Gleaning Bats As Underestimated Predators of Herbivorous Insects: Diet of Micronycteris Microtis (Phyllostomidae) in Panama
Gleaning Bats As Underestimated Predators of Herbivorous Insects: Diet of Micronycteris Microtis (Phyllostomidae) in Panama
Gleaning Bats As Underestimated Predators of Herbivorous Insects: Diet of Micronycteris Microtis (Phyllostomidae) in Panama
Abstract: Predators of herbivorous insects play important roles in tropical ecosystems as herbivory may affect structure
and diversity of plant populations. Although insectivorous bats are particularly abundant and diverse in the tropics,
their impact on herbivorous insects is little understood. To assess prey consumption, we observed the gleaning bat
Micronycteris microtis (Phyllostomidae) continuously for 3 mo including 16 full nights at a nightly feeding roost on
Barro Colorado Island in Panama using infrared videotaping combined with collection of prey remains. Individual
bats consumed about 61–84% of their body mass in arthropods per night. Diet analysis revealed a high percentage
of herbivorous insects, constituting more than half (51%) of all prey and over 70% of prey biomass. Dominant
prey were caterpillars (33% of prey biomass), and other herbivores including crickets, katydids, scarab beetles and
phasmids. Furthermore, a novel feeding behaviour was observed as M. microtis selectively discarded parts of intestines
of phytophagous insects before consumption, probably to avoid intake of plant material either for ballast reduction
and/or for protection from secondary plant compounds. Combined with estimated feeding rates of insects in sympatric
bat species, our data suggest that gleaning bats are important predators of herbivorous insects and might be under-
estimated reducers of herbivory in the tropics.
Key Words: Chiroptera, feeding rate, herbivory, infrared videotaping, insectivory, predation
tropical forests compared to temperate forests. Hence, (Leigh 1999). The year of our study (2001) was
gleaning insectivorous bats could play a previously under- characterized by an extended dry season. Monthly rainfall
estimated role in the reduction of herbivorous insects. totalled 14.5 mm for March, 26.5 mm for April and
Despite such suggestive data, methodological con- 182.8 mm for May (Paton 2001).
straints have so far limited our knowledge of the foraging
ecology of tropical bats. Assessing the potential impact
of gleaning insectivorous bats on herbivorous insects Study animal
requires a detailed dietary analysis of the bats and feeding
rates. However, most published data of diets of gleaning Micronycteris microtis (sensu Simmons 1996) (Phyl-
insectivorous bats are based on faecal analysis and/or lostomidae) occurs from northern Mexico to southern
analysis of prey remains under night roosts, and both Brazil (Reid 1997). All previous studies of M. megalotis in
methods suffer several limitations (Arlettaz 1996, Swift & Central America (e.g. LaVal & LaVal 1980) actually refer
Racey 2002, Whitaker 1988). Many bats use several to M. microtis (see Simmons 1996). It is the smallest of
night roosts, so not all of the prey remains or faecal nine insectivorous gleaning bats known on BCI (Belwood
pellets are usually available for analysis at one roost. 1988, Kalko et al. 1996), with a body mass of 5–7 g and
Additionally, mixed species assemblages at the same a body length of 55–65 mm. Unlike most other gleaning
roost are common and impede correct assignment of insectivorous bats, M. microtis shows high site fidelity
faecal pellets and prey remains to relevant bat species. in the use of night roosts for prey consumption (Kalko,
Detailed faecal analysis is difficult as insectivorous bats unpubl. data, LaVal & LaVal 1980).
