Es3Pt: User Manual
Es3Pt: User Manual
Es3Pt: User Manual
Version: 1.1
[email protected]
Number of pages: 53
Date: 31 January 2011
User Manual
Revision History
Version Date Author Remarks
0.1 07-02-2007 S. Apsey Initial version – draft
0.2 07-12-2007 S. Apsey Added picture of j-box and transducer drawing
0.3 08-12-2007 R. Byrd New Specifications
0.4 09-26-2007 S. Apsey Added MRU and sound velocity input.
Added Appendices for Sound velocity string, MRU
string and Digibar Pro configuration.
0.5 03-12-2008 J. Hoffmann Software version 1.02.40. Update menu image samples
for ‘Com Port Setup Dialog’ and ‘Profile Point Setup
Dialog’. Updated PDI enclosure images. Scaled screen
images and fonts.
0.6 10-21-2008 S. Apsey Updated for SW version 1.02.78
Corrected procedure for adjusting system gain.
Added description of PPS pulse and UTC time
0.7 11-14-2008 S. Apsey Added appendix further describing data synchronization
0.8 3-31-2009 S.Apsey Added a more complete description of the ES3 cable
including colors for the wires and connections to the wet
0.9 5-27-2009 S.Apsey Added acoustic center drawing.
Added hot keys for range, gain and display.
1.0 7-26-2010 S.Apsey Updated for the ES3PT. Removed the PDI from the
manual and added the RTA
1.1 1-17-2011 M. Redmayne Re-write incorporating ES3 control software version
1.04.11 (21 Dec 10)
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1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Product description ......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 System Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 ES3 General Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 9
Frequency: ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
3 COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Transducer/Electronics Housing (Sonar Head) ........................................................................................ 12
3.2 Real Time Appliance (RTA) ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Front Panel ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Power Switch .............................................................................................................................. 13 Fuse ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Aux data in LED .......................................................................................................................... 14 ES3-1 Trigger / ES3-2 Trigger LED ............................................................................................ 14 ES3-1 Link / ES3-2 Link LED ..................................................................................................... 14 MRU data in LED ........................................................................................................................ 14 Heading data in LED................................................................................................................... 14 GPS data in LED ........................................................................................................................ 14 PPS LED ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Sound Velocity LED .................................................................................................................... 14 RTA Configuration USB Port ...................................................................................................... 15
3.2.2 Rear Panel ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Power Connector ........................................................................................................................ 15 GPS I/O DB9 Connector ............................................................................................................. 15 MRU I/O DB9 Connector ............................................................................................................ 15 Data Aq. PC RJ45 Connector ..................................................................................................... 15 ES3 PC RJ45 Connector ............................................................................................................ 15 Aux I/O DB9 Connector .............................................................................................................. 15 Heading IN DB9 Connector ........................................................................................................ 16 GPS IN DB9 Connector .............................................................................................................. 16 PPS BNC Connector .................................................................................................................. 16 R/T Sound Velocity Connector ................................................................................................... 16 MRU Connector .......................................................................................................................... 16 ES3 2 Connector ........................................................................................................................ 16 ES3 1 Connector ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.2.3 PPS Pulse dipswitch .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 ES3 Controller PC ..................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Data Collection Computer ......................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Global Positioning System ........................................................................................................................ 17
3.6 Sound Velocity Probe (Real Time) ............................................................................................................ 17
3.7 Motion Sensor ........................................................................................................................................... 17
3.8 Heading Sensor ........................................................................................................................................ 17
4 Installation ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Software Installation .................................................................................................................................. 19
4.1.1 Network Settings for ES3 PC ............................................................................................................. 20
4.1.2 Network Settings for Data Acquisition PC ......................................................................................... 20
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The ES3 Multibeam echo sounder is a portable, easy to use system that will collect bathymetry over a 120 swath
up to a water depth of up to 60 meters. The small size of the ES3 makes it easy to install on vessels of
opportunity and its ease of operation makes it an excellent choice for surveyors who want to make the technical
transition from single beam echo sounding to multibeam surveying.
To make learning about the features of the ES3 easy to follow, this document is structured as a step-by-step
manual. The manual covers the ES3 as a product, it provides instructions on how to install the software and the
hardware, suggestions on how to use all the different control settings, how to perform certain critical procedures,
how cables are wired to their connectors, and some simple troubleshooting tips.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to explain the features and operation of the ES3.
