Weinmann Oxymat 3 Oxygen Concentrator - Service Manual

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Servicing and

repair instructions


Oxygen Concentrator
from Appliance No. 8000
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7. Repair information and repair instructions . . 28
1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7.2 Replacing the castors. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2. Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
7.3 Opening the appliance . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3. Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7.4 Closing the appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7.5 Replacing the compressor
3.2 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
(up to appliance no. 13350) . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7.6 Replacing the compressor
4. Hygienic Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 (from appliance no. 13351 to 14999) . 33
4.1 No change of patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7.7 Replacing the compressor
4.2 Change of patient or reuse . . . . . . . . . . 9 (from appliance no. 15000) . . . . . . . . 36

5. Functional check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7.8 Replacing the operating hours meter . . . 39

5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7.9 Replacing the circuit board . . . . . . . . . 40
5.2 Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7.10 Replacing the fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7.11 Replace adsorption containers
(Mac valves) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3.1 Checking the housing
5.3.2 Checking the coarse dust filter 7.12 Replace adsorption container
5.3.3 Checking the power cord (plastic magnetic valve block) . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.4 Checking the fuse 7.13 Replace adsorption containers
5.3.5 Checking the main switch and (aluminum magnetic valve block) . . . . . . 49
LED displays 7.14 Replace cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.3.6 Checking the dosage monitor for
7.15 Replacing the pressure reducer . . . . . . 54
5.3.7 Checking the flowmeter for leaks 7.16 Replacing the frame
5.3.8 Checking the operating hours (up to appliance no. 19999) . . . . . . . . 57
meter 7.17 Replacing the frame
5.3.9 Checking the O2 concentration (from appliance no. 20000) . . . . . . . . 59
5.3.10 Checking the mains failure alarm 7.18 Replacing magnetic valves with valve block
5.3.11 Checking the indirect status indi- (up to appliance no. 34999) . . . . . . . . 60
cator (yellow LED) with appliance
closed 7.19 Replace magnetic valve block . . . . . . . 66
5.3.12 Checking the indirect status 8. Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
indicator (yellow LED) with the 8.1 List of spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
appliance open
8.2 Maintenance set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.3.13 System pressure test
5.3.14 Checking the O2 system for leaks 9. Tools, testing equipment, disinfectants . . . . . 73
6. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 9.1 General tools and test equipment. . . . . 73
6.1 Visual and acoustic signals 9.2 Special tools and test equipment . . . . . 73
from OXYMAT 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 9.3 Disinfectants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.1.1 Alarms 10. Technical Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.1.2 Signal patterns
10.1 Arrangement of the PCBs . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.1.3 Deactivating the signal functions
6.2 Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 11. Technical Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.3 O2 concentration outside 12. Repair and inspection log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
tolerance range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
13. Test report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.4 System pressure fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

© Copyright Weinmann GmbH & Co. KG.

The content and presentation are copyright protected and may only be used by authorised Weinmann Service Partners in the
course of their service operations. The content must not be reproduced or passed on to third parties. The complete documents
must be returned on termination of the cooperation with Weinmann.


For decades, Weinmann has developed, manu- described in the instructions, as well as conduct
factured and distributed equipment for oxygen ther- any repairs which may be necessary, as outlined
apy, inhalation therapy, sleep apnea therapy and in these service and repair instructions.
emergency medicine.
In the event of a guarantee claim, OXYMAT 3 should
In 1982, Weinmann introduced the first oxygen be returned to Weinmann.
concentrator to the market. In order to enable us to process any guarantee or
Long-term oxygen therapy with an oxygen concen- goodwill claims, please return the consumer's
trator now has a firm place in the treatment of proof of purchase (invoice) together with the appli-
chronic obstructive diseases of the respiratory ance.
tracts. Many studies have proven that long-term Repair and maintenance work must be carried out
oxygen therapy can bring about a tangible im- only by Weinmann or by knowledgeable expert
provement in life expectancy and quality of life. staff.
The OXYMAT 3 oxygen concentrator from Wein-
mann is part of this therapy concept. You are responsible for any repairs performed by
yourself and for guaranteeing them!
The aim of these service and repair instructions is
to familiarise you, as a knowledgeable expert, with Only original Weinmann spare parts should be used
the OXYMAT 3 with regard to function, techno- for repair purposes.
logy, servicing and repairs. In conjunction with the Please remember:
training you have already received from Wein- Your customer trusts you and relies on your exper-
mann, you are now a "trained, qualified expert" tise, just as you rely on Weinmann.
and are able to instruct your clients correctly, rectify
faults yourself, and carry out the functional checks


The following information can be found in the description and operating instructions for OXYMAT 3:
• Safety instructions
• Installation
• Operation
• Hygienic preparation
• Warranty

1. Overview

(with dosage monitor)
1 Handle for lifting or
12 Nasal cannula moving

2 On/Off knob

3 Warning notices
11 Connecting tube 4 Operating hours meter
(3 m) for nasal
cannula 5 Oxygen outlet

10 Power cord 6 Connecting nipple

with union nut (fitted)

7 Connecting tube
(20 m)

8 Castors with brake

9 Dosage monitor

Back Front
up to appliance no. 19999 from appliance no. 20000 (with Flowmeter)

16 Flowmeter

17 Connecting tube
13 Coarse dust filter (10 m)

Indicators 18 Fault indicator (red)

19 Oxygen concentration status
indicator (yellow)
14 Power cord socket O/I O2

20 Power indicator (green)

15 Fuse holder Oxygen appliance!

Dosage monitor Flowmeter

21 Dosage unit (flowmeter) 16 Flowmeter

22 Ball, indicates
26 Connection, 4,0

3 m hose to 3,0


nasal cannula 1,0 22 Ball, indicates


flow 28 Connection,
23 Connection, long
25 Humidifier 29 Connection for
tube to
glass of tubes
OXYMAT 3 (20 m)
bubble (3 m or 10 m)
24 Flow control knob 27 Flow control knob

4 Overview
2. Functional description

OXYMAT 3 is a time-controlled appliance, i.e. the changeover time remains constant; only the pressure is

The appliance essentially consists of three compo-
• the compressor, 5,0


• the O2 system, 3,0



• the electronic/pneumatic control.

During operation, the compressor draws in ambi-
ent air via a coarse dust filter and a suction filter, Dosage monitor
and passes the compressed air (approx. 1.7 bar
overpressure) into containers with molecular sieves
where the actual oxygen enrichment takes place.
The functional principle of molecular sieves is Pressure-reducer
based on their property of absorbing the nitrogen
contained in the air. The oxygen contained in the
air is then collected in the oxygen tank (further de-
tails can be found in the chapter “ The O2 enrich- Oxygen tank
ment process” on page 6).
The outlet pressure is regulated by a pressure-
reducer set to 0.6 bar. Container with
molecular sieve
The required quantity (flow) of oxygen is set on the
oxygen dosage control knob 24. Where a flow-
meter is used, the flow is controlled via the flow
control knob 27. The flow is read at the top edge
of the flowmeter ball 22. Noise suppressor
Every time it is switched on, the appliance control
system performs an internal self-test of the entire O2
system. This test takes about a minute. If the test de- Compressor
tects an error in the O2 system that results in a drop
in the oxygen concentration, it activates the yellow Suction filter
status indicator 19. Coarse dust
After the self-test, OXYMAT 3 switches to normal
operation. During normal operation the sequence
control constantly monitors the electrical and pneu-
matic circuits of the oxygen system. Ambient air

In order to allow the process to run continuously, the containers operate alternately, i.e. before one container
is saturated with nitrogen, the system switches to the second container, which then continues with oxygen
enrichment. During this period, the first container is regenerated by a brief reduction in pressure, and at the
same time is flushed by a partial flow of enriched oxygen. This procedure is implemented cyclically at 7-
second intervals, thereby ensuring continuous oxygen enrichment of the inspiratory air.

Functional description 5
The level of oxygen concentration depends on the
Oxygen concentration
set flow and is available within a few minutes.
The waste air is expelled to the rear via a noise
suppressor on the underside of the appliance.
The electronic control with microprocessor consists
of one circuit board. It is housed separately from
the oxygen system on the front panel.

Flow [ l/min ]

The O2 enrichment process

The compressor draws the ambient air into the

Ambient air
housing via a coarse dust filter. Part of this air is
used to cool the compressor assembly. The other
part enters the compressor via the suction filter,

Coarse dust filter

where it is compressed. A cooler reduces the tem-
perature of the air. The compessed and cooled air
is then passed to the O2 system to enrich the oxygen.

Pressure sensor
The adsorption containers (ADS containers) are Suction filter
alternately filled with compressed air in fixed
cycles, then regenerated by expanding the
compressed air and flushing with oxygen.

At the end of each enrichment, a pressure of

around 1.7 bar will have built up in the currently
active container.


After 7 seconds, the magnetic valves are alter-

nately triggered by the electronic control and
switch between the two ADS containers.
Noise suppressor

Of the valves in the two ADS containers, one is

open and the other closed during operation.
Magnetic valves

Once the changeover time has been reached,

Pressure reducer

pressure compensation is implemented between

ADS container

ADS container

the two ADS containers. During pressure compen-

Oxygen tank

sation, both valves are open for approximately

1 second.
Shutoff valve
Non-return valves

The actual process of oxygen enrichment takes

place in the ADS containers. A molecular sieve
adsorbs the nitrogen from the air, thereby increas-
Flushing nozzle

ing the proportion of oxygen by volume.

O2 outlet

As soon as the pressure in the ADS container has

risen sufficiently, air enriched with oxygen flows
into the oxygen tank at the other end of this con-
tainer via the non-return valve.

6 Functional description
Part of the oxygen flows via the flushing nozzle into In order to attain adequate desorption of the mo-
the other ADS container for flushing. lecular sieve, part of the oxygen extracted in one
ADS container is continuously passed to the other
During the oxygen enrichment process, the area ADS container via the flushing nozzle.
where adsorption of the nitrogen occurs will shift
from the beginning of the ADS container towards The oxygen stored in the oxygen tank at an over-
the end. Before reaching the end of the container, pressure of up to 1.7 bar is reduced to 0.6 bar via
the pressure between the two ADS containers is the pressure-reducer.
compensated via the pressure compensating
The pressure sensor monitors this system pressure.
valve. Parallel to this, the pressure escapes via the
If the pressure falls below 0.5 bar or rises above
noise suppressor and the other ADS container is
2.5 bar, the system activates visual and acoustic
opened. The same procedure then takes place
At an overpressure of around 0.6 bar, the oxygen
Via pressure compensation, the remaining oxygen
flows towards the outlet of the appliance.
passes to the other ADS container, compression
energy is saved, and blow-off noise is reduced. The prescribed flow is set on the dosage monitor
or on the flowmeter. It then flows to the patient via
The nitrogen adsorbed in the first ADS container is
the nasal cannula.
desorbed as a result of the pressure drop when the
valve is opened and is expelled via the noise

Displays and alarms

• If a leak that is likely to cause a drop in the oxy- • The green lamp indicates that the system is op-
gen concentration occurs after the internal self- erational.
test, this situation is indicated immediately by a • In the event of a power failure, an intermittent
visual warning signal (yellow lamp). warning signal will sound and the red lamp
• If the compressor output falls off, a visual alarm will flash. The green lamp is not illuminated.
signal is displayed (red lamp flashes) and an
acoustic warning (intermittent tone) sounds.
Further information on displays and alarms can be found in Chapter “6.1 Visual and acoustic signals from
OXYMAT 3” on page 19“.

Functional description 7
3. Servicing

3.1 General

• Important! • After each servicing, a functional check should

Enter the operating hours of OXYMAT 3 and the be carried out (see "5. Functional check" on
oxygen concentration in your service record page 10).
(see page 78). Note: Dark discoloration of the intake filter 30 does
• The number of operating hours can be read not mean that its flow characteristics are impaired,
from the operating hours meter 4 on the front of provided its operating hours do not exceed
the device. 5,000 h; an exception applies if the device is op-
erated in a very dusty environment.
• As a precautionary measure, we recommend
that the OXYMAT 3 be serviced once a year
or every 5,000 operating hours.

3.2 Implementation

Servicing the OXYMAT 3 involves changing the coarse dust filter and the suction filter and performing a final
check (see "5. Functional check" on page 10).
The filters are located on the back of the appliance.
1. Detach the coarse dust filter 13 from the
service flap 38. 13

2. Release the lock on the service flap 38 and

remove the latter from the appliance.
When removing the suction filter, please proceed 38
with caution, since the connector and tube may be
torn off if the suction filter is handled carelessly.
3. You will find a black clip in the recess to the
left of the suction filter. Use your fingers or an
object to press against this clip to prevent it
from being pulled out as well.
4. Pull the suction filter 30 off the connector 71
without twisting. The suction filter must not be
twisted, as the connector could become
detached from the tube.

5. Connect the new filter 30 to the connector.

6. Clean the service flap 38 and insert it.
7. Clip a new coarse dust filter 13 into the service
flap 38.

8 Servicing
3.3 Disposal

Do not dispose of the unit with domestic waste. For proper disposal of the device and its compo-
nents, please contact a certified waste disposal site for electronic goods. Ask your Environmental
Officer or local council for the address. Appliance packaging (cardboard and inserts) may be dis-
posed of in the paper recycling bin.

