CJR Computational Chemistry

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Computational Chemistry




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In the name of God the Most Gracious, we pray and gratitude for the presence of
Him, who has mercy and guidance to us, so I can complete this paper about critical
journal review in topic of Schoology as Learning Management System.

The computational chemistry papers I've compiled with the maximum and get
help from various parties so as to facilitate the manufacture of this paper. To that end
I express many thanks to all those who have contributed in making this paper.

Apart from all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings in terms
of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, with open arms we receive any
suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can fix this paper.


Medan, March 01th2020



TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................................1
JOURNAL 1........................................................................................................................1
JOURNAL 2........................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................2
JOURNAL 1.......................................................................................................................2
JOURNAL 2.......................................................................................................................4


Title Analysis The Use Of Schoology E-Learning Towards Students’
Learning Motivation Enhancement In Stkip Surya
Journal Indonesian Journal of Science and Education
Download Google Scholar
Volume and page Vol. 2, No 1, 89-95
Years 2018
Writer Mira Rosalina
Reviewer Nadya Ulfa
Date November 12th, 2018

Title Design And Implementation Of Schoology-Based Blended
Learning Media For Basic Physics I Course
Journal Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia
Download Sagepublication
Volume and page Vol. 6, No.1 page 170-178
Years 2017
Writer W. Suana1, N. Maharta1, I D. P. Nyeneng1, S. Wahyuni
Reviewer Nadya Ulfa
Date November 12th, 2018



In the previous era, people sought information only through the particular
media such as newspapers, audiovisual, electronics and others. Now, people can
search for information easily by using of the Internet. Advances in information
technology have many positive impacts the advance of education today, especially
computer technology and the internet, both in terms of hardware and softwares. The
use of technology media in learning process is expected to facilitate the achievement
of educational goals. Technological advances provide many offers and options for
education to support the learning process so that learning becomes more effective and
efficient for students. The benefits offered by technological advances are not only in
the factor of speed to get information, but also multimedia facilities that can make
learning more interesting, visual, and interactive. Technological advances over the
last decade provide challenges and opportunities for every student to be educated and
trained, especially through online instruction (Donnelly, 2009).

Schoology is Learning Management System (LMS) that is specifically

designed and developed to be used by teachers and students in a virtual classroom. It
provides teachers with a method of managing lessons, engaging students, sharing
content, and connecting with other educators. In addition parents can also participate
in the supervision of their children's learning activities. Schoology is one free and
easy-to-use open source like facebook. The difference is that schoology is more
emphasized on education, so its features support integrative learning management.
Based on information in www.schoology.com, Schoology is The Best Education
Solution Award in New York, at Mei, 2014

The research questions investigated in this study are:

1. Does the use of schoology e-learning has an effect to students’ learning

motivation in STKIP Surya?
2. How the use of schoology e-learning affects students’ learning motivation in
STKIP Surya?

The educational features in schoology e-learning are: 1) personalized homepage,

2) course profiles, 3) flexible instructional tools, 4) badges, 5) calendar, 6) online
homework submission, 7) create assignment and events, 8) create test and quiz, 9)
extended file support, 10) mobile learning making, 11) online gradebook and
attendance, 12) customized grading options, 13) standards and outcomes alignment,
14) track student usage and course analytics, 15) marketplace application, 16) email
address and username support. Beside that, it is completed with social features such
as user connections (professional network), messaging, customizable notification,
announcements, discussions, and group workspace.

Based on the analysis of questionnaire using Likert Scale, it was found that most
of the students feel motivated by using schoology e-learning in overall data. That
showed percentage of 77.30% and 79.05% with very high category that means most
of the students feel motivated using schoology e-learning. The average percentage of
media responses from the students were 76% and 78.26% in very high category. That
meant e-learning schoology as supporting media had ability to improve students’
motivation. The result of interview was that 25 students were interested and
enthusiastic using schoology in learning. The schoology e-learning was very easy to
be used, looks friendly, and challenging for doing the task. When the students were
already had a great interest in learning, then students would be more motivated to


 Explain the formula of problem in doing observation specifically

 Give the meaning of learning management system in the opening
 Explain what is schoology, the function and how to use
 Explain the result of observation in the table form to good sentence with
percent calculation
 Give additional information to sign up as a new member in schoology


 In this journal just give the advantages of schoology, did not input the
weakness of schoology


One of the ways to problem-solving skill, effective communication skill,

decision making skill, collaborating skill, information literacy, information and
communication technology (ICT) literacy are parts ofthe21stCentury competencies is
through integrating ICT with learning process to train students about information
literacy and ICT literacy. The use of BL could stimulate students to be more active,
creative, and independent in looking for information needed so they could learn
independently and understand the concept well. The use of BL also could repair some
weaknesses from conventional learning method, one of them is the lack of time in
face-to-face meeting. Online learning could be used as an addition to improve
students’ understanding of the material who has not been explained by the lecturer in
class. Besides adding knowledge, features from online learning also make students
more enthusiastic and interested in learning since they could access many sources via

LMS web based is referred to facilitate an access towards learning material
and administrator anytime and anywhere (Black et al., 2007). One of LMS which has
the basic version available freely and easy to use because it is similar to social media
like Facebook is schoology. The menu which Schoology has are Courses, it is a
facility to create one course, Group, which is a facility to create community learning,
and Resources, which is a facility to save learning material. Other benefits that
Schoology has are mobile access, integration with Google Drive, tools to make
content, and access to the library, etc. (Medved, 2016).

Based on the table above, it was known that students’ assessment towards
product benefits and BL model class was considered to be useful. Based on the
implemented test in the class above, the purpose of this research could be said as a
success. More than 70% of students reached the minimum standard 66 in both
concept understanding and problem-solving skill aspects. It meant that the developed
Blended Learning media could become alternative sources for students, they did not
depend only on teachers/lecturers. based on the observation in class, the
asynchronous online discussion also helped students who have limited internet
connection. They could easily find the time when the internet access was fast.
However, it’ weakness was the lecturer needed a long time to gave feedback on their

Therefore, there were some obstacles faced during implementing Schoology

based BL model at class.

1. Internet speed was not fast, so it became the main factor for students to join
online learning.
2. Students were difficult to write their answer containing mathematic equation,
symbol or graphic, in Schoology discussion forum. Indeed there were symbol
and equation tool facilities for students. But, they were not used to them, also,
how to use them was different from Microsoft Office Word, the solution
given by students was that they wrote their answers on paper and uploaded

them on the discussion forum. Uploading and reviewing Figure answer took
more time and needed fast internet access.
3. In the discussion, they only gave the answer without asking or responding to
others’ answers.


 Explain the blended learning widely that connected to the information and
communication technology (ICT)
 The explanation of the observation result is separated based on questionnaire,
learning media, assessment and forum discussion

 The explanation of learning management system is not widely



After I read the both of the journals especially in the same topic, we know that
the first journal explain the matery goodly and has contain the all of important
matery. The second journal explain the matery especially about how in using
blended learning in learning. So I think the both of journals are good.


Rosalina, Mira. 2018. Analysis The Use Of Schoology E-Learning Towards

Students’ Learning Motivation Enhancement In Stkip Surya. Indonesian Journal of
Science and Education. Vol 2: 89 – 95

Suana, W et al. 2017. Design and implementation of schoology-based blended

learning media for basic physics i course. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia. Vol 6:

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