1.2 Scope
The scope and content of this document is focused on providing useful information to the end-user.
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1.3 Glossary
BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman; a type of electrical connector
CTS Clear To Send; a signal used by RS232 serial connectors
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
GGA GPS position data string in NMEA format
GPS Global Positioning System
LED Light Emitting Diode
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
MRU Motion Reference Unit (also called motion sensor)
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
RTA Teledyne Odom Real Time Appliance
Sonar Head Transducer/Electronics Unit
SV Sound Velocity
SVP Sound Velocity Probe
Trigger Pulse The electronic signal sent by the sonar head to indicate a transmit pulse
UDP User Datagram Protocol
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VDC Volts Direct Current
VTG Vessel track and speed data string in NMEA format
XTF Extended Triton Format
ZDA GPS timing data string in NMEA format
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The ES3 PT consists of the ES3 sonar and the Real Time Appliance (RTA). In order to be effectively used as a
hydrographic survey system, the user will require additional components for positioning, motion sensing,
collection of data, determining sound velocity in the water and a computer to run the operating software. These
components may have been supplied with the equipment or can be purchased separately.
A basic line diagram of the system can be seen below, and further information on each component can be found
in chapter 3 of this manual.
Basic component diagram of a hydrographic survey system incorporating the RTA and ES3
240 kHz
Number of Beams**:
Default – 480
Selectable – 240, 120
Range Resolution:
0.02% of Range
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60m (197ft.) water depth
100m (328ft.) slant range
Source Level:
200dB referenced to 1µPa at 1m
Interface to PC:
Ethernet (10 base-T) using TCPIP
Underwater wet-mateable 8 conductor Subconn at transducer end, 8 pin Circular MS type connector at J-
Box end
Power Supply:
24 VDC nominal (9 to 30 VDC range using RTA)
Power Dissipation <25 Watts total
162mm (6.3”) L, x 117mm (4.62) H, x 92mm (3.63) W
8.2kg (18 lb) in air
Stainless Steel Housing
Urethane Transducer Face
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The ES3 is supplied with the transducer/electronics housing referred to in this document as the sonar head, a
Real Time Appliance Interface, power cable, transducer cable, Ethernet cables and software on CD. This chapter
will detail each of these components, along with the requirements of the additional inputs to a proposed
hydrographic survey system.
Care should be taken when handling the sonar head so that the transmit face of the unit is not scratched or
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The RTA has connectors to receive data from the following components:
Each component has a corresponding LED on the front panel that indicates whether the RTA is receiving the data
correctly. If the baud rate is not set correctly the corresponding LED on the RTA will not blink, however some
components that are set to a high baud rate may appear to be ‘on’ rather than blinking due to the fast transmittal
of data.
The power switch applies DC power (9 to 30 VDC) to the internal switching power supply which powers the RTA,
ES3 Sonar Head and Motion Reference Unit via the power/data cables. The power switch has an LED in the
middle that lights up when it is turned on. Fuse
The external safety fuse ensures a short inside the RTA does not draw more that 75 watts from the external
power supply. The rating of the fuse is 3 Amps.
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The Aux data in LED indicates the RTA is receiving data through the Aux I/O connector on the rear panel and the
baud rate is correct. If the baud rate of the Aux sensor does not match the RTA baud rate configuration the LED
will not blink. The LED will blink one for every string the RTA receives through the port. Note: This has not been
implemented yet.
The ES3 Trigger LED indicates the RTA is receiving a trigger pulse from and ES3 connected to the corresponding
rear ES3 connector. The ES3 will only trigger this LED if the ES3 software is running and the transducer is
connected. The LED will blink once every time the ES3 transmits a pulse.
The ES3 Link LED indicates the RTA’s internal network switch has established a connection with the ES3
connected to the corresponding rear ES3 connector.
The MRU data in LED indicates the RTA is receiving data through the MRU I/O connector on the rear panel and
the baud rate is correct. If the baud rate of the MRU sensor does not match the RTA baud rate configuration the
LED will not blink. The LED will blink one for every string the RTA receives through the port. If the data rate of
the MRU is high, this LED will appear to stay on all the time.
