What Is Remote Learning

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The key takeaways are that remote learning provides education opportunities for those unable to attend traditional in-person classes and requires self-discipline, clear communication, and access to technology and assignments.

Teachers face challenges in maintaining classroom collaboration, assessing student learning remotely, and needing to design lessons that can be understood and include extensions without in-person interaction.

A well-defined structure, routine for assigning and assessing work, and expectations for communication and technology access need to be established for remote learning to support instruction.

What is remote learning?

It is important to note that in remote learning environments, versus virtual learning environments,
the learner and teacher are not accustomed to having distance during instruction.

Opportunities for remote learning are typically linked to emergency situations that pose a
threat to student safety. 

Remote learning is learning that happens outside of the traditional classroom because the student
and teacher are separated by distance and/or time.

Remote learning experience

To be most effective with remote learning, a well-defined structure needs to be in place so

it can support a well-developed instruction plan.

Remote learning comes with many challenges. Teachers will need to have a routine to assign work,
assess student learning and maintain classroom collaboration though the remote learning time
frame. Students will need to be able to easily access assignments, collaborate with fellow
students, and be able to reach their instructor whenever they have a question.


defining these elements up front helps to remove distractions from learning.

Time is the first thing schools need to consider because it sets expectations and
boundaries for both students and teachers, particularly, when to start the school day and
how many hours it will entail. 

These types of connections can be done through videoconferencing, through chat, or by phone


Communication is another aspect that needs to be clearly determined at the onset of the
remote learning experience.
expectations should also be set for how and how frequently the teacher will be in touch
with the student
Technology can vary in impromptu remote learning environments.
Lesson design
because in person you can read the class and determine if students are understanding
and then make adjustments on the fly.
In a remote environment, one must assume there will be a lack of understanding and
include extensions and remediations in the lesson design.
Setting the lesson provides context for the lesson and links it to previous or future lessons.
It helps the learner understand what they will be doing and why.
Objectives would be the same in a remote environment as in a face-to-face environment.
But the objectives do need to be written into the lesson and it is a good practice to bold
the words that emphasize the action of the learning and the outcome
Create a poll or checklist for students to self assess what they know. This will help them
focus on content they aren’t as familiar with as they move through a lesson.
teacher presentation of content
Create an outline for a disaster management plan that addresses risk reduction, response,
and recovery.
management planning
Activities and assignments should have clear directions and a sample should be provided
so that students know what the finished product should look like.
The transition should be made as easy as possible for the teacher and student.

it’s a form of learning that needs consideration before and during

Adapt your communicative skills

 If you and your student can connect live, do it! There are many
free tools available for teachers to give live video lessons and record
them for students to watch later.

 Let students know you’re thinking of them. Send them a note

via email, your learning management system, or classroom messaging
app. Share with students what you’re missing about seeing them in
person, and how excited you’ll be to see them again soon!

 Please provide feedback! Qualitative feedback is essential to

student growth, and oftentimes, it can be forgotten when teaching
remotely. Students are looking to you to let them know how they are
doing and that their remote work has purpose.
 Distance does not prohibit collaboration. There are tools like
Google Docs and Slides which allow students to collaborate and
communicate—in real time!—around shared problems and ideas.

 Keep in touch with the community. It’s important to remember

that parents and families are working remotely too and that we’re all
stronger together. If possible, reach out to one—or more!—family per
week to share something their student is doing well. Also, don’t hesitate
to let parents/guardians know you appreciate them for supporting their
child’s remote learning.

 Reach out to other teachers and school staff. Other teachers—

colleagues and friends—are going through this transition as well. Use
some of the same tools you use with students to connect with other

Choose the best tools, and stay with them!

 Keep using what works. Are there digital tools you’ve been using
in class all year like Khan Academy? Great, keep using them!

 For new tools, pick what fits you and your students
best. Remember, just because something sounds great for someone else’s
class, doesn’t make it the right fit for you. No one knows your class
better than you, so use what works best for you and your students.

 Stay consistent! Don’t switch to new tools every day or

week. Adapting to remote learning is a challenge on many levels, and
rotating tools frequently adds to the stress and confusion for everyone.
Finding what works and sticking with it helps students remain focused
on learning new concepts—not new tools.
Keep a schedule.
 Keeping a schedule while teaching remotely is easier said than
done. Stick to consistent times for working and connecting with students.
Schedules are not just for students, they provide consistency for teachers
as well. Determine specific times to lesson plan, connect with students,

Encourage students to master new skills. Students can use

this time to fill gaps, move ahead or learn something new. By
using Khan Academy’s mastery system, you can help students set
mastery goals below, on, or above grade level. Students can
move at their own pace. Some teachers even encourage students
to find courses that excite them outside their subject area.
Motivate your students
Set clear goals—and include students in the process! Keeping
students motivated is hard, and doing it remotely is even harder.
Have students set individual or class goals for working remotely,
and then communicate these goals with students and families.
Provide students an opportunity to reflect. It’s essential to
remember that remote learning is about more than just the
curriculum. Try switching out an assignment with an opportunity
for students to write and reflect on their remote learning
experience. Some teachers encourage using tools that allow for
comments so students can share reflections and leave supportive
notes for their peers.

