Motor Carrier: Oregon Department of Transportation Motor Carrier Transportation Division

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Motor Carrier Transportation Division

Oregon Department of Transportation
Quarterly Issue I, Volume 1, April 2019
Motor Carrier Transportation Division, Oregon Department of Transportation
Quarterly Issue I, Volume 1, April 2019

In this issue ...

Looking Back: 2018 in Review ........................... Page 4

Customer Service Survey Results ........................... Pages 4-5

Looking Ahead: Summer 2019 .......................... Page 6

MCTD Mobility Team and 2019 ........................... Pages 6-7

Construction Season

Fire and Farm Season ........................... Page 8

Know Before You Go ........................... Page 8

2019 Legislative Session ........................... Page 9

Safety Focus: Truck-at-Fault Crashes ........................... Page 10

Oregon Commercial Truck Parking ........................... Page 11


Safety Focus: Hours of Service (HOS) ........................... Page 12

Oregon Trucking Online ........................... Page 13

Oversize Load Restrictions for ........................... Page 14

Memorial Day Weekend

Over-Dimension Operations ........................... Page 15

SIPP Program Trainings ........................... Page 15

Annual OD Permits ........................... Page 15

Safety-Enforcement Quarterly Report ........................... Pages 16-18

Contact MCTD .......................... Page 19


Motor Carrier Transportation Division highlight the ways in which our Oregon
(MCTD) supports ODOT’s mission Trucking Online service brings permit
by promoting a safe, efficient, and processing, tax reporting and payment,
responsible commercial transportation and other transactions as close as the
industry. We are continually nearest computer, making it easier
developing innovative strategies to for companies to keep on trucking in
simplify regulatory processes and Oregon.
improve the way we do business in this
state. And finally, we highlight ways in which
over-dimension permitting can be
In this issue, you will see how our made easier, and much more!
enforcement officers are making
Oregon’s roads and highways some of We hope you find our newsletter
the safest in the nation, and how our helpful and informative. If you have
mobility team works to ensure traffic suggestions, please take a moment
delays and freight restrictions are to email comments regarding how to
minimized while work zone safety is make it even better.
emphasized for highway construction
and maintenance work. Welcome, and thank you for reading!

We pride ourselves on customer service

and are continually looking for ways to Amy Ramsdell
improve our services. Thus, we Administrator
At Motor Carrier, we want to better It is our goal to ensure that you know
communicate with our customers by what you need to know, when you need
finding the best ways to share to know it.
important information and by making
all information more readily available Whether you are a longtime reader or
and easy for you to access. new to Motor Carrier News, we would
love to hear any feedback or
Part of this commitment involves us suggestions you might have regarding
shifting our newsletter publication to a what you would like to see in our
quarterly schedule. We believe a newsletter. We publish this newsletter
quarterly newsletter will help our in service to you, the reader, so we want
readers better plan ahead for important to make sure we are providing the
industry and agency deadlines, events, information, news, and stories you
and happenings. want to see.

We will also increase our use of other If you have any feedback for the
platforms such as social media, email newsletter or any other MCTD
alerts, Trucking Online, and our new communications, please feel free to
MCTD News page to communicate any email Jason, our new Communications
breaking news or alerts. Specialist, at jason.lawrence@odot.



2018 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The staff in our Salem Motor Carrier to allow agents of the motor carriers
Services Section are responsible to do business on their behalf more
for registering motor carriers for efficiently, which should assist in
movement within Oregon. There are keeping up with a growing number
over 450,000 commercial vehicles and complexity of phone calls. By
registered to operate in Oregon. Over enhancing our online offerings, we
45,000 of those vehicles are Oregon- are able to offer carriers a full array of
based vehicles. services.

