Diagnostic Imaging of Lung Cancer
Diagnostic Imaging of Lung Cancer
Diagnostic Imaging of Lung Cancer
N. Hollings, P. Shaw
Diagnostic imaging of lung cancer. N. Hollings, P. Shaw. #ERS Journals Ltd Dept of Radiology, Cecil Fleming
2002. House, University College Hospital,
ABSTRACT: Carcinoma of the bronchus is the most common malignancy in the Grafton Way, London, UK.
Western world. It is also the leading cause of cancer-related death accounting for 32% Correspondence: P. Shaw, Dept of
of all cancer deaths in males and 25% in females [1]. In the USA it causes more deaths Radiology, 2nd Floor, Cecil Fleming
than cancers of the colon, breast and prostate combined [2]. Disappointingly, in a recent House, University College Hospital,
UK survey of improvements in cancer survival [3], carcinoma of the bronchus showed Grafton Way, London, WC1E 6AV,
the smallest percentage reduction in the number of deaths avoided between 1981–1990 UK.
(0.2%). This compares badly with breast (11% reduction) and melanoma (32%). The Fax: 44 2073882147
overall 5-yr survival for lung cancer diagnosed between 1986–1990 was only 5.3% E-mail: [email protected]
(against 66% for breast and 76% for melanoma). It is on this background that the
radiologist remains actively employed in the detection, diagnosis, staging and review of Keywords: Bronchial carcinoma, com-
puted tomography, diagnostic imaging,
this common malignancy. magnetic resonance imaging, positron
Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 722–742. emission tomography, staging
Lung cancer, in theory, should lend itself to in the table is preliminary data from two ongoing
screening. The disease is very common and in its trials in the USA and Germany. These trials show
earliest stages ¡70% of cases can be cured by surgery that CT detects many more lung nodules than chest
[4]. Despite this, lung cancer has an overall prognosis radiography. However, only a small percentage of
so dismal that incidence exceeds prevalence [5]. The these nodules turn out to be lung cancer. In the Mayo
main risk factor, smoking, is easily identifiable and Clinic trial [7] for example, over one-half of all
noninvasive screening tests such as chest radiography patients had at least one nodule. The logistics of
and sputum cytology are widely available. differentiating benign from malignant nodules there-
Why is screening not performed? Three large fore becomes a very real issue and there have been
American screening programmes in the 1970s spon- concerns about the number of biopsies that may need
sored by the National Institute of Health [6–9] and to be performed. However, by assessment of patterns
another in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s [10] screened of calcification at both low-dose and high-resolution
high-risk populations using chest radiography and CT (HRCT) and repeat scanning after an interval,
sputum analysis. All showed increased detection of the Early Lung Cancer Action Project (ELCAP)
early-stage lung cancer, more resectable cancers and group had only one incidence of biopsy performed
improved 5-yr survival rates in the screened versus for a benign, noncalcified nodule [11]. In this study,
control groups. Critically, however, none showed a the cancer detection rate was 2.7% but it was
statistically significant reduction in overall mortality. v0.5% for the two other published studies (table 1).
In the last 5 yrs three nonrandomized trials incor- Although this seems low, it should be remembered
porating low-dose computed tomography (CT) have that breast-cancer screening has a detection rate of
reported prevalence screening data [11–13]. Their only 0.6–0.7% [14].
findings are summarized in (table 1). Also included The importance of rigorous study design cannot
Previous articles in this series: No. 1: Baldacci S, Omenaas E, Oryszcyn MP. Allergy markers in respiratory epidemiology. Eur Respir J 2001;
17: 773–790. No. 2: Antó JM, Vermeire P, Vestbo J, Sunyer J. Epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur Respir J 2001; 17:
982–994. No. 3: Cuvelier A, Muir J-F. Noninvasive ventilation and obstructive lung diseases. Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 1271–1281. No. 4:
Wysocki M, Antonelli M. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure. Eur Respir J 2001; 18: 209–220. No. 5:
Østerlind K. Chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer. Eur Respir J 2001; 18: 1026–1043. No. 6: Jaakkola MS. Environmental tobacco smoke
and health in the elderly. Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 172–181.
Table 1. – Data from low-dose computed tomography a solid mass which grows more rapidly (doubling time
screening trials v1 yr) [20].