4. Hygienic Preparation

4.1 No change of patient

Proceed as described in the operating instructions

for the OXYMAT 3.

4.2 Change of patient or reuse

• Dispose of extension tubes and nasal cannu-

las, and replace with new parts.
• Dispose of coarse dust filter and suction filter,
and replace with new parts.
• For the bubble humidifier, please observe the
separate operating instructions.
• Wipe housing and power cord with TERRALIN
• Clean inside of housing with vacuum cleaner,
clean any particularly dirty parts with house-
hold cleaner (to open and close the appli-
ance, see sections 7.3 and 7.4 on page 29
and page 30).

Hygienic Preparation 9
5. Functional check

5.1 General

• Should you discover any faults or deviations • For environmental reasons a capacitor back-
from the set values during your functional up unit has been installed instead of a battery
check, OXYMAT 3 must not be used again un- to serve the power failure alarm function.
til the faults have been rectified. As soon as OXYMAT 3 is operational, the ca-
pacitor is recharged. Charging takes approxi-
• The possible causes underlying the fault and
mately 5 minutes.
how to rectify them are outlined in Chapter “6.
If the device has been out of service for some
Troubleshooting” on page 19.
time, an alarm cannot be triggered until the de-
vice has been operational for at least 5 minutes.
Please use the following equipment to carry out the functional check:
• Oxygen measuring device,
• Filled oxygen cylinder with adjustable pressure reducer (e.g. HIT,WM 33100),
• Respiratory tubes WM 5726 and WM 5772.

5.2 Intervals

A final check must be performed on the appliance:

• after every service;
• after every repair.

5.3 Implementation

5.3.1 Checking the housing

Check the housing to determine its general
• Dirt can be wiped off with a damp cloth. The • If the housing is defective, replace it (see "7.3
all-purpose cleaner WM 14937 is also very Opening the appliance" on page 29) and
suitable. „7.4 Closing the appliance“ auf Seite 30.
• If you want to use a disinfectant, we recom- • If the frame is defective, please replace it (see
mend TERRALIN. "7.16 Replacing the frame (up to appliance
no. 19999)" on page 57).

10 Functional check
5.3.2 Checking the coarse dust filter
Check the coarse dust filter 13 to determine its general condition:
1. Unclip the coarse dust filter from the back of
2. If the filter is dirty, clean it. As a general rule,
the filter should be freed from dust once a
week (either by tapping or vacuuming). 13

3. If the filter is defective, replace it.

5.3.3 Checking the power cord

1. Check the power cord 10. 2. If any of these requirements are not satisfied,
replace the power cord 10.
Make sure that
– the insulation is undamaged,
– the cable is undamaged,
– none of the contacts are wobbly.

5.3.4 Checking the fuse

The fuse holder 15 can be found on the rear of the appliance beneath the power socket 14.
1. Pull the power cord 10 from the socket and
from the device.
2. Press the side tabs on the fuse holder 15 to-
gether and pull out the fuse holder.
3. Check that the correct fuses are installed.
There should always be two fuses installed:
A mains fuse and a spare fuse. 15
The fuses 39 should carry the following label:
DIN EN 60127-T 2.5 A H 250 V.
4. If necessary, replace the defective or missing
5. Push the fuse holder 15 into the housing until it
locks home.

5.3.5 Checking the main switch and LED displays

1. Connect the power cord 10 to OXYMAT 3
and to a wall socket.
2. Connect the dosage monitor or the flowmeter
to the oxygen outlet 5.

Functional check 11
3. Switch on the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
O/ I
knob 2. The following LED displays will ap-
pear: 2
– The power indicator (green LED) 20 lights O/I O2

up. 20 18
– The fault indicator (red LED) 18 and status Oxygen appliance!
indicator (yellow LED) 19 light up briefly. fire risk!

The program then makes an internal check for
– Pressure is built up within 20 seconds. The
green operating indicator 20 flashes light/
– Then the compressor is switched off and the
existing pressure is monitored for about 20
seconds. If there is a fault and the pressure
drops, the yellow status indicator 19 lights
– Finally the system is vented so that the com-
pressor can start up again without any

5.3.6 Checking the dosage monitor for leaks

1. Check the screw connections between the hu-
midifier glass/cap and humidifier/dosage
monitor to verify that they are firmly seated. If
necessary, re-tighten the connections by hand.
2. Set a flow of 4 l/min on the flow control
knob 24 for oxygen dosage. 5, 0

3. To check the dosage monitor 9 for leaks, 4, 0

3, 0

– bend the 3 m tube 11 2, 0

25 1, 0

– or pull the 3 m tube 11 from the connection 0, 5

of the bubble humidifier 25 and hold the 9

connection 26 closed.
If the ball 22 sinks all the way to the bottom,
there are no leaks in the dosage monitor sys- 24
4. In the event of leaks, change the sealing rings
on the humidifer.

5.3.7 Checking the flowmeter for leaks

1. Set a flow of 4 l/min on the knob 27.
2. To check the flowmeter 16 for leaks:
– Bend the connection tube 17 22
– or pull the tube 17 from the connection of
the flowmeter and hold the connection 29 27
If the ball 22 sinks all the way to the bottom, 29
there are no leaks in the flowmeter.
3. In the event of leaks, change the sealing rings
on the flowmeter.

12 Functional check
5.3.8 Checking the operating hours meter
Check that the red minute counter on the operating Observe instructions
for use!

hours meter 4 is incremented every 6 minutes.

5.3.9 Checking the O2 concentration 4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Leave the OXYMAT 3 to run for at least 10 minutes How to calibrate the oxygen sensor:
before starting the measurement.
1. Connect the oxygen measuring device to the
Before you check the oxygen concentration on the pressure reducer of the oxygen cylinder using
OXYMAT 3, you must first calibrate the oxygen the respiratory tube WM 5726.
measuring device (e.g. OXYcontrol WM 13550).
2. Slowly open the cylinder valve. One revolution
For this purpose, you will need the respiratory tube is sufficient!
WM 5726 and an oxygen cylinder with an ad-
3. Set a flow of 4 l/min at the pressure reducer.
justable pressure reducer (e.g. WM 33100).
4. Leave the oxygen measuring device (e.g.
Caution !
OXYcontrol) flowing for approximately 2 minutes,
Please observe the instructions for handling oxygen!
until the displayed oxygen level remains steady.
5. Set a value of "100" using the calibration
Before calibrating the oxygen sensor for the first knob.
time, the sensor must be stored in ambient air for
at least 15 minutes (refer to instructions for use of 6. Close the cylinder valve again.
the sensor).

The oxygen measuring device is now calibrated

and you can check the oxygen concentration on
Please remember that OXYMAT 3 must have already
been operational for at least 10 minutes.

When operating with a dosage monitor:

It is vital that you empty the humidifier glass 25 of the
bubble humidifier; otherwise, the oxygen sensor of
the oxygen measuring device will be damaged.
7. Connect the oxygen measuring device:
– To do so, remove connecting tube 11 from 11
connection 26 of the dosage monitor and
use breathing tube WM 5772 to make a
connection between connection 26 and the
oxygen measuring device;
– Unscrew the bubble humidifer (sterile water
system) from the dosage monitor and attach
the connecting tube to the OXYcontrol at
this point with the union nut.
8. Using the flow control knob 24, set a flow of 24
4 l/min.

Functional check 13
9. After waiting for a short while, read the oxy-
gen concentration from the oxygen measuring
It should be between 90 and 95 % by volume.
10. Re-connect the connecting tube 11.
11. If the O2 concentration is outside the tolerance
range, proceed as described in “6.3 O2 con-
centration outside tolerance range” on
page 27.
When operating with a flowmeter:
7. Connect the oxygen measuring device:
– To do this, remove connecting tube 17 from
connection 29 of the flowmeter and use
breathing tube WM 5772 to make a con- 27
nection between connection 29 and the
oxygen measuring device;
or 29

– Unscrew the union nut from the flowmeter 17

and attach the connecting tube to the
OXYcontrol at this point with the union nut.
8. Using the flow control knob 27 set a flow of
4 l/min.
9. After waiting for a short while, read the oxy-
gen concentration from the oxygen measuring
It should be between 90 and 95 % by volume.
10. Re-connect the connecting tube 17.
11. If the O2 concentration is outside the tolerance
range, proceed as described in “6.3 O2 con-
centration outside tolerance range” on
page 27.

5.3.10 Checking the mains failure alarm

As power is supplied to the alarm function via a capacitor, the OXYMAT 3 should first be operated for 5 minutes
to allow the capacitor to charge.
1. Pull the power cord from the socket or from the
2. Check whether the following displays and O/ I

alarms occur:
– Acoustic: The device emits a continuous O/I O2
tone. 20 18
– Optical: The red fault indicator 18 lights up;
the green power indicator 20 is off.
Oxygen appliance!
fire risk!

3. Re-make the connection to the mains.

– The acoustic alarm should be silenced. – The green power indicator 20 should be
– The red fault indicator 18 should go out. on.
– The appliance should start up.
4. Switch off the appliance at the On/Off knob 2.

14 Functional check
5.3.11 Checking the indirect status indicator (yellow LED) with appliance closed

The purpose of this check is to establish whether the status indicator that warns if a leak that is likely to cause
a drop in the oxygen concentration is working properly. This is done by an internal program that creates an
artificial leak which results in the alarm being triggered.
1. Switch on the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2. O/ I

An internal leak test will run for about 1 minute. 2

The green operating indicator 20 flashes while O/I O2
this is in progress. 20 18
2. With the appliance running, set a flow of Oxygen appliance!

4 l/min at the top of the ball.

fire risk!

To start the test program, proceed as follows: 11. Check that the yellow status indicator 19 is on
while this is happening.
3. Remove power cord 10 from the wall socket or
the appliance. If the status indicator does not light up, either:
– you have not set the flow to exactly 4 l/min
4. Wait for the acoustic power failure alarm to or
sound (two groups of five tones – – – – –). – the status indicator is faulty.
5. Switch off the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off 12. Switch off the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2. Do not connect the power cord switch 2, then switch it on again.
The test program is now deactivated and the
6. Switch OXYMAT 3 on again at On/Off OXYMAT 3 is in normal operating mode.
switch 2.
7. Wait for the acoustic power failure alarm to
sound again (two groups of five tones
– – – – –).
8. Switch off the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2.
The yellow status indicator 19 must now light
up. If it does not, repeat the procedure.
9. Connect the power cord again.
10. Switch on the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2.
The following LED indicators appear:
– green operating indicator 20 lights up
– red fault indicator 18 lights up briefly
– yellow status indicator 19 lights up briefly.
The program then runs an internal leak check
– pressure is built up within 20 s. The green
operating indicator 20 flashes.
– the pressure is checked for about 20 s with
the compressor switched off.
An artificial leak is created in the OXYMAT 3, and
this results in the oxygen concentration falling be-
low 82 %.

Functional check 15
5.3.12 Checking the indirect status indicator (yellow LED) with the appliance open
Not necessary as part of a normal functional check or service.
The purpose of this check is to establish whether the status indicator that warns if a leak that is likely to cause
a drop in the oxygen concentration is working properly. This is done by an internal program that creates an
artificial leak which results in the alarm being triggered. If the appliance is open (e.g. for repair work) you
can start this test program with switch S5 on the printed circuit board.
1. Switch on the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2. O/ I

An internal leak test will run for about 1 minute. 2

The green operating indicator 20 flashes while O/I O2
this is in progress. 20 18
2. With the appliance running, set a flow of Oxygen appliance!

4 l/min at the top of the ball.

fire risk!

To start the test program, proceed as follows:

3. Switch off the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2.
4. Open coding switch S5 on the printed circuit
5. Switch on the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2.
The following LED indicators appear:

– green operating indicator 20 lights up O /I

– red fault indicator 18 lights up briefly

– yellow status indicator 19 lights up briefly.
The program then runs an internal leak check
– pressure is built up within 20 s. The green
operating indicator 20 flashes.
– the pressure is checked for about 20 s with
the compressor switched off.
An artificial leak is created in the OXYMAT 3, and
this results in the oxygen concentration falling be-
low 82 %.
6. Check that the yellow status indicator 19 is on
while this is happening.
If the status indicator does not light up, either:
– you have not set the flow to exactly 4 l/min
– the status indicator is faulty.
7. Switch off the OXYMAT 3 at the On/Off
switch 2.
8. Close coding switch S5 on the printed circuit
The test program is now deactivated and the
OXYMAT 3 is in normal operating mode.
9. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).

16 Functional check
5.3.13 System pressure test

The system pressure should only be tested if there is a fault in the appliance.

Fitting the test pressure gauge

1. Connect the test pressure gauge inlet directly
to the oxygen outlet 5.
If your pressure gauge also has an outlet, close
it (e.g. with your thumb).
2. Open the appliance housing (see "7.3 Open-
ing the appliance" on page 29).
3. Open the strap system 42 without pulling the O/I

strap out of its buckle. O/I


4. Carefully remove foam section 44.

5. To prevent the ADS containers from slipping O2

out, lay the strap system 42 over the remaining 5


foam sections and gently tighten it.


