Procedia Cirp: Niken Kusumowardani, Benny Tjahjono, Conceptualisation

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Procedia CIRP 90 (2020) 43–48

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Circular economy adoption in the aquafeed manufacturing industry

Niken Kusumowardani, Benny Tjahjono, Conceptualisation∗
Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: This paper aims to explore the extent to which the Circular Economy (CE) concept has been implemented
Circular economy in the aquafeed manufacturing industry. The issues surrounding this industry are pertinent to the re-
source inefficiency concerns, involving waste generation from aquatic species; resource scarcity including
water, energy and overfishing; and pollution as a result of aquafeed production. Due to the growth in
Natural resource based view
Dynamic capabilities the aquaculture sector, the demand for raw materials increases rapidly, creating a high dependency on
resources derived from the marine catchment. Our research found that (1) CE has so far merely been
translated into a practical implementation by means of the conversion of food waste and by-products to
replace fish meal; (2) the circularity assessment methods in aquafeed industry are lacking; and (3) indi-
cators to measure CE in the aquafeed industry is not apparent in the literature. A conceptual framework
has been synthesized to incorporate the theoretical lenses of Natural Resource-Based View (NRBV) and Dy-
namic Capabilities (DC). The framework describes the relationships that exist across the NRBV, DC and the
principles of CE, relevant to the context of the aquafeed manufacturing industry.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

1. Introduction 1.1. High feed compression ratio or rate (FCR)

The increasing demand of seafood products has caused the in- FCR is a ratio of the input to output. In accordance with the
tensification of aquaculture practices. With the projection of an intensity of production, the semi-intensive and intensive farming
increasing population of the world, the demand for aquaculture typically use a considerable amount of feed. So, the concern is
products will also increase (Bostock et al., 2010). The aquaculture the increasing dependence on aquaculture fishmeal which requires
industry provides more than half of all of fish for human consump- more wild-caught fish (Allsopp et al., 2009). Aquafeed contains
tion (FAO 2018). The world fish supply reached a new record in high protein, in which the waste is not utilized by other aquacul-
2014 and growth has surpassed all meat consumption from terres- ture species (Chatvijitkul et al., 2017), causing water eutrophication
trial animals combined. It is projected that aquaculture supply to (Mirto et al., 2010), when a body of water overly enriched with
over 60% of fish destined for direct human consumption (Kobayashi minerals and high nutrients induces bloom growth of plants and
et al., 2015). algae (Boyd and Tucker, 2014) and depletion of oxygen could cause
Such rapid growth does not come without challenges and risks stress of water organism. The uneaten food pellets contribute to
associated with the environmental strain. The current food produc- disease of aquatic animals.
tion system is claimed to be highly wasteful, damages the envi-
ronment and does not produce healthy outcomes (Ellen MacArthur 1.2. Poorly managed farms
Foundation 2017). Moreover, the fact that resources are finite and
the energy cost, particularly from fossil fuels, continues to increase, It is evident that farming practices often ignore biosecurity
increases more pressure on the fulfilment of the sustainable devel- management resulting in the deterioration of farming environ-
opment goals. Some of the important issues related to the environ- ments. Many farms have had to close their operations due to fail-
ment are discussed below. ing to recover from the loss of their capital as a result of low har-
vest (Goss et al., 20 0 0; Asche and Tveteras, 2002).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Tjahjono).
2212-8271/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
44 N. Kusumowardani and B. Tjahjono / Procedia CIRP 90 (2020) 43–48

1.3. Habitat conversion economy issue (Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2015). As the aqua-
culture is very broad, thus the scope of the study focuses on the
Most aquaculture farms located on the seafront or inland, so aquafeed manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to examine the
unexploited areas have been converted for pond construction. This extant literature to investigate the extent to which the CE concept
has led to the destruction of mangroves and coastal wetlands. It been implemented in the aquafeed industry. This is our main re-
has also exposed large areas of soil erosion and destroyed native search question (RQ).
nursery grounds for the aquatic organisms and cause the degrada-
tion of local habitats (Asche and Tveteras, 2002). 2. Methodology

