Incident Response Cheatsheet

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Table of Contents

Abstract 5
What is Incident Response? 7
User Accounts 7
/etc/passwd 7
passwd -S 8
grep 8
find /-nouser 8
/etc/shadow 9
/etc/group 10
/etc/sudoers 11
Log Entries 12
Lastlog 12
Auth.log 12
History 13
System Resources 14
Uptime 14
Free 14
/proc/memory 14
/proc/mounts 15
Processes 15
top 15
ps aux 16
PID 16
Services 17
Service 17
/etc/cronjob 18
/etc/resolv.conf 18
/etc/hosts 19
iptables 19
Files 20

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Large Files 20
mtime 20
Network Settings 21
ifconfig 21
Open files 21
netstat 22
arp 22
path 22
Users 24
Local users 24
Net user 25
net localgroup 25
Local user 26
Processes 26
Task Manager 26
tasklist 27
Powershell 28
Services 30
GUI 30
net Start 30
sc query 31
Task Scheduler 32
tasklist 32
GUI 32
Schtasks 33
Startup 33
GUI 33
Powershell 34
Registry 35
GUI 35
PowerShell 36
Active TCP and UDP Port 36
netstat 36

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Powershell 37
File Sharing 38
net view 38
SMBShare 38
Files 39
Forfiles 39
Firewall Settings 41
Sessions with other system 42
Open Sessions 43
Log Enteries 43
Event Viewer 43
Cmd 44
PowerShell 44
Conclusion 45
References 45
About Us 46

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For some people who use their computer systems, their systems might seem normal to them,
but they might never realise that there could be something really fishy or even that fact that
their systems could have been compromised. Making use of Incident Response a large number
of attacks at the primary level could be detected. The investigation can be carried out to obtain
any digital evidence.

Detecting any intrusion in your system is a very important step towards Incident response.
Incident response is quite vast, but it is always better to start small. While performing incident
response, you should always focus on suspected systems and the areas where it seems there
could be a breach. Making use of Incident Response, you could detect a large number of attacks
at the primary level.

The purpose of incident response is nothing but Live Forensics. The investigation can be
carried out to obtain any digital evidence. This article mainly focuses on how incident response
can be performed in a Linux system. So, to get you started with this cheat sheet, switch on your
Linux machine and open the terminal to accomplish these commands.

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What is Incident Response?
Incident Response can be defined as a course of action that is taken whenever a computer or network
security incident occurs. As an Incident Responder, you should always be aware of what should be and
should not be present in your systems.
The security incidents that could be overcome by:

• By examining the running processes

• By having insights into the contents of physical memory.
• By gathering details on the hostname, IP address, operating systems etc
• Gathering information on system services.
• By identifying all the known and unknown users logged onto the system.
• By inspecting network connections, open ports and any network activity.
• By determining the various files present

User Accounts
As an Incident Responder, it is very important to investigate the user account’s activity. It helps you
understand the logged-in users, the existing users, usual or unusual logins, failed login attempts,
permissions, access by sudo etc.
The various commands to check the user account activity:


To identify whether there is an account entry in your system that may seem suspicious. This command
usually fetches all the information about the user account. To do so, type

cat /etc/passwd

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passwd -S

The ‘Setuid’ option in Linux is unique file permission. So, on a Linux system when a user wants to make
the change of password, they can run the ‘passwd’ command. As the root account is marked as setuid,
you can get temporary permission.

passwd -S raj


Grep is used for searching plain- text for lines that match a regular expression. :0: is used to display
‘UID 0’ files in /etc/passwd file.

grep :0: /etc/passwd

find /-nouser
To Identify and display whether an attacker created any temporary user to perform an attack, type

find / -nouser -print

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The /etc/shadow contains the encrypted password, details about the passwords and is only
accessible by the root users.

cat /etc/shadow

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The group file displays the information of the groups used by the user. To view the details, type

cat /etc/group

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If you want to view information about user and group privileges to be displayed, the/ etc/sudoers
file can be viewed

cat /etc/sudoers

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Log Entries
To view the reports of the most recent login of a particular user or all the users in the Linux system,
you can type,



To identify any curious SSH & telnet logins or authentication in the system, you can go to /var/log/
directory and then type

tail auth.log

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To view the history of commands that the user has typed, you can type history with less or can even
mention up to the number of commands you typed last. To view history, you can type

history| less

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System Resources
System resources can tell you a lot about system logging information, uptime of the system, the
memory space and utilisation of the system etc.

