SAP Guide For Release Procedure

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Release procedure for Purchase Document

Contributed by
Lunkesh Kumar
Under the guidance of Prashun shetty

Full – Form.
1. PR – Purchase requisiation.
2. PO – Purchase order
3. CO – Contract.
4. SA – Schedule agreement.
5. RFQ – Request for quotation. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 1 of 50

Communication table Name Description
CEBAN Purchase requisition
CEKKO Purchase documents

Field Name Description

BSART Purchasing document type
GNETW/GSWRT Net value for PO/Net value for PR
BNFPO Item interval
EKORG Purchase organization

Purchase requisition

 It is an internal purchasing document.

 The PR is created by no purchasing department.
 PR can be created by manually or automatically.
 A PR is a request or intstruction to purchasing department to process a certain
quantity of material or a service. So that is is available at certain period of time.
 In PR, Release procedure can be setup at two level.
1. At Header level.
2. At item level.

Release procedure at Item level for PR

SPRO – SAP Ref.IMG – Material management – Purchasing – Purchase requisition – Release

procedure – Procedure with classification. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 2 of 50

1) Define characterstics.
i) For Purchasing document.
Communication table :- CEBAN & Field :- BSART contact: +91 6360959192 Page 3 of 50

ii) For Purchase organisation.
Communication table :- CEBAN & Field :- EKORG contact: +91 6360959192 Page 4 of 50

iii) For Plant.
Communication table :- CEBAN & Field :- WERKS contact: +91 6360959192 Page 5 of 50

iv) For Net value.
Communication table :- CEBAN & Field :- GSWRT contact: +91 6360959192 Page 6 of 50

2) Define Class. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 7 of 50

3) Set Up procedure with classification.

i) For Release group.

For header level we need to tick on overall purchase request.

ii) For Release code. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 8 of 50

iii) Release Indicator.

iv) Release strategies. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 9 of 50 contact: +91 6360959192 Page 10 of 50
Now we need to check release strategy by creating PO with the reference of PR

Create PR for item level release procedure with T – code :- ME51N contact: +91 6360959192 Page 11 of 50

For release PR at item level, use T – code = ME54N.

Release procedure at Header level for PR

The above process is same for header level also, but we need to check overall purchase
requistion while creating release group & PR Document. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 12 of 50

Create PR for header level release procedure.(ME51N)

Release PR for header level release procedure.(ME54N)

Purchase order:
A Purchase order is a formal request or instruction from a purchasing organization
to a vendor to supply or provide a certain quantity of goods or service by a certain point of
time. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 13 of 50

Release procedure for PO
SPRO – SAP Ref IMG – Material management – Purchasing – Purchase order –
Release procedure for purchase order.

1. Define characteristics.
Communication table :- CEKKO & Field :- BSART for Purchasing document. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 14 of 50

Communication table :- CEKKO & Field :- EKORG for Purchasing Organization. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 15 of 50

Communication table :- CEKKO & Field :- WERKS for Plant. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 16 of 50

Communication table :- CEKKO & Field :- GNETW for PO Net value. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 17 of 50 contact: +91 6360959192 Page 18 of 50
2. Define class.

3. Define release procedure for Purchase Order. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 19 of 50

4. Release Group.

5. Release code. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 20 of 50

6. Release indicators.

7. Release strategies contact: +91 6360959192 Page 21 of 50 contact: +91 6360959192 Page 22 of 50
Now create PO by using T- code = ME21N

Now release PO by using T-code = ME29N contact: +91 6360959192 Page 23 of 50

Outline agreement
 It is a long time agreement between a purchasing organization and a vendor who is
supplying the material (pr service) over a certain time frame on the basis of pre
defined terms and conditions.
 It is legal document between vendor and purchasing organization.
 There are two types of outline agreement.
3. Contracts (it is also called release order/ call off order).
4. Scheduling Agreement (SA)

