Production Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Biodiesel From Avocado Seed Oil

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(A Journal of the Society for the Conservation of Phytofuels and Sciences)

( (ISSN 2354 1784)

Production, Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Biodiesel from Avocado Seed

Oil Using Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2013

*Isah1,M., Oluwole1, F.A., Sulaiman2, A.T. and Abdulrahim1, A.T.

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Maiduguri, P.M.B. 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bayero University Kano, P.M.B. 3011, Kano, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author e-mail address:[email protected])


The study examined the production, characterization and performance characterization of

biodiesel prepared from avocado seeds. The Avacado SeedOil (ASO) was extracted from the
seed through both mechanical and solvent extraction methods. 354 ml oil was extracted from1.2
kg seeds ofwindslowson cultivar, having 30% oil content. The extracted oil was characterized
and converted to biodiesel using transesterification method with operational condition of
methanol to oil molar ratio of 6:1, reaction time of 6 mins, and reaction temperature of 60 oC.
TheAvacado biodiesel (ABD) produced was characterized to determine the fuel properties and
evaluated on the basis of emission quality. The results of the oil properties indicate thatthe
specific gravity,density, acid value, free fatty acid (%FFA), viscosityand higher heating
valuewere0.9155, 915.5kgm−3 ,5.25 mg KOH/g, 0.104%,35.9 mm2 /s and 56.05MJ/kg
respectively. The results of biodiesel characterized showed that thespecific
gravity,density,viscosity,flash point,acid valueand heating valuewere0.869, 869 kgm−3 ,
3.59461 mm2 /s, 80℃, 0.76 mgKOH/g and41.113MJ/kg respectively. It was noted that the
emission quality wasCO, 0.75%; PM, 0.07%;, NOx 5.04𝑆 2.33%.for Carbon II Oxide, Particulate
Matter, Oxide of Nitrogenand Sulphur contentrespectively.The ABD properties were compared
with several limits prescribed in the ASTM D675-02 of biodiesel standards. It was concluded

that the properties of the extracted Avacado oil and the biodiesel produced from the oil met
ASTM D675 standard. The emission gave good quality.

Keywords: Avocado seed oil, Windslowson cultivar, Solvent extraction, Transesterification,

Flash point, Autodesk investor.

INTRODUCTION Shebeshi and Atlantika, Southeast of Yola,

the capital of Adamawa. The species of
It is an undisputable fact that there is a
Avocado cultivated in Nigeria are:
universal demand for vegetable oil due to its
Windslowson and Hass, having oil contents
use in domestic cooking as an ingredient for
of 30% and 22% respectively (Maiteraet
other food production such as baking and
al., 2014).
frying of snack foods and as a raw material
for the manufacture of soap, body/hair oils Avocado seed is a biomass material that
and detergents (Peter and Ann, 1992). contains triglycerides and has low FFA (free
fatty acid) content of 0.367%. It can be
The avocado (Perceaamericana) belongs to
processed to biodiesel through
the Lauraceae family of tropical and
transesterification. Researchers tried to
Mediterranean trees and shrubs; other
examine the potential of avocado seed as
members of this family include: Lauren
alternative energy resources that is
cinnamon, Saffras and green-heart (a timber
environmental friendly and can meet the
of the Gulanas). Originally, avocado pears
domestic energy demand (Ikhuoriaet al.,
are generally grown in the tropical part of
the world, including countries like South
America, Central America, West Indies, Maiteraet al. (2014) carried out a proximate
Caribbean and Mexico. Nowadays, they are and elemental analysis of avocado fruit. In
grown in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana etc. In their investigation, it was found that the
Nigeria, the various places where Avocado moisture content was 64.73% while oil
is planted include: South East (Obudu area content was 36.5%. The fruits were wet
in Calabar), North Central (Pankshin, digested for some mineral elements; these
BarakinLadi, Vom in Jos, Plateau State), elements and their respective composition
Mambila Plateau in Taraba State and are as follows: Na, 0.23 mg/kg, K, 2.04

