Colector Ventury

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Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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A Study of a Multiple Venturi Wet Collector

Edward Kristal , Richard Dennis & Leslie Silverman

To cite this article: Edward Kristal , Richard Dennis & Leslie Silverman (1957) A Study of a
Multiple Venturi Wet Collector, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 6:4, 204-213, DOI:

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Published online: 19 Mar 2012.

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itself reduce emissions to a tolerable level, designed wet scrubber flyash control Six checkerwork patterns together with
would act to cool the discharge gases to system has made compliance with the 6 drop curtains, or baffles, in an ex-
where a higher efficiency collection sys- strictest air pollution ordinance possible. tended sedimentation chamber failed to
tern might be utilized. Tests of the wet The high investment cost of electrostatic reduce exit dustloadings to below the
scrubber flyash control system installed precipitation is obviated on this partial' permissible ASME limitations in 1 muni'
at this plant indicated an approximate lar application by the fine performance cipal incinerator plant tested. Different
overall flyash collection efficiency of of a well designed wet scrubbing system. combinations of these baffles and check'
60.0%. This was sufficient • to reduce The wet collection system acts also as an erwork patterns in the breeching of this
exit flue gas dustloadings to an average absorbing system for the organic acids municipal incinerator plant gave exit
of 0.658 lb. dust/1000 lb. flue gas, ad- contained in incinerator exhausts. Also dustloadings that averaged from 1.20 to
justed to a 50% excess air basis, which the wet collection system is beneficial in
1.40 lb. dust/1000 lb. flue gas, adjusted
is below the permissible limitation. Inv acting as a condensing medium for
to a 50% excess air basis. Individual tests
provements in design and additions made vaporized metallic fumes and gaseous
ranged to double these values. This plant
to the flyash control system since the hydrocarbons. We hope to initiate tests
during this coming year to quantitatively has subsequently been modified to in'
earlier tests undoubtedly have increased
evaluate these latter factors. elude a wet flyash scrubbing system that
the efficiency of collection. Tests of im/
yields an average exit dustloading of
proved design low-draft-loss, wet flyash 5. It has been definitely established by 0.692 lb. dust/1000 lb. flue gas, adjusted
collection systems of the same general our tests to date that it is highly ini' to a 50% excess air basis.
type as originally installed in the Mil' probable that the ASME recommended
waukee incinerator that have subsequent' dustloading limitation can be met by the 6. Many volumetric tests of municipal
ly been installed, have indicated over incorporation of such dry flyash collec' incinerators have shown that approxi-
all collection efficiencies in the order of tion devices as checkerwork and refrac- mately 12.0 to 16.0 lb. gas/lb. refuse is
85%. These high collection efficiencies on tory drop curtains, low velocity sedimen- the customarily experienced stack gas
incinerator effluents realized by a well' tation chambers or combinations thereof. ratio.

A Study of a Multiple Venturi Wet Collector'

Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, Mass.

An experimental model of a new type throat, whereas in the experimental col- A special feature of this collector is
wet collector was investigated in the lector water sprays are introduced in the spray generating device which uses
Harvard University Air Cleaning Lab' plenums prior to and following the Ven- mechanical means rather than air or
oratory at the request of the Division of turis. Furthermore, the pressure drop in water pressure to produce a fine water
Engineering of the U. S. Atomic Energy a Venturi scrubber ranges from 20 to 40 spray.
Commission. in. of water (due to energy requirements
This unit consists of single or multiple of atomization) as compared to 12 in. This report describes results of tests
collection stages, each containing a Ven' of water for the 4 stage unit. The rapid with representative aerosols under a
turi tube and 2 spray generators. The expansion of the saturated gas stream variety of operating conditions. Dust
principal collecting mechanism is the taking place in the Venturi throat is concentrations varied from 2 gr./lOOO
impingement of dust particles and water stated by the manufacturer to produce ft.3 to 2 gr./ft. 3 and water rates from 6
droplets in the spray chamber and in the cooling (adiabatic expansion), which to 12 gal./min./spray generator. Several
Venturi tube where the saturated gas results in condensation on the dust par- combinations of spray generators were
stream reaches a maximum velocity of ticles. This effective increase in particle employed during multi-stage operation.
12000 fpm. This unit is not directly com' size then allows the particles to be more
parable to the Venturi scrubber since, readily removed. Description and Operation
in the latter device, water is atomized
by the main gas stream at the Venturi
The experimental washer consists of 4
* Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of similar collection stages in series, each
the Air Pollution Control Association held stage containing one Venturi tube and 2
at Buffalo, N. Y., May 20-4, 1956. spray generators as shown in Fig. 1 and 4.
f This study was made under Contract No. Oversized spray generators were installed
AT (30-1)841 between the U. S. Atomic in the test unit since the manufacturer
Energy Commission and Harvard Univer' could not obtain smaller spray genera-
sity. Opinions expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the tors. Therefore, water rates were stated
views of the U. S. Atomic Energy Com- Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram of Experimental 4 to be higher for the 4 stage collector
mission. Stage Wet Collector. (120 gal./1000 cfm.) with respect to