We seek to provide all carriers with The Motor Carrier Transportation

superior customer service. Our goal is Division sends out a customer
to make sure that we are a full contact satisfaction survey every two years
center and that motor carriers can asking customers about our service
conduct transactions through their and seeking to identify areas for
preferred method: through expanded improvement.
online services, or by phone, mail,
fax, or in person. We currently offer As a Key Performance Measure,
more than 110 different transactions ODOT asks all survey respondents to
or data searches. More than 27,000 rate MCTD on six aspects of service:
trucking companies are registered to timeliness, accuracy, helpfulness,
use our online services. Carriers can expertise, availability of information,
even acquire all necessary credentials and overall service.
to operate internationally thanks to
our participation in the International MCTD’s customer service survey
Registration Plan and the International responses continue to hold steady with
Fuel Tax Agreement. between 81-90 percent of surveyed
customers rating their overall MCTD
With growth in transactions, we have experience as Excellent or Good.
utilized technology to improve our
customer service levels. We have We thank everyone who responded and
implemented the new Oregon state look forward to continuing to improve
government phone system, utilizing our service!
available features to enhance customer
service. We have added a call back The full survey results can be found
feature, account status features, and online here.
enhanced routing. This is designed
to reduce the time customers spend Here we present some of the notable
on the phone. We also intend to results from our 2018 customer
further enhance our online offerings, satisfaction survey.

Over 80% of respondents rated the 77% of respondents rate our availability
timeliness, accuracy, helpfulness, and of information as Excellent or Good.
expertise of MCTD staff as Excellent or
Eighty-three (83) percent of respondents rated the overall service of our
registration permit analysts as Excellent or Good, with 92 percent saying
registration staff were flexible in accommodating their needs. Further, 98
percent said they were professional and courteous.

Of drivers inspected by Motor Carrier Respondents subject to an audit gave

Enforcement Officers (MCEOs), 74 high marks to our audit staff:
percent rated the overall service as
Excellent or Good, and 87 percent said • 95% said that MCTD audit staff were
that inspectors gave clear instructions professional and courteous
about making repairs and handling • 79% rated their overall service as
inspection forms. Of drivers cited or Excellent or Good
warned by MCEOs: • Nearly 90% believed their audits were
fair, impartial, and completed in a
• 92% said MCEOs are professional and timely manner
courteous • 84% said the auditor was helpful
• 84% said MCEOs demonstrate good and offered tips on improving
judgment and common sense recordkeeping in the future
• 84% said MCEOs enforce size and
weight regulations fairly

Improved Central Safety and Compliance


Through the utilization of technology Three out of four respondents (75%)

and improvements to Trucking believe that the Motor Carrier Safety
Online, we have been able to meet Program has a positive effect on
service targets with fewer full-time highway safety and that Safety
staff. Compliance Reviews are a positive
influence on compliance.

Over-Dimension Green Light Program


Over-dimension analysts were Participants were highly satisfied

rated Excellent/Good by 71% of overall:
respondents, with 86% saying they • 96% said the program is easy to use
were professional and courteous. • 81% said it saves time
• 87% said it saves money
• 82% of participants said they would
participate in the program even
if their first transponders had not
been free


MCTD’s Mobility Team Gears Up for Construction Season

ODOT’s most essential function is to The unit’s responsibilities include:
provide safe mobility for people and
goods across Oregon. To that end, •Analyzing project plans for mobility
MCTD’s Statewide Mobility Program and work zone safety impacts that
is working to ensure traffic delays require stakeholder review;
and freight restrictions are minimized
while work zone safety is emphasized •Facilitating Mobility Advisory
for highway construction and Committee meetings with stakeholders;
maintenance work.
•Providing training on mobility policies
Mobility staff coordinate with ODOT and procedures; and
Project Delivery teams to review
projects for impacts to work zone •Reviewing and publishing restriction
safety and mobility, including design notices to the trucking industry.
issues, size and weight restrictions,
delays, road closures, and detours. For more information on the Mobility
Program, visit us online here.
“The work that we do is important for
both work zone safety and Oregon’s Looking forward to the summer
economy,” said Mobility Program construction season, remember
Manager Christy Jordan. “Keeping that TripCheck is your most up-to-
freight and people moving safely date source of information for route
and efficiently depends on our conditions.
ability to effectively communicate
and coordinate construction and Here we highlight some upcoming
maintenance activities.” construction projects that may be of
interest for Oregon carriers.

