True/False: Answer Key

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2. Puberty

3. androgen and estrogen


5. Androgenic


7. vulva

8. Infundibular

9. Scrotum

10. TRUE





1. Which of the following are not reproductive organs?

A) gonads
B) external genitalia
C) mammary glands
D) gametes
2. Which selection lists only accessory glands of the male reproductive system?

A) epididymis, vestibular glands, and prostate gland

B) prostate gland, vestibular glands, and seminal vesicles

C) bulbourethral glands, prostate gland, and seminal vesicles

D) bulbourethral glands, prostate gland, and epididymis

3. All are classifications of the pelvis EXCEPT.

A) Gynecoid

B) Spheroid

C) Platypelloid

D) Anthropoid

4. Which of the following is not an accessory organ of reproduction in women?

A) ovaries
B) uterus
C) vagina
D) vulva
5. Which of the following is not a structure of the vulva?

A) vagina

B) labia majora

C) urinary meatus

D) clitoris

6. Ovulation usually occurs on cycle day ____ of a 28-day cycle

A) 13

B) 14

C) 15

D) 16

7. The term used to describe failure to have a menstrual cycle.

A) Menometrorrhagia

B) Hypomenorrhea
C) Oligomenorrhea

D) Amenorrhea

8. While discussing reproductive health with a group of female adolescents, one of the adolescents asks
the nurse, "Where is the ovum fertilised?" The nurse responds by stating that fertilisation normally
occurs at which of the following sites?

A) Vagina
B) Cervix
C) Fallopian tube
D) Uterus

9. Which hormone is inhibited during pregnancy in order to prevent contractions of the uterus?
A) Oxytocin
B) Progesterone
C) Estrogen

10. What is the correct order of events in fertilization?

A) fusion of gametes, acrosome reaction and then cortical reaction
B) cortical reaction, fusion of gametes and then acrosome reaction
C) acrosome reaction, fusion of gametes and then cortical reaction
D) fusion of gametes, cortical reaction and then acrosome reaction

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