chew their prey very thoroughly. This way, insects with
hard exoskeletons may be overrepresented because their
remains are more likely to pass through the digestive Infrared videotaping
system of the bats (Rabinowitz & Tuttle 1982, Whitaker
1988).Collection of wings underestimates wingless prey, We recorded activity per night of M. microtis at its feeding
as well as prey that gets eaten whole. Furthermore, insect roost located under the outside stairs of a residential
remains at feeding roosts often get easily lost due to wind, building on BCI for 16 full nights corresponding to about
rain or detritivores such as ants or cockroaches that 200 h of videotaping. The interval between recording
quickly transport them away. nights was 4–5 nights. A digital S/W Infrared CCD-
We selected the small (5–7 g) gleaning insectivorous Camera (Type VK-121/IR) with a motor-zoom was
bat Micronycteris microtis (Phyllostomidae) to quantify for mounted on a tripod about 1.2 m from the night roost
the first time consumption of herbivorous arthropods in a of the bats. Three custom-made infrared-panels, each
neotropical lowland forest with disturbance-free infrared equipped with 32 LEDs (TS AlGaAS infrared 875 nm,
videotaping as well as traditional methods of collecting 5 mm Ø, HSDL-4230) were used as light sources. A
prey remains at a night roost. Micronycteris microtis is Sony Video-Walkman with LCD monitor (DC-VQ800)
well-suited for diet analysis because individuals show connected to the camera was placed about 12 m from the
high roost fidelity and consistently return with food to roost around the corner of the house. With the exception
a permanent night roost where they discard parts of their of the camera and the infrared panels, equipment and
mostly large and herbivorous insect prey (LaVal & LaVal observer were hidden from the bats. To zoom in on
1980). From our recordings, we assessed type and size of individual bats for identification of consumed prey, we
prey, estimated biomass of food, as well as feeding rates adjusted the lens (Eneo DC-Motorzoom Lens EC-Series, F1,
per night of individual bats, and documented details of the 8/8–80 mm) with a remote control. Presence of camera
prey-handling behaviour. and operation of the motor-zoom did not noticeably affect
the behaviour of the bats.
The observed roost was located about 2 m from the
METHODS forest edge and has been consistently used by M. microtis
since 1991 when the buildings were constructed (Kalko,
Study site and period pers. obs.). A group of five individuals used this roost every
night for social interactions, resting, and consumption
The study was conducted for 3 mo (1 March – 31 May of prey throughout the entire study period. Videotaping
2001) in a tropical lowland, semi-deciduous moist forest began at 18h00 before arrival of the first bat and ended
on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), the field station of the about 12.5 h later, shortly before sunrise, after the last
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, in Panama bat had left the roost. Moon phase was recorded for
(9◦ 9 N, 79◦ 51 W). The 15.6-km2 island receives an each filmed night. On 21 April, one adult male and
average of 2600 mm of rain annually, about 90% of two palpably pregnant females were caught, weighed
which falls during the rainy season from May–December with a Pesola spring balance (precision 0.1 g), forearm
Diet of an insectivorous gleaning bat 3
Table 1. Mass, forearm length and reproductive status of three In order to assess wet mass of prey consumed by
Micronyncteris microtis captured at their night roost under the staircase M. microtis, we collected and weighed representative
of a building on BCI (21 April 2001).
insects of all size classes and used data given in Belwood
Animal Sex Mass (g) Forearm length (mm) Reproductive status (1988). We multiplied amount of consumed prey of a
M male 5.5 32.4 non-reproductive given size class recorded on film by average mass for
W1 female 7.5 33.5 pregnant
insects of that taxon and size class to estimate prey
W2 female 7 34 pregnant
biomass. In 18% of all cases we observed that M. microtis
was chewing when it entered the roost but could not
was measured with a ruler to the nearest mm, and clearly distinguish any prey item. These food items were so
individuals were marked by clipping a patch of fur on small that the bats probably already started feeding while
their back (Table 1). These marks were necessary for they flew back to the night roost. We therefore may have
assessing individual duration of foraging flights as well somewhat underestimated consumption of smaller prey
as entire activity per night at the night roost. An adult since we only used recordings of clearly visible feeding
male was radio-tracked for 4 nights (21–25 April), using events for final analysis.
a 0.48-g one-stage transmitter (Holohil Systems Ltd,
Ontario, Canada), to obtain additional data on activity.