The Heading data in LED indicates the RTA is receiving data through the Heading In connector on the rear panel
and the baud rate is correct. If the baud rate of the Heading sensor does not match the RTA baud rate
configuration the LED will not blink. The LED will blink one for every string the RTA receives through the port.
The GPS data in LED indicates the RTA is receiving data through the GPS I/O connector on the rear panel and
the baud rate is correct. If the baud rate of the GPS sensor does not match the RTA baud rate configuration the
LED will not blink. The LED will blink one for every string the RTA receives through the port.
The PPS LED indicates the RTA is receiving a PPS signal. This LED should blink once a second. To configure
the source of the PPS signal refer to the appropriate section of this manual. If this LED does not blink once per
second the RTA is not operating correctly.
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This connector is used to configure the GPS connected to the GPS In connector. Use this port to configure the
GPS. Note that this port should not be used to receive data from the GPS other than to configure.
This connector is used to configure the MRU connected to the MRU connector. Use this port to configure the
MRU. Note that this port should not be used to receive data from the GPS other than to configure.
Use this connector to connect the computer running the ES3 program.
User Manual
This connector is used to connect the Heading sensor to the RTA. The RTA supports any NMEA string that starts
with a “$” character and ends with a Line Feed character. The baud rate of the Heading sensor must match the
configured baud rate of the RTA. Follow the instructions on configuring the RTA to change the RTA baud rate.
The Heading sensor should be configured to output data at 10 Hz.
This connector is used to connect the GPS to the RTA. The RTA supports any NMEA string that starts with a “$”
character and ends with a Line Feed character. The baud rate of the GPS must match the configured baud rate
of the RTA. Follow the instructions on configuring the RTA to change the RTA baud rate. The Heading sensor
should be configured to output data at 10Hz. Configure the GPS to output the NMEA GGA, VTG and ZDA string.
The RTA will not operate correctly without the NMEA ZDA string, as this is the timing signal required for time
stamping. This port can also be used to accept the PPS pulse for a GPS that is outputting a PPS pulse through
the GPS connector. Refer to the configuring RTA for PPS pulse section of this manual.
If the GPS connected to the RTA has a PPS pulse available through a BNC use this connector. Refer to the
configuring RTA for PPS pulse section of this manual.
Follow the instructions on configuring the RTA to change the RTA baud rate, and the respective MRU manual to
change the baud rate to match.
Note: It is important that the user fully understand the internal settings of the MRU and change them according to
the required application. Many MRUs have user selectable settings such as heave bandwith and GPS turn
aiding, and these must be configured to ensure that the MRU data output is a true reflection of the vessel’s
motion. If a TSS is being used, these settings may be configured using the DMS view or TTY software.
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The RTA must receive a PPS pulse to accurately time all the sensors including the ES3. The RTA can be
configured to receive the PPS pulse through the BNC connector or through the GPS IN connector. The default
input of the PPS pulse is through PIN nine of the GPS IN connector. To change this configuration, remove the six
screws securing the lid to the top of the RTA. On the RTA motherboard is a dipswitch labelled SW1. Pin number
1 of the dipswitch is toward the SW1 silkscreen. The ‘ON’ position of the dipswitch is to the left of the RTA. Only
one of the switch position 1-3 should be turned on. Position 4 sets the edge. Normally the edge should be ‘ON’
for the rising edge. Switch position 1 sets the RTA PPS source to pin 8 of the GPS IN connector. Switch position
2 sets the RTA PPS source to pin 9 of the GPS IN connector. Switch position 3 sets the RTA PPS source to the
BNC connector.
The minimum requirements of the ES3 controller are; Windows XP or Windows 2000 and be at least a 2 GHz
Pentium IV. The faster the processor speed of the computer the higher the ping rate the ES3 will achieve.
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Commonly this is achieved by a GPS with two antennas offset at a fixed distance and therefore the heading can
be calculated by the difference in the two observed positions. Any heading sensor that can transmit a NMEA
string that starts with a “$” character and ends with a Line Feed character is supported by the ES3PT.
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Installation of the ES3PT as part of a hydrographic survey system is a multi-step process. Each step can be
broadly shown in the below diagram.
The installation of the software on the PC is straightforward. On the software CD that accompanies the system
there is an executable called ES3.exe. This can be installed in its own directory, and run by double clicking, or
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you can create a shortcut from the desktop for it. We do not recommend using new program wizard or any other
installation program.
