GABA Obesity
GABA Obesity
GABA Obesity
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Gut microbiota, obesity and diabetes
Elaine Patterson,1,2 Paul M Ryan,2,3 John F Cryan,1,4 Timothy G Dinan,1,5
R Paul Ross,1,6 Gerald F Fitzgerald,1,3 Catherine Stanton1,2
APC Microbiome Institute, ABSTRACT section—is a strong determinant of the first real
University College Cork, Co. The central role of the intestinal microbiota in the microbial colonisers of the neonatal intestinal
Cork, Ireland
Food Biosciences Department, progression and, equally, prevention of metabolic tract.4 Numerous publications have described clear
Teagasc Food Research Centre, dysfunction is becoming abundantly apparent. The differences in the gut microbiota composition
Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland symbiotic relationship between intestinal microbiota and between babies born via caesarean section versus
School of Microbiology, host ensures appropriate development of the metabolic natural birth5 6 and for breast-fed versus
University College Cork,
system in humans. However, disturbances in composition formula-fed babies.7–10 The gut microbiota con-
Co. Cork, Ireland
Department of Anatomy and and, in turn, functionality of the intestinal microbiota tinues to develop throughout childhood and ado-
Neuroscience, University can disrupt gut barrier function, a trip switch for lescence and becomes more stable as it is generally
College Cork, Co. Cork, Ireland
metabolic endotoxemia. This low-grade chronic assumed that the gut microbiota after around
Department of Psychiatry and inflammation, brought about by the influx of 3 years of age closely resembles that of an
Neurobehavioural Science,
University College Cork, inflammatory bacterial fragments into circulation through adult.11 12
Co. Cork, Ireland a malfunctioning gut barrier, has considerable knock-on The gastrointestinal (GI) tract of a healthy adult
College of Science, effects for host adiposity and insulin resistance. hosts around 102 microbial cells within the highly
Engineering and Food Science, Conversely, recent evidence suggests that there are acidic environment of the stomach, into the duode-
University College Cork, Co.
certain bacterial species that may interact with host num and jejunum. The distal ileum contains
Cork, Ireland
metabolism through metabolite-mediated stimulation of around 107–108 microbial cells with the largest
Correspondence to enteric hormones and other systems outside of the proportion of microbes finally residing in the
Professor Catherine Stanton, gastrointestinal tract, such as the endocannabinoid colon, containing around 1011–1012 microbial
Food Biosciences Department, system. When the abundance of these keystone species cells. Difficulties arise in culturing the microbiota
Teagasc Food Research Centre,
Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. begins to decline, we see a collapse of the symbiosis, from this highly anaerobic environment, with only
Cork, Ireland; reflected in a deterioration of host metabolic health. This about 10–50% successfully culturable in the labora-
[email protected] review will investigate the intricate axis between the tory.13 It is only over the last few decades with the
microbiota and host metabolism, while also addressing emergence of culture-independent sequencing tech-
Received 19 August 2015
Revised 25 December 2015
the promising and novel field of probiotics as metabolic nologies that we have gained such a vast insight
Accepted 28 January 2016 therapies. into the compositional changes that exist between
Published Online First individuals in both healthy and diseased states.
24 February 2016 However, while compositional studies generate a
INTRODUCTION large volume of data, they fail to provide direct
The Barker hypothesis, in which long-term meta- information regarding the microbial viability or the
bolic outcomes are pre-programmed in the womb, functional potential of the populations present and
has held centre stage for decades and may still so the knowledge is somewhat limited in these
remain at the heart of metabolic syndrome patho- aspects.14 As such, much of our understanding of
genesis.1 2 However, the gut microbiota, also the role of the gut microbiota and individual
referred to as the hidden organ, or the organ microbes comes from the use of germfree animals,
within an organ, harbours tens of trillions of micro- that is, those born and reared without exposure to
organisms residing in the human intestine, which microorganisms and microbial supplementation
are arguably as important to metabolic health as studies. Germfree animals have highlighted the
the very organs that support them. Over the last importance of a gut microbiota in influencing many
few decades, a myriad of original research publica- aspects of host biology, including metabolism,15 16
tions and comprehensive review articles make it social development17 and immunity.18 For example,
impossible to ignore the contribution of the gut germfree animals show defects in both the develop-
microbiota towards health and disease. It is ment of the immune system and in immune
believed that the 1–2 kg of microorganisms in the responses. They show extensive defects in the
Editor’s choice
Scan to access more human gut contain >150-fold more genes than the development of gut-associated lymphoid tissue and
free content human genome itself, a concept that attracts cell-turnover rates of intestinal epithelial cells and
researchers from gastroenterology, physiology and have fewer and smaller Peyer’s patches and mesen-
microbiology and one that demolishes the notion teric lymph nodes compared with animals housed
that the gut microbiota will ever again be described under specific pathogen-free (SPF) conditions.19–22
as a ‘forgotten organ’. It is now fully appreciated that host–microbe inter-
Although a very recent study has supported the actions can together co-metabolise dietary compo-
possibility that the infant is first seeded with bac- nents to produce a large array of signalling
teria in utero from the maternal placental micro- molecules that develop ‘intelligent communication
To cite: Patterson E, biome,3 the neonatal intestinal tract is rapidly systems’ in the body with beneficial impacts on
Ryan PM, Cryan JF, et al. colonised by bacteria from the mother and sur- health. ‘Pharmabiotics’, that is, microbially pro-
Postgrad Med J rounding environment following birth. Of course, duced bioactive metabolites, such as short-chain
2016;92:286–300. the delivery method—natural versus caesarean fatty acids, conjugated fatty acids,
286 Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
exopolysaccharides and neuroactive metabolites such as consumption of confectionary and sugary drinks and the highest
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin, confer health bene- consumption of fruits, yoghurts and soups.65 Interestingly,
fits on the host.23–25 Thus, host–microbe interactions are crucial although the data did not highlight any significant changes to
for optimum health. the seven gut microbial groups studied between the groups, the
While culture-independent analyses have broadened our healthiest dietary regimen was associated with the highest
understanding of gut microbiota composition and germfree microbial gene cluster or the highest microbial diversity/rich-
studies have helped determine the role of gut microbes in ness.65 This is indeed a significant finding as the importance of
health, it is now apparent that an individual’s microbial signa- microbial diversity has previously been identified as a significant
ture is not only unique but could be a predetermining factor for factor influenced by diet and exercise66 and which is also
disease risk. Recent literature has linked gut microbiota compos- decreased during overweight and obese disease states.67 Fat type
ition with almost every disease known to man, from GI dis- is also a strong determinant of inflammation and gut microbiota
eases,26–29 to obesity,30–33 diabetes,34–38 cancer39–42 and even composition. Diets rich in saturated fat (lard) are associated
neurological and neurodegenerative disorders such as depres- with increased white adipose tissue (WAT) inflammation and
sion,43 44 autism,45–48 anxiety49 50 and Parkinson’s disease.51 metabolic disease, while diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids
The demands for a clear link between the gut microbiota and (fish oil) can counteract inflammation to promote a lean and
disease have never been so high, and so advances in the devel- metabolically healthy phenotype.68 69 In fact, mice fed fish oil
opment of methods used to analyse gene expression (metatran- have increased levels of taxa from the genera Lactobacillus and
scriptomics), protein products (metaproteomics) and metabolic Akkermansia (discussed in more detail later) while mice fed lard
profiles (metabolomics) are proving crucial.14 have increased levels of taxa related to Bilophila.69 Bilophila
This review will summarise the most relevant literature to wadsworthia has previously been shown to exacerbate colitis in
date linking the gut microbiota with diet, obesity and diabetes genetically susceptible models.70 While previous studies have
and highlights some specific gut microbial compositional altera- shown that microbial factors can directly contribute to WAT
tions that have been described as either potentially causal or inflammation through Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling,71 72
protective towards metabolic disease. dietary and host factors are also strong TLR ligands and so
whether gut microbial factors initiate TLR signalling with an
DIET AND OBESITY effect on health is uncertain. Caesar et al proved that
Diet shapes the gut microbiota lard-induced WAT inflammation is mediated through gut micro-
Before addressing the involvement of the gut microbiota bial activation of TLR4. Trif−/− and Myd88−/− (adaptor pro-
towards shaping obesity and associated metabolic disorders, it is teins necessary for interpreting TLR signalling) mice were
appropriate to first briefly discuss some recent literature that protected against lard-induced WAT inflammation and impaired
describes diet as a dominant contributing factor to gut microbial insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, the authors discovered that
composition. Indeed, dietary factors have a profound impact on serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels were higher in mice fed
altering the gut microbiota of animals52–58 and humans.31 59–61 lard compared with those fed fish oil, indicating that microbial
This implies that health beneficial alterations to gut microbiota factors are present in the periphery that affect WAT inflamma-
composition through dietary-related changes have rapidly tion. The impact of gut microbial factors on lard-induced WAT
become attractive mechanisms through which we may prevent inflammation was further elucidated by comparing the effects of
or alleviate diseases appearing to arise from an altered microbial lard and fish oil in conventionally raised and germfree mice.