To make fitting easier, the test pressure gauge is

not fitted directly to the inlet of the O2 tank, but
before the 6 mm diameter tube 56 which leads
directly to the O2 tank.
6. At the T-connector 74, push back the sleeve of
the elbow connector and remove the tube 56.
7. Push the tube of the test pressure gauge firmly 56
into the elbow connector.
8. Push the tube 56 into the free inlet of the test 74
pressure gauge.

Pressure test
Oxygen outlet 6. Switch the appliance off, then remove the
mains plug from the wall socket and the power
1. Plug the power cord 10 into the appliance and cord from the appliance.
insert the mains plug in a wall socket.
7. Remove the pressure gauge.
2. Switch the OXYMAT 3 on.
8. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
3. After 10 minutes, attach the pressure gauge to
check" on page 10).
the oxygen outlet 5.
4. Read off the pressure.
The reading must be in the range
0.6 bar ± 0.1 bar (at sea level).
5. Rectify any discrepancies you find (see "6.2
Remedies" on page 22).

Functional check 17
O2 tank inlet 14. Switch the appliance off, then remove the
mains plug from the wall socket and the power
9. Attach the dosage unit 21 or the flowmeter 16. cord from the appliance.
10. Plug the power cord 10 into the appliance and 15. Remove the dosage unit 21 or flowmeter 16
insert the mains plug in a wall socket. from the appliance.
11. Switch the OXYMAT 3 on. 16. Remove the pressure gauge.
17. Attach the tube 56.
Risk of injury or death!
Beware of live or moving components. 18. Slacken the strap system.
12. Set the flow to 4 l/min. 19. Carefully insert the foam section 44 and tight-
13. After 10 minutes, read off the pressure on the en the straps again.
pressure gauge. 20. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
The reading must be in the following range: appliance" on page 30).

At the O2 tank inlet: 21. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
min. 1.2 + 0.3/- 0.2 bar to check" on page 10).
max. 1.65 bar + 0.3/- 0.2 bar
at 4 l/min (at sea level).
Rectify any discrepancies you find(siehe „6.2
Remedies“ auf Seite 22).

5.3.14 Checking the O2 system for leaks

A check for leaks should only be made if there is a
problem with the appliance.

Soap all connections between the compressor exit,
the pressure equalization system (tubes, exit) and
the shutoff valve after the pressure reducer.

18 Functional check
6. Troubleshooting

6.1 Visual and acoustic signals from OXYMAT 3

6.1.1 Alarms
The following appliance states trigger an alarm: 4. Under-pressure
This alarm is activated if the pressure sensor at the
1. Power failure inlet to the O2 system measures a pressure lower
2. Overheating than the required operating pressure.
3. Memory error 5. Over-pressure
4. Under-pressure This alarm is activated if the pressure sensor at the
inlet to the O2 system measures a pressure higher
5. Over-pressure than the required operating pressure.
6. Implausible pressure measurement
6. Implausible pressure measurement
7. Leak in O2 system Since the OXYMAT 3 has a time control, there
must be a defined pressure pattern over time. This
1. Power failure
pressure pattern is measured by the pressure
The energy for a power failure alarm is supplied by
sensor and analyzed by the appliance software. If
a capacitor back-up unit. If the capacitor back-up
necessary an alarm is activated.
unit is fully discharged, the power failure alarm is
not available for the first minute after switching on 7. Leak in O2 system
the OXYMAT 3 until the back-up unit has charged Every time the appliance is switched on, the con-
up again. trol system runs a leak test on the entire O2 system.
If a leak is found, the yellow status indicator 19 is
2. Overheating
switched on, as sooner or later this leak in the O2
A temperature sensor is mounted on the printed cir-
system may result in the oxygen concentration at
cuit board. If the temperature rises above 60 °C
the outlet falling below 82 %.
(± 2.5 °C), an alarm is given and at the same time
the compressor is switched off. The compressor re- During the leak test the green power indicator 20
mains switched off as long as the temperature flashes.After the leak test the OXYMAT 3 switches to
alarm is activated. The cause may for example be normal operating mode.
a malfunction of the fan.
If the leak test is not successfully completed within
3. Memory error one minute, the control system stops the test cycle
Every time the appliance is switched on, the and switches on the yellow status indicator 19 to
EEPROM is first read out. Among other things, this indicate an operating fault. The cause of the leak
contains the operating cycles for the valves and the must now be identified.
calibration data for the temperature sensor. A plau-
sibility check is performed on the data read out. No further test for leaks is performed during normal
If a memory error occurs:
– default values (basic settings) are read from
the program memory and used to start the
control program;
– the memory error alarm is activated;
– after every alarm cycle a fresh attempt is
made to read the EEPROM;
– after a successful read attempt the alarm is

Troubleshooting 19
6.1.2 Signal patterns
The alarm signal patterns are in accordance with EN 475 (see Table of Signal Patterns). To make it possible
to distinguish the alarm sources, this standard assigns specific signal patterns to individual error situations
(see Table of Error Situations).
Since it is possible that two or more errors may occur at the same time, the alarms are weighted by the
software and the appropriate alarm pattern is output. For example: if under-pressure and overheating occur
simultaneously, the alarm pattern for overheating is output (see Table of Alarm Situations).
Table of Alarm Situations:

Classification of
Release after Pattern of alarm
Appliance Status Weighting signal patterns
x minutes signal indicators
under EN 475
Buzzer: A
1 minute after Red LED: A
Power failure 1 High priority
cold start Yellow LED: off
Green LED: off
Buzzer: A
Immediately after Red LED: A
Overheating 1 High priority
switching on Yellow LED: off
Green LED: on
Buzzer: A
Implausible 1 minute after Red LED: C
2 High priority
pressure reading end of leak test Yellow LED: off
Green LED: on
Buzzer: B
Immediately after Red LED: B
Memory error 3 High priority
switching on Yellow LED: off
Green LED: on
Buzzer: C
1 minute after Red LED: C
Under-pressure 4 High priority
end of leak test Yellow LED: off
Green LED: on
Buzzer: C
1 minute after Red LED: D
Over-pressure 5 High priority
end of leak test Yellow LED: off
Green LED: on
Buzzer: off
Is indicated
Test immediately Red LED: off
O2 status independently by Low priority
after switching on Yellow LED: on
the yellow LED
Green LED: on

The green power indicator 20 is not an alarm signal indicator. Its status is only given here for completeness’

20 Troubleshooting
The signal patterns for the buzzer consist of 2 identical pulse sequences, repeated every 10 seconds. Each
pulse sequence consists of 5 individual pulses (see Table of Signal Patterns).
Table of Signal Patterns:

Buzzer pattern Pulse interval

Pulse duration / ms Pulse interval/ ms
for one pulse between 3rd and Graphic representation
(= buzzer on) (= buzzer off)
sequence 4th pulse / ms
A 150 100 500 — — — — —
B 150 10 320 ——— ——
C 150 0 300 ——— ——

Flashing pattern
for On time / ms Off time / ms Graphic representation
frequency / Hz
red LED
A 1.43 200 500 — —
B 1.43 400 300 —— ——
C 2.5 80 320 – –
D 2.5 240 160 — —

6.1.3 Deactivating the signal functions

The signal functions can be deactivated by means of the switches S2, S3, S4 and S5 on the printed circuit
board. To see where the switches are located on the PCB, consult the illustrations in Section “10.1 Arrange-
ment of the PCBs” on page 76.

Coding switch Open Closed

Power supply for power failure alarm Power supply for power failure alarm
deactivated. activated.
S3 Buzzer deactivated. Buzzer activated.
Alarm suppression during warming-up Alarm suppression during warming-up
S4 phase deactivated phase activated
(i.e. alarm function activated). (i.e. alarm function deactivated).
Activates program for checking status
S5 Normal operation

For fault-finding purposes it can be useful to open coding switch S4. This enables the alarms immediately on
completion of the leak test.

Troubleshooting 21
6.2 Remedies

Fault Cause Localisation Remedy

Check mains lead for
secure connection.
If applicable, check
No power.
whether power is available
No motor noises, at the mains (e.g. with a
power indicator does lamp).
not light up, mains
failure alarm sounds. Replace fuse 39 (see "5.3.4
Checking the fuse" on
Faulty fuse. page 11).
A spare fuse can be found
in the fuse box.
Capacitor for mains
Power indicator fails to
failure alarm is Leave the appliance to run
illuminate, no acoustic
completely for 5 minutes.
No flow at nasal Disconnect tube from inlet of Seal all connection and
cannula, although Tube connections dosage monitor; check sealing points from the
there is flow at the interrupted. whether flow is escaping appliance outlet to the inlet
appliance outlet. In from the tube. of the dosage monitor.
such cases, the Oxygen distributor in Loosen union nut of bubble
appliance does not Clean or replace the
bubble humidifier humidifier; the ball should
emit an alarm. oxygen distributor.
blocked. then rise.
Capacitor incorrectly
connected or not connected
at all. Connect the
capacitor correctly
After running for a Motor compressor not (7.5, page 30).
long period, rotating.
appliance emits Check the voltage supply at
intermittent acoustic the motor. Motor defective:
warnings and red fault Replace the compressor
indicator flashes; (7.5, page 30).
no flow. Crank mechanism stiff,
Compressor defective:
motor circuit-breaker of
Replace compressor
compressor is
(7.5, page 30).
Appliance too hot, Clean or replace coarse
coarse dust filter dust filter.
blocked. (3.2, page 8).
After running for a
long period, Leak at compressor
Replace parts (7.5,
appliance emits outlet port elbow
page 30)
intermittent acoustic connector
warnings and red fault Replace suction filter.
indicator flashes. Suction filter blocked.
(3.2, page 8).
Overtemperature of Check fan
60 °C ± 2.5 °C. (7.10, page 42).
Power cord damaged. Replace power cord.

22 Troubleshooting
The following faults are based on a defective circuit. They occur with the compressor and fan running.
Caution !
Always pull out the mains plug before working on electrical components.
Remember that all coding switches on the circuit board must be closed during normal operation.

Fault Cause Localisation Remedy

After switching on, first of all
the EEPROM is read. In the
After running for a
event of a memory failure,
long period,
an alarm is issued and it is
appliance emits
then re-read. If this readout
intermittent acoustic Memory failure.
attempt is successful, the
warnings and red
fault will be cleared. If not,
fault indicator
the circuit board should be
(7.9, page 40).
Connectors X10 and/ Green LED is illuminated and
Re-make the connection
or X11 have worked an acoustic pressure alarm
(7.9, page 40).
loose. sounds.
Inadequate voltage
Ensure that the mains
supply to magnetic See above.
Blow-off noises on voltage is at least 207 V.
(overpressure valve No voltage supply to Replace fuse F2
See above.
activated). magnetic valves. (7.9, page 40).
Green LED not illuminated, Replace fuse F1
Fuse F1 tripped.
mains failure alarm. (7.9, page 40).
Thermal release in Green LED not illuminated, Replace the circuit board
transformer tripped. mains failure alarm. (7.9, page 40).
Check pneumatic system for Rectify blockage
Overpressure exists.
blockages. (7.9, page 40).
alarm (see " Blow-off noises on
(acoustic alarm, Valves of O2 system compressor (overpressure
red LED 18 flashing jamming valve activated)." on
2.5 times per page 23)
Circuit board Perform a system pressure test Replace the circuit board
defective. (5.3.13, page 17) (7.9, page 40).
Each time the device is
Warm-up phase not switched on, the overpressure
Wait for one minute.
yet complete. alarm is blocked for one
No overpressure
alarm, even though Visual check on tube for:
Pressure measurement Replace pressure measure-
overpressure exists. properly seated connection;
tube faulty. ment tube if necessary.
not blocked.
Circuit board Replace the circuit board
defective. (7.9, page 40).
Check pneumatic system for
Underpressure Underpressure exists. Remedy the leak.
(acoustic alarm, Circuit board Perform a system pressure test
Replace circuit board
red LED 18 flashes defective. (5.3.13, page 17)
briefly 2.5 times Pressure measurement Visual check for proper seating Establish trouble-free
per second). tube has come loose. of pressure measurement tube. pneumatic connection.

Troubleshooting 23
Fault Cause Localisation Remedy
Each time the appliance is
Warm-up phase not switched on, the overpressure
Wait for one minute.
No underpressure yet complete. alarm is blocked for one
alarm. minute.
Circuit board Replace the circuit board
defective. (7.9, page 40).
Miniature fuse in non- Compressor and fan not Check fuse 39 and replace
heating appliance running and green LED is if necessary (5.3.4,
connector has tripped. extinguished. page 11).
Internal connection has
worked loose at non- Check connection and re-
See above.
heating appliance make if necessary.
Connector X1 has Check connection and re-
See above.
worked loose. make if necessary.
Replace the cable harness
Cable harness
Mains failure alarm See above. (item no. 86 in the spare
parts list).
Check fuse F1 and replace
Compressor and fan not
if necessary
Fuse F1 has tripped. running and green LED is
(7.9, page 40)
(10.1, page 76).
Thermal release in trans- Replace the circuit board
See above.
former has tripped. (7.9, page 40).
Green LED illuminated,
Circuit board Replace the circuit board
compressor and fan running.
defective. (7.9, page 40).
Valves are switching.
Coding switch S3 is Green LED is extinguished. Close coding switch S3
open. Buzzer off. Red LED is flashing. (7.9, page 40).
Green LED is extinguished.
Coding switch S2 is Close coding switch S2
Buzzer off. Red LED is
open. (7.9, page 40).
Device fails to emit
correct mains Voltage supply for Operate the device for one
failure alarm. mains failure alarm See above. minute to recharge the
discharged. voltage supply.
Operate the appliance for 30
Mains failure alarm is minutes. If the alarm duration is Replace the circuit board
shorter than 1 minute. then shorter than 1 minute, the (7.9, page 40).
circuit board is defective.

