How To Lose Belly Fat Once and For All

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We all have bits that bother us. And if you don’t, all
power to you. But if you are looking to tone up, you’ve
come to the right place. Locked out of Rs 1,600 crore, man has only
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We’re all built differently, but in general, excess fat Make space on your bookshelf because
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accumulates predominantly around men’s stomachs, Cosmo
as Alex Ruani, a doctoral researcher in nutrition
science education at University College London and
co-founder at the Health Sciences Academy, explains.

“Belly fat is a way to refer to our ‘central fat’ – that is,

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the fat under the abdominal skin (abdominal Trump's 'incitement of insurrection'
subcutaneous fat) and fat surrounding our core organs Yahoo News
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within the abdominal cavity (visceral fat),” she says. Cosmo

How much ‘central fat’ we carry is usually influenced

by our inherited genes, age, gender, hormones, and 1/11
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lifestyle factors like diet, stress and sleep. Advertisement

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“While it’s true that women tend to carry more body fat
than men – on average, 10 per cent more – men tend
to carry a higher percentage of visceral fat,” Ruani How choose the contraception method for
continues. “This difference in fat distribution is mainly NetDoctor

explained by our hormones.”


If you’ve spent any time at all looking into the best

ways to lose weight, you’ll have likely heard that
visceral fat = bad. This is because it puts pressure on
your organs, which in turn can lead to all kinds of
health complications. While that is true, Ruani wants
you to know that, in moderation, it's actually a good
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thinkg. New Study
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“We actually need it," she says. "‘Omentum' is the now
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scientific name we give to this apron of fat that
protects your internal organs. This large sheet of fat
stretches over your intestines, liver, and stomach like
an elastic apron, and even plays a role in immunity
due to small filters between the fat cells which fillet
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antigens and bacteria. However, when we carry too your résumé
much of this fat, it can backfire and give rise to a Yahoo Finance

number of cardiometabolic problems like insulin 6 tips for throwing a lockdown birthday party
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resistance and chronic inflammation around the whole Cosmo

body, not just the abdomen.”

Which explains why there's a point below which your

body fat percentage will not drop, without you getting
seriously ill.
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That said, for many, there’s an obvious aesthetic
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pressure to lose ‘excess’ body fat, especially around Make space on your bookshelf because
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the stomach. And if you are going to try to reduce your Cosmo

body fat, you need do it in a healthy way. To do this,

you’ll want to look at three factors: lifestyle, nutrition,
and exercise.

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Often when we’re trying to lose weight (or build NetDoctor

muscle or improve fitness) we focus on what we eat

and how we exercise. Both of these are valid, and
we’ll get to them later. But sometimes, underlying
lifestyle issues work to undermine our progress
without us even realising.

Before you decide to ditch your daily flat white in

favour of metabolism-boosting green tea, think about
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fundamental changes you can make to support your New Study
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transformation. These are the foundations that will These are the best hiking boots to buy right
help build solid progress not just for a quick fix, but
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Squash stress

“Research indicates that high stress levels can cause

you to preferentially gain abdominal fat through
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chronic production of the stress hormone cortisol,” your résumé
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says Mike Molloy, founder of M2 Performance
Nutrition. “High cortisol levels increase appetite and 6 tips for throwing a lockdown birthday party
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drive abdominal fat storage. Therefore, any activity Cosmo

that heightens the stress response can also lead to fat

gain.” This makes evolutionary sense. When we're in
periods of acute stress – say, due to the threat of
attack, or because all the wildebeest have
disappeared – our bodies cling onto as much energy Locked out of Rs 1,600 crore, man has only
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as possible. The problem is that your stress comes Yahoo Finance
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from your inbox, not what's out on the savannah. Sally Rooney is releasing a new novel
The best solution to stress? That would be exercise,
which in turn burns calories and helps torch fat.
Another tool is meditation, which can help with our
next problem…

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Prioritise sleep Advertisement

