Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services: Quarter 1, Week 4

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Beauty Care (Nail Care)
Module 4: Pre-Hand Spa Treatment,
Hand and Arm Massage Techniques
Quarter 1, Week 4


A Joint Project of
and the

TLE – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Home Economics
Quarter 1 – Module 4: Pre-Hand Spa Treatment, Hand and Arm Massage Techniques

First Edition, 2020

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Lynne B. Gahisan
Editor: Lynne B. Gahisan
Reviewer: Nelda F. Dy
Illustrator: Name
Layout Artist: Name
Management Team: Virgilio P. Batan, Jr. – Schools Division Superintendent
Jay S. Montealto -- Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Amelinda D. Montero – Chief, Education Supervisor, CID
Nur N. Hussien -- Chief, Education Supervisor, SGOD
Ronillo S. Yarag -- Education Program Supervisor, LRMS
Leo Martinno O. Alejo _ Project Development Officer II, LRMS

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Region IX – Dipolog City Schools Division

Office Address: Purok Farmers, Olingan, Dipolog City

Telefax: ____________________________________________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________

Notes to the Teacher
This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.

2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.

3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.

5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.

6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This lesson was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the competencies in Home Economics - Beauty/ Nail Care Services Grade 9
on pre-hand spa treatment, hand and arm massage techniques.

The scope of this lesson permits it to be used in many different learning

situations. The language used identifies the varied vocabulary level of students. The
lessons are organized to follow the standard order of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to complement the textbook you are now using.

You are now in Module 4- Week 4 and after completing this module, you
must be able to:

LO 1: Apply Hand Treatment

● list down the steps in pre-hand spa treatment;
● identify each step-in basic hand and arm massage;
● perform the basic hand and arm massage while observing the
safety precautions.

What I Know

PRE-TEST: Multiple Choice:

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter in one whole sheet of paper.
1. What is the first step involved in a hand spa treatment?
a. removes any jewelry from the body part to be treated
b. washes your hands
c. check and analyze the condition of the client’s hand
d. seat client
2. Choose the things you do if your client’s hands have a sign of infection.
a. proceeds with the hand spa treatment
b. does not proceed with the hand spa treatment
c. gives her a treatment
d. let her sit down and relax
3. Why is it advisable for clients to wear protective clothing?
a. it is used as a prescribed uniform
b. to make more comfortable and relaxing
c. to avoid contamination of stain
d. to look more attractive
4. Identify the hand contains which are associated with organs and certain parts of
the body.
a. acupressure and reflexology points
b. muscles
c. tissues
d. bones
5. Why hand massage is included with each manicure service?
a. it is an additional service
b. clients like to relax
c. it is a special treatment
d. it provides significant health benefits
6. What material will you apply in massaging your client’s hand?
a. vinegar
b. lotion
c. cooking oil
d. garlic juice
7. Select the number two procedure in hand massage.
a. bends the hand slowly with a forward and backward movement limber the
b. place a dab of lotion on the back of the client’s hand and spread it to the
fingers and wrist
c. grasps each finger and gently bend each finger
d. massage the palm of the hands with the cushions of your thumbs
8. Rest client’s__________________on the table.
a. hands
b. legs
c. arm
d. shoulder

9. How many times do you pull lightly the finger with pressure until the tip is
a. five times
b. six times
c. four times
d. three times
10. For the first procedure in arm massage, where will you start to massage your
a. massage the arm from wrist to elbow
b. massage the arm from elbow to wrist
c. massage the arm finger to elbow
d. massage the arm from shoulder to wrist
11. What is the correct massage directions in the second step of arm massage?
a. applies thumbs in opposite directions
b. applies to squeeze motion
c. massage the underpart of the arm to the elbow, using fingers of each hand in
alternate crosswise directions.
d. using a slow, circular motion in alternate directions
12. How would you apply the arm massage in the third procedure?
a. applies thumbs in opposite directions with squeezing motion
b. massage the underpart of the arm to the elbow
c. palm turned downward on the table
d. massage the top of the arm from wrist to elbow
13. Identify the final procedure in arm massage.
a. cup elbow joint in your hand
b. massage elbow with a circular motion
c. massage the top of the arm from wrist to elbow
d. stroke each finger, ending with a gentle squeeze of the fingertips
14. Listed below are the reasons why our hand takes a lot of abuse EXCEPT for
a. exposed to harsh detergents
b. exposed to hot water
c. exposed to sun and wind on a daily basis
d. exposed to hand spa treatment
15. Which one is the relaxing part of the hand spa?
a. massage
b. treatment
c. manicure
d. hand washing

Lesson Pre-Hand Spa Treatment, Hand
and Arm Massage Techniques
Hand spa helps remove dead cells and callous. Callous appear on hands
because of the constant friction of the skin to the materials they use. Hand spa is a
treatment performed by professionally trained staff. This treatment is done to
replenish, restore and rejuvenate naturally tired hands.

