Deck Opt C9

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1. You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, "Man overboard, starboard side".
You should instinctively .
A. Give full right rudder
B. Put the rudder amidships
C. Throw a life ring to mark the spot
D. Give full left rudder
Ans: A

2. it is a propeller which is almost invariably right-handed. When the ship is driven ahead, the
propeller revolves in a clockwise direction, when viewed from astern. To go astern the rotation
os the propeller is reversed. It is .
A. twin screw
B. Single screw
C. quadruple screw
D. triple crew
Ans: B

3. A ship is having a slow speed, by using the backing maneuver, the ship is considered to be
dead on the water when the
A. speed of the ship is the same speed as quick water
B. quick water reaches the amidships
C. quick water reaches the stern
D. quick water reaches about 1/4 distance from the stern
Ans: B

4. Your engine is going astern and you pick up sternway. The rudder is midships, and you are
operating on a single, right-handed fixed screw. How will your ship react?
A. She will most likely go straight astern
B. The stern will be lifted to starboard
C. She will most likely change heading to port
D. She will most likely change heading to starboard
Ans: D

5. Your ship is equipped with a right-handed propeller. As you go full astern from full ahead, the
ship is sheering to starboard. Is there anything you can do to reduce the change in heading?
A. Put the rudder hard to port to reduce the water flow to the left side of the
B. I can swing the rudder from side to side
C. no, there is nothing I can do
D. Put the rudder hard to port to reduce the water flow to the right side of the
Ans: D

6. It is a particular professional knowledge regarding own ship various methods available and
how to change over to secondary from primary methods. It is the knowledge on .
A. steering and conning
B. maneuvering
C. ship handling
D. propulsion
Ans: A

7. You have anchored in a mud and clay bottom. The anchor appears to be dragging in a storm.
What action should you take?
A. Drop the other anchor underfoot.
B. Shorten the scope of the cable.
C. Veer cable to the anchor.
D. Drop the second anchor, veer to a good scope, then weigh the first anchor.
Ans: D

8. You are sailing in shallow water, with 15% Under Keel Clearance. How will the stopping
distance be, compared to deep water?
A. shorter
B. The same as in all depths
C. about 1 ship-length longer
D. longer

Ans: D

9. You want to stop your ship as quickly as possible without too much change in the heading.
What can you do to achieve this?
A. make a complete turning circle
B. do a zig zag maneuver
C. put the engine full astern
D. Use the rudder hard over both sides while reducing engine power, so-called
"high frequency rudder cycling".
Ans: D

10. Your vessel is backing on the starboard screw, and going ahead on the port screw. The bow
will .
A. back on a straight line
B. move ahead on a straight line
C. swing to starboard
D. swing to port
Ans: C

11. A ship is turning around a point called the "pivot point". What is the position of this invisible
point when the ship is "dead" in the water?
A. near the bow
B. About same position as the center of gravity.
C. near the stern of the ship
D. outside of the center line
Ans: B

12. When going astern in a right-handed propeller ship and need to maintain the ship's heading,
the rudder would be place at_ .
A. Rudder to starboard enough to compensate the swing
B. Rudder amidship to compensate the swing
C. rudder to port to neutralize the swing
D. hard port
Ans: A

13. A single-screw vessel going ahead tends to turn more rapidly to port because of propeller

A. thrust
B. discharge current
C. sidewise force
D. suction current
Ans: C

14. You are sailing in shallow water, with 15% Under Keel Clearance. With full RPM, what will your
speed be compared to deep water?
A. stay the same
B. The RPM will drop with 15% of full
C. faster
D. slower
Ans: D

15. Your ship is dead in the water with the rudder amidships. As the right-handed screw starts to
turn ahead, the bow will tend to go .
A. to starboard
B. straight ahead
C. to port
D. as influenced by the tide and sea
Ans: C

16. Your ship is going full astern and making sternway. Where will the "pivot point" be located? No
wind, current.
A. at the center of gravity
B. At 1/6 of the ship's length off the bow
C. Somewhere aft of the center of gravity, but it is impossible to pin-point the
exact location
D. At 1/6 of the ship's length from the stern
Ans: C