24 Troubleshooting
Fault Cause Localisation Remedy
Examine pneumatic system for
Leak in O2 system Eliminate leaks.
Switch S5 for checking
Switch off OXYMAT 3.
status indicator was not
Close switch S5. Close switch S5.
closed again (5.3.12,
Switch on OXYMAT 3.
page 16)
During a power failure
alarm the OXYMAT 3 Connect OXYMAT 3 to
was switched off and on mains.
twice, thereby starting a Then switch OXYMAT 3 off
status indicator check and on again.
(5.3.11, page 15)
O2 alarm
Ensure trouble-free plug-in
Check plug-in connection X13.
No voltage at shutoff
valve. Change fuse F3
Check fuse F3. (7.9, page 40),
(10.1, page 76).
Flow starts immediately after
Shutoff valve 83 faulty. Change shutoff valve 83.
switching on.
Pressure measurement Self-test is stopped after 60 s Re-route tube 63, replace if
tube 63 blocked. without stopping compressor. necessary.
Pressure sensor B1 Compressor overpressure Change board
faulty. valves activate after 30 s. (7.9, page 40).
Leak occurred since Switch OXYMAT 3 off then on
Eliminate leak.
last switching on. again to initiate self-test.
Check indirect status indicator If yellow LED does not light
Pressure sensor faulty. (5.3.11, page 15) (5.3.12, up, change board
No O2 alarm, page 16). (7.9, page 40).
even though
OXYMAT 3 was oper-
concentration is
ated for long time at Weigh ADS container Change ADS container
< 82 % by
relative humidity in (7.11, 7.12 and 7.13). (7.11, 7.12 and 7.13).
excess of 75 %.
Fuse F3 defective. Green LED is on. Replace fuse F3.
Clean or replace suction
Suction filter blocked.
filter (3.2, page 8).
Plug-in connection X2 Replace wiring harness if
Check plug-in connection
faulty. necessary.
Allow OXYMAT 3 to cool
Appliance control system down. After the end of the
Compressor not
Overheating alarm. switches off compressor if overheating alarm the con-
overheating alarm given. trol system switches the
OXYMAT 3 on again.
Change board
Board faulty.
(7.9, page 40).
Check connection at fan. If
No draught can be felt at the necessary, replace cable
Temperature alarm,
Fan failure. coarse dust filter, compressor is harness (item no. 86 in
fan not running.
running. spare parts list) or fan
(7.10, page 42).

Troubleshooting 25
Fault Cause Localisation Remedy
Comply with maximum
Appliance was ambient temperature of
operated at an 40 °C. After operating for
Accumulated heat warmed the
ambient temperature a short time, the
temperature sensor after
Temperature alarm of > 41 °C, or was switching off.
accumulated heat is
although fan is switched off briefly eliminated by the fan and
running. and back on. the temperature alarm must
Ambient temperature is
Circuit board Replace the circuit board
< 40 °C, fan and compressor
defective. (7.9, page 40).
working correctly.
Visual inspection to verify
Connector at X9 has Re-make the connection
correct seating of the
worked loose. (7.9, page 40).
Operating hours Install a replacement meter as a
Replace the operating hours
meter no longer test. If it moves forward by
Meter is defective. meter
counting. 00000.1 after 6 minutes, the
(7.8, page 39).
old meter was defective.
Circuit board If the above measures have Replace the circuit board
defective. failed to solve the problem. (7.9, page 40).

26 Troubleshooting
6.3 O2 concentration outside tolerance range

If the check described in “5.3.9 Checking the O2 – Then check the O2 concentration again as
concentration” on page 13 indicates an oxygen described in “5.3.9 Checking the O2 con-
concentration of less than 91% at a flow of 4 l/min centration”.
after 15 minutes operating time, proceed as – If the new check on O2 concentration still re-
follows: sults in unsatisfactory values, perform anoth-
er system pressure test as described in
1. Check the system pressures as described in
5.3.13. Then change the adsorption con-
“5.3.13 System pressure test” on page 17.
tainers as described in section 7.11.
2. If the test described in “5.3.13 System pres- 3. If the check on the oxygen system in accord-
sure test” reveals that the pressures are outside ance with 5.3.14 reveals that there are no
the tolerance range, proceed as described in leaks or faulty valves, continue as described in
“6.4 System pressure fault” . “7.11 Replace adsorption containers (Mac
If the system pressures are within the tolerance valves)”.
range, continue with test step “5.3.14 Check-
4. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
ing the O2 system for leaks”. If this check re-
check" on page 10).
veals leaks or faulty valves, repair them.

6.4 System pressure fault

The pressure values listed below refer to sea level. If the measurements are conducted at different altitudes, corre-
sponding correction factors must be taken into account.

Pressure measurement Setpoint Fault Cause/remedy

Pressure-reducer defective,
Pressure too high
replace (7.15, page 54)
Leak at the connection points
Pressure measurement at Pressure between the pressure-reducer
oxygen outlet 5 0.6 bar ± 0.1 bar and the oxygen outlet 5.
Pressure too low Repair leak.
Pressure-reducer defective,
replace (7.15, page 54)
ADS container has absorbed
Measurement at 4 l/ water.*
Pressure too high
min Pressure range: Replace the ADS container
Pressure measurement at (7.11, 7.12 and 7.13)
– Min. 1.2 bar
O2 tank
+ 0.3 /– 0.2 bar Leak at the connection points
(or at outlet of O2 system)
– Max. 1.65 bar between the suction filter and
+ 0.3 /– 0.2 bar Pressure too low
the O2 tank.
Remedy the leak.

* Water uptake by the ADS container increases the flow resistance of the molecular sieve. As a result,
pressure equalization during the flushing phase is disturbed and the pressure increases.

Troubleshooting 27
7. Repair information and repair instructions

7.1 General

Repairs to OXYMAT 3 must always be carried out at an ESD workplace!

• Please follow the safety instructions on page 4 of • Conduct a functional check after every repair
the operating instructions for OXYMAT 3. job (see "5. Functional check" on page 10).
• Caution! • When you replace components or individual
Do not use liquids or foaming agents to check for parts, please use only genuine Weinmann
leaks in the region of the solenoid valve 54, as
moisture could penetrate into the solenoid valve,
thereby causing corrosion which could prevent it • When ordering a frame 57 or 58 , please also
functioning properly. quote the model, year of construction and
appliance number.
• Any handling of the appliance requires a
precise knowledge of and compliance with • Many parts have to be screwed in using a
the operating instructions and the service and torque wrench. To ensure that the quoted
repair instructions. torque is maintained, check regularly that
your torque wrench adheres to the torque
• Please carry out only the repairs described in (monitor testing equipment).
these service and repair instructions. This is the
only way to guarantee perfect functioning of • Note:
OXYMAT 3. The item numbers quoted in the following text
match the item numbers in the parts list on
• Please ensure that your hands and workplace page 69 and the overview on page 4.
are clean when carrying out repairs.

7.2 Replacing the castors

1. Position the appliance with the housing lying

on its back.
2. Pull off the defective castors and replace them
with new ones.

28 Repair information and repair instructions

7.3 Opening the appliance

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm.

Caution !
If the appliance is standing on a table, lock the castors.
1. Disconnect the plug from the socket and pull 2. Remove the connecting nipple with union nut 6
the power cord 10 from the appliance. or the flowmeter 16 from the oxygen outlet 5.
3. Remove the stoppers 32: 1 32
– Using the disk on the spanner set, rotate the
stopper 32 through 90° to the left. 34
– Lever it out downwards . 33
4. Unscrew the two screws 33 and remove them
together with the spring washer 34 .

To make it easier to remove the screws, set the

spanner in the hexagon and pull out the screw.
5. Remove the handle 1 upwards, or leave it
lying in the appliance.

6. Pull off the housing 35 upwards.

35 O2




If the housing cannot be pulled off, it may be caught
on the service flap. In such cases, release the lock at 38
the service flap 38, and remove the flap from the

Repair information and repair instructions 29

7.4 Closing the appliance

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm.

Caution !
If the appliance is standing on a table, please lock the castors.
1. Carefully slide the housing 35 over the foam
2. Position the housing 35 on the frame in such a
way that the enclosure wall engages with the
groove all the way round.
3. Insert the handle 1 and secure it with the
screws 33 (not forgetting the spring washers 34). 1
4. Insert the two stoppers 32. 34
5. Using the disk on the spanner set, rotate the
stoppers 32 through 90° to the right. O/I

6. Secure the connecting nipple 6 or the

flowmeter 16 at the oxygen outlet 5.

7.5 Replacing the compressor (up to appliance no. 13350)

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm.

1. Open the housing (see "7.3 Opening the

appliance" on page 29).
2. Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener, and place them next to the O/I




3. Remove the front plate 46:

– Tilt the front plate forwards and
– pull it out upwards.


30 Repair information and repair instructions

The illustration opposite shows the installation
position of the compressor with its electrical and 50 67
pneumatic connections.

4. Disconnect the electrical connection.

5. Pull off the tubes 51 and 70 : 70
– Take the appropriate spanner from the 69
spanner set and position it between the
coupling 69 and the inlet/outlet of the
– Now pull off the tube.
6. To remove the defective compressor, always
take hold of it at the cylinder head.
cylinder head

Caution ! 000

The cylinder head may still be hot!

Tilt the defective compressor 48 forwards and
lift it out.
7. Pull the capacitor 49 out of the foam
section 43. 60

Before fitting the new compressor, check the

condition of the vibration dampers 60.
They must be soft, elastic and must not be deformed.
If the vibration dampers are hard and inelastic, they
must be changed.
Then install the new compressor 48:
8. If the capacitor is faulty, disconnect both
spade connectors from the capacitor 49.
9. Connect the spade connectors of the
compressor to the capacitor.
Caution !
Do not short-circuit the capacitor!
The connectors must be on the left and right of the
central bar (see illustration).

Repair information and repair instructions 31

10. Place the two tubes 51 and 70 sideways
across the frame.
11. Then insert the compressor:
– Grasp the compressor in such a way that
you are able to read the letters on the O2

cylinder head the right way round. 000


– Insert the front screws of the compressor into

the vibration damper 60.
– Tilt the compressor into the appliance.
Make sure that the compressor is securely and
safely positioned. 60
12. Slide the capacitor 49 into the opening of the 43
foam section 43 and lay the cables neatly into 49
the groove.

13. Connect tube 70 to the inlet and tube 51 to the 000


outlet of the compressor.



14. Attach the connector of the compressor to the

power supply socket and lay the cables neatly
into the groove.
15. Check that the compressor is positioned in the
appliance the right way round, i.e. with the
inlet pointing to the right:

– Connect the power cord 10 to the – Switch off the appliance and pull the power
appliance and to a socket. cord 10 from the socket and from the
– Switch on the appliance. appliance.
– Feel from which side of the compressor air – If the inlet of the compressor is on the left-
is being drawn in. This side is the inlet. It hand side, re-install the compressor.
must be on the right.
16. Check that all cables are laid correctly in the
17. Place the lower edge of the front plate 46 into
the frame and tilt it against the foam section 45.


18. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and

tighten them.

32 Repair information and repair instructions

19. Before assembling the housing, subject the 20. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
compressor to a test run: appliance" on page 30).
– Connect the power cord 10 to the 21. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
appliance and to a socket. check" on page 10).
– Switch on the appliance.
If no rattling or slipping is audible, the
compressor is correctly installed.
– Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the

7.6 Replacing the compressor (from appliance no. 13351 to 14999)

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm,
• Water-pump pliers.

1. Open the housing (see "7.3 Opening the

appliance" on page 29).
2. Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener, and place them next to the O/I




3. Remove the front plate 46:

– Tilt the front plate forwards and
– pull it out upwards.


The illustration opposite shows the installation

position of the compressor with its electrical and 50 67
pneumatic connections.

Repair information and repair instructions 33

4. Disconnect the electrical connection.

5. Pull off the tubes 51 and 70 : 70

– Loosen clip 89 on tube 51 with the water- 89
pump pliers.
– Now pull off the tube.

6. To remove the defective compressor, always

take hold of it at the cylinder head.
Caution !
cylinder head
The cylinder head may still be hot!

Tilt the defective compressor 48 forwards and

lift it out.
7. Pull the capacitor 49 out of the foam
section 43. 60

Before fitting the new compressor, check the

condition of the vibration dampers 60.
They must be soft, elastic and must not be deformed.
If the vibration dampers are hard and inelastic, they
must be changed.
Then install the new compressor 48:
8. If the capacitor is faulty, disconnect both
spade connectors from the capacitor 49.
9. Connect the spade connectors of the
compressor to the capacitor.
Caution !
Do not short-circuit the capacitor!
The connectors must be on the left and right of the
central bar (see illustration).
10. Place the two tubes 51 and 70 sideways
across the frame.
11. Then insert the compressor:
– Grasp the compressor in such a way that
you are able to read the letters on the O2

cylinder head the right way round. 000


– Insert the front screws of the compressor into

the vibration damper 60.
– Tilt the compressor into the appliance.
Make sure that the compressor is securely and
safely positioned. 60
12. Slide the capacitor 49 into the opening of the 43
foam section 43 and lay the cables neatly into 49
the groove.