To know whether your Linux system has been running overtime or to see how long the server has
been running for, the current time in the system, how many users have currently logged on, and the load
averages of the system, then you can type:



To view the memory utilisation by the system in Linux, the used physical and swap memory in the
system, as well as the buffers used by the kernel, you can type,



As an incident responder to check the detail information of the ram, memory space available,
buffers and swap on the system, you can type

cat /proc/meminfo

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As an incident responder, it’s your responsibility to check if there is an unknown mount on your
system, to check the mount present on your system, you can type

cat /proc/mounts

As an incident responder, you should be always curious when you are looking through the output
generated by your system. Your curiosity should compel you to view the programs that are currently
running in the system, if they necessary to run and if they should be running, and usage of the CPU
usage by these processes etc.


To get a dynamic and a real-time visual of all the processes running in the Linux system, a summary
of the information of the system and the list of processes and their ID numbers or threads managed
by Linux Kernel, you can make use of


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ps aux

To see the process status of your Linux and the currently running processes system and the PID. To
identify abnormal processes that could indicate any malicious activity in the Linux system, you can

ps aux


To display more details on a particular process, you can use,

lsof –p [pid]

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The services in the Linux system can be classified into system and network services. System services
include the status of services, cron, etc and network services include file transfer, domain name
resolution, firewalls, etc. As an incident responder, you identify if there is an anomaly in the services.


To find any abnormally running services, you can use

service –-status-all

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The incident responder should look for any suspicious scheduled tasks and jobs. To find the
scheduled tasks, you can use,

cat /etc/crontab


To resolve DNS configuration issues and to avail a list of keywords with values that provide the
various types of resolver information, you can use

more /etc/resolv.conf

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To check file that translates hostnames or domain names to IP addresses, which is useful for testing
changes to the website or the SSL setup, you can use

more /etc/hosts


To check and manage the IPv4 packet filtering and NAT in Linux systems, you can use iptables and
can make use of a variety of commands like:

iptables -L -n

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As an incident responder, you should be aware of any abnormal-looking files in your system.

Large Files

To identify any overly large files in your system and their permissions with their destination, you can

find /home/ -type f -size +512k -exec ls -lh {} \;


As an incident responder, if you want to see an anomalous file that has been present in the system
for 2 days, you can use the command,

find / -mtime -2 -ls

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Network Settings
As an incident responder, you should have a keen eye on the Network activity and setting. It is
extremely vital to identify the overall picture of a system network and its health.


To obtain the network activity information, you can use various commands.


To see all the network interfaces, you can use

ifconfig -a

Open files

To list all the processes that are listening to ports with their PID, you can use

lsof -i

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To display all the listening ports in the network use

netstat -nap


To display the system ARP cache, you can type

arp -a


The $PATH displays a list of directories that tells the shell which directories to search for executable
files, to check for directories that are in your path you can use.

echo $PATH

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In Incident response it is very necessary to investigate the user activity. It is used to find if there is
any suspicious user account is present or any restricted permissions have been assigned to a user. By
checking the user account one can be able to get answers to questions like which user is currently
logged in and what kind of a user account one has.
The ways one can view the user accounts are:

Local users

To view the local user accounts in GUI, press ‘Windows+R’, then type ‘lusrmgr.msc’.

Now click on ‘okay’, and here you will be able to see the user accounts and their descriptions.

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net user

You can now open the command prompt and run it as an administrator. Then type the command ‘net
user’ and press enter. You can now see the user accounts for the system and the type of account it is.

net user

net localgroup

‘Net localgroup groupname’ command is used to manage local user groups on a system. By using this
command, an administrator can add local or domain users to a group, delete users from a group,
create new groups and delete existing groups.
Open Command prompt and run as an administrator then type ‘net local group administrators’ and
press enter.

net local group administrators

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Local user

To view the local user accounts in PowerShell, open PowerShell as an administrator, type ‘Get-
LocalUser’ and press enter. You will be able to see the local user accounts, with their names, if they
are enabled and their description.

