Template Ipcrf 2021

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Assisted in aligning the

Strategic Management and DEDP/BE-LCP with Within the
Top Management 10%
Operations CALABARZON PIVOT 4A rating period

Managed the
implementation of Basic
xManagement of Education Curriculum
Within the
Curriculum according to the Most 10%
rating period
Implementation Essential Learning
Competencies and RO

Education Program
Managed the
implementation of Basic
Education Curriculum
according to the Most
Essential Learning
Competencies and RO
Supervise the effective
management of learning
Education Program assessment in schools
Learning Outcome Within the
Supervisor- Assessment customized to the needs rating period 10%
Kinder/SPED/ALS of the learners (IEP for
SPED), ECD for Kinder and

Provide technical
assistance in developing
Technical Assistance in January-
PSDS the SIP/LCP of all schools 10%
School Management December
in assigned cluster within
the CY.
Provide technical
assistance in developing
Technical Assistance in January-
PSDS the SIP/LCP of all schools 10%
School Management December
in assigned cluster within
the CY.

Lead or worked as a team

member to evaluate
and/or assured the quality
Within the
EPS-LRMS Learning Resource of division-based learning 15%
rating period
materials to uphold
standards of quality
learning materials

Performed LRMDS user
basic and January to
PDO II - LR support service through December 10%
routine system January to
LRMS User Support
LR Portal, GOLD
maintenance of or GOALS 2020
GOLD December 10%
Solicited user feedback January to
such as back
and use data to up, improve 2020
newsystem December 10%
start up, etc. and January to
Technical Support, Training developments
the system 2020 15%
Proposed December
and Updates Consolidated outputs of January
updates oninnovation
the system toto 2020
the access
stakeholders to learning December
January to 15%
resources like GOLD, etc. 2020
teachers/development December 10%
LR Technical Competencies team and manage files 2020
and records
Provided technical January to 10%
support during training December

Prepared the LR
Development Teams’
Directory for ready pool of January to
resources as needed December
Prepared and made the
Terms and References of
talent and service of the January to
LRDT December
Librarian II Access to Learning Allocated learning Within the 20%
Resources (40%) resources for 36 schools rating period
upon receipt

Conducted needs (BOSY) First quarter of 10%

assessment on Learning the SY
Resources of 36 school
within the Division upon
class opening.
Conducted needs (BOSY) First quarter of 10%
assessment on Learning the SY
Resources of 36 school
within the Division upon
class opening.

Conducted inventory of Within the 10%

Learning Resources in 36 rating period
schools within the division

EPS II (Deployed for


Facilitated meeting in the

conduct of literacy Feb.2020 10%

MOBILIZATION coordinated the conduct January -
of community literacy March 2020 10%

Consolidate the result of

literacy mapping in the
SDO in order to draw a October-
literacy map to November 10%
geographically illustrate 2020
the location of ALS target

Serve as member of the

Division Committee on
Jul-20 20%
Portfolio assessment for
A&E certification
Serve as member of the
Division Committee on
Jul-20 20%
Portfolio assessment for
A&E certification

Consolidate the result of October-

the Functional Literacy November 10%
Test (FLT) 2020

Assisted the ALS Focal

Person/PSDS in
monitoring the respective Aug-March
Community Learning 2021
Centers(CLCs) via
online/offline .

Assist the Learning Action

Cell (LAC) leader/LAC
facilitator in the conduct 10%
of LAC sessions for ALS 2021

Manage the enrolment of

ALS learners in the
Learner Information
MONITORING and System (LIS) and October-May 10%
consolidate Division data 2021
on MIS/LIS for submission
to CO and RO.

Perform other tasks that

may be deemed relevant January-
OTHER TASKS to the implementation of December 10%
ALS Programs and 2020
Perform other tasks that
may be deemed relevant January-
OTHER TASKS to the implementation of December 10%
ALS Programs and 2020

Reviewed and evaluated

existing partnership and
new partnership to
Chief, School
strengthen education January to
Governance and Partners and Donors 10%
Operations Division support services as basis December
for recommendation for
signing of

Assisted in the review and

evaluation technical
documents such as but
not limited to:
Assisted in the review and
evaluation technical
documents such as but
not limited to:

a) Project Proposals
b) Draft MOU/ MOA
c) Concept Paper
d) Project Designs
Within the
EPS Programs and Projects e) Annual Implementation 15%
rating period
Plan (SGOD)
f) Work Financial Plan
g) Annual
Accomplishment Report
h. Strategic Plans

for approval

Validated SBM Level of

Practices of 90-100% of
schools with the Division
Validating Team through January-
D-O-D approach before December 10%
the end of calendar year 2021
to scale up administrative
and management

School Compliance to Recommended and

SEPS (SMME) Quality Standards (Public provided 90%-100% of
And Private) the Information,
Education and Advocacy August-
Programs and Materials to December 10%
schools with Advance SBM 2021
Level of Practices for
Accreditation Standards at
the end of the year (30%)
School Compliance to Recommended and
SEPS (SMME) Quality Standards (Public provided 90%-100% of
And Private) the Information,
Education and Advocacy August-
Programs and Materials to December 10%
schools with Advance SBM 2021
Level of Practices for
Accreditation Standards at
the end of the year (30%)

Validated documentary
requirements and
conducted ocular
inspection to physical
facilities of 90%-100%
private schools applying
April-July 2021
for Government Permit
(New and Renewal) before 10%
the scheduled opening of
classes to ensure
compliance to standard

Submitted research
proposal on factors
contributing to successful
implementation of
April - June 5%
programs and projects in
schools to provide
information for
continuous improvement

EPS II (SMME) Research and Development

Conducted action
research on factors
contributing to successful
implementation of
June - October 10%
programs and projects in
schools to provide
information for
continuous improvement

Presented research
findings and output to the
October -
top management for 5%
dessimination to the
Organized a System
Design Survey within the
rating period to determine
the professional and
competency development
needs of individual
personnel in the Schools
Professional and Career Within the
SEPS (HRTD) Division, in compliance 30%
Development rating period
with DO No. 32, s. 2011

Assisted in need-based
assessment and analysis
of employees from the
Within Rating
individual development 10%%
plan as basis for designing
employee welfare
activities .

Assisted in carrying out

the welfare and
EPS II (HRTD) Employee Welfare intervention activities for
SDO employees based on
Assisted in carrying out
the welfare and
EPS II (HRTD) Employee Welfare intervention activities for
SDO employees based on
the human resournce
development plan

Within Rating
Period 10%

Provided support in
recognizing exemplary
contribution and work of
schools and SDO
employees as part of the
Rewards and Recognition
Program of the Division
under employee welfrare.
Within the
rating period 10%

Prepared and processed

data and reports on the
Basic Education
schools' division basic
Information System (e- Within the
Planning Officer III education 25%
BEIS) Maintenance and rating period
data/information and
Report Generation
provided to internal and
external stakeholders

Provided technical inputs

and support to the crafting
of the first draft of the
School Division’s Strategic
Planning Frame, Systems, and Operational Plans (6-
SEPS (Research)
and Plans (30%) year DEDP and SDO
annual work and financial
plans) to facilitate the January to
crafting of the plan for the December
Schools Division. 2020 10%
of the first draft of the
School Division’s Strategic
Planning Frame, Systems, and Operational Plans (6-
SEPS (Research)
and Plans (30%) year DEDP and SDO
annual work and financial
plans) to facilitate the January to
crafting of the plan for the December
Schools Division. 2020 10%

SEPS (SocMob) Sustained Partnership

Assisted in the Within the 10%

preparation, planning, and rating period
implementation of
advocacy programs and
activities such as
EPS (SocMob) Resourcing Convergence, Brigada
Eskwela, and other similar
acitvities to gather
support and resources

Validated within the time

frame the schools in the
priority list for January to
Engineer III Site validation 30%
construction and repair December
for submission to Central
Office for approval
Reviewed existing plans, within the
policies and standards for rating period

Developed/enhanced risk- within the

informed plans, policies, rating period
and standards for

Disseminated risk- within the

Risk-Informed Plans, informed plans, policies, rating period
Policies, and Standards and standards for
Medical Officer Health Program and

Nutrition Program and

Nurse II

Managed the delivery of

Dental Health Programs
and other services to all January -
schools and School December
Division Office within the
rating period

Prepared and submitted

periodic reports of
accomplishments in January -
Dental Health Program and 30%
Dentist II Dental Health Care December
Services Programs within the rating
Prepared and submitted
periodic reports of
accomplishments in January -
Dental Health Program and 30%
Dentist II Dental Health Care December
Services Programs within the rating

Performed duties as
dentist and assured health
and nutrition programs by
January -
providing the learners, 30%
teaching and non teaching
personnel of their dental

Implemented administrative January -

guidelines from CO, RO and December
Government oversight 2021
agencies in all trasactions
within the Division

Administrative Policies and

Officer V Guidelines
Recommended other
issuances and guidelines
relevant to the SDO upon
receipt from other
Government agencies

January -
2021 5%

Designed and
Designed and
implemented programs to
respond to the welfare
and needs of all personnel

January -
2021 5%

Initiated and controlled

the preparation of checks
to pay for DepEd
obligations based on
vouchers/claims signed by
authorized signatories

Cash Disbursement
Administrative Payment and
Officer IV (Cash) Remittance
Supervised, secured and
released accounts for
receipt, cash advances
and disbursement of
Cash Disbursement
Administrative Payment and
Officer IV (Cash) Remittance
Supervised, secured and
released accounts for
receipt, cash advances
and disbursement of

Monitored remittance of
mandatory contribution to

Administrative Salary Adminisration and Checked payroll on the

Officer IV Personnel Records accuracy of salaries and
(Personnel) benefits given to
employees monthly and
respond to queries
pertaining to
salary/benefit claims

January to
December 10%

Processd and released

special order for leave,
travel, transfer,
reinstatement, and non-
compensatory time off of
office personnel 10
calendar days after receipt January to
of complete requirements December 10%
office personnel 10
calendar days after receipt January to
of complete requirements December 10%

Computed necessary
deduction of all teaching
January to
and non-teaching
December 10%
personnel under DO for
inclusion in the monthly

January to
Received and Inspected
December 20%
Supplies delivered 2021

Delivery Inspection
Acceptance and
Officer IV (Supply)

January to
Issuance of supplies as December 20%
prepared by ADA based on 2021
the request of all the units
in the Division Office
Conducted inventory and January to
maintained an updated December 15%
inventory record 2021

Checked and classified

official issuances and
communications for January to
recording before release December 20%
and/or filing to be able to 2021
properly track released
Checked and classified
official issuances and
communications for January to
recording before release December 20%
and/or filing to be able to 2021
properly track released

Receiving and Releasing
Officer IV (Records)

Received incoming
January to
documents were recorded
December 20%
and forwarded to Action

Requested for Special Jan-Dec 5%

Power of Attorney from
Central Office before the
SDS may enter, in behalf,
of DepEd, into a Deed of
Usufruct, Donation or Sale
in case Deed has already
been entered into.
Prepared and/or reviewed Jan-Dec 5%
and secured documents
pertaining to school site
(Ex. Deed of Donation,
Usufruct, Sale)

Safeguarding the
Department’s rights
Attorney III
and interests on school site
Prepared and/or reviewed Jan-Dec 5%
and secured documents
pertaining to school site
(Ex. Deed of Donation,
Usufruct, Sale)

Safeguarding the
Department’s rights
Attorney III
and interests on school site
Provided legal assistance Jan-Dec 5%
to school sites
documentation and titling

Supported the Jan-Dec

Implementation of ICT
Solutions initiated by the
Technical assistance to SDO 15%
schools on integration of Ensured the timely Jan-Dec
ICT information dissemination
Technology Officer in school governance, through official Division
teaching Communication channels 15%
and learning Monitored and evaluated Jan-Dec
the status of ICT
equipment in the school
and the divison 10%

Provided technical
assistance to Financial
staff of schools and 10%
Finance personnel of the
Schools Division

Budget Systems
Maintenance, Monitoring
Budget Officer III and
Budget Systems
Maintenance, Monitoring
Budget Officer III and

Ensured effective
implementation of the 5%
budgeting control system

Coordinated with various

offices on the utilization of
fund and effective 5%
implementation of the
budgetary control system
Analyzed, verified and
submitted monthly /
quarterly Financial
January to
statements, supporting
December 20%
schedules and reports of
Reviewed and monitored 2021
the Schools Division Office
monthly the entries
(SDO) and Implementingmade
on various financial
Units (IUs) January to
Financial Records and documents and ensure December 20%
Accountant III
Reports the accuracy of 2021
disbursement of fund
within the rating
Submission period
of other January to
Financial Reports within December 10%
the rating period 2021

Curriculum Implementation Division
(Quality, Efficiency, Timeliness)

96% - 100% of PPAs

and corresponding
targets based on KPIs
100% of PPAs and with optimum
corresponding targets utiization of resources
Q based on KPIs with utilized
optimum utiization of
resources utilized

Adjusted PPAs and corresponding targets

based on KPIs with optimum utiization of All PPAs in the
resources within the time frame All PPAs in the DEDP/BE-LCP are
E DEDP/BE-LCP are implemented

ALL PPAs in the

ALL PPAs in the DEDP/BE-LCP are
DEDP/BE-LCP are implemented within
T the time frame
implemented within
the time frame

Prepared Instructional Supevisory Plan (ISP) 12 ISPs were

with complete information monitoring of 12 ISPs were submitted with
the implementation of the Basic Education submitted with completed 100%
curriculum in schools Q information
completed 100%

Monitored the implementation of the Basic 35 schools were

Education Curriculum in the different monitored
learning modalities adopted by the Division All 35 schools were
in all 35 schools. E monitored

Submittted on time all Instructional Submitted all ISP and

Supevisory Plans (ISPs) and consolidated Submitted all ISP and consolidated reports
reports on the results of monitoring consolidated reports with anaylysis and
complete with analysis and T with anaylysis and recommendations on
recommendations. recommendations on time.

Prepared Instructional Supevisory Plan (ISP) ISPs submitted have 94

with complete information for the ISPs submitted have - 100% complete
monitoring of the implementation of the Q 100% complete information
Basic Education curriculum in schools information
10 ISPs were
10 ISPs were submitted
monitoring of the implementation of the
Basic Education curriculum in schools
10 ISPs were
10 ISPs were submitted

ISPs were sumbmitted

every month 5 days on
ISPs were sumbmitted or before the due date
T every month 5 days on
the due date

Monitored the implementation of the Basic Monitored the

Education Curriculum in the different Monitored the curriculum
learning modalities adopted by the Division curriculum implementation in 94-
in all 35 schools within the rating period. Q implementation in 100% of learning
100% of learning modalities.

35 schools were
All 35 schools were monitored
35 schools were
35 schools were monitored within the
T monitored within the rating period
rating period

Prepared Instructional Supervisory Reports ISR submitted have 94

(ISRs) with complete details on findings and - 100% complete
recommendations. ISR submitted have details on findings and
100% complete details recommendations
on findings and

12 ISRs were
E 12 ISRs were submitted
Submitted all ISP and
consolidated reports
Submitted all ISP and on time.
T consolidated reports
on time.