composition. Dietary patterns are associated with distinct com- These results demonstrated an adiposity-independent link
binations of bacteria in the intestine, also called enterotypes.62 between the gut microbiota and WAT inflammation, which led
Considering that the role of the gut microbiota is to ferment the authors to conclude that microbially derived products act as
dietary substrates, complex diets can provide a range of growth- mediators of inflammation through TLR signalling. This high-
promoting and growth-inhibiting factors for specific phylo- lights the gut microbiota as independent factors aggravating
types.63 The difficulty arises in deciphering which precise inflammation following saturated fat feeding.69
dietary constituents specifically promote the growth of health The data of Clarke et al66 demonstrate the importance of
beneficial gut microbiota that maximise the production of phar- dietary variation and protein consumption, coupled with exer-
mabiotics.23 Thus, the identification of dietary patterns or spe- cise, towards shaping gut microbial composition. In this study,
cific foods that increase bacterial diversity and promote the protein consumption positively correlated with high microbial
growth of beneficial bacteria that produce high levels of bio- diversity (22 distinct phyla) and athletes with a low body mass
active metabolites, is the ultimate research goal. index had significantly higher levels of Akkermansia, previously
Western-style diets or various combinations of high fat (HF) shown to inversely correlate with obesity in both mice and
diets, such as HF-high-sucrose and HF-low-plant-polysaccharide humans.73 74 These results highlight the importance of dietary
have profound effects on gut microbiota composition of animals macronutrients and exercise on positively shaping the gut micro-
and humans, often with conflicting results. Such biota composition. Fascinating discoveries have been made from
HF-dietary-related gut microbial alterations often correlate with the recently development multi-taxon Insertion Sequencing
deleterious metabolic health effects.38 60 64 For example, one (INSeq) method, which monitors the genetic factors that enable
recent study in overweight and obese human subjects demon- members of the gut microbial community to flourish within this
strated the effects of three different dietary regimens on gut niche.75 This approach can be used to understand the mechan-
microbiota composition and health outcomes.65 They found isms (gene-level characterisation) that determine gut microbial
that subjects consuming what was considered to be the least fitness and perturbation through diet, disease and clinical treat-
healthiest dietary regimen, characterised by the high consump- ment. Using this approach, Wu et al75 revealed a strain-specific
tion of confectionary and sugary drinks and the lowest con- and diet-specific fitness determinant (arbinoxylan utilisation
sumption of fruits, yoghurt and water, had a significantly locus) in Bacteroides cellulosilyticus WH2 that is critical for the
greater inflammatory profile compared with those consuming organism’s fitness during HF/simple-sugar feeding. What’s
the healthiest dietary regimen, characterised by the lowest more, supplementation of drinking water with arbinoxylan
Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 287
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
(cereal-derived hemicellulose) in mice consuming this diet 2030.82 83 Characterised by an excess accumulation of body fat
selectively increased the abundance of B. cellulosilyticus.75 and a low-grade systemic inflammatory tone, behavioural pat-
Thus, by increasing our understanding of how host genotypic terns including dietary trends remain the underlying cause of
and phenotypic factors affect gut microbial niches, multi-taxon this imbalance of energy input versus expenditure. Convenient,
INSeq can provide gene-level characterisation of species and easily accessible, energy-dense foods and overnutrition represent
strain-specific fitness determinants that enable therapeutic inter- major starting points altering lipid metabolism, systemic inflam-
ventions (eg, prebiotic supplementation) to manipulate gut mation and the gut microbiota. Although studies highlighting
microbial community structure and function in health. the impact of dietary patterns and overnutrition on gut micro-
It is, however, often very difficult to determine the extent by biota composition are plentiful, few decipher a clear link
which dietary factors affect gut microbiota composition, aside between the microbial changes observed and the mechanisms
from genetic factors. While we appreciate that the component involved. In addition, the definition of this ‘microbial signature’
members of the gut microbiota can be stable for years,76 the of obesity is ever changing, each new study describing conflict-
community structure or the relative abundances of each member ing compositional results to the last. Nonetheless, microbial
is highly dynamic.77 To this end, Carmody et al78 described the intervention or the promotion/inhibition of the growth of
role of host genetics in driving dietary-related alterations in gut certain species are attractive proposals for the future prevention
microbiota composition. This study proved that diet is a pre- of this obesity epidemic.
dominant environmental factor over host genetics in shaping Turnbaugh et al84 performed one of the first studies that
gut microbiota composition. This theory was based on previous definitively linked the gut microbiota with weight gain, caused
studies whereby monozygotic twins failed to possess more by an increase in the energy-harvesting capabilities of the ‘obese-
similar gut microbiota profiles when compared with dizygotic microbiota’. The gut microbiome possesses glycoside hydrolase
twins at various ages from infancy to adulthood, suggesting that enzymes, not found in the human genome and that are crucially
host genetic factors play a minor role in altering the human gut involved in hydrolysing and fermenting a wide variety of dietary
microbiota.30 79 The results showed that consumption of a polysaccharides that enhance host energy status.85 86 The micro-
HF-high-sugar diet reproducibly altered the gut microbiota in bially derived energy from these otherwise indigestible complex
five inbred mouse strains, mice deficient for genes relevant to polysaccharides are in the form of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA)
host–microbial interactions (MyD88−/−, NOD2−/−, ob/ob and (acetate, butyrate and propionate, predominantly). SCFAs are
Rag1−/−) and in >200 outbred strains.78 Thus, the study con- crucial to host health and are the principal energy source for
cluded that diet is a dominant environmental factor that alters colonocytes as well as playing a key role in the prevention and
the gut microbial community universally in the host, despite treatment of metabolic and bowel disorders and certain types of
genetic variation. Furthermore, dietary-related gut microbial cancer.87–91 Germfree mice develop less body fat than conven-
changes occurred within an average of 3.5 days and were revers- tionally raised mice and germfree mice colonised with the gut
ible.78 Indeed, the interactions between host genetics and envir- microbiota of conventional mice, despite increasing their food
onmental conditions have recently been described as intake and decreasing their metabolic rate.92 Furthermore,
confounding factors in the development of metabolic syndrome. germfree mice colonised with an ‘obese-microbiota’ isolated
Ussar et al80 discovered that the phenotype of the 129SvEv/Tac from genetically obese ob/ob mice had a greater percentage
(129T) mouse strain from Taconic Farms, usually susceptible to increase in body fat than those colonised with a ‘lean-
developing diet-induced obesity and enlarged livers on HF-diet microbiota’, despite no significant differences in energy con-
but with normal insulin sensitivity and mild glucose intolerance, sumption or initial body fat/weight between the groups.84 In
could be altered through environmental normalisation over at this setting, the germfree mouse model has provided invaluable
least three generations to become ‘metabolic syndrome resist- insights into the link between gut microbiota and body fat accu-
ant’, similar to the phenotype of the genetically related mulation in the host.
