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(REVIEW PAPER) Recent progress in Superconductor Theory, Materials and


Preprint · March 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22452.96646


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1 author:

Serap Ogmen
Harvard University


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Recent progress in Superconductor
Theory, Materials and Devices
Serap Öğmen
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
Koç University, Rumelifeneri Mahallesi, Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450 Sarıyer/İstanbul

Abstract | Superconductivity is a phenomenon in the solid-state physics that occurs under a certain critical
temperature (often referred to as Tc) in some materials. A superconducting material is characterized by its
infinitely high electrical conductivity and the absence of any magnetic field in the interior. From many areas of
research, this so-called superconductivity has become indispensable. This paper takes a simple approach to explain
the theory behind Superconductivity and its applications.

1 Introduction
Superconductors are materials whose material. Breaks the superconductivity suddenly, it is
electrical resistance drops below the transition called a superconductor of the first kind or the Type I.
temperature to zero. The superconductivity in 1911 On the other hand, superconductors of the second kind
from Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered. It is a (Type II) have two critical field strengths; from the
macroscopic quantum state. Many metals, but also other lower one, the field begins to penetrate; in the higher
materials are superconducting below their critical one, the superconductivity collapses. In the area in
temperature Tc. For most materials, this temperature is between, the magnetic field increasingly penetrates the
very low; to achieve superconductivity, the material conductor in the form of microscopically fine tubes. The
must generally be cooled with liquefied helium whose magnetic flux in these flow tubes is quantized. Type II
boiling point is -269 °C. Only in the case of high- superconductors are attractive for technical applications
temperature superconductors is sufficient to be cooled due to their high current carrying capacity.
down with liquefied nitrogen whose boiling point is - Technical applications of superconductivity
196 °C. are the generation of strong magnetic fields - for particle
In the superconducting state, the interior of accelerators, nuclear fusion reactors, magnetic
the material remains free of electric and magnetic fields. resonance imaging levitation - as well as measuring and
An electric field would be degraded immediately by the energy technology.
non-resistant movable charge carriers. Magnetic fields In September 1986, the K. Alexander Muller
are displaced by the construction of appropriate and J. Georg Bednorz had reported that the ceramic
shielding currents on the surface, which compensate substance lanthanum barium copper oxide of 35 Kelvin
with their own magnetic field, the inner magnetic field. (even at the relatively high temperature -238 °C) loses
A not too strong magnetic field penetrates only about any electrical resistance; for this discovery they were
100 nm into the material; this thin layer carries the awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics the next year.1
shielding and line Although this transition temperature is still quite low,
currents. This "Meissner-Oxfield effect" can, for it is still more than ten degrees higher than the best
example, levitate a superconducting sample in the conventional superconductors which comprise about
magnetic field. three dozen elements and several thousand alloys and
The current flow through the superconductor
compounds that have metallic conductivity. Soon
lowers the transition temperature. The transition
temperature also decreases when an external magnetic thereafter, critical temperatures above 90 K were
field is applied. If the magnetic field exceeds a critical reported. If it were indeed possible to find a
value, different effects are observed depending on the superconducting material at ordinary ambient