Fig. 2. Large Size Spray Generator.
air handling capacities than those nor-
mally employed with similar commercial
units (5 and 30 gal./1000 cfm. for 1 Fig. 3. Spray Generator in Operation.
and 3 stage units, respectively). The
spray generator consists of a fixed, cir- particles which increases the probability
cular manifold (11 in. diam.) having 8, of capture by impaction, i.e., the target
relatively large orifices (3/16 in. diam.) efficiency. Based upon an adiabatic ex'
equally spaced on the periphery. When pansion a temperature drop will occur
Fig. 4. Experimental Wet Collector During
water is supplied, the resulting jets are during the expansion of the water satur' Testing.
intercepted continuously by 16 bevelled ated gas stream entering the Venturi
vanes, extending from a rapidly-rotating throat. Calculations show the temperature ating at approximately 25 psi lifts the
disc (3300 rpm.) located directly in change to be quite small. In addition, the ribbon of dust from the turntable and
front of the manifold. The spray genera' short retention time during which dust ejects it into the inlet duct of the test
tor in the test unit has a rated water particles can act as condensation nuclei, system. For low dust loadings in the
capacity of 9 gpm. at 7 psi and requires in the area of supersaturation, appears to range of 20 gr./lOOO ft.3, the National
a Wi horsepower motor to energize the eliminate this mechanism as an important Bureau of Standards dust generator was
spinning disc, Fig. 2 and 3. The advan' factor in collection. After leaving the used. Here dust is fed by gravity from
tage of this type spray generator in com' Venturi tube the aerosol enters a second a small storage hopper to a slowly ro'
parison with conventional hydraulic or plenum where it passes over the second tating spur gear. Dust is removed from
pneumatic spray nobles is stated to be spray generator. For single stage opera' between the gear teeth by an offset as'
its non'dogging feature. The use of large tion the aerosol is then withdrawn pirating tube which ejects a steady flow
diam. orifices permits extensive r e through a droplet eliminator. For multi' of dust into the test air stream. A coarse
cycling of spray water without requiring stage operation the cycle is repeated as sulfuric acid mist(2) was obtained by
a special filtration system to -remove sus' shown in the schematic diagram, Fig. 1. aspirating 2 normal sulfuric acid with
pended solids. compressed air at 90 psi and impinging
Test Methods it against a baffle located in an elutriation
During laboratory testing, 2 devices Aerosol Generation chamber to remove coarse droplets. A
were used to remove entrained water finer sulfuric acid mist (6) was formed
droplets. For 1 and 2 stage operation an Several test aerosols were employed
in this study. Fly ash, calcium carbonate, by allowing drops of concentrated sul'
enlarged circular chamber containing 6 furic acid to drop into a heated crucible,
layers of a coarse woven wire screen was talc and vaporized silica suspensions in
attached to the collector outlet. For 3 concentrations greater than 0.2 gr./ft. 3 , first producing sulfur trioxide which
stage operation, a vertical riser was at' were produced by redispersing the dry (2>
tached to the collector outlet so that the dust with the Harvard generator.(1) In E. M. Berly. et al. Removal of Soluble
Gases and Particulates from Air Streams.
gas made an abrupt 90° turn upon leav this device the dust is fed from a Syntron AEC Contract No. AT (30-1) 841,
ing the collector. This device removed Vibrator onto a turntable (1 to 2 rpm.). USAEC, NYO1585, p. 19, Harvard
the same amount of water as the screen. An adjustable wiping arm removes the Univ. (Oct. 1952).
excess dust leaving a ribbon of any d c m
G. R. Gillespie and H. F. Johnstone. Par-
Operation sired width along the periphery of the ticle Size Characteristics of Some Hygro'
plate. A compressed air aspirator* oper' scopic Aerosols, Chem. Eng. Prog., p. 74-F,
In operation, dust laden gas enters the (1955).
plenum chamber of the first stage where (1)
M. W. First, et al. Performance Character' (8)
L. Silverman, M. W. First, G. S. Reichen-
it encounters the first spray generator. istics of Wet Collectors. AEC Contract bach, Jr. and P. Drinker. Final Progress
Collisions between spray droplets and No. AT (30-1)841, USAEC, NYO-1587 Rept. AEC Contract No. AT (30-1)—
dust particles in this area, followed by p. 23, Harvard Univ. (April 1953). GEN-238, USAEC NYO-1527, Harvard
inertial separation (prior to entering * % in. water lifter with Venturi section. Univ. (Feb. 1950).
Venturi tube), afford some degree of TABLE I
dust removal. The aerosol then enters the Size Parameters for Test Aerosols
first stage Venturi tube where additional
Median Diam.
collisions occur as the aerosol passes Material Geometric
through the Venturi tube. Here, due to Count Mass Standard Deviation
an increase in approach velocity between Resuspended
the relatively large water droplets and Fly Ash 0.6 14.3 2.7
the small dust particles in the accelerat' Vaporised Silica00 0.4 0.6 1.5
ing air stream, significant target efficien' Talc 1.3 2.5 1.6
Calcium Carbonate 0.6 2.6 2.0
cies are obtained. The velocity of smaller Sulfuric Acid Mist—coarse 4.0 13.8 1.9
particles remains essentially the same as Copper Sulfate Microspheres 0.48 0.74 * 1.4
the gas velocity so that they pass through Iron Oxide Fume 0.03 0.6 2.0
a zone of relatively slow moving large <*> Size data refer to freshly generated amorphous vaporized silica.

ol APCA 205 Vol. 6, No. 4

rapidly formed a fine sulfuric acid mist. tained by inserting into the effluent gas 0
20 30 40
The copper sulfate aerosol(9) was gen' stream a sampling probe connected to a
erated by atomizing a 10% copper sul' pleated filter,(3) paper thimble(3) or an
fate solution with compressed air (100 impinger tube.(5) In the second method,
psi) through a pneumatic nozzle. Large the amount of dry or unwetted material —
droplets settle out in an elutriating in the collector effluent was determined 2 SU ACID MIST
chamber while the finer fraction passes by inserting a settling bottle in the down-
through a pipe heated to 5O0-60O°F. stream sampling line to remove coarse
which produces anhydrous copper sulfate droplets ( > 10 p.) from the sampling line 26
microspheres. leading to one of the above collectors.
Iron oxide fume(10) was generated by The weight collection efficiency of

burning undiluted iron pentacarbonyl in this unit has been determined with repre' 120 [\
a high temperature air-butane flame. sentative aerosols for several dust load' S.8
The iron pentacarbonyl is conveyed to ings, several water rates, and 1'2' and il6
the gas flame by entrainment in a nitre 3'Stage operation. Some data have also
gen stream in order to eliminate fire and been obtained on the percentage of
t 14
decomposition problems. Reference (10) wetted dust passing the droplet elim- N
contains an electron photomicrograph of inator as compared to the total quantity
the iron oxide particles produced by this of dust in the collector effluent. Pressure 1
method. This procedure for generating loss characteristics of the collector were —.
iron oxide is superior to the burning of also determined. 3
iron powder since no metallic iron parti' 0
cles are injected into the gas stream. A Results AY GENERATOR

limitation of this technique is that load'

