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Energy Saving of a University Building Using a
Motion Detection Sensor and Room
Management System
Jong-Won Lee 1 and Young Il Kim 2, *
1 Department of Architectural Engineering, Graduate School, Seoul National University of Science
and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea; [email protected]
2 School of Architecture, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +82-2-970-6557

Received: 11 September 2020; Accepted: 11 November 2020; Published: 14 November 2020 

Abstract: To save electricity consumption in university buildings, we measured and compared the
amount of electricity use with and without motion detection sensors and room management systems in
underground parking lots, lecture rooms, and dormitories of a university building. The underground
parking lots and lecture rooms were measured as sensors were applied and then removed during
the semester. University classes are held weekly, so it can be assumed that the number of cars and
people’s entering and using conditions are the same. In the university’s underground parking lots,
a daily electricity savings of 39.5 Wh/(m2 day) of lights was achieved, with a savings rate of 77.6%.
In the lecture rooms, these values were 25.0 Wh/(m2 day) and 32.4%, respectively. Savings in the use
of air conditioning were 55.0 Wh/(m2 day), with a savings rate of 27.9%. Dormitories use electrical
energy for lighting, heating, and socket outlets. As a reference group, 120 rooms were selected and
the room management system was applied to 10 samples. For dormitories, daily electricity savings of
142.4 Wh/(m2 day) were achieved, with a savings rate of 28.2%. Thus, this study demonstrated that
applying motion detection sensors and room management systems saved significant electrical energy
in university underground parking lots, lecture rooms, and dormitories.

Keywords: classroom; dormitory; electricity; energy saving; motion detection sensor; room
management system; underground parking lot; university

1. Introduction

1.1. Background
As energy use and greenhouse gas emissions increase worldwide, global warming is speeding up.
In South Korea, energy conservation and the development of renewable energy to replace fossil fuels
have become important issues, leading to various efforts to reduce energy use [1].
As part of energy conservation, Green IT (Green environment achievement by IT and green
technology for IT) aims to achieve continuous added value as the next new growth engine while actively
responding to issues such as global warming, tightening environmental regulations, energy depletion,
and environmental pollution. Power industries are actively integrating information and communication
technologies such as the environmentally-friendly intelligent future smart grid (Smart Grid) with
technologies including distributed generation, energy storage, renewable energy, electric vehicles
(Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle), Smart Meter, and Demand Response as a national growth engine [2].
Smart grid is an intelligent power grid system that improves efficiency by integrating information and
communication technology into the process of generating, transporting, and consuming electricity,
and interacting with each other between suppliers and consumers. Smart Meter is a remote power

Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471; doi:10.3390/su12229471

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Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 2 of 17
consuming electricity, and interacting with each other between suppliers and consumers. Smart
Meter is a remote power meter reading and management device that notifies both power suppliers
and reading and
consumers by management
reading the valuedeviceofthatthenotifies
watt hourboth meter
power installed
suppliersin and consumers
apartment by reading
houses, etc.
the value of the watt hour meter installed in apartment houses, etc.
Demand Response is a technology that controls the loads according to the overall demand Demand Response is a technology
that controls
fluctuations forthe loads according
infrastructure to the
reliability andoverall demand fluctuations for infrastructure reliability
and Thus,
given the above trends, South Korea requires solutions to reduce buildings’ energy
Thus, given
consumption the abovetotrends,
[3]. According South
the 2017 EnergyKorea requires
Statistics solutionsoftothe
Handbook reduce
Koreabuildings’ energy
Energy Agency,
university [3]. According
buildings are third to the 2017
(13.6%) amongEnergythe Statistics Handbook
top 10 industries thatofreport
the Korea
energy Agency,
university buildings are third
which exceeds the yearly average [4]. (13.6%) among the top 10 industries that report their energy usage,
which exceeds the
Low-carbon yearly
green average
growth has[4].
emerged as a new paradigm for the future; thus, it is important
to preserve the environment of has
Low-carbon green growth emerged
university as a new [5]
campuses paradigm
and to for
playthe future; thus,
a leading role it is important
through energyto
preserve the environment of university campuses [5] and to play a leading
control to ensure consistent energy savings [6]. Energy savings and management in university role through energy control
to ensure are
buildings consistent energyrequired
continuously savings [7,8].
[6]. Energy
The Greensavings and management
Campus in university
concept emphasizes buildings are
the importance of
continuously required [7,8]. The Green Campus concept emphasizes the importance
sustainability to meet the international standards of energy efficiency in buildings, and it has been of sustainability
to meet theglobally
perceived internationalas anstandards
extremely of energy
value that in buildings, and itshould
universities has been perceived
pursue globally
[9,10]. The
as an extremely natural value that universities should pursue [9,10].
International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) was formed in 2007 as a cooperative network The International Sustainable
Campus universities
between Network (ISCN) with was formed
the aims of in 2007 as a cooperative
exchanging informationnetwork
and ideas, between universities
operating with
the aims of
campuses, andexchanging
sharing waysinformation
to reduceand ideas,
heating and operating sustainable
cooling energy campuses,
use [11].The and sharing
environmental ways
caused by universities via diverse activities, teaching and research operations, and the provision via
to reduce heating and cooling energy use [11].The environmental impact caused by universities of
diverse services
support activities,could
teaching and researchreduced
be considerably operations,by theandapplication
the provision of support
of effective services could
organizational andbe
managerial reduced[12].
measures by the application
As Figure 1 shows,of effective organizational
many countries and managerial
are conducting studies measures
on the Green [12].
As Figure 1
Campus concept.shows, many countries are conducting studies on the Green Campus concept.

Figure 1. Works on the sustainability development of university campuses.

Figure 1. Works on the sustainability development of university campuses.