8 Progress Report
were submitted with
completed 100%
No Progress Report information
submitted at all

Prepared the consolidated report with 8 Progress Reports 6-7 Progress Reports
complete information on the Individual were submitted for were submitted for
Education Plan (IEP) for SPED/Kindergarten SPED, Kinder, ALS SPED, Kinder, ALS
and ILA for ALS to determine learner's E
progress in 27 schools for Kinder/SPED and
11 schools for ALS
Prepared the consolidated report with
complete information on the Individual
Education Plan (IEP) for SPED/Kindergarten
and ILA for ALS to determine learner's
progress in 27 schools for Kinder/SPED and Progress Report were
11 schools for ALS Progress Report sumbmitted every
submitted at the month 5 days on or
beginning and end of before the due date
the year for Kinder and
SPED, while quarterly
for ALS, 5 days before
the due date.
Monitored the support
activities or
Monitored the support intervention for
activities or learners 94-100% of
intervention for MDL, Blended learning.
learners 100% of MDL,
Blended learning.
Monitored the support activities and 24-26 schools for
intervention for learners with slight and All 27 schools for Kinder/SPED and 9-10
significant delay based on the Pre-ECD Kinder/SPED and 11
schools for ALS were
Results for Kinder, IEP for SPED and ILA for schools for ALS were
ALS. monitored.
All 27 schools for
All 27 schools for Kinder/SPED and 11
Kinder/SPED and 11 schools for ALS were
schools for ALS were monitored within the
monitored within the rating period
rating period.
Progress Report
Submittted on time all support activities Progress Report submitted have 94 -
submitted have 100% 100% complete details
and intervention and consolidated reports
complete details on on findings and
on the results of monitoring complete with
findings, analysis and recommendations
analysis and recommendations.
27 Progress Reports 6-7 Progress Reports
for Kinder and 11 for were submitted for
ALS were submitted SPED, Kinder, ALS
Sumitted Progress
Reports and
consolidation on or
Sumitted Progress before the due date
Reports and
consolidation on time.

Provided Technical Assistance in the 100% of the schools 100% of the schools
development of SIP/LCP and its were provided TA in were provided TA in
adjustments the development of the development of
SIP/ LCP and its SIP/ LCP and its
Q adjustments adjustments

Monitored the development of SIP/LCP 100% of schools were 100% of schools were
based from the TA given for appraisal and monitored and monitored and
feedback on their plans. evaluated in the evaluated in the
E development of SIP/ development of SIP/
LCP based from TA LCP based from TA
given given
Monitored the development of SIP/LCP 100% of schools were 100% of schools were
based from the TA given for appraisal and monitored and monitored and
feedback on their plans. evaluated in the evaluated in the
E development of SIP/ development of SIP/
LCP based from TA LCP based from TA
given given

Submitted the developed SIP/LCP within Submitted the Submitted the

the prescribed time frame developed SIP/ LCP on developed SIP/ LCP on
T or before the due date or before the due date
100% of division-based
learning resources
100% of division-based
passed the ADM and
learning resources
Number of division-based learning Q PIVOT standards 7 to 8 division-based
resources were evaluated and
Number ofuphold standards
Evaluated, qualityofassured
the ADM and
had E quality assured
learning resources
7 to 8 division-based
been approved for School utilization larning passed
learning the ADM and
Number of approved division-based 7 to 8 division-based
PIVOT standards
resources submitted as per the issued and were evaluated
learning resources and
signed timeline for submissions quality assured
100% of division-based were submitted as per
learning resources the issued and signed
were were submitted timeline for
100% LRMDS user support services such as as99-80%
per theLRMDS and submissions
issued user
emails, calls, messages, and inquiries signed
support timeline
services forsuch
submissions basic and
through LR Portal, GOLD or GOALS were as emails,
routine systemcalls,
provided basic and routine system 100% LRMDS user
Q maintenance ofand
messages, GOLD support services such
maintenance of GOLD such as back up, E inquiries
Solicited through
all user LR Performed basic and
such as back up,
Solicitedstart up, etc.
all user with outstanding
feedback and use data to Portal,
system GOLD
start new data as
emails, calls,new
Disseminated T GOALS were provided messages,
improve the system once a week and
new developments developments
withimprove and developments
good the system maintenance
feedback and of and
updates on the system to 36 schools updates
once a on
month the system inquiries
such as through
back the
up, LR
performance to improve
Portal, GOLD the
Proposed innovations to improve access to
comprehensively to 36 schools to 30 aschools
system start up, etc.
Consolidated all outputs
learning resources of theetc. on time
like GOLD, once
were week
comprehensively comprehensively
with outstanding
teachers/development team and manage performance
files and records
Provided technical support during training
with outstanding performance

Prepared the LR Development Teams’

Directory for ready pool of resources as

Prepared and made the Terms and

References of talent and service of the LRDT

Accommodated 100%
Q request
Accepted the request of the Supply Office allocation
LRs Accommodated 100%
Personnel to allocate Learning Materials of LRs within
accurately forthe
36 rating request for allocation
Allotted LRs for 36 schools upon receipt of E period. Allocated 100% LRs
DR from Supply Office accurately. allocated
schools LRs for
Administered the
to 36
36 of LRs within
accurately forthe
36 rating
Proportioned the allocated LRs equally for T schools
rating upon
period. receipt Proportioned
period. the
36 schools upon recipt ofLRs
the needs
Delivery schools the (BOSY) schools
allocatedwithin the36
LRs for
Administered the(BOSY) Q of DR and
needs request for
assessment of Administered
rating period. to 36
assessment of BOSY
36 schools withinofthe allocation. schools upon receipt of
Harvested the responses 36 division
schools LRs in standardized
90% Harvested the
DR and
the (BOSY)
request the
on the first week of classes opening with
accurately. form. needs assessment of
standardized form. E BOSY response of 36 LRs in standardized36
BOSY response
allocation. of
schools accurately . schools accurately .
Consolidated the harvested (BOSY) needs Consolidated the
assessment on LRs as soon as it was Consolidated the harvested BOSY
harvested T harvested BOSY responses as soon as it
responses 2 days after was harvested.
Prepared and disseminated memorandum Prepared and
and form for LR inventory of 36 schools with Prepared and disseminated
clear instructions. disseminated memorandum and
form for LR inventory
Q memorandum and
form for LR inventory of 36 schools with
of 36 schools with 100% clear
100% clear instructions.
Monitored inventory form accomplishment Monitored inventory Monitored inventory
frequently on the assigned dates of form accomplishment form accomplishment
accomplishment. of 28 schools of 33 schools
E frequently on the frequently on the
assigned dates of assigned dates of
accomplishment. accomplishment.

Consolidated Inventory Report on LRs of 36

schools executed during the time frame.
T Consolidated 90% of Consolidated 100% of
Inventory Report on Inventory Report on
LRs of 36 schools. LRs of 36 schools.

Prepared notice of meeting Q Prepared 1 notice of Prepared 1 notice of

meeting with
Prepared and no error Prepared
meeting with
and no error
Prepared schedule of disseminated
literacy mapping via online/offline
online offline in 33 advertisement/announ
Prepared schedule of literacy mapping E Conducted
barangaysin meeting
cements the Preparedinschedule
on cements the of
Conducted meeting on literacy mapping via literacy mapping
conduct of literacy literacy
via conduct mapping
of literacy
Conducted meeting on via
online/offline mapping in 33on the online
online/offline literacyoffline
mapping in 33in 33
mapping via
Prepared and disseminated online/offline Q 3rd week of February barangays
advertisement/announcements online/offline on the
Coordinated with the respectivein the
barangay E Coordinated with 15 Coordinated with 18
3rd week of February
officials of literacy
on the mapping
conduct of literacy
Conducted literacy mapping via mapping barangay officials
Conducted literacy on barangay
Conducted literacyon
via online/offline
online/offline the conduct of literacy
mapping via online the conduct
mapping via of literacy
offline on the first mapping
offline on the first
quarter quarter

Located non-literate members of the Q Located 90 and above Located 90 and above
community and are target
Established non-literate participants
members in for non-literate members non-literate
Established non- members
Established non-
ALS program E of the community and of the community and
Submitted barangays
mapping reports literate members in 18 literate members in 18
are target
barangays participants are target
barangays participants
for ALS program for ALS program
T Submitted mapping Submitted mapping
data reports on the 1st data reports on the 1st
Assessed learners
week of October Assessed learners
week of October
Facilitated meetings on the Portfolio Q Facilitated 2 meetings Facilitatedin5 6meetings
portfolios in 6 portfolios
Assessment for A&E certification Community Learning Community Learning
Assessed learners portfolios in theas on the Portfolio
E Centers
on the Portfolio
prescribed in the DepEd-ALS
respective Community Learning Memorandum
Centers Assessment for A&E Assessment for A&E
certification as certification as
prescribed in the prescribed in the
Memorandum Memorandum
Submitted portfolio assessment result Submitted portfolio Submitted portfolio
before the scheduled date of registration for assessment result 1 assessment result 1
AERT via online/offline day before the day before the
T scheduled date of scheduled date of
registration for AERT registration for AERT
via online/offline
Gathered Functional via online/offline
SubmittedTest (FLT) Submitted
results 1 the
week ALS Focal
after Assisted the ALS Focal
Consolidated and analyzed Functional Q Consolidated
Person/PSDS and
in Consolidated
Person/PSDS FLT and
Literacy the conduct of the test
GatheredTest results inLiteracy
Functional the respective CLCs
Test (FLT) E
results viaFunctional
via technical
results viaFunctional
Gathered Functional
providing technical
results 1 week
Submitted after the conduct
consolidated of the
FLT results via test Literacy Test
assistance forresults
online/offline on thein
1 ALS Literacy
Literacy Test
assistance forresults
online/offline on thein
Assisted the ALS Focal Person/PSDS in
via online/offline. T 6 CLCs
first week ofDecember 6 CLCs
first week ofDecember
results 1 week
online/offline. Teachers via Teachers via after
providing technical assistance for ALS Q online/offline. the conduct of the test
teachers via online/offline.
Assisted the ALS Focal Person/PSDS in Assisted the ALS Focal via online/offline.
Assisted the ALS Focal
monitoring the respective Community Person/PSDS in Person/PSDS in
Learning Centers (CLCs) via online/offline monitoring 6 monitoring 6
E Community Learning Community Learning
Centers (CLCs) via Centers (CLCs) via
online/offline online/offline

Prepared and submitted monthly TA reports Prepared and Prepared and

with the assistance of ALS Focal submitted monthly TA submitted monthly TA
Person/PSDS via online/offline. reports with the reports with the
assistance of ALS Focal assistance of ALS Focal
T Person/PSDS on the Person/PSDS on the
1st day of the 1st day of the
following month via following month via
online/offline. online/offline.
Facilitated 2 LAC Facilitated 5 LAC
Prepared training/activity proposal on the session
Prepared for
2 ALS session
Prepared for4 ALS
conduct of LAC session for ALS teachers
Facilitated LAC session for ALS teachers with teachers with
training/activitythe teachers with the
E assistance of
proposal on the ALS Focal assistance
proposal onoftheALS Focal
the assistance of ALS Focal Person
Submitted LAC reports via online/offline. Submitted
conduct of LAC session conduct of LAC reports
LAC reports Submitted LAC session
for online/offline
ALS teachers 1 day via for online/offline
ALS teachers 1 day
T after the conduct after the conduct

Submitted 100% Submitted 100%

consolidated data on consolidated data on
Submitted consolidated data on MIS/LIS to
Q MIS/LIS to RO and CO MIS/LIS to RO and CO
RO and CO via online/offline via online/offline via online/offline
Submitted enrolment Submitted enrolment
Submitted enrolment report to the SDO and report of 6 CLCs to the report of 6 CLCs to the
E SDO and RO via online SDO and RO via online
RO via online
Monitored online Monitored online
Monitored online enrolment via enrolment via enrolment via
T online/offline weekly. online/offline monthly.
Acted as Process Acted as Process
Acted as Process Owner in ALS Operational Owner in ALS Owner in ALS
Manual Operational Manual Operational Manual
Acted as Resource Acted as Resource
Speaker in 3Es- Speaker in 3Es-
Educating, Enhancing Educating, Enhancing
Capabilities Capabilities
Acted as Resource Speaker in 3Es-Educating, &Enlightening HUMMS &Enlightening HUMMS
Enhancing Capabilities &Enlightening Student in ALS Student in ALS
HUMMS Student in ALS

School Governance and Operations Division

100% of the reviewed

projects and new
100% of the reviewed
partnership proposals
projects and new
were recommended to
partnership proposals
the Schools Division
Q Superintendent for were recommended to
the Schools Division
Superintendent for
Signing. MOA/MOU/Contract

All existing partnership and new proposals

were reviwed and evaluated to strengthen 100% of the projects
education support services and recommend 100% of the projects and new partnership
to the SDS the signing of partnership and new partnership proposals were
agreements (MOA/MOU/Contracts) with proposals were reviewed to check for
donors and partners reviewed to check for needs alignment and
needs alignment and compliance based on
compliance based on the new normal
the new normal context

Reviewed and
Reviewed and
evaluated existing
evaluated existing
agreements before the
agreements before the
T opening of classes and
opening of classes and
new proposal before
new proposal before
the implementation of the implementation of

100% of MOA, MOU,

100% of technical
and project proposals
documents reviewed
reviewed and
and evaluated are
Q evaluated are without
without corrections or
corrections or
comments from the
comments from the
Chief Chief
100% of MOA, MOU,
100% of technical
and project proposals
documents reviewed
reviewed and
and evaluated are
Q evaluated are without
without corrections or
corrections or
comments from the
comments from the

All required technical documents were

reviewed and evaluated on time, with zero 100% of techncial 100% of technical
corrections or comments from the Chief E documents reviewed documents reviewed
and evaluated and evaluated

Reviewed and Reviewed and

T evaluated technical evaluated technical
documents on time documents on time
100% of schools 100% or 36 schools
submitted results of submitted results of
Identified the SBM Level of Practices of 100 T level of SBM
Results practices
of 100% of level
100%ofSBM SBMresults
% of schoolsand
based on thethe
result of school andschools
were identified
were andschools
were identified
Interpreted analyzed submitted Q before the end and
of 2ndbefore the end and
of 2nd
SBM level ofbefore the
practices end of 2nd quarter interpreted interpreted
Validated SBM Level ofofPratices
all schools
of all quarter
analyzed quarter
schools through D-O-D approach with the 100% of schools level 100% of schools level
SBM Validating team before the end of the of practices were of practices were
year E validated through DOD validated through DOD
approach before the approach before the
end of the year end of the year
Identified schools with 100% of identified
Provided technical assistance, information and Advance Level of schools with Advance
materials needed to identified schools with E Practices were Level of Practices were
Advance level of SBM practices provided TA and provided TA and
materials materials
100% of the schools
with SBM Level of
All documents in the
indicators of 4 SBM Practices and the
Assessed/evaluated the documents with the SBM needed requirements
principles were
Validating team for recommendation for Q assessed by the were recommended
Accreditation Standards for accreditation
validating team for
application to RO-FTAD
before the end of the
4th quarter
Identified all the needed Schools with Advance
requirements to Level of Practices with the
Identified all the needed requirements to recommend for needed requirements
recommend for accreditation application of T accreditation application were recommended for
schools with Advance Level of SBM Practices to of schools with Advance accreditation application
RO-FTAD before the end of the 4th quarter Level of SBM Practices to to RO-FTAD 2 months
RO-FTAD before the end before the end of the 4th
100% of the schools with application of of the 4th quarter quarter
Conducted permiton-andsitesubmitted documentary
inspection of standards Documentary
physical were
facilities to evaluated
all schoolsand validated to
for compliance requirements of all
during onsite ocular 100% of schools
All schools docs
standards before theinspection
scheduled opening of Q Allschools
were requirements
inspected were
1 month
evaluated and
classes for submission to the regional office for T
requesting inspected
validated evaluated
before andof
opening of classes
were 100% validation
schools with
issuance of permit E requirements
endorsed to RO for completed
Completed all parts of Completed all parts of
the research proposal the research proposal
Q for approval of the top for approval of the top
management management