Is Distance Education Effective? Many educators ask if distant students learn as much as
students receiving traditional face−to−face instruction. Research indicates that when the
method and technologies used are appropriate to the instructional tasks, there is a
student−to−student interaction, and when there is timely teacher−to− student feedback 
How is Distance Education Delivered?  A wide range of technological options are available to
remote learning. They fall into four major categories:  Voice − Instructional audio tools include
the interactive technologies of telephone, audioconferencing, and short−wave radio. Passive
(i.e., one−way) audio tools include tapes and radio.

 Video − Instructional video tools include still images such as slides, pre−produced moving
images (e.g., film, videotape), and real−time moving images combined with audioconferencing
(one−way or two−way 1 video with two−way audio).

Data − Computers send and receive information electronically. For this reason, the term “data”
is used to describe this broad category of instructional tools. Computer applications for
distance education are varied and include: Computer−assisted instruction (CAI) − uses the
computer as a self−contained teaching machine to present individual lessons.
Computer−managed instruction (CMI) − uses the computer to organize instruction and track
student records and progress. The instruction itself need not be delivered via a computer,
although CAI is often combined with CMI.

Computer−mediated education (CME) − describes computer applications that facilitate the

delivery of instruction. Examples include • electronic mail, fax, real−time computer
conferencing, and World−WideWeb applications. Print − is a foundational element of distance
education programs and the basis from which all other delivery systems have evolved. Various
print formats are available including: textbooks, study guides, workbooks and case studies.

Effective Distance Education. Effective distance education programs begin with careful
planning and a focused understanding of course requirements and student needs. In fact,
successful distance education programs rely on the consistent and integrated efforts of
students, faculty, facilitators, support staff, and administrators.

Benefits of Distance Learning Convenience  Distance learning technologies can provide

convenient locations for both students and instructors. Many of the technologies, such as the
Internet and telephone, are easily accessed at home.  Others, such as videoconferencing,
can be distributed from a single point (such as a university) to multiple remote sites (such as

Remote learning is where the student and the educator, or information source, are not
physically present in a traditional classroom environment. Information is relayed through
technology, such as discussion boards, video conferencing, and online assessments.

Remote Learning can occur synchronously with real-time peer-to-peer interaction and
collaboration, or asynchronously, with self-paced learning activities that take place
independently of the instructor.
Remote learning refers to educational activities that have a variety of formats and
methods, most of which take place online.
There are a number of online options available for communicating with students, collecting
assignments, and distributing education material.
Remote learning allows teachers to deliver their lessons online,
and students can complete assignments, projects, and
assessments just like they would in the classroom. This will create
an opportunity for students and teachers to interact online and
allows students to continue learning subjects and material that are
a key part of their curriculum.

To provide an effective alternative path to wider

opportunities in education and especially in higher
There are different categories of potential learners. There are some
who never been able to enter into any institution of higher
learning. There are some who just need additional knowledge in a
particular discipline. There are still others who are in need of
refresher courses to cope with the latest development in their
perfection. For all of those there is need for distance learning or
correspondence education.

To provide education facilities to all qualified and willing

The objective of correspondence courses is to provide education
facilities to all qualified and willing persons who are unable to join
regular university and other courses due to various reasons. For
them, there is an incessant search for an alternative system and
that system is distance education.

To provide opportunities of academic pursuits to

educated citizens willing to improve their standard of
There are many learners, both young and adults, who cannot
afford to join the face-to-face system of education due to personal
and professional responsibilities. For such type of persons, some
provisions have to be made through distance education. Hence,
the objective is to provide opportunities to improve the standard
of knowledge and learning through continuing education while in

To provide education facilities to those individuals who

look upon education as a life-long activity:
Distance education facilities are needed for those individuals who
look upon education as a life-long activity or to acquire knowledge
in a new area. Because lifelong education is emphasized for all
stages of life. In this context, the report of the National Policy on
Education, 1986 is worth- mentioning here.

Distance education programs provide an alternative to traditional education models.  With

the ever-increasing demands and responsibilities at work and home, online courses offer
access to higher education.  Students are able to work at their own pace, while receiving a
quality education.  With the proper support distance learning opens the door to many non-
traditional students, who otherwise would not have access to higher education.
The success of distance learning is a collaborative effort among students and instructors.
In order for distance learning to be successful, distance learners must possess personal
characteristics, which ensure academic success.  Successful distance learners are self-
motivated, committed, efficient time managers and are not afraid to advocate for
More control over your learning

In stark contrast to traditional education, where participants are forced to stick to

rigid schedules and specific learning processes, remote education gives its
students the freedom to engage with, digest, and analyse course content in ways
that work best for them – and all according to their own daily or weekly plans.
This allows remote learners to carry on with their personal, work, or family-related
commitments, while still attaining the education they’re after.

Ability to self-discipline

To be successful, remote learning requires its students to be just as efficient and

organised as they’d be in a traditional academic setting; helping mould them into self-
motivated, responsible individuals. In fact, studies have found that those in “online learning
conditions” performed better than those who were given conventional, face-to-face
instruction. This is likely due to remote learning being a more personalised, independent
activity – allowing people to study through methods that best suit them, and thus leading to
better academic results.
Online networking

remote learning offers individuals with the vast networking opportunities through
social media and online education platforms.

Lacking social connection is often cited as a consequence of remote learning;

though with the wide range of online technologies now available, peer-to-peer or
student-to-trainer interactions have never been more feasible – however remote.
Remote learning programs, however, expand your horizons to include students
from other towns, cities or even countries; with online tools that make
communication instantaneous and efficient. 

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