129SvEv/ImJ (129J) strain from Jackson Laboratories. At the compositional level, obesity is associated with changes
Environmental normalisation of the 129T strain remodelled the in abundance ratios of two of the most dominant phyla (consti-
microbiota, and these changes correlated with a metabolic resist- tuting >90% of known phylogenetic categories), namely
ant phenotype.80 It must be noted that environmental normal- Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes (figure 1). However, while some
isation of the C57Bl/6J and the 129J strains had no significant studies have described increases in the proportion of Firmicutes
effect on metabolic phenotype, despite a changed gut micro- to Bacteroidetes in the obese phenotype, compared with normal
biota.80 This study is crucial in describing the importance of weight individuals30 and weight loss is said to reduce the
dietary, genetic and microbial interactions on the development Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio in human subjects,31 these find-
of metabolic syndrome. ings are not universal32 53 and so the usefulness of the
If diet is a dominant environmental factor driving gut micro- Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio as a compositional biomarker for
bial changes, then Bolnick et al81 have demonstrated that these obesity remains unclear.
changes are sex dependent. Laboratory fish, laboratory mice and The low-grade inflammatory state characteristic of obesity can
humans have all demonstrated sex-dependent, diet–microbiota be further exacerbated by microbiota-associated inflammatory
associations. Interestingly, this means that diet affects gut micro- processes (figure 1). Cani et al71 93 first described the concept
biota differently in males and females. From a clinical perspec- of metabolic endotoxemia (ie, increased plasma LPS) in a series
tive, if the intention is to take advantage of the dominant effect of experiments in mice. The first finding was that both fat
dietary factors have on shaping a more healthful gut microbiota, feeding and a HF diet increased plasma LPS levels by two-fold
perhaps future therapies ought to be sex specific. and five-fold, respectively.71 It was also observed that subcutane-
ous infusions of LPS into mice increased insulin resistance and
The gut microbiota shape obesity obesity similar to that seen after feeding the HF diet.71
On a global scale, projection estimations have predicted that the This positive correlation between HF feeding, genetic obesity
obesity epidemic rose from 400 million obese adults in 2005 to (ob/ob), type 2 diabetes (T2D) (db/db) and metabolic endotoxe-
>700 million in 2015, a trend that is set to continue towards mia has since been confirmed in mice.94 95 Furthermore,
288 Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Compositional and functional alterations in the healthy gut microbiota versus the obese-diabetic microbiota. The metabolic processes in
peripheral organs leading to increased adiposity, inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance and lipogenesis are associated with the altered
microbiota profile associated with the obese-diabetic phenotype. IEC, intestinal epithelial cell; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; SCFA, short chain fatty acid.
probiotic,93 prebiotic96 and antibiotic94 therapies have improved prevented the development of obesity.101 Invasion of specific
metabolic inflammatory parameters in HF diet fed and ob/ob members of the Bacteroidetes phylum from the transplanted
mice. In a healthy state, the translocation of LPS, through the mice with the ‘lean-microbiota’ to their ‘obese-microbiota’ litter-
intestinal epithelium, is restricted as it damages the integrity of mates correlated with the prevention of obesity development.101
the intestinal barrier. This gut barrier dysfunction observed in In addition, following consumption of a low-fat, high-fibre diet,
the obese state may represent an open door for microbes and the ‘obese-microbiota’ failed to colonise lean mice as efficiently
microbial-derived LPS endotoxin to enter systemic circulation, as it had in mice consuming a HF, low-fibre diet when cohoused
increasing gut permeability94 97–99 and paracellular permeability with mice transplanted with human ‘lean-microbiota’.101 The
by disrupting tight-junction proteins that link epithelial cells results of this study highlight both diet and environment as
together (eg, claudin, occludin and zonula occludens).100 crucial factors involved in altering the microbiota to affect the
Mechanistically, increased gut permeability in obese mice may metabolic phenotype in the host.
have been associated with an alteration in the expression, local- Compositional differences are evident in the obese relative to
isation and distribution of two tight-junction proteins (occludin the lean state.67 With obese individuals harbouring lower bacter-
and zonula occludens 1) in the small intestine.94 95 97 99 Thus, ial richness and characterised by greater adiposity, with
microbial-associated metabolic endotoxemia appears to repre- increased insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and higher rates of sys-
sent one of the most important links between the gut micro- temic inflammation (increased C reactive protein), when com-
biota, intestinal permeability and the low-grade inflammatory pared with high bacterial richness individuals.67 Importantly, the
state linked with obesity. significant differences in bacterial richness and thus microbial
Ridaura et al101 recently described a fascinating link between communities/metabolic capabilities between obese and lean
diet, gut microbial composition and obesity. Their cohort of groups in this study were based on 46 genera. Bacteroides,
female twin pairs, discordant for obesity, provided a unique Parabacteroides, Ruminococcus, Campylobacter, Dialister,
opportunity to examine the interrelations between obesity, asso- Porphyromonas, Staphylococcus and Anaerostipes were more
ciated metabolic disorders, diet and the gut microbiota. dominant in subjects of low bacterial richness with an obese
Transplantation of human gut microbiota from each member of phenotype, while Faecalibacterium, Bifidobacterium,
discordant twin pairs for obesity permitted the donors’ commu- Lactobacillus, Butyrivibrio, Alistipes, Akkermansia, Coprococcus
nities to be replicated in germfree mice, that is, transplantation and Methanobrevibacter were more prevalent in subjects with
of a human ‘obese-microbiota’ from one co-twin transmitted an high bacterial richness and a lean phenotype.67 These compos-
increase in total body and fat mass, as well as other itional data permitted a closer look to be taken at the microbial
obesity-associated metabolic phenotypes with corresponding metabolic capabilities of individuals with high and low bacterial
faecal bacterial cultures in germfree mice.101 Furthermore, richness. It was concluded from the vast amount of data that
cohousing mice transplanted with this human ‘obese-microbiota’ subjects with low bacterial richness and an obese phenotype had
with mice transplanted with a human ‘lean-microbiota’ (1) a reduction in butyrate-producing bacteria (2), a reduction in
Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 289
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
hydrogen and methane production (3), an increase in mucus and colitis,110 others have failed to demonstrate such health
degradation and (4) an increase in the potential to manage oxi- benefits. Higher abundances of A. muciniphila have been
dative stress.67 Thus, it appears that obese individuals have observed in healthy controls in some human gut microbiota
lower bacterial richness and harbour a microbiota that predis- studies.38 In addition, the Chinese MGWAS study reported that
poses them to further inflammation. 337 of the 2176 A. muciniphila-related genes were more abun-
It is clear that obesity is associated with an altered gut micro- dant in T2D patients compared with healthy controls.37 It has
biota that worsens this debilitating disease. Diversity is key to also been suggested that A. muciniphila could facilitate intestinal
increasing the metabolic capabilities of the gut microbiota in inflammation through mucin degradation as previously shown
order to prevent worsening metabolic endotoxemia, mucus deg- in Salmonella typhimurium-infected mice.111 Such conflicting
radation and oxidative stress. In the vast gut microbial ecosys- results highlight the need for further studies to decipher the
tem, two residents have been the subject of extensive research precise role of A. muciniphila in inflammatory-related diseases
over the last number of years due to their negative association and to clarify previous discrepancies.