MCTD’s Mobility Team (L to R):

Nikki Bakkala, Mobility Operations
Program Coordinator; Yvonne
Wolf, Mobility Program Specialist;
Christy Jordan, Mobility Program
Manager; Kyle Knuth, Mobility
Program Specialist; Katie Scott,
Mobility Operations Program
Coordinator; Manny Boswell,
Mobility Program Analyst; Bill
Gross, Mobility Program Training

I-5 Woodburn to Salem Paving Project: Did You Know?
This pavement preservation project
will repave 12.4 miles of I-5 between
Woodburn and Salem. It also includes ​ DOT staff collaborate and
the resurfacing of six bridges south of communicate with key stakeholders
the Brooks Interchange. Construction to create plans and designs that are in
will begin later this summer. More harmony with highway user demands
details can be found online here. while maintaining mobility and safety.
By sharing upcoming construction
I-5: Marquam Bridge Electrical and project information and maintenance
Lighting Replacement Project: This work with the stakeholders, we can
project will replace the existing forecast potential conflicts and resolve
electrical and lighting systems for issues together.
both the upper and lower decks of the
Marquam Bridge. The bridge deck Our key stakeholders include
lighting fixtures, navigation channel, members from:
and pier lighting will be updated • Oregon Trucking Association
to modern LED technology. These • Association of General Contractors
upgrades will increase reliability, • Oregon Manufactured Housing
improve water navigation and freeway Association
user safety, and reduce maintenance • American Automobile Association
and operating costs. Construction will • Freight haulers from the heavy haul
begin later this summer. More details industry
can be found online here.

I-84: Ladd Canyon Freight & Culvert U.S. 97 Passing Lanes: Overall demand
Improvement Project: The purpose of continues to increase along U.S. 97 and
this project is to improve traffic flow it continues to absorb an increasing
and safety along the two-mile-long, amount of freight traffic, as well as
6 percent grade of I-84 through Ladd a backup route in case the interstate
Canyon, and upgrade several culverts highway is closed. As I-5 becomes
to improve fish passage for Ladd busier and more congested, its likely
Creek and Brush Creek. The slow lane freight traffic will migrate to U.S.
resurfacing work and expansion of fast 97 in search of a quicker and safer
lane shoulders between Ladd Canyon route. This project will add additional
and La Grande is needed to extend the passing lanes to the U.S. 97 corridor
useful life of the pavement and provide near Chemult in Klamath County.
safer shoulder areas. More details can Construction will begin later this
be found online here. summer. More details can be found
online here.



Fire Season Farm Season

Like many states in the West, Oregon For many Oregon farmers, summer is
has seen an increase in the number the busiest time of year.
and size of wildfires in recent years.
Sometimes farms have land spread
The past two summers have seen over a wide region, and farmers must
wildfires that forced thousands of drive large, slow-moving equipment or
Oregonians to evacuate and destroyed trucks on rural roads or highways to
or threatened homes and businesses. reach a field.

Wildfires happen most frequently Driving a large piece of equipment on a

during the hot, dry months of July, highway is legal and often a necessary
August, and September, but can occur part of harvest.
any time of year if temperatures are
unusually high and rainfall is low. The Oregon Farm Bureau offers their
Rural Road Safety brochure that has
If you’re traveling in Oregon, it’s good many helpful reminders on safely
to know what to do if a wildfire occurs sharing the road with farmers.
during your trip.
Additionally, it is important for farmers
If there are active wildfires in Oregon, to remember that farm trucking
visit ODOT’s TripCheck to check for in Oregon is a regulated activity.
potential road closures or detours, Regardless of how farmers use their
and the Northwest Interagency trucks, safety regulations may apply.
Coordination Center web page to see if Read the ODOT Guide to Farm Trucking
the area you plan to visit is affected by in Oregon and find more information
the fire. online here.

Know Before You Go

Stay up to date on Check TripCheck before Sign up for GovDelivery

mobility information hitting the road. and FLASH ALERTS
online here. to ensure the latest
information year round.

Legislative Update

The first nine weeks of the 2019 Though there may be a few more bills
legislative session are now behind us, added between now and the end of
and our Division has been working hard session - a few committees are exempt
with the ODOT Government Relations from the deadline (joint committees,
team analyzing all transportation- Rules, etc.) - the 2019 legislative
related bills that have been introduced. universe is now fairly well defined.

The deadline for new bills to be Thus far, there are a number of bills
introduced has passed, and as of that that ODOT Government Relations is
deadline there were over 2,300 bills in currently watching, and a few of which
play! have particular relevance for MCTD and
motor carrier’s operating in Oregon.