ings above 20 gr./lOOO ft.3 are difficult The Effect of Dust Loading upon Fig. 5. Effect of Water Rate on Per'Cent
Passage, 600 cfm. Air Flow.
to obtain without introducing a potential Weight Collection Efficiency
fire and explosion hazard. Table I gives The effect of dust loading upon col- in loading). However, in terms of pene-
the size parameters for the dusts, fumes lection efficiency was observed for one tration, the outlet fly ash concentration
and mists used in this study. stage operation with fly ash and calcium was reduced 40% (i.e., 1.0 to 0.6% pas-
Sampling Methods carbonate. Fly ash efficiencies (Table sage). With calcium carbonate, an in'
II) increased from 99.0 to 99.4% when crease in efficiency from 88.2 to 93.4%
Two separate sampling methods were inlet dust concentrations increased from
employed to determine the dust concen' was observed for a 6'fold increase in dust
0.02 to 1.60 gr./ft. 3 (an 80-fold increase loading (0.25 to 1.50 gr./ft. 3 ), which
tration in the effluent gas stream. In the
first method gross concentration was ob' <3)
S. K. Friedlander. et al. Handbook on Air is equivalent to a 58% reduction in
<9) Cleaning, Particulate Removal, p. 54, U. S. passage.
See footnote 9, p. 205.
C. E. Billings, W. D. Small and L. Silver- Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D. C. These data indicate that variations in
man. Methods for Controlling Air Pollu- (1952).
(5) inlet dust loading do not have an ap'
tion from Steel Production Operation, P. Drinker and T. Hatch. Industrial Dust
Semi-Annual Rept. SA-3, Harvard Univ. 2nd Ed., p. 147, McGraw-Hill Book Com' preciable influence on collection effi-
(Oct. 1955). pany, Inc., N.Y. (1954). ciency for readilycaptured aerosols such
as fly ash. For finer aerosols, such as
TABLE II (a) calcium carbonate, the increase in collec
Relationship between Inlet Dust Loading and Weight Collection Efficiency for One Stage tion efficiency with dust loading becomes
Operation, a Water Rate of 9 gpm./Spray Generator and 600 cfm. at Room Temperature
more significant. Increased retention
Inlet Dust Weight Collection with higher dust loadings is probably
Aerosol Loading Efficiency Passage due to the greater opportunity for ag-
gr./ft.3 glomeration as a result of higher particle
Fly Ash 0.02 99.0 1.0 concentration.
1.60 99.4 0.6
CaCO3 0.25 88.2 11.8 The Effect of Water Rate Upon
1.50 93.4 6.6 Penetration
<a> Data presented in these tables are based on a minimum of three experimental runs. The per cent passage for fly ash, cop-
per sulfate microspheres, and coarse sul-
TABLE II (a) furic acid mist at 6, 9 and 12 gpm./spray
Relationship between Spray Generator Water Rate and Weight Collection Efficiency for generator were obtained for single stage
One Stage Operation at 600 cfm. and Room Temperature
operation, Fig. 5 and Table Ila. All tests
Inlet Weight showed an inverse relationship between
Water Dust Collection Passage per cent passage and water rate within
Aerosol gal./lOOO ft.3 Loading Efficiency %
of air gr./ft.3 % the range tested. The extent of the vari-
Fly Ash 20 0.2 99.2 0.8 ation depended largely upon the per cent
30 0.2 99.4 0.6 passage of the aerosol at rated water
40 0.2 99.6 0.4
CuSO4 20 0.6/1000 78.9 21.1 flow per spray generator, and was larger
30 0.6/1000 85.0 15.0 for the finer dusts. For the aerosols
40 0.6/1000 90.2 9.8 tested, doubling the water rate caused a
H 2 SO 4 20 2.5/1000 92.8 7.2
30 2.5/1000 95.5 4.5 reduction of approximately 50% in dust
40 2.5/1000 96.2 3.8 passage.


The Effect of Air Velocity upon TABLE III
Collection Efficiency Effect of Sampling Method on Estimation of Effluent Loading (1 Stage Only) for a Water
The effect of air velocity upon col' Rate of 9 gpm./Spray Generator and 600 cfm. of Air at Room Temperature
lection efficiency was studied for one Inlet Outlet Loadings Efficiency
stage of the collector at rated water flow Loading Dry Wetted3 Total Dry Wet
(9 gpm./spray generator) with copper Aerosol gr./ft.3 gr./ft.3 gr./ft. gr./ft.3 %
sulf ate microspheres. Test results showed Fly Ash 0.15 0.0009 0.0015 0.0024 99.4 98.4
an inverse relationship between air flow Talc 1.5 0.056 0.027 0.083 96.2 94.4
rates and collection efficiency, i.e., 800, H2SO4 0.0025 95/5 84.7
600 and 400 cfm. air flow versus 82.8, coarse mist(a> 0.00011 0.00027 0.00038
85.0 and 95.2% collection, respectively. Dry refers to dust passing settling bottle in sampling line
Since the velocity of the water drop' Wet refers to dust entrained in water droplets retained in settling bottle
lets was in the order of 80 times that of <a> No droplet eliminator in collector.
the air stream in the plenum chamber
(assuming that maximum droplet velo'
city was equal to the tangential velocity Stage Collection Efficiency of Experimental Unit for a Water Rate of 9 gpm./Spray Genera-
tor and Air Flow of 600 cfm. at Room Temperature
of the spray generator impeller), increas'
ing the air velocity by a 2 or 3 fold No. Stages 1 2 3
factor had little effect on the relative Aerosol percent weight collection
(approach) velocity between the drop' Fe2O3 20 32
lets (targets) and dust particles. It is CuSO4 85 98 99.5+
believed that reducing the air flow did amount of wetted dust particles ( > 1 0 particles, as formed, were uniform in
not enhance collection by diffusion p.) would be present in the stack effluent diameter, this relationship merely pro-
mechanisms, since diffusion target effi' due to settling and inertial separation in vides a convenient means for estimating
ciencies were calculated to be less than the exit duct, fan and stack. multistage efficiency. In order for the
0.3% for the estimated particle approach second and third stage of the experi'
velocities. Effect of Particle Size on Collection mental collector to be as efficient as the
The fact that efficiencies actually Efficiency first stage, the effluent from any preced'
varied inversely with air velocity was Sulfuric acid mist was generated by 2 ing stage must have undergone sufficient
attributed to a greater number of water methods: impaction of a 2 normal sohi' conditioning (through agglomeration,
droplets sweeping a given volume of air tion, against a baffle followed by elutria' particle and, and possibly
at the reduced air velocity which, in ef' tion, and decomposition of acid in heated condensation) to approach the size dis'
feet, increased the retention time of the crucible followed by water condensation tribution of the original aerosol. In the
dust particles in the spray, system. on sulfur trioxide nuclei. The larger absence of particle conditioning, multi'
Dust Entrained in Water Droplets— droplets (Mg. = 4.0 JU) generated by stage operation would ordinarily be im'
Collector Effluent impaction were collected by one stage of practical.
By using the 2 procedures for effluent the washer at an efficiency of 95.5%.
The fine submicron mist formed by con' Effect of Droplet Eliminators upon
sampling described previously, it was Overall Collection Efficiency
possible to estimate the quantity of densation was collected by one stage at
wetted dust (dust entrained in water an efficiency of less than 5%. This Efficiency tests indicated that the
droplets) in the effluent gas stream. The range in collection efficiency for large screen droplet eliminator contributed lit'
amount of dust contained by the water and small sulfuric acid droplets conforms tie to total dust removal (0.7 and 2.0%
droplets may make a significant contri' to theory, which states that the target collection efficiency for fly ash and
bution (30 to 70%) to the total effluent efficiency is a direct function of the par- coarse sulfuric acid mist, respectively)
loading at the sampling location, Table ticle diam.2 (or free settling velocity). while removing approximately 1 gph. of
III. However, it is expected in commer' The free settling velocity of the larger water from the collector effluent. The
cial installation that only a very small sulfuric acid particles is approximately vertical riser, used in 3 stage opera'
70 times that of the submicron particle. tion, removed (by inertial separation)
! about the same amount of water droplets
MultvStage Operation of Washer (1 gph.) as the screen. When the second
- Tests discussed so far have described spray generator of the last collection
only single stage operation of the experi' stage (for single or multi'Stage opera'
/ tion) was not operated, water droplet
- mental collector, that is one Venturi
• v tube and 2 spray generators. Efficiency carryover was considerably reduced.
data for multistage operation with cop'
per sulfate and iron oxide aerosols are re' Effect of Varying 7<[umber of Spray
- -
Generators on Collection Efficiency
ported in Table IV and Fig. 6. The results
of these tests indicate that it is possible to A series of tests were undertaken to
CURVE DES•CHIPTION estimate the increase in efficiency ob' determine whether the collector could be
tained by adding collection stages in operated with fewer spray generators
series by the log'penetration law. Thee (decreased water rate and power con'
retically, the log'penetration law applies sumption) without causing an appreci'
only to the collection of uniform aerosols able change in collection efficiency.
(with respect to both size and cpmposi' Eliminating the downstream spray gen'
tion) when 2 or more similar air cleaning erator in single stage operation (Table
Fig. 6. Weight Collection Efficiency Versus devices, are operated in series. Since V) (a 50% reduction in water rate)
N b of Collection .Stages. neither copper sulfate nor iron oxide caused a decrease in collection efficiency

