials, in microelectrodes, 87–88 concept phase for, 338
aphasia, 318 setup time for, 201 bit rates, 158, 158f control distribution in, 391
application-output latency, 181 Smart Key function in, 210 bladder dysfunction, 319 copy spelling with, 150–51, 191,
applications, BCI stand-alone, 198, 208–10 block processing 193, 223
AT, 197–207 support structures for, 201 BCI hardware for, 181–82 cosmesis for, 334
for ADLs, 206 switch-activated, 206–7 in feature extraction, 133–34 custom devices for, 344
communication, 205 target users for, 208 blood flow, 66–67 definition of, 3

brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) Cont’d QoL assessment for, 332–33 function of, 35 compensation coil, 109
dependent, 5, 244 regulatory considerations, 339–41 lesions in, 35 conductivity, of tissue, 49–50
design considerations for, 337–39, 338f reimbursement considerations, 344–46 motor control, 34–35 conductivity models for, 49
dissemination of applications in, reliability issues, 389–92 organization of, 34–35 in head models, 50–51
10–11, 389 remote data transfer, 330–31 peduncles of, 34 at macroscopic scale, 50
ECoG and, 8, 8f, 81, 256–59 replacement applications in, 4 structure of, 34 Ohm’s Law, 49–50
emotional reactions and, 366, 366f research for, 11 cerebral cortex. See also eloquent cortex; resistivity for, 50, 50f
engineering development for, 337–38 restorative applications in, 4–5 motor control; premotor cortex; spatial scale for, 49
enhancement applications in, 4 reversion rights for, 348 primary motor cortex vector current density for, 49
for epilepsy, 321 risk management process for, 339, 339f common names for areas of, 19t cone electrodes, 273
error detection tasks and, 364, 364f scientific research for, 337–38 cortical specialization in, 20–24 contingent negative variation (CNV), 245
ethics related to, 373–82 sensorimotor hypothesis and, 5 CST tract in, 18f, 20 continuous decoding, 281
European approval process for, 341 sensory inputs for, 391–92 frontal lobe of, 16–17 continuous wave (CW) approach, 302
extraparenchymal, 265–67 signal acquisition hardware for, 387–89 lateral view of, 19f copy spelling, with BCI, 150–51, 191, 193,
FDA approval, 341 signal processing models for, 150f motor control and, 24–32 223. See also spelling, with BCI
federal grants for, 347–48 signal transduction component of, 81 occipital lobe of, 17 corner frequencies, 172
financial sustainability of, 346–49 signal types for, 8 parietal lobe of, 16–17 cortical afferent fibers, 20
FMEA and, 339 slow cortical potentials and, 245–46 posterior parietal cortex of, 23 cortical efferent fibers, 20
fMRI applications, 74–75, 308–13 SMRs and, 5, 191, 232–33, 235–36 prefrontal cortex of, 23–24 cortically coupled computer vision, 367
fNIRS applications, 74–75, 301–8 spelling with, 158, 177, 182, 193, 200, premotor cortex of, 22 corticospinal tract (CST), 18f, 20
funding for, 346–48 202, 210.218, 233, 235, primary motor cortex of, 20–22 cosmesis, for BCIs, 334
future improvements for, 334 246–47, 258, 303f, 304, 328, somatosensory cortex of, 22–23 CSF. See cerebrospinal fluid
for games, 369–71 330–32, 387 structure of, 16–17 CST. See corticospinal tract
goal-selection protocols in, 9–10, 9f, SSVEP and, 60, 241–47 temporal lobes of, 17–18 current sources, for electric circuits,
192, 197, 203–4 start-up company for, 347b cerebral peduncles, 20 47–48, 47f
HACCP, 339 for stroke patients, 320–21 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 118 dependent, 48f
hybrid, 5 structural design of, 4f charge-coupled device (CCD), 302 dipole, 52–53, 53f
IDE applications, 339 SUA and, 265 classical locked-in syndrome, 198–200, monopole, 52
for impaired autonomic function, 320 success rates for, 332 317–18 cursor control, 81, 133, 135, 179, 233,
for impaired communication, 317–18 supplemental applications in, 4 clinical evaluation, of BCIs, 325–34 234f, 274, 277f, 280–81
for impaired mobility, 318–20 synchronous protocols, 189–91, 190f with AT, 328 with ECoG, 258f
implanted, 388 television remote control with, 378 for ALS, 326f with EEG-based BCIs, 81, 133, 179,
independent, 5 for tetraplegia, 318–19 caregivers in, 329, 331 233, 307
interactive adaptation of, 390–91 themes for, 6–11 comfort issues in, 331 with iBCIs, 277f
interference sources for, 330–31 time shift tasks, 365f configurations in, for users, 329–30 custom devices, for BCIs, 344
Internet-based remote oversight of, translational studies for, 333 environment assessment in, 329 CW approach. See continuous wave
326, 330 trend developments for, 349 future improvements for, 334 approach
Internet remote oversight with, United States approval process for, home user population, 327, 329–33
326, 330 342, 343b informed consent in, 328
Internet user access to, 201, 223, 329, validation of applications in, interviews in, 328 data decimation, 129–30
363, 368f, 370–71, 381 10–11, 389 for long-term use, 325–26 data-transfer latency, 181, 183
Japanese approval process for, 341 validation testing for, 338 participant recruitment in, 327–28 data windowing, in signal processing
laboratory prototypes for, 342 venture capital for, 346–47 of P300 BCI, 326f models, 155, 155f
LFPs, 265 VEP and, 5 QoL, 332–33 DBS electrodes. See deep brain
life enrichment through, 367–71 verification processes for, 338 safety issues in, 331 stimulating electrodes
for limb loss, 319–20 Wadsworth home system, 326, of technical support, 331–32 decoding controls, for iBCIs, 276f, 279–81
for LIS, 317–18 326f, 330 translational studies, 333 Bayesian models in, 280
for media-related activities, 368 wish lists for users of, 321–22 user profiles, 326–27 closed-loop, 280–81
microelectrode arrays, 81 word-processing with, 10, 191–93, user training in, 331 continuous, 281
mobility applications, 205–6 198, 247, 329 closed-loop decoding, 280–81 discrete, 281
mood disorders for, 321 workload tasks, 365–66, 366f closed-loop performance, 159 models for, 279–80