Studies have
have been
been conducted
conducted on on monitoring
monitoring systems
systems [13,14],
[13,14], design
design [15],
[15], performance
improvements [16,17], energy
improvements [16,17], energyusage
analysis [18–20]
[18–20] andand comparison
comparison [21], building
[21], building operations
operations [22,23],
and energyand energy
basedbased on IOT(Internet
on IOT(Internet of Things)
of Things) [25][25]
for for reducing
reducing energy
energy usage
usage in
in universities.
universities. In addition,
In addition, many many universities
universities have installed
have installed controlscontrols inside buildings—such
inside buildings—such as occupancyas
occupancy sensors room
sensors [26]—and [26]—and room management
management systems in systems in dormitories
dormitories to save
to save energy. Forenergy.
the lighting is automatically
is automatically turned off byturned off by
the room the room management
management system in empty system empty rooms.
If a card key isIfinserted
a card
key is inserted into the door card reader when entering a room, the electricity is turned
into the door card reader when entering a room, the electricity is turned on. If the key is removed when on. If the key
removed thewhen
room,leaving the room,
the electricity the electricity
is turned is turned
off to reduce off consumption.
energy to reduce energy consumption.
Abidin Abidin
et al. [27] revealed
et al. [27] revealed that U.S. colleges—Boston University, in particular—were among the 11
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 3 of 17

that U.S. colleges—Boston University, in particular—were among the 11 universities surveyed that
had adopted the installation of occupancy sensors as part of energy efficiency initiatives.
Prior studies on power reduction via control systems can be summarized as follows. Jeong and
Seo [28] proposed an energy-saving system using an occupancy sensor with a PIR sensor (passive
infrared sensor which detects movement of the human body in a certain section at an acute angle of 9
to 12 degrees through a Fresnel lens) and a smart plug capable of measuring current consumption,
resulting in savings of about 34% of electrical energy by cutting off power to unnecessarily operated
appliances. Hong et al. [29] proposed an intelligent indoor lighting control system using daylight and
detecting occupancy to reduce electrical energy use by up to 65.2%. In order to reduce light energy
usage, Nam et al. [30] conducted an experiment where they attached a PIR sensor to a classroom’s
lighting fixtures and achieved a 10% reduction rate.
Yoon [31] published a study that derived and typified the influencing factors based on monthly
energy consumption data for the energy management of university buildings in Seoul, Korea, concluding
that energy management guidelines should be different for each building type.
Wen-Jye Shyr et al. [32] found that an energy management system via the Internet of Things
provided significant energy savings by eliminating standby consumption and/or adapting the behavior
of appliances to real environmental conditions. Dionysia Kolokotsaa et al. [12] demonstrated that
campus buildings can reduce energy consumption by 15 to 30% (depending on the period of the
year) through the study’s proposed web-based platform system. This system aims to reduce campus
energy consumption through the optimal use of energy systems while simultaneously improving
indoor environmental quality. Guo and Wei et al. [33] conducted an energy consumption analysis
using BIM(Building Information Modeling) technology and simulated the re-design of a university
building in Taiwan. This work introduced a design scheme with high energy savings at a lower cost.
Finally, Soares et al. [34] proposed an energy efficiency plan for a Portuguese higher education building.
The study conducted an energy audit of electricity, natural gas, and water usage and suggested
energy-saving measures through a cost analysis.

1.3. Objectives and Limits of Research

It is generally known that electrical energy can be saved by applying devices that can control the
use of energy as mentioned above. Most of the work found in the literature were based on predictions
of energy savings through assumptions and simulations, rather than in situ experiments. However,
in this work, energy consumption of parking lots, classrooms and dormitories with and without
motion detection sensors and room management system during long periods (four weeks) of normal
operation has been measured. The data were obtained with occupants living their regular lives and
activities. Thus, we consider our work is realistic and can be useful for field application. This work
can serve as basic data for estimating the effect of these applications when constructing, expanding
or renovating university buildings in the future. Therefore, this study’s objective is to quantify the
amount of electrical energy saved through experiments and data analysis so that it can be used as basic
data for the implementation of electrical energy-saving systems in university buildings. In this study,
we used sensors that respond to the behavior of occupants living in actual buildings, rather than a
system that controls buildings’ operation schedules. By adjusting energy consumption according to
residents’ behavior, we attempted to achieve maximum energy savings and efficiency.
The experiments were done on a weekly basis. Since there were differences of class operation,
outdoor weather conditions, and number of people, it was impossible to impose exactly the same
condition each week. However, the schedule repeats the same each week in university and outdoor
weather conditions did not change much during the experiment period. Thus, it was concluded that
other uncontrollable factors did not significantly affect the main results of our experimental study.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 4 of 17

2. Materials and Methods

To study the effect of a motion detection sensor and room management system on electricity
consumption, sensors were installed in underground parking lots, lecture rooms, and dormitories of
a university
Sustainability building.
2020, 12, x FOR Sensors were turned on and off on a weekly basis based on the assumption
that the class schedule and operation pattern were repeated similarly every week. Electrical energy
the of lighting,
class schedule and cooling, heating
operation andwere
pattern others with andsimilarly
repeated without sensor operation
every week. was measured
Electrical energy
and compared.of lighting, cooling, heating and others with and without sensor operation was
measured and compared.
2.1. University Campus
2.1. University Campus
We measured energy savings in university buildings at the campus of H University located in
City. Table 1 and
measured Figure
energy 2 present
savings an overview
in university of the at
buildings university.
the campus of H University located in
Seoul City. Table 1 and Figure 2 present an overview of the university.
Table 1. General information of H University’s Seoul campus.
Table 1. General information
Establishment date of H University’s Seoul campus.
20 April 1954
Location date 20 April
Seoul, 1954
Location Undergraduate Seoul, Korea
Number of people Undergraduate 17,770
Number of people
(2019) Graduate 2660
Graduate 2660
(2019) Faculty, staff 878
Faculty, staff 878
Land area (m2 ) 2 2,309,595
Land area (m ) 2,309,595

Figure 2. Overview
Figure 2. Overview of
of H
H University’s
University’s Seoul
Seoul campus.