1.4. Ecosystem disturbance Due to the early nature of our research and the needs to first
appreciate the extant contributions of relevant literature, we em-
As a consequence of aquaculture practices, i.e. the destruction ployed the desk-based research to provide initial answers to our
of natural habitats, potential risks may occur via the spread of dis- RQ. The systematic literature review (SLR) was thus employed as
eases into the natural ecosystem and this threatens wild fauna that the research method, guided by the following literature review
lives in surrounding areas. questions. LRQ1: What are the definitions of circularity in the con-
text of the aquafeed industry? LRQ2: How can the circularity in
1.5. Chemicals used the aquafeed industry be assessed? LRQ3: What are the indicators
of circularity in the aquafeed industry?
To maintain the organisms, pesticides, disinfectants, and antibi- Scopus, EBSCO, and ABI/INFORM were the databases used to
otics may be added before preparing the water or during the rear- retrieve the relevant papers using the search string combinations
ing process. However, regular application would increase the risk around the keywords and synonyms of Circular Economy, aquacul-
to public health as bacteria may become resistant, water pollution, ture and assessment. In addition, the review only includes the peer
potentially harmful to the workers and may also cause explosions reviewed academic articles, English language and no range time in
(Boyd and McNevin, 2015). order to obtain as many papers as possible. The final 48∗ papers
were selected for a systematic review after applying stringent but
transparent inclusion criteria to the paper titles, abstracts and full-
1.6. Water pollution
Aquaculture industries consume high amount of water intake to
stimulate the growth of aquaculture species. Water also needs to 3. Analysis
be flushed out during rearing and harvesting. The effluent or liq-
uid waste disposal into the biosphere may contain pollutants that 3.1. Understanding CE in the aquafeed industry
could harm the environment if there is no proper water manage-
ment system in place (Tucker et al., 2008). A comparative study associated with environmental impacts be-
tween the conventional mix feed and feed obtained from the food
waste of a cruise ship, through a life-cycle approach (Strazza et al.,
1.7. Disease outbreaks
2015) was claimed to be a pioneer of the CE practice in aquacul-
ture. In this context, CE is the application of an industrial ecol-
Excess feed and fecal matters deposited at the bottom of the
ogy concept striving for zero waste and as the characterization of
pond undergo ammonification resulting in a low survival rate of
cradle-to-cradle. Based on that perspective, food waste which was
aquatic animals. This is associated with the low yield of the crops.
formerly unlinked to the food system therefore is now to be con-
Another possibility is the transmission of aquatic animal diseases
nected to the system. Extended the applications of CE based on
to humans. Thus, aquaculture practices need to be aware of the
the combine concepts derived from European environmental food
importance of food safety compliance.
policy, in which the outcome proposes a green protein footprint
methodology (Laso et al., 2018). Through these processes, human
1.8. Resource scarcity consumed fish from the residues that related to the production of
canned anchovy, this is closing the loop of the product life cycle.
Intensive fisheries are very dependent on artificial feed needs They also emphasize the importance of promoting CE in food sup-
that could reach 40–60% of production costs (Hertrampf and ply chains to minimize environmental impacts.
Piedad-Pascual, 20 0 0). Artificial feed raw material is derived from Another experiment to substitute fish oil to alternative sustain-
fish meal and fish oil. Beside the decline in wild stock, production able resource not only from vegetable, but also from animal fats is
is also limited because of countries rules and competition with supporting the CE concept (Monteiro et al., 2018).
consumption for humans themselves and other feedstocks. Such
anticipated shortage of raw materials derived from soybean has
3.1.1. Findings 1
been noticed; however, replacing the raw material still challenging
• CE in the aquafeed industry has been translated into many dif-
to meet standard requirements.
ferent approaches that contribute to its practical implementa-
The aquaculture industry needs direction to shift towards the
adoption of an alternative business model, for instance Circular
• CE in aquafeed industry is by far the best basis for character-
Economy (CE), because the traditional, linear economy approach
ization of cradle-to-cradle approach. CE is also considered to
of ‘take-make-dispose’ is no longer relevant in this situation. In
be one of the strategies which has equal position among other
the context of high-demand aquaculture products, efforts need to
strategies as addressed by European food policy.
be made to accelerate production and to address the growing de-
mand, while at the same time there is a concern over the pace
of change and calls for the prudent use of natural resources. This
new alternative business model appears to be the right solution ∗
Due to space limitation, the full list of these papers will be available upon
to alleviate the environmental strain and answer the single flow request.
N. Kusumowardani and B. Tjahjono / Procedia CIRP 90 (2020) 43–48 45