MUA, 265 BrainGate neural interfaces, 272 closely spaced electrodes, 113–15 nonstationarities in, 280
multiple signals for, 391–92 brain-machine interface (BMI), 5 cluster-cutting, 38 open-loop, 280–81
Nessi interface, 368, 368f brainstem, 20 clustering, in spike trains, 144 deep brain stimulating (DBS)
neural interface components of, 81 motor control and, 33 CMMR. See common-mode rejection electrodes, 278
neurotechnology for, 6 brain tissue responses, 92–97, 96f ratio for tetraplegia, 318–19
noninvasive applications, 387–88 Brodmann, Korbinian, 18 CNS. See central nervous system delayed-cascade tasks, 290
object detection with, 367 business partners, 348 CNV. See contingent negative variation delayed-grasping tasks, 292
offline evaluation in, 159–60 coarse-graining. See experimental delayed-reach tasks, 290–91
online evaluation in, 159 coarse-graining; theoretical dependent BCI, 5, 244
operating protocols, 189–94 CAR. See common average reference coarse-graining detectors, for fNIRS, 302
operational structure of, 4f caregivers, clinical evaluation of, 329, 331 coding device controls, with SMRs, 230–31
orphan products, 342, 344, 348–49 Cauchy-Schwarz distance, 144 in posterior parietal cortex, for motor dielectric materials, 83
output creation by, 6–7 CCD. See charge-coupled device control, 29 digital filters, in analog-to-digital
P300, 215–24 cellular responses, 94–95 in premotor cortex, 29 conversion, 127–28, 128f
for paraplegia, 319 central nervous system (CNS) in primary motor cortex, 27–28 high-pass, 127
in parietal cortex, 289–98 activity of, 3 cognitive disorders, BCIs for, 321 low-pass, 38, 53, 107, 109, 118,
passive, 5–6 axis directions in, 16 coherence, 59, 137 127–29, 134, 139, 172
in peer-reviewed literature, 3f definition of, 3 common average reference (CAR), magnitude responses, 127
performance optimization by, 363–67 ethics in BCI research and, 377–78 115–17 digital signal processing (DSP) chips, 165
predictive speller use with, 207, 223 muscle-based action of, 7f topographic maps, on head models, digitization, 173–74
in premotor cortex, 289–98 natural outputs of, 6 116, 116f dipole current sources, 52–53, 53f
process control protocols in, 9–10, 9f, structures of, 3 common-mode rejection ratio directed-output protocols, 193
192, 197, 203–4 cerebellar peduncles, 34 (CMMR), 169 directional tuning
product development for, 340 cerebellum, 20 communication applications, BCI, 205 in posterior parietal cortex, 25
product specifications for, 338 BCI interaction, 7 in iBCIs, 281–82 preferred direction in, 27, 28f
product testing for, 339 dorsal view of, 34f in SMRs, 233–34 in primary motor cortex, 27, 27f

394 | I N D E X
discrete decoding, 281 online applications, 257–58 high-resolution methods, 58–61, event-related desynchronization (ERD),
discrete wavelet transform (DWT), power demands of, 260 119–20 227–28, 228f
136–37 protocol design for, 256–57 inactive electrodes, 112 grand average patterns, 229f
discriminant models, in signal processing, recording devices, 260, 260f inverse problem for, 58 event-related potentials (ERPs), 215
148, 149f recording domains, 252f Laplacian in, 60 definition of, 223
dissemination, of BCI applications, research applications for, 259–61 linked-ears reference in, 115 in EEG, 60
10–11, 389 research studies for, 251 linked-mastoid reference in, 115 event-related synchronization (ERS),
dorsal visual streams, 23 sampling rates in, 256 macroscale fields, 45 227, 228f
dry electrodes, 106 sensors for, 168–69 mathematical transformations of, grand average patterns, 229f
in EEG, 167 sensory input in, 256 58–59 evoked potentials (EPs). See also
DSP chips. See digital signal processing signal amplitude for, 253, 253f montages for, 107, 108f steady-state visually evoked
chips signal modalities for, 261 motor function recovery with, 353 potentials; visual evoked potentials
DWT. See discrete wavelet transform signal origin for, 256, 256f after neural injury, 353 ASSEP, 245
spatial resolution in, 252, 259 phase-locking in, 107 in EEG, 59–60, 241
SSVEPs and, 255 phase synchronization for, 59 f-VEP, 241
eBCIs. See extraparenchymal BCIs success rates from, 258 for P300 BCI, 218 excitatory synapses, 55
echo planar imaging (EPI), 309 surgical implantation and, 260 quantitative, 58–61 experimental coarse-graining, 52
ECoG. See electrocorticography thalamocortical oscillations in, 255, 261 random references in, 115 extraparenchymal BCIs (eBCIs), 265–67
EEG. See electroencephalography time domain with, 254–55 reference electrodes in, 111–14, 112f iBCIs and, 266–67
EEG reference electrode selection, 110 tracking tasks, 255f REST in, 117 extrinsic noise, in neural recordings, 90
efferent fibers, 20 wireless, 260 sampling rates for, 107–8
electric circuits, 47–49 electrodes for seizures, 352
current sources, 47–48, 47f active, 106, 167 sensitivity comparisons, 110–11, 111f failure modes and effects analysis
fluid flow rate, 47f closely spaced, 113–15 sensors, 166–68, 166f (FMEA), 339
impedance in, 48 cone, 273 signal sources, 110f fast decoding, 295–96
linear supposition in, 48–49, 49f DBS, 278 SMRs in, 236 fast Fourier transforms (FFTs)
Ohm’s Law, 47 dry, 106, 167 source dynamics in, 61–62 in EEG, 59
in tissues, volume conduction in, in ECoG, 168–69, 251, 259 spatial sampling of, 117–19 in feature extraction, 134–35, 135f
49–50 in EEG, 81, 105–6, 167–68 SSVEPs, 60 FDA. See Food and Drug Administration
voltage sources, 47–48 impedance, 167 surface Laplacian in, 60, 120 feature extraction, in signal processing,
electric fields, in brain inactive, 112 system gains with, 105 123–24, 129–39
action potential sources in, 53 in intracortical recording, 169 VEP in, 112, 114f application of, 133–38
dipole current sources, 52–53, 53f Michigan, 273 volume conduction in, 61–62 AR modeling in, 135–36
ECoG and, 53–54 multisite, 273 wet electrodes in, 106 band power, 134, 134f
EEG recording, 54, 57–58 neurotropic, 84 electromyographic (EMG) activity, 231 block processing in, 133–34