17. Your ship is equipped with a single, right-handed fixed screw. Steaming full ahead you reverse
the engine to stop the ship. How will the ship react? No wind or current.
A. She will stop on 1,5 times the ship's length
B. She will most likely sheer to port and stop rather quickly
C. She will most likely continue on a straight course
D. She will most likely sheer to starboard and gradually loose headway
Ans: D

18. Your ship is going full ahead as you start to slow down. Where is the position of the "pivot
point" now? No wind, current.
A. Same position as when the ship is on full ahead
B. The "pivot point" will move to the stern
C. It will move aft as the ship slows down
D. It will move to the side of the center line
Ans: C

19. You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are now going to make a test in
shallow water. Do you think the turning diameter will be the same?
A. Yes, the turning diameter will be the same for all depths.
B. No, the turning diameter will be smaller in shallow water.
C. Yes, it will be the same provided the UKC is 25 % - 50 %.
D. No, the turning diameter will be increased in shallow water.
Ans: D

20. A ship is not turning around the center of gravity, but another point. What is the point called?
A. point of turning
B. pivot point
C. point of no return
D. point of radius
Ans: B

21. Your ship is drifting in open sea with temporary engine malfunction. You are equipped with
precise navigation equipment. What should you do in this situation?
A. Go to bed and wait for the engine to be ready
B. call the company immediately
C. Use the opportunity to plot direction and rate of drift for later use
D. ask the chief engineer when the engine will be ready
Ans: C

22. When making a Scharnow turn, the .

A. Rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240° from
the original course
B. Initial turn direction is away from the side the man went over
C. Rudder must be put over towards the side the man went over
D. Man overboard must be not more than 300 feet astern when starting the turn
Ans: A

23. Your ship has right handed propeller and is on half ahead when you put her full astern to stop
her. Do you think the rudder will have any effect while the ship is making headway?
A. No the rudder must be put midships, otherwise it could be destroyed.
B. Yes, by putting the rudder hard to port the ship will go to port, even if the
propeller is going astern.
C. No, the rudder should always be amidships when the propeller is going
D. Yes, by putting the rudder hard starboard. it will shield water flow to the
starboard. side of the propeller and vice versa to port. This will effect turning
of the ship.
Ans: D

24. Your vessel is off a lee shore in heavy weather and laboring. Which action should you take?
A. Put the bow directly into the sea and proceed at full speed.
B. Heave to in the trough of the sea.
C. Put the sea and wind about two points on either bow and reduce speed.
D. Put the sea and wind on either quarter and proceed at increased speed.
Ans: C

25. Using a sea anchor with the survival craft will .

A. increase your visibility
B. reduce your drift rate
C. keep the survival craft from turning over
D. aid in recovering the survival craft
Ans: B

26. This type of screw is principally used by fast coastal craft and some classes of aircraft carriers.
The propeller revolve in the same direction, so as to facilitate engine installation. This propeller
is .
A. Triple or multiple screw
B. single screw
C. quadruple screw
D. twin screw
Ans: A

27. In principle of shiphandling which factor that a master or a pilot has no direct control of the ship
A. Shallow water factor
B. reduced engine power
C. wind power
D. ship stops
Ans: A

28. When steering a tow downstream around the shape of a sand bar, and staying on the proper
side of the buoys, an operator should be cautious of .
A. swift current under the bar causing loss of control
B. eddies under the bar
C. cross-currents pushing the tow into the bar
D. cross-currents pushing the tow away from the bar
Ans: B

29. this propeller consist of the screws that are out-turning, are right-handed on the starboard side
and left-handed on the port side, this type of propeller is .
A. single screw
B. Twin screw
C. quadruple screw
D. triple crew
Ans: B

30. You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are now going to make a test in
shallow water. Do you think the turning diameter will be the same?
A. Yes, the turning diameter will be the same for all depths.
B. No, the turning diameter will be smaller in shallow water.
C. Yes, it will be the same provided the UKC is 25 % - 50 %.
D. No, the turning diameter will be increased in shallow water.
Ans: D