Here are some quick notes on transportation-related bills this session:

HB 2007 would require all medium– 15, 2020 to shift to electronic records
and heavy-duty trucks to meet 2010 and utilize electronic signatures.
emission standards.
HB 3023 would establish statewide
Older trucks may initially meet these regulations for “transportation network
standards through retrofitting with companies” like Uber and Lyft.
emissions filters, but after a grace
period, all trucks will have to have 2010 And finally, SB 56 comes directly from a
engines or newer. concept introduced by ODOT.

The bill would also require proof of This bill would eliminate the
compliance with emissions standards requirement for ODOT to issue, and for
to be carried by operator at all times. operators to carry, a paper tax receipt
in their vehicle.
SB 443 would require all vehicles to use
headlights whenever a vehicle is being All carriers would still register to pay
driven on a highway; failure to do so their weight-mile tax like always,
would be a Class B traffic violation. and ODOT/MCTD would enforce that
requirement by continued use of the
SB 397 would grant ODOT the authority existing electronic database.
to set the speed limits of highways
outside of city jurisdictions, including For more information on these - and
the choice to declare different speeds all bills that have been proposed in
for different classes of vehicles if the Legislature - visit the Oregon
necessary. Legislative Information System (OLIS)
online here.
SB 240 would require that all State
agencies submit a plan by September

Safety Focus: Truck-At-Fault Crashes

According to federal statistics, Oregon people were injured in truck crashes
ranks first nationally in inspector - 49 more than in 2016. A total of 51
proficiency in detecting and placing people were killed.
deficient drivers out of service.
Based on the analysis of crash data, we
MCTD takes a data-driven approach to place an increased effort on the leading
safety enforcement, utilizing federal cause of truck-at-fault crashes: driver
and state safety data to identify Safety fitness. More than 96 percent of truck-
Corridors and increase the efficiency at-fault accidents are NOT the result of
of our operations. It is our goal to focus mechanical defect and are attributable
our efforts where needed, allowing to driver error or qualification. We
compliant carriers to operate without continue to address mechanical
unnecessary interruptions. issues as well and provide education
and outreach to trucking industry
We have been working with local law mechanics. We have observed a
enforcement to target driver behaviors reduction in crashes since we changed
that lead to truck-at-fault crashes. We our approach. While crash rates
have entered into agreements with climbed from 2015-2017, they appeared
27 city and county law enforcement to be trending back down in 2018.
agencies to address driver behavior,
with increased emphasis on the While we wait for the full analysis of
corridors that see the most truck-at- 2018 numbers, Motor Carrier News
fault crashes. would like to take a moment to remind
drivers to be mindful of fatigue, alert
There were a total of 1,693 truck to changing weather conditions, and
crashes in 2017 - 181 more than in 2016. always follow speed limits.
It was determined that the truck was
at-fault in 946 of the crashes - 175 more Many helpful reminders from FMSCA
than in 2016. In 2017, a total of 628 can be found online here.

1,693 56% 5%
Truck-Involved Were Truck-at- Increase from
Crashes in 2017 Fault Crashes the Previous

VMT = vehicle
miles traveled

Oregon Commercial Truck Parking Study
Commercial truck drivers often can’t The project will allow ODOT to better
find safe and adequate parking when plan parking infrastructure and thereby
they need to rest. MAP-21 (the Moving better serve both the trucking industry
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century and Oregon’s overall economy.
Act of 2012) contains specific language
to address the nation’s shortage of The study began in January 2019 and
long-term truck parking along the is expected to be completed in January
National Highway System. 2020.

Oregon is no exception, where some

rest areas are experiencing higher
demands for truck parking that cannot
currently be accommodated. The
Oregon Commercial Truck Parking
Study, or OCTPS, will analyze truck
parking issues on the key freight
corridors of the state.

The study will examine capacity,

safety, and convenience to truck
drivers and determine where additional
truck parking is needed.

Primary tasks:
• Review commercial truck parking demand for truck parking using the
studies prepared by other states methodology selected above, video
and FHWA, including the 2017 ODOT sessions, stakeholder input, and
study, “Truck Parking: An Emerging annual freight growth rates.
Safety Hazard to Highway Users.”
• Identify gaps in the study corridors
• Determine the highways to be for the existing and future truck
included in the study based on parking demand in order to describe
factors including freight route where and when the demand exceeds
designations, freight hubs, and truck the capacity.
• Conduct a stakeholder survey to
• Identify data available and determine collect user opinions and other
the metrics and methodology that information regarding truck parking
will be used to measure the extent in the study corridors.
of the problem currently and in the
future. • Identify low-cost recommendations
for addressing truck parking issues
• Develop an inventory of designated and needs and opportunities for
truck parking locations, both public public-private-partnerships to
and private, including private truck provide strategic enhancements to
stops, rest areas, freeway ramps, the truck parking system, including
shoulders, pullouts, and weigh emerging technologies such as real-
stations. time parking availability systems,
innovative supply expansion options,
• Estimate current and future and potential funding sources.

