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Journal of Consumer Research, Inc.

Measurement of Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence

Author(s): William O. Bearden, Richard G. Netemeyer and Jesse E. Teel
Source: Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Mar., 1989), pp. 473-481
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 14/07/2014 22:11

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Measurement of Consumer Susceptibility
to Interpersonal Influence


The development of a scale for measuring consumer susceptibility to interpersonal

influence is described. Consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence is hypoth-
esized as a general trait that varies across individuals and is related to other individ-
ual traits and characteristics (McGuire 1968). The construct is defined as the need
to identify with or enhance one's image in the opinion of significant others through
the acquisition and use of products and brands, the willingness to conform to the
expectations of others regarding purchase decisions, and/or the tendency to learn
about products and services by observing others or seeking information from oth-
ers. A series of studies provides evidence to support the convergent and discrimi-
nant validity of a two-dimensional scale.

A n important determinant of an individual's be- individual differencemeasures be developed to study

havior is others' influence. Portrayal of prod- personality issues in consumer research.
ucts being consumed in social situations and the use
of prominent/attractive spokespersons endorsing
products is evidence of this belief. Further, models INTERPERSONAL INFLUENCE
used to explain consumer behavior frequently in- THEORY AND RESEARCH
clude interpersonal influence. These models recog- An early review by McGuire (1968) summarized
nize that consumer behavior cannot be fully under- numerous theoretical and empirical articles dealing
stood unless consideration is given to the effects of with various aspects of susceptibility to interpersonal
interpersonalinfluence on development of attitudes, influence and the relationship of susceptibility to
norms, values, aspirations, and purchase behavior other individual traits and characteristics. This re-
(Staffordand Cocanougher 1977). view concluded that susceptibility to interpersonal
Our objective is to develop a scale to assess con- influence is a general trait that varies across persons
sumersusceptibilityto interpersonalinfluence, which and that a person's relative influenceability in one sit-
is assumed to be a general trait that varies across indi- uation tends to have a significant positive relation-
viduals. This construct is derived from McGuire's ship to his or her influenceability in a range of other
(1968) concept of influenceability and is consistent social situations. McGuire (1968, p. 1134) also cited
with early research(e.g., Allen 1965; Asch 1958; Cox evidence showing that conformity and persuasibility
and Bauer 1964; Janis 1954), which demonstrated exist across occurrences.That is, people who conform
that individuals differ in their responses to social to one source on one issue will likely conform to other
influence. Our efforts are also consistent with sources on other issues.
Kassarjian's (1971) suggestion that domain specific Further, susceptibility to influence by others is re-
lated to other personal characteristics (e.g., self-es-
teem, intelligence) (McGuire 1968, p. 1132; Petty
*William0. Beardenand Jesse E. Teel are Professorsof Market- and Cacioppo 1981, pp. 80-84). Cox and Bauer
ing, Collegeof BusinessAdministration,University of South Caro- (1964) pointed out that people with low self-esteem
lina, Columbia,SC 29208. RichardG. Netemeyer is AssistantPro-
fessorof Marketing,Collegeof BusinessAdministration,Louisiana comply with others' suggestionsto avoid social disap-
State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. The authors wish to proval. Cox and Bauer's research demonstrated that
thank the three anonymous reviewersfor their helpful comments a relationship between self-confidence and persuasi-
throughoutthe review process and Robert Burnkrant,Gil Chur- bility, previously found among men, also existed
chill, and Paul Peter who commented on an initial draft of the ar-
ticle. among women under some conditions. Likewise,
Janis (1954) cited both clinical and correlational

473 ? JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH * Vol. 15 0 March 1989

