Subject Area: General Chemistry 2 S.Y. 2020-2021: Sto. Domingo National Trade School

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S.Y. 2020-2021

LESSON: Physical Properties of Solution

• Describe the different types of solutions STEM_GC11PP IIId-f-110
• Use different ways of expressing concentration of solutions: STEM_GC11PP-IIId-f-111
• Perform stoichiometric calculations for reactions in solution STEM_GC11PP-IIId-f-112

Pre Activity:
Identify the solute and solvent in each of the following
solutions and explain your answers: 1. 0.5 moles of sodium chloride is dissolved to make 0.05
liters of solution.
a. 25 grams of salt dissolved in 95 mL of water;
_______________________________________________ 2. 0.5 grams of sodium chloride is dissolved to make 0.05
b. 25 mL of water mixed with 75 mL of isopropyl liters of solution.
_______________________________________________ 3. 0.5 grams of sodium chloride is dissolved to make 0.05
c. Tincture of iodine prepared with 0.20 gram of mL of solution.
Iodine and 20.0 mL of ethanol.
4. 734 grams of lithium sulfate are dissolved to make 2500
Activity for Types of Solution mL of solution.
Perform this short activity to recall the different types of
solution. Using the words inside the box, fill the blank table
2. Molality: also called molal concentration, is a
by choosing the appropriate answers from among the
measure of the concentration of a solute in a solution in
words on the board.
terms of amount of substance in a specified amount
Dental Amalgam Air Soda Water Steel of mass of the solvent. This contrasts with the definition
Vinegar Seawater Syrup Fruit Juices
of molarity which is based on a specified volume of
Types Examples Solute Solvent
moles of solute
Molarity= kg of solvent
1. Calculate the molality of the solution when .0912
mol of silver nitrate is added to .375 kg of water.

2. 630 g of nitric acid, HNO3, are added to 6.5 kg of

Different ways of expressing concentration of water. Calculate the molality of this solution.

1. Molarity: is the number of moles of solute dissolved in

one liter of solution. The units, therefore are moles per
liter, specifically it's moles of solute per liter of

3. What is the molality of an alloy containing .03 g of

moles of solute silver and 4.75 g of iron?
Molarity= liter of solution
S.Y. 2020-2021

3. Percent by Mass and Volume % by Volume:

1. What is the % by volume of ethyl alcohol in a solution

prepared by diluting 125 mL pure alcohol to a volume of
450 mL with water?

% by Mass:

1. What is the percent by mass of a sugar solution

prepared by dissolving 25.0 grams of sugar in 100.0 grams
of solution? 2. What is the % by volume of ethyl alcohol in a solution
prepared by diluting 345.76 mL pure alcohol to a volume
of 2500 mL with water?

2. What is the percent by mass of a salt solution prepared

by dissolving 12.67 grams of sugar in 213.5 grams of
solution? 3. What is the % by volume of isopropyl alcohol in a
solution prepared by diluting 1200 mL pure alcohol to a
volume of 3.70 L with water?

3. Calculate the % by mass of Iodine in a solution

containing 30 grams I2 in 120 grams of CCl4.
4. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide is labeled 6% by volume.
What volume of Hydrogen peroxide in Ml is present in 250
mL of the solution?

4. Calculate the % by mass of acetic acid in a solution

containing 120 grams acetic acid in 550.30 grams of CCl4.

5. How many mL of isopropyl alcohol are there in 150 mL

bottle of 40% rubbing alcohol? In similar bottle of 70%
rubbing alcohol?

5. Ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. How

many grams of ascorbic acid are present in 320 grams of
25% ascorbic acid solution?
S.Y. 2020-2021

5. MOLE FRACTION- commonly used symbol for mole 5. Determine the mole fraction of dental amalgam in a
fraction is x and subscript used on the right hand side of x solution containing 34.23 grams of Mercury and 75 grams
denotes the component. It is define as: of silver.

Mole fraction of a component=

Number of mole of the component
Total number of moles of all the components


1. A given salt solution has a 234.78 grams of NaCl and

750 grams of H2O. Calculate the mole fraction of the two
components of solution.
-is the process of decreasing the concentration of
a solute in solution, usually simply by mixing with more
solvent. To dilute a solution means to add more solvent
without the addition of more solute.

C1=initial concentration C2=final concentration
2. Determine the mole fraction of the prepared vinegar V1= initial volume V2= final volume
which contains 3.12 moles of acetic acid and 5.2 moles of
water. Problems:

1. If I have 340 mL of a 0.5 M NaBr solution, what will the

concentration be if I add 560 mL more water to it?

2. If I dilute 250 mL of 0.10 M lithium acetate solution to a

3. A soda drink prepared by a boy has 352.4 grams of CO2 volume of 750 mL, what will the concentration of this
and 423.78 grams of water help the boy identify the mole solution be?
fraction of his soda drink.

3. If I leave 750 mL of 0.50 M sodium chloride solution

uncovered on a windowsill and 150 mL of the solvent
evaporates, what will the new concentration of the sodium
chloride solution be?

4. Calculate the mole fraction of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2)

in a solution containing 20% of C2H6O2 by mass.

4. To what volume would I need to add water to the

evaporated solution in problem 3 to get a solution with a
concentration of 0.25 M?

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