mechanism of conventional cryogenic
superconductivity. In materials which have this effect at
a few degrees or degrees fraction above the absolute
zero (and sometimes even under high pressure), form
the electron Cooper pairs. Unlike single electrons,
Cooper pairs do not collide with their peers and are not
scattered at the impurities in the conducting medium;
therefore, they encounter no resistance in their
movement. 2Thus, in a superconductor current flows
without electrical voltage and remains in a closed circuit
if desired. It is noteworthy that electrons in metals can
even combine in pairs, even though they would have to
repel themselves as carriers of equal (negative) charge.
Figure 1.a: The current flow through the superconductor lowers
the transition temperature. The transition temperature also
In the 1950s, Leon N. Cooper found an explanation
decreases when an external magnetic field is applied. If the together with John Bardeen and J. Robert Schrieffer.3
magnetic field exceeds a critical value, different effects are The BCS theory, states that electrons in
observed depending on the material. Breaks the conventional superconductors overcome their mutual
superconductivity suddenly, it is called a superconductor Type repulsion in two ways: The movement of the other
I. electrons shields a portion of the negative charge that
seeks to drive the pair apart. Above all, there are
mediators who help overcome the mutual repulsion of
the electrons, namely the ions that make up the metal
lattice. An electron that travels past these ions may shift
their position slightly. Such temporary distortions of the
lattice called phonons in solid state and quantum physics
create small regions of positive charge, which in turn
attract other electrons.
But in the opinion of most researchers, the
traditional model cannot explain the superconductivity
of copper oxide ceramics. Indeed, in a high transition
temperature BCS superconductor, electrons and
phonons would interact strongly, distorting the structure
Figure 1.b: Type II Superconductors have two critical field of the material such that it would no longer be
strengths; from the lower one, the field begins to penetrate; in superconducting, and probably not even conductive any
the higher one, the superconductivity collapses. In the area in more. Moreover, in the BCS model, the electrons must
between, the magnetic field increasingly penetrates the
always be much more energetic than the phonons: they
conductor in the form of microscopically fine tubes
move much faster, so that the first electron has passed
temperatures (around 300 K), this would most likely the displaced ion long before the second arrives; and
profoundly change modern technology. over this distance their mutual repulsion has less effect.
Now, onto a new mechanism: the magnetic However, in the cuprates, electrons and phonons move
effect of spin fluctuations in the atoms of the approximately equally fast: this means that paired
conducting medium. Although this transition electrons do not stay at a sufficient distance to satisfy
temperature is still quite low, it is still more than ten the theory.
degrees higher than the best conventional So far electrons as charge carriers of the
superconductors which comprise about three dozen current, but, these are so-called holes in most cuprates:
elements and several thousand alloys and compounds positively charged regions that result from the absence
that have metallic conductivity. Soon thereafter, of an electron. They are generated by doping the
critical temperatures above 90 K were reported. If it material with foreign atoms, which bind electrons to
were indeed possible to find a superconducting themselves. In the following, we therefore call the
material at ordinary ambient temperatures (around 300 components of a Cooper pair no longer electrons or
K), this would most likely profoundly change modern holes, but simply charge carriers.
technology. Because of the difficulty of explaining high
Now, onto a new mechanism: the magnetic transition temperatures using the phonon model, many
effect of spin fluctuations in the atoms of the other pair mediators have been proposed, including
conducting medium. excitons, plasmons (the carriers generate a joint
movement of the charge cloud) and polarons (the charge
1.1 Cooper pairs as carriers carriers cause large local shifts of the ions and other
charge carriers on the way). Other models treat each
The magnetism which could solve the puzzle
charge as two separate particles that can jump back and
is in sharp contrast to anything known about the
forth between the layers of the conductor.
Now the new connections are complicated. move relative to one another. This results in the
They consist of several layers, which isolate the likelihood of finding a partner in one place in the other's
conductive copper oxide layer. So far, no experiment is reference system.
known that clearly differentiates between the different
model concepts. However, in the meantime, the 1.2 The symmetry of the wave function
symmetry of the superconducting state is a very From the symmetry one could infer the
important property that can guide the search for the true mechanism of pair formation, because some mating
mechanism of pair formation. models produce a characteristic symmetry. Until a few
By symmetry, what is meant is the shape of years ago, theoreticians were split into two, the one
the wave function which mathematically describes the favoured models, mostly modifications of the BCS
superconducting state and, among other things, theory with phonon mediation - in which states with s-
indicates how the two charge carriers of a Cooper pair