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studies that suggested that some people consistently influence, the other type of normative influence men-
are amenable to social influence while others are con- tioned, is reflectedin individuals' attempts to comply
sistently resistant. Based on his research,Janis (1954, with the expectations of others to achieve rewardsor
p. 518) concluded that individuals with low self-es- avoid punishments, and it operates through the pro-
teem tend to be more readily influenced than others. cess of compliance (Burnkrant and Cousineau 1975,
Likewise, Berkowitz and Lundy (1957) found that p. 207; see also Beardenand Etzel 1982; Parkand Les-
persons low in interpersonalconfidence are more sus- sig 1977; Price et al. 1987). Compliance occurs when
ceptible to peer influence. individuals conform to the expectations of others to
gain rewards or to avoid punishments mediated by
Consumer Susceptibility others.
to InterpersonalInfluence Deutsch and Gerard (1955) defined informational
influence as the tendency to accept information from
Although susceptibility to interpersonal influence others as evidence about reality. Informational in-
appearsto be an important individual differencevari- fluence may occur in two ways. Individuals may ei-
able for the study of consumer behavior, it unfortu- ther search for information from knowledgeable oth-
nately has been neglected as a general trait in recent ers or make inferences based upon the observation of
literature. However, numerous recent articles from the behavior of others (Park and Lessig 1977). Infor-
psychological and consumer research have docu- mational influence operatesthroughthe process of in-
mented the existence of manifest interpersonal in- ternalization, which occurs if information from oth-
fluence upon individual decision processes (e.g., Co- ers increases the individual's knowledge about some
hen and Golden 1972; Kassarjian and Robertson aspect of the environment. Informational influence
1981; Moscovici 1985; Sherif 1935). In consumer re- has been found to affect consumer decision processes
search, these studies include the efforts of Ford and regardingproduct evaluations (Burnkrantand Cousi-
Ellis (1980), Moschis (1976), Stafford (1966), and neau 1975; Cohen and Golden 1972; Pincus and Wa-
Witt and Bruce(1972). However, most of these inves- ters 1977) and product/brand selections (Bearden
'tigated the tendency of subjects to conform to group and Etzel 1982; Park and Lessig 1977).
norms or to modify their judgments based upon In summary, recent research on manifest suscepti-
others' evaluations and did not address the various bility to interpersonal influence has suggested that it
types of interpersonal influence operative in a given is a multidimensional construct. Consequently, it
situation. Only a few studies have addressed the di- seems reasonable to assume that the general trait of
mensions of susceptibility to interpersonal influence susceptibility to interpersonalinfluence also is multi-
and its effects upon decision processes. In this regard, dimensional. Hence, recognizing the existence of al-
Deutsch and Gerard (1955) posited that interper- ternative manifestations of interpersonal influence
sonal influence is manifested through either norma- documented by recent research, consumer suscepti-
tive or informational influences. bility to interpersonalinfluence is defined as the need
Burnkrant and Cousineau (1975) defined norma- to identify or enhance one's image with significant
tive influence as the tendency to conform to the ex- others through the acquisition and use of products
pectations of others. Consumer research has sepa- and brands, the willingness to conform to the expec-
rated normative influence into value expressive and tations of others regardingpurchase decisions, and/
utilitarian influences (Bearden and Etzel 1982; Park or the tendency to learn about products and services
and Lessig 1977; Price, Feick, and Higie 1987). Value by observing others and/ or seeking information from
expressiveness reflects the individual's desire to en- others.
hance self-image by association with a reference An initial effort to develop measures of three di-
group. Value expressiveness is motivated by the mensions of manifest susceptibility to interpersonal
individual's desire to enhance or support his or her influence was reported by Park and Lessig (1977). In
self-concept through referent identification (Kelman their research, 14 statements were developed to assess
1961). Value expressive influences operate through value expressive, utilitarian, and informational in-
the process of identification, which occurs when an fluences. The statements were projective and framed
individual adopts a behavior or opinion of another for particular product and brand decisions. That is,
because the behavior or opinion is associated with respondentswere asked on an item-by-item basis how
satisfying a self-defining relationship (Brinberg and "relevant" each interpersonal influence statement
Plimpton 1986; Park and Lessig 1977; Price et al. would be for an "unspecified other" for a given
1987). Value expressive influence was found to vary product/brand purchase.Although the Parkand Les-
across selection decisions of products that differedin sig items were useful in several subsequent studies
consumption conspicuousness and of services that (Bearden and Etzel 1982; Brinberg and Plimpton
varied regardingconsumer preference heterogeneity 1986), these measures have limitations. To compare
and referent coorientation (similarity). Utilitarian the Parkand Lessig measureswith generalpersonality