Figure 33shows
showsthethe buildings
buildings and and dormitory
dormitory selected
selected for thisfor thisTable
study. study. Table
2 lists basic2information
lists basic
regarding theregarding
building the
andbuilding and dormitory.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 5 of 17
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 16

(a) (b)

Figure 3. (a)3.University
(a) University building
building withwith underground
underground parking
parking lot lecture
lot and and lecture
room;room; (b) Dormitory.
(b) Dormitory.

Table 2. Summary of university building and dormitory characteristics.

Table 2. Summary of university building and dormitory characteristics.
Lecture RoomRoom
Lecture Building
Building Dormitory
(Cyber Building) Dormitory
(Cyber Building)
Construction date August 2013 March 2019
Construction date August 2013 March 2019
Floor Under 2–above 8 Under 2–above 16
Total floor area (m2 )
2–above 8 Under
2–above 16
Roomfloor area (m 27
2 ) classrooms, 35 research
16,476 labs 5994.53
195 rooms
Room 27 classrooms,
Underground 35 research
1st level: 68 labs 195 rooms
Parking spaces 21
Underground 2nd level:
Underground 1st 59
level: 68
Parking spaces 21
Underground 2nd level: 59
2.2. Experimental Conditions
2.2. Experimental Conditions
Table 3 presents a summary of the study’s experiment. Experiments 1 and 2 were conducted in a
lecture hall 3 presents
(Cyber Building)a summary of theHstudy’s
located within experiment.
University’s Experiments
Seoul campus. 1 and 2 were
The experiments conducted
focused on in
a lecture
saving lightinghall
and (Cyber
coolingBuilding) located
energy using thewithin H University’s
occupancy sensors. We Seoul campus.
measured theThe experiments
amount focused
of electrical
saving lighting and
by applying cooling energy
the occupancy sensorsusing theweek
for one occupancy
and thensensors. We them
disabling measured
for onethe amount
week for of
four electrical
fromby May
to June.the occupancy sensors for one week and then disabling them for
one week for four consecutive weeks from May to June.
Table 3. Summary of experiment.
Table 3. Summary of experiment.
Experiment Building Type Setting Control Method Item
1 Lecture Building
Underground parking lot RF(Radio Frequency) sensor Light
Lecture ClassroomSetting Control
RF sensor Method Light, air conditioning
3 Dormitory Type 10 rooms Room management system Light, electrical outlet, heating

Underground RF(Radio
1 Lecture Light
The experiment focused on lighting parking lot Frequency)
in the underground parking sensor
lots and lighting and cooling
energy usage in lecture rooms—two campus settings in which the greatest amount of energy is used.
Light, air
2 Lecture Classroom RF sensor
Experiment 3 was conducted in a dormitory inhabited by students 24 h per conditioning
day and where
relatively more electrical energy was used than in other buildings. We created
Room management two groups: the first
Light, electrical
featured a room 3 management
Dormitory 10 rooms
system while the second did not. The reference group, which had
system outlet, heating
the system always turned on, was used to calculate the amount of electricity saved by the room
management system.
The experiment focused on lighting in the underground parking lots and lighting and cooling
energy usage in lecture rooms—two campus settings in which the greatest amount of energy is used.
Experiment 3 was conducted in a dormitory inhabited by students 24 h per day and where
relatively more electrical energy was used than in other buildings. We created two groups: the first
featured a room management system while the second did not. The reference group, which had the
system always turned on, was used to calculate the amount of electricity saved by the room
management system.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 16

2.3. Control Method

2.3.1. Motion 12, 9471
2020,Detection Sensor—RF Sensor 6 of 17

Automatic detection sensors save energy by automatically turning off lights when no people are
2.3. ControlinMethod
detected the target space. This is one of the most efficient energy-saving systems.
Typical movement-detecting sensors include infrared, ultrasonic, and Doppler sensors. Infrared
2.3.1. Motion
sensors outputDetection
voltage Sensor—RF
signals whenSensor
they detect differences from the ambient temperature, and they
are Automatic
widely used detection sensors save apartment
in automatic doors, entrances, andturning
energy by automatically unmanned security
off lights when systems. They
no people are
operate by detecting differences from the ambient temperature; therefore,
detected in the target space. This is one of the most efficient energy-saving systems. they are the most sensitive
when objects
Typical with temperatures vastly
movement-detecting sensorsdifferent
includefrom the ambient
infrared, temperature
ultrasonic, and Doppler move. Once objects
sensors. Infrared
get closer to the sensor and the ambient temperature rises, the sensors’ sensitivity drops
sensors output voltage signals when they detect differences from the ambient temperature, and they sharply [35].
Ultrasonic sensors can detect relatively long distances and can even adjust
widely used in automatic doors, apartment entrances, and unmanned security systems. They operatedetecting distances.
These sensors can do this regardless of material and color. However, they operate slowly and are
by detecting differences from the ambient temperature; therefore, they are the most sensitive when
heavily influenced by the surrounding environment, including factors such as temperature and dust
objects with temperatures vastly different from the ambient temperature move. Once objects get closer
[36]. To compensate for this problem, RF sensors operate by reflecting a microwave signal onto a
to the sensor and the ambient temperature rises, the sensors’ sensitivity drops sharply [35].
moving object. The frequency of the signal changes proportionally to the speed of the object due to
Ultrasonic sensors can detect relatively long distances and can even adjust detecting distances.
the Doppler effect [37,38]. Therefore, this type of sensor is not greatly affected by the surrounding
These sensors can do this regardless of material and color. However, they operate slowly and are heavily
influenced by the surrounding environment, including factors such as temperature and dust [36].
compensate for this problem,
Room Management SystemRF sensors operate by reflecting a microwave signal onto a moving
object. The frequency of the signal changes proportionally to the speed of the object due to the Doppler
In orderTherefore,
effect [37,38]. to operate dormitories
this efficiently,
type of sensor a rangeaffected
is not greatly of operating systems and environment.
by the surrounding functions are
needed. Room management systems aim to manage rooms efficiently and are programmed to ensure
2.3.2. Room safety, to prevent
Management unnecessary energy use in empty rooms, and to maintain a pleasant room
environment. The composition of this study’s room management system is shown in Figure 4.
In order to operate dormitories efficiently, a range of operating systems and functions are needed.
The room management system was applied to the experimental group in the dormitory selected
Room management systems aim to manage rooms efficiently and are programmed to ensure electrical
for this study. Students were issued card keys, which signaled the electricity to turn on automatically
unnecessary energywhen
the card reader use inentering
empty rooms,
a room.and
Whento maintain
a key wasa pleasant
removed,room environment.
the lighting and
The composition of this study’s room management system is shown in Figure 4.
heating would be automatically cut off to save electrical energy (with the exception of refrigerators).