Completed all parts of Completed all parts of

the research proposal the research proposal
Completed all parts of the research proposal E for approval of the top for approval of the top
for approval of the top management management before management before
the second quarter the second quarter

Completed all parts of

the research proposal
for approval of the top
managementall parts of Completed all parts of
the actionall parts of
research Completed
the actionall parts of
the action
with research
conclusion, the action
with research
Q with conclusion, with conclusion,
recommendation recommendation
E recommendation
based on findings of recommendation
based on findings of
basedthe on study
findings of basedthe
on study
findings of
Completed all parts of the action research the study 1 all
Completed week after
parts of the study 1 week after
with conclusion, recommendation based on the 3rd quarter
the action research the 3rd quarter
findings of the study with conclusion,
based on findings of
the study
Dessiminated research Dessiminated
Dessiminated research
findings and output research
to findings
Q findings and
and output
output toto
31-35 and output
schools for to 31-35 schoolsforfor
all schools
E allutilization
schools for utilization
utilization 10 days
Dessiminated research findings and output utilization before the
before the end of the
to schools for utilization end of the lastresearch
Dessiminated quarter
last quarter
T findings and output to
schools for utilization

100% of the target 100% of the target

participants were participants were
profiled according to profiled according to
their Professional and their Professional and
Competecy Needs wth Competecy Needs with
compliance to DO No. compliance to DO No.
32, s. 2010 32, s. 2011
100% of the target 100% of the target
participants were participants were
profiled according to profiled according to
their Professional and their Professional and
Competecy Needs wth Competecy Needs with
compliance to DO No. compliance to DO No.
32, s. 2010 32, s. 2011

Submitted to the Submitted to the

concerned Heads the concerned Heads the
Professional and Professional and
Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of
35 Schools and the 3 35 Schools and the 3
Functional Divisions Functional Divisions
Determined within the time frame the with Proposed with Proposed
professional and competency development Intervention/s to Intervention/s to
needs of 1892 Teaching Personnel and 82 address the gaps address the gaps
Non-Teaching Personnel in compliance with
DO No. 32, s. 2011

Submitted to the Submitted to the

concerned Heads the concerned Heads the
Professional and Professional and
Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of
Teaching and/or Non- Teaching and/or Non-
Teaching Personnel Teaching Personnel
with Proposed with Proposed
Intervention/s to Intervention/s to
address the gaps, a address the gaps, a
week before the time week before the time
frame frame

80% development
needs of all SDO
employees were for
identified and Analyzed and
analyzed employee interpreted the
Individual development needs were welfare activities development needs of
identified for employee welfare activities 100% SDO employees

Gathered 100% of the

Consolidated 80% of development plan of
E Submitted
IDPs of SDOthe IDPs Submitted the IDP
the SDO Enployees
data more than 5 days data
employees.. from1 day after units
different the
T after the deadline of deadline of
and functional
The designed employee welfare programs submission Implemented
submission 100% of
and activities were implemented on the 100% of the employee the employee welfare
identified target date in the HRD plan and welfare programs and programs
calendar activities were
implemented on the
identified target date
in the HRD plan and
The designed employee welfare programs Implemented 100% of
and activities were implemented on the 100% of the employee the employee welfare
identified target date in the HRD plan and welfare programs and programs
calendar activities were
implemented on the
identified target date
in the HRD plan and
Q 80% participation of
E SDO EMployees in the 100% participation of
welfare program SDO Employees
The welfare in the
welfare program
for SDO Employees
All welfare programs
of the HRD for SDO were conducted on the
employees were target date based on
conducted on the Conducted at least 5
the HRD Calendar
target date of rewards and
Have conducted 2
implementation recognition activities
rewards and for schools and SDO
T employees within a
Recognized schools and employees for recohnition activities
Q for schools and SDO year
outstanding contribution and perforamance
in the Division E employees within a
Carried out rewards
and recognition
awards for SDO Carried out rewards
employees based on and recognition
the target date as awards for SDO
reflected in the HRDemployees based on
calendar the target date as
reflected in the HRD
T calendar
100% of the basic
100% of the basic education
education data/information was
data/information was provided and utilized
provided and utilized by internal/external
by internal/external stakeholders

Basic education
Basic education data/information was
Basic education data/information was data/information was processed with no
provided to internal/external stakeholders processed with no errors

Basic education
Basic education data/information
data/information provided to
T provided to internal/external
internal/external stakeholders on time
stakeholders on time
70% technical inputs
Provided technical inputs and support were and support were 100% provided
properly utilized in the crafting of the 1st given on or before the technical inputs and
draft of DEDP via online. (Q) Q deadline immidiately support were properly
in the crafting
Technical of and
inputs the utilized in the crafting
Technical inputs and support were given first draft
support of DEDP
were given of the 1st
technical draft and
inputs of
immediately in the crafting of the 1st draft immediately in the DEDP.
support were given on
of DEDP via online. (E) E crafting of the 1st or before the deadline
draft of DEDP via immediately in the
online. (E) crafting of the 1st draft
of DEDP.
Provided technical inputs on the 1st draft of Provided and
DEDP before the deadline via online. (T) Submitted technical submitted of the 1st
T inputs before the draft of DEDP on or
deadline before the deadline.

Quality assured 100% of materials needed Q 100% of materials 100% of materials

for the conduct of advocacy materials E needed
100% ofare based on needed
materials 100% ofare based on
(together with the SEPS), such as but not the required
passed standards
the evaluation passedthe required standards
the evaluation
limited to: Promotional video materials, T 100% materials 100% materials
submitted further
on time as without
submitted further
on time as
digital posters,
Provided partnership
assistance pamphley/
to all partnership Q Provided
revision assistance Provided
revision assistance
brochures, relevant campaign
advocacy program/ tools, proposals, and
activities required
resulted in
to the required
the success resulted in
to the success
memorandum E Provided
timeline of100%
the Provided
timeline of100%
conducted as deisgnated or required based and zero to
assistance and zero to
on the terms of reference. Can be any but T activities
nonconformance of all activities
nonconformance of all
conducted partnership conducted partnership
not limited
Ensured to the following:
participation of 36 schools and/ or Q conducted partnership
advocacy program/ conducted partnership
advocacy program/
concerned individuals in the conduct of program,
campaign campaign
activities program,
campaign campaign
a) Documentation E 100% of
activities all invited 100% of allactivities
activities invited
partnership advocacy program/ campaign schools, partners, and schools, partners, and
b) Registration
activities. Can be any but not limited to the T Provided the program Provided the program
c) Logistics stakeholders were stakeholders
management team the management team the were
following: coordinated and made coordinated and made
d) Planning list of confirmed list of confirmed
follow- ups
attendees as on their follow-
attendees as their
ups on
a) Preparation of communication letters attendance attendance
b) Preparation of online registration scheduled scheduled
c) Email to concerned schools, partners, 100% of schools bldgs. 100% of schools bldgs.
and stakeholders needing major repair needing major repair
d) Follow-ups to concerned schools, were inspected and were inspected and
partners, and stakeholders checked its compliance checked its compliance
to Deped Plans and to Deped Plans and
Specifications Specifications

100% of schools 100% of schools

Ratify 100% of the school buildings needing needing repair and needing repair and
repair in compliance to DepEd Plans and construction, including construction, including
Specifications and submit to Central Office program of works program of works
with Program of Works (POW) 5 days before (pow) were submitted (pow) were submitted
the time frame to the central office for to the central office for
approval. approval.

Submitted to the
Submitted to the
Central Office the list Central Office the list
of schools needing
of schools needing
repair and
repair and
construction, including
Submitted to the
Submitted to the
Central Office the list
Central Office the list
of schools needing
of schools needing
repair and
repair and
construction, including
including program, 5
program, 3 days
days before the time
before the time frame
frame Reviewed the existing
plans, policies existing
T Reviewed the existing Implemented
standards 100% in
Reviewed the existing plans, policies and plans, policies and plans, policies and
Q Implemented existing Reviewed
detail. the existing
standards in detail.
Implemented existing plans, policies and standards
plans, 100%
policies in
and standards 100%
plans, policies and
E Reviewed
detail. the existing orderly.
standards 100% orderly.
Reviewed the existing plans, policies and standards 100%
plans, policies and standards as soon as it
T orderly. was received.
standards as soon as it was received. standards as soon as it
was received.
Developed risk-
Developed risk-informed plans, policies, and Developed risk-
informed plans,
standards for judicious and careful Q
policies, and standards informed plans,
judicious and careful policies, and standards
judicious and careful

Implemented risk
Implemented risk informed plans, policies informed plans, Implemented risk
and standards for 36 schools with best E policies and standards informed plans,
result. for 36 schools with policies and standards
best result. for 36 schools with
best result.
Implemented risk
informed plans, Implemented risk
Implemented risk informed plans, policies T informed plans,
policies and standards
and standards a day after it was developed policies and standards
a day after it was
developed. a day after it was

Prepared memorandum on risk- informed memorandum on risk- Prepared
plans, policies and standards Q informed plans, memorandum on risk-
comprehensive. policies and standards informed plans,
100% comprehensive. policies and standards
100% comprehensive.

memorandum on risk- Disseminated
Disseminated memorandum on risk-
informed plans, memorandum on risk-
informed plans, policies, and standards for
implementation with best results to 36 E policies, and standards informed plans,
for implementation policies, and standards
with best results to 36 for implementation
schools with best results to 36

memorandum on risk-
Disseminated memorandum on risk- informed plans, Disseminated
informed plans, policies, and standards for T policies, and standards memorandum on risk-
implementation a day after it was crafted . for implementation a informed plans,
day after it was crafted policies, and standards
. for implementation a
day after it was crafted
Planned the dental health programs and
other services to be delivered to all schools 1/1 or 100% of dental
and Division office health program was 80-100% of dental
planned and to be health program was
delivered to all schools planned and to be
and other offices delivered to all schools
Q and other offices
80-100% of target
1352 learners from learners were
1100 target were examined during
Conducted monthly Dental Health
T examined during dental health
Examination to learners (Jan- Mar)
dental health examination

* Due to pandemic
and lack of needed
dental supplies for 80-100% of teaching
Conducted Dental Health Examination to
teaching and non-teaching personnel during E examination during and non-teaching
COVID 19 outbreak. personnel were
Health examination to examined during APE
teaching and non
teaching is postponed.

80-100% of monthly
3/3 monthly dental dental report were
Prepared & submitted Monthly Dental statistical report were prepared and
Statistical Report (Jan - Mar) T prepeared and submitted
Submitted Monthly Dental Schedule to
SGOD Chief 80-100% of monthly
submitted 12 out of 12
schedule were
E monthly schedule to submitted to SGOD
sgod chief
Submitted Dental Statistical Report of
Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel (APE)
* Due to pandemic
and lack of needed
80-100% of dental
dental supplies for
statistical report of
examination during
Q teaching and non-
COVID 19 outbreak.
teaching personnel
Health examination to
were submitted
teaching and non
teaching is postponed.

80-100% of teaching
and non teaching
Provided and given
Provided and given dental consultation to personnel and learners
dental consultation to
teaching and non teaching personnel and Q learners who need who need dental
learners who need dental treatment treatment were
dental treatment
provided and given
dental consultation

80-100% of patients
Prescribed E-
who need urgent
Prescription to
Prescribed E- Prescription to patients who dental care upon
E patients who need
need urgent dental care upon consultation consultation were
urgent dental care
prescribed E-
upon consultation

80-100% of patients
Given referral to patients who need further Given referral to who need further
patients who need treatment and
treatment and management with the time T
provided further treatment and management with the
management time provided were
given referral

Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Complied with the implementation of Complied 100% with
administrative guidelines from CO, RO and the implementation of
Government oversight agencies in all Complied 100% with adminsitrative
transactions and within the Division. the implementation of guidelines from CO, RO
adminsitrative and governent
guidelines from CO, RO oversight agencies in
and governent all transactions and
oversight agencies in within the division.
all transactions and
within the division.