Figure 2: In superconductors, electron pairs couple over 100s nanometres. This is three orders of magnitude larger than the lattice
space. These coupled electrons adapt the characteristics of a boson and go into the ground state

wave symmetry came out; the others preferred more stern wave attracts a second girder, and the two form a
exotic mechanisms that produced states with d-wave Cooper pair.
symmetry. It was initially hoped that the symmetry of the
The dominant theory with d-wave symmetry superconducting state would clearly indicate the correct
is the spin-wave model, which was developed mainly by theory. But for some years now, we know that different
Douglas J. Scalapino of the University of California at mechanisms can produce the same symmetry. Although
Santa Barbara and David Pines of the University of it is not possible to conclude without doubt that the
Illinois (headquartered in Urbana). Thus, a moving symmetry is based on the underlying mechanism, it is
charge tilts the spin orientation (and thus the magnetic nevertheless possible to improve the theoretical models.
momentum) of the atoms in the superconducting For example, clear evidence that the superconducting
medium. The charge carrier creates a magnetic state is not d-wave symmetric would preclude spin
disturbance in its wake - a spin wave (rather short-term waves as a pairing mechanism.
spin fluctuations). The wake of this However, there is
one way to make the different signs visible. One uses a 1.2.1 d-wave symmetry
well-known property of ring-shaped superconductors: A demonstrable effect of the d-wave symmetry is that
they can trap magnetic fields in the space they contain, the Cooper pairs in some directions - relative to the
in the form of discrete field-line bundles, so-called flux atomic lattice are less strongly bound together;
quanta. accordingly, individual unpaired charge carriers should
One can imagine a single quantum of flux as be traveling in certain directions. One has already tried
a tube. Its magnetic flux strength (magnetic field times to track them down - for example, by examining how
the area enclosed by the tube) is a fundamental constant well magnetic fields penetrate the superconductor or
(h / 2e, where h stands for Planck's constant and e is the how much heat is needed to raise the temperature of the
charge of an electron). material. All in all, the results speak for the occurrence
Rings of conventional superconductors with of unpaired carriers at low temperatures, but most
s-symmetric wavefunctions always include integer physicists were not convinced of this; because the
multiples of this flux quantum. On the other hand, rings experiments yielded more indirect statements, which are
of superconductors with a d-symmetric state can also compatible with other states of symmetry (such as
quantify the magnetic flux in other ways: Depending on modified s-waves).
the energy and the magnetic flux of the system, they Instead of researching free bearers, other
sometimes capture half-integer multiples of the flux physicists measured how the strength of Cooper pair
quantum. As it turns out, the presence or absence of bonding varies with angle. They investigated how
half-integer flux quanta decides whether and how the charge carriers are excited by high-frequency light to
leaves of the wave function change signs.
exit the material, how transmitted light changes its of ring-shaped superconductors: they can trap magnetic
frequency, and how electrons overcome thin insulating fields in the space they contain, in the form of discrete
layers between other materials and cuprates due to the field-line bundles, so-called flux quanta.
quantum mechanical tunnelling effect. One can imagine a single quantum of flux as
Although it was found that the strength of the a tube. Its magnetic flux strength (magnetic field times
pair bond is dependent on angle, but the striking the area enclosed by the tube) is a fundamental constant
evidence for d-waves was not yet provided. For d- (h / 2e, where h stands for Planck's constant and e is the
symmetric states, the wave function changes its sign: of charge of an electron).
the four leaves, two are positive and the others are Rings of conventional superconductors with
negative. Because the experiments did not detect the s-symmetric wavefunctions always include integer
sign change, they did not provide clear evidence for d- multiples of this flux quantum. On the other hand, rings
wave symmetry. of superconductors with a d-symmetric state can
However, there is one way to make the
different signs visible. One uses a well-known property