Safety Focus: Hours of Service

As you know, safety is of the utmost protecting drivers from harassment
importance for us at Motor Carrier, so and coercion by ensuring they get the
much of what we do revolves around rest they need to drive safely.
safety compliance. You can find Unfortunately, compared to previous
MCTD’s driver and motor carrier safety years we find that the number of
page online here. drivers attempting to falsify their
logbooks has not reduced yet.
Each year, we perform inspections at
strategic locations throughout the state “MCTD inspectors have been doing
to monitor driver hours of service (HOS) an exemplary job figuring out the
rules compliance. tricks of bad actors on Oregon roads”,
said Howard Russell, MCTD Safety
The first of these operations for 2019 Enforcement Manager. “It’s been a
focused on the I-5 corridor, where tough slog and no doubt will continue
driver inspections occurred at sites to be so.”
including Ashland, Cascade Locks, and
Woodburn. In this first operation, we completed 763
total inspections and found 222 of those
The federal mandate on electronic drivers in noncompliance.
logging devices (ELDs) in MAP-21 (the
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st The national driver out of service (OOS)
Century Act of 2012) took effect last rate is 5.51%. In our first HOS operation
year, with the purpose of saving drivers of the year, our inspectors placed 29%
and carriers valuable time and money, of drivers OOS, showing yet again why
while improving safety and making Oregon ranks first nationally in safety
compliance a much easier task. enforcement.

ELDs improve efficiency through Drivers and carriers can find all the
eliminating time-consuming information they need regarding HOS
paperwork and utilizing technology to rules and ELDs online here and here.
increase record-keeping accuracy. And for more information on safety rules
Additionally, safety is improved by and recordkeeping go here and here.

763 222 29%

Total Drivers Placed Total
Inspections OOS OOS Rate

Oregon Trucking Online
Services available at Oregon Trucking Online allow you to manage
your account, pay your taxes, get your permits, process your IFTA
and IRP transactions, and renew your plates, all from the comfort
of your office or home. Once you have a registered account, you
can operate on permanent tax credentials and handle nearly all of
your needs online.

Why use Trucking Online? Consider these advantages:

Trucking Online is free, When tax rates change, There’s no waiting on

secure, and available TOL automatically the phone. Handle your
24/7 year round. updates for those business when you want
changes so you don’t without waiting.
have to. Just enter your
miles and let TOL do the

You can print or save You get instant results, TOL makes things easy
documents directly from no waiting. and saves you time and
your account. money!

Trucking Online in 2018:

• In 2018, over 138,000 Oregon weight receipts were issued through TOL.

• Over 250,000 Oregon weight receipts were renewed through TOL.

• Over 200,000 weight-mile tax payments were filed through TOL.

• That’s over 588,000 transactions processed through TOL, saving

carriers time and money by making their recordkeeping processes
fast, secure, and easy to do!

You can find more information online here and register your account


Oversize Load Restrictions

for Memorial Day 2019
From Memorial Day to Labor Day, Further, triple trailers, mobile/modular
overwidth loads can’t move in Oregon homes, towed units, long logs, poles
during the daytime after Noon on and piling, and non-divisible overwidth
Saturdays and all day Sunday. loads are subject to special restrictions
on major holidays.
There is an exception if the overall
width of a load is 14 feet or less. If so, Memorial Day will be observed on
weekend daytime travel is allowed on Monday, May 27th this year.
interstate routes or on permitted routes
east of the summit of the Cascade Below are the restrictions for holiday
Mountains. weekend:

Triple trailer combinations cannot disabled vehicle or combination of

operate on those routes shown vehicles is operating under a rule or
as Holiday or Holiday & Weekend variance permit allowing movement
restricted on Route Map 5 during prior to the emergency. See Permit
the Memorial Day period from 4 p.m. Attachment H for specific hauling
Friday, May 24 until sunrise Tuesday, hours and days for overwidth
May 28. movements.