Monitored implemented administrative Monitored 100%
guidelines from CO, RO and Government implemented
oversight agencies in all trasactions within Monitored 100% administrative
the Division implemented guidelines from CO, RO
administrative and Government
guidelines from CO, RO oversight agencies in
and Government all trasactions within
oversight agencies in the Division
all trasactions within
E the Division
Implemented admibistrative guidelines from Frequently and
CO, RO and Government oversight agencies extensively
Frequently and
every time in all transactions within the extensively implemented all
Division. Administrative
implemented all
Administrative Guidelines from CO,
Guidelines from CO, RO, and Government
RO, and Government oversight agencies
oversight agencies every time in all
every time in all transactions and
transactions and within the Division.
within the Division.
Complied with the recommendation of Complied 100% with
other issuances and guidelines relevant to the recommendation
the SDO upon receipt from other of other issuances and
Government agencies. guidelines relevant to
the SDO upon receipt
Complied 100% with from other
the recommendation Government agencies.
of other issuances and
guidelines relevant to
the SDO upon receipt
from other
Q Government agencies.
Recommended other issuances and Recommended 100%
quidelines relevant to the SDO upon reciept other issuances and
from other Government agencies. quidelines relevant to
Recommended 100% the SDO upon reciept
other issuances and from other
quidelines relevant to Government agencies.
the SDO upon reciept
from other
E Government agencies.
Recommended other issuances and Recommended other
quidelines relevant to the SDO upon reciept issuances and
from other Government agencies quidelines relevant to
immediately. the SDO 1 day upon
Recommended other reciept from other
issuances and Government agencies.
quidelines relevant to
the SDO 1 day upon
reciept from other
T Government agencies.
Complied in designing and implementation Complied 100% in
of programs to repond to the welfare and designing and
needs of all personnel. Complied 100% in implementation of
designing and programs to respond
implementation of to the welfare and
programs to respond needs of all personnel.
to the welfare and
needs of all personnel.
Complied in designing and implementation Complied 100% in
of programs to repond to the welfare and designing and
needs of all personnel. Complied 100% in implementation of
designing and programs to respond
implementation of to the welfare and
programs to respond needs of all personnel.
to the welfare and
needs of all personnel.
Designed and implemented programs to Designed and
respond to the welfare and needs of all Designed and implemented 100%
personnel. implemented 100% programs to repond to
programs to repond to the welfare and needs
the welfare and needs of all personnel.
of all personnel.
Designed and implemented programs to Designed and
respond to the welfare and needs of all implemented
personnel throughout the year was given on programs to respond
time. to the welfare and
Designed and needs of all personnel
implemented throughout the year
programs to respond was given on time.
to the welfare and
needs of all personnel
throughout the year
T was given on time.
100% of Checks, ACIC
86-99% of Checks, and LDDAP-ADA were
Checks, ACIC and LDDAP-ADA were ACIC and LDDAP-ADA prepared accurately
prepared accurately were prepared
Checks, ACIC and
Checks, ACIC and LDDAP-ADA were
LDDAP-ADA were encoded to Emds upon
Checks, ACIC and LDDAP-ADA were
encoded to Emds receipt
encoded to Emds upon receipt
within 2 days upon
86-99% of Checks, 100% of Checks, ACIC
Checks, ACIC and LDDAP-ADA were ACIC and LDDAP-ADA and LDDAP-ADA were
checked and verified
checked and verified before releasing to were checked and before releasing to
various payees verified before various payees
releasing to various
E payees
Checks/Cash were
released to various
Checks/Cash were
Checks/Cash were released to various released to various payees within 10 days
payees within 20 days upon receipt of
payees within 10 days upon receipt of upon receipt of signed approved
approved Disbursement Vouchers check and or approved Disbursement
100% of Paid 100% of Paid
Paid Disbursement Vouchers were stamped Disbursement Disbursement Vouchers
"Paid" Vouchers were were stamped "Paid"
Q stamped "Paid"
100% of Paid
100% of Paid
Disbursement Disbursement Vouchers
Paid Disbursement Vouchers were forwarded Vouchers were were forwarded to
to Accounting Unit forwarded to Accounting Unit
Accounting Unit
Checks for remittance Checks for remittance
were prepared within were prepared upon
Checks for remittance were prepared upon 2 days upon receipt of receipt of vouchers
receipt of vouchers E
Mandatory Mandatory contributions
contributions were were remitted 1 day
Mandatory contributions were remitted 1 day remitted 4 days after before the deadline.
before the deadline. T the deadline.
100% of Official Receipt
100% of Official
Receipt were secured were secured and
Official Receipt were secured and attached to and attached to attached to voucher
voucher together with remittance list. voucher together with together with remittance
remittance list. list.
Checked #/# payrolls with no error. Checked #/# payrolls Checked #/# payrolls
with no error. with no error.
Forwarded checked
Forwarded checked payrolls to Accounting
payrolls to Accounting Unit with 100%
Forwarded checked payrolls to Accounting
Unit with 100% complete
Unit with 100% complete attachments . complete attachments .
attachments .
Forwarded checked
payrolls to Accounting
Forwarded checked Unit 2 working days
Forwarded checked payrolls to Accounting payrolls to Accounting after the release of
Unit 2 working days after the release of Unit 2 working days Form 7 from RPSU
Form 7 from RPSU after the release of
Form 7 from RPSU

Processed 100% special orders observing

the checklist dilligently.

Processed 100% of Special Orders (SO)with Processed 100% of Processed 100% of

complete requirements swiftly. Special Orders Special Orders
(SO)with complete (SO)with complete
requirements. requirements.
Released SOs 5 Released SOs 5
Released SOs 5 calendar days after receipt calendar days after calendar days after
of complete requirements receipt of complete receipt of complete
T requirements
Computed 100%
Computed 100% received Form 7
received Form 7 necessary for
Computed 100% necessary deductions of necessary for deductions of all
all teaching and Non-teaching personnel deductions of all teaching and Non-
without error. teaching and Non- teaching personnel
teaching personnel without error.
without error.

Computed necessary deductions with

100% accuracy.

Computed deductions and submitted to Computed deductions Computed deductions

RPSU on or before 8th day of the following and submitted to RPSU and submitted to RPSU
month on or before 8th day of on or before 8th day of
the following month the following month

Received and checked the supplies Received and Checked
delivered 100% supplies delivered
Received and Checked
Q 100% supplies delivered
Inspected the supplies Delivered if it is tally to Inspected 100% supplies Inspected 100% supplies
the PO delivered if it is tally to the delivered if it is tally to the
Prepared 100% IAR to be Prepared 100% IAR to be
Prepared IAR to be signed by the
inspectorate and supply officer within the signed by the
day signed by the
inspectorate and supply inspectorate and supply
T officeer officeer
Prepared 100% of RIS
Prepared RIS based on the request form based on 100%
Q Checked the Request
stocks Prepared 100% of RIS
Checked the availability of stocks E available based
Checkedon 100%
the Request
Issued the supplies and materials stated in available
Issued 100% supplies
Issued 100% supplies
the RIS to the requesting unit on the day of and materials stated in
and materials stated in
request the RIS to the
the RIS to100%
Checked the all the
T requesting
requesting unit
RIS if it is already
Checked 100% supply
Checked all the RIS if it is already recorded in Q recorded in thecard
and inventory if it is Checked 100% all the
the Stockard
Checked the supply and inventory card if it is E tally RIS if it is100%
with the
Recorded 100% RIS to Checked
recorded in
Recorded RIS to the Stockcard within a week T stockcard within a week Recorded 100% RISif ittois
tally with the stock card and inventory
tally with the
stockcard stockcard
within a week
Recorded 100% of Recorded 100% of the
Recorded 100% of the checked and the checked and checked and
classified official communications with no E classified official classified official
error/s communications with communications with
no error/s no error/s
100% of recorded 100% of recorded
documents for documents for release
100% of recorded documents for release
release were stamped were stamped with
were stamped with released, reference Q
number and date released with released, released, reference
reference number number and date
and date released released

100% of stamped 100% of stamped

100% of stamped communication were communication were communication were
released to authorized person released to released to
authorized person authorized person

Received 100% Received 90%

Received 100% documents were stamped documents were documents were
with received, reference number and date stamped with stamped with
received received and date received and date
received received
Received 100% Received 100%
incoming documents incoming documents
were recorded in the were recorded in the
Received 100% incoming documents were Google Spreadsheet Google Spreadsheet of
recorded in the Google Spreadsheet of of Incoming Incoming Documents
Incoming Documents with no error Documents with no with no error
Forwarded received documents to Action Forwarded received Forwarded received
Unit 1 working day after it was received documents to Action documents to Action
Unit 1 working day Unit 1 working day
after it was received after it was received

Prepared Request for Special Power of Q Prepared 5 Requests

Attorney, as all
Consilidated thethe
case may be, documents
necessary from Central
in for Special Power
Consolidated 100%of all
Office E Attorney or
support of the request for the issuance
Submitted the request for Special Power of of the
Submitted necessary
the as
Special Powerwith
of Attorney Ratification,
documents the
in support
Attorney together its supporting for
case SPA/Ratification
may be, from
documents of together
the request foritsthe
Prepared the as soon as deed/contract
necessary the latter are Central with
issuance of
pertaining to school sites and secured supporting documents
relevant documents. T asSPA/Ratification.
soon as the latter
Q are complete.
Prepared and/or
Prepared the said deed/contract, secured reviewed
Prepared thesecured
and said
E complete documents
and attached all of its supporting deed/contract,
documents. of all public
secured schools.
and attached
all of its supporting
Indorsed to proper office/person/school Indorsed to proper
such deed/contract as soon as all the office/person/school
necessary documents become available. such deed/contract as
soon as all the
necessary documents
become available.

Provided legal
assistance 100% of all
the schools who asked
for the same.
Provided legal assistance to school sites
documentation and titling. Q
Evaluated all the
relevant documents
submitted by the
Evaluated relevant documents submitted by school.
the school. E
Assisted the school
within the day of the
request for assistance.
Assisted the school within the day of the
request for assistance. T Proposed 4 ICT
Proposed ICT solutions to the division as Q solutions to the
necessary Adapted at least 4 ICT
Adapted of ICTorsolutions
for improvement of the
to SDO personnels E
Solutions technical
to SDO
processes Posted official
for variousto
Provided assistance areas of work
the implemetation of assistance within for
communication the
T day of the request of
the ICT Solutions implemented
Uploaded issuances and other resources in Renewed
upload withindomain
the day
T name the
afterand assistance
receipt web
in the
the division's
Coordinated with webofficial
providers for E hosting
100% services
of all issuances 2
the annual renewal of domain
Automated posting of issuances name and
to the Conducted
days upon 100% of
web hosting services Q are posted in the
website renewalwebsite
official notice
Conducted maintenance / troubleshooting Q Monitored
hooting of100% of the
of DepEd
of DepEd Issued Computer of divisionof
Monitored and verified DCP utilization DCP
Issued utilization
Provided technical ofof
personnel T Recommended 23 selected
division school
selected school recipients
Provided technical assistance to division notices of meeting assistance within the
to ICT equipment
with 100% compliance day ofrecipients
the request of
Recommended of Q Recommended
the assistance
meeting for approval and issuance of the to the prescribed memorandum/notice
Disseminated the approved budget related format, approved and Disseminated the
Schools Division Superintendent
memorandum/notice following
of meeting within the of meeting with 100%
the prescribed format issued by the SDS compliance to the
given period Disseminated the memorandum/notice
prescribed format
of meeting on the day for
approved notices of approval and issuance
meeting through of approval
of SDS
T online communication
facilities with an
average of 2 working
days after issuance

Conducted meetings for the orientation and Conducted 100% of

dissemination of updates related to 100% of the issued the issued notices of
budgeting notices of meeting meeting for
were conducted and orientation and
E dissemination of
updates related to
budgeting updates related to
disseminated budgeting
Proposed 4 division
budget related the
with 98%
Proposed guidelines on strategies for the Q to internal Proposed guidelines
for the effective
effective implementation
Disseminiated of internal for
the approved guidelines implementation
budgeting control of with 100% relevance
Disseminated the
budgeting control system for approval of T
effective implementation of budgeting budgeting
system control
approved by to internal
approved budgeting
the Schools the implementation
Division of all
Superintendent system SDSwith an Monitored
control 100%
control system
internal within the
budgeting prescribed
control period
system Monitored 100% for the effective
average of 2 days after
implementation approved by SDSof
E Informed
approval the of internalimplementation
budget related of
availability budget
of 100%related
(55 budgeting control
out ofguidelines
55) Sub-AROs system on the day of
CO and RO theto approval
Informed person concerned regarding the E Informed the
availability recording of 287 total availability of 100% of
persons concerned
Monitoredof Sub-Allotment
the Release Order
recording of obligations to Monitored recording
Summary from Central
of Sub-AROs Office
within Regional T
through onlineto theof received
to of
Submitted summary of
Office Sub-AROs to the Summary of Sub-AROs Submitted
communication to person summary
Schools Division Superintendent following Submitted weekly
summary of Summary of
Sub-AROs to SDS Sub-AROs
the prescribed format Sub-AROs to SDS followingdaily 100% of the
Q prescribed format
following 100% of the
and verified by
Evaluated work products submitted by E subordinates and Evaluated work
subordinates and implementing units for 100% the financial products submitted by
Analyzed and verified 100% financial implementing
statements, units, Analyzed and verified
completeness and accuracy ( E )and Q with no error subordinates and
statements, supporting schedules Reviewed and
supporting quality
schedules 100% the financial
Ensured the timely submission of SDO T assured Submitted
implementing the SDOfor
Proper financial (Q)
statements, and95%
supporting of entries statements, supporting
Reviewed and quality assuredsupporting
the entries Q Ensured supporting Proper
on various financial schedules and reports and
completeness andfinancial
made the
for various financial transaction Submitted
documents the
for the accuracy
assured 100% of
Ensured completeness and accuracy of Q Ensured the timely Ensure supporting
supporting monthly ( upon
Q ) receipt (Q) disbursement
by subordinates
month voucher
submission of Monthly documents entries on various
the timely submission of T no toerror
Ensured theunit
(DV and 1-2
timely Submitted
JEV) financial
disbursement voucher upon receipt (T) Report of by subordinates
disbursement for
Ensured the timely submission of Monthly days
Submittedof100% the
to the for
Ensured the
completeness month
the timely
Q/T deadline to Cashierofunit 3-4
Report ofthe
Ensured Disbursement to the of
timely submission Regional
MOOE Q/T accurate
Regional Bank1-3
Office to submission
Ensured the Monthly
accuracy timely
Office Reconciliation days before the
Utilization Report
Submitted to (Q/T)
100% the Regional
accurate Office
days Regional
before theOffice 1-3 submission
given ReportofofMOOE
Submitted 100%
(Q/T) Q/T Statement
days before Reports
time the givenand Disbursement
Utilization to the
Report to
Reconciliation Statement Reports and Supporting time Schedules the accurate
Regional Bank4-5
Supporting Schedules on the given time Regional Office
Reconciliation 4-5
1-3 days before the days days before
before the
the given
(Q/T) given time Statementtime Reports and
Supporting time Schedules
4-5 days before the
given time

Rating Scale

4 3 2 1

90% - 95% of PPAs 86% - 94% of PPAs 80% - 85% of PPAs Below 80% of PPAs
and corresponding and corresponding and corresponding and corresponding
targets based on KPIs targets based on KPIs targets based on KPIs targets based on KPIs
with optimum with optimum with optimum with optimum
utiization of resources utiization of resources utiization of resources utiization of resources
utilized utilized utilized utilized

One PPAs in the Two PPAs in the Three PPAs in the More than three PPAs
implemented implemented implemented are implemented

ALL PPAs in the ALL PPAs in the ALL PPAs in the ALL PPAs in the
implemented one implemented two implemented three implemented one
weeks after the time weeks after the time weeks after the time month after the time
frame frame frame frame

12 ISPs were 12 ISPs were 12 ISPs were 12 ISPs were

submitted but with submitted but with submitted but with submitted but with
completed 80% of completed 60% of completed 40% of completed 20% of
information information information information

26 - 24 schools were 17 - 25 schools were 9 -16 schools were 1 - 8 schools were

monitored monitored monitored monitored

Submitted all ISP and Submitted all ISP and Submitted all ISP and Submitted all ISP and
consolidated reports consolidated reports consolidated reports consolidated reports
with anaylysis and with anaylysis and with only analysis or with no analysis nor
recommendations a recommendations two recommendation recommendation three
week after the time weeks after the time three weeks after the weeks after the time
frame . frame . time frame . frame .

ISPs submitted have ISPs submitted have ISPs submitted have 76 ISPs submitted have
70 - 88 - 93% complete 81 - 87% complete - 80% complete below 75% complete
information information information information

8 - 9 ISPs were 6 - 7 ISPs were 4 - 5 ISPs were 2 - 3 ISPs were

submitted submitted submitted submitted
8 - 9 ISPs were 6 - 7 ISPs were 4 - 5 ISPs were 2 - 3 ISPs were
submitted submitted submitted submitted

ISPs were sumbmitted ISPs were sumbmitted ISPs were sumbmitted ISPs were sumbmitted
every month 5 days every month 10 days every month 15 days every month 20 days
after the due date after the due date after the due date after the due date

Monitored the Monitored the Monitored the Monitored the

curriculum curriculum curriculum curriculum
implementation in 88- implementation in 81- implementation in 76- implementation in
93% of learning 87% of learning 80% of learning below 75% of learning
modalities. modalities. modalities. modalities.

