Western Colleges Inc.: Naic, Cavite

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Western Colleg

Naic, Cavit

Grade Level: 7 and 8

TLE - Technical
Quarter/Unit/Domain: 0
Write(s): Estrella F. Peren / Jofit P. Dayoc

Content Content Standards Performance Formation Transfer Goal

Standards Standards
LESSON 1: USE OF The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
TOOLS AND demonstrate an be able to use able to think able to identify and
EQUIPMENT (UT) understanding of hand tools and critically and classify the hand
hand tools and equipment in logically tools and
equipment in Technical Drafting equipment used in
Technical Drafting technical drawing.

LESSON 2: The learners The learners The students will The students will be
MAINTAIN HAND demonstrate an demonstrate an able to be able to properly use
TOOLS, DRAWING understanding of understanding of appreciated and and care and
INSTRUMENTS, concepts and concepts and mindful of the maintain the tools,
EQUIPMENT AND principles in principles importance of equipment and
PARAPHERNALIA maintaining hand in maintaining hand maintaining parapherlia in
(MT) tools, drawing tools, drawing drawing tools and technical drafting.
instruments, instruments, equipment in
equipment, and equipment, and drafting
paraphernalia paraphernalia
LESSON 3: The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
PERFORM demonstrate an be able to able to measure able to select
MENSURATION understanding of perform accurate accurately appropriate tools to
AND CALCULATION concepts and measurements accurately measure
(MC) principles in and calculation the given task as
performing based on a given per job
measurements and task. requirement

LESSON 4: PREPARE The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
AND INTERPRET demonstrate an be able to able to think able look through
TECHNICAL understanding of read and interpret critically and to explain the
DRAWING (TD) concepts and technical understand the meaning of
principles in drawings and work meaning of the thesigns, symbols
interpreting plans technical drawings and specifications
technical drawings accurately on the working
and work plans drawing and create
one according to
the standard given
as per job
LESSON 5: The learners The learners shall The students will The students will
PRACTICE demonstrate an be able to observe and always take into
OCCUPATIONAL understanding of consistently practice OHS in account the
HEALTH AND concepts and observe performing importance of
SAFETY underlying precautionary technical drawing imploring safety
PROCEDURE (OS) principles of measures and at all times. precautions while
Occupational respond to risks working with
Health and Safety and hazards in technical drawings.
(OHS) in relation to the workplace
health and risk
hazards in the
Western Colleges Inc.
Naic, Cavite

Performance Task Enduring Essential Question Learning Competencies

*Identify hand tools and equipment Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Prepare hand tools and
based understand that by hand tools and equipment
on job requirement appropriate hand knowing the hand equipment used in in technical drafting
tools and tools and Technical Drafting?
equipment equipment used in 2. How are
and classify hand tools and equipment techical drafting, these tools and
according to function and task they will be able to equipment used to
requirement perform the job do the task
requirement requirement?

* Perform safety procedures in Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Maintain hand tools,
maintaining hand tools, drawing understand that by procedures in drawing
instruments, equipment, and safety procedure maintaining the instruments, equipment, and
paraphernalia and proper care drawing tools and paraphernalia
equipment, and paraphernalia and maintenace of instruments in
* Identify common malfunction drafting tools, drafting?
(unplanned or unusual events) when equipment and 2. How to identify
using tools, drawing instruments, paraphernalia is and prevent
equipment, and paraphernalia equal to saving malfunction when
time, money, and using drawing tools,
effort in performing instruments,
task requirements. equipment and
3. Why is it
important to assess
the condition of the
* Follow the standard procedures in requested tools, LO 2. Inspect hand tools,
accomplishing forms. Check the list of instruments and drawing instruments,
hand tools, drawing equipment? equipment, and
instruments, equipment, and paraphernalia received in
paraphernalia to be requested per technical drafting
job requirement and evaluate the
condition of all the
requested hand tools, drawing
instruments, equipment, and
paraphernalia for proper operation
and safety
paraphernalia to be requested per
job requirement and evaluate the
condition of all the
requested hand tools, drawing
instruments, equipment, and
paraphernalia for proper operation LO 3. Prepare an inspection
and safety report of
the hand tools, drawing
equipment, and
paraphernalia received
in technical drafting

*Identify and select measuring tools Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Select measuring
based on understand that measuring tools instruments
the object to be measured or job perfoming used for specific job
requirements mensuration and requirement?
*Use alternative measuring tools correct calculation 2. What are the
without sacrificing cost and quality is needed produce different
of work precise and techniques to check
accurate to meet the accuracy of the
the standard of the computation?
given task. 3. Why is it
important that the
measurement are
*Perform calculation needed to accurate ing LO 2. Carry out mensuration
complete task by applying trade technical drawing? and
mathematics/mensuration calculation
and employ different techniques in
checking for accuracy of the