Publication of the Society for the Conservation of Phytofuels and Sciences Page 28

mg/kg, Fe, 0.069 mg/kg, Ca, 0.064 mg/kg transesterification process. In her results, the
and Mg, 0.103 mg/kg. Other parameters higher conversion was obtained when RBD
studied include crude fibre 4.03%, crude palm oil which is 98.2% yield and 97.5%
protein 1.65% and ash content 12.36%. The purity instead of 96.8% yield and 94.7%
extracted oil was characterized and the purity in WCO used as the raw material.
results are: saponification value (as in oleic
Nada, (2011), carried out a study on the
acid) 0.186 mgKOH/g, free fatty acid 0.180
manufacturing of biodiesel from the used
mgKOH/g, Iodine value 0.82gI2/100g, and
vegetable oil. He defined the requirements
specific gravity obtained at 25oC was 0.915.
for biodiesel production by the esterification
Rachimeollaet al. (2009) carried out an process, testing its quality by determining
investigation on the production of biodiesel some parameters such as density, kinematics
using a Hass avocado seed cultivar. It was viscosity, high heating value, cetane
confirmed that the optimum condition for number, flash point, cloud point and pour
biodiesel yield was obtained at a molar ratio point and comparing it to Diesel fuel, testing
of 1: 6 (oil to alcohol). They also concluded the engine performance, testing the
that dry washing method gave the best yield emissions of biodiesel and comparing it to
of the biodiesel, as compared to that of the diesel emission, and the strategic issues to
water wash. The results of their findings be considered to assess its feasibility, or
showed that the dry washing gave the yield likelihood of succeeding.
of 84.5678% while the water wash
Sivaramakrishnanet al. (2006),
gave 82.7119% of the biodiesel yield.
experimented on the performance
Arifin, (2009) carried out investigations on optimization of Karanja biodiesel oil. Their
the Production of Biodiesel from Waste work was aimed at optimizing the direct
Cooking Oil (WCO) and RBD Palm Oil injection (DI) single cylinder diesel engine
Using Batch Transesterification Process. with respect to brake power, fuel economy
She equally carried out the study on the and emissions through experimental
performance of yield and purity of biodiesel investigations and Design of
from WCO as the starting material with Experiment(DOE) methods. A single
different catalyst (NaOCH3) concentration cylinder 5.2 kW diesel engine was selected
and reaction time via single step batch for test.

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Waziriet al. (2012) carried out an viscosity, flash point and higher heating
experiment on the development of value) and to model a virtual biodiesel
mathematical model for the engine using Autodesk fusion, simulate the
transesterification of Jatrophacurcas seed model using blender and python as plug-in
oil in heterogeneous catalyst. He developed to obtain the emission quality.
a model equation for the prediction of
biodiesel yield in terms of both coded and
actual factors using Design-Expert 6.0 The methods adopted in this study are
software. He validated the model by staged into three: Preliminary stage, main
substituting the experimental data, at various reaction stage and purification stage. In the
conditions of catalyst concentration, preliminary stage,the oil was extracted,
methanol/oil, reaction time and stirrer speed. distillated and degummed. The extraction
In comparison, the result of their was carried out using both mechanical
experimental values and predicted values extraction and solvent methods.
were in close agreement. In their work, the
TheAvacadooil extracted were distillated in
signal noise ratio (SNR) was used to
an electric temperature regulator oven, to
optimized the performance of the engine in
expel the remnants of the moisture content
terms of break thermal efficiency (BTHE),
break specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and
emission of the diesel engine, using After the distillations, the oil became
controlled factors: compression ratio (CR), gummed (thickened). Hydrogen tetraoxo
nozzle pressure (NP) and injection timing phosphate V (𝐻2 𝑃𝑂4) was used in
(IT). They used empirically developed degumming the oil.
mathematical model, which is a link
between dependent variables and control
parameters and compared with their
experimental results.
Characterization of the Avocado Seed Oil
This study aimedattheproduction, (ASO):
characterization and performance
a) Determination of Specific Gravity
evaluationof oil and biodiesel from avocado
(SG) of the Oil:
seed oil (specific gravity, density,acid value,