26 - 24 schools were 17 - 25 schools were 9 -16 schools were 1 - 8 schools were

monitored monitored monitored monitored

35 schools were 35 schools were 35 schools were 35 schools were

monitored within one monitored two weeks monitored three monitored four weeks
week beyond the beyond the rating weeks beyond the beyond the rating
rating period period rating period period

ISR submitted have 88 ISR submitted have 81 ISR submitted have 76 ISR submitted have
- 93% completion of - 87 % completion of - 80 % completion of below 75% details on
details on findings and details on findings and details on findings and findings and
recommendations recommendations recommendations recommendations

10 - 11 ISRs were 8 - 9 ISRs were 6 - 7 ISRs were 4 - 5 ISRs were

submitted submitted submitted submitted

Submitted all ISP and Submitted all ISP and Submitted all ISP and Submitted all ISP and
consolidated reports a consolidated reports consolidated reports consolidated reports
week after the time two weeks after the three weeks after the three weeks after the
frame . time frame . time frame . time frame .

8 Progress Report 8 Progress Report 8 Progress Reportwere 8 Progress Report

were submitted but were submitted but submitted but with were submitted but
with completed 80% with completed 60% completed 40% of with completed 20% of
of information of information information information

4-5 Progress Reports 2-3 Progress Reports 1 Progress Reports 6-7 Progress Reports
were submitted for were submitted for were submitted for were submitted for
SPED, Kinder, ALS SPED, Kinder, ALS SPED, Kinder, ALS SPED, Kinder, ALS
Progress Report were Progress Report were Progress Report were Progress Report were
sumbmitted every sumbmitted every sumbmitted every sumbmitted every
month 5 days after the month 10 days after month 15 days after month 20 days after
due date the due date the due date the due date

Monitored support Monitored the support Monitored the support Monitored the support
activities or activities or activities or activities or
intervention for intervention for intervention for intervention for
learners in 88-93% of learners in 81-87% of learners in 76-80% of learners in below 75%
of MDL, Blended of MDL, Blended of MDL, Blended of of MDL, Blended
learning. learning. learning. learning.

21-23 schools for 18-20 schools for 15-17 schools for 12-14 schools for
Kinder/SPED and 6-8 Kinder/SPED and 4-5 Kinder/SPED and 2-3 Kinder/SPED and 1
schools for ALS were schools for ALS were schools for ALS were schools for ALS were
monitored. monitored. monitored. monitored.

All 27 schools for All 27 schools for All 27 schools for All 27 schools for
Kinder/SPED and 11 Kinder/SPED and 11 Kinder/SPED and 11 Kinder/SPED and 11
schools for ALS were schools for ALS were schools for ALS were schools for ALS were
monitored within one monitored two weeks monitored three monitored four weeks
week beyond the beyond the rating weeks beyond the beyond the rating
rating period period rating period period

Progress Report Progress Report Progress Report Progress Report

submitted have have submitted have have submitted havehave submitted have below
88 - 93% completion 81 - 87 % completion 76 - 80 % completion 75% details on
of details on findings of details on findings of details on findings findings and
and recommendations and recommendations and recommendations recommendations

4-5 Progress Reports 2-3 Progress Reports 1 Progress Reports 6-7 Progress Reports
were submitted for were submitted for were submitted for were submitted for
SPED, Kinder, ALS SPED, Kinder, ALS SPED, Kinder, ALS SPED, Kinder, ALS

Sumitted Progress Sumitted Progress

Sumitted Progress Sumitted Progress
Reports and Reports and
consolidation consolidation Reports and Reports and
consolidation consolidation
submitted every submitted every submitted 15 days submitted 20 days
month 5 days after the month 10 days after
after the due date after the due date
due date the due date

80% of the schools 60% of the schools 40%of the schools 20%of the schools
were provided TA in were provided TA in were provided TA in were provided TA in
the development of the development of the development of the development of
SIP/ LCP and its SIP/ LCP and its SIP/ LCP and its SIP/ LCP and its
adjustments adjustments adjustments adjustments

80% of schools were 60% of schools were 40% of schools were 20% of schools were
monitored and monitored and monitored and monitored and
evaluated in the evaluated in the evaluated in the evaluated in the
development of SIP/ development of SIP/ development of SIP/ development of SIP/
LCP based from TA LCP based from TA LCP based from TA LCP based from TA
given given given given
80% of schools were 60% of schools were 40% of schools were 20% of schools were
monitored and monitored and monitored and monitored and
evaluated in the evaluated in the evaluated in the evaluated in the
development of SIP/ development of SIP/ development of SIP/ development of SIP/
LCP based from TA LCP based from TA LCP based from TA LCP based from TA
given given given given

submitted the Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the

developed SIP/ LCP 3 developed SIP/ LCP 5 developed SIP/ LCP 1 developed SIP/ LCP 2
days after the due days after the due weeks after the due weeks after the due
date date dat date
5 to 6 division-based 3 to 4 division-based 2 division-based 1 division-based
learning resources
5 to 6 division-based learning resources
3 to 4 division-based learning resources
2 division-based learning resources
1 division-based
passed the ADM
learning resources and passed the ADM
learning resources and passed the ADM and
learning resources passed the ADM and
learning resources
PIVOT standards PIVOT standards
were evaluated and were evaluated and were evaluated andPIVOT standards PIVOT standards
were evaluated and
5 to 6 division-based
quality assured 3 to 4 division-based
quality assured 2 division-based
quality assured 1 division-based
quality assured
learning resources learning resources learning resources learning resources
were submitted
Performed basicas and
per were submitted as per were submitted as per were submitted as per
the issued and signed the issued and signed the issued and signed the issued and signed
for timeline for timeline for timeline for
submissions of
maintenance submissions submissions submissions
GOLD such as back
up, system start up, Performed basic and Performed basic and Performed basic and
etc. withLRMDS user routine
very good 79-60% system
LRMDS user routine 59-40% system
LRMDS user 39% andsystem
routine below LRMDS
support services such maintenance
support servicesof GOLD
such support
Solicited all user Solicited
such all user
as back up, Solicitedservices
maintenanceall user such
of GOLD user support
maintenance services
Solicited all user
as emails,
feedback and use as emails,
newdata Disseminated
feedback calls,
use as emails,
such as back
data Disseminated calls,
feedback and use up,
newdata such as emails,
Disseminated up,
feedback and use calls,
new data
messages, system start etc.
to improveand
developments system messages,
theand developments
to improve
with good
theandsystem messages,
system start
to improve andup,and
the etc.
system messages,
developments and
start up, etc.
to improve the system
updates through
twice a month LR inquiries
the system updates
once a through
month the LR with
system inquiries
once through
every the
2 LR
months inquiries
once poor
updates through
every LR
the system
Portal, GOLD or GOALS performance
Portal, GOLD or GOALS Portal, GOLD or GOALS Portal, GOLD or GOALS
to 25 schools to 20 schools to 15 schools to 10 schools
were provided
comprehensively were provided
comprehensively were provided
comprehensively were provided

Accommodated 90% Accommodated 80% Accommodated 70% Accommodated 60%

LRs request
LRs request
LRs request
accurately forthe
LRs within
Proportioned the
36 of
accurately forthe
LRs within
Proportioned the
36 of LRs within
Proportioned the
accurately for the
36 rating of
accurately forthe
LRs within
Proportioned 36 rating
allocated LRs for
within the30 rating
allocated LRs for
within the25 period.
schools LRs for
within 25
the period.
schools LRs for
within the25
Administered to 30 Administered to 25 Administered to 20 Administered to 15
rating upon
period. receipt
schools the (BOSY) schools
rating upon
period. receipt
schools the (BOSY) schools
rating upon
period. receipt
schools the (BOSY) schools
schools the (BOSY) of
rating upon
period. receipt
of DR and
needs request for
assessment of of DR and
needs request for
assessment of of DR and
needs request for
assessment of DR andassessment
needs request forof
LRs in standardized allocation.
LRs in standardized allocation.
LRs in standardized allocation.
LRs in standardized
form.Harvested the 80%
form.Harvested the 70%
form.Harvested the 60%
form.Harvested the
BOSY response of 36 BOSY response of 36 BOSY response of 36 BOSY response of 36
schools accurately . schools accurately . schools accurately . schools accurately .
Consolidated the Consolidated the Consolidated the Consolidated the
harvested BOSY harvested BOSY harvested BOSY harvested BOSY
responses 1 day after responses 2 days after responses 3 days after responses 4 days after
harvest. harvest. harvest. harvest.
Prepared and Prepared and Prepared and Prepared and
disseminated disseminated disseminated disseminated
memorandum and memorandum and memorandum and memorandum and
form for LR inventory form for LR inventory form for LR inventory form for LR inventory
of 36 schools with 90% of 36 schools with 80% of 36 schools with 70% of 36 schools with 60%
clear instructions. clear instructions. clear instructions. clear instructions.

Monitored inventory Monitored inventory Monitored inventory Monitored inventory

form accomplishment form accomplishment form accomplishment form accomplishment
of 30 schools of 28 schools of 25 schools of 36 schools
frequently on the frequently on the frequently on the frequently on the
assigned dates of assigned dates of assigned dates of assigned dates of
accomplishment. accomplishment. accomplishment. accomplishment.

Consolidated 90% of Consolidated 80% of Consolidated 70% of Consolidated 60% of

Inventory Report on Inventory Report on Inventory Report on Inventory Report on
LRs of 36 schools. LRs of 36 schools. LRs of 36 schools. LRs of 36 schools.

Prepared 1 notice of Prepared 1 notice of Prepared 1 notice of

meeting with minimal meeting with meeting but with full No notice of meeting
and Prepared and Prepared and Prepared prepared
correction revision
Prepared schedule of disseminated disseminated
Prepared schedule of disseminated
literacy mapping via online/offline online/offline
mapping via online/offline
advertisement/annou Prepared schedule of literacy
online offline in 25-32 literacy mapping via online offline in 9-16 advertisement/announ
advertisement/annou advertisement/announ
barangays in the ncements in the cements in the Preparedinschedule
cements meeting
the ofon
conduct of literacy online
conduct offline
of in 17-24 barangays
literacy conduct of literacy literacy
conduct mapping
of literacyvia
Conducted meeting on Conducted meeting on Conducted meeting on
mapping in 25-32via barangays
literacy mapping mapping
literacy in 17-24via mapping online
mapping offline
in 9-16 via online/offline
in 0-8 in
barangays Coordinated with 13 literacy
Coordinated with 10 Coordinated
3rd week
barangays of below 9
online/offline on the online/offline on the
on online/offline on the
4th with 15 barangay
week of February 1st week
of March
barangay officials
2nd week of March
on barangay officials on
barangay officials on the conduct of literacy the conduct of literacy the conduct of literacy
Conducted literacy Conducted literacy Conducted literacy Did not conduct
the conduct
mapping via of literacy mapping
online mapping via online
mapping via online
literacy mapping via
offline on80the
and above Located
second offline on70the
and above Located
third offline on60the
and above online offline
quarter members non-literate
quarter members non-literate
quarter members
of the community and of the community and of the community and
are target participants are target participants are target participants
for ALS program for ALS program for ALS program Located 50 and above
Established non- Established non- Established non- non-literate
Established non-members
literate members of the community
in 15 literate members in 13 literate members in 10 literate members in and2
Submitted mapping are target participants
data reports on the barangays barangays
Submitted mapping barangays
Submitted mapping
for ALS program
second week of Submitted mapping data reports on the data reports on the
October data reports on the fourth week of first week of
Assessed learners Assessed
third weeklearners
of October Assessed
October learners Assessed
Facilitated 4 meetings Facilitated 3 meetings Facilitated 2 meetings portfolios
in 4-5 portfolios in 3 portfolios in 2 Facilitatedin1 0-1
Community Learning
on the Portfolio Community
on the PortfolioLearning Community Learning
on the Portfolio Community
on the PortfolioLearning
Assessment for A&E Centers Assessment for A&E CentersAssessment for A&E Centers
Assessment for A&E
certification as certification as certification as certification as
prescribed in the prescribed in the prescribed in the prescribed in the
Memorandum Memorandum Memorandum Memorandum
Submitted portfolio Submitted portfolio Submitted portfolio Submitted portfolio
assessment result 2 assessment result 3 assessment result 4 assessment result 5
days before the days before the days before the days before the
scheduled date of scheduled date of scheduled date of scheduled date of
registration for AERT registration for AERT registration for AERT registration for AERT
via online/offline
Gathered via online/offline via online/offline via online/offline
SubmittedFunctional Gathered
SubmittedFunctional Gathered
SubmittedFunctional Gathered Functional
Literacy Test (FLT)
consolidated FLT Literacy Test (FLT)
consolidated FLT Literacy Test (FLT) Literacy Test (FLT)
results 2 the
Focal Assisted
results 3 the
weeks Focal consolidated
ALSafter results 4
weeks after results 5 weeks after
results via
Person/PSDS and Consolidated
results via
inthe test Person/PSDS inthe test the conduct ofand
and Consolidated
results via Consolidated and
the conduct
analyzed of
online/offline the conduct
on the online/offline of
Functional the
analyzed Functional
on the online/offline on thetest the
analyzed Functionaltest
conduct of the
via technical
online/offline providing
via technical
online/offline. via online/offline. via online/offline.
second Test
assistance forresults
2 ALS in third
Literacy Test
assistance forresults
1 ALS in fourth
Test results in Literacy Test results in
4-5 CLCs
ofDecember 3 CLCs
ofDecember 2 CLCs
ofDecember Submitted
0-1 CLCs
Teachers via Teachers via consolidated FLT
online/offline. online/offline. results via
Assisted the ALS Focal Assisted the ALS Focal Assisted the ALS Focal Assisted the ALS
online/offline on Focal
Person/PSDS in Person/PSDS in Person/PSDS in Person/PSDS in
first week ofJanuary
monitoring 4-5 monitoring 3 monitoring 2 monitoring 0-1
Community Learning Community Learning Community Learning Community Learning
Centers (CLCs) via Centers (CLCs) via Centers (CLCs) via Centers (CLCs) via
online/offline online/offline online/offline online/offline

Prepared and Prepared and Prepared and Prepared and

submitted monthly TA submitted monthly TA submitted monthly TA submitted monthly TA
reports with the reports with the reports with the reports with the
assistance of ALS Focal assistance of ALS Focal assistance of ALS Focal assistance of ALS Focal
Person/PSDS on the Person/PSDS on the Person/PSDS on the Person/PSDS on the
2nd day of the 3rd day of the 4th day of the 5th day of the
following month via following month via following month via following month via
online/offline. online/offline. online/offline. online/offline.
Facilitated 4 LAC Facilitated 3 LAC Facilitated 2 LAC Facilitated 1 LAC
Prepared for3 ALS session
Prepared for2 ALS session
Prepared for1 ALS session for ALS
No prepare
teachers with
training/activitythe teachers with
training/activitythe teachers with the
training/activity teachers with the
assistance of
proposal on the ALS Focal assistance of
proposal on the ALS Focal assistance
proposal onoftheALS Focal assistance
proposal onofthe
ALS Focal
conduct of LAC session conduct of LAC session conduct of LAC reports
LAC reports Submitted LAC reports Submitted LAC session Submitted
conduct of LAC reports
LAC session
for online/offline
ALS teachers 2 via
for online/offline
ALS teachers 3 via
for online/offline
ALS teachers 4 via
for online/offline
ALS teachers 5
days after the conduct days after the conduct days after the conduct days after the conduct

Submitted 80-90% Submitted 70-60% Submitted 50-40% Submitted 30-20%

consolidated data on consolidated data on consolidated data on consolidated data on
MIS/LIS to RO and CO MIS/LIS to RO and CO MIS/LIS to RO and CO MIS/LIS to RO and CO
via online/offline
Submitted enrolment via online/offline via online/offline via online/offline
Submitted enrolment
report of 4-5 CLCs to Submitted enrolment Submitted enrolment report of 0-1 CLCs to
the SDO and RO via report of 3 CLCs to the report of 2 CLCs to the the SDO and RO via
online SDO and RO via online SDO and RO via online online
Monitored online Monitored online Monitored online Monitored online
enrolment via enrolment via enrolment via enrolment via
online/offline online/offline yearly. online/offline online/offline
quarterly. decadely. decadely.
ons Division

90-99% of the 80-89% of the 70-79% of the 69% and below of the
reviewed projects and reviewed projects and reviewed projects and reviewed projects and
new partnership new partnership new partnership new partnership
proposals were proposals were proposals were proposals were
recommended to the recommended to the recommended to the recommended to the
Schools Division Schools Division Schools Division Schools Division
Superintendent for Superintendent for Superintendent for Superintendent for
MOA/MOU/Contract MOA/MOU/Contract MOA/MOU/Contract MOA/MOU/Contract
signing. signing. signing. Signing.