To get the list of all the processes running on the system, you can use ‘tasklist’ command for this
purpose. By making use of this command, you can get a list of the processes the memory space
used, running time, image file name, services running in the process etc
To view the processes, you can use the following methods;

Task Manager
To view the running processes in a GUI, press ‘Windows+R’, then type ‘taskmgr.exe’.

Now click on ‘OK’ and you will be able to see all the running processes in your system and will be able
to check if there is any unnecessary process running.

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To view the processes in the command prompt, Open the command prompt as an administrator and
type ‘tasklist’ and press enter. Here you will be able to see all the running processes with their Process
ID (PID) and their session name and the amount of memory used.


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To view the process list in PowerShell, run PowerShell as an administrator and type ‘Get-Process’ and
press enter. It gets a list of all active processes running on the local computer.


Windows system has an extremely powerful tool with the Windows Management Instrumentation
Command (WMIC). Wmic is very useful when it comes to incident response. This tool is enough to
notice some abnormal signs in the system. This command can be used in the Command-prompt as
well as PowerShell when run as an administrator. The syntax is ‘wmic process list full’.

wmic process list full

To get more details about the parent process IDs, Name of the process and the process ID, open
PowerShell as an administrator and type ‘wmic process get name,parentprocessid,processid’. This
would be the next step after you determine which process is performing a strange network activity.
You will see the following details.

wmic process get name,parentprocessid,processid

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To get the path of the Wmic process, open PowerShell and type ‘wmic process where 'ProcessID=PID’
get Commandline’ and press enter.

wmic process where 'ProcessID=PID’ get Commandline

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To identify if there is any abnormal service running in your system or some service is not functioning
properly, you can view your services.


To view all the services in GUI, press ‘Windows+R’ and type ‘services.msc’.

Now click on ‘Ok’ to see the list of processes.

net start

To start and view the list of services that are currently running in your system, open the command
prompt as an administrator, type ‘net start’ and press enter.

net start

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sc query

To view whether a service is running and to get its more details like its service name, display name,
sc query | more

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Task Scheduler

If you want a list of running processes with their associated services in the command prompt, run
command prompt as an administrator, then type ‘tasklist /svc’ and press enter.

tasklist /svc


Task Scheduler is a component in the Windows which provides the ability to schedule the launch
of programs or any scripts at a pre-defined time or after specified time intervals. You can view
these scheduled tasks which are of high privileges and look suspicious.To view the task
Scheduler in GUI, then go the path and press enter.
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools

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To view the schedule tasks in the command prompt, run command prompt as an administrator,
type ‘schtasks’ and press enter.

The startup folder in Windows, automatically runs applications when you log on. So, an incident
handler, you should observe the applications that auto start.

To view the applications in Startup menu in GUI, open the task manager and click on the ‘Startup’
menu. By doing this, you can see which applications are enabled and disabled on startup. On
opening the following path, it will give you the same option
dir /s /b "C:\Users\raj\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

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To view, the startup applications in the PowerShell run the PowerShell as an administrator, type
‘wmic startup get caption,command’ and press enter.

wmic startup get caption,command

To get a detailed list of the AutoStart applications in PowerShell , you can run it as an administrator
and type ‘Get-CimInstance Win32_StartupCommand | Select-Object Name, command, Location,
User | Format-List’ and press enter.

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Get-CimInstance Win32_StartupCommand | Select-Object
Name, command, Location, User | Format-List’

Sometimes if there is a presence of unsophisticated malware it can be found by taking a look at
the Windows Registry's run key.


To view the GUI of the registry key, you can open REGEDIT reach the run key manually.

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You can also view the registry of the Local Machine of the Run key in the PowerShell, by running
it as an administrator and then type
‘reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’ and press enter.

reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

You can also view the registry of the Current User of the Run key in the PowerShell, by running it
as an administrator and then type
‘reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’ and
press enter.

reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

Active TCP and UDP Port

As an Incident Responder you should carefully pay attention to the active TCP and UDP ports of
your system.


