English 2 SMT 3 2022

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Language function : Greeting and self introduction

Language focus : My name is . . . .
How can I address you?
May I address you with . . . . .


Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. . . ./Miss/Mrs. . . .
morning . . . . . . .(until 12 mid day)
afternoon. . . . . . (until dark, 5 to 6 pm)
evening . . . . . . . (after dark)

Introducing oneself and initial nursing intervention

I’m . . . . . . . . . . (your name)
I will take care of you today.

Addressing someone
 How can I address you?
 Is it “Miss or Mrs. . . . . . .?
 May I address you with . . . . .?

Response :
 Please, address me with . . . .(Mrs, Miss, my first name)
 Call me . . . . . .
 You may address me . . . . . .
 Why don’t you call me . . . . . .

Now, I need to visit other patients.
If you need . . . . . . . . . . . please just press the call button, a nurse will help you.

Read and retell the case history

Case history Mrs. Cassandra

Mrs. Cassandra had a stroke about 18 months ago. Her family look after her at home. A nurse from
Home care help her with a twice-a day visit. She has come into the care home while her family has a
short holiday. The stroke has left Mrs. Cassandra with left-sided paralysis and poor balance. She has
doesn’t have dysphasia. But because the left side of her face is also paralyzed she also has slurred
speech and dribbled saliva. She has a problem with non-verbal communication because her facial
expression is affected.

Do you the meanings of the phrases below?

left-sided paralysis : lumpuh sebelah kiri

dysphasia : kesulitan bicara
slurred speech : pengucapan yang tidak jelas
dribbled saliva : cairan (ludah) yang menetes
to be affected : mengalami gangguan

Activity 1
Complete the blanks with suitable expression taken from the useful expressions above. Then practice
with your partner. Refer to the case of Mrs. Cassandra above.

Nurse : (1)
Mrs. Cassandra : Good morning, nurse.
Nurse : (2)
Mrs. Cassandra : Not very well I think.
Nurse : I’m nurse . . . . . . . . . . . , (3)
Your name is written here “Mrs. Cassandra”
Mrs. Cassandra : Please call me Mrs. Cassandra.
Nurse : (5)
Mrs. Cassandra : OK. Thank you, nurse.
Nurse : (6)
Mrs. Cassandra : See you.
Activity 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions, and then practice with your partner.

Nurse Melissa : Hi. What’s your name?

New Nurse :
Nurse Melissa : I’m Melissa. I haven’t seen you before.
New Nurse :
Nurse Melissa : Where are you from?
New Nurse :
Nurse Melissa : How long have you been in this city?
New Nurse :
Nurse Melissa : How do you like this city?
New Nurse :
Nurse Melissa : Nice to meet you.
New Nurse :

Activity 3
Make a conversation between a nurse and a patient. Follow these steps.

Greet your patient

Introduce yourself

Ask how you address your patient

Tell him/her if he/she needs a help just press the call button

Tell him/her if he/she needs a help just press the call button

Activity 4
 Make an imaginary conversation focused on introducing yourself to a new patient.
 Perform an introduction before the class. Imagine that the participants in your class are your patients.
 Introduce yourself before doing an implementation described in the situation below.

Situation 2.
Situation 1.

You are going to ask questions about the details

You are going to check the vital signs
of personal data.
Interrogative sentence

Language Focus : Yes – No Question and Information Question (Question Word Question)

1. Yes – No Question

Yes – No Question is a kind of question that the answer is only “yes” or “now”

Sentence Pattern of Yes No Question

to be
auxiliary verb + S + Verb + O/C
 Is she working very hard?
 Are they Canadian?
 Does Cassandra work in a bank?
 Did you go to the concert last night?
 Have you eaten yet?
 Could you help me lift this? (Bisakah kamu membantu saya mengangkat ini?)
 Should I open the door?

2. Information Question (Question Word Question)

Information Question is a question that asks for information by using question words: who,
when, why, what, which, whose, how.

Sentence Pattern of Information Question

to be
Question Word + auxiliary verb + S + Verb + O/C
 Where can I meet your mom?
 When do you come to my house?
 Why is this book so expensive?
 Why do you leave me alone?
 How does Brigitta go to school?

Exercise 1. Use the information in parentheses to make Yes-No questions. Complete

each conversation with an appropriate short answer. Do not use a negative verb in the

1. A : Do you know my brother?

B : No, I don’t. (I don’t know your brother.)
2. A : …………………………………………………………………….
B : No, ………………………….. (Snakes don’t have legs.)
3. A : …………………………………………………………………….
B : Yes, …………………………. (Mexico is in North America)
4. A : …………………………………………………………………….
B : No, ……………………………. (I won’t be at home tonight.)
5. A : …………………………………………………………………….
B : Yes, ……………………………. (I have a bike. )
6. A : ………………………………………………………………….
B : Yes, ……………………………… (Simon has left.)
7. A : ………………………………………………………………….
B : Yes, …………………………….. (Simon left with Kevin.)
8. A : ………………………………………………………………….
B : Yes, ……………………………… (Acupuncture relieves pain.)

Exercise 2. Read the information about Irina and Paul. Then make complete questions
with the given words and choose the correct short answer.

The Simple Life

Irina and Paul live a simple life. They have a one-room cabin on a lake in the mountain.
They fish for some of their food. They also raise chickens. They pick fruit from trees and barries
from bushes. They don’t have electricity or TV, but they enjoy their life. They don’t need a lot to
be happy.

1. Question: where/Irina and Paul/live?

Where do Irina and Paul live?
Answer : A. Yes, they do. B. On a lake.

2. Question: they/live/a simple life?

Answer : A. Yes, they ive. B. Yes, they do.

3. Question: what/they/pick/from the tree?

Answer : A. Fruit B. Yes, they pick

4. Question: they/have/electricity?
Answer : A. No, they don’t. B. electricity

5. Question: they/enjoy/their life

Answer : A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they enjoy.

Exercise 3. Complete each conversation. Make questions using the information from
Speaker A.

1. A : I am going to downtown in a few minutes.

B : I didn’t catch that. When are you going to downtown? OR
B : I didn’t catch that. Where are you going to?

2. A : My kids are transferring to Lakeview Elementary School because it’s a better school.
B : What was that. Where ……………………………………….? OR
B : What was that. Why ………………………………………….?
3. A : I will meet Taka at 10.00 at the mall.
B : I couldn’t hear you. Tell me again. What time ………………………….? OR
B : I couldn’t hear you. Tell me again. Where……………………………….?

4. A : Class begins at 8.15.

B : Are you sure? When………………………………………………………? OR
B : Are you sure? Where…………………………………………………….?

5. A : I stayed home from work because I wanted to watch the World Cup Final on TV.
B : Huh?! Why………………………………………………………? OR
B : Huh?! What………………………………………………… for?

Exercise 4. Make questions beginning with What or Which.

1. A : I have two books. Which book do you want?

B : That one. (I want that book.)

2. A : ……………………………………………………………………..?
B : A book. (I bought a book when I went shopping.)

3. A : Could I borrow your pen for a minute?

B : Sure. I have two …………………………………………………?
A : That one. (I would like that one.)

4. A : …………………………………………………………………….?
B : A pen. (Hassan borrowed a pen from me.)

5. A : ………………………………………………. ………..right now?

B : I’m working on my monthly report.

6. A : ……………………………………………………….. last night?

B : I worked on my monthly report.

7. A : ……………………………………………………….. tomorrow?
B : I’m going to visit my relatives.

8. A : ……………………………………………………….. tomorrow?
B : I’m studying and relaxing most of the day.

Exercise 5. Make questions with How.