The transmitter represented 11.4% of the body mass of RESULTS
the bat. This is around the 10% mass threshold suggested
by Brander & Cochran (1969) as a limit for radiotracking Foraging flights and activity
but above the 5% mass threshold proposed by Aldridge &
Brigham (1988) where transmitter mass may affect The first individual of the group entered the roost
foraging behaviour of animals. As the male in our study 16 ± 10 min (n = 16 nights) after local sunset. The
did not differ noticeably in foraging time and capture entire activity period per night of individual bats
success from the two females observed at the night from first arrival until last departure at the roost
roost and from other individuals that were tracked with encompassed 10.5 h ± 28 min (n = 18; 6 nights for
similar-sized transmitters in a subsequent study (van de three marked bats). The time the last bat left the
Sand, pers. comm.) and considering that small bats can roost was significantly correlated with local sunrise
carry heavier loads relative to their body mass than (linear regression, R = 0.912; P < 0.0001), preceding it
larger species (Norberg & Rayner 1987), we conclude by 6 ± 5 min (n = 16 nights). The radio-tracked male
that the transmitter mass did not negatively affect flight M. microtis from the observed roost was in continuous
performance of the tagged individual. flight all the time it was outside the roost.
All resting phases coincided with videotaped returns to
the night roost, suggesting that this individual did not use
Diet analysis any other night roost. The filmed activity of the other bats
in the roost resembled the activity pattern of the radio-
The diet of M. microtis was determined by combining tracked individual. Therefore we assume that all members
all-night video recordings with subsequent collection of of the observed group used the roost under the stairwell
insect remains at the feeding roost. In video analysis, we as their main roost for prey consumption. This might
counted all visible prey brought by the bats to the roost. have overestimated flight time in a few cases because a
Prey from videotaped feeding events and food remains was subsequent study revealed that occasionally, M. microtis
taxonomically identified to order and whenever possible may briefly use individual, temporary night roosts within
also to lower levels (Aiello, pers. comm., Borror & White their foraging area (van de Sand, unpubl. data). However,
1987). Prey remains were collected from the feeding roost as this happened only rarely and for a short period of time,
at the end of each night. Initially, we also collected faecal we are confident that it did not affect the overall picture of
pellets for comparison. However, preliminary analysis of foraging activity in M. microtis for our study. We interpret
some samples with a dissecting microscope revealed that the time M. microtis spent outside of its night roost as
the prey had been chewed so thoroughly that species foraging flights because the majority of the returns of the
identification was very difficult or impossible. Prey size radio-tagged bat were associated with successful captures
was estimated from the videotapes in comparison to the and subsequent processing of prey. Duration of foraging
head length of the bats and assigned to one of five size flights ranged from 15 s to 51 min (n = 241). About
classes (class of prey body length: I: < 1 cm, II: 1–2 cm, half (49%) of the flights were shorter than 5 min, 23%
III: 2–3 cm, IV: 3–4 cm, and V: > 4 cm). Head length of were between 5–10 min, 17.5% between 10–20 min,
M. microtis (20.1 ± 0.2 mm SD; n = 3) was measured and 10.5% exceeded 20 min. Individual Micronycteris
from caught individuals as distance between the anterior- microtis conducted 1.7 ± 0.5 foraging flights per hour
most point of pre-maxillae and hind-most point of skull. (n = 176) and spent 14.1 ± 5.3 min h−1 searching for
prey (n = 180 h). The bats were active throughout the M. microtis (> 10% each). A smaller proportion of the
whole night and showed no distinctive activity peaks. prey of M. microtis (< 5%) was composed of cicadas
Number and duration of foraging flights as well as size, (Homoptera, mostly Cicadidae), flies (Diptera, mostly
quantity and biomass of prey eaten at hourly intervals did Asilidae), spiders (Arachnida), Hymenoptera (Apoidea,
not show significant differences in temporal distribution Formicidae, including swarming leaf-cutter repro-
throughout the night (one-way ANOVAs, P > 0.05). In ductives and ichneumonid wasps) and stick insects
61% of all flights M. microtis returned to the roost with (Phasmidae). Occasionally (< 1%), M. microtis captured
prey. lacewings (Neuroptera) and termites (Isoptera).
