5.111 Principles of Chemical Science: Mit Opencourseware

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5.111 Principles of Chemical Science

Fall 2008

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5.111 Lecture Summary #8

Readings for today: Section 1.12 (1.11 in 3rd ed) – Orbital Energies (of many-electron
atoms), Section 1.13 (1.12 in 3rd ed) – The Building-Up Principle.
Read for Lecture #9: Section 1.14 (1.13 in 3rd ed) – Electronic Structure and the
Periodic Table, Section 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, and 1.20 (1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, and
1.19 in 3rd ed) - The Periodicity of Atomic Properties.

Assignment: Problem set #3 (due Session #10).


Topics: Multi-electron atoms

I. Wavefunctions for multi-electron atoms
II. Binding energies
III. Electron configurations (Aufbau principle)


(Describing atoms with Z=2 or higher)

The Schrödinger equation correctly describes the electronic structure for all atoms,

not just 1-e– atoms.

Hydrogen: Ĥ!(r"#) = E!(r"#)

Helium (2 e-s):
H!(r1"1#1r2"2#2) = E!(r1"1#1r2"2#2)
Lithium (3 e-s): Ĥ!(r1"1#1r2"2#2r3"3#3) = E!(r1"1#1r2"2#2r3"3#3)

The equations becomes much more complicated. Approximations are needed!

Hartree orbitals: Assume we can write a multi-electron Ψ as the product of 1-electron Ψs:

Helium: Ψ(r1θ1φ1r2θ2φ2) = Ψ (r1θ1φ1) • Ψ (r2θ2φ2)

Ψ for ______ • Ψ for _______
Ψ100+1/2 Ψ100−1/2
1s(1) 1s(2)

Lithium: Ψ (r1θ1φ1r2θ2φ2r3θ3φ3) = Ψ (r1θ1φ1) • Ψ (r2θ2φ2) • Ψ (r3θ3φ3)

1s(1) _____ _____

Electron configuration is the shorthand notation for electron wavefunctions.

H 1s1
He 1s2
Li 1s22s1
Be ____________ B _____________



Let’s consider Ar as an example: 1s22s22p63s23p6

Similarities to H atom wavefunctions:

• Each orbital obtained is similar in shape to the corresponding H 1-e- orbital.

• The nodal structure is the same (nodes occur at values of r, θ and Φ which give
Ψ and Ψ2 = 0).

Differences to H atom wavefunctions:

• Each multi-electron orbital is ________________ than the corresponding hydrogen

atom orbital.

Why? Stronger pull from the nucleus with higher Z (Z=18 for Ar , Z=1 for H).

• In multi-electron atoms, orbital energy depends on both the shell (n) and the
subshell (l).


All orbitals in a multi-electron atom are lower in energy (__________________) than

the corresponding energy in a hydrogen atom.

The lower energy results in multi-electron atoms results from a higher Z--- a stronger
pull from the nucleus.

The principal quantum number, n, is no longer the sole determining factor for the
orbital energies of multi-electron atoms. Energy now depends on n and ____.

For _________-electron atoms For _________-electron atoms

Where Zeff is the effective charge experienced by the electron in the n,l state.

Zeff _______ the same as Z for the nucleus. Zeff differs from Z because of ___________.

Shielding and Zeff

To illustrate the effect of shielding, consider the two extreme shielding situations
possible for the He atom (Z = 2).

EXTREME CASE A: electron #1 is very far from nucleus; electron #2 close to nucleus

• Electron #2 cancels part of the charge experienced by electron #1.

• Electron #1 experiences a force on average of Zeff = _______ , not Zeff = +2e.

• The energy of electron #1 is that of an electron in a H (1-electron) atom.

EXTREME CASE B: electron #1 close to nucleus; electron #2 very far from nucleus

• Electron #1 experiences a force on average of Zeff = ________.

• The energy of electron #1 is that of an electron in a ________ (1-electron) ion.

Extreme case A: Zeff = 1, IEHe= 2.18 x 10–18 J __________ shielding

Extreme case B: Zeff = 2, IEHe= 8.72 x 10 J __________ shielding
Experimentally determined IEHe:
Experimental IEHe = 3.94 x 10–18 J

So the reality is somewhere between total shielding and no shielding.

We can calculate the Zeff from the experimentally determined IE:

Note: Our calculated Zeff is a reasonable value, since it falls between ___ (total shielding) and ___
(no shielding).

Why is E2s < (more negative than) E2p and E3s < E3p < E3d
For a given n state (shell), electrons in orbitals with lower values of l ______________
closer to the nucleus (even though rmp decreases with increasing l!).

This means (for the same n):

• s-electrons are _________

shielded than p electrons.

• p-electrons are less shielded

than ____-electrons

Consider why the electron configuration for Li is 1s2 2s1 and not 1s2 2p1.

The s-orbital is less shielded. Averaging over the RPD yields ________ < ________ .

Since Enl = - (Zeff)2RH / n2, E2s ______ E2p


Electron configuration describes the electronic structure of an atom by specifying

which orbitals are occupied. This is very useful notation, since electron structure
dictates the chemical properties and reactivity of a given atom.

How do we determine the electron configuration of an atom?

Fill energy states (which depend on ___ and ___) one electron at a time, starting with
the lowest energy state and following:

1) The Pauli exclusion principle

2) Hund’s rule: when electrons are added

to states of the same E, a single electron
enters each state before a second
electron enters any state. Spins remain
______________ prior to adding a
second electron to any state.

Let’s try this for O (Z = 8).

Electron configuration: _____________

(specifying ml): ____________________

You need only provide ml notation if specifically asked.

Third Period: Na to Ar Fourth Period: K to Kr
K � [Ar] 4s1
Na � 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 Ca � [Ar] 4s2
Sc � [Ar] 4s23d1
________ electrons Ti � [Ar] 4s23d2
___________ electron V � [Ar] 4s23d3
Cr � [Ar] 4s13d5 exception to Aufbau*
Mn � [Ar] 4s23d5
Fe � [Ar] 4s23d6
Na � [Ne] 3s1 Co � [Ar] 4s23d7
Mg � [Ne] 3s2 Ni � [Ar] 4s23d8
Al � [Ne] 3s23p1 Cu � [Ar] 4s13d10 exception to Aufbau*
. Zn � [Ar] 4s23d10
. Ga � [Ar] 4s23d104p1
Ar � [Ne] 3s23p6 .
Kr � [Ar] 4s23d104p6
* Exceptions to the Aufbau principle: filled (____) and half-filled (____) d-orbitals
have lower energy than simple theory predicts.

Core electrons: electrons in inner shells making up a noble gas configuration.

Valence electrons: electrons in the outer most shell. Valence electrons are the
exciting ones- in general, only the valence electrons participate in chemical reactions.

Fifth Period: Rb to Xe. Mo and Ag are counterpart anomalies to Cr and Cu in 4th

period. Additional anomalies and other effects are difficult to predict.

Mnemonic for electon configuration: diagonals

Using this chart, we can write out the correct order of orbitals with
increasing energy from left to right

1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p


Once a d orbital is filled, the orbital energy drops to below the corresponding s orbital.

Consider Ti vs. Ti2+

Ti � [Ar]4s23d2 but really Ti � [Ar]_________

Ti2+ � [Ar]________

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