1. A : ……………………………………………………….. ………..?
B : Ten. (My daughter is ten years old.)

2. A : ……………………………………………………….. ………..?
B : Very important. (Education is very important.)

3. A : ……………………………………………………….. ………..?
B : By bus. (I get to school by bus.)
4. A : ……………………………………………………….. ………..?
B : Very, very deep. (The ocean is very, very deep.)

5. A : ……………………………………………………….. ………..?
B : It’s 29.029 feet high. (Mt. Everest is 29.029 feet high.)

Language function : Giving directions

Language focus : Expressions and words related to directions

Vocabulary. Find the meaning in English.

English Indonesian English Indonesian

kiri koridor
kanan jalan buntu
belok kiri jalan satu arah
belok kanan trotoar
sebelah kiri roundabout
sebelah kanan di samping
di depan di belakang
setelah sebelum
dekat dengan berseberangan
diantara dipojok

Asking and Giving Directions

Visitor/Patient :
How to ask for directions.

 Could you tell me how to get to . . . .?

 Can you tell me where . . . is?
 I’m looking for . . . how can I get there?
 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to . . . , please?
 Could you give the direction to . . . please!

How to give simple directions.

 Walk down . . .
 Go along with . . .
 Go up stairs . . . .
 Until you find . . .
 Then turn right/left . . .
 Take the first turn on the right.
Activity 1
Translate the sentences below into communicative English

1. V : Maaf, dimanakah ruang perawatan anak?

N : Silahkan jalan lurus sampai ketemu ICU, lalu anda belok kiri. Ruang perawatan anak
ada di sebelah kiri.
V :
N :

2. V : Suster, saya sedang mencari ruang perawatan Amaryllis, dimana?

N : Ibu jalan lurus melewati lorong ini, setelah ketemu tangga naik lantai 2. Ruang
Amaryllis ada di sebelah kanan anda.
V :
N :

3. V : Saya perlu membayar tagihan rawat inap. Apakah anda bias menunjukkan dimana
N : Baik. Jalan lurus saja lewat sini. Kasir persis ada di samping farmasi.
V :
N :

4. V : Maaf, saya akan ke poliklinik. Apakah anda bisa menunjukkan jalan ke sana?
N : Baik. Anda harus jalan terus melewati ruang gawat darurat itu. Lalu belok kiri sampai
anda melihat ada bagian laboratorium. Polikliniknya berada di depan laboratorium.
V :
N :

5. V : Suster, di manakah unit radiologi itu. Bisakah anda memberi tahu saya?
N : Itu ada di gedung sebelah. Anda harus keluar dulu lewat pintu itu lalu belok kanan.
Persis di sebelah kanan gedung ini anda akan melihat unit radiologi.
V :
N :

Activity 2
Read the dialog and practice with your partner.

Security guard : Good morning. May I help you?

Visitor : Good morning. I want to see my friend. He has been hospitalized here.
Security guard : Could you tell me the name of the ward?
Visitor : He is in the Kenanga ward. Could you show me to go there, please?
Security guard : Sure. Go along this corridor until you reach the end and turn left. The
Kenanga ward is on your right side, beside Bougainville ward.
Visitor : Thank you very much.

Activity 3
With your partner. Make a communication exchange to show the direction.

Language function : Giving Directions

Language focus : Expression using: Present Tense, Present Perfect, Past Tense and
Future Tense, Command and Request

to assess :
assessment :
to check :
crutch :
to swing :
cane :
walker :
ahead :

Useful Expression

Study the phrases that express nursing duties then complete the verbs related to nursing
intervention such as the example.

Phrase that express nursing duties or Verbs related to Nursing Intervention

Checking vital signs to check/measure (vital signs)

Diagnosing to (diagnose)
...... .

Promoting hygiene to (assist/ help bathing)

... .......
... .......
... .......

Feeding dependent clients to help . . . (have + meal time))


Assisting with elimination to provide a bedpan /a urinal


Patient assessment to check + (parts of the body)


Client teaching (crutch-walking, walking with to listen to my instruction

walker, cane walker) .......
Activity 1
Study the verb list above and discuss the meanings.

Questions for a collaborative intervention

What intervention ..................
will we do for . . .(patient’s name)? (Future action)
have you done for . . . .(patient’s name)? (Past participle)
did you do for . . . . .(patient’s name)? (Past)
do I have to take for . . . . .(patient’s name)?
Or :
Have you + (verb 3)?
Did you + (verb 1)?
Do you + (verb 1)?

Response :

We will give him intervention injection.

I have given
I gave
You should give
I have to give

Activity 2
 Make a sentence using words given below.
 Each sentence describes a nursing care.
1. have to – check – everyday
2. assist – bathing – at 7 this morning
3. clean – after elimination
4. have – apply infusion – to Mr. . . .
5. have – move – casualty – stretcher
Activity 3
Translate the sentences below into communicative English.
1. Saya mengecek tanda-tanda vital pasien secara teratur.
2. Untuk menentukan diagnose keperawatan, saya harus mengkaji kesehatan pasien.
3. Saya sudah mengecek tekanan darah Mr. Ridwan.
4. Saya menemani Mrs. Belinda pergi keliling dengan kursi roda tadi pagi.
5. Apakah anda sudah menulis dokumentasi keperawatan untuk Mr. Baskoro?
6. Doctor, jam berapa kita akan mulai melakukan operasi pada Mrs. Lolita.?
7. Apakah anda sudah mengirim pispot untuk Mr. Tunjung?
8. Kita harus memindahkan Nona Amelia ke tempat tidur secara bersama-sama.
9. Kapan anda akan memberitahukan tentang program diet kepada pasien diabetes di
bangsal Melati?
10. Suster, Jam berapa biasanya dokter penyakit dalam mengunjungi pasien?

Activity 4
Task 1. Study the patient care plan below, then report to the other participant.
Patient’s name Action to be taken
Peter Catchart  Monitoring blood sugar levels, give
insulin injections.
Reason for admission:  Dietician to discuss diet.
 Patient to be shown how to self-
Excessive ketone production leading to
monitoring blood Glucose (SMBG)
suspected ketoacidosis. This is potentially life  Demonstrate to patient how to read
threatening condition. SMBG stripe.
 Link SMBG to diet.
Symptoms: Emphasize importance of monitoring
Abdominal pain, vomiting, rapid breathing, blood sugar levels every morning and
Extreme tiredness, drowsiness keeping record of results to take to GP

Task 2.
 Take one case in your nursing practice.
 Make your Care Plan of the case

Task 3.
 Describe your daily activity as a nurse.
 Describe the case you have ever assessed.

When I start a new shift, I listen to the nursing report from the previous shift. The report is
about the patient’s condition and nursing interventions that has been done for each patient. I
observed a case of (Mr./Mrs./Ms) . . . . (continue with your own sentences)
Language function : Telling time, Date and Doctor’s Schedule
Language focus : It’s + minute + PAST + main hour.
It’s + minute + TO + main hour.
What time is it?
What date is it?
When . . . ?

Useful Expression

PART 1 : Asking and telling about time

Asking about time.

Excuse me. What time is it now?
It’s + minute + PAST + main hour
It’s + minute + TO + main hour
1. Using “Past”
03.10 :
04.15 :
07.25 :
10.30 :

2. Using “to”
02.35 :
08.45 :
06.55 :

A quarter : fifteen
A half : thirty
…o’clock : used only at full hour (exact hour)
A.M. : ante meridian (Before 12 at noon)
P.M. : post meridian (Before 12 at Midnight)

PART 2 : Asking and telling about dates

Study and practice these useful expressions

What date is it today?

When were you born?
When were you admitted to this hospital?
14 Feb 1990
14 – 1 – 90
April 5th, 2010
Dec 21st, 1999

PART 3 : Asking and telling about doctor’s schedule

Study and practice these useful expressions


 When can I visit . . . (doctor’s name or specialty)?

 Pardon me. Do you know when dr. . . . is available?
 What time is dr. . . . available?
 When is it my turn?