While an arm massage aims to reduce muscle tightness by increasing muscle

elasticity and flexibility and loosening scar tissue. An arm massage encourages an
increase in blood flow. An increase in blood flow increases the temperature of
muscles. An increase in muscle temperature allows muscle to stretch and relax.

What’s In

Let us find out if you can still remember your previous lesson in Beauty Care
(Nail Care) by answering this activity.

Directions: Identify the items listed in Column A. Write T if is
classified as Tools, letter E for Equipment and M for Materials.
Use separate sheet of paper in writing your answer.
Column A Column B
1. Pumice Stone
2. Trolley
3. Soap
4. Mittens
5. Alcohol
6. Plastic Basin
7. Paraffin wax
8. Lotion
9. Mixing bowl
10. Body Scrub

What’s New

Today, you will discover further the world of hand spa treatment as well as
hand and arm massage techniques as one of the ways to take good care of your
hands and arms.

Directions: Answer the questions briefly:

1. In one paragraph, describe the given pictures.
2. How do you feel if you have done your hand spa and arm massage?
3. Why is it necessary to pamper your hands?
4. What is your edge from others, being a beauty care student?

What is It

According to Maier, leaf tv article., Our hands take a lot of abuse. Exposed to
harsh detergents, hot water, sun and wind on a daily basis, sensitive skin can
become dry, red and creased – all signs of premature aging. Nails are part of the
package, and continuous pounding on a keyboard or one of the other million ways
we use our digits each day can leave nails in rough shape. When funds are low, or if
you would simply prefer to spend your hard-earned money somewhere other than at
a pricey salon, you can make a complete hand spa treatment at home instead.

Since nowadays we are facing this Covid 19 crisis it is hard for us to go to the
salon for pampering yourself this will help solve your problem and alternative you
need to learn and apply this learning at home.

At this time, a great chance to help the members of the family to maintain the
beauty of their hands by having a hand spa treatment and arm massage.
One of the relaxing parts of hand spa is massage. After you familiarized
yourself with the different tools, materials, and equipment, let us find out if you can
apply what you have learned in using those tools and the basic steps on hand and
arm massage by doing the series of activities ahead of you.

The next topic will give you an idea of how pre-hand spa treatment and arm
massage techniques will be done.


Below are the steps involved in hand spa treatment:
1. Seat client.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Check and analyze condition of client’s hand.
4. Remove any jewelry from the body part to be treated

Tips and Warnings

Do not proceed with the hand spa treatment if there are signs of infection.

Glittering Ideas
It is advisable for the clients to wear a protective clothing to avoid contamination of

Basic Hand Arm Massage Techniques

The hands contain many acupressure and reflexology points which are
associated with the organs and certain parts of the body. Therefore, hand massage
should be included with each manicure because it provides significant health

Procedure in Hand Massage

1. Hold the client’s hand in your hand.

Place a dab of lotion on the back of the
client’s hand and spread it to the
fingers and wrist.

2. Hold the client’s hand firmly. Bend

the hand slowly with a forward and
backward movement limber the wrist.
Repeat three times.

3. Grasp each finger. Gently bend each

finger, one at a time, to limber the top of
the hand and finger joints. As the fingers
and thumb are bent, slide your thumb
down toward the fingertips.

4. With the client’s elbow resting on the

table, hold the hand upright. Massage
the palm of the hands with the cushions
of your thumbs, using a circular
movement in alternate directions. This
movement will completely relax the
client’s hand.
5. Rest client’s arm on the table. Grasp
each finger at the base, and rotate it
gently in large circles, ending with a
gentle squeeze of the fingertips. Repeat
three times.

6. Hold the client’s hand. Massage the

wrist, then top of the hand with a
circular movement. Slide back and with
both hands wring wrist in opposite
direction three times.

7. Finish massage by tapering each

finger. Beginning at the base of each
finger, rotate, pause, and squeeze with
gentle pressure. Then, pull lightly with
pressure until tip is reached. Repeat
three times.

8. Repeat steps 1-7 on the other hand.

Procedure in Hand and Arm Massage

Complete Hand Massage.
1. Palm turned downward on the table.
Massage the arm from wrist to elbow,
using a slow, circular motion in
alternate directions. Repeat three times.
Palm upward and repeat the same
movements three times.

2. Massage the underpart of the arm to

the elbow, using fingers of each hand in
alternate crosswise directions. Repeat
three times.

3. Massage the top of the arm from wrist

to elbow. Apply thumbs in opposite
directions with squeezing motion.
Repeat three times.

4.Cup elbow joint in your hand.

Massage elbow with circular motion.
Repeat three times.

5. Stroke the arm firmly in opposite

directions, from the elbow to wrist.
Finally, stroke each finger, ending with
a gentle squeeze of the fingertips.

What’s More

Activity 1
Hand Massage and Arm massage Activity.

1. Prepare the following: towel and lotion

2. Perform the steps in hand and arm massage.
3. At least three members of the family as your clients.
4. Comply the accomplishment report.
3. Let one of the members of the family to evaluate your performance the rating
will be based on the given criteria.
4. Take a picture/video for documentation.
5. Output will be submitted to your teacher.

