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Microsurgical Radiofrequency Generator

for ENT and in Plastic/Esthetic Surgery
CURIS® Precision thanks to AutoRF ™

The AutoRF ™ function is the main control feature of the CURIS®. It responds to tissue impedance in all modes and controls
and adjusts the power output according to tissue resistance. AutoRF ™ the CURIS® will tailor the energy output
(if need be even cut off or drive to the chosen maximum) in order to ensure reproducible surgical results while cutting
or coagulating.

RaVoR™-Mode: The pulsed power output with short intervals Monopolar cutting: Sections 1 to 5 show the different kinds of
between the individual packages gives enough time for the tissues and cutting speeds to which the unit adjusts its power
coagulated tissue to absorb the applied energy. output automatically.

When for instance dissecting different types of tissue in one cut (skin, fat, muscles), the unit has to process and respond
to the AutoRF ™ data in a flash. For this reason the CURIS®, like modern mainframe computers, has two microprocessors
for additional safety and speed. Instead of conventional cables, signal transmission is guaranteed by light fibres that
transmit signals at high-speed and without any loss of quality.

CURIS® Microsurgical Radiofrequency Generator

One unit – many applications

Versatility in ENT 4
Plastic and Esthetic Surgery 12
CURIS® Basic Set 14
Instrument Sets .
........................................................................ 16
Technical Data 17

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CURIS® Versatility in ENT

Bipolar radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction, RaVoR™ - Radiofrequency Volume Reduction

using Sutter technology, appears to have promising (of the turbinates, soft palate, tongue base, etc.)
results for patients with snoring and mild OSA. One AutoRF ™ is an intelligent mode with impedance
treatment session resulted in significant reduction in control that will tailor the power output of the
snoring intensity, improvement in sleep quality and CURIS® to the tissue condition. As soon as the
QOL, and reduction in daytime sleepiness. right size of a lesion has been achieved, the
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology (2009), 123, 750-754 CURIS® generator will automatically stop the
activation (AUTO STOP mode) and give an
acoustic signal.

If desired, an acoustic feedback function (AUDIO

FEEDBACK) can be activated for additional safety.
Endonasal RF surgery While the lesion is created, a change in tissue
condition is signalled according to a predefined
RaVoR™ pitch (the further the lesion progresses, the higher
of the turbinates
the activation sound).
RF otoplasty

RaVoR™ of the soft palate % 50

NAS Score
RF uvulopalatopharyn- 40
goplasty (UPPP)
RF tonsillotomy/TE

of the tongue base
0 1 2 3 4
RaVoR™ of the
tongue base tonsills
Pat. preop. Pat. postop.

RF for the larynx

Snoring intensity pre- and post-operatively after treatment of nasal
turbinates and soft palate
Marinescu, A. (2004) Bipolare Radiofrequenz-Volumenreduktion mit
“ORL-Set” bei habituellem Rhonchus. Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 83: 610 – 616

RaVoR™ of the tongue base

70 04 99
Bipolar RaVoR™ needle electrode for the tongue base

In my clinical practice I successfully make use

of the tongue-base radiofrequency procedure.
My experience shows that when using this
minimally invasive method together with other
surgical techniques, the outcome of sleep-rela-
ted breathing disorder surgery can be improved.
The treatment is useful and should be conside-
red in the treatment of patients with tongue-
base collapse.
M. A. Sarte, MD, The Medical City
Manila (Philippines)
Puncture sites for the treatment of the The low profile of the instrument and its
tongue base strong shaft enable the surgeon to insert
the probe at the back of the tongue.

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RaVoR™ of the turbinates

70 04 62
Bipolar RaVoR™ needle electrode type “Binner”

RaVoR™ is a modern surgical technique showing

good and long-lasting treatment results when used to Schematic view of the puncture sites for the
reduce the volume of hypertrophic turbinates. At the same application of radiofrequency energy of the
hypertrophic turbinates.
time it preserves the mucosa and its function.
R. Romeo, MD, Israelitic Hospital
Rome (Italy)

The procedure is safe and, for the surgeon, it is fast and easy
to perform. Unlike with other radiofrequency systems the probes
supplied are re-usable and may be autoclaved to keep the cost per
procedure reasonable. Inferior turbinate – Preoperative condition
M. A. Sarte, MD, The Medical City and six months postoperatively with signi-
ficantly enlarged nasal passage.
Manila (Philippines)