 It is . . . ./ It’s . . .
 The internist’s /Dr . . . .’s schedule is at . . . / on . . . +(day).
 The obstetrician/she/he is available on . . . (day) . . . at . . . (time)
Will be available on . . . (day) . . . at . . . (time)

Activity 1
Say these dates
9 Jan 2015
25 Feb 1995
10 March 2010
22 April 2000
19 May 2015

Answer these questions orally:

1. What date is it?
2. What date is it tomorrow?
3. What day is today?
4. What date was it yesterday?
5. What day was it yesterday?
6. When were you born?

Translate this communication exchange into English. (V: Visitor) (N: Nurse)
1. V : Saya pasien dr. Dobson. Jam berapa saya hari ini bisa bertemu?
N : Sebentar saya cek jadwalnya dulu. Baik, anda bias ketemu pukul 16.30.

2. V : Hari apa saja ada dokter spesialis anak?

N : Dokter spesialis anak? Sebentar ya bu . . . Dokter spesialis anak ada pada hari Selasa
dan jumat.
V : Jam berapa jadwalnya?
N : Pagi jam 8 sampai jam 12. Sore jam 4 sampai jam 6.

3. V : Suster, kapan jadwal kunjungan pasien dr. Agus?

N : Ia sudah datang. Ia akan mengunjungi anda kira-kira jam 09.30.

4. V : Suster, jam berapa operasi adik saya akan dimulai?

N : Operasi? Hari ini jam 8 tepat.

A. Conversation: Who Works in a Hospital

Joe starts to work in a public hospital as a nurse. Today, he is having training with the
manager of the hospital.
Manager : Welcome to Queen Hospital. I do hope you can work best here.
Joe : Thanks a lot, Mrs. Janette. I also hope that I can work well here.
Manager : Today, I am going to explain you the hospital team.
Joe : Sure.
Manager : A hospital is like a city. It needs thousands of people to run it. Furthermore,
they must work together in order to run everything well. Do you know
what the highest position in a hospital is?
Joe : A hospital manager.
Manager : You’re right. This hospital has two teams. The first team is clinical
department, and the second is non-clinical.
Joe : I see.
Manager : The clinical department consists of doctors, nurses and pharmacists.
Joe : So I am in the clinical department, aren’t I?
Manager : Yes, you are. All the members of this team must perform good team work.
Therefore, all the duties can be performed well.
Joe : Sure.
Manager : The clinical department into seven units. So you will be in the pediatric unit.
Joe : I see.
Manager : I hope you can work well here with team. Now let me introduce the
members of your unit.
Joe : Sure.

B. Workers in a Hospital
A hospital is usually divided into two parts, clinical unit and non-clinical unit. Now,
mention people who work in clinical and non-clinical unit.

Clinical Unit Non-Clinical Unit

1. ………………………………………….. 1. …………………………………………..
2. …………………………………………. 2. ………………………………………….
3. …………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………….
4. …………………………………………. 4. ………………………………………….
5. …………………………………………. 5. ………………………………………….
6. …………………………………………. 6. ………………………………………….
7. …………………………………………. 7. ………………………………………….

C. Grammar
Fill in the following sentences with the appropriate tense!
1. Surgeons (performs/are performing/perform) operations right now.
2. A pregnant woman (delivers/delivering/deliver) babies.
3. A paramedic (responds/is responding/respond) to an emergency.
4. (Do you work/does you work/have you worked in a hospital?
5. I (want/wanted/wants) to qualify as a pediatrician.
6. I like (to working/work/working) in a hospital.
7. Andine (has undergone/is undergoing/undergoes) the therapy.
8. Jane (become/becomes/became) the happiest person after she recovers from
9. Nurses (makes/make/are making) contributions to society.
10. The relationship between the nurse and patient (has occurred/occurs/is occurring)
within the context of the values and belief of the patient and nurse.

D. Vocabulary
Complete the following sentences with the words in the list.
a. nursing officers
b. auxiliary nurses
c. part-time
d. qualified
e. challenging
f. medical
g. rewarding
h. apply for a job
1. This hospital only hires well . . . staff.
2. . . . often work in administration.
3. Not many students can do a . . . job while studying.
4. This new work is . . . for me.
5. Contact with patients must meet . . . procedure.
6. . . . are on the bottom grade of an institution.
7. I am a psychiatric nurse. My job deals with . . . in mental health.
8. All applicants must send a CV when they . . . .

E. Reading Text
Read the following passage and answer the questions.

A multidisciplinary team involves a range of health professionals, from one or

more organizations, working together to deliver comprehensive patient care. The ideal
multidisciplinary team for the delivery of the Health One NSW model of care includes:
general practitioners, practice nurses, community health nurses, allied health
professionals, and health educators.
Multidisciplinary teams convey many benefits to both the patients and the health
professionals working on the team. These include improved health outcomes and
enhanced satisfaction for clients, and the more efficient use of resources and enhanced
job satisfaction for team members.
To ensure optimum functioning of the team and effective patient outcomes, the
roles of the multidisciplinary team members in care planning and delivery must be
clearly negotiated and defined. The requires: respect and trust between team members;
the best use of the skill mix within the team; agreed clinical governance structures;
agreed systems and protocols for communication and interaction between team
members. These issues are complex and achievement of them can involve significant
change to work practices and organizational arrangements, as well as multifaceted
implementation strategies.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the best title for the text?
2. What is the text about?
3. What does multidisciplinary team deal with?
4. What are the benefits of multidisciplinary team?
5. What are needed to conduct strong multidisciplinary team?

F. Writing
Write your profile in the following space provided. Your writing must explain:

1. Why you learn nursing

2. What you are doing

3. Why you want to
become a nurse

4. What your career plans


Passive voice is “a passive construction occurs when you make the object of an action into the
subject of a sentence.
Active Passive
1. My uncle gives me money. 1. I am given money by my uncle.
2. Diana sent two letters yesterday. 2. The letters were sent by Diana yesterday.
3. The students are doing the test right now. 3. The test is done by the students right now.
4. Roberto has bought several new novels. 4. Several new novels have been bought by
5. Cindy will ask someone to paint her room. 5. Someone will be asked by Cindy to paint
her room.
6. Someone should paint that fence. 6. That fence should be painted by someone.
7. Mr. Hook must sign this report. 7. This report must be signed by Mr. Hook.
8. The servant has not washed the dishes 8. The dishes have not been washed by the
yet. servant yet.
9. Was the Panama Canal built by someone
9. Did someone build the Panama Canal in in twentieth century?
twentieth century? 10. My idea is not agreed by my sister.
10. My sister doesn’t agree with my idea.

Exercise 1. Change the active sentences into passive sentences.

1. Someone will list my name in the new telephone directory.
2. The waiter serves food and drink at that restaurant.
3. The committee has canceled the soccer game.
4. People use hammers to pound nails.
5. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
6. Ernest Hemingway didn’t write A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
7. My cat didn’t kill the bird.
8. A doctor can prescribe medicine.
9. People should plant tomatoes in the spring.
10. People cannot control the weather.
Exercise 2. Change the active sentences into passive sentences.
1. Do people speak Spanish in Peru?
2. When did someone invent the wheel?
3. Has anyone ever hypnotized you?
4. Does the hotel provide clean towels?
5. Did my directions confuse you?
6. Will the post officer deliver the mail tomorrow?
7. Has someone invite you to the party?
8. Where will they buy a new house?
9. Are they eating durian now?
10. How had they moved the big stone?

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb (active or passive)
in parentheses.