90-99% of the 80-89% of the 70-79% of the 69 % and below of the

projects and new projects and new projects and new projects and new
partnership proposals partnership proposals partnership proposals partnership proposals
were reviewed to were reviewed to were reviewed to were reviewed to
check for needs check for needs check for needs check for needs
alignment and alignment and alignment and alignment and
compliance based on compliance based on compliance based on compliance based on
the new normal the new normal the new normal the new normal
context context context context

Reviewed and Reviewed and

Reviewed and
evaluated existing evaluated existing Reviewed and
evaluated existing
partnership partnership evaluated existing
agreements two- agreements three-four partnership
agreements one
three weeks before weeks before the agreements after the
month before the
the opening of classes opening of classes opening of classes and
opening of classes and
and new proposal and new proposal new proposal before
new proposal before the implementation of
before the before the
implementation of a implimentation of a the implementation of a PPA
the PPA

69% and below of

90 - 99% of technical 80 - 89% of technical 70 - 79% of technical
technical documents
documents reviewed documents reviewed documents reviewed
reviewed and
and evaluated are and evaluated are and evaluated are
evaluated are without
without corrections or without corrections or without corrections or
corrections or
comments from the comments from the comments from the
comments from the
Chief Chief Chief Chief
69% and below of
90 - 99% of technical 80 - 89% of technical 70 - 79% of technical
technical documents
documents reviewed documents reviewed documents reviewed
reviewed and
and evaluated are and evaluated are and evaluated are
evaluated are without
without corrections or without corrections or without corrections or
corrections or
comments from the comments from the comments from the
comments from the
Chief Chief Chief

69% and below of

90 - 99% of technical 80 - 89% of technical 70 - 79% of technical
technical documents
documents reviewed documents reviewed documents reviewed
reviewed and
and evaluated and evaluated and evaluated evaluated

Reviewed and Reviewed and Reviewed and Reviewed and

evaluated technical evaluated technical evaluated technical evaluated technical
documents two days documents three days documents four days documents five days
late late late late or more
90% or 36 schools 80% or 36 schools 70%-60% or 36 schools 50% or 36 schools
submitted results of
submitted results of submitted results of submitted results of
of level
80%ofSBM results of level70%-60% ofpractices
SBM 50%ofSBM
were identified SBM practices of SBM level SBMresults of
were andschools were
were identified results
and wereof identified
schools andschools were
were identified
before the end and
interpreted of 2nd interpreted and were
on 2nd quarter oninterpreted
2nd quarterand interpreted
after and
2nd quarter
analyzed analyzed analyzed analyzed
90% of schools level of 80% of schools level of 70-60%% of schools 50%% of schools level
practices were level of practices were of practices were
practices were validated through validated through DOD validated through DOD
validated through
DOD approach one approach 2 months approach 3 months
DOD approach at the month after the end of after the end of the
after the end of the
end of the year
90% of identified 80% the year
of identified 70%-60%yearof identified 50% ofyear
schools with Advance schools with Advance schools with Advance schools with Advance
Level of Practices were Level of Practices were Level of Practices were Level of Practices were
provided TA and provided TA and provided TA and provided TA and
materials materials materials materials

Documents in the Documents in the Documents in the No Documents in the

indicators of 3 SBM indicators of 2 SBM indicators of 1 SBM indicators of SBM
principles were principles were principle were principles were
assessed by the assessed by the assessed by the assessed by the
validating team for validating team for validating team for validating team for
recommendation recommendation recommendation recommendation
Schools with Advance
Schools with Advance Schools with Advance Schools with Advance
Level of Practices with
Level of Practices with Level of Practices with Level of Practices with the
the needed requirements
the needed requirements the needed requirements needed requirements
were recommended for
were recommended for were recommended for were recommended for
accreditation application
accreditation application accreditation application accreditation application
to RO-FTAD 1 month
to RO-FTAD on 4th to RO-FTAD 1 week after to RO-FTAD 2 weeks
before the end of the 4th
quarter the 4th quarter after the 4th quarter

All of schools
schools docs
were 80%
All of schools
schools docs
were 70%
All of schools
schools docs
were 50% of schools docs
requirements were requirements were requirements were All schools were
requirements were
inspected 3 weeks inspected 2 weeks inspected 1 week
evaluated andof evaluated andof evaluated andof inspected
before opening before opening before opening
90% of schools with
validation 80% of schools with
validation 60%-70% of schools
validation opening
50% of of classes
validation with
classes classes classes
completed completed with completed completed
Completed 4 parts of Completed 3 parts of Completed 2 parts of Completed 1 part of
the research proposal the research proposal the research proposal the research proposal
for approval of the top for approval of the top for approval of the top for approval of the top
management management management management

Completed all parts of Completed all parts of Completed all parts of Completed all parts of
the research proposal the research proposal the research proposal the research proposal
for approval of the top for approval of the top for approval of the top for approval of the top
management 3 days management 6 days management 9 days management two
after the second after the second after the second weeks after the second
quarter quarter quarter quarter

Completed all parts of

Completed all parts of Completed all parts of Did not complete parts
the actionall parts of
research the actionall
Completed research
parts of Completed
the actionall parts of
research Completed
of the actionallresearch
parts of
the action research with conclusion,
the action research the action research the action research
with conclusion, except conclusion, with no conclusion,
with conclusion,
recommendation with except
conclusion, with conclusion,
recommendation with conclusion,
recommendation recommendation
recommendation recommendation recommendation
except findings of the based on findings of based on findings of
based on findings of based
based on
on findings
findings of
of basedtheon study
findings of basedthe
on study
findings of
the study 2 weeks the study
the study 3 weeks the study 1 month the study 2 months
after the 3rd quarter after the 3rd quarter after the 3rd quarter after the 3rd quarter

Dessiminated research
research Dessiminated
Dessiminated research
research Dessiminated
Dessiminated research
research Dessiminated research
findings Dessiminated research
findings and
and output
output to to findings
findings and
and output
output to to findings
findings and output to
and output to findings and output to
26-30 schoolsforfor 21-25 schoolsforfor 16-20 schools for findings
less than and
15 output for
schools to
all schools all schools all schools for
utilization utilization utilization allutilization
schools for
utilization 8 days utilization 6 days utilization 4 days
utilization before the
before the end of the before the end of the before the end of the
end of the last quarter
last quarter last quarter last quarter

70-79% of of the 69% and below of the

90-99% of the target 80-89 % of the target
target participants target participants
participants were participants were were profiled were profiled
profiled according to profiled according to
according to their according to their
their Professional and their Professional and
Professional and Professional and
Competecy Needs Competecy Needs
Competecy Needs with Competecy Needs with
with compliance to DO with compliance to DO
compliance to DO No. compliance to DO No.
No. 32, s. 2011 No. 32, s. 2011
32, s. 2011 32, s. 2011
70-79% of of the 69% and below of the
90-99% of the target 80-89 % of the target
target participants target participants
participants were participants were
were profiled were profiled
profiled according to profiled according to
according to their according to their
their Professional and their Professional and
Professional and Professional and
Competecy Needs Competecy Needs
Competecy Needs with Competecy Needs with
with compliance to DO with compliance to DO
compliance to DO No. compliance to DO No.
No. 32, s. 2011 No. 32, s. 2011
32, s. 2011 32, s. 2011

Submitted to the Submitted to the Submitted to the Submitted to the

concerned Heads the concerned Heads the concerned Heads the concerned Heads the
Professional and Professional and Professional and Professional and
Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of
30-34 Schools and the 25-29 Schools and the 20-24 Schools and the 15-19 Schools and the
3 Functional Divisions 2 Functional Divisions 2 Functional Divisions 1 Functional Divisions
with Proposed with Proposed with Proposed with Proposed
Intervention/s to Intervention/s to Intervention/s to Intervention/s to
address the gaps address the gaps address the gaps address the gaps

Submitted to the Submitted to the Submitted to the

Submitted to the
concerned Heads the concerned Heads the concerned Heads the
concerned Heads the
Professional and Professional and Professional and Professional and
Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of Competecy Needs of
Teaching and Non- Teaching and Non- Teaching and Non- Teaching and Non-
Teaching Personnel Teaching Personnel Teaching Personnel
Teaching Personnel
with Proposed with Proposed with Proposed
with Proposed
Intervention/s to Intervention/s to Intervention/s to
address the gaps, 3 Intervention/s to address the gaps, 3 address the gaps, a
address the gaps, on
days before the time the stated time frame days after the time week after the time
frame frame frame

Analyzed and
Analyzed and Analyzed and Analyzed and
interpreted the
interpreted the interpreted the interpreted the
development needs of
development needs of development needs of development needs of
60% below SDO
90% SDO employees 80% SDO employees 70% SDO employees

Gathered 90% of the Gathered 80% of the Gathered 70% of the Gathered 60% below
individual individual individual of the individual
development plan of development plan of development plan of development plan of
Submitted the IDP
Submitted the IDP
the SDO Enployees Submitted the IDP
the SDO Enployees Submitted the IDP
the SDO Enployees the SDO Enployees
data more than 5
from2 days afterunits
different the data
from3 different
days afterunits
the data
from4 days afterunits
different the from different
days after the units
deadline of
and functional deadline of
and functional deadline of
and functional and functional
The welfare programs Implemented 80% of Implemented 70% of deadline
Implementedof 60% of
divisions submission
divisions submission
divisions divisions
for SDO Employees the employee welfare the employee welfare the employee welfare
were conducted a day programs programs programs
after target date based
on the HRD Calendar
The welfare programs Implemented 80% of Implemented 70% of Implemented 60% of
for SDO Employees the employee welfare the employee welfare the employee welfare
were conducted a day programs programs programs
after target date based
on the HRD Calendar

90% participation of 80% partcipationof 70% participation of 60% and below

SDO Employees
The welfare inr the SDO
programs Employees
The welfare in the
programs SDO Employees
The welfare in the
programs participation of SDO
The welfare programs
welfare program
for SDO Employees welfare program
for SDO Employees welfare program
for SDO Employees Employees for the
for SDO Employees
were conducted 2 were conducted 3 were conducted 4 welfare program
were conducted 5 days
days after the target days after on the days aftern on the after the target date
date based at
the 4 Conducted
target date at leaston
based 3 Conducted
target date at leaston2
based Conducted
based on theat HRD
least 1
rewards and
HRD Calendar rewards
the HRD and
Calendar rewards
the HRD and
Calendar rewards
recognition activities recognition activities recognition activities recognition activitiy for
for schools and SDO for schools and SDO for schools and SDO schools and SDO
employees within a employees within a employees within a employees within a
year year year year

Carried out rewards Carried out rewards Carried out rewards Carried out rewards
and recognition and recognition and recognition and recognition
awards for SDO awards for SDO awards for SDO awards for SDO
employees based on employees based on employees based on employees based on
the target date as the target date as the target date as the target date as
reflected in the HRD reflected in the HRD reflected in the HRD reflected in the HRD
calendar calendar calendar calendar

90% - 99% of the basic 80% - 89% of the basic 70% - 79% of the basic below 70% of the basic
education education education education
data/information was data/information was data/information was data/information was
provided and utilized provided and utilized provided and utilized provided and utilized
by internal/external by internal/external by internal/external by internal/external
stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders

Basic education Basic education Basic education Basic education

data/information was data/information was data/information was data/information was
processed with 3 processed with 5 processed with 7 processed with 10
errors errors errors errors

Basic education Basic education Basic education Basic education

data/information data/information data/information data/information
provided to provided to provided to provided to
internal/external internal/external internal/external internal/external
stakeholders with 2 stakeholders with 3 stakeholders with 4 stakeholders with 1
days 90%
provided days 80%
provided days 70%
provided week delayed
technical inputs and technical inputs and technical inputs and 60% provided technical
support were properly support were properly support were properly inputs and support
utilized in the crafting utilized in the crafting utilized in the crafting were properly utilized
of the 1st
technical draft and
inputs of of the 1st
technical draft and
inputs of of the 1st
technical draft and
inputs of in the crafting
technical inputsofand
were given 1 supportDEDP.
were given2 supportDEDP. 1st draftwere
were given 3 support of DEDP.
week after the weeks after the weeks after the within a month after
deadline in the deadline in the deadline in the crafting the deadline in the
crafting of the 1st crafting of the 1st of the 1st draft of crafting of the 1st draft
draft of DEDP. draft of DEDP. DEDP. of DEDP.
Provided and Provided and Provided and Provided and
submitted of the 1st submitted of the 1st submitted of the 1st submitted of the 1st
draft of DEDP within a draft of DEDP within 2 draft of DEDP within 3 draft of DEDP within 4
week after the weeks after the weeks after the weeks after the
deadline. deadline. deadline. deadline.