RaVoR™ of the soft palate


70 04 95
Bipolar RaVoR™ needle electrode for the soft palate

RaVoR™ is successful in the short and long

term. The re-usable probes make the treat-
ment affordable for more patients.
C. Neruntarat, MD, Faculty of Medicine
Bangkok (Thailand)

The radiofrequency assisted soft palate proce-

dure is a minimally invasive, safe and quick
procedure. It is well tolerated by patients. We Dissection of surplus uvula tissue and inci-
sion lines for the triangular excision of the
have not observed any bleeding that needed posterior palatal pillars. (With microdissec-
special attention. Puncture sites for the application of radio- tion electrode ARROWtip™, REF: 36 03 42)
frequency energy in the soft palate
D. Brehmer, MD
Göttingen (Germany)

RaVoR™ of “Webbing“

70 04 89
Bipolar needle electrode for “webbing“

For the posterior pillars alone two sessions may Pillar immediately after radiofrequency
be required. It is noteworthy that there have not c
been any perioperative or postoperative compli-
cations and hardly any bleedings. This method is a
ideal for the office-based setting.
A. Marinescu, MD b
Winnenden (Germany)

Histology of the pillar: Coagulation and

necrosis (a), thrombosis (b), atrophic
muscle (c)
Retracted pillar one week post-operatively

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To scale 1:1 Bipolar RaVoR™ electrodes autoclavable
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . autoklavierbar
. . . . . . . . . . . 134°C


70 04 62
Bipolar RaVoR™ needle electrode type “Binner” with protective insulation,
Working length 110 mm


Other products for treatment in the nose

71 50 15 36 08 17 70 21 81
Monopolar suction tube Monopolar ball electrode Bipolar forceps
Ø 3.3 mm, Lumen 2.0, WL: 13 cm Ø 3 mm, WL: 20 mm Bayonet, length: 20 cm, tips: 1 mm
71 50 19 36 04 62
Monopolar suction tube, malleable Monopolar ball electrode
Ø 4.3 mm, Lumen 2.9, WL: 13 cm Ø 4 mm, WL: 110 mm


70 04 95
Bipolar RaVoR™ needle electrode for the soft palate with protective insulation,
Working length 110 mm

70 04 89
Bipolar RaVoR™ electrode for the posterior pillars with protective insulation,
1:1 Working length 110 mm

Ideal product combination for RF surgery of the soft palate

36 03 42 70 01 75
Monop. ARROWtip™ Electrode Bipolar forceps
Ø 0.3 mm, WL: 65 mm Length: 19 cm, angled tips: 1 mm

6 | Sutter · CURIS ® · 2017 *The listed working lengths serve as a guideline and may be rounded up or down. The actual lengths may vary slightly.
To scale 1:1 Bipolar RaVoR™/ENT electrodes autoclavable
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . autoklavierbar
. . . . . . . . . . . 134°C

70 04 99
Bipolar RaVoR™ needle electrode for the tongue base with protective insulation,
Working length 110 mm


70 04 97
Bipolar RaVoR™ needle electrode for the tongue-base tonsils with protective
insulation, Working length 141 mm


70 04 65
Bipolar electrode for ENT for coagulation of the pharyngeal tonsils,
Working length 110 mm, 45° angled


70 04 66
Bipolar electrode for ENT for coagulation of the pharyngeal tonsils,
Working length 100 mm, 90° angled

70 04 55
Bipolar electrode for ENT for coagulation of the nose, Working length 80 mm

70 04 50
1:1 Bipolar electrode for ENT for coagulation of the tonsils, Working length 110 mm

70 04 51
Bipolar electrode for ENT for coagulation of the larynx, Working length 270 mm

70 04 52
Bipolar electrode for ENT for coagulation of the larynx, Working length 270 mm

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Radiofrequency Tonsillotomy
Tonsillotomy with radiofrequency is a safe and easy-to-learn procedure. Child-
ren with symptomatic tonsillar hyperplasia profit from it enormously. Compa-
red to all other procedures for removing parts of or even all tonsillar tissue
we prefer radiofrequency tonsillotomy for children with symptomatic tonsillar
hyperplasia without chronic tonsillitis.
R. Hirt, MD, Dessau (Germany)

Fig. left:
The protruding part of the tonsil is cut along
the incision line and parallel to the palatal
Fig. right:
Surgical site during radiofrequency