34 Repair information and repair instructions

13. Push clip 89 onto tube 51. Then connect tube 000

70 to the compressor inlet and tube 51 to the

compressor outlet. Now attach tube 51 to the
compressor outlet with the aid of clip 89 and
the water-pump pliers. 89

14. Attach the connector of the compressor to the

power supply socket and lay the cables neatly
into the groove.
15. Check that the compressor is positioned in the
appliance the right way round, i.e. with the
inlet pointing to the right:
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
– Feel from which side of the compressor air
is being drawn in. This side is the inlet. It
must be on the right.
– Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
– If the inlet of the compressor is on the left-
hand side, re-install the compressor.
16. Check that all cables are laid correctly in the
17. Place the lower edge of the front plate 46 into
the frame and tilt it against the foam section 45.


18. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and

tighten them.

19. Before assembling the housing, subject the

compressor to a test run:
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
If no rattling or slipping is audible, the
compressor is correctly installed.
– Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
20. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
21. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

Repair information and repair instructions 35

7.7 Replacing the compressor (from appliance no. 15000)

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm.
• Hexagon socket wrench 8 mm,
• Water-pump pliers.

1. Open the housing (see "7.3 Opening the

appliance" on page 29).
2. Detach the compressor:
– Place the appliance on its back;
– Detach the compressor by using the socket
wrench to remove the 4 hexagonal nuts 92
with washer 90 and spring washer 91 from 91
the underside of the chassis. 92
– Then stand the appliance upright again.
3. Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener, and place them next to the O/I




4. Remove the front plate 46:

– Tilt the front plate forwards and
– pull it out upwards.


The illustration opposite shows the installation

position of the compressor with its electrical and 50 67
pneumatic connections.

36 Repair information and repair instructions

5. Disconnect the electrical connection.
6. Pull off the tubes 51 and 70 : 70
– Loosen clip 89 on tube 51 with the water- 89
pump pliers.
– Now pull off the tube.

7. To remove the defective compressor, always

take hold of it at the cylinder head.
cylinder head

Caution ! 000

The cylinder head may still be hot!

Tilt the defective compressor 48 forwards and
lift it out.
8. Pull the capacitor 49 out of the foam
section 43. 60

Before fitting the new compressor, check the

condition of the vibration dampers 60.
They must be soft, elastic and must not be deformed.
If the vibration dampers are hard and inelastic, they
must be changed.
Then install the new compressor 48:
9. If the capacitor is faulty, disconnect both
spade connectors from the capacitor 49.
10. Connect the spade connectors of the
compressor to the capacitor.
Caution !
Do not short-circuit the capacitor!
The connectors must be on the left and right of the
central bar (see illustration).
11. Place the two tubes 51 and 70 sideways
across the frame.
12. Then insert the compressor:
– Grasp the compressor in such a way that
you are able to read the letters on the O2

cylinder head the right way round. 000


– Insert the bolts of the vibration dampers 60

in the holes provided in the chassis.
– Tilt the compressor into the appliance,
making sure that the bolts of the rear 70
vibration dampers are also inserted in the 60
Make sure that the compressor is securely and 43
safely positioned. 49

13. Slide the capacitor 49 into the opening of the 51

foam section 43 and lay the cables neatly into
the groove.

Repair information and repair instructions 37

14. Push clip 89 onto tube 51. Then connect tube 000

70 to the compressor inlet and tube 51 to the

compressor outlet. Now attach tube 51 to the
compressor outlet with the aid of clip 89 and
the water-pump pliers. 89

15. Attach the connector of the compressor to the

power supply socket and lay the cables neatly
into the groove.
16. Check that the compressor is positioned in the
appliance the right way round, i.e. with the
inlet pointing to the right:
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
– Feel from which side of the compressor air
is being drawn in. This side is the inlet. It
must be on the right.
– Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
– If the inlet of the compressor is on the left-
hand side, re-install the compressor.
17. Check that all cables are laid correctly in the
18. Place the lower edge of the front plate 46 into
the frame and tilt it against the foam section 45.


19. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and

tighten them.

20. Attach the compressor to the chassis: 22. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
– Place the appliance on its back.
– Place a washer 90 and then a spring 23. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
washer 91 on the threaded bolt. check" on page 10).
– Now use the socket wrench to tighten the
hexagonal nuts 92 hand tight.
21. Before assembling the housing, subject the
compressor to a test run:
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
If no rattling or slipping is audible, the
compressor is correctly installed.
– Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the

38 Repair information and repair instructions

7.8 Replacing the operating hours meter

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm.

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the

appliance" on page 29).
2. Carefully lift the operating panel out of the 45 47
foam section.
3. Pull the connector X9 of the operating hours
meter 4 from the circuit board.

4. Press the lock of the operating hours meter 4

O/ I

together and pull the meter through the

operating panel.
5. Make a note of the meter reading in the
service log on page 78. This will enable you O2 X9
to calculate the actual operating hours when a 4
new meter is installed.
6. Guide the connector and cable of the new
operating hours meter 4 through the opening
in the operating panel.
7. Push the operating hours meter into the
opening the right way round until it locks home.
8. Attach the connector X9 to the contacts on the
circuit board. The precise location on the
circuit board can be found in Chapter “10.1
Arrangement of the PCBs” on page 76.
9. Carefully re-insert the operating panel,
inserting the pins on the operating panel into
the holes in the foam section 45.
10. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
11. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

Repair information and repair instructions 39

7.9 Replacing the circuit board

This repair must always be carried out at an ESD workplace.

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm,
• Cross-head screwdriver size1,
• Flat nose pliers.

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the

appliance" on page 29).
2. Carefully lift the operating panel out of the
foam section.
3. Detach the connectors X1 and X2 from the
circuit board by pressing the lock together and O/I

pulling off the connector. O2


4. Detach tube 63 from pressure sensor B1.

Do not damage pressure sensor when detaching
the tube .
5. The operating panel can now be folded away
upwards. 84 B1 X13 X11 X10 X1 X2

6. Next, pull connectors X13, X11 and X10 from

the circuit board.
7. Release the tube 84:
– Press the lock back using an appropriate 2
spanner from the set.
– Pull out the tube. 63

8. Using flat nose pliers, carefully pull off the On/

Off knob 2.
Caution !
Do not let the pliers slip!

9. To allow you to work more easily, place the

operating panel into the foam section 44.

How to remove the foam section 44:
– Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the
strap out of the fastener, and place them
next to the appliance.
– Remove the foam section 44.



40 Repair information and repair instructions

10. Disconnect the connector X9 for the meter from
the printed circuit board. 41
11. Unscrew the four screws 41.
12. Place the circuit board on your ESD
workplace. X9

13. Carefully place the new circuit board 40 on

the operating panel and secure with the four
screws 41.
14. Attach the connector X9 to the contacts of the
circuit board. The precise location on the
circuit board can be found in Chapter “10.1
Arrangement of the PCBs” on page 76.
15. Next, push the long tube 84 (from the pressure 84 B1 X13 X11 X10 X1 X2
reducer) into the Y-connector.
16. Securely attach the connectors X1, X13, X10
and X11 to the circuit board. The location of
the corresponding contacts on the circuit
board can be found in Chapter “10.1
Arrangement of the PCBs” on page 76.
Connectors X10 and X11 may be swapped
without causing any problems.
17. Tilt the operating panel forwards and secure 63
the connector X2 on the circuit board.
18. Push tube 63 onto the pressure sensor B1.
19. Carefully re-insert the operating panel,
inserting the pins on the operating panel into the
holes in the foam section 45. 45
20. Insert the foam section 45.

21. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and

tighten them.
22. Press the On/Off knob 2 onto its switching
After installing, actuate the switch several times
to ensure it is not jammed.
23. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
24. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

Repair information and repair instructions 41

7.10 Replacing the fan

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm.

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the

appliance" on page 29).
2. Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener, and place them next to the O/I




3. Remove the front plate 46:

– Tilt the front plate forwards and
– pull it out upwards.


4. Lift up the foam section 45 together with the

operating panel and pull out the defective fan
5. Pull the connector off the fan.
6. Take a new fan 52 and push the connector


onto the contacts.


7. There are two arrows on the edge of the fan 45

showing the direction of air flow. As you want

0 0 0
0 0 0

the air to be drawn in and expelled to the

compressor, it is important to hold the fan so 43
that the arrow is pointing downwards.
8. Lift up the foam section 45 together with the
operating panel and insert the fan (with the
arrow pointing downwards) .
9. Place the cable into the groove in the foam
section 43.
10. Before assembling the appliance, please
subject the fan to a test run:
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
– Check the function of the fan:
Never reach into the fan!
With your hand held flat, place it between
the fan and the compressor and feel the air

42 Repair information and repair instructions

Caution !
If you do not feel any air flow, remember to
disconnect the appliance from the power before
taking any further action!
11. Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
12. Place the lower edge of the front plate 46 into
the frame and tilt it against the foam section 45.


13. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and

tighten them.
14. Align the operating panel.
15. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
16. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

7.11 Replace adsorption containers (Mac valves)

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm,
• Open-ended spanner SW 17.

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the
appliance" on page 29).
2. Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener, and place them next to the O/I




Repair information and repair instructions 43

3. Remove the foam section 44.


Replace both ADS containers 53 as follows:

4. Loosen the Y-connector 73 by pushing back 75
the sleeve (e.g. using a spanner from the set) 74
and pull out the angular bush. 72
5. Pull the ADS container 53 out of the foam 93
section. 73


6. The ADS container 53 and magnetic valve 54

are connected by a double nipple. Use an
open-ended spanner to hold the double nipple black white white black
firm on the ADS container 53 and unscrew the
magnetic valve 54 from the double nipple by
7. Lay the open-ended spanner aside and hold
the magnetic valve firmly with your hand. 73 75 72 76 75 73

8. Next, unscrew the ADS container by hand,

including the double nipple.

1. In order to ascertain whether the ADS
container really needs changing, you should
weigh it. 53
The container needs changing when it has
absorbed approximately 50 g of moisture, i.e. 54
when it is approximately 50 g heavier.
Expiry weight = Original weight + 50 g.
The two containers should always be changed
at the same time.

44 Repair information and repair instructions

1. Take a new ADS container 53 and ensure that
there is a pressure seal 55 on the thread of the
double nipple.
Caution !
The pressure seal has a profile on one side,
known as the sealing lip. This sealing lip must be
pointing towards the magnetic valve !
2. Screw the double nipple into the magnetic valve. 55
Note: 95
Make sure that the cables on the magnetic valve
are not twisted.
3. Secure the double nipple onto the magnetic
valve using the open-ended spanner.
Caution !
Once the pressure seal between the double
nipple and the magnetic valve is squashed, never
turn the magnetic valve back; otherwise, the
pressure seal will no longer seal effectively and a
new seal will be required.
4. Check that the screw of the clip on the ADS 73
container and the narrow side of the magnetic
valve are flush.
If this is not the case, loosen the screw of the
clip slightly, align the clip and re-tighten it.
5. Connect the Y-connector 73 to the upper
angular bush on the ADS container.
6. Place the ADS container into the foam section.
Take care to ensure that there are no cables or
tubes between the ADS container and the foam
7. Loose cables and/or tubes should be laid in
the side groove of the foam section. 78

8. Replace the second ADS container in the same 81

9. Then check whether the cables and tubes are
correctly laid in the groove on the foam
The cable for the 230 V voltage supply must be
routed in the left-hand side of the foam section.

Repair information and repair instructions 45

10. Before assembling the OXYMAT 3, check it
for leaks:
– Connect the dosage unit 21 or flowmeter 16
to the oxygen outlet 5.
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
– Set a flow of 4 l/min.
– Check for leaks by soaping all connection
points to the ADS containers with a foaming
agent (e.g. Snoop).
Do not use liquids or foaming agents to check for
leaks in the region of the solenoid valve 54, as
moisture could penetrate into the solenoid valve,
thereby causing corrosion which could prevent it
functioning properly. 54

11. If you discover a leak, rectify it.

12. Switch off the appliance and pull the power

cord 10 from the socket and from the
13. Remove the dosage unit 21 or the flowmeter 16.
14. Place the foam section 44 in position.
Check that both foam pads 88 are in place.
15. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and
tighten them.
16. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the 44
appliance" on page 30).
17. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional 88
check" on page 10).

7.12 Replace adsorption container (plastic magnetic valve block)

Tools required
• Spanner set WM 14249
• Allen key 6 mm
• Open-ended spanner SW 17
• Open-ended spanner SW 19

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the
appliance" on page 29).

46 Repair information and repair instructions

2. Loosen the straps 42 without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener and place them next to the O/I




3. Take off the foam section 44.


Replace both ADS containers 53 as follows:

4. Undo the Y-connector 73 by pushing back the 75
sleeve (e.g. using a spanner from the set) and 74
pull out the angular bush. 72
5. Tilt the right-hand ADS container 53 out of the 93
foam section. 73


6. The ADS container and the magnetic valve

block are connected to one another via an
adapter 104. Hold the adapter steady with an 106
open-ended spanner SW19 and unscrew the ADS 105
container by hand.
7. Now pull the left-hand ADS container out of the
foam section.

