Guide To Fasting Internal Cleansing

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Some of the key takeaways from the text include that fasting is a process to eliminate toxins from the body, and that juice feasting can be a form of preventive medicine to rid the body of toxins and prevent further build up. Fasting has a long history dating back to religious figures and can take various forms.

According to the text, the purpose of fasting is to rid the body of toxins and prevent further build up of these poisons. When food intake is restricted, it allows the liver, kidneys and spleen to heal.

The text lists several physical signs that could indicate one is toxic, such as enlarged lower lip, dark circles under eyes, puffy eyes, red eyes, puffy cheeks, lines on forehead and between eyebrows, flabby thighs/arms, dry skin, pimples/rashes, fast breathing, body odor, and leg/back pain.

Guide to Fasting

Internal Cleansing

George Xavier Love, Jr. The Kitchen Physician

Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Guide to
Juice Feasting
Internal Cleansing

By the Kitchen Physician

Dr. George Xavier Love, Jr.

Shield Society Publishing

All rights reserved 1985

What Is Fasting? - Fasting is a process by which the body is enabled
to eliminate all the poisons, accumulated waste, mucus, dead,
diseased and damaged cells (hereafter referred to as "toxins") in the
digestive tract. We use fasting, cleansing diets, and esoteric exercises
to accomplish our goals. Fasting has a history that goes back to
Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed (PBUH).

The term Fasting includes the restriction or elimination of any food.

There is no single definition or one-size-fits-all approach to fasting.
By presenting the guidelines for fasting and detoxification we hope
that you can make the appropriate judgment as to what works best for

Why Should I Fast?

There are minute amounts of poisons in everything you eat, drink
or breathe. These poisons are called toxins, and they should normally
be eliminated from the body. However, our diets and lack of exercise
lead to poor elimination and several things may happen:
a. These toxins may be reabsorbed into the blood stream from the
colon and recirculated.

b. These toxins may be bound to fat and stored in the liver or


c. These toxins may accumulate in the weakest part of the body

leading to cancer or malfunction of an organ system.

This scenario could take as long as forty years or more to play out, or
it could take as little as ten years.

Is Juice Feasting a form of Preventive Medicine?
Yes, when you restrict food intake you heal the liver, kidneys and
spleen. The purpose of our program is to rid the body of toxins and
prevent further build up of these poisons.

How Can I Tell If I'm Toxic? - Look in the mirror, and ask yourself
these questions:
Is my lower lip significant larger than my upper lip?
Are there dark circles under my eyes?
Are my eyes puffy or swollen?
Are the whites of my eyes red or cloudy?
Is the area around my cheekbones puffy?
Are there deep horizontal lines in my forehead?
Are there deep vertical lines between my eyebrows?
Now turn sideways and look in a full length mirror
Is there area below my naval puffy and swollen?
Can I pinch more than an inch above my waistline ?
Are my thighs or upper arms flabby?
Is my skin dry, flaky or scaly?
Do I have pimples or rashes?

Listen to your breathing. Look at your watch and count how many
breaths you take in one minute(BPM). If it is over 15, it is too many.
The American average is 21 BPM. Does your perspiration have an
odor that bothers you?
Do you have bad breath even after brushing and mouthwash? Do you
have leg pain or weak knees or lower back pain?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you are toxic. Do not
wait until you "get sick". You are already sick,
but you can start the healing process by cleansing out your own toxins.

Why Use a Detox Kit for my 3 Day Fast
Instead of a Water Fast?
We advocate a series of cleansing diets before actually fasting with
water only. This detoxification program is designed to help clean out
mucus, toxins, and other waste material from the intestinal tract as
well as the major organs. These organs are able to function much
more effectively when toxins and other waste are removed, thus
helping the body to restore new energy.

This three day DETOXIFICATION is centuries old, It was used in

India, China, and Africa routinely for any number of disease
conditions as a method of helping the body to help itself in restoring
HOMEOSTASIS (NORMALCY). Several physiological changes
occur with this cleanse that are very beneficial:

a. The digestive tract will have a chance to cleanse itself of

accumulated waste and putrefactive bacteria.

b. Liver, kidney, and blood purification take place which is

impossible under ordinary eating patterns and habits.

c. A mental clarity is achieved that is not possible under the constant

bombardment of chemicals and food additives.

d. Dependency upon habit forming substances, such as refined sugar,
caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs, etc., disappear as the blood stream
is purified. When the residues of these addictive substances are
flushed out of the body, the craving for both unnatural stimulants and
depressants disappears. Even more remarkable, the usual withdrawal
symptoms from these habits are not present during or after the Detox.

e. Bad eating habits are also broken, so that as you come off the liquid
cleanse, it is easy to begin with new and better habits of eating plus
improving the quality of food we eat.

f. When used for weight reduction or weight control, the stomach has
a chance to reduce to normal size, thus making it much easier to
control the quantity of food eaten.

Because of the major benefits that this liquid cleanse has to offer,
it is recommended that you follow this three day detoxifying program
at least four times a year when the season changes. It is very
beneficial to your health whether you are underweight, overweight, or
at your already desired weight.

This 3 DAY DETOX KIT IS NOT A "CURE ALL" but is a definite

aid to improving your health through better follow up nutrition, as
well as a good starting point for many abnormal body conditions such
as skin problems, allergies, arthritis, etc.

What Does The
3 DAY DETOX KIT Consist Of?
1. Drinking the Master Cleanser.- This is a mixture of distilled
water, fresh squeezed lemon juice, AFRAKAN cayenne pepper, and
LIGHT AMBER maple syrup. We use distilled water because it is
pure, with no chlorine, bacteria, or unwanted minerals to interfere
with the cleansing process. With even spring water minerals may bind
to the toxins making it difficult to detoxify. Lemon juice triggers the
release of stored energy (fat). Lemons are also considered the best
cleansing and loosening agents of mucus and uric acid. AFRIKAN
Cayenne or BIRD PEPPER capsicum acts as a scrubbing agent of the
mucus membrane of the digestive tracts. Don't worry, it may burn
your throat when you drink it, but it won't harm your delicate stomach
or intestines.