Radiofrequency Tonsillectomy
The newly designed To-BiTE™ clamp com-
bining four functions in one instrument is a
safe and effective tool for performing tonsil-
lectomies. Vis-à-vis the traditional approach,
it seems to make tonsillectomies faster and
easier.“ Tonsillar dissection Identification of glosso pharyngeal nerve
P. Tolsdorff, MD
Bad Honnef (Germany)

Small vessel before coagulation Wound immediately after tonsillectomy


Radiofrequency of the Larynx

Compared to laser procedure, microelectrodes used with radiofrequency enhance the surgical technique by giving
tactile feedback and other advantages. No special safety precautions are necessary and scarring is similar in both
procedures. Made of super-hard tungsten and especially designed to reach every part of the laryngeal anatomy,
micro-tips in different angles allow good access to the surgical field. We have operated on 92 tumors, mainly T1
glottic tumors, using the ARROWtip™ electrodes.
Prof. J. Basterra, Valencia (Spain)
Fig. left:
Cordectomy type V.
Arrow indicates internal surface of
thyroid cartilage
Fig. right:
Endoscopic view of the operating field

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Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ 134°C

36 03 42 autoclavable 134°C
Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ angled, 65 mm

36 03 65
Tonsillotomy electrode ARROWtip™ angled, 65 mm

Other products for the treatment of the tonsils

70 01 75 71 50 19
Bipolar forceps Monopolar suction tube, malleable
Length: 19 cm, angled tips: 1 mm Ø 4.3 mm, Lumen 2.9, WL: 13 cm

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90°C

To-BiTE™ non-stick for bipolar RF Tonsillectomy 134°C

autoclavable 134°C

70 09 60SG autoclavable
To-BiTE™ bipolar non-stick tonsillectomy clamp
37 01 54R
Bipolar CURIS® cable for To-BiTE™/Calvian™ (not shown)

Other products for tonsillectomy

70 01 75 70 01 76 36 04 40
Bipolar forceps Bipolar forceps Blade electrode
Length: 19 cm, angl. tips: 1 mm Length: 19 cm, angl. tips: 2 mm Working length: 32 mm

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90°C

Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ for RF of the Larynx 134°C

210 mm
autoclavable 134°C
1:1 Monopolar ARROWtip™ electrode, Working length: 210 mm

36 03 71 36 03 72 36 03 73 36 03 74 36 03 75
straight 45° angled dwn. 90° angled dwn. 90° angled upw. 45° angled upw.

Other products for treatment of the larynx

71 50 17
Monopolar suction tube
Ø 3.3 mm, Lumen 2.0, Working length: 25.5 cm

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Radiofrequency in Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic endonasal sinus surgery demands subtle hemostasis and the
precise cutting performance of the instruments employed. The disadvantages
of “cold steel” can be levelled out favourably by the application of radio-
frequency current through an angled probe.
Prof. T. Kühnel, Regensburg (Germany)

The uncinate process incised and Incision starting at the cranial The posterior part of the uncinate Nearly bloodless incision at
lifted anteriorly. Arrow (a) indicates attachment of right uncinate process can be incised by means of the anterior edge of the uncinate
the incised anterior edge, arrow (b) process utilizing angled mono- the angled tip. No deterioration of process.
indicates posterior margin. polar RF probe. ARROWtip™ the inferior turbinate.
(REF: 36 03 42).

Radiofrequency treatment of Epistaxis

Blood vessels on the surface of the nasal mucosa are often the cause for recurrent nasal bleeding.
Radiofrequency coagulation (RF coagulation) is a new method for the treatment of such vessels with
the advantage of causing less thermal damage to the surrounding mucosa. Recurrent epistaxis predo-
minantely occurs in Osler‘s disease. Despite a broad armamentarium of treatment methods, successful
therapy in this patient group is difficult to achieve. RF coagulation is an inexpensive alternative to laser
treatment, and preliminary results are promising.
Prof. B. J. Folz; C.-G. Konnerth, MD, Lippspringe (Germany)

Patient with Rendu-Osler-Weber Intraoperative view during radiofre- Result of radiofrequency treatment
syndrome, pre-operative findings quency treatment of nasal heredi- six months post-operatively
tary haemorrhagic telangiectasia