We observed 778 feeding events for five bats in 16 nights. Caterpillars constituted about a third (33%) of total
Individual M. microtis consumed 1.1 ± 0.6 prey items biomass (wet mass) consumed by M. microtis throughout
per hour (n = 176 h). They processed prey immediately the study period, despite being only 12% of prey items.
after landing in the roost followed by grooming for about Biomass of other orders did not differ substantially from
5 min and a resting phase of variable length (10–30 min) their relative proportion in the diet of the bats (Table 2).
before the bats resumed foraging after a second grooming Individual prey that was visible on film or found in prey
period. remains ranged from 0.2 g (small moth) to 2 g (large
All prey items of M. microtis documented on infrared caterpillar), spanning 0.3% to 31% mass of an average
video or as prey remains under the feeding roost were sized M. microtis (6.5 g). Prey body length varied from
arthropods (Table 2). The most common prey types small (0.4 mm) beetles (Coleoptera) up to very long (9 cm)
were Lepidoptera (26%) half of which were caterpillars, stick insects (Phasmidae). Almost half (47%) of prey
frequently covered by long hairs or prominent spines. ranged between 1–2 cm body length (size classes II) and
The bats captured nocturnal moths (e.g. Noctuidae) as a small portion (11%) exceeded with 4 cm and more
well as diurnal butterflies (e.g. Papilionidae). Orthoptera (size classes IV and V) the bat’s body length (Table 2).
(Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae and Acrididae) and Coleoptera Caterpillars spanned all size classes from small (size
(predominantly Scarabaeidae) were also frequently eaten. class I) to very large (size class V). Almost half (45%)
A fifth of all Orthoptera (20%) lacked wings or were of the consumed caterpillars were longer than 3 cm.
nymphs. Micronycteris microtis captured both sexes Overall, individual M. microtis consumed an estimated
of Orthoptera in about equal quantities as assessed 4.6 ± 1.6 g (wet mass) equivalent to 61–84% of their
by presence of ovipositors or stridulatory organs. own body mass of arthropods per night.
Dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera) and cockroaches
(Blattoidea) constituted other important prey taxa of
Effects of moonlight and seasonality on diet
Table 2. Number (arranged in descending order), biomass and size of
prey based on infrared videotaping of Micronycteris microtis feeding at a Moonlight had no significant effect on foraging activity
night roost on BCI. Size classes of prey body length: I: < 1 cm, II: 1–2 cm, measured as number and duration of foraging flights,
III: 2–3 cm, IV: 3–4 cm, V: > 4 cm. and on number, type or biomass of consumed prey (one-
Prey Prey Biomass Biomass
Size classes (%) way ANOVAs, P > 0.05). However, of the six major
Insect order (N) (%) (g) (%) I II III IV V groups of prey taxa taken by M. microtis, all but
Coleoptera 149 19.2 49.4 15.4 34 61 5 – – dragonflies (Anisoptera) showed significant variation in
Orthoptera 144 18.5 65.4 20.4 6 51 37 5 1 capture frequency across the 3 mo of the study, which
Lepidoptera 106 13.6 7.8 2.4 22 55 23 – – covered the end of the dry season (March), transition
(moth) to wet season (April) and onset of wet season (May)
Blattodea 98 12.6 35 10.9 2 84 14 – –
Lepidoptera 96 12.3 106.6 33.2 6 18 30 21 25
(Figure 1). Lepidoptera, both as caterpillars (χ 2 = 34.2,
(caterpillar) df = 2, P < 0.001) and as adults (χ 2 = 36.5, df = 2,
Anisoptera 82 10.5 33.9 10.5 0 – 30 70 – P < 0.001), represented the major food source at the
Homoptera 30 3.9 4.4 1.4 12 88 – – – beginning of the study period during the dry season, then
Diptera 23 3.0 4.9 1.5 5 30 45 20 – declined throughout April and May. Beetles (χ 2 = 130,
Arachnida 20 2.6 5 1.6 18 82 – – –
Hymenoptera 16 2.1 2.9 0.9 14 57 29 – –
df = 2, P < 0.001) were only a minor food source
Phasmidae 9 1.2 4.9 1.5 – – – 11 89 of M. microtis at the end of the dry season, but
Neuroptera 4 0.5 1 0.3 – – 25 75 – dominated at the onset of the rainy season, when they
Isoptera 1 0.1 0.1 – 100 – – – – accounted for almost half (46%) of all prey. Consumption
Total 778 100 321.3 100 – – – – – of orthopterans (χ 2 = 20.3, df = 2, P < 0.001) and
Diet of an insectivorous gleaning bat 5
Number of prey items per night Lepidoptera
18 (total)
March April May
Figure 1. Monthly variation in average number of dominant prey (n = 778) caught by Micronycteris microtis per night.