Once launched, the program may start up either in playback mode or in real-time mode. If it is in real-time mode
and the sonar head is not connected there may be a delay before the prompt comes back.
Once the software has been successfully installed the communications link between the processing PC and the
sonar head must be established. This is achieved through the Ethernet cable, however the static IP (Internet
Protocol) address must be entered into the ES3 computer.
In order to complete this, on the ES3 computer click Start, Settings, Control Panel. Double click on the icon
“Network Settings”. You will then see a list of available LAN connections. Double click on the port to be used,
then select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”. Click the button marked “Properties”. Check the button marked “Use the
following IP address” and enter the following IP address and Subnet Mask:
There is also a settings box for default gateway, but it can be left blank. For troubleshooting purposes you may
need to know that the sonar head has IP address
In order to complete this, on the ES3 computer click Start, Settings, Control Panel. Double click on the icon
“Network Settings”. You will then see a list of available LAN connections. Double click on the port to be used,
then select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”. Click the button marked “Properties”. Check the button marked “Use the
following IP address” and enter the following IP address and Subnet Mask:
There is also a settings box for default gateway, but it can be left blank.
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Note: In order for the data acquisition software to receive data from the sonar the ES3 software must be running
and set up to send processed data points. This is described in full at a later chapter detailing the ES3 software
Before using the RTA with Hypack, the program must be configured to accept the data input through the Ethernet
cable. Unlike most hydrographic systems where many sensors are connected to Hypack through many serial
cables, the RTA collates this data and sends it through one source with individual time stamps.
First, the files included in the disk delivered with the RTA must be installed. There are 4 files that need to be
copied into 2 locations within the Hypack program folder structure. These are as follows:
In Hypack, before using the ES3PT the user must update both the GPS and Hysweep devices to accept the
timestamped data. To update the GPS device, first ensure that the new Hypack files have been installed as per
Run Hypack, then click on the hardware button. Add Device, then select GPS. Deselect ‘Depth’, ‘Heading’ and
‘Tide’ under the “Functions” menu. Enter offsets if required at this stage. Under ‘Connect’, select ‘Network Port’,
then ‘Protocol’ select ‘UDP’. Under ‘Role’ select ‘Server’ the under ‘Port’ enter 4024. The final screen will look
similar to the screengrab below:
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Screengrab showing the GPS device in Hypack set up to receive data via UDP port 4024
On the pop-up screen, click on ‘Advanced’. Check the box marked ‘RTA messages’, ‘Ignore checksum’ and
‘Show debug messages’.
To configure Hypack Hysweep Hardware, under the main menu select ‘Hysweep’ then ‘Hysweep Hardware’.
Under the ‘Manufacturer/Model’ tab select ‘Odom ES3’ then click ‘Add’.
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Screengrab showing the addition of the ES3 under the Hysweep Hardware menu
Click on the ‘Connect’ tab and ensure that all of the check boxes are ticked, and in the box marked ‘Port’ enter
‘4040’. Ensure the box marked ‘Internet Address’ is empty.
Click back on the tab marked ‘Manufacturer/Model’, then with the ‘Odom ES3’ still highlighted click on the button
marked ‘Setup…’. Check the box marked ‘Use RTA Interface’.
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4.1.4 Configuring Other Data Acquisition Software to Receive Data from the RTA
The RTA receives data from all the sensors connected to it, collates it, and then outputs all the data from the
sensors through the one network connection to the acquisition PC. All the data is output through the UDP
protocol. Hypack is configured to accept the data directly from the RTA however if a different collection software
is used the UDP port addresses for each sensor type are detailed in the following table.
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Connection line diagram of a typical survey system incorporating the ES3 and RTA
Before connecting any of the cables, make sure that the computer, the ES3 and other peripherals are turned
off. Follow the list below is a sequence of steps for connecting the ES3 with the computer.
a) Connect the cable from the ES3 Head to the connector on the ES3 RTA labeled “ES3 1”.
b) Connect the power cable for the ES3 RTA to the connector labeled “POWER”.
c) Connect the Ethernet cable from the ES3 RTA connector labeled Processing PC to the computer running the
ES3 software (note: this should be a dedicated PC running no applications other than the ES3 control
d) Connect the Ethernet cable from the ES3 RTA connector labeled Data Acquisition PC to the Data Acquisition
e) Connect the Motion Reference Unit to the RTA ‘MRU’ port using the Odom supplied cable. An adapter cable
is available for certain other types of MRUs.