of APCA 207 Vol. 6, No. 4

1. STAGE 1
Collection Efficiencies for 1 Stage Operation with Second Spray Generator On and Off, a
2. " 1 /
Water Rate of 9 gpm./Spray Generator and an Air Flow Rate of 600 cfm. at Room
1, 2 8 3
3. "
/ /
7 Temperature

f 7
f Aerosol Weight Collection
Efficiency %
2 spray
Passage % Inlet
2 spray 1 spray 1 spray
generators generator generators generator

7, / Fly Ash
CaCO 3 (I1)
1.3 1.65

/ 8.8 1.5
Talc 96.2 94.4 3.8 5.6 1.5
H2SO4 95.5 94.0 4.5 6.0 2.5/1000
(") Efficiencies given are based on gross (wetted and dry dust) effluent samples.
/ /

2 3 4 5 6 7 8910
stages did not furnish sufficient droplets pressure loss varied as the 1.75 power of
to bring about efficient contact with the the velocity for a fixed number of
AIR FLOW 100 Cfm small particles entering the second stage stages. Operation of the spray generators
Fig. 7. Pressure Loss Characteristics of Ex' of the collector. Relatively high effici' was found to produce no measurable ef'
perimental Wet Collector at Room Tempera' encies for one stage operation were attri' feet upon the pressure loss.
ture. buted to removal of the coarser fraction
of the aerosol. List of Symbols—consistent units
of about 2%. However, passage in'
creased by as much as 50%. With 2 Sulfur Dioxide Removal D Target (droplet) diameter of average
stage operation (use of 2 Venturi Sulfur dioxide was selected for investi' volume.
tubes) removal of the fourth spray gen' gating the collection efficiency of the Dp Particle diameter
erator, located downstream of the second experimental washer on gases which may DT Target diameter.
Venturi tube, decreased the water rate accompany operations where iron fume
by 25% and caused no significant and fly ash are created. For an inlet gas K Target concentration'number/unit
change in either collection efficiency or concentration of 180 mg./m.3 and with
penetration (Table VI). When either 3 stage operation a collection effi' No Initial target concentration'number/
the second (lower) or third (upper) ciency of 91.4% was obtained. Since unit volume.
spray generators were shut off, a signifi' high water rates frequently necessitate §L Air flow rate
cant reduction in collection was ob' recycling, the accumulated acids in this
t Time.
served in comparison to normal 2 collector (or any wet collector) may pre'
stage operation. Based upon a rated 2 sent a corrosion problem unless neutrali' Va Gas velocity.
spray generator /stage, water demand in zation or precipitation practices are em' VT Target velocity.
these cases was reduced by 25%. Collec ployed. As the percentage of sulfurous
tion efficiencies were reduced from 32 acid in the spray water increases, it is V Approach velocity.
to 20% for iron oxide fume and from expected that the collection efficiency w Water rate.
98 to 96% for copper sulfate micro' would be reduced.
Ei)p Dt Fractional target efficiency for given
spheres. Results of these tests indicate The Effect of Air Velocity and T^umher si2;e parameters.
that the concentration of water droplets of Stages on Pressure Loss
V Target efficiency
is an important factor in multi'Stage Pressure loss data for single and multi'
operation. This agrees with the theoreti' pie stage operation of this collector are pP Particle density.
cal relationship employed by Feild(17) presented in Fig. 7. These values include li Gas viscosity.
between per cent passage and droplet the pressure loss through the vertical exit A Target of average projected area.
concentration. pipe employed as the droplet eliminator.
One spray generator between Venturi At a rated flow of 600 cfm. a pressure Theoretical Discussions
loss of 4.5 in. water was measured for In order to estimate the performance
R. B. Feild. Collection of Aerosol Par- single stage operation. An increase in of any wet collector which depends upon
ticles by Atomized Sprays, AEC Contract pressure loss ranging • from 2 to 3 in. intimate contact of water droplets and
No. AT (30-3) -28, Tech. Rept. No. 5, water/collection stage was found for
Engineering Experimental Sta., Univ. dust particles for air cleaning, the evalu'
Illinois (1951). multi-stage operation at 600 cfm. The ation of individual droplet target effi'
ciencies (for collection of dust particles
TABLE VI of a specified diameter) is of primary
importance. Although various functions
Weight Collection Efficiencies for Various Combinations of Spray Generators during Two
Stage Operation of the Experimental Unit at 9 gpm./Spray Generator and an Air Flow of have been suggested as a means of defin'
600 cfm. at Room Temperature ing target efficiencies*12'16* the impac
tion parameter suggested by Langmuir
Spray Generators Inlet Loading Weight Collection and Blodgett has been employed in this
Aerosol Used'10 gr./lOOO ft.3 Efficiency %
Iron Oxide 1,2 10 19.9
Fume 1.3 14 • 20.6 PpVPp
Target efficiency = v=f '
1,2.3 • 10 30.1 18 fi DT
1,2,3,4 15 31.6
Copper Sulfate 1,2 0.4 86.8 (a)
Microspheres 1,2,3 0.4 98.0 For a given system containing water
1,2,3,4 0.4 98.0 droplets and dust particles, each of uni'
<a> Number refers to a specific spray generator and indicates its location relative to direction form size, the relative (approach) velc
of air flow. city between droplets (targets) and dust
particles determines the target efficiency. plex when gas stream turbulence also in' relationship of the terms defining s in
Therefore, to apply Equation (a) to the fluences particle motion. Equation (f). For decreasing droplet
physical conditions existing in the ex' Once the target efficiency for an indi' diameters, t] increases while V decreases.
perimental washer, the magnitude of ap' vidual droplet is known, the total effi' At the same time the droplet concentra'
proach velocities within the plenum ciency of a segment of the washer may tion is decreasing. Target efficiencies
chamber and Venturi tubes must be be calculated in the following manner. also do not increase appreciably for dust
known. Spray droplets are presumed to The fraction collected for a system in' particles ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 ju. in
leave the spray generators at velocities volving uniform diameter dust particles diam. (representing the major portion
approaching the tangential velocity of and water droplets is expressed by the of fine dust).
the blades. Since the air velocity within following equation(17)
the plenum chamber is low (about 2 It should be noted, however, that the
fps), a high relative velocity between %Dp,Dt = 1 — exp droplet diam. defining average projected
droplets and dust particles is maintained
regardless of spray angle. Average target
efficiencies within the plenum for water
[ — \
4 (b)
area (A) and that describing average
volume (D) are identical only when the
spray is uniform. The proper value for
droplets ranging from 400 to 50/x, in The volume concentration of the the term D T in Equation (f) is the re'
diam. vary from 30 to 42% with respect water droplets increases in a converging ciprocal of the surface area/unit vol.
to 0.5 ii copper sulfate spheres. Al'" gas stream since their inertia prevents (A 2 /D 3 ). This term may be calculated
though droplet Reynolds numbers rang' them from attaining the gas stream velo- from the mean size by count or weight
ing from 335 to 35 actually place the city. Since the mass flow of water must according to the Hatch-Choate Equa'
motion in the intermediate flow range, be constant the spray droplet concentra' tion.(5)
estimation of droplet projection velocities tion at any distance along the Venturi
within the plenum were based upon tur' Comparison of Experimental Washer
relative to the initial value (No) must
bulent flow conditions. This is in accord' with Several Wet Collectors
ance with Dalla Valle's statement,(18) " 1 / follow the relationship
the fluid is in turbulent motion, the mo' Collection efficiency data from a pre-
tion of a particle injected into it will be vious investigation of a mechanical cen-
turbulent regardless of the relative velo' trifugal wet collector are available for
city between the particle and the fluid" Substituting in Equation (b) several of the dusts employed in this
A constant drag coefficient of 0.44 was study. The wet collector studied(7) was
p,Dt = 1 — exp tested at 900 cfm. with a total water
assumed in calculating approach velo'
cities. v Ho ( Va
rate of 6.5 gpm. at 5 to 15 psi. A com'
parison of the collection efficiencies of
The estimation of target efficiency in this collector and the experimental collec
a Venturi tube is difficult due to the tor is shown in Table VII for similar
The initial spray droplet concentration aerosols. Although the present unit has
acceleration and deceleration of the air may be defined in terms of water rate
stream while passing through the Ven' the higher collection efficiency, for one
(w) and gas glow rate (Q). stage operation, the water consumption
turi tube. It is assumed that submicron
dust particles will remain essentially at is considerably higher (4 times). Collec
the same velocity as the accelerating air (e) tion efficiency data for a cyclonic scrub'
stream. The relatively large water drop' ber,(8) a venturi scrubber,(8) and a fog
lets, due to their greater inertia, will lag Substituting in Equation (d) tower,(9) are also shown in Table VII.
the air stream in the converging section The cyclonic. scrubber has a lower effi'
p,Dt = 1 — exp ciency than the experimental washer for
of the Venturi. The droplet velocity lag
(or lead in the diverging section if the a coarser fly ash aerosol, but uses about
initial droplet velocity is sufficiently one'third as much water. The cyclonic
high) will result in a significant ap' scrubber has a higher efficiency for sul'
proach velocity and target efficiency. The integral portion of Equation (f) fur dioxide which may be due, in part,
Experimental measurements are neces' represents the effective length of travel, to the use of a weak alkali spray liquid.
sary to determine the absolute velocity of s, of the water droplet through the gas The venturi scrubber has a much higher
water droplets in accelerating gas streams stream in the plenum chamber or in the collection efficiency for a similarly sized
in order to permit calculation of target Venturi section. iron oxide fume (99%) than the present
efficiencies in a Venturi tube since the unit (22%). It should be noted, how
Application of Equation (f) toward ever, that the test fume generated in this
computation of drag forces becomes com' evaluating the efficiency of the Venturi laboratory was 100% iron oxide in con'
<12> generators near or immediately above trast to mixtures of iron oxide fume and
C. J. Stairmand. Dust Collection by Im- section is feasible if droplet velocities can
pingement and Diffusion, Trans. Inst., mineral dusts encountered in field appli'
Chem. Eng. (London) 28, 30 (1950). be determined at the Venturi inlet. The cations. Furthermore, since the concentra'
I. Langmuir and K. B. Blodgefct. Rept. No. numerical value of s varies by only tion of the fume in the venturi scrubber
RL-225, General Electric Research Lab., ± 2 5 % for droplet diameters ranging was approximately 100 times that used
Schenectady, N. Y. (1944). from 200-50 /x, provided that initial in this study, agglomeration may partially
<14) Handbook on Aerosols, USAEC, Wash- droplet velocities approximate that of account for better collection. The fog
ington, D. C. (1950).
F. D. Ekman and H. F. Johnstone. Ind. the air stream. This is due to the inverse tower appears superior to the experi'
Eng. Chem., 43, 1358 (1951). <17) mental unit in the collection of sulfur
See Footnote 17, page 208.
J. H. Perry. Chemical Engineers Hand- (5>
See Footnote 5, page 206. (8)
book, 3rd ed., p. 1022, McGraw-Hill Book (T)
M. W. First, et al. Air Cleaning Studies, L. C. McCabe. Proc. U. S. Conf. on Air
Co., N. Y. (1950). Progress Rept. AEC Contract No. AT Pollution, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
J. M. Dalla Valle. Micromeritics. 2nd ed., (30-1) 841, USAEC, NYO-1586, Harvard N. Y. (1942).
p. 40, Pitman Publishing Corp. (1948). Univ. (Feb. 1953). See Footnote 9, page 205.