with the obese phenotype. Intriguing data have supported an
antiobese movement of these two species, so much so that alle- Faecalibacterium prausnitzii
viating obesity and associated metabolic disorders through Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is also an abundant intestinal
increasing their abundances has become a real opportunity. microbe comprising approximately 4% of the mainly luminal
microbiota.105 Patients with inflammatory symptoms of
Akkermansia muciniphila inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), obesity and related
A. muciniphila is a mucin-degrading Gram-negative bacterium metabolic dysfunctions harbour reduced abundances of
residing in the mucus layer of intestinal epithelial cells and that F. prausnitzii.37 38 74 112–114 Some recent functional studies have
constitutes about 3–5% of the gut microbiota biomass in described increased F. prausnitzii in overweight subjects who
humans.102 Murine73 and human74 studies have demonstrated underwent a fasting programme over 1 week followed by sup-
an inverse correlation between A. muciniphila and overweight, plementation of a probiotic formula for 6 weeks.114 Dietary
obesity and diabetes. Everard et al73 99 reported convincing data supplementation with a type 3-resistant starch in the SATIN
describing a potential protective function of A. muciniphila in project altered the gut microbiota composition in overweight
murine models of obesity. They describe a comprehensive data human subjects by enriching taxa involved in starch degradation
set highlighting an inverse correlation between genetic and (Ruminococcus bromii) and butyrate production (Eubacterium
dietary models of obesity and gut concentrations of A. mucini- rectale) and increasing F. prausnitzii.115 This study describes the
phila.73 Furthermore, prebiotic supplementation with oligofruc- association between microbial fermentation of resistant starch
tose (dietary fibre) dramatically increased the abundance of A. and satiety.115 Furthermore, F. prausnitzii has shown protective
muciniphila in genetically obese mice99 and restored the effects in both acute112 and chronic116 inflammatory responses
decreased basal levels of A. muciniphila associated with obesity, in chemically induced models of inflammation. Considering the
improving metabolic function and endotoxemia.73 Such studies low-grade inflammatory tone, symptomatic of IBD and often
suggest that A. muciniphila plays a role in controlling fat associated with obesity, Martin et al recently investigated the
storage, adipose tissue inflammation and glucose metabolism. protective effects of F. prausnitzii in a preclinical murine model
A recent ex vivo model based on mouse ileal organoids has of colitis.117 Importantly, decreased intestinal permeability was a
provided some novel data linking the gut microbiota and the feature following F. prausnitzii supplementation in mice chem-
host.103 Lukovac et al103 reported that ileal organoid expression ically subjected to chronic low-grade inflammation and gut dys-
of fasting induced adipocyte factor, G-protein coupled receptor function compared with controls.117 Results from this study
(Gpr)-43, histone deacetylases and peroxisome proliferator- prompted the authors to describe F. prausnitzii as a potential
activated receptor-γ were modulated by A. muciniphila and the novel probiotic that can be successfully used in the treatment of
SCFA, propionate.104 Thus, it is clear that A. muciniphila and gut dysfunction and inflammation. Although the authors
its SCFA regulate transcription factors and genes involved in cell propose that the protective effects of F. prausnitzii could at least
cycle control, lipolysis and satiety.103 Previously, the effect of be in part due to the enhancement of tight junction proteins in
A. muciniphila on cell survival, more specifically in cell death the epithelial cells, promoting barrier function, further studies
receptor signalling within ileal tissue, has also been described in are needed to determine the precise role of F. prausnitzii in
vivo in germfree mice.105 obesity and inflammatory-related metabolic diseases.
Early life therapy in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse
model of diabetes with antibiotics increased the relative abun- The endocannabinoid system and obesity
dance of A. muciniphila with an improvement to the diabetic The endocannabinoid (eCB) system has been proposed to be
phenotype.106 In addition, Dubourg et al107 demonstrated a involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis, appetite118
dramatic colonisation of the human gut microbiota by the and gut barrier function119 via the microbiota–gut–brain
phylum Verrucomicrobia following broad-spectrum antibiotic axis during obesity.120 The eCB system is composed mainly of
treatment. Interestingly, all Verrucomicrobia phylotypes were the bioactive lipids anandamide (AEA; an
represented by A. muciniphila.107 This shift in gut microbial N-arachidonoylethanolamine), 2-arachidonoylgycerol (2-AG)
composition highlights the susceptibility of some bacterial popu- (synthesised locally in the GI tract), the proteins that regulate
lations following antibiotic therapy and the susceptibility of their production/degradation and the cannabinoid receptors
other more resistant microorganisms to thrive under antibiotic CB1 and CB2, through which they signal. While both AEA and
pressure.108 In a follow-up study, Caputo et al109 assembled the 2-AG are CB1 and CB2 ligands, CB1 is expressed mainly in the
whole genomes of A. muciniphila isolated directly from the liver, pancreas, adipose tissue and the peripheral and central
stool of the patients who partook in the previous study using a nervous systems.121 CB2 is expressed mainly in the immune
metagenomic approach. cells, in addition to the brain, pancreas and adipose tissue.122 In
Despite the confounding evidence suggesting the anti- short, CB1 activation reduces gastric motility while CB2 activa-
inflammatory effects of A. muciniphila in obesity,73 diabetes106 tion reduces an inflammatory response. Interestingly, obesity is
290 Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
associated with an increase in eCB system tone123 and an microbiota such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli were lower
altered expression of CB1. For example, CB1 receptor knockout while Bacteroides, Ruminococcus and Eubacterium were higher
mice have upregulated eCB signalling in a diet-induced obese compared with BBDR rats.139 However, pre-T1D onset the gut
mouse model.124 Muccioli et al125 have shown in genetically microbiota of BBDP rats was significantly different to that of
obese and T2D mice that CB1 receptor antagonists decreased BBDR rats139 and so it is difficult to conclude from this study
gut permeability. Furthermore, by altering gut microbiota com- whether microbial alterations were causal or consequential of
position through prebiotic feeding, colonic CB1 mRNA expres- disease since changes were observed before and after disease
sion is reduced and antibiotic treatment also decreased the onset. Recently, we described distinct microbial alterations in
expression of the CB1 receptor in the colon.125 These results STZ-induced T1D rats over time.140 In this study, rats were
correlate with a reduction in colonic AEA (endogenous CB1 injected with a single dose of the pancreatic β-cell toxin STZ
ligand), an increase in fatty acid amine hydrolase (the main and T1D was apparent following 1 week. Although this model
enzyme in degradation of AEA) and reduced plasma LPS was severe, given the lack of insulin therapy throughout the
levels.125 This suggests that the gut microbiota indeed play a 5 weeks of disease, with blood glucose levels between 500 and
role in regulating obesity and obesity-associated metabolic endo- 600 mg/dL in diabetic rats, it does provide a comprehensive
toxemia through the eCB system. account of the microbial alterations that occurred following
disease onset and progression over time.140 Most notably, T1D
The gut microbiota and type 1 diabetes onset was associated with a shift in the Bacteroidetes:
Unlike T2D, type 1 diabetes (T1D) is primarily caused by a Firmicutes ratio, while at the genus level increased proportions
genetic disposition to pancreatic β-cell autoimmunity,126 in of lactic acid producing, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus were
which inflammatory T cells are acknowledged to play a central identified at the later stages of T1D progression. Coincidently,
role.127 Among the genetic loci identified in T1D patients, it is T1D increased caecal lactate levels and decreased caecal butyrate
specific human leucocyte antigen (HLA) genotypes that have the levels compared with healthy controls. It has been suggested that
strongest identified genetic factor to date.128 129 However, twin the imbalance of bacteria that produce SCFA can affect gut per-
and family studies have shown that only a fraction of genetically meability and cause T1D. Brown et al35 have described the
predisposed individuals will go on to develop T1D,130–132 and importance of butyrate in intestinal permeability during T1D.