90 - 99% of materials 80 - 89% of materials 70 - 79% of materials 69% and below of

90 - 99%are based on needed
of materials 80 - 89%are based on needed
of materials 70 - 79%are based on materials
of materials 69% and belowneededof are
passedrequired standards the required standards the required standards based on the required
90 - 99%the evaluation passed
materials 80 - 89%the evaluation passed
materials 70 - 79%the evaluation materials
materials 69% passed the
and below
submitted further without
on time as submitted further without
on time as submitted further evaluation
on time as materials without on
revision assistance Provided
revision assistance Provided
revision assistance Provided
further assistance
resulted in the
to the success required
resulted in the
to the success required
resulted in the
to the success time as required
resulted to theand in the
timeline of90the
- 99% Provided
timeline of80the
- 89% Provided
timeline of70the
- 79% Provided
timeline 69%
of the
and zero to
assistance and zero to
assistance and zero to
assistance and
below zero
assistance to
nonconformance of 90 activities
nonconformance of 80 activities
nonconformance of 70 activities
nonconformance of
conducted partnership conducted partnership conducted partnership conducted partnership
99% of conducted
program/ - 89% of conducted
advocacy program/ - 79% conducted
advocacy program/ 69% and below
advocacy program/ of
campaign program, partnership
activities campaign program, partnership
activities campaign program, conducted
activities campaign partnership
90-99% of all
campaign activitiesinvited 80-89% of all
campaign activitiesinvited 70-79% of all
campaign activitiesinvited 69% and below
program, of all
schools, partners, and schools, partners, and schools,
Provided the program Provided the program Provided the program Providedpartners, and invited schools,
activities the program
managementwere team the stakeholders
managementwere team the stakeholders
managementwere team the partners,
management and team the
list of confirmedand made coordinated
list of confirmedand made coordinated
list of confirmedand made stakeholders
list of confirmedwere
follow- ups on their follow-
attendees 1 one late attendees two days ups on their follow-
attendees three days attendees four ormade
ups on their coordinated and more
as scheduled attendance
late as scheduled attendance
late as scheduled follow-
days late ups
ason their
90-99% of schools 80-89 % of schools 70-79% of schools attendance 60-69% of schools
bldgs. needing major bldgs. needing major bldgs. needing major bldgs. needing major
repair were inspected repair were inspected repair were inspected repair were inspected
and checked its and checked its and checked its and checked its
compliance to Deped compliance to Deped compliance to Deped compliance to Deped
Plans and Plans and Plans and Plans and
Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications

90-99% of schools 80-89% of schools 70-79% of schools 60-69% of schools

needing repair and needing repair and needing repair and needing repair and
construction, including construction, including construction, including construction, including
program of works program of works program of works program of works
(pow) were submitted (pow) were submitted (pow) were submitted (pow) were submitted
to the central office to the central office to the central office for to the central office for
for approval. for approval. approval. approval.

" " " "

Submitted to the Submitted to the

Submitted to the Submitted to the
Central Office the list Central Office the list Central Office the list Central Office the list
of schools needing of schools needing
of schools needing of schools needing
repair and repair and
repair and repair and
construction, construction,
construction, construction, including
Submitted to the Submitted to the
Submitted to the Submitted to the
Central Office the list Central Office the list
Central Office the list Central Office the list
of schools needing of schools needing
of schools needing of schools needing
repair and repair and
repair and repair and
construction, construction,
construction, construction, including
including program, 5 including program,
including program, program, 5 days after
days before the time 3ccdays after the time
within the time frame the time frame
Reviewed frame
the existing Reviewed the existing Reviewedframe the existing Reviewed the existing
plans, policies existing
Implemented and plans, policies existing
Implemented and plans, policies and plans, policies and
plans, 90%
policies in
and standards
plans, 80%
policies in
and standards70%
Implemented in standards 60%existing
detail. the existing Reviewed
detail. the existing Reviewed
detail. the existing
existing Implemented
detail. the existing
standards 90%and
plans, policies standards 80%and
plans, policies plans,
plans, policies
policies and
and plans,
plans, policies
policies and
orderly. orderly.
standards a day after it standards two days standards
standards three days standards 60%
70% orderly. standards orderly.
was received. after it was received. after it was received. after it was received.
Developed risk- Developed risk- Developed risk- Developed risk-
informed plans, informed plans, informed plans, informed plans,
policies, and standards policies, and standards policies, and standards policies, and standards
for judicious and for judicious and for judicious and for judicious and
careful careful careful careful
implementation. implementation. implementation. implementation.

Implemented risk Implemented risk Implemented risk Implemented risk

informed plans, informed plans, informed plans, informed plans,
policies and standards policies and standards policies and standards policies and standards
for 33 schools with for 30 schools with for 27 schools with for 25 schools with
best result. best result. best result. best result.

Implemented risk Implemented risk Implemented risk Implemented risk

informed plans, informed plans, informed plans, informed plans,
policies and standards policies and standards policies and standards policies and standards
two days after it was three days after it was four days after it was fivedays after it was
developed. developed. developed. developed.

Prepared Prepared Prepared Prepared

memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk-
informed plans, informed plans, informed plans, informed plans,
policies and standards policies and standards policies and standards policies and standards
90% comprehensive. 80% comprehensive. 70% comprehensive. 60% comprehensive.

Disseminated Disseminated Disseminated Disseminated

memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk-
informed plans, informed plans, informed plans, informed plans,
policies, and standards policies, and standards policies, and standards policies, and standards
for implementation for implementation for implementation for implementation
with best results to 30 with best results to 25 with best results to 20 with best results to 15
schools schools schools schools

Disseminated Disseminated Disseminated Disseminated

memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk- memorandum on risk-
informed plans, informed plans, informed plans, informed plans,
policies, and standards policies, and standards policies, and standards policies, and standards
for implementation for implementation for implementation for implementation
two days after it was three days after it was four days after it was five days after it was
crafted . crafted . crafted . crafted .
70-79% of dental 60-69% of dental 55-59% of dental 54% and below of
health program was health program was health program was dental health program
planned and to be planned and to be planned and to be was planned and to be
delivered to all schools delivered to all schools delivered to all schools delivered to all schools
and other offices and other offices and other offices and other offices

70-79% of target 60-69% of target 55-59% of target 54% and below of

learners were learners were learners were target learners were
examined during examined during examined during examined during
dental health dental health dental health dental health
examination examination examination examination

54% and below of

70-79% of teaching 60-69% of teaching 80-100% of teaching
teaching and non-
and non-teaching and non-teaching and non-teaching teaching personnel
personnel were personnel were personnel were were examined during
examined during APE examined during APE examined during APE

70-79% of monthly 60-69% of monthly 55-59% of monthly 54% and below of

dental report were dental report were dental report were monthly dental report
prepared and prepared and prepared and were prepared and
submitted submitted submitted submitted
70-79% of monthly 60-69% of monthly
schedule were schedule were 55-59% of monthly 54% and below of
submitted to SGOD submitted to SGOD schedule were monthly schedule
Chief Chief submitted to SGOD were submitted to
Chief SGOD Chief

70-79% of dental 60-69% of dental 55-59% of dental 54% and below of

statistical report of statistical report of statistical report of dental statistical report
teaching and non- teaching and non- teaching and non- of teaching and non-
teaching personnel teaching personnel teaching personnel teaching personnel
were submitted were submitted were submitted were submitted

70-79% of teaching 60-69% of teaching 55-59% of teaching 54% and below of

and non teaching and non teaching and non teaching teaching and non
personnel and personnel and personnel and learners teaching personnel
learners who need learners who need who need dental and learners who need
dental treatment were dental treatment were treatment were dental treatment were
provided and given provided and given provided and given provided and given
dental consultation dental consultation dental consultation dental consultation

70-79% of patients 60-69% of patients 55-59% of patients 54% and below of

who need urgent who need urgent who need urgent patients who need
dental care upon dental care upon dental care upon urgent dental care
consultation were consultation were consultation were upon consultation
prescribed E- prescribed E- prescribed E- were prescribed E-
prescription prescription prescription prescription

70-79% of patients 60-69% of patients 55-59% of patients 54% and below of

who need further who need further who need further patients who need
treatment and treatment and treatment and further treatment and
management with the management with the management with the management with the
time provided were time provided were time provided were time provided were
given referral given referral given referral given referral


Complied 86-99% with Complied 77-85% with Complied 66-76% with Complied 65% and
below with the
the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of
implementation of
adminsitrative adminsitrative adminsitrative
guidelines from CO, guidelines from CO, guidelines from CO, RO guidelines from CO, RO
RO and governent RO and governent and governent
and governent
oversight agencies in oversight agencies in oversight agencies in oversight agencies in
all transactions and all transactions and all transactions and
within the division. within the division. within the division. all transactions and
within the division.
Monitored 86-99% Monitored 77-85% Monitored 66-76% Monitored 65% and
implemented implemented implemented below implemented
administrative administrative administrative administrative
guidelines from CO, guidelines from CO, guidelines from CO, RO guidelines from CO, RO
RO and Government RO and Government and Government and Government
oversight agencies in oversight agencies in oversight agencies in oversight agencies in
all trasactions within all trasactions within all trasactions within all trasactions within
the Division the Division the Division the Division

Frequently Regularly
Rarely implemented all Never implemented all
implemented all implemented all
Administrative Administrative
Administrative Administrative
Guidelines from CO, Guidelines from CO,
Guidelines from CO, Guidelines from CO,
RO, and Government RO, and Government
RO, and Government RO, and Government
oversight agencies oversight agencies
oversight agencies oversight agencies
every time in all every time in all
every time in all every time in all
transactions and transactions and
transactions and transactions and
within the Division. within the Division.
within the Division. within the Division.

Complied 65% and

Complied 86-99% with Complied 77-85% with Complied 66-76% with below with the
the recommendation the recommendation the recommendation recommendation of
of other issuances and of other issuances and of other issuances and other issuances and
guidelines relevant to guidelines relevant to guidelines relevant to guidelines relevant to
the SDO upon receipt the SDO upon receipt the SDO upon receipt the SDO upon receipt
from other from other from other from other
Government agencies. Government agencies. Government agencies. Government agencies.

Recommended 86- Recommended 77- Recommended 66- Recommended 65%

99% other issuances 85% other issuances 76% other issuances and below other
and quidelines and quidelines and quidelines issuances and
relevant to the SDO relevant to the SDO relevant to the SDO quidelines relevant to
upon reciept from upon reciept from upon reciept from the SDO upon reciept
other Government other Government other Government from other
agencies. agencies. agencies. Government agencies.

Recommended other Recommended other Recommended other Recommended other

issuances and issuances and issuances and issuances and
quidelines relevant to quidelines relevant to quidelines relevant to quidelines relevant to
the SDO 2 days upon the SDO 3 days upon the SDO 4 days upon the SDO 5 days upon
reciept from other reciept from other reciept from other reciept from other
Government agencies. Government agencies. Government agencies. Government agencies.

Complied 86-99% in Complied 77-85% in Complied 66-76% in Complied 65% and

designing and designing and designing and below in designing and
implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of
programs to respond programs to respond programs to respond programs to respond
to the welfare and to the welfare and to the welfare and to the welfare and
needs of all personnel. needs of all personnel. needs of all personnel. needs of all personnel.
Complied 86-99% in Complied 77-85% in Complied 66-76% in Complied 65% and
designing and designing and designing and below in designing and
implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of
programs to respond programs to respond programs to respond programs to respond
to the welfare and to the welfare and to the welfare and to the welfare and
needs of all personnel. needs of all personnel. needs of all personnel. needs of all personnel.

Designed and
Designed and Designed and Designed and
implemented 65% and
implemented 77-85% implemented 77-85% implemented 66-76%
below programs to
programs to repond to programs to repond to programs to repond to
repond to the welfare
the welfare and needs the welfare and needs the welfare and needs
and needs of all
of all personnel. of all personnel. of all personnel.

Designed and
Designed and Designed and Designed and implemented
implemented implemented implemented programs to respond
programs to respond programs to respond programs to respond to the welfare and
to the welfare and to the welfare and to the welfare and needs of all personnel
needs of all personnel needs of all personnel needs of all personnel throughout the year
throughout the year throughout the year throughout the year was given more than a
was given 2-3 days was given 4-5 days was given 6-7 days week after the given
after the given time. after the given time. after the given time. time.

65% and below of

86-99% of Checks, ACIC 77-85% of Checks, ACIC 66-76% of Checks, ACIC
Checks, ACIC and
and LDDAP-ADA were and LDDAP-ADA were and LDDAP-ADA were
prepared accurately prepared accurately prepared accurately
prepared accurately

Checks, ACIC and Checks, ACIC and Checks, ACIC and Checks, ACIC and
encoded to Emds within 1 encoded to Emds within 2 encoded to Emds within 3 encoded to Emds within 4
day upon receipt days upon receipt days upon receipt days upon receipt

65% and below of

86-99% of Checks, ACIC 77-85% of Checks, ACIC 66+76% of Checks, ACIC
Checks, ACIC and
and LDDAP-ADA were and LDDAP-ADA were and LDDAP-ADA were
checked and verified checked and verified checked and verified
checked and verified
before releasing to before releasing to before releasing to
before releasing to
various payees various payees various payees
various payees

Checks/Cash were Checks/Cash were Checks/Cash were Checks/Cash were

released to various released to various released to various released to various
payees within 11 days payees within 12 days payees within 13 days payees within 14 days
upon receipt of upon receipt of upon receipt of upon receipt of
approved approved approved approved
Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement
Vouchers Vouchers Vouchers Vouchers
86-99% of Paid 77-85% of Paid 66-76% of Paid 65% and below of Paid
Disbursement Vouchers Disbursement Vouchers Disbursement Vouchers Disbursement Vouchers
were stamped "Paid" were stamped "Paid" were stamped "Paid" were stamped "Paid"

86-99% of Paid 77-85% of Paid 66-76% of Paid 65% and below of Paid
Disbursement Vouchers Disbursement Vouchers Disbursement Vouchers Disbursement Vouchers
were forwarded to were forwarded to were forwarded to were forwarded to
Accounting Unit Accounting Unit Accounting Unit Accounting Unit

Checks for remittance Checks for remittance Checks for remittance Checks for remittance
were prepared within a were prepared within 2 were prepared within 3 were prepared within 4
day upon receipt of days upon receipt of days upon receipt of days upon receipt of
vouchers vouchers vouchers vouchers

Mandatory contributions Mandatory contributions Mandatory contributions Mandatory contributions

were remitted 1 day after were remitted 2 days were remitted 3 days were remitted 4 days after
the deadline. after the deadline. after the deadline. the deadline.

86-99% of Official 77-85% of Official 66-76% of Official 65% and Official Receipt
Receipt were secured Receipt were secured Receipt were secured were secured and
and attached to voucher and attached to voucher and attached to voucher attached to voucher
together with remittance together with remittance together with remittance together with remittance
list. list. list. list.
Checked #/# payrolls Checked #/# payrolls Checked #/# payrolls Checked #/# payrolls
with 1-3 errors with 4-5 errors with 6-10 errors with 11-20 errors

Forwarded checked Forwarded checked Forwarded checked Forwarded checked

payrolls to Accounting payrolls to Accounting payrolls to Accounting payrolls to Accounting
Unit with 1-3 missing Unit with 4-5 missing Unit with 6-10 missing Unit with 11-20
attachments attachments attachments missing attachments

Forwarded checked Forwarded checked Forwarded checked Forwarded checked

payrolls to Accounting payrolls to Accounting payrolls to Accounting payrolls to Accounting
Unit 3 working days Unit 4 working days Unit 5 working days Unit 7 working days
after the release of after the release of after the release of after the release of
Form 7 from RPSU Form 7 from RPSU Form 7 from RPSU Form 7 from RPSU

Processed 90% of Processed 80% of Processed 70% of Processed 60% of

Special Orders Special Orders Special Orders Special Orders
(SO)with complete (SO)with complete (SO)with complete (SO)with complete
requirements. requirements. requirements. requirements.
Released SOs 6 Released SOs 7 Released SOs 8 Released SOs 9
calendar days after calendar days after calendar days after calendar days after
receipt of complete receipt of complete receipt of complete receipt of complete
requirements requirements requirements requirements
Computed 100% Computed 100% Computed 100% Computed 100%
received Form 7 received Form 7 received Form 7 received Form 7
necessary for necessary for necessary for necessary for
deductions of all deductions of all deductions of all deductions of all
teaching and Non- teaching and Non- teaching and Non- teaching and Non-
teaching personnel teaching personnel teaching personnel teaching personnel
with 1-3 errors. with 4-5 errors. with 6-10 errors. with 11-20 errors.

