Music: 199 Exam Focus P. 200

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Unit Grammar Vocabulary Reading Writing Use of English Listening Speaking

1 Bands and fans Present simple and continuous p. 10

Habit in the past: used to/would p. 13
Free time activities: verb/noun collocations p. 6
Deducing words in context p. 9
Gapped text (Part 2)
Are music ‘tribes’ a thing of the past?
Informal email (Part 1)
Inviting someone to do something
Multiple-choice cloze (Part 1)
Drumming up business
Multiple matching (Part 3)
My music
Interview (Part 1)
Listening to, asking and answering questions
p. 6
Phrasal verbs with take p. 11 p. 8 p. 14 p. 11 p. 12 p. 6

2 Relative values Adverbs p. 19

Verb patterns: -ing/infinitive p. 22
Formation of adjectives p. 17
Extereme adjectives p.19
Multiple matching (Part 3)
Friend or enemy?
Semi-formal letter (Part 1)
Choosing an appropriate style
Word formation (Part 3)
How well do you know yourself?
Multiple choice (Part 4)
Birth order
Collaborative task and discussion (Parts 3 and 4)
Agreeing and disagreeing
p. 16
Phrasal verbs p. 20 p. 20 p. 24 p. 16/17 p. 18 p. 23

3 Things that matter Present perfect and past simple p. 28

as and like p. 29
-ed adjectives and prepositions p. 27
Money p. 30
Multiple choice (Part 1)
All you need is love (and a scarf )
Article (Part 2)
Describing an important possession
Open cloze (Part 2)
Pixie Lott: What makes me happy
Sentence completion (Part 2)
Giving it all away
Long turn (Part 2)
Comparing similarities and differences
p. 26
comparing p. 32 p. 26 p. 34 p. 29 p. 31 p. 33

4 Battling nature Narrative forms p. 38

Articles p. 42
Idioms: the body p. 37
Collocations and idioms: weather p. 41
Multiple matching (Part 3)
Battling with nature
Story (Part 2)
Using time expressions
Word formation (Part 3)
Death Valley
Multiple choice (Part 4)
Journeys to the South Pole
Collaborative task and discussion (Parts 3 and 4)
p. 36
Negative prefixes p. 43 p. 40 p. 34 p. 43 p. 37 p. 39

5 Eat your heart out! Countable and uncountable nouns p. 47

Expressions of quantity p. 47
Food around the world p. 46
Phrasal verbs with turn p. 51
Multiple choice (Part 1)
The most famous restaurant critic
Review (Part 2)
Giving information and
Open cloze (Part 2)
Why do people love chilli?
Sentence completion (Part 2)
The history of cooking
Long turn (Part 2)
Comparing and giving a reaction about
p. 46
Passive forms/Passive reporting verbs p. 52 in America recommendations p. 48 p. 49 different types of restaurants
food p. 50 p. 54 p. 53

Progress Test 1 (Units 1–5) p. 56

6 On camera Future forms p. 61

Future perfect and continuous p. 64
The arts p. 59
Word formation: adjectives from nouns; nouns
Gapped text (Part 2)
The future of entertainment
Report (Part 2)
Planning and organising ideas
Multiple choice cloze (Part 1)
From fiction to reality
Multiple choice (Part 1)
Discussion (Part 4)
Giving opinions
p. 58
from verbs p. 63 p. 62 p. 66 p. 65 p. 60 p. 58/59
entertainment Expressions with get p. 65

7 A home from home Modal verbs: possibility and certainty p. 70

Relative clauses p. 74
Deducing meaning p. 69
Describing places p. 72
Reading for detail (Part 1)
Novel extract: Brooklyn
Article (Part 2)
Adding interest and more information
Sentence transformation (Part 4)
p. 75
Multiple choice (Part 4)
Long turn (Part 2)
Stating preferences, Speculating
p. 68
so, such, too, very, enough p. 75 Travel and expressions with world p. 73 p. 68 p. 76 p. 73 p. 71

