ACI 318/350 P-M Interaction Diagram: US Customary Units

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ACI 318/350 P-M Interaction Diagram

US Customary Units

Uniform Tensio

Job Name Subject ###

Job # Orig Chk: ###


Purpose: ###

This calculation evaluates concrete members carrying both flexure and axial load using thrust-moment, ###

or P-M, interaction diagrams generated per ACI 318 and ACI 350. Standard axial/flexural provisions, Ch 10, ###

are considered. ACI 350 durability factor is used to factor down the flexural and axial capacities instead ###

of factoring up the factored loads. The end result is an "inner curve" that governs for ACI 350 capacity in the ###

tension-controlled and transition zones. ###


Assumptions/Limitations: ###

- Only one layer of steel each for top face reinforcing and bottom face reinforcing can be input. ###

- Ties are provided for confinement (not spirals) ###

Validation: ###
-XLC formulae and peer review provide verification of intended functionality. ###

-Cross-check against software solution (SP Column) ###


References: ###

-ACI 318-11 ###

-ACI 350-06 ###


Figure: ###
d' C1 ###
εs' C2 ###
h/2 As'
d Mn ###
Pn ###

As ###

εs T ###

ε Forces ###

b ###

Section and Material Properties: ###

Bottom Face Reinforcing Area As = 1 in² ###

Top Face Reinforcing Area A's = 1 in² ###

Section Width b= 24 in ###

Section Depth h= 24 in ###

Effective Depth to bottom reinf d= 21 in ###

Effective Depth to top reinf d'= 3 in ###

Reinforcing Yield Strength fy = 60 ksi ###

Reinforcing Young's Modulus Es = 29,000 ksi ###

Concrete Compressive Strength f'c = 5 ksi ###

f'c = 5,000 psi ###
Ec = = 57000(f'c )
Concrete Young's Modulus 4,030,509 psi #NAME? ###
Ec = 4,031 ksi ###
β1 = 0.8 ###


Durability Parameters (ACI 350 only): ###

Allowable Steel Stress fs = 24,000 psi ###

fs = 24 ksi ###

Ratio of factored to services loads γ= 1.60 ###


Factored Loads: ###

Factored Loads ###

P (kips) M (kip-ft) P (kips) M (kip-ft) ###

138 62 ###

122 53 ###

262 52 ###

259 61 ###






P-M Interaction Diagram: ###

2 000.0




1 500.0 ###




1 000.0


1; 569 ###
500.0 ###
1; 569





( 600.0) ( 400.0) ( 200.0) 1; -108
- 200.0 400.0 600.0 ###



( 500.0)


Key Points: ###

Uniform Tension: ###

Extreme Concrete Compression Strain εc = 0.003 ###

Tension Reinforcing Strain εs = 1000.000 ###

εs' = = εc c - d'
Compression Reinforcing Strain #NAME? #NAME? ###

Tension Reinforcing Stress fs = 60.0 ksi εs > fy/Es ###

fs' = = min(max[ - 60 , E s εs' ] , 60)
Compression Reinforcing Stress #NAME? ksi #NAME? ###

Resistance Factor φ= 0.90 εs>0.005 ###

=d ε
Depth of Compression Zone c= #NAME? in #NAME?c ###
εc + εs
β1c= = cβ1
Depth of Compression Stress Block #NAME? in #NAME? ###
= As fs
Tension Reinforcing Force T= 60.0 kips #NAME? ###
C1 = = 0.85f'c (bβ1c - if[β1c>d' , A 's ])
Concrete Compression Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
C2 = = fs'A 's
Compression Reinforcing Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Pn = = C1 + C2 - T
Nominal Axial Capacity #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Nominal Moment Capacity (Σ about C1) Mn = = T(d - 0.5β1c) + P n(0.5h - 0.5β1c) - C2(d' - 0.5β1c)
#NAME? kip*in #NAME? ###
Mn = #NAME? kip*ft ###
φPn= = φP n
Ultimate Axial Capacity #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
φMn= = φMn
Ultimate Moment Capacity #NAME? kip*ft #NAME? ###

Durability Factor (ACI 350 only) Sd = #NAME? = #NAME?

fy φ ###
fs γ

Ultimate Axial Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? = #NAME?

φPn ###

Ultimate Moment Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? = #NAME?

φMn ###

Tension-Controlled Limit: ###

Extreme Concrete Compression Strain εc = 0.0030 ###

Tension Reinforcing Strain εs = 0.0050 ###

Compression Reinforcing Strain εs' = #NAME? = #NAME?