Patients Nodules Lung cancer
n % incidence %
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma
National Cancer 1369 NA 15 (0.43) This is regarded as a subtype of adenocarcinoma
Centre Hospital and represents 2–10% of all primary lung cancers.
Japan [12]
Shinshu University 3967 220 (5.6) 19 (0.35)
There are three characteristic presentations: most
School of Medicine common is a single pulmonary nodule or mass in
Japan [13] 41%; in 36% there may be multicentric or diffuse
ELCAP USA [11] 1000 233 (23) 27 (2.7) disease; finally, in 22% there is a localized area of
Mayo Clinic USA 1520 782 (51) 15 (1) parenchymal consolidation [21]. Bubble-like areas
University of 919 NA 13 (1.4) of low attenuation within the mass (fig. 1) are a
Münster Germany characteristic finding on CT [22]. Hilar and medi-
Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise stated. ELCAP:
astinal lymphadenopathy is uncommon [23]. Persis-
Early Lung Cancer Action Project; NA: not available. tent peripheral consolidation with associated nodules
: represents percentage figure from 3,457 computed tomo- in the same lobe or in other lobes should raise the
graphy examinations (in 1,369 patients). possibility of bronchoalveolar carcinoma [24].
Imaging techniques
Chest radiography
Due to its widespread availability, including to
primary care physicians, the chest radiograph is often
the first imaging modality to suggest the diagnosis of
bronchogenic carcinoma. Lung cancer may present as
a straightforward spiculated mass but its presence
may also be inferred from other appearances such as
Fig. 1. – a) Diffuse alveolar shadowing in the right lower lobe of an unresolving pneumonia or lobar collapse (fig. 5).
a 58-yr-old male presenting as an unresolving pneumonia. b) Air In some situations, no further imaging will be nece-
bronchograms (black arrows) and low attenuation lucencies (open ssary when bulky contralateral mediastinal adenopathy
arrow) in apical "consolidation", later confirmed as broncho- is present or when an obvious bony lesion is identified.
alveolar carcinoma.
However, CT scanning of the chest is often needed
because of the lack of sensitivity of the chest radio-
peripherally located and calcification is seen in graphs in detecting mediastinal lymph node meta-
26–33% [29]. The 5-yr survival for typical carcinoids stases and chest wall and mediastinal invasion [32].
is 95% against 57–66% for atypical carcinoids [29].
Computed tomography
Large cell carcinoma
CT can identify specific features in lung nodules
Large cell carcinoma represents 9% of all lung that are diagnostic, e.g. arteriovenous fistulae, rounded
cancers [16]. Large or giant cell carcinoma is a poorly atelectasis, fungus balls, mucoid impaction and
differentiated nonsmall cell carcinoma (NSCLC) and infarcts. High-resolution scanning further refines this
a) a)
a) b) c)
Fig. 6. – a) Coronal reformat from multislice computed tomography (CT) demonstrating mediastinal lymph nodes (arrow) and a necrotic
tumour mass within the lung. b) Three-dimensional-reconstruction of a lung tumour with pleural tag (arrow) (images courtesy of
T. McArthur, Dept. of Radiology, University College Hospitals, London). c) Thin slice reconstruction in the axial plane from spiral CT data
permits the correct identification of an inhaled fish bone (arrow), in a different patient, presumed to be a tumour at bronchoscopy.
Fig. 11. – Avid uptake of F-2-deoxy-D-glucose in left apical
tumour (arrow).
Changes in attenuation after intravenous contrast and consolidation of lung beyond the tumour with
administration at CT can also be used to distinguish accompanying volume loss. Air bronchograms may be
benign from malignant parenchymal nodules. In a seen at CT [17].
recent study of 356 nodules (5–40 mm) containing Differentiating central tumours from distal collapse
neither fat nor calcification, enhancement of v15 HU can be difficult but is facilitated by bolus contrast
postcontrast administration was strongly predictive of administration followed by prompt CT scanning
benignity [80]. By retrospectively reducing the cut-off at the level of abnormality (fig. 14). The lung is
threshold to 10 HU it was possible to increase the appreciably enhanced whilst tumour enhancement is
technique9s sensitivity in excluding malignancy from minimal and delayed. The most marked difference
98 to 100%. between the two is seen from 40 s to 2 min after
contrast injection [86].