Figure 3: When the line corresponding to a constant k∥ crosses a Dirac point, the winding number of the Hamiltonian H(k∥)
changes by the winding of the Dirac point. Which means certain values of momentum parallel to the boundary, a zero energy
edge state will occur. In a d-wave superconductor only for some crystalline orientations this will occur. On the right, det h is
seen, with lines corresponding to different values of k∥ passing through the Dirac points. If the sample boundary happens to be
along the (1,0) axis, the Dirac points will have coinciding k∥, and the windings will cancel out each other, hence single value
of k∥ does not carry an edge state. On the left, the crystal boundary is seen (1, 1), which lies at an angle π/4 with respect to the
crystallographic axes and it has a total winding of +2 at k∥=0 and a winding of −1 for k∥=±kF. In this case, each |k∥|<kF| carries a
single edge state.4
more reliable evidence; They measured the current and
also quantify the magnetic flux in other ways: voltage in superconducting rings, which consisted of a
Depending on the energy and the magnetic flux of the yttrium-barium-copper oxide single crystal and a thin
system, they sometimes capture half-integer multiples lead layer.
of the flux quantum. As it turns out, the presence or Recently, a research group at IBM received
absence of half-integer flux quanta decides whether and the first direct observations and images of such half flux
how the leaves of the wave function change signs. quanta.6 They used special cuprate rings with
Semi-quantum flux quanta have been recently transversal thin layers of insulating material. These
demonstrated, although some physicists had predicted barriers - called Josephson junctions - are so narrow that
their existence as early as the late 1970s. Dieter Cooper pairs can tunnel through them. The British
Wohlleben found first indications of magnetization physicist Brian Josephson had predicted this effect
experiments in 1993.5 Later, Dave Wollman and Dale named after him in 1962 and in 1973 received the Nobel
Van Harlingen from the University of Illinois reported Prize.7

The Josephson effect only occurs when there flux values of 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and so on times the flux
is a phase difference between the Cooper pairs on either quantum are threaded through such a ring.
side of the barrier. (The phase of a wave function On a specially prepared substrate, they grown
describes, graphically, which part of its cycle the wave thin-film rings of the Yttrium-Barium-Copper Oxide
is going through.) With d-wave superconductors, rings (YBCO) superconductor, specifically so that one of the
with Josephson junctions can now be constructed, rings consisted of three sections, with the crystal lattice
which inevitably change the phase of the Cooper pair of each section 30 degrees from that of the adjacent one
rotating in them. This phase change corresponds to a was rotated and thus each interface between the sections
sign change of the wave function. a Josephson contact formed.
With sufficient cooling, this automatic sign If the Cooper pairs are in a state with d-wave
change spontaneously generates just enough current to symmetry, their wave function must change sign after
include exactly half a magnetic flux quantum. If an completely passing through the ring.
external magnetic field is applied during cooling, then

Figure 4: In the Cooper pairs of conventional superconductors, the wave functions are as symmetrical as possible: they have
spherical or s-wave symmetry. That is, the probability of a paired charge carrier relative to the other falls equally exponentially
of the wave function, with one of the two particles in the centre, the probabilities of finding the partner in all directions of space.
In a graphical representation appear as concentric spheres. The next, slightly lower degree of symmetry is the d-state. In the
diagram, it resembles four-leaved clover, with each leaf representing an area in which one partner of the Cooper pair is likely to
be relative to the other. Moreover, in d-symmetry, the partners are not so close together that the mutual repulsion would interfere
with their coupling.