Long logs, poles, and piling cannot

be moved if over 105 feet in overall
Mobile / modular homes cannot be combination length during the
moved if over 8 feet and 6 inches width Memorial Day period from noon Friday,
during the Memorial Day period from May 24 until sunrise Tuesday, May 28.
noon Friday, May 24 until one half-hour
before sunrise Tuesday, May 28. Non-divisible loads cannot be moved
if over 8 feet and 6 inches in width
Exceptions: Operations may during the Memorial Day period from
recommence on interstates at 12:01 a.m. noon Friday, May 24 until one half-hour
on the first business day following the before sunrise Tuesday, May 28.
observed holiday when width is not in
excess of 10 feet AND the outermost
extremities are illuminated by lamps or
markers as required by ORS 816. Exceptions: Operations may
recommence on interstates at 12:01 a.m.
Towed units cannot be moved if over on the first business day following the
8 feet and 6 inches in width or towing observed holiday when width is not in
a combination of vehicles during the excess of 12 feet AND the outermost
Memorial Day period from noon Friday, extremities are illuminated by lamps or
May 24 until one half-hour before markers as required by ORS 816.
sunrise Tuesday, May 29.
Operations may recommence on Green
Routes on Route Map 2 at 12:01 a.m. on
the first business day following the
Exception: This rule does not apply observed holiday when width is not in
when the tow vehicle is performing the excess of 10 feet AND the outermost
initial emergency removal of a disabled extremities are illuminated by lamps or
unit from the highway or when the markers as required by ORS 816.
Over-Dimension Operations
Did You Know?

OD Self-Issue Permit Program You May Qualify for

Training Classes an Annual Permit
The Self-Issue Permit Program (SIPP) An annual permit may be available
allows SIPP certified carriers to issue to allow exceeding legal dimensions
their own single-trip over-dimension or weights for one year for approved
permits without prior analysis by ODOT routes, dimensions, and weights.
staff. Self issuance of single-trip
permits saves time and money, protects Rather than getting a single trip permit
the traveling public, and protects the many times throughout the year, you
highway system and infrastructure from can save time and money with one
potential damage. annual permit for those recurring over-
dimension trips.
If your application is approved, each
representative that is self-issuing These permits can be obtained via
permits must attend a training session. Trucking Online, as well as from ODOT
third party agents Oregon Trucking
• Classes will be held at least once a Associations, A Work Safe Service, and
quarter at our Salem headquarters and Clackamas, Lane, and Marion counties,
by video conference. as well as at MCTD’s Salem Motor
• Telephone to a toll-free number and Carrier Headquarters and the Portland
internet access is required to attend Bridge/Jantzen Beach Office.
by video conference.
• A minimum of five participants is To find more information on over-
required. dimension operations, visit MCTD’s
information page online here.
Our remaining 2019 SIPP Training
Classes are at 9am on the following

• Wednesday, May 8
• Tuesday, July 9
• Tuesday, September 10
• Wednesday, November 13.

If you would like more information on

SIPP Certification and the application
process, please visit the SIPP program
online here or call 503-373-0000.