* Identify and analyze signs and symbols Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Analyze signs, symbols,
and data indicated in understand that the signs, symbols and and data
technical drawing ability to read and necesssary
interpret working materials used in
drawing technical drawing?
Architecturl design 2.
will be able to How important it is
construct to know how to
* Identify necessary materials accurately. read and interpret a LO 2. Interpret technical
according to the technical drawing , working drawing/ drawings and
recognize components, assemblies, technical drawing? plans
or objects based on job
requirements and Identify dimensions
specifications according to job
*Follow OHS policies and procedures Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Identify hazards and
in identifying hazards and risks adhere and OHS policies that risks
*Identify and explain hazards and risks in advocate must be considered
the themselves to in while working
workplace always practice with technical
Identify hazards and risks indicators safety measures to drawing?
as prescribed by the manufacturer prevent and control 2. What are
*Apply contingency measures in hazards that may the hazards and
accordance with the OHS procedures take place in their their effects in the
work place. workplace?
3. Why should
we always practice
measures at the
*Identify the methods in controlling workplace? LO 2. Evaluate and control
hazards and risks hazards and risks
* Follow OHS procedures for
controlling hazards and risks

* Observe established procedures in LO 3. Maintain Occupational

responding to emergency-related Health and
drill Safety
* Fill-up OHS personal records in
accordance with SOP
Assessment Activities
Formative: Pictionary; Text Analysis;
Activity sheet Demontration

15 Multiple chioce Test
Oral Interview (Identification
of Tools)

Formative: Activity sheet Demonstration; Class

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance
(Perform basic maintenance
of selected tools)

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (Basic
inspection and report

Formative: Activity sheet Problem solving; conversion

of measurements; Board
Summative: work
15 Multiple chioce Test
Oral Interview (Tools for

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Perofrmance
(Laboratory Measurement -
as provided)

Formative: Activity sheet Blue print reading;

Orthographic drawing
Summative: interpretation; Topic
15 Multiple chioce Test Discussion;

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (Plan
Formative: Activity sheet Video Clip presentation;
Flash cards; Think Pare and
Summative: Share
15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (Site
Visit for Hazards and Risk

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Written Performance
(Hazards and Risk

Formative: Activity sheet

Summative: 15 Multiple
chioce Test
Western Colleg
Naic, Cavit

Grade Level: 9
TLE - Technical
Quarter/Unit/Domain: Quarter 1-4
Write(s): Estrella F. Peren / Jofit P. Dayoc

Content Content Standards Performance Formation Transfer Goal

Standards Standards
QUARTER 1 The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able toprepare have a better able to select and
understanding of architectural layout understanding of use the appropriate
concepts and and details based the importance of architectural
principles in the on established proper selection drawing tools,
preparation of industry and/or job and use of different materials, and
architectural layout requirements architectural equipment in
and details drawing tools, drafing site
materials and development plans
equipment in and floor plans.
drafting site
development and
floor plans.
QUARTER 2 The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able toprepare have a better able to draw floor
understanding of architectural layout understanding of plans and roof
concepts and and details based the importance of plans following the
principles in the on established drafting floor plans standard operating
preparation of industry and/or job and roof plans procedure
architectural layout requirements according to
and details standard operating

QUARTER 3 The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able toprepare have a better able to draw
understanding of architectural layout understanding of elevation and
concepts and and details based the importance of section plans
principles in the on established drafting elevation following the
preparation of industry and/or job and section plans standard operating
architectural layout requirements according to procedure
and details standard operating

The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able todraft have a better able to draw
understanding of structural layout understanding of foundation and
concepts and and details the importance of structutal plans
principles in following the job drafting foundation following the
drafting structural requirements and structural plans standard operating
layout and details according to procedure
standard operating
standard operating

QUARTER 4 The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able to draft have a better able to draw
understanding of electrical and understanding of electrical and
concepts and electronic layout the importance of auxilliary
principles in and details drafting electrical layoutfollowing the
drafting electrical following the job plans and auxilliary standard operating
and electronic requirements layout according to procedure
layout and details standard operating
Western Colleges Inc.
Naic, Cavite

Performance Task Enduring Essential Question Learning Competencies

Prepare and select tools, materials, and Students will 1. What is Prepare architectural job
equipment in technical drawing understand that by architectural requirements
understanding the drawing? How is it
concepts and related to technical
principles and drafting?
following the 2. What are the
Observe OHS policies and standard operating elements of Prepare and set up tools
procedures in preparing and setting-up procedure in arcitectural working and materials for drawing
tools and materials for drafting drawing?
drawing architectural layout
and details they will
be able to produce
a marketable
output or project
Draw Site Development Plan according Draft site development plan
to architectural standards

Draw floor plan according to Draft floor plans

architectural design standards
Identify sizes of doors, walls, and rooms Students will 1. What are the Identify specifications of
following the schedule Indicate letterings understand that operational parts and materials
and labels according to the drafting byfollowing the definition/terminilo
standards standard operating gies on roof plan
procedure in and ceiling plan?
architectural layout
Draw roof plans according to drafting and details they will 2. How and Why it Draft roof plans
standards be able to produce is important to plan
a marketable a roof plan and
output or project ceiling plan?