If, on the other hand, the material was in the s-wave were able to make the other rings confine integer flux
state, the boundary layers would have no effect; a quanta, demonstrating that indeed all the rings were
complete cycle would take place without a sign change. functioning. Experiments with thin films without rings
After fabricating these tiny tricrystal rings - or with disks instead of rings also showed the half-
each measuring only about 50 microns (one-thousandth integer flux quantum effect, proving that the result is
of a millimeter) in diameter. They then cooled them determined by the internal symmetry of the
down to their critical temperature. Due to the material’s superconductor and not by the geometry of the sample.
geometry, their conduction state was unstable, and The study of symmetry can help to limit the
therefore a weak supercurrent developed by itself. variety of possible pair mechanisms. Above all, it is
The magnetic fields trapped in the rings were important to repeat the experiments with other cuprate
imaged with a SQUID scanning microscope. SQUIDs superconductors. For example, when doped with
(for superconducting quantum interference detectors) electron donors, neodymium-copper-copper oxide
are the most sensitive magnetic field sensors currently appears to have s-wave symmetry. If confirmed, it
available. By carefully calibrating the gauges with would be a blow to the spin wave model, as most
several different methods, we were able to be sure that researchers would prefer a unified mechanism for all
in the tricrystal ring was actually exactly half a flux high-temperature superconductors. In addition, it would
quantum. As a control, the rings were used with an even mean that the new substances are even more
number of Josephson junctions, which in fact did not complicated than previously thought. By systematically
contain any flux quanta (because the sign undergoes an examining the symmetry at different composite
even number of changes and thus returns to its original cuprates, one could discard inaccurate theories.
state at the end).
In addition, they slightly varied the 1.3 Superconductivity at the room temperature?
experimental conditions to show that the results were The vision of a novel electrical technology
indeed based on the symmetry of the Cooper pair wave has not been affected by all this. Almost all the
function and not on other physical effects. So, it was mechanisms under discussion do not exclude a
proved that small changes in the ring geometry turned superconductor at room temperature. According to
on and off the spontaneously formed half flux quantum. rough estimates with the spin wave model,
Furthermore, with a weak external magnetic field, they superconductivity could well be more than 20 °C -
theoretically even several hundred degrees, though this 2.2.1 Ferrous high-temperature superconductors
seems unrealistic. Such prospects are a big step forward A novel, unexpected class of high-
from the predictions of traditional BCS theory that the temperature superconductors11,12 was discovered in
critical temperature can be at most -233 °C. Japan in 2008: compounds of iron, lanthanum,
Certainly, scientists are not yet ready to phosphorus and oxygen can be superconducting.
conclusively determine the mechanism of Cooper pair According to Pnictogen Phosphor, these
formation. But with the capture and counting of superconductors are called iron pnictides.
The proportion of iron atoms was surprising,
magnetic flux quanta in tiny rings, they now have a
because every other superconducting material becomes
promising method of discovering their secret from the
normally conducting due to sufficiently strong magnetic
enigmatic new substances. If this succeeds, further high- fields. These strong internal magnetic fields could even
temperature superconductors should be specifically be a prerequisite for superconductivity. The guesswork
developed, and their applications should be found. on the physical fundamentals has become even bigger.
So far, it is only clear that the current flow is carried by
pairs of electrons, as described in the BCS theory .
2 Classification of Superconductors However, the effect that connects these Cooper pairs is
Of the large number of different unclear. It seems certain that it is not - as with metallic
superconductors, which have been classified into 32 superconductors - an electron- phonon interaction.
different classes, 8 in Particular the first discovered By choosing other admixtures such as arsenic,
metallic superconductors and the technically significant the transition temperature can be increased from
A15 phases and the ceramic high-temperature originally 4K to at least 56K. 13
superconductors are significant.
2.2.2 Use of High temperature superconductors
2.1 Metallic superconductors High-temperature superconductors are
Superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by Heike preferably operated at 77 K, if possible, provided that
Kamerlingh Onnes shortly after his discovery of helium the current density is low enough so that transition
liquefaction in metal mercury. This then novel effect temperature is not exceeded. The sufficient cooling with
existed only at 4.2 Kelvin. At 39 K, magnesium diboride liquid nitrogen is particularly inexpensive. Such
has the highest transition temperature among metallic applications exist in metrology and in cables. However,
superconductors at atmospheric pressure.9 This limits due to the extremely inhomogeneous current
the use of metallic superconductivity in a few distribution over the cross section, the low current
applications, because the cooling requires liquid helium, density is not always achievable.
making it very difficult and expensive. However, In applications with - possibly only
metallic superconductors have been found to be of great occasionally - higher current density, the HTSC must be
importance to them. The properties of metallic cooled more strongly. If the same performance data as
superconductors are explained by the BCS theory. conventional superconductors, such as niobium-
In 2015, hydrogen sulphide H2S was reported titanium, are to be achieved, the temperature must be
to be a metallic conductor under high pressure (100-300 lowered accordingly.
GPa) with a transition temperature of -70 °C (203 K)10, With SQUIDs, with which even very small
setting a record. magnetic field changes can be measured, cooling with
liquid nitrogen has been practiced for some time.
2.2 High temperature superconductors However, as the temperature increases, so too does the
As high-temperature superconductor HTSC, noise of the signal, which is why, for example, a
solid or non-solid materials are referred to, the superconducting material at room temperature would
superconductivity - unlike conventional not find widespread use in electronics today. While
superconductors - does not come from the electron- high-temperature SQUIDs have the higher noise
phonon interaction. Most of the time, it occurs in not compared to the older helium technology, they are also
metallic, but ceramic materials. Although it seems present and undesirable, but are often accepted because
certain that pair formation (known as "Cooper pairs") of of the cost and handling benefits of nitrogen cooling.
the electrons is responsible for the superconductivity, The main disadvantage of high-temperature
predominantly d-wave pairing occurs instead of the superconductors is the brittleness of the ceramic
conventional singlet pairing, which suggests material. Nevertheless, it has been possible to produce a
unconventional electronic mating mechanisms. The flexible conductor material by filling the ceramic
cause has been unexplained for more than 25 years. material in tubes made of silver, which were then rolled
The name comes from the fact that high- into flexible bands.1A so-manufactured, only nitrogen-
temperature superconductors usually have significantly cooled, 1 km long underground cable for operation with
higher transition temperatures Tc than conventional 10 kV in the medium-voltage network has been used
superconductors. The temperatures are up to 203 K , since May 2014 in the power supply of the city of Essen
which is about 180 K higher than the temperature range as part of a pilot project. It replaces a conventional 110
of conventional superconductors and already in the kV ground line.
range of naturally occurring temperatures on the earth's
surface. 10 2.2.3 Theory behind the high temperature
Currently, the cause of the high transition
temperatures is unknown. Due to unusual isotope "molecular field approximation." Like the theory of
effects, it can be ruled out, however, that electron pair critical phenomena in second-order phase transitions,
formation, as in conventional superconductivity, results however, significantly different numbers are observed
exclusively from the conventional electron-phonon in many quantities than in conventional
interaction. However, the BCS theory remains superconductors in the power laws valid near the critical
applicable, as this theory leaves the nature of the temperature.
interaction open and ultimately acts as a kind of