experimental coarse-graining, 52 placement of, 167–68 eloquent cortex, 15. See also cerebral coherence in, 137
intraskull recordings, 54 in P300 BCIs, 216f cortex conditioning, 138–39
LFPs and, 45–46, 53 recording, 56, 168f EMG activity. See electromyographic data decimation in, 129–30
low frequencies, 46 reference, 56–57, 111–14, 112f activity environmental interference in, 132–33
macrocolumns, 55f sensors, 167–69, 168f emotional reactions, BCIs and, 366, 366f feature smoothing in, 139
mesoscopic source strength for, 55–56 signal characteristics for, 167–68 Engineer’s Nyquist criterion, 107, 117–18 FFT in, 134–35, 135f
microsource functions, 55 Utah arrays, 37, 85–86, 85f enhancement applications, in BCIs, 4 frequency features, 134–36, 137f
monopole current sources, 52 wet, 106 environmental interference, in signal frequency-range prefiltering, 129
multiple cortical sources, 54–55 electrode signal conditioning, 37–38 processing, 132–33 ICA and, 139
quasistatic, 46 electrode tissue interface, 87–88 EPI. See echo planar imaging integration in, 134
recordings of, 51–54 electroencephalography (EEG), 105–9 epilepsy, BCIs for, 321 log-normal transforms, 138
by scale, 51–52, 52f active electrodes in, 106 EPs. See evoked potentials Mahalanobis distance in, 137–38, 138f
scalp-recorded potentials, 56–57 for ADHD, 352–53 ERD. See event-related desynchronization method selection in, 133
spatial resolution comparisons, 54, 54t artifacts and, 108–9 ERPs. See event-related potentials normalization of, 129–30, 138
static membrane charges in, 46 AVE in, 115–17. See also common error-blind protocols, 193 PCA and, 139
theoretical coarse-graining, 52 average reference error-detection protocols, 193, 364, 364f peak-picking in, 134
volume conduction in, 46 bipolarity of, 106–7 ERS. See event-related synchronization phase locking value in, 137
electrocorticography (ECoG), 251–61 CAR in, 115–17. See also average Ethernet, 175 signal conditioning, 129–33
arrays for, 252f reference ethics, BCI research and, 373–82 spatial filtering in, 130–32, 131f
artifact vulnerability in, 253 closely space electrodes, 113–15 in accessibility of results, 374 template matching in, 134
bandwidth of, 253, 254f coherence in, 59 appeals and, 379–80 temporal features for, 134
BCI recording, 8, 8f, 81, 256–59 components of, 106f beneficence and, 373–74 wavelets in, 136–37
beta rhythms in, 253, 254f contact impedance guidelines, 105–6 CNS plasticity and, 377–78 feature smoothing, 139
BOLD signals, 254 cortical generation of, 54 in general population, 380–81 feature vectors, in signal processing, 147
clinical implementation of, 261f for CSF, 118 inappropriate outputs and, 376 feature weights, in social processing, 147
controls, 257–58, 258f cursor controls, with BCIs, 81, 133, in informed consent, 378–79 federal grants, 347–48
for disabled people, 252 179, 233, 307 invasion of privacy risks, 376–77 SBIR, 347
electric field recording, 53–54 dry electrodes in, 106 for invasive research, 374–80 STTR, 347
electrodes in, 168–69, 251, 259 dura imaging approach to, 60 justice principles in, 373, 379 feedback, as therapeutic tool. See also
feature detection by, 253–56 for electric fields, in brain, 54, 57–58 multidisciplinary expertise and, 374 augmented sensory feedback;
gamma rhythms in, 253–54 electrodes, 81, 105–6, 167–68 for people with disabilities, 375–80 biofeedback; motor function
generators of, 46 Engineer’s Nyquist criterion, 107, physical risks and, 375 recovery, with BCI-based feedback;
hardware for, 168–69 117–18 psychological risks and, 375–76 sensory feedback; somatosensory
history of development of, 251 EPs in, 59–60 quality of care and, 374 feedback, in motor control
in human studies, 259–60 ERPs in, 60 respect for persons, 373, 378–79 with ADHD, 352–53
item selection in, 258 feedback with, 352–60 for results reports, 380 applications for, 351–52
LFPs, 251 FFTs in, 59 for time-limited studies, 377 BOLD responses and, 358f
limitations of, 259 filters and, 109 uncensored actions and, risks connectivity analysis for, 358–59
LMP and, 255 forward problem for, 57–58 with, 378 with EEG, 352–60
mesoscale fields, 45 generators of, 46 European Union, BCI approval process for emotion processing, 357–58
for motor function, 257 hardware for, 167–68 in, 341 with fMRI, 357–60
mu rhythms in, 253, 254f for head models, 51 Evarts, Edward, 15 in hospital settings, 357

INDEX | 3 9 5
feedback, as therapeutic tool Cont’d brain function under, 308 SVM in, 305 high-resolution methods, 58–61, 119–20
for motor function recovery, components of, 70–71 system adaptation for, 306 Hitzig, Eduard, 15
353–56, 354f current applications of, 312 translation of features in, 304–6 HMM. See hidden Markov modeling
after neural injury, 353 echo-planar imaging in, 73 user adaptation for, 306 Hubel, David, 15
for pain management, 359 effect mapping in, 310 user feedback, 306 hybrid BCI, 5
practical issues for, 356–60 EPI sequence in, 309 functional transcranial Doppler (fTCD),
Ferrier, David, 15 feature extraction in, 309–10 66–68
FES. See functional electrical stimulation feedback with, 357–60 f-VEP. See frequency-modulated visual iBCIs. See intraparenchymal BCIs
Fetz, Eberhard, 5 FLD classifier, 310 evoked potential ICA. See independent component analysis
FFTs. See fast Fourier transforms fMRS and, 312 IDE. See Investigational Device
field-programmable gate array front-end computers in, 73 Exemption
(FPGA), 165 future applications for, 312–13 Gage, Phineas, 24 IIR filters. See infinite impulse response
filters. See also spatial filtering, in feature future research for, 75–76 games, BCI and, 369–71 filters
extraction GLM in, 310 gamma rhythms, 253–54 impedance
in analog-to-digital conversion, gradient coils in, 72–73, 72f gaze direction, 221–22 EEG guidelines, 105–6
172–73 hydrogen atoms, 71–72 general linear models (GLMs), 310 in electric circuits, 48
anti-aliasing, 118, 125 Larmor frequency in, 72–73 GLMs. See general linear models electrodes, 167