cockroaches (χ 2 = 6.3, df = 2, P = 0.04) peaked in the also a moth, but not in carnivorous groups including
April transitional period. dragonflies, hymenopterans, robberflies, spiders and
lacewings (Figure 2). The bats either dropped part of the
abdomen, or separated it from the exoskeletons by rapid
Handling of prey head movements. Discarding parts of the intestines was
most conspicuous in caterpillars, where fewer than 5% of
Micronycteris microtis generally bit off and discarded all individuals, all less than 1.5 cm in body length, were
wings and legs of prey before consumption. In some eaten whole. Unlike most other prey items, M. microtis
prey, the bats also selectively spit out parts of the mostly did not use its thumb claws to push caterpillars
intestines. Most notably, M. microtis discarded those towards its mouth but handled them almost exclusively
components only in the case of phytophagous and with its lips and teeth only, repeatedly and quickly moving
detritivorous prey taxa, namely caterpillars, beetles, the caterpillars from one side to the other. The bat then
crickets, katydids, phasmids, cockroaches and in one case squeezed out or bit off parts of the intestines and dropped
Prey orders
Lepidoptera (moth)
Lepidoptera (caterpillar)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 3. Selective prey manipulation by Micronycteris microtis processing a hairy caterpillar at the night roost on BCI. Arrows indicate parts of
intestines that have been squeezed out by the bat.
them (Figure 3). The dropped parts mostly came from not detected in the prey remains. The missing groups
the abdominal region of the caterpillars, but in some were mostly wingless prey taxa such as caterpillars.
cases also originated from frontal areas. Examination However, even among winged taxa, 26% of all consumed
with a dissecting microscope revealed that the round or individuals were not recorded in the collection of prey
elliptical parts were often filled with greenish material remains at the feeding roost. Furthermore, the majority
and showed fine vascularizations. We assume that the of orthopterans (64%) and phasmids (67%) also remained
discarded fragments were parts of intestines filled with undetected by analysis of prey remains alone.
plant material. Surprisingly, the bats ingested most hairs
and all of the skin of caterpillars.
To evaluate methods, we compared our collection of We documented diet, feeding rate and processing of food
prey remains at the night roost of M. microtis with our by a group of M. microtis with infrared taping at a
simultaneous infrared videotaping (Table 3). Half (45%) night roost. The core diet of M. microtis in our study
of all prey that the bats carried into the night roost was consisted mainly of lepidopterans followed by beetles,
crickets, katydids, dragonflies, cockroaches and cicadas
Table 3. Filmed prey items of Micronycteris microts that were missed and thus is in accordance with previous studies (Belwood
(number in descending order and %) in the parallel collections of prey 1988, LaVal & LaVal 1980). However, we recorded a
remains from the feeding roost on BCI. much wider array of prey taxa. The new method allowed
Number Number Per cent us to document for the first time regular consumption of
Insect order filmed missed missed phasmids, large spiders, and large numbers of caterpillars.
Coleoptera 149 43 29 We are confident that the prey spectrum is representative
Orthoptera 144 92 64 of the natural diet of the bat at our study site given that
Lepidoptera (moth) 106 31 29
Blattodea 98 27 28
the radio-tracked male as well as individuals of M. microtis
Lepidoptera (caterpillar) 96 96 100 that were radio-tracked in a subsequent study on BCI
Anisoptera 82 18 22 (M. van de Sand, unpubl. data) foraged exclusively in the
Homoptera 30 7 23 forest and did not use the lights of the field station for
Diptera 23 6 26 gleaning insects off the walls. Similar to LaVal & LaVal
Arachnida 20 20 100
Hymenoptera 16 6 38
(1980), but in contrast to other studies (reviewed in
Phasmidae 9 6 67 Alonso-Mejı́a & Medellı́n 1991, Gardner 1977) we found
Neuroptera 4 1 25 no evidence of fruit consumption in M. microtis. Previous
Isoptera 1 0 0 observations of fruit remains below M. microtis roosts may
Total 778 353 45 be a result of sharing feeding roosts with frugivorous bats
Diet of an insectivorous gleaning bat 7
such as Carollia perspicillata, which we observed at other of the spat-out fragments as well as their structure
times of the year in the night roost of M. microtis on BCI and coloration support this hypothesis. Intestines of
(Schweiger, pers. comm.). herbivorous insects are often filled with fibrous material
Micronycteris microtis showed great dietary flexibility that is probably not very valuable for bats. Avoiding
in prey class and size. They captured minute prey, as consumption of those parts might reduce unnecessary
well as caterpillars up to 31% of their own body mass. weight that could hinder flight, a strategy well known
Over the course of our study, the bats alternately focused from frugivorous bats which squeeze fruits for the
on Lepidoptera, both adults and caterpillars, Orthoptera nutritious juice and discard the leftovers as almost dry
and beetles. Adult beetles form the dominant diet of pellets (Handley et al. 1991).