εc c - d' ###

Tension Reinforcing Stress fs = 60.0 ksi εs > fy/Es ###

Compression Reinforcing Stress fs' = #NAME? ksi =#NAME?

min(max[ - 60 , E s εs' ] , 60) ###
Resistance Factor φ= 0.90 εs>0.005 ###
=d ε
Depth of Compression Zone c= #NAME? in #NAME?c ###
εc + εs
β1c= = cβ1
Depth of Compression Stress Block #NAME? in #NAME? ###
= As fs
Tension Reinforcing Force T= 60.0 kips #NAME? ###
C1 = = 0.85f'c (bβ1c - if[β1c>d' , A 's ])
Concrete Compression Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
C2 = = fs'A 's
Compression Reinforcing Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Pn = = C1 + C2 - T
Nominal Axial Capacity #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Mn = = T(d - 0.5β1c) + P n(0.5h - 0.5β1c) - C2(d' - 0.5β1c)
Nominal Moment Capacity (Σ about C1) #NAME? kip*in #NAME? ###
Mn = #NAME? kip*ft ###
φPn= = φP n
Ultimate Axial Capacity #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
φMn= = φMn
Ultimate Moment Capacity #NAME? kip*ft #NAME? ###
Sd = = fy φ
Durability Factor (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
fs γ
= φPn
Ultimate Axial Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
= φMn
Ultimate Moment Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
Balance Point: ###

Extreme Concrete Compression Strain εc = 0.0030 ###

εs = = fy
Tension Reinforcing Strain #NAME? #NAME? ###
εs' = = εc c - d'
Compression Reinforcing Strain #NAME? #NAME? ###

Tension Reinforcing Stress fs = 60.0 ksi εs > fy/Es ###

fs' = = min(max[ - 60 , E s εs' ] , 60)
Compression Reinforcing Stress #NAME? ksi #NAME? ###
Resistance Factor φ= #NAME? .005 > εs >= 0.002 ###
=d εc
Depth of Compression Zone c= #NAME? in #NAME? ###
εc + εs
β1c= = cβ1
Depth of Compression Stress Block #NAME? in #NAME? ###
= As fs
Tension Reinforcing Force T= 60.0 kips #NAME? ###
C1 = = 0.85f'c (bβ1c - if[β1c>d' , A 's ])
Concrete Compression Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
C2 = = fs'A 's
Compression Reinforcing Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Pn = = C1 + C2 - T
Nominal Axial Capacity #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Nominal Moment Capacity (Σ about C1) Mn = = T(d - 0.5β1c) + P n(0.5h - 0.5β1c) - C2(d' - 0.5β1c)
#NAME? kip*in #NAME? ###
Mn = #NAME? kip*ft ###

Ultimate Axial Capacity φPn= #NAME? kips = #NAME?

φP n ###

Ultimate Moment Capacity φMn= #NAME? kip*ft = #NAME?

φMn ###

Durability Factor (ACI 350 only) Sd = #NAME? = #NAME?

fy φ ###
fs γ

Ultimate Axial Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? = #NAME?

φPn ###
Transition Zone

Ultimate Moment Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? = #NAME?

φMn ###
Compression-Controlled Limit: ###
Extreme Concrete Compression Strain εc = 0.0030 ###

Tension Reinforcing Strain εs = 0.0020 ###

εs' = = εc c - d'
Compression Reinforcing Strain #NAME? #NAME? ###

Tension Reinforcing Stress fs = 60.0 ksi εs > fy/Es ###

fs' = = min(max[ - 60 , E s εs' ] , 60)
Compression Reinforcing Stress #NAME? ksi #NAME? ###

Resistance Factor φ= 0.65 εs <= 0.002 ###

=d ε
Depth of Compression Zone c= #NAME? in #NAME?c ###
εc + εs
β1c= = cβ1
Depth of Compression Stress Block #NAME? in #NAME? ###
= As fs
Tension Reinforcing Force T= 60.0 kips #NAME? ###
C1 = = 0.85f'c (bβ1c - if[β1c>d' , A 's ])
Concrete Compression Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
C2 = = fs'A 's
Compression Reinforcing Force #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Pn = = C1 + C2 - T
Nominal Axial Capacity #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Mn = = T(d - 0.5β1c) + P n(0.5h - 0.5β1c) - C2(d' - 0.5β1c)
Nominal Moment Capacity (Σ about C1) #NAME? kip*in #NAME? ###
Mn = #NAME? kip*ft ###
φPn= = φP n
Ultimate Axial Capacity #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
φMn= = φMn
Ultimate Moment Capacity #NAME? kip*ft #NAME? ###
Sd = = fy φ
Durability Factor (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
fs γ
= φPn
Ultimate Axial Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
= φMn
Ultimate Moment Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
Compression-Controlled Limit - Positive Bending: ###
Ag = = bh
Gross Cross Sectional Area 576.00 in2 #NAME? ###
Pn = = 0.8(0.85f'c [Ag - A s - A's ] + fy [As + A 's])
Nominal Axial Capacity 2047.6 kips #NAME? ###