2. Vegetable Protein. - The body will burn fat and protein equally
while on the cleanse and we don't want your body to burn muscle
fiber for protein. BLUE GREEN ALGAE is an algae that contains
every Amino Acid, the highest known source of chlorophyll (300%)
more than alfalfa, every vitamin except D and E, and the ability to
extract toxic minerals from the body. BLUE GREEN ALGAE also
contains trace minerals, low sodium and high potassium, zinc, and
iron. BLUE GREEN ALGAE also keeps your energy level high to
enable you to maintain your active pace while on the DETOX.

3. Fiber. - Agar-agar is a Japanese name for a sea vegetable from the
West Indies called icing glass. In Japan it is traditionally used to
make a dessert called Kanten. It is also used to make aspics, jellies,
and candy. Agar-agar is loaded with minerals and vitamins like A,
B1, B6, B12, Biotin, C, D, and K. The high fiber (almost 90%) aids
intestinal actions, and bonds with radioactive and toxic waste to carry
them out of the body.

4. Stool Softener. - This natural herb mixture Dr. Love designed

while trying to find a remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids. The mixture
of ginger, aloe, rhubarb, senna, astragalus, and blue vervain is both
for internal tissue repair and breaking down fecal matter coating the
walls of the intestine to allow the other intestinal cleansers to push it

5. Enemas or Colonics - We recommend cleansing the colon either

through enemas or colon hydrotherapy. If you have been a heavy
meat eater all your life, then this is essential. If you've had some
dietary changes along the way, it is not as important. Enemas allow
the many poisons collected in your colon during the cleansing to be
eliminated rather than be reabsorbed into the blood stream. In most
persons, peristalsis (the waves in the intestines that move the feces
along) is not functioning, so it becomes essential to have these
poisons removed daily ONLY while cleansing. Colonics are NOT
advised for persons with a history of bowel problems or bleeding
hemorrhoids, Colitis or spastic colon, Crone's disease, Diverticulitis,
Diverticulosis, pain in the rectum or anus, or blood in the stool.
However many hospitals give Barium Enemas (which is really a
Colonic) as a test for these very conditions.

The important question is how many Colonics does one need. You
may need as few as three over a 7 Day Fast, or as many as 10 over a
21 Day Fast. It depends on the individual's past eating history,
whether he or she eats meat three times a day, or once a day. or
whether they eat fried pork chop sandwiches with lots of mayo and
mustard. It would be wiser to start with warm water enemas, and
then work your way to Colonics, if need be.

For the first enemas (if you've never has one before, or if it was more
than a year ago) only fill the bag 3/4 full. You should have an enema
every morning while you are on the 3 Day Detox and every other
morning while you are the 7 Day Fast. The second or third enemas
should have a full bag. You will eventually work your way up to 3
and 4 Bag enemas, which is the origin of the High Colonic. As more
and more people were giving themselves 8-10 bag enemas, it became
clear that it would be easier to put a five-gallon tank on a stand to
give a high colonic.

Dr. Woods was the first person to popularize Colonic Therapy

teaching courses about Colon Hydrotherapy.

Sometimes we put herbs or Wheatgrass juice in the water or

sometimes Hydrogen Peroxide depending on the condition we want
to heal in the lower bowel.

Remember our motto: one size does not fit all. For most people a
short fast is the beginning. People who should not fast are those who
are chronically weak, heavily medicated, or emotionally distressed.
Ideally a 7 - 10 day fast is best; however, if you've never fasted
before, or do not have an emotional support system (i.e.. family or
friends acquainted with Fasting) a 3 Day Detox is adequate.
Your 7 Day fast should be supervised the first time. The reason
for this is simple. Things will be going on in your body that you will
be unfamiliar with. A Fasting guide or coach will be able to tell you
what to do and how to avoid problems. It would be virtually
impossible to cover all the possibilities here, but we will attempt to
tell you about the most common ones.


You may feel irritable. We suggest that your last two days on the
3 Day Detox be on your two days off. You may have headaches that
come and go. You may have periods where you feel very weak
followed by a burst of energy. Please resist the impulse to expend
physical energy that is not characteristic of your daily habits. In other
words, if you exercise regularly such as jogging, weight lifting, or
dance class,- then it is okay to continue. However, if this is not what
you normally do, wait until after the Detox to start. Any discomfort
you may feel is due to the release of toxic material being dumped into
the blood stream simultaneously from all parts of the body. You will
feel the release of emotional and mental stress as well. Please
remember that you are not your body. Your body is on loan; it is the
Temple of the Lord and you are the caretaker. This is a good time to
get to know your body.

Your skin is an organ of elimination. The opening and closing of the
pore of the skin is controlled by the longs which is another organ of
elimination. The following suggestions will also help you eliminate
toxins making you feel more comfortable while Detoxifying.

1. Dry skin brushing is excellent for circulation by bringing blood

to the surface of the skin. Try it with a loofah, by going down the
outside of your arms and legs and up the inside.

2. Try a bath every evening while cleansing (as opposed to a

shower). Air dry and sleep nude rather than towel dry. See Section
on Internal Cleansing

3. Try a breathing exercise. See section on Internal Cleansing

4. You may also want to learn Qi Gong (14 Exercises that activate
the Acupuncture Meridians), Tuina (Chinese Acupressure) or
Shiatsu (Japanese acupressure), or Self Massage (Do-In or Tao Yin),
or Reflexology (Zone Therapy), in order to alleviate any hidden
conditions you or your loved ones may have.

5. Try going for walk for 20-30 minutes daily. A brisk walk while
swinging your arms. Do arm circles by holding your arms out to the
side and do eight wide circles followed by eight small circles. It
massages the heart and opens up the intercostal spaces between the
ribs so that you can breath easier.

6. Learn how to give yourself an enema. Lay on the floor on your
bedroom with a towel under you. Have the enema bag already full of
very warm water and check the flow of water. Place the clip on the
hose which will allow you to stop the flow of water at any time. It is
called crimping the hose. Lay on your left side. Pull your right knee
forward. Grease the tip of the nozzle hose with Vaseline or other
lubricant. Hook a hanger through the hole at the top of the enema
bag. and place on the door knob or a convenient hook. (It helps to
have a friend also). This will free your hands. Now push out like you
are going to move your bowels, and then gently slide the tip of the
hose into your anus approximately 1-2 inches. Then uncrimp the
hose to allow the water to flow. When it becomes uncomfortable,
crimp the hose to stop the flow of water and allow the water to find
its way into your bowel. Then uncrimp the hose again to start the
process. Repeat this until all the water is inside your bowel. Then
roll over onto you back and massage your stomach. You can use the
handle of a hairbrush if you feel you are not strong enough to
massage deeply. Retain the water for at least 10 minutes. Then
calmly get up walk to the bathroom and evacuate your bowels. You
may have two or three bowel movements before you are ready to get
dressed again.


for Spiritual Purification


and Weight Loss

1). Fruits in the morning. The best fruits are melons, strawberries
year round. Organic apples and pears in the fall and winter.
Organic cherries and papaya in spring and summer.

