English File: 2 Quick Test

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2 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE  4

GRAMMAR 15 My grandparents have a(n) _____ cottage in the

Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. A  old lovely little  ■  B  lovely little old  ■ 
Example: The _____ eat a lot of fish. C  little old lovely  ■
A Chineses ■  B Chinese ■ ✓  16 The government should do more to help _____.
C  Chinese people  ■ A poor ■  B  the poor  ■  C  the poverty  ■
1 How long _____ Belinda? 17 Could I have _____, please?
A  do you know  ■  B  have you been knowing  ■  A  the green ones  ■  B  the green  ■ 
C  have you known  ■ C  the ones green  ■
2 _____ the floor yet? 18 All _____ in my class were really friendly.
A  Have you been cleaning  ■  A  the Mexicans  ■  B  the Mexican  ■ 
B  Have you cleaned  ■  C  Did you clean  ■ C Mexicans ■
3 I’ve been writing emails all day – I think _____ over a 19 _____ are going to become an increasingly large section
hundred. of society.
A  I’ve been sending  ■  B  I’m sending  ■  A  The Elderly  ■  B  The old people  ■ 
C  I’ve sent  ■ C  The elderly  ■
4 We’ve lived in this house _____ I was six years old. 20 I’d love to learn more about _____ – they seem like such
A from ■  B for ■  C since ■ interesting people.
5 A You look exhausted! A  the Japanese  ■  B Japanese ■ 
B That’s because I _____ the garden all day. C  the Japan  ■
A dug ■  B  ’ve dug  ■  C  ’ve been digging  ■ 20

6 There’s blood on your shirt! You _____ yourself!

A  ’ve cut  ■  B cut ■  C  ’ve been cutting  ■ VOCABULARY
7 Bungee jumping is the most exciting thing _____. a Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
A  I’ve ever done  ■  B  I ever did  ■ 
Example: Billy’s _____ himself. He touched a hot
C  I’ve ever been doing  ■
8 A Do you want to play some tennis later? A burnt ■ ✓   B cut ■  C twisted ■
B No thanks. _____ twice this week.
A  I’ve already played  ■  1 I can’t eat peanuts because they give me an allergic
B  I’ve already been playing  ■  _____.
C  I’ve been already playing  ■ A attack ■  B condition ■  C reaction ■
9 How many times _____ to the coast this year? 2 David is _____ on a fish bone! Can you help?
A  have you been  ■  B  did you go  ■  A choking ■  B swallowing ■ 
C  have you been going  ■ C vomiting ■
10 How long _____ at this language school? 3 You should cover your mouth when you _____ to
A  do you study  ■  B  have you been studying  stop any viruses from spreading.
C  you have been studying  ■ A swallow ■  B sneeze ■  C vomit ■
11 Harry’s got a _____ sports car. 4 He keeps having to go to the bathroom. He’s got
A  blue new fantastic  ■  B  fantastic new blue  _____.
C  new blue fantastic  ■ A  a rash  ■  B diarrhea ■  C  a blister  ■
12 _____ have a reputation for being hard-working people. 5 I hate _____, but I need to get some before I go on my
A  A Pole  ■  B  The Poles  ■  C Polish ■ trip to Africa.
A bandages ■  B shots ■  C X-rays ■
13 _____ joined my English class this week.
A  A Chinese  ■  B  Chinese girl  ■  6 I _____ and then I fainted.
C  A Chinese girl  ■ A  had a blister  ■  B  felt dizzy  ■ 
C  was unconscious  ■
14 I think the _____ dress suits you best.
A  green long cotton  ■  B  long green cotton  7 I’ve got a(n) _____. It hurts when I talk.
C  cotton long green  ■ A headache ■  B earache ■ 
C  sore throat  ■

American English File 4 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 1

2 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE  4

8 I cut my foot on some broken glass and had to PRONUNCIATION

get five _____.
A X-rays ■  B stitches ■  C wounds ■
a Which word has a different sound? Check (✓) A,
B, or C.
9 My back _____ if I spend too long sitting in that
chair. Example: A glove  ■
✓   B spotted  ■  C sock  ■
A aches ■  B vomits ■  C bleeds ■ 1 A stylish  ■  B striped  ■  C denim  ■
10 It was difficult to walk when I _____ my ankle, but it 2 A scruffy  ■  B shirt  ■  C fur  ■
got better really quickly. 3 A swollen  ■  B choke  ■  C vomit  ■
A bandaged ■  B swollen ■  C twisted ■
4 A poisoning  ■ B swollen  ■  C dizzy  ■
b Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. 5 A striped  ■  B checked  ■  C spotted  ■
Example: I went _____ with the flu last month. b Which is the correctly stressed syllable? Check (✓)
A down ■ ✓   B up ■  C through ■ A, B, or C.
11 I was feeling so dizzy that I had to lie _____. Example: A  old-fashioned  ■
✓   B old-fashioned  ■ 
A up ■  B down ■  C over ■ C  old-fashioned  ■
12 The fish we ate wasn’t cooked properly and I threw 6 A cardigan  ■  B cardigan  ■  C cardigan  ■
_____ during the night.
7 A accident  ■  B accident  ■  C accident  ■
A up ■  B out ■  C down ■
8 A fashionable  ■  B fashionable  ■ 
13 I was very sick with food poisoning and it took a
C fashionable  ■
couple of weeks to get _____ it.
9 A allergic  ■  B allergic  ■  C allergic  ■
A across ■  B through ■  C over ■
10 A unconscious  ■  B unconscious  ■ 
14 I felt very strange and light-headed and then I passed
C unconscious  ■
A over ■  B out ■  C down ■ 10

15 I was unconscious for a few minutes and then I Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
slowly came _____.
A up ■  B through ■  C around ■

c Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: Those shoes aren’t made of _____. That’s
why they’re so cheap.
A leather ■✓   B velvet ■  C cotton ■
16 Ben’s so _____. He always dresses really well.
A old-fashioned ■  B stylish ■ 
C scruffy ■
17 Your jeans are going to fall down. They’re too _____.
A smart ■  B checked ■  C loose ■
18 I think you should buy that red dress. It really _____
A matches ■  B  goes with  ■  C suits ■
19 I don’t like patterned shirts. I prefer _____ clothes.
A denim ■  B hooded ■  C plain ■
20 Are you going to _____ for the dinner tonight?
A  wear up  ■  B  dress over  ■  C  dress up  ■

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