with the incidence of T1D increasing steadily by about 3–4% Heightened gut permeability has been demonstrated as one of
over the past few decades, particularly among young children in the phenomena that precedes the clinical onset of T1D in both
developed countries,133 environmental factors seemingly play a animal models of autoimmune diabetes as well as in patients with
stronger role than once anticipated towards triggering this auto- T1D and pre-diabetic individuals.141–145 It is the fate of lactate
immune response. The impact of environmental factors on the that is crucial in determining intestinal health as conversion to
increasing incidence and decreasing age of diagnosis of children butyrate results in mucin synthesis146–149 and tighter junc-
with lower-risk class II HLA genes have been described.134 tions150 151 while conversion to other SCFA such as acetate and
Infant feeding practices, diet and viruses are all relevant envir- propionate does not induce mucin synthesis.35 In addition, butyr-
onmental triggers shown to play a role in disease onset. ate contributes to colonic health through its anti-inflammatory
Moreover, risk of T1D onset in childhood is higher in children properties152–154 and decreases bacterial transport across meta-
delivered by caesarean section,135 where there is also an altered bolically stressed epithelial cells,153 thus preventing the develop-
gut microbiota composition.4 ment of the so-called ‘leaky gut’. Furthermore, the STZ-induced
Genetically induced, that is, the NOD mouse and the bio- T1D rats demonstrated a reduced microbial diversity after just
breeding diabetes prone (BBDP)/diabetes-resistant (BBDR) and 1 week of disease onset that did not recover over the duration of
chemically induced, that is, streptozotocin (STZ) and the trial.140 Previously described are the links between a reduced
alloxan-induced T1D animal models all describe convincing microbial diversity and obesity-associated metabolic diseases.67
data linking an altered microbiota with disease. Wen et al136 The altered gut microbiota associated with T1D has also been
previously described the importance of the gut microbiota and reported in numerous human studies. A 4-matched case–control
its interactions with the host innate immune system in modulat- study in Finland reported that the gut microbiota differed
ing T1D onset. MyD88 is an adaptor for multiple innate between children who were healthy and those with autoimmune
immune receptors, including TLRs involved in microbial disorders.155 A higher level of Bacteroidetes relative to
sensing. It is the MyD88 signalling pathway that is required for Firmicutes approximately 6 months after birth was observed in
autoimmune diabetes development in NOD mice under SPF those who eventually developed T1D and suggested that this
conditions.136 The knockout of MyD88 in NOD mice com- ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes increased over time in auto-
pletely protects against T1D development.136 Furthermore, het- immune cases, but declined in those who did not develop
erozygous MyD88−/− NOD mice, which normally develop T1D.155 The authors concluded that the ratio of Bacteroidetes
robust diabetes, are protected from disease development when to Firmicutes could be an early diagnostic marker of pending
exposed from birth to the gut microbiota of a MyD88 knockout autoimmunity problems. Such case–control studies have asso-
NOD donor.136 Thus, disease progression in the NOD mouse is ciated a higher Bacteroides abundance with autoimmunity, with
partly driven by an exaggerated innate immune response to sym- increased Bacteroides ovatus and Bacteroides uniformis and
biotic microbiota and altering microbial composition can curtail decreased Bacteroides fragilis in T1D patients.34–36 155
this response and prevent disease. Exposure to bacterial antigens Furthermore, butyrate producers such as Faecalibacterium and
and infections has also been shown to decrease the risk of NOD Roseburia and mucin degraders Prevotella and Akkermansia
mice developing T1D.137 were all found in greater proportions in healthy controls
Further evidence for the role of the gut microbiota in T1D compared with cases and have been described as protective
arises from the studies of BBDP and BBDR rodents. against T1D.34–36 155 A recent German study, however, found no
Interestingly, treating BBDP mice with antibiotics decreased differences in the Bacteroides abundance between children who
their risk of developing T1D.138 Focusing on the proportions of developed anti-islet cell autoimmunity and healthy controls
bacteria found in BBDP rats at disease onset, probiotic-like between 6 months of age and 3 years.156 They did, however,
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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
observe an increase in the abundance of the phylum enriched in healthy control subjects, patients with T2D exhib-
Verrucomicrobia, of which Akkermansia is the only known gut ited an altered gut microbial profile, marked by decreased
microbial member.105 156 Previously, Brown et al35 suggested butyrate-producing bacteria such as R. intestinalis and F. praus-
that a gut microbiota abundant with butyrate producers, nitzii.37 Interestingly, the T2D gut microbial profile was colo-
increases mucin production, increases tight junction assembly, nised by opportunistic pathogens such as Bacteroides caccae,
and thus, increases epithelial cell integrity. Therefore, with various Clostridiales, Escherichia coli and the sulfate-reducing
increased mucin production, a favourable niche exists for mucin species Desulfovibrio.37 The functional capacity of the T2D gut
degraders such as A. muciniphila that could possibly be used as microbial profile was linked with enrichment in the membrane
an indicator of gut integrity.35 A very recent study has extensively transport of sugars, oxidative stress responses, branched chain
examined the gut microbiota composition and diversity of 33 amino acid transport, sulfate reduction and decreased butyrate
infants genetically predisposed to T1D.157 The authors acknowl- biosynthesis.37 In total, >3% of the gut microbial genes differed
edged the limitations of the study being that all children in their between healthy controls and patients with T2D.37
cohort carry T1D-predisposing HLA alleles and are restricted to In a follow-up study, Karlsson et al74 reported compositional
the countries of Finland and Estonia; nonetheless, their results changes linked with T2D in a Scandinavian cohort of postmeno-
are extremely novel in linking the gut microbiota with disease.157 pausal women. The data presented in this cohort again revealed
The study reported a 25% reduction in gut microbial diversity in significant decreases in butyrate producers R. intestinalis and F.