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traits and individual characteristics,their statements that I think others will approve of."). Following the
have to be reworded so that the statements are not item generation step, ambiguous items and state-
product and/or situation specific. Further, phrasing ments with essentially identical meaning were elimi-
the terms so that they are relevant to an unspecified nated, resultingin a revised pool of 135 items. Faculty
other may add errorthat could cause some people to and Ph.D. students were then used"asjudges in an
respond based either upon their own feelings or sa- evaluation of the content validity of the items. In this
lient others' influence. Additionally, Park and Lessig analysis, the fivejudges were exposed to the definition
(1977) did not reportestimates of either internal con- of each dimension plus a related explanation and an
sistency or test-retest reliability. Their only evalua- example item and were asked to allocate the state-
tion of the statements was a multitrait-multimethod ments to each dimension or to a "not applicable"cat-
analysis in which two products were used as traits. egory.
Other evidence of validity was not provided nor was Items that did not receive consistent classification
the dimensionality of the measures tested. by at least four of the fivejudges were eliminated. This
initial analysis resulted in 86 statements for the three
OVERVIEW OF SCALE dimensions of susceptibility to interpersonal influ-
DEVELOPMENT AND ence. Next, and similar to the procedure used by
Zaichkowsky (1985), an additional four judges were
EVALUATION PROCEDURES given each construct's definition and asked to rate
The extant theoretical and empirical literature re- each statement as clearly representative of the con-
garding the nature of susceptibility to interpersonal struct, somewhat representative, or not representa-
influence suggeststhat it is a general trait with multi- tive. For the three dimensions, only items evaluated
ple dimensions. The limitations of prior operational as clearly representative by three judges and some-
measuresalong with conflicting findings in related re- what representativeby a fourth judge were retained.
search suggest the need for a measure that can be ap- This process eliminated 24 more items.
plied across research settings without modification
and that has been examined for reliability and valid- EVALUATING THE MEASURES
ity and tested for dimensionality. Consequently, the
objectives of the present researchwere to develop and Initial Administration
test a general measure of consumer susceptibility to
interpersonalinfluence. Separate item analysis was performed for the 62
Development of the present scale began with a liter- statements using the responses obtained from a con-
ature review that generated a large pool of items de- venience sample of 220 adult consumers. Items for
signed to measurethe dimensions of interpersonalin- each dimension of susceptibility to interpersonal in-
fluence. The items were evaluated for content validity fluence were interspersed throughout the question-
usingjudging procedures,resultingin a reduced set of naire used in the initial data collection.
items. A questionnaire then was administered to 220 Item Reduction. The correlation of each item
adult consumersto assess the dimensionality and reli- with the total score for each of the three susceptibility
ability of the present measures of susceptibility to in- dimensions was computed (total scores were based
terpersonalinfluence. Measurement items remaining upon a priori specification of each item's content).
after this study were reevaluated with data from a Items that did not have corrected item-to-total corre-
convenience sample of 141 student subjects. This lations above 0.50 were deleted (cf. Zaichkowsky
study resulted in the final form and content of the 1985). Items that did not have statistically significant
present scale. Next, a series of studies was conducted higher correlations with the dimension to which they
to provide additional evidence regardingthe validity were hypothesized to belong in comparison to item
and reliability of the scale. These studies consisted of correlations with remaining dimension total scores
comparisons of the present scale with individual also were deleted (Ruekert and Churchill 1984, p.
difference measures, behavioral indices, external 229). Principal axis factor analysis with oblique rota-
judge rankings,and motivation to comply. tion (Churchill 1979) (restricting the solution to
three factors) also was performed. Several additional
SCALE CONTENT items that failed to exhibit simple structureon factors
representingthe three dimensions of referencegroup
An original pool of 166 items was generated from a influence were deleted. These analyses resulted in 18
review of prior researchfor use in the development of items remaining in the scale.
the present consumer susceptibility to interpersonal
influence scale. Seven-place bipolar agree/disagree Reliability and Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
scales followed each of the statements (e.g., "When The reliability and structure of the remaining items
buying products, I generally purchase those brands were examined using coefficient alpha and confirma-