f) Connect the GPS to the RTA ‘GPS in’ serial connector.
g) Connect the Heading sensor to the RTA ‘Heading in’ serial connector.
h) Connect the PPS pulse to the RTA either through the GPS connector or the BNC connector.
i) Connect the sound velocity probe to the RTA port marked ‘R/T Sound Velocity’.
j) Within the ES3 software, set the ES3 program to output data to
The USB port of the RTA uses a virtual serial port driver to send and receive data to the computer. Once the
USB drivers are installed, any terminal program will treat the port as normal serial port.
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2. Insert the USB driver disk that is included with the RTA in the computer. If the disk is not available,
download the program from our web site.
4. Once the program has installed plug in the RTA to the computer using the included USB type ‘A’ to type
‘B’ cable.
5. On the PC, go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, then click on the Hardware tab and select Device
Manager. Expand the Ports (COM & LPT) section. The USB drivers will enumerate the RTA to the next
available com port. The com port will be labelled “CP210x USB to UART Bridge Controller (COM X)”
where X is the com port number that the application should use to communicate with the RTA. In the
example below the RTA has enumerated to COM18.
Screenshot of the PC device manager showing the connection to the RTA (COM18 in this case)
Once the USB drivers have been installed run TTY.exe (available on the Installation Software CD). Set the Com
port to the one enumerated in the instructions above. Set the baud rate to 19,200. Connect to the RTA. To start
the program, press the Escape Key. The following menu will be seen:
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Follow the instruction on the menu to change the baud rate of the input sensors.
There are several different methods of mounting the transducer, the most common being a side mount or bow
mount. The following is a table of considerations that the surveyor should be aware of when mounting the sonar.
Bubble wash If the sonar is mounted too close to the surface or in the wake of the vessel, the air
bubbles caused by vessel motion will pass over the face of the transducer. This will
cause false returns, as the acoustic pulse bounces off these bubbles. This commonly
occurs if the sonar is mounted to the hull of a vessel with insufficient depth of water
above the transducer.
Stability (vessel) The uncertainty of a multibeam system’s data is dependent on motion and how it is
measured by the MRU, and therefore it is advantageous to mount the sonar in a
position that experiences the least vessel motion. On a small boat, this is near the
stern; however this is also an area commonly affected by bubble wash.
Stability (mount) The distance offset between the mount and the other sensors, particularly the MRU,
must remain fixed at all times. If the mount that the sonar is to be attached to flexes or
moves, the resulting data will be degraded.
Strength of mount The ES3 is a larger transmitter than most single beam transducers, and therefore when
a vessel is moving at speed a great deal of stress is put on the mounting pole. The
mount and mounting pole should be sufficiently strong to prevent loss of the sonar.
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It should be noted that the ES3 sonar head is to be mounted with the cable end pointing aft – this will ensure that
the resulting data is orientated correctly athwartships and this also reduces bubble wash on the sonar head.
To aid in mounting the sonar head, a plastic fairing is available from Odom which reduces bubble wash and drag
on the unit.
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Note: This chapter refers to ES3 software version 1.04.11 dated 21 December 2010.
5.1 Introduction
The control software supplied with the ES3 is used to set all of the ES3 user defined parameters and it also
serves as the electronic beam former. The software interfaces to the ES3 Head through the network cable and
outputs the data to the RTA, where it may be subsequently output to the data acquisition PC.
This section contains the information necessary to operate the ES3 using the ES3 control program.
5.1.1 Range
The dial at the bottom of the ES3 main display sets the maximum slant range for the system. This is not the
same as the maximum depth. This range is the maximum angular distance to which any beam can reach. Since
the ES3 is capable of up to a 120 swath the range needs to be set to a higher number than the maximum depth
value, so that the outer beams will be able to detect the bottom.
As a rule of thumb, set the range to twice the maximum anticipated water depth.
Note: Increasing the range value will reduce the ping rate for the system due to the increase in travel time for an
acoustic pulse to be transmitted and received by the system.