1. Our teacher (arrive) five minutes late yesterday.

2. The morning paper (read) by over 200.000 people every day.
3. That’s not my coat. It (belong) to Louise.
4. My favorite TV program (interrupt) by a special news bulletin last night .
5. Our mail (deliver) before noon every day.
6. A bad accident (happen) on Highway 95 last night.
7. A new house (build) next to ours next year.
8. What products (manufacture) in your country?
9. Endangered wildlife (must protect) from extinction.
10. I don’t have my car today. It (repair) right now.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer in each number.

1. "Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?"
"Yes, ....... to the headquarters of Garuda."
A. they are faxed
B. has faxed
C. the victims fax
D. it has been faxed
E. was fax it

2. "The hotel is suffering a great loss."

"Yes, only ten perfect of their rooms ......
A. being occupied
B. occupied
C. is occupied
D. are occupied
E. they are occupied

3. “Why aren't you driving your own car?"

“It ..... “
A. has sold
B. has to sell
C. has been selling
D. has been sold
E. has to be sold

4. "Why can't I find the file on the annual report in the computer?"
"Because it .... in the hard disk."
A. was not saving
B. not saved
C. did not saved
D. not being saved
E. was not saved

5. "There was no longer a rule for the youth to enter millitary service in Britain.
Really, when .... ?"
A. was It abolishing
B. did it abolish
C. was it abolished
D. was it to be abolished
E. to be abolished

6. They had just been living in that house for two years when ..... by fire.
A. destroyed
B. had destroyed
C. was destroyed
D. be destroyed
E. was destroying

7. "Bambang looks very happy today."

"Don't you know he ..... to General Manager."
A. has promoted
B. to be promoted
C. being promoted
D. has to promoted
E. has been promoted

8. "Why does the baby next door keep crying ?"

"As usual, it .... by the babysitter."
A. is neglected
B. is neglecting
C. neglect
D. is to be neglected
E. is to neglect
9. Why are the students staying outside ?
Their classroom ....
A. is being cleaned
B. being cleaned
C. was cleaned
D. is cleaning
E. cleans

10. The play I am reading ....

A. has never performed
B. never performed
C. never being performed
D. has never been performed
E. never performs

11. The headmaster would like the school yard ...... by every student before tomorrow.
A. sweep
B. sweeping
C. have swept
D. to be swept
E. already swept

12. The picture is not here anymore

It must have ... away.
A. being taken
B. took
C. taken
D. been taking
E. been taken

13. Komodos ..... to be descended from Dinosaurus.

A. they believe
B. to believe
C. believed
D. to be believe
E. are believe

14. My father always washes the red car on Sunday.

The passive form of the sentence above is . . . .
A. The red car has been washed by my father on Sunday.
B. The red car is washing by my father on Sunday.
C. The red car always washed by my father on Sunday.
D. The red car is always washed by my father on Sunday.
E. The red car is always being washed by my father on Sunday.
15. Andi took many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week.
The passive form of the sentence above is . . . .
A. Many pictures of nice places have taken by Andi during his holiday last week.
B. Many pictures of nice places were taken by Andi during his holiday last week.
C. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week are taken by Andi.
D. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week were taking by Andi.

Exercise 5. Make a dialog by using Passive form


Language function : Talking about medical instruments

Language focus : What is this used for . . . .?
It’s called. It is a/an . . . .
What do you call an instrument used for?


Asking and explaining the function of a medical Instrument.

Asking :
 What is this instrument for?
 What is this?
 What you like a/an + (medical instrument) for (me, Mr. Ridwan)?
 Can you explain the function of . . . . + (medical instrument)?

Explaining :
 I’ll introduce you a medical instrument. It’s called . . . . it is used for/to . . . . (or It is
functioned as . . . .)
 It is a . . . .
 A/an . . . is an instrument that is used for . . . . + Ving.

Task 1
These are the names of some Medical instruments. Study them. Find the illustration of each
1. stethoscope 8. thermometer 15. wheelchair
2. syringe 9. scalpel 16. trapeze
3. stretcher 10. bandage 17. scale
4. hook 11. forceps 18. snellen alphabet chart
5. tourniquet 12. lister’s bandage scissors 19. crutch
6. pipette 13. probe 20. dressing trolley
7. sling 14. gallipot 21. kidney dish
Task 2. Description of Instruments
Based on the instruments in Task 1, please look for the function each instrument below!
See the example.

1. Stethoscope is an instrument used for listening to the beating of the heart, sounds of
breathing, etc.
2. syringe
3. stretcher
4. hook
5. tourniquet
6. pipette
7. sling
8. thermometer
9. scalpel
10. bandage
11. forceps
12. lister’s bandage scissors
13. probe
14. gallipot
15. wheelchair
16. trapeze
17. scale
18. snellen alphabet chart
19. crutch
20. dressing trolley
21. kidney dish

Task 3
Translate the expressions into English.
1. Alat ini digunakan untuk memotong.
2. Saya perlu alat untuk membantu pasien yang lumpuh kakinya untuk bangun dari tempat
3. Bisa minta tolong untuk mengambilkan thermometer untuk saya?
4. Untuk mengukur tekanan darah, kita bisa menggunakan Aneroid manometer atau
5. Apa nama alat yang digunakan untuk menimbang dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Task 4. Matching Exercise

Match the comments with the supplies that are needed.

1. I can’t catch my breath. a. table and head-rest paper

2. Prepare the examining table for the next patient. b. thermometer
3. We’ll have to get a blood sample. c. oxygen mask
4. I need to sterilize the wound. d. hypodermic needle
5. We’ll have to feed him with liquids. e. bandage scissors
6. Let’s find out your weight. f. scales
7. I need to examine the patient in private. g. eye chart
8. Let’s check your vision. h. antiseptic
9. Let’s see if you are running a fever. i. IV bag
10. Can you cut this gauze for me? j. privacy screen

Activity 1
Point at one picture available above, then ask your friend using the following questions.
Expression “What is this”
Example :
Nurse 1 : What is this? (pointing a stethoscope)
Nurse 2 : It is a stethoscope.

Nurse 1 : What is this?

Nurse 2 : It is . . . .

Activity 2
 Ask your partner about the following instruments.
 Follow the conversation exchange as a model.
 Take turns in doing the practice.
 Use the expression: “What do you call . . . used for . . . ?

Example :
Nurse 1 : What do you call chair used for an invalid to sit and move around?
Nurse 2 : It is a wheelchair.

(now Nurse 2 take turns)

Nurse 1 : What do you call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
Nurse 2 : It is a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Activity 3
 Based on the activity above, ask and answer questions about the function of a medical
 Explain the function of 5 medical instruments.
 Use the following model.

Example :
Nurse 1 : What is a gag used for?
Nurse 2 : It is used for stopping a patient closing his mouth.

Nurse 1 : What is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . used for?

Nurse 2 : It is used for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Language function : Talking about pains.

Language focus : Do you feel pain in your + (part of the body)
My . . . (part of the body) pains/aches/hurts.
I have a pain in . . . + (part of the body)



Inside the head is the . . (1) . . , which is responsible for thinking. The top of person’s . . (2) . . is
covered with . . (3) . . . Beneath the hairline at the front of the . . (4) . . is the . . (5) . . . Underneath the
forehead are the . . (6) . . for seeing, the . . (7) . . for smelling, and the . . (8) . . for eating. On the
outside of the mouth are the . . (9) . . , and on the inside of the mouth are the . . (10) . . for bitting and
the . . (11) . . for tasting. Food is swallowed down the . . (12) . . . At the sides of the face are the . .
(13) . . and at the sides of the head are the . . (14) . . for hearing. At the bottom of a person’s face is
the . . (15) . . . The . . (16) . . is located on the inside of the cheecks and chin. The . . (17) . . is what
attaches the head to the . . (18) . . .


