Energy Consumption in Nigerian Istitution Covenent University

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International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015: Renewable Energy Track

A Study on Energy Demand and Consumption in

Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
Oyedepo, S. 0 , Adekeye T, Lerarno, R.O, Kilanko, 0 , Babalola, O.P, Balogun A. 0 and Akhibi M. 0
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Covenant University,
Ota, Ogun-State, Nigeria
Corresponding Author: Sunday. oyedepo@covenantuni versity. edu. ng

Abstract - In this study, ene•·gy audit was conducted at their peculiar nature as knowledge transfer- based
Covenant Unive•·sity to assess the pattem of elect.-icity institutions, the energy source predominantly in use in
consumption in m·de•· to imp.-ove ene•·gy consumption the universities and other tertiary institutions for
efficiency in the Unive.-sity. Space cooling (29%) and educational aids is electricity [3]. Therefore, the issues of
lighting (29%) have the highest pe1-centage elect.-icity electric energy availability, consumption and costs in
consumption in the unive•·sity. In the academic buildings,
universities with resident students and staff quarters can
maximum powe•· is consumed in space cooling (49%). In the
staff quaJ-te•·s, lighting application consumed maximum present a formidable challenge to any responsible
powe•· (39%), followed by space cooling application (18%). administration. This is because its availability or
The annual ene•·gy and cost saving potentials fm· •·eplacing otherwise can have profound effects not only on
t.-aditional flum·escent tube lights (FTLs) and incandescent academic activities but also on the social and economic
bulbs with compact fluo•·escent lamps (CFLs) in the activities in the system [4].
students' hostels and in the staff quaJ-te•·s a1·e about 394 In tertiary institutions, there is a considerable amount
MWh, N4.8 Million ($30,000) and 641 MWh, N7.9 Million of population, including students, academic and
($49, 375) •·espectively. Fm· space cooling systems, the
administrative staff, researchers, and others who work or
annual ene•·gy and cost saving potentials fm· •·eplacing
study in universities. Thus, energy needed for operations,
conventional •·esistance elect.-ic •·egulato•· fans with
elect.-onic •·egulatm· fans is about 367 MWh and N 9.8 including teaching and research, provision of support
Million ($61,250), •·espectively. services, and in residential and hostel areas, it is almost
comparable to small commercial. Since universities
Index Terms - Energy saving, University campus, Electricity involve a large number of building users and facilities,
consumption, Electricity demand environmental degradation caused by a huge amount of
energy consumption by universities is getting to be a
greater concern.
I. INTRODUCTION The University campus, being a miniature city with
The importance of energy availability in the its power generating station consumes so much power for
economic growth, social and political development of lighting, water supply, air-conditioning, ventilation,
every nation cannot be overemphasized [1]. Energy plays electrical heating equipment, and water heaters, amongst
the most vital role in the economic growth, progress, others. Conserving this energy will lead to reduction in
and development, as well as poverty eradication and energy consumption, operating costs, lesser lighting
security of any nation. Uninterrupted energy supply is a fixture replacements and reduction in accumulated heat
vital issue for all countries today. The objective of the generated by them, thereby leading to parts of the drive
energy system is to provide energy services. Energy towards mitigating climate change and making buildings
services are the desired and useful products, processes more environmentally sustainable [6].
or indeed services that result from the use of energy, such Not only is energy consumption a significant cost to
as for lighting, provision of air- conditioned indoor the University campus but it also contributes to the
climate, refrigerated storage, transportation, appropriate depletion of natural resources and environmental
temperatures for cooking, industrial processes such as problems. At colleges and universities, energy
conversion of raw materials to final products, etc [2]. consumption has a large impact on both financial and
Large institutions, such as universities, consume large environmental interests. New construction, agmg
amounts of energy on a daily basis. Improving the energy infrastructure, financial constraints, increasing energy
practices at post-secondary institutions can not only costs, and environmental responsibility are motivating
directly decrease their environmental impact but also act factors for University communities to re-evaluate their
as an example for change across the country. Because of energy demand and related conservation programs [7].