8. Release the screwed connection 102 incl. the

angle connector 98 from the double nipple.

1. In order to ascertain whether the ADS
containers really need changing, you should
weigh them. 102
A container needs changing when it has
absorbed approximately 50 g of moisture, i.e. 98
when it is 50 g heavier.
Expiry weight = original weight + 50 g.
Please always replace both containers at the
same time.

Repair information and repair instructions 47

1. Take up a new ADS container and ensure that
there is a pressure seal 55 on the thread of the
double nipple.
2. Screw the screwed connector onto the double
3. Take up the second ADS container and
unscrew the double nipple using the open-
ended spanner SW17.
4. Screw the ADS container onto the adapter of
the magnetic valve block. Hold the adapter
steady with an open-ended spanner SW19 to
do so.
5. Check that the side with the magnetic valve 73
block coils and the screws for the clip are
flush. If this is not the case, align the ADS
container accordingly, the adapter has a rotating
6. Push the Y-connector 73 into the top angular bush on
the ADS container.
7. Insert the ADS container in the foam section.
Please ensure that there are no cables or tubes
between the ADS container and the foam section.
8. Route cables and/or the tube in the lateral groove
in the foam section.
9. Insert the second ADS container in the foam section
and restore the tube connections.
10. Finally, please check whether the cables and tubes
are correctly routed in the groove in the foam

The cable for the 230 V voltage supply must be
routed in the left-hand side of the foam section.
11. Before you assemble the OXYMAT 3, check it
for leaks:
– Connect the dosage unit 21 or the
flowmeter 16 to the oxygen outlet 5.
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a power socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
– Set a flow of 4 l/min.
– Check for leaks by soaping all connection
points to the ADS containers with a foaming
agent (e.g. Gaspruf).

48 Repair information and repair instructions

Do not use liquids or foaming agents to check for
leaks in the region of the solenoid valve, as
moisture could penetrate into the solenoid valve,
thereby causing corrosion which could prevent it
functioning properly.
12. If you discover a leak, rectify it.
13. Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
14. Remove the dosage unit 21 or the flowmeter
15. Put the foam section 44 in position.
16. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and
tighten them.
17. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
18. Perform a final check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

7.13 Replace adsorption containers

(aluminum magnetic valve block)

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249
• Allen key 6 mm
• Open-ended spanner SW17
• Water pump pliers

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the
appliance" on page 29).
2. Loosen the straps 42 without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener and place next to the O/I




Repair information and repair instructions 49

3. Take off the foam section 44 .


Replace both ADS containers 53 as follows:

4. Undo the Y-connector 73 by pushing back the 75
sleeve (e.g. using a spanner from the set) and 74
pull out the angular bush. 72
5. Take the right-hand ADS container 53 out of 93
the foam section. 73


6. The ADS container and the magnetic valve

block are connected to one another via a
double nipple. Release the double nipple from the
magnetic valve block using an open-ended spanner
SW17. Hold the magnetic valve block steady with
Double nipple
water pump pliers as you do so. Pressure seal
7. Put down the open-ended spanner and the water
pump pliers and hold the magnetic valve block
steady with your hand. Aluminum valve
8. Use the other hand to unscrew the ADS container
and the double nipple from the magnetic valve
9. Now take the left-hand ADS container out of
the foam section.
10. Undo the screwed connection incl. angle
connector from the double nipple.




50 Repair information and repair instructions

1. In order to ascertain whether the ADS
container really needs changing, you should
weigh it.
A container needs changing when it has
absorbed approximately 50 g of moisture,
i.e. when it is approximately 50 g heavier.
Expiry weight = original weight + 50 g.
The two containers should always be changed
at the same time.

1. Take a new ADS container and ensure that
there is a pressure seal 55 on the thread of the
double nipple.
2. Screw the screwed connector onto the double
3. Take the second ADS container and ensure
that there is a pressure seal 55 on the thread
of the double nipple.
4. Screw the double nipple into the magnetic
valve block.
5. Tighten up the double nipple on the magnetic
valve block with the open-ended spanner.
Once the pressure seal between the double
nipple and the magnetic valve is squashed, never
screw the magnetic valve back, otherwise the
pressure seal will no longer seal effectively and a
new seal will be required.
6. Check whether the side with the magnetic 73
valve block coils and the screws for the clip
are flush. If this is not the case, undo the screw
for the clip a little, align the clip and screw up
7. Push the Y-connector 73 into the upper angular bush
on the ADS container.
8. Insert the ADS container in the foam section.
Please ensure that there are no cables or tubes
between the ADS container and the foam section.
9. Route cables and/or the tube in the lateral groove
in the foam section.
10. Restore the tube connections.
11. Insert the second ADS container in the foam section
and restore the tube connections.

Repair information and repair instructions 51

12. Finally, please check whether the cables and
tubes are correctly routed in the groove in the
foam section.
The cable for the 230 V voltage supply must be
routed in the left-hand side of the foam section.
13. Before you assemble the OXYMAT 3, please
check for leaks:
– connect the dosage unit 21 or the flowmeter
16 to the oxygen outlet 5.
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a power socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
– Set a flow of 4 l/min.
– Check for leaks by soaping all connection
points to the ADS containers with a foaming
agent (e.g. Gaspruf).
Do not use liquids or foaming agents to check for
leaks in the region of the solenoid valve, as
moisture could penetrate into the solenoid valve,
thereby causing corrosion which could prevent it
functioning properly.
14. If you discover a leak, rectify it.
15. Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
16. Remove the dosage unit 21 or the
flowmeter 16.
17. Place the foam section 44 in position.
18. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and
tighten them.
19. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
20. Perform a final check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

52 Repair information and repair instructions

7.14 Replace cover

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm,
• Open-ended spanner SW 17.

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the

109 110
appliance" on page 29).
2. Remove the adsorption container (see Section
7.11, 7.12 or 7.13 depending on model).
3. Unscrew the screw 109 and remove the
clip 110.
4. Take the cover off the adsorption container.

5. Take the spring off the cover. Double nipple 108 111 Spring
6. Take a new cover 108 and attach the spring.
If the plastic valve block is used, replace the
double nipple from the new cover with the
adapter 104 from the old cover.
7. Moisten the O-ring 111 slightly, e.g. with
“Snoop” leak detector.
8. Insert the cover in the adsorption container.

9. Put on the clip so that the screw is at the

nameplate. This allows the nameplate to be
read easily when fitted.
10. Apply some thread locker (e.g. Loctite 245,
WM 14920) to the thread of the screw.
11. Tighten the screw, max. torque
1.2 Nm ± 0.1 Nm.
12. Fit the adsorption container (see Section 7.11,
7.12 or 7.13 depending on model).
13. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
14. Perform a final check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

Repair information and repair instructions 53

7.15 Replacing the pressure reducer

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm,
• Open-ended spanner SW 17.

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the

appliance" on page 29).
2. Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener, and place them next to the O/I




3. Remove the foam section 44.


4. Carefully raise the operating panel and

detach the connector X13 for the shutoff valve.
5. Carefully pull out the right-hand ADS O/I

container. O/ I

6. Pull out the wiring harness for the shutoff valve.
7. Press the ADS container back into the foam

54 Repair information and repair instructions

8. Carefully pull the oxygen tank out of the foam
section 43.
9. Remove the tube 56 from the inlet to the X13
oxygen tank by pushing back the sleeve of the
angular bush (e.g. using a spanner from the
set) and pulling out the tube. 43

10. Detach tube 84 from the shutoff valve in the same



11. Using an open-ended spanner, take hold of

the double nipple between the oxygen tank
and the pressure reducer 82 and unscrew the
pressure reducer. 82

12. Place a new pressure seal 55 onto the double

nipple. 83
Caution !
The pressure seal has a profile on one side,
known as the sealing lip. This sealing lip must be
pointing towards the pressure reducer !
13. Screw the new pressure reducer 82 into place.
Caution !
Once the pressure seal between the double
nipple and the pressure reducer is squashed,
under no circumstances should you turn the 96
pressure reducer back; otherwise, the pressure 93
seal will no longer seal effectively.
14. Should screwed connector 93 or angle
connector 96 be broken, please replace them.
15. Check that the screw of the clip on the oxygen Top view
tank and the button on the pressure reducer
form an angle of approximately 45°.
If this is not the case, loosen the screw of the
clip slightly, align the clip and re-tighten it.
If the tightening screw to the pressure reducer is Button on the
ab pressure-reducer
not in the correct position, you will be unable to ou

place the foam sections on top of one another
properly later.

Repair information and repair instructions 55

16. Connect the wiring harness of the shutoff
valve 83 on X13 of the printed circuit board.
To do so:
– pull out the right-hand ADS container, 84
– lay the wiring harness behind the ADS
container. The spiral insulating tube must be
gripped in the upper groove of the foam
section 43.
– push the ADS container back into the foam
17. Slide the tube 56 into the inlet of the oxygen
tank as far as it will go.
18. Slide the tube 84 into the shutoff valve 83 as
far as it will go.

19. Before assembling the OXYMAT 3, check all

connection points for leaks:
– Connect the dosage unit 21 or flowmeter 16
to the oxygen outlet 5.
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch the appliance on. This starts the
internal leak test.
– Set a flow of 4/min.
– Check for leaks by soaping the connection
points to the ADS containers with a foaming
agent (e.g. Snoop).
– If you discover a leak, rectify it.
Do not use liquids or foaming agents to check for
leaks in the region of the solenoid valve 54, as
moisture could penetrate into the solenoid valve,
thereby causing corrosion which could prevent it
functioning properly. 54

20. Switch off the appliance and pull the power

cord 10 from the socket and from the
21. Remove the dosage unit 21 or the
flowmeter 16.
22. Place the foam section 44 in position.
Check that both foam pads 88 are in place.
23. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and
tighten them.
24. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the 44
appliance" on page 30).
25. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional 88
check" on page 10).

56 Repair information and repair instructions

7.16 Replacing the frame (up to appliance no. 19999)

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm,
• Side nippers.

It is easier to change the frame if you have another person to help you.
1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the
appliance" on page 29).
2. Remove the compressor (see “7.5 Replacing
the compressor (up to appliance no. 13350)”
on page 30, steps 3. to 7.).
3. Separate the two cable ties 65, which fix the
exhaust damper in position.


4. Remove the foam section 44.


5. Pull the two appliance connectors 59 upwards

out of the frame.

Repair information and repair instructions 57

6. Place one arm around the entire foam 000

7. With the other arm, support yourself against
the frame and lift up the foam sections
(including ADS containers, oxygen tank,
cooler, fan and operating panel).
Note: 65
If two people are working together, one of you 66
can lift up the foam sections with both arms whilst
the other holds the frame steady.
8. Position the new frame 58 (with appliance
label) on the castors.
9. Insert the foam sections into the frame.
10. Place the appliance connector 59 into the
groove of the frame.
11. Push the exhaust damper 66 backwards as far
as possible and secure it to the frame with two
cable ties 65.
12. Align all parts, such as ADS containers and
oxygen tank.
13. Check that the cables and tubes are laid in the
groove on the foam section. If necessary,
press them in.
14. Place the foam section 44 in position.
Check that both foam pads 88 are in place.
15. Install the compressor (see “7.5 Replacing the
compressor (up to appliance no. 13350)” on
page 30, steps 10. to 16.).



16. Place the lower edge of the front plates 46 into

the frame and tilt it against the foam section 45.
17. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and
tighten them.
18. Before assembling the housing, subject the 46
appliance to a test run:
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
You should not hear any unusual noises,
such as rattling and slipping.
– Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
19. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
20. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

58 Repair information and repair instructions

7.17 Replacing the frame (from appliance no. 20000)

Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249,
• Allen key 6 mm,
• Hexagon socket wrench 8 mm,
• Water-pump pliers.

It is easier to change the frame if you have another person to help you.
1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the
appliance" on page 29).
2. Remove the compressor (see “7.7 Replacing
the compressor (from appliance no. 15000)”
on page 36, steps 4. to 8.).
3. Remove the foam section 44.


4. Pull the two appliance connectors 59 upwards 000


out of the frame.

5. Place one arm around the entire foam
6. With the other arm, support yourself against
the frame and lift up the foam sections
(including ADS containers, oxygen tank,
cooler, fan and operating panel).
Note: 59
If two people are working together, one of you
can lift up the foam sections with both arms whilst
the other holds the frame steady.
7. Position the new frame 57 (with appliance
label) on the castors.
8. Insert the foam sections into the frame.
9. Place the appliance connector 59 into the
groove of the frame.
10. Align all parts, such as ADS containers and
oxygen tank.
11. Check that the cables and tubes are laid in the
groove on the foam section. If necessary,
press them in.