 It is used for mass production industries or where material consumption is very
 In contract company/Purchasing organization assures the vendor about the
quantity or value.
 Contracts contain control data for billing purpose, for ceration of budget billing
plans and for contract accounts receivable and payables
 A contract cretaed by one plant can be referred by purchase prganization of another
plant. However the referring purchasing organization is the standard purchasing
organization for the other plant.
 There are two types of Contracts.
i) Quantity contracts = Agreement type MK.
ii) Value contracts = Agreement type WK.
iii) Distributed contracts = Agreement type DC
Scheduling Agreement.
 It is a long term purchase agreement with a vendor for supply of material according
to the predetermined conditions.
 There is no purchase order required. So no release order for schedule agreement.
 Details od the delivery dates and quantities for supply of material will be intimated
to the vendor in the form of schedules.
 There is no assurance of quantity or value will be given to the vendor in schedule
 Schedule lines can also be generated automatically using MRP system. Such delivery
line do not constitute separate document, but from part of the schedule agreement.
 The basic idea of schedule agreement is to reduce the office inventory.
 There are two type of schedule agreement.
1) Schedule agreement – Agreement type “L” (manual)
2) Schedule agreement - Agreement type “LP”(Automatic) contact: +91 6360959192 Page 24 of 50

Backend Settings for contracts release procedure

SPRO – Material management – Purchaisng – Contracts – Release procedure for contracts.

1. Define characteristic (T-code = CT04)

Communication table :- CEKKO & Field name :- BSART for purchasing document. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 25 of 50 contact: +91 6360959192 Page 26 of 50
Communication table :- CEKKO & Field name :- GNETW for net value. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 27 of 50

2. Define class (T – Code = CL02) contact: +91 6360959192 Page 28 of 50

3. Define Release procedure for contracts.

i. Release Group. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 29 of 50

ii. Release Code.

iii. Release Indicators. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 30 of 50

iv. Release strategies. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 31 of 50

Check contracts release procedure.
 Create contracts using T code :- ME31K. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 32 of 50

In the below screen target value is must because agreement type value contracts.

 Now create PO (ME21N) by using the contracts

Mention the contract number in PO item details at outline agreement tab and we will get an
error, because contact document is not released. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 33 of 50

Now release contract document by using the T- Code = ME35K. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 34 of 50

Then select our contract document and click on release.

Release code CR = Creator contact: +91 6360959192 Page 35 of 50

Same process for the next release codes.

Release code PH = Procurement Head contact: +91 6360959192 Page 36 of 50

Release code FN = Finance contact: +91 6360959192 Page 37 of 50

Now create PO by using the contract document.

Backend Settings for Scheduling agreement release procedure

SPRO – SAP Ref Img – Material management – Purchasing – Scheduling agreement –
Release procedure for scheduling agreement. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 38 of 50

I. Define Characteristics.

For Purchasing docuement contact: +91 6360959192 Page 39 of 50

For plant contact: +91 6360959192 Page 40 of 50

II. Define class. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 41 of 50

III. Define release procedure for scheduling agreement. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 42 of 50

IV. Release group.

V. Release codes.

VI. Release Indicators.

VII. Release strategies. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 43 of 50 contact: +91 6360959192 Page 44 of 50
Now create scheduling agreement by using the T –code = ME31L and maintain scheduling
line in ME38. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 45 of 50

And now try to do GR with respect to scheduling agreement. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 46 of 50

Release Scheduling agreement by using the T-code = ME35L.

For creator

Select release document number and click on release. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 47 of 50

For Proc.Head

Select release document number and click on release.

For Finance contact: +91 6360959192 Page 48 of 50

Now do GR wrt SA number. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 49 of 50

© Copyright SAP GURU INDIA
The copyright in this work is vested in SAP GURU INDIA. Please note and
abide by copyright laws. This presentation is for educational purposes only. All
logos, photos and information etc., used in this presentation are the property of
SAP GURU INDIA. contact: +91 6360959192 Page 50 of 50

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