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015 : Renewable Energy Track

Campus energy potential studies involve an energy 2.1.1 Data Collection and Analysis
auditing process that provides an opinion of the A walk through energy audit was carried out in order
availability of energy efficiency resources on a campus to acquire the power ratings of the electrical
and allows the development of cost and savings appliances/equipment used and electric power consumed
strategies. A campus energy potential study offers many in Covenant University.
of the same benefits as standard energy studies, such as In this study, the data collected include: average peak
an understanding of how efficient the campus is in power consumed (2002-2011), total population of staff
energy utilization and a plan for energy reduction (academic and non - academic) (2002-2011), total
projects. population of students (2002 -2011), the disposable
Unlike major economic sectors (industrial, income of electricity (2002-2011), the electricity tariff
commercial, transportation etc), very few campus energy (2002-2011).
potential studies had been carried out in recent past. All data collected were analyzed to identify energy
Among which include the works of Unachukwu [3], conservation measures (ECMs), which when
Tang [4], Adelaja, et a!. [5], Manjunatha, et a!. [6], implemented, will make the energy usage more efficient,
Choong, et a!. [7], Wong, et a!. [8], Aishwarya et a!. [9] less expensive and more environmentally friendly.
etc. None of these studies identified energy conservation The power consumption by equipment, applications
measures, which when implemented on campus, will as well as location is presented in form of charts for
make the energy usage more efficient and less expensive. better understanding.
The need to bridge this important gap has provided the
impetus for the current study. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The prime objectives of the present study are: (i) to 3.1 Breakdown ofMajor Electricity End Users
investigate energy utilization pattern in Covenant The amount of energy use in a University campus
University (ii) to raise awareness of the areas of energy depends on many factors. Key factors include the types
savings at Covenant University and (iii) to recommend of building envelope design, number of buildings
energy conservation measures to curb excessive energy (students' hostel, staff quarters, lecture rooms etc),
consumption in the university. student and staff population, operational efficiency of the
The contribution of this work lies in the fact that this electrical appliances, types of lamps and their efficacy,
is the first attempt in the history of the institution to and building operation and maintenance. The first step in
formally evaluate energy and cost savings opportunities a breakdown of energy use is to establish a list of the
in the University. The work will, in addition to creating major services or end users.
the necessary awareness on energy consumption pattern This section focuses on the various energy users in
in the university, provides a reference point for planning, Covenant University.
budgeting and future activities with respect to end-use
energy efficiency and management measures in the 3 .1.2 Electricity Consumption in Covenant University
University. for Various end- uses
A detailed breakdown of the energy loads (Fig. 2) in
Covenant University reveal that both space cooling and
lighting represent 29% of the total energy demand,
2.1 Study Area followed by office equipment (especially personal
Covenant University (CU) is a private Christian computers, photocopiers and printers) (15 %). Laboratory
University located at km 10 Idiroko road, Ota, South equipment/ machine is responsible for only 7% of total
Western zone of Nigeria. It was inaugurated on 21st energy consumption while heating and cooking
October 2002. The population of the University has responsible for only 6% of energy consumption.
grown from 1392 students at inception in 2002 to over
8319 students, 374 academic staff and 502 non-academic 3.1.3 Electricity Consumption in Academic Buildings
staff in 2011. The University is fully residential with 10 Fig. 3 shows demand of electric power in the various
resident hostels with an estimated over 400 rooms per academic buildings in Covenant University. College of
hostel building. In an addition, there are two colleges, six Science and Technology (CST) building has the highest
schools and twenty- two departments. There are also percentage of daily power consumption (21 %). This is
several public and academic buildings (University guest followed by the College of Development Studies (CDS)
house, 2- cafeterias, university library, university chapel, building (18%). Reason for this is because these
shopping malls, lecture theatre, and sport centre). The buildings house up to 6 or 7 departments. For example
university also has 206 staff housing units of various CST building houses the following departments: Physics,
grades (1- bedroom flat, 2-bedroom flat, 3-bedroom flat Chemistry, Biology, Estate Management, Architecture,
and duplex). The university is indeed a mini- township. Building Technology, Biochemistry, Mathematics and
Computer Science.