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Room
Room management
management system.

3. Results andmanagement
The room Discussions system was applied to the experimental group in the dormitory selected
for this
3.1. study. Students
Experiment were issued
1: Underground card
Parking Lotkeys, which signaled the electricity to turn on automatically
when inserted into the card reader when entering a room. When a key was removed, the lighting and
3.1.1. Experimental Procedure
heating would be automatically cut off to save electrical energy (with the exception of refrigerators).
Underground parking lots are often preferred over ground parking lots to enhance space
utilization; however, this places a great demand on lighting energy. Thus, Experiment 1 focused on
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 7 of 17

3. Results and Discussions

3.1. Experiment 1: Underground Parking Lot

3.1.1. Experimental Procedure

Underground parking lots are often preferred over ground parking lots to enhance space utilization;
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 16
however, this2020, 12, xaFOR
places PEER
great REVIEW
demand on lighting energy. Thus, Experiment 1 focused on an underground 7 of 16

parking lot that typically

an underground useslota vast
parking that amount
a vast energy
amounton campus and installed
of lighting energy on ancampus
RF (Doppler)
an underground parking lot that typically uses a vast amount of lighting energy on campus and
an RF to confirmdetection
(Doppler) the reductionsensoroftolighting.
confirm the reduction of lighting.
installed an RF (Doppler) detection sensor to confirm the reduction of lighting.
The device for for
device Experiment
Experiment 1, an1,RFansensor, is mainly
RF sensor, is used
mainlyto control
used to light fixtures
control in underground
light fixtures in
The device for Experiment 1, an RF sensor, is mainly used to control light fixtures in
parking lots. Theparking lots. lighting
installed The installed
with afixture
wattage with a wattage
capacity capacity
of 40 W perofunit
40 Wis per unit is
underground parking lots. The installed lighting fixture with a wattage capacity of 40 W per unit is
when a vehiclewhen a vehicle is itrecognized,
is recognized, it raises
raises its light levelitstolight
100% level
100% and then
remains at remains
20% when at 20% when
the vehicle
dimmable; when a vehicle is recognized, it raises its light level to 100% and then remains at 20% when
is the
no vehicle detected.
longer is no longer detected.
This device This device
reduces reducesenergy
electrical electricalby energy by adjusting
adjusting the the brightness
the vehicle is no longer detected. This device reduces electrical energy by adjusting the brightness of
of the of
the light
fixture via fixture
the via the
Doppler Doppler
sensor’s sensor’s operation.
operation. Figures 5 Figures
and 6 5 and 6the
illustrate illustrate the product’s
product’s installed installed
figure and
the light fixture via the Doppler sensor’s operation. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the product’s installed
control and control configurations.
figure and control configurations.

Figure 5.5.
Figure Underground
Undergroundparking spacewith
space with motion
with motiondetection
motion detectionsensor
detection sensor installed
sensorinstalled ceiling.
in ceiling.

Figure 6. RF sensor and
sensor and
RFsensor light control
and light controlcircuit
light control circuitconfiguration.

The experiment was conducted on floor B1 of the underground parking lot of the Cyber
The experiment was conducted on floor B1 of the underground parking lot of the Cyber
Building. Table 4 presents the specifications of the installed lighting fixture control sensor. Meanwhile,
Building. Table 4 presents the specifications of the installed lighting fixture control sensor. Meanwhile,
Figure 7 presents the plan and installation status chart of the target space in Experiment 1. The
Figure 7 presents the plan and installation status chart of the target space in Experiment 1. The
experiment was conducted around the passageway where vehicles would move in the underground
experiment was conducted around the passageway where vehicles would move in the underground
parking lot. There were 51 total lights and the passageway area was 918.66 m2,2 with a light density of
parking lot. There were 51 total lights and the passageway area was 918.66 m , with a light density of
2.22 W/m22. This area’s total power usage was measured for 24 h and then analyzed.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 8 of 17

The experiment was conducted on floor B1 of the underground parking lot of the Cyber Building.
Table 4 presents the specifications of the installed lighting fixture control sensor. Meanwhile, Figure 7
presents the plan and installation status chart of the target space in Experiment 1. The experiment
was conducted around the passageway where vehicles would move in the underground parking lot.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16
There were 51 total lights and the passageway area was 918.66 m2 , with a light density of 2.22 W/m2 .
This area’s total power usage was measured for 24 h and then analyzed.
Table 4. Specifications of RF sensor for light control.