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5.1.2 Gain
The Gain dial sets the gain for the pre-amplifiers inside the ES3 Head. Setting the Gain correctly is critical to the
proper operation of the ES3, and must be monitored constantly by the user. If the gain is set too high the signal
will saturate and will not give accurate depths. If the Gain is set at too low a value, there will be gaps in bottom
In order to set the Gain correctly, first set the Display dial to 50%. Go to the Profile Setup menu and set the
Profile Point Display to High Mix. Increase the Gain knob until there is a good display of the signal on the main
display screen. If too much gain is applied side lobes and false bottoms will become visible. If not enough gain is
applied the bottom detection algorithms will not be able to determine the bottom across the complete swath. If
needed, increase the Display knob to achieve the desired results.
The signal return seen on the ES3 software depends not only on the way the Gain and Display parameters are
set, but also on the reflectivity of the bottom and the amount of attenuation present in the water column. It may
not always be possible to achieve full swath coverage with the ideal settings because of these environmental
5.2.1 File
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Note that recording via the ES3 software will not affect any data passed to the data acquisition PC. Playback
This selects the file to play back. During playback the systems Range and Gain cannot be changed but all other
settings can.
Sets the playback speed to the speed the data was acquired.
Raw Sonar files saved in real time are saved as .837 files. This command will convert the raw sonar file into the
.XTF file format, used by many types of post-processing software.
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5.2.3 Set-up
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The IP Address parameter sets the address of the Sonar Head and for the Ethernet data going to the data
acquisition software. Normally the Sonar is set to The Output IP address should be set to These settings should not be changed. Units
This is used to set the operating units of the ES3. Select Meters or Feet.
This allows the user to determine a maximum file size before a new file is started, or a default size may be
selected. Velocity
This is used to set sound velocity of the water at the transducer face. It is critical that this value is as accurate as
possible as this will affect the pointing angles of the beams. Ideally a sound velocity probe is installed next to the
transducer to monitor the sound velocity and this will update the program continuously. Otherwise the sound
velocity is entered here manually and must be updated at a very regular rate dependent on local conditions.
This option allows the ES3 program to have an increased ‘ping rate’ by taking advantage of the idle time while the
current ping is in the water to process the previous ping and output the data through the port. This yields an
increase of 40-60% on the ping rate, and therefore would usually be set to ‘on’.
5.2.4 Options
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This is used to add a grid to the data display. Beams
Sets the number of beams the ES3 will detect, display, and output. The options are 480, 240 and 120 beams.
The larger the number of beams the better the across track resolution, but the slower the ping rate. For the
highest ping rate, select 120 beams. Averaging
This selects the number of pings that are averaged together before the data is output (along track average). The
settings are from Off to 7 pings. A setting of 5 has been found to work well in a number of bottom conditions. A
higher setting will work better on a very flat bottom with little debris on the seabed while a smaller number should
be selected for maximum definition over rough bottom terrain, or if the user is conducting further averaging when
processing the data (such as using CUBE).
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This command clears the current track plot on the Track Plotter screen.
This command opens a window that shows the achieved swath coverage of the ES3.
This command allows the user to load swath parameters from a previously saved LOG file.
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This command opens up a window displaying the last 25 pings averaged together. The window is useful to see
the mean change in the bottom and to display outliers. Move the mouse cursor from left to right to get information
such as the angle Minimum and Maximum for the last 25 pings. The vertical scale is fixed and cannot be
changed. Diagnostics
This opens a window that displays diagnostic information for the ES3. When the Motion Reference Unit is
connected make sure the Pitch and Roll values are changing. If MRU data is not being received by the system,
these figures will turn red to alert the user. In addition, the real time SVP will also become red if data is not being
passed to the system. It is recommended that this window be open at all times in order that the user can ensure
proper operation of the system and that all sensors are updating accordingly.
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Screengrab showing the diagnostics window open on the left (in grey)
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This command opens a separate window that contains many settings vital to the correct operation of the system.
Each element of this window is discussed below.
This parameter sets the intensity of the signal and the point data that is sent to the data acquisition PC in the main
window. The ES3 software will show the signal return data (modified by any filters and averaging as set by the
user) as the colored area on the main screen. This data must be parsed down into data points of position and
depth that can be sent to the acquisition computer. The Profile Point Setup menu allows the user to change the
parameters of what is seen on the screen and therefore ensure that the signal return data and the data points
recorded are a good representation of one-another.