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015 : Renewable Energy Track

CDS building houses the following departments:

700 Sociology, Psychology, Mass Communication, Business
·=c 600 Studies, Political Science & International Relations,
·;; 500
c. 400 Languages, Economic, Banking & Finance and
E 300 Accounting. Some of these departments have laboratories
:I 200
100 equipped with power consuming equipment/machines for
s"' s
o.iJ c QD-' Vl research. Civil engineering building has the least demand
... -"'... ~ Cl)
"'C'O X c QJ) QJ)
c c C'O ~
.!::! Cl
0 "'::J0 ·.:::... c.::c
Qj c On ::J
u 0.. C'O for electric power (9%). This is due to the fact that the
c ~ ;g
"0 ~ I
E = ..c:: ...e
:!2 E C'O
.!:. .0
·.::; department has little electric power consuming
... ... ... ::J ::J u
c. ::J C'O ~ u0 ::J
cc cc cc .!:.
C'O Cl)
u equipment as at the time this study was carried out
Vl Vl
u t: tiiu
Cl) 0.. LJ.J
\!) 0 ~ LJ.J
Cl 0..
Vl 3.1.4 Electricity Consumption in Academic Buildings
Locations for Various End-uses
Fig. 4 shows electricity demand in academic areas in
Covenant University. It's quite clear from the chart that
Fig. 1. Daily Power Consumption at Different Locations maximum power is consumed in comfort applications
in Covenant University (49%) such as air circulation appliances (fans) and air
conditioners. To reduce the consumption in these
applications, awareness about the energy conservation is
Lab Ordinary Others Space- very important and effective step. Laboratory equipment/
Elemwl'lines workshop machine takes 26% of total electric power
consumption in the academic buildings. Efficient
1% utilization of energy in this section is possible by
carrying out constant preventive maintenance measures
of the equipment/ machine, replacement of worn - out
parts and replacing old machine/ equipment with
efficient equipment Lighting with 17% of total power
oking consumption is an application where energy efficiency
6% can be achieved very easily by replacing old appliances
Office Wa~~~rigera by new efficient ones.
machines Heatin~on
1% 6% 1% Others
Fig. 2. Electricity Consumption in Covenant University
for Various end- uses


Office Refrigera Compute Cooling
machine tion 49%
2% 0% 4%

Fig. 4. Electricity Consumption in Academic Buildings

by Various end -uses
E And Info. Petroleu
ngrg Engrg m Engrg 3.1.5 Electricity Consumption in Residential Area for
Building B . d.
S% u1 1 mg Building Various End-uses
14% 9% Fig. 5 shows electricity demand in residential areas
(staff quarters) in Covenant University. The lighting
application consumed maximum power (39%). This is
Fig. 3. Electricity Consumption by Various Academic followed by space cooling application (18%) such as air
Buildings circulation appliances (fans) and air conditioners.
Cooking and water heating applications take 12% of total

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015 : Renewable Energy Track

electric power consumption in the residential areas. From not only save costs but minimize environmental fallouts
this survey, the greatest potential for energy savings in from electricity generation.
the residential areas of this university is in the lighting
and space cooling. To reduce the consumption in these
applications, awareness about the energy conservation is
~ 140
very important and effective step.
~ -;o
..... .... 120
"u ro 100
·;: z
Others Space Refrigerat i tJ c 80

coo ling Persowa l ~ 0
Water ComWoter ·-
~ ~ 40
El ectronic §
2% ~'\- ~'? ~!>< ~<-;, do ~ ~q, ~<» ~() ~'\.

Coo king
'1-CS"'cs "'cs "'cs "'cs "'cs "'cs "'cs "'() "'()

Fig. 6. Annual Electricity Cost Profile.