Publication of the Society for the Conservation of Phytofuels and Sciences Page 30

Hydrometer was used to measure Where: %𝐹𝐹𝐴 = Percentage free fatty acid
the SG of the oil at 25⁰C (Oluwoleet contents in terms of oleic acid (Anonym,
al., 2014) 2015)
b) Determination of the Density of the
Oil: Density is the weight per unit d) Determination of the Viscosity of the
volume. Oils that are denser contain Oil:
more energy. The density was The viscosity was measured by a
determined by using the SG obtained viscometer (Plate 6). The viscosity
above with the density of water was read off as 35.9𝑚𝑚2 /
c) Determination of the Acid Value of 𝑠(Oluwoleet al., 2014).
the Oil: Acid value (or e) Higher Heating Value (Calorific
"neutralization number" or "acid Value): According to
number" or "acidity") (Zhu et al., Sivaramakrishnan and Ravikumar
1997). The acid value was (2006), the relationship between the
determined using equation 1: higher heating value (HHV) and
𝑁×𝑉×𝑀 viscosity of a vegetable oil is given
AV = −−−−−−−−
W by:
− − − − − (1)
𝐻𝐻𝑉 = 0.4625𝑣 + 39.450 − −
Where 𝑁 = The normality of aqueous
− − − − − − − −(3)
solution of 𝐾𝑂𝐻 (0.1N), 𝑉 = Volume of
titrant used for titration (25ml), 𝑀 = The main reaction consists of the

Molecular weight of 𝐾𝑂𝐻 (4.2mol), experimental design, experimental set-up

𝑊 = Weight of oil sample (2g). and production procedure.

Determination of the Percentage Free In the experimental design, the production

Fatty Acid (%FFA): Percentage free fatty of biodiesel for the percentage of biodiesel

acid (%𝐹𝐹𝐴) content of the oil was yield was designed for two selected factors:

calculated empirically using the acid value Methanol to ASO molar ratio and the

previously determined as follows: temperature, with respect to the washing

𝐴𝑉 method. The selection of parameters was
%𝐹𝐹𝐴 = −−−−−−−−−−
0.503 based on research works and practical
− − − − − − − −(2) considerations in the literature. The
operational conditions for this stage are:

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retention time of 60 minutes and 1% wt. biodiesel layer was collected and transferred
NaOH toward oil and are based on the to another separation funnel for washing, as
literature data (Rachimoellahet al., 2009). the purification stage.
The operational variables are molar ratio of
Characterization of the Avocado Biodiesel
oil to methanol (1:6) and temperature
reaction (40°C, 50°C, and 60°C). The upper
temperature level (60℃) was selected, since a) Specific gravity (SG) at 15°C: The
theoretically, the boiling point of methanol procedures described in ASO
is 64.7℃. The molar ratio (1: 6) was the characterization was used to
theoretically declared maximum yield giving determine the specific gravity of the
molar ratio (Rachimoellahet al., 2009). The ABD.
reaction time and mixing intensity were b) Determination of Density of the
fixed at 1 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟and 350 rpm respectively for Biodiesel:The procedures described
all experimental runs. in ASO characterization was also
used to determine the density of the
Methanol and Sodium hydroxide mixture
was prepared as Sodium methoxide. This
c) Determination of Acid Value of the
mixture was agitated continuously until all
Oil:The acid value was determined
the Sodium hydroxide dissolved completely.
using the procedures described in
The reactor was then charged with50 mlof
ASO characterization.
refined oil and the methoxide solution. Then
d) Viscosity ( 𝒎𝒎𝟐 /𝒔):The viscosity
the reactor assembly was heated to the
was measured using “V8
desired temperature by using the circulating
thermostat. Mixing, assisted with magnetic
e) Flash point (°C):The flash point of
heat stirrer, was started immediately by
the biodiesel was determined using a
gradually increasing the intensity to 350
Pensky Martens Flash Point Tester.
rpm. After 𝟏𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 of the reaction time, the
f) Higher Heating Value (Calorific
mixture was then transferred to a clean
Value):This was determined using
separating funnel and allowed to separate.
the procedures described in ASO
After the separation was completed, the
Evaluation of AvacadoOil Biodiesel

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An Autodesk Investor Fussion 2013 was used for the design of the engine parts used for the
evaluation ( Table 1 ).

