Personnel Load Calculation

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Personnel Load Calculation Report

I. Introduction
Most of the ships that are built today are based on traditional design concepts. Improvements
are observed in simple components such as the engine and the propeller; but this does not apply
to the ship as a complete system. Many shipbuilders concentrate and make efforts to improve
capacity but, unfortunately, they still consume a lot of fuel unnecessarily. The shipbuilding
industry makes very little effort to reduce operational costs for new vessels or for repaired
vessels, as the builder is not responsible for the fuel bill; in general, little time and resources are
devoted to monitoring and controlling the use of energy on board ships. Poor energy knowledge
and the absence of a systematic control are the two main barriers to improving energy efficiency
in ships. An important tool to overcome this barrier is the conversion of energy flow into
monetary flow (money).

Air conditioning in ships is very important for the transported goods as well as for the crew.
One of the indoor loads in the ship is personnel load which has a definition of the heat load
released by the worker's body which depends on the number and activity of the worker (sensible
and latent heat generated by the occupants of the room).

1000, Phone: (+62)85843197952

Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Fax: 555.555.0145
Dong-gu, Ulsan, 44032, E-mail address :
South Korea [email protected]
Fig. 1 Reference for determining the number of crew

Fig. 2 Reference in determining the sensible and latent heat loss factors

II. Methods

Calculation of the load of personnel on the ship refers to the calculation guidelines and
steps as follows:

 The calculation refers to the ship's general arrangement of KM Safitri Putro Oil
Tanker by Warogo Safitri Putro Project. After looking at the general arrangement on
the ship, we can determine the number of each crew member in each room of the ship,
referring to Fig. 1.
 The next step is to determine the number of sensible heat and latent heat loss factors
according to Fig. 2

1000, Phone: (+62)85843197952

Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Fax: 555.555.0145
Dong-gu, Ulsan, 44032, E-mail address :
South Korea [email protected]
 The last step is to calculate the sensible and latent heat loss in Btu/h units with the


qs = Sensible heat loss (Btu/h)

ql = Latent heat loss (Btu/h)
HDs = Sensible heat loss factor (Btu/h)
HDl = Latent heat loss factor (Btu/h)
P = Number of personnel

The next step is to make calculations easier, Microsoft Excel is used so that data
processing can be faster, more effective, precise and efficient.

III. KM Safitiri Putro Ship Data

a. Principal Dimension

b. General Arrangement
Attached on appendix A

1000, Phone: (+62)85843197952

Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Fax: 555.555.0145
Dong-gu, Ulsan, 44032, E-mail address :
South Korea [email protected]


Personal expense calculations are calculated based on previous calculation methods. The first
step is to determine the number of personnel referred in Fig. 1 with the consideration of the
general arrangement. The second step is to determine the sensible and latent heat factors which
refer to the provisions of Fig. 2. Then the next calculation uses the equations that have been listed
then the respective latent and sensible heat losses are added up. For the precision and
effectiveness of the data generated, Microsoft Excel is used in the calculations.


The calculations are done on the main deck, poop deck, navigation deck, bridge deck, and
boat deck. There are 44 rooms in all decks counted. On the main deck the total personnel load is
4410 Btu/h. For the poop deck 2380 Btu/h. On the boat deck 1795 Btu/h. The navigation deck has
a personnel load of 825 Btu/h. While the bridge deck has 710 Btu/h. The highest personnel load is
on the main deck with 4410 Btu/h and the lowest personnel load is on bridge deck with 710 Btu/h.
From the calculation, it can be concluded that the more personnel needed in one room, the greater
the personnel load generated.

1000, Phone: (+62)85843197952

Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Fax: 555.555.0145
Dong-gu, Ulsan, 44032, E-mail address :
South Korea [email protected]
Conclusions and Suggestions

VI. Conclusions
1. Based on the results of calculations from measurements in the general arrangement of
KM Safitri Putro Oil Tanker Ship and data input in Microsoft Excel, In terms of the
sensible latent heat loss generated based on the number of personnel and the sensible
latent heat loss factor
2. The calculation has been done and the highest personnel load is on the main deck with
4410 Btu/h and the lowest personnel load is on bridge deck with 710 Btu/h.
3. The more personnel needed in one room, the greater the personnel load generated.
4. All calculation results are attached to Microsoft Excel.

VII. Suggestions
1. A complete and precise general arrangement of ships is needed because in the general
arrangement carried out by engineers for the calculation of personnel load there are still
some conditions of ship space that are not in the applicable standards. So that in the
future the supervisor design division must evaluate more and more thoroughly.
2. The number of personnel can change at any time, given that activities on board are not too
routine and there may be an increase in the number of personnel or even a reduction. for
that in the future the predetermined calculation reference can be added in accordance with
the safety reference.

1000, Phone: (+62)85843197952

Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Fax: 555.555.0145
Dong-gu, Ulsan, 44032, E-mail address :
South Korea [email protected]

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