Arduino Based Fire Fighter Robot: Sushrut Khajuria, Rakesh Johar, Varenyam Sharma, Abhideep Bhatti
Arduino Based Fire Fighter Robot: Sushrut Khajuria, Rakesh Johar, Varenyam Sharma, Abhideep Bhatti
Arduino Based Fire Fighter Robot: Sushrut Khajuria, Rakesh Johar, Varenyam Sharma, Abhideep Bhatti
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide a design for a Arduino based Fire Fighter Robot. Arduino is an open-source
electronics platform that is based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino board can be controlled by sending a set of instructions
to the microcontroller. It has been designed to develop a fire fighting robot using Arduino technology for remote operation. Firefighting
is the act of extinguishing fires, i.e.; our robot sprinkles water on to fire. The robotic vehicle is loaded with the water tanker and a pump
which is controlled by wireless communication to throw water. An Arduino Mega microcontroller issued for the desired operation. A
firefighter robot suppresses and extinguishes fires to prevent loss of life and destruction of property and the environment.
2. Components Used
• Robot Metal Chassis
• Arduino Mega Board
• 433 MHz RF module
• Motor Drivers L293D
• DC Motors 6-18V
• Voltage regulator 7805 Figure 1: Block diagram of Arduino based Fire Fighter
• LiPo 2200MahBattery Robot
• Battery 9V
Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: IJSER151434 124 of 125
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 62.86 | Impact Factor (2015): 3.791
4. Software Specification References
Arduino 1.8.1. [1] Hassanein, A., Elhawary, M., Jaber, N., & El-Abd, M.
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the code that is to be implemented can be easily written in Conference on (pp. 530-535). IEEE
it. It can be made to run on Windows, Mac OS X, and [2] Kim, J. H., Keller, B., & Lattimer, B. Y. (2013, July).
Linux. The software is written in Java. This software can Sensor fusion based seek-and-find fire algorithm for
be used with any Arduino board. intelligent fire fighting robot. In Advanced Intelligent
Mechatronics (AIM), 2013 IEEE /ASME International
The Arduino IDE supports C and C++ using special rules Conference on (pp. 1482-1486). IEEE
of code structuring. [3] CAKIR, A., & bahaa BADRI, A. (2017). Fire
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[4] Islam, A., Kaur, N., Ahmad, F., & Sathya, P. (2016).
Intelligent Wireless Fire Extinguishing Robot
5. Working
The project consists of a user controllable fire fighter robot
which has a water tank and a gun attached to it for
extinguishing fires.. For this purpose, an RF remote has
been used for remote operation along with RF receiver
based microcontroller circuit so as to operate the robotic
vehicle and water pump. The RF based remote transfers
the commands sent by the user through RF signals to the
receiver circuit. The receiver circuit then decodes the data
commands sent. The commands are then sent to the
microcontroller which then processes these instructions
and then instructs the vehicle motors to run the vehicle in
the desired direction. On the basis of the user commands,
the water pump is controlled. This allows the user to
operate the robot and extinguish the fire by standing at a
safe distance. The range of the robot is within 7 metres of
that of the remote. This robot also has a wireless camera
mounted over it. This camera helps the user to move the
robot body in whichever direction as required. By
installing the water pump assembly and the camera, the
robot is able to extinguish the fire when required ensuring
the safety of the user.
6. Conclusion
With the help of the above described robot, it can be
concluded that a robot can be used in place of humans,
thereby reducing the risk of the life of fire fighter. It can be
used in our labs, homes, offices etc. They provide great
efficiency and can extinguish the fire before it becomes
uncontrollable and a threat to life.