Differentiating central lung tumours from medi-
Malignant nodules astinal masses can also be problematic. In a study of
A nodule size w3 cm is associated with malignancy
in 93–99% of cases [81]. If the nodule is spiculated
(fig. 13) 88–94% will be malignant [82–84] although a)
11% of malignant nodules do have distinct margins
[74]. The presence of calcification in larger (w3 cm)
and spiculated nodules should not be viewed as
indicative of benignity.
Indeterminate nodules
Central tumours
Distinct from the SPN, central lung cancers often b)
present radiographically as a hila mass or as collapse
Fig. 14. – a) Collapse of the left lung with mediastinal shift and
a right middle zone nodule (arrow). b) Perihilar low attenuation
adenocarcinoma (arrows) with distal enhancing collapsed lung in
Fig. 13. – Spiculated mass typical of a carcinoma. same patient.
IA T1 N0 M0
IB T2 N0 M0
IIA T1 N1 M0
IIB T2 N1 M0
T3 N0 M0
T1 N2 M0
T2 N2 M0
T3 N2 M0
T4 N1 M0
T4 N2 M0
T1 N3 M0
T2 N3 M0
T3 N3 M0
T4 N3 M0
IV Any T Any N M1
TNM: tumour, node, metastasis.
Tumour status
The distinction between T3 and T4 tumours is
critical because it separates conventional surgical Fig. 16. – a) Rib erosion (large arrow) due to peripheral tumour
and nonsurgical management [17]. T4 tumours may (small arrows) suggesting at least T3 disease. b) Corresponding
computed tomography showing mass eroding rib and vertebral
be readily identified by virtue of their invasion of body (arrows) confirming T4 status and inoperability.
a vertebral body (fig. 16), obvious invasion of the
mediastinum or heart (fig. 17) or the presence of lung
parenchymal metastases. T3 tumours can however Contact with the mediastinum is not enough to
be more difficult to grade principally because of the diagnose mediastinal invasion [17]. In Glazer9s series
difficulties of distinguishing simple extension of the
of 80 CTs considered indeterminate for direct media-
tumour into the mediastinal pleura or pericardium
stinal invasion, 60% were resectable at thoracotomy
(T3) from actual invasion (T4).
with no evidence of mediastinal invasion, 22% did
invade the mediastinum but were still technically
Mediastinal invasion. Minimal invasion of mediastinal resectable and only 18% were nonresectable [95]. In
fat is considered resectable by many surgeons [94]. fact only one of the 37 masses was not resectable
by the Canadian Lung Oncology Group [109] after Others suggest that a negative nodal CT scan does
the study of 685 patients, CT and mediastinoscopy in not require mediastinoscopy because even if micro-
all patients proving too expensive. They recommended metastases are present, these patients can expect to
that mediastinoscopy and biopsy be reserved for have better survival if treated surgically than those
nodes with a short axis diameter of w1 cm in size denied such treatment [76]. Also N2 disease not
(fig. 21). Further refinements of indications for apparent on CT has been shown to be resectable
mediastinoscopy have been recommended with its with up to 30% 5-yr survival [16, 94].
omission in patients with T1 lesions and negative Hila nodes (N1) can usually be resected from hila
nodes at CT, unless the cell type is adeno- or large vessels. Therefore, although pre-operative detection
cell carcinoma [104]. However, using a CT short axis of hila nodes is useful, it is not generally crucial in
diameter of 1 cm, SEELY et al. [110], whilst examining directing surgical treatment. Moreover, the presence
104 patients with T1 lesions found nodal metastases or absence of hila node metastases is an unreliable
at surgery in 21% of cases of which one-third were indicator of mediastinal nodal metastases (N2 disease)
squamous cell carcinoma. [111, 112].
a) c)
Fig. 21. – Middle-aged-female with a) right hilar mass (arrow) and b) equivocal precarinal lymph node (arrow). c) Positron emission tomo-
graphy (PET) scan shows increased uptake in mediastinal nodes (arrows) and small peripheral nodule (open arrow). Biopsy of hilar mass
confirmed nonsmall cell lung cancer. (PET images courtesy of J. Bomanji, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College London).
Metastatic status
Fig. 23. – Massive left adrenal (open arrow) and hepatic metastases
(arrows). M1 disease, stage IV.
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