Resistance Factor φ= #NAME? εs <= 0.002 ###

Extreme Concrete Compression Strain εc = 0.0030 ###

Solve force equilibrium for comp. zone depth A= 81.600 ###

(Quadratic Equation) B= -1900.600 ###

C= -2007.000 ###
- B + [B 2 - 4AC]
= #NAME?
Depth of Compression Zone c= #NAME? in ###
#NAME? ###


Tension Reinforcing Strain εs = #NAME? ###

Compression Reinforcing Strain εs' = #NAME? = #NAME?

εc c - d' ###

Tension Reinforcing Stress fs = #NAME? ksi #NAME? ###

Compression Reinforcing Stress fs' = #NAME? ksi =#NAME?

min(max[ - 60 , E s εs' ] , 60) Balance Point


Depth of Compression Stress Block β1c= #NAME? in #NAME? ###

Tension Reinforcing Force T= #NAME? kips #NAME? ###

Concrete Compression Force C1 = #NAME? kips #NAME? ###

Compression Reinforcing Force C2 = #NAME? kips #NAME? ###
Mn = = T(d - 0.5β1c) + P n(0.5h - 0.5β1c) - C2(d' - 0.5β1c)
Nominal Moment Capacity (Σ about C1) #NAME? kip*in #NAME? ###
Mn = #NAME? kip*ft ###

Ultimate Axial Capacity φPn= #NAME? kips #NAME? ###

φMn= = φMn
Ultimate Moment Capacity #NAME? kip*ft #NAME? ###

Durability Factor (ACI 350 only) Sd = 1.00 Compression Controlled Section ###

= φPn
Ultimate Axial Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
= φMn
Ultimate Moment Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? #NAME? ###
= φM n
Compression-Controlled Limit - Negative Bending: ###
Ag = = bh
Gross Cross Sectional Area 576.00 in2 #NAME? ###
Pn = = 0.8(0.85f'c [A g - As - A's ] + fy [A s + A's ])
Nominal Axial Capacity 2047.6 kips #NAME? ###

Resistance Factor φ= #NAME? εs <= 0.002 ###

Extreme Concrete Compression Strain εc = 0.0030 ###

Solve force equilibrium for comp. zone depth A= 81.600 ###

(Quadratic Equation) B= -1900.600 ###

C= -2007.000 ###
= - B + [B - 4AC]
Depth of Compression Zone c= #NAME? in #NAME? ###
#NAME? ###


Tension Reinforcing Strain εs = #NAME? ###

εs' = = εc c - d'
Compression Reinforcing Strain #NAME? #NAME? ###
Tension Reinforcing Stress fs = #NAME? ksi #NAME? ###
fs' = = min(max[ - 60 , E s εs' ] , 60)
Compression Reinforcing Stress #NAME? ksi #NAME? ###


Depth of Compression Stress Block β1c= #NAME? in #NAME? ###

Tension Reinforcing Force T= #NAME? kips #NAME? Comp. Controlle

Concrete Compression Force C1 = #NAME? kips #NAME? ###

Compression Reinforcing Force C2 = #NAME? kips #NAME? ###

Nominal Moment Capacity (Σ about C1) Mn = = T(d - 0.5β1c) + Pn(0.5h - 0.5β1c) - C2(d' - 0.5β1c)
#NAME? kip*in #NAME? ###
Mn = #NAME? kip*ft ###

Ultimate Axial Capacity φPn= #NAME? kips #NAME? ###

Ultimate Moment Capacity φMn= #NAME? kip*ft = #NAME?

φMn ###

Durability Factor (ACI 350 only) Sd = 1.00 Compression Controlled Section ###


Ultimate Axial Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? φPn

= #NAME? ###

Ultimate Moment Capacity (ACI 350 only) #NAME? = #NAME?

φMn ###

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