Repair information and repair instructions 59

12. Place the foam section 44 in position.
Check that both foam pads 88 are in place.
13. Install the compressor (see “7.7 Replacing the
compressor (from appliance no. 15000)” on
page 36, steps 11. to 17.).
14. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30). 88
15. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

7.18 Replacing magnetic valves with valve block

(up to appliance no. 34999)

This section describes conversion of the magnetic valves are damaged and need to be
appliances from two separate magnetic valves replaced.
WM 13151 to valve block WM 13179
(conversion set WM 15461).
The valve block was fitted in a variant with
Valve block WM 13179 is fitted as standard on
aluminum housing (WM 13177) in concentrators
OXYMAT 3 oxygen concentrators from appliance
with appliance numbers from 35000 to 39999.
number 40000. Old appliances can be
This variant is no longer available. The
converted in accordance with this section if the
Tools required:
• Spanner set WM 14249, • Hexagon socket wrench 20 mm,
• Allen key 6 mm, • Side nippers,
• Hexagon socket wrench 17 mm, • Conversion set WM 15461.
• Hexagon socket wrench 19 mm,

Removing magnetic valves

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the
appliance" on page 29).
2. Loosen the straps 42, without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener, and place them next to the O/I




60 Repair information and repair instructions

3. Remove the foam section 44.


4. Loosen the Y-connector 73 by pushing back

the sleeve (e.g. using a spanner from the set)
and pull out the angular bush. Remove the
outlet piping system WM 13265 from the
5. Disconnect plugs X10 and X11 from the
board. 53
6. Pull the right ADS container 53 out of the foam
7. The ADS container 53 and magnetic valve 54
are connected by a double nipple. Use a 17- 53
mm open-ended spanner to hold the double
nipple firm on the ADS container 53, and use
a second open-ended spanner (20 mm) to SW 17
unscrew the magnetic valve 54 from the SW 20
double nipple.
Be sure to use the 20-mm open-ended
spanner only in the position shown.
Otherwise parts of the magnetic valve could
break off. 54

8. Next, unscrew the ADS container by hand,

including the double nipple.
9. Repeat points 6. to 8. for the left ADS
10. Use spanner set WM 14249 to detach the
connecting tube, short 80 and hose, PA, 8 x 78
1, 115 long 79 of the inlet piping system, then 81
remove the right magnetic valve. 79
11. Use spanner set WM 14249 to detach the
connecting tube, long 81 and hose, PA, 8 x
1.65 long 78 and the T and push-in 80
connectors of the inlet piping system. Remove
the left magnetic valve.

Repair information and repair instructions 61

Unscrew the piping systems
1. Unscrew the connections to the air inlet and exhaust
hoses and remove the parts. These are:
– Connecting tube, long 81 WM 13277
– Connecting tube, short 80 WM 13276
– Push-in connector WM 13146
– Piping system, inlet WM 13270

For concentrators up to appliance no. 19999:

Also remove the exhaust hose and place it ready for
refitting (see point 5. onwards on page 64). Exhaust hose
(up to appliance
2. For concentrators from appliance No. 8000 onwards: no.19999
To remove the pressure measurement tube, first turn
the appliance so that the compressor is facing you,
then pull container 67 out of the foam section.

To ensure safe refitting, note the route followed by

pressure measurement tube 63. 63

Carefully remove the pressure measurement tube

from the pressure sensor on the board.
Use a diagonal cutter to cut through the cable
binders, then remove the pressure measurement tube
from the appliance.

Fit valve block to ADS container

1. Place one angle connector 98 in each of the
openings on the underside of the valve
block 97.


2. On one of the ADS containers, replace the

double nipple with the adapter for valve
block 104. 106
3. Moisten the O-ring 107 with oxygen lubricant 105
WM 14902. 107
4. Put the ADS container on the valve block and secure
the connection with the spring clip 105.

62 Repair information and repair instructions

Prepare second ADS container
1. Replace the pressure seal of the double nipple
with the sealing ring 112 and place the sealing
ring in the screwed connector 102.
2. Screw screwed connector 102 onto the double
nipple of the ADS container using a torque 112
wrench SW 17. Tighten up the screwed
connector 102, torque 2.5 Nm. Ensure that it is
not damaged in the process. 102
3. Put an angle connector 98 in the screwed
connector. 98

Steps 1. to 3. are not necessary for concentrators
up to appliance no. 7999. For these appliances, start with step 4..
1. Carefully push the new pressure measurement tube
99 (WM 13268, pressure sensor piping system)
from the back of the appliance (ADS container) /)

through the central foam section to the front of the 99 / )


appliance (compressor).
Take care that the pressure measurement tube is the
right way round. After installation in the appliance, /

the end with the T connector and push-in connector 

must be at the back of the appliance.

2. At the front of the appliance, lead the pressure
measurement tube 99 along behind container 67
and carefully fit the end of the pressure
measurement tube onto the pressure sensor on the

3. Place two new cable binders 65 around the new 99

pressure measurement tube 99, and around the
exhaust and inlet hoses. Pull the cable binders tight. 67
Push container 67 back into the corresponding
recess in the central foam section.


4. Place the ADS container with valve block in

the right-hand recess in the central foam

Repair information and repair instructions 63

5. Connect up the piping system. To do so, proceed
as follows:
– For all concentrators:
Push the piping system 101 (ADS container) firmly
into the connection on the side of the valve block.
– For concentrators from appliance No. 20000
Connect the exhaust hose to the rear angle
connector of the valve block. For this purpose use
exhaust piping system 100. 101


– For concentrators up to appliance no. 19999:

Fit an angle connector 95 and a connecting
tube, short 80 onto the push-in connector of the
exhaust hose.
– Wet the rear end of the exhaust hose with
Gaspruf. Push the exhaust hose through the
central foam section onto the exhaust damper.
May sure that the exhaust hose is pushed onto the
damper as far as it will go. While doing so, hold
the exhaust damper in position from the front of
the appliance.
– Push the connecting tube, short 105 of the
exhaust hose into the rear angle connector of the
Exhaust hose
valve block.

– For all concentrators:

Push the connecting tube 105 of the pressure
sensor piping system 99 firmly into the front angle
connector of the valve block.
– For concentrators up to appliance no. 7999:
Replace the pressure measurement tube of the
pressure sensor piping system 99 with the
blanking plug 106.

From appliance
no. 8000 onwards: 80

– For all concentrators:

Connect the inlet hose to the remaining angle
connector of the pressure sensor piping
system 99.

remaining angle 99
inlet hose connector

64 Repair information and repair instructions

6. Push plugs X10 and X11 (cables for valve
X10, X11
block) onto the appropriate connection
points on the board. Carefully locate the /)

cable in the groove to the side of the right / )


ADS container.


7. Fit the outlet piping system WM 13265

Tubing for outlet Cable guide groove
(non-return valves) to both ADS
8. Now place the ADS container with
angle connector in the left recess of the
central foam section and push the free
end of the ADS container piping system
101 onto the angle connector of the left
ADS container.
9. Before assembling the OXYMAT 3,
check it for leaks:
– Connect the dosage unit 21 or
flowmeter 16 to the oxygen outlet 5.
– Connect the power cord 10 to the
appliance and to a socket.
– Switch on the appliance.
– Set a flow of 4/min.
– Check for leaks by soaping all
connection points to the ADS
containers with a foaming agent (e.g.

Air supply hose

Exhaust air hose

Tubing, exhaust Valve block 97

air 100
Tubing for ADS
Tubing for pressure containers 101
sensor 99

Conversion to valve block – view complete

Repair information and repair instructions 65

Do not use liquids or foaming agents to check for
leaks in the region of the solenoid valve 54, as
moisture could penetrate into the solenoid valve,
thereby causing corrosion which could prevent it
functioning properly. 54

10. If you discover a leak, rectify it.

11. Switch off the appliance and pull the power
cord 10 from the socket and from the
12. Remove the dosage unit 21 or the flowmeter 16.
13. Place the foam section 44 in position.
Check whether the two foam pads are
present in the rear part of the EPP foam.
14. Place the straps 42 over the foam sections and
tighten them.



15. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the

appliance" on page 30).
16. Perform a functional check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

7.19 Replace magnetic valve block

This section describes the following processes:

• for concentrators with appliance numbers from • for concentrators with appliance numbers from
35000 to 39999: converting the valve block 40000: replacing the valve block with plastic
with aluminum housing (WM 13177) to valve housing (WM 13179)
block with plastic housing (WM 13179)
Tools required
• Spanner set WM 14249 • Open-ended spanner SW 20
• Allen key 6 mm • Side nippers
• Open-ended spanner SW 17 • Conversion set WM 15461
• Open-ended spanner SW 19

Dismantle magnetic valve block

1. Open the appliance (see "7.3 Opening the
appliance" on page 29).

66 Repair information and repair instructions

2. Loosen the straps 42 without pulling the strap O/I

out of the fastener and put next to the O/I




3. Take off the foam section 44.


4. Undo the Y-connector 73 by pushing back the

sleeve (e.g. using a spanner from the set) and 53
pull out the angular bush. Tilt one container
slightly out of the foam section to do so.
Remove the outlet piping system WM 13265
from the appliance. 73

5. Pull connectors X10 and X11 off the circuit

6. Pull the right-hand ADS container 53 out of the
foam section.
Steps 7. to 9. do not apply to concentrators
which already have a plastic valve block.
7. The ADS container 53 and the magnetic valve
block are connected to one another by a
double nipple.
Use an open-ended spanner SW17 to hold
the double nipple steady at the ADS container.
Hold the magnetic valve block steady with
water pump pliers and remove the ADS
container from the magneticvalve block.
8. Now unscrew the ADS container incl. double
nipple by hand.
9. Replace the double nipple of the ADS container with
the connecting adapter 104.
10. Remove the tubing from the valve block (see Double nipple
Pressure seal
“Unscrew the piping systems” on page 62).
11. Remove the two push-fit angle connectors from the
magnetic valve block and plug them into the same Aluminum
connectors of the new magnetic valve block.

Steps 12. to 13. do not apply to
concentrators with an aluminum magnetic
valve block.

Repair information and repair instructions 67

12. Release the connection between the ADS container
and the magnetic valve by taking the spring clip 105
out of the adapter for the valve block. 106
13. Take the ADS container off the magnetic valve. 105

14. Moisten the O-ring 107 with oxygen lubricant 107

WM 14902
15. Put the ADS container on the new valve block and
secure the connection with the spring clip 105.

Fit magnetic valve block

1. Put the ADS container and valve block into the
right-hand location in the central foam.
2. Prepare the tubing. Proceed as follows to do
– Push the tubing 101 (ADS container) firmly in
the side connection on the magnetic valve
– Connect the exhaust air hose or on
appliances up to appliance no. 19.999
the connecting pipe for the exhaust air
hose, to the rear angle connector of the
valve block.
– Push the connecting pipe firmly into the front
angle connector of the valve block.
3. Push connectors X10 and X11 (cabling for
valve block) onto the relevant connections of
the circuit board. Guide the cables carefully
into the groove to the side of the right-hand
ADS container.
4. Fit the outlet piping system WM 13265 (non-
return valves) to both ADS containers.
5. Put foam section 44 in position.
6. Close the appliance (see "7.4 Closing the
appliance" on page 30).
7. Perform a final check (see "5. Functional
check" on page 10).

68 Repair information and repair instructions

8. Spare parts

8.1 List of spare parts

The item numbers in the following table match the numbers in the text of these service and repair instructions.

Item no. Description Order No.

1 Handle for lifting or moving WM 13610
2 Push-button for On/Off knob WM 13515
4 Operating hours meter WM 13517
8 Twin castor with brake WM 1733
10 Power cord WM 13421
13 Set of coarse dust filters WM 15360
30 Suction filter WM 13190
31 Twin castor WM 1732
32 Stopper WM 13613
33 Cheese head screw M8 x 40 WM 50604
34 Spring washer WM 50395
35 Housing with label WM 13605
36 Plastic board WM 13521
37 Warning notice WM 13520
38 Service flap WM 13630
39 Fuse insert, DIN EN 660127-2 T, 2.5 H 250V WM 13422
Circuit board, replacement WM 13442
Circuit board, new WM 13460
41 Fillister-head screw KB 30 x 10 WM 13518
42 Strap system WM 13115
EPP foam section 1, centre section (up to appliance no. 19999) WM 13116
EPP foam section 1, centre section (from appliance no. 20000) WM 13157
44 EPP foam section 2, rear section WM 13117
45 EPP foam section 3, top front section WM 13118
46 Front plate, assembled WM 13625
47 Retaining bracket WM 13111
48 Compressor, repair set WM 13365
49 Capacitor WM 13356
50 Cooler, fitted, WM 13310
consisting of:
– Finned cooler WM 13312
– Stopper WM 12537
51 – Tube, silicone, woven, 8 x 3.5, 530 long WM 13321
– Clip WM 13314
– Coupling. WM 13122

