Holocaust Webquest

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Holocaust Webquest

Name: Alexander Abensour

Go to the following website: http://www.ushmm.org/outreach/

Click on the web links for each topic on The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students webpage and
answer the questions.

Click on SS Police State

1. What are the SS? What did they do to people who opposed the Nazis?

The SS were originally a group to protect Hitler himself but they moved to keep the basic society on a one
way view point and anyone who opposed them, they would kill him.

2. What did the Gestapo do? Who created/led them?

The Gestapo were a group who took out all political opponents of hitler. The person who created them
was Heinrich Heimmler.

Click on Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

3. What did the Nazis do to any viewpoint they felt threatened by?

They would eliminate any viewpoint that was different from theirs whether that was a book or a person.

4. Who was the Nazi Propaganda Minister?

Joseph Goebbels.

5. What types of books were burned by the Nazis starting in 1933?

Jews, Leftist, Foreigners, un-german, liberals and pacifists.

Click on Nazi Racism

6. Explain how the Nazis began to put their racial ideology into practice.

They spread pictures and posters everywhere telling them the perfect idea of a race. Then they would kill
everyone who did not fit the description.

Click on The Murder of the Handicapped

7. Explain the euthanasia program. Who were its targets? How many people died?

Anyone with a disability should be killed as they are unfit for the perfect society. They killed disabled.
They killed 200,000 people with disabilities.

Click on German Rule in Occupied Europe

8. What was Germany planning to do with the territories they conquered in the East?

They took all materials and used the people for labor.
9. How were people in Poland and other Eastern European countries treated compared to those in
“Germanic” countries? Why?
They were treated 10x worse because they were not originally “Germanic” they often were worked to

10. How were the Jews of Eastern and Western Europe different? What two European countries
had the largest Jewish population just before World War II?

The jews in the east were kind and believed people were a treasure that should be protected. Why’ll the
western were more radical and only cared about themselves. And the Eastern number of jews heavily
outnumbered the amount of jews in the west. The two biggest countries were Poland and the Soviet

Click on Antisemitism

11. What is Antisemitism? What problems have Jews been blamed for throughout history?

It is hate and disregard for the jewish race. The death of Jesus Christ and the Black plague were forced
upon the jews.

Click on The Nuremberg Race Laws

12. What did the Nuremberg Race Laws do?

It forbade jews from being German Citizens and prohibited them from having any sexual relationship with
a pure german. Jews were unwelcome from public places.

Click on The Evian Conference

24. Why did America not let Jewish refugees into the United States during the 1930s?

Because we were in a great depression and we feared they would take jobs or just make the depression

Click on The “Final Solution”

25. What was the “Final Solution”?

They forced jews into the ghettos and then killed them with squads. It was the final straw of erasing the
jewish population.

26. List out the 6 extermination camps.

Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Majdanek

Click on The Mobile Killing Squads

27. Who were the victims of the SS Special Action Squads? How did they kill their victims?

They were Russian jews, if they found any jews in the Soviet Union they were ordered to kill them. They
killed them by shooting or gas vans.

Click on The Wannsee Conference and the “Final Solution”

28. What was said and planned by key Germans at the Wannsee Conference?

To kill all jews in occupied terriotry and let the word out to all anti-nazi leaders.

Click on At the Killing Centers

29. What types of people were usually the first to die at a concentration

Children, Pregnant Woman, Elderly, diasbled.

30. How did people profit from the corpses of the victims?

They stole gold off the corpses or valuables that were attached to them.

Click on Deportations

31. Why was gas chosen as the preferred method to kill people?

Because they could be killed quickly.

Click on Auschwitz

32. Explain the importance of Auschwitz to the Nazis? How many people died at Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was the main killing center of the jews and more than one million people died at Auschwitz.

33. What types of experiments did Dr. Josef Mengele perform on people? Who were his typical
He performed cruel and painful experiments that would usually kill people. His

usual victims were dwarfs and twins.

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