Radiofrequency in Oral Surgery

Radiofrequency excision of lesions in the oral cavities (tongue, tongue base, buccal mucosa,
lips or base of the mouth) such as benign and malign tumors as well as precancerous lesions
is a gentle and very easy treatment which can be done under local anaesthesia.
S. Arndt, MD; E. Rieh, MD, Freiburg (Germany)

Sublingual Papilloma on the right Reduced-bleeding excision of Post-operative site after precise and
side the papilloma with a monopolar full tumor resection
needle electrode ARROWtip™
(REF 36 03 22)

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Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ 134°C

36 03 42 autoclavable 134°C
Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ angled, 65 mm

Other products for treatment in sinus surgery autoclavable

45° 70 09 46
Calvian® bipolar clamp with suction, WL 23 cm

37 01 54R
Bipolar CURIS® cable for To-BiTE™/Calvian®
(not shown)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90°C

(Malleable) Ball electrode 134°C

1:1 A R · B I EG


B LE ·


36 08 17
autoclavable 134°C
Malleable RF ball electrode, ball Ø 3.0 mm, WL: 20 mm

36 04 62
RF ball electrode, ball Ø 4.0 mm, long shaft, WL: 110 mm

Other products for epistaxis

71 50 10
Monopolar suction tube
Ø 4.0 mm, Lumen 2.8,
WL: 13 cm

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90°C

Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ 134°C

1:1 autoclavable
autoclavable 134°C

36 03 22
Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ 90° angled, Working length 20 mm

Other products for oral surgery

36 08 14 70 01 50
Loop electrode Bipolar forceps
loop Ø 5 mm Length: 16.5 cm, straight tips: pointed

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CURIS® Plastic and Esthetic Surgery

Radiofrequency surgery causes less lateral tissue damage than conventional

electrosurgery. Consequently faster wound healing and a better cosmetic
outcome can be expected. Studies have even shown better cosmetic results
Otoplasty for radiofrequency skin surgery than for CO2 laser applications. Radiofrequency
also improves operation comfort by enabling germ-free and pressure-free cuts
Face-lifts with minimal bleeding in a very cost-effective way.
R. Kasten, MD
Mainz (Germany)

warts, etc. Radiofrequency Electrosurgery

(„Tummy Tuck“) Lateral thermal damage following radio- Lateral thermal damage after conventional
frequency excision: 155 µm electrosurgery excision: 286 µm

Precise cutting allows the tissue to heal with minimal postoperative pain and
scarring. The degree of haemostasis is determined by the surgeon. It goes
without saying that the CURIS® will produce clear, clean cuts. This only works
when the energy delivered is highly focussed and there is minimal lateral heat
The frequency of 4 MHz and AutoRF ™ combine to create a homogenous
electromagnetic field. For the unit to adjust to ever changing conditions during
cutting skin, fat, muscle in one stroke, active performance control with AutoRF ™
is able to ensure reproducible results.

Best possible coagulation results, according to the doctor’s requirements,

with two bipolar modes. For instruments with wider tips of 1 mm and more, the
MACRO mode is ideal. The advantage of fine instruments – their precision – is
enhanced by the PRECISE mode, which can be adjusted in steps of 0.5 watts.
Its gentleness and characteristics guarantee safe coagulation results during
subtle interventions and near sensitive structures.

Hemangioma on the upper arm Excision of a hemangioma with minimal bleeding

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Radiofrequency Ablation of Papular Melanocytic Naevi

A R · B I EG
1:1 GB


Ø 1.0 mm

B LE ·

36 08 16 BL

Malleable ball electrode, WL: 20 mm

The range of radiofrequency surgery has

now been extended to ablative, vaporising
methods in aesthetic medicine. This novel
method complements the armamentarium
of the dermatologist in the operating room Papular nevus on left cheek Tangential excision of papular nevus

as well as those of the plastic surgeon and

ENT specialist. Elevated benign naevi may
now be removed elegantly and painlessly
producing excellent cosmetic results.
R. Kasten, MD
Mainz (Germany)

Removing the remaining part of the lesion Eight weeks after radiofrequency ablation
with gentle movements


Microdissection electrode ARROWtip™ for dermatology

20 mm Ø 2.4 mm
Ø 0.3 mm
36 03 20
autoklavierbar ARROWtip™ electrode
autoclavable 134°C straight, Working length 20 mm

Ø 0.3 mm
autoclavable 36 03 21
ARROWtip™ electrode
short 45° angled, Working length 20 mm

