Instructional Plan (Iplan) Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format Identifying The Inquiry and Stating The Problem

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Instructional Plan (iPlan)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format


DLP No.: 14 Learning Area: Practical Research 2 Grade Level: I Duration: 1 hour
Learning Competency/ies: Writes a research title. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum CS_RS12-Id-e-2
Key Concepts/ research title
Understandings to be
Domain 1. Objective
Knowledge Recognize the characteristics of a good research title
Skills Write a research tittle following the guidelines given
Attitude Show critical thinking in inducing answers from text
Values Display interest for the welfare of others
2. Content Writing Research Title
3. Learning Resources Manila papers, worksheets
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Answer: “If you were to have the chance for your life story to be produced as
a movie, what title would you prefer to have? Why?”

4.2. Activity
Choose your pair from the class. For this activity, use the title you have
searched from the previous day. Scrutinize the title and complete the chart
Importance in the
society/ nation/


Dependent Number of words:


(The teacher can add circles as what he/she had researched.)

Report your work in front of the class by pair.
4.3. Analysis Let us discuss the following questions:
1. Based on your answers, what have you noticed with the variables
which must be present in a research? What are the qualities that it
must possess?
2. Based on the titles itself, does the research have the potential to
make a better change? How can you say so?
3. What are the other qualities that a research title must have?
4.4. Abstraction To sum up, let us answer the following questions:
What are the guidelines in making a research title?
4.5. Application Individually, write a research title following the guidelines preferably those
related to your chosen course/ specialization. To do so, complete the table
and checklist below.
Independent Variable: Dependent Variable:
____________________________ ____________________________
Importance of the research:

Research Title:
Checklist (Check beside the number to confirm)
1. Is the title composed of only 10 to 15 words?
2. Is the title grammatically correct?
3. Are the spelling and punctuation (if ever there is any) correctly
4. Are the variables specific?
5. Do you think that you would be able to pursue the title as a full-
blown research?

4.6. Assessment INSTRUCTIONS: Read the title below. Write down three good points and one
wrong factor in it based on the guidelines given.
Self-Efficacy and motivation of Grade 11 English-language Learners

4.7. Assignment Write a paragraph to answer the question: “What problem could be solved
when you have finished undertaking the research bearing the title that you
have formulated?”
4.8. Concluding Activity: Reflect: “In the darkness of the night, a ship arrives home through the
1. Remarks
2. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other


Baraceros, Esther L. Practical Research 2. Manila: Rex Book Store. 2016.

Title Components

The American Psychological Association guidelines set a 10-12 main word limit for titles.

1. summarize main idea

2. have concised statement of main topic
3. identify primary variables and the relationship between them
4. identify theoretical issues under investigation and the relationship between them (also include theory name)
5. indentify population(s) used in research
6. are free of jargon and abbreviations
7. do not include the words "method and results" (put them in the abstract)
8. do not have redundancies such as "study of" or "an experimental investigation of" at the beginning of a title
9. avoid using a "yes-no" question as a title
10. only include words that provide important information about the research in both the main title and subtitle are used,
both should provide important information about the research



Uses focus-groups, in-depth interviews, and reviews of documents for types of themes
Uses inductive process to formulate theory or hypotheses
More subjective
More in-depth information on few cases
Unstructured or semi-structured response options
No statistical tests
Lighter time expenditure on planning but heavier on analysis phase

Uses surveys, structured interviews & observations and reviews of records and documents
Uses deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts, constructs, and hypotheses that make up a theory
More objective
Less in-depth but more breadth of information across a large number of cases
Fixed response action
Statistical tests are used for analysis
Heavier time expenditure on planning phase and lighter on analysis phase

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research


Text- Number
based based

More More
subjective objective

Unstructured or semi- Fixed response action

structured response options
options Statistical tests are used for
No statistical tests
Lighter time expenditure on planning Heavier time expenditure on planning
but heavier on analysis phase phase and lighter on analysis phase

More in-depth information on few cases Less in-depth but more breadth of
information across a large number of cases
Uses inductive process to formulate theory or Uses deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts,
hypotheses constructs, and hypotheses that make up a theory
Uses focus-groups, in-depth interviews, and reviews of Uses surveys, structured interviews & observations
documents for types of themes and reviews of recordsand documents
Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
Answer to the questions:
1. How will you contrast quantitative and qualitative research?
ANSWER: Qualitative researches are based on tests and more subjective. Instruments for this study have
unstructured response and the data are not subjected to statistical tests. There is less time in planning
than analysis and information are gathered in-depth. It uses inductive process to formulate theory or
hypotheses and focus-groups, in-depth interviews and reviews are used. On the other hand, quantitative
research are number based and more objective. Fixed response options are observed in instrument and
data re subjected to statistical treatment. Planning consumes more time than analysis and it is broader in
scope. It uses deductive procedure and surveys, structured interviews and observations for data
2. What specifically is a quantitative research based on your answers?
ANSWER: Quantitative research is a research that scientifically investigates observable phenomena via
statistical, mathematical or computational.
3. What Is the value of using quantitative research?
ANSWER: We need to study quantitative research because it will help us in understanding the world
around us and henceforth, guide us towards seeing the truth of things in a more objective way.
1. What are the characteristics of quantitative research?
ANSWER: Quantitative research is a research that scientifically investigates observable phenomena via
statistical, mathematical or computational.
2. How is it different from qualitative research?
ANSWER: Qualitative research is more subjective, more in-depth and does not use statistical treatment.
On the other hand, quantitative research is more objective, less in-depth but broader and uses statistical
3. What is the value of undertaking quantitative researches?
ANSWER: It leads us the truth about things.
(Answers vary.)
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
(Excellent) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)
Suitability The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
completely fits the lacks one of the lacks two of the does not present
required number (3) required number (3) required number (3) any characteristic of
of characteristics of of characteristics of of characteristics of quantitative
quantitative quantitative quantitative research.
research. research. research.
Purposefulness The purpose The purpose The purpose The purpose
(showing love for (showing love for (showing love for (showing love for
truth) is very evident truth) is evident in truth) is evident truth) is not evident
throughout the most parts of the some parts of the of the presentation.
presentation. presentation. presentation.
GROUP I: Dramatize a research scene showing at least 3 characteristics of a quantitative research. Utilize a
scene in a community to illustrate.
GROUP II: Use at least 3 characteristics of quantitative research as lyrics of a popular song of your choice.
GROUP III: Take pictures of three objects/ situations inside the school campus that can be used as a topic or is
related to quantitative research. Write a caption on how it can be used or related.
(for rubrics of their performance, use the attached rubric)

Qualitative Research Quantitative a. Uses surveys, structured interviews &
Research observations and reviews of records and
1. More subjective c. documents
2. Text-based d. b. Uses deductive process used to test
3. No statistical tests g. pre-specified concepts, constructs, and
4. Uses focus-groups, in-depth a. hypotheses that make up a theory
interviews, and reviews of c. More objective
documents for types of themes d. Number-based
5. Unstructured or semi-structured f. e. Less in-depth but more breadth of
response options information across a large number of
6. Uses inductive process to b. cases
formulate theory or hypotheses f. Fixed response action
7. More in-depth information on e. g. Statistical tests are used for analysis
few cases h. Heavier time expenditure on planning
8. Lighter time expenditure on h. phase and lighter on analysis phase
planning but heavier on analysis

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