3.2. Assessing circularity in the aquaculture industry 3.3. Circularity indicators in the aquaculture industry

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is claimed to be a robust method This review has identified a large proportion of references of in-
that has been widely used in the aquaculture industry and is per- dicators. However, only two papers used indicators that associated
ceived as the most ‘classic’ of environmental studies of the life with CE (Strazza et al., 2015; Laso et al., 2018). The results from the
cycle of a product from ‘cradle-to-grave’, (Ellen MacArthur Foun- SLR show that the indicators used are mostly to assess sustainabil-
dation 2015; Boyd et al., 2007; Cao et al., 2013; Huysveld et al., ity in aquaculture. Further classification of indicators in the data
2013; Avadí and Fréon, 2015) LCA in aquaculture just developed in analysis was done using NVivo 12 based on the main dimensions
less than a decade compared to other industries (Cao et al., 2013; of the three pillars of sustainability. More than half of the papers
Badiola et al., 2017), however a third of the reviewed papers em- discussed indicators in the environment dimension. This indicates
ployed LCA as a tool to evaluate the sustainability in aquaculture that assessing sustainability in aquaculture is mainly focus in envi-
with a variety of different species, regions and objectives. ronmental aspect.
The advantages of LCA lie in their ability to address a wide This review also identified hundreds of indicators that were
range of environmental issues throughout the whole life cycle of very heterogeneous due to the different species and emphases
a product (Biermann and Geist, 2019). Although LCA is commonly what to measure. Consequently, the choice of indicators is dissim-
used to evaluate environmental impacts, there is no general rule ilar from one study to another (Badiola et al., 2017). Due to the
about what to include in the impact assessment, due to the em- large amount of data on indicators in the literature, all with re-
phasis of each study being unique (Lazard et al., 2014). Some stud- spective arguments about what criteria to select in the studies, the
ies use LCA on the cradle-to-farm gate (Pelletier et al., 2009), be- review has classified the indicators based on the methods used as
cause post-farm stage less affected by aquaculture practices, thus follows:
are usually excluded from studies (Cao et al., 2013) but might be
significant from the subsequent cradle-to-grave perspective from 3.3.1. Indicators related to the Circular Economy
withdrawal of raw material through to the processes of production Three standalone indicators (global warming potential (GWP),
and disposal (Laso et al., 2018). non-renewable energy demand (NRED) and water scarcity index
A review on the application of LCA attempts to investigate the (WSI)) were used in life cycle impact assessment to measure en-
role of LCA in the assessment of sustainable aquaculture (Cao et vironmental impacts on salmon (Strazza et al., 2015). Other stud-
al., 2013). It compares the environmental performance of aquacul- ies combine four environmental indicators: GWP, acidification po-
ture production systems and examines the potential of LCA in set- tential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), ReCIPE endpoint single
ting criteria for certification and eco-labelling is very limited since score (SS) in LCA and life cycle protein assessment (LCPA) to ob-
the socio-economic impacts assessment still underdeveloped in the tain the GPF index (Laso et al., 2018). The indicators, GWP, AP and
LCA framework. Some recommendations for future development EP are frequently used in many LCAs of aquaculture products.
include guidelines for a benchmarking tool in seafood products to Indicators serve as descriptive tools that reflect scenarios
enhance more sustainable production and consumption and to im- through critical points and could facilitate the identification of
pose more appropriate functional units and a set-based indicator strengths and weaknesses which other methods could not reveal
(Cao et al., 2013). (Moura et al., 2016). Other assessments require data immensely
The flexibility to determine what items to cover in the inven- which are often difficult to obtain and to some extent only cover
tory (Abdou et al., 2017; Badiola et al., 2017) of LCA also draw- the environmental dimension (Moura et al., 2016).
backs of this approach. LCA has a limitation, such as biodiversity One of the comprehensive indicators to assess aquaculture sys-
(Cao et al., 2013), difficult to define because of a lack of knowledge tems in a quantitative manner classifies indicators into a total of
of the farmers. The uncertainty is high and may call into question 56, based on the three dimensions of sustainability (Valenti et
the validity and robustness of the LCA results (Abdou et al., 2017). al., 2018). The indicators were classified in four hierarchical lev-
Challenges in methodology are also exposed by many authors. Data els: farm, means assessment in the production unit; regional in a
comprehension is indicated to be the main problem in classic envi- specific geographical area with specific attributes; global indicators
ronmental impact (Biermann and Geist, 2019; Samuel-Fitwi et al., are appropriate for the world scale; the sector refers to the differ-
2013). Moreover, LCA is often based on generic and average data ent segments in aquaculture species.
given which leads to diverse assumptions and flawed conclusions.
In response to the inadequacy of conventional LCA as claimed 3.3.2. Indicators in LCA studies
by a number of authors, many studies used multi-criteria to com- A single indicator that is commonly used in LCA to measure en-
bine LCA with SWOT analysis to support the weaknesses of LCA ergy consumption is the cumulative energy demand (CED), how-
(Badiola et al., 2017), LCA with ecological footprint and consequen- ever CED is not recommended as it only provides single value;
tial LCA (Samuel-Fitwi et al., 2013), energy accounting, and uncer- therefore, it may not reflect the reality on the farm (Badiola et al.,
tainty analysis using Monte-Carlo analysis (Abdou et al., 2017). One 2017). It is suggested that the impact assessment using abiotic de-
thing to consider is that there is no single assessment in the aqua- pletion (AD), GWP and energy use, are the major categories on a
culture industry (Cao et al., 2013). Various methods can be used to global scale, whereas on a regional scale EP and AP are the pri-
measure sustainability in aquaculture, such as the analysis of en- mary categories (Badiola et al., 2017). Another study suggest it is a
ergy, ecological footprint, resilience analysis, and the use of a set novel set of sustainability performance indicators which cover the
of indicators (Moura et al., 2016). three pillars of sustainability based on LCA combined with nutri-
tional, energy and socio-economic assessment of anchoveta for di-
3.2.1. Findings 2 rect human consumption and freshwater aquaculture (Avadí and
• LCA is a mainstream tool to assess sustainability related to the Fréon, 2015).
environment in the aquaculture and possibly to extend the ap-
plication to assess from cradle-to-grave, which is at the root of 3.3.3. Co-construction
the CE concept. Another approach of assessment is co-construction (Rodrigues
• Some limitations, such as no standard of LCA and methodology et al., 2019, Westers et al., 2017). The co-construction approach
in the context of aquafeed industry have been identified in the was established through three stages: preparation stage where the
literature. typologies of aquaculture are selected, surveys of perception and
46 N. Kusumowardani and B. Tjahjono / Procedia CIRP 90 (2020) 43–48