Ø 0.3 mm

36 03 22
ARROWtip™ electrode
90° angled, Working length 20 mm

30 mm

Ø 0.3 mm

36 03 25
ARROWtip™ electrode
straight, Working length 30 mm

Ø 0.3 mm
36 03 28
ARROWtip™ electrode
45° angled, Working length 30 mm

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CURIS® Basic set /Accessories

CURIS® Basic set

87 00 10 – CURIS® basic set with single-use patient plates

Qty. REF Description

1 360100-01 CURIS® radiofrequency generator (incl. mains cord, user‘s manual and test protocol)
1 360110 Footswitch two pedals for CURIS® (cut & coag), 4 m cable
1 370154L Bipolar cable for CURIS®, length 3 m
1 360704 Monopolar handpiece (pencil) cut & coag, shaft 2.4 mm, cable 3 m
1 360238 Cable for single use patient plates, length 3 m
1 (x50) 360222 Safety patient plates, single use, packing 5 x 10 pcs. (not shown)

Optional model
CURIS® basic set with re-usable patient plate (REF 870020)

Instrument sets for ENT

87 86 05 – RaVoR™ Set for Surgery

Qty. REF Description

2 70 04 62 RaVoR™ (Binner) probe for turbinate reduction

1 70 04 95 RaVoR™ probe for the soft palate
1 70 04 89 RaVoR™ probe for the posterior pillars
2 36 03 28 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 30 mm, angled
2 36 03 42 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 65 mm, angled
1 80 00 00 Container with accessories (31 x 10 x 19 cm)
1 70 17 47 Instrument tray

87 00 05 – RaVoR™ Set for Hospital

Qty. REF Description

1 70 04 62 RaVoR™ (Binner) probe for turbinate reduction

1 70 04 95 RaVoR™ probe for the soft palate
1 70 04 89 RaVoR™ probe for the posterior pillars
1 70 04 99 RaVoR™ probe for the tongue base
2 36 03 28 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 30 mm, angled
2 36 03 42 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 65 mm, angled
1 80 00 00 Container with accessories (31 x 10 x 19 cm)
1 70 17 47 Instrument tray

Radiofrequency set for ENT surgery

Qty. REF Description

1 70 01 75 Bipolar forceps, straight, length 19 cm, tips 1.0 mm angled

1 70 21 81 Bipolar forceps, bayonet, length 20 cm, tips 1.0 mm
1 70 01 78 Bipolar forceps type „Meuser“, length 18 cm, tips 2.0 mm
2 36 03 42 ARROWtip™ microdissection needle monopolar, WL 65 mm, angled
2 36 03 21 ARROWtip™ microdissection needle monopolar, WL 20 mm, angled
2 36 04 43 Loop electrode monopolar, ball Ø 10 mm
2 36 04 40 Blade electrode monopolar
1 80 00 00 Container with accessories (31 x 10 x 19 cm)
1 70 17 47 Instrument tray

14 | Sutter · CURIS ® · 2017

CURIS® 4 MHz-Technology


The higher the frequency, the less the resistance of Muscle

biological tissue to electromagnetic fields – up to the point
Fat tissue
where the cell membranes are capacitively coupled.
This is exactly what happens with the 4 MHz produced by
the CURIS® (both in the monopolar and the bipolar modes).
The electromagnetic fields are active in the tissue cells –
not, as is the case with conventional electrosurgical units,
between the cells.
As a result energy is administered gently and in a highly
focused fashion. For example precise monopolar cuts are
possible while lateral heat damage is reduced.
This diagram shows the permittivity of tissue, which depends on
the frequency of the electromagnetic field.

Conventional electrosurgical units: The electromagentic field con- CURIS® 4 MHz: Cell membranes are conductive and the energy is
centrates between the cells and heats up only the outer layer. absorbed evenly inside the cells. The result are highly focussed
tissue effects.

CURIS® p3 TM-Technology

p3TM is active in all coagulation modes of the CURIS®. Radiofrequency energy is delivered in small packages of about 50
per second. Due to the pulsed power output, there are very short breaks between the individual packages. The tissue has
the time to absorb and distribute the energy and will generally be less traumatised. Highly-focussed, yet gentle coagulation
with minimal thermal damage is possible. The p3TM process is, of course also, AutoRF ™ controlled.