High to Low mix refers to the intensity of the return signal intensity data. “Points Only” shows the depth points
with no signal intensity information in the background.
This instructs the software to determine a minimum and maximum depth below the transducer face. Set these
values according to the expected depth of the survey area, remembering the maximum depth the system is
capable of achieving.
This determines the detection mode for the ES3. For bathymetry, we will nearly always select the Bottom
following setting. The other options are First Return and Maximum Return. First Return will often cause the ES3
to detect objects in the water column. Maximum Energy will cause the ES3 to detect signals with the highest
signal level, and this may or may not be the actual seabed depending on the seabed roughness.
Along Track Averaging. This function allows for the system to insert interpolated point data in the along track
plane, giving a more consistent view off the sea floor.
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a) Fill between beams. This setting generates a bottom range point for beams that don’t contain valid
range to bottom values in the athwartships plane. The detected range points from adjacent beams are
used for interpolating between the beams.
b) Flat Bottom Filter. The flat bottom filter reduces bottom artefacts directly beneath the transducer. All
beams within +/-30 degrees of nadir are analyzed. If raw data is preferred from the sounder (for
processing after gathering using processing algorithms such as CUBE) this should not be checked.
c) Remove short outliers. Short outliers are unwanted targets above the bottom and in the water column.
The “% of range” entry sets the effective “height off bottom” setting for the filter. This setting is entered as
a percentage of the current range scale. For example, if the current range scale is 20m, a value of 20%
would mean that all targets higher than 4m above the bottom will be removed. A setting of 20% can be
used for relatively flat bottoms, lower settings can be used for very flat bottoms. Increase to 100% to keep
all water column targets.
d) Display Settings. Select “Show removed points” to display the removed points as enlarged green
blocks (using the Norm Hi Color Table). Lower the “Background Level” setting to 0.1 or until the removed
points are easily seen. This is a good diagnostic tool for evaluating the short outlier removal filter.
All Filter settings are active in real-time or during file playback, so experimentation with these settings will not
affect the stored data within the .837 file. The various filter settings may need to be changed depending on the
bottom type and/or if there are targets on the bottom or in the water column (i.e. rocks, shipwrecks, fish schools,
pilings, etc.).
‘Profile Waterfall’ can be used to display consecutive cross-sections of the sea floor in a depth vs. color window.
To change the depth to color ratio, position the cursor over the small profile image at the left side of the display
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and left-click to change the start depth then right-click to change the span.
This function can be selected as on or off, and selects whether the roll input data from the MRU is applied to form
receive beams at the same angle with respect to the normal. In most cases this will be checked ‘on’.
This function opens up a separate command window allowing the user to change the type of data output that is
sent to the data acquisition computer. Either the point output (data points derived from the return signal intensity -
.83P file format) or beam output (beam intensity information - .83B format) can be chosen. For most hydrographic
data collection systems the point output is chosen. If the ‘Include Intensities’ button is checked, Hypack will also
record intensity data.
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5.2.7 About
The ‘About’ pull-down contains the software version number and contact details for the Teledyne Odom main
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5. Set the maximum anticipated operating depth using the Range dial. Remember the dial indicates the
slant range; so set the Range to twice the maximum water depth.
7. Go to Options->Beams and enter the number of beams desired. Remember sector size and number of
beams will affect the ping rate of the system.
9. Make sure the MRU, GPS and Heading LEDs are blinking.
10. Start out be setting the Display dial to 50%. If the whole swath width is not covered with data increase
the Gain knob. If there is too much signal in the water column reduce the Gain knob.
11. If there is no sound velocity probe connected to the ES3 head Go to Setup->Sound Velocity and enter the
current Sound Velocity at the transducer face.
12. Go to Profile Setup->Profile Point Setup and check the following boxes: Low Mix, Profile Point Detection
(Enable) and Bottom Following.
13. While in the Profile Point Setup window click on Advanced Filter Settings… and change according to
14. Start surveying after patch testing the system with the data acquisition software.
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Symptom Solutions
No data in the ES3 software 1. In the ES3 software go to File->Data From and make sure Head is
2. Make sure the RTA is turned on and the Red power LED is on. If it is off
check the power supply to the RTA.
3. Make sure the Blue Link light is on. If it is off check the power to the RTA
and check the cable to the transducer.