“Lack of sleep is possibly the biggest stress that

people deal with on a day to day basis,” says Molloy.
“A study published in the journal SLEEP found that
lack of sleep correlates strongly with increases in
abdominal fat in people under 40. The study found
that people sleeping less than five hours a night had a This Sex Act Could Get You Cancer, Says
New Study
32 per cent gain in visceral fat, versus only 13 per Eat This, Not That!
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cent in people getting seven hours per night.” now
Country Living
The solution is to ban laptops and phones from the
bedroom (books get a pass). Set yourself a bedtime to
at least actually be in bed each night, and don’t eat or
exercise too late as you want your body to be slowing
down for your nightly rest, not ramping up.
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Treat your body well Yahoo Finance

“A low-quality diet can also lead to preferential 6 tips for throwing a lockdown birthday party
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abdominal fat gain,” says Molloy. Obvious, that one, Cosmo
but it bears analysing. “Low fibre intake, excessive
alcohol, trans fat consumption and too much fructose
have all been associated with increasing visceral fat.”

Everything we eat or drink has an affect on our

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bodies. Too much of the wrong thing can not only 2 password attempts left
affect your mood and impact other factors like sleep, Yahoo Finance
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but it can cause your body to store fat. Which is why Sally Rooney is releasing a new novel
one of the best ways to balance your bodyweight is
through managing what you eat.

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The simple truth is that losing weight occurs as a

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result of burning more calories than you consume. you
This forces your body to turn to its fat stores for
energy, instead of what you put in your mouth. As a
rough rule of thumb, you’ll need to burn 7,000 calories
to shift 1kg of fat. Which is why there's truth to the old
adage that you can't out-train a bad diet.

“Minimising your alcohol intake, avoiding fried foods,

eating less added sugar and more fibre, consuming
adequate protein, and drinking enough fluids all help This Sex Act Could Get You Cancer, Says
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to promote metabolic changes that are favourable to Eat This, Not That!
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reducing abdominal fat,” says Ruani. now
Country Living

She suggests you incorporate the following into your

daily diet to give yourself the best chance of cutting fat
as well as boosting overall wellbeing: cruciferous
vegetables (including broccoli, cauliflower, spouts);
root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnip); 25 words you should instantly delete from
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allium vegetables (onion, garlic); greens (spinach,
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string green beans); legumes (beans, lentils, peas);
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nuts and seeds; and oily fish. that's actually fun

Which doesn’t mean you need to ditch those afterwork

drinks, or movie and pizza night, entirely.

“So many people think that you can’t eat delicious

tasting foods on a diet,” says Greg Douchette, a
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professional bodybuilder and fitness trainer. “This is 2 password attempts left
far from the truth. The main thing to remember is to Yahoo Finance
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eat what you enjoy, but simply make those foods Sally Rooney is releasing a new novel
lower in fat, and higher in protein and fibre. This way
you can enjoy your meals and be satiated while
remaining in a calorie deficit.”

Just some of the fun foods on Douchette’s diet plan

include protein pancakes, diet sodas, popcorn and fat Impeachment live updates: House to vote on
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free Greek yoghurt. Yahoo News
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Whatever you’re eating, an often overlooked yet key Advertisement
component is making sure you’re drinking enough.
(Water, that is). 5/11
1/13/2021 How to Lose Belly Fat Once and for All

“Staying well-hydrated not only gives you a metabolic Advertisement

boost, which is important for calorie expenditure, but Sign in Mail

also helps with satiety,” explains Ruani. “In fact, we

know that drinking 500ml of water temporarily
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increases metabolic rate by 30 per cent and that you
drinking two glasses of water before a meal results in
fewer calories eaten.”

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Diet alone won't cut it, though. In fact, it can

exacerbate the issue over time. Remember cortisol? Locked out of Rs 1,600 crore, man has only
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Prolonged periods in a calorie deficit make your body Yahoo Finance
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think it's starving – because that's exactly what's Sally Rooney is releasing a new novel
happening – so it goes into self-protection mode. Cosmo

Cortisol spikes and it clings onto any excess energy,

storing it preferentially as belly fat rather than burning
it off. To counteract that, you need to exercise. But you
already knew that.
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What you might not know is that it's physically Trump's 'incitement of insurrection'
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impossible to target fat stores in just one area of the So, has Prince Harry got a ponytail now?
body. As a professional bodybuilder, Douchette knows Advertisement

this well. 6/11
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“Unfortunately for many men, genetics dictates where Advertisement

your fat is going to come off first,” he says. “Often men Sign in Mail

lose fat in the stomach is the last, while for some it’s
first. This is not something you can alter. If you
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happen to store fat in your belly more, be thankful that you
you are probably going to have leaner legs or arms. If
you had a leaner stomach, you’d probably be
complaining that you carry too much fat in your arms,
legs or hips.”