Figure 5: When a superconductor is put under magnetic field, some electric current passes through it to cancel out the field which
keeps the magnetic field outside. This is called the Meissner effect.

Instead of the electron-phonon interaction, the 3.1 Superconductivity achieved in an unlikely

superconductivity is presumed to be due to material
antiferromagnetic electron-electron correlations, which, In a paper15 published in 2016, Scientists have
due to the special lattice structure of the ceramic claimed to have reached superconductivity in a non-
superconductors, lead to an attractive interaction of superconducting material.
neighbouring electrons and thus to a pairing like A research team at the University of Houston
conventional Cooper pairs of the BCS. Lead theory.]
developed a superconductivity at the point of meeting
However, the isotope effects can be explained even
for two phases of a material. The material they used for
more difficult with these interactions. Alternatively,
there is also a generalization of the BCS theory this experiment is calcium arsenide (CaFe2As2) which is
according to Gorkow (GLAG theory) or completely non-superconducting.
new explanatory approaches such as the bisolitone It is suggested that in order to achieve
model. improved transition temperatures, the use of artificial or
All HTSCs with high transition temperatures natural composite interfaces is possible. The researchers
show characteristic anomalies in the electrical induced the high transition temperature for the
properties and the thermal conductivities already in the CaFe2As2 by antiferromagnetic/metallic layer stacking.
normal conducting state: the electrical resistance Superconductivity being induced or amplified
increases linearly with the temperature even at low at the interface between two different compounds was
temperatures and the Wiedemann-Franz law is also first proposed in the 1970s. Previously the experiments
fulfilled in the middle T-range. Normal metals show a achieving superconductivity in a non-superconducting
potential-dependent temperature behaviour of the compound could not successfully rule out the effects of
resistor, and the WF law is not met in the middle T chemical doping or stress from the results. In this
range. So far there is no theory that can explain these experiment the reach team worked the at ambient
anomalies and the superconductivity together. 14 pressure and used non-doped calcium arsenide. Then
Also, it has not yet been shown heated the compound to 350 °C to achieve annealing,
experimentally or theoretically refuted whether the process in which the compound cools slowly after it
superconductivity is possible at room temperature. is heated. When cooled unevenly the process causes two
Earlier theoretical estimates of a "maximum transition different phases to occur in the calcium iron arsenide.
temperature" have been proven wrong after the Although these two phases are not superconducting, the
discovery of high-temperature superconductors. scientists detected superconductivity at the point of two
phases co-existing. The CaFe2As2 reached
3 Recent Work in Superconductivity superconductivity at 25 K. These results are a positive
development to create better, cheaper superconducting
material for technological applications.