of APCA 209 Vol. 6, No. 4

Comparative Performance of Several Wet Collectors
Run Loading Rate Spray Water Collection
Unit No. Aerosol gr./ft.3(a) Gal/ 3
Liquid Pressure Efficiency
1000 ft. psi %
EXPERIMENTAL 1 Fly Ash 1.65 30 water 7 99.6
One Stage 2 OaCOs 1.5 30 water 7 93.4
Operation 3 Talc 1.5 30 water 7 96.2
4 Vaporized Silica 1.0 30 water 7 96.3
5 Fe2O3 19/1000 30 water 7 21.8
6 H2SO4( b )(mist'coarse) 2.5/1000 30 water 7 95.5
7 H 2 SO 4 30 water 7 <5
8 CuSO4 (microspheres) 0.6/1000 30 water 7 85.0
9 SO2 180 mg./m.3 90 water 7 91.4
Three stage
Mechanical Fly Ash 1 6.5 water 5-15 98.4
Centrifugal Talc 1 6.5 water 5-15 77.1
Wet Collector Vaporised Silica 1 6.5 water 5-15 94.0
CuSO4 (microspheres) 1 6.5 water 5-15 81.1
CYCLONIC SCRUBBER Fly Ash (2-5 + / i ) .5-2.6 3-10 water. 88-98.8
SO2 100-150 mg./m.3 Water+ 94.5-96.8
weak alkali
VENTURI SCRUBBER Fe2O3 (.O2-.5O/*) 1-6 Caustic 99
Humidified SO3, 10.6 mg./m.3 2-6 water
H2SO4 mist water 99.4
3 <c)
FOG TOWER SO2 230 mg./m. 30 Caustic 450 98.3
Chamber process 150 ppm. 70 water 500 99
SO2, SO3. H2SO4 water
<») Unless noted. -t
<t>) Formed by evaporation and condensation of H2SO4—fine particle size.
«=) Stated to be lower for larger unit.
dioxide (98% compared to 91%). How- flow rates. For these reasons comparisons uses a concurrently-directed, pneumatic
ever, the use of caustic solution would among different units should not be in- atomizer in the Venturi inlet, and re-
account in part for the higher efficiency. terpreted too rigidly. quires 0.6 gpm. and approximately 2.9
Collection Efficiency with High hp./lOOO cfm. of air.
Power requirements for one stage • Pressure Hydraulic Spray Nozzles in Because the spray generators were too
operation of the experimental washer Converging Cone of Venturi Tube large to locate within or above the Ven-
are estimated to be 0.1 hp. for water turi tubes, several types of small high
delivery,' 0.5 hp. for air flow (600 cfm.) It appeared that a large fraction of
pressure spray nozzles were substituted
and 3 hp. for spray generator operation, the water spray was removed in the and placed immediately within the Ven-
plenum chamber by settling and impac
a total of 3.6 hp. In comparison,'a 600 turi entry. During this section of the
*tion against the plenum walls according
cfm. Venturi scrubber operating at a to measurements of the volume of water study the standard spray generators were
pressure loss of 20 in. of water is esti- removed by the eliminator section. This not used. Substitution of hydraulic
mated to require 2.0 hp. Three stage factor suggested that location of spray sprays in the entry to the Venturi tube
operation with the present unit utilizing generators near or immediately above of the unit which simulated the basic
5 spray generators, requires approxi- the inlet to the Venturi tubes would design of the Aerojet Venturi Washer
mately 8.5 hp. However, a 3 stage com- provide better collection due to the pres- afforded preliminary evaluation of this
mercial unit is reported to operate at ence of more droplets in the Venturi scrubber and also a comparison of sev-
4.0 hp. section. In fact, this principle has been eral types of hydraulic nozzles.
It is difficult to compare directly employed • in a foreign commercial ver- Table VIII furnishes the manufactur-
many types of wet collectors since avail- sion of the experimental collector and (11) ers ratings and a brief description of
able performance data are often based also in the Aerojet Venturi Washer the various nozzles tested in the Venturi
upon a variety of aerosols and different for which 98.3% efficiency for carbon section of the experimental collector.
inlet loadings, air flow rates and water bkck has been reported. The latter unit Type, number and orientation of spray
TABLE VIII nozzles, total water delivery, water pres-
sure and collection efficiency for the
Description of Commercial Nozzles Tested in Modified Collector copper sulfate aerosol described pre-
Delivery viously are shown in Table IX. Air flow
Code N o . •' •*•• at 100 psi Description of Operation was held constant at 600 cfm., corres-
gpm.- ponding to a 12000 fpm. Venturi throat
AA6FC 2.3 Spray formed by shearing of velocity. The pressure drop was found
continuous spiral sheet
., from single jet to be practically independent of nozzle
B12FC - 9.5 operation for concurrent sprays. In all
P120 3.8 Impingement upon pin of concurrent spray tests the spray nozzles
single jet from nozzle. discharged 1 to 2 in. below the entry to
J. B. 0.31 , Whirling fluid passes through the Venturi section. During the counter-
No. 2-i/2 Hard orifice in disc to produce (11)
Center ' . ' • * .

fine spray R. M. Boucher. The Industrial Chemist

(Feb. 1953). .


