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The Internet has made online learning possible, and may researchers and educators are
interested in online learning to enhance and improve student learning outcomes while combating
the reduction in resources, particularly in higher education. Online learning has become a
popular tool in addition to traditional learning methods. This study emphasizes on how
assessment and delivery methods employed can influence the effectiveness of online program, as
well as the benefits and constrains experienced in learning. The key purpose of this research was
to find out the effectiveness of modular approach in teaching in order to assess the student
learning , performance and achievement and to determine whether the modular teaching is more
effective than the traditional methods. The study was experimental type. Equivalent group study
design was used.


A growing number of students are now opting for online classes. They find the traditional
classroom modality restrictive, inflexible, and impractical. In this age of technological
advancement, schools can now provide effective classroom teaching.

The advent of online education has made it possible for students with busy lives and
limited flexibility to obtain a quality education. As opposed to traditional classroom teaching,
Web-based instruction has made it possible on offer classes worldwide through a single Internet

According to (Mozes- Carmel and Gold, 2009) using a single indicator, they attempted
to see if the student performance was effected by instructional medium. This study sought to
compare online and face to face teaching on three levels- pure modality, gender, and the class
rank. Through these comparisons, they investigated whether one teaching modality was
significantly more effective than the other. Although there were limitations to the study, this
examination was conducted to provide us with traditional measures to determine if students
performed better in one environment over another.

Although it boast several advantages over traditional education, online instruction still
has its drawbacks, including limited communal synergies. Still, online education seems to be the
path many students are taking to secure a degree. The improvement of communication
technology which includes computers and cellphones has becoming broader.

In the study of Shah & Calonge (2019) this can offer students the options for self-
paced learning at their place, and can also emphasize on different learning styles. An effective
remote classroom should create learning environments that can cater to the diversity and needs of
the students varied learning styles.

A ranking tool is also needed that is tailored to discuss the quality of education
through virtual classrooms and defines the criteria and indicators to measure the quality of
distance education (Pozzi et al.,2019).

However, Benham’s (2002) study suggest that learning style does affect student
performance and that students with particular learning styles perform better in an online courses
than face to face course.

It is this content that the researchers want to conduct this study because they desire to
describe how Senior High School students do online vs modular learning modalities:
effectiveness of preferred learning style. The researchers use senior high school student as their
respondents because they belong to the younger generations who will be the one who are mostly
affected by the online vs modular learning modalities: effectiveness of preferred learning style.

It is hoped that this will not only benefits the students, administrator, faculty and
parents but everyone using different techniques in teaching whether it is face to face or online
modular style. Results of these study may help people in understanding the what is really
effective in learning, if it is online modular style or face to face class.

Background of the study

Based on the partial results of the learner Enrollment and Survey Forms (LESF’s)
distributed during the enrollment period, it showed 7.2 million enrollees prefer to use modular
distance learning, TV & Radio based instructions and other modalities while only 2 million
enrollees prefer online for school year 2020 – 2021. Most helpful is online and the most stressful
is modular. In online, you can interact and ask questions to the teacher which is very helpful but
it can be stressful when you have a slow internet connection. In modular, it is stressful when you
cannot understand what is written on it but it is much more favorable for those who can’t access
to the internet. Well it depend upon the situation. Distance learning allows people with physical
disabilities to pursue an education in person, preventing or impeding their attendance.
Educational intervals allow persons with psychological visual impairments to follow the
instructional materials at their own pace.
Distance education, as well named distance learning, e-learning, and virtual education, a
form of education in which the major points include clear distance of teachers and students all
through guidance, and the use of various technologies that facilitate interaction between student-
teacher as well as student-student. As these two terms indicate that you have to attend all classes
regularly in regular education and you have to sign up a catalogue stamp of enrollment at your
educational institution , whereas there is no need to attend classes regularly on contrary side in
distance learning. Distance education is not a way for the company to focus on oral skills.
Students in distance learning courses shouldn’t get verbal interaction with teachers and others
teachers practicing. Social life imprisonment. You’ll most often study together.


This study aimed to determined the online VS. modular learning modalities;
Effectiveness of preferred learning style among Senior High School Students of Narvacan
National Central High School (NNCHS), SY- 2020 – 2021.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of effectiveness between the online and the modular learning
2. What percentage among the students prefers the online learning than modular learning?
3. To what extent does the following factors determine the effectiveness of the modular and
online learning modalities of the respondents in terms of ;

A. Resources
B. Family Support
C. Personal Preference

Scope and Limitation

In our opinion modular modality of learning is hard than face to face but if think critically
modular have many advantages for students in terms of their capacity to offer flexibility, choice,
access and mobility. It is also effective in the teaching learning process as compared to ordinary
teaching methods. Because in this modular approach the students to learn at their own place or
own strategy so the students feel free to learn in their own styles. Delimitation aim to narrow the
scope of a study. The scope may focus on specific variables, specific participants, specific sites,
or narrowed to one type of research design. Limitations, however, aim to identify potential
weaknesses of the study. Scholar generally agree that modular degrees have many advantages for
students in terms of their capacity to offer flexibility, choice, access and mobility also. It is also
widely argued that modular structures may be beneficial to universities in that they potentially
allow institutions to respond to the needs of employers.
A module can be defined as a unit, chapter, topic or segment of instruction. It is a
standard unit or instructional section of your course that is a “self-contained” chunk of
instruction. A week is a common module length, but it can be shorter or longer depending upon
content and your teaching style.
A modular structure is especially important in online learning environments, as it
provides an aid in the presentation and application of the online teaching and learning process.
When students are aware of the structure of the course, they spend less time guessing about what
is expected of them and more time focusing on the content and activities.
Essentially, the module structure, as portrayed in the folder structure in your Blackoard
course site design and in your schedule, provides students with a “road map” and can help keep
them on track.
The structure, including the elements and how they are sequenced, is one you define. The
structure of each individual module may be unique, or it may be a consistent pattern that is
repeated throughout the course, in which case, the structure of the first module you create can
serve as a pattern or template for other modules in our course. Keep in mind a possible module
for your own course as we consider what could be a part of a module.
There are many on-line courses that are not modularized. Or to state it in another way,
there are many on-line courses that are just one large module. The better on-line courses are a
sequence of modules. Most of the content is presented via modules.


This study will be undertaken to fine out the modalities of ONLINE VS. MODULAR
and to measure the effectiveness of this type of class this SY- 2020-2021.

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