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tory factor analyses. First, a confirmatoryfactor anal- and informational-utilitarian comparisons, the con-
ysis (i.e., a three-factorcorrelatedstructure) revealed fidence intervals for the correlation between factors
three items with low item reliabilities. These items did not contain the number one. Further, these two
then were deleted, leaving five items in each influence comparisons resulted in significant chi-square differ-
category: informational, utilitarian, and value ex- ence values with one degree of freedom of 267.57 and
pressiveness. A second confirmatory factor analysis 328.22 for the informational-value expressiveand in-
was performed on the remaining 15 items. For a formational-utilitarian comparisons. These results
three-factor correlated structure, the overall chi- support the discriminant and convergent validity of
square statistic was 139.46 (df = 87, p < 0.01). Each the informational factor in comparison with the value
indicator t-value exceeded 9.97 (p < 0.01). Although expressiveness and utilitarian factors. The very large
the overall chi-square statistic was significant, these correlation coefficient (0.96) and the modest chi-
results represent significant improvement over the square difference test (4.68) coupled with the vari-
chi-square values of 499.69 (df = 90) and 1717.13 ance extracted analysis recommended by Fornell and
(df = 105) obtained from a one-factor model and a Larcker(1981) do not support the modeling of utili-
null model. Coefficient alpha estimates were 0.86, tarian and value expressiveness measures as distinct
0.87, and 0.82 for informational, utilitarian, and factors.
value expressiveness, respectively. The estimates of These analyses then resulted in a two-factor struc-
construct reliability based upon the LISREL results ture in which utilitarian and value expressive mea-
were 0.86, 0.87, and 0.83. The more conserva- sures were combined into a single normative factor
tive variance extracted estimates were 0.55, 0.58, (hereafter referred to as normative influence). The
and 0.50. coefficient alpha and construct reliability estimates
for this 10-item factor were both 0.91; the variance
Dimensionality and Convergent/Discriminant Va- extracted estimate was 0.52.
lidity. Analysis of the relationships among the three
factorsrevealeda very high intercorrelation(r = 0.92, Second Administration
sd = 0.02) between the utilitarian and value expres-
siveness factors. Correspondingintercorrelationsbe- The reliability and validity of the remaining 15
tween the utilitarian and informational measures and items again were examined in a second administra-
the value expressivenessand informational measures tion to 141 undergraduate student subjects. Again,
were 0.44 (standarderror = Or.06)and 0.37 (standard the three-factor correlated model did not provide a
error = 0.07), respectively. These results (similar to better representationof the data in terms of structure
those reported by Brinberg and Plimpton 1986) (i.e., the number of factors and their discriminant
render the dimensionality of the three-factor struc- validity) than did a two-factor correlated model.
ture suspect. In an effort to investigate this concern, However, three items (one from each of the three
two additional tests were performed. original dimensions) exhibited low reliability. These
First, to satisfy the requirements for discriminant items were dropped, which resulted in 12 remaining
validity, variance extracted estimates should be items-four informational and eight normative. For
greater than the square of the correlation between a two-factor correlated model, the chi-square good-
constructs (Fornell and Larcker 1981, p. 46). This ness-of-fit statistic for 15 and 12 indicators, respec-
condition was satisfied for the informational-value tively, were 186.61 (df = 89, p < 0.05) and 107.41
expressivenessand the informational-utilitarianrela- (df = 52, p < 0.05). For the two-factor, 12-indicator
tionships, but was not met for the value expressive- model, the intercorrelation between the two factors
ness-utilitarianrelation. This finding suggeststhat the was 0.44. The overall chi-square fit statistic for a uni-
value expressiveness and utilitarian dimensions are dimensional model was 255.60 (df = 54, p < 0.01).
not distinct and that a two-factor model may be more (Reanalysis of the initial sample for the 12 items re-
appropriate. sulted in an overall chi-square statistic of 79.83 (df
Second, tests were performed using the procedures = 53, p < 0.01). Thus, there was a chi-square differ-
recommended by Burnkrantand Page (1982, p. 557). ence statistic between the 12-item, two- and one-fac-
In these tests, models, in which separate but corre- tor models of 148.09 (df = 2, p < 0.05). This indi-
lated factors were allowed, were compared to models cated that the two-factor model provided a better rep-
in which each pair of factorswas hypothesized to have resentation of the data than did the one-factor model.
a unity correlation equivalent to a unidimensional These analyses yielded a two-factor, 12-item scale
model for the various pairs of factors. The difference comprised of four informational and eight normative
between models is evaluated by a chi-squaretest with items. The mean scores, standarddeviations, reliabil-
one degree of freedom. In each case, the correlation ity estimates, and variance extracted estimates for
between factors was significant (one-tailed test, p both samples are summarized in Table 1. The state-
< 0.01). For the informational-value expressiveness ments along with the factor analysis item loadings for