2). Steamed vegetables during midday. Most recommended are

asparagus, Collard greens, baked yams, beets, burdock, daikon, and

3). A mixture of brown rice and beans for the evening meal. Kidney,
black, Lima, and aduki are recommended. One part beans to three
parts rice is the best combination. Follow recipes in You won’t
Find Love in the Refrigerator

4). If you feel the need for additional protein try: tofu or tempeh,
cooked cashews or almonds, sprinkle sunflower or pumpkin seeds in
your greens or grains.

5). Follow the 10 Commandments of Healthy Eating eliminations.

No salt, sugar, dairy, white flour, oils, cholesterol, animal products,
caffeine or alcohol.

6). Consume Herb Teas. Preferably Kukicha tea or Celestial

Seasonings, and Chinese herb tonics

7). Cook with Garlic and Cayenne daily.

8) Drink Aloe Vera with pineapple or papaya as both cleanser and

digestive enzymes

9) Consume blue green algae like spirulina for extra nutrition.

If you've never fasted before, your PRE-FAST should be at least one
or two days, but it all depends on your metabolism and your mind.
Persons with fast metabolisms and quick minds can start right away.
Others who are not sure of themselves need more preparation. The
preparation period could be as long as five days or as short as one
day. You will eat fruits in season only. If you normally eat more
than 40 % of your diet as meat , including chicken and fish, then you
should have two colonics or enemas during this preparation period.
Just fruits and water (no juice) will prepare you physiologically and
mentally for the reduced intake of the Detox. Remember, you are still
eating, just restricting the amount.


(To order Packaged Detox Kits see form back page)
1. 4 ounces fresh squeezed lemon juice
(lemons come in different sizes - Buy 2 dozen)

2. 1/2 Gallon (64 oz.) distilled water per day.

( We don't want minerals)

3. Pure Light Amber Maple Syrup to taste

and for Hypoglycemia

4. 1/2 teaspoon of Afrikan Bird Pepper as

blood cleanser and mucous eliminator

5. 1 Tablespoon Agar-agar flakes per day as Intestinal cleanser

6. Dr. Love's Natural Herb Formula as Stool Softener

7. Blue Green Algae as Essential Nutrients

1. Mix distilled water, lemon juice, maple syrup and AFRAKAN
cayenne pepper as desired. Drink one glass every two hours.

2. Before drinking MASTER CLEANSER take 2 TABLETS of

Blue Green Algae with 8 ounces of distilled water

3 With first glass of MASTER CLEANSER, add 1 tablespoon Agar-

Agar- flakes and stir. Let sit at least 15 minutes before drinking.

4. During the middle of your day, take another 2 tablets Blue Green
Algae with 8 ounces of water.

5. Before you go to bed take Natural Herb Formula stool softener 3-5
capsules approximately 10 hours before morning enema.

6. Take enema SECOND , THIRD, AND FOURTH morning. Or if

you prefer, have a colonic at the end of your fast. DO NOT USE
FLEET ENEMA. Purchase Hot Water Bottle Enema at drug store.

7. You may drink any additional water or herb tea that you desire,
however, you must drink at least 6 glasses of the Master Cleanser.

8. Be diligent and vigilant. NO SOLID FOOD

DAY #2 and DAY #3

Same as above.


This is very important, because if you break your fast incorrectly you
may undo all the good you have just done. Your stomach has shrunk
and you must eat very small amounts of easily digestible food to
allow your stomach to adjust properly. After years of overuse you
gave it a vacation and I'm sure your stomach was enjoying it.



A. Eat no more than 1/2 pound of fruits in season.

Later you may have some miso vegetable soup.
This is all you may have the first day except for fruit and water.

B. If you wish to institute a rapid weight loss program at this time,

you may substitute the BAHAMIAN DIET , or CORRECTION

C. Persons whose diet is 40% meat or more should eat raw or lightly
steamed vegetables. Kale is recommended, mustard, turnip and
collard greens, spinach (best raw), broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
Chew very carefully and thoroughly at least 50 times. If your diet is
30% meat or less, you can start with 1/2 pound of black grapes.
Later, you can have steamed vegetable miso soup. DO NOT overeat.

The second day you should have a glass of carrot-celery- beet juice
and a few hours later a small fruit. Later in the day, a small salad.
This second day is very important; don't blow it by eating


Vegetable juice in the morning, and at mid morning a small citrus

juice. Around lunch time, a salad without lettuce or tomato,
(preferably cabbage, celery, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms). Later in
the afternoon a small fruit in season. Dinner will be steamed
vegetable miso soup.


You may have fruits for breakfast, and a big salad for lunch. Dinner
will include 1/2 cup cooked brown rice and miso soup with


The fifth day is also very important, because if you are going to
change your diet, this is the day to do it. If you don't change your
eating habits now, whatever benefits you've gained will be lost.

The 7 Day Fasting Kit is an ideal aid to those who are prepared to fast
seven days. It is actually easier to do than the 3 Day Detox Kit.
(To order Packaged Detox Kits see form back page)


All of the reasons for fasting were already described in detail in the 3
Day Detox section. However there is a particular reason for fasting
seven days in preference to three days. Actually healing takes place
the longer you fast. As the liver directs the burning of stored energy
for fuel, there is available extra energy that is not being used for
metabolism. It is used for tissue repair and self healing and
maintenance. Ideally one should fast whenever you feel discomfort
or the start of an illness. Usually this is instinctual. However our
culture tries to falsify our natural inclinations. Seven days is an ideal
time to fast and self heal whenever the seasons change.


The first difference is the stool softener. Made from a Chinese
formula where the main ingredient is Peach Kernels, it is smaller and
milder, because you must take it for seven days straight. The second
difference is that the cayenne pepper is in a capsule mixed with
Garlic. You don't have to drink it. Some people get used to the taste
of cayenne pepper and actually enjoy it. The third and final
difference is the addition of Bee Pollen. It is used for stamina, but
also has nutrients of every description.