Fig. 5. Residential Energy Consumption for Various end IN COVENANT UNIVERSITY
-uses The goal of any organization is to have employees
behave in a manner consistent with the company' s
3.2 Annual Electricity Consumption mission and goals i.e aligning absolutely with the core
Table I presents the annual electricity consumption values, adhering to a code of ethics and matching actions
and total population (students and staff) of Covenant with beliefs across a variety of situations [31].
University campus for the period of ten years (2002 - Meanwhile, integrity play a fundamental role in
2011). Per capita consumption of electricity in Covenant employee pattern of alignment, sound moral, ethical
University during the period of consideration varies from principles and organization productivity [15] ; [36].
50 kWh/person to 522 kWh/person. Variation in per Moreover, absenteeism, unwarranted breaks, stealing of
capita consumption of electricity is due to epileptic organization property, converting office equipment for
power supply from national grid. The University was personal use, gossiping etc. are characteristics of
able to overcome the challenge of power supply from unethical conducts and are liable to affect organization
national grid in 2010/2011 when it started getting supply productivity [26] ; [32] ; [34]. However, the organization
from a private power supply using gas generator. level of productivity is directly proportional to employee
Fig. 6 shows the annual cost of electricity profile in level of commitment and satisfaction, thus, the
millions of Naira. The marginal increase in electricity commitment and satisfaction becomes immaterial if it
consumption from 2008 as compared to the previous does not infused with integrity [10] ; [11]. Integrating
years is attributed to increasing population, growing values of integrity into the day-to-day operation of an
number of staff residential and academic buildings, organisation will promote employees ethical behaviour,
increases in commercial activities, and a fairly steady prevent damaging lapses while tapping into human
power supply within the campus. With increase in instincts for moral though/action and as well enhanced
electricity consumption in the university, there was rising sustained productivity [ 11].
in electricity bills from about N27.6 million in 2002 to Therefore, we propose the null hypothesis that; H 2 :
over N139 million in 2011. Integrity will not in any way contribute to organizational
The rise in electricity bill is basically due to about productivity.
112% hike in tariff from N5.8/k.Wh in in 2002 to
N12.30/k.Wh in 201l.It is therefore expected that with
constant year round electricity supply, consumption and V. EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT AND
hence the energy bill will likely double the current figure . PRODUCTIVITY
This information is very important as it will help policy As Covenant University's emollment grows, new
makers and all stakeholders of Covenant University to be buildings are constructed and there is increase in the use
aware of the desired need to reposition the University of technology, hence, there is significant increase in the
towards adopting energy efficiency measures that will use of electrical energy. Therefore, there is need efficient

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015 : Renewable Energy Track

utilization of electricity at every place wherever possible The total energy consumption cost (TECC) is computed
so as to avert unplanned power outages and reduce as:
electricity bills. TECC TEC x CUE (in Naira)
4.1 Energy Saving Opportunity where CUE is the current cost of a unit electricity in
"Electricity saved is electricity generated". In today ' s Nigeria tariff.
scenario, developing nations, such as Nigeria is facing Proposed lighting fixtures are the energy efficient light
various challenges of saving electricity. Various electric bulbs and appropriate lamp holders. The estimation of
appliances ranging from lighting bulbs to space cooling cost and consumption of the proposed fixtures was done
systems (e.g fans and air conditioners) are flooded into using the same calculations for the existing luminaire
the market, which are not energy efficient. Hence fixtures.
requirement of energy efficient devices is of utmost
importance in view of the futuristic energy requirements. Fig. 2 and 5 show that lighting units play major role
The uses of electricity in office and house hold in the consumption of electricity in the University. This
appliances like air conditioner, refrigerator, electric energy user offers energy saving opportunities.
cooker is obvious and if these devices can be made more The common types of lighting fixtures throughout the
energy efficient, handsome amount of electricity can be campus are traditional fluorescent tube light (FTL) (40
saved in Covenant University campus. W) and incandescent bulbs (60 W). Proposed lighting
In this section, selected areas of intensive energy uses are fixtures are the energy efficient light bulbs and
considered for energy and cost saving potentials in the appropriate lamp holders. The estimation of cost and
University: consumption of the proposed fixtures was done using the
same calculations for the existing luminaire fixtures.
4.1.1 Lighting In this study, hours of operation in a year of electric
Lighting units play a major role in the consumption of appliances in students ' hostels, lecture rooms is assumed
electricity in the campus as shown in Fig. 2 and 5. This to be a function of period the students spend in the
area offers several energy saving opportunities. school. Hence, h is assumed to be 1440 hours (if students
The common types of light throughout the campus are are to spend 6 months in a session, average of 8hrs I day
traditional fluorescent tube light (FTL) (40 W) and x 180 days). For staff quarters (average of8hrs/day x 365
incandescent bulbs (60 W). days= 2920 hours).
To assess possibility of energy saving through lighting in Cost of a unit electricity in Nigeria tariff is N12.30 /kWh
the university, the total energy consumption by lighting (7.69 US cent/kWh)
and its cost for each location was calculated by the Students' hostels and staff quarters are considered for
equations 1 to 3. Energy and cost saving potentials energy and cost saving potentials by replacing current
through replacement of existing light fixtures lighting fixtures with energy efficient bulbs.
(incandescent bulbs and FTL) with energy efficient The above equations 1 to 3 are used to compute energy
lamps (compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)) in students' and cost savings for replacement of incandescent bulb
hostels and staff quarters are presented in Table 4. (60 W) and FTL (40 W) with CFL (25 W) in the
The total energy demand (TED) in kW (i.e the amount of students' hostels and staff quarters. The results are
electricity being pulled out of the power grid at any given presented in Table 2.
moment) is given by:
Total cost saving (Students' hostels & Staff quarters)= N
sw 4,533,829.2 + 8,228,176.02 N 12,762,005.22
TED =-.nxFd (inkW)
Total number of conventional FTL and incandescent
where n is the number of lamps, SW is the system
bulbs= 23,114
wattage and Fd is the demand factor. Fd is the assumed
Cost of replacing each conventional FTL and
average percentage of available lighting used at a
incandescent bulb with CFL (25 W) = N 500 ($3.13)
building ' s peak time. In this study, the demand factor is
Total cost of replacing conventional FTL and bulb = N
taken as 100% (all the lights are always switched on).
23,114 X 500 = N 11 ,557,000 ($72 ,231.25)
The total energy consumption from lighting (TEC) in
Capital cost recovery time
kWh is determined as follows ,
(11 ,557,000)/(12,762,005.22) = 0.91 yr
From above analysis, the annual energy saving potentials
TEC = 1000
sw X n X h (in kWh) for replacement of traditional fluorescent tube light
(2) (FTL) (40 W) and incandescent bulb (60 W) with CFL
where h is the total hours lighting is used during the year. (25 W) in students' hostels and staff quarters are about
394 MWh and 644 MWh respectively. The annual cost