Draw vertical heights from finish floor Draft ceiling plans

line to ceiling line according to
architect_x0002_tural drafting standards

Draw elevation, vertical heights from Students will 1. What is the Draft elevations and
grade line according to understand that by definition of sections
architectural drafting following the elevation plan and
standards standard operating section plan?
procedure in
drafting elevation
and section plan 2. Wha is the
they will be able to difference between
produce a them?How are they
marketable output related to each
Follow the SOP when submitting the or project other? Submit complete drawings
completed drawing to appropriate
personnel (e.g., Engineer, Architect)

Indicate the locations of Students will 1. What are the Draft foundation plans
wall footings, footings, understand that types of
and columns in drafting byfollowing the foundation?
the floor plan and draw in a larger scale standard operating
details of wall footings, procedure in
footings, and columns drafting foundation 2. What are the
and structural plans structural
they will be able to standards? How do
produce a differ from each
marketable output other?
or project
they will be able to standards? How do
produce a differ from each
marketable output other?
or project
Draft structural floor and Draft structural floors and
roof framing plans based roof framing plans
on floor and foundation
plans using timber, concrete, or steel

Draft lighting and power Students will 1. What are the Draft electrical plans and
layouts according to understand that by types of layouts
electrical drafting following the foundation?
standards standard operating
procedure in
drafting electrical 2. What are the
plans and auxillay structural
layout they will be standards? How do
able to produce a differ from each
marketable output other?
Layout electronic and or project Draft auxiliary system and
communication devices according to layout
drafting requirements
Assessment Activities
Formative: Activity sheet Picture Analysis; Word
Search; Title Block
Summative: 15 Multiple
chioce Test

Formative: Activity sheet

Summative: 15 Multiple
chioce Test

Formative: Activity sheet Concept Map; Alphabet of

lines; Guidelines and
Summative: Letterings;Angles and
15 Multiple chioce Test Protractors; Royal Castle
Actual Perofrmance (Site Plan; Working Drawing
Development Plan

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Perofrmance (Floor
Plan - details as provided)
Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test

Formative: Activity sheet Pictionary; Indetification of

ceiling symbols; Working

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (Roof
Plans - details as provided)

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (Ceiling
Plans - details as provided)

Formative: Activity sheet Block Drawing;Text Analysis;

Working Drawing

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance
(Elevations and Sections)

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test

Formative: Activity sheet Video Tutorial; Working


Summative: 15 Multiple
chioce assessment
Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance
(Structural Floors and Roof
Framing Plans)

Formative: Activity sheet Viewing of instructional

vedio clip; Working Drawing

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance
(Electrical Plans)

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (Auxilliry
Western Colleg
Naic, Cavit

Grade Level: 10
TLE - Technical
Quarter/Unit/Domain: Quarter 1-4
Write(s): Estrella F. Peren / Jofit P. Dayoc

Content Content Standards Performance Formation Transfer Goal

Standards Standards
QUARTER 1 The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able toprepare have a better able to identify,
understanding of CAD based on understanding of explore, and
concepts and established industry the concept and manipulate
underlying and/or job principle of drafting AutoCAD/CAD
principles in the requirements artchitectural features as per job
preparation of CAD. layout and details requirements
using CAD

QUARTER 2 The students will The students will be

have a better able to manipulate,
understanding of observe OHS and
the concept and SOP, setup and
principle of drafting prepare working
artchitectural drawing using
layout and details AutoCAD/CAD
using CAD features as per job
QUARTER 3 The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able toprepare have a better able to manipulate,
understanding of CAD based on understanding of observe OHS and
concepts and established industry the concept and SOP, setup and
underlying and/or job principle of drafting prepare working
principles in the requirements artchitectural drawing using
preparation of CAD. layout and details AutoCAD/CAD
using CAD features as per job

The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able todraft have a better able to draw
understanding of structural layout understanding and foundation and
concepts and and details great appreciation structutal plans
principles in following the job of drafting through CAD by
drafting structural requirements foundation and following the
layout and details structural plans in standard operating
CAD according to procedure
standard operating
QUARTER 4 The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able todraft have a better able to draw
understanding of structural layout understanding and foundation and
concepts and and details great appreciation structutal plans
principles in following the job of drafting through CAD by
drafting structural requirements foundation and following the
layout and details structural plans in standard operating
CAD according to procedure
standard operating