Division Table 4. Specifications of RF sensorContents

for light control.
Sensor type
Distance 18 m radius
Sensor type Doppler (Microwave)
DistancePower 1840 W
m radius
Power When the sensor detects something,
40 W it raises the level
Operating When the sensor
principle of detects something,
brightness to 100% it raises
from the the level of brightness
minimum 20%. to 100%
Operating principle
from the minimum 20%. Operates regardless of temperature changes.
Operates regardless of temperature changes.

Figure 7. Plane
Plane figure
figure of Experiment 1 in underground parking area.

3.1.2. Experimental Results

3.1.2. Experimental Results
We measured
measured the
the cumulative
cumulative amount
amount of of electricity
electricity used
used by
by installing
installing electric
electric power
power meters
meters that
measured the lighting energy of the parking lot passageway on B1F for six weeks from
measured the lighting energy of the parking lot passageway on B1F for six weeks from May to June. May to June.
The test
test was
was conducted
conducted to to study
study the
the effect
effect of
of the
the RF
RF sensors
sensors with
with dimming
dimming control.
control. The
The RF
RF sensors
were operated for one whole week on a biweekly basis. Table 5 presents the test
were operated for one whole week on a biweekly basis. Table 5 presents the test results. results.

Table 5.
Table Electricity consumption
5. Electricity consumption of
of underground
underground 1st-level
1st-level parking
parking area.
Week DateDateOperationOperation Cumulative 2
Week Cumulative PowerPower (kWh)Power
(kWh) Power
perper Unit
Unit Area(Wh/m
Area (Wh/m2))
11 5.12–5.18
5.12–5.18 Off Off 327.6 327.6 356.61
2 5.19–5.25
2 5.19–5.25 On On 73.1 73.1 79.57
3 5.26–6.1 Off 327.7 356.72
34 5.26–6.1
6.2–6.8 Off On 327.7 67.9 356.72
45 6.2–6.8
6.9–6.15 On Off 67.9 327.4 73.91
56 6.9–6.15
6.16–6.22 Off On 327.4 79.6 86.65
6 6.16–6.22 On 79.6 86.65

The average daily savings of light electricity in this underground parking lot using RF sensors
were 39.5 Wh/m2, as shown in Table 6. The average energy savings were 77.6%.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 9 of 17

The average daily savings of light electricity in this underground parking lot using RF sensors
were 39.5 Wh/m 2020, 12,
2 , xas
shown REVIEW
6. The average energy savings were 77.6%. 9 of 16

Table 6.
6. Average
Average daily
daily electricity
electricity consumption
consumption of
of underground
underground 1st-level
1st-level parking
parking area.
Sensor off
Sensor off
Sensor onSensor on Percentile of Energy
Percentile of Energy Saved (%)
(Wh/m2·day) 2 (Wh/m
(Wh/m ·Day) 2·day)
(Wh/m2 ·Day) Saved (%)
Test-1 Test-1 50.9 50.9 11.4 11.4 77.7
Test-2 Test-2 51.0 51.0 10.6 10.6 79.3
Test-3 Test-3 50.9 50.9 12.4 12.4 75.7
AverageAverage 50.9 50.9 11.4 11.4 77.6

3.2. Experiment
3.2. Experiment 2:
2: Classroom
3.2.1. Experimental
Experimental Procedure
Lecture roomsoccupy
Lecture rooms occupythethemajority
of of
spacespace on university
on university campuses.
campuses. Thus,Thus, in order
in order to savetoenergy
energy on campus, lecture rooms’ energy usage must be evaluated. In this study, lighting
on campus, lecture rooms’ energy usage must be evaluated. In this study, lighting and cooling energy and cooling
energy usage
usage were were measured
measured by applying
by applying the RF sensors
the RF sensors in rooms.
in lecture lecture rooms.
In this experiment, the RF sensor was switched on/off on aa weekly
this experiment, the RF sensor was switched on/off on weekly basis
basis to
to compare
compare and and analyze
lighting and
and cooling
cooling energy
energy usage.
usage. Lecture
Lecture rooms
rooms were
were selected
selected based
based onon the
the criteria
criteria of
of little
little variation
in class
class schedule
schedule for
for about
about six
six weeks,
weeks, with
with lectures
lectures held
held on
on aa weekly
weekly basis.
basis. In
In the
the case
case ofof individual
classrooms, it was difficult to objectify the schedule of use, so three rooms’ energy use wasaveraged.
it was difficult to objectify the schedule of use, so three rooms’ energy use was averaged.
Figure 8 presents the experiment’s layout.
Figure 8 presents the experiment’s layout.


Light energy (Wh/(m2day))





Sensor off Sensor on Saved energy
Light energy 50.9 11.4 39.5

Figure Average daily
8.Average daily electricity
electricity consumption
consumption of
of underground
underground 1st-level
1st-level parking
parking area.

This experiment
This experimentwaswasdivided
cooling EHP
EHP (Electric
(Electric Heat
Heat Pump)
Pump) in addition
in addition to
to light
light energy.
energy. Figure
Figure 9 illustrates
9 illustrates thethe location
location ofofthe
this experiment.
experiment. Table
Table 77
outlines the
outlines the detailed
detailed specifications
specifications ofof the
the radio
radio frequency
frequency motion
motion detection
detection sensor.
Figure 8. Average daily electricity consumption of underground 1st-level parking area.