Blue Green Algae, Chinese Herb Formula Stool Softener, Agar-agar
flakes, Cayenne/Garlic Capsules, and Bee Pollen. If you have a juicer
then you should have vegetable juice for breakfast and dinner, and
fruit juice for lunch. If you don't, you'll need 8 oz. fresh squeezed
fruit juice twice daily and get 8 oz. fresh squeezed vegetable juice for
lunch at a health food store nearby.


1. Drink fresh squeezed fruit juice in the morning with agar-agar

flakes, blue green algae and bee pollen for breakfast

2. Drink fresh squeezed vegetable juice at luncheon with

cayenne/garlic capsules and blue green algae.

3. Drink fresh squeezed fruit juice with bee pollen and blue green
algae in the evening.

4. Take 7 stool softeners at bedtime each night

5. Self Administer enemas every other morning or take a Colonic

before and after the seven days.

6. Any additional lemon/water or tea is encouraged.

DAY #2-7


Everyone is different, however breaking the fast is usually the reverse

of doing it.

A. Start off with fruit only for TWO DAYS. Maximum amount is 1
1/2 pounds per day. Then gradually reintroduce other foods back
into the system, one each day. Don't try to rush it by eating too many
different foods too fast. You will regret it.

B. If you wish to institute a rapid weight loss program

at this time, you may substitute the BAHAMIAN DIET , UNIVITE,

C. Persons whose diet is 40% meat or more should eat raw or lightly
steamed vegetables. Kale is recommended, mustard, turnip and
collard greens, spinach (best raw), broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
Chew very carefully and thoroughly at least 50 times. If your diet is
30% meat or less, you can start with 1/2 pound of black grapes.
Later, you can have steamed vegetable miso soup. DO NOT overeat.


This day you should have a glass of carrot-celery-beet juice and

a few hours later a small salad. Later in the day, a large salad (no
dressing). This second day is very important; don't blow it by eating


Start with Vegetable juice in the morning, and at mid morning

a half pound of fruit. Around lunch time, a salad without lettuce or
tomato, (preferably cabbage, celery, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms) or
dressing. Later in the afternoon another half pound of fruit in season.
Dinner will be miso soup with steamed vegetables.


You may have FRUIT SALAD for breakfast, and a big

VEGETABLE salad for lunch. Dinner will include one cup of
cooked brown rice with vegetable miso soup.


You may have cereal with your fruit for breakfast, Lunch will
be a veggie burger in whole wheat pita. Dinner will be 4 oz. beans
and 8 oz. rice.


The seventh day is also very important, because if you are going
to change your diet, this is the day to do it.
If you don't change your eating habits now, whatever benefits you've
gained will be lost. You may have cereal with fruit, Rice and
Beans for lunch, and dinner will be steamed greens, homemade
soup, brown rice and tofu.

LIVER FLUSH TEA - drink every day for 7 days
1 tsp. fenugreek seeds
1 tsp. fennel seeds
2 tsp. peppermint leaves
4 slices of Ginger root 1/8 inch thick
Boil ginger root 3 minutes in 1 1/2 pints water. then pour this over
the other ingredients and let it steep 10-15 minutes while you prepare
the Liver Flush.

Citrus Liver Flush (for lemon allergies)

Mix together in a blender the juice of one grapefruit or several
oranges, 4-6 Tbs. of fresh lime juice,
2-3 Tbsp. pure cold-pressed olive oil or almond oil,
1-3 crushed cloves of garlic or 1 Tbsp. KYOLIC
Drink this and then drink a glass of the Liver Flush Tea without
honey, while it is hot. During the day drink as many cups of this tea
as possible.


8 oz. warm distilled water
2 Tbsp. cold pressed olive oil
1/4 tsp. cayenne
Juice of 1 fresh lemon
15 drops of KYOLIC

16 oz orange and papaya juice
1 Tbs. Spirulina
3 Tbs. Nutritional Yeast
4 Tbs. Dr. Bronner's Calcium Magnesium Powder
1 tsp Vitamin C powder

FAST DAYS Fasting Excretion Exercise
INTAKE Color, Aerobics
smell, Stretch
The day before

First Day
of Fast

Second Day

Third Day

Fourth Day

Fifth Day

Sixth Day

Breaking Fast

Second day of

Third Day of

Meditation Emotion The Inner Physical
Status Healer Healing

Keep a record of your intake and your feelings, moods, dreams etc. in
a diary. This diary is a convenient place to record and describe your
self-healing process. Use this diary whether you are doing 3 Day, 7
Day or 21 Day Fast. Just photocopy these pages.

Inner Healer, Emotional Status Meditation

record record one of record one
one of the following following
1. Self Love or Self 1. Anger/Depression 1.. Standing
2. Truthfulness or 2. Fear/Anxiety 2. Walking
3. Humility or 3. 3. Sitting/Lying
Arrogance Sadness/Loneliness
4. Assertive or 4. Grief/Sense of 4. Chanting/Singing
Weak willed Loss
5. Thoughtful 5. Worry 5. Counting breath
Response or Unkind Overcontemplation
6. Guilt/Shame

7. JOY


For Physical Healing please describe anything that feels better or

improves your health.

For Excretion describe the smell and color of your urine, and the
smell color and shape of your feces. Yes, this is important to discuss
with your fasting guide, especially if he or she is a colon therapist or
Doctor of Oriental Medicine.


WEEK # 1 WEEK #2 WEEK #3

7 Preparation for Fast Juice Feast Detox Kit Food Therapy New
Day Reduce Food Intake & Diary Lifestyle

3 Juice Feast Food Therapy New Vegetarian

Day Detox Kit& Diary Lifestyle Lifestyles

14 Juice Feast Juice Feast Detox Kit Food Therapy New

Day Detox Kit & Diary & Diary Lifestyle

21 Juice Feast Juice Feast Juice Feast Detox

Day Detox Kit & Diary Detox Kit & Diary Kit & Diary

Change of Eating and Wear Colors Self Treatment

Sleeping Times Meditation & Prayers Food Therapy

Body Assessment Spiritual Fast Six Healing Sounds

Start Exercise Program Affirmations Ear Massage

Start Self-Healing Self Diagnosis Herbal Medicines

Eliminate Wrong Food

The most important thing you can do to change
Planning your LIFECHANGE is the first step

FASTING is the SECOND step

most important thing you can do to change your lifestyle
IDEAL - 1 Day/Week & 3 Days/Month


These two are the Yang and Yin of Life
When you exercise – self massage (Tao Yin)
Minimum Exercise 3 hours/week-30 MINUTES SIX DAYS/WEEK

MEDITATION is the FOURTH most important thing you can do.