Table 1: Specification of Biodiesel Engine

Make Specification
Model DAF 10
Engine power 5.2 KW
Rated Brake Power (bhp/kW) 9.6/7
Rated Speed (rpm) 1500
Number of cylinder One
Bore X Stroke (mm) 102 x 110
Compression Ratio 17.5:1
SFC at rated hp/1500rpm 251g/kwh (185g/bhp-hr)
Inlet valve Open (Degree) 4.5 BTDC
Inlet Valve Closed (Degree) 35.5 ABDC
Exhaust Valve Open (Degree) 35.5 BBDC
Exhaust Valve Closed (Degree) 4.5 ATDC
Fuel Injection Timing 26BTDC
Source: (Pooja and Mayur, 2012)

After the design, specification was imputed, a virtual biodiesel engine (Figure 1) was modeled.
The model was based on the specification of the biodiesel engine (Table 1).

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Figure 1: A Virtual Biodiesel Engine model

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION value reported in the literature which

was𝟓. 𝟐𝟎𝟎. The percentage of Free Fatty
Table 2 presents the results of the Avacado
Acid (%FFA) (Table 1) of the purified
oil properties. It was observed from Table 1
that the Specific gravity and density of the ASO( 𝟎. 𝟏𝟎𝟒 𝒎𝒈 ) is suitable for base

Avocado seed oil were 0.9155 and catalyzed transesterification reaction (acid
915.5𝑘𝑔𝑚−3 respectively, and werewithin value of the oil should be
the range of the ASTM (675-02), which below 𝟐 𝒎𝒈𝑲𝑶𝑯/𝒈) and preferably <
were0.915 and 915𝑘𝑔𝑚−3 respectively. 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓%, according to ASTM and EU
The viscosity of the purified ASO was standard (Martinez-Herrera et al., 2006).
slightly higher than the standard value Therefore, the oil did not need any further
at 34℃ which was 35.7 𝑚𝑚2 /𝑠, however, treatment and hence suitable for the
the observed difference was not significant. production of biodiesel.

The acid value of the purified ASO of 𝟓. 𝟐𝟓

was within the range of the ASTM 675-02

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Table 2: Physico - Chemical Properties of Avocado seed Oil (ASO)

Properties Purified
ASOIkhuoriaet al., 2001
(ASTM 675-02)
Specific gravity 0.9155 0.915 − 0.916
Density @ 15℃ (𝑘𝑔𝑚−3) 915.5 −
Acid value (𝑚𝑔𝐾𝑂𝐻/𝑔) 5.25 5.200
%FFA (%) 0.104 0.367 − 0.82
Viscosity @ 34℃ (𝑚𝑚2 /𝑠) 35.9 35.7
Higher Heating Value (MJ/kg) 56.05 −

Table 3 presents the results of Avacado The resulted flash point for the biodiesel
biodiesel (ABD) properties. It was noted was within the specified standard limits of
that the specific gravity and density of the ASTM i.e. (< 100). As the result shows the
avocado biodiesel are within the range of flash points of the test 80℃ below the
standard values of biodiesel, 0.850 − 0.890 maximum limit, is the indication of the
and850 − 890 for SG and density volatility of the biodiesel.
The acid value of the avocado biodiesel
The viscosity of the (Table 3) was lower than that of the ASTM
biodiesel,3.59461𝑚𝑚2 /𝑠 was within the (675-02) biodiesel and this was probably
range of the ASTM D 675-02, though it was due to the transesterification and purification
higher than the lower limit of the standard processes.
biodiesel2.3𝑚𝑚2 /𝑠,probably due to the fact
The heating (calorific) value of the biodiesel
that biodiesel produced in the laboratory was
was higher than that of the ASTM-02 of
not completely converted to biodiesel. This
standard biodiesel. This could be because
means that it still contains little amount of
the seed was properly dried to reduce the
ASO and other impurities since
moisture contents and also the extracted oil
centrifugation was not used.
was distilled appropriately.