M. microtis at the beginning of rainy season when the first Micronycteris microtis also may avoid eating plant
rains trigger mass emergence of fat-rich scarab beetles. matter due to its chemical composition. Many plants
The seasonal change in dietary preference is supported by contain chemicals that are either directly toxic or reduce
a 2.5-y study at the same night roost on BCI from 1991– efficiency of digestion as a defence against herbivores
1993 where we found similar patterns for all taxa that (reviewed in Coley & Barone 1996). Nevertheless, these
can be determined by analysis of prey remains (Kalko, plants are still consumed by specialized herbivores that are
unpubl. data). Because these seasonal changes in diet able to tolerate those toxins and, in some cases, may use
also reflect general patterns of insect abundance on BCI them for their own defence. Thus the guts of herbivorous
(Smythe 1982, Wolda 1978), we believe that M. microtis insects may contain considerable amounts of secondary
is largely an opportunistic forager. plant compounds that are detrimental to predators. For
instance, M. microtis discarded gut fragments of phasmids
feeding on Piperaceae that are known to contain alkaloids
Methodological implications and to show insecticidal activity (Srivastava 1970,
J. Berger, pers. comm.). Future studies with controlled
Our infrared recordings showed that about half of the diet feeding trials combined with chemical analysis of prey and
of M. microtis consisted of immature stages of arthropods discarded parts will be necessary to determine whether
including caterpillars and nymphs as well as of wingless, the behaviour of the bats is a response to chemical
often soft-bodied prey which would have been largely composition of the plants.
missed when looking at prey remains only. Remains were
missing because the bats ate some arthropods entirely,
in particular small and less-sclerotized prey. Further, Gleaning bats: underestimated reducers of herbivorous
discarded prey items were quickly carried away at the insects?
night roost by ants and other insects (Belwood 1988,
Kalka, unpubl. data), or they were blown away by wind. Herbivory by insects is a major constraint on plant growth
This is the first study to document caterpillars as a and reproduction (Coley & Barone 1996, Leigh & Smythe
primary food of a neotropical bat although traces of 1978, Marquis & Whelan 1994) and a strong force in
caterpillars have been found in faeces of other bats, for the maintenance of tropical diversity (Connell 1971,
example Thyroptera tricolor (Dechmann, unpubl. data.), Janzen 1970). For instance on BCI, herbivorous insects
Myotis nattereri (Beck 1995) and in larger amounts destroy about 20% of the entire annual leaf production
also in Nycteris thebaica (Whitaker & Black 1976). We (Leigh & Windsor 1982). Exclosure experiments in
propose that, in light of these findings, caterpillars may the tropics increasingly reveal the importance of birds
be important food items for other gleaning insectivorous and other taxa including ants and lizards as predators
bats as well. on herbivorous insects (Atlegrim 1989, Gradwohl &
Greenberg 1982, Greenberg et al. 2000, Marquis &
Whelan 1994, Murakami & Nakano 2000, Philpott et al.