production system, and analysis of surveys (1); validation stage is to become basic needs as alternative sources to access animal pro-
to finalize the principle, criteria and indicators (2); and the last tein, and that need has to be fulfilled. Reconfigured resources are
stage is the implementation phase data collection and validation of a catalyst for firms to attain circularity. Clean technology suggests
diagnoses (3). The criteria are classified into four dimensions envi- that through investing to advance technology, subsequently reduce
ronmental, social, economic and institutional. and optimise the use of natural resources (Hart, 1995). Therefore,
we postulate that:
3.3.4. Resource Efficiency
Proposition 1a: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing,
Resource efficiency is a series of indicators that are focus
sensing is the first capability that enables firms to achieve re-
on land, water, nutrients, and energy as the primary resources
source resilience.
(Monteiro et al., 2018). These indicators provide ways to assess the
Proposition 1b: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing, ap-
potential of pollution in local waters from discharges of aquacul-
plying clean technology achieves resource resilience.
ture. They also suggest that feed-based aquaculture systems usu-
ally have a greater pollution compared to fertilized ponds.
4.2. Resource and energy efficiency
3.3.5. Findings 3
Strategy of pollution prevention can drive value for companies.
• Global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP),
Reducing the use of energy and raw materials will lead to reducing
and eutrophication potential (EP) are the indicators to assess
the cost and risk associated with the impacts of production. The
the environmental impacts related to CE in the aquafeed man-
clean production (CP) as the antecedent of CE (Sousa-Zomer et al.,
2018) has the same fate as pollution prevention, which is common
• The indicators found in the aquafeed manufacturing varied due
in the strategic management; hence it is argued here that pollu-
to the different emphases on what to measure, and based on
tion prevention is the antecedent to CE. In relation to this study,
the conventional three pillars of sustainability not in the CE
some issues in aquaculture are related to the wastefulness of re-
sources (Boyd et al., 2007). Firms should invent efficient fish mills
without risking the growth of aquatic species. The propositions are
4. The framework therefore:

