Instruction: Read The Questions Comprehensively and Choose The Letter That Best Correspond To The Idea

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Department of Education

Third Quarter Examination

Subject: MAPEH-10

Student’s Name: ____________________________ Score: ________________

Section: _________________________________ Date: _________________

Test I. Multiple Choice

Instruction: Read the questions comprehensively and choose the letter that best correspond to the idea
asked in each item. Encircle the letter of your choice. If you would like to change answer indicate your
final answer on the space before the item number. God Bless!

1. _________ is a therapeutic refreshment or relaxation of one’s body and mind. Its main objective is to
revitalize the physical, mental, social, and emotional aspects of person.
a. Recreation c. Dance
b. Recreational activities d. Dancing

2. In today’s world that is full of stress and pressures, we all need to engage in _________ to relieve our
a. Recreation c. Dance
b. Recreational activities d. Dancing

3. _______ is a recreational activity that can develop our physical, mental, social, and emotional health.
a. Recreation c. Dance
b. Recreational activities d. Dancing

4. _______ as part of our lifestyle can surely sustain our fitness. But it should be coupled with proper
eating habits and weight management for a person to live a healthy life.
a. Recreation c. Dance
b. Recreational activities d. Dancing

5. _______ are dances performed on the street, in the yard, at the park or rave or any open space outside
of the dance studios.
a. Popping c. Hip-hop
b. B-boying d. Street dance

6. _______ is a cultural movement best known for its impact on music in the form of the musical genre of
the same name.
a. Popping c. Hip-hop
b. B-boying d. Street dance

7. _________ on the other hand, refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that
have evolved as part of hip-hop culture.
a. Popping c. Hip-hop
b. Hip-hop dance d. Street dance

8. _________ also called breakdancing, is a style of street dance and the first hip-hop dance style that
originated among Black and Puerto Rican youths in New York City during the early1970s.
a. Popping c. Locking
b. B-boying d. Krumping

9. __________ was popularized by Samuel Boogaloo Sam Solomon and his crew the Electric Boogaloos.
It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer’s
a. Popping c. Locking
b. B-boying d. Krumping

10. _________ was created by Don Cambellock Campbell in 1969 in Los Angeles, California. Dancers
hold their positions longer. It is like freeze or a sudden pause.
a. Popping c. Locking
b. B-boying d. Krumping
11. ________ is a form of dancing that originated in the African-America community of South Central, Los
Angeles, California and is a relatively new form of the “Urban” Black dance movement. It is free,
expressive and highly energic.
a. Popping c. Locking
b. B-boying d. Krumping

12. Footwork-oriented steps performed while standing up.

a. Top-rock c. Freezes
b. Down-rock d. Power moves

13. Footwork performed with both hands and feet on the feet.
a. Top-rock c. Freezes
b. Down-rock d. Power moves

14. Stylish poses done on your hands.

a. Top-rock c. Freezes
b. Down-rock d. Power moves

15. Comprises full-body spins and rotations that give the illusion of defying gravity.
a. Top-rock c. Freezes
b. Down-rock d. Power moves

16. It is a creative way of making geometric shapes forming right angle using your body parts. The style
was originally practiced by young funk dancers.
a. Tutting c. Shuffling
b. Krumping d. Waacking

17. Is a rave and club dance that originated in the late 1980’s in the underground rave music scene in
Melbourne, Australia. The basic movements of the dance are a fast heel-and-toe action with a style
suitable for various types of electronic music.
a. Tutting c. Shuffling
b. Krumping d. Waacking

18. It is an African American form of street dance originating from the 1970’s disco era of the underground
club scenes in Los Angeles and New York City. It is consisting of stylized posing and fast synchronized
arm movements to the beat music.
a. Tutting c. Shuffling
b. Krumping d. Waacking

19. The ______ of the pyramid includes activities that are easy, convenient and accessible to everyone.
a. base b. apex c. middle d. center

20. Exercises that are advised for those who wants to burn more calories and to lose weight.
a. Aerobic exercises c. Weightlifting
b. Anaerobic exercises d. Strengthening exercises

21. Activities that enjoyable and are associated with energy expenditure, they are not recommended as
part of our daily activities.
a. Aerobic exercises c. Weightlifting
b. Leisure activities d. Strengthening exercises

22. Exercises that are intended to improve bone and muscle strength and improve resilience of our
connective tissue.
a. Aerobic exercises c. Weightlifting
b. Leisure activities d. Strengthening exercises

23. The ____ of the pyramid refers to activities that are frequently performed by most children and adults
who are overweight.
a. bottom c. middle
b. top d. center

24. In order to lose more weight and burn calories, how many days should be done the aerobic exercises
per week?
a. 2-3 times per week c. 3-5 times per week
b. 6-7 times per week d. 3-4 times per week
25. Activities should be done minimally are the following:
a. brisk walking/ jogging c. Grocery shopping/ running errands
b. watch tv/ computer games d. yoga/tai chi

26. Activities should be done 2-3 times a week at least 30-45 minutes or longer.
a. brisk walking/ jogging c. Grocery shopping/ running errands
b. watch tv/ computer games d. yoga/tai chi

27. Activities should be done 3-5 times a week at least 30-45 minutes or longer.
a. brisk walking/ jogging c. Grocery shopping/ running errands
b. watch tv/ computer games d. yoga/tai chi

28. Activities should be done habitually as often as possible.

a. brisk walking/ jogging c. Grocery shopping/ running errands
b. watch tv/ computer games d. yoga/tai chi

29. To maintain health, a woman who weighs 60 kg should need to burn how many calories per week?
a. 700-1000 kcal/week c. 800-1200 kcal/week
b. 600-1000 kcal/week d. 2000-3000 kcal/week

30. To maintain health, a man who weighs 75 kg should also need to burn how many calories per week?
a. 700-1000 kcal/week c. 800-1200 kcal/week
b. 600-1000 kcal/week d. 2000-3000 kcal/week

31- 50 Read the scenario and answer the following questions. Write your answers at least 50 words in
each question. 5 points each item.

San Isidro is a community of lazy and gluttonous people. They sit or lie all day and eat everything their
mouth desires. Each family has a housemaid to take care of all the household chores. The children of
this community are addicted to playing computer games although they maintain their passing grades.
They are not allowed to play outside to prevent accidents. Most of the time, the teenagers surf on the
internet. Most of the parents are overweight because after their office work, they watch television while
having night snacks. Some men are into smoking and drinking alcohol. On the other hand, during
weekends, each family goes to church and watches movies together. They maintain their strong family
bonds. Values such as respect to elders and obedience are also preserved in this community

1. Describe the lifestyle of the people of this community?

2. Would you like to live in this community? Why?

3. If you are a friend to one of the members of this community, what will you advised him or her to
achieve fitness.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of media and technology in our health?

“ I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”

Prepared by: Maren M. Pendon

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