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1. Explain why education is a vital weapon of the people for

striving for economic emancipations and political
Education is truly one of the most powerful instruments for
reducing poverty and inequality and it sets the foundation
for sustained economic growth. Education in every sense is
one of the fundamental factors of development. No country
can achieve sustainable economic development without
substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches
people’s understanding of themselves and world. It improves
the quality of their lives and leads to broad social
benefits to individuals and society. Education raises
people’s productivity and creativity and promotes
entrepreneurship and technological advances. In addition it
plays a very crucial role in securing economic and social
progress and improving income distribution.
Education raises economic efficiency by improving the
quality of economic agents (such as employment), transmits
socially accepted values, improves and regenerates existing
institutions, modifies outdated institutions, and creates
new ones to induce economic growth. It is an agent to
increase human satisfactions and critical thinking, and to
reduce income inequality. The positive relationship between
the rates of return and the levels of education signifies
the instrumentality of education in economic and political

2. What is the main reason why Philippine Educational System

was trifocalized?
Philippine educational system was trifocalized meaning it
is divided into three distinct bodies DECS for basic
education now evolved as DepEd, the Technical Educational
Skills Development Authority foe technical and vocational
education and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) foe
higher education. In order to divide the responsibility for
policy formulation, planning, budgeting, program
implementation and coordination in all levels of formal and
non formal education in the Philippines.

3. What is your idea/concept to enhance the quality of

education in Philippine setting?
Education in the Philippines will largely depend on the
country’s position on the development ladder and the status
of education sector. Let’s not focus on the availability or
the accessibility of education in the country because its
already there, let’s focus on how uplift the quality of
Regulatory reforms is needed to ensure that the quality of
education receives at home is high enough to give domestic
Filipino student access to education and work abroad. This
reform process must start by establishing a credible
accreditation system.
The Philippines can also pursue bilateral mutual
recognition agreements. Such agreements should include
quality assurance on the part of both countries. In this
way, even if the standards are not the same level as in
higher income countries, there will be pressure on some of
the higher education institution in the Philippines to
improve their programs and facilities in order to gain
4. Do you agree in educational quotations “There are dull
teachers, dull textbook, dull film but no dull subject”?

Teacher is boring when teaching when teaching lessons,
uninteresting textbooks has been issued by this teacher
too, a dull movie also when the time is not right in
A subject themselves are interesting but often it is the
way they have been taught or presented that can make them

5. What is the impact of ASEAN integration to the Philippine

Education System?
Ans. For the Philippines, this is a big challenge because
integration will also mean that Asean members will pay less
tax, less custom duties, and less import taxes. We have the
Asean Common Market. The Philippines (as a member) will
consider people and products from the Asean region, as if
they are people and products of our country also.

This could be the reason why the K to 12 Program has been

instituted so that we can level off with Asian and the rest
of the world.

6. Do you think K-12 is the absolute answer to the poor

quality performance of the learners?
Yes but No.
Supposedly K-12 program is the answer to the poor
performance of our learners it is also a way to uplift the
quality of our learners especially in the basic education.
For the basic education we expect that the additional two
more years will prepare our graduate from high school to be
employable and more acceptable in the universities. But it
seems that something went wrong based on the survey the
graduate of the k-12 program are not and way beyond of
being employable. For the tertiary, the output of k-12
program supposedly is to prepare the learners in the basic
education for the program their going to take in the
university but it did not came true and it became a problem
in the tertiary in admitting a cross track applicant.

7. Explain the role of the Philippines higher education

program towards national development and progress.

8. Explain the impact of the free education in the higher

education toward access and quality.
Free education in tertiary level

9. What is the reason why school administrator where accorded

with sufficient administrative discretion in the
performance with his/her official function?

Great leadership is the key to success in any school. The

best schools will have an effective school leader or group
of leaders. Leadership not only sets the stage for long-
term achievement, but it ensures that there will be
sustainability long after their gone. In a school setting,
a leader must be multifaceted as they deal with other
administrators, teachers, support staff, students, and
parents on a daily basis.
In the school setting, the ways administrators make
decisions have important effects on teacher. When at the
point of deciding, school administrators, who act
rationally, take account the values, ethics, events, and
make logical and reasoned decisions, can help increase
teachers performance level substantially. If they act
intuitively and take the advice of others during the
decision-making process, administrators can also increase
the teachers job satisfaction. School administrators who
avoid or postpone making decisions, or decide without
thinking things through, decrease teachers’ job
satisfaction levels. Teachers who may have difficulties
adapting to new situations could be particularly affected
by poor performance, and display increased stress levels,
lack of productivity, absenteeism, and so on. It is indeed
reflected in some researches that the leadership and
communication skills of administrators have positive
effects on the performance of teachers as a whole. Most
often, these employees have higher job satisfaction and
organizational loyalty, but lower stress levels.
A school’s ability to improve teaching and learning is
strongly influenced by the leadership of its principal.
However, the principal’s role as a leader in this area is
constrained by the context and culture of the school.
External factors include issues like the influence of the
neighbourhood and the immediate community, societal
influences that disrupt the curriculum, student conflict
and violence in school, demography, the geographic location
of the school, and the socio-economic status of the school
community. Internal factors include issues like teachers
and their behaviour, teacher qualifications, resources,
work ethic and teacher unions.
Principals need to be properly informed about quality
education and how to achieve it. If they understand what it
is and also how to achieve it, for example through their
potential powers, they may be able to improve their
school’s academic performance in a more consistent way.
Principals need to analyze the systemic results of the
school to identify the weaknesses and strengths and develop
a plan which could be called a “school operational plan”.
Developing a vision and establishing clear goals, make it
possible for the principal to give the necessary direction
and motivate and encourage educators and parents to
contribute to goal achievement.

10. Discuss and explain the application of the system approach

in the organization and management of the school system.
Ans: a system approach management system is very helpful in
the education system as it resolve a problem in the
education is systematic way by identifying the nature of
the problem so that the solution can be apply not only in
the visible problem but from where it is came from, in the
process a solution requirement and alternatives can be
define and from there the chosen strategy can be
implemented. And in order to check the problem has been
resolve a performance effectiveness will be determined.

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