8 Moving on Reporting verbs p. 81

Reported statements p. 84
Collocations and phrasal verbs with work p. 79
Linking words and expressions p. 83
Multiple matching (Part 3)
To the ends of the earth
Letter of application (Part 1)
Word formation (Part 3)
The video game designer
Multiple matching (Part 3)
Future professions
Collaborative task and discussion (Parts 3 and 4)
Agreeing and disagreeing
p. 78
Reported questions and impertatives p. 84 Concrete and abstract nouns p. 85 p. 82 p. 86 p. 85 p. 78 p. 80
work Multiple matching (Part 3)
To the ends of the earth
p. 82

9 Lucky break? Conditional forms p. 91

Third conditional p. 95
Collocations: success and failure p. 89
Word-building p. 93
Gapped text (Part 2)
Usain Bolt: fast and loose
Essay (Part 2) Word formation (Part 3)
Organising paragraphs and arguments Why athletes are superstitious
Multiple choice (Part 4)
Luck in sport
Discussion (Part 4)
Compensation strategies
p. 88
Collocations with luck p. 94 p. 88 p. 96 p. 93 p. 92 p. 94

10 Virtual friends Conditionals: alternatives to if p. 100

Participles (-ing and -ed) p. 104
Adjectives with self p. 99
Easily confused adjectives p. 101
Multiple choice (Part 1)
Virtual people, real friends
Informal email (Part 1)
Choosing an appropriate style
Multiple-choice cloze (Part 1)
Need a friend?
Multiple matching (Part 3)
My closest friend
Collaborative task (Part 3)
Turn-taking and giving emphasis
p. 98
Emphasis with what p. 105 Compound adjectives: personality p. 103 p. 102 p. 106 p. 101 p. 99 p. 105

Progress Test 2 (Units 6–10) p. 108

11 Living on the edge Mixed conditionals p. 112

Hypothetical meaning: wish and if only
Using prefixes to work out meaning p. 110
Verbs, nouns and adjectives p. 113
Gapped text (Part 2)
The kid who climbed Everest
Semi-formal letter (Part 1)
Making polite requests
Word formation (Part 3)
Walk of a lifetime
Sentence completion (Part 2)
Long turn (Part 2)
Responding to your partner’s photographs
p. 110
p. 116 Adjectives and verbs + prepositions p. 115 p. 110 p. 118 p. 113 p. 114 p. 117
adventure Phrasal verbs with off p. 115

12 Crime scene Modal verbs: obligation, prohibition and

necessity p. 122
Collocations with catch, follow, reach p. 121
Cybercrime p. 123
Multiple choice (Part 1)
Novel extract: One good turn
Story (Part 2)
Using a range of vocabulary
Open cloze (Part 2)
In the footsteps of the fictional
Sentence completion (Part 2)
Prison hotels
Discussion (Part 4)
p. 120
have/get something done p. 126 Phrasal verbs with go p. 127 p. 124 p. 128 detective p. 121 p. 123
crime p. 127

13 Who are you again? Modal verbs: ability p. 132

Reflexive pronouns p. 137
Phrasal verbs with come p. 131
Expressions with mind p. 134
Multiple matching (Part 3)
Identity crisis
Informal email (Part 2)
Apologising and making excuses
Multiple-choice cloze (Part 1)
The lost art of forgetting
Multiple choice (Part 1)
Daily life
Long turn (Part 2)
Useful phrases (for Part 2)
p. 130
Verbs with similar meanings p. 134 p. 130 p. 138 p. 135 p. 136 p. 133
memory Expressions with time p. 136

14 Say what you mean it is/there is p. 142

Subject/verb agreement p. 146
say, speak, talk and tell p. 141
Ways of speaking p. 141
Gapped text (Part 2)
Inside a dog’s world
Informal letter (Part 2)
Giving advice
Open cloze (Part 2)
The animal world's communication
Multiple matching (Part 3)
Interview (Part 1)
Long turn (Part 2)
p. 140
Idioms: animals p. 145 p. 144 p. 148 kings p. 140 Dos and don’ts
communication p. 147 p. 143

Progress Test 3 (Units 11–14) p. 150

Paper 5 Speaking tasks  p. 152    Communication activities p. 157    Grammar reference p. 161 Writing reference  p. 179    General marking guidance 
p. 199    Exam focus  p. 200

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