31. Maneuvering with tug(s) in USA ports, LET GO tug lines is indicated on the ship's whistle by:
A. One long blast and two short blast
B. Two short blast
C. Two long blast and one short blast
D. Three short blasts
Ans: A

32. In most cases, when a large merchant vessel enters shallow water at high speed the .
A. maneuverability will increase
B. speed will increase
C. bow will squat farther than the stern
D. vessel will rise slightly on a level plane
Ans: C

33. Under COLREGS Annex IV, the firing of a gun at one minute intervals indicates that the
A. rendering the 21-gun salute
B. uses her guns to warn other vessels as a danger signal
C. is indicating the danger signal
D. is in distress

Ans: D

34. A drift lead indicates that the vessel is dragging anchor when the line is .
A. taut and leading forward
B. slack
C. leading out perpendicular to the centerline
D. leading under the hull
Ans: A

35. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which of the vessels has the right of way?
A. the vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel
B. the vessel which is to port of the other vessel
C. the larger vessel
D. the vessel that sounds the first whistle signal
Ans: A

36. The effect known as "bank cushion" acts in which of the following ways on a single-screw
vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?
A. it heels the vessel towards the bank
B. it forces the stern away from the bank
C. it forces the entire vessel away from the bank
D. it forces the bow away from the bank
Ans: D

37. A vessel will "squat" when it proceeds underway .

A. only in deep water
B. only in shallow water
C. in all depths of water
D. only in narrow channels
Ans: C

38. How is shallow water effect felt in a vessel?

A. The vessel becomes sluggish in responding to the rudder
B. The vessel responds very quickly to the rudder
C. The vessel has a tendency to turn to starboard (left turning propeller)
D. The vessel has a tendency to turn to port (right turning propeller)
Ans: A

39. Using a scope of 6, determine how many feet of anchor cable you should pay out your anchor
in a water with a depth of 12 feet.
A. 72 feet
B. 12 feet
C. 18 feet
D. 48 feet
Ans: A

40. A person has fallen overboard and is being picked up with a lifeboat. If the person appears in
danger of drowning, the lifeboat should make .
A. an approach from leeward
B. an approach from windward
C. the most direct approach
D. an approach across the wind
Ans: C

41. The anti-rolling device which reduce the amplitude the of roll by varying the amount of water in
tanks on opposite side of the ship, is referred to as.
A. gyroscopic stabilizer
B. none of these
C. anti-rolling tanks
D. bilge-keel
Ans: C
42. A vessel engaged in trawling, in addition to its identity lights, is exhibiting two white lights in a
vertical line. What is she doing?
A. her nets have come fast an obstruction
B. she is in distress
C. shooting her nets
D. hauling her nets
Ans: C

43. Under COLREGS Annex III, a power-driven bell striker is recommended to ensure:
A. that it will not get rusty
B. it will surely hit the bell
C. it has a diameter of 300 mm
D. constant force
Ans: D

44. In restricted visibility, a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel,
shall determine if a close quarters situation is developing or risk of colision exists. If so, she
A. all of these
B. avoid altering course toward a vessel abaft the beam
C. sound the danger signal
D. when taking action, make only course changes
Ans: B

45. The tendency for the vessel to be attracted bodily towards the bank when proceeding along a
narrow channel.
A. bank suction
B. bow cushion
C. squat
D. transfer
Ans: A

46. Which of the following is NOT a distress signal?

A. flames on a vessel as in a burning tar barrel
B. code flags "November" and "Charlie'
C. dye marker on the water
D. vertical motion of a white lantern at night
Ans: D

47. Find the scope of an anchor cable with three shackles paid out in a depth of 45 feet.
A. six
B. five
C. four
D. two
Ans: A

48. In ship handling, as the beam increases for a given length, it is apparent that the directional
A. remains constant
B. increases
C. decreases
D. None of the above
Ans: C

49. On a single-screw vessel, when coming port side to a pier and being set off the pier, you
should .
A. swing wide and approach the pier so as to land starboard side to
B. approach the pier on a parallel course at reduced speed
C. make your approach at a greater angle than in calm weather
D. point the vessel's head well up into the slip and decrease your speed
Ans: C

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