Computed deductions Computed deductions Computed deductions Computed deductions

and submitted to and submitted to and submitted to RPSU and submitted to RPSU
RPSU on or before 9th RPSU on or before on or before 11th day on or before 12th day
day of the following 10th day of the of the following month of the following month
month following month

Received and Checked Received and Checked Received and Checked

86% to 99% supplies 77% to 85% supplies 66% to 76% supplies Received and Checked
delivered delivered delivered 65% supplies delivered
Inspected 86% to 99% Inspected 77% to 85% Inspected 66% to 76% Inspected 65% supplies
supplies delivered if it is supplies delivered if it is supplies delivered if it is delivered if it is tally to the
tally to the PO tally to the PO tally to the PO PO
Prepared 86% to 99% Prepared 77% to 85% Prepared 66% to 76% Prepared 65% IAR to be
IAR to be signed by the IAR to be signed by the IAR to be signed by the signed by the
Prepared 86% and
to supply
99% of inspectorate
Prepared 77% and
to supply
85% of inspectorate
Prepared 66% and
to supply
76% of inspectorate
Prepared 65% and supply
below of
RIS based on the officeer
RIS based on the officeer
RIS based on the officeer
RIS based on the
Request 86% to 99%
Checked Request 77% to 85%
Checked Request 66% to 76%
Checked Request 65% below
stocks available stocks available stocks available stocks available
Issued 86% to 99% Issued 77% to 85% Issued 66% to 76% Issued 65% supplies
supplies and materials supplies and materials supplies and materials and materials stated in
Checkedin the RIS to the stated in the RIS to the stated in the RIS to the the RIS to65%
theall the RIS
Checked 86%
86% to to 99%
99% all Checked
Checked 77%
77% to to 85%
85% all Checked
Checked 66%
66% to to 76%
76% all Checked
requesting unit
the RIS if it is already requesting unit
the RIS if it is already requesting unit
the RIS if it is already requesting
if it is alreadyunit
recorded in
supply and inventory card supply and inventory card supply and inventory card Checked 65% supply and
it is tallyinwith
ifRecorded the Stockcard recorded
it is tallyinwith
the Stockcard recorded
it is tallyinwith
the Stockcard the Stockcard
86% the
to 99% ifRecorded 77% the
to 85% ifRecorded 66% the
to 76% inventory card if it is tally
RIS to stockcard within a stockcard
RIS to stockcard within a stockcard
RIS to stockcard within a with the stockcard
Recorded 65% to
week week week stockcard within a week
Recorded 100% of Recorded 100% of Recorded 100% of Recorded 100% of the
the checked and the checked and the checked and checked and
classified official classified official classified official classified official
communications with communications with communications with communications with
1-2 error/s 3-5 error/s 6-10 error/s 11-20 error/s
65% and below of
86-99% of recorded 77-85% of recorded 66-760% of recorded recorded documents
documents for documents for documents for
for release were
release were stamped release were stamped release were stamped
stamped with
with released, with released, with released, released, reference
reference number reference number reference number
number and date
and date released and date released and date released

65% and below of

86-99% of stamped 77-85% of stamped 66-70% of stamped
communication were communication were communication were stamped
communication were
released to released to released to
released to
authorized person authorized person authorized person
authorized person

Received 80% Received 70% Received 60% Received 50%

documents were documents were documents were documents were
stamped with stamped with stamped with stamped with
received and date received and date received and date received and date
received received received received

Received 100% Received 100% Received 100% Received 100%

incoming documents incoming documents incoming documents incoming documents
were recorded in the were recorded in the were recorded in the were recorded in the
Google Spreadsheet Google Spreadsheet Google Spreadsheet Google Spreadsheet of
of Incoming of Incoming of Incoming Incoming Documents
Documents with 1-2 Documents with 3-5 Documents with 6-10 with 11-15 errors
errors errors errors

Forwarded received Forwarded received Forwarded received Forwarded received

documents to Action documents to Action documents to Action documents to Action
Unit 2 working days Unit 3 working days Unit 4 working days Unit 5 working days
after it was received after it was received after it was received after it was received

Prepared 4 Requests Prepared 3 Requests Prepared 2 Requests Prepared 1 Request for

for Special Power
Consolidated 95% of all for Special Power
Consolidated 90% of all for Special Power
Consolidated 85% of all Special Power
Consolidated 80% ofall
the or
necessary Attorney
the or
necessary Attorney
the or
necessary Attorney or
the necessary
Submitted the as
Ratification, request
the Submitted the as
Ratification, request
the Submitted the as
Ratification, request
the Submitted the as
Ratification, request
for in support
SPA/Ratification documents
for in support
SPA/Ratification documents
for in support
SPA/Ratification documents
for in support
case may
of together be,
the request from
foritsthe case may
of together be,
the request from
foritsthe case may
of together be,
the request from
foritsthe case may
of together
the requestbe, from
Central with
Office. Central with
Office. Central with
Office. Central with
issuance of
supporting documents issuance of
supporting documents issuance of
supporting documents issuance of
supporting documents
2 days after SPA/Ratification.
3 days after SPA/Ratification.
4 days after SPA/Ratification.
5 days after
completion of said
Prepared and/or completion of said
Prepared and/or completion of said
Prepared and/or completion of said
Prepared and/or
reviewed documents. documents. documents.
Prepared thesecured
and said reviewed
Prepared thesecured
and said reviewed
Prepared thesecured
and said reviewed
Prepared thesecured
and said
complete documents
deed/contract, complete documents
deed/contract, complete documents
deed/contract, complete documents
of atleast
secured and20attached
public of atleast
secured and15attached
public of atleast
secured and10attached
public of atleast
secured and5attached
80% of its supporting schools.
60% of its supporting schools.
40% of its supporting schools.
20% of its supporting
documents. documents. documents. documents.
Indorsed to proper Indorsed to proper Indorsed to proper Indorsed to proper
office/person/school office/person/school office/person/school office/person/school
such deed/contract 2 such deed/contract 4 such deed/contract 6 such deed/contract
days after all the days after all the days after all the beyond 7 days after all
necessary documents necessary documents necessary documents the necessary
become available. become available. become available. documents become

Provided legal Provided legal Provided legal Provided legal

assistance 80% of all assistance 60% of all assistance 40% of all assistance 20% of all
the schools who asked the schools who asked the schools who asked the schools who asked
for the same. for the same. for the same. for the same.

Evaluated 80% of all Evaluated 60% of all Evaluated 40% of all Evaluated 20% of all
the relevant the relevant the relevant the relevant
documents submitted documents submitted documents submitted documents submitted
by the school. by the school. by the school. by the school.

Assisted the school a Assisted the school 2 Assisted the school 3 Assisted the school
day after the request days after the request days after the request beyond 5 days after
for assistance. for assistance. for assistance. the request for
Proposed 3 ICT Proposed 2 ICT Proposed 1 ICT Proposed no ICT
solutions to the solutions to the solutions
Adapted at least 3 ICT Adapted at least 2 ICT Adapted at least 1 ICT to the solutions
Adapted no to ICT
Solutions technical
to SDO division
Solutions technical
to SDO division
Solutions technical
to SDO Provideddivision
Solutions technical
Posted official Posted official Posted official Failed to Post
communication 24 hours
personnels assistance 48 hours
for communication assistance 72 hours
for communication for assistance 96 hours
communication for
upload request
Renewed24 hours of after
domain the uploaded
Renewedthe request
48 hoursof after
uploadedthe request
72 hoursof upload
after the
Failed request
after renew
receipt ofin
name assistance
and annual
receipt in the web name the
afterand assistance
receipt web name
in the the
afterand assistance
receipt web the
in the the
domain assistance
division's and
90% 3
division's days upon
of all issuances hosting
80% services
of all issuances 5 hosting
70% services
of all issuances a annual
Conducted web hosting
60% aall
receiptwebsite 90%
of renewal Conducted
days upon
website 80% of week
receipt Conducted
website 70% of 60%
receipt services
and below of
below to
are posted in
maintenance/troubles the are posted in
maintenance/troubles the are posted
maintenance/troublesin the issuances are posted
officialofwebsite renewal notice
officialofwebsite renewal notice
officialofwebsite halting of service
hooting 90% of the Monitored
of DepEd hooting 80% of the Monitored
of DepEd hooting 70% of the in
of DepEd the official60%
Monitored website
DCP utilization of DCP utilization of DCP utilization of hooting
below of
of of
Provided Computer
technical of Issued Computer
Provided technical of Issued Computer
Provided technical of Recommended
Provided technical
selected school selected school selected school Issued
utilizationComputer of
assistance personnel
24 division
assistance personnel
hours memorandum/notice 48 division
hours memorandum/notice
assistance personnel
72 hours memorandum/notice
assistance hours
recipients recipients recipients division
school personnel
of meeting
after request with
of 95-
the of meeting
after with 90-
the request of of meeting
after with 85-
the request of of therecipients
after with 84%
request of
99% compliance
assistanceto the 94% the compliance
assistance to the 89% thecompliance
assistance to the and thebelow compliance
prescribed format for prescribed format for prescribed format for to the prescribed
approval and issuance approval and issuance approval and issuance format for approval
of SDS of SDS of SDS and issuance of SDS
Disseminated the Disseminated the Disseminated the Disseminated the
approved approved approved approved
memorandum/notice memorandum/notice memorandum/notice memorandum/notice
of meeting within 1-2 of meeting within 3-4 of meeting within 5 of meeting beyond 5
days after approval days after approval days after approval days after approval

Conducted 95-99% of Conducted 90-94% of Conducted 85-89% of Conducted 84% and

the issued notices of the issued notices of the issued notices of below of the issued
meeting for meeting for meeting for notices of meeting for
orientation and orientation and orientation and orientation and
dissemination of dissemination of dissemination of dissemination of
updates related to updates related to updates related to updates related to
budgeting budgeting budgeting budgeting
Proposed guidelines
Disseminated guidelines
the Proposed
the Proposed
the Disseminated the
with 84% and below
with 95-99%guidelines
approved relevance with 90-94%guidelines
approved relevance with 85-89%guidelines
approved relevance approved guidelines
relevance to internal
to for
internal budgeting to for
the effective internal budgeting to for
the effective internal budgeting
the effective for the effective
budgeting control
control system
implementation of control system
implementation of control system
implementation of implementation
system approved of by
approved by
budgeting SDS
control approved by
budgeting SDS
control approved by
budgeting SDS
control budgeting SDScontrol
system 95-99%
within the system
1-2 days Monitored 90-94%
within the Monitored
3-4 days system within 85-89% the system beyond 5 days
5 days
implementation implementation of
after approval of implementation
after approval of implementation
after approval of 84%after approval
and below of the
internal budget internal budget internal budget related
Informed the
related guidelines Informed the
related guidelines Informed
guidelines the internal budget
Informed related
availability of 95-99% availability of 90-94% availability of 85-89% availability guidelines
of 84% and
of the received recording
Sub- Monitored
of the received recording
Sub- Monitored
of the received recording Monitored
Sub- below of therecording
of obligations
AROs to person to of obligations
AROs to person to of obligations
AROs to person to of obligations
Sub-AROs to
to person
Summary of Sub-AROs Summary
concerned of Sub-AROs Summary
concerned of Sub-AROs Summary
concerned of Sub-AROs
weekly monthly quarterly semi-annually
Submitted summary of
Submitted summary of Submitted summary of Submitted summary of
Sub-AROs to SDS
Sub-AROs to SDS Sub-AROs to SDS Sub-AROs to SDS
following 84% and
following 95-99% of following 90-94% of following
Evaluates 85-89%
work of below of work
Evaluates the
the Evaluates
prescribedwork format the Evaluates
prescribedwork format products
the prescribed format
submitted by prescribed format
products submitted by
and verified by products
and verified by Analyzed
subordinates and
and verified Analyzed
subordinatesand verified
91-99% and
the financial subordinates
81-90% and
the financial implementing
71-80% units,
the financial 70% and belowunits, the
statements, units, implementing
statements, units, occassionally
statements, financial statements,
often incomplete,
Reviewed and quality
Reviewed no
supporting schedules withstatements,
quality Reviewed
and error incomplete,
schedules Reviewed
supporting inaccurate
statements, quality statements,
schedules supporting supporting
and/or late inaccurate
assured 70% and/or andlate
supporting 91-99% of
and reports assured
supporting 81-90%
and reports of Ensure
supporting supporting
and reports of schedules and reports
below entries on
entries supporting
on various Ensure
entries supporting
on various documents entries onsubmitted
Submitted the documents
Submitted submitted
Ensured submitted
the timely documents
financial submitted
documents by subordinates
Ensured documents
the timely
disbursement voucher
Ensured the the
timely Submitted the byEnsured
subordinates timely
by subordinates
for the month with by subordinates
for the month
submission of Monthly disbursement voucher submission with occassionally
for the
disbursement month
of Monthly
voucher submission of Monthly
to Cashier submission of Monthly incomplete
month and
no errorof 1-2
timely minimal
Cashier error
unit toincomplete
on the Ensured theunit
Cashier and
of 1-2
to Cashier
Ensured the
Report unit
3 or
days before the the
Report timely
submission 100%
Disbursement to the submission Submitted
deadline 100%
days of to the Disbursement to the
after the deadline
submission days
Submitted after
of MOOE the
Utilization Bank1-3
Report to Disbursement
accurate Bank to the accurate
Utilization Bank1-3
Report deadline
to Utilization Bank4-5
Report to
Regional Office Utilization Report to Regional Office Regional Office
days Reconciliation
before theOffice 1-3 Regional
Office on the the Regional
Reconciliation daysReconciliation
after Office
the given1-3 thedays Reconciliation
after Office
the given4-5
Statement Reports the Regional
given timeOffice on Statement Reports and Statement Reports and
days before
timethe given Statement Reports days after timethe given days after timethe given
and Supporting the Supporting
and given time Supporting Supporting Schedules
time time time
Schedules 1-3 days Schedules on the given Schedules1-3 days 4-5 days after the
before the given time time after the given time given time
Ratee Approving Authority

______________________________ _________________________________________


5 1


















5 0.5






5 4.66

5 0.5

5 0.5
5 0.5





5 0.5







5 0.87
4 0.8
4 0.4


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