MCQ Ship Handling SET 03

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The document discusses various ship handling techniques and concepts related to maneuvering vessels in restricted waters, including the use of anchors, tugs, and propulsion. It also covers topics like shallow water effects, heavy weather maneuvers, and mooring arrangements.

Shallow water is defined as having a water depth of less than 1.5 times a vessel's draft.

To 'broach to' means being turned broadside to the sea, exposing the ship to the full force of the waves.


(25 Questions x 2 marks each = Total 50 marks)

01 The use of an anchor to assist in turning in restricted waters is:
. A. a last resort
B. good seamanship
C. the sign of an in-experienced shiphandler
D. to be used only with a single screw vessel

02 Which statement about bow thruster is TRUE

. A. They are effective on most vessels at speed up to 10 knots
B. Because of their location they have as much power as a tug
C. They are fully effective at all drafts
D. When going astern at slow speed they provide effective steering

03 When a tug is pulling on a hawser at right angles to the ship and the
. Pilot wants to come ahead or astern on the ship's engine, care must
be taken that the Pilot
A. does not break the towline
B. does not get too much way on the vessel
C. keeps a steady course so the towline remain tight
D. turns the ship toward the direction of pull

04 You are berthing a vessel. Wind and Current are most favourable
. when they are:
A. same direction as your course
B. opposite direction to your course
C. parallel to the berth from head
D. at right angle to the berth

05 What is meant by the term "broach to"

. A. Having the vessel head toward the sea
B. Steaming in following sea
C. Being turned broadside to the sea
D. Having the vessel filled with water

06 When the period of beam seas equals the natural rolling period of a
. ship, what will most likely occur
A. excessive pitching
B. excessive yawing
C. excessive rolling
D. no change

07 You are steaming in a heavy gale and find it necessary to heave to.
. Under most circumstances, this is best done by:
A. stopping the engines and drifting beam to the seas
B. going slow astern and taking the seas on the quarter
C. taking the sea fine on the bow and reducing the speed to
minimum to hold that position
D. maintaining speed and taking the sea broad on the bow

08 A large vessel is slow to respond to engine movements and has less

. stopping power than normal ships because it has
A. bigger propeller
B. smaller power to weight ratio
C. smaller propeller
D. larger power to weight ratio

09 Transverse thrust has the most effect on the vessel when the engine
. is put
A. full ahead
B. full astern
C. half ahead
D. slow astern

10 Which statement concerning the handling characteristics of a fully

. loaded vessel as compared with those of a light vessel is FALSE
A. a loaded vessel will be slower to respond to the engines
B. a loaded vessel will maintain her headway further
C. a light vessel will be more affected by the wind
D. a light vessel loses more rudder effect in shallow water

11 A predictable result of a vessel nearing a bank or edge of a channel is

. that the
A. stern is drawn to the bank as the bow sheers off
B. bow sheers toward the bank
C. vessel continues in a straight line
D. vessel drawn bodily into the bank
12 What is the definition of shallow water
. A. Water depth of less than twice a vessel's draft
B. Water depth of less than 1.5 times a vessel's draft
C. UKC of twice a vessel's draft
D. UKC of less than 10 meter
13 When a vessel enters shallow water you expect your rudder
. response to
A. be sluggish and speed to decrease
B. be sluggish and speed to increase
C. improve and speed to decrease
D. improve and speed to increase
14 Which action reduces the yawing of a vessel in a following sea
. A. Increasing GM
B. Pumping out Aft Peak Tank
C. Pumping In Fore Peak Tank
D. Pumping In Aft Peak Tank
15 You are making a sharp turn in a channel using a buoy four points
. on the bow to gauge your rate of turn. If you observe the buoy
moving aft relative to you what should you do ?
A. Increase your rate of turn
B. Decrease the rate of turn
C. Maintain a constant rate of turn
D. Decrease speed
16 When a vessel is stopped and making no way the position of the
. Pivot Point lies
A. at midship
B. forward 0.25L from the bow
C. aft 0.25L from the stern
D. none of the above

17 A short length of anchor cable set between the anchor crown ‘D’
. shackle and the first joining shackle of the cable used for making fast
the stern mooring line during Baltic Moor is called:
A. Gop rope
B. Ganger length
C. Kenter shackle
D. None of the above
18 A combination mooring which employs a stern mooring shackled to
. the offshore anchor cable. The offshore anchor being deployed and
the weight on the cable and the stern mooring act to hold the vessel
just off the quay. Such mooring arrangement is called:
A. Baltic Moor
B. Mediterranean Moor
C. Standing Moor
D. Running Moor
19 A ship’s mooring which allows the vessel to be secured to the quay
. by stern moorings while the bow is held fixed by deploying both
bow anchors is called:
A. Baltic Moor
B. Mediterranean Moor
C. Standing Moor
D. Running Moor
20 A strong rope set over the tow line of a tug to bowse the towline
. down towards the aft end of the tug, so changing the direction of
weight on the tug and prevent girting is called:
A. Gop rope
B. Ganger length
C. Kenter shackle
D. None of the above
21 When turning a bend with following tide which statement is TRUE:
. A. There is a danger of overshooting the turn and grounding on the
inner side
B. There is a danger of not completing the turn and grounding on the
outer side
C. The tide has no effect on the turn
D. None of the above
22 When turning a bend with head tide which of the statements is
A. There is a danger of overshooting the turn and grounding on the
inner side
B. There is a danger of not completing the turn and grounding on the
outer side
C. The tide has no effect on the turn
D. None of the above
23 You are using the anchor to steady the bow while manoeuvering.
. You have the proper scope of anchor cable when:
A. bow is held in position with the engines on slow ahead
B. anchor is just touching the bottom
C. scope is not more than 5 times the depth
D. cable enters the water at an angle between 60º and 86 º from
24 As the propeller turns, voids are formed on the trailing and leading
. edges of the propeller blades causing a loss of propulsive efficiency,
pitting of the blades and vibration. These voids are known as:
A. advance
B. cavitation
C. squat
D. slip
25 The biggest worries when proceeding at very slow speed is :
. A. the loss of rudder effectiveness and that the ship's heading cannot
be controlled
B. over consumption of fuel oil
C. set and drift will be significant
D. none of above

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