bandpass, 38, 120, 127 magnets in, 71–72, 71f global reference. See average reference; neural interface tissue, 87–88
corner frequencies, 172 motor function improvement and, 359 common average reference implantable microelectrodes. See also
digital, in analog-to-digital conversion, operation of, 309 goal-selection protocols, 9–10, 9f, 192, microelectrodes, implantable
127–28, 128f output in, 310 197, 203–4 bipotentials in, 87–88
EEG, 109 principles of, 308–9 gradient coils, 72–73, 72f characteristics of, 82–83
FIR, 128-29, 128f protons, grasping activity, 292, 293f contact sites in, 82
high-pass digital, 127 pulse sequences in, 73 decoding of, 294–95, 295f dielectric materials for, 83
IIR, 129 radiofrequency transmitters for, 72 gray matter, in brain, 16 electrode tissue interface in, 87–88
low-pass, 38, 53, 107, 109, 118, receiver antennae for, 72 fidelity factors for, 88–89
127–29, 134, 139, 172 reconstruction computers in, 73 for intracortical arrays, 90–97
notch, 109 resonance frequency in, 72 HACCP. See hazards and critical lead sites in, 82–83
RC, 172 scans, 73f, 74f control point MEMS in, 82, 85–87
finite impulse response (FIR) filters, sensors for, 166 hardware, BCI, 166–76 microenvironment for, 92
128–29, 128f signal acquisition in, 309, 309f amplifiers for, 169–72 microwire arrays, 83–84, 84f
linear phase response in, 128 signal preprocessing in, 309–10 for analog-to-digital conversion, neural interface tissue impedance in,
firewire, 175 slice positioning in, 309f 172–74, 180–81 87–88
FIR filters. See finite impulse response SNR ratio, 310 application-output latency in, 181 neurotropic electrodes, 84
filters structure of, 309, 309f artifacts, 174 noise factors for, 89–90
Fisher’s Linear Discriminant (FLD), 220 SVM and, 310 block processing duration in, 181–82 recording concepts, 87–90
in fMRI, 310 translation of features in, 310 client, 175–76, 176t signal quality for, 90–91
510(k) submission, to FDA, 341, 341n1 TR in, 309–10 data-transfer latency in, 181, 183 substrate component, 83
FLD. See Fisher’s Linear Discriminant user feedback in, 311–12 development of, 165 surface coatings, 83
Flourens, Pierre, 15 functional magnetic resonance DSP chips, 165 taxonomy of, 83f
FMEA. See failure modes and effects spectroscopy (fMRS), 312 for ECoG, 168–69 technical requirements for, 82
analysis functional near-infrared spectroscopy for EEG, 167–68 tissue responses for, 92–97, 92f
fMRI. See functional magnetic resonance (fNIRS), 66–67, 71f evaluation of, 179–84 inactive electrodes, 112
imaging accuracy rates, 307 for fNIRS, 70 inadvertent activations, 202
fMRS. See functional magnetic resonance analysis of, 305–6 FPGA, 165 inappropriate outputs, 376
spectroscopy BCI applications, 74–75, 301–8 future applications for, 176 incomplete locked-in syndrome, 198–200,
fNIRS. See functional near-infrared Beer-Lambert Law and, 69 for implanted applications, 388 317–18
spectroscopy BOLD response, 305f, 307f interfaces, 174–75, 174t independent BCI, 5
Food and Drug Administration CCD and, 302 for intracortical microelectrode independent component analysis (ICA),
(FDA), 276 commercial manufacturers for, 304 arrays, 169 132, 139
BCI approval, 341 connection security in, 303 jitter in, 182 for P300 BCIs, 220
510(k) submission, 341, 341n1 current implementations of, 306–7 latency overview, 180 infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, 129
pre-marketing approval, 341 CW approach, 302, 304f for neuroimaging, 70 information transfer-rate capacity
forward problem, for EEG, 57–58 delta-optical density in, 303 for noninvasive applications, 387–88 (ITRC), 296, 296f
Fourier analysis, in analog-to-digital detection with, 308 operating systems, 184 informed consent, 328
conversion, 125–27, 126f, 127f detectors for, 302 output latency in, 183–84, 184f ethics in, 378–79
frequency domain, 125–26 feature extraction in, 303–4 representative testing of, 182–83, 182f inhibitory synapses, 55
FPGA. See field-programmable gate array future applications for, 307–8 sensors, 165–69 instructed-delay paradigm, 24
frequency analysis, 229–30 future research for, 75–76 for signal acquisition, 387–89 interfaces, in BCI hardware, 174–76, 174t
frequency domains, 125–26 hardware for, 70 signal-processing latency in, 181, 183 BrainGate, 272
frequency-modulated visual evoked HMM, 305 specifications for, 165 protocols, 175
potential (f-VEP), 241 investigational studies for, 307 system latency in, 181, 183f transmission principles, 175–76
Fritsch, Gustav, 15 Mindswitch system, 307 timing characteristics of, 180–82, 180f Internet
frontal lobe, 16–17 offline classifiers for, 306 Harlow, John Martyn, 24 BCI remote oversight by, 326, 330
front-end computers, 73 operation of, 302 hazards and critical control point BCI user access to, 201, 223, 329, 363,
fTCD. See functional transcranial optodes for, 302 (HACCP), 339 368f, 370–71, 381
Doppler output for, 304–6 head models intracortical BCIs. See intraparenchymal
functional electrical stimulation (FES), PCA filters for, 303–4 AVE and, 116, 116f BCIs
206–8 photon banana in, 70 boundary-elements in, 51 intracortical microelectrode arrays
SMRs with, 234 preprocessing procedures for, 304 EEG recording of, 51 active control in, 98
SSVEP and, 243 principles of, 69–70, 301–2 finite-elements in, 51 with advanced constitutive
functional magnetic resonance imaging sensors for, 69f, 70f, 166 for volume conduction, 50–51, 51f properties, 98
(fMRI), 66–67, 70–74, 71f signal acquisition in, 302–3 headstage, 38 array yield, 91
BCI applications, 74–75, 308–13 spatial resolution for, 301 hemispatial neglect, 23 with bioactive surfaces, 98
binary classification in, 311f spectroscopy types of, 302 Hex-O-Spell, 234, 235f biofouling in, 97
BOLD response, 308, 311f SPM and, 304 hidden Markov modeling (HMM), 305 brain tissue responses, 92–97, 96f
bold response measurement of, 73–74 structure of, 302, 303f high-pass digital filters, 127 cellular responses, 94–95

396 | I N D E X