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015: Renewable Energy Track

saving potential for replacement of FTL (40 W) and times longer than that of a normal incandescent. They
incandescent bulb (60 W) with CFL (25 W) in the same offer excellent colour rendering properties in addition to
locations are about N4.8 million and N7.9 million the very high luminous efficiency.
respectively. The capital cost recovery time for replacing The greatest advantage of the CFLs is its energy
all conventional FTLs and incandescent bulbs is around efficiency during use, with much less energy lost to heat.
0.91 year. The CFLs typically convert about 45 % of the electricity
to visible light, whereas the incandescent bulbs only
4.1.2 Space Cooling Systems about 10% [12]. Since the CFL's take advantage of both
Fig. 2 and 4 show that space cooling system also passive and semiconducting electronic components, they
consume significant amount of electric energy. Energy involve complex manufacturing flows and induce greater
and cost savings in space cooling systems are evaluated energy demand.
in this section. • Retrofitting ballasts and lighting for lower costs
To assess possibility of energy and cost savings through and higher efficiency
space cooling systems in the university, the same Fluorescent lights need ballasts (i.e devices that control
procedure for lighting is used. Energy and cost saving the electricity used by the unit) for starting and circuit
potentials through replacement of existing space cooling protection. Ballasts consume energy. Existing fluorescent
systems with energy saving space cooling systems in ballasts can be replaced with improved electromagnetic
students' hostels and staff quarters are considered. ballasts and electronic ballasts. This could raise the
efficiency of the fixture by 12% to 30%.
Replacement of Resistance Regulator Fans by The new electromagnetic ballasts reduce ballast losses,
Electronic Regulator Fans fixture temperature, and system wattage. Since they
The common types of fan available on the campus are operate at cooler temperatures, they last longer than
resistance regulator fans with power rating 70 W at full standard electromagnetic ballasts.
speed. Replacing these fans with electronic regulator • Use ofTime Scheduling Device for Power Supply
fans having power rating 40 W at full speed, considerable The advent of embedded systems has given a scope to
amount of energy and money would be saved. Table 3 make programmable devices such as the timer circuit to
presents results of energy and cost savings for control the power supply. The device is programmable
replacement of resistance regulator fans with electronic and each day's time table can be fed into it. The device
regulator fans. will operate the power supply only when there is a
Total number of resistance regulator fans= 6513 lecture and otherwise switched off, thus, operating on a
Cost of replacing resistance regulator fans with electronic pre-determined schedule.
regulator fans= N 1500 ($ 9.38) • Use of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Star
Total cost of replacing resistance regulator fans = N 6513
Rated Electrical Appliances
X 1500 = N 9,769,500 ($ 61 ,059)
The University should use and promote the replacement
Capital cost recovery time= (9769500)/ (5197071.72) =
of appliances to BEE Star-Rated appliances. This further
1.88 yr
adds to energy saving. Emphasis on using such
Hence, the capital cost recovery time for replacing all
appliances should be popularised and awareness should
resistance regulated fans in the students' hostels and staff
be increased in the favour of energy saving.
quarters is around 1.88 years.
• High efficiency equipment
High efficiency equipment reduces the energy needed to
VI. SOLUTIONS TO REDUCE deliver a given level of energy services or produces more
ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION energy service per unit of energy. A careful observation
The energy consumption in Covenant University can of Fig. 5 shows that space cooling, lighting and personal
possibly be brought down by energy management and computers are items which consume the bulk of the
proper usage of the resources. The following points shed energy supplied to the university, thus flagged areas for
light on the ways that can be profitably implemented in potential improvement of efficiency.
order to lower consumptions and manage electricity. • Reducing cooling demand (need for air
• Efficient Lighting Upgrades In Covenant University, energy demand for space
cooling can be reduced by:
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are generally
~ Controlling solar gains by avoiding excessive glazing,
considered best for replacement of lower incandescent
use of shading and blinds, glazing with the lowest solar
lamps at homes. They are energy saving lamps. These
heat gains factor;
lamps have efficacy ranging from 55 to 65 lumens/watt.
~ Selecting office equipment with reduced heat output;
The average rated lamp life is 10,000 hours, which is 10