This experiment was divided into heating and cooling EHP (Electric Heat Pump) in addition to
light energy.
Sustainability 2020,Figure
12, 9471 9
illustrates the location of the room sensor used in this experiment. Table
10 of 177
outlines the detailed specifications of the radio frequency motion detection sensor.

Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 16

Figure 9. Plane figure of Experiment 2: Classroom.

Table 7. Specifications of motion detection sensor.

Figure 9. Plane figure of Experiment 2: Classroom.
Item Value
Table 7. Specifications of motion 3–20
Distance detection
m sensor.
Base or added Item time 1 s–10 min
Distance 1–15003–20Lux
Poweror added time 1 s–10
AC 85–220 Vmin
Illuminance 1–1500 Lux
StandbyPower power Under 0.5 W
AC 85–220 V
Size (cm)power
Standby Under 0.5 W
12.5 × 8.5 × 5.2
Size (cm) 12.5 × 8.5 × 5.2

In these three classrooms, 27 units of 42 W LED and 3 units of EHP were installed. The rated
In these three classrooms, 27 units of 42 W LED and 3 units of EHP were installed. The rated
of the EHP is 11 kW for cooling and 12.4 kW for heating. The experiment was conducted
of the EHP is 11 kW for cooling and 12.4 kW for heating. The experiment was conducted
May and MayJune when
and June thethe
when university’s classrooms
university’s classrooms began
began tomore
to use use cooling
more cooling energy.
energy. Figure 10 Figure
10 illustrates the EHP
illustrates the EHPand
lighting control plots
control plots forfor each
each classroom.

10. Classroom with
10. Classroom human
with human detection sensor
detection sensor installed
installed in ceiling.
in ceiling.

3.2.2. Experimental Results

In general, university classrooms are not used during the July–August vacation period. Thus,
classrooms begin to use air conditioning in late May to June. For this reason, the experiment was
conducted between May and June (four weeks). The three lecture rooms’ energy consumption was
evaluated by measuring the use of lighting and cooling energy. Table 8 presents the amount of electricity
used when the RF sensors were operational. Outside temperature, which is a significant factor that
often affects the operation of air conditioners, showed little difference during the experimental period.

Figure 11. Control circuit of lighting and air conditioner.

Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 11 of 17

Table 8. Classrooms’ electricity consumption in relation to motion detection sensor operations.

Average Outdoor Light Energy EHP Energy

Week Date Operation
Temperature (◦ C) (kWh) (kWh)
1 5.26–6.1 Off 22.17 41.9 105.9
2 6.2–6.8 On 22.32 26.0 70.6
3 6.9–6.15 Off 23.58 50.3 129.7
4 6.16–6.22 On 23.75 36.3 99.2

As shown in Table 9, if the RF sensor was turned off, the daily average light energy usage
per unit area was 77.14 Wh/(m2 day); this was reduced by 32.4% to 52.12 Wh/(m2 day) when the
sensor was turned on. In terms of cooling energy, 197.11 Wh/(m2 day) was used when the sensor was
not operational, and this value was reduced by 27.9% to 142.06 Wh/(m2 day) when the sensor was
in operation.
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 16

Table 9. 9. Plane figure
Classrooms’ of Experiment
average 2: Classroom.
daily electricity consumption.

Sensor of
Table 7. Specifications offmotion detection
Saving Rate (%)
(Wh/(m2 Day)) (Wh/(m2 Day))
Item Value
Test-1 70.11 43.50 37.9
Distance 3–20 m
Light energy Test-2 84.16 60.74 27.8
Base or added time 1 s–10 min
Average 77.14 52.12 32.4
Illuminance 1–1500 Lux
Test-1 Power 177.19 AC 85–220118.13
V 33.3
EHP energy Test-2 217.02 165.98 23.5
Standby power Under 0.5 W
Average 197.11 142.06 27.9
Size (cm) 12.5 × 8.5 × 5.2

3.3. Experiment
In these3:three
classrooms, 27 units of 42 W LED and 3 units of EHP were installed. The rated
capacity of the EHP is 11 kW for cooling and 12.4 kW for heating. The experiment was conducted
May andProcedure
June when the university’s classrooms began to use more cooling energy. Figure
10 illustrates the EHP and lighting control plots for each classroom.
University dormitories may be used for 24 h per day depending on students’ schedules and the
number of people in each room. Therefore, dormitories use significant cooling, heating, and lighting
energy. Different ways to save energy in such buildings have been explored and proposed in
prior research.
Previous studies on university dormitories have often applied room management systems used
in hotels to save energy. In addition, a remote monitoring system was recently applied to monitor
energy use in real time. In the present study, two groups were created: one to acquire the basic data
and another to study the effects of the room management system.
The room management system used in this experiment saves energy by automatically turning off
all power sources such as cooling, heating, lighting, electric heat, etc., (except for refrigerators) when a
card key is removed from
Figurethe card reader.
10. Classroom withFigures 11–14 illustrate
human detection this in
sensor installed system.

Figure 11.Control
Figure11. Control circuit oflighting
circuit of lightingand
airair conditioner.