Minimum 20 minutes/day Maximum 2 hours/ day


You need to Sleep same hours that you work, in opposite time
i.e. If you work 9 am -5 pm you should sleep 9 pm- 5 am.


Prepare Breakfast and Lunch the night before
Maximum 5 small meals/day, skip Dinner 3 nights/week


is the SEVENTH most important thing you can do.
Whether you have emotional, physical or spiritual imbalance,

one of these programs will help get on the right path.

Changing your thinking –

Acknowledge stress
Find out where the stress is in your life. Study your reactions
to it. Make a list of changes to implement. Identify it, label it,
and watch it shrink. Change your situation- switch jobs,
switch schools, switch apartments, switch lovers. If you can't
change the situation, change yourself. Find a way to embrace
the situation. Love those who torment you. Love those who
confront you. They are your teachers. That which you fear,
controls you. If you have to sweep floors, love sweeping floors.
Let go of Fear and other negative thought patterns.

Self Acceptance - Learn to love your self.

Be your own parent and treat yourself as if you were the child.
Think positively. Learn Self Hypnosis. Learn Neurolinguistic



Positive Thinking with Affirmations - Are a way of talking

directly to your subconscious (Spirit Guides?) to help you get
what you need in your life, once you are clear about the
problem. Write down what you want and then affirm it by
Each Day in Every Way I am Better and Better
or This now manifests for me.
or I have everything I now need
or I now have total intention to create this here and

or Golden Light - Divine Light - Divine Love
are Flowing Through me and Radiating From me to
Everything around me.

or The universe is Unfolding Perfectly

I don't have to Hold on
I can Relax and Let Go
I can Go with the Flow

or I am a Lovable and Loving Person

or Divine Love is Guiding me and I am always Taken
care of
or The universe always provides me with what I need

Fasting is the key to changing your downward spiral.
Every healing system that I've studied recommends fasting.
Some people have convinced themselves that if they don't eat
for three days, they will die. You can go 7 days without water
and 30 days without food with no serious damage to the body.
A 3 day Detox is easy once you've determined to make the
change in your life and you believe that you will derive some
benefit from it. It is difficult to make a lifestyle change if you
are under heavy stress. There are spiritual benefits as well as
physical benefits from fasting. Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and
Buddha all fasted 40 days for spiritual enlightenment. You
can fast three days and receive emanations from heaven while
reducing the negative pull from earthly vibrations.

Exercise & Massage Clears Meridian System

Everyone knows that we need exercise, but no one knows how

much. Balance is the key. If you are a sedentary person, have
a sedentary job, or have a lot of mental activity, you need to
balance with strenuous exercise. Similarly, if your job is
digging ditches or chopping wood, you need small amounts of
fun exercise like roller skating. You need to commit yourself to
a minimum of 3 hours per week of exercise, 1 hour/3 times a
week; 45 minutes/4 times a week; or 1/2 hour/6 days a week.
Only you can decide what is best of you. You want to go
dancing or skating 3 hours on Saturday night in a smoke free
environment. Or you may go hiking or biking for 3 hours on a
weekend. That is a start. Some people prefer daily amounts
like a 30 minute run/6 days per week. Please remember that in
running, it is time, not distance, that is important. There are
three types of exercise:
1. Aerobics - skating, skiing, running, swimming, dancing,
biking, trampoline and jump rope.
2. Flexibility - stretching, calisthenics, yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi
3. Strength Training - free weights, nautilus and climbing.
There are many sports that are combinations of the above,
such as golf, tennis, bowling, and archery. Some sports only
exercise one or two major muscle groups. So one must have
variety in sports as well as food. For example, running won't
exercise abdominals and biking won't exercise hamstrings.
The all-around best exercise is dancing, free form. A few
classes in fundamentals though, would be very beneficial.
Exercise reduces body fat, firms muscles, improves circulation
and digestion, releases emotional stress, and increase
alertness and energy.

We don't believe in strenuous activity unless you have at least
3 months steady build up of stamina. Moderate exercise over
the years is more beneficial than spurts of strenuous activity.
Everyone knows that we need exercise, but no one knows how
much. Balance is the key. If you are a sedentary person, have
a sedentary job, or have a job with a lot of mental activity, you
need to balance with strenuous exercise. Similarly, if your job
is digging ditches or chopping wood, you need small amount of
fun exercise.

We don't believe in strenuous exercise unless you have built up

your stamina for at least 3 months with steady activity.
Moderate exercise over the years is more beneficial than
spurts of strenuous activity.

There are three types of exercise:

• Aerobics - skating, skiing, running, swimming, dancing,
biking, trampoline and jump rope.
• Flexibility - stretching, calisthenics, yoga, Tai Chi, and Chi
• Strength Training - free weights, circuit training, nautilus
and climbing.

Weight lifting does three very important things. Immediately

it takes the glandular secretions out of the body, like anger,
fear, depression, and despair. Short range of 3-6 weeks it
aligns the body and strengthens the muscles and bones, which
are interrelated with the activities of the spleen. Medium
range 3-6 months it builds confidence and improves your
attitude towards the world. Long range 1-3 years it increases
the body's ability to withstand stress because stress attacks
the muscles first.

There are many sports that are combinations of the above,
such as golf, tennis, bowling, and archery. Some sports only
exercise one or two major muscle groups. So one must have
variety in sports as well as food. For example, running won't
exercise abdominal and biking won't exercise hamstrings.

MERIDIAN QI GONG is all-around the best exercise because

it combines breathing, meditation and strength training.
Maximum 18 hours/week


A series of massages will go a long way in relieving some of the

surface stress. There are many types of body work that come
under the heading of masso-therapy. Rolfing is deep tissue
massage. Hellerwork is deep tissue also but with a little
lighter pressure. Trager is connective tissue massage. Shiatsu
is Japanese acupressure. Tuina is Chinese medical massage.
If massage is unaffordable or inconvenient then a hot tub or
sauna and steam is advisable.