4. Check if there is other network traffic colliding with the ES3. Disconnect
everything to the ES3 RTA other than the ES3 computer, transducer and
power. Switch off the ES3 RTA and reboot the ES3 computer. Power on
the ES3 RTA and start the ES3 application.
No data in the data 1. Make sure the correct driver is selected for the ES3 in the data acquisition
acquisition software software (see Chapter 4).
2. Check the ES3 software is passing .83P data, not .83B data (see Chapter
3. Check the network cable from RTA to the data acquisition computer.
RTA will not turn on 1. Check power supply to the unit.
2. Check fuse has not blown on unit, replace if necessary.
Profile is consistently curved 1. Sound speed is too fast or slow.
up or down at the edges of 2. Check the teal time SVP is passing data to the ES3 software.
the swath 3. If a real time SVP is not available, conduct a new sound velocity cast.
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Connectors as viewed
from the RTA
Tranducer Connector
Power Connector
POWER Cable Conn. (DC only)
P/N: MS3114E12-3P
Pin # Description
A -------------------- +12 or 24 VDC
B -------------------- No Connection
C -------------------- Return
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In meters
or in feet
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The motion measurements contained in the data string will be in real time, valid for the
instant when the system begins to transmit the string.
Heave measurements are in cm in the range –99.99 to +99.99 meters. Positive heave is
above datum.
Roll and pitch measurements are in degrees in the range –90.99° to +90.99°. Positive roll
is port-side up, starboard down. Positive pitch is bow up, stern down.
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Time of arrival
In the time of arrival method of synchronizing the ES3 data, the data acquisition computer time stamps the data
from each of the sensors including the ES3 upon arrival. The packets of data the ES3 sends out to the data
acquisition software include the time from the transmit pulse in the water to when the data is sent out the ES3 port
and the data acquisition needs to subtract this time from the time of arrival time stamp. The possible errors that
are left are any delays on the network between the ES3 and the data acquisition computer, delays in the data
acquisition software acknowledging the ES3 data and time stamping it and the resolution of the time stamp the
data acquisition applies to the ES3 data.
In this method of time stamping, the ES3 time stamps the data packets that are sent to the data acquisition
software using UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time. The data acquisition clock is also synchronized to the
UTC time. When the data acquisition software receives the ES3 data packets, it knows exactly when the transmit
pulse occurred even if there are delays in the network. This is the most robust method for synchronizing the ES3
data with the data acquisition software.
In order to embed the UTC time in the ES3 packets a PPS (Pulse Per Second) conditioning circuit (often referred
to as a “PPS Box” is required. The along with a GPS receiver that is capable of outputting the NMEA ZDA string
along with the PPS pulse. The PPS box must receive the PPS pulse and the ZDA string from the GPS and toggle
the CTS signal of the serial connector to the ES3 computer that is also outputting the ZDA string every time the
pulse is received. Below is a timing diagram of how the PPS pulse must be received by the ES3 software.
PPS pulse
from GPS
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PPS pulse
ZDA string
ES3 computer
Some GPS receivers use a BNC connector for the PPS pulse output and some include it on one of the pins on
the serial DB9 connector. Refer to you GPS manual regarding whether the PPS is available or not and on which
connector and pin it can be found.
The ES3 software can receive the NMEA string along with the GGA string through a serial port on the ES3.
Configure the GPS port in the ES3 software and it will display a window showing the PPS pulse to ZDA time
difference. This is the difference between the UTC time in the ZDA string and the PPS pulse. The PPS pulse is
the exact time when the UTC occurred. The difference in the PPS-ZDA string varies between GPS manufactures.
Make sure the data acquisition system is set up to synchronize the data using either one of these two methods.
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For the ES3M, the reference point for the DMS is as follows:
In the z plane, the MRU reference point is 2.303” (58.5mm)in the center of the unit.
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The range, gain and display knobs can also be adjusted by hovering the mouse cursor over a knob and then
using the up or down arrow keys to increase or decrease the setting.
other keys:
'R' or 'r' to enter a range number via the number keypad (i.e. R40<Enter> to change to 40m range)
'G' or 'g' to enter a gain number via the number keypad (i.e. G10<Enter> to change the gain to 10dB)
'D' or 'd' to enter a display gain number via the number keypad (i.e. D50<Enter> to change the display gain to 50
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