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Table 3: Physico- chemical Properties of Avocado Biodiesel (ABD)

Properties Analysis Results Standard values Biodiesel
(ABD) (ASTM D675-02)
Specific Gravity 0.869 0.850 − 0.890
Density @ 15℃ (𝑘𝑔𝑚−3) 869 850 − 890
Viscosity@ 34℃(𝑚𝑚2 /𝑠) 3.59461 2.3 − 6.0
Flash Point ℃, 80 < 100
Acid Value (𝑚𝑔𝐾𝑂𝐻/𝑔) 0.76 0.8
Heating Value (𝑀𝐽/𝑘𝑔) 41.113 37 − 39

The output parameters, which show the the engine efficiency and the exhaust
engine performance was based on emission temperature. This is probably due to the fact
quality (carbon monoxide; CO, oxide of that the software was designed to such
nitrogen; 𝑁𝑂𝑥 , particulate matter; PM), the limits. Python plugin (for blender), used for
exhaust temperatures as well as engine fluid analysis was installed to help in
efficiency. Although, there are other exhaust analyzing the fuel performance in the
parameters like CO2, Hydro-carbon, etc. The engine. The analysis was finally run and the
software was only able to carry out the results are displayed in Figures 2 and3.
simulation of CO, NOx and PM as well as

Publication of the Society for the Conservation of Phytofuels and Sciences Page 36

Figure 2: Initializing the analysis for running

After the analysis was run, the result was Matter; PM, the exhaust temperatures as
presented in Figure 3. Carbon Monoxide; well as engine efficiency were analyzed
CO, Oxide of Nitrogen; 𝑁𝑂𝑋 , Particulate (Figure 3 and Table 4).

Publication of the Society for the Conservation of Phytofuels and Sciences Page 37

Figure 3: Result of the analysis after run

Table 4: Correlation between the Model Results and the Conventional Fuel
Emissions CO% PM % NOx %
Analysis 0.75 0.07 5.04
Petroleum diesel 1.40 0.11 4.55

From the results of the performance analysis combustion and lower Carbon to hydrogen
of the fuel, (Figures 3 and Table 4), Carbon ratio in biodiesel compared to diesel
Monoxide (CO) was found to be 0.75%, for (Jinlinet al., 2011).
the Avocado Biodiesel (ABD) and 1.40%
The Particulate Matter (PM) of the ABD
for the petrol diesel. 65% reduction of CO in
of 0.07%, was found to be 4% lower than
ABD was as a result of the higher oxygen
that of the petrol diesel,0.11%. This was
content, which enhances a complete
due to the higher in oxygen content as well
Publication of the Society for the Conservation of Phytofuels and Sciences Page 38

as lower in aromatic and sulfur compounds 1. The properties of the ASO

in biodiesel (Jinlinet al., 2011). determined were found to meet the
(ASTM 675-02) standard.
The Nox of the ABD 5.04% was higher than
2. Fuel properties of ABD investigated
that of the petrol diesel 4.55% by 10%. This
were found to meet ASTM D 675
was because of the higher oxygen contents
for biodiesel. (Jinlin et al., 2011).
3 The virtual biodiesel engine designed
The efficiency of the machine was using Autodesk Inventor 2013 and
determined using a BLENDER, with a the simulation of the emission
python, as a plugin to the model in the qualities (CO, NOx, PM) were found
inventor fusion 2013. The determinant was to be appropriate since the level of
based on the Break Specific Fuel the observed differences were not
Consumption, and the efficiency was found significant.
to be 86.66% 4 The biodiesel yield gave a good
emission quality and the
characterization of the biodiesel:
CONCLUSION Specific Gravity (𝑆. 𝐺), Density,
Viscosity, Flash point, Acid value
It was therefore concluded from the study
and higher heating value meet the
standard of biodiesel (ASTM 675-

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