Mount Beauty 2018 2021 Strategic Plan

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Published: March 2017

Endorsement Re-Endorsement (if a Goal, KIS or Target is changed) Re-endorsement (if a Goal, KIS or Target is changed)
Mount Beauty Primary School Strategic Plan 2018-2021 Principal: .......................................................... Carolyn Serpell [date] ………………………………………[name] .......................... [date] ………………………………………[name] ........................... [date]
For schools in the 2016 review cycle, the SSP must finish in School council: ....................................................... Bronwyn Gray [date] ………………………………………[name] .......................... [date] ………………………………………[name] ........................... [date]
2020. School in the 2017 review cycle will finish in 2021.
Delegate of the
Secretary: .......................................................... Jody Grimmond [date] ………………………………………[name] .......................... [date] ………………………………………[name] ........................... [date]

School vision School values Context and challenges Intent, rationale and focus

At Mount Beauty Primary School, our vision is At Mount Beauty Primary School, it is an expectation that we While the school has made considerable progress in developing a whole school teaching To fully align with FISO to collectively build the capacity of the school to deliver more effective
to empower our students to embrace learning, show Respect for Self, Others and the Environment. framework in literacy, the impact of this is not evident in the Year 5 NAPLAN and learning teaching, improved learning and improved schooling outcomes.
act with kindness, demonstrate resilience and gain data. As a result, improving student achievement and in particular the learning gain
take pride in themselves, their school and Our values of Pride, Resilience and Kindness underpin our between Years 3-5 is a key challenge in the new strategic plan. Developing a whole school Theory of Action
community. vision and whole school expectations. approach to the teaching of Numeracy is also a key focus due to an observed downward
trend in achievement at Year 5 from 2014-2016. If staff have a better understanding of, and alignment with FISO, it is expected that they will be
able to provide clearer, well-structured and effective curriculum programs for students and
An upward trend in the Parent Survey data has been positive, however our student improve student outcomes. This will entail a clear focus on building excellence in teaching and
absences remain high and more work is required to improve parent engagement in student learning, professional leadership and the development of a positive school climate with
learning. community engagement.

Student engagement and well-being also remains an area for continued focus. While Effective leadership leads to higher competencies in planning, coordinating and evaluating
school connectedness, student learning and teacher effectiveness were at or above state teaching and the curriculum.
mean, variation between cohorts has our school performing below the state average for
the four-year average. Our school is also performing below the state mean for student The continuation to the strong focus on building teacher capacity in their knowledge,
relationships and well-being, with girls scoring significantly lower than boys do. understanding and application of curriculum content, pedagogy and data literacy, will allow
further opportunity to improve student learning outcomes at the school.
As the school continues to grow, the need to consider leadership positions or
responsibilities has also grown. Creating an organisational structure that enables the Strong home/school partnership especially in relation to high expectations, school vision and
effective implementation of the strategic plan and review recommendations, remains an values, engagement in learning, communication, feedback and behaviour management will
ongoing goal. This needs to include responsibility for instructional leadership, student well- assist the promotion of a positive school climate for learning.
being and engagement with families, in order to progress our vision, values and culture.

Four-year goals Improvement Priorities, Key improvement strategies Targets

(for improving student achievement, engagement and wellbeing) Initiatives and/or Dimensions (for improving student achievement, engagement and wellbeing)
Published: March 2017
Excellence in Teaching and  Strengthen implementation of current whole school curriculum pathways in Maintain or increase the % in the top 2 bands of student cohorts as they move from
Established, clearly defined pathways for learning with strong links to planning,
Learning literacy and numeracy year 3 to year 5.
instruction and assessments.
-Curriculum & Assessment  Establish a whole school instructional framework for the delivery of numeracy
-Building Practice excellence (with a focus on problem solving) YEAR 3 YEAR 5
>Evidence-based high impact  Develop a structured approach to building teacher capacity in the delivery of (2017>2021) (2017>2021)
teaching strategies curriculum pathways READING 26%>30% 28%>30%
>Evaluating impact on learning  Review the assessment schedule to enhance data analysis that informs teaching WRITING 31%>35% 13%>35%
SPELLING 26%>30% 13%>30%
GRAMMAR & PUNCTUATON 56%>60% 17%>60%
NUMERACY 37%>40% 21%>40%