current spray test the nobles discharged TABLE IX
8 in. below the entry to the Venturi. Collection Efficiency for Copper Sulfate with High Pressure Hydraulic Spray
Nozzle operation data described in (Nozzles Located Within Venturi Tubes at 600 cfm.)
Table IX show that collection efficiency Run Nozzle Power Total Collection
generally varied directly with water rate No. Type Water - Required Water Efficiency
V—'I ICilUaUiUil
(hydrostatic pressure) for a given nozzle. (see Pressure for Pumps Delivery %
This is attributed to 2 factors. There is Table VIII) psi H.P. gpm.
1 AA6FC Concurrent 100 0.128 2.2 33.3
an increase in water droplet concentra' 7 AA6FC 400 1.07 4.6 68.7
tion due to a higher water flow and for 3 P120 100 0.227 3.9 56.4
the same water volume more droplets 6 P120 300 1.152 6.6 65.8
are obtained due to a reduction in drop' 4 J.B.2-l/2 100 0.019 0.32 39.8
8 3 J.B.2'i/2 400 0.453 1.95 65.9
let size of the spray. It should be noted 5 J.B.2-1/2 400 0.151 0.65 21.6
that the J. B. nozzle showed a higher 2 B12FC 75 0.345 7.9 55.0
collection efficiency at the lower pressure 9 2 AA6FC Countercurrent 300 1.40 8.0 72.2
and water rate (39.8% at 100 psi.)
than at the higher pressure and ciency averaged 75%. Therefore, as a cant decrease in penetration (increase
water rate (21.6% at 400 psi). rough approximation, the Venturi tube in efficiency). For the aerosols studied, a
These data are not inconsistent with removed about 15% of the entering dust doubling of the water rate produced a
theory, however, since Johnstone(19) and loading when 9 gpm. of water was de- 50% decrease in penetration.
Stairmand(12) point out that there exists livered to the upstream plenum.
a lower limit in spray droplet size below 3. Collection efficiency varies in-
which individual spray droplet impaction On the other hand Table IX shows versely with air flow rate for fine par-
efficiency decreases. Although the im- that efficiencies in the order of 50% ticulates indicating that collision of water
paction efficiency varies inversely with are obtainable at lower water rates with droplets and dust particles is the primary
the target diameter, it also varies directly the spray device at the Venturi inlet. collecting mechanism. A 15% increase
with the approach velocity of the par' This figure takes into account that about in efficiency (82.8 to 95.2%) was noted
tide to be collected. Since droplets < 100 10 to 15% of the total dust load will be for a 50% decrease in air flow (800 to
H in diam. have small free settling veloci' separated inertially prior to entering the
Venturi. Significant collection in the 400 cfm.), with copper sulfate.
ties, the approach velocity between dust
particles and water droplets becomes very downstream plenum appears unlikely 4. The relationship between efficiency
small, thus reducing target efficien' since entrained water droplets in this and number of collection stages is ap'
cies(12). section no longer have high velocities
relative to the main airstream. proximated empirically by the log'penc
tration law.
The manufacturers1 specifications de' The data of Table IX do not neces'
scribe the J. B. nozzle as a /og'tvpe which, sarily represent optimum performance 5. Operation of the final spray gen'
in terms of the largest particles present for any one nozzle arrangement. How erator with multistage operation does
in a natural sea fog, indicates' a 40 /J. not appear practical since no significant
ever, they do indicate that the effective'
size range. The fact that the J. B. nozzle gain in collection efficiency was noted.
showed reduced efficiency at high pres' ness of Venturi sections are a direct func Removal of the final spray generator
sure was attributed to a significant de' tion of the water droplet concentration,
crease in spray droplet size which de' (with the exception of the J. B. nozzle). caused a large reduction in water carry
creased the target efficiency. Simul' A direct comparison of nozzles is not over.
taneously, a variation in spray pattern justified since the cone angle determines 6. Water volume and power require-
with pressure may cause a larger, fraction the volume of water that will impinge
of the droplets to impinge upon the walls upon tube walls and be removed from ments for spray generation apparatus are
of the Venturi or to be swept aside, thus the airstream. Future studies in this labo' higher for the experimental washer than
reducing the effective number of drop' ratory will be directed toward use of those for many common wet collectors
lets in the gas stream. the spray generator or nozzles located at without appearing to offer a proportion'
the entry to Venturi section. ate increase in collection efficiency. H o w
On the basis of data obtained with ever, the non'dogging characteristics of
several;types of hydraulic nozzles, it ap' Conclusions the spray generators may eliminate the
pearedthat introducing water sprays in 1. Collection efficiency is not mark' need for elaborate filtering apparatus
the Venturi inlet resulted in higher col'
lection for this section of the experi' edly increased by high inlet concentra' and thus permit the economic recycling
mental washer. For example, in using tions for coarse, and usually readily of the spent spray water in regions of
the downstream spray generator alone captured particulates such as fly ash. sparse water supply.
with single stage operation, the copper Finer dusts, calcium carbonate, show a 7. Separate evaluation of the Venturi
sulfate efficiency was 64%. In this case distinct improvement in collection at high
the Venturi tube saw no water. Further' loadings due to the effective increase in tube with spray nozzles located in the
more, operation as a dry settling cham' particle diameter brought about by ag' inlet show that collection efficiency in
ber (no water sprays) showed 10 to glomerate formations. Collector ratings this section is increased significantly, al-
2 1 % copper sulfate removal. With the upon a basis of per cent penetration though total water rates are much lower
upstream spray alone, collection effi' show a slight decrease for fly ash and a than employed with spray generator
operation. During normal operation of
significant reduction (58%) in effluent
(12) the unit, most of the dust is removed in
See Footnote 12, page 208. concentration for calcium carbonate.
H. F. Johnstone, M. N. Roberts, Ind. and the spray plenums. This is due to a water
Eng. Chem., 41, 2417 (1949). 2. Increased water rates cause a signifi- droplet deficiency in the Venturi tubes.

of APCA 211 Vol. 6, No. 4