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CURIS® Accessories

Instrument sets for ENT

Radiofrequency set for nose surgery

Qty. REF Description

1 70 08 60 Bipolar forceps with suction canal, bayonet, length 20 cm, tips 1.4 mm
1 70 21 81 Bipolar forceps, bayonet, length 20 cm, tips 1.0 mm
1 70 04 62 RaVoR™ (Binner) probe for turbinate reduction
1 80 00 00 Container with accessories (31 x 10 x 19 cm)
1 70 17 47 Instrument tray

Radiofrequency set for Tonsillectomy with To-BiTE™ non-stick

Qty. REF Description

1 70 09 60SG To-BiTE™ non-stick, bipolar clamp for non-stick tonsillectomy

1 37 01 54R Bipolar CURIS® cable for To-BiTE™ non-stick

Radiofrequency set for Larynx surgery

Qty. REF Description

2 36 03 71 ARROWtip™ electrode for larynx, WL: 210 mm, straight

2 36 03 72 ARROWtip™ electrode for larynx, WL: 210 mm, 45° angled dwn.
2 36 03 73 ARROWtip™ electrode for larynx, WL: 210 mm, 90° angled dwn.
2 36 03 74 ARROWtip™ electrode for larynx, WL: 210 mm, 90° angled upw.
2 36 03 75 ARROWtip™ electrode for larynx, WL: 210 mm, 45° angled upw.
1 71 50 17 Monopolar suction tube Ø 3.3 mm, WL: 255 mm

Instrument sets for dermatology

Radiofrequency set for fine surgery and microdissection

Qty. REF Description

1 70 02 41 Bipolar forceps, straight, length 10,5 cm, tips 0.5 mm

1 70 01 51 Bipolar forceps, straight, length 16.5 cm, tips 1 mm
2 36 03 28 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 30 mm, angled
2 36 03 20 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 20 mm, straight
2 36 03 21 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 20 mm, short angled
2 36 03 25 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 30 mm, straight
1 80 00 00 Container with accessories (31 x 10 x 19 cm)
1 70 17 47 Instrument tray

Radiofrequency set for plastic surgery

Qty. REF Description

1 70 01 71 Bipolar forceps, straight 19 cm, tips 1.0 mm

2 36 04 40 Blade electrode monopolar
2 36 04 41 Needle electrode monopolar
2 36 04 42 Ball electrode monopolar, ball Ø 4 mm
1 80 00 00 Container with accessories (31 x 10 x 19 cm)
1 70 17 47 Instrument tray

Radiofrequency set for eye surgery

Qty. REF Description

1 70 02 41 Bipolar forceps, straight, length 10,5 cm, tips 0.5 mm

2 36 03 20 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 20 mm, straight
2 36 03 21 ARROWtip™ monopolar microdissection needle, WL 20 mm, short angled
2 36 04 43 Loop electrode monopolar, loop Ø 10 mm
1 80 00 00 Container with accessories (31 x 10 x 19 cm)
1 70 17 47 Instrument tray

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CURIS® Storage / Transport

Fuego Trolley

The trolley has a solid design and guarantees that the

CURIS® RF-generator will not shift. It also comes with a
hook to mount the footswitch.
36 09 00
Two storage baskets for accessories and documentation. Fuego trolley

CURIS® Trolley bag

The CURIS® trolley bag with its hard case is ideally suited
to preserve your radiofrequency generator from damage.
It enables a convenient and robust transport.

Important: The Curis can not be shipped in the suitcase.

99 01 10

Technical Data
CURIS® trolley bag

RF output max. performance oper. frequency

CUT 1 (unmodulated) 100 W ± 20 % 300 Ω 4.0 MHz Modulation frequency 33 kHz
CUT 2 (modulated) 80 W ± 20 % 300 Ω 4.0 MHz Mains supply 100-240 V; 50/60 Hz
CONTACT (Coag) 80 W ± 20 % 800 Ω 4.0 MHz Measurements W x H x D 320 mm x 170 mm x 385 mm
SOFTSPRAY (Coag) 60 W ± 20 % 300 Ω 4.0 MHz Weight approx. 5.2 kg
Mode of operation Intermittent INT 10 s / 30 s equals 25 % ED
bipolar Standards DIN EN 60601-1; DIN EN 60601-2-2
BICUT 1 80 W ± 20 % 200 Ω 4.0 MHz Safety class I
BICUT 2 80 W ± 20 % 200 Ω 4.0 MHz EMC (Interference suppr.) EN 60601-1-2
EXCISE (Cut) 80 W ± 20 % 200 Ω 4.0 MHz Type CF (cardiac floating) defibrillation proof
MACRO (Coag) 100 W ± 20 % 50 Ω 4.0 MHz German MPG class. II b
PRECISE (Coag) 50 W ± 20 % 50 Ω 4.0 MHz Quality assurance EN 13485
RaVoR™ 40 W ± 20 % 50 Ω 4.0 MHz