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015 : Renewable Energy Track

~ Making use of thermal mass materials and night mentioned here as a possible option to reduce energy
ventilation to reduce peak temperatures consumption by the space cooling system - ceiling fan
~ A building design that maximizes natural ventilation (air used in Covenant University.
passing from one side to the other side of the building)
• Reducing energy use for lighting • Better Management Practices
Energy use for lighting in Covenant University can be Besides enhancing the efficiency of electrical appliances,
reduced by better management practices should also be adopted.
~ Appropriate window design and glass to make maximum Students and staff should be educated to switch off the
use of daylight while avoiding excessive solar gain lights directly at the end of the day when not in use. It is
~ Energy efficient lighting systems (e.g. using task lighting important to unplug electrical appliances which are
to avoid excessive background luminance levels; seldom used because these appliances will consume little
• Use of Energy Management Device Based on Image energy when plugged continuously although they are
Processing switched off.
The lighting and power supply can be controlled by
occupancy sensing. The feature of this device is that it
controls the power supply of any place by sensing
occupancy by any human. The distinguishing feature is In this study, an energy audit was conducted at Covenant
that only human occupancy is detected. This device uses University in Nigeria looking for ways to reduce energy
image processing and pattern recognition. This device is consumption and costs. With time, the numbers of
found to be an efficient method to implement energy students are increasing, use of new facilities and
management at a low cost. The Management should technology are also increasing the utilization of
endeavor to install an occupancy sensor in the students' electricity is going to increase. Hence, there is need for
hostels, lecture rooms and staff offices where a lot of energy conservation measures to curbs excessive energy
energy is wasted by leaving light on even when nobody consumption in the University.
is in the room or office. This study reveals that at Covenant University electricity
• Encourage Energy-Saving Behavior consumption increased from 324.12 to 3942 MWh from
2002 to 2011 as the population increased from 1461 to
A number of colleges and universities are successfully
3197. Moreover, buildings of more functionality
using no-cost and low-cost public awareness campaigns
consume more electricity as more types of appliances are
to reduce energy use on campus. One popular- and
used for different functions. Space cooling and lighting
effective-energy awareness program is the Dorm
have the highest percentage of electricity consumption of
Energy Challenge, in which residence halls compete
the total energy demand in the University.
against one another to make the largest energy reductions
The annual cost of electricity profile for the period under
or simply to improve their owu energy performance.
consideration (2002 to 2011) rose from N 27.6 Million
Other popular programs include "Green Crib Certified"
($172,500) in 2002 to over N 139 Million ($868,750) in
awards for students with eco-friendly dorm rooms and
2011. The result of this study shows that the annual
"Eco Reps" programs to encourage peer-to-peer sustain-
energy and cost savings for replacement of traditional
able behavior in residence halls. This strategy also can be
fluorescent tube light (FTL) and incandescent bulbs with
adopted in Covenant University in order to save energy.
CFL in students ' hostels and staff quarters are about 394
• Replacing Resistance Regulator Ceiling Fans with MWh, N 4.8 Million ($30,000) and 644 MWh, N7.9
Electronic Regulator Million ($49,375) respectively. While the capital cost
Electronic regulators are the latest type of regulators recovery time for replacement of all conventional FTLs
available in the market. These are much smaller in size and incandescent bulbs is around 0.91 year. Considering
than the electric resistance regulators. Electronic space cooling system (ceiling fan) the annual energy and
regulators use capacitors instead of resistors to decrease cost savings for replacement of conventional resistance
the voltage. Capacitors regulate the fan speed by electric regulator fans with electronic regulator fan are
regulating the waveform of power supply. These do not about 367 MWh and N 9.8 Million ($61 ,250)
get heated up and thus save electricity when the fan is respectively. The capital cost recovery time for
running at lower speeds (at higher speeds electricity replacement of all resistance electric regulator fans in the
consumption of fan is the same with both regulators). University is around 1.88 years.
These regulators save up to 40% of energy consumption From this study it can be concluded that the adoption of
at speed 1 and about 30% at speed 2 compared to electric energy efficiency measures as part of the overall
regulators. University developmental policy strategy would not only
From this study, it is showu that the electronic regulator bring about substantial reduction in peak electricity
is more energy efficient but experience suggests that demand but also in electricity bills, while resulting in
resistive regulators are more durable. Though it is still energy conservation. Some of the policy options which