MASSAGE is the THIRD most important thing you need done

Twice a week when you are ill,
but once a week will prevent disease.

Everyone knows that meditation is useful, but not everyone
knows how to use it. Meditation in our culture is particularly
useful for calming the noise pollution, air pollution, rude and
ungracious persons, crowded buses and subways, ungrateful
bosses and co-workers, family invasion of privacy, unpaid bills
and like. We need to meditate for clarity of thought and
purpose, as well as to prioritize our intentions.
Any project or commitment should be meditated on daily.
Many of us meditate without even realizing that we are
meditating when we stare out of a window or into space. We
need to cultivate this habit more.
1. QI GONG Walking Meditation - Stand balanced as your
arms extend upwards to the right, step out with your right
foot. As you bring your arms down, shift all your weight to the
right leg. As you extend your arms upward to the left, step out
with left foot. Repeat motion, walking in a circular pattern for
five minutes, breathing as your arm goes up, and out as arms
go down. In the beginning this requires concentration, but if
you practice everyday it will get easier and easier, until you
get in a space where you are not your body.
2. Chanting Meditation - 30 minutes - Can be done in sitting
position. Back and spine must be fully erect. Breath from
diaphragm, and your sound must emanate from there. What
are we chanting? You must have a mantra. If you investigate
you will find there are many hundreds of mantras. Depending
on your religious upbringing there may already be a mantra
for you. They are usually 3 or 4 measures, i.e., Je-sus-Christ;
Al-lah-Hu; Ha-re-Krish-na; Namyo-Ho-ren-Geikyo; Om-Mani-
Padme-Hum. These are all mantras. However, there are
many that are longer. AMEN-RA SUTEN NTR, ATON RA

HERU Which mantra is for you?
3. QI GONG Standing Meditation - 5 minutes. Feet shoulder
width wide apart, knees bent like sitting down, only tension in
the body is in the front of thigh and back of calf. Arms held
loosely in front of you like holding a barrel, hand relaxed. If
you are familiar with horse stance in martial arts this is not a
strict version but should be close to it.
4. Sitting Meditation - 30 minutes. If you can't cross your legs
yoga style, don't worry about it. Sit on the edge of a chair with
knees below hips, or on a cushion so that knees are on floor.
Fold hands in lap so that thumbs almost touch. Elevate head
so that eyes are looking 30º above horizon. Unfocused eyes,
breath slowly and deeply, counting to 7, while exhaling only.
Keep spine straight.
5. Lying Meditation - 30 minutes. Lie flat on floor, spread
eagle. Breath in one count of five heartbeats. Breath our on
count of 10 heartbeats. When praying, have the intention of
receiving what you ask for. Explain to the Creator why you
need what your are asking for. Be very clear about it. Then
visualize yourself receiving it. While you are praying, close
your eyes and hold your hands so that the fingertips touch and
your thumbs are directly over your heart. Send out rays of
light to the Creator and focus on what you are praying for.
Guided Visualization- Image in the Immune System
A relaxation tape or breathing meditation followed by the guided
imagery of a special place and visualization of your immune system
defeating the illness. It is important for the individual to create
his own special place and his or her, own image of what and
how the immune system is doing to enhance itself.

In building our immune system, we can visualize the color blue
like a Robin’s egg. Then envelop yourself within this
transparent electric blue egg membrane shielding yourself
from whatever negative energy, illness, and so on. Do this
visualization every day as your meditation, morning and
Another visualization is the Golden Pyramid. Sit cross-legged
and imagine a golden light coming from the top of your head
down in four directions forming a square on the ground around
you. Then connect that golden light from the top of your head
up to the sun and from your spine down into the center of the
earth. As you complete all the connections state to yourself, "
Ground and protect, ground and protect".

Either of these visualizations is preceded by a meditation or

breathing exercise. This will protect and enhance your
immune system.


Ideally, bedtime is 1-3 hours after sunset. Rising time is 1-2
hours after sunrise. One should see the sun rise and set every
day. Best time for meditation is at those times. Best time for
exercise is after meditation. Additional rest outside of sleeping
is needed for people who have hard physical work.
If you shower or bathe before bed you will sleep better.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness means that water washes
away negative vibrations. Scrubbing your self very hard
stimulates acupuncture meridians. Use a shower massager if

Night work throws the body out of balance. After 6 months the

brain begins to malfunction. Because on your days off you
revert back to normal schedule.
What does this mean for those of us who work 9-5 and have
part-time jobs and extra curricular activities? What about
those of us who have families? "I can't go to bed at 9 p.m., I
have too many things to do". Think about those who work 7
a.m. to 3 p.m. They have to get up before 5 a.m. and be in bed
no later than 9:30 p.m. If they can do it, so can you, and you'll
be much better off.
Ideally, if you work 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. you should sleep 9 p.m. - 5
If you work 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. you should sleep 11 p.m. - 7 a.m.
If you work midnight's to 8 a.m. you would sleep noon - 8 p.m.


Breakfast is the most important meal because it fuels your
brain. Protein should be eaten at the first meal for the same
reason. “Eat breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and
dinner like a Pauper”. Prepare breakfast and lunch the night
before. Fruit salad, cooked or dried cereal with rice or almond
milk. Toasted 7 Grain bread with almond or cashew butter and
dried fruit jam. Take lunch with you. Leftover rice & beans
with stir fry veggies are delicious. Don’t eat after 6 pm. Eat a
larger lunch, late and skip dinner, or eat a fruit or small salad.
If you don’t have time for lunch, eat two snacks, like soup in a
cup or raw veggies or seeds and nuts.

Starts when the sun goes down


1. Immediately remove clothing and shower, allowing the
water to hit your neck and spine. Meditate flat on floor with
no music or diversion.
2. Eat before sundown.
3. After sun down walk at least 30 minutes.
4. Communicate with family and friends.
5. Prepare clothes and necessary items for the coming day.
6. Make tomorrow’s lunch and breakfast and prepare for bed.
1. Hot Bath or shower, allowing the water to hit your neck
and spine.
2. Air dry, without a towel in a comfortable posture.
3. Meditate to soft music.
4. Review the events of your day.
5. As you lie down for sleep, start your deep breathing
6. Program your mind for the next day with pleasant
thoughts and accomplishments.
1. Get up 2 hours before leaving for work and drink half
glass of warm lemon water to prepare digestive tract for food.
2. Perform yoga exercise "The Lock" stretch the digestive
3. Perform morning ablutions.
4. Perform yoga exercise "the Sun Greeting" or any breathing
and stretching exercise that is comfortable.
5. Start any exercise that you are currently doing, i.e. jogging,
running, power walking, weight lifting, etc.