At the top and front of the upper body, just below the neck is the . . (1) . . . On the front side of the
upper body is the . . (2) . . , which in women includes the . . (3) . . . Babies suck on the . . (4) . . of their
mother’s breasts. Beneath the . . (5) . . are the . . (6) . . and the . . (7) . . . The . . (8) . . , more
commonly reffered to as the . . (9) . . , is located here as well. On the inside of the upper body are
the . . (10) . . for pumping . . (11) . . and the . . (12) . . for breathing. The rear side of the upper body is
called the . . (13) . . , inside which the . . (14) . . connects the upper body to the lower.


The . . (1) . . are attached to the . . (2) . . . Beneath this area is called the . . (3) . . or . . (4) . . . The
upper arms have the . . (5) . . known as . . (6) . . and . . (7) . . . The joint halfway down the arm is
called the . . (8) . . . Between the elbow and the next joint, the . . (9) . . , is the . . (10) . . . Below the
wrist is the . . (11) . . with four . . (12) . . and one . . (13) . . . Beside the thumb is the . . (14) . . . Beside
the index finger is the . . (15) . . , followed by the . . (16) . . and the . . (17) . . . At the ends of the
fingers are . . (18) . . .


Below the waist, on left and right, are the . . (1) . . . Between the hips are reproductive organs, the . .
(2) . . (male) or the . . (3) . . (female). At the back of the lower body are the . . (4) . . for sitting on. They
are also commonly referred to as the . . (5) . . or the . . (6) . . (especially with children). The internal
organs in the lower body include the . . (7) for digesting food, the . . (8) . . for holding liquid waste, as
well as the . . (9) . . and the . . (10) . . . This area also contains the woman’s . . (11) . . , which holds a
baby when a woman is pregnant.

The top of the leg is called the . . (1) . . , and the joint in the middle of the leg is the . . (2) . . . the front
of the lower leg is the . . (3) . . and the back of the lower leg is the . . (4) . . . The . . (5) . . connects
the . . (6) . . to the leg. Each foot has five . . (7) . . . The smallest toe is often called the . . (8) . . while
the large one is called the . . (9) . . . At the ends of the toes are . . (10) . . .

Some key words to express aches, pains, and other health problem.


to have + (noun) an ache sprained
to ache a pain stiff
to hurt a bruise sore
to throb a rash painful
to itch a scar dizzy
to irritate a swelling fainted
to injure a sting injured
a bite
a cut

Description of “ache, pain, hurt, injure, throb, and itch”

Ache (v) : merasa sakit yang tidak terlalu, tetapi berlangsung terus.
Examples :
 I’m aching all over.
 Her eyes ached from lack of sleep.

Ache (n) : rasa sakit

Examples :
 Mummy, I’ve got a tummy ache.
 Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage.
 Stomachache

Pain : Suatu rasa yang dialami tubuh akibat suatu penyakit atau luka atau tindakan tertentu.
Examples :
 She was clearly in a lot of pain.
 He felt sharp pain in his knee.
 This cream should help to relieve the pain.

Painful (adj) : terasa sakit

Examples :
 Is your back still painful?
 My ankle is still too painful to walk on.

Hurt (v)
1. Menyebabkan terasa sakit secara fisik, terluka.
Examples :
 He hurt his back playing squash.
 Did you hurt yourself?
 My back is really hurting me today.

2. Terasa sakit
Examples :
 My feet hurt.
 Ouch! That hurt!
 It hurts when I bend my knee.

3. Terluka secara fisik. (hurt:adj)

Examples :
 None of the passengers were badly hurt.

Injure : melukai, luka, menyebabkan luka.

Examples :
 He injured his knee playing soccer.
 Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.
 She injured herself during training.

Throb (v) : terasa sakit berdenyut

Examples :
 His head throbbed.
 My feet were throbbing after the long walk home.

Throb (n) : sakit yang berdenyut

Example :
 My headache faded to dull throbbing.

Sore (adj) : sakit.

Examples :
 I have a sore throat.
 His feet were sore after the walk.
 My stomach is still sore after the operation.

Itch : gatal
Examples :
 I itch all over. (v)
 Does the rash itch ? (v)
 I get/have an itch. (n)

Useful Expression
Study these useful expressions

 Would you show me the location of your pain?

 Can you point at the location of your pain?
 Show me where it hurts?
 Where is the pain?
 Is it (your pain) in your + (part of body)
 Do you feel pain in your + (part of body)
Activity 1. Translate into communicative English using the words given below.
1. (pain) Saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya.
2. (hurt) Pergelangan kaki saya nyeri.
3. (throb) Kepala saya pusing berdenyut-denyut.
4. (itch) Punggung saya terasa gatal.
5. (injure) Jari tangan saya terluka.
6. (sore) Tenggorokan saya terluka.
7. (hurt) Sinar yang sangat terang akan menyakitkan mata.
8. (ache) Kaki saya sakit karena terlalu banyak berjalan.
9. (pain) Saya merasa sakit di sini.
10. (painful) Punggung saya terasa sakit sekali.

Activity 2. Refer to the illustration below, express any health problem or pain related to
associated with each picture.

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4

Picture 5 Picture 6
Activity 4
Make conversation between a nurse and a patient.

Patient : Call a nurse, state your complaint.

Nurse : Ask what the problem is.
Patient : Repeat the patient’s expression for sure.
Nurse : Ask the patient to tell the location of pain.
Patient : Tell the nurse where you feel the pain.

The Nurse’s questions to the check the patient’s

1. What’s the problem?
2. How are you feeling about?
3. What make you call me?
4. What’s your chief complaint?
5. What’s troubling you?
6. What’s the matter with you?
7. What seems to be bothering you?
8. Doctor : “What are the symptoms?”

The patient’s expressions about symptoms and physical problem

I have + (a part of the body + ache)

a toothache

I have + (a sore + part of the body)

a sore throat
a sore . . .
a sore . . .
a sore . . .

I have/get + kinds of physical problems

the measles
a cold

I feel + kinds of physical problems

. . I. suffer from + kinds of certain illness.
I sprained my (possessive) + joints/bones problems:
broke collarbone
hurt arm

Nurse’s report/diagnosis/how to report on a patient’s condition/complaint

 He/she complains about his/her + part of the body.
has + a health problem
suffer from + a health problem

Nursing Diagnose.
 He/she may have . . . + a disease/health problem
seems to have . . . .


English Indonesian English Indonesian

ache frostbite
angina pectoris itchy
appendicitis internal disease
chicken pox jaundice
conjunctivitis kidney problem
contagious disease measles
decay tooth pain
dizzy swollen
farsighted wound

Talking About Symptoms

Symptom Meaning Patients may say
tiredness Loss energy I feel tired all the time.
lethargy I feel completely worn out.
fatigue Lately I’ve been feeling completely exhausted
lassitude at the end of the day.
Malaise General feeling of I feel unwell.
being unwell I don’t feel well.
I’ve been feeling of color for two days.
I’ve not been feeling myself for a week.
I’ve been out of sorts all day.
Anorexia Loss of appetite My appetite is very poor.
I’ve been off my food for days.
Weight gain Increase in weight I’ve put on 8 kilos in the last year.
I’ve gained 5 kilos.
Weight loss Decrease in weight I’m not eating any less than usual
I’ve lost a lot of weight recently.
Constipation Hard, infrequent My motions are very hard.
feces I’ve been quite constipated lately.
I’m not very regular.

Make a conversation between a nurse and patient.

Case: A patient suspected of having a gastric peptic ulcer. The symptoms are burning and
gnawing pain felt in the upper part of the abdomen. The pain confines in the lower chest. The
pains come and go.

Conversation 1.

Patient : Call a nurse, state your complaint.

Nurse : Ask what the problem is.
Nurse : Repeat patient’s expression for sure, and tell the patient that you will report his/her
condition to specialist.

Conversation 2.

Doctor : Call a nurse, ask about the patient’s complaint.

Nurse : Tell the doctor about the symptoms and your diagnosis.