3.2.2. Experimental Results

In general, university classrooms are not used during the July–August vacation period. Thus,
classrooms begin to use air conditioning in late May to June. For this reason, the experiment was
conducted between May and June (four weeks). The three lecture rooms’ energy consumption was
Test-1 70.11 43.50 37.9
Test-2 84.16 60.74 27.8
Average 77.14 52.12 32.4
Test-1 177.19 118.13 33.3
Test-2 217.02 165.98 23.5
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 12 of 17
Average 197.11 142.06 27.9


Light and EHP energy (Wh/(m2day))



Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW

150 12 of 16
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 16

energy. Different ways100to save energy in such buildings have been explored and proposed in prior
energy. Different ways to save energy in such buildings have been explored and proposed in prior
Previous studies on50university dormitories have often applied room management systems used
Previous studies on university dormitories have often applied room management systems used
in hotels to save energy. In addition, a remote monitoring system was recently applied to monitor
in hotels to save energy. In addition, a remote monitoring system was recently applied to monitor
energy use in real time. In
0 the present study, two groups were created: one to acquire the basic data
Sensor study,
energy use in real time. In the present off Sensorwere
two groups on created:Saved
one toenergy
acquire the basic data
and another to study the effects of the room management system.
and another to Light
the effects of 77.14
the room management system.
52.12 saves energy by 25.02
The room management system used in this experiment automatically turning
The room EHP
energy system used
197.11 in this experiment
142.06 saves energy by automatically turning
off all power sources such as cooling, heating, lighting, electric heat, etc., (except for refrigerators)
off all power sources such as cooling, heating, lighting, electric heat, etc., (except for refrigerators)
when a card key is removed from the card reader. Figures 11, 12. 13 and 14 illustrate this system.
when a card key is removed from
Figure 12.
Figure 12. the card average
Classrooms’ reader. Figures
average daily 11, 12.consumption.
daily electricity
electricity 13 and 14 illustrate this system.

3.3. Experiment 3: Dormitory

3.3.1. Experimental Procedure
University dormitories may be used for 24 h per day depending on students’ schedules and the
number of people in each room. Therefore, dormitories use significant cooling, heating, and lighting

Figure 13. Card key device of room management system.

Figure 13. Card
Figure13. Card key
key device
device of
of room

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 14. (a) Remote monitoring system; (b) Management system monitor.
Recently, panel heating has been preferred for dormitory heating systems, as it is easier to
Recently, panel heating has been preferred for dormitory heating systems, as it is easier to
control than gas boilers. The experiment was conducted for seven weeks from October to November
control than gas boilers. The experiment was conducted for seven weeks from October to November
to evaluate the amount of saved energy.
to evaluate the amount of saved energy.
3.3.2. Experimental Results
3.3.2. Experimental Results
This experiment was conducted on a female dormitory. Of the total 195 rooms in the dormitories,
This experiment was conducted on a female dormitory. Of the total 195 rooms in the dormitories,
130 rooms were selected for the experiment group, excluding 45 rooms of male users and 20 rooms
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 13 of 17

Recently, panel heating has been preferred for dormitory heating systems, as it is easier to control
than gas boilers. The experiment was conducted for seven weeks from October to November to
evaluate the amount of saved energy.

3.3.2. Experimental Results

This experiment was conducted on a female dormitory. Of the total 195 rooms in the dormitories,
130 rooms were selected for the experiment group, excluding 45 rooms of male users and 20 rooms of
female users which was for a different experiment at the same time. To ensure fair and objective results,
10 households for the experiment group and the other 120 households for reference group were chosen
randomly. Room management system (RMS) was operated normally for these 120 rooms which were
selected as the reference group. Data from the reference group were then used to correct the values of
experiments with the experimental group. The average electricity use of both the experimental group
and reference group was measured for four weeks prior to the experiment to calculate the correction
rate. During this period, the RMS was on for both groups. Then, for the subsequent three weeks,
the experimental group’s electricity consumption was evaluated when the room management system
was turned off. In contrast, the electricity consumption of the reference group was measured with the
RMS turned on.
Data derived from the reference group were used to calculate the average electricity consumption
of all 120 rooms. The results are shown in Table 10. Equation (1) was applied to calculate the
experimental group’s saved amount.

Table 10. Weekly electricity consumption of single-room dormitory (kWh).

Experimental Reference
Period No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10
Group (avg) Group (avg)
1th 8.5 9.0 12.5 68.2 10.7 14.8 30.5 14.8 24.4 12.7 20.61 22.86
2th 7.1 54.2 8.7 95.5 12.5 13.8 28.4 15.2 21.1 14.8 27.19 23.46
3th 6.6 43.5 10.6 35.2 14.4 23.2 23.6 12.3 13.5 18.4 20.13 24.12
4th 10.2 59.3 38.1 77.3 14.3 22.2 18.4 9.0 16.0 17.1 28.19 30.70
AVG 8.25 41.5 17.48 69.05 12.98 18.5 25.23 12.83 18.75 15.75 24.03 25.29
5th 16.2 80.5 78.9 81.4 38.5 53.5 27.6 53.7 21.3 56.2 50.78 32.09
During 6th 29.1 90.6 106.6 153.3 35.5 57.9 77.6 45.1 33.9 67.3 69.69 61.47
experiment 7th 65.0 93.4 149.8 161.7 37.1 36.3 79.9 102.1 82.4 52.5 86.02 62.57
AVG 36.77 88.17 111.7 132.3 37.03 49.23 61.7 66.97 45.87 58.67 68.83 52.04

Equation for calculating saved energy is given in Equation (1).

Saved energy = C − D (1)
where A is energy use of experiment group (before experiment); B is energy use of reference group
(before experiment); C is energy use of experiment group (during experiment) and D is energy use of
reference group (during experiment)
Prior to the experiment, the experimental group’s average weekly electricity use was 24.03 kWh;
this value was 25.29 kWh for the reference group. The average weekly electricity use of the experimental
group compared to the reference group was 95.0%, indicating that the experimental group used 5.0%
less electricity than the reference group. During the experiment, the experimental group’s average
weekly electricity use with the RMS turned off was 68.83 kWh. Meanwhile, the reference group’s
average weekly electricity use with the RMS still turned on was 52.04 kWh. The average electricity use
ratio of the experimental group to the reference group was 132.3%; therefore, the experimental group
used 32.3% more electrical energy than the reference group.
Table 11 shows the calibration results. The RMS saved electrical energy in the amount of 19.38 kWh
per week, with a savings rate of 28.2%. Per unit area and on a daily basis, the savings become 142.42
Wh/(m2 day). Figure 15 shows average weekly electricity consumption of a single-room dormitory.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 14 of 17

Table 11. Average weekly electricity consumption of single-room dormitory (kWh).