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No. of Variance
Construct items Range Mean SD Alpha Construct Retest extracted

Informational 4 4-28 16.70 5.59 .83 .83 - .55
Normative 8 8-56 22.04 9.79 .87 .90 - .53
Second administration
Informational 4 4-28 19.02 4.45 .82 .82 .75 .50
Normative 8 8-56 27.18 9.15 .88 .89 .79 .54


Factor Corrected Item

coefficient item-to-totala no. Statementb

.61 .60 5 I rarely purchase the latest fashion styles until I am sure my friends approve of them.
.81 .45 3 It is important that others like the products and brands I buy.
.86 .75 8 When buying products, I generally purchase those brands that I think others will
approve of.
.75 .72 11 If other people can see me using a product, I often purchase the brand they expect
me to buy.
.69 .63 9 1like to know what brands and products make good impressions on others.
.73 .69 12 1achieve a sense of belonging by purchasing the same products and brands that
others purchase.
.70 .64 2 If I want to be like someone, I often try to buy the same brands that they buy.
.67 .65 6 1often identify with other people by purchasing the same products and brands they
.78 .69 4 To make sure I buy the right product or brand, I often observe what others are
buying and using.
.75 .66 7 If I have little experience with a product, I often ask my friends about the product.
.69 .62 1 1often consult other people to help choose the best alternative available from a
product class.
.74 .66 10 I frequently gather information from friends or family about a product before I buy.

a Factor corrected item-to-total correlations.

bThe response format for each item is a seven-place rating scale ranging from strongly agree (7) to strongly disagree (1).

the initial sample are presentedin Table 2. Coefficient groups separatelywere 186.19 (df = 118) and 173.38
alpha estimates based upon the follow-up student (df = 106), respectively. This analysis then resulted
data were 0.82 and 0.88 for the informational and in a nonsignificant chi-square difference test (df
normative factors, respectively. Based on the re- = 12).
sponses of 35 subjects participating in a follow-up
three weeks later, test-retest reliability estimates were ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE OF
0.75 and 0.79 for the informational and normative VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY
scales, respectively. All single-item and multi-item
test-retest correlation estimates were significant (p The scales for assessingthe normative and informa-
< 0.01, one-tailed). Lastly, the 12-item two-factor tional dimensions of interpersonal influence were
structurewas tested for stability across the initial ad- evaluated further in five separate studies. In the first
ministration (n = 220) and the second administra- study, we examined the relationships between the
tion (n = 141) samples. The group chi-square statis- present measures and measures of attention-to-so-
tics for an invariate factor structure and for the two cial-comparison-information (ATSCI) (Lennox and

