Homework 3 Solution

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New York University

Computer Science Department

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Course Title: Data Communication & Networks Course Number:CSCI-GA.2662-001

Instructor: Jean-Claude Franchitti Session: 2

Assignment #3 Solutions

1. Question 1:
Develop algorithms for generating each of the codes shown in slide 29 of the Session 3 slide
deck on Data Encoding and Transmission from NRZ-L.

Answer (Sample solution):

(a) NRZL

For i = 1 to input_length
If input(i) is zero; output(i) = “+”
Else output(i) = “-“

(b) NRZI

For i = 1 to input_length
If input(i) is one {
If output(i-1) is “+”; output(i) = “-“
Else output = “+”
} else output(i) = output(i-1)

(c) Bipolar AMI

For i = 1 to input_length
If input(i) is one {
If previous is “-“; output(i) = “+”; previous = “+”
Else output(i) = “-“; previous = “-“
} else output(i) = “neutral”
(d) Pseudo Ternary

For i = 1 to input_length
If input(i) is zero {
If previous = “-“; output(i) = “+”; previous = “+”
Else output(i) = “-”; previous = “-”
} else output(i) = “neutral”

(e) Manchester

For i = 1 to input_length
If input(i) is zero; output(2*i-1) = “+”; output(2*i) = “-“
Else output(2*i-1) = “-“; output(2*i) = “+”

(f) Diff Manchester

If output(i) is one; output(1) = “+”; output(2) = “-”

Else output(1) = “-“; output(2) = “+“

For i = 2 to input_length
If input(i) is one; output(2*i-1) = output(2*i-2); output(2*i) = output(2*i-3)
Else output(2*i-1) = output(2*i-3); output(2*i) = output(2*i-2)

2. Question 2:
Enhanced NRZ (E-NRZ) is used for high-density recording on magnetic tape. It separates
the NRZ-L data stream into 7-bit words, inverts bits 2, 3, 6, and 7, and adds a parity bit to
each word. In this case, the parity bit is chosen to make the total number of 1s in the 8-bit
word an odd count. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of E-NRZ over NRZ-L.

Answer: There are many possible answers for this.

3. Question 3:
For the bit stream 01010101, sketch the corresponding waveforms for NRZ-L, NRZI,
Bipolar-AMI, Pseudoternary, Manchester, and Differential Manchester. Assume that the
signal level for the preceding bit for NRZI was high; the most recent preceding 1 bit (AMI)
has a negative voltage; and the most recent preceding 0 bit (pseudo ternary) has a negative
voltage Solution:


4. Question 4:
Consider a stream of binary data that consists of a long sequence of 1s followed by a zero
followed by a long string of 1s and the same assumptions as in Problem 3 above. Draw the
waveform for this sequence using:
(a) NRZ-L
(b) Bipolar-AMI
(c) Pseudoternary


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