A Study of A Multiple Venturi Wet Collector
Written Discussion
E. L. Krieble
Phoenix Iron & Steel Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Mr. Chairman, in the first place I would celled if the particle is subjected to some heat
like to congratulate the authors on the ex' emission bringing its surface temperature to
cellent manner in which this work was per' a value higher than that of the saturation
formed and also on a very comprehensive and temperature of the gas. This can happen in
well executed report on this new type dust the case of pyrophoric dusts or mists. In the (2)
collector. iron oxide production for the creation of
There are certain comments I would like artificial fume, some elemental iron may enter Ref. Fluid Mechanics; Dodge 6? Thompson
to make pertaining to the report which may the venturi and oxidize, releasing heat which First Ed. p. 373. Substituting equation (1) in
assist in the understanding of this principle will prevent condensation of water on its sur' equation (2) the following results:
of gas washing. face. The same condition can result with par'
The authors, in developing their theory, tides of concentrated sulphuric acid or sul'
assume that the water droplets leave the spray phur trioxide fumes. The increasing tempera' v2 Vi - ~Y=i {__ -T7_J
generator at approximately the tangential ture of the particle is all the more important or:
velocity of the blade. If this is the case and as the particle becomes smaller since the ratio
the spray is thrown off the periphery of the of the mass to the condensation surface is Vt' — Vi f = 2 Ci'
blade wheel, the water spray would leave at a proportional to the diameter. This effect,
greater angle than actually is found. Rather, negligible with 4 ju diam. particles, becomes 8
the spray is generated by impaction with the times more important with 0.5 fi diam. par' Call Ti — T 2 , AT
blades and leaves the generator in a more tides and may thoroughly prevent any con' (3)
forward direction, shortly thereafter being densation. then:
airborne at essentially the velocity of the gas
stream. I have a photo here showing the Another factor in the tests on iron oxide 2 Ci' AT
spray produced by a single jet of a spray is the particle size itself. The present indus-
generator to show this forward motion of the trial applications are concerned with particles (4)
spray at what we consider a much lower larger than the finest particles used in these
velocity than the tip speed of the blade. tests. As an example: 3 stages of washing on For small values of AT and with Vi small in
(Fig. 1). blast furnace gas with a mean diam. of 0.1 (i comparison to V2 we will write equation (4)
by count and a mean diam. of 2 p. by mass as
The authors state that the temperature drop 2 C/ AT
in the venturi throat is quite small and that and a standard deviation of 4 resulted in a Vt' = where AT = Ti — T2
the short retention time in this zone appears 99.9% weight efficiency removal. This does i (\~ 1)
to eliminate condensation of water on the not mean that finer particles cannot be r e
moved; however, certain modifications would Assume Vg =50 meters/sec, or 164 ft./sec.
dust particles as an important factor in col' Ci = Velocity of sound in air @
lection. be required.
It is true, we have calculations to show 68°F. = 1050 ft./sec.
that this temperature drop amounts to only I have a set of calculations pertaining to Ti = 68 + 460 — 528°R.
0.81°F. However, we also calculate on the this discussion on temperature drop and con' \ ~ C P = 1.408 for air.
same basis that this drop is sufficient to con' densation which are too lengthy to go into at Cv (5)
dense 0.0136 gm. of water/ft.3 of saturated this time. However, I wish to present them (164)' = 2 x (1050)' (AT)
gas on the dust particle surfaces which act to the Chairman of this meeting as a part of
this written discussion. 528 (1.408—1)
as condensation nuclei. AT =2.63°R or °F since AT is con-
If this quantity of water is distributed on For a Reversible Adiabatic Process: cerned.
the surface of equal sized 1 fi diam. spherical This shows a decrease in temperature of
particles, it will give the following thickness of 2.63°F. in the fluid from a point upstream
water film on each particle, assuming a par' Pi of the venturi to a point in the throat of
tide specific gravity of 1.2. At a loading of the venturi.
0.02 gr./ft.33 0.7 fi water film. At a loading (1)
of 2 gr./ft. 0.022 /z water film. Other par' This condition would exist if the fluid
For flow through venturi the following equa' behaved as a perfect gas mixture with no
tide sizes will have film thicknesses in pro- tion will apply for compressible fluids:
portion to the particle diam. condensation taking place. Such is not the
The transformation of dry dust particles case.
into droplets of water containing the dust Let us now estimate the enthalpy difference
may be obtained by mere condensation on for this difference in temperature with ini'
their surface if there is a large expansion tially saturated air at 68°F. (no condensa-
and a sufficiently long time. A similar result tion ).
can be obtained in a much shorter time in a Sat'd air contains 0.01471 Ib. water vapor/lb.
2'phase process: dry air.
First, by condensing a very thin layer of CP for dry air — 0.24 Btu./lb./°F.
water on the particle surface; CP for water vapor — 0.44 Btu./lb./°F.
2.63 x [0.24 4- 0.44 (0.01471)} = 0.646
Second, agglomeration between a droplet Btu./lb. dry air -{- H2O vapor.
of mist in the gas stream and this particle At 68°F. 1 Ib. dry air-\-water vapor to saturate
of dust with a thin layer of water on its it occupies 13.61 ft.'
We believe that these two phases take place jj^j= 0.0475 Btu./ft.3 saturated air.
in succession in the venturi section; the first
phase in the throat, the second phase in the As a matter of fact condensation does oc-
expansion section. If condensation does not cur to follow the saturation curve.
occur, the agglomeration between dry dust Psychometric tables give approximately
and water mist is quite low. 0.8 Btu./lb. dry air difference in total heat
We note 2 abnormally low efficiencies in for a change of 1°F. in the range of 68°F.
the results; namely, the runs on iron oxide for saturated air.
and .fine sulphuric acid fumes. 0.8
It is the considered opinion of our assc ]3 6 1 = 0.0587 Btu./ft.7°F.AT.
ciates having the experience of some thirty
diversified commercial applications of this Since above we have calculated available
principle that the condensation effect is can' Fig. 1. as total heat only 0.0475 Btu./ft.3 we may


