Bab 1 Nurse 1 Ok

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My name is Susan

a. Listen and Practice!

Nurse : Good morning, Mam. My name is Susan

I’m a nursing student and I’ll be looking after you today

Patient : Hello Susan. Please call me Tina.

Nurse : OK. How are you feeling at the moment?

Patient : Not so good actually, Susan.
I had a bad night’s sleep and my back is really aching

Nurse : Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?

Patient : Yes, I need you to check my body

Nurse : There you go Tina, I hope you’re feeling more comfortable.

Patient : thanks. Susan

b. Answer the question based on the dialogue above!

1. Where might the conversation take place?
2. How is the patient?
3. What happens to the patient?
4. What does the nurse do for the patient?
5. How is the patient after examining?

Statements with “be” : Possessive Adjectives

Statement with “be” Contraction of “be” Possessive
I’m from Chicago I’m = I am My
You’re from Australia You’re = You are Your
He’s from Japan He’s = He is His
She’s a new phamacy student She’s = She is Her
It’s an exciting city It’s = It is It’s
We’re in the same class We’re = We are Our
They’re my classmates The’y = They are Their

a. Complete these sentences, then tell a partner about yourself !.

1. My name Sasha. I’m from Australia. ......... family is in Sydney. My
brother ........ a University students.................. name is Brain.

2. ........... name is Seo Joon. I’m 20 years old. My Sister .......... a student
here, too. .......... parents are in Korea right now.

3. I’m Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Beth. ........... last name is

Silvia. ............ a student at health scrence college My parents ......... on
vacation this week Los Angeles.
Wh-question with be
What’s your name? My name’s Beth.
Where’s your friend? He’s in class.
Who’s Sun Hee? She’s my classmate.
What are your classmates like? They’re very nice.
Where are you and Luisa from? We’re from Brazil.
How are your classes? They’re really interesting.

b. Complete these questions. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: ...Who’s ..... that? 4. A: ..........the two students over there?
B: Oh, that’s Miss West B: Their names are Jeremy and Karen.

2. A: ............ she from? 5. A: ..................... they from?

B: She’s from Miami. B: They’re from Vancouver, Canada.

3. A: ............ her first name? 6. A: ..................... they like?

B: It’s Celia. B: They’re shy, but very friendly.
Yes/No questions and short answers with “be”
Are you free? Yes, I am No, I’m Not
Is David from Mexico? Yes, he is No, he is not/ No, he isn’t
Is Beth’s class in the morning? Yes, it is No, it is not/ No, it isn’t
Are you and Beth in the same class? Yes, we are No, we’re not/ No, we aren’t
Are your classes interesting? Yes, they are No, they’re not/ No, they aren’t

c. Complete these conversation. Then practice with a partner!

1. A : .........Is........ Ms. Gray from the United States?

B : Yes, ............. .............. from Chicago.

2. A : .................... English class at 09.00?

B : No, it ............. ............. at 10.00.

3. A : ........................ you and Monique from France?

B : Yes, we ........... ........ from France.

4. A : ....................... Mr. And Mrs. Brown Brazilian?

B : No, they ............... ................. American

a. Read the text carefully!


A nurse is a person who is trained to give care (help) to people who are sick
or injured. Nurses work with doctors and other health care workers to make
patients well (not sick) and to keep them fit and healthy. Nurses also help with
end-of-life needs and assist other family members with grieving.

Nursing is a profession, like a doctor, but training for a nurse is different in

how long a person must train and what kind of training they need. In some
places, nurses may train for three to five years or more before they get a
license as a nurse.

Nurses work in many places. Nurses work in hospitals, in doctor's offices, and
in the community, and they even visit people at home if they can not get out.

Sometimes people decide to become nurses rather than doctors, because the
nurses will be able to help patients directly, by talking to them, doing things
they need, carefully watching that nothing goes wrong, and then seeing them
as they get better.

Like doctors, nurses can choose what work they do. Some nurses train and
work to help during surgery. Some nurses train to help people understand
health problems like nutrition (what to eat), and disease (what can make
people sick). Nurses can do many different jobs to help people.

Nurses are in demand because there are not enough nurses to handle hospital
needs. Because of this shortage nurses will sometimes travel to another
location to work for a few months in what is called travel nursing.
b. Answer the questions based on the text above!
1. Who is a nurse?
2. What does nurse do?
3. Where do nurses work?
4. Why do people sometime decide to be nurses?
5. “......and they even visit people at home....” (paragraph 2)
What does the word “they” refer to?
6. “ Some nurses train and work to help during surgery“.(paragraph 5)
What does the underlined word mean ?
7. What is “travel nursing”?


Complete the paragraph with the words given!

Nursing can be describe as both an .... (1) and a sentence; a a. art

heart and mind. At its heart, lies fundamental respect for .....
b. expertise
(2) dignity and an intuition for patient’s needs. This is
supported by the mind, in the form ........ (3) care learning. c. human
Due to the vast range of specialisms and complex ....... (4) in
d. skills
the nursing professsion, each nurse will have specific
strength, parsions and ........ (5). e. rigorous
Pair work!

Write the sentences to describe the healthcare jobs !

Example :

1. A : What is a nurse?
B: A nurse is a person who is trained to help and care patients
A : Whatdoesnurse do?
B : Nurse works with doctors and other health care workers to make patients

2. A : what is a doctor?
B : .....................................................
A : What does a doctor do?
B : ..................................................
3. a Pharmacist
4. a Nutritionist
5. anAnalyst
6. a Midwife


Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions like the example!

A : What is a nurse?
B : A nurse is ....................................
A : What do nurses do?
B ; Nurse works ...............................

1. a Doctor 4. a Midwife
2. a Pharmacist 5. a Nutritionist
3. anAnalyst

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