chronic tissue responses, 93–97, 94f intraskull recordings, 54 matrix formats, 221 feature selection for, 154–55
degradation methods, 96–97 intrinsic noise, in neural recordings, McGill questionnaire, 332 heuristics in, 154–55
electrodes in, 169 89–90 MEAs. See multielectrode arrays linear least-squares discriminant
extracellular matrix changes, 95 invasion of privacy, 376–77 mechanical mismatches, 97 functions, 150–51, 151f
hardware for, 169 inverse problem, for EEG, 58 Medical Devices Directive, 339 machine learning in, 150
localized damage from, 92–93, 93f Investigational Device Exemption medullary pyramids, 20 nonlinear, 153–54
longevity of, 91 (IDE), 276 MEG. See magnetoencephalography nonstationarity in, 149–50, 150f
mechanical mismatches in, 97 BCI applications, 339 memory. See spatial working memory regression, 148
micromotions in, 97 ITRC. See information transfer-rate MEMS. See micro-electro-mechanical supervised learning in, 147, 150, 156
microstimulation in, 99–100 capacity systems support vector machines, 152–53, 153f
minimally damaging insertions, 97–98 mental prosthesis, 218 unsupervised learning in, 150
next-generation development mesoscale fields, 45 monkey models, in iBCI studies
strategies, 97–98 Japan, BCI approval process in, 341 mesoscopic sources, 55–56 able-bodied monkeys, 274
overall performance of, 91 Jasper, Herbert, 3, 3f, 15, 387 excitatory synapses in, 55 paralyzed monkeys, 274–75
sensors for, 169 jitter, 182 inhibitory synapses in, 55 monopolar recordings, 170–71, 171f
sensory feedback in, 99 tissue volume, 56f monopole current sources, 52
signal quality, 90–91 Michigan array. See Michigan electrode montages
signal stability, 91 kernel methods, 153 Michigan electrode, 37, 81, 85–86, 91–92, alternative electrode, 220
subcellular edge electrode probes in, 99, 166, 169, 271, 273, 388 EEG, 107, 108f
98, 99f microelectrodes, 36–37. See also mood disorders, BCIs for, 321
intracranial EEG. See Laplacian approach, 60 intracortical microelectrode arrays motor control
electrocorticography Larmor frequency, 72–73 floating arrays, 37 action potentials and, 35–36
intraparenchymal BCIs (iBCIs), 265–66 latency, 180 Michigan electrodes, 37, 81, 85–86, basal ganglia and, 33–34, 33f
action potentials in, 267–68, 268f, 270 lesions 91–92, 99, 166, 169, 271, brainstem and, 33
advances for, 282 in cerebellum, 35 273, 388 cerebellum and, 34–35
algorithm adaptability for, 284 in primary motor cortex, 31 Michigan probes, 37 cerebral cortex and, 24–32
augmented sensory feedback in, 284 LFPs. See local field potentials types, 37f complexity dimension in, 29–30
beta rhythms in, 270 linear least-squares discriminant U-Probe, 37 ECoG and, 257
biocompatibility in, 278, 283–84 functions, 150–51, 151f Utah arrays, 37 encoding dimension in, 26–29
biostability of, 278 linked-ears reference, 115 microelectrodes, implantable. See also grasping movements, 292, 293f
communication in, 281–82 linked-mastoid reference, 115 intracortical microelectrode arrays instructed-delay paradigm for, 24
cone electrodes in, 273 LIS. See locked-in syndrome bipotentials in, 87–88 neuronal activity and, 32
control applications of, 281–82 LMP. See local motor potential characteristics of, 82–83 posterior parietal cortex and, 25
cross-talk in, 278 lobes, in brain. See specific lobes contact sites in, 82 prefrontal cortex and, 25
cursor controls for, 277f local field potentials (LFPs) dielectric materials for, 83 prehension behaviors, 30–31
DBS electrodes, 278 action decoding from, 296–98 electrode tissue interface in, 87–88 premotor cortex and, 24–25, 30
decoding control for, 276f, 279–81 BCI and, 265 fidelity factors for, 88–89 primary motor cortex and, 20–22,
development goals of, 265–66 in brain, 45–46, 53 for intracortical arrays, 90–97 24–25
ease of use of, 284 dipole current sources, 53f lead sites in, 82–83 reaching movements, 31f
eBCIs and, 266–67 ECoG and, 251 MEMS in, 82, 85–87 signal processing and, 32
FDA trials for, 276 generators of, 46 microenvironment for, 92 somatosensory feedback in, 31–32
features of, 267 iBCIs and, 267, 270–71 microwire arrays, 83–84, 84f somatotopic maps and, after injury, 32
frequency bands for, 270 microscale fields and, 45 neural interface tissue impedance in, source dimension in, 30
functional uses for, 266 by scale, 52f 87–88 spikes in, recording of, 36–38
goal selection in, 281–82 spike trains and, 139 neurotropic electrodes, 84 subcortical areas and, 32–35
in human studies, 274 local motor potential (LMP), 255 noise factors for, 89–90 supplementary motor cortex, 29–30
IDE trials for, 276 locked-in syndrome (LIS), 317–18 recording concepts, 87–90 thalamus and, 32–33
implantable, 283–84, 283f classical, 198–200, 317–18 signal quality for, 90–91 theories of, 26
implantation area selection, 273–74 incomplete, 198–200, 317–18 substrate component, 83 time dimension in, 24–25
LFPs and, 267, 270–71 total, 198–200, 317–18 surface coatings, 83 motor function recovery, with BCI-based
long-term performance of, 275–77 log-normal transforms, 138 taxonomy of, 83f feedback, 353–56, 354f
MEAs, 272–73 low-pass digital filters, 38, 53, 107, 109, technical requirements for, 82 amplitude changes, 356
microwire arrays in, 273 118, 127–29, 134, 139, 172 tissue responses for, 92–97, 92f with brain activity training, 353–54
for motor signals, 269f lumped-element functional models, 89 micro-electro-mechanical systems with fMRI, 359
movement of, 277–78 (MEMS), 82, 85–87 with practice of more normal
MUA and, 265, 267, 270 alternative probes, 86–87 performance, 354–56
multisite electrodes, 273 macaque, cortical area identification in, Michigan-style probes, 86 with robotics, 355–56
mu rhythms in, 270 21f, 22f UTAH electrode array, 85–86, 85f SMR accuracy, 355f
neuronal spikes and, 279–81 reaching movements, 31f microenvironment, 92 for strokes, 355
neuron populations in, 266 macrocolumns, 55f microglia, 94 motor homunculus, 15, 15f
in nonhuman primate studies, macroscale fields, 45 micromotions, 97 Mountcastle, Vernon, 15