In other words, sit-ups aren't going to get rid of the fat

around your stomach, any more than press-ups will
torch the stuff on your chest. You need to get rid of fat
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everywhere to see a change in the places that you're
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most concerned about. And the key to that, Molloy Eat This, Not That!
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says, is getting out and burning calories day in, day now
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“Obviously cardio is a great way to burn a large

number of calories, but it appears to be especially
effective for losing visceral fat,” he says. “A 2015 study
found that basically all types of cardio reduced belly 25 words you should instantly delete from
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fat. What is interesting is that the study examined low- Yahoo Finance

intensity with high-volume, and high-intensity with low-

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volume exercise. Both groups lost substantial that's actually fun
amounts of visceral fat.”

Add in strength training, Molloy says, and you’ll only

increase the beneficial effects. One study involving
overweight teenagers found that the combination of
weight lifting and aerobic exercise led to the greatest Locked out of Rs 1,600 crore, man has only
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reductions in visceral fat. Yahoo Finance
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The belly fat workout Sally Rooney is releasing a new novel

Unsure which weightlifting moves will help you torch

that excess fat? Scott Britton, co-founder of the Move
Forward Programme and Move Forward Gym, put
together the following circuit to help you do just that.
Work for 20 minutes, with an ascending range of Impeachment live updates: House to vote on
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repetitions. That means for round one, you do three
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reps of each exercise, in order, with no rest. Take a
quick breather, then repeat, this time with six reps. Advertisement

Next time, go up to nine. Continue until the buzzer 7/11
1/13/2021 How to Lose Belly Fat Once and for All

sounds. Next time, try to beat the rep count you Advertisement

reached. Sign in Mail

“The deadlift is the king of movements to help build

muscle whilst burning calories, both throughout the How choose the contraception method for
exercise, and afterwards,” says Britton. “The rapid rise NetDoctor

in heart rate during burpees gets you into the classic


fat-burning range, and the butterfly is one of the best

forms of sit-up, allowing you to use the full range of
the abdominal muscles.”


Sets: As many as possible

Reps: 3, 6, 9 etc This Sex Act Could Get You Cancer, Says
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Rest: None These are the best hiking boots to buy right
The classic deadlift is done with a barbell, but it works Country Living

with anything heavy, be it dumbbells, kettlebells or just

a rucksack full of books. Place the weight on the floor
in front of you, then hinge your hips back and bend
your knees to grab it. Keeping your chest up and
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shoulders back, drive your hips forward to lift the
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weight. Pause at the top, then slowly lower and Yahoo Finance

repeat. 6 tips for throwing a lockdown birthday party

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Burpee over a bar Cosmo

Sets: As many as possible

Reps: 3, 6, 9 etc

Rest: None
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If you used a barbell for the deadlifts, that's your bar. If 2 password attempts left
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not, try a broom handle on a box. Or just use your Make space on your bookshelf because
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imagination. Start with a normal burpee (drop from
standing into a press-up position, then kick your feet
back between your hands and leap into the air) but
when you jump, cross sideways over the bar. Repeat
for reps.

Butterfly sit-up Impeachment live updates: House to vote on

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Sets: As many as possible

Reps: 3, 6, 9 etc

Rest: As needed after each round

Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet touching and
knees flared out. Press your lower back into the floor,
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then crunch your abs lift your chest towards your New Study
knees. Pause, then slowly lower and repeat. Eat This, Not That!
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Don’t beat yourself up if you find it difficult to stick to Country Living

the plan. Ultimately, how you want to look is up to you.

But if you do have the patience and dedication for a
long, slow transformation, you can build a foundation
for a fitter future without sacrificing the fun stuff.
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