Safety-Enforcement Report
From November 2018 through February Kendle Trucking, Inc.
2019, the Oregon Motor Carrier Safety- Tester George Trucking, LLC
Complaint Resolution work group EEZ Trucking, Inc.
finalized a total of 339 Final Orders, Sineco Construction, LLC
with 157 receiving Civil Monetary Two Way Transport, Inc.
Penalty fines. Best Line Transportation, LLC
Northstar Electrical Contractors
SAFETY VIOLATIONS Aylwin Construction, LLC
The Final Orders issued contain Jubitz Corporation
violations of safety, hazardous JD Express, LLC
materials, and/or violation(s) of an out- A’s Transportation, LLC
of-service order or a combination of Andy’s Custom Work
the three. Violations are found during Plumley Contracting Co., Inc.
a Safety Compliance Review conducted Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair, Inc.
by a Safety Investigator. BMW Excavation
Wallowa County Grain Growers
There were 122 motor carriers who Stafford Michael Trucking
received a Compliance review. Of Mitrac Construction, Inc.
those, 99 were fined Civil Monetary Flying J Trucking, LLC
Penalties: Ted Eells Trucking and Excavating
Henarie Trucking, Inc.
Arrezola Trucking, LLC Five Star Builders, Inc.
Windsor Rock Products, Inc. RCD Trucking, LLC
Milann Farms, Inc. H2Oregon Bottled Water
Greenup Jon Logging, Inc. Jeff King Contractor, Inc.
Multi States Transport, LLC James W. Drayton
Parker Concrete, Inc. Quality of California Distribution
Freedom Transport, LLC Jeff Kersey Trucking, LLC
Country Bark, Inc. Diamond Express, LLC
Cutright Trucking, LLC Evergreen Transportation Services
JJH Trucking Antonio Sanguino Cancino
Henderson Logging, Inc. GVM Truck Line, LLC
West Pacific Drilling, Inc. Speedy Septic
Kilgore Blackman Building Mater RJG Transport, LLC
Woolley Trucking, LLC S&W Underground, Inc.
Atlantic Transport, LLC Express Liner, Inc.
E&E Transport, LLC Paks Logistic, LLC
Knight Riders Trucking, LLC ISSP Trucking, LLC
Integrity Signs Oregon, LLC Miller Oil, Inc.
Medelez, Inc. ML Houck Construction Co.
Express Line Trucking, Inc. KP Transport, LLC
VV Express, LLC Manuel Mendoza
Madrigal Transportation, LLC Yurrex Express, Inc.
T&C Ranch Trucking, LLC Ray Launder
Roto Rooter Plumbing Services Emery & Sons Construction Group
Frank’s Excavating, LLC Cesarin Trucking, LLC
R&G Excavating, Inc. Bar Trucking, Inc.
Little Trees Transportation HNS, Inc.
LaDuke Construction, LLC D&E Trucking, LLC
M1 Transport, LLC Fernandez Trucking
King Fred J. Trucking, LLC Reinhart Construction, Inc.
Crest Construction, LLC The Economic Regulation and
Modoc Services, Inc. Complaint Resolution Unit finalized
Sweet Water Sanitation, LLC a total 11 actions related to other
Morgan’s Underground & Excavation violations, such as operating in excess
Cornfed Construction of size or weight limits, operating
Western Interlock, Inc. without valid registration credentials,
Mike Adams Construction Co. illegally bypassing a weight station,
Taylor Metal Products offering or providing unauthorized
Oregon Roofing Company household goods moving services,
Bruer’s Contract Cutting or operating in violation of farm
Leave Your Mark, LLC registration laws and rules. Those
All Road Transportation, LLC violations were committed by the
Scotty Joe Payne following:

Motor Carrier Crash Report Filing Rogue Moving and Storage, LLC
MCTD identified 34 motor carriers Pro Movers, Inc.
that failed to submit the required North Park Transfer and Storage, Inc.
Motor Carrier Crash Report form to the Summit Moving
Department. Of those 34 Final Orders Bend Storage and Transfer, Inc.
issued, all were fined Civil Monetary Beaver Moving
Penalties. American Moving and Storage, LLC
PMC Movers
Other Safety Violations Amazing Moving & Storage, LLC
A total of 183 Final Orders were issued Evergreen Piano Company
for failure to return a signed copy Skinny Wimp Moving Co., Beaverton
certifying that violations listed on the
Driver/Vehicle Examination Report
have been corrected. Of the 183 Final
Orders issued, 24 were fined Civil
Monetary Penalties.

Other Enforcement
Summary of work by Motor Carrier Enforcement Officers for November 2018
through February 2019:

NOV 18 DEC 18 JAN 19 FEB 19

Trucks weighed on
123,369 134,790 164,963 121,246
static scales
Trucks precleared
to pass Green Light 141,085 150,181 168,216 121,309
weigh stations
612 582 762 697
354 342 490 488
17 30 37 20
7 7 9 7
Trucks required to
“legalize” (Correct 113 98 106 97
size and/or weight)

Other Citations 124 223 218 510

Other Warnings 872 682 706 594

Citations for
operating without 478 553 523 420
Warnings for
operating without 547 639 657 531

Total enforcement 3,011 3,058 3,402 3,267

The enforcement actions conducted by city, county, and Oregon State Police
officers are not included in the totals listed above.

Motor Carrier Transportation Division
Oregon Department of Transportation

Motor Carrier
can be found
online here.

(503) 378-5849

3930 Fairview Industrial Dr SE

Salem, OR 97302-1166

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