estimate the actual temperature drop in the 103.0 — 95.9 densed/ft.' sat'd air for venturi condition
venturi to be the ratio of the heats available • = 3.55 gr. HeO vapor con' with 0.81°F. temperature drop.
as calculated above or: densed/°F./lb. dry an Pi = Pressure before venturi section lb./ft.J
3.SS P« r= Pressure in venturi throat lb./ft.s
0.047S = 0.261 gr. HgO condensed/ft.' satw Ti = Absolute temperature before venturi
AT (actual) =
0.0587 = 0.81 °F. 13.61
ated air/°F. section, °R.
Since the condensation condition was cal' or Tg = Absolute temperature in venturi throat,
culated for 1°F. 0.261 °R.
At 68°F. saturated air contains 103.0 15.43 = 0.01685 gm. HgO condensed/ft.1 Vi = Velocity of gas before venturi section,
grains IfoO/lb. dry air. At 66°F. saturated sat'd air/°F. ft./sec.
air contains 95.9 gr. H2O/lb. dry air. 0.81 x 0.01685 — 0.0136 gm. HzO con' Vs = Velocity of gas in venturi throat, ft./sec.

A Study of a Multiple Venturi Wet Collector

Authors' Closure
Edward Kristal, Richard Dennis and Leslie Silverman
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, Mass.

We thank Mr. Krieble and the Phoenix Since experimental data indicate that the in 0.03 sec. according to Sinclair Handboo\
Iron and Steel Company for providing a plenum section (acting as a simple spray on Aerosols. However, this phenomena would
speially fabricated unit adaptable to laboratory washing tower) removes most of the dust, occur naturally before the fume ever reached
testing. In reply to Mr. Krieble's comments, the function of the Venturi as a particle con' the collector or Venturi tubes. In addition,
experimental data obtained since formal prc ditioning device does not appear to be an the large water droplets would have no effect
sentation of this paper contradict certain important factor in the performance of this on the Brownian diffusion or coagulation
aspects of his discussion. particular collector. process because of their size and minimal
In regard to spray generator performance, The theoretical maximum quantity of concentration (4 x 10s droplets/ml.). Even
our studies on a single unit indicated that water condensed upon the dust particles based if the average fume diam. increased to 0.1 p
initial droplet velocities are close to the tan- upon actual temperature measurements is (representing a 1000 fold decrease in number
gential blade velocity. Spray photographs about the same3 as predicted by Mr. Krieble concentration) the presence of the water
indicated a mean droplet diam. of 400 p, and (0.0136 gm./ft. of gas). However, he states droplets would have no bearing on agglomera'
an average projection height of 5 ft. Based that the condensation process, which is limited tion. Therefore, any dust contacting that oc'
on the theoretical trajectory, the heights to to the converging Venturi section, produces curs within the Venturis must be due to
which 200 and 500 yt droplets will rise when a very thin layer of water on the particle sw inertial mechanisms. Calculations not shown
the projection velocity is 150 fps. are 2.5 faces. We acknowledge that such wetting in the present paper indicate that significant
and 6.7 ft., respectively; the assumption that might insure better cohesion between dust collection of 1 p. particles is theoretically
V o is approximately 150 fps. is justified. particles and water droplets when they collide possible in the Venturi tubes if the droplet
Under these circumstances, the* water droplets but emphasize the fact that mere wetting does concentrations are sufficiently high. These
must travel at high velocities relative to that not alter the mechanics of the contacting data will appear in an extended study at a
of the gas stream within the plenum and process. later date.
therefore be responsible for a very significant The agglomeration effects mentioned by It was also pointed out by Mr. Krieble that
part of the total dust removal attained within Mr. Krieble only become important when certain pyrophoric dusts or mists (Fe2O3 or
the collector. Data reported in this paper for particle concentrations are very high or r e H2SO4) may not acquire a liquid film due
dry Venturi operation (no upstream spray) tention time is very long. The concentration to localized heat emission. If this is true it
indicate 60 to 70% removal of copper sulfate of an iron oxide aerosol with a mean size of3 is difficult to see how one can expect satis'
particles in a single downstream plenum 0.0112 jit at an initial concentration of 1 gr./ft. factory collection of such dusts if surface
chamber using but one spray generator. (10 particles/ml.) would be reduced 90% wetting is considered a necessary adjunct.

of APCA 213 Vol. 6, No. 4

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