List of Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms Diagnosis
 Painful swelling of the glands in front or below the ear. mumps
 A fever from 37.5˚C to 40˚C
 Pain and tenderness along the path of the nerves
 A rash of small pimples along the back
 A sore throat
 A fever: temperature from 38 to 41˚C
 Painful swallowing
 A rash of bright pink spots on the neck
 Painful swallowing
 Swelling of the throat
 Very tired
 A sore throat
 A fever
 A headache`
 Painful swallowing
 A red and sore throat
 A fever
 Very rapid breathing
 Sleepiness
 A fever
 A fever
 A rash of pink blotches/spots
 A rash
 A fever
 Swollen glands
 Painful joints
 Swollen glands behind the ears
 A slight fever
 A rash of flat pink spots on the face
 A red and sore throat
 A headache
 Shivering attacks
 Loss of appetite
 Sleepiness
 A sore throat
 Very tired

Task. Group discussion

 Work with your partner. First person describes the symptoms and second person describes
the diagnosis.
 Discuss the symptoms of the health problems, then make a nursing diagnosis

Describe the symptoms Use these expressions: (tell patient’s identity and symptoms,
don’t look at the list of symptoms).
She/he is . . . (name)
She/he is . . . (years old)
She/he has . . . (mention symptoms)
What kind of illness does she/he seem to have?

Make a diagnosis. Use this expression:

She/he may have . . . .

Patient 1
 Georgina
 6
 Painful swallowing, a sore throat, swelling of the throat, a fever

Nurse A : The patient name is Giorgina, a girl of 6. She is a patient in the pediatric ward.
She has a sore throart. She feels painful when she swallows. In fact she has
got a swelling throart. Now, she has fever. Her temperature is a bit above
normal. What do you think about the diaognose?
Nurse B : With the same symptoms, she was diognosed to have tonsilitis.

Patient 2
 Robert
 10
 swollen glands behind the ears, a slight fever, a rash of flat pink spots on the face, a red
and sore throat

Patient 3
 Delisa
 7
 painful swelling of the glands in front or below the ear, a fever from 37.5˚C to 40˚C

Patient 4
 Paul
 12
 very rapid breathing, sleepiness, a fever

Patient 5
 Mutiara
 5
 a fever, a rash of pink blotches/spots

Patient 6
 Jason
 3
 a rash, a fever, swollen glands, painful joints
Pain assessment form
Language Function : Asking about pains.
Language focus : Question Word Question and Yes No Question

Yes – No Question

Yes – No Question that may be answered by “yes” or “no”

How to arrange Yes – No Question

 Do you apply infusion to Mr. Junaidi?

 Did the nurse accompany Mrs. Ryan to go around with the
wheelchair this morning?
Auxiliary Verb  Has Hasan been hospitalized in public hospital?
 Does the nurse check the patient’s blood pressure every

 Is Manometer used to measure blood pressure?

 Is your back really hurting you today?
 Were three people killed and injured in the crash?

 Will you give injection to Mrs. Prita?

 Can you help me move the patient to the wheelchair ?
 Could you tell me the name of the ward?

Information Question

Information Question is a question that asks for information by using question words: who,
when, why, what, which, whose, how.

How to arrange Information Question

Question Words Auxiliary/be/modals Subject
What time is dr. Dandy available?
How are you feeling?
Why do you feel that?
Who is your physician?
When will the doctor visit the patient?
When can I start the meal?
How many times does the patient take the medicine in a
Find the meanings of the words below.

sharp :
dull :
stabbing :
excruciating :
nagging :
troublesome :
nauseating :
grueling :
numb :
miserable :
agonizing :
gnawing :
draining :
cruel :
dreadful :
vicious :
squeezing :
cramping :
horrible :
torturing :
unbearable :
crushing :
shooting :
stabbing :
throbbing :
hot, burning :
splitting :
tiring, exhausting :
sickening :
Pain Assessment Form
Study this pain assessment form.

*You’ll find different kinds of pain assessments in other hospitals.

 Have you taken any medicine for your pain?
 How many times do you take?
 Could you show me where your pain is?
 Do you know how you get this pain?
 Can you describe your pain?
 How often do you feel the pain?



 Did you take (any medicine/anything) for it (your pain)?
 How many do you take?


 Show me where the pain is?
 Point at the pain you feel.


 Did you know the cause of your pain?
 Why do you feel that?


 What is the pain like?
 Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching?
 On a scale of 0 – 5, with five being the worst, how would you rate what
you feel right now?
NOTE: this is The McGill Pain Scale an assessment tool in which the nurse
chooses the number that best describes a pain on a scale of zero to five:
0 = No pain
1 = Mild pain (annoying, nagging, pinching, tight pinching)
2 = Discomforting pain (troublesome, nauseating, pressing, numb,
3 = Distressing pain (miserable, agonizing, gnawing, draining, cruel)
4 = Horrible pain (intense, dreadful, cramping, squeezing, vicious)
5 = Excruciating pain (unbearable, torturing, crushing, tearing and killing)

 How often do you feel the pain?
 Is it occasional, frequent or constant?

Pain Scale

A pain scale measures a patient's pain intensity or other features. Pain measurements help

determine the severity, type, and duration of the pain, and are used to make an accurate
diagnosis, determine a treatment plan, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

There are many different kinds of pain scales, but a common one is a numerical scale from 0 to
10. Here, 0 means you have no pain; one to three means mild pain; four to seven is considered
moderate pain; eight and above is severe pain.
No Pain Level 0 No pain at all, you feel perfectly normal.

Minor Pain Pain Level 1 Very light barely noticeable pain, like a mosquito bite or a
Levels Very Mild poison ivy itch. Most of the time you never think about the
Minor pain levels
generally do not Pain Level 2 Minor pain, like lightly pinching the fold of skin between the
interfere with Discomforting thumb and first finger with the other hand, using the
most day to day fingernails. People can react differently to this self-test.
activities. Able to
adapt to pain Pain Level 3 Very noticeable pain, like an accidental cut, a blow to the nose
psychologically Tolerable causing a bloody nose, or a doctor giving you an injection. The
and with pain is not so strong that you cannot get used to it. Eventually,
medication or most of the time you don't notice the pain, as you have
devices such as adapted to it.

Moderate Pain Pain Level 4 Strong, deep pain, like an average toothache, the initial pain
Levels Distressing from a bee sting, or minor trauma to part of the body, such as
stubbing your toe real hard. So strong you notice the pain all
Moderate pain the time and cannot completely adapt. This pain level can be
levels interfere simulated by pinching the fold of skin between the thumb and
with many daily first finger with the other hand, using the fingernails, and
activities. These squeezing real hard. Note how the simulated pain is initially
pain levels piercing but becomes dull after that.
usually require
some lifestyle Pain Level 5 Strong, deep, piercing pain, such as a sprained ankle when
changes but you Very Distressing you stand on it wrong or mild back pain. Not only do you
can remain notice the pain all the time, you are now so preoccupied with
independent, managing it that you normal lifestyle is curtailed. Temporary
however, you personality disorders are frequent.
are unable to
adapt to the Pain Level 6 Strong, deep, piercing pain so strong it seems to partially
pain. Intense Pain dominate your senses, causing you to think somewhat
unclearly. At this point you begin to have trouble holding a job
or maintaining normal social relationships. Comparable to a
bad non-migraine headache combined with several bee
stings, or a bad back pain.