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Wolfe 1984) and self-esteem (Eagly 1967). The at- individual behaviors typically are weak. Addition-
tention-to-social-comparison-information measure ally, correlations between traits and behaviors across
addresses the general tendency to conform and has single observations often are small. However, the
been found to be related to fear of the evaluation of strength of these relationships tends to increase as
others. Lennox and Wolfe (1984) demonstrate that they are averagedover multiple observations and be-
the measure directly addresses conformity haviors.
(utilitarian) and the concern for the reaction of oth- First, a convenience sample of 35 undergraduate
ers (value expressive). Consequently, ATSCI was ex- business students was used to elicit 21 normative and
pected to be correlatedmore stronglywith the norma- 17 informational behaviors reflecting the definitions
tive factor than with the informational factor. For of the normative and informational dimensions of
self-esteem, it was predicted that both dimensions of susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Example
interpersonalinfluence would be inversely related to normative behaviors included worrying about what
self-esteem. These later predictions are consistent others thought of the respondent's selection of cloth-
with McGuire's (1968) and Stafford and Co- ing, copying the purchase behavior of someone the
canougher's (1977) argument that susceptibility to respondentadmired, and having shown off something
interpersonalinfluence is inversely related to self-es- bought or owned to seek approval of others. Example
teem. In the second study, we investigated the rela- informational behaviors included discussing prod-
tionships between the alternative measuresof suscep- ucts with friends or relatives, asking advice of others
tibility to interpersonalinfluence with an aggregated prior to making a purchase, avoiding a purchase be-
index of behaviors performed over multiple time pe- cause others said it was unsatisfactory, and having
riods. In the third and fourth studies, the measures asked an "expert"about a contemplated purchase.
were correlatedwith external judges' rankings of the A questionnaire containing the normative and in-
subjectson the two dimensions of susceptibility to in- formational items then was administered to a new
terpersonalinfluence. In the fifth study, we examined sample of 43 subjects. The same 43 subjects reported
the relationshipbetween the present measures of nor- at four separate intervals their performances regard-
mative and informational influence and motivation ing the 21 normative and 17 informational behaviors
to comply. duringthe preceding48 hours. Similarto the methods
used by Epstein (1979), the self-reportedbehavioral
ATSCI and Self-Esteem measures were averaged over the odd (1,3) and even
Forty-seven undergraduate business students re- (2,4) administrations. The correlation between the
sponded to a questionnaire containing the 13-item even and odd summary averages for the normative
ATSCI measureof Lennox and Wolfe (1984), the 20- and informational indices were 0.72 and 0.80. Based
item self-esteem scale describedby Eagly (1967), and upon a 0,1 scoring and summed over observations
the 12 interpersonal influence items included in the and behaviors, the mean and standard deviation for
present scale. The coefficient alpha estimates for the the normative index were 21.75 and 11.49, respec-
ATSCI and the self-esteem scales were 0.82 and 0.88. tively. Correspondingestimates for the informational
The ATSCI measure correlated more strongly (p index were 23.76 and 13.78. The normative scale was
< 0.05 for a test of differences between dependent significantly correlated with the normative behav-
correlations) (Bruning and Kintz 1977) with the nor- ioral index (r = 0.37, p < 0.05). Further, the magni-
mative dimension of the present scale (r = 0.68, p tude of this correlation compares favorably with the
<0.05) than with the informational dimension (r trait behavior correlationsreportedby Epstein (1979,
= 0.16, p < 0.05). Both dimensions of the present p. 1 118).Although not significant,the measure of in-
scale had significant negative correlations with self- formational interpersonal influence was correlated
esteem. These estimates were -0.21 (p < 0.10) and positively with the informational behavioral index (r
= 0.15). Since only trait-behavior correlations of
-0.23 (p < 0.05) for the normative and informational
measures. These results provide some evidence of 0.29 or greaterfor single act criteriawere reportedby
construct validity. Epstein (1979), it is not possible to compute an aver-
age correlation from the summary of his research.
However, an examination of Table 5 in Epstein
Relationships With Behavioral Indices (1979, p. 1118) revealed that 13 percent of the corre-
Similar to the procedures suggested by Epstein lations between traits and his "objective events" were
(1979, 1980) and, more recently, by Lastovicka and significant. In the present research,33 percent and 12
Joachimsthaler (1988), the normative and informa- percent, respectively, of the pairwise correlations be-
tional measures of susceptibility to interpersonal in- tween the average individual behaviors and the nor-
fluence were correlated with an aggregatedindex of mative and informational measures of susceptibility
consumer behaviors.As noted by Lastovickaand Joa- to interpersonalinfluence were significant(p < 0.05).
chimsthaler (1988), correlations between a trait and In general, these results provide stronger support for