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The network statistics of a system can be using a tool. The criteria tested are incoming and
outgoing connections, routing tables, port listening, and usage statistics. Open the command
prompt, type ‘netstat –ano’ and press enter.

netstat –ano


Well, this can also be checked in the PowerShell with a differentcommand. Run PowerShell and
type ‘Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalAddress | Sort-Object LocalPort’ and press
enter. You will get detailed information about the IP and the local ports.

Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalAddress | Sort-Object


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File Sharing
As an incident responder you should make sure that every file share is accountable and reasonable
and there in no unnecessary file sharing.

net view

In order to check up on the file sharing options in command prompt, type ‘net view \\<localhost>’
and press enter.
net view \\


To see the file sharing in PowerShell, you can type ‘Get -SMBShare’ and press enter.


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To view the files which could be malicious or end with a particular extension, you can use ‘forfiles’
command. Forfiles is a command line utility software. It was shipped with Microsoft Windows
Vista. During that time, management of multiples files through the command line was difficult as
most of the commands at that time we made to work on single files


To view the .exe files with their path to locate them in the command prompt, type ‘forfiles /D -10
/S /M *.exe /C "cmd /c echo @path"’ and press enter.

forfiles /D -10 /S /M *.exe /C "cmd /c echo @path"

To View files without its path and more details of the particular file extension and its modification
date, type ‘forfiles /D -10 /S /M *.exe /C "cmd /c echo @ext @fname @fdate"’and press enter.

forfiles /D -10 /S /M *.exe /C "cmd /c echo @ext @fname @fdate"

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To check for files modified in the last 10 days type ‘forfiles /p c: /S /D -10’.

forfiles /p c: /S /D -10

To check for file size below 6MB, you can use the file explorer’s search box and enter

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Firewall Settings
The incident responder should pay attention to the firewall configurations and settings and should
maintain it regularly.
To view the firewall configurations in the command prompt, type ‘netsh firewall show config’ and
press enter to view the inbound and outbound traffic.

netsh firewall show config

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To view the firewall settings of the current profile in the command prompt, type ‘netsh advfirewall
show currentprofile’ and press enter.

netsh advfirewall show currentprofile

Sessions with other system

To check the session details that are created with other systems, you can type ‘net use’ in
command prompt and press enter.

net use

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Open Sessions
You can type ‘net session’ in the command prompt and press enter to see any open sessions of
your system. It gives you the details about the duration of the session.

net session

Log Enteries
To view the log entries in GUI you can open the event viewer and see the logs. Press ‘Windows+
R’ and type ‘eventvwr.msc’ and press ‘OK’.

Event Viewer

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To export certain logs of a particular event in command prompt type ‘wevtutil qe security’ and
press enter.

wevtutil qe security


To get the event log list in the PowerShell, type ‘Get-EventLog -list’ and type the particular event
in the supply value and you will get event details of that particular event.

Get-Eventlog -List

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Hence, one can make use of these commands as an incident responder and keep their systems
away from threat.


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About Us
“Simple training makes Deep Learning”

“IGNITE” is a worldwide name in the IT field. As we provide high-quality cybersecurity training and
consulting services that fulfil students, government and corporate requirements.
We are working towards the vision to “Develop India as a Cyber Secured Country”. With an
outreach to over eighty thousand students and over a thousand major colleges, Ignite
Technologies stood out to be a trusted brand in the Education and Information Security structure.

We provide training and education in the field of Ethical Hacking & Information Security to the
students of schools and colleges along with the corporate world. The training can be provided at
the client’s location or even at Ignite’s Training Center.
We have trained over 10,000 + individuals across the globe, ranging from students to security
experts from different fields. Our trainers are acknowledged as Security Researcher by the Top
Companies like - Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Nokia, Paypal, Blackberry, AT&T and many
more. Even the trained students are placed into several top MNC's all around the globe. Over with
this, we are having International experience of training more than 400+ individuals.

The two brands, Ignite Technologies & Hacking Articles have been collaboratively working for the
past 10+ years with more than 100+ security researchers, who themselves have been recognized
by several research paper publishing organizations, The Big 4 companies, Bug Bounty research
programs and many more.

Along with all these things, all the major certification organizations recommend Ignite's training
for its resources and guidance.
Ignite's research had been a part of several global Institutes and colleges, and even a multitude of
research papers shares Ignite's researchers in their reference.

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