T1D patients compared with seroconverters (those positive for at prausnitzii in T2D women compared with women with
least two of the five autoantibodies analysed; insulin autoanti- impaired glucose tolerance.74 Both cohorts also demonstrated
bodies, glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies, islet antigen-2 increases in Lactobacillus species associated with T2D.37 74 As
antibodies, zince transporter eight antibodies and islet cell anti- already discussed, butyrate plays a significant role in the main-
bodies) and non-converters. Importantly, this was associated with tenance of intestinal epithelial cell integrity with important
alterations to both phylogenetic microbial composition and functions in the prevention of ‘leaky gut’ associated with dia-
metabolic pathways in T1D diagnosed children throughout the betes. Therefore, the role of SCFA, particularly butyrate and
study period.157 In addition, these shifts occurred prior to butyrate-producing bacteria, is crucial for health in obesity and
disease onset but after seroconversion and were specific to T1D diabetes. As studies in T2D consistently reveal that production
progressors but not seen in seroconverters without disease.157 of SCFAs, especially butyrate, is impaired, it is reasonable to
Remarkably, this novel data set describes a gut microbial profile assume that such mechanisms may contribute to the low-grade
that precedes T1D development but that is not found in serocon- inflammation observed in such disorders.164
verters without disease or non-converters. Such results highlight Although plentiful in compositional data, both Chinese and
a unique opportunity to exploit gut microbial profiles in distin- Scandinavian cohorts lacked data determining whether
guishing between T1D progressors from non-progressors and so T2D-specific medication may or may not have influenced gut
has major implications for the future treatment of disease, based microbial profiles of patients or whether such medications could
on microbial profiles. have ‘corrected’ the altered microbial ecosystem associated with
T2D. Recent promising data described a role for metformin, one
The gut microbiota and T2D of the most widely prescribed T2D therapeutic agents, towards
It is estimated that >80% of patients with T2D are overweight improving the gut microbial profile in T2D.165 Following
and increased body weight is now recognised as the greatest risk 6 weeks of metformin treatment in HF-diet fed mice, both the
factor of T2D, aside from genetic and lifestyle factors. glycaemic profile and microbial profile (29 genera) was altered,
Numerous studies have focused on the relationship between when compared with HF-fed controls.165 Interestingly, HF-fed
obesity and the gut microbiota; however, with T2D now gener- mice treated with metformin showed higher abundances of the
ally considered an attribute to obesity, observational studies mucin-degrading bacterium Akkermansia that correlated with
linking glucose intolerance and insulin resistance associated with increased mucin-producing goblet cells.165 Furthermore, oral
T2D with the gut microbiota are somewhat lacking. Once again, administration of A. muciniphila to HF-diet fed mice in the
inflammatory pathways underscore the evolution of insulin absence of metformin, significantly enhanced glucose tolerance
resistance.158 Patients with metabolic syndrome and T2D and attenuated adipose tissue inflammation.165 This improve-
exhibit a remarkable endotoxemia.159 160 Recent studies have ment in glucose tolerance associated with A. muciniphila had
suggested that LPS may be crucially involved in T2D-associated also previously been identified.73 The results of Shin et al were
inflammation. Serino et al161 reported an increase in gut perme- further confirmed a few months later by Lee and Ko,166 who
ability and endotoxemia with a specific gut microbial profile in demonstrated an increase in A. muciniphila following metformin
mice receiving a HF diet until they became diabetic. In line with treatment with a negative correlation between glycaemia and
this, Amar et al162 163 described the concept of ‘metabolic infec- A. muciniphila abundance. In line with this, Zhang et al38
tion’ to define the contribution of the gut microbiota in the reported that the abundances of Verrucomicrobiaceae and A.
endotoxemia-associated inflammation coupled with insulin muciniphila were significantly reduced in patients with pre-
resistance in T2D. Blood levels of certain bacterial DNA (>85% diabetes compared with healthy controls. Thus, A. muciniphila
derived from Proteobacteria) were found to be enhanced in pre- may contribute to the antidiabetic effect of metformin, suggest-
diabetes.163 Microbially derived endotoxin could, therefore, ing that pharmacological manipulation of the gut microbiota in
play a significant role in insulin resistance associated with T2D. favour of Akkermansia may be a potential treatment for T2D.
Qin et al37 were among the first authors to complete a signifi- These studies describe attractive data sets that highlight the possi-
cant metagenome-wide association study in T2D. bility of gut microbial manipulation to alleviate T2D and
High-throughput sequencing on a cohort of Chinese patients describes a new mechanism for the therapeutic effect of metfor-
with T2D demonstrated some interesting correlations between min in treating T2D.
the clinical data and gut microbial composition.37 While Following on from this, one recent study dissected 784 avail-
butyrate-producing bacteria (Clostridiales sp. SS3/4, E. rectale, able human gut genomes from the MetaHIT project, novel
F. prausnitzii, Roseburia intestinalis, among others) were Danish MetaHIT genomes, cohorts of female Swedish patients
292 Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with T2D and Chinese patients with T2D to demonstrate how
metformin impacted on gut microbial profiles.167 For these 784
gut metagenomes, taxonomic and functional profiles were deter-
mined. Using the available data sets and controlling for metfor-
min, the authors identified a unified signature of gut
microbiome shifts in T2D, characterised by a depletion in
butyrate-producing taxa.167 It was shown that gut microbial
function was altered following metformin treatment such that
intestinal lipid absorption and LPS-triggered local inflammation
was reduced, providing a competitive advantage to Escherichia
species, possibly triggering a positive feedback loop that contrib-
uted to the taxonomic changes.167 Akkermansia was also found
at similar abundances in non-diabetic control and metformin-
treated diabetic patients.167 Furthermore, functional analysis
demonstrated significantly enhanced butyrate and propionate
production potential in metformin-treated patients. This is of
significance due to the potential of these SCFA to trigger intes- Figure 2 Putative mechanisms of action through which prebiotics and
tinal gluconeogenesis.168 169 Thus, characterisation of a probiotic bacteria can impact on host metabolic health in type 1 and
metformin-associated human gut microbiome highlighted novel type 2 diabetes. Green and red texts indicate hormones, systems and
microbial mechanisms that contribute to the beneficial effects of actions that are upregulated and downregulated, respectively. LPS,
the drug on host metabolism and provided evidence for the lipopolysaccharide.
importance of controlling for metformin treatment once report-
ing functional and compositional shifts in the human
microbiome. response by reducing host IFNγ and iNOS levels, while also
What’s more, microbial manipulation to treat insulin resist- increasing claudin expression.
ance has previously been described, whereby microbial faecal Conversely, some members of the gut microbiota have been
transplant from lean donors to male insulin-resistant subjects shown to accelerate T1D.178 Segmented filamentous bacteria
significantly improved peripheral insulin resistance associated (SFB) are a Gram-positive, strict anaerobe taxonomic lineage
with an altered small intestinal microbial composition.170 within the Clostridiaceae family, which occupy the GI tract.179
These SFB are found tightly associated with the intestinal wall
and, as a result, interact with the host immune system causing
considerable differentiation towards inflammatory TH17 cells in
It is now well established that there is enormous potential for
the small intestinal lamina propria.180 While this type of immu-
human metabolic health in the manipulation of the gut micro-
nostimulation can be extremely important to the development
biome.171 We have already discussed the inverse relationship
of a healthy host immune system,181 this same action can
between gut microbiota diversity and diabetic state; however, it
exacerbate autoimmunity in others that are genetically suscep-
is likely that certain keystone microbial taxa, alongside diversity,
tible to T1D.182 Just one probiotic strain has previously been
may be at the centre of this association. Aside from diet, pro-
described as displaying anti-SFB activity in an immunocom-
biotic administration currently represents the most effective and
promised mouse model.183 However, the mechanistic features
safest means of selectively altering the gut microbiome, ultim-
proposed by the authors are those common to many probiotics
ately with the intention to improve host health.78 172
—direct pathogen exclusion, antimicrobial activity or indirect
activity through host immunostimulation184 185—suggesting that
Probiotics for T1D SFB may be a potential target for probiotic therapy in T1D.