274–75, 275f magnetic fields, in brain, 61 microscale fields, 45 MUA. See multiunit activity
for people with paralysis, 275 MEG for, 109 microsource functions, 55 multielectrode arrays (MEAs), 272–73
population coding in, 265, 270 noneligible, 46 microstimulation, in microelectrode BrainGate neural interfaces, 272
potential applications for, 284–85 quasistatic, 46 arrays, 99–100 platforms, 272
recording issues, long-term, 277–79 magnetoencephalography (MEG), 45, 61, microwire arrays, 83–84, 84f multisite electrodes, 273
reliability of, 267 109–10 in iBCIs, 273 multiunit activity (MUA), 265, 267
research studies with, 273–75 axial gradiometer in, 109 microwire electrodes, 36 spike sorting in, 270
safety issues for, 267 compensation coil in, 109 mobility applications, BCI, 205–6 mu rhythms
for seizures, 285 magnetometers in, 109 models, in signal processing, 148–56 in ECoG, 253, 254f
sensor types for, 271–73, 272f pick-up coil in, 109 Bayesian classifiers, 151–52 in iBCIs, 270
signal recording by, 267–71 planar gradiometer in, 110 BCI operations in, 150f in SMRs, 227–28, 233
signal stability for, 284 sensitivity comparisons for, classification comparisons in, 149f muscle-based action, 7f
spiking patterns in, 265 110–11, 111f common families of, 150–54
SUA and, 267 signal sources for, 110f data variations in, 148–50
tetraplegia and, 271f, 281f magnetometers, 109 data windowing in, 155, 155f natural outputs, of CNS, 6
user population for, 282 Mahalanobis distance, 137–38, 138f discriminant, 148, 149f neocortex, 18–19

INDEX | 3 9 7
nerve fibers, 20 self-paced, 190–91 prefrontal cortex, 23–24 stimulus presentation parameters in,
Nessi interface, 368, 368f self-parameterized, 191 motor control and, 25 220–21
neural populations, 82, 270 SMRs in, 191 spatial working memory and, 24 studies, 218–20
neural recording synchronous, 189–91, 190f prehension behaviors, 30–31 support vector machines, 220
electrodes for, 56 for system testing, 193 primary motor cortex and, 31 SWLDA in, 220
with implantable microelectrodes, translation errors in, 192–93 premotor cortex, 22 P300 ERPs, 215–17
87–90 translation process in, 191 action decoding and, 292–98 Oddball Paradigm and, 215–16
of intracortical microelectrode arrays, for user training, 193 action planning by, 290–96, 291f pulse sequences, 73
90–97 optodes, 302 anatomy of, 289, 290f pyramidal cells, 18
lumped-element functional models orphan products, 342, 344, 348–49 BCI signals in, 289–98
for, 89 output latency, 183–84, 184f coding in, for motor control, 29
noise factors in, 89–90 outputs. See artificial outputs, of BCIs; external stimuli for, 291 QoL assessments. See quality of life
selectivity in, 88 natural outputs, of CNS eye movements and, 290–91 assessments
sensitivity in, 88 grasping activity in, 292, 293f quality of life (QoL) assessments,
of spikes, 36–38 motor control and, 24–25, 30 332–33
stability of, 88–89 pain management, 359 PRR, 296–97 quantization, in signal processing, 125
in supplementary motor cortex, 29f parameterization, 155–56 rate modulation of movement by, quasistatic electric fields, 46
neuroimaging. See also paraplegia, 319 25, 26f quasistatic magnetic fields, 46
electrocorticography; parietal cortex reaching movements and, 290–91
electroencephalography; functional action decoding and, 292–98 preparameterized protocols, 191
magnetic resonance imaging; action planning by, 290–96, 291f primary motor cortex, 20–22, 24–25. radiofrequency transmitters, 72
functional near-infrared anatomy of, 289, 290f See also intraparenchymal BCIs; rate-coding hypothesis, 35
spectroscopy; functional BCI signals in, 289–98 motor control RC filters. See resistor and capacitor
transcranial Doppler; external stimuli for, 291 action potential in, 15–16 filters
magnetoencephalography; positron eye movements and, 290–91 directional tuning in, 27, 27f reach decoding, 292–94, 297f
emission tomography grasping activity in, 292, 293f electrical stimulation of, 15 reaching movements
for blood flow, 66 PRR, 296–97 eloquent cortex in, 15 delayed-cascade tasks, 290
hardware for, 70 reaching movements and, 290–91 encoding in, of motor control, 27–28 delayed-reach tasks, 290–91
resolution in, 65–67, 66f parietal lobe, 16–17 firing rate profiles, 25f grasping, 292, 293f
task design for, 74 parietal reach region (PRR), 296–97 kinematic information in, 27 neural activity for, 290–91
neurons, 94–95 participant recruitment, 327–28 lesions in, 31 readiness potential, 245
in nonlinear signal processing models, passive BCI, 5–6 in macaque monkeys, 21f, 22f receiver antennae, 72
153, 154f PCA. See principal component analysis motor homunculus in, 15, 15f reconstruction computers, 73
neuronal spikes, 279–81 PCI. See peripheral component population vectors, 27–28 recording. See neural recording
Bayesian models in, 280 interconnect prehension behaviors and, 31 recording electrodes, 56
bins in, 279 peak-picking, in signal processing, 134 research studies on, 28 reference electrodes, 56–57
nonstationarities in, 280 Penfield, Wilder, 15, 15f SMA, 29–30 in EEG, 111–14, 112f
neurotropic electrodes, 84 people with disabilities. See also assistive subdivision of, 22 strategy summaries, 117
noise, in neural recordings, 89–90 technology; classical locked-in principal component analysis (PCA), 38, true testing for, 113
noise reduction, 37–38 syndrome; incomplete locked-in 131–32 VEPs with, 113–14
nonlinear models, in signal processing, syndrome; residual motor function, for feature extraction, 139 reference electrode standardization
153–54 AT for; total locked-in syndrome in fNIRS, 303–4 technique (REST), 117
continuous output in, 154 ethics and, 375–80 probes. See Michigan electrode; regression models, in signal
kernel methods, 153 peripheral component interconnect subcellular edge electrode probes processing, 148
neurons in, 153 (PCI), 175 process control protocols, 9–10, 9f, 192, regulatory considerations, for BCIs,