Experimental Reference Calibration Calibration

Saved Energy Saving Rate
Period Group Group Rate Amount
(A − D) 100((A − D)/A)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1th 20.61 22.86 90.2%
2th 27.19 23.46 115.9%
3th 20.13 24.12 83.4%
4th 28.19 30.70 91.8%
Average 24.03 25.29 95.0%
5th 50.78 32.09 158.2% 30.49 20.29 40.0%
During 6th 69.69 61.47 113.4% 58.41 11.28 16.2%
experiment 7th 86.02 62.57 137.5% 59.45 26.57 30.9%
Sustainability 2020, 12,Average
68.83 52.04 132.3% 49.45 19.38 28.2% 14 of 16



Room energy (kWh)






RMS off RMS on Saved energy
Room energy 68.83 49.45 19.38

Figure Averageweekly
15.Average weeklyelectricity

4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
In order to identify the amount of electrical energy that can be saved with an occupancy detection
In order to identify the amount of electrical energy that can be saved with an occupancy
sensor and room management system in university buildings, we selected underground parking lots,
detection sensor and room management system in university buildings, we selected underground
classrooms, and dormitories as experimental sites. We measured and analyzed the amount of power
parking lots, classrooms, and dormitories as experimental sites. We measured and analyzed the
consumed while the RF sensor and room management system were on or off to quantify the reduction.
amount of power consumed while the RF sensor and room management system were on or off to
To fulfill this aim, the experiment was conducted on a weekly basis at the experimental sites to measure
quantify the reduction. To fulfill this aim, the experiment was conducted on a weekly basis at the
power consumption. For realistic results, the data were obtained with occupants living their regular
experimental sites to measure power consumption. For realistic results, the data were obtained with
lives and activities for a long period of four weeks. The results were then compared and analyzed.
occupants living their regular lives and activities for a long period of four weeks. The results were
The findings are summarized as follows.
then compared and analyzed. The findings are summarized as follows.
1. 1.InInExperiment
Experiment 1 (underground
1 (underground parking
parking lot),lot), the average
the average lightlight energy
energy savedsaved by using
by using the RFthe RF
sensorwas was39.5 Wh/m2 ·day.
39.5Wh/m 2·day.WeWefound
77.6% ofof energy
energy was
was saved compared to when when thethe sensor
was notwas innot use.
2. 2.InIn Experiment
Experiment 2 (classroom),
2 (classroom), light energy
light energy was reduced
was reduced from 77.1from
Wh/m 2 ·day
77.1 Wh/m 2·day to 252.1
to 52.1 Wh/m ·day
Wh/mwhen 2·day when using the sensor. The reduction rate is 32.4%.
using the sensor. The reduction rate is 32.4%.
3. 3.InIn Experiment
Experiment 2 (classroom),
2 (classroom), cooling
cooling energyenergy was reduced
was reduced from
from 197.1 197.1
Wh/m Wh/m
2 ·day 2·day to 142.1
to 142.1 Wh/m2 ·day
Wh/mwhen 2 ·day using
whenthe using the The
sensor. sensor. The reduction
reduction rate Although
rate is 27.9%. is 27.9%. the
of EHP rate
was of
was low due to shorter operating time (when compared to lighting),
to shorter operating time (when compared to lighting), the amount was higher. the amount was higher.
4. In Experiment 3 (dormitory), lights, electrical outlets, and heating all required electrical energy
to operate. Using the room management system, the average electrical energy saved was 142.4
Wh/m2·day per room, with a savings rate of 28.2%.
This paper found that underground parking lots were able to achieve the greatest savings,
followed by dormitories and then classrooms, which generally coincide with the time of operation of
each setting. Universities have different load characteristics than regular offices or houses. Thus, we
hope that this paper’s data will be used in the application of systems to reduce electrical energy in
Sustainability 2020, 12, 9471 15 of 17

4. In Experiment 3 (dormitory), lights, electrical outlets, and heating all required electrical energy
to operate. Using the room management system, the average electrical energy saved was
142.4 Wh/m2 ·day per room, with a savings rate of 28.2%.

This paper found that underground parking lots were able to achieve the greatest savings, followed
by dormitories and then classrooms, which generally coincide with the time of operation of each
setting. Universities have different load characteristics than regular offices or houses. Thus, we hope
that this paper’s data will be used in the application of systems to reduce electrical energy in the future
construction and remodeling of university buildings.
For future research, we would like to study energy consumption of toilets, professors’ offices,
administrative rooms, etc., and look for improvement. Sensors will be installed preferentially in places
through economic analysis for this follow-up research. In addition, we plan to provide energy feedback
(by social media, incentives, penalty, etc.) to students who use a lot of energy in the dormitory. We hope
this will enhance users’ consciousness about energy consumption and that they will voluntarily
participate in energy saving of electricity, heat energy and water.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.-W.L.; methodology, J.-W.L.; software, Y.I.K.; validation, J.-W.L.;
formal analysis, J.-W.L.; investigation, J.-W.L.; resources, J.-W.L.; data curation, J.-W.L.; writing—original
draft preparation, J.-W.L.; writing—review and editing, Y.I.K.; visualization, J.-W.L; supervision, Y.I.K.; project
administration, Y.I.K.; funding acquisition, Y.I.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant, funded by the
Korean Government (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Ministry of Education).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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