Severe Pain Pain Level 7 Same as 6 except the pain completely dominates your
Levels Very Intense Pain senses, causing you to think unclearly about half the time. At
this point you are effectively disabled and frequently cannot
Severe pain live alone. Comparable to an average migraine headache.
levels mean you
are unable to Pain Level 8 Pain so intense you can no longer think clearly at all, and have
engage in your Horrible Pain often undergone severe personality change if the pain has
normal activities. been present for a long time. Suicide is frequently
The patient is contemplated and sometimes tried. Comparable to childbirth
considered or a real bad migraine headache.
disabled and
unable to Pain Level 9 Pain so intense you cannot tolerate it and demand pain killers
function Excruciating or surgery, no matter what the side effects or risk. If this
independently. doesn't work, suicide is frequent since there is no more joy in
life whatsoever. Comparable to throat cancer.

Pain Level 10 Pain so intense you will go unconscious shortly. Most people
Unimaginable have never experienced this level of pain. Those who have
Pain suffered a severe accident, such as a crushed hand, and lost
consciousness as a result of the pain and not blood loss, have
experienced level 10.

Activity 1.
Nurse 1 : Fill in the Pain Assessment Form by asking questions to patient according to the
questionnaire available.
Nurse 2 : Play the part of a patient. Tell the symptoms according to the disease described in
the cases below.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

You are a patient diagnosed You are a patient You are the man
with gastritis and gastric suspected with comes to hospital
erosion. kidney stones (renal with fever. You are
calculi) suspected with

Aggravating Heavy drinking, smoking or - -

factors simply eating too much, eating
something that is either too
spicy too acidic. Medication:
Symptoms Vomit, bloody vomit, upset Colic (a stabbing pain Painful waterworks,
stomach, nausea, loose bowel that comes in waves, having a dull heavy
movement. often a few minutes ache in crotch
apart). Lower back (around the base of
pain in one side, just penis), fever with
below the ribs. Feel temperature 37.5˚ C.
nauseated. Dribbled

Medication Antacid (Mylanta) Not yet taken Antibiotic, antipyretic

Activity 2.Give the right expressions.

1. Ask patient whether the patient has taken any self-medication.
2. Ask patient how many he/she has taken for self-medication.
3. Ask patient if he/she gets better or worse after medication.

Activity 3. Translate into communicative English using the word given below.
1. Sakitnya di sekitar perut sebelah kiri atas menyebar sampai ke perut sebelah kanan.
2. Sakitnya di sekitar dada saya.
3. Sakitnya di sekitar lambung, menjalar ke punggung sebelah kiri.
4. Saya merasa mau muntah, dan perut saya perih.
5. Saya merasa sesak nafas dan tenggorokan terasa tersumbat.
Talking About Obesity
Obesity is a condition that is associated with having an excess of body fat, defined by
genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to control when dieting. Obesity is classified
as having a Body Mass (BMI) Index of 30 or greater. BMI is a tool used to measure obesity.
Obesity increases your risk of developing related conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and
sleep apnea, to name a few. Many individuals are affected by obesity and are not aware of it.
That are many causes that directly and indirectly contributes to obesity. Behavior,
environment and genetic are among the main contributions to obesity. The Centers for Disease
Control has identified these three are the main causes to the complexity of the obesity epidemic.
In today’s fast-paced environment, it is easy to adopt unhealthy behaviors. Behavior, in
the case of obesity, relates to food choices, amount of physical activity you get and the effort to
maintain your health.
While people are consuming more calories, they are not expending them with enough
physical activity. Physical activity is an important element in modifying and shaping behaviors.
The influence of television, computers and other technologies discourage physical activity and
add to the problem of obesity in our society.
Environment plays a key role in shaping an individual’s habits and lifestyle. There are
many environmental influences that can impact your health decisions. Today’s society has
developed a more sedentary lifestyle. Walking has been replaced by driving cars, physical
activity has been replaced by technology and nutrition has been overcome by convenience
Science shows that genetic play a role in obesity. Genes can cause certain disorders
which result in obesity. However, not all individuals who are predisposed to obesity become
obese. Research is currently underway to determine which genes contribute most to obesity.

What Risks Associated with Obesity?

There are more than 40 medical conditions that are associated with obesity. Individuals
who are obese are at risk of developing one or more of these serious medical conditions. The
most prevalent obesity-related disease includes: high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory
problems, some cancers.

What Can You do about Your Obesity?

Deciding what to do about your obesity in terms of treatment varies from person to
person. If you or someone you know is obese, addressing this issue early is an essential part of
success. It is important to talk to your physician about your weight and work with him/her when
deciding which treatment is right for you. There are several methods available to address your
1. Behavior Modification and Physical Activity
As discusses above, behavior plays a large role in obesity. Modifying those behaviors
that may have contributed to developing obesity is one way to treat the disease. A few
suggested behavior modifiers include:
 Changing eating habits
 Increasing physical activity
 Becoming educated about the body and how to nourish it appropriately
 Engaging in a support group or extra curricular activity
 Setting realistic weight management goals
It is important to make a solid commitment to changing a behavior or lifestyle. Involve
your family and/or friends and ask them to help you make the necessary changes to
positively impact in your health. Increasing or initiating a physical activity program is an
important aspect in managing obesity. Today’s society has developed a very sedentary
lifestyle and routine physical activity can greatly impact your health.
You should consult with your physician before initiating any exercise program. Set
realistic goals and make sure they are measurable. Involving your family or friends can also
help to maintain your physical activity level and reach your goals.
2. Commercial Programs
Participating in a non-clinical program or commercially operated program is another
form of treatment for obesity. Some program may be commercially operated, such as a
privately owned weight-loss chain. Counselors, books, Web sites or support groups are all
ways you can involved in a non-clinical weight-loss program.
3. Physician-supervised Weight-loss
Physician-supervised weight-loss programs provide treatment in a clinical setting with
a licensed healthcare professional, such as a medical doctor, nurse, registered dietitian
and/or phycologist. These programs typically offer services such as nutrition education,
pharmacotherapy, physical activity and behavioral therapy.


Here some expressions that used in asking and giving suggestion.

Giving suggestion Accepting Refusing
 Maybe you should...  Okay, I agree with you.  I disagree/ I don’t
 I suggest ....  Yes, it's a great idea! agree with you
 I recommend you to....  Sounds great.  Declining
 You need/ought to....  Yes, let's do it/that/.  No, thank you.
 You had better....  Super!  I don't think so,
 I think you should....  All right!  Why don't we…
 I advise you to....  Thanks. I'll try your  That's not a good idea.
 I put forward .... suggestion.  I think it is bad
 Let's go .... (Ayo...)
 How/What about...
 We propose ....
 We advocate ...
Exercise 1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. (You should/should you/should) cut down on the calories you eat.
2. He (not should/don’t should/shouldn’t) smoke so much.
3. Why (I should/I/should I) eat oily fish?
4. Do (you should have/should you have/you have) sugar in your tea and coffee?
5. To be healthy you should (eaten/eating/eat) a balanced diet.
6. She could die of anorexia, so she (must eat/should eat/eats) something.
7. It (should be/would be/would) a good idea to try adding some vegetables to your diet.
8. If I were you, (I should/I’d/I) drink fewer drinks.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
a. addicted b. protein c. carbohydrate d. cravings
e. diet f. nutritionist g. junk food h. diabetic

1. He injects himself because he is . . . . . .

2. Meat and fish are sources of . . . .
3. . . . . provide the body with energy.
4. A . . . advises people how to eat healthily.
5. Pizzas and burgers are examples of . . . .
6. Morgan Spurlock had . . . for fast food.
7. A balanced . . . is healthy.
8. He is . . . to fast food.

Exercise 3. Read the text carefully then answer the questions.