nonstationarities, 149–50, 150f, 280 peripheral nervous system (PNS), 3 197, 203–4 339–41
normalization, 129–30, 138 PET. See positron emission tomography proprioception reimbursement considerations, for BCIs,
notch filters, 109 phase locking value, 137 in somatosensory cortex, 22 344–46
Nyquist Limit, 107, 125 in SMRs, 230 somatosensory feedback and, 31–32 coding for, 345
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, 125 phase synchronization, 59 prosthesis control, 208 coverage and, 344–45
photon banana, 70 protocols. See specific protocols global marketing and, 346
physical risks, 375 PRR. See parietal reach region insurers and, 346
object detection, with BCIs, 367 pick-up coil, 109 psychological risks, 375–76 payment and, 345
occipital lobe, 17 planar gradiometer, 110 P300 BCIs, 215–24 reasonable proof and, 345–46
Oddball Paradigm, 215–16 plasticity, CNS, 377–78 alternative electrode montages, 220 strategy elements, 344
time course in, 216f artificial outputs, 6 alternative stimuli in, 220–21 reliability, of BCIs, 389–92
offline evaluations, for BCI, 159–60 definition of, 351 amplitude in, 217–18, 221 for iBCIs, 267
Ohm’s Law, 47 ethics in BCI research and, 377f auditory stimuli in, 222 remote controls, BCIs for, with
action potentials and, 53 importance for BCIs, 6–8 clinical evaluation of, 326f televisions, 378
tissues, volume conduction in, 49–50 plug-and-play assistive technology, context-updating model, 217 Remote data transfer, in BCI, 330–31
oligodendrocytes, 95 198, 209 EEG recording, 218 repetition time (TR), 309–10
open-loop decoding, 280–81 PNS. See peripheral nervous system electrode locations, 216f residual motor function, AT for,
OpenViBE software, 178 Poisson process, 140 e-mail applications for, 330f 199–200
operating protocols, BCI, 189–94 population coding, 265, 270 FLD in, 220 manual scans in, 200
application command to, 191–92 positron emission tomography (PET), function of, 217 user options in, 200
asynchronous directed-output, 193 66, 68f gaze direction in, 221–22 resistor and capacitor (RC) filters, 172
directed-output, 193 temporal resolution in, 68–69 ICA for, 220 resolution, in neuroimaging, 65–67, 66f
error-blind, 193 posterior parietal cortex (PPC), 17, 23 improvement of, 222–23 for EEG, 58–61, 119–20
error-detection, 193 as associational, 23 independent home use of, 223 in PET, 68–69
feature extraction in, 191 coding in, for motor control, 29 latency in, 216–17 temporal, 65
goal selection, 9–10, 9f, 192 directional tuning in, 25 matrix formats in, 221 resonance frequency, 72
initiation of, 189 dorsal visual streams, 23 mental prosthesis, 218 REST. See reference electrode
intentional control, 189 motor control, 25 offline data analysis, 219 standardization technique
no intentional control, 189 ventral visual streams, 23 origin of, 217 reversion rights, 348
preparameterized, 191 PPC. See posterior parietal cortex signal-processing methods, 220 robotics, 207
process control, 9–10, 9f, 192 Predictive speller, use with BCI, 207, 223 stability function in, 217–18 motor function recovery with, 355–56

398 | I N D E X
safety issues in feature extraction, 129–33 somatosensory feedback, in motor control stereotodes, 36
in clinical evaluations, of BCIs, 331 for spikes, 38 cortical stimulation for, 32 stroke patients
for iBCIs, 267 signal processing. See also models, in proprioception and, 31–32 BCIs for, 320–21
Salzmann, Hans Peter, 246 signal processing; spike trains somatotopic maps, after injury, 32 motor function recovery for, with
sample blocks, in signal processing, analog-to-digital conversion in, spatial filtering, in feature extraction, feedback, 355
123, 124f 124–29 130–32, 131f STTR grant. See Small Business
sampling, in analog-to-digital conversion, DSP chips, 165 common spatial patterns, 132 Technology Transfer grant
124–25 feature extraction in, 123–24, 129–39 data-dependent, 130–32 SUA. See single-unit activity
aliasing filters, 125 feature vectors in, 147 data-independent, 130 subcellular edge electrode probes, 98, 99f
Nyquist-Shannon theorem, 125 feature weights in, 147 independent component analysis subcortical areas, in brain, 19–20
sampling rate Fourier analysis in, 126f, 127f in, 132 supervised learning, in signal processing,
in ECoG, 256 hardware for, 181, 183 PCA in, 131–32 147, 150, 156
for EEG, 107–8 model parameters for, 147 spatial working memory, 24 supplementary motor area (SMA), 29–30
SBIR grant. See Small Business Innovative motor control and, 32 spelling, with BCI, 158, 177, 182, 200, supplementary motor cortex, 29–30
Research grant principles of, 124–29 202, 210, 218, 233, 235, 246–47, neural recording of, 29f
scales, of cortical tissue, 45t in P300 BCIs, 220 258, 303f, 304, 328, 330–32, 387 support vector machines (SVM)
scalp-recorded potentials, for electrical sample blocks in, 123, 124f copy, 150–51, 191, 193, 223 in fMRI, 310
fields, 56–57 SNR in, 123 spikes. See also action potentials in fNIRS, 305
seizures software for, 181, 183 cluster-cutting process, 38 in P300 BCIs, 220
EEG feedback for, 352 supervised learning in, 147 electrode signal conditioning and, in signal processing models, 152–53, 153f
iBCIs for, 285 testing data for, 148 37–38 suppressor variable, 152, 152f
self-paced protocols, 190–91 translation algorithms for, 147–48, headstages, 38 surface coatings, 83
current uses of, 191 156–62 in microelectrodes, 36–37 surface Laplacian, 60, 120
SSVEP in, 190 signal-processing latency, 181, 183 in MUA, 270 surface potentials, 53
self-parameterized protocols, 191 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 123 neuronal, 279–81 surgical implantation, 260
sensors in fMRI, 310 noise reduction for, 37–38 SVM. See support vector machines
BCI hardware, 165–69 single-channel spike trains, 140–44 PCA for, 38 switch-activated AT, 206–7
ECoG, 168–69 single-unit activity (SUA), 265 recording of, 36–38 SWLDA. See stepwise linear discriminant
EEG, 166–68, 166f iBCIs and, 267 signal conditioning for, 38 analysis