It is well established that the microbiome can have a central role GABA is a metabolite produced from glutamate by the glu-
in the progression of T1D.173 However, it also appears to be tamate decarboxylase (GAD) pathway of many lactic acid bac-
true that we can alter the microbiome to delay onset or manage teria,186 as a cellular response to acidic stress.187 In the host,
T1D pathogenesis. Three main targets have emerged for pro- GABA is produced by β-cells and acts as the main inhibitory
biotic therapy in T1D; reduction or redirection of autoimmun- neurotransmitter in the enteric and parasympathetic nervous
ity, increased β-cell proliferation and decreased β-cell apoptosis systems, where it is involved in pain perception and stress.188
(figure 2). However, GABA has also been proposed as a potential therapy
The redirection of T-cell differentiation towards Treg cells by in T1D pathogenesis.189 190 GABA acts on β-cell receptors,
probiotics, commensals and their metabolites has received some GABAAR and GABABR, to increase insulin production and
attention. A probiotic cocktail of three Lactobacillus plantarum β-cell proliferation, while also reducing β-cell apoptosis.191 In
strains was observed to significantly reduce inflammatory cyto- addition, CD4+ T cells have also been shown to harbour
kines interferon (IFN)γ and tumour necrosis factor-α produc- GABAAR, allowing the amino acid to interact with the immune
tion, while increasing anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 system to effectively inhibit the inflammatory process involved
production in a mouse model of autoimmunity.174 The zwitter- in the progression of T1D.192 193 While these studies have
ionic polysaccharide of B. fragilis (PSA) has also been implicated investigated the use of injected or parenteral delivery of pure
in a similar mechanism of anti-inflammatory protection for GABA, none have applied GABA-producing probiotics to a T1D
autoimmune disease-induced mice.175 176 One study investigat- model. The research to date investigating the bioactivity of
ing the ability of two Lactobacillus spp. isolated from the GI GABA-producing probiotics has been solely focused on the gut–
tract of T1D-resistant mice found that administration of a brain axis.194 However, selected probiotics can produce physio-
Lactobacillus johnsonii delayed or prevented the onset of the logically relevant levels GABA in faecal fermentations186 and, as
disease in a BioBreeding model.177 The strain elicited this such, should be considered potential T1D therapies warranting
Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 293
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
further investigation. One such study recently conducted within group of the University of Louvain (for review, see Cani
our group investigated the potential of an efficient et al).162 204 206–214 The systematic research of this group has
GABA-producing Lactobacillus brevis in modifying host metab- uncovered several metabolic targets for probiotic therapies,
olism (Marques et al, in press). Following 5 weeks of probiotic some of which we have previously discussed already.
intervention, healthy rat serum insulin was increased by 70% The first and most thoroughly characterised targets for
when compared with controls, while all other metabolic para- probiotic-mediated T2D therapy are the SCFA. SCFA—primar-
meters were not significantly altered. ily acetate, butyrate and propionate—are thought to interact
An intriguing novel avenue that is currently being explored in with the host enteroendocrine system by binding to GPR41 and
probiotic research is the engineering of commensal bacteria that GPR43.214 215 These GPCRs in turn upregulate the expression
can deliver bioactive molecules capable of managing or correct- of gut hormone precursor peptide proglucagon,216 GLP-1,217
ing a disease state.195 Due to their safety and the association GLP-2,95 gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) and peptide YY
that probiotics have with host intestinal mucosa, this system has (PYY) levels,218 as well as adipocyte-derived leptin,219 while
been of considerable interest for vaccine delivery (for review, downregulating ghrelin.220 As mentioned previously,
see Wells and Mercenier186 196). Such treatments have been GLP-1-based therapies have demonstrated great efficacy in treat-
coined as synthetic signalling therapeutics.197 In a recent study, ing patients presenting T2D, as well as dyslipidemia. However,
a recombinant probiotic Lactobacillus gasseri ATCC 33323 microbiota-mediated modulation of these other gut hormones
capable of secreting the inactive full length form of glucagon- also has significant implications for metabolic health, affecting
like peptide-1 (GLP-1)(1-37) was designed.198 GLP-1 is a con- gut permeability, satiety, gastric emptying and food intake.221
served mammalian peptide produced by neuroendocrine L-cells, Most recently, SCFAs have also been shown to act upon a
which can lower postprandial glucose levels in T2D by stimulat- cAMP-dependent mechanism, increasing intestinal gluconeogen-
ing insulin production and attenuating glucagon release.199 esis,168 which is thought to contribute to satiety.222 While some
GLP-1 also acts systemically on the pancreas, liver, heart, studies have reported contrasting effects, this is likely a result of
stomach and brain, impacting on gastric emptying, satiety and the varying actions of specific SCFA. As we have discussed previ-
lipid absorption and metabolism.200 201 As such, a plethora of ously, it appears that butyrate may be of most significance in the
drugs have been developed as GLP-1R agonists or blockers correction of metabolic endotoxemia disease states through pro-
(gliptins) of DPP-4, the enzyme that cleaves active GLP-1 in cir- liferation of colonic epithelial cells and tight junction func-
culation.202 Although GLP-1-based therapies have been entirely tion.151 The importance of butyrate-producing bacteria in T2D
targeted towards the treatment of T2D, it has become clear that development has been demonstrated by a recent human faecal
this full-length form of the peptide may have significant poten- transplant study.170 This research implicates enteric butyrate-
tial as a T1D therapy. GLP-1 was originally identified in its producing bacteria, such as R. intestinalis, Faecalibacterium spp.
extended 1–37 form through cDNA cloning,203 although it was and Eubacterium hallii, as potential probiotics for the allevi-
thought to have little bioactivity compared with the truncated ation of metabolic endotoxemia-induced T2D.223 There is also
GLP-1 (7–37 and 7–36), later discovered to be naturally pro- evidence that more classical probiotics, such as the commercial
duced by human β-cells.204 However, a recombinant GLP-1(1- probiotic cocktail VSL#3, can offer complete correction of
37) producing E. coli has previously been shown to stimulate weight gain and glucose intolerance associated with diet-induced
the production of 1 ng insulin per millilitre of media in Caco-2 T2D in mice.224 Moreover, a recent transcriptomics study in
cells.205 Furthermore, the peptide has also been implicated in elderly patients demonstrated the ability of Lactobacillus rham-
the conversion of crypt-located small intestinal epithelial cells to nosus GG to promote the relative expression of butyrate-
insulin+ β-like-cells ex vivo.206 Following STZ-induction of producing Roseburia and Eubacterium genes within the meta-
T1D in mice, Duan et al demonstrated that twice daily adminis- genome.225 This could offer a more intriguing mechanism for
tration of a high dose (1.6×1010 CFU/kg) of this recombinant the anti-inflammatory effects attributed to traditional probiotics
GLP-1(1-37) producing probiotic for 90 days resulted in ∼30% in T2D therapy.