The information presented herein has been carefully researched and compiled with the help of specialist physicians. They are not meant to serve as a detailed treat-
ment guide. They do not replace the user instructions for the medical devices used. Sutter accepts no liability for the treatment results beyond the mandatory legal

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CURIS®– Commonly used
unit settings*
Indication Instrument Unit settings
Syringoma Blade electrode Cut 1
REF 36 04 40 5 - 8 watts
Spider Naevi, Couperosa, ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Contact Coagulation
Spider Veins REF 36 03 20 5 - 8 watts
Age Spots Loop electrode Cut 1 or Spray Coagulation
REF 36 04 43 12 - 15 watts
Birthmark ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Cut 1 or Cut 2
REF 36 03 20 20 watts
Warts, Fibrosis Loop electrode Softspray
REF 36 04 43 7 - 25 watts
Cut 2: 10 - 25 watts
Neurofibroma ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Cut 1
REF 36 03 21 7 watts
Papular Melanocytic Ball electrode Cut 1
Naevi REF 36 08 16 4-6 watts
Tongue lesions ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Cut 1
REF 36 03 42 10 watts
Plastic/Esthetic surgery
Blepharoplasty ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Cut 2
for skin incision REF 36 03 20, 36 03 21, 36 03 22, 36 03 25 10 – 16 watts
Blepharoplasty Bipolar forceps Precise
for coagulation REF 70 02 48 OR 70 02 40 12 watts
Facelift ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Cut 1
for skin incision monopolar REF 36 03 20, 36 03 21, 36 03 22, 36 03 25 10 - 16 watts
Facelift Bipolar forceps Precise
for coagulation bipolar REF 70 01 52 OR 70 02 48 OR 70 02 40 15 - 25 watts OR 10 - 15 watts
Hand surgery ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode CUT 1 or 2
for skin incision monopolar REF 36 03 20 12 - 15 watts
Hand surgery Ball electrode Contact Coagulation
for monopolar coagulation REF 36 08 16 20 watts OR 5 - 7 watts for slow coagulation
Hand surgery Bipolar forceps Precise
for bipolar coagulation REF 70 01 52 20 watts
OR 70 02 38 15 - 25 watts
Breast surgery ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Cut 1 or 2
for skin incision monopolar REF 36 03 20, 36 03 50 7 - 12 watts
Breast surgery Bipolar forceps Precise
for bipolar coagulation REF 70 01 51 OR 70 02 91 15 - 25 watts
RaVoR™ Bipolar electrode type „Binner“ RaVoR™ (AudioFeedback)
nasal turbinates REF 70 04 62 8 - 10 watts
RaVoR™ Bipolar Marinescu electrode RaVoR™ (AudioFeedback)
Soft Palate REF 70 04 95 10 watts
RaVoR™ Bipolar tongue base electrode RaVoR™ (AudioFeedback)
Tongue Base REF 70 04 99 12 watts
UPPP ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Monopolar Cut 2
REF 36 03 42 12 watts
Tonsillotomy ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Monopolar Cut 2
REF 36 03 42, 36 03 65 20 - 25 watts
Bipolar forceps Precise
REF 70 01 75 15 - 30 watts
Tonsillectomy with To-BiTE™ Bipolar Macro
To-BiTE™ REF 70 09 60SG 30 - 40 watts
Laryngeal tumors ARROWtip™ microdissection electrode Monopolar CUT 2
REF 36 03 71 - 35 5 - 20 watts
Epistaxis Ball elelectrode Monopolar CONTACT COAG
REF 36 08 17 or 36 04 62 8 - 12 watt

*Please see disclaimer on page 17. Values are recommendations only and may be changed at the discretion of the physician!

15 | Sutter · CURIS ® · 2017

© Sutter Medizintechnik · Subject to change · REF 1027F – Q02 · printed on acid free paper


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