electrodes, 167–69, 168f slow cortical potentials, 245–47 sorting of, 38 synapses. See excitatory synapses;
fMRI, 166 BCIs and, 245–46 spike trains, 139–44 inhibitory synapses
fNIRS, 69f, 70f, 166 CNV and, 245 analysis of, for pairs, 142–44, 143f synchronous BCIs, 189–91, 190f
iBCIs, 271–73, 272f definition of, 245 Cauchy-Schwarz distance in, 144 synchronous protocols, 189–91, 190f
for intracortical recording, 169 future applications of, 246–47 clustering in, 144 current uses of, 191
sensorimotor cortex, 227–29, 232f, readiness potential and, 245 feature extraction from, 140–44 self-paced and, 190–91
235–36 speed of, 246 LFPs and, 139 system latency, 181, 183f
sensorimotor hypothesis, 5 user communication with, 246 Poisson process for, 140
sensorimotor rhythms (SMRs), 5, SMA. See supplementary motor area reconstruction of, 141f
227–37 Small Business Innovative Research single-channel, 140–44 televisions. See remote controls, BCIs for,
analysis of, 229–30 (SBIR) grant, 347 STA in, 141 with televisions
artifacts in, 231–32 Small Business Technology Transfer structure of, 139–40 template matching, 134
asynchronous BCIs and, 235 (STTR) grant, 347 tuning curves, 141–42, 142f temporal-coding hypothesis, 36
BCI operating protocols using, 5, 191, Smart Key function, 210 van Rossum distance in, 144 temporal features, 134
232–33, 235–36 SMRs. See sensorimotor rhythms Victor-Purpura distance in, 144 temporal lobes, 17–18
beta rhythms, 227–28, 228 SNR. See signal-to-noise ratio spike-triggered average (STA), 141 tetraplegia
brief changes in, 237 software, BCI, 176–84 SPM. See statistical parametric mapping BCIs for, 318–19
channel analysis of, 230 for analog-to-digital conversion, SSVEPs. See steady-state visually evoked DBS for, 318–19
communication applications of, 180–81 potentials iBCIs and, 271f, 281f
233–34 application-output latency in, 181 STA. See spike-triggered average Tetris, 369–70, 370f
control applications of, 234–35 BCI2000, 178–79 stand-alone assistive technology, 198, tetrodes, 36–37
cursor movement with, 233, 234f block processing duration in, 181–82 208–10 thalamus, 20
device control translation for, 230–31 components, 176–77 start-up company, 347b motor control and, 32–33
for disabled users, 236 for data acquisition, 176 statistical parametric mapping (SPM), 304 somatosensory cortex and, 22–23, 23f
with EEG, 236 data-transfer latency in, 181, 183 steady-state visually evoked potentials structure of, 33
EMG activity and, 231 design principles, 177–78 (SSVEPs), 60, 241–47 theoretical coarse-graining, 52
ERD, 227–28, 228f evaluation of, 179–84 analysis of, 242f time domains, 254–55
ERS, 227 general-purpose, 178–79 ASSEP, 245 time-frequency features. See wavelets
with FES, 234 hardware compatibility and, 178 bandpower in, 244 time-frequency maps, 236f
frequency analysis, 229–30 jitter in, 182 correlation analysis for, 244 time shift tasks, 365f
Hex-O-Spell and, 234, 235f latency overview in, 180 current designs, 243–44 timing characteristics, of BCI hardware/
long-lasting changes in, 237 modifications to, 177 dependence in, 244 software, 180–82, 180f
motor function recovery and, 355f OpenViBE, 178 dependent BCIs, 244 tissue responses, 92–97, 92f
during motor imagery, 228–29 operating protocols for, 177 early versions of, 243, 243f total locked-in syndrome, 198–200,
mu rhythms, 227–28, 233 operating systems and, 178, 184 ECoG and, 255 317–18
offline analysis of, 231 output components, 177 FES and, 243 TR. See repetition time
online analysis of, 231 output latency for, 183–84, 184f future applications of, 244–45 translation algorithms, for signal
phase locking value in, 230 platforms, 178–79 f-VEP, 241 processing, 147–48, 156–62
potential users of, 235–36 for signal analysis, 176–77 harmonic peak selection and, 243 accuracy of, 156–57
during sensorimotor behaviors, signal-processing latency in, 181, 183 operations of, 242f adaptive, 161
227–28 system latency in, 181, 183f paradigms for, 241, 242f bit rates in, 158, 158f
spatial analysis of, 230, 230f technical requirements, 177 in self-paced protocols, 190 complexity minimization in, 157–58
time-frequency maps for, 236f timing characteristics for, 180–82, 180f spectral analysis for, 244 continuous output assessment, 157
VR with, 234–35 somatosensory cortex, 22–23 VR in, 244f data competitions in, 161–62
sensory feedback, 99 proprioception in, 22 stellate cells, 18–19 data training in, 160–61
signal conditioning stimulation of, 284 stepwise linear discriminant analysis error minimization in, 157–58
electrode, 37–38 thalamus and, 22–23, 23f (SWLDA), 220 feature selection for, 161

INDEX | 3 9 9
translation algorithms, for signal United States, BCI approval process in, venture capital investment, 346–47 Wadsworth BCI home system, 326, 326f, 330
processing Cont’d 342, 343b VEPs. See visual evoked potentials Walter, Grey, 5
goals for, 162 unsupervised learning, 150 Victor-Purpura distance, 144 wavelets, 136–37
information transfer in, 158 U-Probe, 37 Vidal, Jacques, 5 analysis of, 136
model evaluation for, 160 USB standard, 175 virtual reality (VR), 234–35 DWT, 136–37
offline evaluation of, 159–60 Utah electrode arrays, 37, 85–86, 85f. with SSVEPs, 244f wet electrodes, 106
online evaluation of, 159 See also multielectrode visual evoked potentials (VEPs), 241 white matter, in brain, 16
outcome models, 156t arrays BCI and, 5 white noise, 135
performance measurement for, 156 components of, 241 Windows Vista, 184
translational studies, 333 in EEG, 112, 114f Windows XP, 184
transmembrane potentials, 53 validation, of BCI applications, protocols, 241 wireless ECoG, 260
true reference test, 113 10–11, 389 volume conduction, 46 word-processing, with BCIs, 10, 191–93,
tuning curves, 141–42, 142f van Rossum distance, 144 head models of, 50–51, 51f 198, 247, 329
typing, as AT, 206–7, 275 ventral visual streams, 23 VR. See virtual reality workload tasks, 365–66, 366f

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