Glittering Ideas
If you don’t have a massage cream or oil to lubricate
client’s hands, use lotion or olive oil (if available).

Criteria Very Good Good Fair Score

15 pts. 10 pts. 5pts
1. Identify and use proper tools,
supplies and equipment in hand
spa treatment.
2. Demonstrate the step by step
techniques in hand massage /
hand and arm massage.
3. Work finished on time and with

Rating Scale:
15 - The student consistently performs tasks to standards with mastery.
10 - The student can perform the tasks with limited supervision and or does not
perform the task to standard.
5 - The student can perform the tasks with direct supervision.

Activity 2: Outcome Sentences on Pre-Hand Spa Treatment, Hand and Arm

Massage Techniques
Directions: Complete the couple of questions. Use separate sheet of paper to write
your answer.

1. I learned_____________________________________________________.
2. I was surprised_______________________________________________.
3. I’m Feeling____________________________________________________.
4. I would like to learn more about_______________________________.
5. Two things I am interested to learn____________________________.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter in one
whole sheet of paper.

1. Choose the things you do if your client’s hands have a sign of infection.
a. proceeds with the hand spa treatment
b. does not proceed with the hand spa treatment
c. gives her a treatment
d. let her sit down and relax
2. What is the first step involved in a hand spa treatment?
a. removes any jewelry from the body part to be treated
b. washes your hands
c. check and analyze the condition of the client’s hand
d. seat client
3. Identify the hand contains which are associated with organs and certain parts of
the body.
a. acupressure and reflexology points
b. muscles
c. tissues
d. bones
4. Why is it advisable for clients to wear protective clothing?
a. it is used as a prescribed uniform
b. to make more comfortable and relaxing
c. to avoid contamination of stain
d. to look more attractive
5. What material will you apply in massaging your client’s hand?
a. vinegar
b. lotion
c. cooking oil
d. garlic juice
6. Why hand massage is included with each manicure service?
a. it is an additional service
b. clients like to relax
c. it is a special treatment
d. it provides significant health benefits
7. Rest client’s__________________on the table.
a. hands
b. legs
c. arm
d. shoulder
8. Select the number two procedure in hand massage.
a. bends the hand slowly with a forward and backward movement limber the
b. place a dab of lotion on the back of the client’s hand and spread it to the
fingers and wrist
c. grasps each finger and gently bend each finger
d. massage the palm of the hands with the cushions of your thumbs

9. For the first procedure in arm massage, where will you start to massage your
a. massage the arm from wrist to elbow
b. massage the arm from elbow to wrist
c. massage the arm finger to elbow
d. massage the arm from shoulder to wrist
10. How many times do you pull lightly the finger with pressure until the tip is
a. five times
b. six times
c. four times
d. three times
11. How would you apply the arm massage in the third procedure?
a. applies thumbs in opposite directions with squeezing motion
b. massage the underpart of the arm to the elbow
c. palm turned downward on the table
d. massage the top of the arm from wrist to elbow
12. What is the correct massage directions in the second step of arm massage?
a. applies thumbs in opposite directions
b. applies to squeeze motion
c. massage the underpart of the arm to the elbow, using fingers of each hand in
alternate crosswise directions.
d. using a slow, circular motion in alternate directions
13. Listed below are the reasons why our hand takes a lot of abuse EXCEPT for
a. exposed to harsh detergents
b. exposed to hot water
c. exposed to sun and wind on a daily basis
d. exposed to hand spa treatment
14. Identify the final procedure in arm massage.
a. cup elbow joint in your hand
b. massage elbow with a circular motion
c. massage the top of the arm from wrist to elbow
d. stroke each finger, ending with a gentle squeeze of the fingertips
15. Which one is the relaxing part of the hand spa?
a. massage
b. treatment
c. manicure
d. hand washing

Additional Activities

Activity 1
● List down the steps in pre-hand spa treatment.

● Identify each step-in basic hand and arm massage. Arrange in chronological
order, write the number which comes first; ex.1,2, 3 etc. on the corresponding

Hand Massage


B. C.

D. E.

F. G.

Arm Massage

A. B.

C. D.


Additional Activities
Hand Massage
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 4
E. 6
F. 7
J. 2
Arm Massage
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
E. 1
What’s In What I Know Assessment
1. T 1. D 1. B
2. E 2. B 2. D
3. M 3. C 3. A
4. M 4. A 4. C
5. M 5. D 5. B
6. E 6. B 6. D
7. M 7. A 7. C
8. M 8. C 8. A
9.T 9. D 9. A
10. M 10. A 10. D
11. C 11. A
12. A 12. C
13. D 13. D
14. D 14. D
15. A 15. A
Answer Key
● Learning Module – Beauty Care (Nail Care) Grade-9, pp. 44-52

● Karyn Maier, How to Make a Hand Spa Treatment, leaf TVarticle

● Websites:

● › treatments › massage › arm-massage

● › hand-spa-treatment
● Healthline: Half Moon Nails

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]


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