Figure 6: A thin layer of insulator is placed between two superconductors and the current reaches a certain volume where the
electrons are able to pass through the insulator as if it is non-existant which can be used to switch from on to off or other way
around at very high speeds. This phenomenon is called the Josephson effect.

pressure than conventional superconductors. To test

3.2 Superconductors Under Pressure this, researchers developed a pressure cell. They have
designed the system so that they can be precisely
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in
controlled with little experimental effort in the cooling
Dresden, Germany, have developed a measurement
unit, which provides the necessary temperatures for
technique with which unconventional superconductors
superconductivity just above absolute zero (-273 °C).
can be efficiently and precisely investigated.16 At the
The sample holder contains three
first use of their pressure chamber, they demonstrated
piezocrystals, which increase their length when an
that the superconductor becomes strontium-ruthenate at
electrical voltage is applied. Two of them are connected
much higher temperatures than normally
to the sample via a U-shaped bracket, so that the bow
superconducting when stretched or compressed. This
comes under tension as the piezocrystals get longer. A
allows new insights into the nature of superconductivity
third piezocrystal is directly coupled to the sample so
in this material. In addition, the Dresden method will
that it experiences pressure when the voltage is applied.
facilitate the exploration of a broad field of
The device allowed the researchers to precisely stretch
superconducting materials.
and compress the superconducting crystal. Since
The reconnaissance vehicle, developed by the
crystals can have different physical properties along
research team of Clifford W. Hicks, compressed and
different directions, it is also important that pressure can
stretched a sample of strontium-ruthenate. As a result,
be applied to the pressure chamber in certain crystal
the atoms of the material come together, or they move
directions. Even under low tension or pressure, the
away from each other. This alters the interaction
transition temperature rises by 40%.
between the electrons in the superconductor, which is
The surprising result of the experiments: The
crucial for the formation of superconductivity. In all
transition temperature increased even with very small
superconductors, two electrons combine with each other
strains and compressions of a few thousandths of the
to form a pair. These, called Cooper pairs, move through
initial length by more than 4%, namely from about 1.3
the material in different ways than single electrons,
K to about 1.9 K. The sharp increase in the transition
which ultimately leads to the disappearance of electrical
temperature took, contrary to expectations, a parabolic
resistance. Unconventional superconductors react to
course. On the other hand, researchers observed a much
pressure differently than conventional ones. There are
weaker change in the critical temperature along another
significant differences between the Cooper pairs of
crystal direction. At Zug, she climbed slightly in this
different superconductor types. In conventional
crystal direction, and when pressed, she decreased.
superconductors, the Cooper pairs show no magnetism,
The results give theoretical physicists now
since the magnetic moments of the two electrons align
boundary conditions for the explanation of the exotic
oppositely. In the case of strontium ruthenate, on the
superconductivity of strontium ruthenate in the hand.
other hand, the magnetic moments of the electrons align
On their basis, they can discard or favour certain
in parallel. They are like two compass needles, pointing
both in the same direction. As the magnetic moments
increase rather than neutralize, the Cooper pairs remain
magnetic and the superconductor reacts differently to 3.3 Nearly isotropic superconductivity in
external magnetic fields than a conventional one. (Ba,K)Fe2As2
The difference expresses itself by a A group of iron- and arsenic-containing
characteristic reaction to external influences. superconductors discovered last year sheds new light on
Theoretical physicists expected that the unconventional the still enigmatic high-temperature conduction of the
superconductor should react more strongly to external cuprates. These so-called pnictides, which include