Based on our findings, we conclude that CE in the aquacul- Proposition 2a: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing,
ture, particularly in the aquafeed manufacturing is underexplored. firms that apply pollution prevention as a strategy will benefit
There is lack of reference to define the circularity in the indus- by gaining resource and energy efficiency, therefore supporting
try. Thus, we proposed the elements of circularity in the aquafeed circularity.
manufacturing is defined by five key elements, resource resilience, Proposition 2b: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing,
resource and energy efficiency, renewable resources, waste man- firms should invent more efficient feed mills that are more effi-
agement, and social welfare. We also found that CE shared com- cient in their use, therefore supporting circularity.
mon concept with natural resource-based view (NRBV). Therefore, Proposition 2c: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing,
we draw the line between NRBV and CE. NRBV has four key con- product stewardship mediates to achieve efficiency of resources
structs: pollution prevention, product stewardship, clean technol- and energy.
ogy, and based of pyramid (Westers et al., 2017; Hart, 1995).
We posit that the NRBV is one of the roots of CE, particularly in
4.3. Integrated renewable resources
the field of strategic management. It has been stated in the litera-
ture that the underlying concepts of CE is closely related to cradle-
Product stewardship allows firms to restructure their supply
to-cradle, and industrial ecology (Hart, 1997). We argue that the
chain, giving signals both to downstream and upstream where the
idea of CE paradigm is aligned with the environmental movement
raw materials come from, all the way to the point of delivery. This
and the policies of end-of-pipe influenced the industry sector to
means reinventing the whole supply chain that brings about a pos-
think carefully how firms prevent high costs of operations.
itive reputation and legitimacy of companies together with internal
Another theoretical lens incorporated in the framework is the
capabilities building future opportunities (Hart, 1995, Hart, 1997).
dynamic capabilities (DC). DC have been defined as the organiza-
This in line with the circular business model that advice there are
tion’s ability to renew its internal and external competencies as
opportunities to collaborate to a broader stakeholder to achieve ef-
a consequence of the rapidly changing environment (Teece et al.,
fectiveness and efficiency by closing the loops (Geissdoerfer et al.,
1997). From the literature, DC is identified as the central construct
in the strategy of an organization, and has three core elements:
While LCA is considered the most prevalent tool to assess envi-
sensing, seizing, transforming (Teece et al., 1997).
ronmental impacts, the product stewardship also plays similar role
The conceptual framework in this paper, along with our propo-
in the NRBV theory. LCA is the standard tool to measure environ-
sitions, is thus based on of the circularity in the context of aqua-
mental impacts (Hart, 1995) and the application of LCA is extended
culture where all elements of CE principles are addressed.
to CE (Tóth Szita, 2017). In relation to product stewardship, compa-
nies can also use LCA to reflect their current production. Thus, LCA
4.1. Resource resilience is a tool to aid in redefining the goals incorporated within business
strategy. With this, we postulate that:
The aquaculture involves high demands of natural raw mate-
rials and living creatures. Some species are dependent upon the Proposition 3a: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing, dy-
provision of wild caught fisheries (Tacon and Metian, 2008), which namic capabilities introduce the possibility of a sequence of de-
sometimes are uncertain because the rate of natural recovery can- riving new raw materials to replace unsustainable sources by
not exceed exploitation. Moreover, climate change and disease out- sustainable sources therefore supporting circularity.
breaks also contribute to the uncertainty of resources. All the un- Proposition 3b: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing, the
certainty leads to resource scarcity and price volatility. On the use of LCA as a legitimate process will lead to innovation there-
other hand, customer demands for aquatic products have tended fore becoming circular.
N. Kusumowardani and B. Tjahjono / Procedia CIRP 90 (2020) 43–48 47

Proposition 3c: Firms that have the capability to transform will characteristic of the industry of aquafeed manufacturing. However,
evidence the development of new, low-environmental impacts, to some extent the framework is possibly to be used in other con-
therefore supporting circularity. text that have similar nature of business of aquafeed manufactur-
ing. Our future work continues by testing the proposed conceptual
4.4. Waste management and emission control framework in real-life case studies of aquafeed manufacturing in-
dustry, with the hope to refine it further. The short-term plan is
Firms must scrutinize how waste and emissions can be man- testing the propositions related to resource resilience, energy ef-
aged so as not to harm the community and be ecologically respon- ficiency and waste management, while for renewable resources,
sible to the wider community by not contributing to global warm- social welfare, and DC as moderating variable are in the medium
ing and climate change. More important is the notion of recovery term.
of resources. The common disposal pattern has consequences in
the loss of valuable resources. Therefore, we posit that:
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Proposition 4: In the context of the aquafeed manufacturing, ap-
plying pollution prevention captures valuable resources from Niken Kusumowardani: Conceptualization, Methodology, In-
waste and emission, therefore supports circularity. vestigation, Writing - original draft. Benny Tjahjono: Validation,
Supervision, Writing - review & editing.
4.5. Social welfare for employee and implementation of social
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