BATHING in ancient Egypt was a religious matter. Cleanliness is
next to Godliness. One could not enter the temple unless one had
properly cleansed ones feet and body. Even the priests had to ritually
bathe before entering the holy of holies. The royal women had a
refined use of the bathing technique. Every day they would take a
succession of baths; first cold, then tepid and then hot. The hot bath,
which was scented with fragrant oils, was followed by an aromatic
massage, probably with cedarwood oil or cypress.

Although the Egyptian system of bathing was partly adopted by the

Greek Asclapians, the general public never gave it the elaborate
development of the Romans, which followed them. What we call call
a birdbath or fountain is just a basin which is what the Greeks
basically bathed in public. The Asclapians were followers of the God
of Healing, a dedicated group of healers in the Egyptians tradition of
Imhotep. They later became the Therapeutae.

The Romans must have been the greatest bathers of all time. The
Thermae or public bath formed one of the most important feaures of
Roman social life. At one time there were almost a thousand public
baths in Rome. In Turkey, Thermapoli is the site of a Roman bath
built over a natural hot spring. The Roman Ruins are still lying in the
hot pool where a modern hotel is now built. The procedure was to
undress and enter a room called the unctuarium, which had shelves of
terra cotta jars containing perfume and fragrant ointments. After a
preliminary oiling he proceeded to the frigidarium or cold bath for a
quick stimulating rub down. Next came the tepidarium or tepid bath
and the caldarium, the hot bath, which was heated by a furnace
underneath called the hypocaustum, the predecesor of our modern
steam bath. While in the hot tub he scrubbed himself all over with a
bronze comb called a strigil, at the same time pouring scented oil
over his body from an ampulla (a small bottle). After the hot bath
came a massage with aromatic oils. Roman woman usually were

attended to at home in the style of the Egyptians. Slaves called
cosmetae were overseen by the ornatrix, the mistress of the toilet.
They were bathed in hot scented water. After bathing, the hair was
styled, dyed, and treated with fragrant oils. The face was massaged,
the cheeks painted with fucus, a kind of rouge and the eyes shaded.
Finally the neck and shoulders were massage with scented oils and
the rest of the body lightly washed in rose water. Most Egyptian
women were naked from the waist up in public.

The public Turkish bath or sweating houses became popular

during the fifteenth century in Constantinople. They were direct
descendants of the caldarium of the Roman Empire.
The northern Europeans, particularly the British and French did
not believe in bathing more than once a year. They were afraid that a
cold would catch them and they would die. Even now many Germans
only take a bath once a week. That once a week philosophy was
American as well until indoor toilets and baths became popular after
Everyone needs to cleanse their toxins periodically. A hot bath
once a week is a mental and physical lift. Try a regular bath with
Batherapy mineral salts. An Aromatic bath is a lift to the spirit as well
as the nose. Most people prefer a stimulating bath in the morning and
a relaxing bath in the evening. But the best way to judge which
essence oil to use is whatever you feel like at the time. Your intuition
will guide you to what is good for you.

HOT TUB - good for tired, sore, aching muscles. Allow water jets to
hit the bottom of your feet and low back. If you can't make up your
mind which bath to try or can't find the ingredients try the General
purpose is bath listed below.

Lemon or Lime Bath- Juice of three lemons or four limes in full tub
of hot water. Add eucalyptus oil. If you can't fine the oil, Boil
eucalyptus leaves from florist with garlic, and add to bath. Soak for

15 minutes. Massage with Wintergreen oil. Good for aches pains,
arthritis, colds, and viruses. Try this every Monday.

Essential Oil Bath -

Emotional, Spiritual and Energetic harmonizer.
Use oil of rosewood, geranium, lavender, rosemary, juniper, bay leaf,
cinnamon, lemongrass, marjoram, pine or sandalwood dosage as per
aroma therapy. Try this every Wednesday. Use 6-10 drops. Do not
expect an immediate effect. The result will be felt later.

General Purpose Bath - Just about everyone on the planet can

benefit from a series of baths to remove radiation and heavy metal
deposits as well as to cleanse the lymphatics. 1 Cup of Clorox brand
bleach (no substitutes) in full tub of hot water, soak 20 minutes.
Shower with soap afterwards. Follow this with a baking soda bath. 3-
4 pounds of baking soda soak 20 minutes. Repeat once a week for six
weeks every Saturday.

Epsom Salt Bath- Old standby for Self detoxification. Add 2-4
pounds in full tub for 15 minutes. Do this once a month following 3
Day Detox.

Sea Salt & Baking Soda Bath- For those who find Epsom Salt too
draining, add 2 pounds of each in full tub of hot water for 25 minutes.

Red or Green Clay bath- Clears the energy field, good for skin
conditions. Add one cup of clay to full tub of hot water for 30

Apple Cider Vinegar Bath - Good for bacterial infections and

certain skin conditions. Helps to acidify the body, thus having an
anti-bacterial effect. Useful for women with vaginal and bladder

Therapeutic Bath Salts
This is used to revitalize your magical/spiritual energies during the
gloomy winter months. In a bowl combine 3 cups) Epsom salt
2 cups) baking soda and 1 cup) Sea salt . Add several dried Hibiscus
flowers. Use 1/2 cup each time in 1/4 tub of water. You should get 12
baths out of the mixture. To each bath add 30 drops Sandalwood Oil,
20 drops Rosemary oil and 10 drops Frankincense oil.

Summer Bath- Combine 3 cups dry powdered milk plus 2.5 cups
finely ground oatmeal. Add 4 oz. lavender flowers and 4 oz. elder
flowers. Use 1/2 cup each time in 1/4 tub warm water water.

Ginger Tea Bath for Winter

This a wonderfully fragrant bath. It is good to breathe in the steam of
this bath to ease tightness in the chest due to asthma or cold weather.
Boil 2 cups water . Add 1-2 oz. grated fresh ginger root ,and 2 tsp.
lemon juice . Let set for 15 minutes and add to warm bath water.