SmFeAsO1-x Fx and Ba1-xKxFe2As2 belonging to many similarities with the cuprates, they also show
superconductivity up to temperatures of 56 K. Although striking differences. Although the pnictides have a
this is well below the transition temperatures of the layered structure like the cuprates, their
cuprates, which reach up to 150 K. But it also clearly superconductivity does not seem to run along crystal
exceeds the corresponding values for the metallic low- planes but in three dimensions.
temperature conductors. These new "high-temperature The behavior of metallic low-temperature
conductors" are so interesting because, in addition to superconductors such as aluminum or lead can be

Figure 7: “Superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 under strain. (A and B) In-phase (c′) and out-of-phase(c′′) parts of the ac susceptibility,
measured at 369 Hz on the 〈100〉-oriented sample shown in the inset of (B). Approximate strains for some curves are indicated.
arb. units, arbitrary units. (C)Tc versus〈100〉-oriented strain e100 of two samples of Sr2RuO4, one with a zero-strain Tc of 1.35
K [for which the raw data are shown in (A) and (B)] and the other with 1.45 K. e > 0 indicates tension. Tc is taken as the 50%
point of c′, and the black lines are the 20 and 80% points, giving a measure of the transition width. The error bar on the horizontal
axis indicates the error in locating e =0(29). (D) Tc versus 〈110〉 strain e110 for two further samples cut from the same crystals
as in (C). The temperature scale is the same as in (C), highlighting the large difference in response between the two directions.
(E) dTc/de for the data in (C).” 17

explained by the BCS theory of Bardeen, Cooper and copper oxide planes can move freely.
Schrieffer. Accordingly, the conduction electrons close The superconductivity of the cuprates is therefore
together with the aid of vibrations of the crystal lattice essentially a two-dimensional matter and thus strongly
to form Cooper pairs which form a supra-fluid anisotropic. If a superconducting cuprate is exposed to
condensate at a sufficiently low temperature. The high a homogeneous magnetic field, the superconductivity is
temperatures at which pnictides and cuprates become destroyed at a certain critical magnetic field strength,
superconducting can not be explained in this way. In the which depends on the orientation of the magnetic field
case of the cuprates, which are normally relative to the crystal. If the field lines are parallel to the
antiferromagnetic non-conductors, superconductivity crystal planes, the magnetic field can hardly affect the
becomes possible only after doping with substances electrons moving in the planes. The field can therefore
which withdraw electrons from the copper oxide planes only slightly affect the superconductivity and the critical
in the cuprate crystal. Thanks to the resulting holes, the field strength at which the superconductivity breaks
previously stuck in a "traffic jam" electrons in the down is relatively large. By contrast, if the field lines

are perpendicular to the crystal planes, this has a strong ago: with these substances, the effect already occurs at
influence on the electron movement and the critical field higher temperatures. Even if cooling is still necessary, it
strength is much smaller. may be lower than with conventional superconductors.
It had therefore been assumed that the crystal Superconductivity has a lot of applications
planes are also crucial in the high-temperature from Maglev (Magnetic levitation) Trains to Magnetic
superconductivity of the pnictides. The superconducting Resonance machines. But the production of a
properties of the pnictides should therefore also show a
superconducting compound is still expensive and
strong directional dependence.
Initial experiments, in which material complex. There are many developments and a broad
properties of the pnictides were measured in weak spectrum of research going on in the area of
magnetic fields, seemed to confirm this. However, Superconductivity, however, it is still unknown why
researchers from China and the US now have the superconductivity begins at an unexpectedly high
directional dependence of the critical field strength of temperature. If physicists should someday come up with
monocrystalline Ba 1 -x K x Fe 2 As 2 determined the secret, could possibly produce tailor-made materials
directly and observed no appreciable anisotropy. The in which superconductivity occurs even at normal
pnictide samples were exposed to field strengths of up ambient temperatures the consequences for the
to 150 Tesla. The field lines were either perpendicular technology would be so profound but they are not yet in
or parallel to the Eisenarsenidebenen. In both cases, the sight.
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