 Increased proportion of students achieving medium/high gain in Writing, Spelling

and Mathematics for NAPLAN Relative Growth to be at 75% by 2021.
DOMAIN YEAR 3 – 5 Relative Growth 2017 Target

Medium High 2017>2021

READING 30% 20% 50 >75%
WRITING 26.3% 10.5% 37 >75%
SPELLING 52.6% 5.3% 58 > 75%
GRAMMAR & PUNCTUATON 63.2% 10.5% 74 > 75%
NUMERACY 47.4% 15.8% 63 > 75%

 Maintain or increase the proportion of students achieving above expected

achievement and decrease the proportion of student working below expected
achievement level in Writing and Mathematics.
DOMAIN Teacher Judgement Prep-6
(based on 2016 data) Above Expected Below Expected Level
Writing 27% > 30% 3.8% > maintain below 10%

Mathematics 12.9% > 30% 1.8% > maintain below 10%

Maintain or improve school mean to be at/above 85% in School Staff Survey

 Collective Focus Student Learning (93.8% in 2017)
 Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (85%)
Professional Learning
 Applicability of Professional Learning (92.3%)
School Leadership
 Instructional Leadership (78.3%)
Maintain or improve positive endorsement on Student Opinion Survey to be
at/above 85%
2017 benchmark
 Effective teaching time 84%
 Stimulated Learning 76%
 Learning Confidence 83%
Maintain or improve positive endorsement on Parent Opinion Survey to be at/above
2017 benchmark
 Stimulating Learning 81%
 Effective teaching 80%
Published: March 2017
Positive school climate  Enhance school pride and a positive culture through student voice and active Reduce Student Absences from 29% in 2016 to 19% in 2021
Strengthened partnerships that promote a positive school climate for learning.
-Empowering students and engagement with all stakeholders (review of school vision and mission) In 2016 the percentage of students with 20 or more absence days was 29% compared
building school pride  Promote communication and partnerships with regard to student engagement with 19% in similar schools.
>Health and Wellbeing and wellbeing (Student Engagement Guidelines /Behaviour) Maintain or improve school mean to be at/above 85% in School Staff Survey
- Setting expectations and  Implement a strategy to strengthen partnerships of families in student learning Climate
promoting inclusion  Collective Responsibility (91.7%)
>intellectual engagement and
self-awareness Maintain or improve positive endorsement on Student Opinion Survey to be
at/above 85%
Community engagement 2017 benchmark
- Parents and carers as  Effective Classroom Behaviour 75%
partners  Stimulated learning 76%
 High expectations for success 91%
 Teacher Concern 69%
 Motivation and interest 81%
 Resilience 74%
 Sense of Confidence 83%
 Sense of Connectedness 82%
 Student voice and agency 61%
 Managing Bullying 78%
 Respect for Diversity 73%

Maintain or improve positive endorsement on Parent Opinion Survey to be at/above

2017 benchmark
 Parent participation and involvement 80%
 School support 85%
 Teacher communication 77%
 General satisfaction 95%
 School improvement 79%
 School pride and confidence 92%
 Student agency and voice 75%
 Promoting positive behaviour 91%
 Respect for diversity 87%
 School connectedness 90%
Published: March 2017
Professional Leadership  Develop a structured approach to building leadership capacity in achieving the Maintain or improve school mean to be at/above 85 in School Staff Survey
Collaborative and distributed leadership that maximises resources and positions the
- Building leadership strategic plan School Leadership
school for student improvement.
teams  Create a leadership framework to support a distributed leadership model 2017 benchmark
> Instructional and shared  Build a sustainable school culture in which trust, vision and ownership are  Leading Change 85.7%
leadership prevalent.  Cultural Leadership 83.3%
> Strategic resource management  Flexibility 85.7%
> Vision values and culture  Intellectual Stimulation 75.0%
 Instructional Leadership 78.3%
 Parent and Community Involvement, Engagement and Outreach 83.3%
 Leader’s Support for Change 87.2%
 Visibility 69.2%

Maintain or improve positive endorsement on Parent Opinion Survey to be at/above

2017 benchmark
 School Improvement 79%

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