Aphrodisiac Bath- you can add a few drops of vanilla essence to your

In our fast paced society sometimes we only have time for showers.
Some of us don't even have bathtubs. A shower was basically a good
idea. It reminded one of waterfalls. Of course a waterfall put
negative ions in the air, which accelerated the healing process.
Unfortunately a shower will use 25-40 gallons of water depending on
how long you stand in it. A bath will only consume 10-15 gallons.

Military Shower - Alternate hot and cold water. Wet one minute.
Turn off . Lather up. Rinse off

DeChlor Shower - Alternate hot and cold water

3 minutes each for 12 minutes.

Relaxation Shower- Use Shower Massager on your neck, shoulders
and low back.

Steam Shower - Put towel under door and close windows. Run Hot
water for 5 minutes then get in for 15 minutes. Scrub with loofah.

STONE LODGE or SWEAT LODGE - This Native Amerikan
Ceremony is religious in nature. The purpose is to ask the Spirits of
the Stone to release you from all poisonous thought, actions etc. and
to allow your Holy Spirit to guide you. If you are invited the leaders
heat rocks for several hours and then place them in a small pit.
Saplings are placed in a circle around the pit and a tarp is thrown over
it. You place corn and tobacco which are religious objects onto an
altar before entering the lodge. The leader of the sweat says prayers
and then periodically drips water with sage in it onto the hot rocks
which create clouds of steam. The prayers continue as the peace pipe
with organic tobacco is passed around. Everyone is required to say
prayers when they receive the pipe. This continues for several hours
until the leader decides it is time to exit. Then the group enters a
nearby stream or pool to cool off which completes the cleansing and
closes the pores of the skin.

SAUNA - Dry sauna is recommended for those holding fluid (edema)

STEAM ROOM - Recommended for everyone

The Mind Body Link
There are many breathing exercises for various spiritual, esoteric
and health reasons. Start with the Breath of Fire. It requires you to
breath in and out as fast as you can, which will strengthen your
diaphragm and lungs. Try it laying on your back for one minute
every day. Increase it slowly to three minutes and then to five
minutes daily.

A good breathing exercise to start at this time is to breathe four

breaths per minute for 1-5 minutes daily. The concept is to make
your exhalations twice as long as your inhalations, so breathe in for
five seconds and breathe our for ten seconds. If that is too hard then
use your heartbeat as a measurement instead of a second, or cut down
to inhaling on four counts and exhaling or eight counts and so on.
Start for one minute, twice a day every day until it becomes easy,
then increase to two minutes and so on until you reach 5 minutes. Do
not do this exercise more than 5 minutes. Without spiritual
counseling, you could place yourself in danger. The energy that is
created is very powerful and you must learn how to channel it.


(See Meridian Qi Gong – Blue Dragon Longevity Exercises)
A non-strenuous exercise program would be good to start at this
time, such as Yoga, Qi Gong or Tai Chi Chuan. There are many form
of meditation. Standing, sitting, walking, chanting, singing, dancing,
eyes open, eyes closed, etc.

ROOT LOCK - It is a simplified combination of Deer, Crane, and
Turtle forms of Nei Kung Exercises, with Kapalabhati and Uddiyana
bandha Yogic exercises. The purpose is to internally massage the
entire digestive tract from esophagus to anus. We break the exercise
into three parts to make it easier to learn. Anal sphincter - Practice
opening and closing the anus. Push out like you are going to defecate
and then pull it back. Practice this 10-20 times once a day. Once
you have mastered that bend over and put your hands and your full
weight on your knees while doing the next part. Abdominal
Contraction- Empty the lungs, strong and forcefully, breathing out
and hold your breath while sucking your stomach in and out quickly
10 times. Breath several times and then repeat. Do this three times in
succession once a day until you have mastered it. Neck and Spine
stretch - With hands on thighs and trunk bent slightly forward stretch
spine like a turtle pushing his head as far out his shell as he can.
Once you have mastered all three parts you can do them
simultaneously. You will feel the esophagus contract along with the
intestines and the rectum.

By exercising the rectum and anal muscles one is stimulating all the
endocrine glands. The energy goes from the sexual glands up to the
adrenals up to the pancreas, thymus, thyroid, pituitary and finally
pineal gland. These seven glands are called the seven houses in
Taoist Chinese Medicine.

Since two thirds of the endocrine system is included in the immune

system, anything that stimulates the endocrine glands builds immunity.

douche with a Neti pot, available at most esoteric bookstores. To a
glass of lukewarm water add a teaspoon of sea salt. Pour a small
portion of this water through one nostril, closing the other with your
thumb. Raise the head and allow the water the flow down to the
throat and out of the mouth. Do not try to inhale the water as it brings
an unpleasant sensation. Just allow it to flow to the mouth naturally,
by keeping the head raised, then spit it out. At this point, a small
quantity of water will remain in the nasal passage, which must be
blown out immediately by a forced expiration. This process should
be repeated three times with each nostril once a week. By practicing
this we can prevent infections, which get their start in the mucus
membranes of the nasal passages. By internal cleansing of the upper
gate (nose) we have our first line of defense in building our
S.H.I.E.L.D. against the common cold and other opportunistic


have mastered the ROOT LOCK you will be able to create a vacuum
and draw water into the rectum. To practice, sit on the toilet with
your feet on a box between 8-12 inches high. Deep Breath in and
exhale forcefully while holding it. Then contract your abdomen,
while sucking anus in. You will feel air rushing into your rectum.
Then expel the air while defecating. When you are finished with the
defecation. Sit in a tub of water and practice again. This time you
will feel water instead of air going into the rectum. With the practice
of Basti once week there is no need for laxative, enemas or even
colonics. There is no danger of overfilling with water or destroying
intestinal flora and fauna. More importantly it is completely natural.

Fast from food and Feast on Health
Fast from doubt and Feast on Faith
Fast from worry and Feast on Prayer
Fast from temptation and Feast on Discipline
Fast from criticism and Feast on Praise
Fast from anger and Feast on Forgiveness
Fast from selfishness and Feast on Service
Fast from fear and Feast on Joy
Fast from arrogance and Feast on Humility
Fast from resentment & Feast on Contentment
Geo Love, Doctor of Oriental Medicine (c) 1990
21 Days to Wellness




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