The learners The learners shall The students will The students will be
demonstrate an be able todraft develop critical and able to draft
understanding of electrical and logical thinking of electrical and
concepts and electronic layout drafting electrical auxillary layout and
principles in and details plan layout and details with the use
drafting electrical following the job auxillay system and CAD by following
and electronic requirements layout using CAD the standard
layout and details according to operating
standard operating procedure
Western Colleges Inc.
Naic, Cavite

Performance Task Enduring Essential Question Learning Competencies

*Identify CAD software features Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Operate CAD software
according to the software provider understand that by different tools and and computer hardware
*Explore CAD working environment learnig the proper features used in
*Manipulate CAD features as per job use of CAD CAD working
requirement software and environment
hardware according 2. How are
to standard they these features
will be able to affect students
produce good performance in
output or project as preparing plan?
per job

*Manipulate CAD features as per job Students will 1. What are the LO 2. Prepare plan using
requirement understand that by Occupational CAD
*Observe OHS policies and proper Health Standard
procedures in when preparing plan using manipulation and that should be
CAD *Set up drawings according to obervation of observe in
standard drawing scale and paper size OHS/SOP of CAD preparing plan in
* Prepare working drawings software and CAD? How are they
using CAD software as per building hardware according important?
standards to standard are key
points in other to
produce quality 2. Why is it
project as per job important to set up
requirements and prepare
working drawing in
CAD according to
* Prepare working drawings using CAD Students will 1. What are the LO 2. Prepare plan using
software as per building standards understand that by Occupational CAD
proper Health Standard
manipulation and that should be
obervation of observe in
OHS/SOP of CAD preparing plan in
software and CAD? How are they
hardware according important?
to standard are key
points in other to
produce quality 2. Why is it
project as per job important to set up
requirements and prepare
working drawing in
CAD according to

*Indicate the locations Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Draft foundation
of wall footings, understand that by different structures plans
footings, and columns following the and details to be
in drafting the floor standard operating layouting
plan procedure in foundation and
*Draw on a larger scale drafting foundation structural plan in
details of wall footings, and structural plans CAD?
footings, and columns in CAD they will be
able to produce
accurate and 2. What are the
quality project structural drawing
standards in CAD?
Draft structural floor and roof framing How do differ from LO 2. Draft structural floors
plans based on floor and each other? and roof framing plans
foundation plans using timber, concrete,
or steel construction
Draft structural floor and roof beams Students will 1. What is structual LO 2. Draft structural floors
showing sizes, shapes, and detailed understand that by floor plans and its and roof framing plans
connections following the standards?
standard operating
procedure in
drafting foundation 2. What are the
and structural plans roof -framing plan
in CAD they will be standards?
able to produce
accurate and
quality project

Draft lighting and power layouts Students will 1. What are the LO 1. Draft electrical plans
according to electrical drafting understand that by regulation and and layouts
standards following the policies is govern in
standard operating the Philippine
procedure in Electrical Code and
drafting electrical National Building
and auxilliary Code?
system layout in 2. How are these
CAD they will be laws affect the
able to produce planning of
accurate and electrical and
quality project auxilliary layout of a
house of a building?
Layout electronic and communication LO 2. Draft auxiliary system
devices according to and layout
electrical drafting requirements
Assessment Activities
Formative: Activity sheet Information Sheet reading
and Analysis; Flash Cards;
Summative: Guess the icon; Exploring
15 Multiple chioce Test AutoCAD Environment
Actual Perofrmance (CAD
Softwares Basic Operation)

Formative: Activity sheet Working Drawing in CAD

using any CAD Design
Summative: Software (AutoCAD, Sketch-
15 Multiple chioce Test UP, ZWCAD, etc.)
Formative: Activity sheet Text Analysis; Blue-print
Interpretation; CAD Working

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (CAD -
Floor Plan, Ceiling Plan, Roof

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (CAD -
Foundation Plans)

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Formative: Activity sheet Text-Analysis; Plan Analysis;
Working Drawing in CAD
using any CAD Design
Software (AutoCAD, Sketch-
Summative: UP, ZWCAD, etc.)
15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (CAD -
Structural Floor and Roof
Framing Plans)

Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (CAD -
Electrical Plans)
Formative: Activity sheet

15 Multiple chioce Test
Actual Performance (CAD -
Auxilliary System Plans)


Institutional Assessment

In accordance with the

TESDA Regulations, trainees/
learners will undergo
Isstitutional Assessment to
determine their competence
on the qualification
Technical Drafting NC II

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