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015: Renewable Energy Track

the University can take to reduce energy spending

include inter alia: enhancing the efficiency of electrical [6] Manjunatha, P.M, Balachandra,T.C, Dsouza, 0 and Naik,
appliances, utilization of day-lighting, max1m1zmg B (2013), ' Energy Audit, Conservation and Power Factor
natural ventilation and better management practices. A Improvement for BMSIT Campus' , International Journal
of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol.2 (11),
well-articulated and vigorously pursued energy efficiency
Pp 354-359
policy measures in the university can result in an
estimated armual savings in electricity consumption of [7] Choong, W.W, Chong, Y.F, Low, S.T and Mohammed,
about 16 %. This certainly will ensure sustainable A.H (2012), ' Implementation of Energy Management Key
Practices in Malaysian Universities ', International Journal
development in the university and possibly eliminate the
of Emerging Sciences 2(3), 455-477
pressure for the installation of additional electric
generators (diesel or gas). This type of energy audits can [8] Wong, W.P, Liu, A.M.M and Fellows, R.F (2005), 'Use of
be replicated at other University campus to reduce Electrical Energy in University Buildings: A Case Study in
Hong Kong ', Surveying and Built Environment Vol16(2),
electricity bills.
[9] Aishwarya, C, Diwakhar, R, Ganesh, S and Harikrishna, N
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Year Electricity Consumption Total Population Per Capita Consumption

(kWh) of electricity (kWh/person)
2002 324120 1461 222
2003 331128 3093 107
2004 332004 4497 74
2005 334632 6009 56
2006 332880 6693 50
2007 3293760 7095 464
2008 3442680 7272 473
2009 2934600 8056 364
2010 3871920 7416 522
2011 3942000 8319 474

International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) 2015: Renewable Energy Track


Location/Fixture No of Annual Energy Annual Energy Annual Annual cost saving

Type Fixture Consumption Cost energy
(MWh) (MN) (US $) saving (MN) (US$)
Students Hostels

FTL(40 W) 14,216 818.84 10.07 62,937.5 307.06 3.78 24,625

CFL (25 W) 511.78 6.29 39,312.5

Incandescent bulb
(60W) 105.49 1.30 8,125 61.54 0.76 4,750

CFL (25 W) 43.96 0.54 3,375

Staff Quarters

FTL (40 W) 231.26 2.84 17,750 86.72 1.06 6,625


CFL (25W) 144.54 1.78 11 ,125

Incandescent bulb
(60 W)
5697 998.11 12.28 76,750 582.23 7.16 44,750

CFL (25 W)
415.88 5.12 32,000


Location/Fixture No of Annual Energy Annual Energy Annual Annual cost saving

Type Fixture Consumption Cost energy
(MWh) (MN) (US $) saving (MN) (US$)
Students' Hostels

RRF*(70 W) 4595 463.18 5.70 35,625 198.51 3.26 20,375

ERF* (40 W) 264.67 2.44 15,250

Staff Quarters

RRF* (70 W) 1918 392.04 4.82 30,125 168.02 2.06 12,875

ERF* (40W) 224.02 2.76 17,250

RRF* - Reststance regulator fans, ERF* - Electromc regulator fans, MN - Mlihon Natra


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