restoration of insulin-production capabilities and significantly The second proposed target for T2D probiotic therapy is the
improved glucose metabolism. It was confirmed by immuno- eCB system, already discussed in relation to obesity.226 CB1 is
fluorescent microscopy that this activity was through differenti- involved in gut permeability and modulation of the gut micro-
ation of intestinal crypt epithelial cells to β-like cells. Thus, biota appears to yield similar responses to CB1 antagonists,
GI tract-derived probiotics may serve as drug delivery or signal- upregulating expression and correcting the localisation of intes-
ling systems, which could have downstream implications for tinal epithelial tight junction proteins, occludin and zonula
diabetes.207 208 occludens1.227 Furthermore, supplementation with 2×108 CFU/
day of live A. muciniphila increased ileum 2-AG and 2-
Probiotics for T2D palmitoylglycerol levels in mice fed a HF diet, which had the
Much of the initial research around probiotics as T2D therapies knock-on effect of reducing serum LPS content.73 The manner
has been through non-targeted approaches, assessing the ability in which A. muciniphila alters eCB levels remains unclear, but
of different lactobacilli and bifidobacteria to attenuate the the correlation is apparent and this may offer a mechanism of
effects of the disease state without any genuine molecular action for the beneficial metabolic effects attributed to the
hypothesis prior to experimentation.209 210 More recent studies strain.
have progressed to implicating reduced inflammation, as a direct Finally, eCB-like lipids, such as N-oleoylethanolamine,
result of improved tight junction function preventing metabolic 2-oleoylglycerol (2-OG) and linoleoylethanolamine have been
endotoxemia, as the source of the probiotic effect in diabetes shown to interact with GPR119, a receptor that stimulates the
therapy (figure 2).162 211 212 This attenuation of low-grade host enteroendocrine system.228 Live A. muciniphila administra-
inflammation undoubtedly plays a central role in T2D therapy; tion has demonstrated potential in altering 2-OG in mice fed a
however, the manner in which this is achieved by probiotic bac- HF diet, contributing to tight junction function and significantly
teria is complex. The most compelling theories of the T2D– improving glucose metabolism, through stimulation of intestinal
microbiome interaction have come from the Delzenne and Cani L-cell GLP-2 and GLP-1 production, respectively.73 In addition,
294 Patterson E, et al. Postgrad Med J 2016;92:286–300. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2015-133285 on 24 February 2016. Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the aforementioned increase in 2-AG production has been determining metabolic endotoxemia in the host. This may be
shown to potentiate anti-inflammatory effects from 2-OG, ambitious right now, but it is clear that certain strains of bacteria
which could have further implications for correction of T2D.229 (and the pharmabiotics they produce) can have very positive
Additionally, GABA has also demonstrated potential in the effects on host metabolic health. Although these effects may
treatment of T2D ex vivo230 and in vivo231 through the same seem a small solution to this epidemic, the future development
pathways targeted for T1D. The former study, in which human of probiotics as medicines to treat metabolic disease or indeed
pancreatic islets were excised, demonstrated that the GABA sig- prevent their onset is a promising proposal. The data described
nalling pathway was hindered in T2D compared with healthy in this review bring us ever closer to discovering an ‘antiobese
controls.230 However, GABABR agonist CPG55845 proved microbiota’, one that could prevent this obesity epidemic from
capable of stimulating insulin release from islets of both T2D polluting future global health.
and healthy control islets. Interestingly, Tian et al231 found that
GABA therapy in a diet-induced obese model of T2D improved
fasting glucose, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity through
action on peripheral GABAAR-expressing immune cells. The Main messages
study found that this in turn promoted a CD4+Fox3+ Treg dif-
ferentiation tone and, as a result, reduced T2D-associated ▸ While the gut microbiota is unique and essential for
inflammation. The potential for GABA-producing probiotics as development, its composition can be influenced by many
T2D therapies certainly warrants preclinical investigation. factors including health status and environment.
▸ ‘Pharmabiotics’ are bioactive microbial metabolites that
LIMITATIONS AND RISKS OF MICROBIOME-MEDIATED confer a health benefit to the host.
THERAPIES ▸ The gut microbiota are a modifiable target with the
While this review has highlighted the major advances and prom- potential to progress or prevent the development of the
ising outcomes of current microbiome-metabolism research, it is metabolic syndrome.
important to comment on several limitations and potential risks
associated with the science. In terms of limitations, as is the case
for all personalised medicines, what works for me may not
work for you. That is to say that an individual’s genetics, spe-
cific diet, drug intake and endogenous microbiota may greatly Current research questions
impact on the efficacy of certain microbiome-mediated therap-
ies. Moreover, some interventions may not only be ineffective in
▸ Can we eat ourselves healthy by feeding specific gut
combating an individual’s disease state, they may even be an
additional risk factor. Certain avant-garde bacterial therapy pro-
▸ Is it possible to transplant a healthful ‘lean-microbiota’ to an
cedures have demonstrated great potential in combating grave
obese host with the effect of alleviating symptoms of the
diseases: for example, the use of faecal microbiota transplants
metabolic syndrome?
(FMTs) in the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection.
▸ Can specific strains of bacteria be used as future therapies
However, with such efficacy comes risk. There have been
against diabetes or could potential disease-provoking strains
several anecdotal reports and a single case study reporting
be knocked out of the gut microbial ecosystem?
increased weight gain following FMT from overweight
donors,232 mirroring preclinical outcomes. In addition, there
has even been speculation that transplantation from a mentally
unfit donor could induce the same phenotype in the recipient.
Although it is unlikely that single or even multistrain bacterial Key references
therapies, which have undergone strenuous preclinical and clin-
ical investigation, would transfer such deleterious attributes.
However, it certainly warrants attention, and microbiome- ▸ Murphy EF, Cotter PD, Healy S, et al. Composition and
mediated therapies such as FMT will require significant regula- energy harvesting capacity of the gut microbiota:
tion in order to reduce safety risks and ensure whole system relationship to diet, obesity and time in mouse models. Gut
host health. 2010;59:1635–42.
▸ Ridaura VK, Faith JJ, Rey FE, et al. Gut microbiota from
twins discordant for obesity modulate metabolism in mice.
Science 2013;341:1241214.
The obesity epidemic has become a thorn in the side of a
▸ Cani PD, Geurts L, Matamoros S, et al. Glucose metabolism:
21st-century global health crisis. Modern sequencing technolo-
focus on gut microbiota, the endocannabinoid system and
gies have demonstrated that we are more microbe than man, in
beyond. Diabetes Metab 2014;40:246–57.
fact we always were, but the vast data now available to prove
▸ Everard A, Belzer C, Geurts L, et al. Cross-talk between
this are unarguable. The relationship between microbe and man
Akkermansia muciniphila and intestinal epithelium controls
is symbiotic, but all good relationships need work. And so we
diet-induced obesity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
must nurture and feed ourselves healthy by indirectly feeding
our microbes healthy too. The compelling evidence described in
▸ Tian J, Dang HN, Yong J, et al. Oral treatment with
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