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the normative scale than they do for the informa- cess of deciding about the purchase, a close friend (or
tional scale. classmate) entered the store and recommended pur-
chase of the jeans being considered. Motivation to
External Judge Ratings comply was operationalized as the sum of three state-
ments developed from Ajzen and Fishbein (1980).
The present scale was evaluated in two studies in- The first item was operationalized as a seven-place
volving external judges ranking subjects on the two scale included as part of the statement: "With respect
dimensions of susceptibility to interpersonal influ- to this purchase, I would very much like to/very
ence. The first external judge study was based upon much not like to do what my close friend (classmate)
data collected from 72 members of either a university thinks I ought to do." The second item was operation-
fraternity (n = 39) or sorority (n = 33). Each of the alized as a seven-place bipolar unlikely/likely scale
subjects responded to the 12 items comprising the following the statement: "Regardingthis purchase, I
preseht scale. Two other members of each group eval- want to do what my close friend thinks I should do."
uated their respective group members. Each judge The third item was a five-categoryvertical scale rang-
was given a copy of the normative and informational ing from "not-at-all" to "very strongly"and followed
dimensions of susceptibility to interpersonal influ- the question: "How much do you want to do what
ence and asked to rate each member of their group on your close friend thinks you should do?" The coeffi-
each dimension using a seven-point rating scale. The cient alpha estimate of this measure of motivation to
single item measure was bounded by a rating of high comply was 0.81 .
in susceptibility to normative (informational) influ- Examination of the correlations between the sus-
ence to a rating of low in susceptibility to normative ceptibility to interpersonal influence measures and
(informational) influence. The averageinterjudgere- motivation to comply supported the validity of the
liability was 0.66. The correlations between the judg- consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence
ment scores and the normative and informational measures. The correlations between the motivation
measures were 0.40 (p < 0.05) and 0.24 (p < 0.05), to comply and the informational and the normative
respectively. measures were 0.39 (p < 0.05) and 0.59 (p < 0.05),
In the second external judge study, a convenience respectively. These correlations also were signifi-
sample of 43 undergraduateswas given a question- cantly differentfrom one another based upon a test of
naire containing the proposed measures. They were dependent correlations(p < 0.05).
instructed to have the questionnaire completed by
someone they knew and to return it at the next class DISCUSSION
meeting. Upon receipt of the completed question- We developed a two-dimensional measure of infor-
naire, subjectswere given the descriptions of the nor- mational and normative interpersonal influence and
mative and informational dimensions and asked to examined its reliability and validity. A 12-item, two-
rate the person who had completed the questionnaire. factor scale emerged from the scale development and
The same rating scales employed in the fraternity/ validation efforts. The scale was found to be reliable
sorority study were used to elicit the rankings. The and valid across multiple samples of both student and
correlations between judge rankings and the norma- nonstudent subjects. Correlations with other con-
tive and informational measures of the present scale structs demonstrated convergent and discriminant
were 0.47 (p < 0.05) and 0.37 (p < 0.05), respec- validity. Replicated confirmatory factor analysis
tively. demonstrated a stable two-factor correlated struc-
ture. This finding is consistent with other examina-
Motivation To Comply tions of consumer interpersonal influence that limit
influence scores to normative and informational di-
In a final test, it was predictedthat both the norma- mensions (cf. Burnkrant and Cousineau 1975).
tive and informational interpersonalinfluence scores Lastly, the scale was correlated as predicted with in-
would be related positively to individual motivations dependent judge ratings, behavioral indices, and
to comply with the expectations of others. Although measures of motivation to comply. Generally, corre-
this relationship should be strongest for the norma- lations between the normative dimension and these
tive dimension, as noted by Miniard and Cohen other measures consistently were stronger than the
(1981), normative aspects (e.g., motivation to correlations involving the informational measure.
comply) of the theory of reasoned action also are re- However, the correlations between both measures of
lated to informational interpersonal influence. To susceptibility to interpersonal influence and the re-
test this prediction, data were collected from 143 sub- lated measures demonstrated a range and pattern of
jects. Subjects were provided with a shopping situa- significance comparable to other scale development
tion in which they were contemplating the purchase studies (e.g., Cacioppo and Petty 1982; Swap and Ru-
of a pair of jeans in a clothing store. While in the pro- bin 1983).

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Certainly,additional tests of the scale are needed to and Thomas J. Page, Jr. (1982), "An Examination
establish its validity and final form. A caveat is also of the Convergent, Discriminant, and Predictive Va-
in orderregardingthe direction of the items. The final lidity Of Fishbein's Behavioral Intention Model,"
form of the scale reported here included only posi- Journal of MarketingResearch, 19 (November), 550-
tively worded statements, leaving open the possibility Cacioppo, John T. and RichardE. Petty (1982), "The Need
for some response bias. Next, factor analysis of our for Cognition," Journal of Personality and Social Psy-
data consistently revealed a two-factor correlated chology, 42 (1), 116-131.
structure. However, our justification for multiple di- Churchill, Gilbert A., Jr. (1979), "A ParadigmFor Devel-
mensions of consumer susceptibility to interpersonal oping Better Measures of Marketing Constructs,"
influence largely was based upon researchaddressing Journal of MarketingResearch, 16 (February), 64-73.
manifest susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Cohen, Joel B. and Ellen Golden (1972), "Informational
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vide further evidence of the dimensionality of inter- Cox, Donald and Raymond A. Bauer (1964), "Self-Confi-
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Deutsch, Morton and Harold B. Gerard(1955), "A Study
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statements that reflect response to a general norma- vidual Judgment," Journal of Abnormal and Social
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