Nutritionists classify foods by groups. They say that the human body requires a balanced
mixture of food from all the main food groups: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, fiber and
minerals. The secret of good health is to eat a balanced diet, with right amount of food, and to
take plenty of physical exercise.
When there is an imbalance – for example if you eat too little or to much, or when one of
the food groups is missing from your diet – this can cause vitamins deficiency, illness, and even
death. If there is no treatment and the diet does not change, death is a possibility. One example
of this is the problem of obesity – this is when a person is dangerously overweight. Obesity is
most common in developed countries. The imbalance comes from eating a diet which is high in
fat, sugar and salt, and in not eating enough fruit, vegetables and fiber, and not burning the extra
calories through physical exercise.
In the case of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, the imbalance leads
to weigh loss, when a person eats less than they need. Sufferers are mostly teenage girls – they
either starve themselves in order to lose weight, or eat a lot of food at one (binge-eating) and
vomit up all the food later. They often end up in hospital, and after emergency life-saving
treatment they receive psychiatric help and counselling.

1. What kind of diet does the human body need?
2. What is obesity an example of?
3. Where is the obesity problem common?
4. What imbalance causes anorexia nervosa?
5. Who usually suffers from eating disorders?
6. What is the treatment for eating disorders?

Exercise 4. Make word combinations! The first one is done for you.

1. physical a. loss
2. balanced b. overweight
3. weight c. disorder
4. vitamin d. groups
5. food e. diet
6. eating f. exercise
7. dangerously g. deficiency

Exercise 5. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentences
below. Number one has been done as example.
1. (obesity) Cause many illness. (obese)
2. He has an uncontrollable for fast food. (crave)
3. Her fast food is serious. (addict)
4. Everyone needs to eat a diet. (balance)
5. Being overweight her a lot. (depress)
6. His diet makes him constantly . (constipation)
7. She weight easily. (loss)
It has been a busy day at Rossmoor Medical Center. The nurse is at the end of her shift, but a
new client has been admitted, so she stops by to check on her. Here the dialog between the
nurse and the patient.
Nurse : Good morning, Mrs. Chan, my name is Evelyn, and I’ll be one of the nurse taking care
of you here.
Client : Nice to meet you. You look really young to be a nurse.
Nurse : Really? That’s nice to hear. I’ve been a nurse for three years now.
Client : Well, I guess everyone is young compared to me. I’m just 72 years “young”.
Nurse : Good for you. Well, I see that you are here for a hip replacement.
Client : Yes, my orthopedic surgeon will come to me soon.
Nurse : Are you nervous?
Client : Not really.
Nurse : Will someone from your family be here with you?
Client : Yes. I think I hear them now.
Nurse : great. Well, my shift is over and I need to leave now, but I’ll be back tomorrow at 07.00
AM. Good luck with your surgery.

Read the text below and find new word(s).

Registered nurses who work at elderly care facilities specialize in an area of medicine
called geriatrics. They focus not only on the physical ailments associated with aging, but also
with mental impairments such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Many of these nurses
have only general nursing training, while others hold advanced degrees or certification in
geriatric nursing.
To work at nursing home, retirement communities and assisted living facilities, registered
nurses need at least an associate degree in nursing or a Bachelor of Science in nursing. To
hold supervisory positions, they sometimes need a master’s degree or certification in nursing
management or geriatric nursing. For example, some pursue graduate degrees to become
gerontological nurse practitioners or geriatric clinical nurse specialists. Nurses can also earn
certification in gerontological nursing through the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
The duties for a registered nurse in an elderly care facility vary by the facility. Duties might
include basic assistance such as helping patients bathe, dress themselves, get up and down,
walk, and use wheelchairs or walkers. RNs also monitor patients’ conditions and assess their
vital signs, noting any physical or mental decline and reporting back to the doctor. in addition,
they administer medications and other treatments and help patients manage common age-
related conditions such as incontinence, sleep disturbances or loss of mobility.
The term “elderly care facility” can apply to a diverse array of health care institutions. This
includes everything from senior living communities where residents live independently to skilled
nursing facilities where patients require 24-hour care. Like nurse in other specialties, geriatric
nurses often spend long hours on their feet making their rounds. In addition to the physical toll,
they often encounter emotional stress, especially when interacting with patients who have
severe cognitive decline and may be angry or fearful. They also face the eventual loss of most
of their patients, which is especially painful after they’ve cared for them for several years.

1. Future Tense
a. Function
Future tense is a kind of tense that is used to refer to events that will happen in the
b. Pattern

c. Examples
 I will give a speech in the program.
 Alice will assist you in this case.
 She will be a successful engineer in 3 years.
 Will you come to the party?
 When will you travel?
 It won’t be very cold next week.

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences with will or will be.

1. I am sure we … pass the exam.
2. I don’t think the test … very difficult.
3. She … angry if I am late.
4. They … come here soon.
5. I wonder where we … 30 years from now.
6. He … wash his car.
7. Look at the clouds. It … rain soon.
8. I … buy something for lunch.
9. She … nice to you because of the gift.
10. We … the players.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. He (will to/wills/will) feel better after a short sleep.
2. (Do you will/Will you/You will) visit me again tomorrow?
3. I’m afraid your grandmother (won’t/not will/isn’t) remember your name.
4. I (help/I’ll help/I’ll to help) Mavis have her bath.
5. I hope I (won’t put/don’t put/put) my parents in a bad care home.
6. It’s possible that, you (are having/will have/have) arthritis when you are old.
7. A : Will he need a hearing aid?
B : No, he (won’t/will/doesn’t)
8. I (‘s/’ll is/’ll be) happy to see you tomorrow.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
a. shuffling b. immobile c. mobility aid d. nap
e. independence f. deaf g. stimulation h. cognitive

1. she likes to have a . . . after lunch.

2. Alzheimer’s causes a loss of . . . function.
3. Sufferers often have a . . . gait.
4. The maid needs . . . to stay fit.
5. He is quite . . . but he can see well.
6. She is . . . so she needs a power chair.
7. Loss of . . . is frustrating for the elderly.
8. With a . . . she can visit the shops.

Exercise 4. Complete the text below with the suitable phrases in the box.
a. nurses have time to develop
b. intellectual impairment is very common
c. they can be very demanding to nurse
d. a sense of uselessness, produce depression
e. not everyone looks forward to old age
f. suffer from sleep disorders and eating problems
g. causes a great deal of distress

Any healthy person reading this has a good chance of living past their one hundredth
birthday. However, that is not necessarily good news, because . . . (1) . . .. The main
problem with old age is boredom. Boredom, and . . . (2) . . .. Depression can increase
mental and physical decay, especially if it is made worse by the loss of a wife or husband.
Elderly people depend a lot on nursing care and . . . (3) . . . They can be inattentive,
have disorganized thoughts and speech, and they sometimes show strange behavior.
Many of them are bedridden and . . . (4) . . .
It is possible to grow old and die without losing your faculties. However, . . . (5) . . ..
it usually shows as confusion and forgetfulness. Immobility is common problem for elderly
people. This is often caused by diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis. Another
problem is incontinence.
Which . . . (6) . . .. But there is a positive side to geriatric nursing. Care of the elderly
is usually long-term, and so . . . (7) . . . relationship with their patients, which can be very
Exercise 5. Choose the right equipment in Part B for each the geriatric problems in
Part A. Number one has been done for you as example.
1. Patient needs a little help with mobility. a. glasses
2. This lady cannot focus well. b. artificial hip
3. She needs help in the bathroom. c. bath lift
4. You have too shout, he’s very deaf. d. walking stick
5. Patient’s joint has degenerated because of arthritis. e. incontinence pad
6. She occasionally wets herself. f. commode
7. He needs toilet by his bed. g. hearing aid

Exercise 6. Complete the text below with the available words in the box.
confined deaf independence mobility
confinement mobile deafness

This lady is proud of her . . (1) . .. However, arthritis has taken away her . . (2) . . and she is
now . . (3) . . to her room. This . . (4) . . is making her depressed. She is also very . . (5) . . ,
but her . . (6) . . is only a problem when she forgets to wear her hearing aid. The first thing
she needs in order to get her . . (7) . . again is a wheelchair.

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