Selective prey handling – protection against secondary plant 2004, Strong et al. 2000, Van Bael et al. 2003). The impact
compounds? of bat predation on herbivorous insects still remains
unknown, because exclosure studies in the tropics did
In general, M. microtis bit off wings and occasionally not distinguish between diurnal and nocturnal predation,
also legs of its prey prior to consumption. However, and thus attributed reductions in herbivorous insects
certain prey types were treated further, resulting in primarily to birds.
selective separation of additional internal body parts from Insectivorous bats may play an important role as
the abdominal region. Because M. microtis showed this predators because many herbivorous insects in the tropics
behaviour only in phytophagous but not in carnivorous are active mainly at night and hide during the day,
taxa, we believe that the bats avoided consumption probably to avoid heat and to escape diurnal predators.
of plant material in intestines of its prey. The origin In Guanacaste, Costa Rica, four times more herbivorous
insects were found foraging on vegetation at night than gleaners represent only four of the nine insectivorous
during the day (Windsor 1978). Although rather well gleaners and the more than 20 species of insectivorous
protected during the day, these insects suffer increased bats known on BCI (Kalko 1997), overall feeding rates
exposure to predation by gleaning insectivorous bats at of bats are likely to be comparable or may exceed those
night. of insectivorous birds on BCI which have been estimated
Our video recordings revealed that more than half of to eat about 37 500 kg y−1 of folivorous insects (Leigh
the arthropods (51%) in the diet of M. microtis were 1999). The estimates on birds are conservative as they do
herbivores. This number increases to 65% including not take into account factors such as increased predation
adult Lepidoptera, which are not herbivorous but produce rates of birds during reproduction. However, given that
caterpillars, and to 69% including Homoptera which feed bird predation affects herbivory in a tropical forest near
on plant sap. Herbivores contributed to more than two BCI (Van Bael et al. 2003), we predict that similar or
thirds (70%) of prey biomass. The proportion of herbivores higher levels of bat predation will also influence herbivory
in the diet of M. microtis may be even higher later in the rates. Until we know more about actual population
wet season, when herbivore populations peak in response sizes of insectivorous bats, their diets and feeding rates,
to new leaf production (Barone 1998, Coley & Aide 1991, as well as production of plant biomass and how it
Janzen 1988, Smythe 1982, Wolda 1978). is affected by herbivores, our estimates must remain
speculative. Nevertheless, we can say that in the case of
M. microtis, herbivorous insects comprise a much higher
Potential impact of gleaning insectivorous bats on percentage of its diet than previously appreciated. Our
herbivory rates on BCI preliminary estimates point to a potentially substantial
role of neotropical bats as predators of herbivorous insects.
A radio-tracking study of M. microtis on BCI revealed Exclosure studies which explicitly measure and separate
average home ranges of about 1–2 ha for individual nocturnal from diurnal predation, combined with more
bats with large overlap between group members (van de in-depth studies on bat diets and foraging behaviour will
Sand, pers. comm.). With a conservative estimate of 600 help to quantify the impact gleaning bats may have on
M. microtis on BCI (1560 ha) that each feed on roughly the biomass of herbivorous insects and hence on insect
4.6 g (wet mass) of arthropod biomass per night, of which herbivory. Such studies will refine our current thinking
about 70% are herbivorous insects, M. microtis would about herbivory as a factor promoting regeneration and
capture a minimum of about 700 kg y−1 (wet mass) of maintaining plant diversity in tropical forests.
herbivorous insects.
On BCI, the eight co-occurring insectivorous gleaning
bats all surpass M. microtis in body mass (Kalko et al. 1996) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and thus consume higher amounts of insect biomass per
individual. For instance, the three medium-sized (25– We gratefully acknowledge the following persons for their
35 g) gleaners Lophostoma silvicolum (following Lee et al. help in the field and with data analysis: Dina Dechmann,
2002 for taxonomy and spelling), Tonatia saurophila and Sabine Spehn, Sonja Tejada, Alexandra Schuldes, Andres
Trachops cirrhosus with an estimated population size of at Beck, Scott Powell and Petra Kunz. Adam Smith,
least 300 individuals each (Kalko et al. 1999, E. Kalko, Marco Tschapka and Dina Dechmann provided extensive
unpubl. data) are likely to consume at least 50% of their and valuable comments on the manuscript. We thank
body mass in arthropods each night of which an estimated the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) for
70% or more are likely to be herbivorous, including excellent logistics and working permits. The study was
many herbivorous katydids (Tettigoniidae). Based on an supported by grants from the German Science Foundation
average body mass of 30 g for these three bat species (DFG) to E. Kalko.
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