Spare parts 69
Item no. Description Order No.
52 Fan WM 13185
53 Adsorption container, packs of 2 WM 13225
Magnetic valve, repair set WM 13152
Magnetic valve, replacement,repair set WM 13159
55 Pressure seal WM 13244
56 Tube, PU 4 x 1, 740 long WM 13108
Frame, fitted* (up to appliance no. 19999) WM 13171
Frame, fitted* (from appliance no. 20000) WM 13197
Frame, with notices* (up to appliance no. 19999) WM 13170
Frame, with notices* (from appliance no. 20000) WM 13196
59 Appliance connector WM 13420
Vibration damper (up to appliance no. 14999) WM 13125
“O-form” vibration damper (from appliance no. 15000) WM 13104
61 Tube set for pressure sensor
62 – nozzle, WM 13206
63 – tube, PU 4 x 1, 580 long, WM 13209
Tube, silicone, 8 x 3.5, 1160 long (up to appliance no. 19999) WM 13132
Exhaust hose (from appliance no. 20000) WM 13175
– Tube, silicone, 8 x 3,0, 900 long WM 13176
– Coupling WM 13122
– Connector WM 13167
65 Cable tie WM 13148
Exhaust damper, complete,
consisting of:
66 – Exhaust filter housing, complete WM 13129
– Foam cartridge
– Noise suppressor
Piping, vacuum, WM 13145
consisting of:
67 – Container WM 13140
68 – Tube, silicone, 8 x 3.5, 400 long WM 13137
69 – Coupling WM 13122
70 – Tube, silicone, 8 x 3.5, 239 long WM 13136
71 – Connector with foam cartridge WM 13133
– Clip
– Foam sheet
Piping, outlet, WM 13265
consisting of:
72 – Nozzle tube, fitted WM 13290
73 – Y-connector WM 13283
74 – Elbow connector WM 13282
75 – Non-return valve, fitted WM 13294
76 – T-joint WM 13284

70 Spare parts
Item no. Description Order No.
Piping, inlet, WM 13270
consisting of:
77 – T-joint WM 13274
78 – Hose, PA, 8 x 1. 65 long WM 13271
79 – Hose, PA, 8 x 1. 115 long WM 13272
– Elbow connector. WM 13273
Tube set, inlet, pressure sensor WM 13255
– T-connector, WM 13274
80 – Connecting pipe, short, WM 13276
– Elbow connector, WM 13273
81 – Connecting pipe, long, WM 13277
– Plug-in connector. WM 13204
82 Pressure reducer, complete WM 13188
83 Shutoff valve WM 13184
84 Tube, PU, 4 x 1, 480 long WM 13107
85 Plug-in connector WM 13204
86 Cable harness, non-heating appliance circuit board WM 13431
87 Cable harness, circuit board – compr. + fan WM 13432
88 Foam plate WM 13106
89 Clip WM 13314
90 Washer WM 53536
91 Spring washer WM 50370
92 Hexagonal nut WM 50924
93 Screwed socket G1/8 WM 13281
94 Screwed socket G1/4 WM 13153
95 Elbow connector G1/4 WM 13273
96 Elbow connector G1/8 WM 13527
97 Magnetic valve block, plastic WM 13179
98 Push-fit angle connector WM 13146
99 Tubing for pressure sensor, conversion set WM 13268
100 Tubing for exhaust air, conversion set WM 13267
101 Tubing, ADS container WM 13212
102 Screw-in connector WM 13218
103 Blind plug for tubing, pressure sensor WM 13268 WM 13202
104 Adapter for valve block WM 13248
105 Spring clip WM 28052
106 O-ring; 10.5 – 2 WM1145/147
107 O-ring; 12 – 1 WM1145/56
108 Cover, preassembled WM 13240
109 Tapered flange clip D95 WM 13252
110 Cap screw M6x30 EN ISO 7045 WM 53115
111 O-ring; 73-3 WM1145/60

Spare parts 71
Item no. Description Order No.
112 Sealing ring 8-11-1.5 WM 13233
F1 Fuse insert IEC 127-2-T-L 400 mA WM 13426
F2 Fuse insert IEC 127-2-T-L 400 mA WM 13426
F3 Fuse insert IEC 127-2-T-L 1.25 A WM 13427
Control panel, printed WM 13510
for dosage monitor:
measuring tube, compl., 5 l WM 13725
measuring tube, compl., 3 l WM 13726
O-ring 10-1, 3 WM 1145/47
for flow meter:
measuring tube, compl., 5 l WM 13660
measuring tube, compl., 3 l WM 13662
flow meter sleeve WM 1284
O-ring 7-1, 5 WM 1145/40
O-ring 22-1, 5 WM 1145/69
Service bag WM 13632
Service card WM 16196
Pin, chrome-plated WM 13615
Split rivet WM 13617
Label, fire WM 0957
Instructions for use WM 16641
Packaging, complete WM 14570

* When ordering, please specify the model, appliance number and year of construction

8.2 Maintenance set

Maintenance set, 5,000 operating hours

Set WM 15299
consisting of:
• 1 coarse dust filter WM 13631,
• 1 suction filter WM 13190,
• 1 sealing ring for connecting nipple WM 1145/31,
• 1 set of spare parts (for humidifier) WM 15038.

72 Spare parts
9. Tools, testing equipment, disinfectants

Below is a list of all tools and test equipment used in these service and repair instructions.
The particular tools and test equipment required are explained in the relevant chapters.
Special tools can be purchased from the manufacturer Weinmann.

9.1 General tools and test equipment

• Cross-head screwdriver, size 1; • Multimeter

for testing voltage, current and resistance;
• Cross-head screwdriver, size 2;
• Leak detection agent “Snoop”,
• Open-ended spanner SW 17;
available in various sizes:
• Open-ended spanner SW 19; 2 oz = 60 ml, 8 oz = 235 ml,
• Open-ended spanner SW 20; 1 gal = 3,8 l,
• Allen key with tee-handle SW 6, Germany
150 mm long (WM 14250); B.E.S.T. Ventil + Fitting GmbH Frankfurt
• Side nippers; Robert-Bosch-Straße 20
63477 Maintal
• Flat nose pliers;
Tel.: +49 6181 4332-0
• Hexagon socket wrench 8 mm; Fax: +49 6181 4332-39
• Spanner set WM 14249; Internet: www.swagelok.com.

• Conversion set WM 15461; • Universal cleaning agent WM 14937

• Balance, • Loctite 245 WM 14920

tolerance 1 g;

9.2 Special tools and test equipment

• Oxygen measuring device,

e. g. OXYcontrol ; WM 13550
• Respiratory tube, WM 5726
4 x 7 mm, 2 m long,
for connecting the oxygen measuring device
to the pressure reducer of the oxygen cylinder;
• Respiratory tube, WM 5772
4 x 7 mm, 1.5 m long,
for connecting the oxygen measuring device
to the bubble humidifier;
• Tightening and loosening aids for metric
connectors. WM 14249
• Test pressure gauge WM 13098
0 - 2.5 bar, Class 1,6,
for apliance outlet pressure;
for O2 tank inlet
• T-connector, WM 13284
for fitting test pressure gauge 4/1

Tools, testing equipment, disinfectants 73

• Oxygen cylinder with adjustable WM 33100
pressure reducer HIT,
• STURTEVANT RICHMONT Torque indicator spanner
measuring range: 1.2 to 6 Nm
permanently set to: 2.5 ± 0 .1 Nm
Hahn + Kolb order no.: 52249-200
• STURTEVANT RICHMONT Tool with T-handle
open-ended spanner SW17
Hahn + Kolb order no.: 52250-200
Order from:
Hahn + Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
Borsigstr. 50
D – 70469 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49/711/9813 - 0
Fax: +49/711/9813 - 354
e-mail: infohahn-kolb.de
Internet: www.hahn-kolb.de

9.3 Disinfectants

• TERRALIN Order from:

• MIKROZID LIQUID Schülke & Mayr GmbH
Robert-Koch-Str. 2
D–22851 Norderstedt
Tel.: +49/40/52 100 - 0
Fax: +49/40/52 100 - 318
Internet: www.schuelkemayr.de

74 Tools, testing equipment, disinfectants

10. Technical Data

Product category according to
Dimensions W x H x D in mm 400 x 700 x 350
Weight approx. 20 kg
Temperature range:
– Operation + 10 to + 40 °C
– Storage – 20 to + 70 °C
Power supply 230 V, 50 Hz
Power output / current consumption 360 W / 1.6 A
Mains fuse DIN EN 60127-2 T 2.5 A H 250V
Classification acc. to EN 60601-1:
– Protection against electric shock Class 2
– Degree of protection against Type B
electric shock
Electromagnetic compatibility:
– Radio interference suppression EN 55011 (VDE 0875 T.11)
– Radio interference resistance IEC 1000-4 Parts 2-6 and 11
Sound pressure level approx. 40 dB(A) (from appliance no. 20000)
O2 output
95 (+1/–3) Vol % O2 1 to 4 l/min
(values after 10 min. operation at + 20 °C,
90 (± 3) Vol % O2 4 to 5 l/min
50 % relative humidity and 1013 mbar)
O2 output at 2000 m above msl 90 ± 3 Vol % O2 at 5 l/min
Oxygen outlet pressure 0.6 bar = 60 kPa
0.5 to 5.5 l/min
Flow rate (read at top of ball)
0.2 to 3.0 l/min
O2 status indicator OSCI
according to DIN EN ISO 8359.51.9 Installed
Warning at < 82 VOL % O2
Fault warning Visual and acoustic
Actuating pressure of pressure relief mechanism 3 bar = 300 kPa
Servicing After 1 year / every 5000 operating hours
– Case PP
– Foam sections PP

Subject to technical change without notice.

Technical Data 75
10.1 Arrangement of the PCBs

S3 S5

X10 X11 X13 S2






76 Technical Data
11. Technical Changes

Technical change from Device No. Date

EPP foam section 4, bottom front, Item 47 WM 13119
13.000 13.11.00
replaced by front plate, assembled WM 13625.
Vibration damper Item 60 WM 13125 replaced by
13.000 13.11.00
“Vibration damper, complete”, WM 13143.
Item 48 compressor type 2650 WM 13355 is replaced
by compressor type 2660. For replacement purposes
only “Compressor, repair set WM 13365” is available.
Length of Item 51 tube, silicone, woven, 8x3.5
(WM 13321) altered from 530 mm to 610 mm.
13.350 30.11.00
Item 50 cooler, assembled, no longer includes the
coupling WM 13122.
Length of Item 68 tube, silicone, woven, 8x3.5
(WM 13137) altered from 400 mm to 450 mm.
Item 69 coupling WM 13122 no longer present.
Vibration damper, complete, Item 60 WM 13143, is
15.000 03.04.01
replaced by “O-form” vibration damper, WM 13104.
Chassis WM 13110 replaced by Chassis WM 13156 20.000 05.11.01
EPP foam section 1, centre section, Item 43 WM 13116,
replaced by EPP foam section 1, centre section 20.000 05.11.01
WM 13157
Mac magnetic valves WM 13151 replaced by valve
35.000 10.05.04
block 13177
Material of cover WM 13241 changed. 38.770 01.06.2005

Technical Changes 77
Device master data Maintenance and repair work carried out in accordance with service documents

O2 concentra- Service performed in

tion (%) Measures / comments accordance with OXYMAT 3
Manufacturer: Weinmann GmbH + Co. at 4 l/min service instructions
22525 Hamburg

Device model: OXYMAT 3

Repair and inspection log

Device no.: __________________
___________ ________________
Date Signature
Date commissioned: ________________

Operator :

___________ ________________
Date Signature
12. Repair and inspection log


________________________________ ___________ ________________

Date Signature



___________ ________________
Date Signature
13. Test report

Test report in accordance with service and

repair instructions for OXYMAT 3

Medical retailer: IK-No.:

• Patient
Name: First name: Health insurance No.:


• Appliance
Appliance: Oxygen concentrator Oxymat 3 Manufacturer: Weinmann

Device No.: Year of construction: Operating hours:

• Findings OK OK

Visual inspection/mechanical inspection according to service instructions

Accessories included: Power cord

Dosage monitor

20 m Tube

10 m Tube
3 m Tube

Nose piece
Flow meter

General condition of housing checked

Coarse dust filter checked for dirt

Power cord checked for damage

Fuse set checked regarding correct or missing fuses

Functional check in accordance with service instructions

Main switch/LED displays checked

Dosage monitor checked for leaks

Flow meter checked for leaks

Operating hours counter checked

O2 concentration checked (95 + 1/-3 vol.% at 4 l/min) Measured value: vol.%

Warning for power failure checked

Status indicator (up to appliance No. 8000) and negative pressure alarm checked

Self-test (from appliance No. 8000) checked

Test report 79
• Maintenance OK OK

Maintenance carried out after 5,000/10,000 etc. operating hours or once every year in accordance with
service instructions
Replacement of suction filter WM 13190

Replacement of coarse dust filter WM 13631

Maintenance report completed

Faults and possible causes

Repair necessary: yes no

• Final check OK OK

Visual inspection (housing and power cord intact, coarse dust filter fitted properly)

Functional test of the control and operating elements

Test of the alarms

O2 concentration at 4 l/min: 95 + 1/-3 vol.% Measured value: vol.%

If repaired: all functions of the repaired parts tested

• Comments

Findings / maintenance / repair / final repair carried out

Date: Name: Company:

WM-No. 13004

80 Test report
For decades Weinmann has been

developing, producing and marketing

medical devices for markets around

the world. In cooperation with our

partners we design economic health

systems for diagnosis and therapy in

Sleep Medicine, Home Mechanical

Ventilation, Oxygen Medicine

and Emergency Medicine.

WM 16642e · 03/07

Geräte für Medizin GmbH + Co. KG
P.O. Box 540268 · D-22502 Hamburg
Phone +49/40/5 47 02-0
Fax +49/40/5 47 02-461
E-Mail [email protected]
Internet www.weinmann.de

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